Rave is the best of what you can remember all my life! Rave: What is, value, history of development. Rave in Russia

Rave is the best of what you can remember all my life! Rave: What is, value, history of development. Rave in Russia
Rave is the best of what you can remember all my life! Rave: What is, value, history of development. Rave in Russia

The first Raiva appeared almost simultaneously in several countries - Great Britain, Germany and Russia, but their homeland is London, where the first time appeared as an "Eisid House". It happened in the period from 1988 to 1991. The music, which was called "acid", joined the rapid pace into youth circles and became a replacement of rock and roll. It was possible to distinguish the ravers among the crowd in bright and noticeable clothes.

If the first Raiva was closed to outsiders and only "Favorites" knew about them, in the 2000s, this direction of electronic music was a real subculture. The discos were carried out not only openly and accompanied by numerous alerts in the press and on the radio, but also collected the global amount of young people - over 25,000 thousand people. In Russia, KaZantip is considered the most famous Railway to date.

The most popular tracks on the rails were the compositions of such groups as Scooter, The Prodigy, U96 and The Shamen. Against the background of the musical directions existing in the 1990s, these teams considered peculiar subculture discoverers.

Modern position Raiva

Raiva was considered the main events in the life of most youth and professional DJs. IN wide sense Raiva can be called a musical direction that combined such genres such as trance, electric, dram-n-base, Eyshd House and Hardstyle. On the this moment The concept of "Revers" is consumed extremely rare. Now these directions exist independently, and those who previously called Rabers are now called "clabber".

Throughout the history of the River's existence, the most popular vacation spot for fans of freedom is considered a disco, which was first called "KaZantip" and was carried out on the Cape of the same name in the Crimea. Later, the popularity of this place increased so much that the event received a new name - "Republic of Kazantip" and moved to the territory of Evpatoria.

Similar global rav-parties can be called "orbit" in Moscow and "workshop", "Pirate Station", " Sausage shop" in St. Petersburg. It was here that the latest events were held, which combined all the directions of electronic music. At the moment, similar parties collect no less supporters of Raiva, but each of them, as a rule, is characterized by a more limited range of executable musical compositions. For example, events dedicated to drum-n-bes or trance.

Rave, and ...

- [English. Rave nonsense; roar] slang mol. Mass noisy youth event with music leading participants in an excited state. Vocabulary foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. Raiv (Eng. Rave) 1) Young. contemporary dance music in style ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

I m.; \u003d Rave 1. Modern dance music style techno using light effects. 2. The direction of youth subculture, cultivating such music. 3. The pastime of young people associated with such music, with dances under such ... ...

SUT., Number of synonyms: 3 disco (30) Music (65) Rave (1) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Tr ... Synonym dictionary

rave - ІMennik Cholovikh family is directly directly from the shortly Muzitzі ... Orphographic Slovenian Ukrainian Movie

Rave - (from the English. Rave Storm, speaking enthusiastically, in a frenzy, wander, raging) 1) Synonym for techno; 2) the designation, in general, any unfolded techno promotion, be it a party or a thousand festival like the summer Berlin Love Parade. R. How ... Alternative culture. Encyclopedia

rave - U, part 1) Rіznovide of the shortness of young Musiki, for the Yako, characteristics of Elektronna, the standard KDIR of Wicked models of synthesizer, electric hectares of installments І SEMPLIV. 2) the most young Zіibrannya (Tusovka), Yak ... ... Ukrainian Tlumachny Slovenik

rave Club - Rave CL UB, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

G.; \u003d Rave Promotion The pastime of young people associated with Rave II music, with dancing to such music (often accompanied by drug use); Rave I 3., Rave Party, Rave Tusovka. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. ... ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova


  • Rave, Azelitsky Oleg. Russian Raven became the last large style of the past XX century. And let the last battles of the techno-revolution, diverted literally yesterday, today all these events are already history. And a bit more…
  • Rave, Azelitsky Oleg, Staks Ilya Yuryevich, Ivanov Kirill. Russian Raven became the last large style of the past XX century. And let the last battles of the techno-revolution, diverted literally yesterday, today all these events are already history. And a bit more…

Music has always been meaningful for humanity. She encouraged people to act, acquainted people with each other, gathered noisy companies. In the late 1980s, music determined the style and character of many young people. The rebellion, the thirst for freedom and the unemplistness of everyone attracted young people around the world. Raiv became the event in history that united everyone, gathered in one place. Rave is a lifestyle of young people of that time.

What is Raven.

The word "Rave" itself comes from the English Rave, meaning nonsense, incoherent speech, a fun gathering party. For the first time this definition Appeared in the 50s to describe unbreakable parties of the rich and other elite, but after a quarter of a century entered the mass. Under the word, the Rave Party began to understand the discos with large quantity participants and live performances of performers. All this, quite often passed under the influence of alcohol and light drugs.

Initially, the raw parties were held under open sky Or in huge warehouses that are capable of thousands of people. All this caused an unacted negative on the part of the citizens. But after some time, the musical British clubs adopted the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch events, and all this mess was moved under the roof.

The history of the appearance of Raiva

Rave is a mass culture that originated in a foggy Great Britain in 1988, in early 1990 gained widespread. At the same time, this direction in music appeared in Russia. Already in 1991, a party called "Gagarin Party" was held in Moscow in Moscow in Moscow Pavilion, and in 1992 - Mobile in the same Moscow. Although, undoubtedly, the most famous Raiv Party is "Kazantip", which appeared in 1991 and existed until 2013.

Rave as subculture

The youth always got into the flock, created her subculture. It was a kind of protest against all that they were not satisfied. All this was expressed in musical preferences, clothes and thinking. Rave as a subculture will be a huge contribution, giving a definition musical stylesBy creating fashion trends. Reverses are young people who loving loud techno music, noisy parties and bright clothes.

The raver subculture is highlighted by synthetic and technogenicity. In it, everything is special: Music - techno, electronics; clothes - bright colors and synthetic fabrics; Appearance - tattoos, piercing, unusual, not less bright hairstyles and the same makeup. All this is part of the general image of the raw-culture, the desire to stand out in a gray faceless crowd. One of these discharge among the mass of the likes is also drugs. None of the raw party do without them.

Raiv Music Styles

Rave music has its own styles , Unifying the overall idea, but stand out against the background due to their highlight. These styles are:

  1. Breakbit. Derived from english word. Breakbeat and denotes the class of electronic music genres with broken rhythm. It may be both rhythmic, with the repetition of the same rhythm and irregular, with a combination of various rhythmic techniques. Appeared in the 70s of the last century, thanks to the hip-hop DJ KOOL HERC.
  2. Bigbit. One of the varieties of club music that appeared in the 90s. It is highlighted by a rather powerful medium-bit bit.
  3. Eyceed House is one of the styles of house music. Appearing in the 80s, immediately won due popularity. The founders are musicians from Chicago: Dj Pierre, Adonis, Kate Williams (better known as Farley Jackmaster Funk) and others. It is distinguished by the presence of synthesizers in the track and deep psychedelic sound of the tracks.
  4. Dzhangl - a huge mixing different styles With broken rhythm, deep bass, high speed and ideology of stone jungle.
  5. Hardcore Techno is also a pretty popular style in music. Appearing in the early 90s, the Rave of this style began to quickly gain popularity. Countries such as England, Holland and Germany can be considered a point of departure. Characteristic feature this style is very fast paced In 160-300 shots per minute (often happening above).

Popular artists

There are a lot of groups that are executable in the raw style. The songs of these performers were all heard more than once on radio, television, many were at their concerts. The most famous of them are Prodigy, Scooter and U96, although there were others - The Shamen, A Guy Called Gerald, Grid, Joey Beltram, Westbam, 808 State, X-Perience and so on. In fact, the appearance of a raise as subcultures and directions in music made the majority of these performers.

For example, the Prodigy group was founded in 1990 and remains the leader, the king on the Raiva Olympus to this day. The German Musical Collective Scooter is the most successful group Germany - more than 25 million sales of albums and singles throughout the world, has 80 gold and platinum plates. And this is only part of how this culture influenced the musical world.

As you can see, Rave is part huge world With your style, lifestyle. And it is impossible to ignore this fact. Of course, now such parties have become something rare, not strongly distinguished by a rather quiet and peaceful event. But the story is that Rave is one of her pages, which turned over, but did not forget.

Music accompanies man throughout life. IN different periods Adults Music plays a more or less significant role, but especially susceptible to her a person in youth. During this period, enthusiasm of various new currents at the peak of popularity occur. club music Refers to a genre that is constantly transformed, but always includes the most advanced trends that arise often spontaneously. One of these directions is Rave. What is rave? Let's figure it out in this unusual music genre.

Rave - What is?

If you pose a literal translation of the word with of English language, you can see that it means "nonsense", "incoherent speech". It was the same name that was given to the reckless club parties that could last until the dawn.

IN currently Rave is not only huge club parties, but also a whole youth subculture With his ideology, rules and even form of clothing. Therefore, in two words it is rather difficult to explain what value in modern music and youth culture plays a rave. What is amazing lies in this movement that it has not been losing his popularity for several decades and continues to excite the hearts of young generations?

The history of the raise

Raven originated in the fifties of the last century in the UK. His cradle became the Bohemian Quarter Soho, where to flock creative people From all over London. Here it was possible not to think about the fact that someone would consider you strange. Almost all the inhabitants of Soho could allow themselves to hang out nights. These noisy reckless parties filled with alcohol and loud music, very quickly began to call a rave.

The idea of \u200b\u200bspending nights in the company of fun and not having problems of friends has quickly penetrated into the ranks of "golden youth" of London. These children of high-ranking and rich parents gave a raw some chic and gloss, parties were held outdoors. Each time these crazy events were collected all more peoplewho began to call Rabers. Anyone who attributed themselves to the advanced youth of the country considered it mandatory to plunge into the Rave party several times a week.

Literally for ten years of its existence, Rave won frantic popularity. For example, in Britain, a magazine was released with such a name. He covered musical innovations and various fashion trends. The desire to hang out the whole night, spawned a special musical directionwhich allowed for a long time not to lose cheerfulness and desire to "light up" on the dance floor.

River flourishing

The popular hippie movement has extended interest in the raw parties. They did not disappear completely, but became less popular with club youth. Approximately twenty years of Rave was in the standby stage, and the beginning of the eighties of the last century gave him a powerful impetus to development.

The clubs suddenly came to the tehnogo, she became like a synonym for rav and his philosophy. From this point on, the Rave-Tusovka began a victorious procession on Britain and other countries. Literally for several years, the Rave-culture has firmly penetrated the life of modern youth, who wants to have fun and have nothing to think about. Clubs could no longer accommodate all those wishing to take part in the party, so Raiva began to organize outside the city. For them, abandoned plants, warehouses or empty hangars were well suited. Here it was not possible to think about the rules and not to obey the law prescribing to turn off the club after two o'clock in the morning.

In the nineties, the most famous raw-party collected up to two hundred thousand people, sometimes even empty factories could not provide everyone who wanted to hold a party. The popularity of electronic music was divided by a rave-movement for several flows, which, however, coexisted peacefully with each other.

Victorious raw procession on the planet

In the nineties, it was difficult to call the place where the Rave was not penetrated. What is a reven nineties, almost every young man knew. Massively began to produce magazines dedicated to this movement. In stores appeared special clothingIn which it was necessary to appear on such assessments, a set of rules on the behavior on a rave style was developed.

It was during this period that the power began their persecution to Rave. It was impossible to prohibit the movement completely, but the authorities had to fight with insane slashing. Quite often, policemen appeared on the parties who were arrested suspicious people and stopped fun. But even such extreme measures could not eradicate Rave.

Literally for ten years, he spread throughout the countries of the world and took a very significant role in youth culture. At the beginning of the two thousandths electonic music Survived his flourishing that, naturally, strengthened the position of the raver.

Rave in Russia

In the USSR, Rave could not penetrate, in rare cases, only his echoes were transferred to our country. terrible rumors On parties on which absolutely everything is permitted. Only in the nineties in Russia began to organize a raw-party with a large scale.

The most popular Raiva was held at Cape Kazantip in the Crimea, large Moscow and St. Petersburg clubs lit up. But he never received a large spread of the Rave on the territory of our country, the parties are held from time to time, without having a wide scale.

The most powerful raw event in the post-Soviet space was the party on the eve of Halloween. This sensational "Rave of the Living Dead" was held in Minsk in the hooligan hangar last year and gathered several thousand participants. The party was spent very competently, but still this is not the original wild and reckless Rave, but something is absolutely new.

Features of the Rave-Tusovok

Rave birth is born for active movement and cliff, so it is customary to wear the most bright clothes to the party. Here are any combination and liberty, no one will evaluate another person by appearance. The main thing is that the outfit does not contradict the general trend. On the raises you can meet people in ridiculous wigs and extravagant outfits, quite often huge colored glasses and a variety of gloves are used as accessories.

Rave promotes sexuality, so it is here that the morals reign free love. Many come to Raiva with the desire to find a partner for one night and try to have as few clothes on the body as possible.

Almost every River Tusovka is accompanied by a reception of prohibited substances. It is they allowed to stay on their legs all night, and the combination of these substances with a large number of alcohol make an endless party. It is this feature of the raves that causes the authorities of the cities to take serious measures to end these accucts, but still the traffic of rawers is at the peak of popularity, inspiring musicians, animators and film directories to create new creative masterpieces.

"Return of the living dead: Rave from the grave" and other Raiva modernity

Raiv theme is dally successfully used in modern culture. For example, eleven years ago, horror movie came out on the screens " Return of the Living Dead 5: Rave from the grave", he literally broke into the screens of the US cinemas and a few days of rental gathered great amount money. All the action of the film takes place on the raw party, where under the sounds of music ordinary people Turn into zombies, taking one of the unknown funny substances. It is worth noting that this film has shut down a rave movement in the United States and returned him popularity.

In Anime, there is also a particle of a rave-movement, one of the famous Japanese directors at the end of the nineties released the manga "Raiv-Master", which later became the basis for the series very popular in Japan. Of course, there is practically nothing from the classic rava here, but the series captures attention literally from the first minute of viewing.

Musicians do not stay away from fashion trendsSo during the years of the existence of Raiva, a lot of compositions were devoted to him. Some groups performed only in the Rave style and did not think of themselves without this course. Recently, one of the young musicians - Levan Gorosiya, known as Lone, released an album with the composition "Bless Rave". She instantly occupied the top positions in the musical chait-parades and became the Raiva anthem of the twenty-first century.

Each musical course has the right to life, but it can not always grow into a whole movement, which over time is only gaining momentum. But Rave managed to enter the masses and firmly to strengthen in youth culture.

from English. Rave - Storm, spent enthusiastically, in a frenzy, wander, raging) - 1) synonym for techno; 2) the designation, in general, any deployed techno-action, whether it is a party or a thousand festival like the summer Berlin Love Parade.

R. as such, rather, belongs to the 1990s. It was then that he was full of burning novelty, delusional power and, compared with the conformism of the previous decade, did the impression of a real hurricane. R. was not just a fashion trend in dancing and entertainment like disco the second half of the 1970s. It was about a holistic aesthetics, a system of views, subcultural philosophy, if you please. Last time This on a mass scale occurred in the 1960s. Comparison is not accidental: R. and challenged the sixtiethly, and at the same time borrowed a lot of them, mainly in part of psychedelia. Naedar, Professor Timothy Liri, who was already mastered in such a quarter of a century, again became the guru of the clabber generation. Before dying from cancer, he managed to visit the cult di and throw several basic slogans in the R.-masses, like "computers - these are the drugs of the XXI century." The new drug authority contained a greater element of hedonism than in times Liri and Kizi, but in the end, brought to R. the necessary share of dramaticness: what kind of music is not a heroin, the consequences will not be better. In the literature, techno-drug collisions imprinted in the prose of Irwin Welsh, who, however, is still far from the old hipster William Berrowza.

Raverov's love to various experiments with consciousness again strengthened interest in Buddhism, African-American and generally to all exotic cults, also the former prerogative of the Woodstock era. After establishing how club Movement, R. very quickly came to traditionally mass forms - crowded open-air festivals, mastered and rebuilt under itself cult places The sixties is the island of Ibiza, the coast of Goa in India, and even spawned, as a local experiment, the movement of techno-hippie - Zippy.

On the other hand, R. abandoned the anti-systemic riot, pacifist pathos and generation unity, putting the basis, after all, the underlined individualism. Techno does not accompaniate political manifestations, does not call for barricades, does not claim to change the world for the better. Raver in nature is a lonely creature. The dance floor does not unite anyone, and the entry into the trance of dance is a matter of absolutely personal, for rhythm, power, the wealth of sound can be fought only by one one. Everyone runs only his distance, everyone smiles to everyone, but first of all herself.

Now individualistic purism is already in the past. R., as it happens with all the inventions of the counterculture, has become a fun adolescent, easy and vivid entertainment, having equated to the disco, from which, in fact, once came out. But, undoubtedly, the roar of Di-Jean barrels woke up not one restless soul.