Thesaurus concept of socio-cultural activity. The concept of socio-cultural activities

Thesaurus concept of socio-cultural activity. The concept of socio-cultural activities

Socio cultural activity - this is such an activity that is aimed at saving and transfer cultural values, as well as the development, self-affirmation and self-realization of the individual and the Group through their attachment to these values. Usually this activity is associated with leisure. Experts work on the organization cultural events, help in the case of the difficulties of family and any other communication precisely through the organization of free-time children and adults.

Such activities are very important, because it is aimed at solving individual social problems and satisfying the cultural needs of society. CCD diverse, it has a lot of different options and institutions, distinguished by exclusive voluntary and freedom of choice. Social and cultural activity performs recreational and wellness, cultural and creative, developing and informational and educational functions.

Where and how do it teach

In Russia, more than 60 universities that offer their programs to teach students of socio-cultural activities. Leading are Moscow universities, for example, Moscow state University Cultures and Arts, Moscow City Pedagogical University and others. Students study culture and art in all their diversity, their theory and historical development, applied disciplines and humanitarian sciences are practiced in various cultural and produce centers.

Graduates of universities in this specialty work in and show business, they are mainly organizing activities, negotiate with the agencies, agree on the activities, as well as the promotion of stars on the career stairs. Experts work with actors, singers, circus artists, organize exhibitions in galleries and so on. Many students of this department emphasize the desire and the opportunity after the release to work in the specialty, the high probability of obtaining a profitable earnings, which grows together with the experience and skillfulness of the specialist, as well as a whole range of classes that can be combined with learning. This is one of the most popular in modern world The areas of activity, with a competent approach, bringing real benefit to society and culture.


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  • What is socially cultural activities?

    This is a job aimed at meeting spiritual leisure needs. Because every year more and more appears a variety of shapes Rest, socially cultural workers are very in demand, and you can quite successfully realize yourself, your ambitions, which is called - "profitable to sell their talent." But it should be borne in mind that this work proceeds under conditions of high communicative load, so sociable, hardworking communicative, hard work in this profession, creative people with strong nerves and non-standard creative thinking. Also, socially cultural activity requires the ability to use a variety of technologies in the field of culture, art, mass spectacles and sports.

    Director of theatrical representations -

    The representative of one of the most interesting professions related to the spectacle is an integral part. folk culture. Since ancient times, people demanded "bread and spectacles!" And there were always those who earned the spectacle to bread. From the past century, the progenitors were engaged in Russia theatrical art - Scoop. They gathered in small groups (Vatagami, as they talked) and chased through cities and weighs, showing their ideas to people and fleeing the pursuit of the Church. In such Vatagas, as a rule, there was no "leader" - everyone spoke for himself (his own director and performer). With the advent of professional theaters (in the 18th century), the actor team was most often led by the lead actor who served as director and artistic director. At the beginning of the 20th century, a movement called "Blue Blouse" appeared. "Sineblouses" were a kind of live newspaper - they translated into the language of theatrical action published information, miniatures were played, made parodies, used satir, humor and grotesque. Thus, they clearly "told" in most illiterate people about the events occurring in the country and gave them their assessment. And here, definitely, it was not without the painstaking work "Masshot - Zantyar", which was responsible for the content of each presentation and rehearsal. In the 30s, cult -rostevelopment began to train on courses and at the institutes first in Moscow and Leningrad, and then throughout the country. Over time, cult -rostevelopment has been transformed into the formulation of theatrical representations. Such a branch also works in Karachay - Circassian state college of culture and arts. A. A.Daurov. The producer of theatrical ideas combines two professions - a scenario and director. The script is a detailed literary development The upcoming idea, and the screenwriter, respectively, is a person working with such drama. Director - Translated from french means "giving proper direction", i.e. A person who is engaged in performing performances, films, ideas, etc. The producer of theatrical ideas writes scenarios of concerts, rites, evenings, etc., which then embarrass himself on the stage using all available expressive means. This work involves the organization of events for various types of audience and on various scales (from activities to squares). "Habitat" director of theatrical representations: houses of culture, clubs, philharmonic, schools, leisure and entertainment centers, at home children's creativity, Music schools and art schools.

    Head of the theater team.

    Each student of the department "Management SCS" is undergoing pedagogical practice in a school or some other amateur theater collectiveworking on the performance of the performance. From the team of the theater, lovers are distinguished by the fact that they are not professionals, people who do not have an appropriate education. The duties of the artist, costume screen, grimera, buttor, sound engineer are distributed among the participants, while in the theater do qualified specialists.

    So that you see more clearly than you will do during the training, add a few words about the main items that you have to study. So:

    - socio - cultural activity (CCD) -this discipline will introduce you to socially - cultural sphere Our country today, with its main components, methods of work, with the entire history and theory of the CCD;

    - People's - artistic creativity (NCT) - You will break into the world of Russian folk artistic culture, recognize the historical roots of the foundation of the main types of art of Russia;

    - Acting skill - on group and individual occupations You will pass the entire "School of Stanislavsky" from exercises, etudes, miniatures to full-fledged work on the role;

    - director of theatrical ideas- You will get acquainted with the theory of directories of different genres, the main techniques for the embodiment of the plan of the scenario;

    - Scenario mastery- Mastering the skills of work on creating a script is waiting for you. At first it will be scenario, stories, fairy tales, scenario plans, and then - your own author's works of different types;

    - verbal action - You will pass a full course of the stage speech, starting with the reading of the poems and ending with the estate conference;

    - Scene technique and scenography- you will be taught to "think artistic images", "symbols to master the space", simply put - competently and expressively draw up measures according to your plan;

    - History of costume- In the course of exciting activities, you will familiarize yourself with the fashion of different times, which will no longer help in work, for example, above the theatrical presentation or concert;

    - Music design- You will be taught to work with a variety of musical material, make thematic selections of songs and compositions, make musical scores.

    Also, the program includes disciplines, the study of which will give a lot of interesting hours. This is: makeup, games and entertainment, director pop programs, plastic (dance and stage traffic), vocals, history of the theater, foreign literature, the basics of musical knowledge, etc.

    It is strongly recommended to each applicant (and then the student) lead diary of observation, In which you should record seen, heard, "peeped" on stage, screen and in life interesting cases, ideas, "chips", which can then be used as materials for etudes, scenarios, etc.

    Be prepared for the fact that you will be asked to tell you about one seen or independently spent an event on the colloquivium. You must describe at least one episode from a professional point of view, i.e. Talk about the plot, features of the script, the actions of the heroes, music decoration, give an assessment of the event on your part as a director (for example, how would you put one or another episode of the concert, rite, etc.).

    See you in the new academic year!

    Several advice for applicants to the department "Management of the socio-cultural sphere"

    How to execute prose, fables, poem.

    When after a long tormentive doubt and reflections, finally, a repertoire for the entrance exam, you start at a no less complex and responsible stage - prepare for the very fulfillment of the selected works. Before we give you a number of valuable instructions on working with the material, let me say a few words directly about art reading. So, the reader acts on behalf of the narrator telling about his heroes and events. He talks about what happened in the past and turns directly to the listeners, to the public, which is his partner (in this case, your partners are members of the reception commission). The main means of exposure to the reader on the listener soundwordtransmitted with defined intonation.

    In the process of preparing the repertoire, it is useful to include work on the voice. K.S. Stanislavsky said that even a good voice should be developed not only for singing, but also for speech, even more so - scenic. For a day, work on diction with patterings or hard-sized sounding, for example:

    Rhley, RLO, RLA, RLE, RLL, RLA,

    Lria, Lo, Lra, Lre, Lra, Lra,

    Beach, Bib, Beach, Beck, Beach, Beat,

    Ride, rapidly, shall, finish, dischard, sorts,

    Praise, praise, commemorate, pitch, pitch, pens

    Ptco, ptco, ptk, ptc, ptcu, ptk,


    Work on prose.

    In work on prose, you need to determine, consider, feel the work in all the details to come to understand the main thing, for which it is written, that is, to find out main thought - Idea. Otherwise, the execution of the work is blurry, deprived of a rod. It is necessary to analyze the entire text in detail, carefully read into the work, to understand how events develop in it, as the author's thought develops, what conclusion he is, the author, will fail. We must look not only in the development of events, but also in acting persons, understand their intentions, actions, learn the nature and most importantly, to feel the identity of the speaker to be able to get closer as much as possible. During this period of preliminary preparation, the so-called "work around the material" begins - the accumulation of knowledge about the writer itself, about the time in which he lived on the era described in the work. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe tissue of the work, from the phrase to the phrase, we better catch how the features of characters appear, we feel the main idea in the development of the plot.

    What is the plot of works? The plot is a consistent development of events, and the development of the plot lies conflict - Fighting of various forces. The work is based on the event and has several parts:

    1. exposition
    2. vazka
    3. development of action
    4. culmination (the moment of the highest heat, voltage of struggle).
    Exposition is always important in the narration. Only learning in exposure what where When It happened, we can figure out further. Not knowing clearly contours of the strings, the development of action, culmination and junction, the performers cannot correctly distribute their expressive agents - temperament, voice, internal purposefulness, will. There are 5 types of execution on the real, present object (viewer, listener). The most common acquisition of public appeal - story (story story). A sign of the story always happens. The goal of the story is to interest the listener. In order to interest the listener, the performer himself must be interested in his narrative. Display (narration in the present time), conversation, agitation and teaching are also common types of appeal to the public.

    Work on the poetic work.

    It is important not only to understand here what I wanted to express the author, but also asWhat way he did it, that is, you should pay attention to the features of the form - poetic size. The reader needs to understand, feel the characteristics of the size, find it rhythm and character. The branch of one verse (strings) from another small pause of cesury is obligatory. This is the difference poem from prose. The cesura is also often placed in the middle of the poetic line according to punctuation signs. It is very important, not disturbing musicality, rhythm of verse, convey the content and main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author. The analysis of the compositional construction of the poem is also given attention, as when working on prose.

    Work on fables.

    Basinisians in their fables are bright, sincerely and naturally talk about the event as if he was observed themselves. It is in such a context that the manner of execution of the Basen is considered. Basen execution requires a narrative tone. The Basen performer should remain a teller who seems to observe the behavior of characters from the side. He should not fall into the banality, trying to reincarnate in the images - characters and "play" them in front of the listeners. However, the performer is not an indifferent observer, and this is reflected in his intonation. He must take his position in relation to the characters of Basni. The bass requires close attention to the rhythm and rhymes of the Basni. Final Basen is always "photoanalysis" of what is happening, the relationship of the performer to what is happening, conclusion, morality. So, in the performance of the Basni, it is necessary:

    1. tell me
    2. establish communication with the listener
    3. draw images
    4. emphasize morality.
    Good luck to you!!!

    How to choose a prose excerpt.

    Prosaic passage designed for execution on entrance examsIt should be not too long in volume (this makes it difficult to memorize), but not too short, so that you can reveal your creative potential. Of course, in this regard, the most winning fairy tales and stories that are easy to cut, but if you still chose on the work of a major prose, it is better to take a separate chapter that can also be reduced.

    Excerpt by composite construction Must be completed, "independent" work with its conflict and development of action. In such a passage there should be no many actors and long dialogues (it distracts, interferes with a holistic perception). It is desirable that the events develop "here and now", without constant appeal to something already accomplished, to the past, unknown listeners. The passage must be bright, emotional, with solvable conflict situationSo that the reception commission heard from you a connected, a logical story about a particular case (situations, incident).

    Entry exams.

    The specialty exam is complex (includes several stages, which are shown below) and give up in one day.

    1st stage - Reader program

    Estimated : Purity of pronunciation, feed, voice timbre, range, emotionality, temperament, mimic, gestures.

    Do not worry, but do not be passive, try to interest listeners from the first words, convey the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Do not worry if they spit or forget something - you will be allowed to start first. During execution, see teachers always in the eyes and not with machines with hands - it is better to work (but do not memorize!) Several gestures that will help to saccenize attention in the most significant moments. When choosing a repertoire, you should be guided by your own taste, but it is recommended to perform the works of recognized masters of the word, whether it is a classic or modern literature (from Pushkin to Dovlatov). It is advisable to prepare two works of a diverse nature.

    Choose what's closer to temperament. Listen to the opinions of others: if you see a good comedian, do not risk reading a monologue of Hamlet. Simply put, choose what you are able to.

    Read loud, but do not shout, clearly pronounce words. Do not be afraid to take pauses, especially if it is necessary for breathing. Do not hurry, do not tarators, do not "burn" text.

    If you have serious speech defects, it is better to consult in advance with specialists. With minor defects, the teacher can offer you a complex of exercises for the development of breathing, range, articulation.

    What to wear for the exam: Preferably comfortable, not constraining movements of clothing, not irritating the colorful colors. Girls do not advise coming at very high heels, in short skirts, jeans with a low waist, short tops. Limit jewelry. Young people are desirable to smoothly shave.

    2nd stage - Etudes

    Estimated: Plasticity, fantasy, reaction, emotionality, ingenuity.

    So, what is the etude? Etude is a small finished work based on impreit actions. Etudes are most often in short (it is allowed to pronounce a pair of "key" words), they are called etudes on organic silence. That is, you should play a small situation, denoting all the items so that everything is clear to the viewer. For example, if in the etude you write a letter, you must open an imaginary notebook, take an imaginary handle, etc. All physical actions are first work out with real objects.

    In this etude, there must be a conflict - an event that will change the course of action (for example, you returned home, they were going to rest on the sofa, they saw a burning iron and try to put out the fire with all ways). The conflict creates a situation from which in the etude you are looking for a way out. Etude should not be tightened! By time, it is enough for 1-2 minutes.

    Etude must be a certain thought, i.e. First answer the question: "Why do I show it? What do I want to achieve? What will turn the viewer from my etude? "

    During execution, do not worry, try to relax so that there is no muscular clamp. If you know how, do not be afraid to use the elements of the simplest acrobatics: Kuwarki, etc. You can correctly insert in the etude, and it will be more advantageous.

    What to wear for the exam: Comfortable clothes (you can take a sporting form with you), because you may be asked to depict the animal.

    3rd stage - check of musical and choreographic data

    You will be asked to sing something, dance or play on a musical instrument. The choice is yours. It is advisable to sing a song with a light-singing melody, as the sing will come without accompaniment. The same applies to the work for musical instrument - It is better to play something simple, but without hiding and mistakes.

    The rumor and the sense of rhythm is also checked. You need to repeat the melody specified by the teacher (or "flip" it in your hands)

    4th stage - Interview

    You will ask various questions whose goal is to identify your cultural level, horizons, reading, thinking. We advise you to read in advance about the work of such directors as K.S. Stanislavsky, V.I. Meyerovich-Danchenko, V.E. Meyerhold, E.B. Vakhtangov, etc., familiarize yourself with outstanding works literature, painting, music, movies.

    E.B. Zakhava "Actor's skill", "director's skill."

    MA Chekhov "On the actor technique"

    K.S. Stanislavsky "My life in art", "The Art of Representation: Classic Etudes of Acting Training" (2010 g), "The work of the actor on oneself in the creative process of experience"; "The work of the actor on oneself in the creative process of incarnation", "the work of the actor over the role."

    V.I. Malirovich-Danchenko "The birth of the theater: memories, articles, notes, letters" (2009)

    S.V.Gippius "Acting Training. Gymnastics feelings. "

    M.Kipnis "Acting Training"

    V.Dypr "How to become an actor"

    I.B.Shubina "Dramaturgium and director spectacle: a game accompanying life"

    I.B.Shubina "Organization of Leisure and Show Programs"


    L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

    A.K. Tolstoy "Peter I"

    K. Pouustovsky "Basket with spruce bumps"

    I.Turgenev "Noble Nest"

    B.Vasiliev "And dawns here are quiet"

    A.Kuprin "Olesya"

    M.Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"

    A. Pushkin "Blizzard", "Baryshnya-peasant woman"

    V. Korolenko "Blind Musician"

    F.Dostoevsky "Idiot", "Girl with matches"

    M.Zoshchenko - stories

    I.Bunin - Story

    A. Chekhov - Story

    A. De Saint-Exupery "Little Prince", "Southern Postal"

    G. de Maupassan "Necklace"

    About Henry - Stories

    A. S. Pushkin "Test Belkin", " Captain's daughter", Dubrovsky," Peak Lady ".

    N. V. Gogol "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka", "Mirgorod", "Petersburg Tale", "Dead Souls".

    M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time."

    F. M. Dostoevsky "White Nights", stories.

    I. A. Goncharov "Ordinary History", "Oblomov".

    M. Gorky - stories.

    A.T. Averchenko - stories.

    ON THE. Tafffi - stories.

    V.M. Shukshin - stories.

    A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich".

    B.L. Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago".

    Fairy tales


    M. Saltykov-Shchedrin

    A. Pushkin.







    A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Evgeny Onegin", fairy tales, lyrics. M.Yu.Lermontov "MTSYRY", "Demon", Lyrics.

    ON THE. Nekrasov "Who lives in Russia", "Frost red nose", lyrics. A.A.Fet - Lyrics.

    F.I. Tyutchev - Lyrics.

    A.A. Block "Stranger", "Twelve", Lyrics.

    M. I. Tsvetaeva - Lyrics.

    A. A. Akhmatova - Lyrics.

    B.L. Pasternak - Lyrics.

    O.E. Mandelshtam - Lyrics.

    S.A. Yesenin "Anna Snegina", lyrics.

    V.V. Mayakovsky "cloud in pants", lyrics.

    A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Torkin", lyrics.

    ON THE. Zabolotsky - Lyrics.

    V.S.Vysotsky - Lyrics.

    BAhmadullina - Lyrics.

    R.Rabremensky - Lyrics.

    F.G.Lork - Lyrics.

    N. Zabolotsky "Autumn Etudes"

    R.Rabrevensky "Baikal Ballad"; "It all starts with love"

    V.Mimakovsky "Conversation at the Odessa Ride of the landing vessels" Soviet Dagestan "and" Red Abkhazia ".

    S. Jenin "Rus Soviet"

    TA Frolova
    Economics and management in the sphere of socio-cultural service and tourism: the abstract of lectures
    Taganrog: TTI SFU, 2010.

    Topic 1. Service and socio-cultural sphere

    4. Sectoral structure of the socio-cultural sphere

    Social and cultural sphere - This is a combination of enterprises, institutions, organizations and governing bodies carrying out the production, distribution, preservation and organization of consumption of goods and services of socio-cultural and information purposes, thereby ensuring the satisfaction of the cultural and information needs of the population.

    The goal of the SCS is the enrichment of the spiritual life of people and the creation of conditions for socio-cultural activities.

    Features SCS:

    1. The work of SCS workers is carried out in the form of services.

    2. The work of workers is individualized. SCS is dealing with individual queries of people with their diverse tastes and mood. This determines the special requirements for the personal qualities of the SCS employees. The skill and ability to work with people are highly appreciated.

    3. The SCS is dealing with the maintenance of the population, so the territorial placement of its institutions, organizations depends on demographic factors (number, density, population composition, etc.).

    4. Work in SCS relatively to a lesser extent can be mechanized and automated. The branches of this sphere are distinguished by increased labor intensity.

    5. Services are subjects of consumption, but the services can not be accumulated, the service can be consumed only at the time of production.

    6. Natural factor does not play huge meaning as in material production.

    7. Labor workers SCS unproductive, because This work is not involved in creating material goods.

    8. Main workers are specialists with medium and higher education, most of which are women.

    9. The uniformity of the structure of consumed costs. The share of material costs is very low: in the -13% theater, in the circus - 17%, in parks - 20%, in concert organizations - 3.5% (in industry - 83%, in construction - 65%).

    Services sector - this is a combination of industries and activities intended to meet the spiritual and material needs of the population.

    The intangible benefit is the good acting on the development of human abilities created in the non-productive sphere. Goods are:

    a) internal - benefits, data to man nature (voice, ear for music, ability to sciences);

    b) External - what gives the outside world to meet the needs (reputation, business connections, protection).

    In accordance with the functions performed, all branches of SCS and tourism are classified into 3 large groups:

    1. Industries providing the process of reproduction of material and intangible goods:

    Housing and utilities; the science.

    2. Industries aimed at developing human abilities, maintaining his health, satisfying its cultural and spiritual needs:

    Household service; passenger transport; communication service;

    Health care; social Security; tourism; Culture and art.

    3. Industries satisfying the needs of society as a whole:

    Management and planning of the national economy;

    Industries that ensure the security of the state;

    Protection Protection.

    There is another classification of SCSF:

    1. Public Administration, Social Services.

    2. Financing, insurance, pension provision.

    3. Private housing.

    4. Commercial, social, retirement services.

    5. Repair of equipment.

    6. Passenger transport.

    7. Health and social. service.

    8. Education.

    9. Wholesale and retail.

    10. Natural and economic activity.

    11. Culture, art and media.

    12. Physical education, sports, recreation, entertainment.

    13. Hotel business.

    14. Catering business and public catering.

    All these areas ensure the development of human potential, as the source and the ultimate goal of social development.

    Sectoral structure SCSincludes:

    1. Branch of Culture the ideological and moral state of society, determined by the material living conditions of society and expressed in its life, ideology, education, education, in the achievements of science, art, literature (cinema, theater, museum, library, exhibitions, concert halls, clubs, etc.).

    Functions of the culture industry:

    a) the preservation of historical and national cultural monuments;

    b) the acquisition of people to cultural creations;

    c) raising a cultural person;

    d) replenishment of piggy banks cultural achievements in the field of literature, art, artistic creativity, music, painting and sculptures;

    e) conducting a study in the field of culture;

    e) spiritual enrichment of man.

    2. Branch of Education busy all forms of training in a wide variety of educational institutions (schools, preschool institutions, gymnasiums, colleges, colleges, technical schools, universities, research institutions in the field of pedagogy).

    Functions of the education industry:

    · Satisfying the needs of people in knowledge;

    · Implementation of training and retraining to work and work;

    · Promotion of the acquisition of the specialty and mastering the profession;

    · Human education.

    3. Health system of state and public measures for the protection of health, prevention and treatment of diseases and the continuation of human life (clinics, hospitals, ambulatory, ambulance points of the pretention, maternity hospitals, health care, dispensaries, etc.).

    Healthcare industry functions:

    § concern for the maintenance of people's health;

    § carrying out prevention and treatment of diseases;

    § provision of medical care;

    § providing people with medicines;

    § Restoration of lost health.

    Physical education and sports are closely adjacent to the health care industry in the part in which they solve the task of health promotion, approval healthy image Life of people.

    4. Household service industry on the provision of non-productive and manufacturing services (baths, photo seals, laundry, dry cleaning, tireage, one hundred, workshops, hairdressers, child care services).

    5. Housing and LCD a branch that supports housing and communal services in working condition: houses, elevators, water supply, sewage, heat supply and other housing infrastructure.

    6. Social Security (Social Protection) satisfies the needs of a number of categories of the population in financial resources and sources of existence, in particular stable revenues (Social insurance, the provision of material goods).

    7. Science the sphere of human activity, the function of which is to develop and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge and reality (applied, fundamental).

    Thesaurus concept of socio-cultural activity.

    One famous russian poet I wrote: "The concept ... stretching, it depends on what kind of content you fill it." It is a certain meaning - this is the main purpose of any verbal attribute (from Latin "Attribuo" - endowed). The word "attribute" itself is interpreted today as "Sustainable distinctive feature, an integral property of something. " But the fact is that, as the other famous Russian poet wrote, "we have the words in our habit," often not even time to find uniform attributes for all.

    And, which is especially strange in lately, Many people are so familiar in our dough, as they say, without a year week. AND we are talking Not about the fashionable words of youth slang, not about the agencies that have impregnated Russian vocabulary. No, the habit of consulating new words and phrases, without thinking about the adequacy of lexical innovations to the real processes that they are impossible, begins to affect scientific, and educational terminology. The practice of professional activities of cultural and education institutions turned out to be more conservative and in no hurry to take into arms offered by her scientists and teachers of neologisms.

    Of course, the "socio-cultural" attribute will not try to understand and take today only lazy. After the expropriation of old, the terms it is already actively "working" in the new information field. Moreover, a whole lexical nest was formed, all the lexemes of which are as easily worried about our oral and written speech: "Social and cultural sphere", "Social and cultural activities", "Social and cultural education", "Social and cultural institutions", " Socio-cultural technologies ", etc.

    In the formulations of the names of modern dissertation on cultural studies, sociology, theory and history of culture, they have acquired familiar to us, teachers of the CCD, phrase: "Social and cultural foundations", "Social and cultural development", "Social and cultural aspects".

    What is "social and cultural"? Of course, if you try to determine the semantic content of this phrase, pure morphologically (i.e. structurally) and etymologically (i.e. relying on these modes - the initial values \u200b\u200bof the components of the phrases of concepts), the concept of "social" (from Latin "Socialis" - public associated with society) can be interpreted as "socially significant", "socially demanded", "socially useful", "socially organized", "socially managed", etc., and the concept of "cultural" (from Latin "Cultura" - The cultivation, cultivation, education, development can be interpreted and simply as "referring to culture", "containing culture", but also as a "forming culture", "educating culture", "culturalizing" and "cultural".

    Students of one of the groups who mastered the methods of the logical definition of concepts, the words of interest to us and their modern definitions, so determined the concept of "socio-cultural activity" (the meaning of the word "activity" they found out in V.I. Dale, and ., Ozhegov, and in modern dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books): "Social and cultural activity is a socially significant and managed form of manifestation of human activity, introducing it to culture."

    Now the concept of "socio-cultural activity". How does it relate to their closest predecessors - "cultural and educational work" and "cultural and leisure activities"? In the course of lectures on the SCD, in which we call 6 basic names of social organized activity to enhance the free time of the population: "extracurricular enlightenment", "extracurricular education", "political and educational work", "Cultural and educational work", "Cultural and leisure activities", "Social and cultural activity". If the first three terms "survived" their historical time in Russia and reflected in each of the specific historical periods of its development, the corresponding directions, a totality of institutions, forms, content and nature of activity, its subjects and objects, the last three of the six terms we called function In our vocabulary and now, at the beginning of the twentieth century, they have their own volumes and, we believe our scope of application. Drink them in professional speech as identities, or only as terminological modifications - this is, in our opinion, it means to close the eyes into serious and real changes in modern science, not to notice them in practice, simplify in education. Life itself ultimates us with questions regarding the accuracy of our professional and educational terms. After all, if, for example, as a cunning trick, determine the concept of "social and cultural education" as "the process of training professional professionals The question of the socio-cultural sphere, "the question immediately arises" What is a social and cultural sphere? ", Immediately it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts that existed earlier or today, as" non-production sphere "," social sphere"," Cultural and educational sphere "," cultural and leisure ". And carrying out such extremely necessary and scientists, and teachers, and managers of operations with extremely important for all of us definitions do not have, in our opinion, nothing to do with what some are called "terminological juggling". If we really want to have in modern Russia Social and cultural education as a systemically organized process of training highly qualified specialists for the socio-cultural sphere, all the elements of this system should be clearly identified, designated, interrelated and defined in one, as a systemically organized terminological field.

    Without a doubt, there should be in this field and the term "socio-cultural activity". The main purpose of social and cultural education should be the training of specialists in socio-cultural activities. It would seem that two obvious, logically interrelated judgments.

    But also in theory, and in practice, the problem of this relationship is still very tangible. In theory, many experts are already forced to pay attention to this. The authors of the first study guide on the SCD T.G. Kiseleva and Yu.D. Krasilnikov ("Basics of Social and Cultural Activities", 1995 and "Social and Cultural Activity", 2004) From the very first rows, specialists were warned: "To truly understand the complex dialectic of what is happening, to see the true essence, nature and trends of socio-cultural activities , It should be abandoned with spectacular, but hasty definitions ... ". Professor V.E. Innovators, speaking recently with a report in Irkutsk at an interregional scientific and practical conference with an eternally relevant name "Frames of Culture and Culture of Persons", complained that "the concept of" socio-cultural sphere "today is interpreted extremely widely. It, in particular, includes cultural and art familiar to us, and in addition, covers physical culture and sports, tourism, health, education, individuals of social work. The socio-cultural sphere includes today and the media, including radio, television, printing, publishing activities and book trade, Internet systems, etc.. It turns out that this is a wide list of social institutions and activities included, according to V.E. Novatovova, in today's interpretation of the concept of "socio-cultural sphere" (SCS), there is also "etc.", i.e. And others, other activities that have not included in this endless list.

    Yu.A. Pompeev in his teaching manual "The economy of the socio-cultural sphere", published in St. Petersburg, completely properly begins the manual "With the definition of the main terms that make up the name training course" Here is his definition: "Social and cultural sphere - component The national economy associated with the fulfillment by the state of its social (from lat. Socialis - public) functions within the framework of interpersonal and commodity-monetary relations between people. This area represents the cumulative sociocultural organization of the Company And, in accordance with the law "On the budget classification of the Russian Federation" (1996), includes the following groups or industries:

    · Culture, art and media;

    · Education and training personnel;

    · Health;

    · physical education and sport;

    · social Security".

    This is a good definition with a clearly designated structure, with a legislative source guaranteeing legal grounds for the use of such a definition and such structure of the SCS in education and in practice. But unfortunately it is not used. In real management practices, such a saturated structure of the components corresponds to the volume of the concept of "social sphere", which is still actively used in scientific, and in educational, and in professional-practical vocabulary. Why replacing the concept of "social sphere" with the concept of "socio-cultural sphere"?

    Why is such a dimensionless approach in science not only in relation to SCS, SKD, approx, but also other entities, in the title of which there is an attribute "Social and cultural" attribute. It seems that this can be found a few explanations. One of them is an increasingly increasing fashion for predominantly mosaic, quantitative, a statistical way to determine concepts that displacing in our science more accurately reflecting the essence of a subject matter of the phenomenon is a logical way to determine concepts. Cultural scientists are known, for example, a similar approach to the definition of the concept of "culture" by an outstanding English ethnographer and historian E.B. Taylor, who was first implemented by him in the monograph " Primitive culture"And he received later from cultural systemologists and classifiers immediately and the name" sociological approach "immediately and the name:" Anyone even thorough, the list is always sinned by incomplete. " The definition of the concept of "SCS" is such a mosaic, translucent way and generates inclusion in the amount of defined concept, as, now advertisers, which are incoming and not included in it elements. The second reason for the existence of this, in many ways in the eclectic, the list is, in our opinion, peculiar to each new industry Knowledge Initial expansion of objects and concepts included in the subject field of science at the expense of phenomena and terms of related industries.Finally, it should be borne in mind that the Attributes "Social" and "cultural" are so poremmed, so wide according to the spectrum of the values \u200b\u200bused in human speech, that each of them is often often almost completely identified with such global concepts as "public", "Spiritual", "Human". These are possible values \u200b\u200bof only individual concepts. And in phrases?! That's why, we believe, such problems arise with the interpretation of the terms "socio-cultural sphere" or "social and cultural activity". Not by chance, V.E. Innovators in the article indicated by us, giving the above definition, ironically writes: "Everything that in the socio-cultural sphere is planned and is being carried out, it is now referred to as social and cultural activities." And yet further and he is forced to make a completely natural and shared by everyone who worries the same problems, conclusion: "Nevertheless, for a deeper and subject awareness, at least one definition of socio-cultural activity is useful for a deeper and substantive awareness in the socio-cultural sphere. .

    "Social and cultural activity is a management process of human admission to culture by society and its social institutions."

    We are pleased that as a result we have made a definition that V.E. Innovators called "concise and capacious", and N.N. Yaroshenko in the 23rd issue of "scientists of notes" of Mguyuk, positively estimating the public-analytical method for finding the optimal definition, in which "we become accomplices of the process of developing a copyright version," notes that "in the theory of socio-cultural activities, it is probably , the first case is such a frank demonstration of the process of generation of concept. " He positively applies to the final definition of our conceptual analysis: "Social and cultural activity is the process of attoring a person to culture and its social institutions by society and its social institutions. active inclusion of man himself in this process " . We are stressed in this embodiment of the definition of the new component of the species specificity of the SCD, indicating the subject of the person in the process of its admission to culture, organized and managed by the Company and its social institutions.

    But in this, it would seem sufficiently identified in relation to the real content and the functions of the CCC definition, and according to the author, and from the point of view of a clearly caught it, this is N.N. Yaroshenko, the same flaw, which we marked at the very beginning of our article. N.N. Yaroshenko points out this drawback rather for sure: "Social and cultural activity, being, in V.V. Tuyev, the process of attachment to culture, is dimensionless, extremely broad, and therefore devoid of specifics. After all, the recruitment to culture is the process of ubiquitous, and fortunately, he is managed by society constantly ".

    It seems to us that the primary task in the process of scientific and conceptual support professional training The new cultural personnel is the formation of the conceptual-categorical apparatus of socio-cultural science, the solution of its current terminological problems. By the way, about the "new" term. In principle, he is not so new. Already in the 50s of the twentieth century, an outstanding French sociologist and cultural scientist Joffre Roger Dumasied instead of more common concepts, such as "the formation of culture", "Promotion to culture", "culture development", introduces the concept "Social and cultural activity"he determines "As a conscious, deliberate, organized, even planned accumulation, opposing the methods of blind and anarchist socio-cultural conditional. "

    The main objective of the SCD, as believes J.R. Dumasyadier is an active social and cultural impact on people, creating conditions for attaching them to culture.

    The term "SCD" (his definition) and the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe CCD as a universally acceptable social mechanism for the admission of people to culture in the J.R Dumazedier concept are inextricably linked with the global projects developed by the Social and Cultural Democratization of society, national Education and leisure sociology.

    IN russian science The term "socio-cultural activity" was introduced and conceptually interpreted in 1974 by Professor M.S. Cagan in his monograph "Human activity". In it, a prominent Russian culturalologist gives a very expanded interpretation of this concept. Considering human activity as a two-level biosocial system, M.S. Caagan the first level of this system considers the biological activity of a person, and the second, higher, socio-cultural, or specifically human activity. "Human, - writes M.S. Kagan, - biological activity remains a material base on which the building of sociocultural activities is built, but this latter absorbs its biological foundation, not allowing it to function in pure form. "

    B. Total, sociocultural activities The well-known specialist in the morphology of art and culture differentiates for five main species:

    - converting,

    - informative

    - value-orientational,

    - Communicative,

    - and specially reflecting them artistic activities. Apparently, the essential specificity of human activity is primarily according to M.S. Caigan, "In the sociocultural activity of a person as a social being."

    Socio-cultural activities (hereinafter referred to as CCD) - one of the main ways to increase the cultural and educational level of people, as well as their development creative abilities. In connection with the transformation in the political, economic and spiritual spheres, the content and form of the CCD changed significantly, which in crisis periods has a huge force of emotional and semantic impact on the individual. A variety of funds, methods and forms of LCD contributes to the spiritual revival of society.

    In general, the concept of socio-cultural activities (hereinafter referred to as CCD) is wide enough.

    The following determination sounds like this: "Socio-cultural activities, as a socially oriented person's work on identifying, preserving, spreading, developing and broadcasting cultural values \u200b\u200baccumulated by a certain society, an ethnicity, personality, is mainly distributed on the extracurricular and advanced person, or, as it is called, leisure."

    Thus, social and cultural activities are activities to enjoy human to culture. In this definition, there is a subject of activity - this is a society, an object of activity - a person, the goal of activity is the admission of a person to culture.

    Culture (from lat. Cultura - cultivation, upbringing, education, reverence) wide sense It is understood as a totality of material and spiritual values, and as creative activity By their creation and development. The concept of "culture" is used to characterize the creative forces and abilities of a person, his unity with nature and society.

    Culture, being an unusually complex, wide and multifaceted phenomenon, serves as an object of research for the most scientific disciplines - philosophy, cultural studies, history, ethnography, social anthropology, etc. Sociology is primarily interested in the social nature of culture, its role in the functioning and development of society. The specificity of the sociological approach to the study of cultural phenomena is reflected in the concept " social culture", which is increasingly approved in scientific and educational literature.

    Social culture is a system of socially significant knowledge, values, traditions, norms and rules of behavior, through which people organize their livelihoods in society.

    Among the various functions of social culture, the following are allocated as the main:

    • humanistic (development creative potential man);
    • socio-information (accumulation, snatching and transmitting social experience);
    • communicative (social communication function);
    • educational and educational (Socialization of the Personality (5.4), its admission to knowledge and cultural heritage);
    • adjusting (value-regulatory regulation of social behavior);
    • integrating (Association of people, the development of a sense of community, maintaining the stability of society).

    In general, social culture determines the lifestyle of people, gives them the necessary benchmarks for effective interaction in society. According to a number of sociologists, it contains a system of spiritual codes, some information Program, forcing people to do so, and not otherwise, perceive and evaluate what is happening in a certain light. According to the articula of the American sociologist N. Bremelzer, social culture in the life of people plays the same role as in the animal world performs genetically programmed behavior.

    In the sociological study of culture, two main aspects are allocated: cultural statics and cultural dynamics. The first implies an analysis of the structure of culture, the second development of cultural processes.

    Considering culture in the form complex system, Sociologists allocate in it source, or basic, units that ranked the cultural elements. Cultural elements are two species: material and intangible. The first form material culture, the second is spiritual.

    Material culture - this is all what the knowledge, skills and beliefs of people are materialized (tools, appliances, buildings, works of art, decorations, objects of the cult, etc.). Spiritual culture includes language, symbols, knowledge, beliefs, ideals, values, norms, rules and samples of behavior, traditions, customs, rites, and much more - all that arises in the minds of people and defines their lifestyle.

    Socio-significant elements of culture transferred to subsequent generations adopted and learned by them form cultural heritage. On the scale of all mankind, cultural heritage expresses cultural universals. This concept introduced an American sociologist and ethnographer into scientific circulation J. P. Merdock(1897-1985), which allocated more than 70 universals - common to all cultures of elements: language, religion, mythology, age gradation, calendar, native ornaments, sports, games, fortune telling, courtship, sexual limitations, funeral rituals, etc.

    Cultural universals do not exclude a rich diversity of cultures, which can appear literally in all - in greetings, the manner of communication, traditions, customs, rites, in ideas about the beautiful, in relation to life and death. In this regard, it arises important social problem: How people perceive and evaluate other cultures. And here sociologists allocate two trends: ethnocentrism and cultural relativism.

    Ethnocentrism - This is a tendency to evaluate other cultures on the criteria for their own culture from the position of its superiority. The manifestations of this trend can take a wide variety of forms ( missionary activity In order to draw "barbarians" in his faith, attempts to impose one or another "lifestyle", etc.). Under the instability of society, weakening state power Ethnocentrism can play a devastating role, generating xenophobia and militant nationalism. However, in most cases, ethnocentrism is manifested in more tolerant forms. This gives the basis to some sociologists to find and positive moments, linking them with patriotism, national self-consciousness and even ordinary group solidarity.

    Cultural relativism it comes from the fact that any culture should be considered as a whole and evaluate in its own context. According to the American researcher R. Benidict, not a single value, no peculiarity of this culture can be fully understood if they are analyzed in separation from the whole. Cultural relativism softens the effect of ethnocentrism and contributes to the search for ways to cooperate and mutually enriching different cultures.

    According to some sociologists, the most rational path of development and perception of culture in society is a combination of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism, when an individual, experiencing a sense of pride for the culture of his group or society, at the same time it is able to understand other cultures, assess their originality and meaning.