Levels and types of culture. Levels and forms of socio-cultural activities

Levels and types of culture. Levels and forms of socio-cultural activities
Levels and types of culture. Levels and forms of socio-cultural activities


Expand your horizons with all available tools, absorb as much information as possible. The more you know, the more interesting you as a person for others. But do not overdo it and do not spray, everything is impossible to know. Much focused on multiple areas of knowledge that you are really interesting.

Improve communication skills, and you will become the most desired interlocutor. Concept personal culture very extensive, it includes not only knowledge and ability to apply them in everyday lifeBut both people behave in general. And often even a lot of knowledgeable can be called Abulturally, only because he does not know how to communicate or makes actions that are unacceptable.

Try to create your own circle of communication from a higher level of culture. Then you will always have an incentive for your own self-improvement. The inverse situation is much more dangerous, not everyone can resist and resist at its high level.

Improve the knowledge of the native and try to exclude non-vertical expressions from speech. Today it is quite difficult to do without good knowledge of foreign languages, because we study and expand your knowledge in the languages \u200b\u200bof other peoples and their culture.

Today's media, mainly give ready-made knowledge that do not need to be processed. At lectures, the teacher also gives new knowledge, often in the finished form. Re-read the houses obtained in the classes, put questions for it. Even if you do not ask them to the teacher, you will make your thinking, and maybe even an interest will understand, this knowledge appeared. You can: "Why do this knowledge need in practice? Where exactly can I apply them? ".

To train the mind, remember the complex, not allowed situations that can be discussed on practical activities on the topic of preparation. Intellect holds unresolved tasks in memory, not allowing the opportunity to do something new, developing. The development of intelligence seems to stop, "dropping" in one place. Therefore, when meeting CO, try these situations to remember and solve them together.

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To increase the intellectual level, it is important to have motivation, i.e. Internal need for activities. If the advanced training is really needed to promote the service, or your earnings depends on the service, or there is a desire to increase your status in the eyes of colleagues and employees, then the power of interest in the course increases, the intellect becomes active.

Helpful advice

In order for the person's intellect to develop, it is necessary to "include" from the morning with the help of any intellectual charging: memorizing words, solving professional crosswords, memorizing poems, prose - what is most nice and maybe even necessary for work. 15-20 minutes - and for the whole day is ensured by intellectual interest, which will certainly affect your development.

Some people suffer from too low self-esteem. They are not confident in themselves, consider themselves useless and no one needed. Such feelings interfere with ordinary life, so you need to fight with them.

One of the main needs of the human spiritual development is the awareness of them of their own significance. It turns out that a person's need to feel their need and importance is at the level above even its needs in a dream or in food. The feeling of its own significance in its strength sometimes exceeds the instinct of self-preservation, and then a person is ready to go to everything to prove himself that he is not useless.

What is a sense of self-importance?

In fact, a person is trying to find a sense of significance throughout almost all his conscious life. To begin with, he enters the prestigious university, it is arranged for high-paying work and tries to actively participate in the affairs of the company. All this happens on one single reason - a person is trying to feel necessary and important. He tries to compare herself with other people and be headed above. The more he has time, the more beneficial affairs, the higher it will be its significance.

How people increase their significance

Provided when a person does not have his own and interesting things, he is trying to increase the sense of its own significance by any possible ways for this. Such a person does not stop the search and change of its sexual partners, he is trying to teach and teach everyone around, besides, it is also trying to regularly find out relations with relatives, permanent family quarrels and scandals, all this is the pathological compensation for the absence of its own significance of a person.

Such options for self-expression are built exclusively on the destructive method, but it does not allow properly to express their identity. At the same time, he thinks that, joining someone else, giving himself entirely into the cultural, financial and material executives or any other people, he receives that long-awaited calm and self-confidence, while having the possibility of self-expression.

However, such sensations are erroneous. Self-development is important for improving self-importance.

It must be remembered that working on not his idea, not in its system and completely on other people's people, there is no possibility to express themselves and become a truly strong person. And the feeling of confidence obtained at the same time is imaginary.

An excellent option is the opening of a new business, which will be in demand or the occupation of charity. People will begin to respect and appreciate you, then you yourself will understand how important for others.
If you dream to increase your importance, do something that really will bring the benefit to society.

The division of culture in levels, no matter how conditional it is, it is advisable. The level of culture is an indicator of its real state, the limiting possibilities of its implementation in life. Using the lecture material of Professor V. V. Selivanov, read in RGU in St. Petersburg State University, general It is possible to distinguish three levels of culture based on domination (in humans, groups, society) of certain life interests, so to speak basic vital needs.
When a person began to feel like a man, moving from the biological state to a social, then the first of the resentful needs was vital (from Lat. "Vita" - life), the need for their own life, the desire to live and survive. Do not identify this need with biological survival instincts and the continuation of the genus in animals. In humans, even at the initial point of culture genesis, forms and methods for the implementation of this need, they fundamentally distinguish it from the animal desire for survival. Of course, the human life is provided by food, reproduction, clothing, elementary comfort. But people have vital needs, although they are sources, in relation to other needs (for care, let's say about beauty, you will not be full and hungry), but they themselves complicated. They were important not only at the beginning human historyBut now is essential. And they are the basis of the lowest level of culture, which V. V. Selivanov is conditionally and calls "Vitals."
This level is primary, necessary, but limited. Man in any era, at any age can remain at this level of culture. Then all the elements of reality and culture exist in relation to vital needs, as providing their satisfaction. All interests and passions can go here. Kommersant, just a man in the street will strive to maximize its lives by the terms of comfort, recreation, entertainment, support and restoring their lives. It is naturally formed by an egocentric consciousness when "I" and those who are connected with me are valuable, who is important to me (buddy corporation, family). A man forms a layer of culture around itself, where sometimes all its spheres and elements are presented: morality, religion, right, art, love, friendship. But in all the pragmatic tendencies of use, including cultures, in their immediate vital interests dominate. For a layer of people at this level, the use of all prestigious, spectacular, often and forbidden. The "Vitalists" is usually an acute interest in power, to its presence and use for themselves. In this layer, a person feels satisfaction and actively acts on the expansion of his practical abilities. The main thing is that for the person of this level of culture is characterized by attitudes towards other people, including those who are at higher levels of culture, as in the objects of the carriage, benefits. This level, it is the lowest one, it directly borders with a barkobile, with a lack of culture. People of this level are developing only a minimum of culture. They are inherent in culture mainly in its external manifestations (required by society), and before that the limit to which these manifestations do not interfere well live, satisfying the vital needs. Therefore, attempts by valid moral or aesthetic education People of this level are almost meaningless. In order for them to be aware of their cultural imperfection, so that they have a higher level of culture, it is necessary to change the basic need. And this basic need if rooted, then very firmly.
The second, higher level, can (also conditionally) designate as a level of specialized culture. It is based on the dominance of interest in life itself, to some of its parties, the need for self-realization. A person who goes on this level of culture is usually able to something that admires others, and what he himself becomes strong and sustainable interest. This is manifested as the realization of its needs and opportunities when interested in some kind of business, skill, profession or even a hobby. This is how the need to live the life of their abilities is satisfied. This, to a certain extent, is determined by the entire system of values \u200b\u200bof man. Really interesting and valuable is what belongs to the point where a person manifests itself. In the name of the case, in the name of passion to him, a person can go to the victims and even for self-sacrifice. It would seem to be a very high level of culture, which is often characteristic of scientists, artists, politicians, etc., sometimes considering that their personal passion is extremely important for humanity or a particular society. I. Kant noticed somehow: "Scientists think that everyone exists for them. Nobles think the same. " For people of this level of culture, another person is interesting and valuable not as an object of pegs, but as an object of professional aspiration, or only in connection with it. And, for example, it turns out to be possible to step over the person in the name of serving the art, science, for the sake of political interests. The case, as self-refining, it turns out to be valuable in itself, more valuable than any person standing out of this case, and even more so interferes with him. Of course, in life everything is much more complicated, including the manifestations of this level of culture. Any schemes are rough. There are apparently intermediate levels between the first and second, second and third.
The third level of V. V. Selivanov specifically denotes a level of full culture. The dominant basic need of this level is the need for another person's life, enthusiastic life of another. This is not about activities, so to speak, for the benefit of society, not about altruism. Bright manifestation of the exit to the highest level of culture (which is possible for everyone) - true loveWhen I want to bring joy to another person. But a similar attitude (close to such) can manifest itself through a profession, and through the hobby, and through anything. In morality, for example, this focus on another even in self-esteem, it is an exacerbated conscience, it is tacty, delicacy, tolerance. The highest level is characterized by the focus on cultural self-conception, a living interest in a variety of cultural phenomena, not limited to professional one-sidedness. On the third level of culture in society, few people usually come out, really cultural elite. But the possibility of entering it and cases of implementation, even if partial, this possibility is extremely important.
Unfortunately in life, culture can be and is most often realized. summit. If the dominant is the lower (vital) level of culture, the nature, for example, is simply a useful or harmful "thing", which can and should be used in its own interests. Civilize, arrange, arrange, creating a separate artificial and natural world (farm, garden, plot, flowers and fish in the house). And at the same time (if not mine) - you can exhausted, soil, poison, destroy when it is profitable. The attitude towards nature in this case is purely selfish and always active. Bazarov in the Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" said that nature was not a temple, but a workshop, and a man in her worker. The older generation of people in our country is memorable, pulled from the context, the phrase of the famous gardener I. Michurin, which was replicated as a slogan: We cannot wait for mercies from nature, to take them our task!
The second level of culture (specialized) implies disinterested, non-native interest in nature, the desire to study it and maintain in perhaps more priority form. And if you remake, it is really to arrange, including artistically, improve, enrich. At this level, there are just people as mentioned by Michurin, and all those for whom nature is more like a temple than a workshop. However, the deification of nature can become excessive both in itself and, most importantly, in combination with full or partial indifference to people, inhabiting it. Often, this is expressed in empty calls to stop progress, actually returning life to a long time and hopelessly left forms of civilization or even to the docivicational supposedly "paradise" state.
The highest level, the actual culture is not manifested in this, but in the fact that nature - human value, value precisely in relation to people living in it. In this case, it is not a workshop and not a temple, not whose chapel, and our common house. The house in which they live, which is not destroyed, but it is arranged in it, it is preferably crucible, it is decorated. A man living in nature, feeling her greatness and beauty, must be spiritualized himself and spiritualize nature, making it more and more beautiful and humane. And not only nature as the environment, but also as a natural being: your body, your mind, your soul.
Physical education, and the so-called mental, and the culture of feelings, are also violanev. For the lowest level, the use of both the body and mind is characterized, and even spiritual forces, for the sake of benefits, pests, prestige. For example, in sports, especially professional. The lowest level of mental culture is found in everyday intelligence, common sense, the "second mind" (tricks).
In a specialized level, physical and mental development turns out to be two possible spheres of human self-defense, for which the skill, "art" (including mental) becomes vital, the game (both in sports and thoughts), the implementation of abilities: in the agility of movements Or in shine wit. At the same time, physical abilities and mental activity usually develop in special directions. Reinforced physical development Does not assume as powerful mental, and back. Technicians think otherwise than humanitars. Those and others sometimes understand each other. The same applies to scientists and artists. People specialize in possible forms of generation, and in the form of an expression of thought.
But the main thing is, the game of the body and thoughts at this level can be self-concrete. A person, although he does not show mercenary aspirations in this case, but he is simply not very interesting and the others are valuable, whose being is not related to the sphere of self-refining.
Actually, culture, at the highest level, physical and mental culture become only if they find a focus on another person, moral and aesthetic meaning. Thus, the body should be healthy and beautiful (including in freedom of movements) so that your unhealthy and ugliness does not unagre the lives of others, did not insult their eyes and taste. It is important that your physicity is joyful and for you and for others.
The culture of thought at this level involves the ability of a person to its free flight with characteristic: the integrity of the reality coverage, the breadth of the horizon, the noble ability to think so and so to express the thought (according to its subject, task, conditions) so that it is available to other people, worried them, as an interesting and necessary for them.
In general, in culture, a very significant ability to express yourself: in words, poses, gestures, views, actions, relationships, in what is called behavior. Once again I remind you that culture is largely forms, a variety of (iconic and significant) forms of expression in which spiritual values \u200b\u200bmay exist. But the forms created in the lives of people becoming resistant (traditional) can be filled differently in different contents. And they can remain and almost empty, cultural and unworthy, formalizing to the limit.
For the lowest level of culture is characteristic of the poverty of the forms of expression: poor possession of them, their distortion. While there is a developed expressive literary language, Many people in the go are slightly rude, coarse, faded (sometimes without any need, in habit and only), confused speech, with improper use of words, expressions, stress.
There are many etiquette traditions and rules. But in the mass of people still do not know how culturally is, beautiful and free to sit, stand, move, wear clothes. All this coats, depletes the situation of communication of people among themselves. In all this, the level of culture, borderingabling with barking, is shown.
However, you can be able to speak correctly, behave according to etiquette and not at a high level of culture, having learned only the appearance of cultural forms and pragmatically using them, as it is profitable. High culture It is manifested when, firstly, these forms are internally organic for a person have become quite its forms of behavior: he simply cannot behave differently. And secondly, when they help him in any atmosphere to remain truly a person, - meaningfully, in relations with other people, who can be different in the go cultural forms, other forms of expression.
After all, the relationship between people is important. It is important how culture at all three levels is implemented in them and about their occasion. So, in relation to relations between the floors, it is obvious that at the lowest level of culture, the main thing is to use another person in order to detect, achieve psychological or physical comfort (sex for your own pleasure). IN best case - use mutually and modern "Technically competent." But the feelings and forms of their expression are coarsely and the poor.
On the second level we are talking Already about love as the most important self-defense of a person. Then, when sex in his life is one of the most important values. And it is so serious that because of love, a person can sacrifice his life (though, and someone else's too!). Love researchers noted that in this case love can act almost as a kind of religion.
The passion here is disinterested, sincerely and strong. And love seems to be extremely elevated. But for the sake of it it turns out to be possible not only to torment or kill another person, but also to offend the parents, leave children, deceive a friend, be a merciful. Not by calculation, but obeying the dictate of passion.
Love at the highest level of culture is other in essence. It seems primarily a desire and ability to bring joy to another person. It doesn't matter here, whether this love is sex, although it can manifest itself and as quite a carnal, gentle and joyful feeling. It is important that this is a love of neighbor, a particular person, from which you and your neighbor and others become warm and light in this world. Such love does not subordinate to you or the other. It gives the highest freedom: in the feeling and in the actions of his exhibiting.
And if it came about freedom, then it happens differently implemented, in relation to culture. Again, the lowest level is found if the freedom is valuable. Such and so far, which is also convenient, profitable. As part of the norms existing in society (if these norms did not become internally organic) - freedom or not, or it is significantly limited, for the benefit of the case.
At the second level of culture, freedom (will!) - self-terminated. And the temptation appears on it to make freedom at any cost. Including love. And this is sometimes scary. And only at the third level of culture, freedom is manifested as a non-associated expression of human humanity. It is his opportunity and ability, desire and ability to realize themselves (live!) Naturally humanly in relation to peace, to other people. And at all, at the same time, the opposition to existing traditions, standards. To the extent that existing traditions and norms contribute to the Being and Development of Culture, they can be their own for a cultural person, without interfering with its freedom, and helping it to be issued.
Live people are poorly stacked even in good schemes. A particular person most often in some kind of relationship is at the same level of culture, in some other. But dominates in personality, it is essential, there is always some one of the levels. In any society, culture exists at all three. The easiest, most accuracy, and routine, of course, the lowest level, vital. Already at the level of specialized, live, usually more difficult, although more interesting. The third level for most people is achievable only in private lifestyles. For individual individuals, it is quite organic, but to live in such people in our, always imperfect, the world is often very difficult. Culture generally requires tension, a small-cultural person lives easier. It is true that there is a questioning idea that it is possible and necessary to do anything equally (to raise) by cultural people that culture should be accessible to everyone. As for accessibility, as the absence of restrictions for attachment to culture, this is true. But to make everyone in the same extent cultural visible will never be possible. In each society there is a limited cultural layer, for whose representatives cultural development is the meaning of existence. IN socially socially This layer may be helpless, in politics - naive, in the economy and life is impractical. In general, the social significance of a person does not coincide with its culture. At the same time, a huge mass of society is content with the subculture of poverty - the type of existence, in which the limitations of cultural requests is comfortable, spiritually nourishing is convenient. And this mass value of culture is used more or less by chance (during the "jogging" on the Hermitage), although the signs of about-cultural being in such a medium are valued (unreadable, but "prestigious" books, cross on the neck, without faith). The development of cultural values \u200b\u200b(former eras and periods, and new, born) people of different levels of culture is a separate and complex problem, and practical and theoretical. After all, even an understanding of what is the value of culture, and that the pseudocence is not just given. There is no unambiguity in different interpretations of what values \u200b\u200bare generally and, in particular, the values \u200b\u200bof culture. And at the same time, probably no wonder they say that: "It is the value that serves as the basis and the foundation of any culture."

3.3. Levels of culture and culture

In modern scientific literature The discussion has not yet been completed on what grounds to determine the concept of "culture". It depends on the chosen as a scientist theoretical and methodological approach to the definition of the concept. If a cultureperceive as exclusively positive characteristic A man expressed in the antithesis "Cultural Man is a non-church man", then the culture becomes an indicator of human utility, and the lack of culture is its inferiority. This approach arose in the Western European enlightenment and had the appropriate parallels: "The person enlightened - the person is unemployed", "educated - uneducated", "civilized - uncivilized (wild)". Already during this period, new parameters of the definition (measurement) of a person were recognized in accordance with its internal development, existence in society.

The very concept of "culture", as is known, goes back to certain activities related to targeted, consciously specified formation of natural entities, which are due to human needs, for example, in food or clothing. This concept in ancient Rome initially expressed only the features of peasant, agricultural labor, and the wild, freely developing nature was separated from nature that had fallen under the power of a person who had lost freedom of development, i.e., their unpredictability, wildness, self-sufficiency. In this case, the concept of "culture" acted as a separator of two forms of life - dependent on the person and independent of it.

This separation feature was soon transferred to a social life in which people were distinguished and even whole peoples who lived, seemingly free, without rules, and people, whole nations, who observed certain generations developed by the rules of the human hostel. Because of this, the concept of "culture" was determined in two main values: initialindicating human intervention in nature, and derived(secondary), indicating the public intervention in the life of people. The concept of "culture" as a human culture has become a homonym for the concept of "culture" as a culture of plants and animals, transformed (rendered) by the will of people.

In the new meaning, the concept of "culture" existed to approximately mid XIX. c., i.e., until the time when there was an introduction to the presentation of all the people as living according to the rules of its society in accordance with the traditions of tradition and laws, which ultimately were approved and polished from generation to generation. The concept of "culture" has acquired additional importance: the system of rules and skills that are accompanied by a person from birth and determine the forms of its behavior, consciousness and thinking.In this new corrected value, the culture was inherent in each person, regardless of his belonging to one or another people. So the word "culture" got the opportunity to speak not only in singlenumber indicating powerdevelopment of man within concretesocieties, Nowo multipleindicating on differences of the Societiescivilizations, laws and rules, and accordingly, people during their historical Development In the conditions of various social and natural systems. Therefore, the concept of "culture" began to indicate the difference between the parameters and the content itself, the development of development, and therefore the differences in the evaluation criteria for the evaluation of the stages of development themselves, depending on the particular social systems.

In accordance with new meaningful filling in modern science The concepts of "culture" as the degree of spiritual development began to look for universal criteria that would have made the definition of human spiritual development degrees independent of the difference in inhomogeneous, non-single-friendly social and natural systems. This search focus led to the need to refer to the origins of a person, its origin, i.e., to the very first separation feature pointing to the identity of the animal, even such a developed, as a man-like monkey, and the person himself.

A distinctive feature of the life of a person from being an animal is social statusarising from a person with decomposition, decay initial shapes rapid life when the primary forms of the social organization of animals, relying primarily on the instincts of self-preservation, from external conditions are transferred to the internal conditions of a person, become its social psyche and social form development. In this case, not under pressure from external natural circumstances, but by virtue of its own new nature.a person builds his behavior and attitude towards others, its activities as an individual, as an organic particle of the general - the emerging community.

Following the evolution of human behavior in the society system, one can distinguish three main steps of not historical development, and human formation or, in other words, the transformation of a man of the external, biologically defined by its appearance into the light, in a person internal, that is, possessing certain forms of dominant goal. In this general process of becoming a person there is no distinction between "civilized" and "uncivilized", but there are differences between the levels of human formation as the levels of its culture, its social maturity.

The first need of a prevailed person is the need for his own life,and therefore, in conditions providing his life as a simple form of existence, existence. The first forms of the community of people arose on the basis of their desire to ensure this form of being in joint activities, that is, to create with collective efforts, the unified orientation of consciousness the necessary and sufficient level of existence. At the initial stages of human development, the level of existence was determined by the three functions of the community and each person belonging to it - provision: a) the required number and quality of food; b) protection from cold or heat in various climatic conditions; c) protection against the attack of wild animals, and sometimes people encroaching on life or food resources. These needs who underlie the primary forms of the organization public Lifecan be called vitalsi.e. vitality (from Lat. vita.- a life).

Vital needs are basic for any person, since their content is determined by the need for life itself, encouraged instinctand at the same time conscious desire to live.But the process of human development cannot be limited to this state separating it from an animal only by a thin partition of sociality, expressed initially only in the internal installation of each member of society to create and strengthen the collective good.

The "collective benefit" itself implies a certain competitivityin relation to the surrounding nature, a large animal, another community-generic or tribal community. This competitiveness makes a person intensify its internal forces and send them to openopponent, as it happens today, for example, in sports. This "labor", "hunting" and "gaming" voltage is necessary in order for a particular person, his society, and not an opponent, got prey and so that it is not to become the extraction of another, for example, a cave bear or a saber-to-tiger. This tension develops the reality, generates new unexpected actions, awakens and forms new internal forces and human abilities who, over time, in terms of a prosperous community can become independent values.

So a new stage is formed in the formation of a person. A member of the people of people opens up for themselves a new interest in life, learns new opportunities and abilities and begins to enjoy not only life itself, but also on what he enriches it that he brings new on it.He is persistent and sometimes fanatically devoted to his work, passionate and in passion forgets everything in the world, he is dedicated to his passion and most often highly productive in his passion. For him no longer exist fusedlife ploticpleasure comfortand peace. He is creatively obsessedand in this obsessionfinding its true human happiness. So the science is moving forward - in the stubborn desire to go beyond the fault, look into the future. So the technique moves forward - in the stubborn desire to create something that has never happened. This stubbornness moves science, philosophy, social progress. But these obsessed, passionate people in their own way are selfish, because they are focused only on their hobby, on the elected business, on the beloved lesson, do not regret it for his success. This level of formation of a person and its culture can be defined as self-realization levelvaluable not only for humans, but also for society, for the creative orientation enriches society with new features and resources. But the selfish component of self-realization can create a certain vacuum around a passionate man, often encourages him for loneliness, deprives simple life joys. Therefore, this level of culture of the highest form of human development is impossible.

If you turn to the language of philosophy, we can say that the vital level and the level of self-realization appear before us as opposed to the development. The vital level is the desire for satiety, caring pleasure, and consequently, to career, enriching both the means to achieve selected goals. Here we can meet cruelty and cynicism, rootless and unspacial pragmatism, extreme forms Egoism and all kinds of crime, disregard for all forms of spiritual life and abuse on the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof society. Here is a world that ultimately creates a person who has risen on the path of debris and, respectively, who stopped at the first stage cultural Development, Only one differing from the animal - competitive superiority in force and arrogance. If in early primitive society Vital need was the norm, for protected inner world Communities Ot external world In a competitive struggle for the means of survival, then later, in more late period It acquires a negative meaning, because it is no longer worth protecting the community or tribe, and serves, as a rule, a specific individual or its clan, directing its overwhelming destructive strength directly against the society, which becomes restricted for him, the strength of deterring hidden or explicitly Aggression.

The level of self-realization is in many ways the indifference of the satiety and the desire for active spiritual life from the simplest forms of self-examination of themselves in sports to more complex processes of disclosure in science, art and technical inventiveness. In this case, self-discharge, self-realization of the individual must benefit society as creation as enriching the new experience of relations with the outside world, the new possibilities of interaction with each other and with nature. The culture of self-assessment, self-realization in an ancient society as a phenomenon of protection is not from the outside world, but from stagnation, from death, when large associations of people were formed - tribal unions, in which resources were accumulated to support creativity and creation, awakening society for development and accumulation internal force, Definition of new features. Partially can agree with V. M. Interheev, that culture is the basis of freedom, and the discovery cultureit was associated with an understanding of independence and freedom in the development of man both from nature and from God.

"It was apparently in the opening special kind of being,obliged by its existence not God and not nature, but himself manas a creature relatively freefrom the other, - argues V. M. Interheev - culture - everything that exists by virtue of human freedom as opposed to what does not depend on the person, exists according to its own laws. "

But a representative of the culture that has reached the level of self-realization remained a natural flaw, related to the fact that in his hobbies, in its own, as a rule, a disinterested pursuit of new, to the discoveries of new horizons of spiritual experience of mankind, he forgot about his neighbor, about real people , becoming sometimes indifferent and even cruel towards their lives, problems and destinies. Here he acted as a selfish warehouse man who is not able to see the misfortunes of others around others, even very close people. This is a hard fee for the opportunity to dive into a fascinating person. Such a person is creating primarily due to the inner gusts, without thinking seriously about the good of the neighbor, although he becomes useful to society, not always realizing it. But it is not only useful, but also harmful, destructive. Human self-realization may be hostile to culture.

The highest and full level of culture is the level of spiritual elite. It should not be associated with the concept of "spiritual elite" Snobism, the Chvanism and the arrogance of rich or noble people, representatives of major capital or high-ranking government officials. The spiritual elite is the level of culture, when not wealth or knowledge, power or by itself, high education is allocated groups of people in a special typological group. Elite culture It makes up from the continuous creativity of a person in all areas of his being, but his view of the world subtly displays the characteristics of the human environment with which he identifies itself to which he is immersed. In this case, he is exempt from the cargo of the selfish rejection of the surrounding people, a certain alienation from their destinies, but in its attitude to people he shows knowledge of life and awareness, meaningfulness of any act, thoughtfulness and at the same time - the need for assistance and support provided in one form or another . Elite culture involves the presence of the relationship, the harmony of the internal and external world of man, the balance of the forces and the relationship of the relationship. This is a kind of spiritual maturity, which does not cover the path of further development, but on the contrary, opens the endless loft and creativity at this level.

The concept of levels in cultural studies can be transferred to the test system, scale and can be used as a kind of measuring device that determines the levels of culture. But the concept of levels can also act as a theoretical basis for predicting the behavior and actions of a person who is at one or another level of development of culture.

The basis of the release of culture levels and, accordingly, culturality is different dominant needs of a person or social group. In the first, lower level is the needs of survival and to ensure our own life. The second is the need for self-refining, self-realization, in life interesting and targeted. The third definitions are the need for spiritual wealth actually, accumulating and implemented in relations with the outside world, with other people. Of course, we are talking about what is dominated in each case, and not that you can completely do without satisfying, say, vital needs. But after all, their satisfaction can be close to the Tskar or more echultured, decorated, refined.

Of course, there are many intermediate stages between levels when climbing a high full-fledged culture, and each of them differs in identifier and deserves an independent characteristic. But the general tendency of the disclosure of the dominant of consciousness during the goal-toehood of a life process and the development of certain value orientations in the field of culture can provide a basis for evaluating human culture and forecasting its common life aspirations, Acts and Action.

The ideas about the levels of culture and culturality are quite consistent with the value and humanistic vision of culture and its development. What we call cultural values \u200b\u200bis apparently mastered by people in different ways, in a field, it is realized in the life of a person and human communities. At the same time, of course, it is not indifferent, as we can know the values \u200b\u200bof culture.

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Culture definitions, as noted, a lot. We agreed to understand it as a way of the active existence of a person as a way of his self-effectiveness. The second stage of the system approach is the analysis of elements and structures. At this stage, sociological and philosophical approaches to the analysis are distinguished. In the first case, they allocate at least "two cultures" in each national culturewhat happened by V.I. Lenin 7, allocate progressive and regressive traditions, various subcultures, national and regional features in culture, etc. In the second case, when the basis is the philosophical analysis, the structure of culture is considered as a certain integrity, which is a multitude of subcultures and the functions listed above.

In the previous topic, we have already begun to be analyzed when they talked about the types, forms, functions and their value in culture. Now we will highlight levels, orientation in culture, norms, customs, traditions, values.

Based on our understanding of the culture, it can be said that its level is determined by the possibility of human self-effectiveness as an individual, that is, his freedom in society. As Salial F. Engels.(1820–1895), "Every step forward on the path of culture was a step to freedom" . If the culture itself is quality human existence, its level can be expressed quantitatively and include a complex of indicators: the nature and organization of production, ownership, nature of power, social structure.

Cultural levelthe cultural indicator or degree of development by a separate person, a team or a society of certain types of activities or behavior, cultural values preceding generations.

But what kinds of activities, and what values \u200b\u200bdepends on the level of culture itself in society. You can make this conclusion: what measures the person or society uses when determining its own culture, characterizes both the culture and its level.

For example, in the Soviet society, the number of cinema systems, libraries or the number of subscribers for newspapers and magazines attributed to cultural indicators. There is no doubt that all this is important cultural indicators. But they far do not exhaust the concept of "cultural level". The cultural level does not coincide with the level of literacy or education. Culture is not awarded together with the diploma, because there is both a personal view. Education, knowledge may not have a personal measurement, and if a culture is reduced to them, then instead of it there is a set of stamps in thinking, domination of generally accepted tastes, fashionable books or songs and their performers. Fashion is also an indicator of culture, but it can confront her, being her antipode.

The sociocultural development of children is today relevant due to the current socio-economic and social and cultural The situation in Russia: a low cultural level of development of the population, asocial manifestations in society (crime, neglect, alcoholism, drug addiction), socio-economic instability (uncertainty in educational policies, weakening the educational function of the family, low level of well-being, etc.).

Sociocultural development plays important role In a person's life, the culture is not purchased with genes, as it is purchased in society. Culture is a human way of life.

Socio-cultural development plays a major role in the development of a person, in making them rules and norms of its culture, and this, accordingly, affects its worldview and value orientations present in his life, and also affects the development of the personality.

social developmentthis is a change in society that leads to the emergence of new public relations, institutions, norms and values. Characteristic features social Development are three features: irreversibility, focus and pattern

Usually social development as a real process is characterized by three interrelated features: irreversibility, orientation and pattern. Irreversibility Means the constancy of the processes of accumulation of quantitative and qualitative changes for a certain period of time. Food - That line or lines for which accumulation is performed. Regularity - Not random, but the necessary accumulation process. Principle important characteristic Social development - a period of time during which development is carried out. Perhaps no less important is that only over time, the main features of social development are revealed, since it consists of a certain chain of social change. The result of the development process is a new quality (sometimes quantitative) condition social object (for example, the social group, social institution, organization and the whole society).

The above belongs, rather, to the general philosophical or socio-philosophical understanding of development. Sociological understanding of development requires more specific allocation of its criteria and indicators. Social development can be considered at different levels - theoretical sociology and empirical research, macrosociology and microsociology. In each case, the specificity of the object is required, and therefore the selection of the appropriate methods. In scientific literature you can meet different points vision on this. If you keep in mind the general sociological theory, it seems to be allocated first of all the following criteria for social development. First, social development involves the structural complication of the object. As a rule, more complex objects are and more developed. Secondly, social development means an increase in the number, complication of character or even modifying the social functions of the object. Tell me modern societypossessing the diversified industry, numerous public and public administration systems, educational institutions and scientific institutions differentiated by social Groups, professions, strata, with societies living due to gathering, hunting or agriculture, it becomes an obvious a huge difference in the degree of complexity and development of these two types of societies. Third, an important criterion for social development social institutions and organizations are improving performance, efficiency, competitive activities.

social development involves an increase in the possibilities to satisfy the diverse needs (material, intellectual, spiritual, etc.) of various groups of the population and individual individuals. In this sense, the social development of the enterprise on which they work is essential. In this case, it is understood not only the development of the technology of the labor process, but first of all, the improvement of working and recreation conditions, an increase in the level of material well-being, social security of workers and their families, the possibility of increasing the cultural and educational level IT. p. No less important to the social development of the district, city, region, the whole society.

The family is the initial structural social development of children. It is connected by blood and related relations and unites spouses, children and parents, including several generations at the same time.

The purpose of family education is:

1) the formation of such qualities and personality properties that will help decent to overcome difficulties and obstacles found on life path;

2) Development of intelligence and creative abilities, cognitive forces and primary experience labor activitymoral I. aesthetic began, emotional culture and physical health of children - it all depends on the family, from parents and constitutes the main purpose of upbringing.

For effective family education, it is necessary to form a pedagogically appropriate focus on the parents themselves for permanent and interconnected communication with their own children.

The meaning of the education of children in the family:

1) The family creates the model of life to which it turns on;

2) the influence of parents on their own children should ensure their physical perfection and moral purity;

3) often family circumstances And the conditions in which children were born and grew up, put the imprint for their lives and even predetermine fate.

Family is a fundamental social cell of society. The effectiveness of education depends on its moral and physical health. Healthy family Completed with many other teams: labor, school, kindergarten, institute, various societies, other families. The wider and deeper the relationship of the family with other teams, the more informative, her life is richer and more interesting, the most stronger the family itself and the stronger position in the system of social relations.

Children in the course of life will know the family as an important cell of society based on love. The family is formed as a friendly team living in a rich spiritual life, organizing life, satisfaction of reasonable needs. The public is realized due to family interaction with various public organizations.
The family plays a decisive role in the formation of the needs and motives of the child's activities. As motifs of children's activities at various stages of the family's life, personal interest, love, desire to do good, pride, healthy ambition, family honor are advocated.

Pedagogically competent organization of life in the family forms useful needs in a child:

ü in the family itself, care for loved ones, love for them;

ü in spiritual communication and joint experience; in a reasonable consumption of material goods;

ü in self-education and self-improvement;

ü in straight mats, honesty, frankness, truthfulness;

ü performed by conviction, habit and sense of debt of any living work.

First, the family, and then together the school and family, constitute a meaningful and organizational core of a holistic educational process. All other educational forces that form in the interaction of integrity are concentrated around and inside this nucleus. The formation of the foundation bases depends on the family, its attitude to life. In turn, the effectiveness of family education depends largely on the relationship of parents with the school. The interaction of the family, schools, the public is a living process of organizing the life of children.

The family is typical natural self-government, which involves the distribution of functions by all its members responsible for their execution. The family forms an informal opinion on the most acute and burning issues of public life.
The family is a social microworld, reflecting the entire set of public relations to work, events of internal and international life, culture, to each other, order in the house, family budget and households, neighbors and friends, nature and animals.