Are binary options a scam for suckers? All the truth. Latest Binary Options Scams Additions

Are binary options a scam for suckers?  All the truth.  Latest Binary Options Scams Additions
Are binary options a scam for suckers? All the truth. Latest Binary Options Scams Additions

Recently, in connection with the growing interest in this area of ​​financial trading, many are asking the question: binary options - scam or real earnings? To find the answer to it, you need to study everything well and figure out what's what.

This type of financial transactions makes it possible to receive a fixed income if the trader has correctly determined the direction of the asset price movement. That is, an option is purchased to buy shares or any other commodity and a “higher / lower” forecast is set for a certain period of time.

If the value of the asset at the time of expiration (execution) of the transaction is in the right place (increases or decreases), the trader receives income, which can vary within tangible limits and several times exceed the amount of the transaction.

It turns out that the probability of earning is 50% and depends on whether the trader is able to predict the movement of the value of the underlying asset. It does not matter whether the price has risen or decreased by 1 point or by 100, the main thing is to change in the expected direction. You can trade binary options by choosing a very different underlying asset - gold or stocks, currency pairs or stock indices, etc.

Therefore, it is difficult to call this method of trading a scam, but it really is an actual opportunity to make a profit.

A lot of negative reviews about this tool can be found for the reason that the options market, like any profitable trade, attracts a large number.

There are also unscrupulous brokers here, a lot of cheaters who simply profit from newbies. Just like in Forex, trading with ineffective instruments and magic “recipes for making money” is flourishing.

To avoid scammers and not to run into another scam - licensed, with a good reputation.

The most common licenses for binary options brokers are CRFIN and CFROFR, as well as FCA and CySEC. Reviews can be found on thematic sites, forums, blogs, where traders share information, create ratings, etc. Including they are also in the rating of this site (and these are real reviews of trading traders!)

Stages of making deals with binary options

To understand whether binary options is a scam, it is important to know the basic components of trading. Many people refer to this trade as cheating simply because do not understand basic principles and do not know how the work is done, sincerely believing that there is a place for divorce. On the other hand, knowledge of the algorithm will allow you to control the execution of transactions, identify the broker's frauds in time, or understand what is wrong with the trading strategy.

To make money on binary options, you need:

1) Find a broker, make sure that this is a serious company, not a scam, register with him.

2) Choose an asset - it can be anything, but it is desirable that the trader understands the market and the specifics of price formation, can predict future changes.

3) Select expiration time- position duration. It can be an hour or a month, it all depends on personal preference and considerations. Time affects the level of profit.

4) Determine the amount of the option that will be withdrawn from the account. If the forecast is correct, the amount will be returned with a large percentage of profit, but if not, it will be lost. It is precisely because of the inability to make forecasts correctly that many traders are sure that binary options are a scam (the money is gone), but this is a risky trade, so you need to start it, being confident in your abilities.

5) Analyze the chart according to the selected one, indicate whether the asset price will rise (Call) or decrease (Put). That's it, the deal is open and now the trader can only wait.

Here is an example of the most discussed at this point -:

6) Result - after the expiration of time: if the forecast is correct, the account increases by a significant amount, if the forecast is incorrect, the money spent on buying the option (or the percentage set by the broker, which is often 80-90%) simply disappears.

The main benefits of options trading that guarantee profitability

Compared to real scams on the Internet, this type of trade simply involves its own characteristics. This is a really great way to make money, which requires knowledge, ability, effort and time, just like any other job. If you approach business responsibly, you can make a good profit, but if you just want to get it, it is better to look for other opportunities.

Among the main advantages, it is worth highlighting:

  • Huge tool selection, which expands the possibilities and allows the trader to work with what he is well versed in - oil or gold, stocks or indices, etc.
  • Profit and loss fixation - there is no risk of losing more than planned: the trader immediately knows what to expect and determines the optimal deal size, which proves once again that you can really earn here and this is not a scam
  • High level of profitability: there are only two forecasts, the price can go up or down, you just need to predict the direction
  • Online work - you can conclude transactions without the need to install software or in a familiar forex terminal
  • The ability to open positions on any day - both on weekdays and on weekends
  • Maximum simplicity and clear principle work
  • Possibility rapidly increase a deposit of 100% or more, which no other financial market gives, except for obvious scams

The main disadvantages of trading, due to which you can lose funds

Among the main disadvantages of binary options trading, which can quickly "eat up" the deposit and assure the trader that it is impossible to make money here, it is important to note:

  • High level of loss - an unsuccessful trade takes 90-100% of the amount spent on buying the option, which is a lot. Therefore, you need to be able to correctly choose the optimal ratio of profit and risk, not invest the entire deposit in 3-4 transactions in an attempt to get a huge profit.
  • Lack of opportunity early closure positions - if a trader sees that the trend has reversed and the price is about to move in the other direction, nothing can be done. Is it a scam or not? Rather, there is one thing about the rules of this type of trading that you need to remember.
  • Certain restrictions when choosing time period- trading on short timeframes is difficult here, since market noise can be taken as a trend.
  • Using exclusively your own funds, which makes it impossible for those who are used to working with binary options to make money on binary options.

To avoid deception and loss

To organize profitable work with binary options, a trader must first study all the components of safe trading and a specific asset market, the price of which will be predicted. You should not rely on a miracle and the fact that you just get lucky and you will be able to earn a million from the 1st dollar ...

It is those who consider trading with this tool similar to a casino, quickly drain the deposit, and then write that it is a scam.

It is also worth paying attention to choosing a reliable broker - so, for example, you can be sure that there will be no fraud, as evidenced by the long history of the company, its reputation. It is important to choose a trading strategy, draw up a trading plan - perhaps it will be possible to find some patterns, create or download successful signals, etc.

On the Internet, advertising of binary options can be found literally at every step. Advertisers position them as a quick way to earn money, where in just a few minutes you can double or even triple your investments. Is it so? In this article, you will find out the whole truth about binary options: what it is, what they are for, can you really make money on them, or is it still a scam. And most importantly, if you can get profit from them - in what way? Are there any real strategies for making money on binary options?

Binary options - what is it?

Binary options are a type of Forex trading. You need to make a certain assumption about where the price will move at a certain point in time. If your guess is correct, then you are in the black, if not, you have lost. That's all.

There is a connection here with casino gambling or sports betting.

Binary options transactions can be concluded on many financial instruments: currency pairs, stock prices and many commodities (oil, gold, wheat, cocoa, and others). You yourself choose the instrument you need and set the time of the transaction: from one minute to several months. If, at the end of the specified period, your deal is completed, you earn.

There are several types of binary options that can be traded. The most popular are the following:

Higher lower.

Choose how the current price of a financial instrument will change after a specified time interval. Let's say for shares of Gazprom. Now their cost is 135 rubles per share. You buy an option on Gazprom shares for 1 hour and think that the shares after this period of time will cost more than the current price. In an hour, even if the price is only 1 kopeck higher than the initial level, you won, i.e. earned. The winnings can be up to 90% of your investment.

It doesn't matter how the price will behave during this period of time. It can fall far down, but by a given time, if it exceeds a given level, the win is yours.


It is necessary to determine which specified level (above or below) the price will touch for a certain time interval. If the price touches the level, you are in the black.

Let's say at the current time the price for one ounce of gold is $ 1600. The investor is supposed to choose which levels the price will touch in 1 hour:

$ 1625 - high range

1600 $ - current price

$ 1580 - Low Range

Let's say you think that the price will go up and reach the upper level. You buy an option for $ 100. Indeed, the price reached the level of $ 1,625, but then turned around and went down. But the condition was met, the price reached the specified level. Your winnings will be 90% or $ 90. Good enough in just 1 hour.


If you think that the price for the selected asset will remain within the specified range, select the "Range" option. Relevant for low volatility instruments, the prices of which do not change so much over time.

Greetings, dear readers of the site site. In this review, we will talk with you whether binary options are really a scam, or are they just inventions of traders who have not been successful in this field.

Initially, I want to note that since its inception, binary options have made a real revolutionary boom in the field of financial markets. Nevertheless, now you can often find skeptical sentiments of traders in relation to this instrument.

They are clearly convinced that binary options are a scam, with all this, even reasoned opinions in favor of options do not dissuade these people in any way. In my subjective opinion, the accusation of binary options in a scam is the most common, let's say, claim from traders.

Are binary options a scam?

If we look more deeply at the binary options market, then the reason for the furious attacks from traders, for me personally, is quite clear and transparent. In my subjective opinion, the main reason for all this is the obvious marketing component of this area.

I think that many binary options brokers themselves understand that such a serious deepening in marketing has become a serious mistake, and now we will talk in detail about what the mistake is.

Imagine for a second that you are registering a new company that is just starting to enter the market and is a new unknown product for many consumers. In principle, a certain difficulty is already emerging, since it is quite difficult to promote a brand.

In addition, you are well aware that there is a lot of competition in this area when you have to confront large companies - this fact further complicates the potential task.

What is the bottom line for any binary options broker? - on opposite trades, when one won and the other lost. Accordingly, the broker puts this very difference into his pocket, as if everything is simple and there is no deception.

However, for the broker's earnings to be tangible, an appropriate number of transactions within the company itself is also necessary. In this case, the broker is faced with a serious task - it is necessary to somehow correctly promote its brand so that as many clients as possible begin to conclude deals.

I can say that a way out for brokers was found quickly, but strategically it turned out to be not entirely competent.

Brokers have made a huge emphasis on the affiliate program, I think that many of you know very well what any affiliate program is.

If anyone does not know, then I will explain to you! Brokers, as it were, went to a certain deal with Internet users, if a person brings clients to a broker, then he will receive a certain commission, seemingly, a very transparent and honest cooperation.

How does it really work?

In my opinion, the main mistake on the part of brokers was the fact that they could not limit their partners in actions aimed at finding potential applicants. Roughly speaking, everything started to happen according to the following scheme: “We don’t care what you do - the main thing is that we have clients”. From that moment on, everything went and went!

You should understand perfectly well that any partner is only interested in his earnings, and he absolutely does not care about the broker's reputation. Of course, in the struggle for profit, all methods will come in handy! I can say that it really is a farce, people have carried their money, why?

In fact, partners of brokers chose the tactics of deception, roughly speaking, they began to lure people with all sorts of incomprehensible enticements, such as various stocks or super cool trading systems. In a general context, the binary options market has mixed with a scam from partners, which naturally causes outrage on the part of users.

And what exactly is the claim on the part of users? Imagine that an average person finds an advertisement on the Internet about making money on binary options, which promises him incredible earnings without any effort and time.

A person clicks on this ad, and gets to the partner's website, where further promotion takes place. He is promised mountains of gold, a person already imagines how tomorrow he will send his annoying boss, buy a cool car, acquire a house of 500 squares.

Naturally, the person begins to get angry, and all claims are addressed directly to the partner. What then does the partner offer? As a rule, everything is motivated by the fact that the TS has failed, but a new system has appeared, which is already guaranteed to make a profit!

In the best case, a person will realize what's what and give up this venture. But it often happens that a person is again led to this nonsense, and the result is repeated again. Let us judge logically, what will a person do after such a deception?

Of course, he will shout everywhere and everywhere at every convenient opportunity that binary options are a scam! The person did not understand the essence of the market, he did not understand anything, but he will still sacredly convince everyone of the cheating! The person is sure that he is right in everything, and just turned out to be a victim!

Why did muddy schemes appear?

The first jumps, if my memory serves me, began to appear approximately two years after the English-speaking brokers entered the CIS segment. But these very partners did not give rise to a serious negative resonance.

Even then, negative reviews about options began to appear, but partners managed to make it so that for one negative review, a dozen laudatory resumes appeared. Thus, the partners managed to show their importance and prolong their existence.

However, this alignment of events could not last without stopping. Over time, accusations of binary options in the scam just started to spread. How can you imagine the future of this market?

First of all, people should slightly adjust their opinion about this market. I understand that there is a lot of negative, but in this matter it is necessary to show objectivity! In general, binary options themselves are a very good tool for making money!

Of course, it has its own conceptual advantages and disadvantages. But with all this, the market itself is not some kind of deception. In the field of binary options, you can meet a lot of people who consistently earn, yes, they do not twiddle in millions, but they have enough for bread and butter.

At the same time, one cannot say that brokers themselves are some kind of evil. In fact, they themselves became hostages of their illiterate marketing policy. I would like to note that the really large brokers have understood the essence of the situation and no longer rely on their partners.

In my subjective opinion, in order to somehow correctly correct the situation, it is necessary to coordinate the actions of your partners. In theory, this approach accumulates the arrival of strong traders, not freebie seekers.

From another point of view, only strong and large brokers will be able to take such a serious step, small companies will most likely continue to misbehave! I think that in the short term, the Birnard options market is clearly segmented into strong and weak players. Of course, the deception will remain, there is no way without it, but it will be really easier for a person to make a choice.

Drawing conclusions

In conclusion, I want to note that I am not going to somehow shield the sphere of binary options, I am trying to be as objective as possible.

Of course, no one would argue that you can find a lot of deception in this topic. But for the sake of objectivity, it should be understood that most negative reviews are due to the fact that people are simply led by scammers.

How to avoid cheating? - everything is very simple! It is necessary to treat the market as a serious mechanism, and not as a banal freebie. Treat the market responsibly, and it will generously reward you for your seriousness and responsibility!

To date, many have heard that you can make money with the help of binaries. However, against this background, questions and mistrust often arise - is all this true, will there really be an opportunity to make money on binary options, and are we not being bribed for money? Well, these days we often have to deal with fraud and "great deals", which in fact turn out to be beneficial only to those who offer them. So such suspicions and wariness are understandable. Let's see why there is more in binary options trading - the opportunity to really invest your money profitably, or is it deception and the risk of losing everything?

What is the chance to really make money?

Trading in options contracts is based on fairly simple principles. You place a bet, technically, you send money to the broker and at the same time make a forecast whether the value of a particular underlying asset will be higher or lower than it is now. If your forecast is correct, you get your money with a profit of up to 95%, if not, then you get nothing.

The risk is mathematically defined, there are no hidden fees or spreads.

Can you make money here? It is obvious that it is possible, and the chance is not so small: after all, the price can go either up or down. There are only two options, so the chance of success is initially at least 50%, and this is not so little and significantly differs from the chances for different lotteries and sweepstakes, where the chance of winning is usually ghostly low.

Many people compare binary options trading with playing roulette in a casino, where, when betting on red or black, the chance of winning is also about 50%. Indeed, if you treat trading like roulette, then mathematically it is even more reasonable to play roulette, because there the payout for guessing the color will be 100%, not 95%.

The essential difference is that it is impossible to predict the occurrence of a red or black sector in roulette, and in trading, perhaps due to technical or fundamental analyzes.

It is much fairer to compare binary trading with sports betting at a bookmaker's office. Here you can also predict the result of the game based on external factors: the strength of the teams, players' injuries, etc. However, no expert will be able to accurately predict the results of sports events over a long period of time. in any of them, the share of luck is extremely high: the mistakes of the referees, ridiculous deletions, the vagaries of the weather easily confuse all the pre-match layouts. And the price chart obeys only one law: if there are more buyers of the asset than those selling at the moment on the exchange, then the chart grows, and vice versa. In addition, the bookmaker sets the odds in such a way as to profit from the losses of its customers. But option brokers are not interested in losing their clients, but in the highest trading volume. This can be judged at least by the numerous training materials that each of them offers today.

So how does a broker make money? The answer is simple - the broker himself makes transactions in the Forex market or in the stock market, investing those assets that traders buy. If the value of the euro, for example, has changed upward, then the broker makes a profit and pays a part of its profit to those traders who made a forecast of such a plan. If the market is volatile, then the change can be significant, in this case the broker will make a large profit (since in the real market it matters how much the price has risen), and puts a large coefficient on its platform - up to 95%. Conversely, if the price has changed by only 1 point, the trader will receive payment at a coefficient of no more than 70%. This is where the payout rates on binary options platforms come from. (However, the trader does not need to think about it, it is the broker's job to assess the market volatility, and the payout ratio is always negotiated in advance). The broker makes a profit from this difference.

Another parallel open position for a decrease in the price of the euro loses, the broker suffers losses, but they are covered by the fact that he takes all the money of traders who predicted a fall, because they get nothing. If the price went down, everything would turn out the other way around. The scheme is not very complicated, but the most important thing that we must understand here is that the broker has funds that he pays the trader, and it makes no sense for him to keep them, because he already got his profit, especially since the money of traders to him need to be used in your own trade. So on this occasion (again, if your broker is reliable), you shouldn't worry about money scam.

What is the risk of losing everything?

As already mentioned, there is a risk that your forecast will turn out to be wrong, and if you do not go into different forecasting methods and their effectiveness, then the probability of losing is the already mentioned 50%. Some brokers reimburse part of the loss to their traders in case of failure (for example, if you spent $ 100 and your forecast did not come true, the broker will refund you $ 5-15), but globally this does not save you from losses.

Thus, we come to several important conclusions:

  • you can make money on binary options, however, only if the forecast is correct;
  • the risk of loss is also quite high.
  • if you treat trading like a game of chance, then you are likely to lose money, because a 50% probability guarantees a stable loss.

Despite the fact that binary options are not cheating or scam (because with the correct forecast you will always get your money), trading them in itself does not guarantee profit.

How to make your income stable

For all that, if we move from theory to practice, thousands of traders around the world make money on binaries every day. How do they do it? Obviously, this requires some knowledge and experience.

First, of course, there is a good understanding that options trading is not a game, but a responsible occupation. The attitude to this as to work, without an admixture of excitement and hope for luck - this is precisely the most important thing that distinguishes an experienced trader from one who is unlikely to be able to win something.

Secondly, there are a number of important principles that are used in order to make the chance of success not illusory, but quite real.

Fundamental and technical analysis are ways of making predictions about price movements based on world financial and economic news, as well as on the price chart and changes that can be noticed on it. The use of such methods allows you to get away from treating trading as a game and predict price movements based on very real trends.

Deposit management is the most important section, and its main principle boils down to the fact that you cannot risk more than 5% of your deposit by making each transaction. That is, $ 5 is the maximum transaction amount for someone with a $ 100 deposit.

Thus, we can see that this type of trading is precisely work that has its own principles, and provided that you follow them, you may have income, otherwise you will most likely lose your money.

If you are a beginner and have never tried this before, do not rush to invest real money, try first to understand the basic laws of trading on a demo account, master the main principles and the simplest strategies. Only when you have already learned and understood how to receive (and most importantly, not to lose) your money, you will have the opportunity to go to a real trading account and start earning there. Binary options are not a scam for money, however, only those who will spend time on theory and on understanding what patterns can really help him to achieve success will be able to profit from trading them.

Better to work at the factory and the streets of revenge. All brokers are scammers and only they make money on binary options. All positive reviews about trading are left by brokers' employees. These are just some of the negative opinions that are popular with trading haters. Is binary options trading really a scam? Maybe you can still make money? Let's figure it out.

Why are many people convinced that binary options are a scam?

If you study the site in more detail, you will understand that we are opponents of this opinion. You can make money on options, and we will prove it later. But for now, let's take a look at why many users believe that trading is cheating.

The first reason is misunderstanding... Many people simply do not know how to make money in trading. Users believe that they can make quick money by placing bets on their intuition. As a result, most newbies drain their deposits.

And to avoid this, it is enough just to plunge deeper into the topic of Internet trading. Yes, binary options are not real trading. The speculator only places bets on the difference in the price of an asset. In addition, his transactions are not displayed on the interbank market.

But at the same time, the quotes do not differ from those that traders see on the real exchange. Each user has the opportunity to analyze charts, news and make the most accurate forecast.

The second reason is that there are scammers. You can earn money. But you can also lose your deposit, and not only through your own fault. Becoming a “broker” is not that difficult. You just need to create a website, connect payment systems and install a trading platform. After that, money is invested in advertising. New users are attracted who invest money, but it is not always possible to withdraw them.

There are enough scammers. Some of them are described in the section "". But this does not mean that all the offices are deceiving their customers.

Some brokers have been in business for over 10 years. For example, or. These 2 brokers have earned their reputation in the financial market. The companies are certified by the most reliable regulators, and Alpari even has a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Our other reliable offices are described. They work less, but have already managed to prove their reliability.

Many who contacted a scammer then begin to write that binary options trading is a scam. Not all brokers should be cut with the same brush.

The third reason is aggressive advertising. Not a single broker or partner commercial tells us the real truth. Every now and then we hear how it has become easy to trade, and to make money, you just need to correctly indicate the direction of movement of quotations. But this "just" turns out to be an insurmountable obstacle for most beginners.

The main stage in the development of a trader is training. And you always need to learn. Even when you start earning, do not forget that you need to continue to develop. Then you have every chance of becoming a successful trader. At the same time, it is not necessary to stay on binary options, where, frankly, there are enough scammers. You can go to a real stock exchange, where large players trade with solid investments.

The fourth reason is partners-deceivers. When brokers of binary options came to the market, competitors represented by Forex DC were already working with traders to the full. To secure a steady income, binary companies had to run massive ad campaigns. But to make the effect even better, they began to cooperate with partners.

The task of partners is to attract new users to the broker's website. The more clients the partner brings, the more the office will pay him. Therefore, partners often promised mountains of gold immediately after registration and misled newcomers in other ways. As a result, many dumped their deposits.

Now large and reliable companies prohibit partners from cheating potential customers. Did it work? Undoubtedly. Every year there are fewer and fewer opinions that binary options trading is a scam.

Yes, we are also partners with some brokers. But we honestly talk about each of them and work only with those offices we are sure of. If you have evidence of fraud on the part of any of the office we recommend, write to us, leave feedback, and we will definitely reconsider the office's work.

How to avoid becoming a victim of deception and fraud

Do you still doubt what binary options are - a scam or not? We will now give some tips. If you follow them, make sure that binary trading can really be profitable.

  1. Don't believe everything they say.

Brokers are said to be both good and bad. Moreover, this picture is observed in relation to almost every company. If you are looking for reviews, pay more attention to those to which the evidence is attached (screenshots, correspondence with the manager, videos, etc.). But comments like "Broker is a fraud" or "The company is cool, paid off the mortgage in a year" is better to ignore.

  1. Choose the right place for trading.

We have already talked about that, so we will not repeat ourselves, just read that article.

  1. Learn.

The main opponent of a novice trader is himself. It is much easier to entrust the job to a robot or find an easy strategy. But to earn enough and consistently, you need to become an expert in the field of trading, and this can take months. You can start earning much earlier. It's just that income will increase over time. The only drawback is that it is more difficult and not everyone is ready to go for it.

There are fraudulent brokers. There are cheating partners. But in general, binary trading is not a scam. You can earn money here. And what is needed for this, we have already told.