Full names of Russian writers and poets. Russian books: from classics to modern day

Full names of Russian writers and poets. Russian books: from classics to modern day
Full names of Russian writers and poets. Russian books: from classics to modern day

Famous Writers and Poets

Abe Cobo(1924-1993) - Japanese writer, poet, screenwriter, director. Novels "Woman in the sands", "Alien face", "burned map" and others.

Amada George(1912-2001) - Brazilian writer, public and politician. His novels ("endless earth", "Gabriel, Cinnamon and Carnation", "Night Shepherds", "Don Flor and her two husbands", "Wonderland", "Teresa Batista, tired of fighting", "ambush") translated almost 50 of the world's languages \u200b\u200bhave repeatedly shielded, formed the basis of theatrical and radio spectacles.

Andersen Hans Christian(1805-1875) - Danish writer and poet, author of world famous fairy tales for children and adults: "Ugly duckling", "New Dress of the king", "Shadow", "Princess on the pea", etc.

Andreev Leonid Nikolaevich(1871-1919) - Russian Writer of the Silver Age. Stories ("Bergamot and Garaski", etc.), drama ("Anatema" and others). In recent years, life has become close to decades.

APDAYK John(R. 1932) - American prose, poet, essura and literary critic. The most famous work of Audience is a series of novels, the main character of which is the character named Harry Enstrom on the nicknamed Rabbit: "Rabbit, Run!" (1960), "Rabbit healed" (1971), "Rabbit Rhodes" (1981).

Ariosto Louisiko(1474-1533) - The Poet Humanist of the Italian Renaissance. His poem "frantic Roland" is imbued with a subtle irony.

Aristophanes(OK. 450 BC e. - between 387 and 380 BC. er) - ancient Greek playwright, "Father Comedy", the most famous representative of the so-called ancient attic comedy.

Akhmatova Anna Andreevna (Gorenko)(1889-1966) - Russian poetess. In his youth, adjacent to acmeysts (the collections "Evening", "rosary"). The characteristic features of Akhmatova creativity can be called loyalty to the moral basics of being, a subtle understanding of the psychology of the feeling, the understanding of the nationwide tragedies of the XX century, conjugate with personal experiences, to the classic style of the poetic language. The autobiographical cycle of poems "Requiem" is one of the first poetic works devoted to the victims of the repression of the 1930s.

Babel Isaac Emmanuilovich(1894-1941) - Russian Soviet writer. Tale of the Civil War in the collection "Konarmy", stories ("Odessa stories"), plays and others.

Byron George Noel Gordon(1788-1824) - English Poet-Romantic (Poem "Korsar", "Manfred", etc.).

Balzac Onor De.(1799-1850) - French writer. Posted by the cycle of novels and stories "Human Comedy", consisting of 90 works, which showed a very different parties to the life of the modern society.

Balmont Konstantin Dmitrievich (1867-1942) -russian poet symbolist, essayist, one of the most prominent representatives of Russian silver eyelid poetry.

Baratsky Evgeny Abramovich (1800-1844) -russian poet Romantic, author of many elegions and philosophical lyrical poems.

Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolaevich (1787-1855) -russian poet. He headed the anacontic direction in Russian poetry, chasing the fun and joy of life.

Frederick begmed(R. 1965) - Modern French prose, publicist, literary critic and editor.

Belinsky Vissarion Grigorievich (1811-1848) -russian literary critic, publicist.

White Andrey (Bugaev Boris Nikolaevich) (1880-1934)- Russian writer, poet, critic, one of the leading figures of Russian symbolism.

Bellyaev Alexander Romanovich (1884-1942) -soviet fiction writer, one of the founders of Soviet science fiction literature. Among well-known works: "Head of Professor Doweel", "A amphibian man", "Ariel", "Star CEC" (CEC - initials Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky) and many others (only more than 70 scientific fiction works, including 13 novels).

Berance Pierre Jean (1780-1857) - French poet songwriter, satir. His work is distinguished by humor, optimism, rejection of the chandeliness. Bearing songs have received widest popularity.

Bergess Anthony (1917-1993) - English novelist, an essayist and translator, whose talent is brighter than all in brilliant language proficiency. The most famous work of Burgessa is the Roman "Clockwork Orange" (1962).

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky (Bestuzhev) Alexander Aleksandrovich

(1797-1837) - Russian writer, Decembrist. One of the first novelists, founded Almanac "Polar Star".

Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich(1894-1959) - Russian Soviet Children's Writer. Posted popular books about Nature ("Forest Gazeta", etc.).

Burs Ambroza Gwinnet(1842-?) American Satir writer. In his gloomy, so-called "terrible" stories, he explored the dark sides of the human character. At the end of 1913, the writer went to Mexico covered by revolutionary events, from where December 26 wrote the last letter of his daughter. The further fate of the writer is reliably unknown.

Becher-Stow Harriet(1811-1896) - American writer. The novel "Huts of Uncle Toma" shows the horrors of slavery, will penetrate the participation and mercy to the blacks of Americans.

Block Alexander Alexandrovich(1880-1921) - Russian poet ("poems about the beautiful lady", the poem "Twelve"). For his poetry, the penetration, awareness of the tragedy of a modern man, the deposit of the form.

Bo Jui I.(772-846) - Classic of Chinese poetry ("Qin's entangles"). Quatrain Bo Juy and marked with clarity and depth of thought.

Boccaccio Giovanni(1313-1375) - the famous Italian writer and poet, an outstanding representative of the humanistic literature of revival. Author of poets on the stories of antique mythology, psychological story "Fiammetta", pastoral, sonnets. The main work is "Decameron" - a book of erotic, realistic novel, imbued with humanistic ideas, spirit of freedomiff and anticlerybalism, rejection of ascetic morality, cheerful humor.

Boualersche Pierre Oposten Caron De(1732-1799) - French playwright, famous thanks to the play "Seville Cyryber", the name of the hero of which Figaro became nominative.

Borges Jorge Louis(1889-1986) - Argentine writer, essayist, cultureologist, unsurpassed Master Novella.

Brecht Bertold(1898-1956) - German playwright, prosaik, poet, director ("Trigroshova Opera", "Trigroshichny Roman", "Life of Galilea", "Good Man from Selyan", etc.).

Brodsky Joseph Alexandrovich(1942-1996) - Russian Soviet and American poet, Esseist, playwright, translator, laureate of the Nobel Prize in the literature of 1987. His poems are distinguished by a depth of philosophical thought and a perfect form.

Bradbury Reglas(r. 1920) - American science fiction writer ("Martian Chronicles", "Wine from dandelions", "451 Fahrenheit" and others).

Bruce Valery Yakovlevich(1873-1924) - Russian poet, theorist of verse (collections of poems "the city and the world", "Dali" and others).

Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich(1891-1940) - Russian writer and playwright. The author of the novels, the leads, collections of stories, fechens and about two dozen plays (Novels "White Guard", "Master and Margarita", play "Run" and others).

Bunin Ivan Alekseevich(1870-1953) - Russian poet, writer, honorary academician of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1909), Nobel Prize winner in 1933 literature.

Vega Lope de(1562-1635) - Spanish playwright, founder of Spanish national dramaturgy.

Vergili(70-19 BC. E.) is the classic poet of ancient Rome, author of the poem "Eniida" on the legendary founder of Rome.

Named Pol.(1844-1896) - French poet, one of the founders of symbolism and decades.

Verne Jules(1828-1905) - French science fiction writer who created more than 65 novels and other works, which largely contributed to the formation of scientific fiction literature.

Viyon Francois(r. Between 1.4.1431 and 19.4.1432 -?), French poet. In 1463, he was convicted of a fight, sentenced to hanging. In anticipation of death, he wrote the "hanged ballad." But the execution was canceled, and Vion is expelled from Paris. Later, Viyon participated in the competitions of poets at the court of the duke of Charles Orleans. From 1464, his fate is unknown.

Visbor Yury Iosifovich(1934-1984) - Russian poet, bard, film guilt. The author of the words and music of many songs.

Voznesensky Andrei Andreevich(r. 1933) - Russian Soviet poet, by education - architect. I was looking for and found new, modern poetic forms (Sat. "Antimira", "Oza", etc.).

Loan Neutel Lilian(1864-1960) - English writer and composer. The top of creativity is the novel "GOOD".

Voloshin (Kiriyenko-Voloshin) Maximilian Alexandrovich(1877-1932) - Russian decadent poet, distinguished by the originality of the form and depth of philosophical generalization ("Iverni" collections, "Demons deaf", etc.).

Voltaire (Marie Francois Aruhe)(1694-1778) - French writer, educator and philosopher ("Candid" and others), a fighter against religious intolerance and obscurantism.

Galich Alexander (Ginzburg Aleksandr Arkadyevich) (1918-1977) -russian poet, opposition to the Soviet regime. His poems and songs diverged throughout the country in tape recorders and samizdate.

Gamzatov Rasul Gamzatovich(R. 1923) - Avar Soviet poet, whose creativity is characterized by high lyrism, folk flavor and humanism.

Gamsun (Pedersen) Knut(1859-1952) - Norwegian writer and playwright. Psychological novels ("Hunger", "Pan" and others, plays).

Garshin Vsevolod Mikhailovich(1855-1888) - Russian writer. In his stories ("four days", "coward" and others) expressed a vulnerable sense of social injustice.

Gauf Wilhelm(1802-1827) - German storyteller writer ("Little Muk", etc.).

Gashek Yaroslav(1883-1923) - Czech Satir writer, author of the novel "Adventures of Brave Soldier Sewing" - one of the best satirical novels in the history of literature.

Heine Heinrich(1797-1856) - an outstanding lyrical German poet ("Germany. Winter fairy tale") and publicist.

Herzern Alexander Ivanovich(1812-1870) - Russian writer and publicist, emigrant, founder of the "free Russian printing house" in London, publisher of the journal "Bell", author of many stories and novels ("Purchase and Duma", etc.).

Hesse Herman(1877-1962) - German writer, poet, critic, publicist. Nobel Prize Laureate.

Google Johann Wolfgang(1749-1832) - the great German poet and thinker, founder of the German Literature of the New Time.

Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich(1809-1852) - Russian writer and playwright, the author of the "auditor", "marriage", epic "dead souls" and others. Head of the so-called "genuine school", satirik, philosopher. Has an enormous impact on the development of Russian and Ukrainian literature.

Golsuorussi John(1867-1933) - English writer, author trilogy "Saga about Forsyites", "Modern Comedy", "End of Chapter". Nobel laureate.

Homer(VIII-VII centuries. BC. Er) is the legendary poet of ancient Greece, the author of the epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey".

Gangra, Brothers Edmond(1822-1896) and Jul(1830-1870) - classics of French literature. Novels from the life of various layers of the French society ("Germini Laserta", "Rene Mopren"), memoirs. Widespread fame received by Edmon after the death of Brother's story "Zemgano Brothers". Founders of the Honorovskaya Prize.

Potter Olesy (Alexander Terentievich)(1918-1995) - Ukrainian Soviet writer. Novels "Cathedral", "Tronka" and others. Classic of modern Ukrainian literature.

Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich(1812-1891) - Russian writer. Novels "Ordinary History", "Oblomov", "Options", the cycle of travel essays "Frigate" Pallada with< » и др.

Horace (Quint Horace Flycc)(65-8 BC) - Ancient Roman poet, author of Satir, OD, messages that have become a model of classicism.

Gorky Maxim (Peshkov Aleksey Maksimovich)(1868-1936) - Russian writer and playwright, public figure. In his works reflected a wide picture of Russian life before the revolution.

Gofman Ernst Theodore Amadeus(1776-1822) - German writer, storyteller, composer and painter, who had a thin irony and a bizarre fantasy with a shade of mysticism.

Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich(1795-1829) - Russian writer, poet and diplomat, author of a rhymed play "Mount from Wit".

Grimm, Brothers Jacob(1785-1863) and William(1786-1859) - German scientists and writers-storyfighters, philologists and folklorists.

Green Alexander (Grinevsky Alexander Stepanovich)(1880-1932) - Russian writer, romantic. He challenged the high moral qualities of a person. Extraction "Scarlet Sails", Tale "Running the Waves" and others.

Green Gram.(1904-1991) - English writer, poet, playwright, publicist, film storage, critic. Master of a political detective ("Istanbul Express", "Silent American", "Our Man in Havana", etc.).

Gulak-Artyomovsky Petr Petrovich(1790-1865) - prominent Ukrainian writer and Basinista. In the history of Ukrainian literature, the meaning of Gulak-Artyomovsky is determined by its position following the Kotle-Rev's poet, who, using the creative methods of the latter (Burlesk, etch), tried to introduce a number of new genres to Ukrainian literature (ballads: "Tvardovsky", "Rybak").

Gumilev Nikolay Stepanovich(1886-1921) - Russian poet of the Silver Century, Akmeist, Romantic. His verses are marked by the sophistication of the shape, decorativeness, the brightness of the poetic language.

Hugo Victor Marie.(1802-1885) - French-classic writer, author of the well-known novels "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God", "sea workers", "rejected", etc., plays.

Davydov Denis Vasilyevich(1784-1839) - Russian poet, Gusar, General, hero-partisan of the Patriotic War of 1812, author of the "Hussar lyrics".

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich(1801-1872) - Russian ethnographer and linguistic, the compiler of the famous four-volume "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language."

Dante Aligiere(1265-1321) - Italian poet, creator of the Italian literary language. The peak of Dante's creativity is the poem "Divine Comedy".

Darrell Gerald Malcolm(1925-1995) - English zoologist, writer and director, author of more than 30 books, which, thanks to a relaxed manner and unsurpassed humor, brought him worldwide fame.

Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich(1743-1816) - Russian poet of the Epoch of Enlightenment, a representative of classicism, which significantly transforming it ("Felitsa", "rulers and judges", etc.).

Daniel Defo(1660-1731) - English writer, author of Robinson Cruzo. He was in defense of violepability and freedom of speech.

Jalil Musa(1906-1944) - Tatar poet. He died in the dungeons of the Gestapo, where the cycle of poems "Moabitskaya Notebook" passed from before his death.

Jerome Kull Jerome(1859-1927) - English wiser-humorist, the author of the story "Three in the boat, not counting the dog."

Joyce James.(1882-1941) - Irish writer, head of the school "Flood of Consciousness". His novel "Ulysses" many critics consider the most innovative work of the XX century.

Dickens Charles(1812-1870) - English writer, one of the greatest English-speaking prosaikov XIX century, Humanist, classic of world literature. The author of the novels "Pickwick Club postmont notes", "Dombe and Son", "Cold House", "Adventures of Oliver Twist" and others.

Dovlatov Sergey Donatovich(1941-1990) - Russian Writer, since 1978 in the United States. In autobiographical sketches, stories, the ones, ironically recreate the absurd Soviet reality and the life of Russian emigration.

Doda Alfons(1840-1897) - French writer, author of the humorous trilogy "The extraordinary adventures of Tartartar from Taraco-on" and others.

Dos Passos John(1896-1970) - American writer, representative of "Lost Generation" in the First World War. Experimental in the form of the epic-trilogy "USA" and others.

Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich(1821-1881) - an outstanding Russian writer. In the novels "Crime and Punishment", "The Brothers of the Karamazov" and others. Passionally improved the causes of human vices, sought ways to public and personal harmony.

Driver Theodor(1871-1945) - American writer (Trilogy "Titan", "Financier", "Genius").

Du Fu(712-770) - Chinese poet. Its poetry is called "stories in verse."

Duma-Father Alexander(1802-1870) - French writer whose adventure novels on the historical theme ("Three Musketeers", "twenty years later", etc.) made it one of the most readable French authors in the world.

Durrenmatt Friedrich(1921-1990) - Swiss playwright, philosopher, essayist (Roman "Judge and his executioner", Pieces "Accident", "Physics", etc.).

Euripid.(about 480 BC. e. - 406 BC. er) - ancient Greek playwright. From his works to this day, 17 tragedies (from 92) came out (from 92) and one Drama of Satirov ("Kiklop").

Ershov Petr Pavlovich(1815-1869) - Russian writer, author of the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok".

Yesenin Sergey Aleksandrovich(1895-1925) - Russian poet, one of the most popular and well-known poets of the XX century.

Efremov Ivan Antonovich(1907-1972) - Russian Soviet science fiction writer, author of the novels "Timbal Andromeda", "Hour of the Bull", "Razor's Blade" and others.

Georges Sand (Dupin Amanda Lucille)(1804-1876) - French writer, author of the novels of "Sin Mr. Antoine", "Consuelo", in which he defended the ideas of the liberation of the person.

Zhukovsky Vasily Andreevich(1783-1852) - Russian poet and translator, friend A. S. Pushkin, author of many ballads, songs. One of the creators of Russian romanticism.

Zol Emil(1840-1902) - French writer, one of the most significant representatives of the second half of the XIX century. - Chief and theorist of the so-called naturalistic movement.

Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich(1895-1958) - Russian Soviet writer, humorist and satirist. Numerous stories, philosophical essays "Blue Book".

Ilf Ilya (Finezilberg Ilya Arnoldovich)(1897-1937) - Russian Soviet Satiri writer (together with E. Petrov - "twelve chairs", "Golden calf").

Ionesso Eugene(1909-1994) - French playwright of Romanian origin, one of the founders of the aesthetic flow of absurdism (absurdity theater).

Irving Washington(1783-1859) - American writer, one of the twin priests of classical American literature, the first American writer, which has achieved wide recognition in Europe.

Kaverin Veniamin Alexandrovich(1902-1982) - Russian Soviet writer, author of the novels "Two Captain", "Open Book" and others.

Kamoens (Kamoinsh) Luis Di(1524-1580) - The largest Portuguese poet of the Renaissance, the author of the epic poem "Luisiada" about swimming in India Vasco da Gama.

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich(1766-1826) - Russian writer-sentimentalist, historian ("poor Lisa", "Russian history" in 12 tons.).

Kataev Valentin Petrovich(1897-1986) - Russian Soviet writer, the author of the age of "Belleet Sailing Lonely", "Son Regiment", etc., memories of contemporaries ("Diamond Moen").

Kafka Franz.(1883-1924) - Austrian writer. The author of the Romanov "Process", "Castle", "America", as well as a number of stories. His works, combining elements of expressionism and surrealism, had a significant impact on philosophy and culture of the XX century.

Kvitka-basicenko (kvitka) Grigory Fedorovich(1778-1843) - Ukrainian writer and playwright, representative of "Natural School". Posted by a comedy ("Shelmenko-Renter" and others), novels ("Pan Khalyavsky" and others).

Keni Keni.(1935-2001) - American writer, who is considered one of the main writers of generations of hipsters and hippie, which has enormous influence on the formation of these movements and their culture. The most famous work of Kizi is the novel "Flying over the nest of the cuckoo."

Kipling Joseph Reddard(1865-1936) - English poet and writer (ballads, poems, stories about the life of a boy among the beasts "Mowgli" and others), the first Englishman, awarded the Nobel Prize in literature.

Kolas Yakub (Mitzkevich Konstantin Mikhailovich)(1882-1956) - Belarusian Soviet poet and prose, one of the prosecutors of modern Belarusian literature.

Conan Doyle Arthur(1859-1930) - English writer, classic detective genre. His detective works about Sherlock Holmes, scientific fiction about Professor Challenger, humorous about Brigadier Gerard, as well as historical novels.

Korolenko Vladimir Galaktionovich(1853-1921) - Russian writer (Tale "Blind Musician", etc.). Democrat and Humanist.

Cortasar Hulio(1914-1984) - Argentine writer. The most famous works of Kortasar include the novels "Game in Classics", "62. Model for assembly, "" Manuel's book, "collection of stories" Bestiary "and others.

Bonfire Charles De.(1827-1879) - An outstanding Belgian writer, the author of the novel "Legend of the Ulenenspigel".

Kotlyarevsky Ivan Petrovich(1769-1838) - an outstanding Ukrainian writer, playwright, first classic of new Ukrainian literature, the first author who began to write in Ukrainian. One of the ideologues of the Enlightenment in Ukraine.

Kotsyubinsky Mikhail Mikhailovich(1864-1913) - Ukrainian writer, classic of Ukrainian literature (Tale "Fata Morgana" and others).

Coelho Paolo.(R. 1947) - Brazilian writer and poet. Published a total of about 150 books - novels, commented anthology, collections of short story stories and children's fairy tales.

Christy Agata(1891-1976) - English writer, classic detective genre (85 novels, plays, stories).

Krylov Ivan Andreevich(1769-1844) - Great Russian Basinist and playwright. Created more than 200 bass.

Kunanbaev Abai.(1845-1904) - the Kazakh poet, the investigator of the new written Kazakh literature.

Kupala Yanka (Lutsevich Ivan Dominicovic)(1882-1942) - Classic of Belarusian literature, poet, playwright, publicist.

Cooper James Fenimore(1789-1851) - the famous American novelist, the author of many adventure novels (Zvethoy, "tracker", "the last of the Mogican" and others).

Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich(1870-1938) - Russian Writer-Humanist, author of many stories and stories ("fight", "Yama", "Pomegranate bracelet", etc.).

Carroll Lewis (Dodzhzon Charles Latuzhzh) (1832-1898)- English writer and mathematician, author of the story "Alice in Wonderland."

Lenglef Selma (1858-1940)- Swedish writer, author of the book for children "Wonderful Journey Nielse Holgerssson" and others, the first woman who received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Larni Martti Yahannes (1909-1993) -finnish writer, poet, journalist. The author of the novels "Dear poor and their motley company", "impatient passion", "the sky went down to earth", "The fourth vertebrae, or a fraudster inevitable", "Beautiful piggirls, or memories of the Minna Karlsson-Kanannan economic adviser", "about it out loud do not speak".

Lafonten Jean de (1621-1695) -french Basinist, playwright, writer, thinker and satir.

Lem Stanislav(R. 1921) - Polish science writer, whose works are translated in more than 40 languages, philosopher, futurologist, author of "star diaries", the leader "Solaris", "Return from stars" and others.

Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich (1814-1841) -russian poet, classic of Russian literature. His poems, poems, the story of the "Hero of Our Time", along with the works of A. S. Pushkin, became the shittomati ("on the death of the poet", "Borodino", the poems "MTSI", "demon", etc.).

Leskov Nikolai Semenovich (1831-1895) -russian writer, author of many stories and leaders from popular life, a large language master.

Lee Bo (711-762) - The Chinese poet belongs to the number of the most revered poets in the history of Chinese literature. He left behind about 1,100 works.

Lindgren Astrid Anna Emilia (1907-2002) - Swedish writer, author of the world-famous works for the children "Peppi Long Stocking", "Carlson who lives on the roof", "Emil from Lönneberg" and others.

Longfello Henry Worseworth (1807-1882) -american poet. The author of "Song about Gayavate" and other poems and poems.

London Jack (Griffith John)(1876-1916) - American writer. Stories about the life of the North, Roman-Utopia "Iron Fifth", Roman "Martin Eden" and others.

Lorca Federico Garcia(1898-1936) - an outstanding Spanish poet and playwright, the author of many poems that differ in the fiery temperament and the foreboding of the tragic end.

Lukian(OK 120-190) - an ancient Greek writer. The work of Lukian, who did not reach us in the original, extensively and includes philosophical dialogues, satires, biographies and novels of adventure and travel (often frankly parody), relevant to the prehistory of science fiction.

Lucretia (Kar Tit Lucretia)(OK 99-55 BC. E.) - Roman poet and philosopher. In the poetic poem "On Nature of Things" systematically outlined the materialistic philosophy of antiquity.

Main Reed (Reed Thomas Mine)(1818-1883) - English writer, author of fascinating adventure-adventure novels ("Horseman without head", etc.).

Mandelshtam Osip Emilevich(1891-1938) - Russian poet, one of the creators of aqmeism, was distinguished by the bright and figurative perception of the world. Repressed, died in camps (poetic collection "Stone", cycle of poems "Voronezh Tetradi" and others)

Mann Thomas(1875-1955) - Great German Writer, Esseist, Master of the Epic Roman, Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Roman "Buddenbokov" and others

Marshak Samuel Yakovlevich(1887-1964) - Russian Soviet poet, translator, classic literature for children.

Matsuo Baso (Munefus)(1644-1694) - Great Japanese poet, who played a big role in the formation of the poetic genre of Khakai (Hokka).

Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich(1893-1930) - Russian Soviet poet, the reformer of the poetic genre, the author of numerous poems and poems ("cloud in the pants", "about it", "in full voice", etc.).

Melville Herman(1819-1891) - American writer. In the youth, Melville spent several years among the tribe of the Cannibals of the Marquis Islands. The most famous work of the writer is the novel "Moby Dick, or White Kit" - a complex work, saturated with monologues, philosophical deviations, stories about the life of whales (which are similar to pages from the biology textbook) and the intricacies of whaling.

Merim Prosper(1803-1870) - French writer, Master Novella (including Carmen, served as the basis for the Opera J. Visa), as well as historical novels and plays.

Miln Alen Alexander(1882-1956) - English writer, author of poems and fairy tales for children ("Winnie Pooh and all-all-all" and others).

Milton John(1608-1674) - English poet and publicist, author of the poems ("Lost Paradise", "Return Paradise", etc.).

Misima Yukio (Chiraoka Kimiet)(1925-1970) - Japanese writer, playwright, director of theater and cinema, actor. Author of 40 novels, 15 of which were shielded during his life, as well as many plays, short stories, several volumes of literary essays. On November 25, 1970, together with several comrades, he tried to capture the military base and encourage fellow citizens to commit the state coup. After the failure of this attempt, she committed suicide with him, making Safpuk.

Mitchell Margaret Manners(1900-1949) - American writer, known as the author of the novel "Gone by the Wind" (1936).

Mitskevich Adam(1798-1855) - Polish poet, the founder of romanticism, is considered a national poet and one of the greatest representatives of Slavic literature.

Moliere (Plenged Jean Batist)(1622-1673) - French playwright and actor. Created a new type of comedy, exposing the social defects, the greatest Comediographer of France and New Europe, the creator of the classic comedy, by the actor, director of the theater. Comedy "Don Juan", "Tartuf", "Misanthrop", etc.

Maupassan Gi De.(1850-1893) - French writer. Exposed hypocrisy, spiritual poverty, the hypocris of the modern society (the novels "Life", "Mont-Oriol", "dear friend", etc.).

Nabokov Vladimir(1899-1977) - Russian and American writer. He wrote in Russian, and from the 1940s - in English. Among the most famous samples of creativity can be noted the novels "Masha", "Protection of the Republic of Luzhina", "invitation to execution", "Dar". Family in general, the writer received a writer after entering the light of the scandalous novel "Lolita", according to which several decrees were subsequently made.

Navoi Nizam-Ad-Dean (World Alisher)(1441-1501) - Uzbek writer, poet, scientist. The peak of creativity is the book "Pizhanitsa" ("Hams"), in which five poems are collected, including the most famous "Leyly and Medezhnun".

Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich(1821-1878) - Russian poet. Many of his poems have become housing, and laid on music - folk songs.

Neruda Pablo (Basual Naftali Ricardo Reyes)(1904-1973) - Chilean poet ("Universal Song", etc.), the laureate of the Nobel Prize.

Nizami Ganjevi (Abu Muhammed Ilyas Ibn Yusuf) (1141-1209) -azerbaijani poet and thinker, author of many lyrical poems and poems, including "seven beauties" and others.

Ovidi (Naston Ovidi public people) (43bC e. - OK. 18 n. e.) - Roman poet, author of mythological epos "Metamorphosis", poems and love poems.

Okudzhava Bulat Shalvovich(1924-1997) - Russian poet, bard, writer. His poems and historical stories are distinguished by deep lyricism, humanity.

Orwell George (Eric Arthur Blair)(1903-1950) - English writer and publicist, master of social antiwopia, exposing the totalitarian system ("Farm of Beasts", "1984").

Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich(1823-1886) - Russian playwright recognized by the founder of the Russian direction in the history of world dramaturgy.

Pavice Milorad(R. 1929) - Serbian writer, poet, translator and historian of literature. Worldwide Fame Paviza brought the novel "Khazar dictionary."

Palanik (Palagnuk) Chuck(R. 1962) - a modern American writer and journalist. The most famous as the author of the Boytsovsky Club book, in 1999, the film was delivered.

Pasternak Boris Leonidovich(1890-1960) - Russian poet, prosaik, translator ("My sister is life", "Dr. Zhivago", etc.), created works that are distinguished by the depth of thinking and the beauty of the poetic language.

Paust Konstantin Georgievich(1892-1968) - Russian Soviet writer, romantic, master of lyrical prose ("Golden Rose" and others).

Pershot Charles(1628-1703) - French storyteller writer ("Cat in Boots", "Cinderella", etc.).

Petfi Shandor(1823-1849) - Hungarian poet, revolutionary, National hero, author of the poems ("Vityaz Janos" and others).

Petrarch Francesco(1304-1374) - Italian poet, the head of the older generation of Humanists, one of the greatest figures of the Italian Renaissance.

Petrov Evgeny (Evgeny Petrovich Kataev)(1903-1942) - Russian Soviet writer, author (jointly with I. Ilfom) "Twelve chairs" and "Golden calf", many satirical stories and fechens.

Platonov Andrei Platonovich(1899-1951) - an outstanding Russian Soviet writer, whose works ("Chevengur", "Kotlovan", "Juvenile Sea", etc.) did not fit into official literature.

According to Edgar Allan.(1809-1849) - One of the greatest American literature writers, the poet, whom he considers the harbinger of symbolism.

Pruss Boleslav (Alexander Glovaki)(1847-1912) - Polish writer. Stories about children ("orphanage"), the story "Returning Wave", "outpost", novels "Doll", "Pharaoh".

Pruh Marseille(1871-1922) - French writer, striving to show the inner life of a person as a "stream of consciousness" (the cycle "In Search of Lost Time", Tom I-XVI).

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich(1799-1837) - Great Russian poet and writer. Created numerous works of different genres and tremendous importance. Poem, poems, novel in verses ("Eugene Onegin"), the cycle "Tale of Belkin", "Little tragedies", the tragedy "Boris Godunov", historical works, etc.

Rabl Francois(1494-1553) - French writer, Humanist and Satir. Roman "Gargantua and Pantagruel" - a peculiar encyclopedia of the culture of French Renaissance.

Remark Erich Maria(1898-1970) - one of the most famous and readable German writers of the XX century. The most famous works of the writer are novels "on the Western Front without Change", "three comrades", "Triumphal Arch", "Night in Lisbon".

RemboArtür (1854-1891) is a French poet symbolist who has had a significant impact on the poetry of a later time.

Rodari Gianni(1920-1980) - Italian Children's Writer.

Rolland Romen.(1866-1944) - an outstanding French writer and playwright, the author of the story of "Cola Brynon", the novel "Jean Christoph" and others.

Rostan Edmond(1868-1918) - French poet and playwright. After the noisy triumph of the poetic play "Sirano de Bergerac", Rostan was recognized as one of the most famous European playwrights.

Rowling Joan(R. 1965) - English writer, author of the Romanov series about Harry Potter.

Rudaki Abu Abdallah Jafar(860-941) - Tajik and Persian poet, Poetry in Farsi Poetry.

Rousseau Jean Jacques (1712-1778)- French philosopher, thinker, writer-sentimentalist (novels "Julia, or New Eloise", "Confession", etc.).

Rustaveli Schota(XII century) - the classic of Georgian literature, author of the poem "Vityaz in Tiger Schucket".

Ryleev Kondrati Fedorovich(1795-1826) - Russian poet, romantic, Decembrist, Creator of Almanaci "Polar Star".

Rylsky Maxim Faddeevich(1895-1964) - prominent Ukrainian poet Lirik (Roses and Grapes, etc.), translator, public figure.

Saadi Muslihiddin(OK 1203-ok. 1291) - Persian poet Lirik, Thinker (Bustan Poem, etc.).

Sagan Francoise (Quea Francoise)(1935-2004) - French writer, playwright. Fame Sagan brought the novel "Hello, sadness", which was published when she was 19 years old.

Saltykov-Shchedrin (Saltykov Mikhail Evgrafovich)(1826-1889) - Russian Satir writer, Master Grotesque ("Lord Golovyov" and others).

Sappo (Safo) (VII-VIexplosive BC er) - ancient Greek poetess, a representative of the Melic (musical and song) lyrics, a native of Lesbian (on the island of Lesbos) of the city of Eres.

Swift Jonathan(1667-1745) - English Satir writer, author of the satirical novel "Travel of Gullyer".

Northerner Igor (Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev)(1887-1941) - Russian poet ("Pineapples in champagne", etc.). His poems differed in the sophistication of the form and musicality.

Senkevich Herrik(1846-1916) - Polish writer (historical novels "Fire and Sword", "without dogma", etc.).

Saint Exupery Antoine de(1900-1944) - French writer, pilot, died during the Second World War ("Land of People", "Little Prince", etc.).

Cervantes Saoveaven Miguel de(1547-1616) - the Great Spanish writer ("Chernya Hidalgo Don Quixote Laman" and others).

Siemenon Georges(1903-1989) - French writer, classic detective genre.

Simonov Konstantin (Kirill) Mikhailovich(1915-1979) - Russian Soviet writer and poet (compilations of poems "with you and without you", "friends and enemies", the trilogy "live and dead" and others).

Skovorod Grigory Savvich(1722-1794) - an outstanding Ukrainian philosopher, poet and teacher, author of poems, Bassen in prose ("Basni Kharkov" and others).

Scott Walter(1771-1832) - English writer, who is considered the founder of the genre of historical novel, the author of many historical novels ("Ivango", "Rob Roy", "Waverley", etc.) and romantic poems.

Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich(R. 1918) - Russian writer and public figure, author of the novels "Archipelago Gulag", "Crack Corps" and others. Nobel laureate, received broad fame not only thanks to his works, but also a personal struggle against the communist ideology and the Soviet regime.

Sophokl(OK 496-406 BC. E.) - Athenian playwright, considered along with Eschil and Euripid one of the three largest tragic poets of ancient Greece. Otically, the tragedy "Ajax", "Antigona", "Tsar Edip", "Philokttet", "Trachins", "Electra", "EDIP in Colon" have reached the present day.

Steinback John Ernst(1902-1968) - the classic of American literature (novels "Winter anxiety of ours" and others). Nobel laureate.

Standal (Bailen Henri Marie)(1783-1842) - French writer, author of numerous novels, including "Red and Black", "Parm monastery" and others.

Stevenson Robert Lewis(1850-1894) - English writer, author of adventure ("Treasure Island", etc.), historical ("Black Arrow", etc.), psychological ("Strange History of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Heyda") Romanov.

Strugatsky (Brothers Strugatsky), Arkady Nathanovich(1925-1991) and Boris Nathanovich(1933) - Russian writers, screenwriters, classics of modern scientific and social fiction (novels "Predatory Things of the Century", "Conditioned", the story "Monday begins on Saturday", "For a billion years to the end of the world", etc.).

Sallinger Jerome David.(R. 1919) - American writer. A huge success of Sallinger brought the novel "Above the Paddy in rye." After 1965, Jerome Sallinger no longer published a single work, turning into one of the most mysterious "herbs" and "silence" in world literature.

Tagore Rabindranat(1861-1941) - Indian writer, poet, composer, artist, public figure (Mountain, "House and Peace", etc.). Nobel laureate.

Tvardovsky Alexander Trifonovich(1910-1971) - Russian Soviet poet, author of the poems "Country of Murai", "Vasily Torkin" and others.

Twain Mark (Samuel Clemens) (1835-1910) -an outstanding American writer, satirik, journalist and lecturer. At the peak of the career, he was probably the most popular figure in the United States.

Tekcrei William Makepis(1811-1863) - English writer-novelist ("Vanity Fair" and others).

Tolkien John Ronald Ruel(1892-1973) - English writer, linguist, philologist. Worldwide Fame Tolkien brought a novel "Hobbit, or there and back" and the trilogy "Lord of the Rings".

Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich(1817-1875) - Russian poet, writer, satirik, one of the authors K. Prurtkova (poems, poems, Roman "Prince Silver", etc.).

Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich(1883-1945) - Russian Soviet writer (novels "Peter I", the trilogy "walking on the flour", the story "Bread" and others).

Tolstoy Lion Nikolaevich(1828-1910) - Russian writer, publicist and religious thinker, ideologue of the movement of the Tolstov (stories, story, Roman-epic "War and Peace", the novels "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection", etc.). Tolstoy had a huge impact on the evolution of European humanism, on the development of realistic traditions in world literature.

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich(1818-1883) - Russian writer ("Hunter's Notes", "Fathers and Children", etc.). Brought out the images of the new heroes of his era - the differences.

Tynyanov Yuri Nikolaevich(1894-1943) - Russian Soviet writer, literary critic, master of historical novel ("Kühlyl", "Death of Vazir-Mukhtar", etc.).

Pavlo Pavlo (Pavel Grigorievich)(1891-1967) - Ukrainian Soviet poet and statesman, Novator poetic form.

Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich(1803-1873) - Russian poet, master verse, Penetrated Lirik thinker.

Wilde Oscar Fingal O'Flaerty Wils(1854-1900) - English writer close to symbolists. The most famous for its numerous plays, wounded words and aphorisms, as well as the novel "Portrait of Dorian Gray" (1891).

Williams Tennessee(1911-1983) - American playwright and prose. Williams's fame brought a play "Tram" desire "." The play of the playwright was repeatedly shielded.

Whitman Walt.(1819-1892) - American poet and philosopher (collection "Leaves of grass", etc.), a reformer of American poetry.

Ukrainka Lesya (Kovitka Queen Larisa Petrovna)(1871-1913) - Ukrainian poetess (lyrical poems, extravaganza "Forest Song" and others).

Wells Herbert George(1866-1946) - English writer, classic of science fiction literature ("Invisible Man", "World War", etc.).

FAULZ John(1926-2005) - English writer and poet, one of the most significant English writers of the second half of the XX century. The most famous works of John Faulza include the novels "Collector", "Girlfriend of French Lieutenant", "Chervy" and others.

Fehtvanger Lyon.(1884-1958) - German writer-novelist and publicist (historical novels, including "Lia-Neron", "Success", etc.).

Fet (Shenshin) Afanasy Afanasyevich(1820-1892) - Russian poet, adherent of "pure art", a thin lyrics.

Firdusi Abulkassim.(934-ok. 1020) - Persian poet, author of Shakhoma "Shahnama", which had a great influence on the literature of the East, he is also attributed to the poem "Yusuf and Zulech".

Flaubert Gustusta(1821-1880) - French writer (novel "Mrs. Bovari", etc.), continuer of traditions O. Balzak.

Franco Ivan Yakovlevich(1856-1916) - an outstanding Ukrainian writer, poet, Belletrist, a scientist, publicist and a revolutionary movement in the West of Ukraine, the classic of Ukrainian literature ("Eternal Revolutionary", "Zakhar Berkut" and others).

France Anatol (Tibo Anatole Francois)(1844-1924) - French writer ("Penguin Island" and others), publicist, satirist. Nobel laureate.

Heyim Omar(1048-ok. 1123) - Great Persian poet and mathematician. Known due to its quatrains - full of humor and wisdom of the roast.

Heller Joseph.(1923-1999) - American Prose. The author of the grotesque-satirical novel "Amendment-22" (CATCH-22, in some translations - "Stroke-22"), which became the classic of the genre of the Black Comedy.

Hemingway Ernest Miller(1899-1961) - American writer. Hemingway's widespread recognition thanks to his novels and numerous stories, on the one hand, and their lives, complete adventures and surprises - on the other. His style, brief and rich, had a huge impact on world literature XX century. ("Fiesta", "Farewell, weapons!", "The command calls the bell" and others).

Khlebnikov Tellemir (Viktor Vladimirovich)(1885-1922) - Russian poet, innovator words. It sought to create a "new mythology" and the language of the coming free humanity.

Collegian Stefan(1881-1942) - Austrian writer, master of psychological novel ("Amok", "confusion of feelings", etc.), novels biographies of famous historical personalities.

Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna(1892-1941) - Russian poetess, prose, translator, one of the most readable and original Russian poetess XX century.

Cicero Mark Tullya(106-43 BC. E.) - Ancient Roman speaker and writer.

Chapek Karel(1890-1938) - one of the most famous Czech writers of the XX century, Proseca and playwright ("War with Salamandra", "White Disease", etc.).

Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich(1828-1889) - Russian writer, philosopher and critic (novels "What to do?", Prologue, etc., Tale).

Chekhov Anton Pavlovich(1860-1904) - an outstanding Russian writer and playwright ("Lady with a dog", "Three sisters", etc.). Cechov's work had a huge impact on Russian and world literature.

Chukovsky roots Ivanovich(1882-1969) - Russian poet, writer, translator, literary critic (monumental labor "Nekrasov Mastery", "High Art", very popular children's fairy tales and poems - "Moydodyr", "Adventures of Aybolit", etc.).

Shevchenko Taras Grigorievich(1814-1861) - Great Ukrainian poet and writer, classic of Ukrainian literature, artist (book of poetic works "Kobzar", Pooms "Katerina", "blind", "Gaidamaki", etc.).

Shakespeare William(1564-1616) - Great English playwright and poet (the tragedy "King Lire", "Macbeth", "Hamlet", "Othello", etc., Comedy "Taming of the Shrew", "Sleeping in the Summer Night", etc., sonnets and etc.). The deep philosophical thought and wealth of poetic and dramatic funds made the work of Shakespeare of one of the vertices of world art.

Shelley Mary Walstonkraft(1797-1851) - English writer, author of the book "Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus", wife of the poet Romance Persity Shelly.

Shelly Persity Bishi.(1792-1822) - one of the greatest English poets of the XIX century. ("Queen of Mab", "liberated by Prometheus" and others).

Schiller Johann Friedrich(1759-1805) - German poet and dramaturg ("Deceit and love", "Orleans' Virgo", "Wilhelm Tel" and others).

Sholom Aleichem (Rabinovich Sholov Nohumovich)(1859-1916) - an outstanding Jewish writer and playwright (drama "Tevier-milkman", Roman "Wandering Stars" and others).

Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich(1905-1984) - Classic of Russian Soviet literature. The novels "Quiet Don", "Raised virgin" and others. Nobel laureate.

Esop (VIin. BC er) - an ancient Greek Basinople, the legendary folk sage, who was attributed to the plots of almost everyone known in the antiquity of Basen.

Eco Umberto(R. 1932) - Italian Prose, scientist, cultureologist, essayist. Novels "Rose Name", "Fouco Peal" and others.

Eschyl(525-456 BC. Er), ancient Greek playwright. About 80 dramatic works of Eshil were known in the antiquity, of which only seven were preserved: "Persians", "Seven Five", Orestea's trilogy ("Agamemnon", "Hoefors", "Evmendy"); Tragedy "Sudeller, or Praying" and "Chained Prometheus".

Poets and writers suicide are popular among the creative elite worldwide. So, in the XX century. Russian poets V. Mayakovsky, S. Yesenin, M. Toller, German Poet and playwright Ernst Toller, Writer S. Tsweig (Austria), E. Hemingway (USA), Yu.

From the book full encyclopedia of modern educational games for children. From birth to 12 years Author Raznik Natalia Grigorievna

"Poets" playing take a large sheet of paper and write a poem on it. The meaning is that everyone comes up with 2 rhymes with each other and wraps a sheet so that the next player does not know what the previous one wrote. Then the sheet unfold and read

From Berlin's book. Guide by the author Bergmann Yurgen.

Famous designers pass Friedrichstadt, quarter 206, Friedrichstr. 71, Metro Station Franzosisische Stra? E line U6 or Stadtmitte line U2. Here are Cerruti, Gucci, Moschino, Yves Saint Laurent, Strenesse, Rive Gauche, Louis Vuitton, Etro, La Perla. Mouth designers have their boutiques at Kurfürstendamm, for example, Burberry, Chanel, Jil Sander,

Author Kolosova Svetlana

Poets and writers of ancient Greece and Rome 4 Esop - an ancient Greek basinist of the VI century BC. E.5 Eschyl - an ancient Greek poet playwright V century BC. E.6 Leonid, Tartan - an ancient Greek poet of the end of the IV - the beginning of the III centuries BC. E. Lukian - an ancient Greek poet II century BC. E.Sofokl

From the book Directory of Crosswordist Author Kolosova Svetlana

Poets of the XIII-XVI centuries 4 Baif, Jean Antoine - French poet of the XVI century. Avega, Garcilaso de la - Spanish poet of the XVI century. Donn, John - English Poet of the late XVI - early XVII centuries. Lyza, Louise - French poetess XVI century. Eleon , Louis de - Spanish poet of the XVI century. Theobo, Francisco Rodriguez -

From the book Directory of Crosswordist Author Kolosova Svetlana

Writers and poets of the XVII century 3 VIO, theophile de-French poet.4 Vega, Carpio Lope de - Spanish playwright, Francisco Manuel de - Portuguese poet. Poets, Martin - German Poet.5 Barro, Jacques Valle de - French poet. Baual, Nicola - French poet. Cone, Francis -

From the book Directory of Crosswordist Author Kolosova Svetlana

Writers and poets of the XVIII century 4 Goethe, Iojan Wolfgang - German writer. Defo, Daniel - English writer. 5 Burns, Robert - Scottish poet. Didno, Denis - French writer, philosopher.Laklo, Pierre de - French writer.Lesiazh, Alain Rene - French writer.Russo,

From the book Directory of Crosswordist Author Kolosova Svetlana

Writers and poets of the 19th century 2 by, Edgar - American Writer.4 Block, Alexander Aleksandrovich - Russian Poet. Verne, Jules - French writer. Guego, Victor - French writer. Duma, Alexander - French writer. Zol, Emil - French Writer. Pruss, Boleslav -

From the book Directory of Crosswordist Author Kolosova Svetlana

Writers and poets of the 20th century 3 liquid, Andre - French writer. Show, George Bernard - English Writer.4 Blaze, Sandrar - French writer.Grin, Alexander Stepanovich - Russian writer. Green, Graham - English writer. Doyl, Arthur Conan - English Writer.Ilf, Ilya

From the book Directory of Crosswordist Author Kolosova Svetlana

Famous hunters 3 min - Russian Hunter, writer.5 Lviv, L.A. - Russian Hunter, author of books about hunting. Palen - Russian Hunter, Count. Turvan - Russian Hunter.6 Paskin - Russian Hunter. 7 Lukashin - Hunter from Pskov Province.Nazimov, A.V. - Tver Hunter.8 Carpushka

From the book Directory of Crosswordist Author Kolosova Svetlana

Famous hippologies 4 Witt, V.O.5 Grizo, F. Orlov-Chesmesky, A.G.6 James, F. Shishkin7 Kabanovkuleshov8 Geriner, F.R. Kaprillilly,


Poets poet is a light, winged and sacred. Plato (approx. 427-ok. 347 BC. Er), ancient Greek philosopher who Jupiter wants to punish, he is doing a poet. Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), the German poet who cannot compose two lines - a stupid; And who composed the whole four -

From the book was the word at the beginning. Aphorisms Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Russian poets about each other He is original - for thinks. Alexander Pushkin about Eugene Bratynsky Khlebnikov is not a poet for consumers. Khlebnikov - Poet for the manufacturer Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930), the poet of the great entertainer of the land of Russian. Ilya Selvinsky O.

From the book was the word at the beginning. Aphorisms Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Prosaiki and poets ... In order for the poet to be a prose, and the poet became demigod. Boris Pasternak (1890-1960), the poet of the speaker should not blindly imitate poets. Poetry can only be admired. Quintilian (approx. 35-ok. 96), Roman Teacher Eloquence Proser Taman

From the book was the word at the beginning. Aphorisms Author Doshenko Konstantin Vasilyevich

Critics and poets Criticism - follow the poet, but watch out the critics - not a lesson for the poet. William Gazlitt (1778-1830), English essayist every good poet - also critic; But not the opposite. William Shenston (1714-1763), the English poet hardly need to be

"Russian literature is the only unhindered conductor in the wishes of the West to comprehend the secrets of the Russian soul, its culture and identity. No restrictions and prohibitions, political hostility and sanctions. I bought a tomik of the Russian classic and know myself quietly, dosing - sitting, lying, standing, in the subway, at home ... Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov ... Be careful with Chekhov - you can get into the drink ... "

Thoroughly with Russian literature, Zagred began to get acquainted through the writer Ivan Turgenev, settled in Baden-Baden in 1863. Racing with the most famous Western writers, cultural and artists, with intelligentsia and politicians of that time, Turgenev very quickly becomes the most famous and most readable Russian author in Europe. It is from the works of Turgenev that began comprehension by the Western reader of the whole depth and wealth of the Russian language.

In 1878, at the International Literary Congress in Paris, the writer was elected vice president; In 1879, he won the title of Honorary Dr. Oxford University. Chancellor of the German Empire Claudwig Gogenloe called Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev as the best candidate for the position of Prime Minister of Russia. He wrote about Turgenev: "Today I told with the smartest person of Russia."

But the main merit of Ivan Turgenev is propaganda. Throughout his overseas life, he tirelessly "promoted Russian literature as the most unpleasant within Russia itself. So, Europe met Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol ...

It is said that the literature of a country is interested when the interest in the country itself is manifested. Partly this is true. In relation to Russia, this interest from the West was never stopped and in the 21st century reached his peak. It is noteworthy that once discovered Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and many other prolific masters of Russian literature, the West does not cease to associate Russian literature and Russia itself with these great names. Of course, in this regard, modern writers have to be not easy, and oddly enough, Russian writers of the XXI century have to compete with Russian classics of the XIX century. After all, the demand for the export of Russian classics is still huge. The facts say about it:

The film "War and World" Lion Tolstoy speaks of the popularity of the Russian classic abroad - more than 7 different versions of the film. Another example is "Anna Karenina" - in different countries it was shielded about 18 times.

Chekhov still remains the leader in the number of foreign shields of the Russian classics - its works became the basis for movies / televersions about 200 times. It is part of the 3rd of the most extensive writers of the world.

"In the pleiad of great European playwrights ... The name Chekhov shines as a star of the first magnitude," George Bernard Show wrote at the beginning of the 20th century.

However, if Tolstoy and Dostoevsky in the West know more on the books, Chekhov rather do not read more, but "watching": the writer is little known as the author of humorous stories, but is rightfully considered the first magnitude playwright along with Shakespeare, Shaw and Uualdom. His plays are one of the most popular in the world. But Chekhov himself did not assume his future fame. He spoke his friend Tatiana Shcheckina-Cupelnik: "I will read seven years old, seven and a half, and then forget."

Another moment is amazing. Fame in the writing career directly depends on its "promotion". Writing is talented or ingenious - this is not enough. It is necessary to invest in advertising, in a self-esteem. And the best PR is a scandal. To take at least the world's glory of Nabokov, writing a scandalous "lolita" he could no longer write anything. The scandalous plot itself, and all attempts to ban the novel's outlet made it publishing an event and provided the book of huge circulation. Solzhenitsyn talentedly made the name "on politics" and the propaganda car helped him.

Now it is already difficult to play politics. It is almost impossible to realize a political intrigue on which you can take off. There are money.

Now in general, few Russian names are noticeable in the West - of course, primarily due to the language barrier. In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was no big difference between carriers of Russian culture and European. All educated people in Russia spoke well in English, in French, in German. Tolstoy almost received the first Nobel Prize in literature, Turgenev was absolutely recognized in Paris as a writer, Dostoevsky had a huge influence on Freud and on many others. Then there was a single multilingual culture. Now, on the contrary: globalization led to the fact that one English dominates. So it turns out that cultures are different, but the language of all writers is one. At the same time, it is impossible to say that the carriers of Russian culture became a victim of some special discrimination. It is just one dominant culture and it is English.

But we were distracted.

And yet, what Russian writers in modern standards are the most famous abroad?

Lion Tolstoy - "War and World", "Anna Karenina";
Fedor Dostoevsky - "Crime and Punishment", "Idiot", "Brothers of the Karamazov";
Anton Chekhov - "Uncle Vanya", "Lady with a dog", "Chestanka";
Alexander Pushkin - "Eugene Onegin";
Nikolay Gogol - "Dead Souls";
Ivan Turgenev - "Fathers and Children";
Mikhail Bulgakov - "Fat Eggs", "Master and Margarita";
Vladimir Nabokov - "Lolita";
Alexander Solzhenitsyn - "Archipelago Gulag", "One Day of Ivan Denisovich";
Ivan Bunin - "Sukhodol", "Village";
Alexander Griboedov - "Mount from Wit";
Mikhail Lermontov - "Hero of Our Time", "Demon";
Boris Pasternak - "Dr. Zhivago".

With modern Russian literature everything is much more difficult. Nevertheless, Polyna Dashkov, Dmitry Glukhovsky, Zakhar Prilepin, Mikhail Shishkin, Victor Pelevin, Sergey Lukyanenko, Boris Akunin.

In the 90s, the only modern Russian author, the books of which could be easily delivered in English, was Pelevin - despite this is still a specific reading. Over the past ten years, however, something has changed, translated and others - Boris Akunin had the greatest success: in England, his detectives are still well sold ... In the West, they love the Russian writer to be bearded and serious.

In England, it is clear, and how in the USA? According to the famous publicist Owen Mattyus (Owen Matthews), "The literature of modern Russia cannot offer the American reader brought up in the philosophical novels of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, what is able to return them to the" Magic Country ", open for them in the books of Classics." While the percentage of Russian literature in modern America does not exceed 1-3%.

Outlook Rospinje Vladimir Grigoriev believes:

"The fact that from our writers has not been stars lately, so it is largely due to extractive moments." Recall the growth of Mikhail Shishkin's popularity in Western European countries after he opposed the Kremlin's policy ... and vice versa - as soon as Zakhar Prilepin, who was quite successfully translated and published in English-speaking countries, began to support the so-called Novorossia, we began to experience certain difficulties In his promotion. "

That's really rolled back. At first, the sport turned into a political pressure tool, now literature. Togo look and the Bolshoi Theater will stop touring the world. Perhaps the excitement of Russian painting can even be down. But nothing. But we twice the more began to export gas, oil, tanks and kalashi ...

The list is not yet complete, as it includes only questions from tickets for a secondary school or a base level (and not included, respectively, an in-depth study or profile level and national school).

"Life Boris and Gleb" end XI - beginning. XII century

"The word about the regiment of Igor" The end of the XII century.

V. Shakespeare - (1564 - 1616)

"Romeo and Juliet" 1592

F-b. Moliere - (1622 - 1673)

"Movement in the nobility" 1670

M.V. Lomonosov - (1711 - 1765)

DI. Fonvizin - (1745 - 1792)

"Nepal" 1782

A.N. Radishchev - (1749 - 1802)

G.R. Derzhavin - (1743 - 1816)

N.M. Karamzin - (1766 - 1826)

"Poor Lisa" 1792

J. Bayron - (1788 - 1824)

I.A. Wings - (1769 - 1844)

"Wolf on Psarn" 1812

V.A. Zhukovsky - (1783 - 1852)

"Svetlana" 1812

A.S. Griboedov - (1795 - 1829)

"Woe from Wit" 1824

A.S. Pushkin - (1799 - 1837)

"Tale of Belkin" 1829-1830

"Shot" 1829

"Stationander" 1829

"Dubrovsky" 1833

"Copper rider" 1833

"Evgeny Onegin" 1823-1838

"Captain's daughter" 1836

A.V. Koltsov - (1808 - 1842)

M.Yu. Lermontov - (1814 - 1841)

"Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young scramble and a removed merchant Kalashnikov." 1837.

"Borodino" 1837

"MTSYY" 1839

"Hero of our time" 1840

"Farewell, unwashed Russia" 1841

"Motherland" 1841

N.V. Gogol - (1809 - 1852)

"Evenings on the farm near Dikanka" 1829-1832

"Auditor" 1836

"Shinel" 1839

"Taras Bulba" 1833-1842

"Dead Souls" 1842

I.S. Nikitin - (1824 - 1861)

F.I. Tyutchev - (1803 - 1873)

"There is an initial autumn ..." 1857

I.A. Goncharov - (1812 - 1891)

"Oblomov" 1859

I.S. Turgenev - (1818 - 1883)

"Bezhin Mead" 1851

"Asya" 1857

"Fathers and children" 1862

"Soup" 1878

ON THE. Nekrasov - (1821 - 1878)

"Railway" 1864

"Who in Russia live well" 1873-76

FM Dostoevsky - (1821 - 1881)

"Crime and Punishment" 1866

"Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree" 1876

A.N. Ostrovsky - (1823 - 1886)

"His people will teach!" 1849.

"Thunderstorm" 1860

A.A. Fet - (1820 - 1892)

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin - (1826-1889)

"Wild landowner" 1869

"The story about how one man's two generals punished" 1869

"Wheel Pescar" 1883

"Bear on Voivodeship" 1884

N.S. Leskov - (1831 - 1895)

"Lesshe" 1881

L.N. Tolstoy - (1828 - 1910)

"War and Peace" 1867-1869

"After Bala" 1903

A.P. Chekhov - (1860 - 1904)

"Death of the official" 1883

"Ionch" 1898

"Cherry Garden" 1903

M. Gorky - (1868 - 1936)

"Makar Mirara" 1892

"Chelkash" 1894

"Old woman Izergil" 1895

"At the bottom" 1902

A.A. Block - (1880 - 1921)

"Poems about the beautiful lady" 1904

"Russia" 1908

cycle "Motherland" 1907-1916

"Twelve" 1918

S.A. Yesenin - (1895 - 1925)

"I do not regret, not call, I do not cry ..." 1921

V.V. Mayakovsky (1893 - 1930)

"Good attitude to horses" 1918

A.S. Green - (1880 - 1932)

A.I.Kuprin - (1870 - 1938)

I.A. Bunin - (1879 - 1953)

O.E. Mandelshtam - (1891 - 1938)

MA Bulgakov - (1891 - 1940)

"White Guard" 1922-1924

"Dog heart" 1925

"Master and Margarita" 1928-1940

M.I. Tsvetaeva - (1892 - 1941)

A.P. Platonov - (1899 - 1951)

B.L. Pasternak - (1890-1960)

"Dr. Zhivago" 1955

A.A. Akhmatova - (1889 - 1966)

"Requiem" 1935-40

K.G. Paust - (1892 - 1968)

"Telegram" 1946

MA Sholokhov - (1905 - 1984)

"Silent Don" 1927-28

"Raised virgin" T1-1932, T2-1959)

"The Fate of Man" 1956

A.T. Tvardovsky - (1910 - 1971)

"Vasily Terkin" 1941-1945

V.M. Shukshin - (1929 - 1974)

V.P. Astafiev - (1924 - 2001)

A.I. Solzhenitsyn - (born 1918)

"Matrenin Dvor" 1961

V.G. Rasputin - (Rod. 1937)

The idea of \u200b\u200bprotecting the Earth Russian in the works of oral folk art (fairy tales, epics, songs).

Creativity of one of the poets of the Silver Century.

The originality of the artistic world of one of the poets of the Silver Age (for example, 2-3 poems on the selection of examined).

Great Patriotic War in Russian Prose. (For example, one work.)

Feat a person in war. (One of the works about the Great Patriotic War.)

The theme of the Great Patriotic War in the prose of the twentieth century. (For example, one work.)

Military theme in modern literature. (For example, one or two works.)

Your favorite poet in the Russian literature of the 20th century. Reading by heart of his poem.

Russian poets of the 20th century on the spiritual beauty of man. Reading by heart of one poem.

Features of the creativity of one of the modern domestic poets of the second half of the twentieth century. (on the selection of examined).

Your favorite poems of modern poets. Reading by heart of one poem.

Your favorite poet. Reading by heart of one of the poems.

The theme of love in modern poetry. Reading by heart of one poem.

Man and nature in the Russian prose of the XX century. (For example, one work.)

Man and nature in modern literature. (For example, one or two works.)

Man and nature in Russian poetry of the XX century. Reading by heart of one poem.

Your favorite literary hero.

Review of the book of the modern writer: Impressions and evaluation.

One of the works of modern literature: impressions and evaluation.

The book of the modern writer you read. Your impressions and evaluation.

Your peer in modern literature. (One or more works.)

Your favorite product of modern literature.

The moral problematics of modern domestic prose (on the example of the work on the selection of the examiner).

The main topics and ideas of modern journalism. (For example, one or two works.)

Heroes and problematics of one of the works of modern domestic drama of the second half of the twentieth century. (on the selection of examined).

(ratings: 51 , average: 3,98 out of 5)

In Russia, literature has its own direction, differing from any other. Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, so the best classic Russian works are unusual, amazed by peace and vitality.

The main acting face is the soul. For a person, the situation in society is not important for a person, the amount of money, it is important for him to find himself and its place in this life, to find the truth and sincere equilibrium.

The books of Russian literature are united by the writer who owns the gift of the Great Word that fully dedicated to this art of literature. The best classics saw life not flat, but multifaceted. They wrote about the life of not accidental destinies, but expressing being in his most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different fate, but unites them that literature is recognized as a school of life, the way to study and develop Russia.

Russian classical literature was created by the best writers from different parts of Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because it depends on his formation as a person, its development, and it also affects writing skills. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky was born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltavshchyna in Ukraine - the birthplace of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

Three Great Classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were absolutely unlike each other, had different fates, complex characters and great giving. They made a huge contribution to the development of literature, writing their best works that still excite the hearts and the soul of readers. These books should read each.

Another important difference between the books of the Russian classics is to riding the shortcomings of man and his lifestyle. Satira and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that it was all slander. And only the real connoisseurs saw how comical characters were both comical, and tragic. Such books always cling to the soul.

Here you can find the best works of classical literature. You can download free books of Russian Classics or read online, which is very convenient.

We present to your attention 100 best books of Russian classics. The full list of books included the best and memorable works of Russian writers. This literature is known to everyone and is recognized as critics from around the world.

Of course, our list of books Top 100 is just a small part that gathered the best works of great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

One hundred books that everyone should read to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they were striving, and learn in general how our world was arranged, how light and clean could be the soul and As it is valuable for a person, for the formation of his personality.

The top 100 list includes the best and most famous works of Russian classics. The plot of many of them is known since school bench. However, some books are difficult to understand at a young age, for this you need wisdom, which is purchased over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete, it can be continued infinitely. Read this literature is a pleasure. She doesn't just learn something, she radically changes life, helps to realize the simple things that we sometimes do not even notice.

We hope our list of books of the classics of Russian literature came to your shower. Perhaps you have already read something out of it, and something is not. An excellent reason to make your own list of books, your top that you would like to read.

Modern Russian literature is developing dynamically since 1991 - the collapse of the Soviet Union. Four generations of writers of different genres fill its inner essence, creating the best Russian books.

Russian literature received a new round of development during the years of restructuring. Writers and books that decorated that period:

  • Lyudmila Ulitskaya "Medea and her children";
  • Tatyana fat "Circle";
  • Olga Slavnikova "Waltz with a monster."

These books highlight social and political problems.

The modern Russian prose of the 21st century also does not stand still. The whole creative pleiad of writers was formed, among which such famous names as Daria Dontsova, Boris Akunin, Alexander Marinina, Sergey Lukyanenko, Tatyana Ustinova, Polina Dashkov, Evgeny Grishkovets. These authors can be proud of the maximum circulation.

Modern literature is created by writers in various genres. As a rule, these are works within such directions as postmodernism and realism. From the most popular genres, you can note theftopia, blogger literature, as well as mass literature (here are horrors, fantasy, drama, militants, detectives).

The development of modern Russian literature in the style of postmodernism is in parallel with the development of society. This style is characterized by opposition to reality and attitude towards it. Writers subtly spend the line between the existing reality and ironically transmit their vision of the change of social system, changes in society and the predominance of disorder over the afraid and orderly.

Decide which book is a masterpiece is difficult, because each of us has its own ideas about the truth. And because thanks to the fruitful creativity of poets, playwrights, sciences, prosaikov, publicists, great and mighty Russian literature continues to develop and improve. Only time can put the last point in the history of the work, because true and genuine art is not subject to time.

The best Russian detectives and books about adventure

Fascinating and exciting imagination of history in a detective genre requires the authors of logic and smelting. It is necessary to think over all the subtleties and aspects so that the intrigue keep readers to the voltage to the last page.

Modern Russian prose: Best books for grateful readers

The top 10 of the most interesting books of the Russian prose included the following works.