Social and cultural medium, its levels, characteristics, potential. Levels and forms of socio-cultural activities

Social and cultural medium, its levels, characteristics, potential. Levels and forms of socio-cultural activities
Social and cultural medium, its levels, characteristics, potential. Levels and forms of socio-cultural activities

This term was introduced into the scientific turnover in the 70s of the 20th century by the Ural Sociological School in the works of L.N. Kogan (research of cultural activities and cultural level of the population of the Urals. - Sverdlovsk, 1979).

Cultural level is the result of human cultural activity, its activity in the use and creation of cultural property.

Objective indicators and identity culture indicators are:

  • - level of education (the number of years spent on the acquisition of education and training, type and level of education);
  • - the volume and depth of the learned knowledge, activity in the development of the world and national cultural heritage (knowledge of the norms of etiquette, domestic and global classical and modern literature, music, iso, cinema, theater, architecture);
  • - participation in the creation and distribution of cultural values \u200b\u200b(frequency of visits theaters, museums, concert halls, art gallery);
  • - monetary and temporary costs of attachment to the world of culture (the frequency of purchase of books, plates, discs, audi and video tapes, sdroms, budget share and number of hours that is spent on satisfying cultural needs);
  • - availability of technical means ensuring access to the treasury of cultural property (the presence of library, phonothek, video recordings, TV, video and audi blog, the structure of the library foundation).

Subjective indicators of the culture of the individual refers:

  • - the presence of a formed installation in an attachment to the world of culture;
  • - availability of installation for the continuous expansion of its horizons, replenishment of the volume and deepening of knowledge;
  • - artistic aesthetic value orientations;
  • - moral values \u200b\u200bof orientation;
  • - The presence of aesthetic taste.

An important indicator of the sociocultural development of the individual is leisure. Studies to leisure youth were started in the 70s of the 20th century in the USSR and became the theme of numerous studies, both philosophers and sociologists. From an empirical point of view, one of the first began to study the leisure of student youth V.T. Lisovsky on the basis of St. Petersburg State University. The questionnaire of 1963 was included: "Your favorite lesson in your work time": 78.5% - reading (I read systematically -27.9%, I read when there is free time- 69.3%, I do not read - 1.5% at all, an indefinite answer * (1.3%).

After reading - visits to movies and theaters (76%), listening to music (54%), view television gear (44.7%), visiting dance evenings (39.9%), sports (33.9%), household (30.5%), visits to circles and disputes (16.8%). The data given by V.T. Lisovsky, show that in leisure youth, the first place is occupied by fiction and cinema, which requires studying the influence of these types of art for youth consciousness. At the same time, it is significant that if the free time resource increased, the priorities of young people in the field of art would have established a change. The first place was a cinema, and on the second it turned out to be literature, on the third theater. It should be paid to the fact that in general, Soviet youth is interested in active types of recreation (sports, holidays, tourism). At the same time, passive rest attracted only 8% of respondents.

In the mid-80s of the XX century, the study of youth leisure was carried out by EM. Bass. In the leisure system, it is an important place for communication with friends (31%), listening to radio and television broadcasts (26%), reading books (21%), cognitive activity (21%). Significant place is occupied by public work, visiting theaters, exhibitions, physical education and sports. A comparison with the results of the 60s show that the prestige of social work sustainably falls, the significance of active types of recreation is reduced, the importance of passive pastime increases. As the 60s, such forms of leisure as theaters, exhibitions remain little significant.

The marked processes are enhanced in the 90s of the XX century. IN spiritual world The young man penetrated the television deeper, there were such new forms of leisure as video, computer games, the Internet. Television development makes the process of perception of art complex. The new forms of leisure have changed the structure of the free time of the modern student. Interviewed during the author's study was asked the question: "What are you doing in your free time?". The following most frequency answers were obtained. In the first place in terms of frequency, there was communication (28%). On the second - listening to music (27%), then walk - 26%. The reading was noted by 22% of respondents, in terms of importance it stands next to the journey. The significance of the theater and exhibitions in the leisure system is extremely not high, only 7% of respondents noted this form of recreation.

If you compare these results with data obtained by V.T. Lisovsky, then you can identify the following patterns of changing the Youth leisure system:

  • 1. The role of sports was increased in the leisure system of young people. If in the 60s the sport stood in the sixth place in terms of significance, then in the late 90s, the active rest goes to the fourth place. In the author's survey, 18% of respondents noted the form of leisure. Improving the significance of sports is inextricably linked to the need to follow health.
  • 2. Fresh the role of theater and exhibitions as art and outdoor activities. This type of leisure noted only 8% of students surveyed. The place of the theater is occupied by music (it comes out in the third place in the leisure structure).

The author's research data was compared with the materials of a sociological study of the leisure of the Moscow Student, conducted by the Moscow Institute for Socio-Cultural Programs in 2006. To the question "How do you spend your free time?" Respondents noted: I communicate with friends (95%), I watch movies (TV, video) (89%), read (70%), listening to music (84%), I am engaged in sports (55%), I go to the disco (53%) .

These data suggest that the first place in the leisure of the student is entertaining entertainment forms of leisure, ousting reading, and even moreover, theaters, cinemas, exhibitions, concerts. The preserving high role of sports indicates that the active forms of recreation still remain significant on par with entertainment and communication. Repeated monitoring "Muscovites about the possibilities of increasing its educational, cultural level and leisure organization", conducted in 2006 made it possible to determine the development trends of the Moscow students' leisure system. To the question "Over the past 5-10 years you have become visited ..." Respondents noted that all the proposed forms of cultural and outdoor activities are not in demand. The balance between "attend more often and less" only among the parks of culture and recreation (33% more often and 37% less often), in the remaining proposed forms of rest dominated the estimates of "less often". The maximum gap between "more often and less" in theaters (21% more often and 49% less often), museums, exhibition halls, libraries, concert halls. As the reasons why the respondents attend cultural institutions more often, the increase in free time (25%) is dominated, as sources of interest in the proposed forms of leisure, respondents noted the lack of time and material resources. (26% and 28%).

Studies of leisure youth conducted in May 2009. The Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences shows that the main classes in their free time is to watch television (66%), listening to music (62%), communication with friends (65%). Reading books noted 39% of respondents. Increased compared with 1997, forms of active recreation - visits to discos (33% - 19% in 1997), visit bars, cafe (32% -17% in 1997), visiting cinemas, concerts (28% -14% in 1997), sports and fitness (29% -14% in 1997).

Thus, the data obtained show that in the leisure system important role It belongs to television, communicating with friends, sports, reading. The noted species of spiritual culture occupy an important place in the leisure of students, form aesthetic preferences, as well as a system of favorite literary and kin-drivers, the orientation of which can significantly direct the process of personality formation.

Leisure student preferences were analyzed at two monitoring stages: in 2005-2006, in the context of the stable development of society, and in the spring of 2009, in the context of the global economic crisis. The data of the All-Russian sociological study "The everyday life of Russians in the context of the crisis" conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, testify to domestication of the leisure of Russians, the fall in the role of exhibitions, theaters, cinemas in organizing free time with the dominant role of television, radio reading. A comparison of the two stages of monitoring makes it possible to identify those forms of leisure, which are limited in crisis society, and others, which, opposite expand. The significance of reading has sharply decreased (from 13% to 3%). To replace the reading, such forms of leisure come like a computer (from 8% to 30%), walks, listening to music (from 12% to 22%). The young man in the crisis conditions closes, in his psychological and micro-group problems, because the assessment of communication with friends in his free time falls from 38% in 2007 to 11% in 2009. Free time resources are significantly reduced. Because if in 2007 it was admitted that 6% of respondents work in their free time, then in 2009 this form of leisure increased to 23%. The limited material means leads to the fact that respondents have become less likely to travel (from 20% to 6%). In general, summing up the analysis, it should be noted that the trend of home leisure domination is confirmed. In addition, reading is displaced by such forms of passive leisure, like a computer, TV, listening to music. With a crisis, both free time and material resources are limited. As a result, respondents save on active vacation, sports, travel, choosing those forms of rest that do not require intellectual and physical stress, do not require attachments of additional material resources.

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The sociocultural world of the child is its socio-pedagogical characteristic, which defines the originality of the perception of the surrounding reality (vital activity environment), responding to it and manifestations in it in the process of social change in his personality in accordance with age. It characterizes typical reactions, attitudes and behavior in a specific society.

Eliminate typical

and the individual sociocultural world of the child. Typical is a sociocultural world characteristic of a certain age. He emphasizes the natural child in the perception and reactions of the child at the age stage. It is allocated to consider the knowledge of the patterns of age and social development and education of children. With it, it is possible to estimate the originality of the social development of a child of this age, its compliance or non-compliance in the development, the acquisition of social experience as a person. In other words, through a typical sociocultural world, it is possible to determine the course of the socialization of the child, its correspondence between the age and the level of social development and upbringing.

An individual sociocultural world indicates the peculiarities of social development and education of this particular child, its individual identity. With it, it is possible to estimate the level of conformity or inconsistency, advance or backlog of the socialization process at this stage. Each child is extremely individual, and at the same time it is typical depending on his age, the level of social development and education. Thanks to this, we compare children of one age, we evaluate them and draw conclusions about the compliance, delay or advance social Development.

The main socio-pedagogical qualitative characteristics of the child's sociocularity are:

Perception ambient and reaction to it;

Mental state and experiences;

Self-refining (manifestation of personality), relationships and relationships;

Behavior, actions and actions.

Environmental perception and reaction to it. Perception by the child changes with age. It depends on its development, socialization and social enrichment. It is the mental development of a child determines its intellectual and social changeWhat, in turn, affects the development of his psyche. Features mental Development At various age stages are studied by age psychology.

Speech. Children have a natural predisposition to mastering the tongue. This is one of the aspects of human sociality. Characteristic, noted the famous domestic psychologist A.R. Luria (1902-1977) that twins are capable of forming "their" language, allowing them to communicate and understand each other. A large educational importance to the study of the native language gave up Ushinsky, since "absorbing native language, the child absorbs not only words, their addition and modification, but infinite many concepts, views on items, many thoughts, feelings, artistic images, logic and philosophy of the language, and absorbs easily and soon, in two or three years, so much that And half of that cannot be learned in 20 years of diligent and methodological teaching. "

We are speaking in nature, social: in the child there is a predisposition to mastering the tongue, but it is deployed in the ability only if there is a social factor, the originality of which causes the appropriate child's ability to master the speech.

Each language is the result of a centuries-old spiritual life of a particular people, it represents an organic combination folk thoughts And feelings, that is why the language can be fully absorbed only in that setting, among the people where it has developed. Learned outside this situation and therefore absorbed superficially, it will never have a proper developing influence. I get acquainted from the first days with my native language, the child initially perceives the spiritual life of the people, connecting with her. That is why Komensky and Ushinsky recommended starting to begin with mastering the native language, and then, after he learned well and had its favorable impact, adopted for a foreign one. By itself, the foreign language studied by the child in the Russian situation, noted Ushinsky, "will never have such a strong influence on his spiritual development, which native language would give him; Never penetrates so deep in his spirit and body, never let these deep, healthy roots promising rich, abundant development. "His personality.

Language environment forms the sociocultural world of the child. This can be observed by language manifestation in children. There is an expression "small old man" or "Little Grandfather". This is called a child preferably raised by the elderly. He adapts a lot: Maneru of behavior, language, judgments, etc. It is characteristic that teachers especially junior classes easily recognize their parents of their pupils on behaviors, language and other manifestations.

The state's mental state determines his personal (subjective) emotional assessment of his internal state and attitude towards themselves. The child's emotional response reflects the features of his childhood personality: the reaction to the internal comfortable condition and discomfort, to the attitude towards themselves, the attitude towards a person with whom he interacts, an assessment of his actions and actions, to what extent they are aimed at their safety and protection, assistance He, etc., in essence, it determines the social well-being or disadvantaged child and affects his reaction, behavior and manifestation.

The spiritual experiences of the child are his sensual state in this particular environment, attitude to near man, good or evil, truth and not true; Sensitivity to injustice. They are in (a lot of stability, equilibrium or irritability of the psyche, the capriciousness of the child in relations and manifestations. Independent states And the experiences of children are closely interrelated and characterize their originality.

They naturally form such a phenomenon as children's fearwhich is a kind of child's reaction reflecting his desire for self-preservation. Under certain conditions, fear can turn into pathology. For example, an unexpected, sharp and strong sound, a cry; The long-term impact on the psyche of the child of factors substantially affecting the sense of its safety (frequent stories about terrible stories, magic not by age fairy tales; long, frightening darkness and loneliness, etc.). Socio-pedagogical illiteracy of parents, typical mistakes allowed by them in the process of care and child education, are manifested when they stimulate the formation and strengthening of fear of the child, turning it into pathology, and not enough attention to its prevention and overcoming.

Self-leveling (manifestation of personality), relationships and relationships of the child. The lifestyle of the child forms in it the individual, which determines it, the features of self-refining, "attitudes towards the phenomena of its reality, interacting in typical situations of the environment of vital activity. All this finds an expression also in relation to themselves, mother (father), to grandmother (grandfather), senior, younger, to peers, etc. These child's relationships can change over time depending on the life situations acquired by the experience of social behavior and I self-improvement. Position I can also become another position, but can strengthen Due to life circumstances.

3.3. Levels of culture and culture

In modern scientific literature The discussion has not yet been completed on what grounds to determine the concept of "culture". It depends on the chosen as a scientist theoretical and methodological approach to the definition of the concept. If a cultureperceive as exclusively positive characteristic A man expressed in the antithesis "Cultural Man is a non-church man", then the culture becomes an indicator of human utility, and the lack of culture is its inferiority. This approach arose in the Western European enlightenment and had the appropriate parallels: "The person enlightened - the person is unemployed", "educated - uneducated", "civilized - uncivilized (wild)". Already during this period, new parameters of the definition (measurement) of a person were recognized in accordance with its internal development, existence in society.

The very concept of "culture", as is known, goes back to certain activities related to targeted, consciously specified formation of natural entities, which are due to human needs, for example, in food or clothing. This concept in ancient Rome initially expressed only the features of peasant, agricultural labor, and the wild, freely developing nature was separated from nature that had fallen under the power of a person who had lost freedom of development, i.e., their unpredictability, wildness, self-sufficiency. In this case, the concept of "culture" acted as a separator of two forms of life - dependent on the person and independent of it.

This separation feature was soon transferred to a social life in which people were distinguished and even whole peoples who lived, seemingly free, without rules, and people, whole nations, who observed certain generations developed by the rules of the human hostel. Because of this, the concept of "culture" was determined in two main values: initialindicating human intervention in nature, and derived(secondary), indicating the public intervention in the life of people. The concept of "culture" as a human culture has become a homonym for the concept of "culture" as a culture of plants and animals, transformed (rendered) by the will of people.

In the new meaning, the concept of "culture" existed to approximately mid XIX. c., i.e., until the time when there was an introduction to the presentation of all the people as living according to the rules of its society in accordance with the traditions of tradition and laws, which ultimately were approved and polished from generation to generation. The concept of "culture" has acquired additional importance: the system of rules and skills that are accompanied by a person from birth and determine the forms of its behavior, consciousness and thinking.In this new corrected value, the culture was inherent in each person, regardless of his belonging to one or another people. So the word "culture" got the opportunity to speak not only in singlenumber indicating powerdevelopment of man within concretesocieties, Nowo multipleindicating on differences of the Societiescivilizations, laws and rules, and accordingly, people in their historical development in various social and natural systems. Therefore, the concept of "culture" began to indicate the difference between the parameters and the content itself, the development of development, and therefore the differences in the evaluation criteria for the evaluation of the stages of development themselves, depending on the particular social systems.

In accordance with the new meaningful filling in modern science, the concept of "culture" as a degree spiritual development Began to look for universal criteria that would have made the define degrees of human spiritual development independent of the difference in inhomogeneous, non-identical social and natural systems. This search focus led to the need to refer to the origins of a person, its origin, i.e., to the very first separation feature pointing to the identity of the animal, even such a developed, as a man-like monkey, and the person himself.

A distinctive feature of the human being from being an animal is social status arising from a person with decomposition, decay of the initial forms of herd life when primary forms social organization Animals, relying primarily on self-preservation instincts, go from external conditions internal conditions man becomes his social psyche and social form development. In this case, not under pressure from external natural circumstances, but by virtue of its own new nature.a person builds his behavior and attitude towards others, its activities as an individual, as an organic particle of the general - the emerging community.

Following the evolution of human behavior in the society system, one can distinguish three main steps of not historical development, and human formation or, in other words, the transformation of a man of the external, biologically defined by its appearance into the light, in a person internal, that is, possessing certain forms of dominant goal. In this general process of becoming a person there is no distinction between "civilized" and "uncivilized", but there are differences between the levels of human formation as the levels of its culture, its social maturity.

The first need of a prevailed person is the need for HIS own Life, and therefore, in conditions providing his life as a simple form of existence, existence. The first forms of the community of people arose on the basis of their desire to ensure this form of being in joint activities, that is, to create with collective efforts, the unified orientation of consciousness the necessary and sufficient level of existence. At the initial stages of human development, the level of existence was determined by the three functions of the community and each person belonging to it - provision: a) the required number and quality of food; b) protection from cold or heat in various climatic conditions; c) protection against the attack of wild animals, and sometimes people encroaching on life or food resources. These needs underlying the primary forms of public life organization can be called vitalsi.e. vitality (from Lat. vita.- a life).

Vital needs are basic for any person, since their content is determined by the need for life itself, encouraged instinctand at the same time conscious desire to live.But the process of human development cannot be limited to this state separating it from an animal only by a thin partition of sociality, expressed initially only in the internal installation of each member of society to create and strengthen the collective good.

The "collective benefit" itself implies a certain competitivityin relation to the surrounding nature, a large animal, another community-generic or tribal community. This competitiveness makes a person intensify its internal forces and send them to openopponent, as it happens today, for example, in sports. This "labor", "hunting" and "gaming" voltage is necessary in order for a particular person, his society, and not an opponent, got prey and so that it is not to become the extraction of another, for example, a cave bear or a saber-to-tiger. This tension develops the reality, generates new unexpected actions, awakens and forms new internal forces and human abilities who, over time, in terms of a prosperous community can become independent values.

So formed new step In the formation of a person. A member of the people of people opens up for themselves a new interest in life, learns new opportunities and abilities and begins to enjoy not only life itself, but also on what he enriches it that he brings new on it.He is persistent and sometimes fanatically devoted to his work, passionate and in passion forgets everything in the world, he is dedicated to his passion and most often highly productive in his passion. For him no longer exist fusedlife ploticpleasure comfortand peace. He is creatively obsessedand in this obsessionfinding its true human happiness. So the science is moving forward - in the stubborn desire to go beyond the fault, look into the future. So the technique moves forward - in the stubborn desire to create something that has never happened. This stubbornness moves science, philosophy, social progress. But these obsessed, passionate people in their own way are selfish, because they are focused only on their hobby, on the elected business, on the beloved lesson, do not regret it for his success. This level of formation of a person and its culture can be defined as self-realization levelvaluable not only for humans, but also for society, for the creative orientation enriches society with new features and resources. But the selfish component of self-realization can create a certain vacuum around a passionate man, often encourages him for loneliness, deprives simple life joys. Therefore, this level of culture of the highest form of human development is impossible.

If you turn to the language of philosophy, we can say that the vital level and the level of self-realization appear before us as opposed to the development. The vital level is the desire for satiety, caring pleasure, and consequently, to career, enriching both the means to achieve selected goals. Here we can meet cruelty and cynicism, rootless and loose pragmatism, the extreme forms of egoism and all kinds of crime, disregard for all forms of spiritual life and abuse on the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof society. Here is a world that ultimately creates a person for himself, who has risen on the path of debris and, respectively, who stopped at the first stage of cultural development, only by one differing from the animal - competitive superiority in force and arrogance. If in early primitive society Vital need was the norm, for protected inner world Communities from the outside world in a competitive struggle for the means of survival, then later, in a later period, it acquires a negative meaning, because it is no longer worth protecting the community or tribe, and serves, as a rule, a particular individual or its clan, directing its overwhelming destructive power Directly against the society, which is becoming a limitation for him, the strength of containing hidden or explicit aggression from it.

The level of self-realization is in many ways the indifference of the satiety and the desire for active spiritual life from the simplest forms of self-examination of themselves in sports to more complex processes of disclosure in science, art and technical inventiveness. In this case, self-discharge, self-realization of the individual must benefit society as creation as enriching the new experience of relations with the outside world, the new possibilities of interaction with each other and with nature. Culture of self-assessment, self-realization in ancient society There was a phenomenon of protection not from the outside world, but from stagnation, from death when large associations of people were formed - tribal unionsIn which resources were accumulated to support creativity and creation, awakening society for the development and accumulation of internal force, the definition of new opportunities. Partially can agree with V. M. Interheev, that culture is the basis of freedom, and the discovery cultureit was associated with an understanding of independence and freedom in the development of man both from nature and from God.

"It was apparently in the opening special kind of being,obliged by its existence not God and not nature, but himself manas a creature relatively freefrom the other, - argues V. M. Interheev - culture - everything that exists by virtue of human freedom as opposed to what does not depend on the person, exists according to its own laws. "

But the representative of the culture that has achieved the level of self-realization remained a natural flaw, related to the fact that in his hobbies, in its own, as a rule, a disinterested pursuit of new, to the discoveries of new horizons of spiritual experience of mankind, he forgot about his neighbor, real people, becoming sometimes indifferent and even cruel towards their lives, problems and destinies. Here he acted as a selfish warehouse man who is not able to see the misfortunes of others around others, even very close people. This is a hard fee for the opportunity to dive into a fascinating person. Such a person is creating primarily due to the inner gusts, without thinking seriously about the good of the neighbor, although he becomes useful to society, not always realizing it. But it is not only useful, but also harmful, destructive. Human self-realization may be hostile to culture.

The highest and full level of culture is the level of spiritual elite. It should not be associated with the concept of "spiritual elite" Snobism, the Chvanism and the arrogance of rich or noble people, representatives of major capital or high-ranking government officials. The spiritual elite is the level of culture, when not wealth or knowledge, power or by itself, high education is allocated groups of people in a special typological group. Elite culture develops from the continuous creativity of a person in all areas of his being, but his view of the world subtly displays the features of the human environment with which he identifies itself to which he is immersed. In this case, he is exempt from the cargo of the selfish rejection of the surrounding people, a certain alienation from their destinies, but in its attitude to people he shows knowledge of life and awareness, meaningfulness of any act, thoughtfulness and at the same time - the need for assistance and support provided in one form or another . Elite culture involves the presence of the relationship, the harmony of the internal and external world of man, the balance of the forces and the relationship of the relationship. This is a kind of spiritual maturity, which does not cover the path of further development, but on the contrary, opens the endless loft and creativity at this level.

The concept of levels in cultural studies can be transferred to the test system, scale and can be used as a kind of measuring device that determines the levels of culture. But the concept of levels can also act as a theoretical basis for predicting the behavior and actions of a person who is at one or another level of development of culture.

At the heart of the highlation levels of culture and, accordingly, culturality is different dominant needs of a person or social Group. In the first, lower level is the needs of survival and to ensure our own life. The second is the need for self-refining, self-realization, in life interesting and targeted. The third definitions are the need for spiritual wealth actually, accumulating and implemented in relations with the outside world, with other people. Of course, we are talking The fact that in each case dominates, and not that you can completely do without satisfaction, say, vital needs. But after all, their satisfaction can be close to the Tskar or more echultured, decorated, refined.

Of course, there are many intermediate stages between levels when climbing a high full-fledged culture, and each of them differs in identifier and deserves an independent characteristic. But the general tendency of the disclosure of the dominant of consciousness during the goal-making of the life process and the development of certain value orientations in the field of culture can provide a basis for evaluating human culture and forecasting its common life aspirations, actions and actions.

The ideas about the levels of culture and culturality are quite consistent with the value and humanistic vision of culture and its development. What we call cultural values \u200b\u200bis apparently mastered by people in different ways, in a field, it is realized in the life of a person and human communities. At the same time, of course, it is not indifferent, as we can know the values \u200b\u200bof culture.

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The culture of peoples and states, reflecting the degree of material and spiritual mastering nature or the level of development of productive forces, is the most sensitive indicator of the scientific and technical and social maturity of the socio-economic formation.

It serves not only by Meril compliance with the level of social development of world civilization, but also the forecast of its perspective, the prerequisite for future public culture.

The main subjects of the culture of society are the family and labor team, where the first as socio-demographic, and the second as the socio-economic cells of society represent almost the entire cultural environment of the personality, that is, reflect the development of individual culture. As for the culture of individuals and groups, it is not only an indicator of socialization, but also the criterion for the development of personality. Speaking as an individual's development environment, the cultural environment acquires the property of determinants of human development and behavior.

The spiritual aspect of the culture of the personality is considered. The point is not that her material aspect has already found its coverage, but is that the spiritual closer is associated with the subjective side, individual behavior. Ultimately, spiritual culture shows the degree of mastering the masses by the Marxist worldview, which, as V. I. Lenin noted, "be the right expression of interests, point of view, culture of the revolutionary proletariat."

Complement to the specific abilities and properties, the spiritual culture of the individual under normal conditions is committed to the correspondence with the culture of its environment, which, reflecting public culture, acts as a formal standard of development of the abilities and property properties. Presenting a pronounced social deviation, the unfavorable family creates its specific cultural or, more precisely, the anticultural environment. Objectively developing on the above scheme, the child involuntarily seizes the culture of family disadvantaged, exacerbating the already low spiritual potential of his family.

The methodological basis for the decision of the level assessment, development and education and education issues is the well-known position of K. Marx and F. Engels that "... calling, appointment, the task of the whole person - to comprehensively develop all its abilities ...". Giving an exceptional importance to the problem of comprehensive human development, the founders of Marxism-Leninism saw in this the only way to master the diverse and rich spiritual heritage of society. As a person is the main productive force of society, his "calling, appointment, task" is becoming a condition for the development of productive forces, the condition of public progress. This implies that the comprehensive development of a person becomes the "universal law of social production." Consequently, one of the main and most universal criteria for estimating the level and determination of the objectives of the cultural development of all, including minors from disadvantaged families, is made by the fullness of personality development. This criterion cannot be spontaneously moved to minors from disadvantaged families without an appropriate amendment to a cash level of personality development and peculiarities of direct cultural environment. In order for this criterion to "work", it is necessary to determine its content, as well as to establish a really achievable natural and figurative standard of the cultural environment of the object.

With regard to the meaningful side of the criterion for assessing the level and determination of the objectives of the cultural development of the personality of minors from disadvantaged families, it should be basically the ideology of the working class. By occupying the leading position in public production, the working class under the conditions of socialism becomes an "intellectual and moral engine", the main subject of socialist ideology. Concentrating on the basis of the separation and cooperation of labor in large and small production teams, exploiting the means of production, creating all the material benefits, including the means of producing spiritual values, the working class becomes not only the dominant material, but also the spiritual power of society. "A class, having at its disposal the means of material production," said K. Marx and F. Engels, - has both the means of spiritual production. " The production team can serve as a standard of cultural medium for subjects of family disadvantage. As for the choice of such a standal for minors from disadvantaged families, they can become a class, school team, study group PTU or production team.

Reflecting the degree of mastering the laws of the development of nature and society and embodied in the ideals of the dominant class, spiritual culture is manifested in all spheres of vital activity of individuals as their attitude towards work, science, knowledge, ethics, aesthetics, ideology, politics and man. In this sense, it acquires not only the importance of an interdisciplinary cumulative indicator of the social maturity of man and society, but also the catalyst for the development of their needs, i.e. the improvement of the relations themselves. Moreover, assimilating in the process of labor, scientific, educational or other activities, public experience, knowledge and skills, a person willingly or involuntarily develops and multiplies its abilities and properties. In other words, dialectically and historically determining the development of the abilities and properties of the individual, spiritual culture becomes an indicator of subjective possibilities and a source of comprehensiveness of personality development.

Spiritual culture is a complexized phenomenon consisting of a variety of person's subjective relations to the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof society that are manifested in the abilities, skills and personality properties. There may be an estimate of the level of spiritual culture, which proceeds either from the analysis of most of these elements, or those that may be grouped into a conditional model of the spiritual culture of the individual. These elements were attributed to those that determine the development and behavior of minors. All these elements indicators of spiritual culture were (again conditionally divided into basic and instrumental.

The composition of the main elements included those in the sphere of which most of the behavioral structures of the individual (needs, interests, moral and legal views and education) are formed. Those who fill the main designs of the subjective content (intelligence, mental abilities, aesthetic views and feelings) were attributed to the instrumental.

Based on the fact that the development of the spiritual heritage of society and its transformation into the properties, abilities and skills of the personality, it can be assumed that the level of development general Education And the attitude towards its mastering is the initial factors and defining indicators of spiritual culture, level and prospects for the development of the individual. Being in direct proportional dependence on obtaining any knowledge, the level of general education has a direct impact on the behavior of the person. In this regard, it is not quite clear thesis of I. S. Kona that "the higher the education and social status of the individual, the later she gains a sense of social maturity."

The data of our study show that only the steady increase in the level of education and the preservation of communication with the school can neutralize the influence of family disadvantage and reorient the minor to such a standard of cultural environment, which is formed at school.

It is that the influence of the school and the level of education can be explained by the fact that the main part of minors from disadvantaged families graduated from 8 classes, with other things being equal with those who prematurely ceased to study at school, oriented their further life on the social and positive path of development. On average, 40% of them arrive in PTU, almost 20% become working industrial enterprises, 24% - employees of the non-production sphere, 2% continue to study at school and only a little more than 1.6% fall into the category of "non-working and increasing" category. The last figure is only 5% more than adolescents from the families of the control group and almost 3 times less compared to minors from (disadvantaged families who have left the school. Probably, this is one of the reasons that the share of minors graduated from 8 Classes, accounted for almost 2 times less offenses and crimes and almost 1.5 times - administrative and disciplinary misconducts than on all minors from disadvantaged families. In short, education and studies are fundamental (if not the only one) for juvenile factor in socialization of the person.

One of the characteristic indicators of the level of education of minors is the distance between age and the number of finished school classes (or the year of training in vocational schools). By increasing with age (after the "discontinuity" with the school), it not only complicates the possibility of obtaining education, but also puts a minor in an atypical position. It is sooner or later, but necessarily leads to "hard" restrictions in the choice of profession and place of work, in creating a family, determining the circle of communication, mastering the spiritual heritage of society, the possibilities of legal satisfaction of their needs. Ultimately, it serves as one of the reasons for the degradation of the person, conflict with morality and the right, reproduction of family disadvantage.

Of course, the lag in the formation level differs in different ways on each minor, but, depending on the type of employment, it has characteristic manifestations. For school students, it serves as the main prerequisite for premature cessation of study. Among the students of vocational schools, distance between age and the number of finished school classes is on average 1 year. In cycling conditions, distance between age and. The level of education is manifested as a disadapting factor or as a factor opposing the merger of an individual with a team of the study group. On the one hand, possessing a significantly smaller potential of knowledge (with the equality of the number of finished classes), minors from disadvantaged families cannot cope with the curriculum. This, volunteer or involuntarily puts them in a disadvantage, expressing in relation to them as a destabilizing learning process and the performance of the team with an undesirable phenomenon. On the other hand, the difference in the age forms other than that of the majority of students, the structure of interests. Having preferred contacts with "old" friends, peers, persons of the opposite sex, the usual forms of leisure, minors from disadvantaged families are "tolerant", but not interested in the team attitude.

Thus, it can be assumed that one of the reasons for the high "discrade" minors from disadvantaged families from PTU (up to 75%) is the mutual disinterest of each other personality and the team. Such an extreme form of disadaptation is for most minors of disadvantaged families in fact, the last possibility of obtaining secondary education (in any case before the onset of eighteen years). The fact is that from all those who after the "drop-off" from PTU came to production, only 2% continued to study in a secondary school in his free time. " Care from the school determines the increase in this distance for another 3-4 years.

The distance between age and the level of formation in cycle conditions is manifested in the same way as the condition of the total age disharmony of personality development. Striving in a later introduction of an individual to one or another activities (including school studies, service in the ranks Soviet army, labor activity etc.), it puts it in equal, and sometimes in a lower position with the younger in age, fixing it as a tendency requiring its change in large volitional, moral, mental and physical costs. Without able or not wanting to change the course of events, one part of students from disadvantaged families is arguing with it and should in line with the titled trend, the other part, who acutely reacting to the seeming injustice, choose the method familiar to it in conflict situations. Solving the problem of self-affirmation by an antisocial way, these adolescents further aggravate the disharmony of personality development. It is at this category that accounts for up to 78% of all crimes, offenses and misconducts committed by PRTU.

As for the distance between the age and the level of formation of working minors from disadvantaged families, although it does not have eruption of pronounced legal and psychological consequences, but, amounting to 2 years, turns into this category in law. Not experiencing for most of its (87%) damage in the low level of education (due to the acquisition of independent earnings, independence from school, school, family, etc.), they reject the need further studies. Another commemorative difficulties in school influenced the reluctance and, of course, a large gap between the cessation of study at school and the beginning, permanent employment, which for 9% of the surveyed 4 years, for 12% -3 years, for 27% -2 years And for the rest - 1 year. The gap over the years increases and, taking into account the characterological characteristics of the object becomes irreversible. And although this category does not experience any damage in the low level of education, the distance between age and the level of education is directly related to lower, compared with the control group, qualifications characteristic of them negligence to the norms of production, regime and discipline of labor, the offenses and crimes they commit outside the enterprise. According to studies, there are almost 52% of all offenses and crimes committed by working minors from disadvantaged families.

The most disastrous distance between age and the level of education is manifested in relation to those minors from disadvantaged families, which relate to the category of "non-working and incredible". Equal on average 3 years (i.e., highly high compared to all categories of juvenile juveniles from disadvantaged families), it acts as a factor paralyzing the general development of the personality. This is explained by the extreme form of degradation, "raising" this category of minors, families in the state of "protracted collapse", as well as the situation in fact "the teenager left for the arbitrariness of the fate.

Drunkenness and other factors of family disadvantages were practically sulfy from the consideration and lexicon of parents: the concepts of education and teaching children. It is not by chance that the families of non-working and incredible adolescents have those that have stopped learning from the fifth grade. In other words, the extreme form of family disadvantage deprives minors not only childhood, but also the initial foundation for the development of the personality, that is, the possibility of obtaining education.

Having the lowest of all categories of minors. The level of education, non-working and incredible teenagers are characterized by extremely low (1.4 points against 3.8 points in the control group) interest in study. At the same time, the "need" does not learn has a frankly progressive character with age. If another 12-13-year-old teenagers express (at least in words), some desire to get an education, then 82% of adolescents of 16-17-year-old age categorically reject even the feasibility of general education.

In this sense, the distance between age and the level of education is likely to be considered as a condition of identity degradation. As the most small group, non-working and unreasonable teenagers give an almost absolute number of minors engaged in vagrancy. In addition, they are the most offender (by the number of cases per 100 people) among minor category. Speaking O. great meaning The level of education for the development of the individual, it is impossible to not pay attention to the role of an objective factor in the formation of a negative attitude of minors from disadvantaged families to study. The fact that interest in studying this category occupies one of the last places in the value scale, is to blame primarily the family and low level of parental education. In this sense, minors from socialized families had great advantages, for already one thing is that their parents have a significantly greater level of education than parents from disadvantaged families, significantly increases the guarantee of obtaining secondary education. So rightly noted I. S. Kon, "the higher the level of parental education, the greater the likelihood that their part is going to continue their studies after school and that these plans will be implemented." As for family disadvantages, it actually deprives the prospects for obtaining secondary education and reduces this probability to a random, non-dependent coincidence.

The value of education for a person in general and a minor, in particular, also says that under the influence and with the participation of education, one of the most important socio-psychological properties of the personality is formed - its intellect. Arriving, together with other properties and qualities, the spiritual culture of the individual, the intellect occupies a special position among them: it becomes the leading internal catalyst for the self-development of the individual, indicator of the level of development of his spiritual culture, mental activity. Forming under the influence of the environment and in the process of concrete theoretical or practical activity), it ultimately determines the subjective aspect of their transformation and thereby becomes one of the factors of the development of the Company's productive forces.

Thus, the analysis of intelligence in the context of the spiritual culture of the individual is the most important means of identifying specific opportunities for the development and response of the personality of minors from disadvantaged families. In this sense, the definition of nature, concepts, criteria and indicators of the analyzed phenomenon in relation to the object of this study is of particular importance. Unfortunately, in psychology, sociology and in the theory of culture, these questions have not yet found their decision. They did not receive due development they are in criminology.

Since in psychology, consistently decisive problem Intellect, the opinion prevails, according to which it comes down to the mental and general abilities of the individual, the genesis of the abilities automatically applies to intelligence as a whole. But only to the abilities of intelligence can not be reduced. The ability as a state of psycho-physiological readiness of the body to any activity is better to be considered only as one of the conditions for the formation of intelligence and other social and psychological properties of the individual. In addition, the intellect is not characterized by all sorts of, but only specifically specific abilities. In addition to them, in the formation of intellect, knowledge and public experience, environment and activities, needs and interests, morality and legal awareness, and much more, which is able to compensate, develop or restrain the development of abilities. "Having adopted that the abilities exist only in development," said B. M. Warm, - we should not lose sight of this, which is not otherwise developed, as in the process of one or another practical or theoretical activity. And hence it follows that the ability cannot arise outside the relevant specific activity. " In other words, the abilities become an internal property of the individual or the condition of its further development. Assessment of the development of intelligence development is made up of achievements obtained with the participation of abilities, and ideas about possible achievements in the projected livelihoods of the estimated.

Since the spontaneous development of intelligence is unrealistic, the assessment of these possibilities is carried out taking into account the availability and level of development of the needs that cause mental activity, the degree of development of instrumental (with respect to intelligence) of abilities (letters, accounts, accounts, readings, etc.), activities and those external conditions (characteristic, atypical or extreme), in which this individual will live. The decisive word in this subjective assessment remains for external conditions of life, which (especially in relation to minors) determines the development of intellectual needs and instrumental abilities.

It can be assumed that the state of the immediate environment, intellectual needs and instrumental abilities, as well as the characteristic of the activities of the individual, refraarting through the prism of its achievements (as the most reliable indicator of mental abilities), give an answer to the question of the possibilities of intellectual development. Then the criterion of intellectual development of the individual could be called the effectiveness of mental activity, the cause - the need, the condition is the state of the direct environment, and the means - specific activities. In other words, the indicators of the level of intellectual development include the level of development of intellectual needs, instrumental abilities, knowledge, memory and rational thinking.

Noting the importance and latitude of the sphere of the influence of intelligence, it is impossible to not pay attention to the need for its separation from other components of spiritual culture. This is necessary in order to avoid the expansion interpretation of the intelligence and mixing its functions with the functions of other social and psychological education individuals. The fact is that the expansion interpretation of this concept can lead to unjustified duplication and substitution of tasks facing intellectual education. In this regard, it seems an erroneous opinion, according to which the intellectual indicators (moreover, the most important) refers "The need for as best can perform a task for yourself, for others or to get the product as such."

Intellect in socialism conditions can not be considered as an abstract or morally neutral category, as society is not indifferent to what matters this case will be sent social value. Each discipline, including intelligent education, has its subject area outlined by the indicators of the intellectual development of the individual. The problem is better or worst relationship A person to perform any task is to the number of moral categories and is the subject of moral education.

Evaluation of the level of development of needs was carried out through the analysis of preferred activities in free time. The fact is that the free time, the least regulated, is consumed by minors primarily at its discretion, that is, in accordance with personal needs. Therefore, the activities of the activities in their free time are the most accurate sign of real needs, and therefore the volume and maintenance of mental energy spent on their implementation.

The need to analyze activities in his free time also says that minors from disadvantaged families only during this period can show their abilities, since they are almost no such that would study in schools with mathematical, chess, foreign-speaking or other bias unwittingly requiring high mental costs. Studying or working as needed, i.e. in incision with the needs, they can not mobilize mental energy for these activities.

According to the previously shown characteristics of minors from disadvantaged families in free time and expert evaluation data, it is possible to draw conclusions regarding the availability and level of needs. Conditioning mental activity. First, the structure of the needs of almost 57% of the surveyed did not have intellectual needs in general, 35% of mental energy costs were associated with the need for entertainment. Only 8% attended the needs that really encourage socially positive mental activities. Secondly, preferring the physical methods of realizations of self-affirmation needs, mentally unproductive; Passive-contemplative forms of pastime, they inevitably lose in intellectual, development of peers, actively using mental potential, are deprived of the prospects for intellectual all-round personal development.

Speaking about the level of development of common instrumental abilities or ensuring mental activity of reading, letters and accounts of minors from disadvantaged families, it should be noted that all of them are much worse than that of juveniles from the control group. For example, in the first volume read by 4.2 times, the speed of the letter 1.3 times, literacy of the letter 2.8 times, and the correctness of the account (by the multiplication table) is 1.9 times lower than that of the second. At the same time, the difference in the development levels of all listed skills has a pronounced tendency to increase (along with an increase in age). As for the level of development of special instrumental abilities (play in chess, on musical instruments, modeling, etc.), then here you can state: without having needs in these activities and not participating in them, teenagers naturally cannot have the corresponding skills.

Thus, the irrational use of free time, largely due to the undeveloped needs of mental activity, deprives minor of disadvantaged families of the instrumental basis of intellectual development. This poses the possibility of the very possibility of the spiritual development of this category, for "free time as the greatest productive force" predetermines everything, and above all the intellectual development of the personality.

The instrumental quality also has such a component of intelligence as memory. Having other than instrumental abilities, nature, memory as the property of the nervous system ensures assimilation, accumulation and consolidation of skills, needs, knowledge and experience of mental activity, becomes a tool or means of transforming them into mental neoplasms, in the properties of the intellect. Of course, it is not the only means of intellectual development, but, depending on its condition, determines the boundaries of the possibilities of this development or its quantitative side.

According to the weighted average values \u200b\u200bof the estimates given by experts, each type of memory of minors from disadvantaged families, sensual and affective memory received 3.5 points (against 3.1 points in the control group), figurative - 3.6 against 3.7 points, logical - 2, 2 against 3.8 points, sign - 2.4 against 3.3 points and motor - 2.7 against 3.4 points, i.e., sensual memory of juveniles from disadvantaged families is developed above, the figurative almost does not have differences, and Here is a motor, sign and especially logical are designed much worse than adolescents of the control group.

A similar picture is not accidental. According to the questionnaire of polar profiles, it is emotional sphere The most common is deformed and characterized as unbalanced and acted. The hot temper, the symptoms and ambitiousness of character, balloon and vitality confirm the hypothesis of the predominance of emotional regulation of behavior. Probably a combination of aggravated memory of feelings and underdeveloped logical memory The functional dissonance of the nervous system is generating when its one, more developed subsystem suppresses less developed. All types of memory, performing certain mental functions, make up integral integrity, the violation of which leads to irrational, monofunctional regulation of behavior.

With regard to the question of the direction of sensual memory, entering the consciousness and behavior of the individual, antisocial target images, the answer to it is likely to be sought in the genesis of its formation and again in the ratio of the levels of development of all memory components. Education in family disadvantages causes a one-way orientation of children's memory, the accumulation and preservation of such sensory experience, which is most often reproduced in the family and causes the child the strongest emotional experiences. Since in these families, a combination of physical punishment methods with carelessness prevails and even with indifference to the fate of their children, minors are fixed mainly negative emotions, negative essentially experience interpersonal relationshipwhich they subsequently transferred to the relationship with society.

The daily negative experience of relations in the family causes high neuropsychiatric loads, accumulation and accentuation of images of objective reality, which provides a relatively high development of shaped memory in minors. The images recorded in memory are objective, i.e., adequately reflect the realities of family disadvantaged; The figurative memory introduces the familiar sensual images into the consciousness and behavior of the individual who are materialized in the corresponding effects. The combination of aggravated sensual memory with an imperfection of logical and other memory types aggravates the functional dissonance of the nervous system and determines the irrational behavior of the person. In other words, what kind of memory is developed, what images it causes, such a sign and modality contains concepts, judgments and conclusions underlying the practical activity of the individual.

Directly with memory is associated with the development of the abilities of rational thinking, considered as one of the indicators of the level of intelligence. Based on the fact that a rational muscular difference and the function of mental activity, which manifests itself in target (cognitive and behavioral) motifs, assessing the level of its development was carried out taking into account the motives of the mental or cognitive activity of minors. "The presence and functioning in the thinking of man cognitive! Motivation associated with the highest forms of development intellectual abilities And with the most significant achievements of human thought. " Internal motivation of cognitive activity is a criterion for assessing the level of development of rational thinking. According to the expert assessment, the positive and cognitive activity of adolescents from disadvantaged families * is only 1.8 points (against 3.8 points in the control group).

The underdevelopment of the emotional and prompting sphere of cognitive activity and rational thinking as a whole reduces intellectual activity, restrains the development of general education and special, knowledge. It is likely that it is possible to largely explain, a low expert assessment of the erudition level of the study category (1.9 against 3.2 points in the control group). Analysis of the motives for termination of study or negative to her relationship shows that for 80% of the studied studies at school and PTU was a forced event.

It can be quite definitely argued that minors from disadvantaged families are deprived of objective opportunities for the development of intelligence (without radical external intervention). The same can be said about the organization of free time, which, according to K. Marx, "represents both leisure" and time for more sublime activities, "but in the conditions of family disadvantaged, it acts as an independent, active factor of identity degradation.

Another component of the spiritual culture and the comprehensive development of the individual is aesthetic views. Understanding the aesthetic "... that is common in the beautiful, elevated, tragic, comic, as in the ugly, lowland, which reflects their originality in the world of life phenomena and causes certain sensual-emotional experiences." We can assume that the target function of the Marxist-Leninist aesthetics is The formation of the harmony of the Spirit embodied in the feelings and thoughts of a person who can not only feel and reproduce, but also to create a beautiful, kind, elevated.

Having granted proper importance of spiritual harmony in the socialization of the person, the Communist Party raised this problem to the level public Policy, Recovering B. new edition of his program that "the party will take care of aesthetic education Workers' to grow generations on the best samples of the domestic and global artistic culture. The aesthetic start is even more spiritualized by work, horses a person, will decorate his life. " In other words, aesthetic feelings as the most important mental tool for reflection of objective reality are not only an indicator of the spiritual culture of the individual, but also a means of regulating behavior.

It is clear that we are talking about the aesthetic views of minors from disadvantaged families, where the Bezois and the spiritual atmosphere itself is a clear opposite of the beautiful, kind, elevated, where even the upbringing of elementary skills granted the will of the case is extremely difficult, and it would be easier to say that they are weakly developed : According to expert assessment, 1.9 points against 3.6 in the control group. This can also be judged by the high level of offenses and crimes on them, for the cruelty that they sometimes show against people and things and performed offenses, crimes and misdemeans.

Apparently, their aesthetic feelings are not. They meet the socially necessary level and therefore do not provide their regulatory function. In addition, the whole analysis proves that the development of any one human property in the absence or deformation of others is not able to realize their destination. Speaking about the aesthetic views of minors from disadvantaged families, it is impossible not to take into account the peculiarities of their immediate environment. Therefore, a low level of aesthetic views is most likely not wines, but the trouble under study. All research data suggest that the sensual infantilism of a person is a natural consequence of spiritual hunger, experienced in childhood, the result of egoism or carelessness of the parents.

Be that as it may, the aesthetic views of minors in the conditions of family disadvantages do not have perspectives and in their deformed state can be encouraged by everything, not only the development of spiritual culture. And yet we are far from thought about the doomes of this category. Practices are known not for single examples when timely, radical and consistent measures for the resocialization of minors from disadvantaged families gave positive results.

The complexity of some terms lies in a huge amount of interpretations, each of which is to some extent true, but does not displays the overall picture. This is what happens with the culture - this word is used to such an extent that the illusion of absolutely transparent understanding arises. How to determine the level of culture so that it can be recognized as sufficient or, on the contrary, to recognize the need for careful work to increase it? If you leave academic definitions to cultivators, then anyone can call some general concepts related to this life sphere.

The origin and interpretation of the term

If you study the linguistic structure of the word "culture", we can safely say that we are talking about the system of removing all extra, prohibitions and restrictions. The Latin word Culter, which underlies the concept itself, is translated as a "knife" or any other tool that cuts off excess. It turns out that the level of culture of anything is delivered from extra, unnecessary and even dangerous, some ideal or approximate phenomenon.

Occulturing - bringing from a wild state to the crushed, comfortable, pleasant and beautiful. Cultivation (related term from agriculture) is a targeted cultivation of something useful in the required quality and quantity. Consequently, levels of development of culture are a person's desire to improve and enjoy their lives by creating rules, eliminating excess. It is worth recognizing that culture in the broad sense of the word makes life safer, more convenient and more pleasant. In a domestic application, for example, it is much calmer to coexist with people who mutually observe attentive to the interlocutor, do not allow themselves wild leaving, untidiness and so on.

How to determine your level of culture in the household sense?

If we consider that the phrase "cultural person" itself has a positive emotional color, then I want to really meet the high standards in order to obtain related social bonuses. How to determine if you are fairly decent in this sense to be proud of yourself and consider decent communication with other, no less cultural people? Here we get into the standard trap, because an objectively high level of culture includes a huge number of factors that are subjective assessment with tremendous labor. Nevertheless, everyone considers himself to declare his personal appraisal opinion by reference.

How in a living way to determine the level of human culture? There is a complete set of cutlery, fork and a knife, you can not lick your fingers, to tick the nose, sneeze, not covering your mouth with your hand. And it is better not to sneeze at all. Therefore, there are completely reasonable questions from the part of the etiquette with their own renome of young people. Is it possible, for example, to visor into the nasal handkerchief, while being in society? The question is not idle and quite complicated, because it is impossible to tick the nose, you can not wove it with your hand, the runny nose can not cancel the magic wand. And the physiological sounds in the handkerchief also seems indecent.

Different levels of culture in society often come into contact with the etiquette, the ability to behave according to the rules established in this particular meeting of people. This is based on such a phenomenon as subcultures. It turns out that the same actions can be declared blessing, admissible (apologious) or approved, depending on the age-related, professional, leisure or ideological orientation of members of the group.

Main types of Culture

This concept is customary to divide into two main categories - material and spiritual. It is unlikely that they can hardly divide them, because they have interpenetration. For example, K belongs to all sorts of material objects that make up human life, from dwellings, transport and clothing, to all sorts of professional and craft industries. But one presence of a material unit is difficult to restrict ourselves, so spiritual culture inevitably seeps into all listed areas of life.

If we are talking about housing, then we strive to make it beautiful and attractive with all sorts of techniques awakening positive emotions. The design of the premises to some extent can be considered part of the spiritual culture, because in this case the artist-designer creates a certain image and perception of space using material items of utilitarian purposes. A wonderful example can be considered a high fashion that seems to many people strange, incomprehensible and completely impractical. However, it really does not put a goal to give the world a new kind of skirt or costume. These are artistic images and emotional spiritual cultural phenomena embodied with the help of clothes, as well as the painter worms with paints or pencils.

The level of culture in a spiritual sense is a complex combination of intangible works, which, naturally, are created using real aids. Music is completely devoid of material incarnation, it cannot be fascinated, weighed and measure, but to write, execute and give to listen to others, you need to use tools that appropriate equipment.


In society, a brought up person most often called the one who follows the requirements of etiquette. Really what qualities characterize the level common culture in society? If we take out modernity as an example, this spirituality, tolerance and lack of bias, responsiveness and empathy towards other people, honesty, responsibility and other positive universal qualities that caring parents try to instill their children with literally from the first years of life. Remember: Sand should not be thrown, to take off the scoops and looked ugly, beat girls and fight - in general terrible.

Brief Encyclopedia social culture You can call the Poem Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad." Simple rhyming lines perfectly explain that it should be considered acceptable, and what qualities are unambiguously rejected by educated people and cannot be considered the subject of imitation.

How to increase the social level of culture if it is most often formed at the expense of the majority of the population? It turns out that the opinion of the Company as a whole becomes a decisive factor, and if the majority decides that some phenomenon does not comply with the requirements of spirituality, it is subject to eradication. The society can be ever for anything, since aggressive persecutors are most often skillful manipulators, followed by the masses that do not take care of themselves to think on their own. Objectivity and impersonal in this case, unfortunately, they do not work, as they contradict a primitive desire to protect the "their" from the "strangers".

Physical education

Perhaps with the chanting of a healthy trained body we are obliged to ancient Greece. One way or another, physical culture is called the desire for harmonious development Active pastime method. Lessons from the school program just need to be sent to it - children are formed right posture, moderate physical activity Helps to absorb new knowledge, contributes to a more complete rest. It is worth noting that now the level of physical culture is now trying to replace sports achievements, but the sport itself is considered a separate category. In it too much orientation on a clean result, competitiveness, records, and if we consider the commercial component, we have activity solely for the sake of activity as a closed system.

The well-known slogan "In a healthy body is a healthy mind" can be recognized somewhat outdated, especially if you consider all sorts of physical culture. You can not have perfect healthy body, lose your legs or arms, but at the same time have an indomitable spirit. There is a medical and correctional physical education, just allowing people with disabilities to prove primarily to themselves that they can fully enjoy life. Moreover, Paralympic Games have become an inspiration source for many healthy people. The amazing force of motivation arises from those who admire the sports achievements of those who are considered to be invalid - they were able to overcome their problems to achieve impressive results. The motivational effect in this case blurs the frames, distinguishing sports and physical culture, and goes to the category of real values \u200b\u200binspiring for accomplishments and spiritual growth including.

Professional ethics

In any field of human activity, there is a set of ethical and spiritual qualities that must be observed. Often they speak about the levels of teachers, since the demanding to representatives of this profession is increasing every year. It is not surprising, because some a century ago, children were the value of another order. The teacher could resort to physical punishments, the right of moral pressure was recognized. By and large, the authority of the teacher was considered continued and unacceptable, especially against the background of a low level of education of the population. Now the opportunity is much wider as the rights of the child. It is impossible to consider a teacher professional who allows himself to hit the student.

It can be said that with this closely connected levels of legal culture, that is, the degree of understanding of their rights. Professional ethics of one group of people will always border with an ordinary level of another, for example, as teachers and students in the example described above, doctors and patients, sellers and buyers.

Culture as a symbiosis of art directions

Perhaps the most extensive and familiar meaning this term - This is an art: music, painting, sculpture, dance, literature and so on. A variety of excellent creates a certain halo of inaccessible, but even in art there are levels of cultural development.

First of all it is, of course, a massive or popular direction. Pop Star is a concept just from this area. Popular culture in the overwhelming majority has a commercial direction, needs support for the media and is, in fact, a profitable enterprise. But the elite level implies the development of fundamental art types - academic vocals, ballet, that is, the direction of traditional classical art types. There is an opinion that this direction can only be free or very expensive, because it is impossible to "do on the knee" high art, Intrusted with crumbs. This needs to be engaged either professionally for big money, or at the order of the soul and talent, while one does not exclude the other.

Finally, there is also folk art, Which can also be discounted. It is difficult to popularize, while it relates more to the fundamental part. There is also a certain level of culture, which is an antagonist of generally accepted canons. This is the so-called counterculture to which the undergrand belongs to, for example.

The countercultitution opposes itself to the dominant direction, while over time it can be carefully in it, enriching the general intellectual and spiritual luggage of mankind. All sorts of subcultural flows, denying, rebellious and even frankly aggressive, can completely disappear or change the direction. So happened, for example, with hippie or panks. All unstable and temporary squeezed, and now these subcultures have enriched us by adding new faces of perception.

Destructive trends that preach the destruction of cultural values \u200b\u200bcannot exist long enough. First, the man in his nature is the Creator, and he cannot only destroy. Secondly, everything created is certainly - when there is nothing more to destroy, it is necessary to build, even if on the debris. The desire to "destroy to the ground" was traced in the Bolshevik morality, and from the point of view of the preservation of cultural values \u200b\u200bit was, of course, a destructive course of a temporary nature.

Enhancing the level of culture of society

When analyzing some negative phenomena, it is possible to hear such an argument as an explanation as a "low level of society culture". And indeed it is. In pursuit of economic development, many directions simply lost funding, and this led to quite logical consequences. The high level of culture does not go by default, it is necessary to work on it, to promote, literally teach citizens. In the Soviet Union, there was such a phenomenon as the cultural and educational department, which was engaged in the promotion of all sorts of art in the masses. Now it is not so noticeable, and many creative people We sincerely believe that they are not enough opportunities for development, therefore, society has a less chance to raise their cultural level.

Tragic and what people prefer entertainment art, popular, while paying attention to fundamental, which requires understanding, reading, disclosure of the subtext. There is no balance, and therefore the cultural level of the average person begins to form on entertainment content. Nevertheless, with age, many are discovered for themselves and the fundamental direction, and sincerely surprise that it turns out to be not so boring, as it seemed to the trendy rhythms of popular songs.

Cultural values

This commodity expression in most cases unites all sorts of works of art, from architectural monuments and jewelry to songs, dances and literary works. This is a combination of everything that affects the level of general culture, which is forming a certain reference to perception. At the same time, some one value can not be considered an absolute standard, so we are talking about perception, about the feelings that it causes. It is believed that culture should cause a spiritual rise, which can be painted with different feelings and sensations - sadness is the same equal emotion as joy. It is impossible to demand only positive emotions, otherwise there will inevitably be a skew, assigning artificiality and insincerity.

It is the ability to perceive and feel the message and determines the level of educational and human education. The absence of an unambiguous template makes it possible to develop, new cultural values \u200b\u200bappear, which can contradict each other. The desire to lock the sublime person on the specified parameter can lead to a desire to pretend to be understood, but it is worth remembering that any work of art is ambiguous, because it acts on the emotional part of the person, and perception is individual, right up to misunderstanding and rejection.

Independent education

It is not necessary to carefully study the cultural grievors so that at the same time it is rightfully considered to be educated in this sense. This is just the sphere of life in which you can and need to do self-education. Increasing the level of culture is not only in learning and fulfilling the requirements that makes etiquette. It is necessary to remember the subjectivity of perception, and if something does not seem to you with the relevant standards, but does not violate the generally accepted rules, then it is not necessary to immediately declare the phenomenon of blatant.

It cannot be based only on material values, otherwise the inevitable decline and chaos will follow. Spiritual growth Each individual person ultimately helps to form a strong and fruitful civilization in which the level of education, culture and traditions does not contradict economic growth and material well-being. Each person's path can be their own, different from others: all sorts of art directions or religion, as spiritual values, or material culture, without which it is very difficult to create something ephemeral, affecting emotions and awakening beautiful spiritual impulses.