Themes of the days of the specialist teacher in the library. Professional competence of a modern librarian

Themes of the days of the specialist teacher in the library. Professional competence of a modern librarian

On August 18, 2017, the methodological department of the OGONB named after A.S. Pushkin spent Specialist's Day for Public Libraries of Maryanovsky District on the topic "Directions of modernization of public library activities in modern conditions"... Employees of the Maryanovsky district libraries visited three libraries of the regional center: two libraries of the budgetary cultural institution of the city of Omsk "Omsk Municipal Libraries" - named after Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and the Library Center "House of the Family"; the main regional library - the Omsk State Regional Scientific Library named after A.S. Pushkin.

During the business tour, Elena Evgenievna Afanasyeva, head of the Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya library, spoke about the history, main directions and forms of work of the institution for library and information services for the population of the Lenin District. Colleagues from rural libraries were clearly shown the activities of the "Book Garden" created on the territory of the library, in which a Literary gazebo with books and periodicals for readers of all ages is constantly open, a children's play complex where young readers get to know the heroes of fairy tales, there is a place for board games and fine arts, a platform for public events. On the basis of the library, a center for legal information, computer literacy courses for older people are successfully operating. The library named after Z. Kosmodemyanskaya is a popular center for the introduction to reading, intellectual development and creative leisure for the residents of the village of the television factory.

At the Family House Library Center, Chief Librarian Olga Vladimirovna Chernaya presented the institution's experience in enhancing the reading activity of various categories of the population of the microdistrict, as well as fruitful cooperation between the library and public organizations, which results in obtaining grant support. With the help of grants, the necessary equipment was purchased for a computer literacy center and a photo studio for training veterans, the elderly and people with disabilities, and a summer reading room was equipped. With great interest the staff of rural libraries got acquainted with the exhibition expositions of the Museum "Istoki", left good words of advice on the "tree of wishes".

In the Omsk State Regional Scientific Library named after A.S. Pushkin, an acquaintance with the activities of the structural divisions of the library took place: the subscription, the youth hall, the book museum, the Pushkin hall, the department of cultural programs . Elena Ivanovna Katkova, chief bibliographer of the information and bibliographic department, conducted a training course on the use of regional library resources in the practice of rural library specialists.

The Specialist's Day is an effective form of library and information services for employees of a certain specialty, profession or a number of professions.

Includes complex of measures:
  • direct display of primary and secondary documents,
  • reading reports and lectures,
  • demonstration of scientific and technical films,
  • bibliographic review of the main literature,
  • expert advice.
By the participants Specialist's Day are specialists of all levels of enterprises, institutions, organizations. It is carried out for employees of the same profession or on cross-sectoral issues for specialists of different professions.

By the speakers leading experts, representatives of other related and higher organizations can speak

Duration- from one to five days. Depends on the topic, the number of guests and other factors.
Methodology holding the Specialist's Day is simple, but requires a clear organization. The most important points are choosing a topic and leaving the plan.

Plan holding the Specialist's Day is coordinated with a previously developed thematic plan approved by the management. All departments and divisions should be familiarized with the plan of the Specialist's Day.

Highlights of the plan:

Choice of topics... The subject of the Specialist's Day is determined on the basis of studying the urgent problems facing an enterprise or organization and in accordance with the information needs of specialists.

Determination of the category of professionals. Specialists from one or several enterprises, as well as organizations of various fields are invited (if the topic of the Specialist's Day is an intersectoral or complex problem).

Choosing a place. A specialist's day can be:

  • stationary - on the basis of the organizer of the event, the library, the NTI service, the center;
  • visiting - outside the organizer's base.
Selection of events:
  • report
  • lecture
  • presentation
  • Exhibition
  • literature review
  • round table
  • Master Class
  • video film
  • discussion
  • consultation on information retrieval methodology
Responsible and deadlines... The main types of work for holding the Day of the Specialist and those responsible for their preparation and implementation are indicated. Those responsible for the preparation select literature, agree on the topics of lectures and reports with the speakers, select films, prepare invitations and announcements in accordance with the specified deadlines.

Selection of literature. A wide variety of types and types of information materials are presented:

  • official
  • scientific
  • production-practical
  • reference
  • books
  • domestic and foreign
  • periodicals
  • industrial catalogs
  • brochures
  • translations in traditional paper form and machine-readable media
Advertising and information campaign of the event

At least ten days before the Specialist Day, employees must be informed about the topic, place and date of its holding.

  • Information is carried out through the press, radio television, on the organizer's website, etc.
  • Used individual invitations, announcements, posters that are hung in the library, at enterprises and organizations, advertising brochures.

Sample invitation

Dear specialist!

We invite you to take part in the Specialist Day,

which is conducted by _____________ (by whom) ________________

(where) __________ _______ (date, time)

on this topic "_______________ ________________ _____________

______________ ". The program includes: ________________ __

________________ ________________ ________________ ____

________________ _______________

Development of registration forms
Participant registration forms:

  • tear-off coupons of the invitation letter,
  • registration cards and coupons,
  • registration sheets.
They indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the participant, place of work, position, contact information.

Sample registration card for the Specialist's Day participant

________________ ________________ ____
Full name

Place of work (for specialists,
invited from other enterprises)
________________ ________________ __
________________ ________________ ___
Address, phone number of the company
________________ ________________ ____
Sources Viewed
________________ ________________ _ (titles)
Documents received:
________________ ________________ ____ (name)
Ordered by MBA
________________ _____ titles.
Comments and suggestions for conducting DC
________________ ________________ _
"_____" ________ _______ 20 ____
Signature of the participant of the Specialist's Day ________________ ___

Development of questionnaires
Questionnaires for specialists are developed by the organizers of the event in order to study the effectiveness of the Specialist Day.

Sample questionnaire

Is the topic of the Specialist's Day relevant to you?

Are you satisfied with the organization and conduct of
Specialist's Day __________
Please rate the selection of literature on the topic
________________ ________________ _____
Do you consider holding the Specialist's Day necessary?
________________ ____ if yes, please indicate why
________________ ________________ _____
Suggest a topic for the next Specialist Day
________________ ________________ _____
Your comments and suggestions for the Day
specialist ________________ _____________
________________ ________________ _____

Thank you for your participation!

Room decoration
  • exhibitions from previously selected documents are placed on tables, stands, showcases;
  • the title of exhibitions and their sections are drawn up;
  • install technical means for showing presentations, watching videos, oral presentations of the participants:
    • microphones;
    • multimedia projector;
    • TV, etc.
Specialist Day
Registration of participants is carried out by tear-off coupons of the invitation form or by registration cards.
The event opens with an introduction by the person in charge.
You should definitely tell:
  • about the tasks of the Specialist's Day;
  • the procedure for obtaining information materials;
  • introduce speakers, specialists who will give consultations, ask to fill out questionnaires.
With an overview of the current state of the problem or a lecture, a report will be made by experts.
Performances may be accompanied by film screenings and presentations.
The librarian or enterprise specialist reviews the information presented.
Bibliographers are on duty at the exhibition, who conduct oral reviews of sources, give advice on the rules for using various materials.
After completing the main activities, film screenings, excursions, etc. will be organized.
At the end of the event, all participants are given a questionnaire and asked to fill it out.

Accounting and analysis the Specialist's Day is carried out according to the following indicators:

  • the number of materials submitted, including by type of information sources;
  • the number of specialists who took part in the Specialist Day, including by category;
  • the number of materials viewed at the event, including by type of information sources;
  • the number of issued originals and copies of information materials, including by type of documents;
  • number of participating enterprises, including by category.
Efficiency The day of a specialist is assessed according to the following indicators:
  • number of specialists and enterprises-participants present (% of coverage);
  • the number of submitted and issued documents (originals and copies);
  • percentage of use of the presented literature;
  • the average number of documents issued to one specialist.
The analysis of the questionnaires will provide an opportunity for further improving the organization of the Specialist Days, determining their subsequent topics.

In preparation conclusions on the held Specialist Day it is necessary to identify the reasons for the ineffective use of the submitted documents:

  • wrong choice of the audience (can be determined by the categories of the specialists present from the registration cards);
  • unsatisfactory organization of the event;
  • insufficient information about the Specialist Day held;
  • unsuccessful design of the exposition of the submitted documents (large sections, lack of section headings);
  • poorly prepared review of submitted documents, inactive work of consultants.

Participation in the event provides specialists with the opportunity for professional communication, information exchange, and the high level of organization and holding of the Specialist's Day enhances the image of the library.

* Exhibitions of information materials at various kinds of events (conferences, seminars, meetings, etc.), as well as methodological seminars are NOT considered a Specialist's Day.


  2. Competence and professionalism of a modern librarian: Specialist's Day [Text]: method.-bibliogr. manual / MUK "TsBS"; Central City Hospital named after M. Gorky; comp .: I.P. Revinova. - Bataysk, 2011 .-- 44 p.

Ramazanova N.A.
head of the organizational and methodological department

Library life today is not boring. The rapidly changing time does not give an opportunity to rest and presents more and more surprises, forcing not only to think, but to introduce innovations into the daily work of the municipal library.
Today the Government has finally turned its face to library problems. This gives us hope for the future. But at the same time, the requirements for libraries have increased many times over. To survive today, we must be more than just repositories of documentary funds, we must become mobile information and social centers. We must be claimed by society.

It is no secret that today there is an aging staff, a high level of turnover, and, first of all, among the newly arrived young staff. The ongoing “washing out” of the professionals from the library industry, leads to the fact that the main niche of the library cohort is occupied by teachers, and the continuity in the main activity of libraries is interrupted.
On the other hand, against the background of a rapidly developing society, the requirements for the competencies of modern librarians are constantly increasing. Today, they must not only have a good knowledge of the basics of their profession and library funds, but also master modern information technologies used in library practice.

Today it is no longer necessary to prove to anyone that people are the main resource of all resources. You cannot force or compel an employee to use their full potential for the successful prosperity of the organization. The self-dedication of the staff, the willingness of people to make the maximum contribution to the work of the library are determined by their own desire to work in full heat, their attitude to high-quality work. Professional training and retraining of employees plays an important role in this. After all, the more fully an employee is able to realize his professional potential in the interests of the organization, the higher his performance, and therefore the whole organization.
The administration of our library has always been interested in having highly qualified and competent personnel capable of ensuring a high level of efficiency of the entire organization.

The main group of library staff are librarians and educators. Practice shows that teaching staff quickly adapt to the library, acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and have the opportunity to build a successful career. This can be explained by the fact that the requirements for the professional qualities and personal abilities of a librarian and a teacher coincide in many respects.
There is no need to expect a change in the personnel situation in the near future, which means that in the future the Central City Library will have a need for qualified catalogers, systematizers, and bibliographers.

It is rather difficult to ensure continuity in the absence of specialized staff recruiting the library staff, but a solution can always be found. Therefore, at the forefront of our Library is the task of organizing a system of advanced training of specialists working in it. Moreover, advanced training means both the expansion and deepening of existing knowledge, and the acquisition and development of new skills and methods of work.
The following requirements apply to the system of measures to improve the skills of the Library's specialists:
Full coverage of all personnel (each employee must improve his professional level after a certain time)
Differentiated approach to different categories of personnel (depending on education, length of service, position held)
Continuity of the process (professional development is ongoing)
Consistency and consistency of measures to improve the qualifications of personnel (planning of this activity)

In our library there is a certain system for raising the professional level of specialists, adapted to the requirements of the time. This system includes: distance learning in specialized secondary specialized and higher educational institutions; training at regional training courses; business trips; multilevel program "Professional Librarian"; "School of the Modern Librarian"; the project "Improving the computer literacy of MBUK" Central City Hospital "employees; Specialist's days; contests; preparation and publication of methodological manuals; use of modern information technologies (presentations, provision of information on the library website in the" Professional "section, release of the informational professional newspaper" Biblioprofi ").

The high educational level of the employees of the Central City Hospital allows us to speak about the presence of a highly professional team of specialists in the system. Of the 138 specialists, 108 have higher education, including 29 higher library education, out of 25 specialists with secondary specialized education, 14 have a library education. 130 people are trained in the use of ICT. The specialists of our library are constantly learning.
In the last two years alone (2011-2012), 7 people received higher education: 6 employees graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Art, in the specialty "Information Resources Manager"(including one who received an honors degree). Director of the library N.P. Yakimova received a second higher education. Natalya Petrovna graduated from the Ural Interdisciplinary Institute on the basis of the Ural Federal University. B.N. Yeltsin.
8 employees - completed correspondence courses in the retraining system at Nizhny Tagil Pedagogical College No. 1, specialty "Library Science" with the qualification "Librarian".
2 new employees entered the correspondence course in the retraining system at the Nizhniy Tagil Pedagogical College No. 1, specializing in Library Science.
1 employee - studies at the Nizhniy Tagil Socio-Pedagogical Academy (socio-economic faculty, specialization - documentation and management documentation).
Today we have a good opportunity to improve our qualifications without leaving the city. I mean conducting refresher courses at the regional level in our territory. And here I would like to say a big thank you to the specialists of our regional libraries who provided us with such an opportunity.

In March 2011. on the basis of the Central City Hospital, specialists of the Sverdlovsk Regional Library for the Blind conducted visiting scientific and methodological seminar "Tifloturna", which was attended by more than 80 people, including 15 of our specialists.
In April 2012, field courses for advanced training of librarians of municipal libraries were held at the Central City Library "Contemporary Municipal Library", organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Sverdlovsk Region and SOUNB them. V.G. Belinsky.
The courses were attended by 21 specialists from MBUK "TsGB" and 8 specialists from city libraries (NTB NTGSPA, NTPTT, CIC NTI (branch) of URFU, NTB OAO NPK Uralvagonzavod).
In addition, 14 specialists took the opportunity to listen to individual lectures that were of interest to them. Librarians have received a good professional and creative charge that will help them make the work of their libraries more interesting, rich and varied. The class time was 72 hours. Based on the results of the courses, the students were awarded license certificates

In October 2012. on the basis of MBUK "Central City Hospital" a two-day Regional School of Methodist... Methodical department of S.S. V.G. Belinsky managed to form a program that brought together more than 60 specialists of the region. From the staff of the Central City Hospital, 20 specialists took part in the classes of the school.
The main theme of the school was designated as "I am a Methodist concept"... The topic aroused interest. It was interesting for everyone to know what a modern methodologist can and wants, who is an ideal methodologist, whether the Internet will replace a living methodologist.

Today we have become more mobile. With interest and pleasure we go to various seminars in Yekaterinburg. And we not only listen and absorb the necessary information, but also learn and receive well-deserved certificates.
In 2011, three specialists of the Central City Hospital were trained and received certificates:
- in LLC "Agency of legal support" Garant-region ", Nizhny Tagil on the topic:" Basic knowledge of the possibilities of using the Garant expert system;
- in the Regional Center of Dialog Plus LLC, Nizhny Tagil, on the topic: "Consultant Plus: Technology 3000".
Head Department of Electronic and Legal Information of the Central City Hospital Safroneeva E.V. completed training at courses NPOU on the topic "Labor protection and safety" and received a certificate.
Deputy Director Sheychenko N.A. completed training at seminar, organized by LLC "Consulting Center" (Perm) on the topic: "New in legislation 94-FZ. Draft law" On the federal contract system ". Issues of concluding state and municipal contracts, civil law contracts of budgetary institutions ".
Deputy Director Sheychenko N.A. took part in absentia webinar on this topic "Personal Data Law".
In February 2012, a group of specialists from the Central City Hospital (25 people) took part in the work seminar "Using the most important historical events in Russia and the Urals for the patriotic education of youth" .
The seminar is being held at the Boris Yeltsin Ural Center in Yekaterinburg. A tour of the Boris Yeltsin Museum was held for the participants. I must say that this is the fourth trip to the Yeltsin Center. And each time our colleagues brought up to 100 books from the Center as a gift.

Great information potential in business trips... Each such trip charges the brains of librarians with new discoveries, makes them rethink what seemed impossible to change, causes bursts of ideas, contributes to rethinking their views and positions. In a word, it makes you work more interesting and creative. I would like to note that the exchange of experience during business trips allows not only generating new ideas, but also making new acquaintances, spreading their own experience and learning from colleagues. Over the past two years, specialists of different levels (from the chief librarian to the director of the library) have gone on business trips to Yekaterinburg, regional cities (Irbit, Asbest), and Russian cities (Samara, Tomsk) more than 60 times.

We have always believed that the staff should be raised by ourselves. The main principle our library staff : if you want to grow - learn.
Therefore, we have established a whole range of measures to improve the qualifications of our specialists, developed taking into account not only the age and educational qualifications, but also taking into account the experience and individual capabilities of each employee, aimed at solving the modern working conditions of the library and outstripping them one step further.

During the year, events to improve the qualification level of employees of the Central City Hospital are held within the framework of comprehensive professional development program "Professional librarian", "Schools of the modern librarian", "Improving the computer literacy of the staff of the MBUK" TsGB " .
Classes were held in the form of training seminars, Specialist Days, Information Days, lectures, conversations, methodological consultations, workshops, field round tables. More than 100 employees have the opportunity to take part in training activities as part of these training programs.
I will briefly dwell on our training programs.
An important link in the system is multilevel professional development program "Professional librarian", developed in the framework of the municipal target program "Development of librarianship in the city of Nizhny Tagil" back in 2001. Today " Program…." has not lost its relevance . It is a flexible and mobile system aimed at improving professional skills, ensuring that knowledge and skills are updated in accordance with the changing requirements for the work of a modern library.
Target programs "Professional librarian": creation of a continuous training system for staff, taking into account education, work experience and position held to ensure the effective operation of the library.
To achieve this goal, the following were set tasks:
Strategic objectives: bringing the knowledge, skills and abilities of the library staff in line with the requirements of society for a modern public library.
Research tasks: collection of information before, during and after training of various categories of personnel, analysis and generalization of the results obtained - to determine the needs of the library personnel in training and develop the structure and content of the professional librarian curriculum.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the training sessions, determination of the usefulness of the training program for each of the categories of trained employees, through questionnaires and special testing.

The program consists of 3 levels:
"Novice Librarian" - first level for employees who have worked in the Central City Library system for less than three years and do not have special library education. This program provides aspiring staff with the initial training, the so-called "entry into the profession" of the librarian. The program is designed for 4 days. Within the framework of the first level of the training program, students are offered the following topics: The mission of the library. Social function of the library; The legal field of the library: basic normative and local documents. Legal regulation of library services for children; Library service: theoretical and methodological foundations; Organization of library collections in modern conditions; Classification of works of print. Acquaintance with the LBC. Classification technique; Reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library. System of library catalogs and card indexes. Reference and bibliographic service of readers; Informational component of the library. Organization of exhibition space; Mass and individual work with readers; Professional consciousness of librarians. Psychological aspects of communication: librarian-librarian, librarian-reader; Library marketing activities. Development and implementation of programs; Modern information technologies in serving readers and in the work of a librarian; Organization of the library space.

We are a happy team, most of the employees are devoted to their library and work long and fruitfully: 29% of employees have been working in the system for 3 to 10 years, 56% have been working in the library for over 10 years. But the knowledge gained by employees in educational institutions a few years ago becomes outdated, which means that there is a need for their significant renewal.

"Librarian Practitioner"- the second level of the program designed for employees who have worked in the Central City Hospital system for more than three years, and since there are most of such specialists, the training took place in groups of 10-15 people, so as not to expose workplaces. Valuable cadres of trainee librarians improve their professional level within 3 training days.
Target training of experienced librarians is somewhat different, since it is assumed that they are already familiar with the basics of the "library profession": deepening the level of professional competence.
Second-level listeners are offered lesson topics that affect both theory and practice of library work. For example, I can name some of them: Library in the legal field. State Library Policy; Fundamentals of the librarian's communication culture. Psychological aspects of library communication; New technologies in reference, bibliographic and informational work of the library. Automation of library processes; A new level of service organization for library users. Socialization of library activities; Library marketing activities; Modern aspects of the library profession.

Management training is of particular importance for any organization, because the work of the leader has a decisive influence on the results of the work of his subordinates. Even the most responsible and conscientious leader, who does not have the knowledge and skills that meet modern requirements, will serve as a brake for his organization or structural unit. On the hierarchical ladder of the Central City Hospital, you can see that in the Central City Hospital system there are 5 senior managers (director and four deputies) and 36 specialists - middle managers (heads of departments, branches and sectors). Management training takes place at third ending the program level, which got the name "Modern leader".
Management education is one of the most significant resources today in improving library performance. The best chances for success are those who are skilled at learning new working methods quickly and in a timely manner, and who are unafraid of the changes in librarianship.
It turned out to be more difficult to tear the heads of various structural divisions of the Central City Hospital away from the case than the personnel. Therefore, after long negotiations, it was decided to hold for them one thing-two-day training seminars, the task of which is:
· To provide managers with the knowledge necessary for the successful solution of the tasks they face (the basics of library management, economic and legal framework for library management, library personnel management, library marketing, etc.).
· Teach them the skills and abilities necessary for effective leadership (group work, conflict resolution, decision-making, etc.).
The selection of topics for managers in the preparation of the third level of the program is conditioned by the conditions of today: "The role of the modern leader in the library management system"; "Restructuring the Library Network"; "Innovative Activities in the Library"; "Motivation of personnel labor"; "Socio-psychological foundations of library management"; "Modern information and library technologies »; “Management of the head or the marketing policy of the library management; "Legal regulation of library services for children"; Fundraising Basics for a Library; Local Normative Acts of a Municipal Library; Time Rates for Basic Library Processes.

The study of the managerial staff makes it possible to take a closer look at their experience and develop a system of priorities that meets the modern requirements for the head of the library department. Within the framework of the classes, we tried to use the lecture forms of presenting educational material as little as possible and use the methods of active learning as widely as possible.
In addition to classes on professional topics, students of all three levels were offered topics for broadening their horizons: reviews of the professional press, methodological manuals, art magazines, novelties of literature. Thanks to the presence in the staff of the library of a professional psychologist with each group, psychological trainings on the regulation of conflict situations, both with readers and within the team.
Within the framework of the programs, students are offered lectures, master classes, tests, role and business games, practical exercises, creative laboratories, briefings, round tables.

Librarians of MBUK "Central City Library" undergo a course of classes at each level every 3 years, which corresponds to the requirements of the "Model standard for the activities of a public library" adopted at the XIII RLA. Program "Professional librarian" has a great resonance in the city. Many specialists
Libraries from other departments want to take part in classes at different levels of the program. We do not refuse anyone, tk. we understand that the further development of librarianship depends on each librarian, regardless of which department his library belongs to.
A set of teaching aids for a multi-level program "Professional librarian", entered the top ten according to the results of the III All-Russian competition for municipal libraries "Modern trends in the service of readers" and was awarded a cash prize.

Today, the role of the library in modern society is changing rapidly. This is due not only to those global changes that are taking place in our society, but also to the rapid introduction of information technologies into all spheres of life. Today, in order to survive, you need to be active, mobile, necessary and not be afraid of anything. Therefore, for the constant support of library work in good shape, we have "School of the modern librarian".
The purpose of the "School":
always keep up with the times.
Task, which she sets herself to constantly stimulate library processes through quick response to all innovations in librarianship.

Initially, it was planned that the classes of this school would be attended by employees of the structural divisions of the Central City Hospital. But, the earth is full of rumors. As soon as our "School" employees of other libraries of the city found out, they also began to come to our classes. Sometimes up to 100 people gather in the classroom. For many, this is the only opportunity to get a full consultation on a topical issue of modern library activities.
As part of the work "Schools of the modern librarian" a variety of forms of communication are used: seminars, round tables, creative laboratories, master classes, professional consultations, marketing forms: analysis and research of professional activities. The main thing in the preparation and holding of these events is the relevance of the topic, the opportunity to exchange experiences, get answers to questions.
An important aspect of classes within the framework of the "School" is the electoral moment in the selection of students. As a rule, a group of librarians is invited to the "School" for which this or that topic is most relevant. Among the most interesting activities are the following:
"The role of the library in the formation of the children's reading circle" - workshop;
The topic did not arise by chance. The combination of the two systems made us once again focus on children's reading, share work experience, and find common ground. At the seminar, they talked about the experience of working on the formation of a circle of children's reading; library work with the family; forms of work to form a circle of children's reading; the possibilities of using modern technologies in the guidance of children's reading; children's sites and the possibilities of the site of the Central City Hospital.
"Organization of library services for readers from 0 to 14 years old " - seminar - workshop. Within the framework of the seminar, the following issues were considered: "Legal regulation of library services for children: an overview of the main legal and regulatory documents"; "Age characteristics of readers - children, typology of readers"; "Organization of library space for readers from 0 to 14 years old"; "Individual work with readers in the library. Study of readers"; "Individual work: forms and methods"; "Features of mass work with children";
A business game was played for the participants of the seminar "Librarian and Reader: Dialogue on Equals"... The audience was interested in the presentation of the literary development program for 7-9 year old readers "Together with the book we grow".
"Tagil on a silver platter" -
seminar dedicated to the 290th anniversary of Nizhny Tagil. Specialists from the city's libraries were also invited to the seminar. Within the framework of the seminar:
- consultation was given on local history work in libraries;
- the experience of local history work of the Central City Hospital subscription is presented;
- forms of work with children in local history are presented;
- an interesting story about the Tagil ethnographers S.V. Ganzhe and N.A. Mezenin;
- virtual local history resources are presented;
- a review of the publishing products of specialists of MBUK "Central City Hospital" about Nizhny Tagil was made.
Based on the results of the seminar, a methodological manual was issued "Tagil on a silver platter" and a CD-ROM with presentations of the workshop activities.

"What is written with a pen ..." - training seminar on publishing. The audience was introduced to local legal documents aimed at organizing publishing activities and the work of the editorial and publishing commission; talked about the requirements for the preparation and release of printed publications; taught how to correctly compile bibliographic lists for printed publications; talked about the rules for describing sites used in the preparation of this or that publication. The lesson was attended by 35 human.
I would especially like to dwell on the lessons of the School, aimed at organizing the work of the heads of structural divisions . The purpose of these sessions is to quickly set up and teach managers the organizational processes of restructuring library activities according to the requirements of the time. As a rule, the topics covered in the class "To the manager's notebook", "Topic of the day", "To the topic" , cannot be delayed.
Within the framework of the training for managers, the following topics were considered: Execution of the Federal Law "About personal data" in the process of serving readers in the library; Public event passports; Write-off certificates; Rules for electronic recording of visits to the public access site in the library; Summer work "Key to the Summer"; Analysis of a detour of branches by a group of specialists; Consultation on the maintenance of forms, etc.
Such events have a good positive effect, because advice is given on topical issues, uniform decisions are made, methodological recommendations are given for correcting errors and introducing innovations into the work of all structural divisions.

Within the framework of the "School of the modern librarian" were held:
- creative laboratory « New Millennium: Library and Reading for Adolescents and Youth ";
- Master Class "Traditions and innovations in the propaganda of periodicals";
- Master Class « Library as an independent legal entity ";
- seminar "Library as a source of preservation of the historical memory of Russians";
- creative laboratory "Mercy on the bookshelf" on bibliotherapy;
- round table “Portrait frame: the role of the librarian's personality in enhancing the image of the library»
- labor educational program "Changes in the labor code, holidays, sick leaves, wages";
Methodological manuals were developed and published on almost all topics.
Within the framework of "Schools of the modern librarian" up to 10 lessons are held annually. They, like an ambulance, help to solve sensitive issues and quickly respond to innovations in library practice.

One of the forms of stimulating the improvement of the qualification level is to conduct intrasystem professional competitions... The competitive moment of these competitions makes our colleagues make some effort, show initiative, reveal their talent, and most importantly study the experience of colleagues and apply it with innovative innovations in practice.
Each topic of the next competition provides an opportunity to establish, improve work in some area of ​​library activity or summarize the achievements. Here are some topics of our professional competitions: “L the best setting of reference and bibliographic work "," Regional component in the work of a modern library "," Reading and the reader in a modern library ",« Modern library: style and image "," For the best organization of library and bibliographic studies "," Salute, Victory! ": For the anniversary of the Victory of the Great Patriotic War, "Tagil, you are dear to us and sweet ..." - to the 290th anniversary of Nizhny Tagil; "Star Relay" dedicated to the Year of Russian Cosmonautics. In 2013 we have a competition "Hello, reader!", Aimed at improving the organization of services for children.

In order to provide methodological assistance to librarians in organizing the work of the library and improving the quality of service for readers, the department employees develop and publish teaching aids... Their topics and scope are varied: from a digest to a solid collection. On the pages of methodological collections, not only recommendations and advice, lists of methodological literature are given, but also the best experience of colleagues is revealed. Methodological collections are published based on the results of conferences, master classes, round tables. They reflect the best competitive works, scenarios, and provide the basis for library activities. Today there are more than 100 publications that help in organizing work not only for the employees of our library, but also for the city's librarians. In particular demand are: "Calendar of significant dates" (ready annually in August); "Manager's notebook"; "Book Exhibition in Search of a New Image"; "Exhibition in the interior of a modern library"; "Mass work"; "On abrupt bends of the bibliography"; Charity on the Bookshelf: Bibliotherapy; The New Millennium: Library and Youth Reading; "Social space is an important component of library activities"; "Hello reader !: organization of library services for readers from 0 to 14 years old" (materials of a workshop; "Star Relay": a collection of methodological materials based on the results of a professional competition for the best mass event dedicated to the Year of Russian Cosmonautics; "Like a book's name day" : collection of teaching materials; "Good and evil": youth extremism; - Energy drinks: pros and cons ";" Time limits for preparing and holding mass events in MBUK "Central City Hospital"; "Summer flew by with the book": from work experience libraries as part of the summer vacation program "The Key to Summer";: a collection of methodological materials based on the results of a professional competition dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War; "Tagil on a Silver Platter": materials of a local history seminar (+ electronic disk with presentations); forms of work ";" The science of living together: let's talk about tolerance "; " Library + family: a step into the future of Russia "(conference proceedings);" War of 1812 ", etc.

I have already said that most of our specialists possess the basics of computer knowledge. But time requires changes and our specialists strive to master new programs in order to use them with benefit in practice. For this, the specialists of the department of automated technologies conduct classes in the framework of of the training program "Improving the computer literacy of the employees of MBUK" Central City Hospital ". Our colleagues have easily mastered Microsoft Office Publisher, Microsoft Office Power Point, Microsoft Office Excel and many others.
OAT employees conducted an interesting training seminar "The Internet - as a tool in the work of a librarian", Information Day "The Internet in the professional information activities of the librarian" ... The classes are attended by up to 40 people at a time.
Specialists Department of Electronic and Legal Information of the Central City Hospital held 18 training sessions(including visiting for branches of the Central City Hospital) on the topic "Organization and Operation of Public Access Centers". In total, classes were held for 74 employees of the Central City Hospital.
In May 2012. 3 specialists of the Central City Hospital trained on courses on the program "AWP cataloguer" of the IRBIS system and the RUSMARC format in machine-readable cataloging " in SOBDiU and received certificates.
In October 2012. on the basis of the Central City Hospital by the staff of the State Public Scientific Technical Library of the SB RAS refresher courses "Technologies IRBIS-64" . 10 our employees received certificates based on the training results. Our colleagues want to keep up with the times and apply information technology in their work, so they are happy to learn to master modern programs and technologies.

Modern information technologies are being actively implemented in the library. Today, each structural unit of MBUK "Central City Hospital" has access to the site, e-mail. This allows the methodologists to provide methodological assistance quickly and at a distance, which contributes not only to raising the professional level of our employees, but also to the prompt implementation of new areas of library activity in the work. Today we use various presentations for clarity at seminars, master classes, conferences, during methodological consultations. On website libraries in section "For professionals" we provide information for our specialists and librarians of the city on a variety of areas of library activities. Our section of the site is the most visited, only for year 2012 visits amounted to 85 195 times.

I would especially like to talk about information bulletin "Biblioprofi". Back in 2006, we started publishing a monthly informational publication called Bibliopulse. This publication reflected the life of the library, provided information about the best events, novelties of methodological literature, reflected interesting news of the culture and life of libraries. With the appearance of the site, it turned into an interesting publication. "Biblioprofi", which is published quarterly today.
The bulletin is in demand among the employees of the Central City Library, librarians of Nizhny Tagil, the Gornozavodsky District and the cities of Russia. He gives recommendations, talks about the winners of competitions, gives full-text materials and scenarios for the race, methodological recommendations, accompanying these materials with photographs. Some of the topics of the issues are: "List of significant dates that are related to the topic of health and healthy lifestyle"; "Calendar dates 2011"; scenarios of mass events for summer recreation of children of primary and secondary school age; materials on the education of environmental literacy, environmental culture, environmental morality of Russians; about library services for children and adolescents in the library; materials of the local history seminar "Tagil on a silver platter" and p Works of the winners of the library competition MBUK "TsGB" " Tagil, you are dear to us and sweet " dedicated to the 290th anniversary of N. Tagil ".
Number of views of materials and articles of all issues "Biblioprofi" only in 2012. was - 18 762 ... The permanent editor of the bulletin is Alena Leonidovna Shashkina, head of the service center of the Central City Hospital.

The section "For Professionals" also contains information about library programs and projects, information about the latest in methodological literature, publications of the Central City Library and many other interesting materials for professionals. Materials from university meetings are also published here. "Reading librarian."
In 2011. a new heading "Internet librarian" has been created in the section , where infoblocks: "Sites for a professional", "Electronic media", "We read the magazine" Contemporary library online "," Internet reference resources "," Electronic libraries, - posted annotated recommendations useful sites for librarians.

Since 2012, the methodologists have introduced a new form of informing specialists of MBUK "Central City Hospital" - electronic mailing of teaching materials by e-mail, which caused a storm of positive emotions, we received gratitude from our colleagues, and a significant return in the form of an increase in demand for professional periodicals and methodological literature.

During the year, the methodologists and leading specialists of the structural divisions of MBUK "Central City Hospital" constantly provide advisory and methodological assistance in the preparation and conduct of events, the organization of the processes of library activities to their colleagues, other libraries and organizations of the city, libraries of the Gornozavodsky district. During the year, the specialists of the Central City Hospital provide up to 1,500 methodological consultations.
A well-stocked collection of methodological literature (more than 3000 copies) helps us in this. He is like a sip of water, without which it is impossible to move forward. And we pay great attention to this. We subscribe almost all professional periodicals (20 journals) and methodological manuals aimed at organizing the activities of a modern library, we bring manuals published by our colleagues from other cities and the regional library from business trips, we generously share our work with the guests of our library. We maintain the "Card index of the methodologist" and "Card index of scenarios" (18 boxes), the electronic database of the methodologist (more than 4000 records).

Our experience in specific areas of library activity is highly appreciated by our colleagues. And therefore, information about him appeared on the pages of professional publications: "Library", "Librarianship. XXI century ”,“ New library ”,“ Librarianship ”,“ Directory of the head of a cultural institution ”.
We have a restless, inquisitive, seeking, keeping pace with the times and even one step forward, a team. For ourselves, we have developed our own style of work: “A good librarian must constantly learn, be interactive, curious, slightly hungry without information. Only a constantly seeking librarian can become a leader. "
“Live and learn!” - said one sage once, and he was absolutely right!

The Specialist's Day is an effective form of library and information services for employees of a certain specialty, profession or a number of professions.

Includes complex of measures:
  • direct display of primary and secondary documents,
  • reading reports and lectures,
  • demonstration of scientific and technical films,
  • bibliographic review of the main literature,
  • expert advice.
By the participants Specialist's Day are specialists of all levels of enterprises, institutions, organizations. It is carried out for employees of the same profession or on cross-sectoral issues for specialists of different professions.

By the speakers leading experts, representatives of other related and higher organizations can speak

Duration- from one to five days. Depends on the topic, the number of guests and other factors.
Methodology holding the Specialist's Day is simple, but requires a clear organization. The most important points are choosing a topic and leaving the plan.

Plan holding the Specialist's Day is coordinated with a previously developed thematic plan approved by the management. All departments and divisions should be familiarized with the plan of the Specialist's Day.

Highlights of the plan:

Choice of topics... The subject of the Specialist's Day is determined on the basis of studying the urgent problems facing an enterprise or organization and in accordance with the information needs of specialists.

Determination of the category of professionals. Specialists from one or several enterprises, as well as organizations of various fields are invited (if the topic of the Specialist's Day is an intersectoral or complex problem).

Choosing a place. A specialist's day can be:

  • stationary - on the basis of the organizer of the event, the library, the NTI service, the center;
  • visiting - outside the organizer's base.
Selection of events:
  • report
  • lecture
  • presentation
  • Exhibition
  • literature review
  • round table
  • Master Class
  • video film
  • discussion
  • consultation on information retrieval methodology
Responsible and deadlines... The main types of work for holding the Day of the Specialist and those responsible for their preparation and implementation are indicated. Those responsible for the preparation select literature, agree on the topics of lectures and reports with the speakers, select films, prepare invitations and announcements in accordance with the specified deadlines.

Selection of literature. A wide variety of types and types of information materials are presented:

  • official
  • scientific
  • production-practical
  • reference
  • books
  • domestic and foreign
  • periodicals
  • industrial catalogs
  • brochures
  • translations in traditional paper form and machine-readable media
Advertising and information campaign of the event

At least ten days before the Specialist Day, employees must be informed about the topic, place and date of its holding.

  • Information is carried out through the press, radio television, on the organizer's website, etc.
  • Used individual invitations, announcements, posters that are hung in the library, at enterprises and organizations, advertising brochures.

Sample invitation

Dear specialist!

We invite you to take part in the Specialist Day,

which is conducted by _____________ (by whom) ________________

(where) __________ _______ (date, time)

on this topic "_______________ ________________ _____________

______________ ". The program includes: ________________ __

________________ ________________ ________________ ____

________________ _______________

Development of registration forms
Participant registration forms:

  • tear-off coupons of the invitation letter,
  • registration cards and coupons,
  • registration sheets.
They indicate the last name, first name, patronymic of the participant, place of work, position, contact information.

Sample registration card for the Specialist's Day participant

________________ ________________ ____
Full name

Place of work (for specialists,
invited from other enterprises)
________________ ________________ __
________________ ________________ ___
Address, phone number of the company
________________ ________________ ____
Sources Viewed
________________ ________________ _ (titles)
Documents received:
________________ ________________ ____ (name)
Ordered by MBA
________________ _____ titles.
Comments and suggestions for conducting DC
________________ ________________ _
"_____" ________ _______ 20 ____
Signature of the participant of the Specialist's Day ________________ ___

Development of questionnaires
Questionnaires for specialists are developed by the organizers of the event in order to study the effectiveness of the Specialist Day.

Sample questionnaire

Is the topic of the Specialist's Day relevant to you?

Are you satisfied with the organization and conduct of
Specialist's Day __________
Please rate the selection of literature on the topic
________________ ________________ _____
Do you consider holding the Specialist's Day necessary?
________________ ____ if yes, please indicate why
________________ ________________ _____
Suggest a topic for the next Specialist Day
________________ ________________ _____
Your comments and suggestions for the Day
specialist ________________ _____________
________________ ________________ _____

Thank you for your participation!

Room decoration
  • exhibitions from previously selected documents are placed on tables, stands, showcases;
  • the title of exhibitions and their sections are drawn up;
  • install technical means for showing presentations, watching videos, oral presentations of the participants:
    • microphones;
    • multimedia projector;
    • TV, etc.
Specialist Day
Registration of participants is carried out by tear-off coupons of the invitation form or by registration cards.
The event opens with an introduction by the person in charge.
You should definitely tell:
  • about the tasks of the Specialist's Day;
  • the procedure for obtaining information materials;
  • introduce speakers, specialists who will give consultations, ask to fill out questionnaires.
With an overview of the current state of the problem or a lecture, a report will be made by experts.
Performances may be accompanied by film screenings and presentations.
The librarian or enterprise specialist reviews the information presented.
Bibliographers are on duty at the exhibition, who conduct oral reviews of sources, give advice on the rules for using various materials.
After completing the main activities, film screenings, excursions, etc. will be organized.
At the end of the event, all participants are given a questionnaire and asked to fill it out.

Accounting and analysis the Specialist's Day is carried out according to the following indicators:

  • the number of materials submitted, including by type of information sources;
  • the number of specialists who took part in the Specialist Day, including by category;
  • the number of materials viewed at the event, including by type of information sources;
  • the number of issued originals and copies of information materials, including by type of documents;
  • number of participating enterprises, including by category.
Efficiency The day of a specialist is assessed according to the following indicators:
  • number of specialists and enterprises-participants present (% of coverage);
  • the number of submitted and issued documents (originals and copies);
  • percentage of use of the presented literature;
  • the average number of documents issued to one specialist.
The analysis of the questionnaires will provide an opportunity for further improving the organization of the Specialist Days, determining their subsequent topics.

In preparation conclusions on the held Specialist Day it is necessary to identify the reasons for the ineffective use of the submitted documents:

  • wrong choice of the audience (can be determined by the categories of the specialists present from the registration cards);
  • unsatisfactory organization of the event;
  • insufficient information about the Specialist Day held;
  • unsuccessful design of the exposition of the submitted documents (large sections, lack of section headings);
  • poorly prepared review of submitted documents, inactive work of consultants.

Participation in the event provides specialists with the opportunity for professional communication, information exchange, and the high level of organization and holding of the Specialist's Day enhances the image of the library.

* Exhibitions of information materials at various kinds of events (conferences, seminars, meetings, etc.), as well as methodological seminars are NOT considered a Specialist's Day.


  2. Competence and professionalism of a modern librarian: Specialist's Day [Text]: method.-bibliogr. manual / MUK "TsBS"; Central City Hospital named after M. Gorky; comp .: I.P. Revinova. - Bataysk, 2011 .-- 44 p.

Specialist's days - section Religion, Scientific - methodological department methodical recommendations scientific library For a better orientation in the stream of professional literature It is necessary to manage ...

End of work -

This topic belongs to the section:

Areas .. the vladimir regional universal .. scientific library ..

If you need additional material on this topic, or you did not find what you were looking for, we recommend using the search in our base of works:

What will we do with the received material:

If this material turned out to be useful for you, you can save it to your page on social networks:

All topics in this section:

The main tasks and areas of work of the library
In this section of the work plan, the tasks on the implementation of which the CLS (MOB) will work in the current year are formulated, and no more. A figure chosen in a certain direction

Performance benchmarks
The volumes of the planned assignments must correspond to the staffing and meet the permissible load based on the "Interindustry norms of time for work performed in libraries".

Working with readers
This section of the plan outlines activities in the main areas of work. These include: Historical direction (historical topics, which

Tasks and main directions of organizational and methodological activities
This section briefly defines: ¨ the main issues of methodological assistance arising from the tasks of ensuring free access to information and information resources;

Helping Libraries to Work with Readers
(joint activities with the bibliographic department are planned): ¨ activities to study the interests of various groups of readers, assistance in their differentiated service, in

Study, generalization and implementation of best practices of libraries
· Study and generalization of advanced experience in the organization of information and bibliographic activities of the library (indicate the library); Organization of schools of excellence on the basis of the municipality

The structure of the electronic professional dossier
Library staff Name of CLS (MOB) Name of CLS (MOB)

Business games
Specialized form of professional development Objectives - to provide librarians with the opportunity to improve professional skills, demonstrate erudition, competence, form

Small group discussions
Provide all members with an additional opportunity to speak out on an issue. The main idea of ​​the discussion is to divide a large group into several small ones, 2-5 people each, for a deeper

Contests of creative works
Competition Topics Objectives Evaluation Criteria Outcomes · Reading in the life of a librarian. What is recommended

Suggested topics for study (group consultations, reports)
1.How to write letters - donations (practical part, analysis of compiled texts) 2.Public library in a changing information environment 3.Corporate culture and professors

Publishing activities
Vii. The formation of the fund and its reflection in the information desk. It reveals the issues of studying the thematic and specific composition of the fund, clarifying the acquisition profile

Measures to improve library management
The section includes measures to improve labor processes in a team, streamline the structure of the management apparatus, change the functions of individual bodies, etc. Among them:

A set of key digital performance indicators
The report should reflect the fulfillment of the MOB (CBS) benchmarks in terms of the number of readers, book loans planned for the year and completed as a percentage of the annual plan, visits.

Receptions in cultural institutions
According to subparagraph 1 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), other costs associated with production and sale include hospitality expenses for holding official receptions and

Attribution to entertainment expenses
Clause 2 of Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it is established that entertainment expenses include the taxpayer's expenses for official reception (or) service:

Requirements for payment terms
The current legislation establishes a number of requirements for the terms of payment by budgetary institutions, including cultural institutions for entertainment expenses. Will present

Reflection in accounting
Instruction on budget accounting, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 10, 2006 No. 25n, provides for the reflection of entertainment expenses on the debit of the balance sheet 210604340 “Increase in the cost

Letter from the Moscow Office of the Federal Tax Service
Dated 23. 12.05 No. 20-12 / 97007 Question: The organization sent an employee on a business trip to conduct informal negotiations with potential