The most powerful relaxation techniques for mind and body. Relaxation techniques

The most powerful relaxation techniques for mind and body.  Relaxation techniques
The most powerful relaxation techniques for mind and body. Relaxation techniques

Nowadays, everyone is in a hurry somewhere, often they do not have a single free minute to take a break and relax. Stress and overexertion build up over the years. Eventually the immune system cracks. The person is unsettled for a week or more. This is why it is so important to learn how to relax spiritually and physically.

This article will describe various relaxation techniques that are difficult to do without in the modern world. You can choose the technique you like and try it on yourself.

What is relaxation

It is important to know that this is not just a way to relax your mind and body. Deep relaxation is a powerful tool for gaining a new store of energy, as well as a sure way to get rid of various psychological problems.

It's no secret that mental anguish can lead to physical ailments such as migraines, gastritis, or hypertension. Relaxation and relaxation techniques have a wide range of effects on the body. Its adherents are distinguished by their ability to cope with life's trials without outside help. It helps to consciously reduce muscle tension through specific exercises.

If a person systematically practices relaxation techniques for a long time, his physiological state returns to normal, which contributes a lot to endurance and performance.

What is dangerous overvoltage

Each stressful situation prevents us from relaxing, as a result of which muscle clamps gradually form. They cause very unpleasant sensations that interfere with normal life. The circulatory system is disturbed, attention decreases, the general tone of the body rises.

The spiritual and physical components of a person are closely intertwined with each other, so relaxation and relaxation techniques help both the body and the mind. But without the principle of generalization, one should not hope for success. Exercises must be clearly organized and systematic. After all, this is not a lifesaver, at the wave of which everything will instantly get better.

Why relaxation is essential

The ultimate goal of relaxation techniques is to find peace and tranquility, then no stressful situations can knock you down. The most important thing is to find time to relax. To do this, you definitely need to stay in a secluded corner, inaccessible to all kinds of external influences. TV, telephone and other irritants should not distract you.

Your choice of relaxation technique should be guided by personal preference and expectations. But you need to start by looking for a competent mentor who will help you master the technique you have chosen. You will then be able to do all the exercises without assistance.

The Importance of Correct Breathing

The easiest way to gain a sense of relaxation and inner peace is to control your breathing. Keep an eye on this throughout the day and ask these questions more often:

  • Does my breathing freeze in stressful situations that pose a potential threat?
  • Are my breaths deep or shallow?
  • What is their frequency?

We cannot directly influence the breathing process, since it happens by itself. But we can change this process. If you are comfortable in a place devoid of external stimuli, you can begin to breathe deeply and calmly, being aware of your every inhalation and exhalation. The goal of proper breathing is to deliver oxygen evenly to the lungs at intervals of about five seconds.

The essence of muscle relaxation techniques

You don't always need to use yoga or meditation to relax and detach yourself from the problems of everyday life. Often, we unconsciously use a particular relaxation technique by simply stretching or taking a few deep breaths. You can also cite as an example of a person who, at the end of the working day, gets behind the wheel of his car. During the trip, he involuntarily looks at the trees, houses, squares passing by, imagines that a cozy sofa, an affectionate wife, and a faithful dog are waiting for him at home. A person's consciousness switches, psychophysical stress decreases, strength is restored. If you follow all the rules when using muscle relaxation techniques, then you can get rid of depression for a long time. Also, these techniques allow you to draw a supply of fresh energy and keep the body in good shape.

Simple ways to relieve stress

Fortunately, there are many techniques for relaxation and self-regulation. Any one can be introduced into the list of your daily rituals. This:

  1. Deep breath. The technique is quite simple, but if used properly can have an effect on consciousness. Works great in stressful situations. You should fill your lungs with air, hold your breath for 10-12 seconds, then exhale very slowly. Taking a break will give you an opportunity to realize the seriousness of the situation, evaluate your own advantages, as well as get nourishment for the body and moderate anxiety. An important aspect of reception is that you need to drive away negative thoughts from yourself, as they prevent you from getting the desired result.
  2. Embrace. They are the best method of calming down as they give a feeling of support and security. During "hugs" endorphins are released into the bloodstream, allowing you to overcome stress. An important aspect of the reception is that you only need to cuddle with someone close to you who is pleasant. An unsympathetic person will only cause a storm of negativity, exacerbating the situation. It is best to cuddle with babies. Children are able not only to calm down, but also to cheer up.
  3. Massage. It is one of the most effective relaxation techniques. The course of such treatment gives a stable therapeutic effect. Even one massage session is able to give pleasant sensations, relax tense muscles, and calm nerves. To make a person feel on the threshold of paradise, it is quite enough to massage the collar area, earlobes, fingers or toes. Massaging the cervical spine is preferable, since this is where many arteries, veins and nerve endings pass. And massage, combined with the Jacobson relaxation technique, will increase blood circulation, soothe muscles and at the same time give a feeling of vigor.
  4. Aromatherapy. This technique is ideally combined with the previous one. You can, for example, take baths with various herbs. In the morning - mint, in the evening - bergamot. To increase efficiency and tune in to the positive, it is quite enough to purchase an aroma lamp and put it on your desktop. A few drops of orange oil are perfect for this! In addition, a perfume with the scent of this citrus representative, or simply a vase filled with these bright tropical fruits, will have a positive effect on the mood.
  5. Music. Since ancient times, kings have been pleased with it, as it is a truly magical method for relieving stress. Music can distract from problems and give pleasant emotions. Modern scholars have proven that classical compositions have a beneficial effect on the development of creative abilities in children, and clear drum rhythms increase attention and concentration. For adults, this is no less useful. If you dance to the drumbeat every morning for 15 minutes, then after a while you will feel more cheerful and relaxed. The reason for this is vibration from the percussion instrument.
  6. Herbal teas. Refusal from caffeine (black and green teas, coffee) and the transition to the use of medicinal plants leads to getting rid of the body of toxins and improving concentration. The main thing is that the herbal tea is correctly selected. Chamomile, lemon balm and mint will help you calm down, while ginseng and oregano will give you vigor. If you have problems with blood pressure, be sure to get a doctor's advice before using herbal teas.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique

These are independent exercises combined into a program. You need well-functioning systematic training aimed at getting the best result, otherwise there will be little benefit. It should be noted that the deep relaxation technique helps to maintain the general tone of the body, which is necessary for many diseases. In addition, this technique can be used to relax individual organs and systems.

The point of this technique is to learn how to alternate and control both tension and relaxation. The Jacobson Relaxation Technique helps to consciously relax muscle groups from head to toe. To do this, you need to sit comfortably in a chair, close your eyes and start the program at a moderate pace. The technique is quite simple, so it is very easy to master it.

Read each exercise several times and grasp the essence before proceeding. The progressive muscle relaxation technique should teach you how to relax properly, so sit back and close your eyelids. Next, you should strain and bring the muscles to their original state in the sequence shown below.

Exercise # 1. Forearm:

  • Clench your fingers into a fist for 5 seconds and feel the muscles in your forearm and hand become tight.
  • Unclench your fingers for 30 seconds, completely relaxing them. At the same time, slight tingling sensations (goose bumps) will appear in the muscles of the forearm and hand, or simply a feeling of pleasant warmth.

Do this exercise on both hands, then move on to the next step.

Exercise number 2. Biceps:

  • Squeeze your hand. You need to strain the biceps muscle. The forearm should remain calm.
  • Place your hand on the arm of the chair, feeling it go limp and warm. Compare how you feel to relaxing your forearm muscles. Feel the difference. Evaluate the result.

Exercise number 3. Triceps:

  • Extend your arm along your body while contracting the desired muscle. This exercise is best done while lying on a firm surface. The palms should be facing up.
  • Relax your shoulders, feel their softness and warmth.

Exercise number 4. Shoulders:

  • It is necessary to tighten the shoulder muscles by lifting them up.
  • Let your shoulders drop and feel a pleasant tingling sensation.

Exercise number 5. Occipital region:

  • Tilt your head back while contracting the desired muscles.
  • Bring your head to its original position.

Exercise number 6. Facial area:

  • Squeeze your jaw tightly and close your eyes. In this case, precisely those muscles that are responsible for facial expressions will tighten.
  • Bring everything back to its original state.

Exercise number 7. Back:

  • Pull the shoulder blades down, contracting the desired muscle group.
  • Relax your back completely.

Exercise number 8. Abdominal muscles:

  • Pull in your stomach as you exhale, contracting it until it feels firm.
  • Take a deep breath, relaxing your abdominal muscles.

Exercise number 9 Buttocks and thighs:

  • Bring the sciatic muscles together by contracting the thighs.
  • Relax your buttocks completely.

Exercise number 10 Caviar:

  • Contract your calf muscles by extending your feet and toes down.
  • Relax your legs.

Exercise number 11 Ankle:

  • Tighten your tibial muscles by lifting your toes up.
  • Bring your legs to the starting position.

If, after all the manipulations done, the dream still has not visited you, then do the following:

  • Close your eyes.
  • Breathing slowly and deeply, bring your hands together, then spread them apart.
  • Exhale and open your eyes.

Effective ways to relax

In modern psychology, there are many productive methods of relaxation and self-regulation that are easy to use and do not require physical effort. Let's consider the most effective ones.

Breathing exercises

These techniques are the foundation of yoga and Pilates. In addition, relaxation breathing techniques are widely used among professional athletes as they are very helpful in helping to relax.

To achieve a positive result, classes should be conducted in twilight and silence or to the accompaniment of a rhythmic melody. It is best to use wildlife sounds such as whales singing. An important aspect in choosing a musical composition is the lack of text, since words are very distracting and interfere with correctly tune in the desired mood.

Having decided on the melody, take a position that is comfortable for you and relax your abdominal muscles. Now close your eyes and focus on your breathing - it should be calm but rhythmic. Control how your breasts and abdomen are filled with oxygen. Start visualizing. Imagine air penetrating the skin, filling each hand. The same should be done with each part of the body, switching only after having achieved the desired vision in the previous area. At the end of this technique, lie on your back and put your hand on your stomach. Breathe in for a few minutes, contracting the abdominal muscles.

Create an image

This method is much more difficult, as it requires systematic training and is one of the deep relaxation techniques. Visualization is not an easy task, so almost no one can do it the first time.

Play a sweet melody, get in a comfortable position, and begin the move. Imagine the conditions and environment that are most desirable for you. The top of the mountain, the seaside, can become your working way. It all depends on your individual preferences. The main condition for this technique is complete immersion in the visual image, that is, you need to present everything in it to the smallest detail.

If you see yourself on the beach, then you definitely need to hear the sound of waves beating against the shore, feel the warmth of the sand and its texture, feel the hot rays of the sun on your skin, the taste of salt on your lips and the freshness of the wind in your hair.

You can try different options over several sessions. Regular use of this visualization will build muscle memory in your body. After that, in any difficult situation, it will be enough to find a couple of minutes to recreate an image that will help you relax and make the right decision.

Another surefire way to get rid of health problems

The technique of post-isometric muscle relaxation is a preparation for further manual practice. It has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. The technique lies in the fact that the body should be held in a certain position with involuntary muscle stretching (isometric work of minimum intensity). Each approach should last at least 5 seconds, and the number of cycles should be six.

Gentle manual techniques of post-isometric muscle relaxation create a lasting hypnotic effect. Thanks to him, the syndromes of various diseases disappear. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  • Each exercise should be short and performed without undue stress. If you do not pay attention to these parameters, you can get the opposite result. In addition, special attention should be paid to the intervals, otherwise the physical and psychological constraints will not disappear, but only intensify.
  • The muscles can be tense consciously (not necessarily isometrically), as a result of which the exercise will become a little more intense, but the effect will not change.
  • If you combine the conscious tension of the muscles with the direction of the gaze, the muscles will be worked out better. This is how our body works.

Before you start performing post-isometric relaxation techniques, you need to fix your body in the right position (convenient for you). Excessive stress and pain will prevent you from achieving what you want, so practice moderation. Hold your breath first. After that, activate the desired muscle group. Then take a deep breath and relax. After a few seconds, start stretching the muscles, which should last no more than 10 seconds. The cycle should be repeated several times.

If, after applying gentle manual techniques of post-isometric relaxation, relaxation was not achieved, then the holding time should be extended to 30 seconds. If you strictly follow the rules, then the desired effect can be achieved after the third approach.

Initially, the session should be supervised by the instructor to help you get out of relaxation properly. In addition, a mentor will help you master the basic techniques of this technique and teach you how to feel your own body in space.

Post-isometric relaxation is useful for:

  • Warming up muscles.
  • Eliminate pain.
  • Decrease in muscle tone.
  • Treatment of pathologies associated with the spine.

Before you start using this technique, you need to get the advice of your family doctor, since in some diseases the use of this practice is unacceptable.

The ability to relax at will is a very important skill that everyone should have. Life in today's world is very stressful and stressful, both mentally and physically. This applies to workers in the field of high technology and computers, who sit for hours in front of the monitor, which leads to many hours of tension in some muscles and joints.
This also applies to other workers, for example, those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel, especially with heavy traffic, which puts a lot of pressure on the psyche. These days, stress is a very common word as people blame stress for many of their problems. It is difficult for people to relax. Here are five of the best ways to relax in a healthy way.

Relaxation technique 1: We breathe to relax and calm down

Breathing control is a basic skill required to quickly calm down and relax. By consciously controlling your breathing, you are distracted from stressful thoughts for a while. Some breathing techniques have a quick sedative effect.

I suggest the following breathing exercise:

  • If possible, lie down or sit comfortably.
  • Close your eyes and focus your attention on the nostrils as air enters them.
  • Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose. Note that the air entering the nose is cold.
  • Hold your breath for a few seconds, keeping your attention at the same point.
  • Exhale slowly and calmly through your nose. Note that the air leaving the nostrils is already warm.
  • Do it for a few minutes until the disturbing thoughts leave you and you feel calm.

This exercise uses several techniques to calm you down:

  • Closed eyes and a comfortable position are already a little relaxing.
  • When breathing slowly with a delay before exhaling, the heart rate decreases. This is especially useful if you are agitated for any reason and need to calm down quickly. In stressful situations, you can perform this exercise without a preparatory stage, if there is no time or place for this.
  • Concentrating on moving cold and warm air through your nostrils engages your brain and distracts you from other negative thoughts.

However, it is even easier to improve breathing and cope with stress and negative experiences.
You need to slowly draw air into your lungs, then hold the air, slowly counting to four. Exhale in the same way for four counts - and hold the breath again for four counts without inhaling.

With this breathing practice, you can kill two birds with one stone. First, willy-nilly, force yourself to breathe slowly and avoid hyperventilating the lungs. Second, to divert the agitated mind from the problem that triggered the violent reaction, and switch it to a count of one to four.

Relaxation technique 2: Progressive muscle relaxation
(according to Jackopson)

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is the simplest technique from which many more sophisticated relaxation techniques have evolved.The Progressive Relaxation System is named after Harvard physiologist Edmund Jacobson. It is based on the fact that after strong tension, the muscle automatically relaxes.

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to take the most comfortable position in space for you. It is desirable that the position is seated, since relaxation of the neck muscles involves moving the head.

However, to relax according to Jacobson, you can lie on your back on a hard, flat surface, close your eyes and choose an object: first, a small muscle group - for example, calves, abdominal muscles, hands. This group must first be strongly strained (although in order to feel them), then sharply relax - and fully feel this relaxation.

The number of muscles involved in relaxation should be gradually increased. The classic scheme of progressive relaxation: sequential movement (tension-relaxation) from the cervical muscles to the muscles of the tips of the legs.

While doing the exercise, do not tense the muscles too much, and do not tense muscles that are not in the specific group mentioned at this stage. After relaxation of tension, the muscles should be more relaxed than before tension.

Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down. Take a few slow breaths in and out. Then start in the following sequence.

1. Hands. The first exercise is aimed at relaxing the muscles in the arm. This is a simple clenching of the hand into a fist. The exercise must be repeated 5 times. Do not forget that any pain, including that obtained as a result of the exercise, cannot have anything to do with relaxation. After the task is completed, shift the focus of your attention to the sensations in your hand. The first time, you may not notice anything special. This is normal, because you have not paid attention to what is happening in your body for so long. Except, of course, painful sensations.

* After 4 days, you add the following exercise: spread the fingers on the hand to such an extent that you feel the tension. Yes, it should be just tension, NO pain. In this exercise, when viewed from above, it resembles an asterisk.

* The next exercise: we tighten the hand, bringing the palm to the body. So that the hand and wrist form a right angle. Fingers are pointing up.

* The exercise is similar to the previous one, only in this case the fingers are pointing down.

2. Biceps and triceps. Next, we bend the arm at the elbow joint, straining the muscles of the forearm. Biceps tense (tense a muscle, but shake your hands to make sure they are not clenched into fists); relaxed (put your hands on the chair).

* We do the exercises the other way around: we try to straighten the arm as much as possible in order to feel the tension in the triceps.

3. Shoulders. Shrug your shoulders and keep them as tight as possible and still comfortable for you. Take your shoulders back (carefully); relax. Slide them forward (push); relax.

4. Neck (lateral muscles). We work with the muscles of the neck. Shoulders are straight, relaxed, head slowly turn to the right as far as possible; relax. Turn left; relax.

* Neck (back muscles). Throw your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest. Keep your muscles in tension. Relax.

* Neck (front muscles) Smoothly throw your head back. We repeat the exercise 5 times. We concentrate on the sensations occurring in your muscles.

If you have conscientiously approached the development of the technique and practiced it for at least 15 minutes a day, at this stage you will already come close to the quality relaxation of your body. This is due to the generalizing function of our brain. A good relaxation of the muscles of the arms for 10 minutes leads to the spread of relaxation throughout the body.

5. Breathing. Breathe in as deeply as possible - and then a little more; exhale and breathe normally for 15 seconds. Let all the air out of your lungs - and then a little more; inhale and breathe normally for 15 seconds.

6. Back. Press your shoulders against the back of the chair and push your body forward so that your back arches; relax. Do this exercise with caution or not at all.

7. Buttocks. Tighten your buttocks strongly and lift your pelvis above the seat; relax. Press your buttocks into the chair; relax.

8. Hips. Stretch your legs and lift them 15 cm from the floor or footboard, but do not strain your abdominal muscles; relax. Press your feet (heels) against the floor or footboard; relax.

9. Belly. Pull in your stomach as much as possible; relax completely. Inflate your stomach or tighten your muscles as if you are preparing for a punch; relax.

10. Calves and feet. Raise your toes (without lifting your feet); relax. Raise your feet as high as possible (beware of cramps - if they arise, or you feel them approaching, shake your feet); relax.

11. Toes. Relax your legs, press your toes to the floor; relax. Lift your toes as high as possible; relax.

12. Face. Relaxation of the facial muscles completes the set of exercises.

* Mouth. The mouth is open as wide as possible; relaxed. The lips are drawn together and compressed as tightly as possible; relaxed.

* Tongue (protruding and retracted). Open your mouth and stick your tongue out as far as possible; relax (let it lie freely on the bottom of the mouth). Pull it back into the larynx as deep as possible; relax.

* Language (sky and bottom). Press your tongue to the palate; relax. Press it down to the bottom of your mouth; relax.

* Eyes. Open your eyes as wide as possible and feel the tension in the frontal muscles, wrinkle your eyebrows; relax.

* Close up your eyes as much as you can, without disturbing your comfort. This will allow you to contract a large number of the ocular muscles .; relax. Make sure to completely relax the muscles in your eyes, forehead, and nose after each exertion.

* The last exercise tones the lower part of the face. Imagine that we really want to kiss someone - we pull our lips into a tube.

You should understand that mastering this method will require regularity from you first of all. The sequence of exercises matters, they should be mastered in the prescribed manner.

The interval of acquaintance with each subsequent exercise should be at least 4 days. This means that on the first training day, you do only one exercise. After 4 days, add another one and so on. This is done with the aim of training muscle memory, which, as you master Jacobson's relaxation, will eventually automatically "turn on relaxation" when performing at least one exercise. To obtain such a result, you will need about 3 months, while it should be noted that with regular implementation of the complex, you will receive tangible results in a few weeks.

Important: Remember that relaxation cannot occur with pain. Therefore, you should be careful not to overdo your exercise.

Disadvantages of the Jacobson Progressive Relaxation System: It takes a long time and can only work in a calm environment where it is possible to lie down and practice relaxation along with deep breathing. A person in standard working conditions has few such opportunities, so there are more adapted methods.

Relaxation Technique 3: Calming visualization

Visualization is a powerful tool for consciousness. Research has shown that the subconscious mind cannot distinguish between real and visualized events. Therefore, the visualized images have a significant impact on consciousness.

  • Sit comfortably or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few slow breaths. Turn off all communications to avoid distraction.
  • Imagine yourself in a quiet and peaceful place of your choice. It can be a deserted beach, a flowering meadow, a forest, a boat, or any other place where you feel relaxed.
  • Hold this image and, while experiencing the bliss of the moment, imagine all the positive feelings that arise in this place.
  • The more realistic the image is, the more positive emotions you will get.
  • When you feel comfortable and calm, slowly walk out of the imaginary world and return to the real one.

Relaxation Technique 4: Stimulation of alpha and theta levels using audio programs

The human brain functions in different states of consciousness and attention. The different levels are distinguished by the frequency of the brain waves, as can be seen in the EEG (electroencephalogram). These levels are named after the letters of the Greek alphabet.

The general agreement on wave patterns of brain activity is as follows:

  • Beta- 14 Hz and above. A state of readiness, an active state of the brain. Associated with thinking and waking.
  • Alpha- from 8 to 14 Hz. Relaxed state of the brain. Associated with immersion in dreams, general relaxation.
  • Theta- from 4 to 8 Hz. A state of deeper relaxation. Light sleep. Hypnosis. Meditation.
  • Delta- below 4 Hz. Deep dream. Unconsciousness.

The alpha state is recognized as the healthiest state of the brain as it is associated with relaxed brain activity. This state is also used as the basis for advanced mind control techniques such as meditation, the Jose Silva method, and others.

It is possible to stimulate the alpha wave activity of the brain using special audio recordings, the effect of binaural beats, to directly influence the brain and make it work at the desired frequency. To reduce stress, binaural beats are superimposed on top of rainfall sounds, which in themselves have a calming effect.

There are many relaxation recordings available on the internet, such as Reiki Healing Music.

Relaxation technique 5: Entering the alpha state of consciousness on our own

You can learn to enter the alpha state of consciousness on your own, without the use of special audio recordings. Of course, you have to learn, but you will be able to better control your brain. Jose Silva has dedicated his life to developing techniques that will help you better use human potential. Its work is based on the ability to enter and remain in the alpha state of consciousness.

There are several ways to stimulate the alpha state. Here's the way that works best for me:

  1. Sit comfortably or lie down with your eyes closed. Take a few deep breaths.
  2. Imagine the number 3 and tell yourself "Three" three times.
  3. Imagine the number 2 and tell yourself "Two" three times.
  4. Imagine the number 1 and tell yourself "One" three times.
  5. Imagine the number 10 and say "I am relaxing".
  6. Imagine the number 9 and say "I am calming down".
  7. Imagine the number 8 and say "I am relaxing more and more".
  8. Imagine the number 7 and say "I am calming down more and more".
  9. Imagine the number 6 and say "My mind is clear and serene".
  10. Imagine the number 5 and say "My whole body is relaxed".
  11. Imagine the number 4 and say “I’m so relaxed that I don’t feel the weight of my own body.”.
  12. Imagine the number 3 and say "I am completely calm".
  13. Imagine the number 2 and say "I'm completely relaxed.".
  14. Imagine the number 1 and say “I am completely calm and completely relaxed. I'm in alpha ".

For most of us, relaxation turns into spending time in front of the TV at the end of a stressful day. But this method only slightly reduces the harmful effects of stress. To effectively combat stress, we need to activate the body's natural relaxation response.

You can do this through relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, rhythmic exercises, and yoga. Adapting and incorporating these activities into your life will reduce daily stress and boost energy and mood.

What is a relaxation response

When stress wears down your nervous system, your body is filled with chemicals that prepare you for the fight-or-flight response. While this stress response can be lifesaving in an emergency where you need to react quickly, it wears out the body if it is constantly activated by the stressors of daily life.

No one can avoid stress completely, but you can counteract it by learning how to emit a relaxation response - a state of deep rest that is the polar opposite of the stress response. The relaxation response shackles stress and brings your body and mind into balance. When the relaxation reaction is activated, then:

  • The heart rate decreases.
  • Breathing slows down and deepens.
  • Blood pressure decreases and stabilizes.
  • Muscles relax.
  • The body begins to recover.

In addition to its physical calming effect, the relaxation response also increases energy and concentration, helps fight disease, relieves pain, enhances problem-solving abilities, and increases motivation and productivity. The best part is that everyone can reap the benefits of these benefits through regular relaxation techniques.

How to induce a relaxation response

A variety of relaxation techniques can help bring your nervous system back into balance by triggering a relaxation response. The relaxation response does not consist in lying on the couch or sleeping, but in an active mental process that brings the body into a state of relaxation, calmness and focus.

Learning the basics of relaxation techniques isn't difficult, but it takes practice. Most stress experts recommend that you reserve at least 10-20 minutes a day for relaxation techniques. If you want even more stress relief, aim for 30-60 minutes a day. If that sounds like a daunting promise, remember that there are many techniques you can incorporate into your daily schedule — practice during lunch or on the bus on your way to work.

Choosing relaxation techniques and ways to relieve stress

There is no one technique that works great for everyone. When choosing a relaxation technique, think about your specific needs, preferences, fitness level, and how you respond to stress. The right relaxation technique is one that resonates with you, suits your lifestyle, focuses your mind, and interrupts everyday thoughts to release the relaxation response. In many cases, you may find that changing or combining different techniques will give you motivation and better results.

How you respond to stress can influence the relaxation technique that works best for you:

  • Hit reaction... If you become angry, agitated, or aroused by stress, your best response is to use stress relief techniques that calm you: meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, or guided imagination.
  • Run reaction... If you become depressed, aloof, or discouraged by stress, your best response to stress relief techniques is to stimulate and energize your nervous system: rhythmic exercise, massage, "mindfulness," or strength yoga.
  • Immobilization reaction... If you have experienced some type of trauma and are prone to "numb" or "numb" under the influence of stress, then your first priority is to awaken the nervous system to a "hit" or "run" response (see above), so use any of the stress relief techniques. To do this, choose a physical activity that requires both hands and feet at the same time (eg, running, dancing, tai chi) and do the exercises in conjunction with the mindfulness technique: focus on the sensations in your limbs as you move. ...

Relaxation techniques as part of life

The best way to start and not quit relaxation practices is to incorporate them into your daily activities. While it can be difficult to find time in a busy schedule, many techniques can be practiced while doing other activities. You can meditate while commuting to work by bus or train, for example, or while waiting for an appointment. Try deep breathing while doing household chores or when tinkering in the garden. Awareness can be applied when playing with your dog, walking to your car, or climbing stairs at work. Once you learn practices like Tai Chi, you can apply them in the office or in the parking lot after lunch.

  • If possible, set aside time for practice in your daily schedule.... Set aside one or two time periods each day. You may find that it is easier to stick to the practices if you apply them in the morning before doing other things and worries, for example.
  • If You Exercise, Enhance Relaxation Benefits Through "Full Mindfulness"... Instead of staring at the TV while you exercise, try to focus your attention on your body. If you are doing weight-bearing exercises, focus on coordinating your breathing with your movements and pay attention to how your body feels as you lift and lower weights.
  • Avoid Practicing When You Are Sleepy... These techniques can relax you so much that you become extremely sleepy, especially if it’s close to bedtime. You will get the greatest benefit if you practice when you are awake. Do not practice after heavy meals and do not combine with alcohol, drug or tobacco use.
  • Expect the ups and downs... Don't be discouraged if you miss a few days or even a few weeks. That happens. Just start over and slowly go back to the previous level.

Breathing meditation

Deep breathing is a simple yet powerful relaxation technique in which you focus on deep, “cleansing” breathing. It's easy to learn, can be practiced almost anywhere, and provides a quick way to keep stress levels under control. Deep breathing is the cornerstone of many other relaxation practices and can be combined with other relaxation elements such as aromatherapy or listening to music. All you really need is a few minutes and a stretch.

How to practice deep breathing meditation

The key to deep breathing is to inhale deeply from the abdomen, capturing as much fresh air as possible in the lungs. When you breathe in deeply from your abdomen, rather than inhaling superficially from your upper chest, you are drawing in more oxygen. The more oxygen you get, the less stress you have, less shortness of breath, and less anxiety.

  • Sit comfortably and straighten your back. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.
  • Breathe in through your nose. The hand on your stomach should go up. The hand on your pile should only move slightly.
  • Exhale through your mouth, squeezing out as much air as you can while contracting your abdominal muscles. The hand on your stomach should move as you exhale, but the hand on your chest should only move slightly.
  • Continue breathing through your nose and out through your mouth. Try to inhale so that your lower abdomen rises and then "sleeps". Count slowly as you exhale.

If you find it difficult to inhale from your abdomen while you are sitting, try lying on the floor. Place a small book on your stomach and try to inhale so that the book rises as you inhale and falls as you exhale. Breathing techniques can be practiced almost anywhere and combined with other relaxation techniques such as aromatherapy or listening to music. All you need is a few minutes and a place to stretch.

Rhythmic movements

Rhythmic exercise or physical activity that involves both hands and feet — such as running, walking, swimming, dancing, rowing, and mountain climbing — is most effective for stress relief when used in conjunction with "full awareness." As with meditation, “full awareness” requires being fully involved in the present moment and focusing your mind on how your body is currently feeling. As you move, instead of focusing on your thoughts, focus on the sensations in your limbs and how your breathing complements your movements. If your mind wanders from thought to thought, gently return your focus to breathing and movement.

If you are walking or jogging, for example, focus on each step - the sensation of the contact of the foot with the surface, the rhythm of breathing as you move, and the sensation of the wind on your face. If you are experiencing the effects of trauma, adding this element of "total awareness" will help your nervous system return to its state of "numbness" and move on.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a two-step process in which you systematically tense and relax different muscle groups.

With regular practice, progressive muscle relaxation gives you an in-depth knowledge of how tension - as well as total relaxation - is felt in different parts of the body. This awareness will help you notice and counteract the first signs of muscle tension that accompanies stress. And as your body relaxes, so will your mind. You can combine deep breathing with muscle relaxation techniques for an extra level of stress relief.

How to practice progressive muscle relaxation

Before practicing progressive muscle relaxation, consult your doctor if you have a history of muscle cramps, back problems, or other serious injuries that could be aggravated by muscle strain. Most progressive muscle relaxation practitioners start with the legs and work up to the face.

  • Take off your clothes, take off your shoes, make yourself comfortable.
  • Give yourself a few minutes to relax, inhale and exhale slowly, inhale deeply.
  • When you are relaxed and ready to start, bring your attention to your right foot. Give yourself time to focus on how she is feeling.
  • Slowly tense the muscles of your right foot, squeezing them as hard as you can. Count to 10.
  • Relax your right foot. Focus on how the tension goes away and how the foot feels when the tension is released.
  • Stay in this state for a while, breathe deeply and slowly.
  • When you're ready, shift your attention to your left foot. Follow the same muscle tension and relaxation sequence.
  • Move slowly higher up the body, contracting and relaxing muscle groups.
  • This may take practice at first, but try not to tense muscles other than what is needed.

Sequence for Progressive Muscle Relaxation

  1. Right foot, then left foot.
  2. Right shin, then left shin.
  3. Right thigh, then left thigh.
  4. Buttocks.
  5. Stomach.
  6. Breast.
  7. Back.
  8. Right hand, then left hand, and hands.
  9. Neck and shoulders.
  10. Face.

Meditative body scan

Body scans are similar to progressive muscle relaxation, except instead of tensing and relaxing the muscles, you simply focus on the sensations in each part of the body.

How to practice a meditative body scan

  • Lie on your back with your legs uncrossed, arms relaxed and at your sides, eyes open or closed. Focus on your breathing, allowing your stomach to rise as you inhale and lower as you exhale. Breathe deeply for about two minutes until you feel comfortable and relaxed.
  • Focus on the toes of your right foot. Notice any sensations you are feeling and at the same time focus on your breathing. Imagine filling your fingers with every deep breath. Leave focus on this area for one or two minutes.
  • Move your focus to the right foot. Notice any sensations you feel in this part of the body, and imagine that each breath fills you from the foot. After one or two minutes, bring your focus to your right ankle and repeat. Move to the lower leg, knee, thigh, buttock and then repeat the sequence for the left leg. Then move to the torso through the lower back and abdomen, upper back and chest to the shoulders. Pay strong attention to any area of ​​your body that you feel pain or discomfort.
  • Move the focus from the fingers to the hand and then move up to the wrist, forearm, elbow, and shoulder. Repeat for the left hand. Then move through the neck and throat, and then along all areas of the face, the back of the head, the front of the head. Pay close attention to your jaw, chin, lips, tongue, nose, cheeks, eyes, forehead, and scalp. When you reach the top of your head, allow your breath to move out of your body and imagine that you are hovering above you.
  • After completing the body scan, relax for a while in silence and stillness, paying attention to how your body is feeling. Then slowly open your eyes. Give yourself time to stretch if necessary.

Mindfulness meditation

“Full awareness” is the ability to remain cognizant (that is, aware) of how you feel right now, of your “momentary” experiences, both internal and external. Think about the past - judging and judging yourself - or worrying about the future - all of which can trigger stress. But by staying calm in the present moment, you bring the nervous system into balance. Mindfulness can be used for activities such as walking, exercising, eating, or meditating.

Meditation that fosters "full awareness" has long been used to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and other negative conditions. Some of these meditation techniques bring you back to the present moment by focusing on a single act such as inhaling, repeating a word a few times, or flickering a candlelight. Other forms of mindfulness meditation encourage you to keep track of your inner thoughts and feelings.

How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation

To practice mindfulness meditation, you need:

  • Calm atmosphere... Choose a secluded spot at home, in the office, or outdoors where you can relax without distraction or interruption.
  • Comfortable position... Sit comfortably, but do not lie down, as this can lead to you falling asleep. Sit with your back straight, either in a chair or on the floor. You can also try crossing your legs or lotus position.
  • Focal point... You can meditate with your eyes closed or open, so this point can be internal - a feeling or an imaginary picture - or external - a fire, an object in an environment, or a meaningful word or phrase that you repeat during meditation.
  • Observing uncritical attitude... Don't worry about distracting thoughts passing through your mind or how well you are doing. If thoughts invade the relaxation process, don't fight them, just gently bring your attention back to your focal point.
  • After completing the body scan, relax for a while in silence and stillness, paying attention to how your body is feeling. Then slowly open your eyes. Give yourself time to stretch if necessary.

Awareness Techniques

There is more than one way to practice "full awareness", but the goal of any "full awareness" technique is to achieve a state of alertness, that is, focused relaxation by consciously paying attention to thoughts and sensations without judging them. This approach allows the mind to refocus on the present moment. All "mindfulness" techniques are forms of meditation.

  • Basic Mindfulness Meditation... Sit in a quiet place and focus on your natural breathing or on a word or "mantra" that you chant softly. Allow thoughts to come and go without judgment and return the focus to the breath or mantra.
  • Body sensations... Notice subtle bodily sensations such as itching or tingling sensations without appreciating what is happening and letting the sensation pass. Pay attention to each part of your body in sequence, from head to heel.
  • Feel... Notice sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch. Call them “sight,” “sound,” “smell,” “taste,” or “touch,” without any judgments, and let them pass.
  • Emotions... Allow emotions to manifest in the present without judgment. Learn to naming emotions in a relaxed and consistent way: "joy", "anger", "frustration". Accept the flowing emotions without judgment and let them pass.
  • Persistent "wiggle on the waves"... Cope with cravings (from addictive behavior or alcohol or drug abuse) and let it pass. Notice how your body feels as the desires come. Replace the temptation with a simple desire so that it can go away, leaving behind some knowledge that it can subside.


Visualization, or guided imagination, is a variation on traditional meditation that requires you to use not only the visual channel, but also the gustatory, tactile, smell and hearing channels. When used as a relaxation technique, visualization involves presenting a picture where you feel calm and free to experience and express tension and anxiety.

Choose any setting. It is only important that it soothes you as much as possible, whether it is a tropical beach, a favorite place in childhood, or a quiet wooded hollow. You can try the visualization exercise on your own in silence, either while listening to soothing music, or with a therapist (or a therapist's audio recording) who guides you through your imagination. To help you engage your hearing, you can use an audio device or record sounds to your device that match your imaginary setting - the sound of the waves of the ocean if you chose a beach, for example.

How to practice visualization

Find a quiet, relaxing place. Beginners sometimes fall asleep during meditation, so try to practice while sitting.

Close your eyes and let your worries pass. Imagine your vacation spot. Draw it as vividly as you can - whatever you can see, hear, smell, taste or feel. Visualization works best if you plug in as many sensory channels as possible. Try to use at least three senses. When visualizing, choose an image that is important to you; don't choose an image just because you think it should be important. Let your imagination kick in and work for you.

If you are thinking of a dock near a quiet lake, for example:

  • Walk slowly along the marina and notice the colors and textures around you.
  • Spend some time exploring each of your sensations.
  • See how the sun soars over the water.
  • Smell the pine tree.
  • Feel the cold water as you dip your foot into the lake.
  • Taste the fresh, clean air.

Enjoy the feeling of deep relaxation that envelops you as you slowly explore your chosen destination. When you're ready, gently open your eyes and return to the present.

Don't worry if you occasionally fall out or lose the image of where you are during your guided imagery session. This is fine. You may also experience a feeling of numbness or heaviness in your limbs, minor involuntary muscle twitching, or coughing or yawning. Again, these are normal reactions.

Yoga and Tai Tzu

Yoga involves a series of movements and static postures combined with deep breathing. In addition to reducing anxiety and stress, yoga can help you improve flexibility, strength, coordination, and endurance. If practiced regularly, it will enhance the relaxation response in daily life. Since during yoga practice, injuries can occur if the exercises are not performed correctly, it is always best to learn it by attending classes, hiring a trainer, or at least working with a video instructor.

Tai tzu

If you've ever seen a group of people in a park moving slowly and in sync, chances are you've seen Tai Chi practitioners. Tai Tzu is a series of slow, measured, and fluid movements without any concurrence. These movements emphasize concentration, relaxation and the conscious circulation of life energy throughout the body. Although Tai Chi has its roots in the martial arts, today it is practiced primarily as a way to calm the mind, strengthen the body, and reduce stress. As with meditation, people who practice Tai Chi focus on their breathing and keeping their attention in the present moment.

Tai Chi is a safe, low-intensity opportunity for people of all ages and all skill levels, including the elderly and those recovering from injury. Similar to yoga, once you learn the basic tai chi or qigong exercises, you can practice on your own or with other people in matching groups if you see that your level of training is right.

What kind of yoga is best for relieving stress?

Although most yoga sessions end with relaxation poses, activities that emphasize slow, steady movement, deep breathing, and gentle stretching are the best in relieving stress.

  • Satyanad Is a traditional form of yoga. She adopts gentle postures, deep relaxation and meditation, great for beginners as well as anyone looking to reduce stress.
  • Hatha yoga It is also a fairly gentle stress reliever for beginners. When choosing activities, pay attention to the labels "soft", "stress relief", "for beginners."
  • Power yoga with its intense postures and focus on physical fitness, it is best suited for those looking for opportunities to experience excitement as well as calmness.

If you are unsure if a particular yoga session is suitable for stress relief, call the studio or ask an instructor.


You may already know how a professional massage at a spa or health club can help reduce stress, relieve pain, and relax muscle tension. What you may not know is that you get all of the same massage benefits at home or at work if you massage yourself - or help massage your partner.

Try taking a few minutes to massage yourself while at your desk between tasks, on the couch at the end of a hectic day, or on your bed to calm down before bed. To enhance relaxation, use aromatic oil, scented lotion, or combine massage with a mindfulness or deep breathing technique.

So, in the previous article we talked about what gives the correct relaxation, and what is it for at all.

In this article we will continue the conversation and consider ways and effective relaxation techniques.

Relaxation methods and techniques

There are many ways to relax. If not considered technicians and use the simplest and most affordable ways, then we can distinguish:

  • rest and sleep
  • alternating tension and relaxation
  • physical activity and sports
  • alcohol and cigarettes

Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Rest and sleep.

There is nothing better and more effective than sound, healthy sleep. During REM sleep, our muscles relax as much as possible, which cannot be achieved without special techniques while awake. At the same time, our thought processes are also slowed down, therefore, the brain rests from powerful informational loads.

In this natural way, a person restores all physical and mental resources. Therefore, overnight, a rested person begins to think better and pushes past problems into the background, worrying much less.


You don't have to go to bed to achieve acceptable relaxation, peace. Despite the effectiveness of sleep, it is not possible to sleep everywhere. However, almost everywhere you can sit and relax. Therefore, if the tension is great, sit in peace and silence, trying not to think about anything, and directing your focus of attention to your body, gradually relaxing it.

2. The alternation of relaxation and tension.

This alternation relaxes even better than usual. relaxation, in view of the structure of our muscles.

The main task is rest, but not necessarily relaxation must be accompanied by calmness. Dancing, swimming, laughing are relaxation options, the so-called movement.

Useful trick

If the inner tension is severe enough, the art of kiai can help you. This strange oriental word in this context means nothing more than ... to shout. Shout, shout, destroying the energy of negative emotions. Only not to people, but to the chosen space :)

3. Physical activity and sports.

from physiology to sociology and the theory of motivation.

Who remembers Maslow's pyramid?

Primary needs- these are the physical needs of a person. For example, if your boss yelled at you, but you have nothing to eat, will you take offense? Of course not! Because we are not interested in resentment when physical, primary needs are not satisfied.

For a good example: agree, when you get very sick, you don’t care about problems. Everything fades into the background, if only to recover as soon as possible!

It's the same with relaxation. When you work out like hell in a workout, on the tatami or in the gym, you become relaxed and calm, free from mental stress and muscle tension.

Personal psychotechnics

I knew one person who constantly repeated something like this:

Do you doubt it? Hit the makiwara!

Have you stopped believing in yourself? Hit the makiwara!

Can't you relax and find harmony? ... Hit the makiwara!

Psycho-training is simple and effective. Of course, this technique is more suitable for developing an inner core and will, but believe me, it also relaxes not badly.

That is why, in my opinion, one of the most effective ways to relieve tension is to properly beat the pear to the brutal cries of your own “kiai”.

4. Alcohol and cigarettes, drugs.

It is better not to talk about this at all, but this method cannot be ignored.

  • Alcohol - relaxes the body, but at the same time gives an outlet to psychic subpersonalities, from your subcortex, destroys internal organs and STRONGLY destroys the brain and neural connections, leading to personality degradation. By the way, it is the moment of "intoxication" that is nothing more than the reaction of your body to the death of neurons, due to the sharp blow of toxins to the brain.

As a way to relax and unwind - I do not recommend it! In any quantity!

  • Cigarettes are relaxing due to deep, rhythmic breathing. In view of the substitution of concepts, they first bind your focus of attention, and then the subconscious mind to the subject of relaxation - cigarettes. It should be understood that cigarettes themselves (as well as ventilation of the lungs with waste) do not relax. Relaxes calm, deep breathing rhythm. By the way, smokers have the opposite effect over time, when a cigarette becomes a psychotechnique - a habit of the brain: one can relax only by "activating" a special technique, i.e. having smoked a cigarette. Just breathing at the same time has a weak effect. Why - I do not explain.

As a way to relax and unwind - I do not recommend it!

  • Narcotic and psychotropic drugs- relax due to the direct effect on the psyche. I don't think it is worth explaining what such an impact leads to.


Regarding the pills.

The world economic system, our world as we know it, rests on three pillars - pharmacology, chemical and food industries. Moreover, the property of the latter depended and still depends on the penultimate one. Look at the composition of food for the presence of preservatives, dyes, carcinogens and other offal. Their variety is impressive. And any of them does not pass without leaving a trace for your body. We are high-precision mechanisms, not “steel machines”, which means that damage to any “module” disables the entire mechanism as a whole.

What we eat for the most part is terribly unhealthy, and often even harmful. But in case of any failures, the problems are solved with the appropriate pill. This is a business.

It is beneficial for the world and the smart people who created it that we remain stupid. It is beneficial to impose "majority choice". Realizing this, dictate your rules of the game.

I do not recommend using drugs, psychotropics, or relaxation pills. They relieve symptoms and have a temporary effect, BUT at the same time they destroy your brain, nervous system, and the body as a whole.

Relaxation techniques

So, at present there are a large number of negative factors affecting the body, leading to stress, weakening it, reflecting on the internal organs, reflecting on the nervous system, resulting in diseases.

In order to insulate yourself from the negative influences of the information age, combine vigorous activity with relaxation. For example, using the above methods or suggested below relaxation techniques.

Relaxation technique # 1. Aquarium.

The simplest and most well-known technique is to "stick" to aquarium fish. Helps many outright. I will not describe.

Relaxation technique No. 2. "Here and now".

Meditation technique, Zen style.

Sit comfortably.

Breathe deeply and calmly.

Focus your attention on the place where you are now: only on the space in which your body occupies and only on an object standing next to it.

Stay focused on "space" and "subject" until your mind is free of tension and thoughts.

Relaxation technique No. 3. Music (Psychoacoustics).

Music itself is capable of accelerating or inhibiting our mental activity, which is a sin not to take advantage of.

Calm rhythms are suitable for relaxation (inhibition of activity): meditation music or harmonious forces of classics and sonatas, various types of "chill-out" and simply liquid step. I recommend using the music together with the correct breathing rhythm for more effective relaxation.


Correct rhythm:

... inhale-exhale-hold your breath-inhale-exhale-hold your breath ...

Those. hold your breath for a short while before inhaling.

But after inhaling, exhale immediately.

Note: we breathe "belly"

Relaxation technique No. 4. Saunas, baths, visits to hot springs

Steam and high temperatures vasodilatation, which means that the blood supply to the muscles improves. This, in turn, relaxes them.

At the same time, some stagnant processes in the blood supply system are eliminated, and from the center the blood spreads along the periphery, which is also beneficial for the body - the blood drains from the brain and our nervous activity begins to slow down - a state of relaxation sets in.

  • you can not visit the sauna after eating;
  • you can not visit the sauna for colds;
  • you can not enter the sauna wet;
  • do not stay in the sauna for a long time, this can lead to collapse;
  • in the sauna, the air humidity should not exceed 10%;
  • you can not suddenly plunge into a pool of cold water;
  • you can't go to the sauna very often;
  • drink more regular water.

Relaxation technique No. 5. Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation.

A psychotherapeutic way of relaxation, a way to get rid of stress. Or, in other words, a psychotherapeutic technique for finding harmony and peace :). This method protects the psyche and the body from the negative influences of stressful everyday life.

Its essence is as follows.

All muscles are divided into 16 groups. The patient, with the help of focusing on a certain group, begins to strain the muscles, within 5-8 seconds. After - relaxes the muscles of the group. At the same time, the patient focuses attention on sensations in order to remember the "feeling of relaxation".

Bottom line: during training, for six months, a steady "feeling of relaxation" of the body is developed, which a person remembers by reflex thinking. Subsequently, relaxation occurs when focusing attention on any muscle group without preliminary tension, thus relieving mental stress.

This psychotechnique is very effective and efficient.

Technique No. 6. Taiji - Quan.

Our movements are guided by our consciousness.

In the West, this art is called "shadow boxing". And this power is controlled by a calm, quiet flow of energy.

I will not describe. An educational film to help you.

Relaxation technique No. 7. Auto-training.

Use straight lines relaxation techniques:

  • Aquarium

  • Meditation

  • Music

  • Relaxation

  • Tai Chi Chuan

And finally, an additional light technique of "focus of attention"

Custom psychotechnics

For the average adult, busy person, you can calmly train relaxation within 5 minutes 5 times a day.

It's pretty simple.

During this time, you should focus on your body, relieving all tension from your face and shoulders, calming your breathing, relaxing the muscles of your forehead, eyes, letting go of your stomach and diaphragm.

In 2 months, enough stable relaxation abilities are developed in a variety of regular and emergency situations :)

To solve rather complex problems and difficult decisions, it is necessary to master either Ericksonian trance homing. We will consider one of them in the next article:

Learn to control your body and you will learn to control your thoughts!

Best regards, Vadim Berlin

Need more minerals? Read more:

Knowing how to relax or do relaxation is not only the basis for a vibrant and productive life, but also a whole art that you have to learn.

In order to always be at the peak of your capabilities, you need to be able to recuperate, stabilize your emotional state, which, in turn, will help you minimize the stress level in your life and successfully cope with any situation.

Relaxation methods. Relaxation techniques

There are many relaxation techniques and techniques based on:

  • Music,
  • Breath,
  • Visualization,
  • Various types of meditations,
  • Deep meditation.

Anyone can master these techniques, and you can practice at home or during breaks at work.

Relaxation with music

Music is a very affordable tool, and the effect of listening to correctly selected compositions will delight you. You can stay at home, turn on the recordings, and do its job - set you in a relaxing mood.

Music that immerses you in a state of relaxation usually uses special harmonies that have a relaxing effect on the listener. The selection of tools is also important. Often among them there may be authentic ones, for example, a Turkish nei or an Indian sitar. Their sounds are so calming that you will feel the word lulled by exotic melodies. And now I don't even want to reach for the remote control to turn off the track and go to sleep.

Music first, and then everything else.

Breathing practices

Another way is associated with breathing, concentration on it, full awareness of the process of inhalation and exhalation, the feeling of its warmth. This method is very powerful, but it takes a little practice to really add to your relaxation arsenal.

Performing mindful breathing or pranayama, you can achieve such amazing results that after a while you will only need to take a couple of cycles of inhalation and exhalation to get into the state called deep relaxation.

Relaxation with visualization

Relaxation based on visualization includes the presentation of an image, a situation. It is important that they are positively colored. You can recall pleasant episodes from your life, perhaps it will be rest, nature landscapes, images of mountains, reservoirs or paradise places like the tropical beaches of the Maldives.

Any calming, positively acting images will do, from one representation of which you are transferred to another reality. Submit them in as much detail as possible, see if you are there in your visualization. If not, then add yourself there. This alone will allow you to merge with the visualized image and feel yourself in the picture presented.

This technique will not only help you relax well, but it will also improve your mood, uplift your spirit and help develop creativity. For creative people, images from future creatures first of all appear in the head; there great works begin to be created, film scripts, plots of books and theatrical plays are written. Everything starts with ideas, and then gradually the thought-form materializes. But this will be discussed in the next article.

Meditation as a way of relaxation

Various types of meditation such as object meditation, dynamic meditation, Zen, mindfulness meditation, Vipassana course; they can all be great tools for getting yourself into a relaxed state. The principle of any meditation is based on the fact that the practitioner goes into another state of consciousness, and this is possible only when the proper degree of relaxation of the body and mind is achieved.

Although relaxation is one of the conditions for successful meditation, it is also its goal. Practicing meditation, you immerse yourself in it even more, disconnect from external stimuli and become extremely aware and receptive at a new level, plunging into a state of deep meditation.

Deep meditation leads to total relaxation

This state is characterized by the fact that the rhythms of your brain activity gradually slow down, which allows the entire body to completely relax, unblock muscle clamps, and relax to such an extent that your body becomes as if weightless. Other characteristics describing this state are also possible: the body "dissolves" or, on the contrary, you feel how heavy it is; sensation of a light breeze blowing around the head or in the limbs. It can be cool or, conversely, warm.

When you begin to feel something like this, it means that you are on the right track, the body sinks deeper and deeper into relaxation. The influence of beta brain waves is reduced, and the more you become aware of your body and sensations, the more beta rhythms will begin to give way to the alpha brain rhythms that we need.

Alpha brain rhythms

In everyday life, everyone experienced in practice the influence of alpha rhythms on themselves. This is the state where you fall asleep. You have not yet fallen asleep, but you are no longer awake. In this state, it is impossible to do things that require the maximum return of energy and concentration on one thing. Consciousness is not fixed, it is as if around you, it is able to register signals from the outside world, but inner judgments are disabled, access to the inner voice of criticism is not available, and this is good.

While in alpha, you can truly recharge your batteries for the entire day. Many deep meditation practitioners have noticed that the more they relaxed, the more they feel a restorative, refreshing effect on coming out of relaxation.

Relaxation exercises

One of the most effective and well-known exercises based on the progressive relaxation technique is considered to be immersed in complete relaxation by concentrating on your body and its individual parts. The implementation of this exercise is based on the fact that you consistently direct your consciousness to different parts of the body, primarily to the muscles. Starting with the muscles of the face and ending with the feet.

In order to achieve the effect of relaxation, you must first feel the muscles, that is, tighten them, and then relax. And in this way, you mentally pass through the whole body from top to bottom, and by the time you complete this examination, relaxation will be achieved. This is a very easy exercise available to everyone.

The main thing is to allocate 15–20 minutes of free time, it is advisable to sit down more comfortably or even lie down. The place should be quiet and the lights dim. Nothing should distract you. The atmosphere is pleasant, relaxation music sounds softly, you breathed in and out deeply and slowly several times and you can start doing the exercise.

People like it so much that many then perform relaxation according to this method every day before going to bed. After all, it relieves stress and prepares all body systems for sleep.

Practice "Yoga Nidra" as a method of relaxation

Speaking about sleep, how not to remember the wonderful technique "", otherwise known as yoga for sleep. By the way, the first part of this practice just includes the exercise described above. It can be performed in different variations, for example, the process of relaxation and relieving muscle tension begins not from the head and face area, but from the fingers, but this does not change the essence of the matter. You are aware, you feel your body, coolness or warmth, tingling in the palms - this is the activation of energy channels. Now that you are becoming more aware, your consciousness is open to a large flow of information coming through the body. This is why you feel a lot more signals going through you.

This is the first stage that prepares you for "nidra" itself - a state bordering between sleep and wakefulness. Correctly performed relaxation will lead to emotional relaxation, which, in turn, will open a channel of access to the world of the subconscious, where you can work with your emotional blocks and even effectively resolve many life situations. The mind is open, you have entered a deeper level of the subconscious, which leads you to deep relaxation.

Deep relaxation in the practice of "Yoga Nidra"

Immersion in deep relaxation is achieved by disconnecting external senses from external stimuli. It would be better to call it disidentification with the reality around you and immersion in the inner world.

You are still at home, you are still aware of your “I”, but your feelings are free from those images and objects that usually stimulate the work of consciousness. This is one of the goals of the practice - to bring you to yourself, to help you penetrate into the inner world, to connect with a deep layer of the psyche - the subconscious. This can only be done when the mind has been silenced. Real inner silence, where the mind ceases to conduct an internal dialogue, and deposits of information finally become available to consciousness, which in the past could not be reached - this is where any meditation begins.

Meditation as a method of immersion in deep relaxation

The purpose of most meditations is to stop the mind and calm it down. This goal is achievable if you have gone through the initial stages of relaxation. Maybe you've learned how to relax by practicing visualization or progressive relaxation. You could chant mantras or concentrate and control your breathing with breathing exercises. Whichever method you use, they all lead to one thing - to stop the internal dialogue with yourself.

When silence reigns, real meditation begins. Having come to a state of inner silence, you also disconnect from your desires, which were once so important to you; worries no longer bother you - you don't have to remember this at all, since you parted with them even before entering deep meditation. Your consciousness is open to the universal mind. It is in this state that you practice Dhyana - the seventh stage of Ashtanga Yoga, when you merge with the image of your meditation.

This stage is preceded by Dharana - the practice of concentration on an object or image.

By shifting your attention from one part of the body to another, being aware of it, as you did, using one of the techniques for relaxation, you are simultaneously practicing Dharana.

Trataka, or the practice of gazing

Speaking about trataka, which, along with meditation, is also a shatkarma, that is, a technique of purification, it should be emphasized that this is a fairly simple method of relaxation, based on the fact that the practitioner gazes intently at the chosen object (it can be a mandala, some kind of symbol or image) without taking your eyes off or blinking. In this case, thoughts stop instantly, because the mechanism responsible for the work of thinking is closely related to the movement of the eyes.

The practice of trataka on a lit candle is especially popular because it can improve vision. But you need to start practicing carefully - so that the eyes gradually get used to this exercise.

Yoga for relaxation

The practice of yoga complexes is the best way possible in order to bring the emotional state back to normal, balance the feelings and relax the body. Yoga practitioners know that maintaining a posture and at the same time being relaxed is one of the basic conditions in yoga practice, it also testifies to the correctness of performing asanas.

In order for the practice to bring the desired relaxation effect, follow the main rules:

  • Prepare the room
  • Choose a set of asanas for practice,
  • During execution, focus on the inner sensations,
  • Try to concentrate on the breath while holding the asana.

The benefits of performing asanas and relaxation of the soul

The complex of yoga asanas in its effect on the body is interesting because, depending on the time of day when you practice, its effect on the body may vary. So, if you do the complex in the morning, you warm up and get energized for the whole day. If you perform asanas in the evening, then they have a calming effect on the entire body as a whole, not only on the psyche.

Also, the achievement of the relaxation effect depends on the choice of asanas. For example, the Surya Namaskar complex is recommended to be done in the morning, and Chandra Namaskar - in the evening. The sun is during the day, the moon is after sunset.

Analyzing the principle of the calming effect of asanas on the body, we come to a conclusion that is initially emphasized in the principles of hatha yoga: the importance of awareness and self-absorption. Concentration on internal sensations, breathing, by themselves, create a relaxation effect. So, performing a set of yoga exercises, you harmonize the work of the organs of not only the physical body, but also stabilize your psycho-emotional state.

The energies in the body are balanced and the soul is at rest. Your body does the exercises, but the effect of the exercise is reflected in the soul as well, because the energy channels open, and in certain postures the energies passing through the body are redirected. All this cannot but affect your state of mind. You stop worrying, peace of mind is restored. The balance between physical and emotional has been achieved.

Instead of an afterword

All of the above methods and ways to achieve a state of relaxation can be used both individually and together, creating your own set of exercises, based on the techniques you know. You can vary their use and choose the ones that are most effective for you.

Good luck in practicing the art of relaxation and creating a new image of yourself!