The difference between specialty and qualifications. The concept of profession, specialty, qualifications, qualifying discharge

The difference between specialty and qualifications. The concept of profession, specialty, qualifications, qualifying discharge
The difference between specialty and qualifications. The concept of profession, specialty, qualifications, qualifying discharge

In the English-speaking environment, the concepts of "Profession" (Profession) and "Occupation) distinguish. The term profession applies only to a small circle of high-willed professional activities. All other activities of professional activities belong to the specialties or types of work, classes.

In the domestic profession study, the concepts of "profession" and "specialty" are bred. Profession - the concept is broader than specialty, its distinguishing features in addition to professional competence are also social and professional competence, professional autonomy, self-control, group norms and values. The profession, as a rule, unites the group of related specialties.

The specialty is a complex of acquired special knowledge, skills and skills necessary to fulfill a certain type of activity within a particular profession, through vocational education, preparation and in the process of work. Thus, the specialty is one of the types of professional activities within a profession aimed at achieving more private or intermediate results or to achieve common results with specific means.

For example: Profession - doctor, specialty - therapist, pediatrician, oculist, urologist, etc.; Profession - engineer, specialty - designer, technologist, metallurgist, etc.; Profession - locksmith, specialty - plumbing, electric bellarge, instrumental instruments, etc.

Specialization is an even greater detailing of the specialty.

For example: Profession is a psychologist; Specialty - age psychologist; Specialization is an age psychologist working with the elderly.

Qualification is a level of professional skill. Severe two main types:

Formal (reflected in the titles, tariff discharges, etc.)

Real (as a person actually works)

The discrepancy between formal and real qualifications is often found, which generates production conflicts.

In recent years, the concept of "qualification" has been significantly enriched. In addition to knowledge, skills and skills on a specific specialty in the qualification of the employee include professionally important qualities of the person necessary for a wide range of professions.

Professionally important qualities include: responsibility, reliability, communicativeness, cooperation, creativity, ability to independent decisions, etc. The productive implementation of specific professional activities requires, as a rule, the implementation of 5-7 professionally important qualities.

Position - usually used in 2 senses:

Position as a variety of leadership

Position - any officially fixed work.

For example: School Director - and Profession and Profession (manager in the education system); Chemistry teacher - and position (there is a job description), and specialty, and profession.

Labor post is not a specific place. There are components of the labor post (the structure of a good job description):

Fixed labor objective;

Fixed labor result;

Fixed working conditions;

Fixed labor;

Fixed equipment;

Fixed duties (area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility);

Fixed employee rights.

This is all psychological understanding. And there is a bureaucratic understanding. What, in essence, illiterately, but no one wants to fight the bureaucracy.

For example: Faculty of psychology of Moscow State University, when issuing diplomas, write: specialty - psychology; Qualification is a teacher of psychology.

Question 3 Dynamics of the World of Professions.

The division of labor on professional activities is observed already before our era in Egypt, ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and other ancient states. A significant differentiation of labor occurred in the Epoch of the Industrial Revolution and the subsequent technical progress led to a significant increase in the Nomenclature of Professions. The official handbook of the United States in 1965, the characteristics of 21,741 professions and about 40,000 specialties were given. In 1988, an international standard of classification of professions in 1988 was listed. A single tariff-qualifying reference book in our country unites about 7,000 professions and specialties. These special documents reflect the situation in the time of their compilation, but at the time of entering the light already need adjustment, because The world of professions is very dynamic.

There was a need to revise the established names of professions, the content of the labor of which significantly expanded (the cleaner - "operator of cleaning machines" or "interior technician"; conductor of the passenger carrier; clerk)

There is a group of "extinct" professions, which will still exist in small handicrafts; The names of these professions reflect the craft forms of labor, its workshop division is a prospector, speed, sniff. These professions can be combined into groups of craft work, the profession of folk crafts.

In recent decades, the technique and technology of production have been radically updated:

Intellectualization of labor and production as a whole due to the integration of science, technology and production;

Complication of technology and technology at the expense of high-tech technical systems: electronics, pneumatic engineering, chromotronic, etc.;

The development of the technical and technological basis of modern production and the change of labor, which leads to erasing the faces of the professions and the establishment of integrative ways of activity that go beyond one profession;

Universalization of technical devices on the basis of the latest technologies that increase multiprobility and multi-purpose compatibility of labor instruments.

The new professions are constantly arising, the labor content of the current professions is updated, die away the profession of low-qualified labor, there are combined and integrated professions and specialty, there is a need to introduce names of new professions and determine their characteristics, labor content, qualification levels, contraindications, etc. The nomenclature of new professions is spontaneously, they fall into official directories - manager, promoter, supervisor, merchandiser, etc.

Overcoming the listed deficiencies in the world of professions is possible in the presence of profession designers professioners - they could solve problems on the design of new professions, the definition of the appointment and content of labor, the requirements for education, the level of qualifications, working conditions and contraindications, the design of professors, qualification characteristics, duties, .

Control questions

1. Give the definition of the concepts of "profession", "specialty", "Qualification", "Labor post"?

2. Describe the relationship of concepts: "Profession", "specialty", "Qualification".

Similar information.

Profession (from Lat. Professio is the officially specified activity) - the type of human labor activities, which owns the complex of theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special preparation of work experience. The name of the profession is determined by the content and nature of the work or service functions used by guns or means of labor. Many professions are divided into specialties. Profession as a group of related specialties (Profession - doctor, specialty - therapist, hururg, oculist; Profession - teacher, specialty - teacher geography, history, mathematics) can be presented in six main aspects of social relations, six main components: 1) the area of \u200b\u200bthe application of human forces as a subject of labor, a limited type of work; 2) the community of people performing certain labor functions that have a socio-useful nature; 3) preparedness (knowledge, skills, skills, qualifications) of a person, thanks to which it is capable of performing appropriate labor functions; 4) professional activity as the process of implementing labor functions performed professionally; 5) activities performed for a certain remuneration; 6) Activities that gives a person a certain social and social status.

Specialty (from Lat. Species - Rod, View) - Type of occupation in the framework of one profession, based on PA related type of disciplines (for example, profession - doctor, specialty-therapist, pediatrician; profession - teacher, specialty - mathematics, physics); Necessary for society and limited due to division of labor, the area of \u200b\u200bthe application of human forces, allowing him, on the one hand, to embody the video of professional potential, on the other - to obtain the necessary means of existence and development opportunities.

Qualification is the level of development of special abilities of the subject (employee), allowing it to carry out the labor functions of a certain degree of complexity in a certain professional work. Qualification is determined by the scope of theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge, skills, skills who owns a worker with which are its most important socio-economic characteristic. Qualification is a reflection of the level of professional skill of the subject. There are a formal qualifications expressed in officially fixed discharges, classes, titles, categories, etc., and the real KV & PFFECTION - the level of skill that a person can really show.

Position - the least objectively and documented manifestation of the profession. The position may be identified with the qualifications ("Junior Researcher"), with temporary duties (paragraph. Head, Project Manager), with the profession as a whole (psychologist in the organization).

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Trying to give an intelligible answer to the question of what the specialty differs from the profession, even adults often enter the deadlock, finding only any general concepts with fuzzy wording.

Children and adolescents, these terms, of course, are also familiar, because they are part of the lexicon of almost every person. However, to properly and appropriate to use these words in speech, you should understand their essence, as well as what the profession differs from the specialty.

What is a profession

Speaking about the profession, people usually imply any kind of classes or the type of employment, the implementation of which is impossible without acquiring knowledge, qualifications or practical training.

At the same time, the profession can be segged in the relevant institution or as a result of extensive practical experience. Based on certain similarities in the results and knowledge gained or the availability of a common application, the profession is combined into several categories:

  • Technical.
  • Economic.
  • Pedagogical.
  • Medical.
  • Construction.

To understand what the profession is different from the specialty and position, you need to define these terms.

Specialty: definition, concept, features

In contrast to the profession, the specialty can be assigned only to the person who passed the necessary training, mastered the legislatively approved program (skills, skills, knowledge) and received a document confirming this fact (diploma, certificate). At the same time, the knowledge gained may relate to several types of professions. The specialty is a narrower concept.

Returning to the above classification, it is possible to more illibly explain what the specialty differs from the profession. Examples of specialties included in technical professions: engineer, designer, architect, web programmer, auto mechanic and others. The general for them becomes an in-depth study of physics, mathematics, computer science and other accurate sciences. Along with this, the car mechanic and the architect receive completely different knowledge within their specialties.

The post is called a place in a particular company, its structural unit. Position is indicated in a staffing and intended to be replaced by an individual with suitable qualifications.

Follow the dream

Choosing a profession and specialty, people are guided by the most motives. Often, responsibility is imposed on young graduates who must determine the sphere of their future work. It is important not to be confused here before the abundance (or, on the contrary, scarce) options and choose exactly the lesson, which will bring joy and satisfaction along with a decent payment. Of course, there is a temptation to provide a solution to parents or someone else, but they are unlikely to be able to compare the preferences of another person with its needs, abilities and potential. Often in such cases the choice is made from economic considerations.

You can get adequate assistance in vocational guidance by contacting the relevant psychologist. Such specialists use various game techniques, tests and advice. Then, analyzing the data obtained, they provide their recommendations.

Of course, the cost of education and the possibility of an applicant family is also an important factor, but it should not be decisive. There are various programs to help get discounts for training. It is also possible to find a simpler and inexpensive educational institution in other cities. Another option to obtain the desired profession becomes enrollled in free colleges and technical schools.

So what is the difference between the specialty from the profession?

So, we can conclude that the difference between these concepts in their volume. Profession is a wider, a common term that can cover a certain number of specialties. For example, the doctor is a pediatrician, and an endocrinologist, and therapist, and many others.

The main thing is how the specialty differs from the profession is that training is required for mastering the first, and the document obtained is valid in a limited territory. The second can be acquired as a result of practical training and exercises (builders, sellers, drivers).

The peculiarity of some professions is that for their acquisition it is impossible to do without unique personal qualities and talents: this is, for example, singers, actors, musicians, artists. Only those people who follow their vocation are invariabling with the best professionals and specialists. Favorite business is the path to financial and personal success!

People are often confused in terms, which is why confusion arises in many life situations. The difference between the profession and the specialty at first glance seems insignificant, but in conversation it can demonstrate the illiteracy of the speaker, which will be particularly bad in a conversation with the employer. It is important to understand these concepts even for your own self-determination in life, to finally understand what specialty needs to be learn to master a particular profession.

What is a profession?

This is a fairly narrow concept that concerns one type of activity. It implies possession of a set of skills that will allow one or another work. We can master the profession in different ways. For example, if the Father Blacksmith and a child since childhood watched him, he even intuitively be able to ride metal. On the other hand, you can become a professional in a matter of experimental way, studying it with samples and errors. Also, the profession can be obtained in an educational institution or just from the teacher.

Profession is always connected with concrete activities. For example, this concept can not be denoted by the word lawyer, as this is too "wide" word. On the other hand, the prosecutor or lawyer for real estate will be the name of the professions. They imply a narrow set of skills that allow you to make a clearly delineated work. In situations where a lawyer is engaged simultaneously with real estate and inheritance cases we can safely say that he mastered two professions.

In addition to the above, it can be argued that the profession does not need evidence. This term implies fact - a person knows how to make a specific thing and this reality. Good or bad, he does it, the question is rather qualifications, and not the very concept of profession.

What is a specialty?

The specialty, in turn, the concept is wider, as it implies human training skills in a certain direction. Roughly speaking, specialty is something that is taught in universities. An extensive circle of knowledge that is aimed at full-fledged personality development in a certain direction. For example, in the historical faculty, historians are taught not only the story itself, but also right, and philosophy, and language, and foreign languages.

The presence of a particular specialty in humans should be confirmed by state sample diplomas. These documents can be quoted or not quoted on certain degrees of employment, depending on the prestige of the selected place. At the same time, after receiving a specialty, a person can work anywhere, not even within the framework of the studied.

For example, the applicant chooses the direction of neurology and enters the university. There it is trained in many courses concerning not only human nerves, but also everything that can help the harmonious development of the personality of the student and its future activities. Next, this person may not become a neuropathologist, but the set of skills gained will allow it to work, for example, in the medical sanatorium. So specialty may include many professions.

What is common in profession and specialty?

To summarize these two concepts can their focus. Both of them determine the boundaries of the human formation, its horizons and the number of skills. Calling his profession or specialty, and without going into details a person can clearly explain its activities. If you say, "I am a lawyer" or "I am a lawyer for real estate operations", for the person of the unfolding phrase will sound equally.

At the same time, such parameters are also common:

  • And the specialty and professions need to be trained, it does not happen that the profession is "congenital", there are only people inclined to one or another specialty.
  • Both implies a set of mastered skills that need to be used in the future.
  • Often the specialty, a person chooses and profession, after or during general education begins to delve into one of the directions, the profession seems to follow from the specialty, narrowing, but specifying the delivery of his activities

Whatever in common in the concepts of the specialty and profession, all the same are two absolutely different words with different meanings, so they are important to distinguish them to prevent a speech error in the business conversation. On the household level it may be not noticed, but it is very likely on a professional.

What is the difference between profession from the specialty?

The difference between these concepts is quite essential. Its main essence lies in the vastness of concepts. The specialty implies teaching several professions, while not to mention the person is doing this. If he says that his profession for ten years it is a criminal journalist for ten years, then there can be no doubt about this, in fact he cannot unexpectedly be the master of ice cream (excluding intentional lies, which does not have any relationship to describe terms). At the same time, even if a person is a certified specialist, he can work anyone.

Here are a number of secondary differences in the profession:

  1. Profession can be obtained by different paths, the specialty needs to be trained in a certified educational institution.
  2. When the specialties are trained, they can give knowledge to many adjacent areas, including even general education information. A professional skill set does not imply anything superfluous and secondary.
  3. Obtaining a specialty is designed to expand the horizon of a person, give him skills that will be useful in a certain direction. Profession on the contrary narrows the interests of a person, limiting them more detailed study of certain data and sciences.

The difference between these concepts should be determined at an intuitive level, reflecting on their own experience. Having understood what specialty you were received, and what the end is your profession, to understand where it will be very simple. Young people who cannot choose a profession is recommended to first determine the direction of activity - specialty, and then choose their profession.

It is not for nothing that labor is engraving a person, especially if work brings pleasure and prosperity. The material side of the profession is determined by such concepts as specialty and qualifications. What do they differ from each other and how to determine the difference? Let's try to figure it out in this matter using reliable information.

What is a specialty and qualifications

Specialty - A complex of knowledge obtained as a result of targeted training and confirmed by the relevant document. Skills and skills are needed in order to successfully cope with the circle of responsibilities performed by them.
Qualification - The level of preparation assigned to the results of the assessment by an independent specialist skills and confirmed documentary. The skill scale is represented by levels (discharges), the movement on which occurs in the vertical direction.

The difference between specialty and qualifications

Thus, the specialty is a set of knowledge, skills and skills, and qualifications - the level of skill. The volume of concepts differs significantly. Specialty - The term is extremely wide, which includes qualifications. A person may have several professions, and in each of them - their own level of skill.
The process of their assignment is somewhat different. So, for the specialty it is necessary to undergo training, and then - pass the exam in practice. After professional activity begins, we can talk about the presence of qualifications. At first it is the lowest level (discharge), and then, as the skills improve, it begins to grow.
Summing up, we note: the specialty is a profession, and the qualification is the level of skill. How to prove that the applicant is really able to cope with the tasks? Confirm the specialty can be a diploma, qualification - only practice. determined that the difference in the specialty of qualifications is as follows:

The volume of concepts. Specialty - The concept is wider, which includes the level of qualifications.
Getting. The specialty is assigned to the face after it has successfully passed training and exist exams. Qualification is assigned when receiving a profession.
Dynamics. The specialty obtained after training remains forever. The level of qualification may vary: both in the best and worse.