What you can spend at school events. Events for schoolchildren

What you can spend at school events. Events for schoolchildren
What you can spend at school events. Events for schoolchildren

Along with compulsory training sessions, other types of activity are organized in educational institutions that are voluntary. These classes are aimed at meeting the creative and cognitive requests of schoolchildren. Such forms of holding events in school are called extracurricular or extracurricular.

The name speaks for itself: classes are held outside the schedule of mandatory lessons at school. Schoolchildren from various parallels and classes can participate in them. Extracurricular activities at school are divided into several types depending on the purposes, and for each there are many options for the forms of conduct.

Objectives and objectives of extracurricular activities at school

Some of the priorities for today tasks in the conditions of reforming the Russian education system - improving the quality of social education of children and the development of their creative abilities. Extracurricular activities as one of the forms of school activity successfully meet these requirements, combining the functions of education, learning and development of the student's personality.

Extracurricular work, with the mind organized in the educational institution, helps the socialization of the younger generation, increases the motivation of a schoolboy to training in general or contributes to the development of interest in a specific learning subject, develops individuality, independence, contributes to self-realization.

Try free! For the passage - certificate of advanced training. Educational materials are presented in the format of visual abstracts with video tracking experts, accompanied by the necessary templates and examples.

Optional classes differ from the lessons with new forms of mastering knowledge and skills, psychological installation on the work of students and active involvement in the educational process, productive assimilation without the need to memorize the material and observe strict discipline.

Three types of extracurricular activities at school

All extracurricular activities can be classified by targets that are achieved during their implementation. So, there are three types of extracurricular activities at school:

  • educational and educational;
  • leisure;
  • sports and wellness.

Educational extracurricular activities are aimed at the intensification of the cognitive activities of students, to expand the range of their interests, deepening knowledge, the formation of the civil position of the student.

The leisure type of extracurricular activities is aimed at purchasing students new skills and skills, the need to arise outside of traditional learning activities. Entertainment events help diversify school weekdays and unwind students outside the school.

Sports and healthy extracurricular activities contribute to the physical development and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, the upbringing of healthy competitiveness and personal ambitions, teaches interacting with the team of like-minded people and rivals.

Forms of extracurricular activities at school

The type of extracurricular activities predetermines the choice of the form of the event and the place of action: at school or abroad.

Educational extracurricular activities have such forms of execution as a conversation, quiz, meeting with interesting people, discussion, training, visiting theater, organizing conference, excursion, Olympiad, review, competition.

The conversation as one of the forms of extracurricular activities at school suggests a dialogue between the teacher and students. The conversation activates mental work, develops speech, supports interest, concentrates attention. Each question of the conversation is the task that students decide. In high school classes, schoolchildren can direct themselves and moderate the discussion. In elementary school, the discussion line defines a teacher, asking children that lead questions.

Conversations There are several types: preparatory, heuristic (where the teacher teaches arguing to find the truth), which is reporting that reproducing (fixing the material studied), generalizing (carried out at the end of the extracurricular activities), repeated.

Olympiads, competitions, exhibitions of children's creativity are designed to stimulate the educational and educational activities of schoolchildren, to develop the desire for adversarity in the study of such disciplines as foreign and Russian, mathematics, physics, literature and chemistry.

Such forms of extracurricular activities at school are planned in advance, the best disciples are selected for participation. They give a large impulse to develop the abilities and departure of students in different branches of knowledge. In addition, carrying out such events allows you to estimate the creative nature of the work of teachers, their ability to find and develop children's talents.

Another form of an extracurricular event, which will be interesting for primary school students, and adolescents, is an excursion. Allows observations, study various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions, expand the horizons of schoolchildren of any age. In the didactic plan, the excursion can be used at any stage: in order to introduce into a new topic, to secure the material or to deepen existing knowledge.

Excursions can be carried out by almost all school subjects, with students of all ages. In junior, the excursions are simply necessary when studying environmental studies and acquaintance with the outside world. For high school students and schoolchildren, excursions are held at the lessons of geography, history.

Leisure extracurricular activities have more applied goals - learning new skills and skills. Their implementation can be held in the forms of the workshop (cutting and sewing, cooking, drawing, photo, modeling), master class, at the captivity, in the format of theatrical studio, competition or intellectual game.

Mugs, creative associations, elective, workshops - the leading form of creative activities of students. The system-forming component during this type of extracurricular activities in school is a guide and educated children's creativity.

The structure of various forms of leisure extracurricular activities is different, but you can select common elements. When preparing workshops, a circle or elective classes, the whole work is divided by three parts: theoretical, critical-analytical and creative-practical activity. Classes can be complex, and can be dedicated to one specific activity.

Sports and wellness open events at school are held in the form of competitions, competitions, sports games or campaigns.

To identify the circle of students' interests, it is advisable to conduct survey in order to find out how schoolchildren would like to do after lessons. It must be remembered that any kind of extracurricular activities in which children are included should have a public and social and meaningful direction.

The age features of school students are crucial when choosing a form of an extracurricular event. Thus, the disciples of primary classes are more important than a visual demonstration of information and the moving forms of extracurricular activities. Junior schoolchildren easier to involve in classes with elements of motor activity, contests, games, excursions.

High school students are capable of longer, static perception of material. For them, theatrical productions, KVN, tourist campaigns, brain-ring, career guided tours are relevant.

When conducting an extracurricular event in elementary school, a small practical experience of students should be taken into account. The occupation should contribute to the formation of the basic knowledge of children, their skills and skills, while in the middle and older school extracurricular activities can be carried out to secure the last material.

Stages of training extracurricular activities at school

To successfully conduct an extracurricular event of each type and in any form it is necessary to follow the sequence of four stages:

  1. constructing an event;
  2. preparation;
  3. carrying out the event;
  4. analysis (self-analysis) of the conducted classes.

The strongest link

Extracurricular event

On elementary school

Primary school teacher

Higher qualifying

Objectives: Improve knowledge of elementary school, develop memory, logical thinking, smelting, attentiveness, educate culture of behavior during extracurricular activities.

Equipment: presentation to the latest round, alarm clock or time timer, song phonograms.

Event flow

Teacher's introductory word.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues and guests!

Today we decided to spend the game, which is analogy with the visionary body, which is called "weak link", but called it otherwise.

Order and Conditions Checking the game:

The game participates 4 grade students, in the amount of 7 people. Round topics were chosen based on the subjects taught in elementary school.

The game consists of 6 rounds;

In each of the rounds you are the player who made the most than the amount of errors. If the participants with each other incorrect answers are asked to the result of one of the rounds of the foundations, then they are asked to full-time questions until one of them is wrong with title, and he wins. Thus, in each of the rounds, one player drops out and as a result one winner remains.

If the participant does not know the answer, says "PAS", so the question is asked the next player.

Rounds duration:

1-2 rounds - 5 min, 3-4 rounds - 4 min, 5-6 rounds - 3 min.

1 round.


  1. What is the name of the first day of the week?
  2. How much will it be 3 x 7?
  3. What is the name of the figure, which all 4 parties are equal? (square)
  4. How much will it be 0 x 35?
  5. What is the name of the triangle, who has all a hundred rubles different?
  6. 1 kg creamy oil costs 80 rubles. How much one hundred IT 2 kg oil?
  7. How much will be 72: 9?
  8. What is the name of the Tsh month of the year?
  9. How is one word called the sum of the parties of the parties?
  10. How much will it work if 20 increase by 3?
  11. How many mm 1 cm?
  12. How many m in 1 km?
  13. How is the root of the rectangle calculate?
  14. How many legs have three to ditch? (12)
  15. How many legs have three paws? (6)
  16. What are the mathematical action, whose components are a multiplier, a multiplier, work?
  17. Name the number follows the number of 249.
  18. What is called Tour Golnik, who has a hundred rubles equal?
  19. How much will it be 36x1?
  20. How much is 15 more than 3?
  21. How much will it happen if 10 increase 3 times?
  22. How much will it turn out? Is it 100 to reduce 2 times?
  23. How many times 2 less seven?
  24. How many hours in court kah?
  25. What month completes the year?
  26. What is equal to the private numbers 50 and 25 (2)
  27. How many kilograms are 1 tonne?
  28. How much will be 99: 11?
  29. How many days in the week?
  30. how is the figure of the Republic of Armenia, in which 5 angles?
  31. How many grams of 1 kg?
  32. What is the name of the number consisting of one digit?
  33. What number does the number 280?
  34. How much will be 42: 7? (6)
  35. In which age we live?
  36. How many years in the same century? (100)
  37. How many minutes in one hour? (60)
  38. How many centimeters are 3 meters? (300)
  39. How many months a year? (12)
  40. What is called Tour Golnik, in which there is a straight corner?
  41. How many meters in 4 ki Lometers?
  42. Duration of two hundred football matches? (90 minutes)
  43. How much will be 18 x 3?
  44. How many kilograms in 1 centner?
  45. How many ends of the straight?
  46. What is the name of the number consisting of two digits?
  47. What are the mathematical action, whose components are divisible, divider, private?
  48. How many minutes in 2 hours? (120)
  49. What is the name of the fourth day of the week?
  50. What number is less: double-digit orunambiguous?
  51. How much will it be 150: 5? (thirty)
  52. 4 Eggs welded in 4 minutes. How many minutes got 1 egg?
  53. What is the amount of numbers 250 and 250? (500)
  54. Should the residue be more divider? (not)
  55. How much will it be 60 x 60?
  56. What is lighter than 2 kg of cotton wool or 2 kg of nails?
  57. How much will be 23: 0?
  58. Name the largest three-digit number. (999)
  59. What is more than 6 dm or 60 cm? (\u003d)
  60. Name the number follows the number of 999? (1000)
  61. Name the number, the previous number 400? (399)
  62. What is the difference between numbers 100 and 30? (70)

2 round.

The world.

  1. Blind or silent rim like? (Eastern)
  2. What does Yozh do in winter? (Sleep).
  3. Does chickens breathe in the egg? (Yes, through the pores of the shell).
  4. Where does the snow melts in the forest or in the city? (in the town)
  5. What flower is male and female names? (Ivan - Yes - Marya)
  6. How many wings have a beetle? (Four: two pairs)
  7. What month is 28 days? (in any)
  8. What ocean is the biggest? (Quiet)
  9. Where is the hare to run more conveniently - from the mountain or uphill? (uphill)
  10. The biggest monkey? (Gorilla)
  11. The smallest ocean? (Arctic)
  12. What does the word "fauna" mean? (Animal world)
  13. Sea Predator? (shark)
  14. What goes without moving from the place? (time)
  15. Where does the dry stone not find? (in water)
  16. What is growing down the top? (icicle)
  17. What snow melts: pure or dirty? (dirty)
  18. What kind of beast loves raspberry? (bear).
  19. Who has ears on the legs? (grasshopper)
  20. What animal sleeps all winter down your head? (bat)
  21. What are frogs and toads catch food? (Language.)
  22. Tolstoy or skinned a bear in a hibernation? (Tolstoy.)
  23. Frog - pet? (Not.)
  24. Is it true that the kidneys on the trees are revealed immediately after the leaf fall. (Not.)
  25. Is it true that the wolf, fox, trotter - predators. (Yes.)
  26. Name the satellite of the Earth. (Moon.)
  27. The closest to us the star. (The sun.)
  28. What breathe frogs under water? (Skin.)
  29. What are these birds called: turkey, chicken, cock? (home.)
  30. What is the name of a bird that flies in our edges in the spring, when it is still cold, zyabko. (Finch.)
  31. Whoever arrives to us - haircuts or swallows? (swallows).
  32. What is called the outer layer of the egg. (Shell).
  33. What a bird's chicks do not know your mother? (Cuckoo).
  34. What bird dives into the water and gets food? (Dipper).
  35. What is the biggest bird in the world and can fly back? (Hummingbird).
  36. Predatory birds: Friends or enemies of man? (friends).
  37. Who are called a forest doctor? (woodpecker).
  38. Which bird has bird milk? (Pigeon).
  39. Which bird has two fingers on the legs? (at the ostrich).
  40. The animals are covered with wool, and birds ... (feathers).
  41. What is the bird of the world and purity? (dove).
  42. What city is the name of the bird? (eagle).
  43. Name the European capital, which geese saved? (Rome).
  44. What birds are terrible cold or hunger? (hunger).
  45. Next of which beast looks like a human? (bear).
  46. What does the toad eat? (Does not eat anything - she sleeps).
  47. Natural wealths located in the depths of the Earth, which a person uses in the national economy? (fossil).
  48. What substance found on earth in 3 states? (water).
  49. What is the name of the upper fertile layer of the Earth on which plants grow? (the soil).
  50. What tree consider the beautiful Russian forest? (Birch)
  51. Who has the longest language? (Dyatla)
  52. What is the beast call the forest sanitary? (wolf)
  53. Who collects apples back? (Hedgehog)
  54. What are the berries like raspberry, only black (blackberry)
  55. What color forget-me-not? (blue).
  56. Who can drink legs? (frog).
  57. What are the favorite food storks? (frogs).
  58. How is one word called precipitation of frozen raindrops? (hail).
  59. What is the name of the underground part of the plant? (root).

3 round.

Russian language.

  1. Nural name - is it part of speech or a member of the sentence?
  2. What questions are the names of the nouns?
  3. Finished the proverb: "Wolf fear - ..." (not to go to the forest).
  4. What in the sentence is emphasized by one line?
  5. Boots are the Word Word or not? (Yes)
  6. Finish the proverb: The day is bored until the evening ... (if there is nothing to do).
  7. What makes the day and night? (Soft sign)
  8. How many cases in Russian? (6)
  9. What is the case follows under a denational case? (V.P.)
  10. How otherwise is the change in the cost of cases? (decay)
  11. Blank a noun subway. (Unclear)
  12. Taken - is it part of speech or a member of the sentence?
  13. What is the name of ice on ice skating on a small ball or puck. (Hockey.)
  14. Road with rows of trees on the sides. (Alley.)
  15. Place where tickets sell. (Cashbox.)
  16. The person who makes a trip by train, steamer or another type of transport. (Passenger.)
  17. Asphalt covered road. (Highway.)
  18. What is the name of an ancient writing created by brothers Kirill and Methodius? (Glagolitsa, Cyrillic)
  19. People wrote on the crust of which tree in antiquity?
  20. You are synonymous for the word "depreciation" (homeland)
  21. How is one word about the conversation of two people? (dialogue)
  22. Continue the proverb: Patience and work ... (I'm lying everything)
  23. What a member of the sentence is the name noun in I. p?
  24. What questions are replied by R. p. Nouns names? (who? What?)
  25. How do you understand the phraseological "corn eye"? (bother)
  26. Pick an antonym to the word "tomorrow" (yesterday).
  27. What are the stitched sheets of pure paper in the cover (notebook)
  28. How otherwise is the student school? (student)
  29. What part of the word is before the root?
  30. What is the name of the variable part of the word? (ending)
  31. What is the name of the proposal, at the end of which is the point?
  32. What punctuation signs are set between homogeneous members?
  33. What sign of punctuation is put at the end of the misfortune? (!)
  34. What a member of the sentence are the verbs?
  35. What part of the speech is to communicate words in the sentence? (pretext)
  36. And is it a pretext or union?
  37. Do I need to put a comma in front of the union but?
  38. What is the name of a slice of bread with butter, cheese sausage? (a sandwich)
  39. Do you synonym for the word "work"?
  40. Name Antony to the word "work"?

Musical pause.

4 round.

Literary reading.

  1. Which of the fairy tales is the main character are Gerd girl and boy kai?
  2. Bird - the heroine of many fairy tales and fables. (Crow).
  3. What remedy helps carlson get rid of high temperatures? (Bank jam).
  4. From what plant Eliza splash shirts for their brothers in a fairy tale G.-H. Andersen "Wild Swans"? (From nettle).
  5. What was the name of the sister of Dr. Aibolit? (Varvara).
  6. The most strong desire of crocodile genes? (to find a friend)
  7. How many piglets have reached in the fairy tale Mikhalkov Wolf? (3)
  8. What was the name of the cow cat Matroskin? (Murka)
  9. How many robbers reached Ali-Baba? (40).
  10. Dad's name Pope in a fairy tale of a thick "Golden Key or Adventure of Pinocchio"? (Dad Carlo).
  11. What kind of bird helped an inch? (Swallow)
  12. In what fairy tale I managed to defeat the canniba? (Puss in Boots).
  13. How many coins gave Karabas - Barabas Pinocchio? (five).
  14. In what fairy tale of the princess, catching an apple, fell asleep of the dead man?
  15. Where is the death of Kashnai? (Cheese, duck-egg-needle).
  16. Name Russian heroes. (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich)
  17. What words do you senten in fairy tales, go to bed? (The morning is wiser than the evening).
  18. What words calling Ivanushka is a fool of Sivka - Burku? (Squa Burk, Tube Raya, become in front of me like a leaf before grass).
  19. What is the name of Children's humorous vigorous? (Elash)
  20. From what work these lines are: "Three girls under the window ..."?
  21. Is it a question in the line "everything goes around the chain"? (cat scientist)
  22. What words are fairy tales?
  23. Remember the words ending fairy tales
  24. Who belongs to the words "What the beauty of these fairy tales! Each is a poem "? (Pushkin)
  25. What is the work of the line "At Lukomory Dub Green"?
  26. Continue the poem "Sad time! Ochoes charming »
  27. Who wrote the poem "List Falls"? (Bunin)
  28. What words did the queen apply to the magic mirror?
  29. In whom Tsarevna - Swan draws for the first time Gvidon Saltanovich? (in mosquito)
  30. What words do the old man drawn to the goldfish? ("Smoom Fish"))
  31. How many times the old woman was sent to the golden fish? (five)
  32. What is the work of the line "And behind him a mosquito on a balloon" ("cockroach")
  33. What is the work of Chukovsky utensils relevant his mistress? "Fedorino Mount"
  34. What hero Chukovsky was a terrible hero, and then rebuilt? (Barmalei)
  35. Which horned beast was afraid of the tailors from the poem "Bravets"
  36. Who is the author of strank stories? (N. Nosov)
  37. What did I ask Dr. Aibolita? (gloves)
  38. Who belongs to the words "need to be washed in the morning and evenings"? (Moydodyru)
  39. Who swallowed the sun in the works of Chukovsky? (crocodile)
  40. How does the poem begins Pushkin "Winter Morning"? (Frost and sun wonderful day)

5 round.


  1. What instrument play Sadko? (Gusli)
  2. Name the name of the President of the Russian Federation
  3. What is the name of the square on which all the celebrations pass
  4. Who wrote the picture "Ship Grove?"
  5. Where was Shishkin born?
  6. How many ears have 3 mice? (6)
  7. How many paws do 2 bear? (eight)
  8. 3 people waited for train 3 hours. How long did the train waited each of them? (3)
  9. On the table there were 3 glasses with berries. Yura ate 1 cup of berries and put it on the table. How many glasses stand on the table?
  10. What is the image of a person in a picture or photography? (portrait)
  11. What is the name of the state where do we live?
  12. Riddle: one leg and cap, and no heads. What it is? (mushroom)
  13. The name of the month of 3 letters. (May)
  14. Why do you need to wash dust from the leaf of indoor plants? (so that they can breathe).
  15. Guess a riddle. Little thieshing in the gray Armichest on the field of samys, the feed collects. (Sparrow).
  16. What is the device for measuring air temperature? (thermometer).
  17. What is the flag of our republic? (green, white, red)
  18. Who is depicted on the coat of arms of Tatarstan?
  19. Name the name of the President of our Republic
  20. Is it true that the city of Kazan is more than 1000 years?
  21. Who is a poet - patriot of our republic, who died during the Great Patriotic War in prison about the hands of executioners? (Musa Jalil)
  22. Who wrote the fairy tales "Shuraile", "Water"?
  23. Insect, which can have several eyes. (dragonfly).
  24. What is the name of the device for determining the side of the horizon? (compass).
  25. Does the tree grow in winter? (not).
  26. Spring or summer flowers lilac? (in summer).
  27. How many rays in the snowflakes? (six).
  28. What happens on February 31? (This number does not happen.)
  29. What year lasts only one day? (New Year.)
  30. How many months a year have 28 days? (12)

6 round.

Questions on slides.

Summing up the game. Words of gratitude to the participants. Awarding players and winner.

Handing literacy and gifts



Signatures for slides:

What is the name of a man controlling the aircraft? captain driver driver pilot driver

What form and color prohibiting signs? Red Circle Red Triangle Blue Circle Blue Rectangle

What tree is superfluous? fir birch pine fir

Which of these expressions is called the equation? a + 2; 7 + 30; a + 2 \u003d 5; And - in.

One liter of milk is conveniently pouring into: a jar; barrel; bucket; Bidon.

Two played in checkers four hours. How many hours did each of them play? two; six; four; eight.

How many humps have a single-burnt camel? zero; two; one; three.

What time do the new year meet? twelve o'clock; one hour; six o'clock; twenty four hours.

How many tin soldiers gave the boy? ten; fifteen; twenty; twenty five.

How many gold coins was Pinocchio? three; five; four; six.

What genre of fine art treats this picture? Landscape still life portrait

Who is the founder of the city of St. Petersburg? A. Nevsky A.V. Savorov Peter I

What is the best delicacy for elk, deer, roe? Grass. Mushrooms. Salt.

What is the length of the tunnel, which is able to break through the mole in one night? 10 m. 60 m. 40 m.

How many departures per insects may have birds during the feeding of chicks? 400. 200. 100.

What is the name of the housing of the beaver? Nora; Lair; Holka.

What is mainland? lowland, elevation, land surrounded by water.

What kind of mainland is the smallest? Antarctica, Australia, Africa.

Whose portrait is it? A.S. Pushkin L.N. Tolstoy EN Assumption

To whom these words belong: "What kind of beauty is these fairy tales ... Each has a poem"? L.N. Tolstoy K.I. Chukovsky A.S. Pushkin


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Signatures for slides:

ABC of safe traffic

Who are you on the street? PE ECH? Will it? P e Sh ech about d s? Will it?

Each child should know with the pellery !!! P. D. D. Road Rules of Movement

First traffic light in Russia.

Let them remember firmly children: the one who only comes to the green light across the street!

Who will help you go across the road? cow? horse? zebra? crosswalk

How to go through the road? 1. Come to the road and stop. 2. Look to the left. 3. Look to right. 4. If no cars - go!

It is impossible on the roadway of the road: 1. ride bicycles and scooters. 2. Play games. 3. Play with the ball. 4. Go across the road.

And in winter? ? ? RIGHT!

What could be the consequences?

If the trouble happened on the road - urgently call - 02 03

The oldest of all road signs are distance indexes.

Vetal pillars

First road signs

No entry

Prohibiting signs

Warning signs

Prescribing signs Pedestrian walkway Bicycle path

Informational Signs Road For Car Tram Station Place, Bus or Trolleybus Motor Motor

Signs of service

Priority signs

Signs of additional information


Underground pedestrian crossing


Connoisseurs Music ... Horn ... Guliere ... Lodizationer ... Rel Velo ... Ped Pe ... Riding ... Podal Pe ... the course to rein

Make up the words Street Lee at the Central Asian Road, the course of the one sidewalk is about on Chi Osinochina Form

? . ": - + \u003d *; (),\u003e \u003d ,? : &)! [- & *! . ? + :, *: \\ Who knows the rules of movement, so much and respect!

Memo of a young pedestrian Before crossing the street or the road, make sure of the total transition security. Do not cross the road in front of closely coming by transport, do not allow it to do others. Do not suit the game on the roadway of the street. Do not cling for passing transport. Be careful to others: if a person fell, help him rise, the elderly people are helping to go around the street. We go only on the sidewalk or pedestrian paths, adhering to the right side. If there is no sidewalk, then go on the sidelines towards the vehicle (on the left side). Strictly obey traffic lights. Going the way only where the "Pedestrian Transition" sign and only on a green traffic light. Using public transport, observe the order of landing and exit.

You will be attentive on the road, there will be hands and feet!


"ABC of Safe Movement"

Extracurricular Event on PDD

Objectives of the event:

  1. introduce students with types of traffic lights and road signs; Remember how to proceed the road; Talk about the meaning of signs for drivers and pedestrians; To form students in the knowledge system on traffic rules.
  2. develop observation, attention, imagination, curiosity, skills of safe behavior on the roads, creative abilities;
  3. rise in children a culture of behavior on the roads, collectivism, ability to empathize.

Characters:Baba Yaga, traffic light, lead, wolf, bear, goat, goat, raven.

Equipment: Presentation, road signs, rectangular stripes (white - by the number of children), rectangles (gray 3x 6 pcs, yellow, red, green 3x1 pcs.), Costumes for women - jagi and traffic lights, wolf, bear, crow, goats, goats, phonograms songs "Let run awkward", "Bremen Musicians", "Plasticine Crow".

Guests: representatives of the traffic police, parents of students.

Event flow:

Leading. Guys! Today we will have an occupation dedicated to the rules of the road and is called "ABC of Safe Movement".

Slide 1.

Guys, look carefully on the screen and tell me who you are going outside? (pedestrians)

Slide 2.

Why exactly called people going down the street? (walking)

What roots can be allocated in the word "pedestrian"?

Leading. We live today in the century of speeds, in the age of scientific and technological progress. At modern roads, high-speed cars are racing, supersonic liners and space ships fly in the air, swim vessels float and oceans flooded. Everyone around is in a hurry, hurry ...

One second ... is a lot or a little? For a pedestrian one second - trifle, step step. And for the driver second - the thing is very serious. For 1 second, the machine running at a speed of 60 km / h is passing more than 16 m, and at a speed of 80 km / h - 22 meters. Therefore, guys, on the roads you need to be very attentive, careful, do not rush, especially when riding bicycles, try to choose a safe way.

Song on the melody "Plasticine Crow"

When you hurry to school,

Late very,

Maybe not very

And maybe a little bit

One thing you remember should:

Medium all roads in light 2 times

You choose, of course,

Only a safe way.

(Suddenly, Baba Yaga appears because of the corner. She is a rashpan and very angry.)

Baba Yaga. Ugliness! Constantly one and the same story!

Leading. What is Yaga with you?

Baba Yaga. Be fined! Do not see if the street turns out. On the broom flew, again whistle! "It is not necessary, they say, in the city on this form of transport to move." I explain to them: I am Baba Yaga! I just on the broom just as it should be.

Leading. And they?

Baba Yaga. Go, they say, in the forest. There, please fly as much as you like and at least on what.

Leading. Well, so you would be in another place, on another site, the street flew.

Baba Yaga. On another? There you know how many of these ... as their ... The word is so curious.

Leading. Inspectors or what?

Baba Yaga. Exactly. If these are not, so signs on the roads were allowed, traffic lights, pointers. Resperating Baba Yaga and fly nowhere!

Once in a big and noisy city
I lost, I disappeared!
Circle of machine and trams,
That suddenly the bus on the way.
Confess to honestly - I do not know
Where do I go the road?
Guys! You help me!
And if you can, tell us ...
Road how to move
To do not please under the tram!

Leading . Do not worry. Stay with us. We will help you learn traffic rules!

Slide 3.

Baba Yaga. (is reading) PDD! What does it mean?(Turns to the guys.) And hello guys! Help me decipher this inscription. What is traffic rules?

Children. Traffic Laws!

Baba Yaga. What, again about the rules?! I know everything so much.

Leading . Well, let's check! Is it possible to play on the road?

Baba Yaga. For example, in chess is impossible.

Lead. Why?

Baba Yaga. Machines all the figures are bought, and in football - you can.

Leading . And you guys agree with Baba-Yaga? (No.) I would advise you to play with us, repeat the rules of the road. See the guys in T-shirts of three different colors, respectively, we compete with 3 teams.

Answer me, baboons, what do you think, whom is called "Wizard-Wizard"?

Baba Yaga. Militizer.

Leading . No, I did not guess. Guys, help Baba - Yaga, Guess the riddle.

He blockers blinking
Tireless day and night.
He helps cars
And the pedestrians can help.

Children. This is a traffic light!

Traffic light. Yes, this is me, traffic lights -
Wizard - Welcome.

Baba Yaga. And how can you help?
With using what?

Traffic light. To help you
The way to go dangerous
Stand on guard day and night -
Green, yellow, red.

The strictest - red light,
If it burns - stand!
No roads!
The path for everyone is closed

So that you calmly moved
Listen to my advice
- Wait!
See soon yellow
In the middle of the light.

And behind him green light
Will flash ahead.
He will say:
"There are no obstacles
Burly to go! "

Traffic light. Do you know why traffic lights are called traffic lights? This word is made up of two parts "light" and "odd". "Light" is all clear, "Form" - from the Greek "Foros", which means "carrier", carrier. And together "traffic light" means "bearer of light", "carrying light". He carries three different lights ... (red, yellow, green).

Traffic light: And now we start a competitive program. Teams "Red, Yellow, Green" are ready? I will check which you are attentive pedestrians and spend the game "Traffic light". Rules simple:

  1. If I show a red signal, you take a step back,
  2. If yellow is standing in place,
  3. If green - you take one step forward.

Those who are mistaken, dropping out of the game. That team wins, whose participant remains the last. Be careful!

Leading . Thank you, the filter, sit down to the guys and listen that they still know about you.

Slide 4.

1 student: The first traffic light appeared in 1868 in England in London. And in our country the first traffic police was installed in 1929 in Moscow. The traffic light was similar to a clock with a round dial separated by the sectors of red, yellow and green. Arrow-pointer The adjustor rotated manually. Then there were electric traffic lights that act now, although they have changed outwardly.

Leading . Guys, what do you think, why are these colors that are chosen?

Slide 5.

  1. Red color is clearly visible in the dark, fog. Red color hazard, alarm. He is the most noticeable, visible from afar, it is difficult to confuse with another. Therefore, it is selected for the rigorous signal prohibiting the movement.
  2. Yellow color is also well noticeable in any weather. In the fog, it can be taken for red. But still he will warn the driver.
  3. Green color can not be confused with red or yellow.

Leading . On traffic lightsvisors So that the signals were clearly visible during the bright sunlight.

There are emergencies, or when the traffic light does not work for some reason. Who helps to follow the rules of movement?(adjuster)

Choose from the presented films colors, the one that gives the right to move the road.

Slide 6. Traffic lights

Leading . Baba Yaga, did you understand how the traffic light is important? Will you perform his signals?

Baba Yaga. Need to obey, undoubtedly
Instructions of traffic lights.
Need to rules movement
To fulfill!

Slide 7.

Leading . Read the output and remember:

Let them remember firmly children:
That comes true
Who only in the green light
Through the street goes!

Well done! The traffic light costs, gives signals and it is easy for us to go through the street to the green light. I will perform a traffic light.

Song on the melody "Let run awkward"

Let run clumsily
Puddle pedestrians,
But it is impossible to run on the roads.
Sidewalk - pedestrians,
And car - road
This rule should know everything.

If the red is dangerous path.
If yellow - wait,
And green - it means you can
We go through the way.

The game "Collect Lightfor" (p.162)

The teams are awarded the rod and explains the task: each participant of the team should participate in the assembly of traffic lights from rectangles. The team wins, earlier and without errors, completed the assembly of the traffic light. The boxes are six gray rectangles and one color: red, yellow and green. At the signal, the team participants run up to the boxes, remove the rectangles out of the boxes, return to the place, passing the rod next, each next participant takes out another rectangle from the box, continuing the traffic light assembly. Rectangles put one on the other in the following village of icecake: gray, gray, red, gray, yellow, gray, green, gray, gray.

Leading . Well done! Guys, and who else is subordinate to traffic lights? Do you know which cars can freely drive with a green signal for pedestrians?

Slide 8.

You immediately learn them on the alarming loud signal, which they publish, and blue or yellow beacons on the roof. These are machines soon medical care, militia, fire protection and emergency service, they hurry to save people in trouble, so on the roads for them are always "green light". And if, moving the road through Zebra, you saw away such cars, stop and miss them. Do not run and not scared.

Leading . - Who will help you go across the road?

Slide 9.

How is the other called Zebra?(crosswalk)

What other transitions do you know?

Children. Crosswalk.

Underground pedestrian crossing.

Overhead Ped Crossing.

Leading . Listen to the poems about the signs of the pedestrian transition and find the signs denoting them(Children show).

Slide 10.

Children. 1. By stripes black and white
Man walks boldly.
Knows: where he goes, -

2. Hurry up somewhere -
The road blocked running,
Light traffic light - red.
There dives pedestrian
In an underground light transition.
Free! Safely!

3. What are the river vbrod,
Everyone knows about it.
And pedestrian transition
And over the earth happens.
This sign is pretty simple -
Pedestrian goes to the bridge.
Here rose - I went there,
Safe, good!

Leading . How to go through the road?

Slide 11.

Practical lesson. Game: "learn yourself, teach a friend"

  1. Learning all together. We go. We looked left. We looked to the right. We go.

2) Explodulate white strips of paper at the board so that a pedestrian crossing is.

(Every child gets a white stripe)

2) 1 student - at the board tells and shows 2 student, he repeats.

3) 2 uch. Shows 3 studies, he repeats.

Etc. 3 - 4, 4 - 5.

Leading . Well done! We think you will always follow the rules for the passage of the roadway.

Look at the drawing and find the correct markup.

Slide 12.

Baba Yaga. And I have this markup for me? Sad on the broom and a web.

Leading . Oh, and stupid Baba Yaga. So many years lived, and I did not press my mind. Life is given once, so you need to know traffic rules.

Those who do not know the rules
Those who do not keep them
We will tell and show
The fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats".

Wolf: Not a simple tale this -

In it and a joke, and a hint:
In our fairy tale is hidden somewhere
Good well done lesson.

Goat: Seven goats with me

Here it is my family.
What is your name, I will say
In order will tell.
Here is a die - he is skillful
That'dike - very brave,
Here is a teaser, here is a trap,
Here is a Mazilka, here is a bolt.
I have one daughter
Loves to chat
Does not get silent.
I have one goat -
Fidget, post-rail.
Most of all I love him
Toddler his call.

The goat turns to goats, and they all sit on a shop at the house.

Goat: I am going to the bazaar again

To buy you all updates
Did not happen to liha
Singful you are quiet here.

The goat takes the basket, leaves. The goat is immediately jumping, go out of the house, play the catch-up. Sing songs (under the melon of the song of three pigs):

We do not need a traffic light!(3 times)
Wake it without him!
(3 times)
We go where we want!
(3 times)
We do not look at him!
(3 times)
Let any light burn!
(3 times)
I do not care before him!
(3 times)
We will not expect!
(3 times)
These rules are observed!
(3 times)

Cats are dancing on the roadway road. Machine signals.

Bear: What do you get under the wheels, goats are mokrone?

After all, trouble could happen!
You need, friends, learn
How walking down the street
To do not please doctors.

A wolf runs out (whistles in the whistle).

Wolf: You are not in the circus, here the road!

Well, who do you surprise?
Turn the steering wheel a bit -
Under the car please!
Is it not clear to you?
On the road to be dangerous!
Violators, for me!

The wolf leads a goat in the traffic police. A goat appears with a full basket, comes to the house.

Goat: I bought all new clothes

Nothing forgotten
You go to the window
See the basket:
Quickly, do not lose time,
All new clothes.

Oh, trouble, goats - where?
Do not see a goat anywhere.

Crow: I never flew,

I saw everything, I saw everything,
And your goats have a wolf in the traffic police.

Goat: Wolf top, give me babies,

Understanding youngsters.
I really ask you
Eat then me.
I can not live without them
My kids are expensive.

Wolf: You do not read newspapers,

News Do not know at all:
For the order I follow
In the traffic police serve.
To make your motherful to know,
You need to deal with children.

Goat: I'm not doing this?

I try not really?
Order in the house forever
All day you cook, washing,
We swell, taking.
There is no moment to relax,
At night there is no time to take
I feed them very tasty.
What will ask - everything will buy.
I exhaust, wear
Just them and live.
From the bazaar I go again
Here is a basket - do not lift!
All new clothes for guys -
Dear my goat.
All goats love cheek
I buy them in a pack,
Here - Swedish shirts,
Turkish jeans
Sneakers "Adidas"
Everything will be just right
Things are all from abroad,
After all, we are not good.

Wolf: Is this your whole sadness?

I'm sorry for your goat.
Tears so that not pour
You need to mind learning.
Very important science -
Rules of movement.
And must observe them
All without exception.
For the first time I forgive your goats,
And for the second time, let them not fall.

Leading: To move the rules

Adults, children firmly know,
Need rule of movement
Constantly repeat.

Goat: Learn, learn

Move Rules
And always observe them
All without exception.

Goat: After all, not in vain on the traffic light

Light lights -
Red, yellow and green.
We want to help them.

Leading: Very important science

Move Rules
And must observe them
All without exception.

Wolf: You look at the signs

And thank you, tell me.
Learn, respect
Do not yaw on the road.

All actors sing a song.

So that there is no boyfriend you misfortune
Do not play you never on the roadway.
This rule is remembered
Needless to:
On the road, on the road
Be always careful!

Leading. Thanks to the heroes of the fairy tales. Guys, we conclude: You can not on the roadway ...

We argue - check by the slide.

Slide 13.

And in winter?

- Why in winter roads are especially dangerous.

Slide 14.

And what could be the consequences?

Slide 15.

If the trouble happened on the road?

Slide 16.

Baba Yaga. Here you say I'm stupid, and you are all smart.I recently saw how in one city, a student of grade 2 rode on a scooter on the road. He was shot down the car. In serious condition, the boy was taken to the hospital. I would like to know why accidents often occur, the participants of which children become?

(Children's statements)

Reading the poem Yu. Mogtin "Case on the pavement"

Buzz trucks around
Rouching the car can
And suddenly the boy
To the whole spirit
Flies on scooter.
It will come out due to the corner
In the car,
Then suddenly surrounds like an arrow,
At the very middle.
On the traffic light red light:
Riding is dangerous - no stroke!
But the mischief is rushing.
And overlooking the winner
Almost fell under the truck,
Driver frightened.
And again the boy heard
Motor, roaring Grozno,
Managed to notice the dump truck,
But it was too late.
Closed in horror eyes -
Scatter brakes.
By subwooled pavement -
Hurry to the poor fence.
So on the roadway
There was a misfortune.

Traffic light. And you guys, too, do that? (No.) Do you observe traffic rules? (Yes.) - Do you know where traffic lights are installed? (Crossroads)

What is the intersection?

Leading. Crossroads where traffic lights are installed are calledadjustable pedestrian crossing. And what will help pedestrian when there is no traffic light, for example in villages, villages?

Children. Road signs.

Slide 17.

Leading. Road signs have their own history. The oldest of all road signs are distance indexes. People installed stone poles to mark the road; At the intersections, stone or wooden crosses were put, built chapels.

Slide 18.

More than 300 years ago, high pillars appeared in Russia on the road through each vest (1 km 67 m) they began to call them vests. Later began to install pillars at the intersections and make inscriptions on them where what road leads. The roads to which pillars put, began to be called pillars.

Slide 19.

Previously, every country had its own road signs. An attempt to introduce uniform road signs was undertaken in 1909 in Paris. Four international road signs were adopted, these signs had symbols that are almost completely similar to modern road signs.

In 1968, 126 international road signs were adopted, and in 1978 a new standard was adopted, which set 7 groups of road signs.

Baba Yaga. Think ... signs. Why do I need them? There is such a nonsense!

Leading . What about no signs?Well, tell me what kind of sign?

Slide 20.

Baba Yaga. It? These are children from the lesson run away.

Leading .Wrong. This is a sign - "Carefully children" and it is established before school, kindergarten and other children's institutions. And this one?

Slide 21.

Baba Yaga. It is "carefully, a brick falls on the head."

Leading . Well well! And even in the thirty kingdom wants to go. There is no way there. Guys, do you know this sign? What does it mean?

And now I will perform a song about road signs.

Song on the motive of the cartoon "Bremen Musicians"

There is nothing better in the world,
Than to wander to friends in Bella.
Those who know the road rules
Neither injury, no alarms, are not threatened.

Having learn the multiplication table
Do not forget about the rules of movement.
If marks warn us,
So - they protect us - 2 years.

And now let's remember the group of road signs.

Slides 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.

Fastening. The game. Guessing mysteries.

Now listen to what could tell the signs about yourself if you came to life.

Slide 28.

In our urban deburs
Miracle ran away - zebras.
Zebra will not skip the hoof
Zebra does not wash the tail,
Stretched curious
Through the street bridge. (Crosswalk)

Slide 29.

On the roads of pedestrians
It became easier with the transition.
Under the earth, even the square
Go much easier. (Underground pass)

Slide 30.

Where I will see a sign such.
Rotate - ka better i
So that it does not shake with me
No case.(No Pedestrians)

Leading. Well done boys! And to be not only strong and clever, as well as smart pedestrians, and in the future and drivers, we will check how you learned the rules of the road, we will conduct contests.

Game "Road Signs"

The game passes in the form of a relay. Each member of the team in turn is suitable (quick step) to the table and chooses that sign that was for the command: for example, one team takes only forbidding signs, the other is warning, etc. When the relay is over, each student shows his sign and says that this sign indicates.

Game "Music Chair"

Leading . Listen to the Game Conditions: the loser must answer the question about the rules of behavior on the roads. And Baba - Yaga helps us install musical pauses.(play)

Baba Yaga. Oh, the guys, I'm tired, because I am already. Very much I learned on your holiday about traffic rules.Now everything is clear to me. Thank you very much guys! Bye!

Leading . Thank you very much for the kind words. Guys, say goodbye to the Baba? What do you wish her? Have a good trip!

And we will continue gaming program.

The game "This is me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Leading: We answer the choir if you agree: "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends!", If you do not agree: silent.

Leading: Which of you goes forward only where the transition?


Presenter: Who flies forward so soon that he does not see traffic lights?

Children are silent

Leading: Which of you walking home, keeps the path on the pavement?

Children are silent.

Leading: Does anyone know that the Red Light means that there is no move?

Children: This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

Leading. And now tasks for teams.

"Boarding Sloves"

If you are in a hurry
Across the street
There go where all the people
Where is the inscription ... (transition).

If you hurry home.
Do not run on the pavement.
Do not cling for the tram
And others ... (Do not allow).

If you are in a hurry
Across the street pass.
Remember guys when moving
What to watch it is necessary ... (left).

How to come to the middle,
Then from here and half,
Remember guys
What to watch it is necessary ... (right).

You hurry to the stadium
Do not cling to the car.
For the car do not chase
From injury ... (Beware)!


What a miracle is a blue house!
The kids are a lot in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And feeds gasoline.


I stand with the edge of the street
In a long boot -
Stuffed three-eyed
On one leg.

(Traffic light.)

He has two wheels
And saddle on the frame.
Two pedals are downstairs
Twist their legs.


Not live, but goes;
Fixed, but leads.


I rush, hold the wires,
I will never get borrowed.


In two rows of house stand -
Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row.
And square eyes
Munch at each other.


"Connoisseurs of Notes"

Leading. Who gods a mystery:

Seven guys on the ladder
Sitted songs. (Notes.)

Slide 32.

Game "Make a Word"

Slide 33


Guys from school of traffic lights handed you a letter. Decipher it.

Slide 34.


Who knows the rules of movement,
So honor and respect!

Leading. Guys, you are all - well done! Perfectly coped with the tasks, contests, showed good knowledge, excellent skills. While the jury will sum up our contests, we will spend the game:

"Yes" or "no" (I answer the choir)

What do you want - say, the red light is not? (Yes)

What do you want - say, every time, going home, we play on the pavement? (not)

What do you want - say, but if you are very hurry, then you run before transport? (not)

What do you want - say, we always go ahead only there, where is the transition? (Yes)

What do you want - say, we run forward so soon that we do not see the traffic light? (not)

What do you want - say, on round signs, the red color means "here a ban"? (Yes)

What do you want - say, on the sign "There is no passage" is drawn by a person? (not)

Outcome. Guys! So that parents do not worry every day

So that drivers were calmly driving

We make you a warning

Observe the rules of the road!

Slide 35.

Memo of a young pedestrian

  1. Before crossing the street or road, you will be able to complete the safety of the transition.
  2. Do not cross the road in front of closely coming by transport, do not allow it to do others.
  3. Do not suit the game on the roadway of the street. Do not cling for passing transport.
  4. Be careful to others: if a person fell, help him rise, the elderly people are helping to go around the street.
  5. We go only on the sidewalk or pedestrian paths, adhering to the right side. If there is no sidewalk, then go on the sidelines towards the vehicle (on the left side).
  6. Strictly obey traffic lights. Going the way only where the "Pedestrian Transition" sign and only on a green traffic light.
  7. Using public transport, observe the order of landing and exit.

The word inspector traffic police.

Slide 36.



Game "Melvers and Mistnie" in elementary school

Objectives: To form the ability to solve the tasks for a mixture, consolidate knowledge of Russian, intensify the cognitive activities of children, expand and deepen the knowledge gained in the lessons of the surrounding world, develop logical thinking, attention, intelligence.

Form: Intellectual Quiz.

Methods: collective creative activity.

Equipment: cards with tasks of different colors: red - with mathematics tasks; yellow - in Russian; green - reading; blue - according to the world around; orange - from the field of art; White - general knowledge; A cube whose face is painted in the same colors.

Event flow

Pupils shared on the teams, chose the name. Captain 1 team comes out to the master's table. On the table, the cards with the tasks color side are decomposed. The player throws a cube, after which it chooses one of the cards of the same color as the edge of the cube. Reads task. Team members think and answer. If the answer is full and correct, the lead evaluates it and records the result. If incorrect, then the answer right is passed by another team.

The world.

Standing at the stop tram bypass in front or rear? (front)

What kind of man is called "motor"? (a heart)

The Tree of Medonos is ... (Lipa)

Standing at the bus stop or trolleybus bypass in front or rear? (Rear)

What loses the elk every winter? (horns)

With the arrival of what birds believe that Spring has come? (Graci)

What color seas do you know? (Black, Red, Yellow, Marble, White)

What is the deepest lake? (Baikal)

Does tree grow in winter? (No, it freezes)

What bird takes chicks in winter? (crossbill)

What substance on our planet exist in three states? (water)

What is the name of the month of spring primroses? (April)

Which bird can fly a tail forward? (Hummingbird)

Who sleeps head down? (bat)

With what device can be focused on any weather? (compass)

What kind of man is called by a team? (brain)


What is the workover? (exhibition of paintings)

In which country and in what city do we meet the famous heroine of fairy tales? (Mermaid, Copenhagen, Denmark)

In which city did the Great Composer Johann Strauss lived? (Vienna, Austria)

What tower is called "Falling"? (Pisanskaya)

What is the palette? (Color mixing board)

What is the Colosseum? (Construction in the center of Rome, it was built almost 2,000 years ago. In the center it was arose, around which there were rows for the audience)

What is a landscape? (Picture depicting nature)

Name composers.

What is the name of the artist depicting animals? (animal painter)

Where is the Museum of the Single Wasa Ship Museum? (Stockholm, Sweden)

How are the streets in the city of Kostroma? (in the form of a fan)

In which city is the museum of I.I. Levitan? (Ples)

What is finifesty and in what city do it? (In Rostov, these are very beautiful decorations with enamel - brooches, bracelets, earrings)

In which city is the Cathedral, which built 600 years? (Cologne, Germany)

What ambitious building is located in Egypt? (Pyramids)

What kind of structure is in Athens? (Parthenon - Temple, built in honor of the goddess Athena)

Russian language.

Explain how to understand the expression: "Language is brazed."

The word "Piglet" has several values. Name them.

What can escape?

The word "leg" has several values. Name them.

Explain how to understand the expression: I have no place to fall apart. "

What proverb can be expressed by the sense of the next sentence: do not chat. (keep your mouth shut)

Explain how to understand the expression: "hang on the phone."

Find the word that hid in the word darkness.

Finish the saying: the age live - ... (learning a century)

Explain how to understand the expression: "Only heels sparkle."

Find the word that hid in the word boat.

Finish the saying: what is written in front ... (do not cut down the ax)

What word is superfluous: joyful, cheerful, gloomy?

How is the word in (and, e) n (e, and) Gret? (the vinaigrette)

Name the proverb about the book.

What kind of sound could not speak the characters of the story of V. Dragunsky "Enchanted letter"? (W)


When we look at the number 3, but speak 15?

Two daughters, two mothers da grandmother with granddaughter. How much? (three)

If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, then you can expect that after 72 hours there will be sunny weather? (after 72 hours, i.e. exactly through three days, there will be a night, it means that there will be no sunny weather)

We often use the word kilometer. Meter translated from French means measure. What does Kilo mean translated from the French word? (one thousand)

How old was the old man from the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" A. S. Pushkin before he caught a goldfish? (Exactly 30 years and 3 years)

Children walked into the dining room. Yura considered 3 pairs ahead of himself and as many couples after himself. How many children went to the dining room? (fourteen)

At seven brothers on one sister. How many children? (eight)

The table lid has 4 corners. One of them was dug. How many angles have become a lid? (five)

Two boys found 100 rubles in the yard. How much money will find 5 of the same boys? (100)

From the city and the city in the plane flies 80 minutes, and back 1h 20 minutes. Why? (80 minutes \u003d 1ch20min)

This figure can be straight, stupid, sharp. (angle)

Simple tool for straight line. (ruler)

When can a person rush with a racing car speed? (in car)

Birds flew across the sky: Sparrow, dragonfly, swallow and bumblebee. How many birds flew? (2)

In the ranks of 15 students. How many students stand between the third and twelfth? (eight)

The wheel has 10 spokes. How many gaps between the knitting needles?


What is the name of the future literature? (fiction)

How did Ellie get into the magic country? (she took her hurricane)

Witch from the fairy tale Andersen "Flooring". (witch)

The subject that printed finger princess from the fairy tale sh. Perso "Sleeping Beauty"? (spindle)

The word that tried to fold from Kai ice floes in the fairy tale of Andersen "Snow Queen"? (eternity)

The nickname, which gave the young king an arrogant and mockery princess from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. (Frosturbation)

The name of one of the sisters of the heroine fairy tale Perro "Cinderella". (Zavotta)

The place where the animals kept the little robber from the fairy tale Andersen "Snow Queen". (menagerie)

The name of the beauty is the bride of Yurny Yoringel, turned the sorcerer into the nightingale in the fairy tale of the Grimm brothers. (Jorinda)

The surname, which was invented by the host of the Hero of the fairy tale sh. Perro "Cat in Boots". (Karabas)

A document that required a water rat at the hero of the fairy tale Andersen "Resistant Tin Soldier". (passport)

The down jackets on which the heroine of the fairy tale undersen "Princess on the pea". (Perina)

A delicacy from the drain, bought from the Gansse trader from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Brave Tailor". (jam)

The name of the sister of eleven princes, turned by an evil queen in birds in the fairy tale Andersen "Wild Swans". (Eliza)

Who became eleven princes from Andersen's fairy tale. (in swans)

Who led Gerdu to the prince and princess? (Raven)

General knowledge.

Women's dress without sleeves. (Sarafan)

The homeland of the first Olympic Games. (Ancient Greece)

People who fall to bed late at night. (owls)

Hero of Russian folk puppet representations. (Parsley)

Place of presentations in the circus. (arena)

Unicellular fungi used for baking bread. (yeast)

Hidden treasures hidden in the land. (treasure)

Fruit of tropical palm tree. (coconut)

What part of the word can be found in the ground? (root)

What wheel does not turn in the car while driving? (spare)

Break between acts of play, concert branches. (intermission)

The contours of which country on the card resemble the boot? (Italy)

Smooth shiny surface, which is reflected. (mirror)B) ball C) ARTEMEM DR) friend

2. What is the hero not in the Bremen musicians?

A) cat b) rooster c) goat d) donkey

3. What tree drops to the winter of a hive?

A) fir b) cedar c) pineD) larch

4. In which month is the least days?

A) in May b) in July in) in February d) October

5. Heron, standing on one leg, weighs 10 kg. How much does the heron weigh, standing on two legs?

A) 5 kg b) 10 kg c) 15 kg g) 20 kg

6. What animal man tamed first?

A) dog B) cow c) cat d) horse

7. What did the Christmas tree in the New Year's Song?

A) winter b) frost c) blizzardD) Mistel

8. Judging by the saying, how many hares should not chase?

A) for one b) for two C) for three d) for five

9. In the Gus-Swan fairy tale there was a dairy river, and what are the shores?

A) oxygen B) cottage cheese c) oil d) sand

10. Which of these birds does not know how to fly?

A) swallow b) penguin C) woodpecker d) nightingale

11. In kindergarten on the battery, 12 mobs are dried. How many couples are it?

A) 3 pairs b) 6 pairs c) 10 pairs d) 12 pairs

12. What is the full name of Rita?

A) Regina b) Arina c) MariaD) Margarita

13. And the river, and the brand of the car

A) "Volga" B) "Moscow" c) "Tom" d) "Amur"

14. These mushrooms grow a friendly family on a stump

A) Boroviki b) oilC) Wallow d) Ryzhiki

A) Brothers Grimm b) Charles Perra C) Andersen d) Pushkin

16. What does not apply to nature?

A) raspberry b) bearC) basket d) land

17. What is the name of the picture with the image of a person?

A) still life b) landscape c) illustrationD) portrait

18. Which of the Russian Bogatyurians had no power, but a mixture?

A) Ilya Muromets b) Dobrynya NikitichC) Alyosha Popovich D) nikita leather

19. Name Music tool Pope Carlo

A) Sharmanca B) husli c) bayan d) control

20. How many ends of two and a half sticks?

A) 4 and a half b) 5 c) 5 and a half d) 6

Themes for the Final Players, who scored from 20 to 10 points

  • Puzzles
  • mathematics
  • russian language
  • proverbs
  • Mushrooms
  • professions
  • writers and poets
  • housing
  • Animals
  • general knowledge
  • color
  • cartoons


They gave the brothers a warm house to live in a feather. Brother Big did not agree and settled separately. (mittens)

Very loves chicks in the package. Chill, chill, give you to lick you once (ice cream)

It is Herosha Lochmat, rumped up. On the hut, I will bother - the twigs wave. For Dae Dance Lycom Submoisan. (broom)

Walk slightly hot me, and the bedding will become a slop. I can fix the shortcomings and put the arrows on the pants. (iron)

On the leg stands one, turns, turns his head. We are showing countries, rivers, mountains, oceans. (the globe)

Under the legs board, and in the hands of the rope. On the chalkboard under the clouds we take off deftly. (swing)

What's the table among birch in the open sky? It treats in the frost of birds with grain and bread. (Feeder)

Ellics, like a living, but I will not release it. White foam foams, the hands wash not be lazy. (soap)

Appeared in a yellow fur coat, forgive two shells. (chick)

Green house is scolded: narrow, long, smooth. Round guys are sitting in the house in the house. (peas)

2. Mushrooms:

I'm in a red hat Rasta among the roots of the aspen. You will see me for the mile - I call me ... (Support)

What kind of guys on hemp crowded with a close hand. And they hold umbrellas in their hands, caught by muddy. (Walked)

Very friendly sisters. Going in redheads, autumn in the forest is brought in summer. (chanterelles)

I was born on a rainy day under the birch of a young, round, smooth, beautiful, with a leg thick and straight. (Painer)

Along the forest paths, many white legs, in multicolored hats, published notes. Collect, do not bag! It's ... (raw)

But someone is important on a white leg. He is in a red hat, on a hat - peas. (Amanita)

On the edges, on the bins in the Christmas trees and pines, as if after the rain hats, they were always glitter. (Oily)

Rose girlfriends grow on the edges, and their names are ... (Waves)

Tight, strong, static in a hat brown and elegant. This is the pride of all forests, a real king of mushrooms. (White mushroom)

Translate the word mushroom into French. (champignon)

3. Animals:

* Ears are sensitivearching, tail, placed in crochet. In the house of someone else's not mixed, without the owner, sad. (dog)

* Less tiger, more cats, over the ears of brushes-horns. Seeming meek, but do not believe: this beast is terrible in anger. (lynx)

* What birds remove chicks in winter? (Klezti)

* He loves sweet, very, and when autumn comes, climbs into the pit until Spring, where he sleeps and sees dreams. (bear)

* Juice from flowers It takes and saves sweet honey. (bee)

* I'm satisfied with deft: I have a storage room with me. Where is the storage room? For cheek! So I'm cunning what! (hamster)

* What kind of beast, tell me, brothers, may you get into myself? (mink)

* Who on the hind legs jumps, in a warm bag of the son hides? Who, getting up in full height, relies on the tail? (kangaroo)

* In the reeds she lives, her house has a swamp, where frogs are found, DAC! - And there is no single cube! (heron)

* Everyone is huge in the jungle of the beast, just walks - Believe! Grozno the legs shine, tasty leaves crusts. (elephant)

4. Mathematics:

* The kitten fled on the grass, and a puppy ran after him. And behind them their owner. How many legs ran there? (10)

* He has long been familiar to mine, every corner in it is straight. All four sides of the same length. (square)

* They live in a difficult book. Intelligent brothers. Ten them, but these brothers are counting everything in the world. (numbers)

* Important for health, friends, vitamins! And the apples eat Irina. 12 They were lying in the vase - look, and after lunch left only 3. How many apples were Irina?

* Grandfather Ignat said to neighbor: "I have been a hundred years for a dinner!" "You added 30 years old," neighbor led him. I ask ... Count, how much did Ignat live?

* Two rings, but without end, there is no nail in the middle. If I turn over, I will not change at all.

* Once in the forest thick, under the birch bush, mushrooms were collected forest, all the handsaws are removed: two fasteners, two worshipers, two weak and two banks.

* In school there is such a bird: if you sit down on the page, then I will return home with the head home.

* In a quiet river under the bridge there lived an estate old som. He has Somich's wife and 14 somat. Who takes everyone together? There will be som certainly happy.

* There is a mum assistant. Look, children, ourselves: shoved 6 plates, 8 spoons, cups 5. Visit the dishes. Help to count!

5. Professions:

* With the fire, we should fight - we are bold workers, we are partners with water. We are all necessary for everyone, so who are we? (firefighters)

* His work in the depths, at the bottom itself; His work in the dark and silence. Let his work is not easy and not easy, as the astronaut sails among the stars. (diver)

* Skalked with scissors, once-another waved the comb, from the nape to the temples, a lot of hairs (hairdresser)

* At work, he controls the day-day man. I pulled a long hand forward and everything that will be asked to the top. Rises that hand one hundred poods under the clouds. (Cranewner)

* At seven o'clock, he began the case, the ten bag was lost. And to twelve o'clock, everything is dispersed at the addresses. (postman)

* Sits, bending over the table and hour, and two, and three. And drives a thin pen to the morning dawn. (writer)

* Here on the edge with caution, it paint glands. He has a bucket in his hands, he himself is painted by Pestro. (painter)

* Tell me who is so tasty prepares cabbage, odorless cutlets, salads, winegreets, all breakfasts, dinners? (cook)

* Who is the patient sitting? And how to be treated, he says to all; Who is sick - he will offer to accept the way, who is healthy - will be allowed to take a walk. (doctor)

6. General knowledge:

* How many syllables in the word stork? (2)

* Which of the heroes of the Russian folk fairy tale was a bakery product? (Kolobok)

* Who leads the train? (driver)

* How many nuts in an empty glass? (0)

* Summer hare-rusak, and in winter hare? (Belyak)

* Boxing area? (boxing ring)

* This south delicious fruit is very similar to a bump with a crown on the top of the top. (a pineapple)

* From the branch on a path, with herbs on the epic, jumps the spring, a green back. (grasshopper)

* What is the result of the result when subtracting? (difference)

* Name the third note. (mi)

7. Russian language:

* This vowel can never stand at the beginning of the word. (s)

* How many sounds in the word Elk? (3)

* Part of speech, which means the subject? (noun)

* With the letter, it is sitting on it, with the letter about him sit. (chair table)

* With a deaf - herb, it cuts off, with a ringing - leaves essay. (Spit - goat)

* Nazi always solid consonants. (F, W, C)

* The main member of the sentence that answers the question what does? (predicate)

* How many vowels in the alphabet? (10)

* How many syllables in the wordgreen? (4)

* How many consonant letters in the alphabet in the alphabet? (6)

8. Writers and poets:

* Who told us about Uncle Step? (S. Mikhalkov)

* Name Barto's name. (Agnia)

* Who came up with kids: Dr. Pilyulkin, Link, donut? (N. Nosov)

* Who wrote the fairy tale "Three Bear"? (L. Tolstoy)

* Whose heroes are Heroes: Barmalei, Muha Cotton? (K. Chukovsky)

* What teddy hero was created by Alexander Miln? (Winnie Poo)

* What are the fairy tales that the people compose? (Russian national)

* Name the surname of the poet Samuel Yakovlevich ... (Marshak)

9. Color:

* Goat, who lived at her grandmother? (Serious)

* Grasshopper sitting in the grass? (green)

* Killing a grandfather shovel? (red)

* Wagon that runs, swinging? (blue)

* Girl's headdress, grandmother's cakes? (red)

* Bear color, which is found in Siberia? (brown)

* Bathrobe, who was sitting under the tree and treated animals? (white)

* Name the third color of the rainbow. (yellow)

* Color Flower, similar to the bell? (blue)

* What kind of ink drawn the drawing four chumazychy thistle? (black)

10. Proverbs:

* The morning is wiser than the evening)

* Literacy to learn always .... (useful)

* Work - feed, and laziness ... (spoil)

* No friend - look, and found ... (take care)

* Do not be hurried, and be ... (patient)

* Do not rush to the language, hurry ... (business)

* Do not learn to destroy, and learn ... (build)

* In seven nanny child without ... (eyes)

* Do you like to ride, love and ... (Santocho carry)

11. Residence:

* Where did the frog, cock, mouse and hedgehog lived? (in Teremka)

* Beaver Residence. (Hank)

* Came workers without ax, cut off the hut without corners. (anthill)

* Winter Bear Friend. (den)

* The house without windows, without doors, is full of the hillside of people. (cucumber, watermelon)

* Strong wooden house with a round small window. He stands on a long leg so that the cats did not climb. (Buncher)

* On a narrow track - the head and the horns. Who is so slowly crawling, is lucky for himself? (snail)

* Housing tourist. (tent)

* Log house. (Izba)

* Dwelling Fox. (Nora)

12. Cartoons:

* What was the name of the cow from Prostokvashino? (Murka)

* What words did Ali Baba spoke to open the cave? ("SIM-SIM, OPERATION")

* What did Mowgli say when he needed help? ("We are with you one blood. You and me")

* Names of three piglets? (NIF-NIF, NAF-NAF, NUF-NUF)

* What was the name of the giant, who married the princess Fione? (Shrek)

* Who went to visit Vinnie Pooh and Piglet? (to the rabbit)

* Kid friend. (Carlson)

* Where was the field of miracles? (in the country of fools)

* Old woman, who had a rat of Larisk? (Shapoklyak)

* What fairy tale in December Snowdrops collected? ("Twelve months")

Three student released to the Superfinal, choose a question for 1 point, 3 points or 5 points in turn.

Questions per 1 point:

* Who wanted to convince Winnie the Pooh that he was a tucker, and not a bear? (bees)

* It is believed that from this murb murut insects? (from the mumor)

* What is the berry happens black, red and white? (currant)

* You are yes I, yes, we are with you. How many of us? (two)

* What kind of insect clap your hands? (mosquito, moths)

* On whom made his journey into the warm edges of the thumbnail? (on the swallow)

Questions for 3 points:

I wear them for many years, but I do not know the bill. (hair)

The day that was before today? (yesterday)

Circuit platform for performances (Manege or Arena)

One father is a child, and not a son for anyone? (daughter)

To enjoy preview, create yourself an account (account) Google and log in to it:

And again about love ...

(Philosophical Round Table)

Purpose: Suggest the 9th to reflect on love, its significance in the life of every person; contribute to the development of their own clear position on the issue under discussion and formation of moral values \u200b\u200band the right vitality; Relieve a sense of responsibility for your actions.

Equipment: Computer presentation, cards with love statements, flower image, sheets for entries, knobs

Class hour time:

1. Organizational moment

Good afternoon, dear guests, guys, I am glad to see you today at our lesson. And I hope you came to a class with a good mood, the desire to actively work and openly express your thoughts.

I ask each of you to approach me and take any of the proposed squares: red, yellow, green or blue. And now those who have red squares are sitting at the table number 1, yellow sitting at the table number 2, green - at the table number 3, blue - at the table number 4. Please fold your squares in such a way that the letters have turned out from the letters recorded on them. Who is ready to read it?

1. Love is a language of God that supports our soul.

2. Love is a terrible, but very desirable feeling, willingness to devote your life to another.

3. True love is a miracle, since the life of another person becomes more important for us.

4. If we love, then we double our lives, because we live as if two lives: your own and beloved person.

Well, let these wise statements become epigraphs to our lesson, which we will spend in the form of a round table, the topic of which: "And again about love ...". And I want to remind you of the Round Table Rules:

1. Before argue, think about what you will say, what to prove.

2. Do not distort the words and thoughts of your comrades, do not interrupt, learn to listen.

3. Starting to argue, clearly express their provisions that you will prove.

4. Remember that the best way of evidence is accurate facts, convincing arguments clear logic of statements.

5. If the erroneousness of your opinion has proved, I have the courage to recognize the correctness of the enemy.

2. Creating an emotional attitude.

The fact that the topic of our round table is interesting to you, says a sociological survey conducted in the classroom. But what are thinking about this topic of our school's students, let's read the statements.

What do these statements say? (Love for each of us has its own value, depending on what is important in life, what values \u200b\u200bwere laid in the family)

Completely, a confirmation of your thoughts can serve as the statement of the Russian writer A.P. Chekhov:"Until now, only one undeniable truth was told about love, namely, that this is a very high," there is a great mystery. "

And now I want to introduce you to one tributary, which will serve as the beginning of our dialogue and may help answer the question: what does love bearing a person?

About love (parable)

It is said that once gathered in the same corner of the land all human feelings and qualities. When boredom yawned already in the 3rd time, the madness suggested: "And let's play hide and seek!" We were delighted by this sentence. The first hid laziness, she was hiding behind the nearest stone on the road. Vera rose to heaven, and envy hidden in the shade of Triumf, who managed to climb on the top of the highest tree. The nobility could not hide the nobility for a very long time, as every place that it found seemed to be ideal for his friends: a crystal clear lake - for beauty, tree cleft - for fear, butterfly wing - for joy, breeze blow - for freedom! So, it disguised in the ray of the sun. Egoism, on the contrary, found a warm and cozy place for herself. The lies hid at the depths of the ocean, and the passion hid in Zherle Volcano.

When the madness drew up to 999 999, Love was still looking for, where to hide, but everything was busy. But suddenly she saw a wonderful pink bush and decided to hide among his colors.

Million, - said madness and began to look. The first it, of course, was lazy. Then he heard the faith argue with God, and about passion it learned on how the volcano trembles. Then the madness saw envy and guessed where the triumph was hiding. Egoism and noticed did not need, because the place where he hidden, was the beef beef, who decided to drive the uninhabited guest. So, everyone was found ... That's just the love could not find. The madness was looking for each tree in every stream, on top of each mountain, and finally he decided to look in pink bushes. Sliding them, it heard a cry. The sharp spikes of roses pledged their eyes love. The madness did not know what to do, began to apologize, cried, prayed, asked for forgiveness and in the redemption of his guilt promised love to become her guide. And since then, when I first didn't play hide and seek, the love of the blind and madness leads her hand ...

3. Main part of the class hour.

- What feelings from parable you can relate with the concept of love?

All feelings from joy, happiness to envy, hatred and lies can experience a lovely person. After all, love is a mystery, not to the end to the end is not solid ... But she rules the world. It rules in different ways ... Let this statement become the center of our round table. Let it bring together optimists and skeptics (roles Distribution: 2 Tables - Optimists, 2 - Skeptics)

Love loves, but not to get lost in them, not lose the landmarks, I suggest you from time to time to set my way with the wise men, comprehended something in this life.

Approval, refutation of opinions proposed for reflection.

So, opinion first: "Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world" (Gabriel Marquez)

Dear roundtable participants! Prove or disprove this statement. Give examples known to you, confirming his right to exist. To draw up the abstracts to protect or refutate this approval -5 minutes.

(The participants of the round table represent their position to those present, after which the opponents express their opinion about what he heard)

Message of a student "About those who have become a whole world for each other"

Opinion Second: "The first sigh of love is the last sigh of wisdom" (A. Bret)

Message of the student "Luxury gifts and reckless actions"

The third opinion: "If you take care of love, afraid to spend in vain, then it is atrophied from inaction. And even when the case is presented, you will get your love with a distant shelves, you will quit dust from it ... And almost nothing left from it. "(K.G. Poystovsky)

The fourth opinion: "A man who loves one woman all his life, should be sent to the doctor ..." (B.Shou)

Opinion Fifth: "If not loved - it means I didn't live and did not breathe." (V.Vysotsky)

Summing up our conversation, I suggest you guys choose from several options the one that seems to you correct:

A. Love for me, it means to be loved.

B. To love, then, first of all, give, and not take.

B. To love - it means to be interested in the life of the one who you love.

Some of you believe that the main thing in love is the ability to give, care is not about yourself, but about another, the ability to self-sacrifice.What can you give to your beloved person than to donate?

I suggest to make you a kind of moral code of loved. Agree?

Write down on sheets of paper briefly those laws, rules that need to observe in love. (On the board, saying: "Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world, the highest moral value." Under it - the figure of the flower (heart), on which the student sticks their statements, uttering them out loud)

4. Final part of the round table.

Our contest is coming to the end of the round table ... Thank you for your interesting exchange of views, in which each of you was honest to myself and correctly in relation to others. One priest said: "Times are coming, when only love will save us, learn how to grow love in yourself, because we will disappear without love ...". Let's listen to the Council of the Wise.

Looking for ideas for a joint event, family evening or group date? The new site about it took care.

You are sitting at the presidency meeting, and you have two agenda items: (1) ideas for several future joint events and (2) ways to establish contact with Taylor, which has not been in the church for several months. Now look at these two points again. Perhaps the decision of one question is connected with the second: Joint events can be exactly what you need to help Taylor and others feel that they are glad.

Now you just need an idea of \u200b\u200ban event that Taylor will be interested. And perhaps the perfect option awaits you on. Having more than 165 ideas of events (and they are regularly replenished), this site can help you find something for every taste. Just take a look at these stunning functions!

Huge selection of ideas

Quickly view the events in the following main categories to find the one that matches your needs:

Wonderful events for youth and family

Having such a wide range of events, you can find what is suitable for many situations:

  • Joint event
  • Family home evening
  • Attempts to return someone to activity
  • Help in programs Improving personality, debt to God and Come, follow me
  • Ideas for group dates

Quick search

Think about what events can be organized using photos, photo octot or dramatic presentation? Or maybe you decided to arrange something related to preparing for the mission or the program "Improving personality". Just use the Search function by entering keywords that will help you find suitable events.

User reviews

If you have become a member of a interesting event that is not presented on this site, send your idea, and it can be published! Just click on the "send idea" in the upper right corner of this page.

Quickly add to calendars

When you schedule the event, it is easy to inform about it to parishioners or young women / young men e-mail Or with the help of the Parish calendar function.

Learn good ideas about how to use your events more effectively with the function of step by step planning "Plan with the aim of".

You change the world for the better

Perhaps you think that joint and other youth events are not quite for you, as you will learn a lot related to the church at the seminary and thanks to a personal and family study. Have you ever thought you can help those who need you? Youth events are an excellent way to maintain friendship with less active and not members of the Church. They can also help a person tightly confront temptations when he sees examples and acquires strength, being close to other people - including you - living on gospel moral standards.

You are on a driver's seat

Elder Stanley G. Ellis, a member of the quorum of the seventy, said: "One of the advantages of this site is that he comes the youth to the driver's seat. He not only encourages the presidency of quorums and classes to take on guidance on the planning of events, but also makes the needs, interests and abilities of young people with the center of this planning. The presidency of quorums and classes encourage learn about the youth, which they lead - what are their interests? What can they offer? How do they need to grow? - and use events as a way to bless their lives. This is true ministry. "

On the eve of the celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland (19.02-20.02.2019) by the Volunteers of Desho "Phoenix" under the leadership of the older leader Zaitseva A.V. It is organized holding master classes for the manufacture of greeting cards by February 23. The handmade of each child is exclusive and unique, in each lifting a piece of the soul of her author. The master class was successful and it pleases, all participants successfully completed the tasks and at the same time they received real pleasure from creativity and communication. We hope that the postcards created by the hands of children will delight close.

Congratulations to all happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Competitions of A.Samoduurov

02/15/2019 In the MBOU "SOSH No. 63", military-sports competitions of the memory of the warrior-internationalist A.Samoduurov among schools of the village of South was held. At the solemn opening of the competition, schoolchildren learned about the feud of the hero. Then they took part in various military sports. According to the results of the competition, the school team took 2nd place. In the personal championship, Vorobyov D.8g, Zhdanov I.8A became the winners.

I am a voter!

02/15/2019 In the Altai branch of the Presidential Academy, the traditional legal game "I am a voter!" The event was conducted in conjunction with the Committee on Youth Affairs of the administration of Barnaul. The game was attended by the school of the city, including our team, Kmi "Look to the Future". Participants checked their knowledge at 4 stages of the competition. During the first and second stage, answered questions about the electoral right, in the third - presented their homework (election campaign). In the final passed the contest of captains.

Our team won in the nomination "Best Agitational Company". All participants in the competition are awarded with memorable diplomas of participants. Congratulations to our team and wish you continued success!

"Legal Marathon"

February 12, 2019, in the framework of the month of a young voter in MBOU "Lyceum No. 3", the II Outdoor District Competition "Legal Marathon" was held, whose organizers are MBOU "Lyceum No. 3", Committee for the formation of the city of Barnaul, Administration of the railway area of \u200b\u200bBarnaul and Election Commission Barnaul city.

The competition participated 11 teams of high school students of the city of Barnaul, among whom was the team of our school "Kmi" look into the future ".

At the beginning of the team presented business cards. With humor, using bright scenic forms, schoolchildren reasoned about quite serious problems: voter activity, responsibility for choosing, level of legal literacy.

In the second competition, the "quiz of definitions" teams had to write as much definitions as possible in 2 minutes.

The leaders of their teams came to the third competition - captains. They had to demonstrate erudition and oratory skills, to each captain were given the statements of great people about elections and politics and they needed to be appreciated against this statement.

The following test for teams was a competition called "Electoral Biathlon". Participants had to not only answer questions, but also to do it quickly. In the event of an incorrect answer, the participant received a fine, after which he could try to respond again. The results of the competition were summarized in two criteria - the number of correct answers and time spent on the execution of all tasks.

"Legal Marathon" ended with a difficult contest "Iron Logic". In the tasks, the participants of the competition had to solve logical tasks and give the correct answer.

As a result, the team of our school occupied the honorable 2nd place. Congratulations!

Safe Ice - 2019

In January 2019, the school takes part in the regional campaign "Safe Ice - 2019". Students are held conversations - instructors with class leaders of grades 1-11. 01/23/2019 A representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kataev A.A. With the conduct of preventive conversations for safe behavior while in the reservoirs in the winter period. Anatoly Anatolyevich told the student of 5.7 classes about the rules of behavior in water bodies, led examples of real accidents that occurred with the children on the ice. Recalling telephones of operational salvation services, instructed how to behave if you fell under the ice. Once again recalled the strict compliance with the law of the Altai Territory No. 99-° CS.

Health Day

01/19/2019 The school held a day of health for students of 2-10 classes. Pupils of elementary school accepted an active part in "fun starts", schoolchildren 5-10 classes in various sports relay (ski racing, running in bags, throwing "Ghanate", etc.) A bright point of the holiday became Flash Mobile, fed by graduates Eleventh classes. According to the results of the event, 1 place was taken: 2G, 3B, 4A, 5B, 6G, 7G, 8A, 9G, 10B classes.

All participants received a charge of cheerfulness and health. Congratulations to the winners!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Quest-game "First Aid"

12/15/2018 The quest-game "First Aid" ended a joint project with Agma. A team of high school students with honor has passed all the tests, showing an outstanding knowledge and skills obtained in classes. It turned out that the first help is not so simple. Ended as a tea party in the school canteen, where all the participants of the game were shared by their impressions. The project really liked its participants. We hope for a solid cooperation!

Constitution of the Russian Federation 25 years

11.12.2018 On the eve of the Day of Constitution, the teacher of history and social studies Oriental O.K. In the 10b class, an interactive game was carried out on the knowledge of the foundations of the Constitution. The questions were drawn up in such a way that it was necessary to think logically, just knowledge was not enough. The class was divided into two teams, which in turn answered questions. For the correct answer to the question could be obtained 5 points. The first team won, whose leadership was revealed at the initial stage of the game.

Santa Claus workshop

12/10/2018 A joint event was held in the school 2B of class MBOU "SOSH No. 63" and students of 1A class of MBOU "SOSH No. 76". Teachers Abysheva A.V. And Serebrennikova E.A. A master class "Workshop Santa Claus" was held on making a Christmas tree. Children from two classes worked together, helping each other. The creative workshop was fun and joyful. The result of the joint event was a fluffy beauty. Children were transferred and shredded. A decision was made to continue joint projects and sporting events.

Human rights day

On December 10, the world of human rights is celebrated. In 2018, the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Human Rights. On this day, the event "Day of Human Rights Day" was held in the school library. The guys got acquainted with the fundamental rights and obligations of a person as a citizen of the state, with the rights of the child. At the examples of the heroes of literary works (Mowgli, Harry Potter, Buratino, etc.) considered various aspects of rights. Special attention was paid to the fulfillment of their duties, through the analysis of various situations. No right no duties, no duties have no rights. The main thing is to respect the rights of each person, to be a law-abiding citizen of his state, obedient children of their parents, good students of our school.

First aid

08.12.2018 In the assembly hall of the school passed the second lesson of the project "First Aid". Students Agma enjoy and affordably told schoolchildren as providing first assistance in fainting, frostbite, bleeding. After reading a small lecture with explanations of practical recommendations for the imposition of a harness. The most interesting was the occupation on the desumgia - the science of imposing bandages. The guys in practice mastered a variety of bandages. We hope that the knowledge gained in classes will become necessary and useful in the future.

Fighting corruption

On the eve of the international day of the fight against corruption (December 9), the school held measures of legal focus in high school. Teachers of history and social studies Oriental O.K., Gaskova T.G. A thematic classes on the topics "The fight against corruption. From words to business, "" Corruption "with testing" What do I know about corruption? ". During classes, a distribution material was used, presentation. As a result, schoolchildren concluded that corruption is an obstacle to economic growth and development, threatens any transformation. Corruption may be subject to any person who has any power: officials, judges, administrators, deputies, examiners, doctors, etc. Corruptions can and should counteract the state, business, media, international and foreign organizations. But it is important to understand that the confrontation of corruption is the matter of all society, each of us.

"Why are we talking about AIDS?"

December 6, 2018 In the library number 10, a round table "Why are we talking about AIDS?". His participants became students 9B class MBOU "SOSH No. 76". The purpose of the event was to inform about the syndrome of the human immunodeficiency, as the most terrible disease of the century. Teens learned that World AIDS Day appeared to attract the attention of the world community and simply people to this problem, the values \u200b\u200bof human life.

The invited guest, Sapozhnikova Elena Aleksandrovna, the medical sister of a general practitioner, told the guys about the prevention of AIDS, about what rights are HIV-infected and how to get out of the situation if you need to say "no". The story was accompanied by a show by showing a presentation and film. Everyone could voice his views on the problem of AIDS. We hope that the event will help the guys correctly assess the situation, make the right choice and find the path to your health.

My talisman

On December 4, 2018, an art-therapeutic event was held in the school psychologist's office using the technique of Mandala "My Talisman" for children - disabled schools No. 76. During the event, the capabilities of the touch room were used (dry pool, relax corner, "dry rain", touch tracks etc.). The guys learned what was mandala, using various techniques for performing classes (sand therapy, drawing with pencils, creating mandalas using SkitLLS candies). The lesson went interesting and exciting.

First aid

Under this name, the school launched a project with the invitation of students Agma (01.12.2018). In the assembly hall of the school gathered students of senior classes. For them, AGMU students conducted theoretical and practical classes on the rules of first aid, starting with exercises according to the rules of emergency call. The guys not only told, using the presentation, but also showed the technique of assisting victims at various extreme situations. The project will last until 12/15/2018. We invite all high school students to take part!

About health and joke and seriously

Under such a slogan, November 30, 2018, the Agitbrigad contest among students of 7-8 grades was held in the assembly hall. The guys prepared diverse and extraordinary performances. Some participated even class managers. The audience was active. On this day, a real holiday was held on propaganda of the head among schoolchildren. The winners of the steel 7a and 8a classes. Congratulations to the participants and winners!

We wish you further creative success and compliance with the rules and rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Health - Lifestyle

On November 30, 2018, the team of the School "Leader", consisting of 9G class schoolchildren, took part in the competition Agitbrigad as part of the City Competition of Public Formations "Health - Lifestyle!". The guys were well prepared. In his speech, a healthy lifestyle was actively promoted using a presentation and visual agitation.

Holiday for moms

On the last Sunday of November, the mother's day is celebrated. It became a good tradition to hold holidays, attend concerts, making congratulations, arranging their moms and grandmothers to this day. On November 23, 2018, in the assembly hall of the school, the competition of readers "Love Mother's World is beautiful", in which schoolchildren of grades 1-4 took part. According to the results of the competition, 1 place was taken: Ivanov Roman 1G, Rubtsova Olga 2a, Gorbunov Maxim 3g, Valkova Alexander 4B class. Congratulations to the participants and winners of the competition! And also all moms of our school students!

Healthy heart

November 22, 2018, in the framework of the regional Healthy Heart project, specialists of the KGBUZ "Railways of Medical Prevention" for medical examinations of students of grades - 87 people (2006) were prepared for a comprehensive examination of schoolchildren and conducted a lesson. Health with showing presentation. Children listened to a lecture on harmful and healthy products, learned about the principles of healthy nutrition, about child nutrition and teenager. Schoolchildren's survey was conducted, an individual health map was headed for each child.

Day of legal assistance to children

Within the framework of the United day of legal assistance to children 11/20/2018 by the Senior Inspector of PDN PP "Southern" Boyeva O.A. Legal preventive conversations and consultations on the topic "Ground for a preventive record", "Compliance with Law No. 99-ZS", "Administrative Responsibility of Minors", "Your Rights" in 3B, 5th grades. She took part in the distribution of memos "On liability for actions related to illicit drug trafficking" among students in grades 9-11.

Your rights

November 20, 2018 For students of 7A class in the school library, an event was held, dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Legal Assistance to Children, "You are about the right - the right about you." The main goal of the event was to increase the level of legal culture of schoolchildren and the formation of students' legal self-consciousness.

During the event, the guys demonstrated a substantial presentation, from which students learned about the main documents in which the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation were registered. Special attention and interest of the guys caused the game "Rights of literary and fabulous heroes", where the actions of the heroes of works from a legal point of view were analyzed.

The event aroused a living interest in seventh graders, which indicates high importance and the need to popularize legal knowledge among school students.

Share "Smile"

14-15.11.2018 The eve of the World Tolerance Day at the School was the action "Smile" under the motto "The smile prolongs life and keeps health!" Schoolchildren of 5-grade schoolchildren were initiated by the action, which were distributed to the school students and brought the motto of the day. All participants received a charge of cheerfulness and good mood for the whole day.

Tasty and healthy food

Tasty and healthy food

Under this name, a competition of dishes and drinks among students of 5-6 grades was held in the school museum. Headed the jury of the competition Teacher Technology Petrov T.G. The design of the table, dishes and drinks, recipe, protection, in which the usefulness of the products used was taken into account. Following the competition, each class received a diploma. Congratulations to the winners: 5b class, 6b class.

Conscript Day

Traditional day of the recruitment was held on November 2, 2018 in Barnaul. His participants are pupils of VSK and MIC, cadets of buses, candidates for the passage of service in the presidential regiment, representatives of the Military Commissariat and the City Administration. For future warriors, a bright festive concert "In the call of the heart and fatherland", they uttered parting words. After the concert, Captain Panov A.A. (Post No. 1, Barnaul) awarded the winners and winners of the "Autumn Military Games 2018". Our VSK "Patriot" (ml.group) took the honorable 3 place and was awarded the Cup, and medals. Congratulations on the victory! We wish you continued success!

School asset RDSH

On November 2, 2018, the MBOU "Gymnasium No. 131" held a city profile change of "School of Asset of the Russian Schoolchildren's Movement", which Activists of the Fenix \u200b\u200b"Activists visited. Work with the participants of the shift took place in the "Personal Development" sections, "civil activity", "military-patriotic direction", "information and media direction". Games, contests, master classes. The day was saturated and interesting.

Consent, unity, faith

On the eve of the Day of People's Unity, November 1, 2018 in the library number 10 for students of 10a class MBOU "SOSH No. 76" was held a historical excursion "Consent, Unity, Vera". At the event, the guys got acquainted with the history of the holiday, which leads its beginning from the events of 1612. The great discovery for many present was information about the strength of the Orthodox Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God and on the role of the leaders of the Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky in the unity of Russia. Let's hope that the event helped all participants to feel pride for their country, for our common historical past. And most importantly, to understand the great meaning of the words Unity, consent and faith!

Visiting the nursery of rare birds

On the days of the autumn holidays, the student 3A class together with their parents visited the nursery of rare birds "Altai Falcon". The guys got acquainted with the terms of the content and preservation of various types of birds of prey, including those listed in the Red Book. Hold on her hand and stroked the manual owl. Spent time in the forest with benefit and pleasure! (30.10.2018)

City of Professions "Cwig"

October 26, 2018 Grand Students visited the Children's City of Professions, which is a model of the city, where every building is an institution. Here the guys were able to master the profession in the game form, acquire practical skills, to get acquainted with the state device. Schoolchildren were able to work in such institutions, without which it is impossible to submit a modern megalopolis: for example, police, mail, construction, supermarket, fashion and beauty studio, bakery. Through the game, children learned to respect any work, work in a team, responsibility!

Example a profession

10/26/2018 G. Pupils 8a class visited the vocational guidance event "Example a profession" in the Barnaul Cooperative College. The guys got acquainted with the specialties that the college offers. Active participation in holding master classes. The day was saturated and interesting. Schoolchildren received new knowledge and even small professional skills.

Vocational guidance

On 25.10.2018, a meeting of representatives of the KGBPOU "Altai Polytechnic Technical Academy of KGBPOU" Altai Polytechnic Technical School "took place with the student of the 9th grades, to attract schoolchildren's attention to workers' professions. Children were familiar with the project on early professional orientation. In a conversation with adolescents, the presentation "Profession Tokar" was used, during which the guys learned about the evolution of the lathe, the qualification requirements studied by disciplines in training, the relevance and demand of the profession, prospects, edge enterprises. At the end of the meeting, leaflets with information for students and parents with an invitation to receive free education for this profession.

Unified Security Lesson on the Internet

From 15.10 2018 to 16.11.2018 School number 76 takes part in the All-Russian action "Unified Security Lesson on the Internet". In the framework of the action by class managers, preventive measures are held for students and parents (legal representatives) with the distribution of Memo "My Style - Safe Internet", "Safe Internet Children."

"Here the genius of Pushkin was born"

On October 18, 2018, the literary media "The Genius of Pushkin was born here was born here, dedicated to the 207th anniversary of the Tsarskoye Lyceum, founded on October 19, 1811. The invited guest was the head of the MBOU MBOU "Gymnasium No. 40", Pushkin Dukhanin Rimma Yakovlevna. She told student 9A class MBOU "SOSH No. 76" on the creation of the lyceum, teachers, about the routine of the day, about the lyceum fraternity. The creative atmosphere created poems that sounded against the background of musical accompaniment. At the end of the speech, Rimma Yakovlevna wished the guys to be a cohesive, friendly team, to love her Fatherland and, of course, to study the poetry of the great Lyceist Alexander Pushkin.

Day chess

On October 18, 2018, an event dedicated to the Day of Chess in the Altai Territory was held in the School Library. For students of 6 classes, the teacher-librarian Pyrikova Svetlana Petrovna conducted a cognitive conversation "Chess Day - the Day of Mind and Strategy", where he led the interesting facts about the history of Chess, said when the first world championships were held, who were their winners, about famous chess players. Then all those present showed their erudition in the quiz "Window in the Chess World" and started a chess game in which students 6, 8 classes took part.

Science Day

On October 12, 2018, the 8V class students visited the Altai Regional Theater of Drama. V. M. Shukshina, who became one of the sites for holding the "Altai 2018 Science Festival". This is one of the largest social projects in the field of popularizing science. The goal of the festival: to tell a societary and affordable language than scientists, demonstrate the dynamic development of science, technology and technologies, attract talented young people into science.

8B students took part in interactive games and master classes: "Altai Gornozavodskaya History", "Mountain Pharmacy Recipes", "Anthropology and Ethnography of the Altai Territory", "World Entertaining Technology", "Unusual properties of ordinary materials", etc .. For the right answers, they earned a special intrafestional currency of the festo, which exchanged for interesting prizes with the symbols of the festival of science (bracelets, mugs, reflectors, sweatshirts).

Children received many new knowledge and positive emotions.

All on Saturday!

October 12, 2018, within the framework of the urban Saturday, on the territory of the school and the School of school, students were conducted on sanitary cleaning and improvement. The guys were collected by household garbage, swept the tracks on the school yard and on the street. Tchaikovsky. Conducted an arboretum, Square at the school, collecting foliage and household garbage.

Saturday, like any other joint activity, very brings together a team. And if the activity is labor, then efficiency is doubled at all. The weather was pleased with all the flooded warmth, the work was aroused, and the result was, as they say on the face!

Self-governing day

05.10.2018 The day of self-government took place in our school. He began with a solemn meeting of teachers of the newly appointed director of 1 shift Volkomorova V.V. (grade 11). Music played in the lobby, creating a festive mood. Congratulations at the entrance from students of the 5th grades carried the school teachers a charge of cheerfulness and energy. In all classes 1 and 2, the lessons changed the students from 10, 11 classes, which were carefully prepared for the lessons and shared their impressions in the teacher. The administration chosen by schoolchildren (Volkomorova V.V. - 1Sman, Chernyaev E. N. - 2 shift) followed the order, visited the lessons. Schoolchildren of each teacher presented the medal "Best Teacher of School No. 76". Worked festive mail. The day was saturated and interesting.


On October 5, 2018, we rush to congratulate our teachers with a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day! On this day, schoolchildren prepared the warmest words of congratulations and wishes, took part in a festive concert. Recreation were decorated with festive congratulatory newspapers. In the assembly hall, a concert for teachers and veterans of pedagogical work "Being the teacher is fine!". Dear teachers! Let that important work you make every day brings you only joy. We wish you a heroic health and new success in your difficult work. And we, your students, in turn, will try as often as possible to please you with their achievements.


From 01-03.10.2018 Teacher organizer Obzh Tarasova O.V. and precinct authorized police station South Junior Police Lieutenant Vlasenkov D.K. Preventive conversations were carried out with 9-11 classes to counter the distribution of obviously false reports on acts of terrorism with the show show. In addition, the precinct conducted preventive conversations for the prevention of theft, spoke about the reasons for registration in the police, recalled adolescents about strict compliance with Law No. 99-° CS.

Rally MBOU "SOSH № 76" dedicated to the opening of memorial memory boards of warriors

09/28/2018 A rally was held in the MBOU "SOSH No. 76", dedicated to the opening of memorial plates to graduates of our school Zybin Vladimir, who was dead in the performance of international debt in Afghanistan and Chalenko Alexander, who died in Chechnya.

At the rally, attended by: Likhachev Alexey Nikolaevich Head of the Southern Village Administration of the Central District of the city of Barnaul, Pavlyukov Vladislav Grigorievich, Deputy Chairman of the Regional Russian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan, Member of the Staff of the People's Front of the Altai Territory, Father Zybina Vladimir - Zybin Mikhail Danilovich, Mother Chalenko Alexandra - Balnova Irina Sergeevna Students 10,11 classes, pupils VSK "Patriot".

The guys learned about the life and feat of the heroes, heard the oath of future conscripts. Piercely and touching the words of Mikhail Danilovich and Irina Sergeyevna sounded. Honorary Right of the opening of memorial boards was provided to parents of heroes, Pavlyukov V.G. And the best students of the school, students of the 11th grade of Vostrikov A., Voronin M. In memory of all those killed in Afghanistan, the Chechen Republic and other hot spots passed a minute of silence.

We are proud to learn at school in which Vladimir Zybin and Chadenko Alexander. They have fulfilled their patriotic debt with honor and dignity, and are an example and sample for us. In difficult moments for us, their courage and heroism will help us overcome all obstacles and adversity. They did not return, but the memory will remain forever in our hearts.

Your security

Within the framework of the Day of Civil Defense at School No. 76, a general-wide training was carried out on the evacuation of students and staff in case of fire, emergency. Along the alarm, everything was organized left the school building and built on the playground along with teachers. During the workout, actions were worked out in order of exit in accordance with the school evacuation plan through the relevant spare outputs, as well as coordination actions of personnel on alert and report (09/06/2018).

In elementary school, classes were conducted on the topic "Your Security" with the invitation of the inspector, Major VN.Sl. Maltina P.M. From the branch in the Central District, the ND and PR №1 (09/12/2018).

In the 10-11th grades, civil defense lessons were conducted. High school students introduced the goals and objectives of the state structure of civil defense, means and methods of protecting the population in the event of dangerous situations. The guys looked at the movie "Civil Defense: yesterday, today, tomorrow." Special attention was paid to information on potent poisonous substances and first aid to defeat them (10-14.09.2018).

Within the framework of the open lesson, classes were conducted in the 9th grade "Rules of Conduct in Natural and Technogenic Emergencies", in 8 grades on the topic "Safe Water Behavior" with a show of primary rescue means on water. Students received information on the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia: its goal, task, scale of activity (September 17-21, 2018).

All events were successful, teacher of Obzh Tarasova O.V.I. Specialist Malletin P.M. I introduced students with the rules of conduct in emergency situations and made positive emotions to the life of the guys.

"ABC of Law"

Within the framework of the ABC law action in the urban health camp "Merry guys" at the MBOU "SOSH No. 76" conducted preventive conversations by the Inspector of PDN OP South Umbd of Russia in the city of Barnuul Pylish T.N. With school students (pupils of camp and work brigades on improvement and gardening). Tatyana Nikolaevna told children and adolescents about the administrative and criminal responsibility of minors. On the strict compliance with the law of the Altai Territory No. 999-ZS. He led examples where children are unacceptable both in the day and in the evening. Special attention paid security rules when it is near and on water bodies. With senior schoolchildren, he held a separate conversation aimed at preventing the involvement of minors into the use and distribution of narcotic drugs, confronting antisocial manipulations.

One day prevention.

05/16/2018 In the MBOU "SOSH No. 76" the participation of schoolchildren of 5-10 classes in the city event "A single day of prevention" is organized. During one lesson in different classes, the guys met with specialists from various departments of the prevention system: KGBU "Altai Regional Center for Prevention and Fighting AIDS and Infectious Diseases", KGBUSO "Regional Crisis Center for Men" Demchenko A.V., Administration for Control Drug trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Altai Territory, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Barnaul, the KGBUZ "Altai Territory Narcological Dispensary", KGBUZ "Regional Center for Medical Prevention", OGIBDD GU MVD of Russia in Barnaulu.

In preventive activities with adolescents, conversations were held on the prevention of HIV, AIDS, the phones of trust, habits of harmful and useful, traffic rules, administrative and criminal offenses, the law of the Altai Territory No. 90-ZS, etc. For classes, presentations were used, films for prevention.

Victory Day

May 9, 2018 - Victory Day. Our students together with the whole country joined the celebration of the 73rd anniversary from the day of victory in the Great Patriotic War. On this holiday, they took part in various events of the District and Cities. Patriot pupils were honored to attend the laying of flowers at the Memorial of Glory on the Victory Square, schoolchildren with their parents and class managers took part in the march of the "immortal regiment", the class 5b team participated in the celebration of the Victory Day in the framework of the Vocal Festival "Songs, Born war "on the village of South. Happy holiday! Happy Victory Day!

Draw Victory Day

The traditional event of the school was holding the day before the victory of the competition of posters and drawings, the design of the wall of memory. Schoolchildren of 5-10 classes took part in the competition of posters "This Day of Victory". The winners of the steel 5b, 5g, 6a, 8b, 9b, 10a classes. In the contest of drawings "I remember, I am proud of!" Among students of 1-4 classes were the winners of the steel 4a, 3a, 2B, 1a classes. In the contest of the drawings "Victory Day" among students of 5-8 classes, the best was recognized as the best: Lebedeva E.9B-1 place, Maer V.9B-2 place, Nikolaevaz.8A-3 place (among 8-9 skates), R.6V chapets -1 Eastern Alyabyeva A.6g-2 Eastern, Bayborodin D.7A-3Mto (among 5-7 classes).

In the assembly hall of the school by the forces of the Mercy detachment, the wall of memory was issued, on which there are photos of the participants in the war with biographical data. On May 8, 2018, schoolchildren of different classes had the opportunity to touch the history of our country. Our duty to keep memory of the great victory and transmit it from generation to generation. We must be decent to our grandfather and great-grandfather!

Learn of courage

On May 7, 2018, courage lessons dedicated to the most significant holiday of Victory Day were held in all school classes. The lessons said how to keep the memory of all those who fought, lived and struggled during the years of wars, who died, fighting for their homeland on the battlefields who defended, lived and died in battles for our homeland! In 3B LKASS, Ivanhenko Peter Mikhailovich came to the children, a lively war of war, which was 11 years old at that time. He shared his memories with his memories. There is not a single family in our country that war would not touch. Someone fought at the front, someone worked in the rear ... many are no longer alive. But we remember them, we are their descendants!

Memory lesson "Immortal Regiment"

On May 7, 2018, MBOU "SOSH No. 76" passed the lessons of courage dedicated to the Victory Day. A bright event of the day was the lesson of memory "Immortal Regiment". The event held by the head of the library No. 10 of Soboleva Natalya Valeryevna took part schoolchildren of various age categories (3.18kl). She told the children about the history of the emergence of the "immortal regiment", its participants and participation rules, suggested honoring the memory of the dead a minute of silence. With a welcoming word and a story about the importance of a patriotic project to create a "immortal regiment", he turned to the guys Pavlyukov Vladislav Grigorievich, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Altai Regional Organization. Hero of the Soviet Union Konstantin Pavlyukov by the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Council of Veterans of Afghanistan". Schoolchildren of the speeches of their classmates listened to interest: Rogosina A. (3B), Biryukova G. (3A), Kopylova M. (3B), which not first participate in the procession of the "immortal regiment". The guys told about their great-grandfathers, the history of their life and exploits. On May 9, students of the school will again stand with portraits in the ranks of the "immortal regiment." After all, the memory of the great victory is not subject to time, it is stored and transmitted from generation to generation!

"Tragic Pages Chernobyl"

April 26 for students of 8 "A" MBOU "SOSH No. 76" in the library number 10, an hour of memory "Tragic Pages Chernobyl" was held, dedicated to the International Day of Memory about the Chernobyl catastrophe. At the event, the leading introduced schoolchildren with historical events of those days. After all, Chernobyl is a tragedy, a feat, the last warning of mankind. In order for Chernobyl with his tragedy, it would be really forever in the past, there is one only way out: remember him constantly.

Veteran landing

On April 24, 2018, students of 5.7,9 classes "Memory lessons and courage, the children of war, organized by the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Central District of the city of Barnaul, andreva L.A. As part of the "veteran landing", schoolchildren had a rare opportunity to communicate with War Veteran Noyakov in A.P. and veterans of labor that during the war were children: Lucinina A.I. (Uznage of fascist concentration camps), Nezvetaeva V.M. (Partizanka), Alexandrov I.V. (Bloodnik), Kuznetsova N.I., Bruceanchikov N.I., Volgin N.K. (worked in the rear). Each veteran shared memories of that harsh and difficult time. Pupils listened to the guests of guests with interest, asked questions. The culmination of the meeting was a festive concert "Let's bow down the great years", which was held in the assembly hall of the school. Children read poems, sang songs of the war years, told about the important events of the Great Patriotic War, read the memory of the dead.

Ecological Danger Protection Days

On April 15, 2018, the School started the action "Days of protection against environmental danger. Within the framework of the action, the collection of waste paper under the motto "retain the native nature" was organized (from 04/15/2018 to 05/18/2018), the "clear Thursdays" on the school and improvement of a school territory are held weekly at school. Students of grades 5-11 took part in the shares "Clean Forest Forep", "Clean Square", urban Saturday (04/20/2018), in class teams 21.04.2018 Cool watches "Earth Day" were held. Teacher biology Pakhomoy V.P. Ecology lessons were conducted, an exhibition of posters and drawings in the recreation of the school was organized. The action continues until the end of May. Good to take part!

All on Saturday!

On April 20, 2018, a subbotnik took place, on which students came out 5-11 grades. The disciples are put in order not only the school territory, but also participated in the shares of "Clean Square", "Clean the Forest Forep." Saturday, like any other joint activity, very brings together a team. And if the activity is labor, then efficiency is doubled at all. The weather was pleased with all the flooded warmth, the work was aroused, and the result was, as they say on the face!

Drop of life and good

On April 20, the National Day of the Donor is celebrated in Russia. On the eve of this day, April 19, in the library number 10 with students of 8 "a" class of MBOU "SOSH No. 76" was held an hour of information "drop of life and good". The guys learned what donation, who and why need donors who need donor blood, why and how often blood is needed, to whom and how the donor can help. And how is the process of commissioning blood, where you can pass the blood, what time it is necessary to donor to the full recovery schoolchildren told the honorary donor of Russia Bondar Tatyana Aleksandrovna.

What is zozh "

With such a question, a student 2g grade Gorbunov M. To students of 2g and 2a classes was addressed 13.04.2018. And then told that Zozhe is a complex of useful habits. It stopped in more detail on day, charging, sports, the right and useful nutrition, the absence of bad habits. He said that benevolent attitude towards people also helps to keep health. At the end of the conversation gave every memo "a healthy lifestyle - my choice!".

I continued the conversation of NARTS I 2A class. He shared with the guys with his research on the topic "The influence of the computer on the student's body." Talked about the impact on health, factors associated with long-term work at the computer. Gave recommendations on the organization for the organization of educational and leisure activities at home. Especially stopped on the signs of computer addiction. Share the results of a survey of classmates. It came to the conclusion that there is a harmful effect, but it can be avoided, compliance with the rules that he has previously voiced.

Remember! Health is the most valuable thing that there is a person! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Financial literacy lessons

As part of the events of the IV All-Russian financial literacy week in order to increase the level of knowledge of schoolchildren in the family budget planning, various events are organized to the protection of consumer rights in school. Mahotkina history teacher Yu.V. In the fifth grades, the game "Planning a family budget" (12.04.2018). The guys were divided into teams. Each team is a family. In each family, the children were distributed by the budget, the financial situations were played into which the family and ways of exiting the financial crisis could get.

Flash Mob "Sport. Health. Beauty"

As part of the city marathon from the heart to Heart, "Flash Mob" Sport took place in the sports hall of the school 12.04.2018. Health. Beauty ", in which schoolchildren 1a, 5a, 10B classes took part. Volunteers - from among students of 9th grades became the organizers of this sporting event. Schoolchildren with pleasure danced, performing uncomplicated movements, receiving a charge of cheerfulness and health for the whole day!

Harmful and useful habits.
Their influence on health

Under this name, a class hour passed in 2 "in" class 04.04.2018 Children read poems about sports and health spoke about the observance of the day of the day, the importance of the morning charge, talked on the booklet, compiled by the class forces, "We want to live on a healthy planet," told About a call in drawings placed on the board. Student 2B Class Shurygin T. prepared a performance on the topic "Harmful habits and their influence on human health." After studying, having considered such bad habits such as smoking, drinking sweet carbonated drinks, chewing gum, Timur concluded that all bad habits have a negative consequence for human health.

Learn to provide first help

04/11/2018 In the 4th grade, the event was held in the framework of the Marathon "from heart to heart", "learn to provide first aid." Studying class Kropotyn K. Using the presentation gave classmates useful tips and recommendations how to behave ate you were injured. Got examples, cases of life, talked about how to behave in injuries, cuts, burns, frostbite, poisoning, electric shock. We hope that the knowledge gained will help schoolchildren in the future!


On April 10, 2018, the School was organized by the campaign "Be Healthy!". Schoolchildren of the 5th grades within the framework of the urban action "From the heart to heart" prepared hearts with the inscription "Be healthy!" And on change, they handed them to teachers and school students with a wish of health.

We are for the head!

During the class hour, the conversation was about the meaning of a healthy lifestyle, examples were given about habits of harmful and helpful. A student of 1B Shark S. Semen shared with classmates the results of his research project "Movement is life!". He spoke about the meaning of movement in his life, about his preferences in various sports, which is engaged in: skis, skates, rollers, bike, karate. Put the goals, tasks and came to the conclusion that sports in human life plays a big role. Wished to keep an active healthy lifestyle

In the 1st class, children prepared messages on various parameters of the ZEM: hardening, day mode, correct posture, useful food, cleanliness - pledge of health, headed in my family. The guys painted the drawings, gave way to the crossword, staged an exhibition of photographs.

In conclusion of events, each participant received a heart with a wish of health.

We are for Zozh

As part of the Marathon "From the Heart to Heart" (04/09/2018) in elementary school, open class clocks were held on the head. In the 3th grade, the project "Our favorite lemonade. Are you useful or how? ", In the 3b class class hour" Healthy Lifestyle ".

An interesting study on the history of the appearance of lemonade, clarifying the usefulness of the product, its composition, the influence on the human body was carried out by a student of the 3A class of naiter A. The dayuna was conducted in the class of questionnaire, the results were brought to the attention of students. At the end of the speech, the children answered questions on the topic of research and tasting delicious homemade lemonade.

In the 3b class, the conversation was about the health and its components, about the factors affecting human health. Guys, together with the teacher, amounted to the approximate mode of the day, talked about proper nutrition, hardening, harmful and useful habits. They answered questions about the call in handouts, played.

Talk about proper nutrition

On April 7, 2018, in the framework of the city marathon "from the heart to Heart", a meeting of students 7A class with a candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of propaedeutics of childhood diseases, pediatrician Fugol DS The conversation was about the proper nutrition of teenagers. Denis Sergeevich spoke about the factors that impede the development of the child, about the situation with food in the medium of adolescents. We talked about the reasons for overweight, about violation of food behavior. Shared information on rational, balanced, optimal, prophylactic, functional nutrition. Spoke about the modern composition of food. The guys received valuable tips and recommendations on the organization of the correct power mode, the volume of the schoolchildren's menu. Particular attention to the doctor paid products that cause irreparable harm to the health of a teenager (sugar carbonated drinks, energy, chips, sausages, oily fried food, etc.). The meeting of the question of "rational food" (learning of food behavior of adolescents).

Fair professions

On April 5, 2018, 9B class students visited the Fair of the professions "Build the Future of Altai" in the KGB of the "Altai Polytechnic Technical School" on P. Journal. The guys met and told about their educational institutions representatives of various sows of the city of Barnaul. The conversation was about the choice of the future profession, the conditions of receipt, the passage of practice, etc. We hope that the information received by schoolchildren is useful to them when choosing a future profession.

We remember, proud!

On March 21, 2018, competitions among the schools of the village of South (MBOU "SOSH No. 63", MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5") were held in the sports hall of the school (MBOU №5); ) And A. Chalenko (who died in Chechnya in 1995). Pupils VSK "Patriot" carried a memory watch in the lobby at the entrance to school. Leading events told schoolchildren about Zybin V. And Chalenko A. In various sports competitions, students of 5th grades competed. According to the results of "fun starts", each team received a diploma, and for the victory in the competition, the Cup. 1st place - MBOU "Gymnasium №5", 2nd place - MBOU "SOSH No. 76", 3 place - MBOU "SOSH №63". Congratulations to the winners!

Congratulations to the winners

02/28/2018-01.03.2018 On the skiing database "Dynamo" there were competitions in skiing races among students from schools of the Central District of Barnaul (young men, girls), as well as competitions in ski racing in the framework of the Olympics of the Procring Youth (Youth). School represented teams in different age categories: younger girls, boys, medium girls, boys, senior girls, boys.

According to the results of the competition, our athletes occupied the honorary prizes:
1 place - Sr.Yunoshi, 2nd place - St. Yunoshi.
In the personal standings: 1st place - Alexandrov A. 11A, 1 place - Golovnov P.8g class;
1 place - ml.devushki, 1 place - cf.devushki, 2nd place - Art. Tower.
In the personal standings: 1st place - Sanaeva M. 11A, 2nd place - Malevskaya E. 8g,
1st place - Hisamutdinova A. 7A, 2nd place - Tovkach M. 7A, 3 place - Smirnova A. 6B class.

Congratulations to the winners and participants of the competition in ski racing!

Battle of choirs

On March 1, 2018, a competition of the patriotic song "Battle of Chorov" was held in the assembly hall of the school, in which schoolchildren of grades 5-8 were attended. Modern songs and songs of past years sounded from the scene. Each class was well prepared. According to the results of the competition, all class teams received the diploma. The winners of the steel 5b, 6a, 7a, 8g classes. Congratulations! We wish you further creative victories!

Quest-game "Connoisseurs of Election Law"

February 28, 2018 on the basis of MBOU "Gymnasium №27" named after the Hero of the Soviet Union V.E. Smirnov was held by the IV district intellectual quest-game "Connoisseurs of Election Law", in which 11 general education institutions of the Central District of the city of Barnaul took part.

During the game, students had to perform various tasks associated with the topic of electoral law and the electoral process. Each of the participating teams at the beginning of the game received a route list, in which their routes were spelled in stations, when performing tasks at the stations, each command was recorded by a certain number of points, which was entered into the route list of the command, the results were summed up by summing points. The tasks for the contestants were creative and informative: at the stations it was necessary to solve the crossword, to solve problems, participate in the blitz survey, to make political appeals, gliding a political poster and much more. According to the results of the game, the winner was the team of MBOU "SOSH No. 76", typing 160 points from possible 177. Congratulations to our winners!

Competition of presentations "If I were president"

February 28, 2018 In the assembly hall of the school, a competition of presentations "If I became president" took place. The competition was attended by 6 candidates from among students of grades 9-11. Each candidate represented his election program, which voiced the main directions of its activities, told about the implementation of ideas in the foreign and domestic policy of the state. Summing up the competition was like organizing the procedure of secret voting to schoolchildren 5-8 classes. Each listener of the election campaign (5-8kl) received a bulletin who filled in a channel for voting and lowered into a selective urn. According to the results of the elections, Siyutin Igor 11A became the winner of the pre-election race. Congratulations to the winner! We wish you success in learning and passing exams!

"We choose health!"

February 24, 2018 At the school stadium for students of grades 6-11, Health Day was held by teachers of physical education Barilo E.D., Leonteva O.A., Londarenko N.I., dedicated to the month of a young voter "We choose health!". The teams had to undergo various tests on speed, dexterity, strength, skill. Sledge riding, throws of boots, hockey on the snow, pulling the rope, running with a broom and other tests fell to the share of participants in the contestants. According to the results of the competition, the winners were teams 6G, 7V, 8G, 9B, 11A classes. Congratulations to the winners! We wish the slogan "We choose health!" Became for all vitality!

Health Day dedicated to the Day of Defender of Sechilev

February 24, 2018 The day of health for students of 2-5 grades was held in the school hall, dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Competitions conducted teachers of physical education Londarenko N.I., Barilo E.D. Commands of classes competed in speed and dexterity. "Way" for the participants of the competition came class managers and parents. Colorful support group posters, loud cries of fans led teams to victory. According to the results of the competition, 1 place was taken by 2V, 3G, 4B, 5B classes. Congratulations to the winners!

Wide Maslenitsa

On February 17, 2018, in the framework of the XIV of the regional competition of socially significant, social and active and educational projects, dedicated to the XVIII All-Russian campaign "I am a citizen of Russia", dedicated to the Volunteer year, the design team "Holiday comes to us" held an event: " Wide carnival "in 1" a "class. Guys, from among students of 5,6 grades (Akimova A., 6 "b", Shadrina V., 5 "A", Zurachyan N., 5 "A", Dyachenko E., 5 "A"), under leadership Pavlenko E.V. (KGBU to accepotyik "Altai") introduced first-graders with rites and traditions of the celebration of Carnival. The project team is grateful to the class teacher of 1 "A" class by the Verchinina Anna Vladimirovna, for assisting in the implementation of the social project.

Competition of Readers "The Glory of the Russian Army!"

February 23 is celebrated as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. In this significant day, we give tribute to respect and thanks to those who defend the native country during the war years as well as those who are in peacetime the hard and responsible service. On the eve of the holiday on February 22, 2018, a traditional competition of readers took place in the assembly hall of the school, in which schoolchildren 1-4 class (31 people) took part. From the school scene, the poems of different authors sounded. The guys tried very hard.

Following the competition, prizes occupied:

Derbush L.1g - 1 mixer, Ryzhkov D.1B, Zavarzin L.1g - 2 months, Rubtsova O. 1A - 3 place among the 1st grade;

NARTS I.- 1 place, Kvakov S. 2B, Gorbunov M. - 2 months, Tsareva N. - 3 months among 2 classes;

Makulova N.3A - a place, Vyatkina L. 3B, Biryukov G. 3A - 2 beds, Captina V.- 3MEFI among 3 classes;

Schmarov S.- 1, Kropotin K. 4A, Bilida S. 4B - 2 months, Demenko D. - 3 months among 4th grade.

Future Warrior

The traditional school event was held in the month of civil - patriotic education of competitions among the 9-11 classes "Future Warrior". Competitions consisted of several stages: assembly, disassembly of the store, assembly, disassembly of the machine, shooting on targets. Commands consisting of 5 people showed their skills. According to the results of the competition, the 1st place took 9b class, 2nd place - 9g class, 3rd place - 9V class.

Safe ice

February 20, 2018 for students 4A, 4B, 6A, 8B, 8B classes inspectors on small courts Bio FCU "Center of GIMS" Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Altai Territory Katavov A.A. and Evseenko A.I. There were conversations on the topic "Safe Ice". EMERCOM employees led to the statistics of the death of children in water bodies. They told children about the rules of behavior on ice, the dangers of fine ice. Recall the telephone of the rescue service. Showed the film "Dangerous Ice", in which the basic rules of safe behavior clearly spoke. Offered schoolchildren to take part in the "Safe Water" contest.

Connoisseurs of election law

February 16, 2018. Students 10B class MBOU "SOSH №76" visited the event in the library No. 10P. Jewish lesson of the legal knowledge of "Connoisseurs of Election Law" with the invitation of the deputy of the Barnaul City Duma of the seventh convocation Yelnikova A.V. The conversation was about the upcoming elections, the active civil position of the younger generation, work plans and the cases started. Schoolchildren answered questions about polling law, watched a prepared presentation. The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere and for a long time I remember its participants.

Your security is your choice

February 13, 2018 with a lecture for students of 9 classes for safe behavior, the representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Altai Territory Inspector Vakhtin A.V. The conversation was about the rules of safe behavior, an actions algorithm in various unexpected life situations. On the peculiarities of the profession of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the receipt and receipt of education in this area.

Connoisseurs of election law

February 16, 2018 Students 10B class MBOU "SOSH №76" visited the event in the library No. 10 of the P. Journal Legal Knowledge Legal Knowledge Legal knowledge of the Barnaul City Duma's invitation of the Seventh convocation Yelnikova A.V. The conversation was about the upcoming elections, the active civil position of the younger generation, work plans and the cases started. Schoolchildren answered questions about polling law, watched a prepared presentation. The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere and for a long time I remember its participants.

"My choice"

February 16, 2018 in the MBOU "SOSH No. 76" as part of the plan of events for the month of the young voter, the quest-game "My choice" was held in electoral law for seven teams from among students of grades 9-11, which was organized by Kmi "Look to the Future" Under the guidance of East O.K. In the game, each team was supposed to show a mixture and resourcefulness when performing tasks at seven stations: blitz survey, a legal pictogram, a political poster, crossword, agitator, anagram, task. Two minutes have been given to the passage of each station. The content of the tasks included questions about the electoral right, the rawness of the plasters, the creation of a political poster, conducting campaigning for a candidate, guessing the terms and solving legal objectives. Following the results of the game, the teams 11a, 10a, 9g classes were awarded certificates of honor.

Lecture "Young Voter"

February 15, 2018 For students of 10A class MBOU "SOSH No. 76" in DC, a lecture was a lecture with the "Young Voter" Pankrashev A. Lecturer of the Center for Political Consulting. The conversation was about the importance of elections for the country, the importance of choice for each of us. The guys were actively involved in the process, participated in the discussion on the issues of electoral law, expressed their attitude to the upcoming elections.

Elections in a fabulous country

February 14, 2018 Students 2A and 4A classes visited musically - the informational game "Elections in a fabulous country". Before children, in the framework of the election campaign, candidates for the president of the fabulous country were spent by the heroes of famous books: Dunno, Fairy, Baba Yaga. Each candidate talked about his election program. Then he conducted election campaigning through participation in music games, dance competitions, the statement of good wishes. The presenter suggested that schoolchildren take part in the voting procedure. Children filled bulletins and sent them to the selective urn. After counting the votes, the name of the president of a fabulous country was announced. Pupils of the second grade chose the Fairy, the fourth-minted. Each selected president promised to make life in his country fabulous and amazing. And schoolchildren received the first vote experience and invitation with their parents. March 18, 2018 Visit P.Juzhny's polling stations.


10 Fervala 2018 on the Ski-Base "Stroygaz" held competitions in skiing races on the prizes of the newspaper Altai Pravda, in which the team of young men became the absolute winner of the ski relay among men's teams of educational schools. Teams of boys and girls occupied 1st place among city schools. Following the competition, the team received diplomas and the winner Cup. Congratulations to our athletes!

"Symbol of courage and durability - the great city of Stalingrad"

February 2 is considered to be a day that completely turned the outcome of the Second World War. For targets, wise and tensions of hostilities, the Stalingrad battle exceeded all the preceding battle of world history. To give a tribute to the memory of the victims, February 1, on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the Stalingrad battle, in the library number 10. A.S. Pushkin passed events.

For students, 5 "in" class MBOU "SOSH No. 76" was conducted a lesson of fame "in the footsteps of great courage." The guys learned about the history of the Stalingrad battle, about the monuments left after those terrible events, looking at the documentary chronicles. Particular interest among students caused a story about the books available in the library dedicated to the legendary battle. Among them - Roman Yuri Bondareva "Hot Snow", Roman "Life and Fate" Vasily Grossman and the story "In the trenches of Stalingrad" Viktor Nekrasov. For children about these events, Sergey Alekseev in the book "Stalingrad Battle 1942-1943: Stories for Children" wrote very well. Stories, arguments and facts encountered are quite convincing, and reasoning is forced to think and fond.

"The Constitution - the law, we all live on it"

On December 12, our country notes the day of the Constitution. Each state, small or large live according to certain laws, all citizens of the state have certain rights and obligations. Laws are the rules that state establishes. They must be performed by all citizens of the country. Laws are different, but the main main law of our country is a constitution. This was discussed at the lesson of patriotic communication "The Constitution - the law, on it we all live", conducted for students of 8 "in" class MBOU "SOSH No. 76" on December 12 in the library number 10. A.S. Pushkin. The presenter introduced the guys with the history of the holiday, told about the symbols of Russia, how much the symbols for the state are. Students also remembered and called the rights of children who are inseparable from their duties. At the end of the event, a movie "Rights from 0 to 18" was demonstrated.

Under the title 05.12.2017, a district event was held at the school for children with disabilities of schools of the Central District (No. 63.76.91,93.94, Gymnasium No. 5). During the classes, children under the leadership of the school psychologist V.N. Belozerova made an unusual journey through the planet of good. Having become acquainted and wishing each other good health and good mood, ten travelers went to the magical country along the Prospekt of Good in the main city. On the sand table, the children settled the city with good heroes. Visited the garden of good, becoming unusual trees in it. In the corner of the relaxation, they listened to the fairy tale about the "star country" and fell under the star rain, which sheeps all the bad. At the end of the lesson, "Dobelks" laid the pattern on the sand and told what kind of good things were already made and what else to do.

"Oka unknown soldier"

December 4, 2017 in the library number 10 them. A.S. Pushkin took place a lesson of memory "Oda by an unknown soldier" for students of 7 grades of MBOU "SOSH No. 76". With great interest and gratitude, the guys listened to the story of the leaders of the soldiers, read letters of those years, watched the documentary chronicle about the history of the emergence of the memorial architectural ensemble "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier". And each of those present felt the strict eyes of the fallen, felt responsible for the memory of these people. We must remember the past so that fascism does not happen. This is our debt before those who gave their lives for their homeland for us with you. So, with great reverence and respect, with great gratitude to the heroes of the fiery years, our lesson passed.

Holiday for moms

On the last Sunday of November, the mother's day is celebrated. It became a good tradition to hold holidays, attend concerts, making congratulations, arranging their moms and grandmothers to this day. A big festive concert in the assembly hall of the school was prepared and held a schoolboy 2A, 2B classes. Children sang songs, read poetry, arranged a gallery consisting of mother's portraits. In the concert, invited mothers took part. At the end of the holiday, schoolchildren presented their mom's gifts made by their own hands (postcards, beads), passing love and deep respect for her mother, great gratitude to her for love, care and work.

We choose a healthy lifestyle!

Under such a motto, a sports and game program in DC South for elementary school students 23.11.2017 was held. Funny sports competitions, merry leading Snow Moon and Santa Claus made sports relay in interesting and memorable. All children received a charge of cheerfulness and health. And at the end of the sports holiday, they said together "We choose a healthy lifestyle!".

Week Tolerance

On the eve of the International Day of Tolerance (November 16), students of our school held a week dedicated to tolerance and the prevention of extremism and terrorism "School - the territory of tolerance". Schoolchildren of the middle level created a "Tolerance tree" (5 CL), drew the emblem (6 CL) and leaflets (7 CL), made up crosswords (8kl) for all students and teachers. Some young students (3.4 CL) made smiling "emoticons", with whom they read poems, sang songs about friendship for young students (1.2 CB).

Senior classes spent a round table "What does being tolerant person mean?" Under the leadership of the school psychologist V.N. Belozerova. The guys were performed by various tasks: the original acquaintance was taken out of the term "tolerance", discussed the definition of the word among different nations of the world, answered questions, argued, but as a result came to agreement. The disciples answered the question: "Why is the problem of the tolerant relationship between people, especially schoolchildren, is so relevant today", and it ended with the production of posters, on which on November 16, on the day of tolerance, schoolchildren of grades 5-11 left their wishes, drew good and chose themselves Tolerant man at school.

Hour of legal knowledge

As part of the month of legal knowledge of the teacher, the organizer of Ozh Tarasova O.V. 09.11.2017 Ametic classes with students of the 9th grade "International terrorism - the threat of national security of Russia" were held. During the event, the general concepts of extremism and terrorism are given. The guys got acquainted with the Strategy of National Security of the Russian Federation. The conversation was about the types of extremism, the danger of distribution and measures to counteract terrorism in Russia, responsibility for action related to extremist and terrorist activities.

Babushkina pies

The month of older people take place annually in October. At this time, the school organizes various events: concerts, exhibitions, etc. So 2 And the class decided to celebrate the day of grandparents (October 28, 2017) the holiday of "Babushkina Pies". 12 grandmothers and one grandfather came to the holiday. In the assembly hall of the school by the vocal studio "Dominant" (CDT №2 "), a concert was organized. For loved and cute grandparents, children sang songs, told poetry, played scenes, as well as with the participation of guests (the elderly) held interesting Competitions. And then everyone together drank tea with grandmother cakes. It was delicious, cozy and fun.

Day of folk unity

November 4, all Russia celebrates the Day of People's Unity. This day occupies a special place among our public holidays. It is associated with the events of 1612 - the feat of our ancestors who ran in the name of the independence of the Motherland. On the eve of the celebration of the Day of People's Unity, the teacher of history and social studies Makhthotkina Yu.V, head of the Museum of History of School Tislyukova V.S. Actions were carried out in 5-10 classes aimed at the formation of moral values \u200b\u200bin students, the upbringing of patriotism, citizenship. The guys found out about the history of the holiday, the formation of the statehood of Russia and the unity of our people.

Autumn appeal

October 13, 2017 pupils VSK "Patriot" under the leadership of Tarasova O.V. Open military games "Autumn call" among students of general educational organizations, cadets of military-patriotic and military sports clubs, cadet schools, specialized classes of the Barnaul educational district. Competitions were carried out at two distances: a military tourist bar of obstacles, a fire band.

During the passage of the distances, the cadets performed tasks on tourist and military training, such as a hitch and passage of the crossing, overcoming water obstacles, the determination of azimuth, disassembly - assembly of the Kalashnikov machine, the shooting of a pneumatic rifle, pomegranate throwing and others. It was necessary not only to clearly and correctly fulfill the task, but also to do everything very quickly, as the time of passage is taken into account. The coherence of actions, mutual execution and support, the ability to work in the team allowed our guys to demonstrate their preparation and achieve the desired result. According to the results of the competition, our team occupied the honorable 4th place.

Congratulations on the victory! We wish good luck in future competitions!

Sports pride of school

26.10.2017 In the assembly hall of the school, school teams were awarded on the results of participation in the city competition "Autumn Cross". 1st place - team of younger girls, 3rd place in the personal championship - Tovkach M.7a,; 2 Place - team of medium boys, 2nd place in the personal championship - Zhdanov, I.7A; 2nd place - St. Yunashi, 2nd place in the personal championship - Alexandrov A.11A. The winners were awarded diplomas, a team of ml.devushki - diplomas and the cup. Congratulations! We wish you further sports victories !!

Day chess

10/21/2017 A events dedicated to the Day of Chess were held at the school. The most memorable event of the day was the intershotos tournament conducted on the basis of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5", in which students of the schools of P. Yezhny (Gymnasium No. 5, School No. 63, School No. 76) participated. The simultaneous game session participated in 9g class chess players, representing our school: Tolchin M., Russians M., Zhdanov D, M. M. Sessioners from KGBU "Railways Chess Club" showed a high level of professional game. The game was intense and emotional. Sessioners had to work well, because among the players were not only novice chess players, but also experienced. We thank our guys for participation!

Teacher's Day

On October 5, 2017, we hurry to congratulate our teachers with a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day! On this day, schoolchildren prepared the warmest words of congratulations and wishes, organized a solemn meeting of teachers. In the lobby of schools, the exhibition of crafts from natural material "Autumn Fantasy" worked during the day. The school was decorated with festive congratulatory newspapers. In the assembly hall, a concert for teachers and veterans of pedagogical work "Being the teacher is fine!".

Dear teachers! Let that important work you make every day brings you only joy. We wish you a heroic health and new success in your difficult work. And we, your students, in turn, will try as often as possible to please you with their achievements.

Clean the forest edge

In pure Thursday, students of the class together with the class teacher Broul O.S. They conducted an ecological campaign "Clean Forest Forep!". The guys were collected by household garbage, broken branches. Put in order the edge of the relic pine boron. Such an action was the good tradition of our school.

Health Day

September 23, 2017, a day of health for students of 2-11x classes took place at school. For schoolchildren of 2 classes, sports and gaming programs were organized in South DC. Students of 3-6x classes took part in "fun startings" in the schoolroom. High school students 8-11 classes successfully coped with the tasks of sports competition "We are ready for the GTO" for strength, dexterity and smelting. All participants in the sporting event received a charge of cheerfulness and health.

Day of the city

On September 16, 2017, the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory and the city of Barnaul, who was 287 years old this year. On this day, the school took an active part in exhibitions and competitions. For the flower composition "Let it always be ...", compiled by the creative group of school teachers (Pakhomov V.P., Mojina M.G., Wagner N.V.), the school received gratitude to the administration of the Central District of G. Barnaul.

In contests held on the territory of P. Jewish, schoolchildren accepted 7,8 classes. In the contest "Altai summer in a bank!" It was presented for tasting "sea buckthorn jams on honey with cedar nuts" by students: Polyanskaya Christina (8A), Pankov Anya (8B). The school was distinguished by a stylish design of a table and original, copyright of the jam. In the competition for the disaggregation of letters, of which the word Barnaul consists, schoolgirls 7A and 8G classes took part. According to the results of the competition, participants were awarded balloons and tasty pieces.

Financial literacy lessons

As part of the implementation of the State Program "Increasing the level of financial literacy of the population in the Altai Territory", in order to form a financial culture and skills of effective personal finance management 14.09.2017 to 09/15/2017, the school organized the lessons of financial literacy in the 5th grades. Classes were held by the teacher of the history and social studies of Makhotkina Yu.V and the teacher of the additional education of the KGBudo Accessory "Altai" Pavlenko E. B, on the themes "Money. What it is?" In 5b, 5V, 5G, "Financial Strategy" in 5A CL. The guys participated in contests and quizzes, interested answered questions, developed their own financial strategies. We hope that the knowledge gained contributes to financial security and improving the welfare of our schoolchildren.

1 September is the day of knowledge

In the autumn threshold we celebrate this particular day, which is close to people of all generations. And everything is repeated: lessons and change, control, exams. Someone is still a good tens of school years ahead, and someone has already entered the finish line.

But all the concerns and trouble will begin tomorrow, and today is a holiday. Holiday acquaintance with school or meeting with classmates and friends after a long summer separation. By right, we note today as a celebration of knowledge. Hello school, in good way!