Development for the project "Literary Geography" Educational and methodical material on literature on the topic. Project integrated: Geography and literature Creative work of groups

Development for the project
Development for the project "Literary Geography" Educational and methodical material on literature on the topic. Project integrated: Geography and literature Creative work of groups

Muse wanderings - Africa.

(african theme in N. Gumileva poetry).

1. relevance.

2. Goals.

3. Tasks.

4. Introduction

5. Practical stage.

6. Creative work of groups.

7. The final stage of the project.

8. Appendix (presentations, slideshows, student work, photos and video materials)

Project Type:integrated,




Terms of implementation: Since January 2015

Dates of the project:2 years

Project participants: Students 11g class,

subject teachers

Project Product:scenario lesson,



Methods and techniques:one. Work with cards

2. An accounting of students

3. Cards

5. Analysis scheme


6. Drawing

The relevance of the project:

This project represents integration - binarity of educational disciplines: geography and literature, creative search and scientific research of students of 11 classes of the Madzhalis Sosh Kaitagsky district.

Our creative project is to study the geographical topics of Nikolai Gumileev's poetry, scientific research on his travels in the Black Continent, letters and personal diaries of the poet, lyrical works from the "Tantter" cycle. It is of interest to account and will help them in preparation for the exam in literature and geography in the form of an exam, as well as in expanding the horizons and increase cultural status. Studying the biography of the poet-akmeist of the Silver Age pushed us, the authors of the project, to the desire to see Africa through the eyes of the poet and the traveler, as well as to the desire to attract students to finding and creating. The project represents file documents, the development of integrated lessons, presentations, video and photographic materials

It includes the following topics on literature and geography:

1.Africa- ideal continent.

2. Pot and ethnographer Nikolai Gumilev.

3.Afric with the eyes of the poet (through the prism of poems)

4.The items of Gumilev in the study of Africa.

Project goals:

    summarize the knowledge of the mainland of Africa;

    give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe personality of Gumilyov, poet and geographer, about the peculiarities of his worldview;

    introduce students with the "African Diary of the Poet" and the "Tent" poems cycle;

    show the exotic nature of Africa through the eyes of a romance poet;

    through the poetry of Gumilev, reveal the features of life, traditions and cultures of the peoples of the African continent; to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the GP of Africa, master the ability to determine the GP, work with different cards. Get acquainted with the reasons for the emergence of African motives in Lyric Gumilev.

Project tasks :

    introduce students with the poetry of Gumilyov dedicated to Africa;

    combine a literary image with geographic images and concepts together, developing an emotional scope of students;

    develop a sense of beautiful, creative abilities of students.

    Based on basic knowledge, we will study the geographical position of Africa and the Study Study Story. We will get acquainted with some amazing features of the nature of the "ideal continent."

    Develop skills: imposing cards of various subjects, determination of coordinates, orientation on the map, working with additional sources of information.

    Education of such qualities as patriotism, collectivism, pride for unique natural objects of land, love for nature.


    World map physical;

    Africa map physical;

    Slideshow "Oh! This Africa! ";

    Illustration on the board;

    Audio accompaniment "Sounds of the Sea", "African motifs";

    Personal set (Table "Records of Africa", test card, atlas, contour of africa, simple pencil, fountain pen, eraser, notebook) geographical maps,

    exhibition of books N. Gumileva,

    exhibition of creative works of Africa students.

During the project, students are divided into two groups: literary critics and geographers.


Gumilyov - Poet Geography ...
The universe he perceives as a living card ... He belongs to the Columbus dynasty. - Words
Y. Yahenwald fully reflects the globility of the poet and the geographer. The identity of this person is interesting and extraordinary, biography is fascinating. As for his work, it seems that his contemporaries were not Block and Mayakovsky, but the poets of the previous centuries, because the poetry affects the topics that are far from modernity: romance of travel, the wind of distant wanderings, love, chivalry and military valor. He seemed to be late to be born and did not hurry to the future, remaining himself. He was good in this world created by him, because his poems are plot and interesting romantics and fides, lovers and dreamers. Writer Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin compared him with "Wild and proud flighting bird" and claimed: "The wandering knight, aristocratic tramp, - he was in love with all the epochs, countries, professions and provisions, where the human soul flourishes in the bolder of heroic beauty." These words are the key to comprehending the essence of the character of the poet, with whose creativity we get acquainted today But it is not possible to say anyone about the poet more than it does it he himself in his verses. Poetry Nikolai Gumileva is a whole independent world, to find out which one can, if you think, to think about it, to relate time and events, hear the voices of contemporaries, to understand the essence of its extraordinary Personality. This man did himself. From nature, he was ugly, clumsy, painfully shy and shy. But the failures and sorry did not embarrass him, and the character was hardened in the tests. Because in his later photos we see a significant, luminous my nobility. He could Build your life as I wanted to release several poetic collections, make a lot of passage travel (including dangerous African ), became a recognized literary master, one of the creators of the "poets shop" and a new literary direction - aqmeism. He bravely fought at the front in 1914 and became a cavalier of two St. George crosses, which were given for exceptional courage. The world that surrounding others was content was small and pale for Gumileva, the soul demanded distances and impressions. Potening Gumilev distinguished the cult of male start; Hero of his poems perceives life as a struggle of a strong person with trials. Hence the frequent rides of Gumilev in Africa, hunting, the search for dangers.

Africa heal all soul wounds, and Humilyov was always sought to her. Secrely from parents who have regularly sent pre-prepared letters in advance, he went to the first African journey, gathering to visit Istanbul, Izmir, Port Said and Cairo. Since then, Africa has occupied an extremely important place in his fate and work. She filled his soul with new, unusually sharp impressions, strengthened self-confidence, presented rare sensations and images. During the second trip (1908), Gumilyov visited Egypt, in the third (1909) reached Abyssinia.

The most significant was the last, fourth trip. In 1913, a successful case turned up: the anthropology and ethnography museum wanted to collect the African collection. Travel goal - take pictures, collect ethnographic and zoological collections, record songs and legends. The day before the departure, Gumilyov fell ill - they decided that the tit: High temperature, strong headache. But two hours before the release of the train, he demanded water for shaving, shaved, laid things, drank a glass of tea with brandy and left. Alexey Tolstoy recalled: "Gumilev brought yellow fever from Africa, beautiful poems, the scarecrow the black jaguar killed and the unknown weapons."

The spirit of this trip is permeated by the book of poems "Tent". The collection brought from Africa, according to specialists, is in its fullness in second place after the collection collected by Miklukho-Maklam. It is located in the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.

I go there to touch the dicar things,
That sometime I brought the score
Sneak the smell of their strange, native and sinister,
The smell of incense, wool animal and roses.

Practical stage of the project.

Uch-XI is divided into four creative groups that work independently in accordance with the tasks specified on the cards. It is important that the guys managed to present a bright story about the poet for ten minutes, read and analyze poems, so for a better result, the duties in the group must be distributed in advance.

The game Quiz "Africa"

1. Who opened the Cape of Good Hope, reinforced the southern tip of the mainland.

2. Who opened a new way to India.

3. The famous traveler, has done a way to 6354 km from Central Africa to the west coast, and then east in the mainland of Africa. The next trip with a length of 1610 km, which he undertakes on the left bank of the Zambezi River. Gave a description of the Waterfall "Runduchy Smoke", he later, he was made to his Victoria. About 30 years spent in Africa, studying her nature.

4. Call potentially active stratovan in the northeast of Tanzania, the highest point of Africa above sea level (Kilimanjaro)

5. On how many lithospheric stoves is the mainland. Are there any collision areas with other stoves? What do you see the dependence of the form of relief from the structure of the mortar crust?

6. A huge mountain range with chains around the mountains and many separate extinct volcanoes. The outlines of the highland resemble a pear, narrowing to the north. The south length is about 1500 km, in the widest place the width of Highlands is 900 km.

7. The main source of nutrition of the population in oases. Gives shadow, food, power supply.

8. Cultural plant. Evergreen shrub whose roots are rich in starch.

9. The most amazing plant of the desert Namib. Called the octopus of the desert. Depicted on the brands of Namibia.

10. Name the lake, which is located in the eucavatorial area. It is replenished with water evenly throughout the year due to permanent rains and full-flowing rivers flowing into it.

11. This river originates on the Lundi Plateau, about 300 km flows across the territory of Angola to the West, suddenly turns sharply to the East and, making a huge loop, finishes his run from the Indian Ocean, passing from sources to the mouth of 2660 km .

Individual tasks to a group of geographers:

1. Maintain the geographical position of the mainland: to show Africa, extreme points, emphasize the distance from Russia, trace the map of Gumilyev travel routes.

2. Work with reference literature:

Using atlas maps, encyclopedic dictionary, students define that Abyssinia is the second name of Ethiopian Highlands.

3. How do you think that the mountainous country belongs to these vertices and what is the existence of snow here?

. Practical work with atlas cards.

In a physical map, students determine the geographical object - Kilimanjaro volcano, its height, and the climatic map determine the temperature in the volcanic area. Knowing the change in temperature with a height, conducting calculations, explain the presence of snow and glacial cover on the top of the mountain.

8. What geographical features of Sugara as a natural object emphasized Gumilev in these lines?

(Students, using previously acquired knowledge, give the physico-geographical characteristics of the greatest desert of the world, specifying what particular nature of Nature was poetically figuratively displayed Gumilev.)

9. Considering the inner waters of Africa, we turn back to the poete poems - Gumil's geographer. What are African water in the eyes of the poet?

The task: Find in the text of the poem and write down the geographical characteristics of these water bodies in the notebook.

(Independent work of students)

10. The world of Africa is rich and diverse, it strikes unusual animals, bright unprecedented birds, which will not meet anywhere else.

Tasks group (geography):

In the texts of the proposed poems, find the mention of animals belonging to various natural zones.

Individual tasks group of writers:

1.- as describes the relief poet Gumilev in the poems of "Abyssinia", "Sudan", "sugar"?

(Students read and comment out passages of these poems)

2. After the first trip to Africa, the poems of Gumilyev changed - they became deeper and cleaner. He sought to all his creature there, because she could alone heal his wounds. Particularly impressed by the poet of sugar, "the eternal Sand Glory". Probably sugar is the personification of passion and power. Exactly and figuratively describes it.

3. Tasks (literature):

Find in the text poem comparison, epithets. Determine the color and sound perception of sugar by the author.

For the poet of water, Africa is not just the vital objects, but also divine beauty, which is as needed by a person to be rich spiritually. About her enthusiastically writes a poet.

4. Competition of poems.

Creative work Ucha:

    Competition of eloquence (continue the phrase-make a statement on the topic "Poetry is ...", Geography is ... ")

    Creating a presentation about the desert and lakes of Africa

    Creating a clip about the animal world of Africa.

    Creating a clip on the poems "Giraffe", "RhinoNog", "Red Sea".

    Protection of abstracts on the geographical position of Africa and the biography of the poet.

    Contest drawings on the fauna and flora of Africa and the creation of illustrations to the poems of humil.

    Competition of readers with staging elements.

    Competition writings by verses.

    Quiz and games about Africa

    Analysis of poems.

The final stage of the project.

In the course of the project, we were convinced that Gumilev was not only a wonderful poet, but also inquisitive traveler who led the expedition to Africa. The world of poetry Gumilyov is amazingly colorful. The poet had not only a sensitive poetic soul, rich imagination, but also was a wonderful master, masterfully owned by all resentments. Poet, traveler, geographer, ethnographer: His work allowed us more figuratively look at the nature of this amazing continent, see the world through the eyes of a romance poet, noting the colorfulness and uniqueness of everything that has met him while traveling to Africa. Indeed, "Gumilev - Poet of Geography: He perceives the Universe as a live map: it belongs to the Columbus dynasty." During traveling in Africa, Gumilev in his verses described interesting picturesque places, by which he was passing, animals, which he had to see, showed the amazing animal and floral world of the African continent. It can be concluded: that the exotic in the work of Gumilev was not just a fixation of the fleeting impressions, which were plentious: hunting for wild animals, daily risk, rivers, sising crocodiles, that all this was a source of inspiration of the poet, but also also worn research. The expedition to Africa was organized by the Academy of Sciences, in order to study and the life and life of unexplored tribes, the preparation of collections of the objects of African life. All these items can be seen in the museum of anthropology and ethnography in St. Petersburg.

Surkov Aleksey Alexandrovich was born 1 (13) October 1899 in the village of Serudo of the Rybinsky district of the Yaroslavl region. Since 12 years, Surkov served "in people" in St. Petersburg. Soon after the October Revolution went to the front of the Civil War. Demobilizing, returned to the village. He worked in a survey, was a getache, a volost politrosvetorganisor, aggored in the county newspaper and even wrote the play for a dramatic mug. Subsequently was on party and Komsomol work in Rybinsk and Yaroslavl, edited the Komsomol newspaper.

Beneficially affected the works of Surkov, moving to Moscow, where he was elected to the leadership of Rappa in 1928. Here he graduated from the Faculty of Literature of the Institute of Red Professors in 1934. In 1934 - 39 he has been working in the magazine "Literary Study".

The first verses of Surkov are printed in 1918 in the Petrograd "Red Gazeta", but he believes in the real beginning of their poetic activity 1930, when the first collection of poems was released. The greatest good luck of this and subsequent collections belong to the image of the heroes of the Civil War. In the 30s. Surkov participates in the work of Locafe. His songs of these years have acquired great popularity - "Karmeysian song", "TERSKAYA", etc. In 1939 - 1945. Surkov is a military correspondent, a participant in the liberation campaign to Western Belarus, the war with Belofinnam, then the Great Patriotic War. In 1944 - 1946 He was the responsible editor of the literary newspaper. Songs of those years have acquired particularly popularity: "Fire is frightened in a close refinement ...", "brave song" and a number of poems marked in 1946 by the State Prize of the USSR. From 1945 to 1953 - the responsible editor of the magazine "Spark". Impressions from numerous travels and meetings are inspired by poems that included in the post-war collection "Mire - Peace!", Published in 1950 and awarded in 1951 by the USSR State Prize. From 1949 he was secretary of the Union of Writers of the USSR (from 1953 to 1959 - the first secretary). In 1952 - 1956 He was elected by a member of the Central Audit Commission of the CPSU, and in 1956 - 1966. - A candidate for members of the CPSU Central Committee. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 4th - 8th convocations and the RSFSR 2 - 3rd conveners. Member of the World Council of Peace and the Soviet Committee for the Protection of the World.

From 1962 - the chief editor of the "Brief Literary Encyclopedia". In 1965, a collection of literary and critical articles and speeches of Surkov "Voice of time was released. Notes on the fields of literature history. 1934 - 1965. Translated poems of Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Serbian, Hungarian, Urdu, and other poets. Many verses of Surkov are translated into foreign languages. In 1969, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor was awarded. Died in July 1983.

Mikhailov I.E.,
Graduate of the professional retraining of MiO 2006 in the direction of "Geography",
The author of practical oriented books and articles on the method of teaching biology and geography in high school

In 2016, the Russian geographical society called for schoolchildren from different regions of Russia to take part in the project of the school geographical expedition "Literary Geography". The active involvement of schoolchildren in the study of literary places of the native country should contribute to the upbringing of citizenship and patriotism of young people.

During field expeditions, schoolchildren

  • got acquainted with the literary places of their region,
  • we conducted research work on assessing the safety of cultural heritage facilities related to the life and activities of Russian writers and poets,
  • revealed the main changes in the natural and social environment of the region compared to the era described in the literary works,
  • schoolchildren learned the new names for them to writers and poets, their life in the appropriate temporary era, the conditions of creativity of those years.

There was a binding of well-known schoolchildren literary works to concrete terrain.
Great importance in geographic science has cameral studies conducted before and after the geographical expedition. In practice, literary geography is the reading of artistic and essay books, the search for geographical content, its analysis and synthesis. This stage in the literary geography is almost the main thing, since without it there is no full-fledged field stage. Geography teachers develop and use a variety of questions and tasks, including a creative nature. Numerous developments are published in the scientific and methodological journals of our country, are set on the network.
Literary geography is in the integration series of interaction between geography with other school disciplines. Its methodical tasks are common to didactics in general and have their own specific features. Questions and tasks on literary geography are widely used in school oily practice.
The means of literary geography on a familiar literary material work is being worked out by difficult topics of the course of geography. Artistic books and essays specify a qualitatively new geographical material for his best understanding and assimilation. Artistic literature discharges the atmosphere of the test lesson, contributes to the formation of attentiveness when answering questions, gives new knowledge, brings the geographical material of the lesson to life, makes it more transparent, "not on the textbook". Literary fragments in geography lesson are illustrates of geographic content. They make it visual, affordable and well memorable. Art and essay literary material contributes to the formation of patriotic senses of students, becomes a lyrical retreat, performs an illustrator of the patterns of the development of wildlife, humanity and land as a whole.
In the methodology and practice of literary geography, we tried to highlight several blocks.

Block 1. Formation of the geographical image of the territory
Artistic and outlaw texts protrude illustrates that allow painting space images. At the same time, the geographical plot in artistic works appears in two types - generalized and concrete. In many poets and writers, you can find poems about the days of the year and time of day, about the forest, river, river, wind, sea, villages with pans of churches, fields with forest traceings. In another embodiment, the territorial attachment of the artwork ensures the recognition of the places described in it.

Block 2. Geographical Analysis of Artistic Text
Using when reading artistic works, ready-made geographic knowledge is possible in more detail and thoughtfully approach books, it is more fully understood by the geographical realities of readable fiction. Artistic texts give students an additional stimulus to obtain subjectively new geographic information for them. Geographical knowledge is formed directly from the art fragment and in the process of working with additional sources of information on issues and tasks.

Block 3. Analysis of the geographical space of the artistic book
An important task of literary geography is to teach the geographical space in the art book: "Where is all this happens?" Only entering schoolchildren in the geographical space of the artistic work, you can expect an adequate response from it to the read. Unfortunately, the situation is usually common when the school is also taught and literature, literature, conduct interdisciplinary integration, and the schoolboy takes another book in his hands and again does not understand where the action develops. With the help of literary geography, the teacher helps to enter the geographical space of readable artistic books.

Block 4. Cognition of the geographical past territory by means of historical geography, and vice versa
In art books, schoolchildren find artifacts that become the starting point of their historical and geographical research. And pushing out of the traces of a person on Earth, entering its geographical plane. Schoolchildren overlook the network as a library, full of interesting, but sometimes controversial information in which they have yet to be dealt with, forming their own idea of \u200b\u200bthe planet.

Nowadays, literary geography comes out of academic walls and finds a response from an adult population. According to the researcher N.Gorbunov, fiction is a creative reflection of human life, including many of the existing geographic locations in the reality. Sometimes these places are clearly guessed, and sometimes their history requires a thorough geographical investigation. There are places that everyone for hearing, for example, Patriarch ponds in Moscow. But in the artistic literature there are many little-known or completely unknown toponyms. Where do writers take them? Suddenly, part of the streets, houses, squares, bridges mentioned in the books, exist in reality? It becomes motivating and starting a point of literary and geographical travel. It is interesting to know whether the author visited there or, maybe he just read or heard from friends about a particular estate, home, department, park. These places are described in the literary work, which means they should be explored. Literary geographers try to recreate the historical picture, determine the possibility of a personal visit to the described place by the author, find out how closely his fate is associated with this place.

The idea of \u200b\u200btraveling in places from artistic books is not Nova:

  • in Moscow, ride from the basement of the master (according to the novel M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita") before the mansion of Margarita and then to the "bad apartment," where the writer himself lived, it was possible with a guide even at night;
  • in St. Petersburg, excursions are organized by the places of Roman F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

The idea of \u200b\u200bliterary and geographical travel, inspired by literature, has been embodied in the framework of the Network Projects "Coupling Pedal with Reality", "Literary Geography as a multidimensional work with the text" and "on the text without a visa".

In conclusion, we give a small list of books for chalk literary and geographical research of schoolchildren:

  • find traces of Niels Helhersson, and at the same time to explore Sweden with travel notes in G.H.andersen "in Sweden", the book of T.A. Esnokova "Literary map of Sweden". Another book of T.A. Herldgren's "Stockholm Times" will become a young literary geographer;
  • the book N.Gorbunova "House on the tail of a steam locomotive" is useful to schoolchildren as a guide to Europe in the fairy tales of H.K.andersen; In it, young literary geographers will find fairy tales with detailed google-cards and virtual routes, literary travels in Denmark, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, Spain;
  • appeal through historical geography to literary geography and, on the contrary, it will be possible through the books "Further Adventures of Robinson Cruzo" D.Defo and "from Siberia" A.P. Chekhov;
  • together with the author of the book "Magic Prague", A.M.ripnelino schoolchildren can wander on the gloomy maze of Prague and the pages of books of Czech and German-speaking writers and poets;
  • to wander around London in the company of the main character of Roman "Mrs. Dallowway" V.Vulf may like no less than in the fields and forests,
  • the book S.V. Grohotova "Schuman and the neighborhood" will take schoolchildren to musical and literary geography. She will tell how they lived in those times when the Great German composer R. Shuman created his new album for youth. This book is not only a bright cultural and geographical portrait of the era. Here, the voice of German history is heard, the features of a national character are guessed;
  • Books T. Theseryina "On the path of Sinbad", "In the footsteps of Marco Polo", "Roads of Cenghis Khan", "On the path of Jason", "Ulysses Expedition" will help students go along the path of their famous characters,
  • school literary and geographical walks in Rome will allow the books of "Kamo Fights", Senkevich, "Angels and Demons" D.Bohun, "Walking through Rome" F. Standal, "Schapan" P.P. Pazolini, "Beach God" E.I. Ramyatina;
  • according to Berlin, schoolchildren will be able to travel with the books "Berlin and the neighborhood" of Y. Lot, "Dar" V.V.Nabokova and "loyal" Mr.mann,
  • on the natural cultural region, the North Caucasus, his nature, life and the shorts of young literary geographers will learn from the books "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu.lermontova and "Cossacks" L.N. Tolstoy
  • to know the geography of the place in a specific time interval, the collections of verses N.A. Snekrasova, A.V. Koltsova, I.S. Nytina, other Russian poets of this time will be helped by
  • relate the biography of the poets F.I. Tyutchev and A.A.Fethe in their geographical hat, you can with small tomiki of their poems in hand,
  • books "Journey to Arzrum" A.S. Pushkin, "Twelve Chairs" I. Ilf and E. Petrov and the "Adventures of Captain of Transnunhel" A.S.nekrasov will send schoolchildren to the geography of the path in fiction,
  • to walk in places of defense Sevastopol will help the book "Pomegranate (Captain Gay)" trilogy V.P. Krapivina "Islands and Captains",
  • book "Green Beach" G.I.Alekseeva will give the opportunity to stroll through St. Petersburg the middle of the twentieth century, etc.

Literary geography more and more declares itself in our country in recent decades. Practical-oriented scientific and methodical literature is distributed, portals on the network are created. Coming out of the subsoil of academic science of cultural geography, it is increasingly conquering broad masses. In our power to promote the development of this trend.