The most vintage surnames. The most common Russian surnames

The most vintage surnames. The most common Russian surnames
The most vintage surnames. The most common Russian surnames

Historians are expanding the list of registered nicknames every year. slavic origin. Many would be interested to know their origin. But sometimes it is impossible to determine this on the very sound, since it was added to the derived word for years different suffixes, Prefixes and consoles distorting its initial meaning.

Russian names and surnames

To determine the origin of a person's genus use its passport details. The key points are the root of the word, which forms Russian names and surnames. They differ in prevalence. For sound, you can define the names of the genus or the belonging of the ancestors to different social Groups And the Caste of Society: Peasants, Boyar, clergy. The etymology of some includes archaisms and strange foundations, to determine such independently you can use the directories.


Derivatives and roots can take the beginning of the nicknames funny nicknames, Names, activities. The origin of Russian surnames, in most cases, is solved in their etymology. You should ask this rays, because through it you can learn about the outstanding ancestor or the names of the genus. For those who want to determine the origins of their generic nickname, there are collections on the alphabet, which are replenished annually and updated, almost everyone can learn their history on their pages.

Most popular derivatives:

  • On behalf of ancestor (whose? Whose will you?) - Ivanov, Sidorov, Kuzmin, Petrov.
  • From geographical names - Vyazemsky, Stroganov, Smolensky.
  • From the nickname representatives of the clergy - Christmas, Preobrazhensky, Uspensky.
  • From the names of plants and animals - Sokolov, Orlova, hare, Lebedev, Golubev.
  • From County and Boyar titles - Minin, Tikhomirov, Tikhonravov, Godunov.


Etymology and the formation of names of their own kind interests everything large quantity of people. The value of Russian surnames is found out when determining the root part of the word, it indicates meaning. The meaning of the family names like Bondarev, Kovalev, Shevtsov - point to the craft, which someone from the family was engaged. Morda, Stoyman, brave - on external or internal characteristics individual person. According to nicknamed the head of the family, they called all its members and it was passed from generation to generation.

When the surnames appeared in Russia

Assigning a generic nickname to identify each kind of beginning to form from the 15th century. When surnames appeared in Russia, initially they treated representatives of the highest sections of society: boyars and aristocrats, later, in the 18th century, to church ministers. Up to 19th century, peasants and artisans received their nicknames. Their names of childbirth were produced from the nickname of one of the members of the family or the kind of activity. In historical scrolls and recordings, the listings are found explaining this phenomenon: "Vasily, the son of the Kuznetsov ... Ivan, the son of Khlebnikov"

How many surnames in Russia

The study of this data is still in question. There is no absolutely correct numerical value that could answer exactly how many surnames in Russia exist today. For such complex task Researchers took only a few times, officially in the collection made about 250 thousand values, and these lists are constantly updated with new forms of transparent data.

Declination of surnames in Russian

Russian Rules Strictly determine the writing and pronunciation of passport data. The declination of surnames in Russian occurs in such basic rules: Standard - inclined as adjectives, and foreign origin - as nouns. Do not inclusion at zero endings, or ending on the consonant sound (Bondar, Nitsevich, Ponomarya), with the end on -O (Petrenko, Shevchenko, Kovalenko), foreign ones, - I (Varnava, Okzhava, Zola).

The most common surname in Russia

Boris Ubentguun first began to draw up a reference book that lists the names of Russia. There are collected various variations due to the process of transformation of folk nicknames. Each position has an explanation (dedicated parts of the word formation, which extract the essence of one word or another). There are positions that can more often meet, there are those that are very rare. The data was taken on the basis of the census of the city of St. Petersburg.

Common surnames in Russia:

  • Vladimirov;
  • Sergeev;
  • Petrov;
  • Ivanov.

Beautiful Russian surnames

There are people whose generic nicknames are fascinated by their sound. These include those who occurred from geographic names or long, these church ministers of nicknames. This etymology is rarely found, aristocratically melodically sounds. Many change the generic data in the passport to get a beautiful and highlighted name from the crowd. We pass into the people are those who have passed by inheritance.

Self beautiful surnames in Russia:

  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Caesarev;
  • Christmas;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Assumption.


There are names of the genus that occurred from the ancient Slavs. These nicknames are very rare and therefore valuable for historians. Them a small amount of due to the fact that derivatives originate from the names pagan gov or Old Slavonic names. With the arrival of Christianity, such nicknames were banned categorically, people were harvested and renamed, because those who have been preserved to this day - are a find, bright example pagan culture.

Old Slavonic surnames, examples:

  • Yarilo;
  • Dovbush;
  • Paths;
  • Lada;
  • Sore;
  • Dobrynin;
  • Mirolyub.


According to the census, conducted in the 1980s of the last century, former USSR, about 50% of rural and 35% of the urban population are generic nicknames, formed on the principle of patience with the addition of suffixes. This study is recognized as the highest quality and detailed up to our times. Popular Russian surnames: Sidorov, Smirnov, Kuzmin, Vasilyev. The second place in the frequency is the nicknames, which indicate the generation of activities: Kuznetsov, Bondarev, Reznikov, Khlebnikov, etc.

Rare Russian surnames

To be hard reliable listincluding all positions. But the main of them is chosen. You can easily meet people who wear a family nickname that coincides completely with geographical name Or is formed from a combination of two words. A little bit and those who were lucky enough to become the following famous historical figures and heroes. literary Romanov.

Rare surnames in Russia:

  • Astrakhan;
  • Kamchatka;
  • Krutypers;
  • Cruise;
  • Karenin.


Sometimes among friends there are family nicknames, who involuntarily cause a smile with their comicness. They surprise their pronunciation of fellow citizens, and especially foreigners, consist of adding the foundations of any nouns or verbs, may designate a funny or strange action, to call items whose name is strange in the human name. A person who has to be worn is difficult to call the lucky.

Funny Russian surnames:

  • Kostogryzov;
  • Bragies;
  • Popkin;
  • Rzhach;
  • Login;
  • Khachapuri;
  • Govnadov;
  • Snot.

Russian nobility surnames

Their owners may not doubt the high title of someone from a kind, they were assigned exclusively to nobles, boyars, high-ranking officials. People approximate to high positions and ruling power. They can also be merchant. The presence of such titular nicknames among the peasantry, a working out of a simple population or artisans is excluded, one presence has spoken of high social status His owner.

Russian nobility surnames:

  • Strogans;
  • Godunov;
  • Tikhomirov;
  • Minin;
  • Novgorod residents;
  • Tikhonravov;
  • Ventrenoscience.

Old Russian

Such a term is indicated not only by the old Slavonic nicknames of the times of paganism, but those who in their etymology denote outdated concepts and words of an ancient use, eradicated from the current speech. Interesting to consider generic nicknames, calling old cash units, household items, crafts that are not found in modern world. All these signs indicate the abandonment of the genus and roots flowing away.

Old Russian surnames:

  • Cunin;
  • Altynov;
  • Kalita;
  • Zlatnikov;
  • Plinkin;
  • Kozhemyaka;
  • Bandurov.

Rating Families in Russia

Compiled top 100 items, which can often be found in the passports of fellow citizens. All of them were chosen on the basis of the directory and are ordered during the census of the population during the year. This information will be especially interesting for girls, because every dreams of meeting your man and get married. Statistics say that 89% of cases of women are moving to a male generic nickname when concluding marriage. Such top will clearly show the most likely options with which each may encounter. The section includes the 10 first positions.

  • Ivanov;
  • Smirnov;
  • Kuznetsov;
  • Popov;
  • Falcons;
  • Vasilyev;
  • Fedorov;
  • Novikov;
  • Egorov;
  • Kozlov.

Famous Russian surnames

Their list is based on the frequency of use among the population. SAMI popular last name In Russia - Ivanov. Even foreigners know about it, associating all the names of Russian compatriots with it. She entered the story and became a classic. For example B. german language So the nickname became Muller, in America and Britain - Smitht, Poland - Novak or Kovalsky, Georgia - Mamedov.

Famous Russian surnames:

  • Sidorov;
  • Ivanov;
  • Petrov;
  • Goats;
  • Smirnov;
  • Popov;
  • Sokolov.


The first names were mentioned in Novgorod annals back in the XIII century. Along with the names, the nicknames and the patrimonial of the residents of Veliky Novgorod are indicated, which at that time performed the name of the names.

Surnames Knight

One of the first names of the Russian princes acquired. And there was a good reason - material. The princes sought as accurately as possible to fix their possessions in the relevant documents and consolidate the right to their descendants. That is why the princely surnames mainly take their origin from the names of the localities that were in their jurisdiction. So the names of Shuisky, Vyazemsky, Obolensky, etc. appeared.

Middle name instead of the name

Simple peasants for the most part did not have the names until the cancellation of serfdom. Therefore, to clarify the identity of a peasant in the documents, they often used patronymic, which, of course, was individual for each generation. For example, Ivan the son of Peter was born, and wrote in the metric: "Peter Ivanov". When Peter was born the son of Nikolai, he was already referred to: "Nikolai Petrov". Therefore, the most ancient last names can be safely considered those that occurred from the names: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov, Nikolaev, and so on.


Often, the names of the names took on the nicknames, which could be unchanged even in several generations of one family. However, members of one family could have different nicknames. In the royal decions relating to the census, and it is written: to indicate all "by names with the fathers and with nicknames." After the cancellation of the serfdom of the nicknames were fixed behind their owners as surnames: the cat became a cat, mare - mare, etc.

The nickname was awarded a person not only neighbors or friends, but also parents. More often, this kind of second name had a negative shade. It was believed that such a nickname will push the evil spirits and causes the reaction to his opposite meaning. So, for example, the child was called Nekras so that he grew up beautiful, and the nickname was given in the hope that he would become smart. Later, surnames were also formed from these names, Nekrasov, Durnev, Zlobin.

Families profession

Often the surnames were formed and thanks to the purpose of the activity that her owner was engaged. So the surname of Rybnikov used to definitely wore a merchant who traded fish, and Kuznetsov clearly worked in the forge.

Surnames of clergy representatives

Representatives of the clergy earlier did not have the names. Simple to priests appealed: Father Alexander, father Nikolai, and so on. And the children of the servants of the church were called the "Popov Son" or "Popov Daughter." So the name of Popov appeared. It can also be considered one of the most ancient Russian surnames.

Also, priests, if necessary, formed surnames from the names of their parishes. So there were such surnames like Troitsky, Uspensky, Nikolsky.

Later, the clergymen began to receive surnames at the end of the seminary. Often, these surnames were formed from Latin words and ended in "Ii". The distinguished students were given particularly beautiful surnames. For example, Speransky's surname. "SPRANS" translated from Latin means "one who hopes."

Absolutely all the inhabitants of our country have found the names relatively recently, only in the 30s of the last century, when every citizen must have a passport.

What are the most vintage names? Highly interest Ask, I tell you. With the development of the economy, in certain countries a need for the names has appeared. First of all, in order for among numerous names, to learn a person. Merchant S. different countries, I could look for a person for many years who wanted to buy goods. In order to speed up the search, and surnames were invented. Each person had its own individual surname (every person had the right to choose such a name that he likes), according to him and could be found! Despite the fact that many people assumed that every person will have their own surname, the number of people with the same names increased every year. Some managed to convey their surname to our times, others have lost this value forever.
Today I am going to talk to you about the most vintage names that have been thought out by many centuries earlier ...
According to historians, the most ancient names are Vyatskiy. This merchant land and has become the founder for the names. Here people first gave themselves surnames. Despite the fact that the first mention of the names there belong to the seventeenth century, the names themselves appeared much earlier. In the ancient libraries, the manuscripts of chroniclers were found, who were told words that each person has a surname. From Vyatka, in turn, people went to other countries. The first people who have one of the most ancient names are heosim permins and Alexander Ryazantsev. People of different nationality were in this country. To compile lists of people, which lived in the city, gained special people. Their responsibilities included, constantly update information about new names. These people enjoyed great respect, for which they got the name "Tolmachev".
One of the most ancient names is considered to be Golitsyn. Her roots latest information Already traveled in the fifteenth century. According to scientists, originated from ancient words - "Galicians", which then meant - "leather mittens for work." Until now, one of the most ancient worldwide is considered. This surname has been preserved to today's day. Many famous people Now we are surname Golitsyn (for example, editor of Yuri Golitsyn's textbooks). The surname belonged to the noble family for quite a long time, but was soon borrowed by boyars. Later, with the abolition of "serfdom", the name was assigned to many peasants. After that, the moment has greatly spread to Russia.
The surnames that have occurred a long time ago, a lot. Most of the hedlemen were from the nobleman. Now there is an approximate one third of the amount of last name that was from the very beginning. Gradually, surnames moved to Europe, Asia, and her in a few years and New World was under their power.
One more ancient surname, there was a genus of China. Ming. It was this name that the majority of Chinese and Koreans had. It is strongly distributed in Asia only thanks to this fact. In the libraries of Ancient Korea, information was found that the ancient emperor of the Ming dynasty had this surname in the sixteenth century.
One Russian surname is also one of the most ancient worldwide. Kalita. Back in the seventeenth century this surname Most illiterate bathers were known. On ancient Russia, it was decided to cope the winter holiday "Calta". Guys drove out on the sleigh, shouting "Calta-Calta", and women baked pies in order to hide passing by workers. For the efforts and kindness, many men called women affectionate name "Calta". In consequence it was a reasoned, and later it became the last name.
The ancient names came to us from Italy. It is said that some surnames existed there in the eleventh century. How reliable is this data, we are not known. The economic spheres of the country developed with a mad speed and all this came to Italy to begin to give people the names. They gave to understand about what kind of person there is a speech. One of the oldest names of Italy is Russia. Scientists say that the surname occurred from the word "dele", which meant - faith, renunciation from hell, etc. Later, this surname began to gain momentum and to our time about a million people worn this surname. According to historians, in the twelfth century "Rossi" was quite a lot. The surname rapidly gained momentum and went beyond the state.
One of the oldest surnames occurred in Denmark. "Dani" - this is exactly the most people who lived from the spokes of the centuries and turned around the country. approximate date origin of the surname, seventeenth century. Although some scientists with this belief do not agree. There are unofficial information that a certain Albam Dani (a major leader of the country), lived in the distant fifteenth century! But these data are not considered reliable, because there is no fact that this literature may be truthful, in terms of science.
One of the oldest names of Russia is frost. To believe historical literature Morozov existed in the seventeenth century. This surname has occurred thanks to Russian frosts. Since it is frosts most disturbed residents ancient RussiaThis gave the beginning of the name. Especially cold, the seventeenth centuries were given, because there was a well-known Global Crowding. Despite the fact that many scientists refute this theory, there is a fact. The last name Morozov appeared in the mid-thirties of the XVII century.
As one colleague was told for me (Vladimir Kuppinin), then according to Nizhny Novgorod historians, one of the oldest names is Konovalov and its derivatives. In ancient Russia - about twelve century - there were estates that were violently and buoyanly discussed the economic development of the country. There was a so-called "irreligious" community, which in every way rejected the version that our land occurred thanks to the creature (God), whom we never had seen. According to them, the recreation of land with the help of heavenly spirit is not possible, and in order to step on new step Development, we needed to immediately abandon stereotypes. They gave themselves the "surname" of Konovalov (or more precisely convals), which then meant "renunciation of God." All members of this class later burned on a fire, in order to be the idea that they were promoted, braked spiritual development countries. And the surname of Konovalov itself in the process remained in Russia. That's just for a long time nobody decided to wear it (for obvious reasons).
One Italian surname, Ferrari, very old. It appeared, about the thirteenth century ( exact date Specified by historians). Up until the eighteenth century was not particularly distributed, but later, almost all people of Italy wore this name. The roots have grown from the most time when Italy was a powerful power, with a powerful domestic market and army. Scientists still can not say how this surname occurred. Some claim that "Fera" is a spherical space (then you mean our land), others generally say that this surname was formed from the nickname "IFERA", which then meant - Tiran. But this version is almost impossible, the dust of the nickname was a purely small circle of people. Subsequently, the memories of this nickname were completely evaporated. A few people knew about the existence of the nickname, which once again proves that the name "Ferrari" occurred in a different way.
Kuznetsov, as neatrant, is also an old name. Still would! This surname occurred in Ancient Russia, when the workers were honored not only in a poor layer of the population, but also by princes in general. The oldest profession that many men tried to comprehend. Blacksmiths were masters of their business. Their history has about five thousand years. Yes, yes, do not be surprised. The times when people have already kicked the iron, made fireproof swords and bulva, were known for a long time. The old and demanded profession was always in fashion and enjoyed rabid popularity. In total, it was enough to recreate the surname of Kuznetsov. The first data about this surname was there in the seventeenth century! For more than three hundred and fifty years, Kuznetsov in our planet go! It is still considered one of the oldest in all Russia. Historians agree with this fact - for many facts prove the depth of growing the roots of the surname - both from low levels and to highest level Knowledge.
Do you know the famous chapiring uprising? These were people who fought for freedom and ideals of their country. This story is deep, like the Earth. For more than a thousand five hundred years have passed since Shapirovtsy accepted the uprising. It would be possible to easily call it the oldest last name if it were not for one thing! Is it generally the name? Perhaps Protestants and chose themselves as a posthumous nickname, a certain indefinite nickname "Shapir", but is it possible to relate to the surname? Perhaps, but you can normally call a certain date with which the surnames began. If you choose the time, then the names are already more than one and a half thousand years! True, scientists reject this version, for the facts that would confirm the truthfulness of this theory, very little.
In the annals of the thousand six hundred and thirty-third, the names of Fedorov were paid a lot of attention. This year is considered the beginning of this surname. Why is this surname so old? According to various sources, at that time, the nickname was widespread - "Fedor". At that time, this name was widespread popular. The plurality of saints wore this surname, which gave the beginning of the formation of the family of Fedorov. He began to overhaul revisions from a thousand nine hundred and first year, when the number of Fedorovy for ten years has increased almost twice! The roots of this surname have grown almost four hundred years ago! What is not a reason to call this surname the oldest?
Surname Djunkovsky has very long roots. For the first time, she was mentioned in Mongolia. In the sixteenth century, a certain Khan "Jung" first laid the roots of this name. This surname has a very interesting story. Later, from Khan Jonggy, the surname was handed over to his son. In order, people groaned in a rich family, which had no need for money. Convening the court ladies to themselves, Khan quickly replenished his genus. Later, this surname was mentioned in Ukraine (directly did not exist directly) in the seventeenth century. A few years later - in Slovenia, Yugoslavia, etc. Around the nineteenth century, the name appeared in Russia. People it was from a noble kind, but not so cruel like the rest of the fortress. Junkovsky, people are creative, which is why they were known. In the twentieth century, Sergius Junkovsky wrote a book about the "First World War", for which the military award was awarded. Now there are very few people with this surname. There is evidence that people with this surname live in the territory of the Kazakh SSR. Despite such deep roots (fifteenth century), the surname spread insufficiently widely. You can even say - did not spread at all.
The concept of the meaning of the name was still in the seventeenth century. That's what was found in one of Rus libraries. There was said about the "sense of a surname" ...
There is a surname, there is a generic name of the baby when his birth to God's light. Transmitted by hereditary blood from generation to generation.
It is now difficult to imagine the world without surnames. The surname is what will always be with you, from death itself. Like any value, it needs to be loved and respect, and most importantly know about her!
Now let's talk about the last name, Gavrilov. People have long been composed of people with this surname. Scientists believe that this surname appeared as much as in the seventeenth century. And despite non-serviceability to some kind of activity, the type of activity was very popular. The first mention of this surname is set out in the chronicles, which speaks about a thousand seven hundred and twenty-second year. And this is even earlier than, say, surname Morozov or Calyat. Surname Gavrilov, appeared thanks to the name "Gabril". Thanks to the common name, and patronymic appeared, and then, in turn, the surname. If you do not find reliable facts that the name "Kalyata" was invented at the beginning of the seventeenth century, then this name can be rightfully considered the oldest of the current existing in Russia.
The last name of March occurred about four hundred years ago. The country where this surname originates is France. This surname was given to all the girls that they were born in March. According to the latest data, people with this surname went on the ground at the very end of the fifteenth century, and to be accurate in a thousand five hundred and ninety-eighth year. After the country's economy has developed greatly, France decided to follow the example of Italy. After that, France had their own surnames. That's just according to the latest data, as soon as in the eleventh century, the first hint of the last name appeared in Italy, immediately after that, close countries received the right to choose their own surname. That's just from where it took a period of three hundred years, we are not known. If you have a little more accurate in information, then you can answer this question more accurately. But only France is not particularly discovered for other countries, and scientists painfully hurt a lot on this topic are not in a hurry (although the money is solid offered, new cooperation). There is an assumption that the names of Russia, which formed in Italy, was borrowed by Spain and France in particular. Later, Rossi in France moved to Rosi, with an emphasis on the second syllable. But after one inner crisis, all media of this surname was destroyed. Even if someone remained alive, they were died soon from poverty and hunger. Recall that then this strange "crisis", almost undermined the economy of France in general!
Even despite the fact that most Smith lives in America (and this is more than two million people), it does not prevent the names at all to be old. After all, if you dig in history, then this surname was more invented in England, rather than the colonies of America. If the Americans still became the founders of the surname, then the old attribute it will be difficult, but if you trust the majority, you can confidently say that the roots of this surname have grown in the seventeenth century. To be accurate, then in the seventies. If you find a couple of facts that confirmed the truthfulness of this theory, you can safely attribute the name "Smith" to one of the oldest world.
All the famous surname of Chan (which is one hundred million people are worn), has happened a long time ago. Still, after all, it is not so popular. This surname appeared in the Sozuan province of China "Africa" \u200b\u200b(not to be confused with the mainland!). Being in the fourteenth century Mr. "Chen", thought that it would be nice to spread this nickname among the rest of the provinces (so that he then sold Shm'i, but he didn't get much much). After he overwhelmed the special leaflets of their rice paper across the district, his name became known as your ocean. This store was popular, and the name "Chen" wanted to wear other residents of the province. After the thirties (the date may be a little bit of accurate) of the fourteenth century, went fashion for the name "Chan". Even then the very name could not exist in principle, but wishing to become more and more. The economy of the country is last years Strongly increased. The export of goods to Europe also increased. China began to take one of the leading places in the world. The economy grew, which demanded an immediate decision on the introduction of surnames. One of the first names was "Chan". Approximate date - fifteenth century, beginning of sixteenth. The surname is considered one of the oldest all over the world. Despite this achievement, the surname is also the most common.
The surname "Lee" was also very popular in the south-east of Asia. As soon as the government decided that every citizen of China should have their own last name, most people chose this name. First, - because of its simplicity and ease of pronunciation. Secondly, the importance of the name itself. Let me remind you that most scientists are inclined to the version that this surname was formed from the word "Lin", which meant cotton fabric. As a rule, people who worked on the creation of this fabric have always been in width, which made this name very very promising. After the sixteenth century, the surname became very popular if you believe the historic club "Nizhny Novgorod". But who knows when he lived that the very person who first decided to take this name? Perhaps a hundred years earlier? Maybe more? It is very pity that many scientists cannot find an answer to this question.
As you have noticed, the oldest last names usually wore residents East Asia and Southeast Asia. But the next surname, which, according to the latest data, occurred also, being in the seventeenth century, was born in the country of the Rising Sun. Japanese surname - "Jin". If you believe the chronicles of Igor Zlatomov, written in the eighteenth century, then some residents invaded the ownership of the Russian principality. These were merchants who arrived from Japan. These were treated with them. Having learned that those overwhelmed the sea and passed the entire border of China, our countrymen decided forever to keep data on merchants. So the first data about the name "Jin" appeared. One of the main merchants just wore this interesting surname. Perhaps the surname occurred earlier, but it is impossible to say this, for the facts are very, very little.
And the last surname, which we will talk about, is Zakharov. You imagine this surname appeared even earlier than the name - Romanov! The Zakharov dynasty, undoubtedly, was a long time ago, and this fact can confirm many historians from all over the world. If we consider that the surname of Romanov occurred in the seventeenth century, then the surname Zakharov occurred much earlier. Perhaps three generations, maybe even four. The surname Zakharov - which lives for more than four hundred years, originated from the word "zone". At that time, she was extremely known in Russia. Thanks to many chronicles and information that scientists have gathered, it is safe to say that Zakharov's surname is one of the oldest not only in Russia, but also around the world.

Since ancient times, the surname could change the life of a person, she carried the whole history of the genus and gave a lot of privileges. People spent a lot of strength and finance to have a good title, and sometimes sacrificed their lives for this. For a simple resident, it was almost impossible to get into the list of nobles.

Types of titles

Titles in the Tsarist Russia there were a lot, each of them had their own history and carried their capabilities. All noble families followed the genital tree and very carefully chose couples for members of their families. The marriage of the two noble families was, rather, a thoughtful calculation than, rather than love relationships. Russian noble surnames held together and did not let me in their families without title.

Among such births could be:

  1. Princes.
  2. Graphs.
  3. Barons.
  4. Kings.
  5. Duke.
  6. Marquis.

Each of these gods had its own story and led his family tree. It is strictly forbidden a nobleman to create a family with commoner. Thus, the usual simple resident of Tsarist Russia was almost unrealistic to become a nobleman, except for very great achievements before the country.

Princes Rurikovichi

Princes - one of the highest noble titles. Members of such a family have always had a lot of land, finance and slaves. It was a huge honor for a family representative to be at the court and help the ruler. Showing himself, a member of the princely kind could be a trusted special ruler. The famous nobility names of Russia in most cases had princely title. But the titles could be divided into methods for their preparation.

One of the most famous prince's names of Russia was Rurikovichi. List noble names Starts with it. Rurikovichi - immigrants from Ukraine and the descendants of Great Rus Igor. The roots of many European rulers occur from this strong dynasty, which brought the world a lot of famous rulers, for a long time under power throughout Europe. But row historical eventsThat happened in those times, divided the family into a plurality of branches. Russian nobility surnames, such as Potoney, Peremyshl, Chernihiv, Ryazan, Galitsky, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Belozersky, Suzdal, Smolensk, Moscow, Tver, Starodubsk, belonging to the genus Rurikovich.

Other princely titles

In addition to the descendants of the Rurikovsky kind, the noble family names of Russia can be such as Odyaev. This genus got his title thanks to a good warrior of the tail, who had a nickname in the army, and takes place from a thousand five hundred forty-third year.

Of frosomy is an example of a strong will and a lot of desire to achieve the goal. The founder of the genus was a strong and courageous warrior.

The burdens are immigrants from Lithuania. Get the princely title founder of the genus helped oratory and ability to carry out military talks.

The list of noble surnames can also be attributed to fire, field, proncess, protopopic, thick, respectful.

County titles

But surnames noble origin - This is not only a princess. Also, the high title and the authority at the court had graphic dynasties. This title was also considered very high and gave a lot of powers.

Get the county title - it was a great achievement for any member of the royal society. Such title first of all gave the opportunity to have power and be closer to ruling dynasty. The noble surnames of Russia are largely consisting of graphs. To achieve this title is the easiest way to have successful hostilities.

One of these surnames is Sheremetyv. This is a county race that exists in our time. The Army General received this title for its achievements in hostilities and the service of the royal family.

Ivan Golovkin is an intention of another name of noble origin. According to many data, this is the graph that appeared in Russia after the wedding of his only daughter. One of the few graphic families that ended on the only representative of the dynasty.

The nobility name of the minih had many branches, and the main reason for this was in large quantities Women in this family. In marriage, the woman Milich took double surname and mixed titles.

Many County titles have received the courtiers of Catherine Petrovna in the reign. She was a very generous queen and awarded the titles of many of their military leaders. Thanks to her, the list of nobles appeared such names as: Efimovsky, Gendrikov, Chernyshev, Razumovsky, Ushakov and many others.

Barons at the courtyard

The famous nobility names also had many carriers of Baron titles. Among them are generic families and granulated barons. Get this, like all other titles, it was possible at a good service and of course, the most simple and in an effective way There was hostilities for their homeland.

This title was very popular in the Middle Ages. Rich title could receive rich families who sponsored the royal family. This title appeared in the fifteenth century in Germany and, like all new, got great popularity. The royal family practically sold it to all rich families who had the opportunity to help and sponsor all the royal undertakes.

For approaching the rich births, a new title was introduced - Baron. One of the first owners of this title was Banker de Smith. Thanks to the banking I. sales case This race earned his finances and was erected by Peter in the rank of Baron.

Russian nobility names with Baron's title were also replenished with Friedrix surname. Like de Smith, Yuri Friedriks was a good banker, for a long time lived and worked at the royal court. Born in the title family Yuri, also received a title under Tsarist Russia.

In addition, they had a number of surnames with the titul Baron, the information was stored in military documents. These are warriors who earned their titles actively participating in hostilities. Thus, the noble surnames of Russia were replenished with such members as: Baron Plotto, Baron Von Rummel, Baron Malama Baron, Baron Ustinov and Baron Brothers Family Schmidt. Most of them were out of european countries And they came to Russia for work affairs.

Royal families

But not only titled births are included in the list of noble surnames. Russian nobility names were headed by the royal families for many years.

One of the most ancient tsarist names Russia was Godunov. This is a royal family who has been with power for many years. The first of this family was Queen Godunov, which formally the rules of the country just a few days. She refused the throne, and decided to spend his life in the monastery.

Next, no less famous surname of Tsarist russian family - These are shui. This dynasty held a little time with the authorities, but entered the list of noble names of Russia.

The Great Queen Skabronskaya, better known as Catherine the first, also became the founder of the royal family dynasty. Do not forget about such a tsarist dynasty as biron.

Duke at the courtyard

The noble surnames of Russia also have the title of dukes. Get the duke title was not so easy. Basically, these kinds belonged to very rich and ancient families of Tsarist Russia.

The owners of the Tutula Duke in Russia was the exprunted family. The genus existed many centuries and engaged agriculture. It was a very rich family that had a lot of lands.

Duke Nesvizhsky - the founder of the city of the same name Nesvizh. There is a lot of versions of the origin of this family. Duke was a great connoisseur of art. His castles were the most wonderful and beautiful buildings of the time. Owning large lands, the duke had the opportunity to help Tsarist Russia.

Menshikov is another of the famous ducal surnames in Russia. Menshikov was not just a duke, he was a famous warlord, the general of the army and the governor of St. Petersburg. His title was received for the achievement and service of the royal crown.

Title Marquis

The title of Marquis in Tsarist Russia was mainly obtained rich families with foreign origin. It was an opportunity to attach foreign capital to the country. One of the most famous names There was traverse. This is an ancient french race, whose representatives were at the royal court.

Among Italian marquizians was the genus Paullluchi. Having received the title of Marquis, the family remained in Russia. Another Italian race received the title of Marquis under the royal court of Russia - Albice. This is one of the richest Tuscan birth. They earned all their income on business activities for the manufacture of tissues.

Title value and privileges

For the courtiers, the title gave a lot of opportunities and wealth. Upon receipt of the title, it often carried the generous gifts from the crown. Often these gifts were lands and wealth. Such gifts the royal family gave for special achievements.

For rich families who earned their riches on the generous Russian land, it was very important to have a good title, for this they financed the royal undertakings than they bought their family high title and good relationship. In addition, only titled families could be close to the royal family and participate in the Board.

Scientists managed to form full list Truly Russian surnames in the regions of the country: Kuban turned out to be Russian
Unfortunately, the interpretation of the family analysis, which appeared in the media by this summer (after the first publication of data in a specialized scientific journal), I could create an impression of the goals and results of the huge work of scientists, the main thing was not the fact that the name Smirnov turned out to be more common among Russian people than Ivanov, and the fact that for the first time a full list of truly Russian surnames in the country's regions was compiled. At the same time, scientists had to spend the mass of time, collecting Russian names with their own forces.

The meeting and election commissions on the ground flatly refused to cooperate with scientists, motivating this by the fact that only subject to the secrecy of voters lists they can guarantee the objectivity and honesty of elections to federal and local organs authorities. The criterion for inclusion in the list of surname was very soft: it turned on, if at least five carriers of this surname lived in the region in the region.

At first, lists were drawn up on five conventional regions - the Northern, Central, Central West, Central Eastern and South. In total, about 15 thousand Russian surnames broke through all regions, most of whom were found only in one of the regions and were absent in others. When you impose regional lists to each other, scientists have allocated only 257 so-called "community surnames".

I wonder what final stage research they decided to add to the list of southern region the names of the residents of the Krasnodar Territory, expecting the prevalence ukrainian names The descendants of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, Ekaterina II sent here, will significantly reduce the communional list. But this additional restriction has shrunk the list of community names in just 7 units - up to 250. From which the obvious and not for everyone has a pleasant conclusion that the Kuban is inhabited by Russian people. And where did Ukrainians have been going to and whether there were a big question.

Analysis of Russian surnames generally gives food for thinking. Even the simplest action - the search for the surnames of all the country's leaders - gave an unexpected result. Only one of them entered the list of carriers of 250 top community names - Mikhail Gorbachev (158th place). Surname Brezhnev occupies 3767th place in the overall list (found only in the Belgorod region of the South region). Surname Khrushchev - at 4248th place (found only in the Northern region, Arkhangelsk region). Chernenko ranked 4749th (only the southern region). Andropova - 8939th (only southern region). Putin took the 14250th place (only the southern region). And Yeltsin did not get into the general list at all. Surname Stalin - Jugashvili - for obvious reasons were not considered. But the pseudonym Lenin fell into regional lists under the 1421th number, lifting only the first president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev.

250 most Russian surnames

1 Smirnov; 2 Ivanov; 3 Kuznetsov; 4 Popov; 5 falcons;
6 Lebedev; 7 goats; 8 novikov; 9 frosts; 10 Petrov;
11 wolves; 12 Solovyov; 13 Vasiliev; 14 hares; 15 Pavlov;
16 seeds; 17 Golubev; 18 grapes; 19 Bogdanov; 20 sparrows;
21 Fedorov; 22 Mikhailov; 23 Belyaev; 24 Tarasov; 25 white;
26 mosquitoes; 27 eagles; 28 Kiselev; 29 macarov; 30 Andreev;
31 Kovalev; 32 Ilyin; 33 Gusev; 34 types; 35 Kuzmin;
36 kudryavtsev; 37 rams; 38 Kulikov; 39 Alekseev; 40 Stepanov;
41 Yakovlev; 42 Sorokin; 43 Sergeev; 44 novels; 45 Zakharov;
46 Borisov; 47 Korolev; 48 Gerasimov; 49 Ponomarev; 50 Grigoriev;
51 Lazarev; 52 Medvedev; 53 ershov; 54 Nikitin; 55 Sobolev;
56 rippers; 57 Poles; 58 flowers; 59 Danilov; 60 beetles;
61 Frolov; 62 Zhuravlev; 63 Nikolaev; 64 wings; 65 Maximov;
66 sorts; 67 Osipov; 68 Belousov; 69 Fedotov; 70 Dorofeev;
71 Egorov; 72 Matveyev; 73 beavers; 74 Dmitriev; 75 Kalinin;
76 Anisimov; 77 roosters; 78 Antonov; 79 Timofeev; 80 nikiforov;
81 cheers; 82 Philipov; 83 brands; 84 Bolshakov; 85 Sukhanov;
86 Mironov; 87 Shiryaev; 88 Alexandrov; 89 Konovalov; 90 Shestakov;
91 Cossacks; 92 Efimov; 93 Denisov; 94 thunder; 95 Fomin;
96 Davydov; 97 Melnikov; 98 scherbakov; 99 pancakes; 100 chariots;
101 carps; 102 Afanasyev; 103 Vlasov; 104 oils; 105 Isakov;
106 Tikhonov; 107 Aksenov; 108 Gavrilov; 109 Rodioni; 110 cats;
111 Gorbunov; 112 Kudryashov; 113 bulls; 114 Zuev; 115 Tretyakov;
116 Savelyev; 117 Panov; 118 fishermen; 119 Suvorov; 120 Abramov
121 crows; 122 Mukhin; 123 archups; 124 trophim; 125 Martynov;
126 Emelyanov; 127 pots; 128 Chernov; 129 sheepnikov; 130 Seleznev;
131 panfils; 132 hoofs; 133 Mikheev; 134 Galkin; 135 Nazarov;
136 Lobanov; 137 Lukin; 138 Belyakov; 139 Potapov; 140 Nekrasov;
141 Khokhlov; 142 Zhdanov; 143 Naumov; 144 sewers; 145 Vorontsov;
146 Ermakov; 147 frozards; 148 Ignatiev; 149 Savin; 150 logins;
151 safonov; 152 cabbage; 153 Kirillov; 154 Moses; 155 Eliseev;
156 walres; 157 Kostin; 158 Gorbachev; 159 nuts; 160 Efremov;
161 Isaev; 162 Evdokimov; 163 Kalashnikov; 164 boars; 165 socks;
166 Yudin; 167 Kulagin; 168 Lapin; 169 Prokhorov; 170 Nesterov;
171 Haritons; 172 Agafons; 173 ants; 174 Lariona; 175 Fedoseev;
176 Zimin; 177 Pakhomov; 178 Shubin; 179 Ignatov; 180 filadies;
181 hooks; 182 horns; 183 fists; 184 Terentyev; 185 Molchanov;
186 Vladimirov; 187 Artemyev; 188 Guriev; 189 Zinoviev; 190 Grishin;
191 coneons; 192 Dementiev; 193 Sitnikov; 194 Simonov; 195 Mishin;
196 Fadeev; 197 commissioners; 198 mammoths; 199 noses; 200 Glyaev;
201 balls; 202 Ustinov; 203 chermen; 204 Evseev205 Lavrentiev;
206 Bragin; 207 Konstantinov; 208 rootilov; 209 Avdaev; 210 yokes;
211 Biryukov; 212 sharappers; 213 Nikonov; 214 Schukin; 215 Dyachkov;
216 Odintsov; 217 sazons; 218 Yakushev; 219 colors; 220 Gordeev;
221 Samoilov; 222 princes; 223 Bespalov; 224 Uvarov; 225 shashkov;
226 Bobyl; 227 Doronin; 228 Belozers; 229 horns; 230 Samsonov;
231 butchers; 232 Likhachev; 233 drills; 234 Sysoev; 235 Fomichev;
236 Rusakov; 237 shooters; 238 Gushchin; 239 tetherin; 240 kolobov;
241 subbotin; 242 Fokin; 243 Blokhin; 244 reliefs; 245 pests;
246 Kondratyev; 247 Silin; 248 Merkushev; 249 Lykin; 250 tours.