The most popular Russian surnames. Rare surnames: list, history

The most popular Russian surnames. Rare surnames: list, history
The most popular Russian surnames. Rare surnames: list, history

Before you list from the 100 most popular Russian surnames. It should be noted that data collected several decades ago were used for this rating. But it is even better, because To trust the results of the modern census of the population is not at all.

First top 10 leaders in popularity. These 10 surnames, according to researchers estimates, in 1970-1980 were about 50% of the rural population of Russia, and about 30% of the urban population of our country.

1. Ivanov. This surname, unconditional leader of our rating. It is not difficult to guess that its origin is directly related to the most popular Russian name Ivan, so there is no doubt first in our list. A well-known folk train confirming the widespread dissemination of this name: "In Russia, Ivanov, like mutih mushrooms."

2. Kuznetsov. The origin of the surname is connected with the most common, and the most respected peasant profession. The blacksmith was in every village, he was honored and, as a rule, had a big family, the male part of which was provided by the profession and, as a result, the means of existence. This can also explain the widespread distribution of this surname. Kuznetsov could completely take first place in our ranking, if it were not for the influence of the language crops of neighboring fraternal states in the West and the south-west of Russia. In the dialects of the southern and western regions of Russia, instead of the Blacksmith, there is a word Koval, which was the cause of the transformation of Kuznetsov in Kovalev.

3. Smirnov. There is no unambiguous opinion about the origin of the Smirnov surname. A variety of versions are offered, from the wandering wanderers-enlighteners carrying culture, acquainting backward rustic men "with a new world", before binding to the Old Slavonic named after Smirny, characterizing a quiet and priestly person. However, the most prosaic (and the largest probable) is a version based on the reacting of this name of the people "smirded before God." Recent statistical studies argue that in our time the name Smirnov bypassed Ivanov and Kuznetsov's popularity and is the most common Russian surname.

4. Vasilyev. It is not difficult to guess that the name of Vasily is very popular in Russia. Recently, the intelligence of Vasily continues to decline steadily, however, the last name Vasilyev firmly fixed in the top 10.

5. Novikov. The prevalence of this surname is explained by the fact that all the newcomers, the aliens, the novels in the old days called the novik. This definition quickly became a constant nickname and moved to descendants in the form of a surname.

6. Yakovlev. Another last name that occurred from the popular male name. The name of Yakov is a secular analogue of the church name of Jacob. Since the names of the names have exactly such an army based on the name of the head of the family, then on them we can judge the distribution of certain names in Russia.

7. Popov. Initially, the nickname "Popov" meant: "Son of the Priest" or "Son Pop". In addition, the same word was used to designate Popov employee, Batrakka. In addition to this, in Russia, there was a name for his own "pop", which could also be based on this name.

8. Fedorov. The basis of the family of Fedorov was the church name Fedor, very common in Russia in 16-17 centuries. Not in all areas of our extensive country passed difficult to use the letter F, so the name Khodor and the surname of Khodorov has the same roots.

9. Kozlov. Before the introduction of Christianity in Russia, our ancestors were pagans and adopting a child with the name of the name of the animal or plant, was a very common tradition. Since ancient times, the goat was considered a symbol of vitality and fertility. Scandinavians considered a goat with a sacred animal torus. The goat was a favorite character of the ancient Slavic pagan legends, a purely positive character. However, with the arrival of Christianity, the goat became a symbol of the devil, damned, sinner. Then the expression "goat of the scape" was born and the general negative attitude towards this proud animal began to form.

10. Morozov. Oddly enough, but frost, it is also very common in Russia worldly (non-church) name. It was usually given a child born in the harsh winter months. The image of frost is the image of a hero, a blacksmith, a river and having an unlimited power for several months a year. Parents wanted to make a child with the name of Frost, they wanted to give him exactly these qualities.

…as well as:

11. Volkov
12. Petrov
13. Sokolov
14. Zaitsev
15. Pavlov
16. Semenov
17. Golubev
18. Vinogradov
19. Bogdanov
20. Vorobev
21. Solovyov
22. Mikhailov
23. Belyaev
24. Tarasov
25. Belov
26. Komarov
27. Orlov.
28. Kiselev
29. Makarov
30. Andreev
31. Kovalev
32. Ilyin
33. Gusev
34. Titov
35. Kuzmin
36. Kudryavtsev
37. Baranov
38. Kulikov
39. Alekseev
40. Stepanov
41. Lebedev
42. Sorokin
43. Sergeev
44. Romanov
45. Zakharov
46. \u200b\u200bBorisov.
47. Korolev.
48. Gerasimov
49. Ponomarev
50. Grigoriev
51. Lazarev
52. Medvedev
53. Erschov
54. Nikitin
55. Sobolev
56. Ryabov
57. Polyakov
58. Flowers
59. Danilov
60. Zhukov
61. Frolov
62. Zhuravlev
63. Nikolaev
64. Wings
65. Maksimov
66. Sidorov
67. Osipov
68. Belousov
69. Fedotov
70. Dorofeev
71. Egorov
72. Matveyev
73. Bobrov
74. Dmitriev
75. Kalinin
76. Anisimov
77. Petukhov
78. Antonov
79. Timofeev
80. Nikiforov
81. Veselov
82. Filippov
83. Markov
84. Bolshakov
85. Sukhanov
86. Mironov
87. Shiryaev
88. Alexandrov
89. Konovalov
90. Shestakov
91. Kazakov
92. Efimov
93. Denisov
94. Gromov
95. Fomin
96. Davydov
97. Melnikov
98. Shcherbakov
99. Blinov
100. Kolesnikov

The choice of name and surname under the law of the Russian Federation is the personal human right. This means that every citizen of the country may be renamed at any time as it will fall, passing for this established procedure. Mustache? Very, because there are so many beautiful, interesting, noble and majestically sounding Russian surnames. The lists of the most common and pleasant on the rumor, as well as the rarest and ridiculous of them are slightly lower.

Analysis of the origin of Russian surnames

Beautiful Russian surnames are a lot - Voznesensky, Ushansky, Mironov, Bogolyubov, stories, magnificent, Zlatovlasov, Wise, Admiral, Aristocrats, Vasilevsky. Unable to list all the options. Many of them have a completely unexpected origin. There is even a separate science - anthroponymik, which is engaged in learning how one or another specific surname was formed. For example, the last name Krivoshukin appeared thanks to a real person who lived in the 15th century by the name of the lip, born in Mikifora and having a nickname curves cheeks. This fact is reflected in the ancient documents (acts) - recording dated 1495. If he had lived today, his name would be called Krivoshukin Guba Mikiforovich. I wonder if it is not true? In the same year, there were records about the peasants given a nozzle (in the modern sound of Soplin Daniel) and Efimko Vorobye (Sparrow Efim). In 1568, everything in the same acts there is a mark of Mikitin Son Ivana, which has a nickname of a model (Menshchikov Ivan Mikitovich), and in 1590 - about the Mikifor Sibling named onton on the nickname (Zhdanov Anton Mikiforovich).

So the names appeared:

  1. For the most part of the nicknames, common in the people, who people gave them relatives and neighbors. People were called by their personal distinction - Chernovolosov (black hair), Ostronos (acute nose), Vereshchagin (often versa), Toropygin (constantly hurried), Rumyantsev (had blush cheeks), deals, dissent, witty.
  2. Often nicknames became the names of animals, fish and birds, later converted to the surnames - Medvedev, Kotov, Sobolev, Solovyov (perhaps, a man sang well), Lisitsin, Wolves, Zaitsev, Voronin, Tsaplin (as an option, had long legs), Dyatlov, Sinitsyn, Karpov.
  3. For certain estates, it was characteristic of complementing the name to the clause of classes, which also left his mark in the family history - Goncharov (potter), Tokarev (Turner), Stolyarov (joiner), shepherds (shepherd), Kozhemyakin, Kuznetsov, Fishermen, Butchers (judging According to the number of books, reflected in the current act of 1335, in the 14th century it was especially valued by this skill).
  4. If a person did not have some pronounced nickname, then the name was the name of the Father, which testified to the personality belonging to a specific race. So Maksimov, Ivanov, Vasyutins, Mishina, Stepanov, Fedorov, Sergeyev, and so on appeared. By the way, if there were several Ivanov, Vasiliev, Fedorov, and so on, the names of Vasiliyi - Ivanovo, Ivanko, Ivanchenko, Vasilenko, Vasileev, Vasykin, Fedorov, Fedorkin, Fedorchuk.
  5. The names of the princely kind were most often given by the name of the area, where the noble family lived or, based on the possessions of the latter. Almost always they had ending-o'clock or -tsky - Ozersky (had in possession of the lake), the Gorsky (Mountain), Shuisky (Rod Shuisky lived near the river and cities of Shui), Vyazemsky (at the river Vyazma). The same names are formed in the same way: Tula, Tverskaya, Yeletsky, Amur, Belozersky.
  6. A huge number of surnames are obliged to Orthodoxy - Blagoveshchensky, Voznesensky, Byzantine, Pokrovsky, Trinity, Spassky, Preobrazhensky and others.

The ladies who decide to change should pay attention to the following women's surnames and their meanings:

  • Amur;
  • Angel;
  • Annensk;
  • Afanasyev;
  • Athenian;
  • Babachina;
  • Bagirova;
  • Bazhenova;
  • Belograd;
  • Belozerskaya;
  • Berezina;
  • Berkutova;
  • Blagoveshchenskaya;
  • Bogoslovskaya;
  • Brilliantov / Diamond;
  • Vasilkova / Vasilkovskaya;
  • Byzantine;
  • Resurrection;
  • Hyacintow;
  • Potcharova;
  • Gorodetskaya;
  • Danilova / Danilevskaya;
  • Donskaya;
  • Pearls / Pearls;
  • Zalessky;
  • Eliseeva;
  • Zlatovlasov;
  • Zlatopol;
  • Znamenskaya;
  • Zorina;
  • Ignatiev;
  • Istomy;
  • Kamenskaya;
  • Kolosovskaya;
  • Lavrentiev;
  • Lugovaya
  • Lucinskaya;
  • May;
  • Malinovskaya;
  • Nagorno;
  • Nikitina;
  • Lakes;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Track;
  • Rodionova;
  • Ryabinin;
  • Rumyantsev;
  • Sapphire;
  • Serebryanskaya;
  • Solntsev;
  • UCHAN;
  • Tsvetkov.

Men's surnames of Russia: List

There are different tastes, and therefore everyone chooses for themselves for himself.

Next, the impressive selection of rare Russian male surnames:

  • Diamonds;
  • Andreev;
  • Bogatrev;
  • Belinsky;
  • Bolkonsky;
  • Warsaw;
  • Vasilevsky;
  • Magnificent;
  • Windograds;
  • Vorontsov;
  • Glinsky;
  • Hail;
  • Dyubin;
  • Dmitriev;
  • Doronin;
  • Dubrovsky;
  • Dorofeev;
  • E-house;
  • Yelsky;
  • Zadonsky;
  • Salaries;
  • Star;
  • Zlatomov;
  • Ignatov / Ignatiev;
  • Kakhovsky;
  • Kirsanov;
  • Prince / Princess;
  • Kovalevsky;
  • Condratyev;
  • Lavrov / Lavrovsky;
  • Larin / Larsky;
  • Lazarev;
  • Lebedinsky;
  • Levitans;
  • Logins;
  • Major;
  • Makarov;
  • Maximov;
  • Medvedev;
  • Mikhailov;
  • Melnikov;
  • Metropolis;
  • Mozhaisky;
  • Moskvin;
  • Muroms / Muroms residents;
  • Narcissov;
  • Nikolsky;
  • Nemirov;
  • Novgorod;
  • Nezhinsky;
  • Orlov / Orlovsky;
  • Sharm;
  • Obolensky;
  • Obiga / Ozhegov;
  • Paustic;
  • Petrovsky;
  • Pogodin;
  • Polyansky;
  • Rzhevsky;
  • Romanov / Romanovsky;
  • Sadovsky;
  • Sugars;
  • Samoilov;
  • Safronov;
  • Saltevsky;
  • Streltsy / Streletsky;
  • Troitsky;
  • Tarasov;
  • Titov;
  • Filatov;
  • Fedors;
  • Fonvizin;
  • Khmelnitsky;
  • Haritons;
  • Chernyshevsky;
  • Cherkasov;
  • Cheromushkin;
  • Shestakov;
  • Sheremetyev;
  • Shustrov;
  • Elinsky;
  • Elbrus;
  • Yuriev;
  • Yahontov;
  • Yasensky.
  1. Kuznetsov

  2. Solovyov


  3. Vinogradov



  4. Mikhailov

  5. Kudryavtsev

  6. Alekseev


189. Zinoviev

190. Grishin

191. Kononov

192. Dementiev

193. Sitnikov

194. Simonov

196. Fadeev

197. Commissar

198. Mammoth

200. Glyaev

202. Ustinov

203. Vishnyakov

204. Evseev




  1. Medvedev

  2. Zhuravleov


  3. Maksimov

  4. Belousov

  5. Dorofeev

  6. Dmitriev

  7. Anisimov

  8. Timofeev


  9. Filippov

  10. Bolshakov

  11. Alexandrov



205. Lavrentiev

206. Bragin


208. Cornilov

209. Avdeev

211. Biryukov

212. Sharapov

213. Nikonov

215. Dyachkov

216. Odintsov

217. Sazonov

218. Yakushev

219. Krasilnikov

220. Gordeev

  1. Melnikov


  2. Kolesnikov

  3. Afanasyev

  4. Gavrilov






  5. Trofimov



  6. Ovchinnikov



  7. Nekrasov

221. Samoilov

222. Knyazev

223. Bespalov

224. Uvarov

225. Shashkov

226. Bobyl

227. Doronin

228. Belozerov

229. Rozhkov

230. Samsonov

231. Myasnikov

232. Likhachev

234. Sysoev

235. Fomichev

236. Rusakov

  1. Vorontsov

  2. Ignatiev

  3. Kapustin


  4. Gorbachev

  5. Evdokimov


  6. Prokhorov







  7. Terentyev




237. Strelkov

239. Tetherin

240. Kolobov

241. Subbotin

243. Blokhin

244. Selivterns

245. Pestov

246. Kondratyev

248. Merkushev

249. Lykkin

Table 3.

The most common names of the village of Baturino.

    Lukin (125)

    Golubev (67)

    Bulygin (36)

    Gorshkov (33)

    Medvedev (25)

    Lashkov (23)

  1. Maslennikov (17)

    Gulyaev (16)

    Boosters (16)

    Sukhanov (15)

Table 4.

The names of the priests of the Baturin Spaso - Preobrazhensky Temple.

    Kapustin V.T. (1765 - 1793)

    Kapustin L.V. (1793 - 1816)

    Popov A. S. (1817 - 1818)

    Kapustin I.L. (1818 - 1857)

    Kapustin N.I. (1857 - 1865)

    Kapustin A.I. (1865 - 1868)

    Troitsky S.G. (1868 - 1871)

    Schodkov N.I. (1871 - 1883)

    Born D.I. (1883 - 1905)

    Baturin V.D. (1905 - 1906)

    Ponomarev V.S. (1906 - 1918)

    Palm S.I. (1918 - 1929)

    Lunev (mentioned in 1931)

    Golubev I.A. (mentioned in 1934)

    Norov I.B. (1999

Appendix 2.

Toponymic dictionary (interpretation of values \u200b\u200bof the names of local residents).

Abramov- Abram - the folk form of the baptismal name Abraham - the Father of Peoples (Dr.-Heb.). Related surnames: Abramkin, Abramochkin, Abrahshin, Abraham, Abramov, Abrasin, Abrahshin, Avraskov - they all happened from different diminutive forms of this name.

Avdiushev - the surname could be formed from various names, or their derivatives. And from the derivative forms of names: Male - Avddy (Avdii) - a clergyman (dr. Heb.) And from the rare Avdon ("servant, slave"), and from female - Evdokia ("Fale") through the conversational form of Avdota. Or The gentle forms of the baptistic name of Evdokim - Nice (Greek). - Avdonia, Avdosh, Evdona, etc. there is a whole pleiad of similar surnames at AVD-, EDD, which happened from various folk forms. See also Evdokimov, Avdaev, Avdatyev Aldonin.

Ageev - from the baptismal name Agga - festive, cheerful (Dr.-Heb.) - There have been a few more names: Ageikin, Agishev, Agishin, Agishchev, Aguishev. However, it is possible that Agishchev and Aguishev can be associated with the diminutive variants of the baptistic name of Agapiy - Favorite (Greek).

Aksakov - Aksak in Tatar means "chrome".

Aclaushin - oddly enough, the sharks have nothing to do with the terrible fish-beast. He is a single-factor with Orlov. After all, the shape of a shark acquired the Greek baptistic name of Akila - Eagle. Akilin in colloquial speech turned into a sharp. Both of these names were given lives also such last names: Akulin, Akulinin, Akulinich, Aclain, Okulov. However, the last surname could arise from the worldly name Okul or from the nickname, meaning a swarm, bragging, a deceiver.

Alexandrov - from the baptismal name Alexander - a defender of people (Greek). This name, like a mighty trunk of Tree, was raised by a lot of branches and leaves - the names formed from his diminutive forms: Alexandrikin, Alexandrovsky, Alexankin, Aleksanov, Aleksakhin, Aleksin, Alexin, Aleksakh, Alenev and deer, Aleniks and deer, Alenin and Olenin, Alenichev and Olenichev, Aleinikov and Oleinikov, Alentians, Aleinikov and Oleinikov, Alenev, Alek and Olekov; Aleshinsev, Aleshkov, Alegecin, Aleshin and Oleshin, Aleshin, Aleshkin and Oleshkin, Olesunin; Alekhanov, Alekhov, Olekhov, Alesin, Alekhin; Alutin, Aluhin, Alisha, Olyunin; Lexin, Lelikov, Lelikin, Lelyakin, Lelkov, Lelanov, Lelyashan, Lekenhin, Lenin, Lenkin, Lenkov, Lennikov, Lenov, Lenins, Lenshin, Lekinshin; Lyakin, Lyakyshev, Lyalikov, Lyalin, Lyalkin, Lyalyakin, Lyashev, Lyagiutin; Sanin, Sanjkin, Sankin, Sankov, Sanov, Sanjin, Sankan, Sanyutin, Sakhnin, Sakhnov, Saschenkov, Sashin, Sashkin, Sashkov. The dimming form of Shura became the basis of the sole surname of Shurin. It should be remembered that the names of Alenin and Olenin can be formed and on behalf of Alena (baptismal Elena), and the name of Oleinikov could be born from the name of the profession (the deerman - Olenevod).

Alpheres - from the baptistic name of Elepherium - Free (Greek). Besides<законной> The names of Eleferaev in one related row are: Alfeyev, Alffer, Lufer, Alferaev.

Andreev is one of the most common Russian surnames originated from the baptismal name Andrei - Mouginized (Greek). Andrusov, Andryunin, Andryuche and Seminarian Andreevsky were formed from various forms of the same name.

Andropov, from the baptismal name of Evtropy - unborn (Greek). His conversational forms: Antrophic, Antroha, Antrusha, AtroškO - gave life to last names Andropov and Anthropov, Anthrophin, Antrushin, Atrochkov, although their origin from the rare name ATPROP is as likely.

Anisimov - Anisim, Anis - a variety of churred name to the end in Russia - brought to the end (Greek.). Therefore, Onysimov is completely rushing in everyness of Anisimov.

Anikin is this surname from the derivatives of the names of John and Anikita (the first is connected with the Greek word "NIE" - victory, the second with the Greek "Anikteos" is invincible). The expression "Anika-Look" means "short-sighted man", "Anika-Warrior" of Zadira and Bouncen, who faithfully defeat. The latter went into use due to the popular translation of the XVI century in the people of the "Belly's Death and Death" (that is, "the dispute between life and death"), where the ill-fated decoration of Anika appears. Anikeev can be a form of the name Yenikeev Login Anichev could be formed from the female name Anna - Anya, in Ukrainian there are surnames from women's names formed with the help of male suffixes.

Afanasyev - from the baptismal name of Athanasius - Immortal (Greek.) His spacious forms gave life to last names: Athanasov, Afonin, Afonichev, Afonovychin, Afonichin, Afonyushkin.

Babinov - Babyunyshev. Mamienekin Son, Sleepy.

Bazhutin - Bazhan and Bazhen - Extremely common Russian non-church names. The nominal value of both: desirable, heartfelt, cute. The name of Bazhanov is connected with the circumstances of the birth of a child: Bazhen - welcome child. Mirous names Bazhen and Bazhan were distributed throughout Russia. The surnames of Bazhenov and Bazutin have the same meaning. Dahl is also a baggage, fancy favorite, a junk - desirable, honey. Bajans. Nobles from the XVII century. From the Türco Tatar baza "Sadovka, husband of his wife's sisters." In subsequent architects, scientists. Families of Bazhin, Bazukov from visitors' requests. Probably have the same basis.

Balandin - Balant - Kushan, or Boltun, Pleaspel.

Balashov- Balash is a personal name from Turkic., Balash, Dietyatko, son.

Baleevsky - Bali, Bali - Narchar, sorcerer, wizard, as well as a doctor from our ancestors.

Bannikov is not only a bunch and a person who loving washing in the bath, as well as a house that lives in the bath.

Basov - a student in the spiritual seminary. Another value is the bass - the beauty, beauty.

Baturin - comes from the nickname bar (stubborn, naughty), which is formed on the basis of the Ryazan dialect word "Batient" - stubborn. According to another version, the surname is associated with the name of Murza Batura - a leaving from a big horde who served in Ryazan princes.

Baharev - Bakhir, Bakhir - Govorun, narrator.

Belkov - from the nickname blonde, white, as well as a tidy man.

Berdnikov - Berdnik - Master of Hip, i.e. Combs of weak machines.

Biryukov-Wolf single.

Bogachev - the surname occurred from the word "rich", so in the old people called wealthy people.

Boyko - Boyky (Boyko) - Transcarpathian Ukrainians - Highlanders.

Borovikov - Borovich-man living in a forest in forest fishery.

Bragin is a man engaged in the manufacture and selling of Braga.

Brothers - middle name from the nickname of a brother, who arose from a dialective nominal brother, which in various dialects means "cousin", "Command Brother", "Friend, Comrade", "Brother". Bratchikov called members of some religious sects "Brotherhoods". In addition to the brotherhi, other words were also told with the same values \u200b\u200b- bro, brother, brother, the brother, which was given to the appropriate names.

Belukhov - Brojan - a man with a thick stomach.

Bulygin - from the nickname "Boulga" (Bully, rough), a cobblestone. In Doparerovskaya Rus, they often used as a personal name of a person.

Bulychev - Boych - plutish. The word served as a personal worldly name. Among the "Lutci servants", endowed with Ivan the Terrible Earth, we find Bulych Hyrin. (F). At the heart of the Russian word Boych with several values \u200b\u200bin different dialects "Plutish, shopping man" (Tul.), "Shameless, shameless man, arrogant plut" (Vladim., Vyatsk.) And "silly" (Vladim.). The very word borrowed from the Turkic, having meaning "weak, unable to have children. The surname occurred from the nickname of a buycle with one of these values.

Buroko - Burko - horse brown suit (a person could nick on the color of the hair).

Burlakov - Burlak - a peasant, which is expensive to earn money, especially for river vessels. This fishery did people with rude, self-willed, wild. "Houses of Barraki Baran, and in the forest - Buyany." Related surname - Burlats. Buro - Krikun, noisy man.

Bulator butors are one who is fast, loudly, suffering.

Bulls - bulls -Oner from the most common names formed from nicknames from the name of the animal. Included in the 100 most common, in 82th place. There are a number of "bulls" surnames with several other values. Bychatin - Butcher, the bulls - a distiller of livestock, Bychiv, bulls, bulls .. Bykovsky, Bychkovsky, Bychenko - Ukrainian surnames with the same meaning. The sick name of the porosis from the outdated porosis is a bull.

Important - 1. Wagan is a resident of the Vagi River, the influx of Northern Dvina. In the north, in the expansion sense called a simple, uneducated peasant. Also about the surname of Coriennic - from the Vagi River. In the customs books of 1675-1676 in Ustyuh and Totme, merchants were multiscimulated from Vagi: "Gregory Ignatov", "Environmental Leontyev Peter". The word Vahan appeared later later. 2. Vaga is the derivative form of an old rare name of Evagry (translated from Greek: happy on hunting). There are other meanings of the word "vaga" - weight, gravity (from here and "important", that is, weighing), weight, weights, lever. 3. The importance is possible from the nickname that - "spoiled" (the ancient Russian to vyuhoy "pour, indulge"). Possible Motivation of the nickname Wagan in a word that is in the dialects: in Yaroslavl, North-Dvinsky - "Man, Vakhlak", "in the Vologda," Rude, Lazy Man ", in Arkhangelsk, Vologda -" Shalun, Joker, Messenchak "in Vologda and Arkhangelsk Covers are also called residents of the cauldron (by r. Vaga)

Vasilenko is the middle name from the canonical male personal name of Vasily (from Greek. Basileus - "Relief, Tsar") and its derivatives. The surname occurs everywhere, since the name from XV to the XIX century. It occupied the second place in the Russians, yielding only Ivan. But the frequency of the last name only in the largest cities was significant (for example, in St. Petersburg, 1910, according to the estimates of B. Town, held second place). None of the territories included in Nikonov's calculations, the name did not refer to ten most frequent, since the name was used in many derivative forms, from which various surnames were formed, for example: Basilevich, Basilev, Bazilin, Vasin, Vasaleikin, Vassenkin, Vashekin, Vasilevich, Vasilevsky, Vasilev, Vasiliriv, Vasiliev, Vasilyev, Vasilkov, Vasiltsy, Vasin, Vasinsky, Vasintsev, Vasichev, Vaschev, Vashev, Vasnetsov, Vasychev, Vasyukov, Vasyukin, Vasyukov, Vasyukov, Vasyukin, Vasyukov, Vasyukov, Vasyun, Vasyunich, Vasyutin, Vastekin, Vastechkin, Vasyukhin, Vasyukkov, Vasyushin, Vasyushkin, Vasyagin, Vasyan, Vasykin, Vaskin, Vasyishin, Vakhnev (Rus. Sev.-West., Ukr., Belarus. - Vakhno, Ukr. - Vasilenko, Vasilyuk, Vasyuchenko, Belarusian, Bulle. - Vasilev, Mold. and Romanian. - Vasiliu, Vasiliuska, cargo. - Vasilidze). In some cases, it is difficult to decide what the name is the last name Vashin, Vashutin, Vashin, Vashouth and others - from Vasily or from Ivan? Vasena is a decreasing form of Vasily. Your conversational form of name Ivan or Vasily. Washing to your family, your descendants. And already the children of Vashinz began to write Vashinsev and: e after sh instead of and - later mistake caused by the fact that the history of family education was forgotten. (Wed. Vasnetsov.) Vasilets. Suffix is \u200b\u200bin the formation of surnames in Ukrainian and less frequently in Belarusian languages. Names on Wah- and your can be formed about the name of the warfolomes. Vakhnev.

Vasilyev is the middle name from the canonical male personal name Vasily (from Greek. Basileus - "Relief, Tsar") and its derivatives. The surname occurs everywhere, since the name from XV to the XIX century. It occupied the second place in the Russians, yielding only Ivan. But the frequency of the last name only in the largest cities was significant (for example, in St. Petersburg, 1910, according to the estimates of B. Town, held second place). None of the territories included in Nikonov's calculations, the name did not refer to ten most frequent, since the name was used in many derivative forms, from which various surnames were formed, for example: Basilevich, Basilev, Bazilin, Vasin, Vasaleikin, Vassenkin, Vashekin, Vasilevich, Vasilevsky, Vasilev, Vasiliriv, Vasiliev, Vasilyev, Vasilkov, Vasiltsy, Vasin, Vasinsky, Vasintsev, Vasichev, Vaschev, Vashev, Vasnetsov, Vasychev, Vasyukov, Vasyukin, Vasyukov, Vasyukov, Vasyukin, Vasyukov, Vasyukov, Vasyun, Vasyunich, Vasyutin, Vastekin, Vastechkin, Vasyukhin, Vasyukkov, Vasyushin, Vasyushkin, Vasyagin, Vasyan, Vasykin, Vaskin, Vasyishin, Vakhnev (Rus. Sev.-West., Ukr., Belarus. - Vakhno, Ukr. - Vasilenko, Vasilyuk, Vasyuchenko, Belarusian, Bulle. - Vasilev, Mold. and Romanian. - Vasiliu, Vasiliuska, cargo. - Vasilidze). In some cases, it is difficult to decide what the name is the last name Vashin, Vashutin, Vashin, Vashouth and others - from Vasily or from Ivan? Vasena is a decreasing form of Vasily. Your conversational form of name Ivan or Vasily. Washing to your family, your descendants. And already the children of Vashinz began to write Vashinsev and: e after sh instead of and - later mistake caused by the fact that the history of family education was forgotten. (Wed. Vasnetsov.) Vasilets. Suffix is \u200b\u200bin the formation of surnames in Ukrainian and less frequently in Belarusian languages. Names on Wah- and your can be formed about the name of the warfolomes.

Vddin - This surname is connected with the word widow, widower. Widowin - Son of Widow. Widovov, Vdovichov - Son of Widset. Vdovenko, Udovenko, Udovichenko - Ukrainian version of the name with one of the meanings.

Weprev - surnames Weprev, Veprikov, Vepryushkin are formed from the word Vepr - Caban, and rather, on behalf of or nicknames, the Wear. Such "animals" the names were distributed in the old days. Veprintsev. Educated from the word Veprynets, probably naming a person at the place of residence, for example, Veprino village, Veprevo (in the Vologda region) or from the Veprina family, like Vasin - Vasinets - Vasnetsov. The nickname could give neighbors a hunter or a man with a loud, mad temper.

Verkhoturians - perhaps the nickname Verkhotur, a topprint - who arrived from Verkhturya (city in the Urals, on the Tura River).

View -vid. You can argue about the meaning of this surname. Some researchers believe that it happened from the nickname View,this solid, beautiful, prominent person. Others assure that the name is the name - the name View,people's Reduce Shape of the Captive name David- favorite (Dr. Heb.).

Vinogradov - Vine has always played a huge role in Christian symbolism. Grapes are often mentioned in religious books; Grape clusters, painted out of wood, has long served as the decoration of Orthodox churches. The surname of Vinogradov, as the wish of prosperity and success, was often assigned to the pupils of spiritual educational institutions. Meanwhile, many of them never managed to taste the grapes. In the central regions of Russia, he appeared on a wide sale only, with the development of railways, by the end of the XIX century. With the development of viticulture in Russia, the world famous surname of Vinogradov also appeared.

Vladimirov - this surname has occurred from the baptismal name Vladimir (from Dr.-Slav. - "owning glory"). Volodya, Volosh, Will Lifting the form of Volodimer, Vladimir. Voloshin, in addition, as well as the Voloch, the old name Romanian and Moldovan. Suffix -in, denoting belonging to one or another nationality (cf. Tatar, Bulgarian), began to be perceived as the family suffix. Volodich - Belarusian, Volodko - Ukrainian surnames with the same meaning. Vladimirtsev, Vladimirsky - Indicates the place of residence or the service of the Father - the city of Vladimir. And the village with a similar name. But the surnames on the Sky in most cases have belonged to the nobles. It is possible and a seminar origin, they gave the names on-sky from the names of the saints. Voloshinovsky (from visitors' requests) - Polish family, probably from this name or Voloch, Voloch.

Volgin, Volgin - Surname Volgin is formed from the name of the Volga River, or more precisely from the nickname or a neventful name. Last Name Volzhsky has the same foundation of the Volga, the name of the river, but in the Book of Unbegun is to be brought in a group of artificial surnames formed after 1917. Volzhanin's surnames, Volzhhankin point to a resident of the Volga coast. Only there is one feature. Volzhanin neither from Volzhan, and in the older Volzanin and there is a resident from the Volga. In the formation of the surname, it would be more logical than Volzhanins, but with the strengthening of the suffix - in as one of the main generators of Russian surnames, the nickname Volzhanin and passed without changing the surname. Just suffix -in was adopted as a family (comparing Kostroma - Kostromin). But Volzhankin Metronimic (Women's) surname, from the nickname of the mother - Volzhanka.

Wolves - the name of the wolf really existed in the pre-Christian era. In antiquity, it was believed that, having received the name, consonant with the name of some animal or the elements, a man rushed with him. In the future, on behalf of the Wolf, a surname was formed with suffix -s. Worldly name Wolfit was unusually popular in Russia, for symbolized the bold strength, courage, trick. By the way, the names of Wolf in the Germans, the Vuk at the Balkans, the Gurd from the Turks were as used, and all this is the names of the wolf.

Voronin is a worldly name Ravenvery popular in the old days. Calling so a child, he wanted to give the things and longevity of this bird: Raven, according to legends, lives three hundred years.

Vyatkin - the surname is connected with the name of the Vyatka River and belong to the descendants of immigrants from this river, from Vyatka Territory. But in the "Onomasticone" of the Veselovsky Vyatka, Vyatkina: Kuzma Yakovlevich Vyatka Sakharausov, Metropolitan Butler, 1491-1504gr.; From him - Vyatkina. Vyatka-1) Vataga, crowd (Smolen.), 2) Wedge of the Earth (Ryazan.) (Dal)

Gavrilyuk - on behalf of Gabriel (from Dr.Evr. "Divine Warrior"). Gavrik, Hawsha, Ghania, Ganzha, Ganka - the diminutive forms of this name. Ganichev (Belozer., Waven., Kaduis., Used. Uz-dy). The patronymic of the "second degree" from the patronymic of Ganic and from the decreasing form of the gang of canonical men's names Agafon, Gabriel, and others. The last name of Chasta in Belozerier, like other names to -ichev. The name of Gabrieil (in the Promotional form of Gavril) was very popular in Russia. There have been many diminutive forms from him - Gavry, Gavrik, Gavruch, Gavrilka, Gavsha, Ghana, etc. They spawned a wide variety of family names. But other explanations are also possible. Gavrikov from Gavrik - on Don and Chestere, and the boy, and in the Orlovshchina - pleasant, the dysfil, hence. The smokyan boils, to gavare - to do something, and in the northern talks to boil - to dump. In the south of Russia, Ghanage - disagree, sink. Gavrilikhin. Gavrilich - Garil's wife. Near Moscow village Gutsino; In the XV-XVI centuries. Very common in the Novgorod region and in general in Western Russia, Gavsha - Gabriel. Names per gan- can be formed from other names. In the Petrovsky Ghana, a derivative form of such names as Agap, Agafya, and others.

Gaev - 1. Guy, in Ukrainian Grove. 2. Guy - Russian Name (Born Earth).

Gilev - Gil in some diallas - Bird Bowl. In the old days of times, Gtle was called troubled, the rebellion. However, there are other explanations. For example, in the Kostroma regions of Gil - a crowd, as well as nonsense, nonsense. In the north of Rus Gil - Balagen, joker, whereas in the south of Give - to serve, to service under the condition of the game, for example, in the ball or pike.

Glazunov - Glazun - Eyes, who have eyes to hang, as well as the one who loves to stare: Rotosa, Zewaka. Options nicknames could be: our eyes, eye, eye, etc. - From here and other surnames on the eye- (e). In Sulvar, Dalya can also find other values \u200b\u200bof the word with the root of the eye that could be nicknames and give the basis of the surname: the eyes - a sheet of kidney, pebbles, pearl (about Persnet), network cell. Surnames and nicknames are repeatedly mentioned in the "Onomasticon" Veselovsky: Eye, Glazov, Moscow Glazong - Rotosa, Locker; Glazunya - scrambled eggs.

Glazov is the same as glazing.

Gnillukhov - many nicknames were given a person in his appearance, physical disadvantages.

Goncharov - the surname comes from the name of the profession of the father of Gonchar - "Master Making Clay Ware." Goncharuk, Goncharenko - Ukrainian, and the surnames on -Enko typical for Eastern regions and follow in the south of Russia, the Criminal Code for Western regions. Surnames without specials. Sufifixes are more common in Ukraine but there are in Russia. Goncharik - Belarusian.

Grigoriev - from the derivatives of the names of Grigory (from Greek - "awake"). Grinkov - middle name from the decreasing shape of Grinc from the Canonical Men's Personal name of Grigory (through the intermediate shape of the Grin). The surname of Gritsky is an interesting evidence of migrating processes in Russia. The derivative of Gritsky is typical for Ukrainians, and the surnames with the end - they are considered the northern, were listed in Siberia and became typical Siberian surnames. Perhaps the ancestor of the owner of such a surname was a migrant from Ukraine to Siberia.

The mud - the surname is formed from the nickname or an indiscriminate name dirt, dirty.

Golovin - naked, head - a large man. Nickname Golovan - "Bolshever", recorded in the Vologda Council. Obviously, the main advantage of the prosecutors of these surnames was their head - either their magnitude or an unsurpassed sharpness of the mind. In addition, the head was called the head in ancient. There were heads Streletsky, Oboy, customs, written, etc. Options for surnames: Golovarav, most likely, the word head in full--eyed Old Slavonic version is a holomar. Headupians perhaps from the word head - smoldering coal. The lessels, from the ledger - the Khommester - the head - in the monastery. In the dictionary of Daly Gear, also, a trader in a shot down, selling disasters; Head, criminal, criminal. There you can also find no little words with the root of the head that could be the foundations of nicknames and surnames. For example, the names of Gasheshkin, the head is part of the laptia where the fingers.

Golubev - Pigeon, Galube, Dove - Naming the same bird, and the surname is formed from nickname or worldly name. The surname of Golubev may be connected with color. Dahl dovennik - a lover of keeping pigeons and at the same time hawk-dovennik. Golubinsky, Golubovsky, Golubitsky may have a geographic basis.

Doveflowers - Sloves - Cabinet, forgotten smear word, from a modern duchon.

Gorbunov - the surname comes from the nickname Gorbun, Gorbach. Gorbok - smear from Gorbun. The surname is understandable - the basis of their word hump. This physical drawback also spawned other surnames with the same basis. Surname Gorbenko, Gorban, Gorbatko, Gorbach, Gorbachenko Ukrainian origin with the same meaning. Gorbanevsky and Gorbachevsky can be formed from geographical names, and probably Ukrainian or Polish origin. Each surname is individual and the final answer can only give the study of its roots.

Gorshkov - a nickname pot could give different reasons. In the story "Alesh Pot" L. N. Tolstoy cites one of them: "Alyosha was a little brother. They called him a pot because his mother sent him to demolish the pot of Milk Dyaconice, he stumbled and broke him. The mother beat him, and the guys became tease him with a "pot." Aleka Pot - so I went nickname. " Gorbal - Belarusian surname.

Grankin Gran is an old name. From the Latin word "granums" - grain. The border is the diminutive form of the name of the Grand and Evgraph (from the Greek "written handsome"). We also meet with a curious phenomenon in Russian phonetics: the appearance at the beginning of the word of an additional sound (prosthetic, that is, with the apparent). But for the convenience of pronunciation of the surname, Granov was sometimes added A: Agran. Hence the agranovy. (F).

Mud - the surname is formed from the nickname or non-church name dirt, dirty

Glyaev - Gulyai - ancient Russian name. The meaningful meaning of the word "gulyy": Hill, rampant. In the same row of Puejunov, Podgulaev, Rampul, Zagulaev. Going out, walk, walk - a very eloquent nickname - a man is a fearful, rampant, cheerful.

Gusev - a surname formed from an indentional name or nickname goose, hussak. "Bird" names were not rare in Russian villages. Dahl Gusatnika geese trader or goose shepherd.

Davydov - from the Orthodox baptismal name David - Davyd and comes from the male name from Dr.-Heb. "Favorite" and its derivative forms.

Denisov - from the Greek named Denis (Dionysius - "God of the Life Forces of Nature, God of Winemail"). Deniysi, Star. Dionysius. All surnames from the baptismal name of Denis and its derivative forms. The main surname of Denisov occupies 97th place in the list of the most frequent Russian surnames. Dionisians, such a surname could also receive a seminarist. In seminary, there was a tradition to give students the name on the names of mythological characters. Denisenko, Denisyuk from the suffixes in Ukrainian onomastics are especially common two: -Enko in the east of Ukraine and -uk, -yuk in the West. Denisonko and Denisyuk initially meant "Little Denis", and then the "son of Denis", and, finally, they turned into hereditary names .. Deniseevich Patronized names on-Osich / Ohvich Typichna for the Ukrainian Nomenclature (Russian in Russian is not found ) and can be formed from a complete or decreasing form of a bastile name. The names on-ich, however, are more likely to Belarusian than to the Ukrainian Area. . Dzenischevich. The name with C or DZ should be read by Belorusskaya, if it comes from the Orthodox baptismal name, which is hardly used in the Polish environment associated with the Catholic tradition, for example: Zeniscovevich Denis (Ukr. Denis, Polish. Dyonizy).

Drojabin - Dreagaba in the Vladimir province called Plaks, roar, in Ryazan - Daryun, Zabjakka. In the Middle Urals, still calmly called a restless child. Surname - Initially, the middle name from the church male name (or nickname) of the deryab, which is at the heart of which - a nominal deryab, common with different values \u200b\u200bin a huge territory: "Plaks", "Drachun", "Zabi", "arrogant", "arrogant", " Fake singing "," Drinking vodka "(cf. to baptize -" drink vodka "(Sl. Rus. Gov.). With such a variety of values \u200b\u200bit is impossible to install which of them served as a source of last name. Shrimba (or delica) In addition, there may also have a different value, a bird-deryab or aubinnik. - 1) Drozd-Rubbinnik, 2) Krikun, Reva, 3) Drachun

Dmitriev - Surname Dmitrievformed from the full form of the male name Dmitry (church. Dimitri Greek. Demetrios - subject to Demeter, goddess fertility and agriculture), by adding a patronymic suffix -Ev. But maybe the name Dmitriev was formed from the name Dimitriev, because In Russian speech, unstressed, vowel in the middle of the word can fall out. Similar surnames, ascending to the full forms of men's names, are most common among Russian surnames. All these names could be formed from various derivatives on behalf of Dmitry - Dima, Dmitro, Mitya, Mitya, Mituyun, and others. A small number of Russian names of Bulgarian origin is the names of Bulgarian emigrants who came to Russia mainly in the XIX in (for example, Dmitrov) . Some colonies of Bulgarian peasants in Bessarabia and Ukraine, apparently, did not have much influence on Russian onomastics. Most of them are now completely assimilated and no longer considered the names of Bulgarian origin. In the names of Dimitrov on such an origin indicates suffix -s and finite stress (in Russian there will be Dimitriev). Dmitrienko, Dmitrko, Dmitro, Dmitruk - as a rule, Ukrainian surnames. Part of the names could occur from the forms of other church names, for example, Dimios (Dim, Greek. The name of Demios from Dimios is a national, chosen by the people), Mitrofan (Mitya, Greek. Mitir, Meter + Fire - Mother + Show, Represent), Vladimir ( Sushch. Dima, from Dr.-Germ. Waldemar from Waldan + Mar is to own + fame; Dr.-Rus. Refined from the basics of words to own + peace). Dima- Toponym (geographical name), Greek city. Dimitrovo, Dmitriev, Dmitrievka, Dmitrov, Dmitrovka, Dmitrovsk- toponyms (geographical names). Michura- St.-Slav. name; In some diallas of sullen, a lifelong, terrifying person. Mitish- look at one eye, pushed one eye; fuss.

Dmitrievsky- see Dmitriev.

Dolganov - Dolgans and Dongushi in Russia called the inclined people.

Dunaev - everyone remembers the Danube River, but it's not so easy. Danube flowed away from the ancient Russian populated areas. The word "Danube" was long held in honor of the Eastern Slavs and as a personal name, and as an element of song chorus. The riddle is still unresolved, it is believed that the Duna, the eastern Slavs-pagans called any fast and full-flowing river, and the name of Danube was given to children in honor of such a river, or rather, in honor of the spirit of such a river. In the Russian eponymists there are heroes on behalf of the Danube and the flow. But the Dunaevsky, Danube, Dunaev residents are likely to be from the name of the river, and point to the homeland or the place of service of the name of the name of the family.

Dyakov - Deakon - Assistant Priest (servant of the Orthodox Church).

Evdokimov - on behalf of Evdokim (from Greek. - "Nice, surrounded by honor"). Evdosha, Evdak - a derivative form of this name. There is a whole pleiad of similar surnames that occurred from various folk and decreasing forms of the baptismal name Evdokim - Nice (Greek.): Avdonia, Avdosha, Evdonia, etc. "Avdonin, Avdonkin, Aldakov, Aldonin, Aldoń, Evdakov, Evdonin, Evdinin, Eldonin." For rumor it seems that the name of Evdokimov (Acepreme) is very far from them, and in fact - here it is the capital.

Evseev - Evsey, Ovsey, Avsey - derivatives of the name of the name of Eusevia, which translated from Greek means "pious." Patronymic from everyday form by ESEJi from the canonical male name Eusevius (Dr.-Greek. Eusebes - "pious"). From the same name - other derivative forms, different degrees, also formed the middle names that became surnames: Avseev, Avseenko, Awayikin, Avsyukov, Evseichev, EVSEYKIN, EVSYUTIN, EVSYUSCH, EVSYUHIN, EVSYUSHIN, EVSYUSHIN, OVEEV, and other Evseichev. The patronymic of the 2nd degree "Son Evseich", i.e. In turn, from the patronymic "Son of Essay", therefore, Evseichev - "Grandson of Eusen".

Egorov-in Russian Anonymic name Georgiy (Georgy - from. Greek. "Agriculture) was entrenched in three forms of church-go-Georgia, Scandinavian, who came with Varyags, - Yuri, and Russian spoken-Yegor (Highness). Schoshin- patronymic from the form of His That could arise from the spacious form Egor (the canonical men's personal name of George) or from the dialective verb to join - in the Urals Councils "to fuck, restlessly sit". Egorichin from Frichi is the wife of Egor.

Elans - Elan-Large Polyana Open place.

Elaisarov -The-day on behalf of Elizar, the Russian version of the baptistic name of Eleazar (from. Dr.-Heb. - "God pardon").

Epanchintsev - wide, sleeless cloak; Epanchinnik - tailor, sewing boots.

Eremin - the surname is formed from the folk form of the Yerema or the calendar name of Yermia, Ermey.

Ermakov - on behalf of Ermalay, Ermey.

Ershov - Patronymic from the non-church name of the Ersh. The "fish" nicknames were distributed to the old days and became names in parallel with church. Yershikh is the wife of Togo, whose name of the Ersh.

Ladyev- This surname was given in the Tatar family, reflected the score of children. Russian version - semerikov.

Zhikharev - Zhihac: 1) Provisional older; 2) Mandrel, delets, dancer. Not in vain says the saying: "Zhihar is such that he will overwhelm." Zhikhareva - nobled race. The ancestor of them, Inos Zhikharev, was a devote in Pskov in 1577. Stepan Danilovich Zhikharev - the ruler of Vyatka vsarchsky in 1780. Sergey Stepanovich Zhikharev, who lived in the XIX century. Was a senator.

Zhukov - surnames formed from insect names are quite often. Insects have always been in the field of view of a person, but a variety of their species and features and caused a choice of some for the nickname. Two surnames from the names of insects are in the hundreds of most common Russian surnames: these are beetles (61st place) and mosquitoes (80s). Related surnames: Zhukovsky, Bug and Komarovsky - more rare.

Zavyalov - 1. Tatar, coat - sluggish, sleeper, so slow that winter on the move can be snowing (waters). Over the late winter guests have fun: "We thought, Torili, An with the Yard." 2. Tatar - common non-church name in ancient. In the dictionaries there are two meaning of the Words of Zatyla: "Blizzard, Blizzard" (Kaluga, Onega) and "Slidish, Slow" (Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod). The first could give a child born during a blizzard, the second could also become a nickname. Suffix -One testifies to the existence of the nickname in the form of the Taryal or Torolo. The last name is found in Vladimir, the middle of the Volga region, Transbaikalia and a record high frequency in the tritobol.

Jamming hush- Blizzard, blizzard, but also noise, scream, indignation. In antiquity there was a "protective" name Jams:krikun, screaming. Already from the XV century. It can be traced as a surname, purchasing a form Jamsay.A few later independent surname became Zamyatin.

Zakharov - the surname is formed from the baptismal name of Zahariya (I) (from Dr.-Heb. - "Joy; God's memory"), in the spatrificity Zakhar. The name was also used by Ukrainians (surnames Zaharuk, Zakharchuk, Zakharenko) and Belarusians (Zakharchenok, Zakhachchenaya last names).

Zuyev - Zui, Zuek - the regional name of some marsh birds from the kind of Kulikov. Portable: nickname of a living, mobile person. There is a saying: "Iruting, like Zui." The surname is common everywhere. Zui is an old male name. It is found in the documents of the XV - XVII centuries. In the "Onomasticone" of Veselovsky marks: "Zui, Zuyo, Zuev is found everywhere." There is also another value: the boy-cook in Artel.

Zyryanov - based on the surname Etnonym Zyryan, who in the past mistakenly called the people of Komi. Nickname Zyryan, Zyryanin, Zyryanese could get just not a representative of this people, but 1. or similar to the features of Zyryanin, 2. or who lived for a long time among Zyryan and then settled in the Russian village.

Ivanov is the most common surname in Russia comes from the baptismal name John - the mercy of God (Dr.-Heb.) - In his worldly uniform Ivan. Over the past centuries, several dozen surnames have emerged from the conversational forms of this name. Ivakin, Ivaniev, Ivanishin, Ivanishchev, Ivankin, Ivanusyev, Ivanushkin, Ivanov, Ivankov, Ivanshin, Ivachnov, Ivachev, Ivashishin, Ivashkin, Ivashkov, Ivashnev, Ivashnikov, Ivashkov and many others, immediately John.

IVKov - Iva, Ivka - can be a derivative form on behalf of Ivan, or an independent name or nickname. In the "Onomasticone" Veselovsky: Iva Ivan Borisovich Galitsky, the second half of the XV century; From him - Ivins.

Ivlev - Ivili - an option of the ancient Russian name of Iolya (Joil), in the Hebrew - the Lord God. In the novel of Ertel "Gardenini" ancient name named Ivili was derived. The decreasing form of Il is generated by the name of Ivlichi. Families, including two patrimonies: Ievl, Iovl, Ivl, i.e. Svn Iova (Jeva).

Izotov - the surname occurred from the Russian name of the isot.

Inyutin - on behalf of Innocent.

Isakov-surname is found in both the Jews and the Slavs, it is formed on behalf of Isaac.

Eastomin is the middle name from the non-church male personal name of the Eastom, frequent among Russians up to the XVII century. More than a hundred examples contains cl. Tupikov, mostly from the northern half of European Russia; Some researchers suggest the southern origin of this surname. The basis of the name - Istoma; Perhaps the name is associated with difficult kinds (as Tomil).

Cossacks - a wiggy, removal of a person, as well as a minibus, which was hired for a year.

Kazantsev - from the word Kazan is a resident of the city of Kazan. Such surnames were frequent in trading people traveling at different places.

Kamyshev - the basis of the word Cames, and not a nominal one, but its own name. In the old days there were popular names and nicknames from the names of plants or animals. Reed - one of these names.

Kapustin - middle name from the non-church men's personal name of the cabbage, often among the Russians in the XV-XVI centuries.

Karataev - Karata (low), karatas - ethnic group (Tatar).

Karelin - possible (Karenin) from the nickname Korotai - short.

Karpov - Patronymic from the canonical male personal name Karp (Greek. Karpos - "Fruit"), Fish Carp has nothing to do with him. In Russian consumption, many derivative forms of this name developed; The patronymic of them also became surnames. Ukrainian - Karpenko, Karpushenko, Karpovich, Karpun et al. (H) The common surname of Karpov can occur both from the baptistic name of the carp and from the CARP fish name. Relatively high frequency of this surname (73rd in the frequency list) suggests that it happens rather from a baptizing name. The following surnames Karputkin Carputka, Karpyshev Karputkin Karputka, Karpushi Carpush, Carpush Carpush, Karpushkin Karpushkin Carpüchin Karpёyev carpёv Karpёy, form is formed by adding to the full name of the carp. Karpovtsy. The surnames on -ovtsev rising to the baptismal names not directly, but through Toponimin, or -OV, formed from them. Carpishis. Some Ukrainian surnames are formed on behalf of the mother who itself is Andronim, that is, derived from the name of her husband. If, for example, the husband was called the carp, then his wife was called carpich, and then the Andrethronized surname will end on-wish. Carpenya. Although the type of surnames is na-, -y. And meets in Ukrainian, but it is more typical for the Belarusian onomastics. Carec. The surnames with a diminutive suffix in Belarusian onomastics are rare. Surname Karpinsky comes from the name of the settlement of the carpin, which in his

Kataev - roll, live without looking back, twist, from here Katay - Mustache, a ragged man.

Kaurovka - a horse with light-chestnut reddish wool, hence the nickname

man with the same color of hair.

Kirillov - middle name from various forms of the canonical male personal name Kirill (name, as suggesting, from Dr. Greek. Kyrios - "Mr., Lord"); The suffixes -On -in are equivalent, form the attracted adjectives (whose son), but -in joins the basics of A, so Cyril is from the form of Kiril, and Kirilov from Kiril and Kiroilo. In both cases, writing hesitated - with one l or with two. Modern Russian spelling, eliminating the doubling of consonants in many nonsual, allows (but does not oblige, since the names, patronymic and surnames are not written according to the rules, but according to documents) to simplify and writing their own names. Other surnames arose from decreasing forms. In some dialects, the initial Kirin was replaced by the smoke, which in turn gave a number of surnames, Kirilov - Kurilov, Cyril - Kurilin, etc. Kirilyuk, Kirilenko, Kirichenko - Ukrainian names of similar origin.

Prince - the surname is formed from the nickname prince, very common in the Novgorod peasants. The prince could call a person who was in the service (military or civilian) at the real prince. In the old wedding rite of the groom on the day of the wedding, called the prince. In different places of Russia, all of the Tatar for a joke or as a sign of respect called the prince.

Kovalev - from the word "Koval" - Kuznets. The most common name of Polesov - Kovalevsky, the southern Slavs have numerous names of the names from the word "kovach" - Kuznets, the same meaning and the German surname Schmidt, in English-speaking nations - Smith.

Kokorin - a sutured, crumpled man.

Kolesnikov - Perhaps Russian surname Kolesnikovformed on behalf of or nickname Kolesnik, by adding Russian patronymic suffix. The sophisticated suffix is \u200b\u200btypical for the names derived from the names of professions ending on-book. In the nickname, Kolesnik suffix -IK indicates a profession itself, and the suffix is \u200b\u200b- acts as a subjective suffix. Those. Kolesnik is the Wheel Master (Compare, Shaposhnikov, Reshetnikov, Butchers, etc.). Therefore, the horsester, rather belong to a man who makes the wheels than a madman or a scarecrick. The surname of Kolesnikov can be Ukrainian origin and sounded like a chariot (compare with the Ukrainian surnames Berdnik, Melnik, Miroshnik, etc.), and then was Russified. Kolesnik- Wheel Master, making driving or bridal wheels; In some dialects, a joking nickname of a person, wearing glasses (especially Pensne); Shalun, Sadzagrrod (carry Ocolesitz).

Kolchin - Krug - the one who has one leg shorter.

Komarov - surnames derived from insect names, through the corresponding nicknames, not numerous compared to "bird" and "animals" surnames. Nevertheless, two of them entered the first hundred of Russian surnames used - mosquitoes (80) and beetles (61). Nickname Komar could get a low or annoying person. In some dialects instead of "Komar" they say "Kumar". Komarevsky, Komarevsky Ukrainian or Polish surnames from the name of Komarovo type, mart.

Konin - 1. Horse nickname, 2. Man caring for horses.

Connov - Kononov - from Conmon; It was very common in ancient name borrowed from Greeks. Connov - a rejected form from the coneons; The remaining surnames are from various derived forms named Conmon.

Konovalov - ended - a man attending horses.

Kopylov - the surname from the nickname in the subjects of life, "Kopyl" - part of the strap.

Corobicin is a ship, owner, boss. Shipper - minister on the ship.

Kothotov, Korotaev, short - Korotaev. 1) Karatay is a representative of an ethnic group living in several villages of Tataria. 2) Corotay - short, that is, a low-spirited person. In Cherepovetsky dialects are short - "low". The remaining surnames are also from the nicknames characterizing human growth. Karatayev may have Turkic origin.

Koryakin - from the conversational form of the Koryak. Skoryag is the one that is spinning.2 stubborn intractable.

Krivonogovok - Kokora - a tree, feeded with the root, or the bottom of it. Nickname of a suton, a crumular man. They talked about this: "Smolodod Krivulin, under the old town of Kokore." Patronymic from the nickname of Kokore, documented in the XV century. Surname Kokorin is widespread in the South Aboral. The nominal kokora, common in the north of European Russia, in the Urals and Siberia, had many meanings, of which the basis of the nicknames could be "stump", "Curve tree"; Cocoker - "stubborn, wayward, stingy" Kokore, Cocker - a bar with a rhizome or knee for the construction of ships

Curves - Cryption - curve, one-eyed man.

Kruglikov - a round-range called a complete, round man. But so could call and the person who baked puff pies for sale - round clocks.

The wings - the surname often assigned to pupils of the spiritual seminaries. She, as it were, symbolized the rise in the swell, to heaven. It is no coincidence and angels have always been depicted with wings.

Kudin - various forms of the church name Akindin (from the Greek "safe") given a lot of surnames. Kudimov, Udimima can also be the name of Nicodemus (from the Greek "winning people"). Cadimov - perhaps the option of kudimov; Kinyashev from Kinash from Kin, a brief form of this name. Kudinovy. From Kudinov Kadysh (Kadyr), which passed to Russian service, probably from Kazan and former serving Tatarin, Ambassador in 1554-1556. Surname, perhaps, from distorted Kazan-Tatar Kuda - Lyudai "God, Allah" (Gafurov 1987, p. 154).

Kuznetsov, Kovalenko - middle name from the naming of the Father on the lesson. Since the blacksmith was the necessary and all-famous man in the village, the name of this sign was everywhere. Therefore, the surname of Kuznetsov is one of the most frequent in Russia; In Moscow (1964), 78 thousand kuznetsov lived (yielding in the number of only Ivanov, which 90 thousand). In some locations, the surname Kuznetsov ranked first in frequency (for example, in 17 Mashands of the Kerensky and Chambar counties of the Penza province of 1917 from 69 thousand Russians covered by estimates, 1031 people - Kuznetsov). In general, the distribution of the surname Kuznetsov is somewhat limited by the use of the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian dialectal word Koval in the same meaning of the "blacksmith", therefore, surnames with this basis were distributed from the west and south-west. Other nations are also very familiar with the foundation that means "Blacksmith", for example, the most common English surname Smith, German - Schmidt. Kovalev is one of the most common Russians; Same names, although there are no words "Koval" in the Russian literary language. In the south of Russia and in Ukraine, Koval is called the Blacksmith. "If not Koval, and the hands are not tragging," (that is, do not pack) - advises folk wisdom; Do not try to make a deal that you do not know. Covenaya. One of the suffixes of generators of Belarusian surnames -One. Kovalsky - Polish or Ukrainian surname. Kalovykhin and Kuznechikhin, metronimic surnames, are formed from the naming of a woman, the wife of a blacksmith. Kovalkov, Kovankov - Russified Ukrainian or Belarusian surnames.

Kuzmin, surname originated from the male name Kuzma.

Kulikov - names with bird base are widespread in the Russian environment. Yellovsky has Ivan Ivanovich Kulik Samarin; Kulikov. landowners, end of the XV century, Novgorod. Last names are usually Ukrainian or Polish, on -Y - are characteristic of the North and Siberia.

Cutics - from the nickname of the clergy: a hint of their attachment to the memorial Kushany.

Lebedev - the names of animals and birds were sources of nicknames from which later, many "bird" surnames were formed. Lebedevs stand among them on 2 place, and in the frequency list of all Russian surnames by 13. This surname is widespread in the Russian clergy environment and may have an artificial origin, as well as surnames on-school. Another option of origin has one-surning surnames Lebonesev, Lebezenins, Lebedinsky and Lebedyansky from the names of cities - Lebedin (Sumy region) and Lebedein (Lipetsk region) (f). The Turkic Nature of the Lebonee in the former Biysky and Blacksmith County, in Siberia. However, Lebedinsky may have a seminar warny, in honor of the noble bird. And the winch (Lebedkin) in some dialects.

Ledges - Ice - Ice, Ice. Obviously, the nickname of a cold, impassive person.

Litvinov - Litvinov: Russians and Belarusians who have lived to the reunification of Russia as part of the Lithuanian and Polish-Lithuanian states.

Lithuanko - not all Litvinov - descendants of Lithuanians. Russians called the Russians and the Belarusians who, before reunification with Russia (the end of the 18th century), lived in Lithuanian for a long time, and then the Polish-Lithuanian state. In the Belarusian language in the place of Russian soft D, the DZ is pronounced. We were a proverb about Belorus: "Like Litvin, and Zeknet" (when it starts talking in Russian). Litvinets is one of the forms of the nickname of Lithuanz, as a Ukrainian. Litvinenko, Litvinonko - Ukrainian surnames of the same origin.

Lobanov - 1. All surnames are from the words that denoted a bulk, labast man.

2. Some of Loban is called a large, strong person. Loban, Lobyad - So in Russia, called a man of a smelter, guess, and sometimes an incredulous, secretive, no wonder they say: "mood ispodloby." Related surnames: Lobarev, Lobastov, Lobachev, Lobashkov, Lobashov, Lobashev. S.N. Blobanov (Donetsk) reminds of the common generic name of the princes of Lobanov-Rostov, whose ancestor - Inogen Moon - has moved at the end of the XV century. To the service to the Moscow king and became the pillar of Lobanov. This is fixed in pedigree. But it should be borne in mind that many pedigree noble surnames are falsified (in order to hide common origin, invented, for example, a ancestor - foreigner). In addition, many branches of Lobanov older than named, for example, a branch coming from Rockolovsky Prince Andrei Loban, the beginning of the XV century. Finally, the conversion of Woban in Loban itself is precisely a rethinking on the usual Russian name Loban. But the main thing is that there are many Lobanov, the writer itself indicates that his ancestors were serfs. The name of the surname is undoubtedly the middle name from the Russian non-church name Loban from the nine Loban - "Lobs (with a big forehead)", in some diallas - "tall".

Lukins - this surname is formed from Luke's names (from Lat. - "Light-sound") and Lukyan (with a lat. - "Son of Luke, Light"). Loucona, Lukuta, Lutona, Lutoha - Reduce forms of Luke names, Lukyan. Luksha from the canonical male name Lukian (everyday - Lukyan) with a suffix -sh- (a), like Wanzha, Niczha and other spaticrous education. The combin is characteristic of the west regions. (See Akinshin) Surname Lunchenkov from visa requests. Lord of her name Luncha Luna Lucaine. Suffix -Enkov is typical or for Russified Ukrainian surnames (Lunchenko), or for Russians, distributed in the south of Russia, in areas bordering Ukraine. Logman's surname may have another origin.

Lykin - the surname is connected with the ancient Russian word of the flavor, which denoted the leg and its parts, the verb to lie - "run away, wander, whither from the matter." The nickname of the flavor was recorded in Novgorod in 1478, repeatedly in the writer of the city of Yaroslavl 1671; Probably, the Novgorodians are listed in Perm land, where by the end of the XIX century. Female Surname Lykin. The All-Russian Census of 1897 documented this surname in Zauralie in the forms of Lydkin and Lykkin (Yurginsk Osk. Yalutorovsky, Garinskaya Vol. Turinsky. // Tobol. Archive, f. 417, St. 214, 189) - this is not scribs : In Northworthy Counsels, the word Lyda - "Feet" or "Long Feet" (in Dale - Vost.-Rus. and Vologda.).

Lyapunov - Lyaka, Lyapun - the one who does all somehow, a crappy, hastily and badly; Says rude and inappropriate, "blowing". Despite so negative values, Lump and Lyapun as personal names (non-church) were very common in the old days. Perhaps they are so accustomed that they stopped tied with the initial nominal meaning of both words. Lyapa - so inserted the punch of the palm, slap, the brace, and the appropriate nickname was given to the hands-looking. Lyapun is a nikudny master or painter. The Arkhanghelogorod residents have a lapel - a beater to join the fish. In addition, it is words, as well as bellows, matters - moth. From these nicknames and the names could occur.

Lyakhov - Initially, the middle name from the naming of the Father Lyakh, as long as the Poles called, from the names of the Slavic tribe (Lech). In the Moscow state, it was so called not only by the Poles, but also other subjects of the Polish state; The nickname was given and visited in Poland or who had overwhelmed any Polish feature, for example, in clothing - with close communication with Poland in the XVI-XVII centuries. It was not rare.

Makarov - middle name on behalf of Makar (from Greek "Makarios" - happy). Makash - diminutive forms. Makarenko Ukrainian, Makarevich Belarusian forms of this surname. Makarich - Makara's wife. Makarychev - grandson of Makara. Makarovsky - or from the geographical name, or on behalf of. Makarenkov - or Russified Ukrainian, or South Russian, from the areas bordering from Ukraine.

Maksimovsky -The names are formed on behalf of Maxim (from Greek. - "The greatest, huge") and derivatives of the integral forms of this name - Maksak, Maksyuta, McShai.

The surname Maksakov can be Mordovian origin: Erzyan. Maksak - "Mole". (H) less often from other canonical names: Maximian (t Lat. - Belonging to Maxim), Maksan, Maxmilian (from the addition of Maxim + Emilian names). Ukrainian surname Maksimonko represents the smelly form of the name; The Ukrainian names are maximized in reality, meaning "one of the family Masimyat", originally - "Son Maxim".

Malyshev - the surname occurred from the ancient Russian, non-ear names and smear nicknames, which were given to children.

Markov-brand is derivatives of the form named Mark.

Maslennikov - Maslennik - Oil Trader. But the oils (from visitors' requests) from the nebestile name or nickname oil. Such names, from the names of the products, were known in Russia. Maslovsky, possibly Ukrainian surname, from the geographical name of Moislovo, Masvlock, etc. In the dictionary of the Dalya from the word butter, oil is a lot of derivatives with different values. Maslyak - Mushroom Koznyak, Male - also mushroom, butter - pet, balovd.

Mahev- Makhno - the derivative of the name of Matvey and the Epims. "Epims" - provides medical care.

Medvedev, in Russia, the Pearls called the leaders of the taught bear.

Medvedkov - Look Medvedev.

Mezentsey - a resident of the coast of the river Mezen, flowing into the White Sea.

Muzzles - from the nickname of a small, punishment man.

Moiseyev - from the baptistic name of Moses - rescued from the water (Dr. Heb.) And its forms: Monia - Monin, the spacious Mosei - Moseev, etc.

Mokrusov - from the nickname, ascending to the word wet - raw. Mokrusov - then who drinks a lot, not necessarily alcohol. Mokrusha can someone who in childhood often wet wet, or lived on a wet place, the swamp. Mocrodovarov - a trader with a submool product, and may one day drowned the goods, and the nickname was preserved and gained in children in the names. The replacement of O - and macros could occur or because of the mistake of the writer or because of the car dialect.

Mokritsky - Ukrainian surname from the geographical name with the same root. Mochryakov can be from nickname plaks.

Mochals - from the worldly name was urine (the use of a "unreal" name to protect against "evil forces").

Soaps - a man - a man engaged in the manufacture and sale of soap.

Nazarov - from the baptismal name Nazar - dedicated to God (Dr.-Heb.) - There were still surnames. Nazarz, Nazariaev, Nazarey ..

Nemchinov, German, German is not necessarily a resident of Germany, as we call them now. Nemen in ancient for the Russian man was any innocent, a stranger, because he did not speak Russian, there was no matter how much. German - and there is a dumb. Options: Nemtsov, Nemchinin, Nemushkin.

Nesterov - middle name from the canonical male personal names Nester, Nestor and Nestorius. Nesterenkov - Russified form of the Ukrainian surname with the same basis. Nesterenko, Nestek - Ukrainian.

Novikov - One of the most common surnames could be formed by several ways: Novik - 1) Princely servant, Page; 2) Novobine, newcomer; Again the office, adopted in Pai, Artel, Society, Brotherhood. New year - young month. By virtue of the generic traditions, the nobles originally stood in this (and some other names) on the last syllable - novikov. Consonant - Novichikhin, newcomers, related - Novozhilov, Novoshetsev

Nosov - the surname is so familiar that it is difficult to even imagine that it is formed not at all from the word sock - a short stocking. In the documents, it appears in the XV-XVI centuries. - Well, what socks are here. It was a nickname or worldly name is saccolessly, and in general, sock is just a nose. Konopathy, short, long, smoky, eagle, hooked, beautiful - in a word, some special sock became the basis for nickname and surname. Related: nose, Nosakin, Nosachev, Nosenkov, Nosyerev. Well, in some way, since the nose is given to us for smelling: Nyukhalov and Nyukhachev.

Nurpiisov - Surname of Turkic origin. Educated on behalf of Nurbek (Nurbek). This name is composite Nur - Light and Beck - the owner, Mr. There are several surnames of mixed type, in which the Hyp- Arab element is in the first place. NUR "Light", Nuralya, Nurgaliyev "Light Ali" Nurmukhamedov - Muhammed Name of the Prophet Nurpes Kazakh, Pejis / Bejis Persian. BEHIST / BIHIST "Paradise" Nurberdays Berdy Türk. Berdi "He gave", Perfect form of the verb Bermek "Give". Nurumban Khan "Lord".

Obukhov - Obuchi - part of the ax, opposite to the blade. And in the portable meaning - deaf, inconsistencies.

Ovsyannikov - Breeches - seller of oats, bread from oatmeal. The saying "Do not break the bunting, not to be you Calach."

Optileev - Patronymic from the nickname of the Ottay from the dialect verb to be mastered - "deceive."

Osipov, the surname of our great poet relates to a whole<гнезду> The surnames that took place from the baptismal name Esip (Joseph) are God's award (Dr.-Heb.). These are: Janev, Esinin, Esinov, Esipov, Esichev, Eskin, Eskov. From the form of OSIS, the names of Osipov, Oschiv, are formed. However, to explain the name Yesenin there are two more opportunities. First, in Ryazanchin, the Motherland of Sergey Yesenin, Esenia means autumn, namely, the poet was born. Secondly, the nickname of Esenia existed in Russia, for the first time documented in 1590. Esipov - noble childbirth. The founder of the oldest of them, Esip Vasilyevich, was a Novgorod Postener in 1435, his sons: Vasily - Musky, Bogdan and Dimitri - Posadanmi.

Oskin - There are several explanations of the name marked in the XVI century. Calgan - a man's capricious, narrowful, wayward. This word is indicating in Tver, Ryazan and Tambov dialects a simple wooden cup, squeezed roughly ax: bucket, bucket, calf feeder. There is a plant of Calgan: his spicy root goes to food, no wonder they say: Calgana vodka, Calgana gingerbread. Among the related surnames arising from the names of the plants, there are: Badyanov, Byrianov, Veresov, Dyagilev, Kamyshev, Konoplin and Konoplev, Krapivin, Kronov (Flax View), Lozin, Mokhov, Oskin, Ivy, Polynov, Pshenitsyn, Travin (Herkin), Horstv, Khmelev, Shalfeyev, Yachmenov.

Ochapkin - the surname occurred from the word "ohaccas".

Pavlenko - on behalf of Paul (from Lat. - "Small") and its diminutive forms - Pavsha, Pashka, Pashuna, Pashan, and others. The Favorian Troopship is at all the warrior in battle, and Paul, nicknamed diminishing Pavsha. The diminutive forms of names from-shell were finally characteristic of the North-West of Russia, Pskov and Novgorod Counsel. There was a female baptismal name of Paul (derived from male) which could also be the basis of some surnames. Pavlikhin - from Pavlich - wife Paul. Pavlenko, Pavlyuchenko, Pavlutsky, Pavlyuk, - ukrainian surnames, moreover, it is characteristic of the eastern districts of Ukraine, and on-scum for the annoying .. Pavah (Pavin) is a brief form of several names for Paving Pavel, Peacock, Pavsika (with Greek. Rewind evil), Pavsilip (Greek suffering).

Pavlov - one of the most common surnames comes from the baptistic name Pavel - small (Greek). From this name, as from the seed, a powerful "family tree" has grown. Pavel, Paving, Pavlekov, Pavlikov, Pavlikov, Pavlinin, Pavlinov, Pavlikhin, Pavishians, Pavlishev, Pavlovsev. Pavlukhin, Pavlukhin, Pavlushin, Pavlushkin, Pavlushkov, Pavlychev, Pavlychin, Pavlyukov, Pavlichikov, Pavshin, Pavshukov, Pashaev, Pagianin, Paschenov, Pastekin, Pashin, Pashinin, Pashinkin, Pashinov, Pashkin, Pashchev, Pashkeev, Pashnev, Pashunin, Pashutin. The names formed from the decreasing forms of Pavel could form and Panayev, Panchin, Pankes, Panchin, Pankin, Pankin, Pankin, Pankin, Pankin, Pankes, Pankes, Pankes, Pankin, Pankin.

Palm - a surname on the name of an exotic tree, in Russia that did not grow, sometimes studied seminarians. But it was also the female christmas Orthodox name Palmyra and he has a known palm tree derivative.

Panov - Zhilts - a position at the court in ancient Russia for the protection and execution of urgent orders. Later, already in the XIX century, the tenants called the barracks who lived in the master's house. Other similar names are known, denoting social status: Barchukov, Bogachev, BoyaIninov, Mr., Counts, Noblenins and Dobyakin, Breeders, Korolev, Peasants, Milnins, Millioners, Panov, Princes, Raskolnikov, Starostin, Manufacturers, Hostesses, Halls, Tsarev.

Pankov- formed on behalf of Panteleimon.

Pakhomov - one of three: either at the heart of this surname verb smell - beat milk, sour cream; either distorted halibut, palathy - fish; Or taking such a fancy view of a conversational form on behalf of Pakhom, Pakhomy - Widewiest (Greek). This name and his folk forms also spawned the names: Pafomov, Pakhomychev, Pakhomyev, Pakhmouth. However, it may be at the heart of the latter - the distorted surname of Bakhmutov from Bakhmat - Malvori Horse (Turk.).

Pechenkin - from the name of the human body of the liver. Regarding the nickname of the liver, perhaps a person similar to the liver of the animal. Probably burnt, burnt, whose skin baked. Unambiguous communication with the verb oven. In the dictionary of Dalya, Strayapukha, the cook, the cookie - the kitchen. But also the liver - bruising, bruised, liver - mushroom, liver (Tver) - cute, honey. And there are still words of chokes (sorrow from him) - care, a wonder from which the nicknames could be formed on the furnace.

Piskunov - the archaic Russian word Bibik meant either bad food, or a person with some disadvantage. Incidentally, there are quite a few surnames characterizing the founder of the surname according to its moral or physical disadvantages: Hororovov, Glashechev and Gorhlokhtov (the one who is just seeking croution), Zhmurov (intense), Sashens, Kuxin (to cunning, to dive), Merzlyakov, Mochryakov (either Plaks, or ..), Molchanov, Morgalov and Morgunov, Piskunov, Plaksin, Puzanovp Pugachev, Revin, Slepakov, Skychokov, Slapachev, Chripunov, and others. Bibikov - one of the most famous for the Rusian gods, leading its origin from A leaving from the blue horde Zhidamira.

Plekhanov - Patronymic from the ancient Russian non-church male name Plekhan from the nine Plekhan - "Bald". In the Suzdal Rus Plekhan - a pagan deity, the remnants of his cult remained several centuries, and yet not until the appearance of surnames.

Carpenters - a carpenter - one of the most ancient classes in Russia. At first it was associated with the word of the raft - the plot, a woven.

Field - from the word Field of the names formed a little: field, field, zapolsky, field. The latter is one of the ancient multiple surnames: arzane and rye, gentle, blue, nine, wooden, rusty (covered with riots), gold, carp, ribs, unknown, non-risk, pleasant, memorable, cook, jealous, angry, duct , Suitable, cerema.

Semi-surname from the molds of the police from the canonical male name in Russia with a partial rethinking of the incomprehensible name, as in the surnames of the semi-chains, halfcarps.

Ponomarev - Surname from the naming of the Father by position: The Ponoloire is the lowest rank of Orthodox Church.

Popov - Popov, Protopopov - Senior Priest.

Pospelov - Snow, keep up means and<созреть>, I.<угодить>. According to the word, one of the most capacious and mysterious proverbs of the Russian people are saved.<Умирает не старый, а поспелый (т. е. готовый для загробной жизни)>. In former times, the worldly name was keenly, denoted by a well-known to military service or marriage (the village - the girl on the issuance). And in the seminary, the seppelon could be called a Great Student.

Pothein - the surname from the non-church male name of the fun, often in Russia of the XV-XVII-centuries. The surname from its diminutive form of speech was the surname of Peshekin. By census 1897. Several families with this surname are recorded in the village of Chindianovo (now Dubensky district of Mordovia).

Prakhov - the surname, most likely, not from the usual meanings of the word "dust." In the govoras of dust - Torgash, a laryrship, as well as the ILO, a walk.

Prone from the folk version is prokhor.

Prokhorov - from the baptistic name of Prokhor - sainted, started (Greek) - there were other names. Same names for will be, and from derivatives of the name of the prophyology.

Village "bird" are formed from nicknames, ascending not to the title of a particular bird, but a generalizing name of a bird, Ptah (Putuha), Pichuga. Such nicknames could get movable, sophisticated, low people. And their descendants became pichugin, pitchin, etc., etc.

Pyryev - drinking - a common herbaceous plant. At the end of the 15th century, she lived with drinks Osokin Son Travin (a curious example of homogeneous, in this case "vegetable", names in one family). Pyryev went from him.

Runs - neither a monk nor Igumen - the abbot of the monastery - could not marry. So the names of the monks, Igumnov could be born from nicknames (possibly ironic) or from benefactors who sent someone else's capable child, to study in the city. Option is a monk. Other Orthodox priests were married, and then the names arose naturally: Popov, Protopopov (senior priest), deacons (assistant priest), Protodyakonov, Ponomarev (student, igniting candles and calling in bells), collapse (pop, deprived of Sana), Dryazakov.

Rudakov, Rudnov - Rudak, Ruden - ore (ores), that is, red. Rudakov is the middle name from the nickname or the non-church male name Rudak. The general Slavonic and the ancient Russian word ore - "blood", from Him Rudak - "Red, Redhead". In the north, the surname Rudakov was very welcomed, here ore - "dirt, stain" and Rudak - "dirty, sawmed".

Rumyantsev - Rumyantsev Rumyanta called not only the most color of the face, but also a ruddy man ..

Russians - the first one who called Russian maybe lived in the village, where most of the inhabitants were not Russian (for example, Komi-Zyryan or Perm). He could then move, and the nickname (or already surname) remained. And the endings are characteristic of the surnames just those edges - the north, northeast of Russia .. there were such names from the appeal "Whose will you?" - Russians. This appeal can also be heard in the villages. It recalls the tradition of large families when 5-7 generations lived in one yard.

Rybin, Rybnikov - Family Family Family Family in Russia is quite extensive. These surnames could be formed from nickname or neventful names like fish, fish, fifteer.

Rykunov - Ryk - growl. So they could nose a shockful child or an adult, who was distinguished by a loud voice. Rykach, Rykun - one who grows. All these words are common old-Russian names. Rychko - a decreasing form of the name of the roar

Ryumin - representatives of this surname can be proud of their ancestors, information about which is contained in various documents confirming the trail left in the history of Russia. Surname Ryubin occurred from the north-eastern regions of the ancient Russian state and is known from the XVII century. Of course, over time, representatives of this surname can live in other historical regions.

Surname Ryumin refers to a rare and unusual group of Russian surnames formed from intra-family names. The child received an intra-family name only from his parents, and this is the only sign that in-game names differ from the nicknames, which were usually assigned by their neighbors. Of course, not all children had an intimidian name in addition to the official.

Savintsev - a surname from various forms of Savva's diminutive forms (translated from the Aramaic - "old man", "grandfather"), as well as other Christian names beginning with Sav Savvat: Savvathi (Dr.-Heb. - Saturday), Savnelius (DR. - Evr. - Scaffed with God), Savrai, Savin (Lat. - Sabinian). Sayushkin is the same as Savushkin, only in between vowels fell; The phenomenon is often in Russian phonetics (deushka from the girl, Lörushka). Initially, Savina's surname is the genitive case of adjective multiple numbers: Whose child? - Savina. The form of the names of sih (s) is characteristic of the Russian North and Central Chernozem areas, with these territories she fell into Siberia. Savanin can give from Savan, a derivative of the form from one of these names. Surnames on -Enko, Oyuk, -K - Ukrainian, - Belarus - Belarusian. Savvinsky is a seminar name, on behalf of the Holy or Church of his name.

Savrasov - Savrasy - Light redhead with a black tail and mane, like a horse. Probably, the color of the hair of the name of the name of the surname was like something surrounding the colors of the horse. Patronymic from the nickname from the nine savras or Savras is "grayish, grayish" (in a figurative value, it became a horses of the horse in a suit, and then received and evaluated the value with a tint of condemnation - "worn as Savras without a zlosis").

Salamatians, Salamatin - Salamata, or Salomata, - Folk Kushanye: Kisel or liquid porridge from flour with lard or butter. So could nick the fans of this dish. At the heart - a nominal salamat - "Liquid food from cereals or flour with fat and salt" (suggest that the word is borrowed from Turkic languages, but it causes objections: it is borrowed from Russian). It is possible that the surname is obliged to be not the origin of this meaning, and the secondary, derivative: in some Russian dialects of Salamata - "Pleaspel, Boltun", the middle name from this nickname and could be the last name. Surname is often found in the form of Solomatin. Soloma - also that and Solomat. Solomatnik - trade or manufacturer Solomati. In the dictionary of Dalya Salamach - a sweet and drunk drink, as well as a sluggish, non-historical woman.

Samsonov - from the Orthodox baptismal name Samson (with Dr.-Heb. - Sunny).

Sapozhnikov - a shoemaker - the one who makes boots, shoes, shoemakers - the son of a shoemaker. But boots from the nebestal name of the boot. Such names from the name of the clothing were distributed in Russia in the old days.

Sergeev - the surname is formed from the middle name from Sergey (from Latin - "high, high") and from derivatives from this name. Sergiev, Sergievsky - the surname, formed not in Russian traditions, such a form close to the canonical was characteristic of the clergy environment. Sergevnin Metronimic surname, formed from the naming of a mother named Her Father Sergevna - daughter Sergey. Actual Sergevnin - grandson Sergehai on the mother's mother.

Sidorov - from the name of Sidor (Isidore, common in the old name, from Greek - "servant Goddess Isis"). Sidorenko, Sechokuk - Ukrainian by origin, surname, Sidorenkov - Russified form of this surname. Sidorotin has a slightly different origin, but with the same root. From the female Sidorovna - daughter or wife Sidora.

Simak - from various decreasing forms of Simeon / Semyon Names, Simon, Seraphim.

Skvortsov - Possible Russian surname Skvortsoveducated on behalf of or nicknames. Skzorets, by adding Russian patronymic suffix. The squorter could call the child's parents (there were also popular names or nicknames from the names of food, objects of life, animals), and they could be so nicking an adult for the ability to whistling nice or sing as a star. In any case, the first nickname carrier of the starlings, probably, caused the surrounding associations with this bird. The prevalence of this surname is likely to appear it in the second half of the XIX century. - In the period of "prey" Russian population. At the same time, along with the name of the Skvortsov, other "bird" sorokin, Voronin, Grachev, Sparrow, etc. appeared. Other surnames could form from other forms of Nickname Nickname, Skzorets, Skvorko and its various forms.

Smetanin - the surname originated from the nickname or the non-church name of the person: sour cream - sour cream. Using the name of the food product name was not uncommon in Russian villages. This surname is found everywhere. Sour cream - Ukrainian option. But the Saintsanist, the Saintstroke - the trader or the manufacturer of sour cream.

Smirnov - Smirnov is one of the most common Russian names. In one Moscow there are seventy thousand Smirnovy. Why? In a large peasant family, quiet, unfinished children were great relief for parents. This is a rare quality for small guys imprinted in the worldly name Smirny, it often became the main name of a person for life (church name surrounding). Smirnov went from the humble.

Solovyov - the surnames of this type occurred not from the name of the bird, but from the nickname (or non-church name) of a person: Nightingale - Solovyov.

Solomin - the surname is formed from a neventful name or nickname of straw. Such "vegetable" were widely rapid on Russia. A straw, Solomets, Solomenan, Solomenan, and Solomennik - Straw Trader, gave Stolomka. . Or from the baptized name of Solomon through the shape of straw or or straw.

Solonin - salt here at nothing, but the Biblical sage king Solomon will have to remember! Salon, Soloni - the diminutive forms of the Christian name Solomon (from Dr.-Heb. - "Healthy, prosperous"). And in the Pskov Councils of Solona - Sneak.

Spirin, Sviridon, Spiridonon - on behalf of Spiridon (presumably from Greek. "Gift of the Soul" or from Lat. Personal name, denoted: Born out of marriage; Food basket). The Spirit, the Spear - the diminutive form of this name. Svirid is the name of Spiridon.

Stepanov - patronymic of decreased forms Stephana, Stepha, Stephen derivatives from the canonical male name, Stefane (Dr.-Greek. Stefane - "Wreath"). Since the ancient Russian language sound [F] was not peculiar, this name in everyday speech was pronounced as Stepan. By the way, these surnames have nothing to do. Stepurine - patronymic from the caustic or ironic shape of the steward of this name. Stenin - Of course, not from the "wall", but on behalf of the wall - the diminutive form of the name of Stepan. The remaining surnames from the derivatives of the same name. Moreover, the names of Nakko (Stepanenko, Stephenko), -K / -YUK (Stepanyuk, Stekuk) most likely Ukrainian, because. Suffix -Enko is distributed in Eastern Ukraine, and -uk / -Yu in West.

Strelkov - in ancient Russian, the shooter meant the same as the shooter. Strelchenko - Ukrainian surname.

Strined - the surname Stringshev could arise as the patronymic of Strojashev (i.e., "the son of a stringy") from the nickname of a string, which is based on the verb to a string with the meaning of the "branding, piloting on the string tool" or "to bind" (cf. tool) . However, the string is not recorded anywhere, so that the proposed interpretation of the nickname of the stringist remains only an assumption. Street, Stringnikovs are obviously the same explanation.

Stupin - middle name from the nickname of the stupa from the dialectage stupa - "thick, vigorous." Hammer - a derivative of the shape of the STUP.

Suzdalov - from the naming of the father at the place of the former residence of Suzdalets - from the city of Ancient Russian Suzdal. One of the options for explaining the name of the city turns to the ancient male name of Suzdal. Hence the names of Suzdalov. Suzdal can be ascended to an ancient verb cordati (modern creating) which initially had the meaning to "make from clay" (from Dr.-Russian Congle - clay). Maybe it was the name of the potter or a brick.

Surovztsev - Surovets - a harsh person. The noun, educated from the adjective, as well as the "lucky" "Speeding" ...

Suslov - Suslo - Fresh, unbounded beer. There is a proverb: "Where the wort is good, there will be no beer." Or a well-popular sweet drink from malt and flour. Ancient non-church name. Suslopar is the one who is paraitic (preparing) wort.

Suthormin - from the word Sutor - a fuss, mess.

Sukhanov - surnames from nickname or names rising to the adjective dry - in the meaning of thin or also worn, invalid. Sukhan - skinny, dry. Sukhomlia - dry, thin man. Luxury - patient or exorbitantly thin. And there is a must dry, dryordobry, dry, buses. Here is also Redcorbras.

Sukhonosov - the size and shape of the nose was reflected in the set of surnames: Gorbonosov, Dolonov, Columnos, Karnonosov (i.e. Curbish), Dubonos (with a large nose), Crivonos, pasture (with broken nose), Shilonosov, Suhons (with a small sharp nose) , Kursina, Mokrosov, Capinos. Dubonos - a bird that is different with a massive beak, from here - a man with a large nose. Schilonosov - middle name from shilonos, i.e. "Ostropy".

Sukhorukov - in the surnames reflected the size and shape of the hands, a man with a little slender hand.

Takmakov - Tokmak, Tokmach - Wooden hammer, beater. Perhaps such a nickname was given stubborn, persistent people who "drove the same thing" until they sought their own. The names of Takmakov obviously also has the value, only the "accomulus" option.

Talanov - Talan "No need to mix with the" talent ". The talent in a person can be, and Talan - Good luck, luck - may not be enough. In order to accompany the son all his life, happiness and luck, loving parents gave him the name Talan." Who is Talander, That will be an Ataman. "Sayings about the loser:" Our Ivan you have no Talan "," My Talander ate Baran. "There is a seminar surname of talents, from the word" talent ", which could be obtained by the student, and Talanin, Talankin Could be spoken forms of this surname ..

Tarakanov - happened in antiquity, although it is infrequent that the person received a nickname from the name of the insect. So there are surnames, existential and in our time: Blokhin, Botkin, Zhukov, Klopov, Komarov, Kuznechikov, Mothalem, Moshkin, Muhin, Muravyov and Muravlev, Murashkin, Murashkov, Murashov, Spiders, Powes (Powes - Head), Pchele and Pchelkin , Sarancin and Sarachev, crickets, blindnev (okal - fusion), cockroaches, Trutnev (Drone - Bee Malez), Khrushchev (Khrushche - Shmel), Shershnev, Shmelev. Of these, the most common - beetles and mosquitoes.

Tarasov - from various forms of the baptistic name of Taras (Emuteyan, the rebel - Greek.). Tarasov / Taras Taras / Taran, i.e. Taran form named Taras. Taranto, Tarasyuk, Tarasenko - Ukrainian surnames, Tarasenkov already Russified Ukrainian from Tarasenko. Tarashen, Tarasik, Tarasenok, Tarasevich - Belarusian.

Tebenkov - the surname from the naming of the father from the Turkic Word of Tebanek - "Little". The last name is recorded in Perm - 1972.

Darknikov - In ancient times, the Damnik - a military leader over a large army: Darkness is a thousand (old.). However, there was another meaning - the podlidysh, found; In addition, dark in ancient - blind. Related surnames: Dark, Darkniev.

Titov surname from the canonical men's named (presumably from Lat. Titulus - "Honor, inscription").

Tokarev - 1. This is a professional surname, just not from the modern concept of the term turner. In the old days, in the villages there were grins, turns that or sharpened knives, braids and another tool, or pulled out wooden dishes. In the Dalian dictionary there is a phrase "the entire Semenovsky county turns, sharpens wooden dishes." 2. This is the "bird" of the name: Turner, Tokui - the National name of TETEREV.

Trefilov - from the baptistic name of Trefilil - Clover (Greek.) - There were also: Trefilov, Trefilov, Trifilov, Trifin, Filyushin.

Troitsky - in the XVII-XIX-centuries. The Orthodox clergy was called mainly by the name of the Church. In official documents, the Troitsky pop Ivan, etc., this tradition prevailed and when distributed surnames to students of church educational institutions.

Trunov is the middle name from the canonical male personal name Trifon (Dr. Greek. Tryphon - "gentle"). Tryshechkin - initially - patronymic from the cavering (probably, with a tint of irony) the forms of the Trichon from the canonical male name Trifon (Trifon Trischin Triska Trishechka). Surnames in this form (to-shop, -Chkin, -Obn with an emphasis on the basis, and not on the suffix) are most frequent in the upper wilderness, especially in the Blacks of the Kaluga Region, Belevsky and Bolkhovsky districts of the Oryol region and related areas. Trishkin is the middle name from the derogatory form of Trick from the canonical male personal name trif through the intermediate diminutive form of Trisch. Trunov is possible from the nickname from the dialect (VOP.) The words Trunnel - "Spillway, Rag". The last name is recorded in Kursk, Orel, Tula. Trufanov. The surname is not founded in the north (Shenkur., Pinezh. R-us Arkhang. Region), in Trans-Urals, in Central Black Earth areas (Gorskhechensk. Rn Kursk. Region, there is in Kursk, Lipetsk, Orel, Tambov). In the study of V.A. Nikonova Login is connected with the Northern Word of the Cerfuny (variety of shoes). In Moscow, the surname is pronounced - Trufanov. But still a trip to the north in 1980 convinced Nikonov that correctly only worm from the Men's name Trufan. This etymology indicated G.Ya. Simine. The author in vain claims that this name is a trace of Novgorod colonization; In Kursk and adjacent areas, as I.G. reported Dobrogomov, the form of the worker is common, and the Novgorodians were not there. Change and - at (Trifon - Torifan) came along with the name from Byzantium: the graphically Greek letter Epsilon could be transmitted and the letter. (H) Trunka, Trunu - Reduced forms of Proofan names (Trifon) or Fortune. Truchan is a trif version option. (F) Also, the dialect word of the trunnel is also known, rags and drill - to make fun, the nicknames could be formed from both values \u200b\u200band then the names.

Panties - the surname occurred from the word "coward".

Trufanov - the surname is not founded in the north, in Trans-Urals, in Central Black Earth Oblas. In the study of V.A. Nikonov "Northern Families" The name is connected with the Northern Word of the Cerfuny (a variety of shoes). In Moscow, the surname is pronounced - Trufanov. But still a trip to the north in the 1980s. convinced Nikonov that correctly only the worm from the male name Trufan. This etymology also indicated G.Ya.Simin. The author in vain claims that this name is a trace of Novgorod colonization; In Kursk and adjacent areas, the form of the worker is common, and Novgorods were not there. Change and - at (Trifon - Torifan) came along with the name from Byzantium: the graphically Greek letter Epsilon could be transmitted and the letter.

Uvarov - 1. "Sing well boiled," says the hostess, but the surname is completely another root - on behalf of the Whore, in the spaciousness of Wav, Uv. The name is Greek origin, his meaning is unclear. 2. From the Latin word "Uv" - grape brush; In the latter case, the seminar surname.

Ufimtsev is initially the middle name from the nickname of Ufmet, that is, "who arrived from Ufa, the capital of Bashkiria. The last name of Ufimtsev among many other "geographical" scholarship names is considered one of the most common.

Fatkin - Footy-Foot Fotius (first Fali, then, in the accomplices of welcomes, it became pronounced and written by the Fatas). The name of the Foty of the same root that "photo", "Photon" (from the Greek "FOS", the genus. Padel "Fotos", - light). Fath, Fat, Futyan - Foty's diminutive forms, Fotin, Iosafat, Bonipatiy. Fatyan could have been formed from the name of Favstian. Fatyanov Patronymic from the Russian everyday form of Fatyan from the church male name of the Fotius (Dr.-Greek. FOS - "Light") Last Name Fetkain probably has the same basis, from a brief shape of Feat Fatha.

Fedorov - Patronymic from the Men's Church named Feodor (Dr. Greek. Theodoros - "Dar of the Gods"), in the XVI-XVII centuries. One of the most common names among the Russians, which was inferior in the frequency of use only Ivan and Vasily. In the daily pronunciation, the combination of vowels is not peculiar to the Russian language [e] disappeared. Most often, the name of Fedorov is found in the Novgorod and Pskov regions, where it takes the fourth place among others, and, for example, on the Middle Volga region - much less often. Other forms of surnames arose from derivatives of dialectal forms. In other forms, this name came to Russian from other languages, for example: Polish Theodore, Bulgarian Todor. Alien Old Russian language sound [F] was transmitted as [x] or [KH] - Khodor, Chvedor, dozens of surnames arose: Fedonin, Fedoreev, Fedykin, Fedkin, Fedkunov, Fedyunin, Fedyaev, Fedyakin, Fedyanin, Fedyan, Fedyashin , Fedyashkin, Khodorov, Todorov and many others. Feodrov. Surnames from full form of name can have a seminar origin. Fedorov, Fedorovsky. You can read about the last names here. In Siberia, Fedorovsky could become Fedorovsky. Fedorovsky, Fedoriv, \u200b\u200bFedchenko, Fedorenko, Fedchun, Fedorosyuk, Fedorozyuk, Fedko, Fedoruk - Ukrainian surnames from the same name. The most disgraced suffix in the Ukrainian surnames - UNKO, Suffix -Iv, -Onovich occur very pedco, the suffix -Uk / Yuk is characteristic of Western regions of Ukraine. Fedorovich, Fedorkevich, Fedchenok, Fedrinchik - Belarusian. (Y). Fedorovskiy, Federeakin Fedezov, Fedoriv, \u200b\u200bFedorosyuk, Fedorozyuk, Fedoryak, Fedyna, Fedyunov, Fedyinov, Fedyna - from the requests of visitors. Surnames to -Enko, -We, -Uk, -Yang Ukrainian.

Filimonov - Patronymic from the church male name Filimon (Dr. Greek. Phileo - "Love"). Filimonich - wife or widow of Filimon .

Firsenko - Firsak on behalf of Firs.

Frolov - folk version of Flor (set of names).

Harry-surname from various forms of church male name Khariton (Dr. Greek. Hariton - "generous") Surname Harin to the rude word "harya", that is, the face, the name of the surname Harin is hardly related. Harya is a diminutive on behalf of Hariton (Greek "generous"). Let me remind you that the city of Kharkov, as they suggest, must be the name of the first-settlement - the Cossack Khariton, the nicknamed Kharko. Patronymic from a brief form of a harya from the Church Men's name Khariton (Dr. Greek. Hariton is "generous"). Kharchenko - Ukrainian surname. Kharko, Kharchko, Khajuk - derivatives of the name of Khariton.

Harlov - from the baptismal name Khariton - Generous (Greek.) - There were still surnames: Harin, Harinov, Haritin, Harichekov, Harlov, Kharikov. And Kharkov, Harisov, Khalyuki could also be formed from the baptistic Charishim. - Pleasant (Greek.).

Khokhlov - Khokhlach - the one who has a chub, a khokhol on his head. From an indelonic name or nickname Khokhol, Khokholok, about man wearing chub, Khokhol. In the dictionary Daly Khokhol, Khahal is a lover, friend, Khahal (Vologda).

Khudyakov - Patronymic from an indiscer personal name Site. Sleepy, Khudak is not necessarily skinny, but above all the poor man. Slim, Khudak is a poor man; Posad people shared on the best, sieges and thin.

Chashkin is one of the surnames formed from the names of the kitchen utensils. Cups, maybe a cup of cup, bowl.

Chebykin - in the Urals, people are called people who instead of "C" say "h": chinches, extinguishes, nails.

Cherdyntsev - from the city of Cherdyn, the Perm region. Cherdin - G. in North. Parts of the Perm region. For the first time, it was mentioned in 1472. There could be a word of the Word of the Word, now preserved by the Mari language in the meaning of the "Forest", but it was not found in the Permian nor in Ugric languages.

Cheremisin is the basis of the names of Cheremis, Cheremis - so Marrih residents called in Starin. Cheremiskin - Son of Cheremika.

Cherepanov - a skull in ancient - a potter, potter. The inhabitants of the city of Cherepovets were also called the Turtles.

Chernavin - surnames on-school 1. either from rivers and settlements on the name of Chernyava, Chernywa - there are such in Minsk, Mogilev, Vinnitsa and Zhytomyr regions; 2. Either from Chernywa - dark-haired man. "Maiden Chernywa" is mentioned in the eponymies. Chernivka - Half, a servant for the most dirty, black works, in the old days there were such a worldly name. Hence the black surnames Chernavin, Chernavkin, Chernavsky.

Cherninsky - from the family name Chernysh, reflecting the external features reflecting (dark hair, leather or eyes.

Chesmenov - the surname refer to the nest of "garden", such as onions, cucumbers. However, there is another meaning of the word garlic - frequeno, a parisade. In the emergence of the worldly name garlic, famous in antiquity -1) Gardening plant, 2) Palcol, Palisade

Chingin-surname is nothing but an old household name associated with the memory of the famous conqueror (Tatar Prince Chingin).

Chudinov - Chukhun, Chukhonians were called representatives of the Baltic Finnish nationalities in ancient: Finns, Ingermanlanders, Estonians, etc. from the ancient names of Chukhna, Chukhna. There is also the name Chukhnov and Chudinov.

Miracles - Cudich - the wife of Togo, whose nickname miracle, miracle. If a woman has brought up a child, he became chugdichine. This kind of surname was not rare in older, cast iron - cast iron -Chugunyin .. it is possible to communicate with the ethnonym of Chud.

Churikov - Churoy in ancient times was called the slave, at a later time - a servant servant. The names of Chur, Chira Eastern Slavs called children, probably in honor of Chura - the Slavic pagan deity of the homely hearth. Chursse - from the root of Chur and the ancient suffix sa. Churik - diminishing about Chur. Surnames are connected with the ancient Russian names of Chur, or a church that the eastern Slavs called children, probably in honor of Chura - the Slavic pagan deity of a homely hearth. The form of the name of Churss was formed from the root of chur- and ancient suffix -s (a). Surnames are widespread in different localities.

Chusovitin is the basis of the surname - the Chusovaya River in the Urals. It can be added that such names have two shapes: on -yninov and -Yanov. The first is formed from naming in the singular: Chusovyanin - Chusovylinov. The second - from naming in a plural: Chusovlyan (family or group of people who came from the village of Chusovoy) - Chusovlyanov. Naming in multiple number is characteristic of Russian north and Siberia. Another suffix forming the movement of the geographical names is Itin: Chusovitin, watchin software is just the option of the same name. Chusovaya - r. In the Urals, the left inflow r. Kama. Etymology is unknown. Suggest from the Komi language - Chui "patroness, sacred", but it needs serious evidence. The opinion was expressed about three times repeated in different languages \u200b\u200bthe word "river" Chu-Su-Va (the first two Turkic, third - Perm), but it is very artificially and stretched, for this territory there is no universal Chu, unreasonably CO, instead of Su. Chusovoy, lion. The influx of Kama (Sverdlovsk and Perm region, origins in Chelyabinsk). There were many attempts to explain the name Chusovoy. The people's Russian rethinking is obliged to the view that Chusovaya used to be called hours: allegedly it changes rapidly, and it turns out of poor water into a raging stream. This interpretation adheres to the XVIII traveler. I. I. Lephechin: "It may be that the name of the Say River is somewhat reversed, and it should be called a clock river, and not Chusovaya: for it should expect a certain time or an hour to let go of the court." There is a modern form of the name Chusovaya, as well as the extension of the Northern and Halfish Chus's rivers in Komi-Permyakov A.O., Chusovskoe Lakes near Sverdlovsk and Lake Chusovskoye in the spruce pool in the north of the Perm region .. A ridiculous look that Toponym Chusovaya consists of Four words with the meaning of the "River": Chu (Tibetan), Su (Turkic), VA (Komi-Permyatskoe), I (Mansiysk), that is, "River-River River-River". The point of view is unreasonable that at the heart of the Hydronime Komi Word Choos or Chauso, allegedly denoting "patroness", "Sacred River". It is possible that the name is learned by Russians from some Permian language, where it sounded like Chusva. True, in modern Komi-Permyak, there is no such word, but the Udmurt Chus means a "brisk", "favorable". "Boyachey" Chusova is hard to find the river on the Middle Urals, so according to the meaning of the word Chus is very suitable. It can be assumed that the word Chus was forgotten in a comi-perm, but preserved in his Udmurt's family. Consequently, Chus - "Big", Va- "Water"? But against this version there are objections: in particular, the name of the Lake Chusovskoye in the Perm region .. Nevertheless, a look was spread already in the XIX century that Chusovaya- "Fast Water". He dominates and now. The names of Lake Chusovskaya south-west of Sverdlovsk, which is located on the right side of Chusovoy, Chusovoy city in the Perm region, founded as a settlement at the Chusovsky Metallurgical Plant in 1879 and received the rank of the city in 1933, the working village of Verkhne-Chusovskiy Towns in The Perm region, which emerged as a settlement of Solevarov in 1616, as well as the village of Chusoy in the Shalinsky district of the Sverdlovsk region. (Former old-tanning plant, built in 1727 by Nikita Demidov at the mouth of the Shaitanka River, the left tributary Chusovoy). Matveyev Geographical names of the Urals.

Shabalin - Shabala - Rvan, Ribs, Boltun. Initially, the patronymic of the nickname from the nominal sabal, in which two different words are probably mixed: in southern Russian counsels of Shabala - "Boltun" (and in a number of Siberian), and in the Northern and Volga - "Trem", rags ". (N) If the surname came from Southwheat Territories, then the nicknamed Sabel, Shabalda was given a blankly, talker, or a celebrating. Not in vain existed an expression: "Shabalu beat" - to linger without a case, the lasses to sharpen. In Ryazan, Tambov and Nizhny Novgorod, Shabala - Freshings, Istical Clothing. And in Kostromich and Permyakov, the same word denotes the aspen chub, from which the dishes are mastered. This word could also have a value - plane. The nickname could be given to a man with a shallow one, or morals. Namesakes: Shabaldin, Shebolaev, Shebalin.

Sadrin - the surname originated in the Russian north: here the Shadra is a nickname of ripple, covered with natural apricots. Namesakes: Shadrunov, Shchedrin, Shchedrinin.

Shalamov - Shalim - Turkic name; From "Shaly" handful. It was given to infants to emphasize their miniature: they say, so small, which can be fit into a handful. The name is still in antiquity used by Russians as an additional to church, worldly. Surname Shalimov dates back to the gerbank of 1741. It comes from the Turkic name of his own Salimsah "Alim" "King, the rulers and the" scientist, enlightened "+ Sufifix -OV\u003e Shalimov. No less likely is the origin of the surname Shalimov from Turk. (Kazakh., Karakalpak.) Salym "Handful", Salymly Kisi "Workable, strong, strong man." (b) Distorted Shalm, from Shalim, could give the surname of Shalamov ..

Chamonium-sham, Shamone, Shamusha - the one who shames, says the peeling. Surname Shamin dates back to the gerbird of 1741. The origin of this surname seems controversial. It is possible that the foundation of it is the Russian nickname Shama ~ Shamone "The one who speaks with Shamkania, Shamkat" (Dal). Its structure, therefore, can be very simple: sham + surname suffix -in\u003e chamine. Less legitimately the construction of this surname to the base Sham "Sor, Dryan" (Fasmer). However, it is possible that the surname of Shamine has the Eastern origin and goes back to the value of "derived from Damascus" or, less likely to tour. Sama "lamp, a lamp" and finally to Cama ~ Saina "can, the force that is necessary for the execution of something; the gravity of the championer"\u003e "The one who appreciates the championer" (Radlov) - with the same structure - with Attaching Suffix -in\u003e Shamin. The chamine may still mean a "screaming, pulling legs." Shames. From Prince Kazan Shamova Shabasa, Butler Shah Ali, in 1550 - 1552. Accompanying his suzeno in Kazan, Moscow, and, obviously, with him adopted Russian citizenship.

1) Large bran, 2) Krasnobay, Russe (Dal) Shammis-Speak Non-chambly, Shampel-chew (3)

Shamayev - watch Chamonium. Shama - the one who speaks with a shamcan, shames.

Sharcunov - a man who has an external gloss and sophistication of a manner covers the inner emptiness (letters. He who scars his foot, shuffle).

Shakhov - from the Persian Shah (sovereign), which penetrated into Russian not only as a nominal, but also as a personal name. The first of the princes of Shakhovsky wore a loud net of Shah. Samenia Shakhovskaya has its basis borrowed through the Turkic language the word Iranian origin Shah Persian. "Shah, Tsar, Monarch" "Word this, added to the names of the nominative, - as noted by L.Budagov, - determines the superiority of these items relatively to others." Holding from the nickname Shahov, Shakhovo, which Could serve as the name of the possession belonging to the person who had a nickname Shah, the surname Shakhovskaya was formed by suffix - the origin of this surname from the nickname is confirmed by the lack of heraldic signs, usually having in the coat of arms of labor genetically related to the East. Unbeguen refers surname of Shakhov to the group of educated groups From the terms associated with fishing: Shah - number for drying network. Educated also from the nickname Shah.

Shepelev- The word "whispered" language is lost; It is likely that it meant "whisen". In the dialects in this meaning preserved "whispel". Shepel, Chapel - iron blade for cleaning hemp from firefly (distance).

Shirobokov - middle name from the nickname is a boss, whose value may not be associated with appearance ("fat"), it could point out the character, man's life. The surname was traveling to Siberia, other foci of her - the village of Dolzhanka of the Curce region of the Kursk region, the village of Semenovsky Ankovsky district of the Ivanovo region.

Shulgin - Shulga - Lefty. Shulgin. A frequent surname of early origin is found almost everywhere. It originated as patronymic ("Son Schulgi") from Schulga - an old Russian word, and now preserved in some diallas with the meaning of the "left hand" and "left-hander". Schulgin. The surname of secondary origin is from the last name; Meaning the Schulgin family, was recorded early - in 1669, the peasant I. Schulgin (V.I. Shuzkov) will be mentioned in the Urals Documents in the Urals. Like other surnames on-and, Schulgin meets in the Kursk region, in the north, the Urals, in Siberia. Shulzhenkov. The surname is also linked with the word Schulga - "Lefty", but further formation took place not with the help of the Russian suffix -enok, and the Belarusian or Ukrainian -One: Schulzhenko, which also denotes the "Son Schulgi"; Phonetic change G -\u003e G regularly (Wed: Snow - Snowy, Salag - Salazhonok, etc.). The last name was recorded in the Yelninsk district of the Smolensk region, in the south of Pskov, in the Bryansk, Smolensk regions. Signal surname - Shulekin.

Shumilov - Shumina - Krikun, the one who is constantly noise, shouts. Surnames are distributed everywhere as one of the very early. These are former patrimonies from the most frequent Russian non-church men's names of the XVI-XVII centuries., I.e. The period of the formation of Russian surnames, on the eve of their widespread. At the heart - the verb is noise: noise - so called a noisy, shouting child. Sufifix -il (O) formed the "name of the figure" (Wed: Zubrila, throat, chisel, sharpened, etc.), respectively, personal names - Tomilo, Yarilo. The patronymic of them occurred in the form of attractive adjectives formed by the suffix -eis, or, if the base ended on-and (noise, Tomila), suffix -in. From the derogatory form, the firmware is the surname of the noumkins.

Spools - U V.I. Dalya shows the Pskov (and Novgorod) Word of the buoy - "Narchar, sorcerer", Smolensk verb burst - "Know, lead," but all values \u200b\u200bare given with a question mark. Spools. The middle name from the nickname of the spools, the foundation of which could be connected with the archaic dialectful word Schupil - "Dundelen, who has no value of the trash", suffix -ets pointed to a person who occupied this trash.

Schitchashev - 1. Schipach - one who pins the pass, urine, fluff, etc. or is popping. 2. Poet Stepan Shipuchev received the last name for native Siberian village of Plipchi. Shpunov. The nickname of Schöpun marked not only to the one who has a pins, but also to a loved one of bribes and shavers.

According to preliminary data, one of the most common names in Russia is Smirnov. Only in Moscow there are about 70,000 people with said surname. Do you know why so much? In the past, in large families, the peasants were glad if a calm child was born in the family. A rather rare phenomenon, which in the pedigree was fixed Smirnov. Consequently, Smirnov's surname went from Smirny. Specialists are confident that this name is one of the most extensive in the territory of the Russian Federation.


Another common surname in Russia, closely related to the genuine classes. Previously, it was used to indicate a person engaged in Kuznetsky craft. Considering the spread of the profession in peasant villages, it is clear why it began to be popular everywhere. In Moscow, Kuznetsovsky thousands. In the past, the surname of Kuznetsov most often met on the territory of the Penza province. Currently, Kuznetsovo can be found not only in the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in Ukraine, Belarus.


This surname occurred from the church name Vasily. Ries from the Greek word "king" - Basileus. In antiquity, the names that took place from the full form of names were considered the top of the nobility. In small villages, they reflected respect and high authority. It is known that the surname wears noble origin. In Russia, a common surname belongs to several noble families. Throughout the territory of the Russian Federation there are millions of people with this name.


In the prescription, the surname Popov meant the "Son of the Preacher". Of course, not all Popov are descendants of priests. Even among the laity, the popular Russian last name gained widespread. In particular, this applies to drink, popko and read the variations. A particularly common surname is considered in the territory of the North of Russia. Only in the Arkhangelsk province there are about 1,000 people with the specified name. It is difficult to clearly say that people with this surname live in the capital.


Petrov is another of the 10 most common names in Russia. Translated from ancient Greek language means "rock". Peter is the apostle of Christ. He founded the Christian church. For this reason, it is considered a very powerful patroner for a person. This factor is caused by the popularity of the name. In some cities, the number of people with this surname exceeds the mark of 6-7 thousand people. In the capital significantly more. Peter's peak peak received in the 18th century.


The reason for the emergence of this surname was the peasant name Mikhail. Translated means "such to God." The surname occurred from the ancient form named after Mikhailo. Mikhailov are common not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Ukraine. Another explanation of popularity can serve as the fact that Slavs has always enjoyed the popularity of the names related to animals and birds. Mikhailov is connected with Mikhail - Misha. Along with this surname, there are no known names such as Medvedev, Sokolov, Wolves, Perepelkin, etc.


The most common must be attributed to the surname of Sokolov, which is popular not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, other nearby countries. This name happened from non-canonical names. For a long time until 2013, the surname was inferior in its popularity in this niche only Smirnov. Today things are somewhat different. Even swan more. However, this is an approximate evaluation. For accurate data, research should be conducted.


Another common surname, which comes from an indelonic name. In antiquity, many had a swan name. Some experts associate this name with the city located in the Sumy region. Previously, swans called the hills forced to deliver swans for their princes. However, there are still many versions, but researchers can accurately state only one fact - Lebedev is one of the most famous names in Russia.

Historians are expanding the list of nicknames of Slavic origin every year. Many would be interested to know their origin. But sometimes it is impossible to determine this by the sound itself, since different suffixes, prefixes and consoles, distorting its initial meaning were added to the derivative of the word for years.

Russian names and surnames

To determine the origin of a person's genus use its passport details. The key points are the root of the word, which forms Russian names and surnames. They differ in prevalence. For the sound, you can identify the names of the genus or belonging to the ancestors to different social groups and the Castes of society: the peasants, the boyars, the clergy. The etymology of some includes archaisms and strange foundations, to determine such independently you can use the directories.


Derivatives and roots can take the beginning of the nicknames of ancestors, funny nicknies, names, directions of activity. The origin of Russian surnames, in most cases, is solved in their etymology. You should ask this rays, because through it you can learn about the outstanding ancestor or the names of the genus. For those who want to determine the origins of their generic nickname, there are collections on the alphabet, which are replenished annually and updated, almost everyone can learn their history on their pages.

Most popular derivatives:

  • On behalf of ancestor (whose? Whose will you?) - Ivanov, Sidorov, Kuzmin, Petrov.
  • From geographical names - Vyazemsky, Stroganov, Smolensky.
  • From the nickname representatives of the clergy - Christmas, Preobrazhensky, Uspensky.
  • From the names of plants and animals - Sokolov, Orlova, hare, Lebedev, Golubev.
  • From County and Boyar titles - Minin, Tikhomirov, Tikhonravov, Godunov.


The etymology and the formation of the name of their own kind is more interested in an increasing number of people. The value of Russian surnames is found out when determining the root part of the word, it indicates meaning. The meaning of the family names like Bondarev, Kovalev, Shevtsov - point to the craft, which someone from the family was engaged. Morda, Stoyman, brave - on the external or internal characteristics of a separate person. According to nicknamed the head of the family, they called all its members and it was passed from generation to generation.

When the surnames appeared in Russia

Assigning a generic nickname to identify each kind of beginning to form from the 15th century. When surnames appeared in Russia, initially they treated representatives of the highest sections of society: boyars and aristocrats, later, in the 18th century, to church ministers. Up to 19th century, peasants and artisans received their nicknames. Their names of childbirth were produced from the nickname of one of the members of the family or the kind of activity. In historical scrolls and recordings, the listings are found explaining this phenomenon: "Vasily, the son of the Kuznetsov ... Ivan, the son of Khlebnikov"

How many surnames in Russia

The study of this data is still in question. There is no absolutely correct numerical value that could answer exactly how many surnames in Russia exist today. For such a complex task, researchers have taken only a few times, about 250 thousand values \u200b\u200bare submitted to the collection, and these lists are constantly updated with new forms of transparent data.

Declination of surnames in Russian

Russian Rules Strictly determine the writing and pronunciation of passport data. The declination of surnames in Russian occurs in such basic rules: Standard - inclined as adjectives, and foreign origin - as nouns. Do not inclusion at zero endings, or ending on the consonant sound (Bondar, Nitsevich, Ponomarya), with the end on -O (Petrenko, Shevchenko, Kovalenko), foreign ones, - I (Varnava, Okzhava, Zola).

The most common surname in Russia

Boris Ubentguun first began to draw up a reference book that lists the names of Russia. There are collected various variations due to the process of transformation of folk nicknames. Each position has an explanation (dedicated parts of the word formation, which extract the essence of one word or another). There are positions that can more often meet, there are those that are very rare. The data was taken on the basis of the census of the city of St. Petersburg.

Common surnames in Russia:

  • Vladimirov;
  • Sergeev;
  • Petrov;
  • Ivanov.

Beautiful Russian surnames

There are people whose generic nicknames are fascinated by their sound. These include those who occurred from geographic names or long, these church ministers of nicknames. This etymology is rarely found, aristocratically melodically sounds. Many change the generic data in the passport to get a beautiful and highlighted name from the crowd. We pass into the people are those who have passed by inheritance.

The most beautiful surnames in Russia:

  • Preobrazhensky;
  • Caesarev;
  • Christmas;
  • Vyazemsky;
  • Assumption.


There are names of the genus that occurred from the ancient Slavs. These nicknames are very rare and therefore valuable for historians. Their small amount is due to the fact that derivatives originate from the names of the pagan gods or Old Slavonic names. With the advent of Christianity, such nicknames were banned categorically, people were massively baptized and renamed, because those who have been preserved to this day are a find, a vivid example of a pagan culture.

Old Slavonic surnames, examples:

  • Yarilo;
  • Dovbush;
  • Paths;
  • Lada;
  • Sore;
  • Dobrynin;
  • Mirolyub.


According to the census of the population held in the 80s of the last century, with the former USSR, about 50% of rural and 35% of the urban population are generic nicknames, formed on the principle of patience with the addition of suffixes. This study is recognized as the highest quality and detailed up to our times. Popular Russian surnames: Sidorov, Smirnov, Kuzmin, Vasilyev. The second place in the frequency is the nicknames, which indicate the generation of activities: Kuznetsov, Bondarev, Reznikov, Khlebnikov, etc.

Rare Russian surnames

It is hard to make a reliable list that includes all positions. But the main of them is chosen. We can easily meet people who wear a family nickname, which coincides completely with the geographical name or is formed from a combination of two words. A little bit and those who were lucky to become the names of famous historical figures and heroes of literary novels.

Rare surnames in Russia:

  • Astrakhan;
  • Kamchatka;
  • Krutypers;
  • Cruise;
  • Karenin.


Sometimes among friends there are family nicknames, who involuntarily cause a smile with their comicness. They surprise their pronunciation of fellow citizens, and especially foreigners, consist of adding the foundations of any nouns or verbs, may designate a funny or strange action, to call items whose name is strange in the human name. A person who has to be worn is difficult to call the lucky.

Funny Russian surnames:

  • Kostogryzov;
  • Bragies;
  • Popkin;
  • Rzhach;
  • Login;
  • Khachapuri;
  • Govnadov;
  • Snot.

Russian nobility surnames

Their owners may not doubt the high title of someone from their kind, they were assigned exclusively to nobles, boyars, high-ranking officials. People approximate to high positions and ruling power. They can also be merchant. The presence of such title nicknames among the peasantry, the working out of a simple population or artisans is excluded, one presence spoke about the high social status of its owner.

Russian nobility surnames:

  • Strogans;
  • Godunov;
  • Tikhomirov;
  • Minin;
  • Novgorod residents;
  • Tikhonravov;
  • Ventrenoscience.

Old Russian

Such a term is indicated not only by the old Slavonic nicknames of the times of paganism, but those who in their etymology denote outdated concepts and words of an ancient use, eradicated from the current speech. Interesting to consider generic nicknames, calling old monetary units, household items, crafts that are not found in the modern world. All these signs indicate the abandonment of the genus and roots flowing away.

Old Russian surnames:

  • Cunin;
  • Altynov;
  • Kalita;
  • Zlatnikov;
  • Plinkin;
  • Kozhemyaka;
  • Bandurov.

Rating Families in Russia

Compiled top 100 items, which can often be found in the passports of fellow citizens. All of them were chosen on the basis of the directory and are ordered during the census of the population during the year. This information will be especially interesting for girls, because every dreams of meeting your man and get married. Statistics say that 89% of cases of women are moving to a male generic nickname when concluding marriage. Such top will clearly show the most likely options with which each may encounter. The section includes the 10 first positions.

  • Ivanov;
  • Smirnov;
  • Kuznetsov;
  • Popov;
  • Falcons;
  • Vasilyev;
  • Fedorov;
  • Novikov;
  • Egorov;
  • Kozlov.

Famous Russian surnames

Their list is based on the frequency of use among the population. The most popular surname in Russia - Ivanov. Even foreigners know about it, associating all the names of Russian compatriots with it. She entered the story and became a classic. For example, in German, Muller, in America and Britain - Smitht, Poland - Novak or Kovalky, Georgia - Mamedov became such a nickname.

Famous Russian surnames:

  • Sidorov;
  • Ivanov;
  • Petrov;
  • Goats;
  • Smirnov;
  • Popov;
  • Sokolov.
