Traffic rules quiz "Green light" for primary school students. Interesting questions on traffic rules are suitable both for the camp and for schoolchildren, primary school students

Traffic rules quiz "Green light" for primary school students. Interesting questions on traffic rules are suitable both for the camp and for schoolchildren, primary school students

Fanfare sounds in the recording. Junior Lieutenant Khromochkin, Captain St. Bernard Pal Palych Palpalychev, Major Cat Murov appear on the scene.

Everything(together). Hello, young participants and students of the "School of Security"!

Pal Palych. As you probably all remember, today we have a significant and wonderful event!

Murov. Quiz "Me and the rules of the road"!

Khromochkin. The conditions for its implementation are extremely clear and simple. We ask you questions about the passed material on the rules of the road, and you must answer them!

Pal Palych... For each correct answer, you will receive plus signs. Whoever gets the most of these plus signs will be the winner of the quiz!

Khromochkin... The winners of our quiz will receive wonderful prizes and gifts, as well as certificates and diplomas of the "School of Security"!

Myrov... Allow me to present to your attention the highly respected and venerable jury!

The heroes list the members of the jury, which includes:

Traffic police officers;

OBZH subject teachers;

Teachers or other invited guests.

Khromochkin. Well, the conditions are clear to everyone! The jury is presented, you can start!

Gong beat.

Quiz questions

1. What is more important on the road - traffic signals or traffic lights? (The traffic controller is the most important. The main thing is the traffic light and all the awful signs.)

2. What does the traffic controller's gesture mean: arms outstretched or down? (This means pedestrians are allowed to cross on both sides.)

3. What does the traffic controller's gesture mean: the right hand, which is extended forward? (Pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway behind the back of the traffic controller.)

4. If the traffic controller raises his hand up, what does this mean? (Both pedestrians and cars are prohibited from driving in all directions.)

5. If the traffic controller makes circular movements with the baton, what does this mean? (This is a sign to the cars: go quickly!)

6. At what age is it allowed to ride a bicycle while driving on the road? (From the age of 14.)

7. What should a cyclist follow very strictly and check it every time before a ride? (Behind the brakes.)

8. How should a cyclist notify walking people about his approach? (With the bicycle bell.)

9. Why is it necessary to be especially careful on the driveways to the house? (Because at any moment a car may appear here.)

10. What is the best way to cross the road with a bicycle? (On foot, walking along the overpass and driving the bike behind the wheel.)

11. Can bike races be organized where people walk? (No. You need to be especially attentive to the elderly and children.)

12. Is it possible to ride in those places where you can accidentally go into the roadway? (No.)

13. What other types of child transport are the rules for bicycles and their owners? (To rollerblades, skateboards, sledges, skis, skates, etc.)

14. Why is riding a skateboard and roller skating more dangerous than cycling? (They have no brakes.)

15. On which side of the road should pedestrians move outside built-up areas? (Outside settlements, pedestrians should walk on the left side in order to see the cars passing next to you from a distance.)

16. Where can a group of children move around safely? (On sidewalks and footpaths, and if they are not there, then along the side of the road, but only during daylight hours and accompanied by adults.)

17. Design and depict or verbally describe a road sign for rollerblades or skateboards.

The jury counts the pluses collected. At this time, a creative team can perform. This is followed by the solemn announcement of the winners and the award ceremony.

Extracurricular activity for 4 classes.


  • to form a healthy lifestyle;
  • foster a general culture of health;
  • develop the communication skills of students.


team emblems, cards, road signs.

Board decoration:

"Know the rules of the movement like a multiplication table."
Teacher: today guys, our guests are "Traffic Lights". He will give you a quiz on traffic rules. To do this, you will be divided into two teams, one is "Road signs", the other is "Pedestrian". Each team chooses a commander and completes a task, and receives a token for a correctly completed task. The team with the most tokens wins.
(The guys are given a few minutes to divide teams, choose a commander.)

First task
"ABC of Roads"

Each team in turn gives an answer to the riddle and, if the answer is correct, receives a token.
The teacher reads riddle poems.
1. You will find my first syllable among the notes,
Will show the moose second and third.
Where you don't go from home
You will immediately notice the WHOLE. (Road)

2. There is no bus rolling here.
Trams will not pass here.
Pedestrians are calm here
They walk along the street.
For cars and trams
The road-road is different. (Sidewalk)

3. The house goes down the street,
We're lucky to get to work.
Not on thin chicken legs,
And in rubber boots. Bus or trolleybus)

4. What kind of beast is this?
I ran along the pavement
On his feet - rubber,
Does it eat gasoline?
It growls, dust swirls.
What kind of beast? … (Automobile)

5. We get up very early,
Our concern is simple -
Any passenger
Deliver to work. (Drivers)

Second task
Game "Traffic Signs"

Each team will be asked 5 questions, for the correct answers you will receive tokens.

Questions for the Pedestrian team.
1. Why can't you cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle?
2. How to get around a standing bus, trolleybus?
3. From what age is it allowed to ride a bike on the streets and roads?
4. Why is it dangerous to play ball on the road?
5. What does the yellow traffic light mean?

And now questions for the “Road Signs” team.
1. How and where is the best way to cross the street?
2. Why can't you cling to trucks?
3. Where should you expect a bus, trolleybus?
4. Where should pedestrians walk if there is no sidewalk?
5. What does a red traffic light mean?

Third task
"Musical warm-up"

Teacher: You need to sing songs, or excerpts from songs that talk about roads, cars, pedestrians. (For each song or passage performed, the team receives a token.)

Fourth task
"Collect the sign"

Teacher: This is a task, guys, for a while. The team that collects the cut road sign faster will receive a token. (This task uses any road sign cut into several parts).

Fifth task
"Complement the meaning"

Mission for commanders. They answer in turn.
1. Before invoices and letters,
Drawing, reading,
All the guys need to know
ABC ... (Movement)

2.Not alive, but walking,
Motionless - but leads. (The road.)

3.Taller trees are longer,
Little grass below.
With her the distance is getting closer
And we open the world with her. (Road)

4.The thread stretches, looping among the fields,
Forest, copses
Without end and edge.
Nor tear it,
Not in a ball. (Road)

5. Going outside
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint,
And most importantly - ... (Attention)

6. The bus doesn't roll in here.
Trams will not pass here.
Pedestrians are calm here
They walk along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another road-road. (Sidewalk)

7. Lyosha and Lyuba go as a pair.
Where are they going? On the sidewalk)

8. What are the names of those tracks
Which legs do they walk on?
Learn to distinguish them exactly,
Do not fly like a fire.
Walkways -
This is just …? (Sidewalk)

9.Well, and if a pedestrian
Is the sidewalk out of the way?
If you need a pedestrian
Cross the pavement?
Looking for a pedestrian at once
Road sign ...? (Transition)

10 if you're in a hurry on the way
Walk across the street
There go where all the people
Where there is a sign ... (Transition)

11.Tom on the road sign
The man is walking.
Striped paths
They put a bed under our feet.
So that we don't know worries
And they walked along them. (Pedestrian crossing)

12. Cars rush menacingly
Like an iron river!
So that you don't get crushed
Like a fragile bug -
Under the road, like a grotto,
There is ... (Underpass)

The teacher reads a poem about a traffic light.
There are three windows at the traffic light,
Look at them when you go!
If red is lit in the window,
“Stay on the panel,” he says.
If suddenly a yellow window flashes,
You must wait a little longer.
If green is lit in the window,
It is clear that the path is open for pedestrians.
The traffic light understands everything without words:
He speaks with the language of lights.
S. Mikhalkov

Sixth task
" Yes and no"

Are you crossing a red light? (No)
Do you ride a scooter in the yard? (Yes)
They say you do not give way to your elders in transport. This is true? (No)
Is it true that you are crossing the road to the green light? (Yes)
Do you play on the roadway? (No)
Is it certain that you boldly cross the road at the yellow traffic light? (No)
Do I have to wait for the bus at the bus stop? (Yes)
Are there children in this room who can ride on transport, clinging to it? (No)
Is it right if the "Pedestrian Crossing" sign is canceled? (No)
So do you need to follow the rules of the road? (Yes)
Children are supposed to know
Road rules!
You, my friend, trust them:
You will be safe and sound.
Teacher: Now each team will receive a flyer "Responsibilities of a Passenger".

Memo "Obligations of passengers".

1. Expect public transport only at stops.
2. Enter the rear doors and exit the front doors of the vehicle.
3. Before entering, release those who get out of the vehicle.
4. In case of unregulated street crossing, bypass the tram in front, and the bus and trolleybus in the back.
5. Behave with dignity in transport:
do not make noise or push;
give way to the elderly and disabled, women with heavy bags;
hold on to the handrails while driving;
do not forget to pay for your trip or present a travel document;
never try to get into a vehicle on the move (you can slide off the steps and get under the wheels of the bus);
do not enter a crowded bus, trolleybus, tram;
sharp and uncomfortable objects for other passengers should be packed well and placed neatly so that they do not interfere with anyone.

Summing up the results and presenting certificates to the winners!

Traffic rules quiz in elementary school

Abstract of the quiz on traffic rules for primary grades

Quiz for junior schoolchildren "Road signs"

Targets and goals: to consolidate the knowledge of children about road signs and traffic rules; to develop the ability to independently use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Equipment: road signs; traffic lights; posters "On the street - not in the room, about that, guys, remember", "Remember, the traffic police rules are your rules."

Quiz progress

I. Speech of the "Traffic Light" propaganda team.

1st student.

The pavement rages in motion:

Cars are running, trams are in a hurry,

All be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

Leading. You need to cross the street only in those places where there is a pedestrian path or crossing signs.

2nd student.

Walk across the street there is a pedestrian,

Where the sign shows you the transition!

Leading. When crossing a two-way street, first look to the left, and after reaching the middle - to the right.

3rd student.

Where do you need to cross the street -

Remember the simple rule:

With attention to the left, first look,

Look to the right later.

Leading. You only need to get in and out of a tram, trolleybus or bus at a bus stop.

4th student.

Coming off the tram platform, do not forget

Look to the right: is the path safe?

Don't bend around the tram from behind,

It is easy to get under the oncoming tram.

Leading. It is very dangerous to ride out on bicycles. Don't ever forget about it guys.

(Three boys come out. They represent the colors of the traffic light, and each holds a circle of his own color)

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burn both day and night

Our house is a traffic light

We are three siblings

We have been shining for a long time

All the guys on the road.

We are three wonderful colors

You often see us

But our advice

Sometimes you don't listen.

1st boy.

The strictest is the red light

The path is closed for everyone.

2nd boy.

So that you can calmly cross

Listen to our advice:

You will see yellow soon

There is light in the middle.

3rd boy.

And behind it is the green light

Will flash ahead

He will say:

There are no obstacles

Go boldly!

If you do it without arguing

All the traffic lights

You will get home and school

Of course, very soon.

To live without grief,

To run, swim and fly

You gotta rule the traffic

Always and everywhere observe.

Three girls enter the stage. Each holds in her hands a sheet of thick paper on which a road sign is drawn.

1st student.

I want to ask about the sign

A sign is drawn - like this:

In the triangle guys

Running as fast as they can.

What is this sign?

(Children answer)

2nd student.

We walked home from school

We see - a sign on the pavement:

Circle, inside a bike

There is nothing else.

What is this sign?

(Children answer)

3rd student.

Cars rush at full speed

And suddenly a sign met:

There is a fence on it,

I rub my eyes, I stare:

Is the highway constipated?

And what is this sign?

(Children answer)

II. Quiz.

The presenter asks the participants of the quiz questions:

1. What is the name of the sign depicting running children?

2. Does the “Children” sign give any advantage over going transport?

3. What will you do when you see that the kid is ready to rush to the pavement for a ball that has rolled out there?

4. What do the traffic light signals with the people depicted on them mean?

5. Where are pedestrians allowed to cross the street?

6. How should pedestrians cross the street at intersections where traffic is not regulated by traffic lights?

7. To cross a country road, it is often necessary to bypass a bus that has stopped at a bus stop. What's the safest way to get around it?

8. Why is a longitudinal marking line (center line) applied along a street or road?

9. What danger does the road sign "Level crossing without a barrier" warn drivers and pedestrians about?

10. In what position is the traffic of pedestrians allowed?

11. Why is it dangerous to cross the street obliquely?

12. Why are bushes and trees along the street or on the side of the road dangerous?


1. "Children".

2. No, it doesn't. The sign warns drivers that children may suddenly appear on the road at the school or kindergarten where it is installed.

3. It is necessary to stop the kid, do not let him into the roadway.

4. The light came on with a red man, so stop, with a green one - go.

5. Only at intersections, on pedestrian crossings, in places marked with a road sign "Pedestrian crossing".

6. Pedestrians must first let the transport pass, and then, after making sure that the crossing is safe, start moving, strictly observing the crossing rules.

7. A standing bus should not be bypassed either from the back or from the front to cross the carriageway of a street or road. We must wait until he moves away from the stop, and the roadway will be clearly visible in both directions.

8. The center line divides the street or road into two parts, into two lanes: on one side the cars go in one direction, and on the other - in the opposite direction.

9. The sign "Railroad crossing without a barrier" warns that this crossing is not equipped with a barrier, an alarm, and is not guarded by a duty officer. Drivers and pedestrians should be especially careful and careful here.

10. The movement of pedestrians is allowed if the traffic controller faces us sideways, arms are extended to the side or lowered.

11. When a pedestrian walks obliquely, he does not see the car from the back. In addition, the pedestrian path becomes longer.

12. The danger is that they interfere with a good view of the street or road. Because of them, a pedestrian cannot see a moving vehicle, and its exit onto the carriageway is unexpected for the driver.

III. Competition in the assembly of road signs.

The presenter announces a competition between two teams to assemble road signs (10 people from each team). Each captain receives a box with a set of blank road signs from different groups. Some of the blanks are the backgrounds of road signs, the other part of the blanks are images that must be placed on the appropriate background. In addition, the boxes contain strips of paper with the names of road signs, which must be collected from blanks. Each box contains the same number of blanks.

IV. Summarizing.

The presenter sums up the results of the quiz and awards the winners.

The purpose of the rules is clear to everyone

The whole country fulfills them.

And you remember them, friends,

And do it firmly.

You can't go through the streets without them

Classroom summary for traffic rules, grade 1

Teaching junior schoolchildren on safe behavior on the roads and in transport

Extracurricular activity on traffic rules, grade 4

Studying traffic rules in elementary school

Traffic rules game for grade 1

(No, not right! A pedestrian is also a participant in the movement. Therefore, he must know the rules very well)

  • Everyone knows that “red light - no road”, and you can start moving at a green traffic light. But what should a pedestrian do at a yellow light?

(At a yellow traffic light, traffic is prohibited. You must wait for the green light!)

  • The green light of the traffic light is blinking - probably, it invites you not to be timid and cross the road as soon as possible.

(No. Blinking green is a warning that after a few seconds the traffic signal will change. You cannot start crossing the street to blinking green)

  • But what if the yellow light is constantly flashing at the traffic light?

(Cross the road at an intersection, observing all the rules, as if it were unregulated. Yellow flashing permits movement)

  • There is a green light at the traffic light - you can go boldly, there will be no cars on our way! Is it so?

(Not really. Cars that make a right or left turn from the intersection can enter the road we are crossing. They MUST give a signal about the upcoming maneuver and let pedestrians pass, but you still need to be extremely careful)

  • How does the driver of the car warn that he wants to turn left or right?

(It turns on the turn signals - flashing orange lights - to the right or left, depending on the direction of the turn)

  • And if there is a traffic light and a traffic controller at the intersection. Who should you listen to and whose signals should you follow?

(The traffic controller. The traffic light is faulty, or there is some emergency on the road, otherwise the traffic controller would not be here)

  • But how can we cross the road if there is no traffic light or traffic controller?

(The road can only be crossed at an intersection and at a pedestrian crossing, making sure that there are no cars or they are very far away)

  • What should be done before crossing the street?

(Look to the left, make sure there are no cars nearby, and start moving. Having reached the middle of the street, you need to look to the right and, making sure there are no cars, finish the transition)

  • We are in the middle of the carriageway and suddenly on the right we saw an approaching car. What is better to do: cross the road as quickly as possible or go back?

(Neither one nor the other. You have to stop.)

  • You need to cross the road as quickly as possible, better - by running. Right?

(No! You need to cross the road calmly and carefully, without stopping, but in no case should you cross it!)

  • We need to cross the road, and there is a car at the side of the road. What to do?

(Do not cross the road at this point, because because of a standing car you can not see the approaching traffic. Moreover, according to the rules, a car cannot stand directly in front of the pedestrian crossing, which means that you cannot cross the street here.)

  • We are late for school, and our bus is just arriving at the bus stop. It remains only to cross the road - we will have time! Right?

(In no case! All attention should be focused on crossing the road - according to the rules and in the right place - we'll deal with the bus later)

  • How should a passenger behave on public transport?

(You cannot distract the driver with conversations, try to open doors, enter and exit before the vehicle stops completely. You need to be wearing seat belts if this is provided for by the mode of transport. And also be polite and give up the seats to the elderly.)

  • Pedestrians must walk on the sidewalk. And if there is no sidewalk? Where and how should pedestrians move?

(On the side of the road towards moving traffic)

  • The boy is already 10 years old. Can he ride his bike down the street?

(No. The rules only allow you to ride a bike down the street from the age of 14)

  • And at what age can you ride a bike down the street and hold the wheel with only one hand?

(Not of any kind. Traffic rules prohibit a cyclist not to hold the wheel or hold with one hand)

  • We are riding a bike and we need to cross the road. How to do it?

(Only on a pedestrian crossing, observing all the rules. The bicycle must be carried, and in no case should it be ridden.)

  • Is the person carrying the stroller with the baby a driver or a pedestrian?

(A pedestrian)

  • Mom is taking you on a sled, you need to cross the road. How to do this with a sled?

(You cannot ride in a sled. You can pull them by a rope or hold them in your hands, but there should not be a child in them)

  • A man in dark glasses with a white cane is standing near the pedestrian crossing. What kind of person is this?

(This is a blind man. He needs help to cross the road)

  • How can (and should) make oneself more visible to drivers in the dark and twilight hours of the day, and thereby ensure greater safety?

(Use reflective stickers and patches to attach to clothing and briefcase)

  • There is a hill right next to the road, in winter it is probably great to ride from it. Check it out?

(In no case! Sledding, skiing, skating on the street and next to the roadway is prohibited!)

  • Where can I ride?

(In courtyards and in specially equipped places)

Traffic rules quiz for primary grades (

1. Bus waiting area.
2. For what reason is it impossible to play near the road?
3. Are prohibition signs triangular?
4. What line separates the oncoming traffic?
5. Which of the following applies to a shuttle vehicle: tractor, bus or truck?
6. What is the mistake: "Any child can get on a bike and ride along the road"?
7. Is it allowed at the age of 11 to sit next to the driver in the front seat?
8. What used to be called "pavement": a carriageway or a footpath?
9. Does the bike have a stopping distance?
10. Can I talk on the phone while crossing the street?
11. The technical means that regulate traffic are: ...
12. What road signs do not exist: prohibiting, regulating, warning, prescribing?
13. Is it possible to cross the road if you are in a hurry?
14. If a traffic light is on and a traffic controller is standing, whose signals should be followed and whose should not?
15. Where do the railroad tracks cross?
16. How can a pedestrian know that the driver wants to turn to the side?
17. If there is no pedestrian crossing nearby, what should I do?
18. What is the name of the person in the car, but not the driver?
19. Is there a small or large traffic flow during rush hour?
20. What cars do pedestrians give way to despite the green light?


1. Stop. 2. May be hit by wheels. Interfere with movement. 3. No 4. Solid. 5. Bus. 6. Only from 14 years old. 7. No. 8. I am driving through. 9. Yes, and all vehicles .. 10. No. 11. Signs and traffic lights. 12. Regulatory. 13. No. 14. The traffic controller - yes, but the traffic light - no. 15. On bridges, tunnels, crossings. 16. The direction indicator flashes. 17. Walk to the nearest one. 18. Passenger. 19. Large. 20. Ambulance, police, fire and gas service with sound and light signals.

Quiz "Traffic rules"

1. Place of traffic.
2. Are the footpath and sidewalk the same thing?
3. Passenger transport waiting area.
4. What do pedestrians do when a traffic light turns green?
5. What subject does the guard regulate traffic on the road?
6. What does the yellow traffic light “tell” to pedestrians?
7. Can I run on a pedestrian crossing?
8. What is the name of the section between traffic lanes where pedestrians can safely wait for the required traffic light?
9. If a pedestrian sees a red light at a traffic light, can he cross the street?
10. Are there any games that are not prohibited to play on the roadway?
11. Should you look to the left or right when you start crossing the road?
12. Do conversations get in the way of crossing the street?
13. Continue: "Quiet going - ..."
14. What is the name of a two-wheeled or three-wheeled vehicle without a motor?
15. Is it right to walk on the sidewalk, keeping to the right or left?
16. Is it necessary to wait for a complete stop of the transport in order to get out or enter it?
17. What is installed on the roadside to regulate traffic?
18. Is it allowed to eat anything in transport?
19. Can children sit next to the driver in a car during the trip?
20. Which vehicle travels on the rails: trolleybus, tram or bus?


1. The road. 2. Yes. 3. Stop. 4. Cross the carriageway. 5. With a wand. 6. Prepare for the transition or stop. 7. No. 8. Island of safety. 9. No. 10. No. 11. To the left. 12. Yes. 13. You will continue. 14. Bicycle. 15. Right. 16. Yes. 17. Road signs. 18. No. 19. No. 20. Tram.

Scenario of an intellectual quiz on traffic rules "In the country of road signs" (for grade 5)

Irina Viktorovna Bestik, educator, Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Disabilities, KSU, Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk.
Description: the scenario of the intellectual quiz on traffic rules "In the country of road signs" is intended for educators and teachers of 5 grades when conducting extracurricular activities and events on traffic rules in a playful way on this topic. The intellectual quiz promotes the development of logical thinking and memory in children, instills critical thinking skills and cognitive interest, and also helps to consolidate children's knowledge about road signs.

Target: conducting an intellectual quiz on traffic rules about road signs.
- to repeat and consolidate the knowledge of students about road signs;
- develop cognitive interest in grade 5 students;
- to instill the skills of safe behavior on the street;
- to develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities and memory in children.

Quiz progress:

Hello guys! Today we will hold an exciting intellectual quiz on traffic rules, and we will devote it to road signs.
Guys, what are road signs?
Children's answers.
A road sign is a technical road safety device, a standardized graphic image, installed along the road to communicate certain information to road users. In order not to get confused in the traffic rules, you guys need to be sure to learn road signs.

Guess who's coming?
Of course, a pedestrian!
Everyone will be a pedestrian
Who will go hiking on foot.
Will save him from cars,
After all, walking down that path
Maybe only a pedestrian!
I'm walking down the sidewalk
There is no way for cars here!
Well, the signs will tell me
Where to cross the road.
I invite you to guess riddles about road signs.

Didactic game "Riddles about road signs"

Assignment: guess riddles about road signs.
1. What a miracle Yudo,
Two humps like a camel?
This sign is triangular
What is it called?
(Rough road)

2. The sign was hung at dawn
So that everyone knows about this:
Here repairs are going on the road -
Take care of your feet!
(Road works)

3. I am a connoisseur of road rules
I parked my car here,
To the parking lot by the fence-
She also needs to rest.
(Parking place)

4. On the road sign volume
The man is walking.
Striped paths
They put a bed under our feet.
So that we don't know worries
And they walked forward along them.

5. Red circle, and in it my friend,
A quick friend is a bicycle.
The sign says here and around
There is no passage on the bike.
(Riding bicycles is prohibited)

6. A round sign, and in it a window,
Don't be in a rush
Think a little,
What's here, a brick dump?
(No entry)

7. If you're tired on the road
If you go far
Rest the chauffeur a little,
The place is reserved here.

8. Here is a fork, here is a spoon,
Refuel a little,
We fed the dog too ...
We say "thank you" to the sign.
(Food point)

Leading: Guys, when do you think the first road signs appeared?
Children's answers.
Leading: Road signs appeared as soon as man came up with roads. People needed them in order to indicate routes of movement. For these purposes, the ancient people used all the means at hand: broken branches, notches on the bark of trees, stones of a certain shape installed along the roads. Now let's remember what road signs are often found in our city? The game is called "Let's remember the signs."

Didactic game "Let's remember the signs"

Assignment: you need to name the road sign shown in the picture.

Answers: 1- "Gas station", 2- "Driving without stopping is prohibited", 3- "Underground pedestrian crossing", 4 - "Railway crossing without a barrier", 5- "Telephone", 6- "Roundabout", 7 - "Attention , children ", 8-" Bicycle path ".
Leading: At first, each country had its own road signs. When automobile communications began to develop between the countries, it became necessary to introduce international road signs. In 1909, at the International Conference on Road Signs in Paris, four international road signs were adopted: "Rough Road", "Steep Descent", "Dangerous Bend" and "Railway Crossing with a Barrier".
In 1968, 126 characters were already introduced at the next conference. In 1978, a new GOST was adopted, which established 8 groups of road signs. Guys, name the groups of road signs.
Children's answers.
Leading: Well done, you know the road sign groups well. Let's remember what each group of road signs means. I offer you a game called Traffic Sign Groups.

Didactic game "Groups of road signs"

Assignment: answer the question about the types of road signs, choosing one correct answer.
1. Which road signs prioritize intersections, intersections, or narrow sections of the road?
A) priority signs ;
B) prohibition signs;
B) warning signs;
D) permissive signs.

2. What road signs inform drivers about approaching a dangerous section of the road, traffic on which requires action?
A) priority signs;
B) prohibiting;
B) permissive;
G) warning .

3. What road signs introduce or remove certain traffic restrictions?
A) permissive;
B) priority signs;
B) warning;
G) prohibiting .

4. What road signs are installed in the immediate vicinity of the place where the prescription comes into force?
A) priority signs;
B) informational;
C) service marks;
G) prescriptive .

5. What road signs inform about the location of settlements and other objects, as well as about the established or recommended modes of movement?
A) service signs;
B) information ;
C) priority signs;
D) permissive.

6. What road signs inform about the location of the relevant objects?
A) priority signs;
B) informational;
C) signs of additional information;
G) service marks .

7. What road signs specify or limit the effect of the signs with which they are applied?
A) priority signs;
B) additional information signs ;
B) indicative;
D) informational.

8. What road signs introduce or cancel certain driving modes?
A) indicative;
B) prohibiting;
V) special prescription signs ;
D) permissive.

Leading: To ensure traffic safety, there are road signs. There are many of them, they have different colors and shapes. This was done so that everyone involved in road traffic - both pedestrians and drivers - could better understand the language of signs. All road signs help organize traffic. Now, guys, let's check how well you know the rules of the road.

Blitz survey "Yes or no"

Assignment: you need to correctly answer the questions, using only two answer options - yes or no.

Answers: 1 - no, 2 - yes, 3 - no, 4 - no, 5 - yes, 6 - no, 7 - yes, 8 - yes.
Road signs have a special language
And everyone needs to get used to reading them.
And at first glance I could understand
What danger will we expect on the road.
And I hope everyone knows what all the signs mean?

And now we will check how you know the road signs. The game is called "Scanword" Road signs "

Scanword "Road signs"

Assignment: guess the crossword puzzle about road signs.