New guy Marilyn Kerro. Mark Alexander Hansen

New guy Marilyn Kerro. Mark Alexander Hansen
New guy Marilyn Kerro. Mark Alexander Hansen

Alexander Sheps - Russian Practitioner Psychic, the winner of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics". According to his talent fans, the medium is able to communicate with the dead and tell the details about the things and their owners after one touch.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Olegovich Sheps was born under the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius on November 26, 1986 in Samara. At birth, his mother was very surprised at birth, as the babies usually appear on the light with a red tint, Sasha was born white as an ivory. In the family, Alexander is the fourth son of five children. Nestlavian appearance The boy inherited from his parents. As the Magician himself later explained - by nationality, he is a quarter of a Jew.

Mom Lyudmila Shepps in his hometown is a person known: a woman knows as a clairvoyant and doctor, spirit and a plate. Alexander Sheppsy biography is very different from simple, ordinary people. In childhood, parents discovered that the boy secretly communicates with someone invisible. These abilities were transferred to Alexander from Mother. By the age of 13, Sheps finally understood that something was happening to him: the boy sees those who do not see others. From the early years, Mom also saw his deceased father, so the chatting of the son with the world of the dead was not disturbed by a woman.

Father Oleg Grigorievich is a cemetery worker. The task of the senior sheps is to supply water and light. The world is indifferent to the world of the dead, because it does not see anyone from the other world. To the abilities of the son used, it is not afraid of his strange connections and claims to be afraid of living.

When Sheps studied at school, a very close man died - a boy's grandmother. At that time, the woman was 87 years old. Under the life of the grandmother, the boy often came to her after school to swim. Alexander premeditated her death. He was wondering how he stands at the grave of her grandmother and holding a ring. When a woman really died, Sasha took it a ring at a funeral and now never removes him.

After school, Alexander entered the local theater institute towards the "actor of the Dramatic Theater and Cinema", but did not finish and threw an educational institution. This did not prevent him from some time to engage in professional acting and model business. Also fond of vocal creativity, recorded songs and planned to release a solid disk.

Sheps wrote scripts, engaged in photography. In his arsenal, a collection of photo and video filming with impressions, telecoms with the participation of famous stars of show business. For some time, Alexander was an actor in the "Hammer" theater, and also the administrator of the studio of special events "Atmosphere". His interest in something new always hit relatives and loved ones.

In 2007, an attempt was committed at the guy. Unknown on the motorcycles shot the car whisper and his friend, wounding the psychic in the neck. After Alexander told that this event was not planned. Just two inadequate guys in narcotic intoxication decided to challenge by choosing the first car.


The official selection of the "battle of psychics" Sheps was late, his participation in the project was random. Maga was not invited to the first qualifying test, but he decided to come to the park himself, where the casting of future participants was passed. Surprised audience Ahali from delight, watching the actions of psychics.

Sheps during tests used all sorts of attributes: the cane from which he took the amulet "Wolf Shepherd", candles, matches, knives, gravestone, coins and spheres in the bowl. Before proceeding with the test, the magician waved the dagger. With it, Alexander allegedly can overcome barriers between the worlds, to understand what the dead say.

In the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics", the medium won, defeated many strong rivals. He is now hard to go down the street and stay unnoticed.

The most popular psychic leads private practice, conducts seminars, reads lectures and publishes books about supernatural practices. Alexander Sheps reads Tarot's cards and answers questions about the past and future with the help of a pendulum. He also began to create or discourage items, which subsequently given to their owners a powerful positive energy charge.

Sheps never conducts receptions via the Internet and does not ask for money to prepay. He agrees only at a personal meeting.

Numerous "official" Pages of Alexander, offering remote assistance, unreal, so a man advises not to succumb to the provocations of fraudsters.

Alexander Sheps now

In 2017, Alexander Sheps took part in a number of issues of the show "Psychics conduct an investigation" as a pair with Marilyn Kerro and with other psychics. Also, the medium became a member of the special season of the show "Psychics lead the investigation: the battle of the strongest."

In June 2017, a tragedy occurred in the life of Alexander: his girlfriend and mentor. The medium posted a post about the death of Ilona Novoselova in "Instagram", communicated with the deceased witch as a living and promised not to forget Ilon.

In 2017, psychics went on tour in the cities of Russia with a seminar "Your Map". In the fall, Alexander's speeches were held in Sochi, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod.

In May 2018, Alexander Shepp visited the project participants "Songs. Realities »TNT TV channel. Organized a music show two label - Black Star and Malfa (producers and). During the visit to the musicians, clairvoyant presented everyone in the amulet, and also presented blue and black roses. According to the magician, such flowers designate wisdom and intuition, which will suit the singers in the creative career. Sheps's visit completed an intriguing statement that he already knows the future winner of the project, but his name left secret, not wanting to upset the rest of the participants.

Alexander Sheps on the project "Songs. Realities "

In summer, TNT channel viewers could monitor the extrasensus during the broadcast of one of the football fights in the framework of the TNT Play Football Party 2018 project, in which Alexander appeared together with the party Comedy Battle Ariana Llava. The magician from the first minutes of communication with the girl was fascinated by her charm and wit, as he immediately informed his companion.

In the fall, it became known that Alexander Sheps continued participation in the transfer "Psychics: the battle of the strongest." This time his colleague was, the finalist "battle of psychics". Later in an interview with the medium reported that he was nice to work with a witch, which sincerely tried to help each needy.

Now Sheps continues to cooperate with TNT television channel. The sorcerer visited the presentation of the new channel season. The event was held at the October Cinema on October 25. At the evening, TNT stars were gathered, among which were such persons as, and others.

In addition to Telicareriors, psychics tours in Russia with seminars on energy protection of themselves, close, their property and business. A new 4-hour program is called "Communication".

August 08, 2017.

Fans suspect that the Finalist "Battle of Psychics" has a new novel.

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps / Photo: Social School

In June, Marilyn Kerro once again broke up with his beloved Alexander Shepps. At the end of last year they have already disengaged, but then they managed to forget the resentment and reunite again. Now fans doubt that they will be together again. Recently, they are not a couple. She does not twist according to the former chosen one, unlike Alexander. which admits that the girl made him very hurt.

Recently, Schpeson shares photographs on which it is captured with a beautiful blonde. Some think this is his new student. Others do not doubt that this is his new lover. The guy himself preferred not to say who spends time with him and in what status. Fans suspect that Marilyn's personal life has improved everything. The other day, the estonian witches with a mysterious brunette appeared on the network. Later it turned out that the man is called Mark Alexander Hansen. He shared pictures with clairvoyant. Fans decided that Kerro Roman with this man. They found out that he was married and he had a three-year-old daughter, but he broke up with his wife about a month ago. Whether he was officially divorced unknown.

"Married, with a child ...", "Sheps is better and prettier. He is not suitable for Marilyn, "" she spoke to his family, "" Sasha is much better than this new worker of her, "the pictures of the fans clairvoyant commented on the pictures. Those who were happy for Kerro and wished her happiness with a new beloved. The girl itself has not yet commented on the situation.

On the existence of a hot man Marka Alexander Hansen in Russia and the CIS countries, where the TV project "Battle of Psychics" is broadcast, found out in 2018. Norwegez became known when he appeared next to the favorite and participant of the magic show. An imaginary or valid novel couple is vividly discussed in social networks. Rows of fans split: Some believe that a romantic connection exists, others call the Union of the PR-action of the star TV show.

Childhood and youth

In the biography, Mark Alexander Hansen will have to fill the mass of white spots. Members of social networks call the estimated date of birth of a friend or beloved Kerro: November 26.

If you believe the fans of the lead, the current boyfriend was born on one day with the "Battle of Psychic". But the year of birth is unknown, and building assumptions on the photo Hansen is an empty undeavor.

Attentive study of the pages of Mark Alexander Hansen in social networks suggests that the young man was born in the Norwegian city of Evre-Ordal, which is located on the picturesque shore of Lake Ordalsvatnet. This city pointed out as a honey brother Hansen - Kim Nikolai Hansen.

About parents Mark Alexander information is also extremely small. About the mother of the brothers is not known, the father is called the rune Hansen. From his page in Facebook It follows that he is not married and lives in Oslo. Perhaps after the birth of the sons, the family moved from the provincial Euro-Hard to the Norwegian capital.

After graduating from the general education school, Mark Alexander Hansen entered the Rud Videregiaende Skole music school in the suburb of Oslo - Beroch, the graduate of which was the singer and composer Solveig. Study here lasts 2 years.

In his youth, Hansen was fond of kickboxing: on the cover "Facebook" Alexander placed the collective photo of the club team, in which he studied at the receptions of sports martial arts. Another youthful passion of Mark Alexander Hansen is fishing.


About where Hansen works, it is difficult to guess. On its pages in social networks is not indicated place of work. Presumably, a young man who received a musical education, after graduating from school in Beroch, began to build a career of a musician or vocalist, but there is no confirmation of this.

Personal life

Blonde Norwegian beauty, presented to Alexander Daughter, name is Greta Lind Olawsdottir Hilde. Greta was born in accommodation and studied in the same music school as Hansen. Probably, the couple met at RUD VIDEREGAENDE SKOLE.

It seems that the relationship of the spouses sprouled shortly after the birth of the girl, who was given the name of Tea Isabel: Since 2014, Greta and Alexander do not mention each other in social networks. But joint photos with a charming baby in dad and mom Tim Tens.

On the page of Mark Alexander Hansen in Facebook, the subscribers see girls snapshots together with dad and without it. During the relationship with the Mother of Tea Isabel, Hansen did not interrupt communication with his daughter.

Mark Alexander Hansen today

The finalist of the three seasons of the TV show "Battle of Psychics" from Estonia Marilyn Kerro met with the Medium Colleague Alexander Shepps, but in the summer of 2017 the couple broke up.

Behind their novel watched fans and rejoiced every new joint photo of lovers. When it became known about the broken relationships of favorites, everything was upset. Fans refused to believe rumors about parting Kerro and Sheps, until the Estonian sorcerer confirmed that from recently everyone has their own life, and they are no longer a couple with Alexander.

The medium was seriously worried about the gap and continued to lay out in the "Instagram" joint photos with Marilyn verses dedicated to Marilyn. But in the life of Estonian, if you believe social networks, a new beloved appeared soon. Joint photos with Norwegian Mark Alexander Hansen appeared on the pages of both heroes.

No matter how hard the fans learn more about the beloved Kerro more, the efforts were not crowned with success: neither Hansen nor the girl commented on an imaginary (or real) novel, did not deny and did not confirm the romantic connection. The conclusion that the couple together, fans of the star "battle of psychics" made themselves, based on joint images of Norwegian and Estonian in Facebook and Instagram.

In the fall of 2017, the charming witch and Norwegian, judging by the pictures, rested together in Greece. Winter holidays Kerro and Hansen also became joint.

Fans, looking at photos, noted that Marilyn and Mark Alexander look in love and happy. They also noticed that the body of the Norwegian handsome is covered with bizarre tattoos.

In 2018, the fans of the Estonian Witch received a new topic from the favorite for a rapid discussion. Kerro put photos where a rounded tummy is noticeable. The assumption that the red-haired favorite from Hansen was not refuted or confirmed. The father of the child participant in the magic show was called smart and beautiful, but the name did not speak.

In March, Mary and Mark gave an interview in the program "One day." Finally, Kerro confirmed that the father of her child is Mark. She did not hide her joy and admitted that it was happy to become a mother for the first time. The fans calculated that Kerro would give birth in the summer of 2018.


Fans of the transfer of the "Battle of Psychics" not only follow the development of events in this mystical show, but also for the fate of its participants.

Special attention of fans attracted Alexander Sheps - winner of the 14th season. They have a thoroughly observed the development of his relationship with Marilyn Kerro, an Estonian witch, and hoped for an ambulance wedding, how suddenly the couple declared a break of relations, and Alexandra soon saw with a new girl ...

Fans in bewilderment - who is she ... his student, sister or new girl? Alexander himself is silent ...

Alexander Sheps with a new girl: why parted from Marilyn?

TV viewers are already accustomed to the fact that Alexander and Marilyn have been together for a long time ...

Despite the fact that they not only lived together, but also solved the mysterious mystical plots, their relationship developed as if the dramatic scenario. The stars of the "battle of psychics" were diverged, they revealed again and planned children.

In the end, in early June, Marilyn set point in relations With Alexander, stating that they were not a couple for a long time.

"We broke up with Sasha. I have already spoken about it several times on this, but, apparently, a formal application is required. Here it is: we are not a couple with Sasha. Each of us has its own life, and I very respect Sasha. If I take pictures with him, it once again proves that we are not enemies, "Kerro wrote in Instagram.

Marilyn and Alexander became acquainted during participation in the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics" in 2015 and became the brightest and extraordinary pair for the history of the whole project. Fans were confident that they would marry, but Marilyn announced their final parting in June 2017.

And if the Estonian Witch does not apply to the mind that recalls the former beloved, the magician still places together in Himself in Instagram and devotes to her conflicting poems:

You hit the patient myself, without showing my subsidiary. Returning to a disgusting one, you close forever now ... just remember, oxygen has already been poisoned, in the past, boomerangs and sadness, I am naive and stupidly left me still madly sorry.

Alexander Sheps with a new girlfriend: who is now near?

Sheps did not comment on the break from Kerro, but recently photographs in the company of blonde, who psychics accompanied by verses, have become increasingly in his instagram.

"We do not listen to an envious speech
And do not look at the lost mass.
We cannot leave their sinew
All of them with a ugly grimace ...
We are aimed at a strong wave,
Where with love is only about the past,
For both we look unchanged deep into
And we do not notice the thought of dirty and about the vulgar ... "

Fans are perplexed: the winner of the "Battle of psychics" Alexander Sheps found the replacement of Marilyn Kerro?

Most of all the fans did not like the unknown, but they are sure: they meet.

Fans are lost in guessing, who is this girl: Some suggest that she is a student of Alexander, others are confident that blonde is his new beloved. Sheps himself prefers to keep silence and not respond to the question of fans.

When the shooting of the 18th season of the battle of psychics began, A. Shept appeared with a new companion, which became the subject of high-profile discussions. He led to the show his student Elena Sinilov. The girl came to the casting of the project, but did not pass the selection to the show. Alexander called her "his protege", but the real status of their relationship remains unknown.

Many blonde may seem familiar - the girl works the actress of the theater and movies, she starred in the episodes of the series "Univer", "University. New dorm "and" Interns ".

According to rumors, Alexander and Elena bind not only work relationship.

The couple was holding his hands all the time, which caused violent discussions in social networks.

The unknown lasted not long ... fans managed to find out that Elena Sinilova is an attractive beauty. She works actress theater and movies. She is 28 years old. The audience of the TNT channel could see it in episodic roles in the "Interns" and "University".

What kind of relationships stays whis and his companion is unknown. Psychic himself, commenting on the joint appearance on TV, called the girl "his protege". Schper's companion also gave short comments. When a couple indicated, they say, Alexander used to see Marilyn Kerro in the company, Blonde said: "Everything changes in life."

Very soon Marilyn Kerro (29) will be mom. The participant of the show "Battle of Psychics" to the last hid his own and did not apply to who is the future Father. But now, it seems, it's time to put all the points above I.

Belo-lover Kerro, as suspected fans, Norwegian carpenter Mark Alexander Hansen. A young man is completely confused that his chosen is one of the strongest witches of Europe. Kerro, who became the heroine of the "Once" program on NTV, said that she had already chosen the name to her baby (Paul, by the way, she still hides). "We already have the name of the future child. We break a little bit because of this, because the brand does not like this name. But I said - I want. I chose him, and it has long been in my head. I can only say that in this name of the letter "P" and the letter "A," says Kerro.

Marilyn Kerro and Mark Alexander Hansen

And Kerro told how this happened - their first meeting. Without details. Just: "I saw him and told my friend:" It will be the father of my children. " As a joke. But it happened. "

Before Mark Mary with Alexander Shepps (30), with whom he met on the set of 14 seasons of the "Battle of Psychic" show in 2014. The fact that they are a pair, psychics announced on the eve of 2015, posted a joint video image to their fans. Everyone was looking forward to the wedding, but at the beginning of 2017 Mary said: they are no longer together. Former lovers broke up with friends and continue to communicate.