What is a nickname, nickname. Funny nicknames for friends

What is a nickname, nickname. Funny nicknames for friends
What is a nickname, nickname. Funny nicknames for friends

Many girls are trying to allocate their guy, giving him an original nickname, which will allocate it among others.

It seems that come up with an original nickname for a guy simply, but in fact it is not. More often use standard nicknames and nicknames.

Where did the nicknames come from?

History suggests that the nicknames in the pre-Christian times had the meaning of names.

The nickname in those days personified the pronounced human characteristic: external features, activity, bad habits, behavioral features.

The pagan traditions were replaced by Christian and the child had already given a name in accordance with the biblical standards. The nickname began to acquire the value of the name.

Considering closer events, the nicknames and nicknames were prevalence due to the fact that several names could give a child.

The choice remained at a person when he grows. Slavic has one name from birth one, therefore, the characteristic determines the nickname acquired during life.

Sources of nicknames:

  1. Close and native people are trying to compare a person with pleasant phenomena, so they give cute nicknames.
  2. In places of imprisonment, the nickname on the jargon is called chasing. For each experience there is its own nickname, which characterizes the character and misdemeanor.
  3. IN modern society Clicks are more often given in accordance with physical features or by name.
  4. Pirate traditions demanded to call each other by fictional "names" in order not to reveal their identity when committing illegal actions.
  5. Cool nicknames can be borrowed from movies and songs, if there is a similarity between a person and a character.
  6. Unusual nicknames are obtained due to the game of words that characterize some features of a person, behavior features.

As in the long-standing times, such "call sign" accompany a person from birth to the oldest.

Depending on the change of activity, the character traits, the circle of communication of the nickname can change.

List of funny and cool

"Calling" for a person can be beautiful, offensive and funny. In accordance with interesting and original nicknames, tests were held psychologists.

The results showed that people with such "second names" are most susceptible to depression and mentally more unstable.

Note! Non-standard name given at birth, unlike mocked nicknames, make a personality stronger and purposeful.

The girls choose gentle nicknames for the guys who like them.

Gentle complaints cannot be obtained from friends or enemies - will try to present negative in personality, physical features. Often arise funny and non-standard nicknames, correcting smile, interest.

List of funny nicknames in different situations:

Nicknames for ... Cool and funny options Nickname characteristic
Men. Microphone Ideal for a person who loves to sing in karaoke
Bell Suitable for a man who often communicates by phone, businessman
Sigamacho If a man smokes too much
Boys Domoenok Due to the non-accurate hairstyle or permanent household
Pogryzunchik For a boy who constantly eats and chews
Honmen Harmful and uncompromising boys
Friends Zinger For mobile and talkative friend
Smile Superior and smiling friend is ideal for comparing
Hedgehog Give nickname because of a stroke character or constant bristles on the face
Love Diamond Characterizes your attitude to your beloved person
Zefirchik The perfect option for sweet tooth or a person with a soft character
Astrologer For romantic loving natures

Examples of insulting nicknames

Clicks can be simultaneously not only cool, but also offended for their owner.

Often, such hurt complaints relate to the defect of appearance, character. Sometimes even funny and funny complaints can offend a person.

Usually rusty unchallented second names are invented for former guy. In this way, the girl can recoup for the resentment, spreading the hurt drowned.

How caught can be called the guy:

  • Zhyattrone and donut. Enchantable guys with an overweight or magnificent figure.
  • Lysak is ideal for a man with big balders on the forehead.
  • Cheburashka. Stresses in the appearance of a big guy, hopping ears.
  • Pig or smelting. This is a complaint for a sloppy or unclean man.
  • Zubastik. Suitable for people with curves or faded front teeth.

Examples may be weight. It all depends on the fantasy of the fiction. Some of the hooks and nicknames for the carrier are not.

Playing great value The degree of susceptibility of man.

The value of nickname

The originally represented nickname, especially with a foreign pronunciation, can carry a positive or negative meaning. Before tiering complaints to a person, you need to know exactly the value.

Schedule value:

  • Sociable - energetic guy.
  • Jovial - for a smiling and open guy.
  • Pachan - refers to prison jargon. Human dominations.
  • Olechannedro, Sancho and those like them are derived from male names.
  • Skeleton. The nickname has many values \u200b\u200bclimbing culture, beliefs and position in society.
  • Dario and similar aliases attribute to man the features of kinoheroev or representatives of other peoples.

It is worth considering the origin chased. Some came to use the seats of imprisonment and belong to the characteristics of thieves concepts. Cultural and folk aspects should also be considered.

Note! Some people are very serious about nicknames, considering them the second name of the person.

Especially carefully worth treating nicknames in English. It is necessary to know the translation so as not to be a fool and the subject of ridicule.

Some people themselves come up with Alias \u200b\u200bthemselves - but it needs to be done correctly.

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People give each other nicknames from time immemorial. Some nicknames are cool or cool, other offensive.

Come up Everyone can have a funny nickname, but you need to react correctly when you called you, and far from gentle.

Many cases when the nickname remembers the best name or surname. A vivid example of this history of different times and peoples.

Why and why appear nicknames?

Nickname appear in people different reasons. Said once phrase appearance, surname or deed is all possible source for invented nickname. There are many examples in history when pits for people were invented.

In each case, its features:

  1. Indian tribes famous for the names of the eagle eye, running deer Fast river. In fact, the names were different, but only relatives could know them.

    The nicknames appeared from the events in the life of the Indians and became the second name for the whole life either until the next significant deed.

  2. There were nickname And among rulers of countries at all times. In Russia, Yaroslav Wise, Ivan Grozny, Peter the Great.

    Gorbachev was called the Mineral Secretary, and Brezhnev Grazenosz in Dotmaki. Known to the world and bright examples Kings - Richard Lion Heart, Pipine Short, Louis Pious.

    Some nicknames reflect the features of the Board, other appearance of the rulers.

  3. Cookies Cowboys. More often reflected the character or actions, but sometimes appearance. Big Joe, Silent Bob, Wild Bill.
  4. Similarly Pirate nicknames appeared. Black beard, killer of the Spaniards, Sitz Jack.
  5. Teachers often referred to profession or appearance. Drawing teacher is a pencil, and physics teacher atom. High thin teachers are nice herring or pointer.

Sometimes one person gives a few nicknames. Alexandra Pushkin was called in the lyceum by French or Monkey, for the restlessness by ESO, and in literary society Cricket.

How to come up with funny nicknames for friends?

Clicks for people come up with different ways. If there is little fantasy, the nickniem generator will help.

For friends, the second names are picking up interesting and good, no one loves hooklings:

Sign Options
Name In this regard, the nickname is given in rhyme, and therefore it happens. The rhyme rhyme is rhyme, and Egor is a rotten tomato.

Such nicknames are characteristic of small boys and girls, but remain forever

Surname Usually there is a reduction method. Zubet is called tooth, Myshkin Mouse, Pushkin Pushkina or Cannon
Profession Car service worker can be fuel oil, locksmith by vanatoux, eyeminer eye, and plumbing seller toilet bowl
Height High person is invariably called the sleeper, Gulliver, Giraffe, Uncle Stepy. Low People's Food Thumbellers, Song, Gnome, Trifle
Character, moral Balabab, Grurshun, Molchun, Hochotushka, Smesharik, Rogs. Smart more often give a nickname brain or head, and stupid call for a samovar, a woodpecker, pumpkin, a quiet brake
Appearance Balds are often called a kolobom or a globe, curly poodle. A fat man is often called a bun, a pyshki, a kolobom, and the thin Buchenwald, dying or skiing.

Red friends can be causing a helmet, a rust or more rust rust or red

Often, friends give nicknames during paired names. One can call the Vitalik, and another Vital, but for the difference to the name, some sign is usually added - small, high, bald, skinny.

Important to remember, Giving funny nicknames to distinguish the face between a joke and an insult. Everyone's sense of humor is different, because some shake, and others can be offended.

Cool and funny nicknames for guys and girls

Cool nicknames depend on age category. For boys of younger school age, the name of the hero from the favorite cartoon will be a cool nickname, and in the future priorities change.

Cool Nicknames for a guy you can come up with borrowing foreign words. It may be the name - Chuck, Mike, Nick, Serge, Maximilian (for the name Maxim).

For men, nickname needs weighty - flint, pitching, beast, king party.

Girls love beautiful namesTherefore, the list of nicknames for them is filled with associations with attractive appearance, figure or character:

  • Kitty.
  • Panther.
  • Cherry.
  • Raspberry (in rhyme to the name of Alina).
  • Princess.
  • Nymph.
  • Chika (rhymes with the name of Vika).
  • Caramel.
  • Banding.
  • Witch.

The concept of steep nicknames in all different. It depends on age, intelligence and social layer of people.

What if you were angry with?

Rye puddles often seem so only around them, and the person who attacked such a label, the situation may seem stupid.

If they disadvantaged, then it is necessary to act.

  1. Cool. It is impossible to show that the nickname hurt for living, otherwise it will be so called constantly. It is important not to respond with mat.
  2. Do not respond. If you do not show the form and do not respond to the nickname, the likelihood is high, that it will not go.
  3. Laugh Above the lack of fantasy.
  4. Costume Call the offender to disappear fiction hunting.
  5. Called fool? Reply, happy. If he heard such from the former, then to answer that while it was not broken, then it was really that.

Note! If you like to call other people, then be prepared that someday there is a person who will answer witty.

Features of beautiful and affectionate nickname

Affectionate and cute nicknames often give each other lovers. Usually people operate with a set of diminishing words - bunny, sunshine, bear, cat, baby, sweetie.

Often, wives and husbands use affectionate nicknames, which from the side may seem offensive.

In fact, this is a peculiar manifestation of love:

  • Goosey.
  • Piggy.
  • Silent.
  • Lysik.
  • Cucundra.

Often the family nickname occurs on behalf of. Too is a toozy, Masha Manyuni, Sergey Sorgunchik.

Fantasy People have the richest, therefore the nicknames come up with a wide variety. Sometimes a person does not even find arguments why he was so called.

Features of appearance, surname, set of letters or random event - All this is a reason for the nickname.

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A person loves to give all the names to navigate in his surrounding complex world. Sometimes these names are ridiculous, but surprisingly accurate, and therefore are remembered. Very often, it happens with nicknames or nicknames, which we give our friends, friends or four-legged friends - to domestic pets. Why is this happening? Why do people give someone nicknames? How do a variety of funny pits? Answers to these and other questions you will find in the article.

Name and nickname

Each person at birth receives a name, and in individual cultures - even a few. I have had values. For example: Andrei - "Conglely", Olesya - "Defender", Alsu - "Robbing", Damir - "persistent." The ancient beliefs say that the person's name determines his character and fate.

However, in reality it is impossible to predict whether the name will be given at birth personal qualities Or the appearance of a person it was given. So, the "courageous" Andrei may be indecisive and fearful, and the "pinkish" Alsa from nature is pale.

For this reason, many people get nicknames in the social circle, where they are constantly rotating: friends, classmates and classmates, colleagues. People with a certain warehouse of character simply adore invent funny pits for friends, close and just familiar. Sometimes it happens that this man Reflects its essence than the name and surname. But most often nicknames are joking, and then "stick". Usually for some time, and it happens - and for life.

Where do nicknames come from (nicknames)

The tradition has a few names was and still have Indians, as well as the Spaniards and Portuguese. In the latter, the multi-line surnames taken from the Father and Mother are even common. In ancient times, representatives of many nations believed that several names would provide a person not only to protect against evil forces, but also the possibilities for the Mañeorus in life. Some of the data to him is necessarily suitable for its character or appearance. Thus, one name or surname was constantly used, while others remained "about the supply."

Ancient people also willingly used nicknames. They believed that, knowing someone's real name, you can harm this person, impose a spell on it. Therefore, the real name was carefully hidden, the second and third names were used, and the nicknames. They were formed in accordance with the peculiarities of a particular person (appearance, character, skills) or on the basis of his kind of activity. It is known that many modern family names - These are modified nicknames of ancestors.

When a person changes the name

Since the name has always been considered fate of a person, the name of the name means the desire to change your destiny. For example, if a person wants to start life again, he will take one of his "spare" names (if the second and third names give in his culture) or he thinks more appropriate. When they go to the monastery, they also take a new name, choosing it from the list of saints. When a person is engaged in creative or public activities (actor, writer, blogger, musician, politician), often also takes on a pseudonym to stand out from the crowd, and in addition, to distinguish between public and personal life.

Why give nickname

It is difficult to say whether our ancestors have a tradition to invent funny nicknames for friends. Perhaps they had something funny, but by chance. However, it usually happens today with modern nicknames.

Most often, clicks give to distinguish one person from the other. Most likely, the first nicknames were formed. For example, around a lot of people named Stepan, Marya, Ivan, etc. And if you call them "Ivan-Kuznets", "Marya-Beauty", "Stepan-merry", then immediately becomes clear about which particular person is speech. In such nicknames, it usually appeared the occupation, appearance, character or origin.

Nowadays, such "allocating" nicknames are often formed from the present name or surname of a person: Sergey - Gray, Gorokhov - Peas, Kuznetsov - Blacksmith, etc.

Very often, the nickname given by the person else is a mirror, which reflects the attitude towards it of this society (friends, colleagues, comrades for study). Affectionate and funny nicknames testify to acceptance and respect, insulting nicknames - about problems in relationships.

Baby and adult funny nickname

Tradition to invent funny pits for people is especially common in school age. Children are not only observing adults, but also much more straightforward, so the nicknames arise quickly and often inventing everything in a row: both to each other, and adults. IN last case Nickname from his "carrier", of course, hiding.

What are funny pits for boys:

  • Pate;
  • Karamba;
  • Nails;
  • Lyalya, Katya, Olesya and the like girls;
  • Lie

What are funny pits for girls:

  • Chupacabra;
  • Bleak;
  • Vasya, Tvyang, Vitya, and the like boys names;
  • Currency (on behalf of Valya);
  • Torpedo.

Nicknames of teachers often reflect them and the attitude of students. For example: ilty, corrosion (the brain eats). And there are affectionate nicknames, testifying to good attitude: Anastasia Petrovna - Nastyushka. Very often, schoolchildren give nicknames to teachers just just a joke, based on the name-patronymic or surname. So, Vera Andreevna becomes a "veranda", Natalia Fedorovna - Nafaney, the teacher on the name of the Venediktov receives the nickname "broke" and so on.

But it often happens that children grow up, and the desire to invent nicknames do not disappear. Only place school team occupies a worker. According to the social stamps, more than half of people come up with nicknames to their bosses and colleagues. Most often it is done for entertainment and "conspiracy". At the same time, few people are offended by the invented nickname, mostly adults relate to this with humor.

Friendly nicknames

In permanent companies, funny pits for friends often come up with. Thus, a certain overall spirit is emphasized, a special atmosphere of a separate circle of communication. Often, the nickname is not given for some sign, but in spite of him. For example, a very worst person will be called a ghirtstone or a fat man, a high - a dwarf or an inch, having a steep temper - a bidder or a fairy, and the bald is curly. IN such cases The funny effect of the nickname is achieved just because of its inconsistency of real reality.

It happens, the nickname so successfully "sticks" to the person that friends at all cease to call him somehow otherwise, and he himself, getting acquainted with someone in an informal setting, also seems to be his nickname. Often occur funny casesWhen someone's nickname is very similar to the real name (Fedya, Vitya, Chris, Margo), and then it turns out that a person is actually called quite differently, but nicknamed it (her) so because of the surname or a long-standing, already forgotten incidents . The funniest nicknames usually do not intend to intentionally, and it turns out completely by chance, during a memorable case or unexpected "insight".

Funny pits for pets

People come up with nicknames when they want to allocate someone or show their attitude. Equally, this also applies to friends-acquaintances, and to four-legged pets.

Of course, dogs and cats are easier to choose his nickname than choosing the name to man. The yard dog Tuzik or the cat's cat can go well with their nicknames, but most often the owners want to choose a beautiful and especially if a dog or a cat is powdered - then there are most often human, often even foreign names: Step, Max, Charlie, Sabrina, Marseille and so on.

What are called cats

Funny nicknames for cats and cats usually give owners with a good fantasy and are often born to "In honor" food, for example: Baton, Cheburek, Bun, Corzhik, Coconut, Patchson and others. Often animals are called in honor famous people Or Characters: Pegasus, Terminator, Mila Yovovich, Mad Tourman. The appearance of a pet, too, can become a reason for receiving a funny nickname: Cat of an unusual color white tail, a shaggy cat choundder or a cat breed Sphinx nicknamed. There are also such funny nicknames for cats, which are invented simply as something original and comfortable: Lesk, Eurk, Maruska, Count de Fall (or short-lyalchik).

As the dogs call

Most owners diligently choose nicknames for dogs. Funny options Usually come up with those people for whom their gavkiving pets are family members, and not participants in exhibitions or performers of the guard function. So the kefirchik, Belyash, Tubik, Bax, Cola, Barmalei, Ghoul, Meatball and Other Strange, but funny dog \u200b\u200bnicknames appear. Sometimes the nickname is ridiculous to their game on the contrast with the appearance of an animal: Doberman of the gun, Rottweiler of Phil, Dachshund Doma.

In such funny, but mostly affectionate names loving attitude The owner to his pet, even if he does not always behave well.

Nickname or nickname is, first of all, the way to allocate. If someone gets a funny nickname, this is a sign of a special relationship. Funny dogs, funny nicknames of people - all this kind of sign of interest and friendly relationship. So we show that our two-legged or four-legged friends are truly important to us.

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Folk wisdom reads: "A person knows his name." Each of us at birth receives a name. However, it is often subsequently a person gets second, informal namewhich may reflect the character, the appearance of the owner, and may simply be a reduction in the official name or surname. These are nicknames.

In my work, I explored the nicknames in a historical aspect.

IN modern life Nicknames are used frequently. And it is the nicknames of the least investigated among anthroponyms, perhaps because it is unofficial names. Nicknames are used in everyday life, in private conversations, on the street, in the school environment, so this is part of the spoken style.

In my work, I collected and analyzed the information about the history of the emergence of the nickname, tried to understand what the nicknames are so interested in children and adults. Analyzed, for what signs are the nicknames and what their role in modern life is given.

Object of study: nicknames.

Subject of study: Causes of the appearance and use of nickname.

Purpose of the study: show the language and social essence of the nickname, their role in modern society.


1. Consider the concepts such as onomastics, anthropony, name, nickname, having studied the literature on onomastics.

2. Support the story of the emergence of the nickname, find interesting historical facts on this topic.

3. Determine the role of nickname in the school environment.

4. To identify how signs is given a nickname.

Methods and Receptions:

1. Heating literature about nicknames.

2. An accounting of students of school №121.

3. Ancase adults.

4. Treatment of the results obtained.

No between living people, and can not

be unnamed: In the first moment by

births each, poor and notable, name,

as a sweet gift, from his mother-in-law gets.

Ancient Greek philosopher

1.Onestics as a science studying the names of their own. Nickname

Section of linguistics learning their own names, the history of their occurrence is called onomastics. Anthroponimika is the section of onomastics, studying the names of people, their origin, evolution, the patterns of their functioning. An anthroponym is called any name, which is called by a person: Name personal, surname, nickname, pseudonym, nickname. Families, names, patronymic are official anthroponyms. Nicknames - unofficial anthroponyms that are used in everyday life are used for the most accurate characteristics of a person called. In modern life, the nicknames are often used instead of the name.

Studying additional literature, I got acquainted with lexical meaning The words "nickname".

V.I. Dal in the "Live Dictionary of the Living Great Russian" interprets this word in this way: "Nickname. Having called, name, nickname, name, or reporting, nickname additive to the name. "

In the "Great Dictionary of Modern Russian Language" D.N. Shushakov gives the following interpretation: "Nickname. Name, this person, in addition to his name and containing an indication of any noticeable character, outfit, activity of this person. Nicholas I got a nickname Palkin, and the last of the Romanov, Nicholas II, the nicknamer nickname ".

S.I.Ogov in the dictionary of the Russian Language "discloses the meaning of this word as follows:" Nickname. The name given to the person on some characteristic feature, property. Offensive nickname» .

"Synonyms Dictionary" offers the following series: "Name, title, nickname, nickname, patronymic, surname, pseudonym; Nickname, name, term, title, title, epithet.

2. History of the emergence of nickname

Nicknames - ancient phenomenon. W. ancient man There were two names; one present, which tried as far as possible to say out loud, fearing that evil power can take advantage of them and damage, second for common useWith which a person was not called, and "called" - from here and the name of the phenomenon - nicknames.

Nicknames are fixed in literature, in history. IN Ancient Russia Names were a lot. We now seem funny, but they celebrated the most characteristic signs or external human features. There were names that often reflected the procedure for the appearance of children (first, senior). Separate names reflected the birthday of the child, the phenomena of nature, christian holidays. Other names reflected any features of the newborn (Piskun). Along with the names, nicknames were common. They have always reflected certain properties, quality of a person or a genus of his classes: a fisherman, a dequeble, certificates, a bog, mantis.

Also unusual nicknames of clergymen are also known. So, Pop Likhach lived in 1161, about the thief, the thieves mentioned in 1600, about the priest noise - in 1608.

There were nicknames that indicated the origin of a certain area or national affiliation: Muromets, Selyanin, Kazan, Novozhil, Tatar. There were nicknames that came from the name of the food: Kisel, a rug, turbine, sugar, borsch. Also, the nicknames pointed to appearance (fat, tumor), social status (Acnerebatrid, wear).

In 1606 he lived in Pskov Fedor with dirt. In 14-16 centuries there were such names:

Kisloslovas, acidic, kissel, failure, dislike, damn, cucumber, perchutka (ie, "Damn"), a lubyana saber.

2.1. Difference between the name and nickname

So what is the difference between the name and nickname? Consider a comparative table.

Similarity / Difference



Proper name.

Proper name.


Form from ordinary words.

Form from ordinary words.


It is used equally everywhere, right up to official documents.

It is used only in an informal setting in spoken Speech. Cannot be used in documents.


Combined with the surname, patronymic.

Never combines with the surname, patronymic.


Easy forces patronymic: Ivan - Ivanovich, Peter - Petrovna.

It is impossible to form patronymic: macaque - not formed, drone - not formed.


Name - venerable.

The nickname is often offended.

Thus, we see that the nickname, like the name, calls a person, but it cannot be used in official speech, in the documents, it is impossible to form patronymic. Also, the nickname may be offensive, offensive for its owner.

2.2. Prointing in the literature

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol in the work " Dead Souls"Wrote:" It is strongly expressed russian people! And if he will be awarded with a sense, it will go to him in the genus and offspring, it will take off him with him and the service, and resigned, and to St. Petersburg, and on the edge of the world ... Nothing will help: the carknet for itself is a nickname in all the rororne And will say clearly, from where the bird flew out. "

In the literature you can meet a large number of nickname. Studying the biographies of writers, surprisingly learn that many of them were nicknames. We were particularly interested in the fact that the nickname was even at Alexander Pushkin and his lyceum friends: Pushkin A.S. - Frenchman (perfectly flanged french language), Pushchin I.I.- Zezno ( french namecorresponding to Russian Ivan), Kyhehelbecker V.K. - Kuhl (by last name).

If you turn to artwork For children, there are also often nicknames. For example, in a fairy tale - there were "pantry" (M. Prishvin) Nastya called the golden chicken (for the color of the hair), and Mitrahu is a peasant in the bag (for small height and the ability to work).

In the story V. Zheleznikova "Stuffed" the main heroine Lena Incolesev nicknamed chucks for the appearance (no one thought to look into the man in the soul). Other nicknames were there: Strajor (handed over dogs on the ruble on the living), the iron button (solid character), Muscovite (very much wanted to leave to the Father in Moscow), Somik (Somov's last name), Collotter (Grandfather Lena, wore an old coat in the plexuses ).

Pretty much laughing nickname in the tales of Pavel Bazhova: Grandfather I am heard, Damn, Breated, Ivanko-Krylatko.

All this indicates that without nicknamed it is not to do that they existed long before us and exist now and will be eradicated soon. And the indisputable fact, which is proved by linguists: the beginning of many surnames served exactly the nicknames.

2.3. The origin of the emergence of nicknames

IN modern world The reasons for the appearance of the nickname are several others than in those times: The desire to reduce the surname, note some characteristic properties of the figure, appearance or character for a person, to joke in a friendly, and sometimes humiliate, mocking. So the nicknames are not always a harmless phenomenon.

Nicknames - an extremely important part of the world of children. Nicknames are invented by children for children and become a sample system. However, the first in our life nicknames we get from parents and people close to us. Regardless of cultural conditions each small child It turns out literally mowed different namesnone of which is not his official name.

How do nicknames appear? Studies conducted among our school students showed that there are four basic principles of origin of the nickname:

By the name;

By the name;

According to external data;

By the nature of man;

According to events occurring in life.

The nickname assignment system has a huge impact On the processes of breeding and maintaining public order, which are created by children within their autonomous children's community. In general, the naming system has an impact in three directions. First, she notes those. Who rejects the children's group. Secondly, it denotes a cohesive group of those who have a privilege of making each other on nicknames. Finally, the process takes place by which the leaders of this small society are put forward.

It is found that at the age of about eleven-twelve years there is a change in the system of assigning the nickname. We have established that the nicknames used earlier are rejected at this age, and a new naming system occurs.

Who comes up with nicknames? The data we have, suggest that there is someone who the children's community has been issued a kind of license for the assignment of nickname. Attempts to invent the nicknames end the failure.

2.4. Nicknames in a school environment (survey of students MBOU SOSH №121)

We conducted a survey of students 4, 6, 8 and 9 classes. A total of 103 people were interviewed, the nickname was recorded - 82.

Children were asked to call her nickname and answer the question: "How do you feel about nicknames?"

In the nickname, like all the words in Russian, there is a story, biography, adventure, his fate. In the course of their work, we found out that the nicknames that are in our school students can be combined into several groups on general grounds.

1. Nicknames formed from last names: Mal (Malov), Beetle (Zhukova), Silva (Silvachinskaya), Heat (Teplova), Kovtun (Kovtun), Vaganych (Vaganov), Couple (Kospintseva), Cheese (Syrchchin), Elik ( Eliseev), Yurkin (Yurina), Botanist (Batanov), Mamon (Mamonov), Malorik (Maloyaroslavetsev), Gadya (Gadelshina), Vova (Vovk), Kashpurovich (Kashpurov), Kartoch (Kartashova), Zack (snack), beech ( Bukina), Teddy bear (Mikhalchuk), Ufish (Ufimseva), Eki (Ekimova), Tramp (Broadway), Chapa (Chapur), Coffee (Prokofiev) - Most of these nicknames.

2. Nicknames given by a person on external signs: Hedgehog (like a hedgehog), plump ( excess weight), Penchenk ( little Grow), Protein (long tail on the head, external similarity), Rhino (similarity in appearance), bunny (small, deft), panda (hair color and face, external similarity), pumpkin (round), giraffe (very high), elephant (appearance), Sukharik (small, affected ), Small (small height), hare (similarity), foxy (similar to the fox), gingerbread (similar to the gingerbread from the cartoon "Shrek"),

3. Prointing, reflecting features of character, behavior, human habits: Meteor (fast response with a hike in school canteen), devils (do not know what to wait from it), tank (goes across it), a penny (by nature), a turtle (slow ), Hitler (Majuity), knockout (ability to fight), psych (unbalanced), macaque, monkey (does not sit quietly, it mysteriously), condensed milk (loves condensed milk), cactus (difficult to approach).

4. Nicknames formed from personal names of media: Pate (Pasha), Drone (Andrey), Mikhalych (Misha), Valeron (Valery), Renata, Posya (Apollinaria), Roller (Valeryan), Sifka (Sofya), Den (Denis), Vital (Vitaly), Makhich (Masha), Petr (Peter), Marinina (Marina).

5. Nicknames associated with some event, history from the life of the carrier: notepad (notepad thrown into it).

Thus, the most nickname is given by last name - 26 people (32%). Next, the nicknames are given in appearance - 18 (23%), by name - 16 (20%), by nature - 12 (15%), by events - 1 (1.2%).

Approximately 11% (9 people) nicknames remained for us not clarified in their origin. The guys could not or have not wanted to explain the meanings of these nicknames. With names or surnames, they are not connected. Reflecting, we suggested that they did not appear because somehow are connected with a person, but because they are simply ridiculous, and in this their "meaning": Vitek, Thomas, Holds, Maracuy, Ballock and others.

On the question of attitude to the nicknames 26 (25%), people out of 103 did not approve the existence of such informal names, and 75% are positive. It is noteworthy that all grade 9 students approve the presence of nicknames, and in the two eighth and two sixth grades such a 13 person is dissatisfied with the presence of nickname. Another feature: Pupils of 9 classes often give a nickname in the name and name, but do not indicate human deficiencies, which cannot be said about six-graders. I think that getting a nickname in the last name or name is not so insulting as an indication of the external flaws.

We found out that the nicknames could express a negative attitude towards a person, to his habits, and positive if something like something: habits, manners, character traits, speech features. That is, all the nicknames are emotionally painted, as they are given depending on the relationship to the nickname carrier. Some nicknames in our school were commonly used, others remained not for general use. From this factor the nickname does not go anywhere. In the nicknames, problems of psychological and social order were found, the problems of the culture of speech, characteristic of today's school.

We also noticed that there, where friendly relationships in the class, higher performance, there is less nickname: the general cultural background is affected.


In our work, I looked at the nickname from a historical point of view: I studied the literature on the origin of the nickname, compared the old nicknames with modern, revealed differences between the official name of the person and his nickname.

Main conclusions:

The nicknames arose in antiquity, sometimes the nickname will tell more about the person than his official name;

Writers often consume nicknames in their works for more full characteristics character;

The older children large quantity They have nicknames;

Students of senior classes do not give nicknames, which reflect the physical disadvantages of people, which speaks about the level of pupil, growing up;

Most schoolchildren are not offended by the nickname, perceives them as a natural phenomenon in the teenage medium;

The source of the nickname is most often the names, appearance and human name.

Every nickname as a second name, it carries information, it transforms a person, makes it interesting, even secret for a certain little society. Therefore, it can be safe that the nickname is an unofficial name of its own, which we can attribute to the concept of anthropony.

Material about nicknames, their features turned out to be interesting. With this work I plan to perform on cool clock, in the lessons of the Russian language when studying the topic " Given name noun".


1.Gogol N.V. Dead Souls. Moscow, 2004.

2. Del V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian / Sost. Shahmatova N.V. S.-Petersburg: ID All, 2004. 1678 p.

3. Zheleznikov V. Stuffed. M., 1997.

4.niconov V.A. Dictionary of Russian names and surnames. M., 1993.

5. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language / under. ed. Swedio N.Yu. M.: Russian, 1985. 797 p.

6. Osorina M.V. How to resist nicknames, nicknames and teases. M.: Pedagogy, 2004. 87 p.

7. Prishvin M. Storeroom Sun. M., 1995.

8. The scientific dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language / Sost. Zimin V.I., Alektorova L.P., Kim O.M., Shanshan V.N. M.: Russian word, 1994. 583 p.

9.Ushakov D.N. Large dictionary modern Russian language / ch. Red. Semen, Yu.I. M.: Alta Print, 2007. 1239 p.

10.Uspansky L.V. You and your name. Moscow, 1984.

Branch MBOU Dmitrievskaya Sosh

Evgenievskaya Nos.

Prepared and read

teacher Evgenievskaya Nosh

Sveracheva Svetlana Andreevna

year 2014

Nickname and nickname

Each person has a personal name, patronymic and surname. In addition to the name, patronymic and surname, many people have more nicknames and nicknames. Hisoid, comic, sometimes that we just ignore the word - different.

Talk about nicknames, nicknames and names are widespread in the network and in real life. This topic generates many reasoning and disputes.

In the dictionary of S.I. Zhigov, the dignity is defined as "a set of moral qualities, as well as respect for these qualities in itself." Throughout his life, a person seeks to preserve his dignity, protect him from others, to resist humiliation. In children, the most common verbal forms of humiliation of dignity are most common: offensive words, replicas, phrases, appeals, nicknames and nicknames.

Let's start with the question: "Where do various nicknames and nicknames come from and what do they mean?".

Initially, the nicknames occurred the current names, as people had to have any way to distinguish one Vasily from the other, they called one "Vasily - Kuznets", and the other "Vasily - Pakhac".

These nicknames showed significance, the need of a person, talked about his professionalism and did not mean anything offending and offensive, which would not tell about the current nicknames and nicknames.

In the dictionary, the nickname is defined as "the name given to a person for some characteristic feature, property. In the same dictionary, the concept of nickname has two interpretations, the first is the "pet name"; The second is "nickname".

Nicknames are the second personal name of the person, but it is given to him without registering in the legal document: a birth certificate, passport.

The nickname is a kind of baptism that faded most often in a school environment, on the street, it happens very live, if sticking, then a person will be accompanied for a long time. Some people nicknames accompany all life: from school to old age. Nicknames or nicknames sometimes allocate named among others, as people with the same names, names. It is impossible to forget that the nicknames most often have a negative shade.

We are often wondering how they are attached and for what nicknames. They were nicknames, there are and will exist.

Nicknames can be respectful if the relativity of a person (Yaroslav Wise, Ivan Grozny)

The formation of nicknames from surnames is mainly at the level of the teenage and youth environment. Creating a nickname by discarding the family formants -OV, -Ev, -in, -yn, -ska, -Evsky, -Ovsky. Similar type of sfaming nickname is a significant part total Nickname such a kind.

Such nicknames refer to the number of neutral, usually not offended on them, perceive practically as proper.

Often nickname, especially in families, has a benevolent shade and deceptibrates. They come to school with confident that nicknames do not represent anything reprehensible, but they are almost always different, the unkind content on the basis of some known associative connections only. A positive emotional field is inferior to a negative. For example, several rows can be given, including the name of the child (which is called friends and parents), and nicknames (which is received at school):

Vadim - Vadimchik - Bad - Bloch.
Tanya - Tanyusha - Rat.
Nina - Ninuska - Ninka Pink.
Igor - Sunny - Fish.

Nicknames and nicknames as a form of humiliation of dignity in a children's environment very lively. Numerous examples can be found in artistic literature.

An example of children's cruelty, persecution of one of their peers represents the history of Lena, described in the story of the famous children's writer VC. Zharnokova "Stuffed". In the school of a small town where Lena and her grandfather settled, classmates did not accept the girl. They were constantly subjected to her ridicule, invented for her hasive nickname - Stuffed. At the organizers of the persecution, there were also none clocks: shaggy, red, iron button ... it came to the point that the grandfather makes the decision to leave the town and thereby get rid of his granddaughter from non-deputies.

As a rule, weakened disadvantages, and not only real but possible, while there are nicknames for some characteristic feature, property

Clicks can reflect: physical disadvantage (temple, weak vision); appearance (deviation from generally accepted norms - fullness, thin, big ears, freckles); The style of behavior (quickly says, quickly walks, constantly fighting); A single act who remembered; Surnames (Kozlov, Baranov). In most cases, the appearance and surname of children fall under the shelling. So, in the same class met: Gray (Sergey), Slavs (Glory), Sukharev, Redtrore, Oglobla (High Girl), Cabinet.

In search of an answer to the question, why the emotional field changes so much, it can be assumed that children, adult, try to avoid "tenderness" against themselves from their peers. In addition, children from families are studying in the classroom, where the affectionate appeal is not accepted. Not receiving a positive experience of communicating at home, they can enroll the elements of rudeness and ill-wishes to their classmates.

At the heart of the nickname and nickname is a comparison due to the motivation of their use. Parents resort to comparisons on the grounds: soft, fluffy, kind, beautiful, tasty. Chief motif - Express your love for children. Children often find comparisons on the grounds: ugly, angry, sloppy, cowardly. Close to nicknames and evaluation words-characteristics (sludge, loaf, dirty), but they are temporary.

Perhaps a merciless criticism embedded in most nicknames serves as an incentive for reflection, self-analysis and self-esteem, that is, to overcome a child of a particular quality.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the causes of the assignment of the nicknames are considered as a way of self-affirmation and psychological discharge, a protective reaction, instrumental aggression (name to achieve any purpose), ambitious motives, the desire to stand out, the desire to support the leader when he pursues someone (manifestation imaginary collectivism) to cover their helplessness, the desire to humiliate the other to feel power.

This is what the children themselves say about it:

"The boys are stronger than girls, so girls can only call their offend somehow, come up with a nickname."

Thus, some children using nicknames are approved in life, others have a sense of discomfort. Clicks injured the child, wounded his soul, can affect the development of the personality, cause a complex of inferiority. For those children who are constantly called, are often anxiety, anxiety. Inventing the nicknames and nicknames can be attributed to the ethical category of violence, as it is accompanied by the subordination of the will of one person will be another.

How to deal with calling?

1. Spend a conversation on the topic "Giving nicknames and nicknames is a bad habit."

2. Come to know the children with the Russian Personal Name Word.

3. Sharp the communicative tasks with children.