Walter Scott. Information about the life and work of the English writer

Walter Scott. Information about the life and work of the English writer
Walter Scott. Information about the life and work of the English writer
  1. 1. Topic: Istorіya І Share people in Romani Walter Scott "Ivanho". Ivango, Yoy Vіddanіst, Cheschensky, nobility. Meta: Nights of the Lyttєviy Shaty Avengo, in contact with the analizuvati art image; Davati Ontsnka Hero's Hangnes; Porіvnyuvati like criteria, systematize your joint venture; Delivati \u200b\u200binto scientists Uminnya Putsevati in the goods, nonsense, the logist Mislin, Vmіnnya Vislovlywati Vlasni Sudzhenda about the fourth of the real estate, the social status of the І copіonalosti on the share of the hero, argumentuity, Robiti visunies; Conveti in D_tei Active Zhisticvya Posziya, the requirement of self-confalienna, the tolerance of that chant to the people of the Ishigo Vіrospovdannya. Two Tabori, dvі True, one share ... Walter Scott Tsіlі lesson: Schosnі Movienі No matter: - ZMIST Roman; - Geroїv Toror, їїhn, put to the head hero; - Specialty of the genre of the іstoric novel. Scientific Moon Vmіti: - Gluzyuvati from the pirchnik; - Move into the text of the key Episodi; - visnarei Moral and Tsіnnosti Heroїv Toror; - Miscellenvati Sobil is put to Geroiv, arguments of its point zero with the colors of the I quotes. Type lesson: Vivchennya lesson is an analized artist. Methods і Priomy: Euristic Besida, the statement of the co-connotation of the problem Patin, the robot is the text, the robot in the group (the "Synthesis of Duma"), the softer before the Epigraph, and the "Asocianizative series", whispered chthannia in the scores, Viosenina. WEDDENNAYA: PІDRUESHNIKS, OILSTRATING MATERIAL, MOCHITY, SHIEM "COME SPE SLOVYA TU SLAYSLAY." Hіd lesson І. Motivatsiya. 1. The word is entrusted. "Pershi has been added to the village of Marshali Zi with their Geroldi, Woni Mali Recovery Rymena Persian, Scho Hotіli Take the fate in Zmagannі, and Torzo Tu Partіya, Shaho in її Lavakh, Shotii beat. " What is the creator of the CI rows? one
  2. 2. 2. L_teral-facial tourist. I proponal to you arrogant to Geroiva Roman. The non-religious L_teral-Ritsarus Tournir. For skin, the axis of such a symboli sword is correct to the axis of such a symbol, creepy lesson, Davatim, you have the right to bonous Bali. 1. Yakiy Kraїnі і Kolya Vіdbuyuzhuyuhuya, described in Romance V. Scott? (Angle, xII st ..) 2. Shaho samusilo Normanіv wondered to night in the castle Sedrik Saksa? (Thunderstorm) 3. Hto Dop Mig Aveno Save to Turnis in ESHB? (EVREY Ісакак) 4. The reasons of the ice levels. (Atelstan) 5. Sedrik's servant, I am glad to progressively. (Vibe) 6. Finding on the tour of the Queen Kohannya Ki. (Ice Roven) 7. Knee, Zaki, turned Ivango. (Palestine). 8. Jac Nicknamed a mysterious person, I am kind on the tour of the DopMig Famine by a pointed form? (Chorni Famil) 9. Hto in Romanі є prototype Robin Hood? (LOCCLI) 10. ІМ 'King English. (Richard) 11. Prіzvisko Atelstan. (Void) 12. Nazdіti Іm'ya Brother King, I am kinded for an hour of V_dstnosti, the remaining Pos_v yogo throne. (Prince John) 13. Scho I conceived Morіs de Brasі Stoscio River Lena? (Vicarki Lesi Rovno, Riogiti її ї ї и бульшое) 14. Scho Stalosta z Rebeccoa pіd hour Obligas Castle Fron de BEF? (Їїry Vica Krіan de Balgіber) 15. Hto enhancing the Templetou to Zahist Rebecca? (Ivango) 16. Skіlki Odiv і de sami beat Avengo і Baag_lber? (Trichi: in Akrі, ESHBI, Templetou) 17. Normandskiye Maker English in XI Art .. (Vіlgelm) 18. Prince Cedric. (Rotherwood) ІІ. Ozozhennye, represented by those who are obviously the result of the result. Sudrog MI Pressurely Zaporo Sellinovikovo, the British, Chi delivered, Istorichnі Sloves the share of people. Topic lesson - "Istorіya І share of people in Romani Walter Scott" Avengo ". Ivango, Yoy Vіddanіst, Cheschensky, nobleness. " Tsei Lesson to anticipate us (CHAKUKUVIA RECEIVE RECOMMENDED TO DOSTSI): - visnati Moralni Tsіnnosti Geroiv; - Visolevatati is the most involved in the character; - Gluzuvati in the goods; - Gluzuvati with the text of the creator; - It is a job over the correct Vibor of the Libe. 2.
  3. 3. (About the form of a robot) mi beastly before the scentful Walter Walter Scott "Avengo", Popratsyu in the goods, he wondered over the sensation of Ludsky Life. Narriktzі lesson will turn to our uchіkuvan І Z'Yasuєmo, Chi framed a planned result. I protracted the lesson, I proponed to send you the features of the "Leaf Movement" і іkіkuvan ". I know that I want to know the plot of the іstoric novel of the head of the head of herois HTO - Positive, Hto - negative hero. ІІІ. Naddannya needed. 1.Evr_stichna Besid. 1) if the Poss was the Poshvіch reader's Ivanho? 2) Yak rejoicing pіlіgrim at Cedric Saks? (Vіn Entertain Miszts Bіl Kamnina, the ton of the SMІG Pogrіtisi І Visushi Snug. Logged in Rosemova about Persianv, Yaki, took the fate of the tourist in d'Sacrі. Gidually negotiate from Briton De Buah-caliber. 3) Chomo Vіn Virіshivs Domance to jogging є serious? (Want to normally І SKSKI znowdigailed єvreiv, Ivanho was set by Humanno to Іsaak. I know, Shahko, the old burner, Izpek, Vіn Proponuє yoma loudly the castle of Saksa. Ісака - PONE OF LITTLE, YAKA SAMIA, YAK І BHATS). 4) Kudi їkhai GOST Cedrik Saks? (On the facial tour). 5) Whom there is no obo bureau to Miss Bethi Avengo? (At once, the Peresogi of Atelstan Roven is not moathed by a friend of his friend; Ivango is not Mig Tsoy, allow). Speaker. Oz, SPI asspisement on the facial tour. The appearance of Tsіkava I am injecting civie for sedno-ok. - HTO HTO VETUPIV PIF ІMENEM DZHESADO (PAYMARS POSSBOVE SPAIDS)? Human, on your dumka, on the shields of umbrages of Oak, Virbani zbinny? - Human Avango Missing Inhachivatii will sell Іm'ya? - Chi Bouvtsi Tsya Povodnok Residnim for Ivango Ta Triana de Boua Gluber? (NІ, the rest of Bow Biy, in the opinion of Treba Bulo, to bring, Scho Rebecca is not Winn, Shah, Wick Historus did not Fairi, and Lіki). - Yak yoma, weak pіsl twigrobi, in a distance of varfing Briana? Scho symbolizu is so stubble? (Tse talk about D_vіt L_kiv Rebecca, about those, god Roszudov fairly. Peremoga Aivergo over the Temple 3
  4. 4. I symbolize the nobility of the nobility of the І Lyudyanosti over the p_ddnis_stny І disregter). - Yaka cause Vorozhnechі Mіzh Vіlfrіd Avango Ta Brianom de Boua G_lber? (Chapter 5). 4. Introduction right. Robot in the checkers. "Synthesis of Dumok." I proponal to you to seekuvati ... І GROUP SAMLІDKOVUє LOVTєVIY SHEY AVERGO TA VNNACHEє Go to Slavs Persiah. / For Criteria / (Roboty's result: 6. Standing to screenshots. To people put a shymano. Humanno 5. Standing to the general people. Wabilyaє in the share of SPIVIVTCHIZNIV. 4. Will . Ricziku residents of rizomena rizomena, doming ribersі. 3. FIRST TURNERS. І In Palestinі, І In English, showing the butt Smillostі, poverty. 2. Christian Sir. Palestini. 1. Social Still. Radish Until the Worn-Sillyansky will be.) ІІ GROUP SAMLІDKOVUє LOVTTєVIY SHIME BRIAN DE BUA-GLAYBERA TA VISNACHEє COMM SEVERSLY SLAYS WEEK. (Result Robota: 1. Social Stan. The grandfather of the Slyhamny family; To rinse to the church Order of Tamplієрv. 2. Christian Viri. Totrimatius Dogmatіv Viri Lishe in words; yo, I define Dalekі Vіd Slіv. 3. FATHER TO TURNIRS. Vіdmoving Vіdpovіstini at Vikki Avego in Palestinian ; Mav Figure on Turnіri in Ashb. 4. Outnunnya Dami Seryzia. Obvious to Zhіnko, Yak Iz Rabinyuyu. 5. Standing to the dol_ people. 4
  5. 5.
  6. 6. Znuszliva I Bayduj. 6. Standing to screenshots. Lyutiy і Zameless to forgive people. ІІІ GROUP PRACYUє Z text (Ridgel 29, Article 103). 1) Gotuє Vibrant Chitanni Dialoga Aivengo Ta Rebecca, DEEє Vіdpovіd to Patched "Housing by the author of two rіznі's share of the person?" (I can't bouti єdino, people on all the problems, people rіznі, before that here - Posniki Zіninki і cholovіka), Visnachaє Zhorttєva Kredo Ivanho (Tse Buda Yak Pіdsumok Roboto і і іі Grup) і parallel і і іі і ісатовия . Dati Vіdpovіd on the problem of Salt. Mozkova Attack Pader. Chi Mozhvyі Іnshі Vіanti Note? Clear header is possible Bulo b data novel about Lyudianіst і comersized, p_denest і zradu? Some SAME SAME SHIRSHIVE The author of the name of Svіy TVіr? (Head in Lyudynі - ї Moralі Yakostі, і not Majut's meaning of the nobility of the title, Rosemir Spaddshchinchi І t., SAME SAME - Tілки іm'ya Nazhdka Korivsky Rod). V. Reflexia. 1) zhoko Methi Robili Robili to the right? (Schob Z'yasuvati, Jama Lyttєvim Shyhah Mozhe Pitty Lyuba, taking a good church for Orіntir). 2) Yaki Duma WONA you have a VILICAL? 3) whom we have disabled? Communion to a friend Column "Leaf Movement і і іkіkuvan". 4) what b vi's wigi in the departure? Board the third column "Leaf ..." Vi. P_dsumok. 1) Iventery before the Epigraph. Yak Viumієte Walter Scott's words "Two Tabori, two truth, one share"? 2) Clean zm_st in the word "facial" of the contribution of Syudvnі? 3) Ovinoivnya Inincidences Dyalnosti Scienting. five

M Arina Pavlova, Moscow

Walter Scott "Ivango"

Materials for studying the historical novel in the 7th grade

The "historical" block of the Literary Education of the Mios in the 7th grade opens with the study of the novel of the English writer-Romance V.Skotta "Ivanho." As part of this block, students have to deal with the features of the genre of historical novel, reflect on the peculiarities of perception and images of the "long-lasting days" V. Scottom, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov.
The first question that is worth setting the guys is: what makes us attribute to the historical genre such different works as the novels "Ivango" and "Captain's daughter", the poem "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" (all these works are studied in one block)?
The action of the novel "Ivango" occurs in the XI century, The events of Pugachev Bunte, laid the "Captain's Daughter", were removed by more than sixty years from the time of writing it, in the "song about the merchant Kalashnikov" Lermontov immerses the reader in the era of the board of Ivan the Terrible. Obviously, the main thing is that historical works are created much later than the era, in them described. This gives the authors the opportunity to look at historical events with some time distance, in a new way to comprehend what happened. Writers rely on historical documents studied by them, and in the work there are realities of the past, people's life and morals are described in detail. The author defends an individual look at the events of the distant past, it is based on its own historical concept, one way or another expresses its attitude towards real historical characters. Nevertheless, the remoteness in time does not remove the relevance of the problems of the historical work. Home\u003e Lesson
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Marina Pavlova, Moscow

Walter Scott "Ivango"

Materials for studying the historical novel in the 7th grade

The "historical" block of the Literary Education of the Mios in the 7th grade opens with the study of the novel of the English writer-Romance V.Skotta "Ivanho." As part of this block, students have to deal with the features of the genre of historical novel, reflect on the peculiarities of perception and images of the "long-lasting days" V. Scottom, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov.

The first question that is worth setting the guys is: what makes us attribute to the historical genre such different works as the novels "Ivango" and "Captain's daughter", the poem "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" (all these works are studied in one block)?

The action of the novel "Ivango" occurs in the XI century,the events of Pugachev Bunte, laid the "Captain's Daughter", were removed by more than sixty years from the time of writing it, in the "song about the merchant Kalashnikov" Lermontov immerses the reader in the era of the board of Ivan the Terrible. Obviously, the main thing is that historical works are created much later than the era, in them described. This gives the authors the opportunity to look at historical events with some time distance, in a new way to comprehend what happened. Writers rely on historical documents studied by them, and in the work there are realities of the past, people's life and morals are described in detail. The author defends an individual look at the events of the distant past, it is based on its own historical concept, one way or another expresses its attitude towards real historical characters. Nevertheless, the remoteness in time does not remove the relevance of the problems of the historical work.

Reflecting on the features of the genre, we can compare the historic novel with the Old Russian Chronicles or the Western European Chronicle. What is in common and what they differ?

First of all, the story is underway about the events of the past, but the chronicle and the chronicle create an impression of an independent objective narrative. The chronicler composes nothing, he tells about what was, in his opinion, in fact. It tells consistently and thoroughly, seeking to create a systemic, holistic picture of the world. The chronicle resembles a personal diary, but it is devoted not to the life of a separate person, but the stories of some lands, the rule of the European sovereign and the life of the people in different periods of government. In the historical novel, fiction and historical facts are closely intertwined, real historical figures and fictional characters act.

So, in the process of studying the Roman V.Skotta, we will try to understand from what point of view the author considers the story and fiction in the novel, which it appears in front of the reader Middle Ages in the image of the English Writer-Romance.

Speaking about the novel "Ivango," you should think about what signs of the knightly novel can be found in it. Pupils are already familiar with fragments of A.D. Mikhailova "Roman and the story of the High Middle Ages" (fully article published in the 22nd Tome of BVL "Medieval Roman and Tale"). Thus, the peculiarities of the genre of the historical novel in comparison with the chronicles (chronicle) and the Knight's novel of the Middle Ages will be more apparent for students.

The disciples will celebrate the similarity of the Knight of Avengo with the heroes of the Knight's novel. Roman Scott performs a "scientific and popular" function, telling historical information about the life of medieval England, there are stories about the crusade and the Knight's Code of the Knight, in the center of Roman - a love intrigue. Then we will offer disciples to think why the novel "Ivango" is not a knightly novel. First, because it was written in the XIX century, and not in the era of the Middle Ages, secondly, there is nothing fantastic or magical in it, but in front of the reader there is a picturesque picture of historical events. The novel is based on traditional love and political intrigue for V. Scotta. In the center of the narration, a couple in love - Knight Avengo and Lady Roven, the fate and well-being of which depend on the stroke of history.

What does the happiness of lovers depend on?From what turnover will take historical events who will win in the historical conflict. Who is his participants? The conflict unfolds between the two enemy camps: Normans who won England at the end of the XI century, and the Anglo-Saxons, who have already had for several centuries and who oscillate the Britt tribes. Against the background of the picturesque historical events, the hero is valid, the correct Code of honor, in any situation incoming according to the sense of debt and keeping the loyalty of the beautiful beloved. What are the actions corresponding to the Knight Code of Honor, makes Avengo? Under the Pilgrim Pilgrim Pilgrim - he is the only one who, squeezing over a weak old man, Isaac, is inferior to him at the hearth; Anonymously calls on the knight of the temple of the uncompaired buagilbera; It stands for the honor of Son Cedric (that is, for its own, but again anonymously); Isaac saves from robbery and death; wins in several fights of knights-Templar; Fighting with Richard Lionheart; takes part in a cross campaign; Rescues the beauty of Rebekka, during the novel without changing the knight's concepts of honor.

Built on an exciting soloing of consistently emerging mysteries (the mystery of Son Cedric Saks, the secret of Pilgrim, the mystery of the knight, devoid of inheritance, the secret of the Black Knight), the novel combines intrigue, a picturesque sight and a philosophical understanding of events. As a home task to one of the lessons, students were invited to write out of the novel (or note in the text) of the determination of the Knight's honor and the component of the Code of the medieval knights (ch. 10, 28, 29). That's what we found out:

The duty of the true knight is to be a supporter of the weaker party.

Strict concepts about the knightly honor forbade any violence against the knights who were in a helpless state.

A man sophisticated in the knight's exploits is difficult to stay in idle, like a monk or a woman, while others have completed valiant exploits around him. "After all, the fight is our ugly bread, the smoke of the battle - the air that we breathe! We do not live and do not want to live otherwise as surrounded by the halo of victory and fame! These are the laws of chivalry, we swore them to fulfill them and sacrifice for them all that we are expensive in life. "

N. agrad Knight - Glory, she perpetuates the name of the hero.

The Knight's Spirit distinguishes the valiant warrior from the prodigin and savage, he teaches to appreciate his life incomparably below honor, triumphane over all sorts of deprivation, concerns and suffering, not to be afraid of anything but nonsense.

The knighthood is the source of the purest and noble attachments, the support of the oppressed, the protection of offended, the stronghold against the arbitrariness of the ruins. Without it, the noble honor would be empty sound.

Freedom finds the best patrons in knightly spears and swords.

What an act is impossible for a true knight? Who violates the laws of chivalry?

The worst crime of the knight is cheating and debt. The crime is punishable by death (background de BEF and Brian de Buagilber), the punishment is inevitable.

Which of the heroes of the novel, besides Ivango, can be called a true knight?Of course, this is Richard Lion Heart. What feats does he make? Nomanic Richard Plantagenet most attracts the life of a simple wandering knight, he is more expensive than just glory, which he conquers alone with his hard hand and a sword than the victory won at the head of the hundredsmatic troops. This is about him, observing the Battle Tower, says: "He rushes into a battle, exactly on a fun feast. Not one strength of the muscles manages his blows - it seems as if he puts his entire soul into every blow, applied by the enemy. It is a terrible and majestic sight, when the hand and heart of one person won hundred people. " Then you can read the disciples from Chapter 41, in which V.Skott himself indicates the difference between the historical prototype from his literary twin. Why is the real historical character under the pen of the novelist?

The True Knight of Awergo, who did not actually existed, and the true knight Richard Lion's heart, whose historical appearance, to put it mildly, did not quite fit the romantic image, Walter Scott was needed to embody in the novel of his own ideas, and he perfectly rectifies the report in the fact that the real Richard I was not at all a romantic knight without fear and reproach.

Of particular interest in the novel cause female images. Let the students name the heroine, thanks to which the plot moves, they will find their portraits, they will describe characters. Offer students to remember the image of the heroine of a romantic work. What qualities of romantic heroines are peculiar to Rebek and Rivne? Which of the heroine causes you a brutal sympathy?

If Blonde Lady Roven is a fairly typical romantic image of an excellent lady, for which the knight makes his feats and which in the final with glitter plays the role of a well-deserved award, the image of the beauty of the Jewish Rebel is more complicated. By virtue of its origin, the bold and generous revile, the bold and generous revile express attitudes to the events, worthy of the mouth of their creator. So, the description of Richard's feats is accompanied by an exclamation: "Let him go, God, the sin of bloodshed!", Obviously otherwise (compared to Ivango), evaluating the military exploits of the English king. When entering into a dispute with the aivergo, in which she secretly in love, Rebeka calls the knight's feats by the sacrifice of the vanity demon and self-immolation before molok. Unlike most of the heroes that dream of routine exploits, Rebekka wounds, heals patients. Rebeci also has its own concepts of honor, she reproaches the Buagilbera in the fact that he is going to change her order for her for her order and his faith. It was she who in a situation of choice between life and death leads philosophical disputes with an indomitable temple on the role of fate. She belongs to the words, clearly leading to his time, that "people often dump the consequences of their own violent passions." It is capable of objectively (and poetically) to evaluate the character of his cruel kidnapper Buagilbera: "You have a strong soul; Sometimes noble and great gusts flas out in it. But she is like a launched garden belonging to the unprofitable owner: weed herbs rummaged in it and drowned healthy sprouts. " She is not destined to be happy: Rebeca embodies the author's idea that "self-denial and donation with their passions in the name of the debt is rarely rewarded and that the inner consciousness of fulfilled duties give a man a genuine award - peace of mind that no one can take away nor give ".

So, every hero received by merit: Richard Lion's Heart - the glory and memory of the descendants, Ivanho - glory and the beloved, but the very high award received a revenue with the unfortunate passion - peace of mind. The fate of the heroes, not the following codes of honor, has already been mentioned above.

Researchers of creativity V. Scott celebratethat in his novels the writer comprehends the philosophical ideas of historical development. From the point of view of Scott, the story develops according to special laws, society passes through periods of cruelty, gradually moving towards the more moral state of society. These periods of cruelty are associated with the struggle of conquered peoples with their conquerors. As a result, each next stage of development, reconciling the warring, makes society more perfect. The terrible fruits of conquests are described in chapter 23, where the "Saxon Chronicle" is cited (the description of "terrible cases" is echoing with a description of the cruel reproaction of the rebound in the "Captain daughter" Pushkin - see the missed chapter).

As a result, each next stage of development, reconciling the warring, makes society more perfect. It is not by chance that the novel "Ivanho" ends with the wedding of Avengo and Roven, and the notable Norman and Saxons present on the marriage of wedding understand that "peaceful means could have achieved much more success than as a result of unreliable success in the civil war," they saw in the Union of this Quantity peace and harmony of two tribes; Since then, these warring tribes merged and lost their distinction. " Invite the students to explain using the text of the last chapter, why the Wedding Ivanho and Roven completes both the love and political storyline of the novel.

In order to summarize the studied at the lessons on the novel V. Scott "Avengo", materials can be used, including the text of the famous parody U.Tejea "Rebekka and Roven".

A peculiar continuation of the English writer William Techkeea (1811--1863) "Rebeka and Roven" appears in prints thirty years after the publication of Ivanho. It wears frankly burlesque character and ridicules what it categorically does not accept the trees in historical romantic novels. The objects of the parodiy are romanticizing history, basic plot moves, romantic style and romantic pathos, and first of all the characters of the heroes, their sublime feelings. All these features of the romantic historical novel are subjected to reduction and raising, and the subsequent actions of the heroes are explained by their new, modern (sometimes very vulgar) "bourgeois" values.

In one of the letters, the tecket so determines its views: "The art of the novel is to portray nature - transfer with the greatest completeness of a feeling of reality." And yet: "From my point of view, the surpetuk must be a surpetuk, and Kocherga Kochergoy, and nothing else. It is not clear to me why the shrock should be called the stray to the tunic, and a chockerel - a grinding gun from the pantomime. " Tekkerei - a supporter of realism, which places strict requirements. He does not accept the poetry of Bairon and Shelley, finding too sublime, exaggerated, and therefore false feelings. The deviation from the naturalness and simplicity of the image causes its condemnation and mockery.

To work at the final lessonyou can distribute to each student (or by groups) fragments of the text of the parody and offer to answer the following questions: what about what a techki laughs over? What does he parody? How does he make the reader laugh? How do the characters of the characters and their actions in the parody? What explains the author these changes? Find in the preface to the novel "Ivango" the possible answer of Scott to the Tekkesey parody (note that V. Scott could not read the Rebekka and Rovna, as the parody appeared after his death).

In the future, the materials obtained in the study of the novel V. Scotta "Avengo" can be used when working on the "Captain Daughter" A.S. Pushkin. It is known that Pushkin appreciated the novels of V. Scott highly, and his archive contains a small article dedicated to the Scottish Romanist.

You can invite assignments to students, Revealing the connection of historical works V. Scotta and A.S. Pushkin (this work will help to better understand the peculiarity of the Pushkin approach to history in the "Captain daughter"):

1. Ivango and Grinyov. Write down the rules of noble honor from Roman Pushkin, compare them with the Code of the True Knight in the novel "Ivango."

"I involuntarily squeezed the handle of my sword, remember that I got it out of her hands on the eve of my hands, as if on the defense of my kind. My heart burning. I imagined myself to her knight. I have eager to prove that it was worthy of her power of attorney, and I was looking forward to a decisive minute "(Grinyov).

"Take care of honor". (Epigraph. Dan Publisher.)

"Service right to whom you swear; Listen to chiefs; for their caress do not chase; do not ask for service; from service do not discharge; And remember the proverb: Take care of the dream Dress, and the honor of the Smoloda "(agencies in the senior grineeva).

"I am a natural nobleman; I swore the sovereign to the Empress: I can not serve you "; "What does it seem to be when I refuse the service when my service needs?"; "The debt of honor requested my presence in the army of the Empress" (Grinyov).

"I looked at the nobleman, lying in the legs of a runaway Cossack" (Grinyow about the Swabrine).

"Not the execution of terrible ... But the nobleman is changed by his oath, connect with the robbers, with the killers, with the raid hops! .. shame and sakes to our family!" (Senior Grinyov).

2. Find in the chapter "Pugachevshchyna" the argument of Greenyov, half ancient with the idea of \u200b\u200bScott about the laws of the development of society. (The society passes through the periods of cruelty, gradually moving towards a more moral state. These periods of cruelty are associated with the struggle of conquered with the conquerors. As a result, every next stage of development, reconciling the warring, does society more perfect.)

"When I remember that this happened on my age and that I now lived to the meek reign of Emperor Alexander, I can not avoid the rapid success of the enlightenment and the spread of the rules of philanthropy. Young man! If my notes get into your hands, remember that the best and strongest changes are those that occur from improving morals, without any violent shocks. "

3. Epigraphs to chapters.

Compare several epigraphs to the chapters in the Ibergo novel and several epigraphs in the "Captain Daughter". What are their role?

4. Folk ballads and folk songs at Scott and Pushkin.

Compare the role included in the text of the stylization of folk ballad in the novel "Ivango" and folk songs in the "Captain daughter". For example, the song Ulrika (31st chapter) and the song "Not Shumi, Mati Green Dubravushka ..." (Ch. 7 "Uninvited Guest").

5. What are Gurt's similar (slave, then free squire avengo) and savelich? What is the difference?

6. What is common in the principles of building Scott and Pushkin's novels?

Obviously, in the center of the narration - a couple in love, whose fate depends on the turn of historical events, two warring camps, between which the hero is. "Two camps, two truths, one destiny" - so a aphorist writes A.N. Arkhangelsk in the book "Heroes Pushkin". Compare the two meanings of a fairy tale told by the Pugachev Greenhouse. Pugachev: "Than three hundred years to eat Padalu, it's best to drink live blood, and there it will give!" Grinyov: "But it means to live a murder and wake up for me to peck down."

7. What does Ivanho believe and what does Grineev believes? Who, from your point of view, is more free?

8. What is the role of the case in Romanov V.Skotta and A.S. Pushkin?

What accident is the fate of the Avengo? Random meeting with Brian Baagilberry and Prior, which he takes into his father's house; accidentally meets in the house of his father with Isaac and his daughter; Randomly black knight turns out to be at the tournament and saves Avengo; Randomly recognize the witnesses of the tournament the name of the knight, deprived of the inheritance ... and so on.

What accidentarily manage the fate of Grneeva? By randomly covered with Buran, it accidentally saves a black-working man, accidentally turned out to be frightened, Pugachev will accidentally recognize Savelich and Milurators Peter Andreich, by chance Grinyow learns that Masha in the hands of a traitor Shvabrin ... and so on.

(Read more about the poetics of chance, see the book by A.N. Arkhangelsk "Heroes Pushkin".)

Training and metodology complex

D History of foreign literature X1x century. Romanticism: Discipline / Cost Educational Complex: M.A. Kova; Biy Ped. State University. V. M. Shukshina.

Subject. Walter Scott (1771-1832) "Ivango". Walter Scott as a creatorgenrahistoricalnovel. Image B. romana"Ivango" struggle anglo Saxahwith Normans andinterdiscructures Normanov

Objective: to introduce students with life and creative by Walter Scott (main events); show the deep interest of the author by the image of the history of the Motherland, reveal the panorama of the life of medieval England in the novel "Ivango"; Forming the learning ability to perceive a large product in terms of volume holistic, comparing the images depicted in the novel with real historical events; improve the skills of texture analysis of the work; Relieve the culture of the sick speech, the culture of the answer: logicality, sequence, evidence, emotionality.

Equipment: Portraits Walter Scott, photo of the Monument V. Scott in Edinburgh.

(Since the works of V. Scott are studying only in the 7th grade, the story about the vital and creative path of the writer should be submitted in more detail than about others.)

There are in Scotland, in the very center of Edinburgh, on Princess Street, an unusual monument. This huge structure consists of a booming tower of a 60-meter height, reminds Gothic cathedrals.

Under her roof, on the pedestal, to which the stairs lead, the statue of Walter Scott from White Marble. The writer sits with a book in his hand. Next to him is a favorite dog that faithfully looks at the owner. In the niches of the tower - the figures of the heroes of the books of V. Scott. This is one of the attractions of the capital of Scotland. But the life of Scott Walter continues not in white marble, but in his wonderful works, among whom "Ivango" is the best.

By origin, Walter Scott - Scot. He was born in a lawyer's family and since childhood was encouraged to read. In early childhood, the future writer got acquainted with the history of his grandfathers and great-grandfathers, with numerous legends, stories about the heroic past of Scotland and the struggle for its independence. The past of the Fatherland caused a deep interest. Scott.

On the orders of his father, he received a legal education, for some time he worked as secretary of the Edinburgh Court, and then the sheriff of one of the districts

Scotland. He was combined with a visit to the places of historical battles, with the recording of ancient ballad, folk songs and legends. In 1802-1803 Scott issued three volumes of "Song Scottish People".

What do you know the ballad about the heroic past of the Scots?

Can I find it in the collection published by V. Scott?

The first two volumes are folk ballads and songs in which the thoughts and feelings of the people are set out, his story. The third volume is ballads created by himself. Walter Scott.

Folklore has become the main source of its poetic creativity.

In his poems "Song of the last Mengestrel", "Waterloo Field", "Harold Fearless" and other reality intertwined with fantastics, but their originality and importance in the artistic embodiment of historical events. V. Scott created the genre of the historical poem. These poems have prepared the ground for the emergence of historical novels.

"Ivango" is a novel about the distant past, about the events of the XII century. In the country at this time, the struggle for the centralization of royal power was carried out. The work tells about the infinite arbitrariness of the feudalists, about the transformation of knightly castles on the Rosbіinich cell, the disinfect and poverty of the peasants. The writer brightly depicts the cruelty of the servants of the Catholic Church, the robbery and the violence of knights crusaders.

In Ivango, as in other novels, the author gives a description of the personal life of heroes in the context of historical events, talks about extraordinary adventures and real historical facts. Roman V. Scott contributes to the knowledge and understanding of history.

Hood A. Kulich. Portrait of V. Scott

II. Actualization of the supporting knowledge of students using the reception "Mosaic"

Now we will try with the material of the first sections to make a panorama of medieval England, reading excerpts from the novel *, recreate the picture of the day.

(For teacher:

1. "Feedals, having received excessive privileges ..." - from the section I.

2. "There was a very fragile position at the time the position of the little women ..." - from the section I.

3. "The conquest of England by the Norman Duke Wilhelm ..." - from the section I.

4. "Almost all, without exception, the Saxon princes and Saxon knew either exterminated, or devoid of their possessions ..." - from the section I.

5. "All monarchs of Norman origin gave an obvious advantage ..." - from the section I.

6. "They talked exclusively in normally-French ..." - from the section I.

So, we saw two forces, opposed to each other: (Saksa) and (Normans).

The indigenous population of England is (saksa), the invaders - (Normans).

What is the unconditional proof of the oppression of the indigenous population, restricting their independence? (Finish sentences, proving that students are dealt with text events:

They have selected ... native language)

Is it possible to say that the English population becomes next to know in the fight against common enemies? What can we say about "lower people"?

We continue "folding mosaics."

(For teacher:

1. Description of Gurt Pierceas.

"Copper Ring like a dogmaker ..."

"... Baby slack Sakcs Square" - section and)

2. Description of the jester: "Silver collar".

"One of those home clowns and jesters, which rich people kept at home for fun to somehow Zgainowati time" - section I.

3. "We were only the air left to breathe, however, and it was not taken away only because otherwise we would not fulfill work, Navaneu on our shoulders ..." - from the section I.

This is already a protest against oppression. But does anyone support poor slaves support?

4. "Give God to health to our owner Sedrika for the fact that he has come for us, as he likes a courageous warrior ..." - from the section I.

Which, by the way, the nickname in the novel has Cedric and why? (Saxon)

As you think, is it possible to draw up an opinion on the relationship in the whole society of the country, considering the relationship between specific people? In other words, it is advisable to consider the world into a magnifying glass? .. For this purpose, consider one of the episodes of the novel ...

II. Formation of new knowledge, skills and skills

1) Who exactly gathered in Cedric Saks? Why did the owner gathered such an equidoidal company? What word can be characterized by Cedric and how it characterizes it? (Approximation of bad weather, humanity, hospitality)

2) Is it possible to say that Cedric is such a kind of owner, what is ready for guests to enjoy your principles? (No more than three steps towards meeting, "I will talk to you my native language", attitude to the lady is dear and the protection of the girl from strangers of ignorable views, the protection of the native language.)

3) respects Cedric human dignity of others as well as his own?

a) (the threat of a pig and the jeta: "Who dares so to kill a dog that belonged to my slave?" Cedric - primarily the owner, and then a person.)

b) ("It is very likely that considering the reason that prompted Cedric to shelter under its roof the descendant of the descended people, he would have insisted that the man led himself with Isaac friendly, but it was at that time the Abbot began such an interesting conversation about the breeds And the habits of their favorite dogs that Cedric would not interrupt him even for the sake of a much more important thing than the question of whether the Jew will go to sleep without dinner. ")

4) Regards, guests relate to the house in which are located? Or do they behave accordingly with their rank? (Argued about the impressions of the beauty of Lady Rovna, concluding betting; Abbot loves to drink, Brian de Buagilber boasts the courage of the knights of his order, silent the exploits of the British.)

5) Who makes some changes (and what exactly) in the development of events during dinner? (The pilgrim planted the unfortunate Isaac to his place near the fireplace and brought him food, and also began talking about English knights, about the victory of Normanov in the tournament in the Holy Land.)

6) How did the owner and guests react, when the pilgrim solemnly called the names of the winners? ("It is impossible to describe a frantic anger that instantly broke out on an even more darkened face of a dark temper"; "- I would willingly gave you this golden bracelet, pilgrim,<... > If you called the names of those knights .... ")

7) Why did the pilgrim called the name of the sixth knight?

8) Why did Brian de Baagilber call the name of Avengo, although he could be silent? What purpose did he pursue? Illustrate with specific words his attitude towards Ivango.

9) Who stood up for the honor of the Knight of Avengo and what did they swear? Whose pledge seems to you the most valuable?

2. Blitz tournament issues

one). Do you think, why Cedric did not immediately stood up for Ivanho? Why did the hearing of the electrical spark make an impression on the servant "? What kind of insult remembers Cedric?

2). What did Lady Roven after his patronage?

3). What ended the random meeting of the pilgrim and Jew Isaac?

four). What do you think will meet at the tournament of Avengo and Brian de Buagilber? Why was the pilgrim was not confident in this?

III. Summing up the lesson

Whether the effect of "magnifying glass" helped us (meeting in the house of Cedric Saks) to reveal the relationship between the layers of the population of medieval England?

What does this scene indicate? (Separation of heroes on the succons and normanov)

What do you think, what kind of composite role performs a pair scene in the novel? (Remind about the string of the plot)

What do you need to make bumps to collect forces for victory? Is there for her background?

* The text is provided in the retelling B. Boviyuk.

"Ivango" belongs to Peru of the English novelist Walter Scott. Events occur in the XII century. Then the king of England was Richard Lion's Heart. In the country there was an acute struggle between Saksami and Normans, as well as between feudal and landowners. Knight's locks have become a trunk for robbers, and poor people were defenseless and self-touch.

In a heavy time for the country, the heir to the country is returned to his homeland -. Before that, the young man traveled in Italy, France, Greece. A rich feudal Cedric deprived the inheritance and kicked out of the son of his son, because the views of the father and the Son on the state structure were sharply dispersed. Ivango for the years of the wardings learned to hide his real feelings under the mask of indifference. The young man changed clothes in the poor Bogomol, and, remaining unrecognized, sneaked into the house of the Father. There he met the pupil of Cedric - Lady Rovno, to which love kept for many years of expulsion. Aveno understands that the life of the father has little to change: Cedric is the same harsh and uncompromising.

The young knight appreciates in humans, above all, decency and sincerity. He does not want to retreat from his principles and believes that the power of the feudal should be limited. Ivanho also believes that all people are equal to God, because the young man saves the Jew of Isak from the robbery.

The young man is not only fair, but also a brave warrior. At the knightly tournament, he perfectly looked in battle gear. It was written on the shell: "Knight, deprived of inheritance." Dexterity and youthful grace just fascinated the audience. Ivanho received a reward for the victory of the Golden Wreath. Naturally, the young man presented it with his beloved girl - Lady Rovna, but at the same time remained unknown. However, when the helmet was removed from Ivango, everyone learned the son of a powerful Cedric.

Heavy wounds knights usually treat friends and those who can appreciate friendship, sincerity, responsiveness. Ivano helps Isac, his daughter Rebecca, Swinserp Hurt and even the king himself Richard is a lion heart. These people did everything possible so that the young man recovered. The folk hero of Lissi believes that his free shooters will be able to protect his comrades at any time. Swinewa Gurt says that he never betray a friend, despite the possible punishment.

Ivanho understands that the power of man is in friendship, and his love. All who surrounds him, conquer generosity, kindness and simplicity of the young knight. Already recovered, Ivanho again becomes defended by the disadvantaged, saving Rebeccu. But this time he risked his life.

The legendary king of England is playing a big role in the novel - Richard Lion's Heart. It was he who under the mask of the Black Knight puts on his hands from the burning castle of the wounded Ivango, and then makes many more good deeds: he saves the old Cedric and Lady Rovnu, reconciles Avengo with his father and blesses the future marriage of the young man and Roven.

Walter Scott in his novel draws images of bold, fearless, courageous people, both knights and commoners. Even sad becomes because there are no bold wanderers in the modern world, who would always be ready to memorize. But I understand that where there is a knight, evil will definitely defeat. The truly knight does not need praise and reward. The meaning of his life is to bring freedom and welcome those who need it.