Surnames are beautiful modern Russians. Beautiful surnames for girls

Surnames are beautiful modern Russians. Beautiful surnames for girls
Surnames are beautiful modern Russians. Beautiful surnames for girls

Each girl would like her beautiful surname. So I do not want to be stupid or swinet! Native soothe: Here, you will marry, you will change the surname. But if only worms and fools are stuffed in the groom. What to do? Familia can be changed.

Beautiful Russian surnames for girls: options

  • Beautiful surnames are often formed from the names of their own: Romanova, Vladimirov, Illarionova, Grigorieva, Pavlova, Vasilyeva, Semenova, etc. They must be well combined with your name and patronymic. Diana Semenovna Semenova - It sounds overloaded, it needs to be understood.
  • Preobrazhenskaya, Voskresenskaya, Christmas - pronounced beautiful and noble, in Orthodox.
  • You can choose the last name with the meaning - generous, Moscow, Slavic, Motherland.
  • Very beautiful surnames, according to many, occur from the beautiful names of birds and animals - Lebedev, Strizhenova, Orlova, Sokolov, Solovyov.
  • You can borrow the surname from the Count Dynasties: Bestuzheva, Obolenskaya, Vorontsova, Heyden.
  • Neutral last names are also good - Kovaleva, Vlasov, Rogozin, Krasnova, Lavrov, Svetlova, Teplova, Batalina.

Foreign surnames for girls: list

If the Russian surnames do not suit you, although among them are quite wonderful, you can search for something suitable in the list of foreign ones.

  • Among the fraud german names For girls, you can highlight the following: Meyer, Weber, Brown, Werner, Lehmann.
  • Very beautiful english surnames: Alison, Bailey, Brett, Cole, Day, Ellis, Evans, Gordon, Grant, Norman, Taylor, Stone, Ray, Mills.
  • W. polykov Many good surnames: Podolskaya, Kovalskaya, Valevskaya, Viteovskaya, Vitkovskaya, Vilenskaya, Trojanovskaya, Yaguzhinskaya, Levandovskaya, Koval.
  • Some belarusian surnames Not bad: Levitskaya, Kaminskaya, Poplavskaya, Polyanskaya, Galonskaya, Tchaikovskaya, Belskaya, Sokolovskaya, Dobrovolskaya, Ostrovsky, Sobolevskaya, Savitskaya, Snezhinskaya, Gurshevskaya, Larchenko, Kirilenko, Kovalchuk.
  • Many beautiful surnames Bulgarian: Apostolova, Angelova, Vladova, Danalova, Dimitrov, Blagoev, Nikolov, Tekov, Lyudmilova.

In the event that you have chosen on a foreign surname, its compatibility with the name should be paid to special attention!

Cool surnames for girls: Original selection

If you like to stand out, then you will fit the original surname from this list: star, golden, shiny, mischievous, cheerful, sunny, azure, Malinovskaya, Tsareva, bright, beautiful, happy, beloved, rare, plastic, great, southern, fairy tale, Rainbow, light.

You can borrow the surname from someone from stars or famous writers, for example, Kirkorov, Boyarskaya, Queen, Portman, Douglas, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Mayakovskaya, Dostoevskaya, Pushkin.

Literary characters will also be suitable: Larina, Karenina, Bolkonskaya, Dubrovskaya.

Selecting a new surname, see if it fits you well, combines with your name and patronymic. Remember that by making a decision to change the surname, you make an important step that may even change your destiny. Before do it, think about it. There may be your real name and not entirely harmonious, but it binds you with your family, family.

The last name indicates a person's belonging to a specific family from which he came out. And the origin of the names is often associated with either a profession that has been engaged in generation to generation, or with the name of the area from which the dynasty took place.

Many surnames beautiful and different.

The list can be continued infinitely, as how many people, so many opinions. And they will all call their the most beautiful surnames They like most of all. Before you start listed and disassemble the bones the most beautiful surnames First, run on the terms and origins of education as such.

Translated from Latin "Surname" is a family. This means that the surname points to a person's belonging to a specific family from which he came out. And the origin of the names is often connected either with a profession that has been engaged in generation to generation, or with the name of the area, from which the dynasty took place, and the origin of the formation could be the nickname, the specificity of appearance or character characteristics. It is not for nothing that it says that the gol on the fiction of the cunning! Thin weighing the characteristics, the people "padded" on a man "Label", which by definition was "not in an eyebrow, but in the eye." Subsequently, this label and became the basis for the surname, identifying the belonging of the family and children to this person. For example, Milovidov - what is not beautiful last name?! That is, the man himself was milky, and his child became Milovidov Son - Milovidov.

The most beautiful surnames According to the majority, these are aristocratic surnames. We will not remember the last name of the royal dynasty of Rurikovich, who remained only in history, but the descendants of the last kings - Romanovs - in the world there is still plenty. Beautiful last name? Doubt!

And here is a small digression: in general, the surnames that occurred from most names are very beautiful. Especially if these names are "royal." For example, Vasilyev - from Vasily, in Greek "Tsar". Or Stepanov - in ancient Greate "Stefanos" - wreath, crown. And the name Dmitriev? In my opinion, it also sounds very beautiful. How else! After all, it happened from the demeters - the ancient Greek goddess of the earth and fertility. What is not a divine surname? Yes, even the already nominal surname of Ivanov has noble roots, Ivan from the Hebrew translates as "the mercy of God." No wonder of many Russian kings made Ivanov, but Russian fairy tales and die by Ivanov-Tsarevichi. True, the question arises in the so-called original Russianness of this name. Is that, in the widespread distribution, which received this name among Russian people.

But back to aristocratic surnames. I am insanely, and in the most direct sense, insanely - purely on the subconscious level, - I liked the name of the name of the "war and the world" in the school of the world. The similar surname was among the real princes of the Russian state - Volkonsky. Very beautiful surnames! Yes, and the surname Natasha - Rostov - also enough sound. True, the surname of the author himself is Tolstoy - I never really liked it. But this is me. Others, on the contrary, they said that he sounded very well. Tastes could not be discussed. And Shui, Obolensky, Vyazemsky, Lermontov ... sounds? Sounds! And as !!!

Very beautiful surnames, according to the majority, occur from the beautiful names of birds and animals - Lebedev, Strizhenov, Orlov, Sokolov ... And the name of Lviv - what is not the royal surname?! Although from the king the beasts occurred, but from the king. Or, for example, Zverev, wolves, Medvedev are also formidable and sonorous surnames, and therefore beautiful. Very nice, again, the name of Berendeev sounds. But also from the bear occurred. The bears in Russia were berahm, too, the bears were sweet tooths. And from them and Berendey went - childbirth, with a security symbol of a bear.

There are beautiful surnames and among those who occurred from the names of professions and military ranks. Many like, for example, the surnames of Kuznetsov, generals, Majorov. True, there may be incidents. Surname Zolotarev also sounds beautiful, but it is the source for her, which is called, "with a fusion" - everyone knows how goldenings were engaged in Rus. And someone considers very beautiful surnames Tsvetaeva, Nabokova, Dyagileva. All and not to mention. Someone likes the sonorous foreign surnames - Poisson, Lamborghini, Monotrans. In short, the taste is. All the same name, we do not choose, like parents. Is that a girl when choosing a groom can be shown. Then she has a chance to choose a beautiful surname. Or maybe it's better to choose a good man? God with her, with the last name.

Beautiful surname for the girl means as much as tidy good clothes. Agree, there is a difference in sound between the names of Olga Pozomoyeva and Olga Lebedeva. In the first case, an endless girl from the depthion arises before mental eyes, in the second - a beautiful sophisticated lady. Fortunately, it is possible to choose a new surname and change it in official documents.

To this step, it is necessary to approach responsibly, therefore it is not necessary to immediately run into the registry office and passport. Social networks are an excellent place where you can "try" any alias!

Many Slavic are absolutely not combined with foreign surnames. For example, having heard "Tamara Ivanovna Adams", you are, with great probability, smile. Cutting Russian surname for a girl can be chosen from the following list:

  • Astafieva;
  • Romanova;
  • Arsenyev;
  • Famile;
  • Bernatskaya;
  • Razumovskaya;
  • Berezina;
  • Bestumev;
  • Vishenetskaya;
  • Voronina;
  • Vorontsova.

Any girl choosing one of the options proposed options can feel like a countess or princes. After all, these surnames belonged to the highest class in Russia!

The name of the famous poet or writer can be borrowed by a romantic and well-reading girl. In combination with women's names, the following options are well perceived:

  • Bulgakov;
  • Ostrovskaya;
  • Chekhov;
  • Assumption;
  • Bunin;
  • Tsvetaeva;
  • Balmont;
  • Akhmatova;
  • Kamenskaya;
  • Zhukovskaya;
  • Nabokova;
  • Novitskaya.

When choosing a new family, be sure to consider how it will sound in combination with your full name and patronymic. Do not stop on the first version you like. Select a few more, think well, consult with close people. And only then change the surname in official documents.

The unusual and most beautiful surnames can be found in foreign languages. Many girls change their personal data, choosing a beautiful English-language or German version. But there are still so many beautiful surnames - Japanese, Italian, Spanish, French.


English surnames are most often formed from their own names. For example, Jameson denotes the "Son of James" (literally "James" + "Son"). You can also find the names of professions, colors, qualities. Taylor (Taylor) sounds like "tailor". Smith (Smith) denotes "Blacksmith", Brown (Brown) - "brown", etc.

As for English original names, in this country they originate from their own names or professions, often - human qualities or even flowers. For example, "Johnson" - "Son Jones" or John; Popular surname "Smith" translates as "merchant"; "Brown" - color designation, "brown". Surnames with American or English etymological roots will be good companions serious and confident girls who always seek everything they want. Several interesting English-speaking variations:

  • Morgan;
  • Lewis;
  • Martin;
  • Carroll (expensive);
  • Austin (Great, Majestic);
  • Atterley;
  • Brikman;
  • Derrick;
  • Whale;
  • Oliver;
  • Porter;
  • Selby;
  • Tracey;
  • White;
  • Fisher (fish);
  • Sven (swan);
  • Dalton (next door is the Dalton Highway);
  • Cowell (coal);
  • Donovan (dominant);

American surnames

American and English surnames will suit the girls serious, self-sufficient, confident.


Words told on the "Language of Love" possess special charm. French surnames sound mysterious and exquisitely. Below are the most common ones. These options were formed from the most revered in France names.

Martin. Marten
Bernard Bernard
Simon. Simon
Laurent. Loran
Vincent. Vensen.
André. Andre
François. Francois
Robert. Robert

You can also with the help of personal data to emphasize personal qualities. For example, a kind girl can take the name Bonn (Bonnet -Fr. Good, good), the owner of proud in Larua (Leroy, from Fr. Leroy is the king).


German names are formed from the nickname, which reflected the personal qualities of a person, the locality where he comes from, his profession. You can choose the option, the translation of which can somehow describe you. For example, a surname of Krauze, who has a powerful, volitional character - Mayer, a lawyer - Richter, etc., is suitable for a kudrya girl.

German popular surnames Hartmann (Hartman) and Werner (Werner) are derived from male names. If the value does not play the roles, you may have to make your own option from the next list. The most harmonious German surnames:

  • Bauer;
  • Wagner;
  • Weber;
  • Grossman;
  • Cullenberg;
  • Kaufman;
  • Keler;
  • Laoufer;
  • Merz;
  • Merkel;
  • Osterman;
  • Ethinger;
  • Erdman.

Beautifully sound these surnames in combination with the names of Anna, Maria, Sofia, Angelina, Eric, Aurika. For example, Anna Bauer, Angelina Erdman.


Japanese surnames are beautiful, sound original and have a certain meaning. You can choose the option that characterizes your inner world or causes pleasant associations.

Girls who love Anime and Manga can choose as a japanese name alias for social networks. For example, Aiko Simizu - "Child of Love" + "Pure Water", Sakurai Ashimi - "Bright Beauty" + "Sakura at the Well".

Korean surnames

Asian peoples are very important attached to the child name - and names, and surnames are misunderstood. When reading it is necessary to remember that the surname is written under the name, so she is given the first syllable. The next two are name. Interesting fact: There are only 12 variations in surnames consist of 2 syllables, and all others are single. Less popular surnames are used by very few media, this is a special category of people.

  • Jin - Ho (translated "precious lake");
  • Monkut ("Crown");
  • Jung ("love");
  • Hong (Rosa);
  • Trey ("Oyster");
  • Hanal ("Sky");
  • Dung ("Brave");
  • Tea ("pearls");
  • Isyl ("purity");
  • AN (internal);
  • Tsoi (Highborne);
  • TU (Star);
  • Kim (Golden)
  • Kvon (fist);
  • Khan (Lord);
  • Sleep (star).

Chinese surnames

In China, the names began to be used for a very long time - even before our era. At that time, it was considered a luxury, and was used exclusively for members of the imperial families and aristocrats. In the modern life of the Chinese, surnames are a bit - a little more than a hundred names. Most often, it is one-threshold and look like one hieroglyph. The origin of them, as well as all over the world, depends on many factors: the profession or the name of the state that has formed the basis of China, such as it is now. All unfamiliar people with other people's countries were called Hu. Women are very rarely taken by the surname of the husband - the most common option is double or own, maiden.

  • Jiya (beautiful);
  • Ai (love);
  • Hydzhong (loyal, wise);
  • Ningong (calm);
  • Venkian (purified);
  • Ji (net);
  • Mahui (beautiful wisdom);
  • Zhilan (Rainbow Orchid);
  • Jiao (beautiful, elegant);
  • I (grace);
  • Yui (Moon);
  • Suming (jade brightness);
  • Yong (cloud);
  • Ruolean (as orchid);
  • Ting (grace);
  • Fenfang (fragrant);
  • Kiaokhuy (wise, experienced).


Italian surnames - for the girl character. Everyone knows which Italian temperamentals. If impulsiveness, emotionality and energy are the main features of your character, boldly choose the surname from the next list!

The surname Rossi, who lives by the sea, is suitable for red-haired beauty, with the external data of the sophisticated aristocrat - KONTE, cheerful and energetic - Allegro.

In medieval Italy, the default orphans were made by the surname of Esposito. The meaning of this word is a free. A self-sufficient and independent young girl can use such a pseudonym, he will emphasize her personal qualities and add originality.


Spanish female surnames also feature beautiful sound. Most of them originated from personal names:

  • Garcia - Garcia;
  • Fernandez - Fernandez;
  • Martinez - Martinez;
  • Diaz - Diaz;
  • Flores - Flores;
  • Santana - Santana;
  • Vincente - Vincent.

This option is best suited by a dark girl. Spanish surname will be hint on the southern roots, a cheerful light temper and passionate nature!

What surname choose a girl for VK?

For social networks, you can choose the option of a pseudonym based on your real name and surname. For example, Svetlana Semenova - Lana Sam (Lanasam), Anna Petrova - Ann Pietro (Annpietro) with an emphasis on the last syllable. In contact, you can choose the surname that will cause certain associations from others. For example:

  • Angelova;
  • Snowdow;
  • Cold;
  • Lebedev;
  • Pure;
  • Free;
  • Winter (summer, spring, autumn);
  • Daring;
  • Secular.

The coolest surnames for VK are foreign. You can simply translate any word that you like, English, German, French and get the original alias. The brunette can choose the option of Noir or Black, Blonde - Snow or White. There are no restrictions for your imagination. The main thing is that the pseudonym combined with your real name. The most popular such options:

  • Noir (Noir, Fr.) - black;
  • Black (Black, Eng.) - Black;
  • Snow (Snow, English) - Snow;
  • Light (Light, English) - light, light;
  • Strong (Strong, Eng.) - Strong;
  • Young (Young, Eng.) - Young;
  • Kitten (Kitten, English) - kitten;
  • Fox (Fox, Eng.) - Fox, Lis;
  • Horse (HORSE, English) - horse, horse;
  • Sweet (Sweet, Eng.) - Sweet;
  • Shugari (Sugary Eng.) - Sugar.

Interestingly, combinations of two words sound:

  • Sweet Caramel - Sweet Caramel;
  • Sugary Candy - sugar candy;
  • Dark Horse - Dark Horse;
  • Broken Angel - Fallen Angel;
  • Red Fox - Redhead Fox.

It is better to reduce your name to be combined with a foreign surname (Alexander - Alex, Margarita - Rita, etc.).


The most popular names of girls for VC are borrowed from famous actresses, singers, models and other famous personalities. You can use the pseudonym of your idol or choose a fashionable option from the below.

The names of the characters of books, TV series and movies are popular with popularity:

  • Stark, Lannister, Targaryen (Series "Game of Thrones");
  • Everdin (CHINISSERDIN, the main heroine of the trilogy "Hungry Games");
  • Swan (Bella Swan, "Twilight");
  • Granger (Hermionagreger, Harry Potter);
  • Martin (Lydia Martin, a girl with unique abilities, the TV series "Volchonok").
  • Hermès - Ermes;
  • Lanvin - Lanven;
  • Moschino - Mosquino;
  • Herrera - Errera;
  • Balenciaga - BaloSiaga.

This option is suitable for the owner of model external data, a sophisticated taste, a slim figure.


Many use "VKontakte" and "Instagram" to sell clothes, other goods, promotion of their services. It is advisable to choose a pseudonym that will reflect the essence of your activity. For example, if you have a page of the online clothing store, you can choose this option:

  • Krasclothina;
  • Dresseeva;
  • Shotkina.
  • Candykina;
  • Caramelkin;
  • Chocolate.

For any page of the Internet store, the following options will be suitable:

  • Selling;
  • Soldashkina;
  • Buying (buying).

Options are interesting: Masha Primary, Dashka Cook, etc. The correctly selected name will attract new subscribers to your page, and these are potential customers. Turn on the creative, fantasy, add a little sense of humor - and you will succeed!

An unusual cool surname for a girl can be obtained, pick up the rhyme for his name. This option is suitable for a cheerful and creative girl. There are such combinations in the network:

  • Dasha Poros;
  • Mashka chamomile;
  • Olka Solka;
  • Irina Balerina;
  • Arinka Mandarinka.

To any name, you can choose a consonant word, using the rhyme generator on the Internet. As a result, you get a cool and social network.


If you do not attract the original options, and you want a simple surname, you can convert any male name and is ready! Well perceived by rumor:

  • Vladimirov;
  • Alexandrova;
  • Semenova;
  • Antonova;
  • Alekseeva;
  • Andreeva;
  • Fedorova.

It is believed that changing the name entails changes in fate. And what about the name of the name? It is possible that this rule also applies to it. The intact surname can cause jokes, ridicule and complexes at any age. If you have a desire to change it, then follow it. Just come to the selection consciously that the new surname pleased your rumor all my life.

You can always change something in your life, even the surname. Beautiful surnames for girls - It's like "clothes" on which you will meet. The girl in this regard is easier if her surname did not like in his childhood, then she can always change it in marriage. However, it is often found that the girl with a dirty surname marries a man who also is also not a fountain. Paradoxically, but the fact. You will not look for a husband specifically with a beautiful surname, not to live with her, but with a man. You can not lose heart, you can always change the surname yourself in the passport desk.

Beautiful Russian surnames for girls: list

There are many beautiful surname among Russian options, the list is expanded. Only they must be combined with the name and patronymic, and it will turn out ugly.

  1. Pay your gaze on the names that the noble family have. Romanova, Vorontsova, Obolenskaya.
  2. Beautiful surnames can be with meaning. Sweet, happy, cold, queen.
  3. For girls, surnames formed from the names of their own are suitable. Pavlova, Vladimirova, Maksimova.
  4. Names of animals and birds. Orlova, Pantherova, Solovyov.
  5. Families of Russian poets and writers. Bulgakova, Akhmatova, Nekrasov.
  6. Original Russians. Birch, wood.

Beautiful foreign surnames for girls: list

You can choose my surname in a foreign version. Sounds beautiful.

  1. Beautiful surnames from the world of cinema. Purchase refinement, elitism sign. Hemburn, O`hara, Jolie, Diaz.
  2. Poles are excellent options. Podolskaya, Vilensk, Koval.
  3. Bulgarians do not lag behind. Tekov, Vladova, Angelova.
  4. Beautiful English surnames for girls. Immediately feel Lady. Taylor, Mills, Day.
  5. German list. Suitable smart and educated girls. Wagner, Koh, Richter.

Beautiful surnames for girls VKontakte

Immediately take and change the surname officially - very fear. Moreover, so many beautiful surnames, the choice is difficult. Therefore, it is possible to start experiment: change the surname VKontakte. Social networks will allow you to put on a mask in the form of a new name. You can feel yourself in a new way.

  1. Original option, a bit eccentric. Luxurious, fairy tale, beloved, cat, beauty.
  2. Noble. Preobrazhenskaya, Resurrection.
  3. Indeclinable. Fallet of individualism and inconsistency. Grass, mustache, roofs.

Choosing a beautiful surname, be alert - you make an important step. It is believed that for girls a change of personal data is changes in personal life. Think about whether the decision makes your loved ones will not be offended. After all, the surname is belonging to your family!

Condemned at the end of the XVIII century. The American nation is very heterogeneous and at the moment connects not only the descendants of the immigrants from all parts of the world, but also the indigenous population - Indians. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that in the names and names of the US residents, you can trace various national roots: European, African, South American, Asian. These features often make American surnames and names such interesting and exotic.

How are they formed?

The basis for many modern surnames became nicknames, including Indian. Also, quite often, the names were formed from the names of professions (Smith, Miller, Taylor), geographic locations (Ingend, Lancaster) and objects (Bush, Rock, Moore), the name of the Father (Johnson, Stevenson) and just names (Stewart, Williams, Henry) , as well as animals, colors and various facilities (Fish, White, Rose, Young).

At the beginning of the 20th century, the trend of the change in difficult-acting national surnames was traced: reductions, transformation, transformation to give them similarity with English-language. But in recent decades there is a return process: the desire for its national and cultural identity, which is manifested in the expectation of the Americanization of names and surnames. This is especially characteristic of immigrants from African countries, Spain and Latin America. Modern American surnames and names increasingly emphasize the origin of a person.

Also a very common phenomenon - inventing pseudonyms. Most often they take creative personalities: musicians, actors, artists.

American names, male and female, in everyday communication are often reduced. Examples: Adam - ED; Gilbert - Gil; Michael - Mike; Robert - Rob, Bob, Bobby, Robbie; Richard - Dick, Richie; Arnold - Arni; Eleanor - Ellie, Nora; Elizabeth - Lizzy, Liz, Elsa, Betty, Beth; Catherine - Katty, Kat. To young guys (and even mature men), often appeal to the initials. For example, a person named T.J. Morris Most familiar will surely call JEM.

As in English, American male and female surnames sound completely equally. In the official communication of the names of the surname with the prefixes "Mr." or "Sir" to men, and to Miss or Mrs. women.

Women's names

The top ten of the most beloved American parents of girls enter Isabella, Sofia, Emma, \u200b\u200bOlivia, Ava, Emily, Ebigeyl, Madison, Chloe, Mia.

Female names are formed often from the names of beautiful plants or precious stones. Examples: Rose, Daisy, Olive (Iya), Ivi (Ivi), Lilly, Violet, Ruby, Beryl, Jade, etc.

Male names

According to statistics, most often American parents call boys by Jacob, Itan, Michael, Jayden, William, Alexander, Noah, Daniel, Eyden, Anthony.

Strong tradition is called in honor of the Father or Grandfather. In this case, the word "junior" (junior) or ordinal name is added to the name: the second, third, etc. For example: Anthony White Junior, Christian Bell, the second.

American names Men's are often consonant with the names (White, Johnson, Davis, Alexander, Carter, Neil, Lewis, etc.). And all because sometime and others were formed from nickname.

Most Popular American Families

More than two million inhabitants of the United States are surnames Smith and Johnson. With a slightly more modest results (over a million), the owners of the names Williams, Jones, Brown, Davis and Miller followed. Tens of Wilson, Moore and Taylor.

The most beautiful American surnames and names

Of course, the tastes are not arguing, but you can still highlight a list of the most harmonious and even poetic names. Some of them were specially formed from suitable English words: Summer - "Summer", Joy - "Joy", May - "May", Love - "Love", Hart - "Heart", etc.

  • Alisha.
  • Bonnie.
  • Vanessa.
  • Gladys.
  • Jade.
  • Imported
  • Cassandra.
  • Lillian.
  • Miriam.
  • Nancy.
  • Olivia.
  • Pamela.
  • Sabrina.
  • Tess.
  • Haydy.
  • Angie.
  • Alex.
  • Brandon.
  • Darren.
  • Kyle.
  • Mitchell.
  • Nicholas.
  • Peter.
  • Ronald.
  • Stephen.
  • Walter.
  • Fraser.
  • Hunter.
  • Charlie.
  • Sheldon.
  • Adrian.

There are not only beautiful American names, but also surnames.

For example:

  • Beverly.
  • Washington.
  • Green.
  • Crawford.
  • Olderge.
  • Robinson.
  • Stone.
  • Florence.
  • Wallace.
  • Harris.
  • Evans.

In general, names and surnames in the US can find various origins: Smith, Will - English; Miller, Brunner, Martha - German; Gonzales, Federico, Dolores - Spanish; Magnus, Sven - Swedish; Peterson, Jensen - Danish; Patrick, Donovan, O'Brien, McGill - Irish; Mario, Ruth - Portuguese; Isabella, Antonio, de Vito - Italian; Paul, Vivien - French; Lee is Chinese, etc. The combination is frequent when the name is purely American, and there is a national flavor in the surname. Or vice versa. For example: Martha Roberts, Brandon Lee, etc.

Than more study the American surnames and names, the more interesting discoveries can be made. In addition, the American nation still continues to be formed, so it is possible that new unusual and beautiful names of a variety of origin will soon appear in everyday life of residents of this country.