The form of notification of Rospotrebnadzor on the start of activity. Sample notification of the start of entrepreneurial activities in Rospotrebnadzor

The form of notification of Rospotrebnadzor on the start of activity. Sample notification of the start of entrepreneurial activities in Rospotrebnadzor
The form of notification of Rospotrebnadzor on the start of activity. Sample notification of the start of entrepreneurial activities in Rospotrebnadzor

If the activity approached the start - it's time to write the state in the person of its individual bodies. Supervisory authorities love to receive letters. Otherwise can be offended. The cost of resentment is estimated in the amount of 2000 rubles.

What is the essence?

Previously, for some types of business, before the start of the activity, it was necessary to obtain permission, for example, SES.

In 2008, Law No. 294-FZ "On the Protection of Rights of Legal Entities and IP ..." (details of documents - after the article), which replaced the preliminary permission to notify the start of activity. Lucky not everyone and not in everything, but in general, that you need to know, it is:

  • if the activity falls under the indicated law - it is necessary to inform the supervisory authority;
  • the notification direction does not exempt from the execution of different rules and requirements (the same SES), in the notification you confirm that everything is respected.

What body must notify about the start of activity?

Depending on the type of activity, the notification must be submitted to various departments. For clarification - go to the article "Licenses and Notifications: When this is not avoided" - in (opens in a separate window), we indicated the supervisory authority for each type of activity.

Rospotrebnadzor is the main body in this topic. It should be noted that for some territories, its function can be performed by the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA). The list of such territories approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.08.2006 N 1156-p. Most of these territories refers to closed administrative and territorial formations.

Where to submit notice about the start of business activities?

As a rule, the notice must be submitted to the territorial body of the department at the place of activity (i.e., where you plan to lead the business to be notified about).

Such an order is directly enshrined by the Rospotrebnadzor regulations, FMBA of Russia, Rostransnadzor, Rostekhnadzor. Lists of territorial bodies of these departments are given on sites:

  • Rospotrebnadzor -
  • FMBA Russia -
  • Rostransnadzor -
  • Russian Emergency Situations Ministry -
  • Rosstandard -
  • Rostekhnadzor -
  • Roszdravnadzor -

The Rostruda Regulation states that the notification must be directed directly to the agency, the site with details and contacts:

  • Rostrud -

Specific executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation, carrying out state

  • housing supervision
  • veterinary supervision

it is determined in the regulatory and legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, that is, it is necessary to specify "on the ground" in regional decisions and laws.

For the city of Moscow, this is the State Housing Inspectorate of Moscow and the Veterinary Committee of the city of Moscow (convincing references to regulatory acts at the end of the article).

Form notice on the start of the implementation of entrepreneurial activities Blank and sample

The notification is drawn up in the form of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules (UTV. Government Decree No. 584).

The notification indicates:

  • the name of the authorized body in which notification is applied;
  • date of compiling a notification;
  • a person who is notified: surname, name, patronymic IP, TIN and OGRN (main state registration number of the state registration);
  • address of the place of actual implementation of the stated type of activity;
  • activities and performed (rendered) in their composition (services) for which notification is applied. It is necessary to indicate the activities themselves and performed in their composition (services) in accordance with the approved list (Appendix No. 1 to the Rules, approved. Government Decree No. 584 - see a list of legislation at the end of the article). We also recommend that these codes of these activities on OKVED or OKUN;
  • the date with which the relevant activity will be carried out.

The notification is signed by an individual entrepreneur, the surname and initials are indicated, the seal is stamped (if any). Everything.

Form (single for all organs): Open for viewing or download for filling (Doc, 36kb).

Sample fill with comments (notice to Rospotrebnadzor on the start of activity).

In the notification, it is permissible to indicate several types of activities and several addresses for which this activity is conducted. Options are possible:

  • If all types of activity and all addresses relate to one territorial authority of the department - you can all specify in one notice.
  • If different types of activity require notifications from different departments - the notification must be sent to each department.
  • If it is necessary to notify one department, but the address of the implementation of activities relate to different territorial bodies of this department - the question must be specified.
    For example, Rospotrebnadzor clarified that one notice could be submitted to any of the territorial bodies where activities are planned. However, such rules are not enshrined in regulations and practice can be different.
    If there is no desire to delve and find out - just send notifications to each territorial body.

How to file a notice of starting activities? And what we get in the end

The document can be sent:

  • directly to the authorized body;
  • by mail with the description of investment and a notice of delivery;
  • in the form of an electronic document (electronic digital signature is needed);
  • through a multifunctional center for the provision of public and services (MFC).

Notification in writing must be filled in 2 copies. The authorized body on both instances puts a mark and one copy returns to the entrepreneur.

When sending notifications in the form of an electronic document, the entrepreneur will receive confirmation in electronic format.

The duty is not charged. The requirements for the direction of other documents together with the notification in the current rules are absent.

Can you refuse to receive a notification about the start of entrepreneurial activity?

May. For two reasons:

  • notification form is not followed;
  • the notification is not sent to the authority.

These are all basic questions on the topic. Rating ahead - a change in the place of residence of the entrepreneur, the beginning of the activities of the new address (change in the place of activity) is a reason for re-notifying the controls.

  • Article 8 of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-FZ "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control" (hereinafter - the law);
  • Rules for submitting notifications about the start of the implementation of certain types of entrepreneurial activities and accounting for these notifications (approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 N 584; further - the rules);
  • Administrative regulations for the provision of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Welfare of the State Service for Reception and Accounting Notifications about the start of the implementation by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of certain types of works and services according to the list provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 n 584 (approved by the order of Rospotrebnadzor from 19.07.2012 N 779; further - the Rospotrebnadzor Regulation);
  • Administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Medical Biological Agency of the State Service for Reception and Accounting Notifications about the start of the implementation by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the territories to be serviced by the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, individual types of work and services on the list, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (approved by order. Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 27, 2011 N 1652N; further - the regulations of the FMBA of Russia);
  • Administrative regulations for the provision of the Federal Service for Work and Employment of the State Service for receiving and accounting notifications about the start of entrepreneurial activities for the provision of social services by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 10/25/2012 N 337n; Further - Rosager Regulators for Social Services );
  • Administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Service for Supervision of Transportation of the State Service for receiving and accounting for notifications about the start of the implementation by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of certain types of work and services on the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (approved by the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 29.04.2013 N 145; Next - Roshran Protsenger Regulations);
  • Administrative Regulations on the provision of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the State Service for Reception and Accounting of Notifications about the start of the implementation by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of certain types of operations for the operation of explosion hazardous and chemically hazardous production facilities of the IV hazard class (approved by order of Rostechnadzor from 12.05. 2015 N 186; Further is the Rostechnadzor Regulation).

A sample notice to Rospotrebnadzor on the start of the activities of the IP is approved by the Government of Russia, changes are prohibited. The obligation to notify the controlling government agencies arises from certain types of entrepreneurial activities at the time of registration. You can download the notification form on the website of Rospotrebnadzor Region of the Operation. When you need to give information and how to do it?

Who and where to file a notice

Until 2008, it was impossible to register operations without the previous permission of the authorities. After approval of the 294-ФЗ aimed at protecting the business, the obligation to obtain permits was canceled. The requirement to notify the control bodies about the start of activity came to replace. The main of them is the Federal Service for the Supervision of Consumer Rights and the well-being of a person in Russia - Rospotrebnadzor.

The main functions of the service is to control the provision of sanitary and epidemiological norms, monitoring compliance with the legislation in the field of consumer market, upholding the interests of buyers.

The new entrepreneur is obliged to submit information to regulatory organizations prior to the implementation of the stated type of activity, i.e. until the income is received.

The list of works and services related to the notification of Rospotrebnadzor includes, for example:

  • retail trade;
  • catering;
  • household services to the population;
  • manufacture of bread, dairy, confectionery;
  • travel agencies;
  • manufacture of packaging materials;
  • publishing and printing;
  • production of goods from textiles, clothes, shoes;
  • directions associated with computing equipment and informatics.

A complete list of OKVED is contained in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 584 of July 16, 2009. Directional notice does not exempt from the execution of the norms and requirements of the law. There are often cases when the plans of the businessman enters the coverage of several areas of activity at once, thereby the obligation to notify the responsible control bodies.

Reception of notifications about the start of the implementation of certain types of activities are conducted by the state bodies presented by government agencies:

Rospotrenadzor functions in some subjects of the country are assigned to the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA).

It is necessary for the IP to register in Rospotrebnadzor, only if the OKVED code of actually carried out activities is present in the list of decisions. If the OKVED code specified during registration is fixed by the list, but the entrepreneur does not actually conduct business in this direction, the registration of IP in Rospotrebnadzor is not carried out.

Procedure notice of Rospotrebnadzor

To notify the supervision body of the business of the functioning of the business, it is necessary to make a form of application form in 2 copies for the controlling body and transfer to one of the ways:

  • with a personal visiting;
  • through the mail - draw up a registered letter by applying the contents of the content and notice of receipt;
  • with the help of multifunctional centers (MFC);
  • by sending a statement, certified by electronically digital signature (EDS), on the Public Services portal. It is important to note that not all users of the portal have the ability to confirm the authenticity of the EDS documents. Create a simple signature form is possible through a personal account, but it is only allowed to view documents. You need to assure statements by qualified EDS, which is issued by authorized organizations on a removable carrier.

In addition to the application form, it is required to provide the following documents for Rospotrebnadzor: copies of TIN certificates, about state registration as an IP. The application received is registered by the staff of the department (with an affiliation of the date and the sequence number). At the date of adoption, the second copy is returned to the entrepreneur. If an electronic circulation was sent, IP will receive a message confirming receipt by the same day. In addition to the initial notice of the beginning of the activity, IP is obliged to report the emergence of changes in the notice of the beginning of the activities of the supervision body, for example, when changing the address (actual or legal). Information is provided no later than 10 days from the date of making changes (with the application-base application).

If the information is absent in the authorized body by the time of the start of the functioning of the business, this is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the entrepreneur will incur an administrative responsibility. The punishment will be sanctions: a fine of 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. Beginner entrepreneurs need to be remembered about the importance of registration and other bodies of state power: the Pension Fund of Russia, the Fund of Social Insurance, the statistical bodies.

The entrepreneur is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided. If it is proved that the information is unreliable, an IP is imposed a fine of 5,000 - 10,000 rubles. If, after the sanctions, the correct information is also filed with a violation of the established deadlines, the penalty will be 500 rubles.

Notification form is a unified approved by the legislation of the notification form. Available in free form is not accepted. An exception is an application for amending the registration notice: the sample is not regulated, the appeal is made in an arbitrary format.

Below is a form of a form for filling:

You must specify the following information:

  • details: Full name (FULL NAME), INN, main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur;
  • the name of the executive authority (without abbreviations), which is notified - implies territorial representation. If there are doubts about the correctness of the name, it is recommended to refer to the site of the controller;
  • address of the actual maintenance of the indicated activity;
  • type of business and related work (OKVED or Ukun code);
  • date of start of the functioning of the business at the stated address;
  • date, signature.

Specifying several business and addresses are governed by the terms:

  1. If you attribute all these directions and addresses to one supervisory authority (by territorial sign), it is permissible to indicate all the information in the same letterhead.
  2. Be sure to send several notifications to different departments, provided that the activities are controlled by several bodies.

The appeal is rejected by the controlling authority with incorrect filling (error indicating the type of activity, the name of the authority, so on.) Or the wrong chosen authority (inconsistency in the territorial basis or zone of responsibility). With an electronic method for submitting an application, information containing motivated reasons for refusal will be displayed in the Personal Account. To register, you need to correct these disadvantages and re-send a statement. With a personal visit, service employees will indicate errors in time.

Before filling out the form, it is necessary to clarify the presence of changes, so, the latest additions are enacted in March 2017. The fee for sending information and verification of documents is not charged.

Knowledge of the orders and regulations of registration in the control bodies for activities, to provide the entrepreneur peace of mind when working, protects from unplanned spending on fines, will save time and money for legal proceedings. Therefore, when choosing a business area, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements of the state, check whether the selected OKVED falls under the obligatory control of Rospotrebnadzor.

Entrepreneur, opening his business, you need as fast as possible Notify the state bodies on the creation of the enterprise. For this, he submits a statement to several instances, is registered and collects the necessary documents.

What it is

According to the law, each entrepreneur who began his business should notify government agencies about this fact and go through the registration procedure. The obligation to inform controlling authorities applies to the IP and legal entities.

Changes in 2018

Since 2018, changes in the list of activities previously approved by the Government have entered into force. Part of the codes was replaced, some provisions have lost strength.

Plus, from January 1 of the current year, any IP or YUR. The person notify the controlling bodies not at the place of the planned implementation of the activity, as was done earlier, but in any division.

How to notify the inspection on the start of activity? The answer to the question is on the video.

You, of course, notify the tax on your existence through the registration procedure. But that's not all. In the case of certain types of activities, other state bodies need to be notified. This question is pretty serious, for violation, administrative responsibility threatens, and unnecessary fines and problems are not needed.

To submit a notice to the organization and IP, which are planning to carry out activities listed in Law No. 294-FZ dated December 26, 2008 (Law "On Protection of the Rights of Jurlitz and IP in the implementation of the State Control (Supervision) and Municipal Control"). Such this federal law is completed by the Decree of Government No. 584 dated July 16, 2009. We, as always, we advise you to find these documents and carefully familiarize yourself with their provisions. In Appendix No. 2, there is a form of notification to the last document. The document is drawn up in two copies.

Full lists of activities that need to notify the state are listed in the above documents. Please note: they do not fully match! In fact, the list of decrees specifies the list of the law.

for exampleFor the provision of hotel services or repair services and painting of shoes, it is necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor, in carrying out activities for the management of an apartment building - the body of the Directory of the Russian Federation, which is engaged in housing supervision, in the production of low-voltage equipment - Rosstandart, personal protective equipment - Rostrud, Fire and Technical Products - Ministry of Emergency Situations, when carrying out the transport of a different nature - Rostransnadzor.

The notice must be submitted to the activities of the activities specified in the regulatory acts, but after the registration of IP. If you are going to engage in several types of activities requiring notifications of different government agencies, then it is necessary to notify each of them! In the future, when changing the actual / legal address of Ltd. or the place of residence of the IP, the reorganization of the Jurlitz, the new information also need to be conveyed to controlling government agencies. This gives a period of 10 days from the date of recording about the change in or the Eagle.

What will happen if not send a notice? You are threatened with penalties in accordance with COAP. For the misuse of the IP notification may be fined in the amount of from 3 to 5 thousand rubles., Jurliso - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, for unreliable information in the notification Penalty will already be more: 5-10 thousand rubles. for IP and 20-30 thousand rubles. For LLC. Failure to submit information about changes entails a fine to 500 rubles for entrepreneurs and 3-5 thousand rubles. For organizations.

Download the notification form about the start of entrepreneurship you can below:

Download form form (in Word format)

Documents on the site are always relevant, but it is better to double the relevance in the "Consultant Plus" service.

Attention! If you notice the error or the irrelevance of the document, inform in the comments.

Appendix No. 2.
the rules for submitting notifications about the start of the implementation of certain types of entrepreneurial activities and accounting for these notifications

(as amended by the Government Decisions of the Russian Federation
dated 04/14/2010 No. 245, dated December 26, 2011 No. 1132)

notifications about the beginning of the implementation of entrepreneurial activities

(Marker for registration of notification in the authorized body)

(It is indicated by the name of the federal executive authority (its territorial body), which seems to be a notice)

on the beginning of the implementation of entrepreneurial activities

from "

(indicates full and abbreviated, including branded (if any), name, organizational and legal form of a legal entity, surname, first name, patronymic of an individual entrepreneur,
the identification number of the taxpayer (INN), the main state registration number of the legal entity or the main state registration number of the record about the state registration of an individual entrepreneur (OGRN))

(indicate the postal addresses of the location of the legal entity, including its branches
and representative offices, places of actual implementation of the stated type (species) of activity, places
the actual implementation of the stated type (species) of the activities of the individual entrepreneur)

in accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of state control (supervision) and municipal control" notifies the beginning of the implementation of the following type (species) of entrepreneurial activities:

(specifies the type (species) of the activity and performed in its composition (services)

on the list of works and services as part of certain types of entrepreneurial activities,

on the start of the implementation of which the legal entity or individual

the entrepreneur is a notice)

g. and confirms the compliance of territories, buildings, premises,

constructions, equipment, other similar objects, vehicles intended for use in the process of implementing declared activities, personnel, other conditions for the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.

(Job title
legal entity)

(signature of the legal entity leader,
persons representing the interests of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur)

(initials, surname
leader of a legal entity, persons representing the interests of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur)




Decree of Government

Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. These Rules establish the procedure for submitting by legal entities, individual entrepreneurs who carry out certain types of business activities, the authorized federal executive authorities (their territorial authorities) notifications about the start of their activities (hereinafter referred to as notice), as well as the accounting procedure for these bodies received notifications.

2. The notification seems to be a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur involving work (provide services) (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) in accordance with the list of works and services as part of certain types of entrepreneurial activities according to (hereinafter - the list of works and services).

4. The applicant suggesting the performance of work (provision of services) specified in these Rules, in the territory to be serviced by the Federal Medical Biological Agency, is notified to this agency (its territorial body).


Name of activities and performed │ code for

in their composition and services │ all-Russian



I. Providing hotel services, as well as temporary services

accommodation and provision of temporary residence

2. Activity of other places for temporary 55.21, 55.22,

accommodation 55.23.1,


II. Providing household services

3. Repair, painting and tailoring of shoes 011100 - 011300

4. Repair and sewing sewing, fur and leather 012100, 012200,

products, Headwear and Textile Products 012400, 012500

haberdashery, repair, tailoring and knitting


5. Repair and maintenance of household 013100 - 013400

radio electronic equipment, household machines and

household appliances, repair and manufacture

metal wear

6. Furniture manufacturing and repair 014100, 014200

7. Chemical cleaning and dyeing, laundry services 015000

8. Maintenance and repair of transport 017100 - 017500

funds, machinery and equipment

9. Sameholder and photo and photo and cinema laboratories 018100

10. Ban and shower services 019100

11. Hairdressers Services 019300

III. Provision of catering services

catering organizations

12. Public service services 122100, 122200

IV. Retail (with the exception of retailers

with federal laws)

13. Retail sale in non-specialized 52.1


14. Retail sale of food products in 52.21 - 52.24,

specialized stores 52.27

15. Retail of cosmetic and 52.33

perfume products

16. Retail sale in tents and markets 52.62

V. Wholesale trade (except for wholesale trade

goods whose free circulation is limited in accordance

with federal laws)

17. Wholesale of food products 51.32, 51.33,

51.36.3, 51.38.1,



Vi. Providing services for the transport of passengers and baggage for orders

road transport (except for the implementation of such traffic

on regular transportation routes, as well as to ensure their own

needs of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs)


VII. Provision of cargo transportation services by road

the load capacity of which is over 2.5 tons

(except for such shipments carried out to ensure

own needs legal entities, individual entrepreneurs)

20. Automobile cargo activities 60.24.1

specialized transport

(as amended.Decisions

non-specialized transport

VIII. Production of textile materials, sewing products

23. Production of finished textiles, 17.4

in addition to clothes

24. Manufacture of other textile products 17.51

25. Production of knitted canvases 17.6

26. Production of knitwear 17.7

IX. Manufacture of wearing apparel

27. Production of leather clothing 18.1

28. Production of clothing from textile materials 18.2

and accessories of clothes

X. Production of leather, leather products, including shoes

29. Thinking and skin trim 19.1

30. Production of suitcases, bags and similar 19.2

leather goods and other materials;

production of shore-saddled and other products


31. Shoe production 19.3

Xi. Wood processing and manufacture of wood and tubes,

with the exception of furniture

32. Sawing and planing of wood; Impregnation 20.1


33. Production of veneer, plywood, plates, panels 20.2

34. Manufacture of wooden construction 20.3

designs, including prefabricated wooden

buildings and joinery

XII. Publishing and printing activities

35. Printing and provision 22.2

services in this area

XIII. Activities associated with the use of computing equipment and

information technologies (with the exception of this activity,

carried out in order to protect state secrets)

36. Maintenance and repair of office 72.5

machines and computers including

cash Cash

XIV. Production of bread, bakery and confectionery


37. Production of bread and flour confectionery 15.81 - 15.82

durable and non-fixed storage products

XV Milk and dairy production

(introducedResolution Government of the Russian Federation of 14.04.2010 N 245)

38. Production of dairy products 15.5

XVI. Production of juice products from fruits and vegetables

(introducedResolution Government of the Russian Federation of 14.04.2010 N 245)

39. Production of fruit and vegetable juices 15.32

XVII. Production of oil and fat products

(introducedResolution Government of the Russian Federation of 14.04.2010 N 245)

40. Production of vegetable and animal oils and 15.4


XVIII. Sahara production

(introducedResolution Government of the Russian Federation of 14.04.2010 N 245)

41. Sugar production 15.83

XIX. Production of flour products

(introducedResolution Government of the Russian Federation of 14.04.2010 N 245)

42. Production of products of flour and cereal 15.6

industry, Starch and Starch Products

XX. Production of non-alcoholic beverages

(introducedResolution Government of the Russian Federation of 14.04.2010 N 245)

43. Production of non-alcoholic beverages, except 15.98.2

mineral Water

XXI. Production containers and packaging

(introducedResolution Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 N 1132)

44. Production of wooden packaging 20.4

45. Production of corrugated cardboard, paper and 21.21

cardboard Tara

46. \u200b\u200bProduction of packaging from light metals 28.72

XXII. Furniture manufacture

(introducedResolution Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 N 1132)

XXIII. Manufacture of personal protective equipment

(introducedResolution Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 N 1132)

49. Production of protective gloves, mittens from 18.24.23

fabrics for workers

50. Production of clothes from felt, non-woven 18.24.32

materials from textile materials with

impregnating or coating

51. Production of clothing and its accessories 25.13.6

from rubber

52. Production of protective hats 25.24.2, 28.75.27

XXIV. Production of fire and technical products

(introducedResolution Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 N 1132)

tools, fire alarm means,