Beautiful non-Russian surnames for girls. The most beautiful surname in the world

Beautiful non-Russian surnames for girls.  The most beautiful surname in the world
Beautiful non-Russian surnames for girls. The most beautiful surname in the world

Hello dear readers! As I already said, any methods and forms are suitable for language learning. Today American names and surnames have come to our attention. Indeed, from the point of view of linguistics, these are also just words. And you can replenish your vocabulary, including memorizing English surnames and names. And so you will practice pronunciation, and learn to comprehend English by ear. first and last names in English It's better to start with the most popular American names. For example, on the basis of the most common or by the names of popular actors and actresses. At the same time, these words are much easier to learn than ordinary vocabulary, for several reasons:

  • Easy to find in text as they are spelled with capital letters
  • In oral speech, they are pronounced with a different intonation than the rest of the words.
  • No need to translate
  • Pronunciation is not so difficult, all the more if these are the initials of famous personalities, then they are always heard

But sometimes the pronunciation is different from the spelling. As a rule, in such rare words, pronunciation depends on the genesis.

Origin of American names and surnames

American given name and name today can have many origins.

Names, for example, are most often borrowed from other languages:

  • Celtic - Airic, Dylan, Ryan
  • Arab - Omar, Sarah, Jamal
  • Germanic - Arnold, Ebrina, Herwin
  • Aramaic - Joseph, Bethany, Simon
  • Jewish - Adam, Rose, Samuel
  • Greek - Andrew, Selina, Christopher
  • Indian - Dilip, Alicia, Beryl
  • Italian - Alonzo, Mia, Gabriel
  • Slavic - Ivan, Anna, Boris
  • Latin - Patrick, Veronika, Cordelia
  • Turkish - Akay, Ayla, Nourhan
  • Old English - Loyd, Lindsay, Jason
  • Phoenician - Al, Esther, Hannibal
  • Scandinavian - Eric, Helga, Sveinbjоrn
  • Persian - Jaspen, Roxy, Xerxes
  • Spanish - Federico, Dolores, Elvis

These are the beautiful words they call children in the United States.

But the genesis of surnames depends somewhat on other factors:

  • Occupation or Profession: Cheeseman, Proper, Smith
  • Personal names: Atkins, Williamson, Hughes
  • Place of residence: Green, Garden, Wood
  • Nicknames: Cruikshank, Makepeace, King

You should also know that in the English, unlike the Russians, the first name and patronymic name are always written first, and then the last name: Elvis Aaron Presley. By the way, the middle name may or may not be called at all or designated by one letter.

The easiest way to learn the name of your favorite actresses or actors. Therefore, memorize the male and female initials of famous people.

List of popular female names

Monica Bellucci You can start with a list of the most beautiful Hollywood actresses. To date, the most beautiful and sexy girls have been recognized:

  • Angelina jolie voight
  • Charlize theron
  • Jessica alba
  • Megan denise fox
  • Salma valgarma hayek
  • Keira christina knightley
  • Katherine marie heigl
  • Nina dobrev
  • Monica anna maria bellucci
  • Penelope cruz

Fashion names change over time. But there are those who, for decades, do not lose their relevance when naming girls:

  • Isabella
  • Emily
  • Sophia
  • Olivia
  • Abigail
  • Hannah
  • Samantha
  • Madison

The data is constantly changing, the first place alternately moves from one name to another, but in general the situation does not change much.

List of famous male names

Jensen Ackles Here, too, it is worth learning a list of the most attractive Hollywood actors to start with.
Famous male names:

  • Armand douglas hammer
  • Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill
  • Jensen ross ackles
  • José Antonio Domínguez Banderas
  • John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II
  • William Bradley Pitt
  • Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom
  • Robert thomas pattinson
  • George Timothy Clooney
  • David Patrick Boreanaz

Well, ordinary male names are less volatile. But for many years now it has been in the first place:

  • Jacob
  • Jason
  • Michael
  • Christopher
  • Ethan
  • Daniel
  • Matthew
  • Andrew
  • William
  • Joshua

But the world is changeable and, perhaps very soon, this list will change dramatically.

List of common American surnames

You already know that English given names can come from a variety of variations. Since there are a lot of migrants in the United States, the names are accordingly very diverse.

I have prepared a list of the 10 most common ones:

  1. Smith - this surname is worn by about 3 million US residents
  2. Johnson - just over 2 million native speakers
  3. Williams - almost 2 million people
  4. Brown - 1 million and 700 thousand
  5. Jones - about the same
  6. Davis - about 1.3 million
  7. Taylor - roughly 1 million
  8. Wilson - 900 thousand population
  9. Robinson - just over 800 thousand inhabitants
  10. Wright - 800,000 native speakers

What English surnames do you like?

You can make a list of your favorite actors or actresses yourself and memorize it. I hope this material will be not only informative for your general development, but also useful for learning English.

They say "as you name the boat, so it will float." Does this mean that a popular surname can make a person popular too?

Among the most popular surnames are not only Chinese or English, but also Russian, Spanish, African and even Greek.

Here are the most common surnames in the world:

The most famous surnames

25. Smith

This surname appeared in England and gradually spread throughout the English-speaking countries. Smith is by far the most common surname in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Scotland, Australia, and New Zealand.

24. Garcia

It is easy to guess that this surname is the most popular in Spain. However, it is also the second most popular in Cuba and third in Mexico. Due to the fact that many Latin Americans come to the United States to work, here the Garcia surname is in 8th place in popularity.

23. Martin

In France, more than 235,000 people carry this surname, making it the most popular in the country. It is also worth noting that in many languages ​​there are other versions of this surname that are used as first names rather than surnames, for example, names such as Martinus or Martin, derived from the Latin language.

22. Rossi

In Italian, the plural of this surname is Rosso, which means "red." In Italy, this is the most common surname. However, it is also very popular in countries such as Argentina, Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Mexico, Peru, USA and Uruguay.

21. Novak

This surname translates as "new person", "newbie" or "foreigner". This is a very popular Slavic name or surname. Most of the bearers of this surname live in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia, but it is also very popular in Croatia, Serbia and Romania.

The most common surnames

20. Fernandez

This surname is translated as "son of Fernando". It is a very popular surname in Spain (8th place), 4th most popular in Argentina, 10th in Paraguay and 13th in Mexico. In Portugal, this surname is also quite common.

19. Smirnov

Researchers from the Medical Genetic Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences decided to deeply study the question of the most popular surname. They divided the Russian Federation into hypothetical regions, each of which was studied in detail.

As a result of the study, it turned out that the most popular surname in Russia is Smirnov. It will be interesting to note that one of the versions of the origin of the surname says that the basis of the surname was the word "Smirnaya", which denoted a character trait ("meek" = "obedient").

  • Kuznetsov

18. Silva

More than 10% of all Brazilians carry this surname, which makes it the most common in this country. This surname comes from the Latin word "silva", which means "forest" or "woodland". It is also popular in Portugal and the former Portuguese colonies in Latin America, Africa and Asia (including India and Sri Lanka).

17. Mohamed

This name translates as "Praised", "Praiseworthy" and is the most popular name and surname in the Islamic world. There are several versions of this name, including Mohammed (Magomed), Mohammed and Muhammad.

16. Kumar

The roots of this surname can be found at the beginning of the development of Hinduism. This is not only the most popular name in India, but also a surname and even a middle name. Kumar is also the 8th most popular surname in the world.

15. Gonzales

It is a very popular Spanish name and the second most popular surname. In addition, it is very common in Latin America, including countries such as Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay and Venezuela.

What are the most common surnames

14. Muller

The German word "muller" (also spelled "mueller" or "miller") translates to "miller". This is the most popular surname in Germany, Switzerland and parts of France. In Austria, she ranks 5th in the list of the most common surnames in the country.

13. Cohen

Originally, the word "cohen" in Hebrew was used to refer to a priest. It is also a very popular Jewish surname and is often heard in countries with large Jewish communities. There are several variants of this surname: Coen, Cohn, Kahn, Kohn and others.

12. Nguyen

Beyond any competition, this surname is the most popular in Vietnam, where about 40% of residents are its carriers. But this surname is also popular outside the country, thanks to the many immigrants from Vietnam.

11. Khan

This surname and title is of Mongolian origin. Initially, Khan was the title of the leader of the tribe, and in the states that appeared after the collapse of the Mongol Empire, this was the title of sovereign. In the Ottoman Empire, the sultan was called khan. Today it is the most popular surname in the countries of Central and South Asia. It is one of the most common surnames in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Oman and Turkey.

10. Rodriguez

A very popular surname in Spain, USA and Latin America. Rodriguez means "descendant of Rodrigo" and is the most common surname in Colombia, second most popular in Argentina and 9th in Brazil, where it is often spelled "Rodrigues".

Top surnames

9. Wang

This is the most popular surname in China. In total, about 100,000 residents of the country are its owners. The second most popular Chinese surname is Lee, and the third is Zhang.

8. Anderson

This surname comes from a word indicating origin and means "descendant of Anders / Andrew". The surname appeared in parallel in the British Isles and in the countries of northern Europe. Anderson is a popular surname in Sweden, Norway and Denmark (where she is spelled "Andersen").

7. Yilmaz

This surname is translated as "brave" or "invincible". She is very popular in Turkey. There were no surnames in Turkey until 1934, and after the adoption of the Law on Surnames, the most popular surnames were Kaya, Demir and Sahin, but the most popular and by a large margin was the surname Yilmaz.

6. Traore

This surname has roots in the Manden languages. Traore is a very popular surname in several West African countries, including Mali, Senegal, and Guinea.

The most common surname in Russia

5. Ivanov

It is worth noting that many attempts have been made to find out which surname is still the most popular in Russia.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the philologist of the University of Oxford, Ottokar Genrikhovich Unbegaun, who was a native of Russia, was one of the first who tried to find out the most popular surname. He began in St. Petersburg, where, in his opinion, the most common surname for 1910 was Ivanov, which comes from one of the most popular Russian names - Ivan.

  • Kuznetsov


The second attempt took place in modern Russia. Anatoly Fedorovich Zhuravlev, trying to find out which surname is the most popular in his homeland, came to the same result - the surname Ivanov.


  • Mikhailov.

4. Ahmed

The very popular Arabic name Ahmed also boasts a large number of different spellings - Ahmad, Ahmet, Akhmat. The most popular varieties in the world are Ahmet and Ahmad. A lot of people named Ahmed can be found in Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Bangladesh and other countries.

The most common surnames in the world

3. Lopez

This surname comes from the Latin word "lupus" which means "wolf". Lopez is a popular Spanish name. In Portugal it sounds like Lopes, in Italy - Lupo, in France - Loup, in Romania - Lupu or Lupescu. In Latin America, the name Lopez is also very popular.

2. Kim

Sometimes this surname is spelled as Gim. It is very common on the Korean Peninsula (both South and North Korea). About 22% of the inhabitants of the peninsula bear the surname Kim, which can be translated as "metal", "iron" or "gold".

1. Papadopulos

The meaning of this surname is "the son of a priest". Papadopoulos is the most popular surname in Greece and Cyprus, as well as in countries with a Greek diaspora such as the USA, UK, Australia and the Scandinavian countries.

What is the most common Russian surname

If we take into account all three studies, then we can say that Ivanov and Smirnov are the most common surnames in Russia. However, it should be noted that one of the most popular surnames today is also the surname Kuznetsov (Kuznetsova). And if you take into account that in English blacksmith is smith, then there are several million carriers of this surname on Earth.

So much is told about the culture or traditions of England, but it is quite rare to learn about English names... And the topic, by the way, is very amusing. After all, the naming system globally differs from the one we are used to.

If we have a name and surname, then in England it is a little different. They have a first name, middle name, and last name. In addition, in England it is considered normal to give diminutive forms of the name. For example, even in formal negotiations, a person may be called Tony, although his full name sounds like Anthony. If desired, the child can be immediately recorded with a diminutive name and the state will not mind. Moreover, as a name, you can take almost any word or name - for example, the name Brooklyn. But if they tried to name their son, for example, Novosibirsk, they would hardly have given permission to do so.

System of English names and surnames

Each of us is already accustomed to the fact that he is the bearer of the surname, name and patronymic. But for the British, such a scheme is not suitable, their naming system is absolutely unusual and therefore curious. The main difference between our systems is the absence of a middle name y. Instead, they have a surname, first name and middle name. Moreover, as any of these two names, an Englishman can wear the names of some stars or even his ancestors. Although there is no strict requirement for a person to have only three of these points. Any Englishman can give a child a name from several names or surnames. For example, if you want to name it after a whole football team at once.

This tradition - to give a person a surname as a first name - has come down to our days from noble families. Although the history of the system of English names developed quite actively, borrowings were made from various countries, and names were mixed from the Angles, Celtic tribes, Franco-Normans. Since the Anglo-Saxons initially had only one name, they tried to attach special importance to it. Therefore, in the composition of ancient names, one could find words such as wealth or health. Old English female names were most often composed using adjectives, the most common variation being Leof (dear, beloved). And after the Norman invasion of England, a surname was gradually added to the name, making it already close to the system of names existing today. The old Anglo-Saxon names gradually began to disappear and due to the influence of the Christian religion, the Christian schools that opened everywhere actively stimulated the registration of newborns who received a name at baptism, so the names changed slightly: from Mary to Mary, from Jeanne to John.

Generator of English names and surnames

(including Anglo-Irish and Anglo-Scottish surnames)

Male name Female name

But the most common British names... For convenience, they are divided into parts of the country, because in each corner some separate names are most popular. Some of them are the same, some are different. The names are ranked by popularity.



  1. Harry- Harry (diminutive of Henry - rich, powerful)
  2. Oliver- Oliver (from ancient Germanic - army)
  3. Jack- Jack (diminutive of John, from Hebrew - Yahweh is merciful)
  4. Charlie- Charlie (from Old German - man, husband)
  5. Thomas- Thomas (from ancient Greek - twin)
  6. Jacob- Jacob (simplified version of the name James)
  7. Alfie- Holly (from Old English - advice)
  8. Riley- Riley (from Irish - courageous)
  9. William- William (from ancient Germanic - desire, will)
  10. James- James (from Hebrew - "holding the heel")


  1. Amelia- Amelia (from ancient Germanic - work, work)
  2. Olivia- Olivia (from Latin - olive tree)
  3. Jessica- Jessica (the exact meaning is unknown, perhaps the name comes from the biblical name Jescha)
  4. Emily- Emily (female form of male name Emil - rival)
  5. Lily- Lily (from the English name for the lily flower)
  6. Ava- Ava (variant of the medieval English name Evelyn)
  7. Heather- Heather (from English - heather)
  8. Sophie- Sophie (from ancient Greek - wisdom)
  9. Mia- Mia
  10. Isabella- Isabella (Provencal version of the name Elizabeth)

Northern Ireland


  1. Jack- Jack
  2. James- James
  3. Daniel- Daniel
  4. Harry- Harry
  5. Charlie- Charlie
  6. Ethan- Ethan
  7. Matthew- Matthew (from Hebrew - the gift of Yahweh)
  8. Ryen- Ryan
  9. Riley- Riley
  10. Noah- Noah


  1. Sophie- Sophie
  2. Emily- Emily
  3. Grace- Grace (from English - grace, grace)
  4. Amelia- Amelia
  5. Jessica- Jessica
  6. Lucy- Lucy (from the male Roman name Lucius - light)
  7. Sophia- Sophia (variant of the name Sophie)
  8. Katie- Katie (from Greek - pure, purebred)
  9. Eva- Eve (from Hebrew - breathe, live)
  10. Aoife- Ifa (from Irish - beauty)



  1. Jacob- Jacob
  2. Oliver- Oliver
  3. Riley- Riley
  4. Jack- Jack
  5. Alfie- Holly
  6. Harry- Harry
  7. Charlie- Charlie
  8. Dylan- Dylan (according to Welsh mythology, that was the name of the God of the sea)
  9. William- William
  10. Mason- Mason (from a similar surname meaning "stone carving")


  1. Amelia- Amelia
  2. Ava- Ava
  3. Mia- Mia
  4. Lily- Lily
  5. Olivia- Olivia
  6. Ruby- Ruby (from English - ruby)
  7. Seren- Seren (from Latin - clear)
  8. Evie- Evie (from the English surname Evelyn)
  9. Ella- Ella (from ancient Germanic - all, everything)
  10. Emily- Emily

Modern English names

In English names, petting and diminutive forms are very common as an official name. In our country, this form is allowed only with personal, close communication. For example, take at least someone familiar to everyone - Bill Clinton or Tony Blair. They are called by such names even in world negotiations, and this is absolutely acceptable. Although in fact Bill's full name is William and Tony is Anthony. The British are allowed to register a newborn child by giving him a diminutive name as the first or second. Although there are no special prohibitions on choosing a name in English-speaking countries as such, you can give a child a name in honor of a city or region. So, for example, the star couple Beckham did, Victoria and David gave their son the name Brooklyn - it was in this area of ​​New York that he was born.

Gradually, fashion began to change and names in English-speaking countries were often borrowed from different languages. Since the 19th century, many such female names have appeared, such as Ruby, Daisy, Beryl, Amber and others. Names from Spain or France were readily used - Michelle, Angelina, Jacqueline. But the tendency of some people to give their children unusual names has not disappeared anywhere. Bill Simser, vice president of Microsoft, gave his daughter the name Vista Avalon. The first part of the name is in honor of Windows Vista, and the second part is in honor of the codename for the Avalon system. But director Kevin Smith decided to name his daughter Harley Quinn - that was the name of the girl from the Batman comics.

By the way, not every owner likes such unusual names. Many children are embarrassed by this and are looking forward to coming of age to officially change their name. Little Pixie Geldof, who is the daughter of musician Bob Geldof, was very shy about the prefix "little" at the beginning of her name and in adulthood chose to call herself simply Pixie. But what a resident of New Zealand, whose name is Bus # 16, will do with his name, it is even difficult to imagine. The imaginations of his parents can only be envied.

The Russian language, great and powerful, is replete with funny surnames, from which their owners would gladly get rid of, if it was their will. And in this list all sorts of Round, Bezuglov, Short, Soft surnames are just flowers. There is also much more dissonant. The owner and especially the owner of such a surname will have hard times in life. Fortunately, Russian law allows any citizen who has reached a certain age to change both first and last names. It remains only to choose the most suitable one. So, we choose beautiful surnames for girls.

Russian surnames

The surnames of noble families sound beautiful. Rather, it’s not even a matter of euphony, but of our associations - from the course of history, I remember that this genus was successful / rich / noble. And therefore the surname seems attractive. Examples of noble surnames for girls:

  • Vorontsov;
  • Derzhavin;
  • Romanov;
  • Goncharova;
  • Larionova;
  • Orlova;
  • Davydova;
  • Donskaya;
  • Obolenskaya;
  • Martynov;
  • Isaeva;
  • Avdeeva;
  • Gusev;
  • Grigoriev;
  • Kovalev;

The names of famous people, for example, poets and writers, usually evoke good associations. So the names of Pushkin, Nekrasov, Akhmatova, Chernyshevskaya can decorate any name.

Surnames formed from nouns and adjectives

Queen. Exactly like this, through the letter "E". Isn't it beauty? Clever girl. Gorgeous. You can take any surname, just do not forget that your children can get it. So it's still better to be prudent. Surnames formed from nouns must be non-declining: Panther, Fashionista, Beauty.

Beautiful surnames formed from adjectives: Solnechnaya, Snezhnaya, Rainbow, Affectionate, etc.

Foreign surnames

You can choose the last name of your favorite foreign writer or actor, for example:

  • Osten;
  • Bradbury;
  • Pete;
  • Fleming;
  • Adams;
  • Alexander;
  • Argan;
  • Rem;
  • Chandler;
  • Kramer;

It is important to watch that the surname is harmoniously combined with the name (and preferably also with the patronymic). That is, Ekaterina Adams or Angelica Fleming - sounds beautiful, but Avdotya Roberts - somehow not very much.

Double surnames

Two ordinary surnames, combined into one, often magically become at least twice as euphonic. Let's remember examples famous people with double surnames:

  • Grigoriev-Apollo;
  • Fedoseev-Shukshin;
  • Saltykov-Shchedrin;
  • Melnikov-Pechersky;
  • Mamin-Sibiryak;
  • Soloviev-Sedoy;
  • Novikov-Priboy;
  • Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky;

So you don't have to reinvent the wheel and add something else to your last name. For example, dig in the family tree- perhaps there will be a wonderful couple to your last name.

  • Ivanova-Ilyinskaya;
  • Zarudneva-Preobrazhenskaya;
  • Sergeeva-Beletskaya;
  • Dolgovo-Saburovs;
  • Kuzmin-Korovaevs;
  • Rimsky-Korsakov;
  • Skornyakovo-Pisarev;
  • Ivanchins-Pisarevs;

It's useless to argue with the magic of double surnames.

You can always change something in your life, even your surname. Beautiful surnames for girls- it's like the "clothes" on which you will be met. It is easier for a girl in this regard, if in childhood she did not like her surname, then later she can always change it when she gets married. However, it often happens that a girl with a dissonant surname marries a man whose name is also far from a fountain. Paradoxical, but true. You will not look for a husband specially with a beautiful surname, live not with her, but with a man. Do not be discouraged, you can always change your surname yourself at the passport office.

Beautiful Russian surnames for girls: list

There are many excellent surnames among the Russian variants, the list of them is expanded. Only they must be combined with a name and patronymic, otherwise it will turn out ugly.

  1. Pay your attention to the names of the noble family. Romanova, Vorontsova, Obolenskaya.
  2. Beautiful surnames can be meaningful. Sweet, Happy, Cold, Queen.
  3. For girls, surnames formed from proper names are suitable. Pavlova, Vladimirova, Maksimova.
  4. Names of animals and birds. Orlova, Pantherova, Solovyova.
  5. Surnames of Russian poets and writers. Bulgakov, Akhmatova, Nekrasov.
  6. Originally Russian. Birch, Wood.

Beautiful foreign surnames for girls: a list

You can choose a surname in a foreign version. Sounds pretty.

  1. Beautiful surnames from the world of cinema. They add sophistication, a sign of elitism. Hembern, O'Hara, Jolie, Diaz.
  2. The Poles have excellent options. Podolskaya, Vilenskaya, Koval.
  3. Bulgarians are not lagging behind. Toneva, Vladova, Angelova.
  4. Beautiful English surnames for girls. You immediately feel like a lady. Taylor, Mills, Day.
  5. German list. Suitable for smart and educated girls. Wagner, Koch, Richter.

Beautiful surnames for girls on Vkontakte

It's very scary to take and change your surname officially right away. Moreover, there are so many beautiful surnames, the choice is difficult. Therefore, you can first conduct an experiment: change the name of Vkontakte. Social media will allow you to wear a mask with a new name. You will be able to experience yourself in a new way.

  1. The original version, a little eccentric. Luxurious, Fairy Tale, Favorite, Cat, Beauty.
  2. Noble. Preobrazhenskaya, Voskresenskaya.
  3. Indeclinable. A touch of individualism and rebelliousness. Grass, Us, Roofs.

When choosing a beautiful last name for yourself, be careful - you are taking an important step. It is believed that for girls, a change in personal data is a change in their personal life. Think about whether the decision you make will offend your loved ones. After all, the surname is belonging to your family!