The meaning of the word Ellina. Racial type of ancient Ellinov eline people

The meaning of the word Ellina. Racial type of ancient Ellinov eline people


The name of Ellin or Yellin itself, goes back to the VIII century to our era. And it takes its name from Eldla or differently - ancient Greece. Thus, Ellen is "Greek", or a resident of Greece, a representative of the Greek people, ethnos.

It must be said that over time, in the first century of our era, the word "Ellin", it became not only the Greeks by nationality, but also representatives of the whole Mediterranean. It began to denote carriers of Greek culture, language, and even people of another nationality, which were born in Greece or neighboring countries and assimilated there.

Since the conquests of Alexander Macedonsky, Greek culture has spread throughout the world. Greek morals, customs, Greek, penetrated all countries bordering Greece, and became in their own kind, international cultural values. That is why the whole world then spoke of Greek. And even the Romans who came to replace the Greeks took over a lot of what was right in Greek culture.

Of all the above, you can see that the Jews under the word Ellin, meant the "pagan", the representative of which people he was not. If he is not a Jew, then he means Ellin (pagan).

Ellenists from the book of Acts 6: 1

1 These days, when students multiplied up, there was a ropot for the Jews for the fact that the widows of their neglected were in the daily distribution of needs.
(Acts 6: 1).

As a result, the apostles instructed the brothers to appoint several responsible for the satisfaction of the needs of Hellenist widows.

« Ropot»This text is a translation of the Greek word. goggumos. which means "grumbling; muttering "; "Digured conversation"; "The expression of hidden discontent"; "a complaint".

« Erlinists»This is the word transliteration helleniston. , Multiple Number of Page Cases from Hellenistes. Hellas means Allada, Greece. In the New Testament, Hellas is used in relation to the southern part of Greece, unlike Macedonia in the north.

The word "Ellin", otherwise the Greek, meant a person who did not belong to the Jewish people, such as in the book of Acts 14: 1; 16: 1, 16: 3; 18:17; Messages to the Romans 1:14.

1 In Iconia, they entered the Jewish synagogue and said that he believed the great many Jews and Ellinov.
(Acts 14: 1).

1 he reached the dervis and leisure. And so, there was some student, named Timofey, whom Mother had an assuasy, and Father Enerlin.
(Acts 16: 1).

3 He wished Pavel to take with him; and, taking, cropped it for the sake of Jews, who were in those places; For everyone knew about his father that he was Elelin.
(Acts 16: 3).

17 And all ELLINA, grabbing Splepen, the head of the synagogue, beat it before the trial; And Gallion Nimalo was not worried about that.
(Acts 18:17).

14 I have to both Hellym and Barbarars, sages and ignorant.
(Rome 1:14).

In the New Testament, the word Hellenistes is used only three times [Acts 6: 1; 9:29; 11:20], and means Jews who spoke in Greek. "Hellenists" in the book of Acts 6: 1, these are Greek-speaking Jews who followed the Greek custom and came from Greek-speaking countries.

29 also spoke and competed with ELLINISTs; And they attempted to kill him.
(Acts 9:29).

20 There were some of them Kikilians and Cyrinets who, having come to Antioch, said Hellym, the gospey of the Lord Jesus.
(Acts 11:20).

Probably, they represented those nations [Acts 2: 8-11], which were in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost, and after the resurrection of Jesus, who turned into the Lord Jesus Christ.

8 How we hear each own adverb, in which they were born.
9 Parfyan, Midyan, and Elamites, and residents of Mesopotamia, Jews and Cappadocia, Ponta and Asia,
10 Frigia and Pamphilia, Egypt and parts of Libya, adjacent to Kirin, and those who came from Rome, Judea and proles,
11 Creaters and Arabian, hearing them by our languages \u200b\u200bspeaking about the great [affairs] of God?
(Acts 2: 8-11).

Flood, Gerkalion, Ellin. People who lived in ancient times passed from fathers to children tragic legend. As if many thousands of years ago, there was a global flood on Earth on Earth: a terrible shower was continuously for several days, raging flows poured fields, forests, roads, villages, cities. Everything disappeared under water. People died. I managed to escape the only person whom the girl was called. He had a son who received a beautiful and sonorous name Ellin. He chose to settle the stony land in those regions where the country is Greece now. By the name of his first resident, she was called Ellosa, and its population - Hellen.

Allada. It was an amazing country. A lot of work had to spend in order to grow bread on her fields, in gardens - olives, and on the slopes of the mountains - grapes. Each block of land was politically watered by grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Stretched over the ellsa clear blue sky the whole country from the end in the end crossed mountain chains. The tops of the mountains were lost in the clouds, and as it was here not to believe that in the sneaks hidden from human eyes, the eternal spring reigns and the immortal gods live!

On all sides, the wonderful country was surrounded by the sea, and there was no place in Eldead, from which it could not be reached before his shores in one day. The same sea was visible from everywhere, - it was worth only to rise to any elevation. The sea manifested to her Ellini, and even more attracted their unknown overseas countries. From the stories of brave sailors who visited there, wonderful stories were born. The ancient Hellenes really loved to listen to them, gathering after day work at roast fire.

Homer, Hesiod and myths. So in ancient times myths and legends were born, in which we entered the fascinating world. The Greeks were cheerful, bold, knew how to find a good in every day, knew how to cry and laugh, angry and admire. All this affected their myths, which fortunately, were not lost in the centuries. Ancient writers in their works beautifully outlined old legends - who verses who prose. The first to retell the myths of the wise blind poet Homer, who lived almost three thousand years ago. His famous poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" tell about the Greek heroes, their battles and victories, as well as about the Greek gods, their lives on the top of the impregnable Mount of Olympus, Peters and Adventures, quarrels and reconciliation.

And about where the world and all the gods came from, perfectly wrote a poet Hesiod, who lived a little later, Homer. His poem is called "Theogony", which means "the origin of the gods." The ancient Greeks really loved watching the plays about the life of gods and heroes. Eschil wrote them, Sophokl, Eurypid. Until now, these plays (the Greeks called their "tragedies") in many theaters of the world. Of course, they had long been translated from ancient Greek to modern languages, including Russian. Of these, you can also learn a lot of interesting things about the heroes of Greek myths.

Myths of the ancient Ella is beautiful, as the country itself is beautiful; The gods of Greek myths are largely similar to people, but only more powerful. They are beautiful and forever young, there are no serious work and diseases for them ...

There are many ancient sculptures depicting gods and heroes on Earth. Peer in them on the illustrations of the book - they are like alive. True, not all statues are intact, because they lay down a lot of centuries in the ground, and therefore they can be a broken hand or leg, sometimes even scalp, sometimes one body remained, but they are still beautiful, as the immortal gods themselves themselves.

Ancient Elda lives in works of art. And it is due to mythology with many threads.

Read also other topics chapters I "Cosmos, peace, gods" section "Gods and heroes of the ancient Greeks":

  • 1. Eldead and Ellina
The World History. Volume 1. Ancient world Yegen Oscar

Origin of Ellinov

Origin of Ellinov

Resettlement from Asia.

The main and initial event in the history of the part of the world, which is called the ancient Semitic name Europe (midnight), there was an endless long-lasting relocation of peoples from Asia. Preceded by this relocation is covered with complete Mrac: if it was where to this resettlement the native population, it was very rare, stood at the lowest stage of development, and therefore it was displaced by immigrants, enslaved, exterminated. This process of relocation and durable settlement on new sellers began to take the form of a historical and reasonable manifestation of folk life, previously all - in the Balkan Peninsula, and moreover, in the southern part of it, to which the bridge was held, in the form of an almost continuous series of islands. . Really. Sporads and Cycladic The islands lie so close to each other that, as it were, lure a migrant, attract, keep, indicate the future path. Romans called residents of the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula and the islands belonging to it greeks (graeci); they themselves called themselves afterwards with one general name - ellina. But they accepted this common name already in a fairly late era of their historical life, when they were in their new foundish to the whole people.

Figure on the Archaic Greek Black Figure Vessel VIII century. BC e. Eastern features are felt in the style of painting.

These residents that moved to the Balkan Peninsula belonged to aryan Tribe, as it is positively proved by comparative linguistics. The same science in general explains the volume of culture made by them from their East Praodina. Their beliefs were in the circle of their beliefs - Zeus, or Diy, the god of a comprehensive heavenly arch - Uranus, the goddess of the land of Gay, the Ambassador of the Gods - Hermes and a few more naive-religious officers embodying the forces of nature. In the area of \u200b\u200blife, they were known for the necessary home apparel and agricultural tools, the usual pets of a moderate belt - bull, horse, sheep, dog, goose; They were characterized by the concept of settling, durable dwelling, about the house, in contrast to the nomad portable satellite; Finally, they have had a very developed language, testifying to a fairly high degree of development. With which these migrants from the old settlements of the settlement came out and that they brought with them to Europe.

Their resettlement was completely arbitrary, not led by anyone who did not have any specific goal and plan. It was committed, without a doubt, like European evictions in America, which is currently occurring, i.e., they were moved by families, crowds, of which the most part of a long time in the new fatherland was selected for individuals and tribes. In this resettlement, as in modern resettlement to America, not rich and notable, and not the lowest layer of the population, less than a movable; The most energetic part of the poor, which, when evicting, expects to improve their fate.

Nature of the country

The territory elected to the settlement, they found not quite empty and deserted; they met the primitive population there, which was later called pelasgami. Between the ancient names of various tracts of this territory, many who are coming on themselves the imprint of Semitic origin, and it can be assumed that some parts of the territory were populated by the Semitic tribes. Those migrants who had to join the Balkan Peninsula from the north, came across there on another population, and it did not happen everywhere without struggle. But nothing is known about this, and one can only assume that the initial pelasgic population of the territory was few. New immigrants were looking for, apparently, not pastures and non-vigorous, but such places where they could firmly settle, and here are the terrain south from Olympa, although not particularly rich in large and fructive plains, it seemed to them particularly attractive. From the North-West to the south-east, the mountain range of the Pend is stretched along the entire Peninsula, with vertices to 2.5 thousand meters, with aisles of 1600-1800 meters; He is a watershed between the Aegean and Adriatic seas. From his heights, going face south, on the left side to the east, a fruitful plain with a beautiful river is visible - a country, subsequently called Fessals; to the west - a country, raised by mountain chains parallel to the Pinda, is Epir S. His wooded heights. Next, under 49 ° C. sh. the country extends later Ellala - Actually average Greece. This country, although there is mountain and pretty wilderness in it, and in the middle it rises a two-service parenas, towering 2460 meters, was still very attractive in appearance; Pure sky, rarely dropping rains, a lot of variety in the general area, a little away - an extensive plain with a lake in the midst of abundant fish is the later beoze; Mountains everywhere were richly covered with forest at the time than later; rivers a little and shallow water; to the west everywhere to the sea - to file hand; The southern part is a mountainous peninsula, almost completely separated by water from the rest of Greece - this Peloponnes. All this country, mountainous, with sharp climate transitions, has something that wakes up energy and harnesses strength, and the main thing that its own surface is conducive to the formation of individual small communities, quite closed, and so contribute to the development of hot love to them native corner. In one respect, the country has a truly incomparable advantage: the entire East Store of the Peninsula is extremely tortuous, in it at least five large bays and moreover with many branching - therefore, it is available everywhere, and the abundance is expensive at the time of purple mollusk in some bays and sheds ( For example, EUBEY and Saronic), and in other areas the abundance of ship forest and mineral wealth has already become very early to attract here in Semes. But ingenians could never get into the depths of the country, since her, according to the nature of the terrain, it was easy to protect from the external invasion everywhere.

An image of a military fleet on a bronze sword blade.

The first Greek civilizations were famous for the militancy and knowledge of the sea, for which in Egypt, these tribes received the common name of the "Peoples of the Sea". III century BC e.

Phoenician influence

However, in the distant time of the first settlements of the Aryan tribe on the Balkan Peninsula only one The people could prevent the natural growth and development of the Aryans, namely - phoenicians; But they did not think about colonization in large sizes. Their influence, however, was very significant and, generally speaking, even benefactor; According to legend, the founder of one of the Greek cities, the cities of FIV, there was a Phoenic Kadm, and this name really carries the Semitian imprint and means "man from the East." Therefore, it can be assumed that it was a time when the Phoenician element was among the population prevailing. He delivered a precious gift from the Aryan population - letters that this mobile and the involuntary people, gradually developing from the Egyptian basis, appealed to the present sound letter with a separate sign for each individual sound - in alphabet. Of course, in this form of writing served as a powerful tool for further success of the development of the Aryan tribe. And religious ideas, and the rites of the Phoenicians also had some influence that is not difficult to recognize in individual deities of later time, for example, in Aphrodite, in Hercules; They should not be not to see Astarta and Baal Melcart Phoenician beliefs. But in this area, the Phoenician influence penetrated shallow. It only excited, but did not master well, and everything clearly was discussed in the language, which later retained and learned only a very small number of semitty words, and then mainly in the form of trading terms. The Egyptian influence, which also preserved legends, of course, was still weaker than Phoenician.

Education of the Hellenic Nation

These contacts with an alien element were important precisely what they found out his peculiar character, the peculiarities of his life, brought them to the consciousness of these features and thereby contributed to their further independent development. About the active spiritual life of the Aryan people, on the basis of his new homeland, is already evidenced by the infinite many myths about the gods and heroes, in which the creative fantasy is discouraged, restrained by the mind, and not blurry and unbridled on the oriental sample. These myths represent a distant echo of those great coup, which gave the country to its final appearance and are known entitled " dorian wanders.

Dorian wandering and its influence

This era of resettlement is timed ordinary to 1104 BC. e., of course, completely arbitrarily, because this kind of events can never definitely indicate their beginning nor the end. The external course of these relocations of peoples in a small space is presented in the following form: the tribe of the Fessenians, whoed in an epire between the Adriatic Sea and the ancient Sanctuary of the Dodon Oracle, passed through Pind and took possession of the East from this ridge a fertile country extending to the sea; This country is a tribe and gave your name. One of the tribes sighted by these Fessenians reached out to the south and overcame minus in Orkhomen and the cadms in the philas. In connection with these movements or even earlier, their third folk, Dorians, settled on the southern slope of Olympas, also moved in the southern direction, won a small mountainous area between Pendum and this one - Dorida But it was not pleasant to her because she seemed close to this numerous and militant folod, and therefore he settled the south of the mountainous Peninsula Peloponnes (i.e. Pelops Island). According to legend, this seizure was justified by some rights of the Dorian princes on Argolid, the area on Peloponnese, the rights that came to them from their herakelon, Hercules. Under the command of the three leaders, reinforcing on the way by Etolian crowds, they invaded Peloponnese. Etolians were assieved in the northeast of the Peninsula on the plains and the hills of ELIDA; Three separate crowds of Doriytsev over a certain period of time are seized by all the rest of the peninsula, except for the Arkady in the center of its mountainous country and thus are based on three Dorian communities - Argolida, Lacon, Messia, With some impurity conquered by the Dorians of the Ahasey tribe, originally lived here. And winners, and defeated - two different tribes, not two different people - formed here some similarity of a small state. Part of the Ahetsev in Laconia, who did not have their enslavement, rushed to the Ionian settlements of the northeast coast of Peloponnese under the Corinth Gulf. The ionians displaced from here were evaporated on the eastern outskirts of Central Greece, the Attika. Soon after that Dorians tried to move to the north and penetrate the attic, but this attempt was failed, and they had to be able to peloponnese. But the attic, not particularly fertile, could not bear too much overflow by the population. It led to new evictions for the Aegean Sea, in Malaya Asia. Migrants occupied the middle bankway there and founded a well-known number of cities - Millet, Mults, prince, Ephesus, Kolofon, Lebedos, Eritri, TEOS, Clauses, and the only combustrialists began to gather for annual festivities on one of the Cycladic Islands, Delome For which the legends of Ellini indicate as the place of birth of the solar god Apollo. Southwested shores from those engaged in Ionians, as well as the South Islands of Rhodes and Crete were settled by the Dorian tribe migrants; The terrain towards the North - Ahetis and others. Name itself Ealide This locality received precisely from the multirud and diversity of its population, for which the famous family of the national team was the island of Lesbos.

During this period of persistent struggle, the tribes, which put the foundation of the subsequent device of the individual states of Greece, the spirit of Ellinov found an expression in heroic songs - this is the first flower of Greek poetry, and this poetry is already very early, in the X-IX centuries. BC E., reached the highest degree of development in Homere, who managed to create two large epic works from individual songs. In one of them, he chased the anger of Achilles and his consequences, in the other - the return of Odyssey home from distant wanderings, and in both of these works he was brilliantly and expressed all the youthful freshness of the remote heroic period of Greek life.

Homer. Lateant bust.

The original is kept in the Capitol Museum.

About his personal life is unknown; Only his name is saved reliably. Several significant cities of the Greek world challenged each other honor to be called the birthday of Homer. Many can be confused by the expression "People's Poet" often used in relation to Homer, and meanwhile, its poetic works were already created, apparently, for the chosen, noble public, for the Lord, if you can express it. He is excellent with all sides of the life of this higher class, whether he describes hunting or martial arts, helmet or other weapons, in everything is visible. With an amazing skill and knowledge based on the dorms of observation, he draws separate characters from this higher circle.

Palace's throne hall in Pilos, the capital of the legendary Homeric Tsar Nestor.

Modern reconstruction

But this higher estate, described by Homer, was not at all closed byulates; The chapter of this class stood the king, which ruled the small area in which he was the main landowner. Below this class was a layer of free farmers or artisans, who were treated to warriors for a while, and everyone had their own common cause, common interests.

Mycenae, the legendary capital of Tsar Agamemnon, the reconstruction of the initial type and plan of the fortress:

A. Lion Gate; V. Bar; S. Wall supporting the terrace; D. Playground leading to the palace; E. Circle of burial found by Schliman; F. Palace: 1 - entrance; 2 - location for the guard; 3 - entrance to propylene; 4 - Western portal; 5 - Northern Corridor: 6 - Southern Corridor; 7 - Western pass; 8 - big yard; 9 - staircase; 10 - throat hall; 11 - receiving room: 12-14 - portico, large receiving room, Megaron: G. Fundam of the Greek sanctuary; N. Black input.

Lion gate in mycken.

The courtyard courtyard of the Palace in Mixes. Modern reconstruction.

An important feature of life during this time is the absence of closely cohesive estates, there is no separate estate of priests; Different layers of the people were still close to each other and understood each other, which is why these poetic works, even if they were originally intended for the highest class, soon became the property of all the people as the true fruit of his self-awareness. Homer learned from his people the ability to curb and artistically die his fantasy, just as he inherited from him the legends about his gods and heroes; But, on the other hand, he managed to clothe these legends in such a bright artistic form that he forever left the seal of his personal genius on them.

We can say that since the time of Homer, the Greek people became clearer and more clearly to imagine their gods in the form of separate, separate personalities, in the form of certain creatures. The chambers of the gods at the impregnable top of Olympus, the highest of the gods of Zeus, the great deities coming to him - the spouse of his gera, proud, passionate, grumpling; The darkwheld God of the Seas Poseidon, whoars land and stunning her; The god of the Underworld Aid; Hermes - the ambassador of the gods; Ares; Aphrodite; Demeter; Apollo; Artemis; Athena; God of fire Hephaest; The motley crowd of gods and spirits of the sea depths and mountains, sources, rivers and trees, - the whole world thanks to Homer was embodied alive, individual forms that were easily assimilated by the people's presentation and easily enjoyed the poets and artists in tactile form. And all expressed applied not only to religious ideas, to the views on the world of the gods ... and the people in the same way definitely characterizes the poetry of Homer, and, opposing characters, draws poetic images - the noble young man, a royal husband, a hype-free senior, - moreover, that these Human images: Achilles, Agamemnon, Nestor, Diomed, Odyssey forever remained the property of Ellini, like their deities.

Miking time warriors. Reconstruction M. V. Gorelika.

It was necessary to look like the heroes of the Homerovsky epic. From left to right: warrior in wheelchair armor (by find from mycken); Infantryman (in drawing on a vase); Cavalist (painting from Pilos Palace)

The dome-shalomb in mycken, excavated by Schliman and called the "tomb of the atrides"

Such a literary heritage of all the people, how "Iliad" and "Odyssey" became in a short time for the Greeks, to Homer, as far as known, nowhere else has ever happened. We should not forget that these works, predominantly transmitted orally, were pronounced, not readable, which is why they seem to be still heard and felt freshness of live speech.

The position of the lowest classes of society. Gesiod

We should not forget that poetry is not reality and that the reality of the remote era for most those who were neither king, nor anymore, was very harsh. The strength then replaced the right: Little people lived badly even where the kings belonged to their subjects with the deceive softness, and the notable stood for their people. A simple man has exposed his life to his life in the war, which was conducted because of this case, which directly and personally did not concern him. If he had kidnapped him everywhere after a sea robber, he died a slave on a foreign land and he was not a return to his homeland. This reality, in relation to the life of ordinary people, described another poet, Gesiod - Direct opposite to Homer. This poet lived in the Beotic Village at the foot of the Helikon, and his "works and days" went around the farmer, as he should have been treated during the north and harvest, as it was necessary to cover the ears from the cold wind and malicious morning mist.

Vase with warriors. Mycena XIV-XVI1I centuries. BC e.

Harvest harvest holiday. An image from a chernofigure vessel VII. BC e.

He warmly rebels against all noble people, complains of them, arguing that in that iron age they could not find any councils, and very much compares them, in relation to the lower layer of the population, with the KORSHUM, who in his claws will carry the nightingale.

But no matter how large these complaints were, it was still a big step forward in the fact that as a result of all these movements and wars, certain states were formed everywhere with a small territory, urban centers, states with certain, although harsh for the lower layer of legal orders.

Greece in the VII-VI centuries. BC e.

Of these, in the European part of the Ellinsky world, which was given the opportunity to develop freely, without any external, ingenic influence, was sublined to the greatest value of two states: Sparta On Peloponnese I. Athens In Central Greece.

Image of plowing and sowing on a black v/ of vulcia. VII century BC e.

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16.2. The victory of Ellinov with the placas and taking by Poles of the city of Polotsk and the fortresses around him according to Herradoni, the famous and experienced Persian commander of Mardonius, one of the nearest Cerksats, was abandoned by the king as commander-in-chief of the Persian Ariřard

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Chapter XIV. The struggle of Western Ellinov for freedom is even more persistent than the metropolis, needed to restore the order of the Greek West. Since Dion crushed Dionysius's power, here the internecial war did not stop. Finally, as we have seen, Dioniria managed again

But in this plan, the East is just another model, another model of life, another model of behavior, and it is not known what is better. After all, even the modern European civilization is not so old, it is not so ancient. But, for example, Chinese civilization has four thousand years of continuous development - continuous, without shocks, without changes in ethnic composition. And here Europe, which in essence will begin its history, ethnic history, from the era of the resettlement of peoples, looks not so ancient. Not to mention the Americans who have this whole story of 200 years, since they did not consider the story of the people who destroyed the history of the Indians to be part of their history.

No need to forget that in addition to Europe there is a huge surrounding world, which is as interesting and peculiar. And if it is not impaired, it does not mean that it is worse. In this regard, again, it is necessary to imagine what was the attitude of the Greeks (the first lectures will be in Greece, so we will talk about the Greeks) to the world. I wonder if they considered themselves Europeans and did they think that they would be considered a basis on which European civilization would arise? So, for the Greeks, and later for the Romans (well, with a certain modification), there will be a very clear representation of dividing on "their" and "strangers": Hellenes and Varvara.

Who are Ellina?

Ellina - These are those who relate to the circle of Greek culture. This is not an Ellina by origin. No matter who you are by origin. Ellin is a person who speaks Greek, who worships the Greek gods, which leads a Greek lifestyle. And in this regard, again it was indicative that the Greeks had no concept of nationality. Then we will say that a citizen's concept is developed for the first time, the concept of civil status, but again, not the concept of nationality.

In this regard, the Greeks were the people very susceptible. That is why it is possible to explain as fast and dynamic development of their culture. Many of the so-called Greeks in an ethnic plan of not Greek origin. Fales by tradition - Fitniec, that is, on a quarter, at the same time, a representative of the Maja Mother of Karia, Fucdide for Mother Frakian. And many other wonderful representatives of Greek culture were not Greeks on origin. Or here is one of the seven wise men (seven wise men, the selection was hard), a daughty Scythian, Anakharsis, and it is believed that he belongs to the circle of Greek culture. And, by the way, it is he who owns one saying, which is so relevant, say, in our country, in our world. It was he who said that the law was like a web: weak and poor will get stuck, and strong and rich will break through. Well, what is it not the Ellen wisdom, Allensky, but he is a Scythian.

So for the Greeks (and then they will settle around the whole Mediterranean and the Successory) of the Greek Hellen, the man of their culture was considered and, regardless of nationality. And all that do not belong to culture do not speak Greek, they are all barbarians. Moreover, at that moment, the word "Barbarus" (this is a purely Greek word) was not negative, it is just a person of another culture. And that's it. And again, any barbarian can become a representative of the Ellin culture, can become Hellen. There is nothing wrong with that

Therefore, they have in the world and there were no such problems as, for example, religious distribution or distribution on the national character, although the Greeks fought all the time, they were very troubled by the people. They fought perfectly for other reasons.

Herodotes, Fuchdide, Paros Marble, Apollodor were placed there. However, Aristotle suffers an ancient Ellad to Epirus. According to Ed. Meyer, expressed in the work of "Geschichte des Altertums" (II T., Stuttgart, 1893), in the prehistoric period of the Greeks, which occupied Epirus, were ousted from there to Fessel and moved to new lands and former tribal and regional names.

Later, genealogical poetry (starting from Gesida) created an eponym of the Hellensky tribe of Hellen, making him the son of Genkalion and Pierry, who survived the Great Local Flood and those who were considered by the hedgeons of the Greek people. The same genealogical poetry created in the face of Brother Ellin, the Amphikion, the eponym of the Fermopyl-Dolphic amphitia. Members of the amphiki, connecting themselves by origin with the magicians, were accustomed to call themselves by Ellians and distributed this name in Northern and Central Greece, and the Dorians moved him to Peloponnese.

In the VII century BC, concreteral concepts of barbarians and Polelinov, it was mostly in the east, but this last name was supposed to be intended by the name of Ellinov, which united all the tribes that spoke in Greek, with the exception of Macedonian, who lived a separate life.

As nationwide name name ellina It is found for the first time in the VIII century BC of the archite and in the Gesiodow Catalog.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

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    Greeks. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Ellina Ancient Greeks, as they called themselves. A full dictionary of foreign words included in Russian. Popov M., 1907 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (Greek Hellenes), self-sizing the Greeks ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (Greek. Hellenes) Samupporting the Greeks ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Hellena, s, units. IN, A, M. Self-sizing the Greeks (more often of the classical era). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (insengnev). For the first time with the name of the Ellinines of a small tribe, who lived in South Fessiona in the valley of Eniyme, Apidan, and others. Peny's tributaries, we meet Homer: E., together with Aheians and Mimmidonians, are mentioned here as a subject of Achilla, inhabiting ... ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

    ellina - Ellina, s, units. h. Ellin, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Ellina - (Greek Hellenes), self-sizing Greeks. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    S; MN. [Greek. Hellēnes] 1. Samulation of the Greeks. ● For the first time, the term Ellina for the designation of the Greeks is found at the poet of archite (7th century BC). 2. Ancient Greeks. ◁ Ellin, A; m. Ellinka, and; MN. Rod. Nok, dates. NAC; g. Ellinsky, Aya, Oe. E Aya speech. Eh ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ellina - (Greek. Hellenes) self-sizing the Greeks spreading in antiquity. For the first time, this word is found in Homer, however, in relation to only one tribe, which settled a small region in South Afladia; Aristotle localizes it in ... ... Antique world. Dictionary-directory.

    ellina - s; MN. (Greek. Héllēnes) see the DJ. Ellin, Ellinka, Allensky 1) self-calfs of the Greeks. For the first time, the term Ellina for the designation of the Greeks is found at the poet of archite (7th century BC). 2) Ancient Greeks ... Dictionary of many expressions


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  • King Herod the Great. The embodiment of the impossible (Rome, Judea, Ellina), Vikovich V.L. The book of the famous St. Petersburg scientist V. L. Vikhovich is dedicated to life and works of the last Jewish king, Herod of the Great (73-4 years. BC), whose name is due to the reference to ...