The most popular writers of modernity in the world. The best modern books

The most popular writers of modernity in the world. The best modern books
The most popular writers of modernity in the world. The best modern books

A good book is much more than a way to "kill time." Wanting to get acquainted with the unusual worlds, mysterious and strong characters and incredible adventures, the reader is worth a closer look at the work of the most popular modern writers. Below are the most bright and famous works. recent decades - top 10 best modern books !

1. 11/22/63 (Stephen King)

He heads our list of the best modern books Sci-fantastic Roman Stephen King 11/22/63. The first publication of the work took place in 2011.

The murder of J. F. Kennedy became one of the strongest tragedies of the American society. Popular policies shot right during a huge parade in front of thousands of Americans. Can I save the president? Amazing but the answer to this issue To learn simple teacher! Jake Epping is an ordinary resident of a small town who works at school and does not differ much from thousands of his fellow citizens. However, the Will of Fate It is his chance to go through the temporary portal, which is located in the caféside at his long-time friend El. The owner of the device has long wanted to find Kennedy's killer, but the disease upset all the plans, so Jake must replace it! Go back, straight in the 60s, live there for several years, calculate the future executioner and stop it on the day of the terrible tragedy! Can he change the course of history and generally go back?

2. American gods (Neil Geiman)

"American gods" - one of the best modern fantasy books, which was written english writer Neil Gamean in 2001.

America. The refuge of a huge number of migrants from all over the world. In search of the best fraction, people went to an unknown continent, hoping to get a job there and gain long-awaited happiness. However, they traveled not alone: \u200b\u200beveryone visiting the guest is a piece of part native culture. Gods, beliefs, rituals, customs - this is true luggage of immigrants! Will different deities be able to get along together and what does such a neighborhood promulit? To find out this shadow, the chief hero, recently released from prison. Once at freedom, he gets straight into a series of strange events and mysterious crimes that need to be unraveling.

3. Running over the wind (Hosseini Chalated)

Closes the top of the best book of the modern American writer Halad Hossaine. The work has appeared in 2003.

What is real friendship? Sometimes it turns out to be very difficult to answer this question. It is much easier for children. Amir and Hassan - two absolutely different boywhich is related to real friendship. Here is just one of them is an aristocrat, and the second is a poor servant! Suites from different social layers, they do not pay attention to the differences that are so important for adults. Playing, joking, sharing secrets and impressions, experiencing failures and knowing the sorrow of the boy gradually grow up, and their friendship only becomes stronger. Once there are serious changes in the country that will test them for strength and scatter friends to different sides. Can child friendship be survived?

4. Ice and Fire Song (George Martin)

The song of ice and fire is one of the most famous and best modern books in the fantasy genre. This is a whole series of works, consisting of five already published volumes. Two more books in the project. The first publication took place in 1996. The book was particularly popular after the release of the series "The Game of Thrones", filmed by the HBO television channel on its motives.

A unique fantasy world inhabit not good fairies and merry gnomes. This is the world of several powerful powers that are desperately fighting for nothing. Their goal is the throne of Westeros. Their funds are weapons, goats, murders and meat. The Palace of Waiteros is filled with sleek and greedy people who crave to capture the throne at any cost. There is no longer place for honesty and nobility. Arriving serious intrigues and organizing coups, conspirators will make everything that break the situation in the kingdom. However, it is worthwhile not only by them, because the cunning rulers of neighboring states either do not mind to grab the "lackmark" during the cruel and blind trouble! The real war is getting for power, ready to bury the old order forever.

5. House in which ... (Mariam Petrosyan)

"A house in which ..." is an interesting modern fantastic novel of the Armenian writer Mariam Petrosyan, published in 2009.

On the edge of the city there is a boarding house for abandoned children. This old and gray place seems very unlucky and sullen, but everything is not so easy ... hitting inside, a person can discover new, unusual world in which more kindness and light than on bright urban streets. Pupils of the house are divided into groups, each of which has its own leader. There are no names and surnames - only bright clicks. There are many unknown and very little familiar. These are miniature societies with their vices and dignity. Children will know the world, an adult, changing and trying to find their place in it.

6. Book Troop (Marcus Zuzak)

"Book Thief" - exciting modern Roman Australian writer, written in 2006.

Lizel Memingger - Little german girlwhose childhood fell on a truly monstrous time. In 1939, the Nazi regime reached his heyday, destroying recurrent and preparing to enslave the world. Horror, murder, robbery and terror became daily satellites of the life of those who have not satisfied new power. After the death of her husband, Frau Memingman moves, trying to find a calmer corner for his daughter. But in vain ... looking around the sides, Lizel sees the creative chaos with the eyes of an innocent child who does not understand this cruel and strange world Adults. The fast adult she has to learn a lot and rethink.

7. Disappeared (Gillian Flynn)

The "disappeared" is one of the best modern books in the triller genre. The work was published in 2012 and became the basis of the movie of the same name.

How hard it happens to know a person, even if you lived with him long years! An unusual incident turns the fate of the main character when his spouse suddenly disappears. During the rapid celebration of the anniversary of their weddings, the woman mysteriously disappears. The arrived police detects blood and footprints, deciding that the man killed his spouse and hid her body. Now a confused man remains to unravel this incredible puzzle. Who knows, can the random will be even more monstrous than the disappearance itself ...

8. Cloud Atlas (David Mitchell)

The novel "Cloud Atlas" was written in 2004 by the English writer. His plot is sophisticated weave Stories and fate, which at first glance does not bind anything. American lawyer stuck on a tropical island at the time of repair of the ship; Young English musician, forced to trade with music and body to earn a piece of bread; Brave California journalist fighting against a powerful corporation; London publisher, facing criminals after the release of the next bestseller; Kone from Korean Anti-Utopia and Hawaiian Old Man, whoars the Sunset of Human Civilization. All events and characters pass sophisticated way in different times Gradually intertwining together.

9. When I was real (Tom McCarthy)

Roman Tom McCarthy "When I was hereby" continues our top 10 of the best modern books.

Sudden catastrophe changed life young man, crossed his past. It turns out in a long coma, from which he, fortunately, is able to get out. But such a long process did not pass without a trace: now he needs to learn to live again. Walk, move, work with your hands and talk. All past life Comes in the form of blurry memories, and the hero wants to return itself to the previous one. Moreover, a kind of large corporation is ready to pay huge money to him to leave the reason for the incident that happened. How are they connected? What happened that day? And how to become fully the same?

10. AnaFem (Neil Stevenson)

And completes the top ten of the best modern scientific fiction book "AnaFem", written by the American writer Nil Stevenson in 2008.

Arb - distant and mysterious planetleaving the land. People who worship science live here. Science, which completely replaced religion and managed to split society into two irreconcilable camps. The keepers of science are monks that were once scientists. They once worked and worked for the benefit of progress, but their work led to something terrible. Now the monks live in the abode, closing from external, secular world. Their life is simple, calm and measured, but once in ten years there comes a special date - the day when two parties can change places. Monks will see the outside world, and secular people They will be able to join the monastic life and worldview. Once such a change led to terrifying consequences, and now two parties need to be united to prevent an impending catastrophe!

Looking for what to read? This problem It is relevant as for those who rarely read and for avid book. There are always such moments when I want to discover something new: find an interesting author Or get acquainted with an unusual genre for yourself.

If your favorite authors have not released new works for a long time or you are just new to literary world, our site will help you find the best modern writers. It has long been known that when choosing reading great way Always were the recommendations of friends or acquaintances. You can always start with the best writersTo work out your own taste and understand your literary preferences. However, if your friends do not read or your tastes will drastically differ, you can use the site of the bookstart.

Identify the most popular book authors

It is here that everyone can leave a review about the book read, put it with an assessment, thereby constituting a special list " Self popular writers " Of course, the final verdict always remains yours, however, if many people consider the work of good, there is a chance that it will appeal to you.

This section contains popular modern writers who received the highest assessment from resource users. A convenient interface will help you to figure out the literature and will be the first step to structure the whole immense world in my head.

The best authors of books: Choose your

On our site you can not only be guided by the opinion of others about the best authors booksBut also make your contribution to the formation and filling of this list. It is very simple. Vote for the authors who consider ingenious, and subsequently they will also be included in the top of popular writers. Acquish people to beautiful with us! Popular authors Books are waiting for you!

In the composition of the jury 'The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books' under the leadership of the NEW York Times, such famous writers as: Jonathan Franzen, recognized by the Times magazine the best American novelist, the author of the novel "Children of the Emperor" Claire Mesrad, Joyce Carol Outs, famous American novelist, and many others. Writers made up lists of 10 the best novels and writers, examined 544 headers. The novels received points from 1 to 10.

Ten the greatest writers All times, according to the total number of points scored:

1. Lion Tolstoy - 327

One of the most well-known Russian writers and thinkers, revered as one of the greatest writers of the world. Member of the Defense of Sevastopol.
The writer, recognized during the lifetime of the head of Russian literature, whose creativity marked a new stage in the development of Russian and world realism, becoming a kind of bridge between traditions classical Romana XIX century and literature of the 20th century.
The most famous works of Tolstoy, as the novels "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection", autobiographical trilogy "Childhood", "adolescence", "Youth", the story "Cossacks", "Death of Ivan Ilich", "Creichera Sonata", "Haji Murat", the cycle of essays " Sevastopol stories", Drama" Live Corpse "and" Power of Darkness ", Autobiographical Religious Philosophical Works" Confession "and" What is my faith? " and etc.

2. William Shakespeare - 293

The English poet and the playwright, often considered the greatest English-language writer and one of the best playwrights of the world. It is often referred to as the National Poet of England. Recessed to us work, including some written in conjunction with other authors, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, 4 poems and 3 epitaphy. Pieces of Shakespeare are translated into all major languages \u200b\u200band are placed more often than works by other playwrights.
Most of the work of Shakespeare was written in the period from 1589 to 1613. His early plays Basically refer to comedies and chronicles in which Shakespeare has succeeded significantly. Then, in his work, the period of tragedies, including the works of "Hamlet", King Lire, Othello and Macbeth, who are considered one of the best ones english language. At the end of his work, Shakespeare wrote several tragicomedies, and also collaborated with other writers.

3. James Joyce - 194

Irish writer and poet, representative of modernism, Joyce has greatly influenced world culture. He and in our time remains one of the most widely read by English-speaking prosaikov. In 1998, Modern Library published a list of "100 best novels of the newest library", in which all three novels James Joyce got: "Ulysses" (number 1 in the list), "Portrait of an artist in youth" (number 3) and "Pomping by Finnegano "(Number 77). In 1999, Time magazine included a writer in the list of "100 heroes and idols of the 20th century," saying that Joyce carried out a whole revolution. Ulysses was named "Demonstration and summing up under all modern motion [Modernism]. "

4. Vladimir Nabokov - 190

Russian I. american writer, poet, translator and entomologist.

The works of Nabokov are characterized by a complex literary technique, deep analysis of the emotional state of characters in combination with unpredictable, sometimes almost a triller plot. Among the most famous samples of creativity Nabokov can be noted the novels "Masha", "Protection of Luzin", "invitation to execution", "Dar". Fame of the general public has received a writer after entering the light of the scandalous novel "Lolita", according to which several decrees were subsequently made (1962, 1997).

5. Fedor Dostoevsky - 177

One of the most significant and famous Russian writers and thinkers in the world. Dostoevsky's work had a great influence on Russian and world culture. Literary heritage The writer is estimated in different ways both at home and abroad. In the West, where Dostoevsky's novels are popular since the beginning of the twentieth century, his work has had a significant impact on such generally liberal movements as existentialism, expressionism and surrealism. The forerunner of existentialism see it many literary critics. However, Dostoevsky is usually assessed abroad, first of all, as an outstanding writer and psychologist, while his ideology is ignored or almost completely rejected.

Modern writers also write books that criticism recognize if not masterpieces of literature, then very good and interesting worksworthy of its popularity. Talk about some of these authors.

Modern foreign writers

Modern writers And their works are not only Yanush Vishnevsky or Saga "Twilight". We have chosen top-5 foreign authors recognized worldwide, whose popularity really corresponds to the content of their creativity.

Haruki Murakov - one of of the most famous writers modernity as well japanese translator. Books Murakami often describe modern tragedy In total mankind - loneliness. The themes of love and death, time and memory, nature of evil, traveling to the uncharted and changes in traditional Japanese society are also affected in the works.

A feature of creativity Murakami is an interesting mixing of styles in the works, where it uses the elements of a detective, then anti-nightopias, or even science fiction.

You can start your acquaintance with the work of Haruki Murakami with the novel "Country of Miracles without brakes and the end of the world." There are two at once scene lines, the relationship between which is not found right away. This is a book about immortality, about the consciousness and subconscious, perhaps the most mysterious and mysterious among the writer's books, which, nevertheless, can be read on one breath.

The best modern writers will not cost without this name in their list, because Stephen King in the field of literature - the figure is truly noteworthy. It was Stephen who dubbed the king of horrors, because in his genre he is considered really the best of the best. King's name is known worldwide, his books are always successfully sold, and films by his works are chosen among the best and users of Runet, and foreign ("Escape from Schown", "Green Mile" and others).

He began to write in this genre still in adolescence. Characters of works are ordinary peopleWith which, however, begins to occur from a series of outgoing and stinging history. Although not everyone knows that Stephen King writes not only in the style of horror - from under the author's pen and westerns, and historical fiction.

Choose best book King is perhaps it is impossible, but one of the most famous (in particular, thanks to the popular film simulation with Jack Nicholson, which King himself was not very pleased) can be called "radiance."

Roman tells about the writer, who settled to work as a guard for the winter in the distant mountain hotel "Overluk" and came there together with his family - his wife and little son. Psychic abilities The boy helps him understand that the hotel is inhabited by ghosts, and terrifying things are creating in it, but even more terrible how it affects its inhabitants and in which monster is able to turn even a loving father.

About ten years ago no one even heard about such a writer as Dan BrownBut now this name rattles the whole world. After releasing the book "Code of Da Vinci", the writer hardly assumed that he would be to wait such a deafening success.

Dan Brown was born in the family of professor of mathematics and the musician, and since childhood he loved to solve riddles, solve puzzles and collect puzzles. Years later, this tendency, as well as interest in religion and philosophy let him start writing career, And subsequently, and create one of the most published and popular books in the world.

Actually the main character "Da Vinci's code," Robert Langdon, already appeared in the novel "Angels and Demons", written by Brown in 2000, but the circulation was not great enough and did not pay public attention to the writer's person.

The abundance of secret messages, mystical ciphers and signs instantly attracted readers of the whole world, even though the church began to protest against this novel, and critics began to marvel inaccuracies. After entering the light of "Da Vinci's code", it was possible to compare, perhaps only with the release of books Joan Rowling about Harry Potter.

After the release of "Coda Vinci" even began to talk about the appearance of a new genre - an intellectual detective. The latter released on this moment Brown's book "Inferno" logically continues the story started in previous Romacles author.

Most recently, the young American author in the genre of Young-Adult Fiction (books for young people) John Green is among the modern writers.

In 2006 he won literary Prize under title The Michael L. Printz Award for your first novel "In Search of Alaska", and the most last book Green "Blame Stars" became a Bestseller number one in the USA. This novel and the other, " Paper cities"Was shielded in Hollywood, and Green spoke invited screenwriter of both films.

Roman-bestseller "Star to blame" tells the story of Heisel, a girl of sixteen years, which has long been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She visits a support group with the same pool guys, and at one of the sessions meets Newly named Ogastus. They fall in love with each other, but what do they expect them next? Read this book if you want to know why she choose teenagers for reading than she hooked thousands of readers and brought John Green such a fame.

Prize winner of the Somerset Moem for the Assembly short stories "First love, last anointing" and a six-time nominee for a bucker premium, one of the best writers of his generation, and at the same time one of the most controversial.

Known mainly as amelist and author short stories, Macuen also wrote three television plays published under the "imitation", children's book, libretto "or to die?", Scenario for the film "Lunch Pahar" and the successful film adaptation of the Novoti Mo "Syllo-Sweet".

Macuen's creativity is concentrated on the topic of human misunderstanding, the inability of a person to sympathy, empathy, the reluctance to put himself at someone else and feel responsible for the suffering of the other.

The most famous book of Macuan - "Atonement", written in 2001, which will tell about how the slightest misunderstanding can lead to tragic consequences. The popularization of the novel contributed to the rather accurate film release of 2007 with Kira Knightley and James McEevoy starring.

Modern Russian writers

It is worth mentioning by domestic literature - There are modern Russian writers whose works should please fans to read. Here are some of them.

Victor Pelevin

Modern writers In Russia now multiply like mushrooms after the rain, but for many years already at the top of the honor, Viktor Pelievin is worth. During its own creative activity He was awarded numerous prizes, and FRENCH Magazine magazine recognized Pelevin one of the thousands of most influential cultural figures World.

The popularity of Pelevig's creativity is great even abroad, and almost all of its works are translated into the main languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Combining the reality, irronyality and deep philosophy, who fonds by the eastern mysticism, Pelevin managed to interest his fiction magazine creativity, especially the youth. It often uses in his books and plots from mythology.

You can start a familiarity with Pelevin with one of the most famous works - "Generation" P ". Few people managed to portray modern consumer society, the strength of advertising and the cult of objects, when the first and most importantly, what people seek themselves to surround themselves, are things.

Boris Akunin

The real name of this writer, literary critic and Japan - Grigory Chhartishvili. And although the works of the author were often criticized by art historians and philologists, the popularity of Boris Akunin on the domestic literary arena is very large.

Akunin's works are translated into 35 other languages, and some of them are even decrees, and some as a result can be called one of the best modern Russian films.

SAME famous books This writer are books from the "Adventures of Erast Fandorin" cycle, written in the style of a historic detective. From the very beginning it will be difficult not to focus with a decisive, bold and smart chief hero, not to mention the adventures awaiting him further.

Under this bright pseudonym, an artist and philologist Svetlana Martynik hides (and at first it was Tandem Svetlana as the author of texts with the artist Igor Stepinin, who is the author of many ideas). The first cycle of writer books was released back in 1996, but the identity of the author was held secretly as well as 2001.

Initially, readers often attracted exactly the pseudonym and mysterious person writer, and subsequently, the content itself also invariably. Original Plots of Books, Amazing Realistic fantastic worlds, curious copyright philosophy and the special style of writing Max Frya adds more people to the army of devotees of the writer every year more people.

The first and so far the biggest success for Max Frya became the cycle of eleven books, united common title "EXO labyrinths", which tells about the adventures of the alter-ego of the author - Sir Max - in parallel world. These books were translated into English, German, Spanish, Czech, Lithuanian and Swedish.

If you want to dispel, raise yourself the mood and plunge into a completely new magic world, then try to take up these books - and easy, pleasant reading you are provided.

And what modern children's writers will like children and adolescents - find out from the following video: