When Dostoevsky lived. Fedor Dostoevsky - biography, information, personal life

When Dostoevsky lived. Fedor Dostoevsky - biography, information, personal life
When Dostoevsky lived. Fedor Dostoevsky - biography, information, personal life

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (Dorv. Ѳ Dead Mikhailovich Dostoevskiy). Born on October 30 (November 11) of 1821 in Moscow - died on January 28 (February 9) of 1881 in St. Petersburg. Great Russian writer, thinker, philosopher and publicist.

Dostoevsky is a classic of Russian literature and one of the best novelists of world importance.

The works of Dostoevsky occupy a worthy place in the treasury of worldwide literature, the "Brothers of the Karamazov" are among the 100 greatest novels of all time. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy since 1877.

On the line of Father Fedor Mikhailovich came from the noblery of Dostoevsky, leading his beginning from 1506. The biographer of the writer L. I. Saraskina notes that Dostoevsky did not know his such ancient pedigree. The genealogy of Dostoevsky began to engage in the widow of the writer only after his death.

The grandfather of the writer F. M. Dostoevsky Andrei Grigorievich Dostoevsky (1756 - CIRCA 1819) served as uniatsky, later - the Orthodox priest in the village of Vinchovets near Nemirov (now Vinnitsa region of Ukraine). Father, Mikhail Andreevich (1787-1839), he studied at the Moscow branch of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy, served in the Borodino Infantry Regiment, a resident in the Moscow Military Hospital, Stamar in the Mariinskaya Hospital of the Moscow Educational House (in a hospital for the poor, known as the Female ). Mother of the writer, Maria Fedorovna Nechaeva (1800-1837), was the daughter of Moscow merchant III Guild of Fyodor Timofeevich Nechaeva (1769-1832), which took place from the city of Borovsk Kaluga province.

In 1827, M. A. Dostoevsky for excellent service and service was produced in the rank of college assessor, which gave the right to the hereditary nobility. Later, in 1829, for the zealous service was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree, and in 1832 he was awarded the rank of the surviving adviser and the Order of St. Anne 2nd ("Anna on the neck").

Despite the fact that in 1857, F. M. Dostoevsky returned the right of the nobility, after the revolution of 1917, the status belonging to the writer was determined by the concepts of a traded or a difference. The article on the Dostoevsky Lunacharsky writer is presented in particular as the "dilapidated intention", which sought to "moral extermination of the revolution."

In 1831, Mikhail Andreevich acquired a small village of Giver in the Kashirsk district of the Tula province, and in 1833 and the neighboring village of Cheremoshni (Chermashne), where in 1839, according to rumors, was killed his own serfs.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born on October 30 (November 11) of 1821 in Moscow, and was the second son from eight children of the family. The younger sister love died in 1829 shortly after birth, when the future writer was 7 years old.

F. M. Dostoevsky recalled that his "father and mother were people poor and workers." Despite the poverty of the Father, Dostoevsky received excellent education and education, for which all his life was grateful to parents. It was taught his mother on the book "One hundred and four sacred history of the Old and New Testament". In the novel "Brothers Karamazov", the old man of Zosima says that on this book he as a child learned to read. The Biblical Book of Job was a big impression on the child. Subsequently, the reflection of the writer about the Book of Job was used when working on the novel "Teenager".

From ornamental years, and then especially at Katorga, where Dostoevsky could read the new covenant of the publication of 1823, donated with the wives of the Decembrists, the Gospel became the main book in the life of the writer.

Since 1831, the family began to leave Moscow for the summer in his humble estate, where F. M. Dostoevsky met the peasants and found out Russian village. It was then, in the first departure, the scared boy of Fyodor reassured the graying pahar. Dostoevsky described his memory of this scene in the story of the "Many Mare" in the "Writer's Diary".

According to the writer, childhood was the best sometimes in his life. Father trained the older brothers Latin. At the end of his home training, Fedor Dostoevsky, together with the elder brother, Mikhail, has studied French in the half board of the Ekaterininsky and Aleksandrovsky schools of N. I. Drashusov, whose son A. N. Drashusov gave brothers of mathematics lessons, and the other son (V.N. Drashus) taught their literature.

From 1834 to 1837, Mikhail and Fedor Dostoevsky studied at the prestigious Moscow boarding house L. I. Chermak.

When Dostoevsky was 16 years old, his mother died from Chakhotka, and his father sent the older sons, Fedor and Mikhail (later also became a writer), in Pension K. F. Kostomarov in St. Petersburg to prepare for admission to the engineering school.

1837 became an important date for Dostoevsky. This is the year of the death of his mother, the year of the death of Pushkin, whose creativity he (like his brother) was read from childhood, a year of moving to St. Petersburg and receipts to the main engineering school.

Mikhail and Fedor Dostoevsky wanted to engage in literature, but his father believed that the writer's work would not be able to provide the future of older sons, and insisted on their receipt to the engineering school, the service at the end of which guaranteed material well-being. In the "writer's diary" Dostoevsky recalled, as on the way to St. Petersburg with his brother "We dreamed about poetry and about poets", "And I continuously composed a novel from Venetian life."

The mysterious death of Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky in 1839 is still discussing discussions among the biographers of the writer. There are two versions of his death. According to the official version, the Father of the writer died in the field from the apoplexic strike. Another version is based on rumors: M. A. Dostoevsky killed her own fortress guys. Both versions are described in detail by Biographer Dostoevsky L. I. Saraskina.

Researchers who adhere to the murder versions refer to the memories of the younger brother of the writer Andrei Mikhailovich.

The motive of the fatherland as a public retribution pops up on the pages of the Roman "Brothers of the Karamazov": "Who does not want the death of the Father? .. - contemptuously throws Ivan Karamazov to the public who came to the courtroom, where is about to say Mitu. - Everyone wishes the death of the Father ... Do not be an idolism - everyone would be angry and evil ... "L. I. Saraskina writes that" Biographers who loved the legend of a broken drunk father would seem to me very disappointed and too " Invented evil, "because in recent years, materials speaking about the natural reasons for the death of Mikhail Dostoevsky-Elder were collected.

The death of the father made a hard and indelible impression on the young man. L. F. Dostoevskaya wrote: "Family legend says that with Dostoevsky, with the first news about the death of his father, the first seizure of epilepsy became. The French dictionary of Laaruss, referring to the memories of the writer D. V. Grigorovich, reports that the seizure of epilepsy happened 2 months after the death of his father. However, according to its own memoirs, D. V. Grigorovich follows that he witnessed a seizure (not Paduch) not in 1839, but much later - after the "secondary rapprochement with Dostoevsky", that is, in 1844 or 1845.

On January 26 (February 7), 1881, the sister of Dostoevsky Vera Mikhailovna came to the house to Dostoevsky to ask his brother to abandon his share of Ryazan estate that was inherited from the aunt A. F. Kumanina, in favor of the sisters. According to the story of the love of Fedorovna Dostoevskaya, there was a stormy scene with explanations and tears, after which Dostoevsky went blood to the throat. Perhaps this unpleasant conversation was the impetus to the exacerbation of his illness (emphysema) - in two days the writer died.

After the news of the death of Dostoevsky, the apartment was filled with crowds of the people who came to say goodbye to the Great Writer. Among the spoken there were a lot of young people. Artist I. N. Kramskaya wrote a pencil and a posterior portrait of a writer. I. N. Kramskaya managed to convey the feeling that captured in the memory of A. G. Dostoevskaya: "The face of the deceased was calm, and it seemed that he was not dead, but he sleeps and smiles in a dream someone recognized them now" Great Trend "." These words of the writer are reminded by lines from Dostoevsky's speech about: "Pushkin died in full development of his forces and undoubtedly took some great secret with him in the coffin. And now we are doing this mystery without it. "

The number of deputies exceeded the claimed number. The procession to the burial site stretched out on the mile. The coffin was carried on the hands. A. I. Palm, the first biographer of the writer O. F. Miller, P. A. Gaydeburov, K. N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, VL, performed on the grave of Dostoevsky. Solovyov, student D. I. Kozyrev, Student Pavlovsky, P. V. Bykov.

F. M. Dostoevsky was buried at the Tikhvin Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

Despite the fame that Dostoevsky gained at the end of his life, truly incredit, the worldwide glory came to him after death. In particular, he recognized that Dostoevsky was the only psychologist from whom he could learn something ("Twilight idols").

Family and close to Fedor Dostoevsky:

The grandfather of the writer Andrei Grigorievich Dostoevsky (1756 - CIRCA 1819) served as a Grekokatolic, later - the Orthodox priest in the village of Voinovtsov near Nemirov (now Vinnitsa region of Ukraine) (according to the pedigree - Archpriest G. Brazlav Podolsk province).

Father, Mikhail Andreevich (1787-1839), on December 11, 1802 he entered the Podolsk-Shargery seminary in Kamenets-Podolsk. At the Imperial Decree of August 5, 1809, 120 people are aimed at the Imperial Medical and Surgery Academy. From October 14, 1809 he studied at the Moscow branch of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy, on August 15, 1812 sent to the Moscow Golovinsky Hospital for the use of patients and wounded, August 5, 1813 Translated into Headquarters of the Borodino Infantry Regiment, April 29, 1818 was transferred to the Moscow Military Hospital, And a year later, on May 7, 1819 moved to the salary of the older gear.

In 1828, he received the noble rank of the nobleman of the Russian Empire, introduced into the 3rd part of the pedigree of the Moscow nobility with the right to use the ancient Polish coat of arms "Radvan", which belonged to Dostoevsky from 1577. He was a lame in the Mariinskaya hospital of the Moscow Educational House (that is, in a hospital for the poor, still known as the Female). In 1831, he acquired a small village of Green in the Kashirsk district of the Tula province, and in 1833 - and the neighboring village of Cheremoshni (Chermashne).

Mother Dostoevsky, Maria Fodorovna (1800-1837), was a daughter of a rich Moscow merchant 3 of the Guild of Nechaeva Fedor Timofeevich (OK. 1769) and Kotelnitskoy Barbara Mikhailovna (OK 1779 - Died from 1811 to 1815), 7 - and revisions (1811) the family of Nechavoy lived in Moscow, on the rawed Sloboda, in the Basmann part, the parish of Peter and Paul, in his house; After the war of 1812, the family lost most of the state. At 19, she married Mikhail Dostoevsky. She was, in the memoirs of children, a good mother and gave birth to four sons and four daughters in marriage (Fedor's son was the second child). M. F. Dostoevskaya died from Chakhotka. According to the researchers of the creativity of the Great Writer, the individual features of Mary Fedorovna were reflected in the images of Sophia Andreevna Dolgoruki ("Teenager") and Sophia Ivanovna Karamazova ("Brothers Karamazov").

Fedor Mikhailovich was the second child in the Dostoevsky family, in which, in addition to him, seven children were born:

Mikhail (1820-1864)
Varvara (1822-1893), in marriage of Karepina
Andrei (1825-1897)
Vera (1829-1896), in Marriage Ivanova
Love (1829-1829) - twin faith, died shortly after birth
Nikolay (1831- 1883)
Alexandra (1835-1889) in marriage Golenovskaya.

The elder brother of Dostoevsky Mikhail also became a writer, his work was noted by the influence of Fedor Mikhailovich, and their work on the magazine "Time" was carried out to a large extent together. Senior Dostoevsky brothers were tested close related and spiritual relationship. Mikhail's death became a huge and severe loss for the writer. F. M. Dostoevsky wrote a necrologist "a few words about Mikhail Mikhailovich Dostoevsky", took over the payment of debt and care for the family of brother.

The younger brother Andrei became an architect. F. M. Dostoevsky saw a decent sample of family life in his family. The brothers lived in different cities and were rarely seen, but they never interrupted their kindred relations. A. M. Dostoevsky left valuable memories of his brother, some of which used the first biographer of the writer O. F. Miller. The image of a loving father in these "memories" contradicts the characteristics of Mikhail Andreevich as the sullen and cruel serfs hated by men, which was established by many biographers under the influence of O. F. Miller and L. F. Dostoevskaya. Andrei Mikhailovich publicly refuted rumors that Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky since childhood suffered from epilepsy.

From the sisters, the closest relationships were formed from the writer with Barbara Mikhailovna (1822-1893), which he wrote to Brother Andrei: "I love her; She is a glorious sister and a wonderful man ... "(November 28, 1880).

From numerous nephews and niecers, Dostoevsky loved and highlighted Maria Mikhailovna (1844-1888), which, according to the memories of L. F. Dostoevskaya, "loved his own daughter, caressed her and entertained when she was still little, later proud of her musical talent and Its success in young people, "but after the death of Mikhail Dostoevsky, this intimacy went to no.

The second wife - Anna Grigorievna Dostoevskaya - was born in the family of a small Petersburg official. According to her own admission, she loved Dostoevsky before meeting him. Anna Grigorievna became a spouse of a writer at 20, shortly after the completion of the novel "Player". At that time (the end of 1866 - the beginning of 1867) Dostoevsky experienced serious material difficulties, because, in addition to paying debts, the creditors contained a step from the first marriage Pavel Alexandrovich Isaev, and helped the family of an elder brother. In addition, Dostoevsky did not know how to handle money. Under such circumstances, Anna Grigorievna took the leadership of the family's financial affairs into his hands, protecting the writer from corporate lenders. After the death of the writer A. G. Dostoevskaya recalled: "... my husband was all his life in monetary vice." Dostoevsky dedicated his wife's last novel "Brothers Karamazov". After the death of the writer, Anna Grigorievna collected documents related to the life and activities of Dostoevsky, was engaged in publishing his writings, prepared his diaries and memories for printing.

From the second marriage with Anna Grigorievna, F. M. Dostoevsky had four children:

Daughter Sofya (1868 - 1868) was born in Geneva, where in a few months she died
Daughter Love (1869 - 1926)
Son Fedor (1871-1922)
Son Alexey (1875-1878).

The successor of the writer became the son of Fedor Fedorovich Dostoevsky. In 1876, Dostoevsky wrote his wife: "Fedi is my simplests. After all, I can only be, and I can boast ... ". A. G. Dostoevskaya recalled the gospels given by the wives of the Decembrist: "For two hours before the death, when the children came to his call, Fedor Mikhailovich ordered to give the gospel to his son Fede."

Descendants of Fedor Mikhailovich continue to live in St. Petersburg.

Dostoevsky's views on the "Jewish question":

The views of Dostoevsky on the role of the Jews in Russia's life were reflected in the journalism of the writer. For example, discussing the further fate of the peasants liberated from the serfdom right, he writes in the "writer's" diary "for 1873: "So it will be if the case continues, if the people himself will not come to feel; but the intelligentsia does not help him. If he does not come to feel, then the whole, entirely, at the smallest time it will be in his hands from all sorts of jews, and there will be no community to save him. .. Liquids will drink folk blood and eat debauchery and humiliation of people, but since they will pay the budget, then therefore, they will need to support " (Dostoevsky. Writer Diary. - 1873.)

The electronic Jewish encyclopedia argues that anti-Semitism was an integral part of the worldview of Dostoevsky and found an expression both in novels and the onasters and in the published writer. Visual confirmation of this, according to the compilers of the encyclopedia, are Dostoevsky's articles about the "Jewish question" in the "Diary of the Scientist". However, Dostoevsky himself in the article "Jewish question" argued: "In my heart, I never had this hatred".

February 26, 1878 in a letter to Nikolai Epifanovich Grishchenko, the teacher of the Kozhetsky parish school of the Chernihiv province, who complained to the writer, "That Russian peasants are accustomed to gifs, robbed by them, and the Russian press stands for Jews; Jews ... for the Chernihiv lips ... It's terrible than Turks for Bulgarians ... ", Dostoevsky answered: "You are complaining about Jews in the Chernihiv province, and here we already have many publications here in the literature, newspapers and magazines are published on the Zhida money by Zhida (which are more and more in literature), and only editors hired by supplies sign a newspaper or magazine With Russian names - that's all in them Russian. I think it's just the beginning, but that Jews will capture a much even more circle of actions in the literature; and already before life, before the phenomena of current reality, I do not touch: the liquor is spreading with terrifying speed. But Jes and his kagagaga is the same as a conspiracy against the Russians! " (Dostoevsky. Complete essays in thirty volumes. T. 30. Book I. p. 8. - L., Science, 1988).

Dostoevsky's attitude to the "Jewish question" is analyzed by literary review Leonid Grossman in the book "Confession of one Jew", dedicated to the correspondence between the writer and the Jewish journalist Arkady Kuner. The message sent by the cowner from Butyrskaya prison made an impression on Dostoevsky. He ends up his response letter: "Believe in full sincerity, with the hand with a hand," the chapter of the "writer's diary" is extensively quoted by the chapter of the "writer's diary" to the Jewish question.

According to the criticism of Maya Torovsky, the mutual interest of Dostoevsky and Jews is caused by the incarnation of the Jews (and in the cowner, in particular) the distortion of the characters of Dostoevsky. According to Nikolai Naedkina, the contradictory attitude towards the Jews is generally characteristic of Dostoevsky: he very clearly distinguished the concepts of "Jew" and "JV". In addition, Naedkin notes that the word "flu" and derivatives from it were for the Dostoevsky and its contemporaries with ordinary word-tools in a number of others, was used widely and everywhere, it was natural for all Russian literature of the XIX century, unlike our time.

1821, October 30 (November 11) Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born, in Moscow in the right Flygel Mariinsky Hospital for the poor. In the Dostoevsky family there were still six children: Mikhail (1820-1864), Varvara (1822-1893), Andrei, Vera (1829-1896), Nikolay (1831-1883), Alexandra (1835-1889). Fedor grew in a rather harsh environment, over which the sullen spirit of the father - a man "nervous, irritable-proud," ever-busy concern about the welfare of the family.

Children were brought up in fear and obedience, according to the traditions of the antiquity, spending most of the time in the eyes of the parents. Rarely leaving the walls of the hospital building, they with the outside world reported very little, unless through the patients with whom Fyodor Mikhailovich, the secret of his father, sometimes spoke. There was also a nanny, taken from the Moscow Meshchanoks by hiring, the name of Alena Frolovna. Dostoevsky recalled her with the same tenderness as Pushkin recalled Arina Rodionovna. It was from her that he heard the first fairy tales: about the heat-bird, Alyosh Popovich, a blue bird, etc.

Parents of Dostoevsky F.M. - Father Mikhail Andreevich and mother Maria Fedorovna

Father, Mikhail Andreevich (1789-1839), - the son of the Uniate priest, doctor (Headquarters, Surgeon) of the Moscow Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor, in 1828 he received the title of hereditary nobleman. In 1831 acquired Selo Granki Cashier County of Tula province, in 1833 the neighboring village of Cherry.

According to the raising of children, the father was a man of an independent, educated, caring family man, but possessed the character of hot-tempered and suspicious. After the death of his wife in 1837, he retired, settled in the gift. According to the documents, died of apoplexic strike; According to the memoirs of relatives and oral legends, he was killed by his peasants.

Mother, Maria Fodorovna (Nechaeva; 1800-1837) - from a merchant family, a religious woman, annually drove children in Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, taught them to read the book "One hundred and four sacred stories of the Old and New Testament" (in the novel "" Memories About this book included in the story of the elder Zosima about their childhood). In the house of the parents, they read out loud "history of the Russian state" N. M. Karamzin, works of G. R. Dervin, V. A. Zhukovsky, A. S. Pushkin.

With a special animation, Dostoevsky recalled in mature years about acquaintance with the Scripture: "We in our family knew the gospel almost from the first childhood." The vibrant child's impression of the writer was also the Old Testament "Book of Job". The younger brother of Fedor Mikhailovich Andrei Mikhailovich, wrote that "Brother Fedya more reading the writings historical, serious, as well as novels. Mikhail's brother loved poetry and poetry himself ... But they put up on Pushkin, and both, it seems, then almost everyone knew by heart ... ".

Alexander Sergeevich's death, Yong Feda, was perceived as a personal grief. Andrei Mikhailovich wrote: "Brother Fedya repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly, if we had not had a family mourning (mother was died - Maria Fedorovna), he would ask for the permission of Father to wear mourning on Pushkin."

Youth Dostoevsky

Museum "Manor F.M.Dostoevsky in the village of Granar"

From 1832 the family annually spent the summer in the father-purchased village of the village (Tula province). Meetings and conversations with men were forever postponed in the memory of Dostoevsky and served in the future creative material (the story "" from the "writer's diary" for 1876).

In 1832, Dostoevsky and his elder brother Mikhail began to engage in the teachers who came to the house, from 1833 they studied at N. I. Durshusov (Sushara), then in the Guesthouse L. I. Chermak, in which Astronomer D. M. Perezhekov, Paleologist A. M. Kubarev. The teacher of the Russian language N. I. Bylevich played a certain role in the spiritual development of Dostoevsky.

Memories of the guesthouse served as a material for many works of the writer. The atmosphere of educational institutions and the divorce from the family caused from the Dostoevsky painful reaction (the autobiographical features of the hero of the novel "", experiencing deep moral shocks in the "Pension Tusk"). At the same time, the years of study marked the awakening passion for reading.

In 1837, the writer's mother died, and soon his father took Dostoevsky with Brother Mikhail to St. Petersburg to continue their education. More writer did not meet with the Father, who died in 1839 (according to official information, died of apoplexic strike, on family legends, was killed by serfs). The attitude of Dostoevsky to the Father, a man to a constant and painful suspicious, was dual.

Heavily survived the death of the mother who coincided with the news of the death of A.S. Pushkin (which he perceived as a personal loss), Dostoevsky in May 1837 rides with Brother Mikhail to Petersburg and enters the preparatory board of K. F. Kostomarov. At the same time, his acquaintance was held with I. N. Shidlovsky, whose religious and romantic attitudes were carried away by Dostoevsky.

First literary publications

On the way back to St. Petersburg, Dostoevsky mentally, "I composed a novel from Venetian life," and RisencamPFU told in 1838 "On his own literary experiments."

From January 1838, Dostoevsky studied at the main engineering school, the usual day in which was described as follows: "From early morning until the evening we are hardly time to follow lectures. ... We are sent to fruunt learning, we give fencing lessons, dancing, pegs ... put in a guard, and this goes all the time ... ".

A serious impression of the "courtesy years" of the teachings partially cassed a friendly relations with V. Grigorovich, as a doctor A. E. Risenkampf, an officer's duty officer A. I. Saveliev, the artist K. A. Torotovsky. Subsequently, Dostoevsky always believed that the choice of educational institution was erroneous. He suffered from military atmosphere and Musters, from alien to his interests disciplines and from loneliness.

As he testified to his comrade in the school, the artist K. A. Torotovsky, Dostoevsky kept, was closed, but he struck his comrades in reading, a literary circle was formed around him. In school, the first literary ideas were made.

In 1841, at the evening, a brother Mikhail, Dostoevsky read excerpts from his dramatic works, which are known only by names - "Maria Stewart" and "Boris Godunov", - born associations with the names of F. Schiller and A. S. Pushkin, visible, the deepest literary hobbies of young Dostoevsky; N. V. Gogol, E. Gofman, V. Scott, George Sand, V. Gyu, was read.

At the end of the school, she served less than a year in the St. Petersburg engineering team, in the summer of 1844, Dostoevsky quit in the rank of Lieutenant, deciding to completely surrender to literary creativity.

Among the literary addictions of Dostoevsky, O. De Balzac was: by the translation of his lead "Eugene Grande" (1844, without specifying the name of the translator), the writer entered the literary field. At the same time, Dostoevsky worked on the translation of Romanov Ezhena S. and George Sand (they did not appear in the print). The choice of works indicated the literary tastes of the novice writer: he was not alien to the romantic and sentimentalist stylistics in those years, liked dramatic collisions, largely written characters, an effortless narration. In the works of Georges Sand, as he recalled at the end of life, he was "struck ... chaste, the highest purity of the types and ideals and the modest charm of strictly restrained tone of the story."

About the work on the drama "Vel Yankel" Dostoevsky reported Brother in January 1844. Manuscripts were not survived by the drams, but already out of their names, literary hobbies of a novice writer are emerging: Schiller, Pushkin, Gogol. After the death of the father, the relatives of the Mother of the Writer took over the care of the younger brothers and sisters of Dostoevsky, and Fyodor and Mikhail received a little inheritance.

At the end of the school (the end of 1843), he was enrolled by a pole engineer-a subwake-up in St. Petersburg engineering team, but at the beginning of the summer, 1844, having decided entirely to devote himself to literature, resigned and resigned and resigned in the rank of Lieutenant.

Roman "Poor People"

In January 1844, Dostoevsky finished the translation of the story of "Eugene Grande" Balzak, then he was especially fond of. The translation became the first published literary work of Dostoevsky. In 1844, he begins in May 1845 after numerous alterations finishes the novel "".

Roman "Poor people", whose relation to the "station caretaker" of Pushkin and the "shinel" of Gogol stressed Dostoevsky himself, had exceptional success. Based on the traditions of the physiological essay, Dostoevsky creates a realistic picture of the life of the "scored" inhabitants of the "Petersburg corners", the gallery of social types from street beggar to "His Excellency".

Belinsky V.G. - Russian literary critic. 1843 Artist Kirill Gorbunov.

Summer 1845 (as the following) Dostoevsky spent in Revel at Brother Mikhail. In the fall of 1845 on returning to St. Petersburg, it is often found with Belinsky. In October, the writer, together with Nekrasov and Grigorovich, constitutes an anonymous program ad to Almanacu "Zubevkal" (03, 1845, No. 11), and in early December, at the evening, Belinsky reads the chapters "" (03, 1846, No. 2), in which for the first time Gives a psychological analysis of a split consciousness, "twins". The story "" (1846) and the story "" (1847), in which many motives, ideas and the characters of the works of Dostoevsky 1860-1870s are sketchwise, were not understood by modern criticism.

Radically changed its attitude to Dostoevsky and Belinsky, condemned the "fantastic" element, "stripping", "manners" of these works. In other works of the young Dostoevsky - in the titles "", "", the cycle of acute socio-psychological woven "Petersburg chronicle" and the unfinished novel "" is expanding the problems of the writer's creativity, psychologism increases with a characteristic emphasis on the analysis of the most difficult, elusive internal phenomena.

At the end of 1846, cooling came in the relations of Dostoevsky and Belinsky. He later arises from him conflict and with the editors of the "contemporary": a great role was played by the supreme, proud character of Dostoevsky. Mocking over the writer of recent friends (especially Turgenev, Nekrasov), the sharp tone of the critical reviews of Belinsky about his works was sharply experienced by the writer. At about this time, according to the testimony of Dr. S.D. Yanovsky, Dostoevsky appeared the first symptoms of epilepsy.

The Writer's Writer's Writer for "Domestic Notes". Poverty forced him to take on any literary work (in particular, he edited articles for the "reference encyclopedic dictionary" A. Starachevsky).

Arrest and reference

In 1846, Dostoevsky gets closer to the Mikey family, regularly visits the literary and philosophical circle of the Beketov brothers, in which V. Mikov dominated, and A.N. was dominant Mikes and A.N. Plescheev - Dostoevsky's friends. From March-April 1847 Dostoevsky becomes the visitor "Fridays" M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky. He participates in the organization of a secret typography for printing the appeals to peasants and soldiers.

Dostoevsky arrest occurred on April 23, 1849; His archive during the arrest was selected and probably destroyed in the III branch. 8 months Dostoevsky conducted in the Alekseevsky Retalier of the Petropavlovsk fortress under the investigation, during which courage showed, hiding many facts and seeking to soften the guilt of comrades. He was recognized as a consequence of "one of the most important" among Petrashevtsev, guilty of "intent to the overthrow of the existing domestic laws and state order."

The initial sentence of the Naval Commission said: "... the retired engineer of Dostoevsky, for the inappropriateness of the dissemination of the criminal and the government of the writer of the writer of Belinsky and the malicious essay of Lieutenant Grigoriev, to deprive the ranks, of all the rights of the state and to expose the death penalty."

On December 22, 1849 Dostoevsky, together with others, expects a death sentence at the Semyonovsky fee. According to the resolution of Nicholas I, the execution was replaced by a 4-year-old carriage with the deprivation of "all rights of the state" and the subsequent surrender to the soldiers.

On the night of December 24, Dostoevsky was sent from St. Petersburg in Okova. On January 10, 1850 arrived in Tobolsk, where the writer with the wives of the Decembrists took place in the apartment of the caretaker - P. Annenkova, A.G. Muravyova and N.D. Phonvizina; They gave him the Gospel, which he kept all his life. From January 1850 to 1854, Dostoevsky, together with Durov, was serving the cortie "Chernobashim" in the Omsk fortress.

In January 1854, he was enrolled by the ranks in the 7th linear battalion (Semipalatinsk) and was able to resume correspondence with Brother Mikhail and A. Maikov. In November 1855, Dostoevsky was produced in Unter-Officers, and after a long hassle of the prosecutor of Wrangel and other Siberian and St. Petersburg acquaintances (including E. Totleben) - in the ensign; In the spring of 1857, the writer was returned by an offacarious nobility and the right to be printed, but the police supervision was preserved to 1875.

In 1857, Dostoevsky married Ovdovsky MD. Isaeva, who, according to him, was "the woman's soul woman's most elevated and enthusiastic ... The idealist was in the full sense of the word ... and Clea, and the naive one was just like a child." The marriage was not happy: Isaeva agreed after the long oscillations, releasing Dostoevsky.

In Siberia, the writer began working on memories of Katorga ("Siberian" notebook containing folklore, ethnographic and diary records, served as a source for "" and many other books of Dostoevsky). In 1857, his brother printed a story "Little hero", written by Dostoevsky in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Having created two "provincial" comic stories - "" and "", Dostoevsky joined Mikhail's brother in negotiations with M.N. Katkov, Nekrasov, A.A. Kraevsky. However, modern criticism did not appreciate and bypassed almost complete silence of these first works of "new" Dostoevsky.

On March 18, 1859, Dostoevsky, as of the past, was dismissed "on the disease" retired in the rank of a podoruk and received permission to live in Tver (with the reversion of entry into the St. Petersburg and Moscow province). July 2, 1859 He left Semipalatinsk with his wife and Pasyanka. From 1859 - in Tver, where the former literary dating resumed and tied new ones. Later, the gendarme chief was notified by the Tver Governor about the resolution of Dostoevsky to live in St. Petersburg, where he arrived in December 1859

The flourishing of Dostoevsky's creativity

The intensive activity of Dostoevsky combined the editorial work on "other people's" manuscripts with the publication of their own articles, polemical notes, notes, and the main thing of artistic works.

"- The work of the transitional, peculiar return on a new level of development to the motives of the 1940s, enriched with the experience of experienced and listed in the 1850s; Autobiographical motifs are very strong in it. At the same time, the novel lies in himself the features of plots, style and heroes of the works of late Dostoevsky. Huge success had ""

In Siberia, according to Dostoevsky, they changed "gradually and after a very, very long time" of his "beliefs". The essence of these changes, Dostoevsky in the most general form formulated as "return to the national root, to the recognition of the Russian soul, to the recognition of the Spirit of People." In the journals "Time" and "Epoch", the Dostoevsky brothers act as ideologists of "compatibility" - a specific modification of the ideas of Slavophilism.

"Solarness" was more like an attempt to delineate the contours of the "common idea", to find a platform that would reconcile Westerns and Slavophiles, "Civilization" and the national beginning. Skeptically belonging to the revolutionary ways of transformation of Russia and Europe, Dostoevsky expressed these doubts about artistic works, articles and announcements of the "time", in a sharp controversy with the publications of the "contemporary".

The essence of the objections of Dostoevsky is the opportunity after the reform of the convergence of the government and the intelligentsia with the people, their peaceful cooperation. Dostoevsky continues this controversy and in the story "" ("Epoch", 1864) - a philosophical and artistic prelude to the "ideological" novels of the writer.

Dostoevsky wrote: "I am proud of that for the first time brought the real man of the Russian majority and for the first time exposed his ugly and tragic side. Tragedy is conscious of uddly. Only, alone brought the tragedy of the underground, consisting in suffering, in dignity, in the consciousness of the best and in the inability to achieve it and, most importantly, in the bright conviction of these unfortunate, as all those, and therefore, it should not be corrected! ".

Roman "Idiot"

In June 1862, Dostoevsky went over the border for the first time; I visited Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, England. In August 1863, the Writer again left abroad. In Paris, he met with A.P. Suslova, dramatic relationship with which (1861-1866) was reflected in the novel "", "" and other works.

In Baden-Baden, enthusiastic, on the accuracy of his nature, the game in the roulette, is played "all, completely dot"; This is a perennial passion for Dostoevsky - one of the qualities of his passionate nature.

In October 1863 he returned to Russia. Until the middle of November, he lived with a sick wife in Vladimir, and at the end of April 1864, 1864- in Moscow, driving on business to St. Petersburg. 1864 brought Dostoevsky heavy loss. On April 15, his wife died from Chakhotka. Mary Dmitrievna, as the circumstances of their "unfortunate" love, reflected in many works of Dostoevsky (in particular, in the images of Katerina Ivanovna - "" and Nastasya Filippovna - "").

June 10 died M.M. Dostoevsky. September 26, Dostoevsky is present at the funeral of Grigoriev. After the death of Brother, Dostoevsky took over the publication burdened by the big duty and lagging behind the magazine "Epoch"; The magazine began to come out regularly, but a sharp drop in the subscription at 1865 forced the writer to stop the publication. He remained proper lenders about 15 thousand rubles, which could only pay the end of life. In an effort to ensure the conditions for work, Dostoevsky concluded a contract with F.T. Stellovsky on the publication of the collected works and pledged to write a new novel for him by November 1, 1866.

Roman "Crime and Punishment"

In the spring of 1865, Dostoevsky - the frequent guest of the family of General Vladimir Korvin-Krukovsky, whose senior daughter A.V. Korvin-Krukovskaya he was very passionate. In July, he left Wiesbaden, from where in the autumn of 1865 suggested a roller's story for the Russian Bulletin, subsequently grew into a novel.

In the summer of 1866, Dostoevsky was located in Moscow and at the cottage in the village of Lublin, near the family of the sister of faith Mikhailovna, where the novel wrote at night. The "psychological report of one crime" was a storyline of Roman, whose main thought Dostoevsky contourly outlined: "There are intractable questions to rise before the murderer, unprofitable and unexpected feelings are tormented by his heart. God's truth, the earthly law takes his own, and he cums the fact that it is forced to bring himself for himself. Forced, although to die in the cortex, but jam again to people ... ".

Exactly and multifaceted Presents in the novel Petersburg and the "current reality", the wealth of social characteristics, "a whole world of class and professional types", but this is the reality transformed and open by the artist, whose look penetrates the very essence of things. Stressful philosophical disputes, prophetic dreams, confessions and nightmares, grotesque-caricature scenes, naturally turning into tragic, symbolic meals of the heroes, the apocalyptic image of the ghostly city is organically clicked in the novel of Dostoevsky. The novel, according to the author himself, "succeeded extremely" and raised him "reputation as a writer."

In 1866, the expiring term of the contract with the publisher forced Dostoevsky at the same time to work on two novels - "" and "". Dostoevsky resorts to an unusual way: October 4, 1866 Stenographer A.G. Snapin; He began to dictate her "Player" novel, which reflected the impressions of the writer from acquaintance with Western Europe.

In the center of the novel, the collision "Multi-breeding, but in all the unpriced, who was deliberate and not daring to not believe that the" foreign Russian "with the" completed "types of European types was eager for authorities and fearing them. The main character is "a poet of its kind, but the fact is that he himself shakes this poetry, because its lowness is deeply feels, although the need for risk and enjoy him in the eyes of itself."

In winter, 1867, Dostoevsky becomes Dostoevsky's wife. The new marriage was more successful. From April 1867 to July 1871 Dostoevsky and his wife lives abroad (Berlin, Dresden, Baden-Baden, Geneva, Milan, Florence). There on February 22, 1868 Daughter Sophia was born, the sudden death of which (May of the same year) Dostoevsky was seriously worried. September 14, 1869 Love daughter was born; Later in Russia on July 16, 1871 - Son Fedor; 12 Aug. 1875 - Son Alexey, who deceased at a three-year-old seven of the epilepsy.

In 1867-1868, Dostoevsky worked on the novel "". "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel," the author, - my old and beloved, but it's hard that I didn't bother for a long time to take it. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel - to portray a positively beautiful person. It is more difficult for this nothing in the world, and especially now ... "

To the novel "" Dostoevsky began, interrupting the work on the widely conceived epic "atheism" and "Life of a great sinner" and writing the "hanging" "". The Nechaevskoe business was the direct impetus to the creation of the novel.

Activities of the secret society "People's Railway", the murder of five members of the organization of the listener of the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy I.I. Ivanova is the events that the "demons" and the philosophical and psychological interpretation in the novel. The writer's attention was attracted by the circumstances of the murder, ideological and organizational principles of terrorists ("Catechism of the Revolutionary"), figures of the partners of the crime, the personality of the head of the company S.G. Nechaeva.

In the process of working on the novel, the idea was repeatedly modified. Initially, this is a direct response to events. The framework of the pamphlet in the future significantly expanded, not only Nechaev, but also figures of the 1860s, Liberals of the 1840s, so-called. Granovsky, Petrashevtsy, Belinsky, V.S. Pecherin, A.I. Herzen, even Decembrists and P.Ya. Chaadayev fall into the grotesque and tragic space of the novel.

Gradually, the Roman will develop into a critical image of a common "disease", experienced by Russia and Europe, the bright symptom of which are "Badness" of Nechaeva and Nechaev. In the center of the Roman, in his philosophical ideological focus, the ominous "fraudster" Pyatr Verkhovlensky (Nechaev) is placed, but the mysterious and demonic figure "All allowed" Nikolai Stavrogina.

In July 1871 Dostoevsky and his daughter returned to St. Petersburg. Summer 1872 Writer with his family spent in Staraya Russa; This city has become a permanent venue of the family stay. In 1876 Dostoevsky acquired a house here.

In 1872, the writer visits the "medium" of Prince V. P. Meshchersky, a supporter of counter-reviews and publisher of the Citizen Newspaper magazine. At the request of the publisher, supported by A. Mikikov and Tyutchev, Dostoevsky in December 1872 agrees to adopt the editor's "Citizen", which takes over this duties temporarily.

In the "citizen" (1873), Dostoevsky carried out a long-planned idea of \u200b\u200bthe "writer's diary" (the cycle of the political, literary and memoir nature, united by the intention of direct, personal communications with the reader), published a number of articles and notes (including political reviews "Foreign events ").

Soon Dostoevsky began to be red. The work, more sharpness took and collisions with Meshchersky, more clearly became the impossibility of turning the weekly in the "body of people with independent conviction." In the spring of 1874, the writer refused the editoriality, although episodically collaborated in the "citizen" and later. In connection with the deterioration of health (intensified emphysens of the lungs) in June 1847, he leaves for treatment in the EMS and repeats the trips to 1875, 1876 and 1879.

In the mid-1870s. The relationship of Dostoevsky with Saltykov-Ukrainian, interrupted in the midst of a controversy between the "epoch" and "contemporary", and with Nekrasov, on whose suggestion (1874) writer prints its new novel "" - "Roman of upbringing" The genus "Fathers and Children" of Dostoevsky.

The personality and worldview of the hero are formed in the situation of "universal decomposition" and the collapse of the Ostiva of the Company, in the fight against the temptations of the century. In confession, the teenager is analyzed by a complex, controversial, chaotic process of the formation of a person in the "ugly" and the lost "moral center" of the world, the slow aging of the new "idea" under the powerful influence of the "great thought" of the Schedule of Versilov and the philosophy of the life of the "blessing" wanderer Makara Dolgoruky.

"Writer Diary"

In con. 1875 Dostoevsky again returns to publicistic work - "Monozornal" "" (1876 and 1877), which had a great success and allowed the writer to enter into a direct dialogue with Correspondent readers.

The author so determined the nature of the publication: "The" Diary of the Writer "will be similar to Faken, but with a difference that the feuilleton naturally cannot be similar to Faken in a week. I am not a chronicler: this is, on the contrary, a perfect diary in the full sense of the word, that is, a report on what is most interested in person personally. "

"Diary" 1876-1877 - the alloy of journalistic articles, essays, fechens, "anticrinics", memoirs and artistic works. In the "diary", the impressions and opinions of Dostoevsky on the most important phenomena of European and Russian socio-political and cultural life were challenged on the most important phenomena of the Dostoevsky legal, social, etio-pedagogical, aesthetic and political problems.

A great place in the "diary" occupy the writer's attempts to see in modern chaos the contours of the "New Creation", the basis of the "folding" life, to predict the appearance of the "coming future Russia of honest people who need only one truth."
The criticism of bourgeois Europe, a deep analysis of the state of the statoreform Russia, paradoxically combined in the "diary" with a controversy against various currents of the social thought of the 1870s, from conservative utopies to populist and socialist ideas.

In recent years of life, Dostoevsky's popularity increases. In 1877, he was elected a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg An. In May 1879, the writer was invited to the International Literary Congress in London, at the session of which he was elected a member of the Honorary Committee of the International Literary Association.

Dostoevsky's activity in the activities of the St. Petersburg Farrebel society is actively involved. It often acts on literary and music evenings and matinees with reading passages from their works and poems of Pushkin. In January 1877, Dostoevsky, under the impression of the "last songs", Nekrasov visits the dying poet, often sees with him in November; 30 December pronounces the funeral of Nekrasov.

The activities of Dostoevsky demanded a direct acquaintance with the "Living Life". He visits (with the assistance of A. F. Koni) colonies of juvenile criminals (1875) and an educational house (1876). In 1878, after the death of the beloved son, Aleoshi makes a trip to Optio desert, where he talks to the old man of the amvelonia. Especially worry the writer events in Russia.

In March 1878, Dostoevsky is on the process of faith Zasulich in the hall of the St. Petersburg District Court, and in April, he is responsible for a letter of students who requested to speak out about the beams of the participants of the student demonstration; In February 1880 is present on the execution of I. O. Mlodetsky, who shot in M. T. Loris-Melikova.

Intensive, diverse contacts with the surrounding reality, active journalistic and social activities served as a multilateral preparation for the new stage of the writer's creativity. In the "writer's diary", the ideas and plot of his last novel were crowded and tested. At the end of 1877, Dostoevsky announced the termination of the "diary" due to the intention to do "one artistic work that established ... In these two years, the" diary "publication is inconspicuous and involuntarily."

Roman "Brothers Karamazov"

"" - the final work of the writer, in which the artistic embodiment received many ideas of his creativity. The story of Karamazov, as the author wrote, is not just a family chronicle, but a typed and generalized "image of our modern reality, our modern intellectual Russia."

Philosophy and psychology "Crime and Punishment", a dilemma of "Socialism and Christianity", the eternal struggle of "God's" and "Devilsky" in the souls of people, traditional for classical Russian literature the topic of "fathers and children" - such is the problematic of the novel. In "" a criminal offense is associated with the great world "issues" and the eternal artistic and philosophical themes.

In January 1881, Dostoevsky performs at a meeting of the Council of the Slavic Charitable Society, it works on the first release of a renewed "writer's diary", learns the role of Schermnik in the "death of John Grozny" A. K. Tolstoy for a home performance in the salon S. A. Tolstoy, decides You must certainly participate in Pushkin's evening "January 29th. He was going to "publish a" writer's "diary" ... for two years, and then dreamed of writing a second part "", where almost all the former heroes would appear ... ". On the night of January 25-26, Dostoevsky went to the throat of blood. In the afternoon of January 28, Dostoevsky said goodbye to children, at 8 h. 38 min. He died in the evening.

Death and Funeral Writer

January 31, 1881, with a huge set of people, the funeral of the writer took place. He is buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

Books on the biography of Dostoevsky F.M.

Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhailovich // Russian Biographical Dictionary: in 25 volumes. - SPb.-M., 1896-1918.

Pereverzev V. F., Riza-Zadef F. Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich // Literary Encyclopedia. - M.: Publishing House Com. Acad., 1930. - T. 3.

Friedlander G. M. Dostoevsky // History of Russian literature. - Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t Rus. Lit. (Pushkin. House). - m.; L.: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1956. - T. 9. - P. 7-118.

Grossman L. P. Dostoevsky. - M.: Young Guard, 1962. - 543 p. - (Life of wonderful people; Issue 357).

Friedlander G. M. F. M. Dostoevsky // History of Russian literature. - Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In-t Rus. Lit. (Pushkin. House). - L.: Science., 1982. - T. 3. - P. 695-760.

ORNATSKAYA T. I., Tanyanov V. A. Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich // Russian writers. 1800-1917.

Biographical Dictionary .. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 1992. - T. 2. - P. 165-177. - 624 s. - ISBN 5-85270-064-9.

Chronicle of life and creativity F. M. Dostoevsky: 1821-1881 / Sost. Yakubovich I. D., Oryatskaya T. and .. - In-t of Russian literature (Pushkin House) RAS. - St. Petersburg: Academic Project, 1993. - T. 1 (1821-1864). - 540 p. - ISBN 5-7331-043-5.

Chronicle of life and creativity F. M. Dostoevsky: 1821-1881 / Sost. Yakubovich I. D., Oryatskaya T. and .. - In-t of Russian literature (Pushkin House) RAS. - St. Petersburg: Academic Project, 1994. - T. 2 (1865-1874). - 586 p. - ISBN 5-7331-006-0.

Chronicle of life and creativity F. M. Dostoevsky: 1821-1881 / Sost. Yakubovich I. D., Oryatskaya T. and .. - In-t of Russian literature (Pushkin House) RAS. - SPb.: Academic Project, 1995. - T. 3 (1875-1881). - 614 p. - ISBN 5-7331-0002-8.

True A. Fedor Dostoevsky. - M.: Eksmo, 2005. - 480 p. - ("Russian biographies"). - ISBN 5-699-03260-6.

Saraskina L. I. Dostoevsky. - M.: Young Guard, 2011. - 825 p. - (Life of wonderful people; Issue 1320). - ISBN 978-5-235-03458-7.

Inna Svokhlenovskaya. Dostoevsky. Duel with passion. Publisher: "Neva", 2006. - ISBN: 5-7654-4739-2.

Saraskina L.I. Dostoevsky. 2nd edition. Publishing House "Young Guard", 2013 Series: Life of wonderful people. - ISBN: 978-5-235-03458-7.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's life was overflowing with events. A special feature of his character was self-dedication. This affected all the spheres of his life. Brightly pronounced political views (changed several times), the history of love, gambling, and most importantly - literature is the list of the main passions of the Great Writer. Its high popularity in the lifetime and conditions of tough poverty, the glory of the preacher of the brightest human began and awareness of his own imperfection, the unique writer talent and the need to conclude inhuman contracts with publishers - all this causes interest to readers to Dostoevsky's fate.

On January 14, 1820, Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky and Maria Fedorovna Nechayev entered into marriage. He was the son of a priest, she is a daughter of merchant III Guild. Both of youth received a good education.

Mikhail Andreevich, Dostoevsky's father, graduated from the Moscow Branch of the Medical and Surgical Academy and became a doctor, despite the fact that several previous generations were chosen by the path of clergy. Nevertheless, the young man gave a tribute to the family tradition, who had previously studied in the spiritual seminary, and although he chose a different professional path, Mikhail Andreevich remained a deeply incendant man. It was he who instilled his children high religiosity. He began as a military medic, but in January 1821 he resigned from the service and opened his practice in the Mariinsky hospital for low-income groups of the population. A young family settled here, in the fegel on the territory of the hospital. And on October 30 (November 11), 1821, the second child of this couple was born here, Fedor. The birth of Dostoevsky occurred in a very symbolic place, where he spied many interesting types for their work.


Little Dostoevsky most loved the society of Brother Mikhail. Andrei Mikhailovich (younger brother) in his memoirs wrote about how many older brothers were friendly from the earliest years. They carried these relationships through all the tests and sorrow of adult life. Boys grew up and raised side by side with each other. The first mentor was a father. Holding them in the necessary strictness, Mikhail Andreevich never applied to children of corporal punishment and did not hide his strong fatherly love. It was he who taught the eldest children of Latin and medicine. Later, Nikolai Ivanovich Durshus, who worked in Ekaterininsky and Alexander schools was headed by their education. They studied French, mathematics and literature. In 1834, the eldest sons left the house for training in the Moscow boarding house. Crama.

In 1837, the mother of the family, Maria Fedorovna, was seriously ill and died from a caring disease. The death of this wonderful woman, love and tenderness of which was enough for all offspring, relatives were very hard. Before death, coming to himself, she wished to bless children and her husband. This sad, but deeply touching scene was remembered to everyone who came to say goodbye to Maria Fedorovna.

Almost immediately after that, the Father has equipped with older sons on the road. The formation of Dostoevsky was technical and demanded abolisses from the house. They went to St. Petersburg Cottomarov Filippovich's St. Petersburg boarding house, where they were to prepare for introductory tests in the main engineering school. By this time, Mikhail, and Fyodor had already decided that their calling was to work on a literary field, so this perspective was a lot of them grief, but Mikhail Andreevich considered her the most reasonable. Young people conquered the will of the parent.


Entering the engineering school, Dostoevsky did not leave a dream about writing activities. Free time, he was entirely devoted to acquaintance with the domestic and foreign literature, and also performed the first samples of the pen. In 1838, thanks to the interest in comrades, a literary circle was created in comrades to this field of arts.

1839 made a new shock in the life of the young man: his father died. According to the official version, he was struck by an apoplexy strike, but she had the news to her sons that he fell victim to the peasants who were avenged for the "ill-treatment". It deeply struck Fedor, he will never forget this grief mixed with shame.

Dostoevsky studied in 1843, and immediately received the post of the pole engineer of the companion. Nevertheless, the dream of devoting himself to art did not leave a young man, so he served no more than a year. After the resignation, Fyodor Mikhailovich decided to try to arrange his debut work in the press.

Student days Dostoevsky tried to dilute with works on the plays and stories of his own essay, as well as translations of foreign authors. The first experiments were lost, the second were often illegal. So his debut became "poor people" (1845). The work was so significant in his fate that we recommend that you read. The manuscript was highly appreciated by even the motley sharks of Feather Nekrasov and Belinsky. The famous and honorable critic saw in the author of the "New Gogol". The novel was published in the Nekrasov "Petersburg Collection" of 1846.

The further creative path of the author was in due time they do not understand contemporaries. The next novel "Double" (1845-1846) Many found a very weak job. Open Dostoevsky type of "underground person" was not immediately recognized. Belinsky was disappointed in the talent of a young writer. The newly acquired glory temporarily fed up, and some were even a messenger.

Arrest and Katorga

In the salon Nikolai Apollonovich Majkova, where Dostoevsky was very warmly accepted, the writer met Alexey Nikolayevich Plescheyev. It was he who brought the writer with Mikhail Vasilyevich Petrashevsky. From January 1847, a young man began to attend a mug meeting, gathered around this thinker. The secret society has been actively reflected over the future of Russia, the possibility and necessity of the overthrow of the revolution. Here in the go was various forbidden literature. At that time, a special resonance in society caused the famous "Letter of Belinsky Gogol". Reading it in this circle partly served as a reason for further sad events. In 1849, Petrashevtsi became victims of the repressive struggle of the government with dissent and were concluded in the Petropavlovsk fortress, and then, after consideration of their case, sentenced to civil (deprivation of the noble rank) and the death (after execution) of the execution. Subsequently, it was decided to change the sentence due to softening circumstances. On December 22, 1849 (January 3, 1850), convicts were brought to the Semenov Platz and read the sentence. Then announced the replacement of cardinal measures to compromise - reference and cortuga. About tested horror and shock in the course of this procedure, the mouth of their hero - Prince Myshkin - Dostoevsky told in the novel "Idiot" (1867-1869).

December 24, 1849 convicts were sent from St. Petersburg. In mid-January, they conducted shipment in Tobolsk. There were punished some Decembrists. Their notable and rich spouses were able to achieve a date with new martyrs for the freedom of beliefs and transfer them to the Bible with shy money. Dostoevsky kept the book all his life in memory of the experience.

In Omsk, Dostoevsky arrived at the departure of Kathers on January 23, 1850. Aggressive and coarse relationships between prisoners and inhuman conditions for the detention of prisoners were reflected on the worldview of a young man. "Those 4 years I consider me for the time I was buried alive and buried in a coffin" - Fedor brother Andrei frankly reported.

In 1854, the writer left Omsk Ostrog and headed for Semipalatinsk, where he settled on a military field. There was a familiarity with the future first wife Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva. She saved Dostoevsky from unbearable loneliness. Fedor sought to return to past life and writing activities. August 26, 1856, on the day of his coronation, Alexander II announced the pardon of Petrashevtsev. But, as usual, a secret police officer was installed for every person involved in the aim of making sure the defendance (he was removed only in 1875). In 1857, Dostoevsky returned the noble title and received the right to be printed. These and other freedoms he was able to get largely due to the help of friends.


"New" life Dostoevsky began in the summer of 1859 in Tver. This city is an intermediate point before returning to Petersburg, where the family was able to move in December. In 1860, Fyodor Mikhailovich issued a meeting of his works, consisting of 2 volumes, and "repeated debut" and the return on the estate of the literary capital were "notes from the Dead House" (1861), published in 1861-1862 in the magazine "Time", belonging to his brother Dostoevsky. The description of the life and soul of the cortica caused a wide resonance among readers.

In 1861, Fyodor began to help Mikhail in the publishing craft. Under his leadership, the literary and critical departments were. The magazine adhered to Slavophilic and solard (the term appeared later) views. They were promoted to the masses and developed the most robust employees of Apollo Grigoriev and Nikolai Strakhov. The publication actively eleged with the "contemporary". In 1863, the article of insurance "fatal question" appeared on the pages of the media (about the Polish uprising). The magazine was closed.

In early 1864, Dostoevsky brothers managed to get permission to produce a new magazine. So the "era" appeared. The first chapters of the "notes from the underground" came out on her pages. Contrary to expectations, the magazine was not so popular as "time", and Mikhail's death, Apollo Grigoriev and financial difficulties served as the occasion to the closure.

In the summer of 1862, Dostoevsky went on a trip to Europe, wanted to fix the undermined health. It was not fully realized to fully managed, in Baden-Baden, they took a painful inclination - a roulette game, which clearly did not contribute to improving the state. Smiling lucky luck quickly changed to a series of permanent losers, which led to serious need for money. Passion for the cards tortured Dostoevsky for nine years. The last time he sat for the game in Wiesbaden in the spring of 1871, and after another defeat, finally, was able to overcome the passion for gambling entertainment.

Mikhail died in July 1864. It became a second strike for this year for a writer for this year, because he buried and hotly beloved spouse. Fedor very much wanted to support his brother's family. He took upon himself the duty to deal with his debts, even more close to the widow and orphans, in every way comforting them in this difficult period.

Soon Dostoevsky met and tied relations with Anna Dieknown, crowned with marriage. She was stenographer and printed the Roman "Player" (1866): For one month, he came up with the whole novel, and she scored the text jammed.

The latter and most significant in the work of the writer are not just works, but practically the projects of the "Writer's Diary" and "Great Pentagine". "Diary" was essentially a monthly magazine of philosophical and literary journalism. He went out in 1876-1877 and 1880-1881. It was distinguished by multi-seasyness, as well as the wide variability of the topically affected topics. "Pentateuch" is 5 large-scale works of the author:

  • "Crime and Punishment" (1866),
  • "Idiot" (1868),
  • "Demons" (1871-1872),
  • "Teenager" (1875),
  • "The Karamazov Brothers" (1879-1880).

They are characterized by ideological and thematic and poetic-structural unity, so the data of the novels are combined into a kind of cycle. In the choice of title, there is a roll call with "Pentateuch Moses" (five of the first books of the Bible Jews and Christians: Genesis, Exodus, Levit, Numbers and Deuteronomy). It is known that the author envied the success of the epic of Tolstoy, so I decided to write something that surpasses a large-scale design of the graph, but the rigid framework of the contract and needed in the money forced him to produce novels separately, and not a single spirit.


Contemporaries noted the inconsistency of the writer's nature, he had an outstanding psychochip. Softness and kindness mixed with quick-tempered and self-criticality. It is noteworthy that the first impression of a meeting with Dostoevsky almost always became disappointing: provided his nonsense appearance, all the interesting qualities and the properties of the personality of this Creator began to manifest themselves later, with the advent of some degree of confidential attitude towards the interlocutor. On the controversivity of the infertility and soul of the writer Vsevolod Sergeevich Soloviev:

Before me was a man with ugly and at first glance as a simple face. But it was only the first and instant impression - this face immediately and forever imprinted in memory, it looked at himself an imprint of exclusive, spiritual life.

Our hero gave himself a kind of characteristic, speaking, as a man "with a gentle heart, but not able to express their feelings." All his life, he strictly judged herself for his shortcomings, compiled on hot-tempered temper. It is best to pour feelings from him on paper, namely in his works.

Dostoevsky's friend Dr. Risenkampf so spoke about the writer: "Fyodor Mikhailovich belonged to those personalities, about whom everyone lives well, but who themselves constantly need." Incredible kindness, as well as inability to handle the money constantly pushed the writer to unforeseen expenses as a result of the desire to help all the oncoming poor women, employees, to ensure the best service providers.

The softness and lovingness of the heart was most manifested in Dostoevsky in relation to the children he adored. Before the appearance in the family of their own offsprings, all the attention of the writer was drawn to nephews. Anna Grigorievna talked about the unique ability of a husband instantly calm the child, the ability to communicate with them, enter into trust, divide the interests. The birth of Sofia (the first daughter from the second marriage) has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the Dostoevsky family. Fyodor Mikhailovich always arrived in the best location of the Spirit, being close to the girl, and was extremely ready to give all the surrounding care and caress, which is generally difficult to attribute him to a permanent state. Relationships with women were built with him not always smoothly. His passion was celebrated periodic mood shifts and frequent criticism to their address.

Interesting and high demands against people from the circle of his communication were also writer friends. This and pushed him all his life to seek the relationships close to ideal to create a family with the parent, which will be the stronghold of their harmonious existence.


As a rule, biographers argue that there are three Dostoevsky women: Maria Isaeva, Apollinaria Suslov and Anna Digkin.

In Omsk, yesterday's convicts met Beauty Maria Isaev. The feeling broke out between them, but it was bound by a marriage with a drunkard and a wicked man A.I. Isaev. Their pair served as a prototype of the spouses of marmalades from "Crime and Punishment." In May 1855, the official got a job in Kuznetsk, where he moved with his family. In August of the same year, he died. Dostoevsky immediately made a sentence of his beloved, but she was hesitable, there was a distinguished state of the bride and lack of hope for a quick correction. Hasively trying to straighten your position, the man in love was able to convince the woman in his consistency. On February 6, 1857, Fedor and Maria marched in Kuznetsk.

This union did not bring happiness to him or her. The spouses had almost no consent, live almost all the time apart. Maria refused to accompany her husband in his first ride abroad. Upon returning home in September 1862, he found a wife in a very painful condition: a woman fell ill with CHAKHOTKA.

And thus, in the summer of 1863 (during the second trip to Europe), Dostoevsky became acquainted with the Apolionaria Prokofievna Suslova and passionately fell in love with her. It is difficult to present people less similar in the views than this couple: she is a feminist, a niclelfire, he is a believer conservative, adhered to patriarchal views. Nevertheless, they were fascinated by each other. He printed several of its works in the "time" and "epoch". They dreamed of a new trip to Europe, but some difficulties with the magazine, and most importantly, the serious state of Mary Dmitrievna forced them to abandon the initial plans. Polina went to Paris alone, Fyodor returned to Petersburg in need. They wrote to him letters, called to themselves, but completely unexpectedly for the Writer Izvestia from Polina came to come. He agitated to Paris, where she learned that she met the Spanish Student Salvador and became a victim of unrequited love. So their novel ended, and the history of these complex relationships received a literary interpretation in the "player". At the same time, the wife of his wife progressed. In the autumn of 1863, Dostoevsky moved to Moscow, it was more convenient to create acceptable conditions for the patient and care for her. On April 14, 1864, Mary Dmitrievna had a fit. 15 numbers she died.

Although their seven-year-old union can not be called successful, the widower continued to love his spouse and very painfully worried her death. He recalled an exceptionally kind and warm words, at least some evil tongues argued that Maria was mentally healthy all his life, so I could not make my husbands happy. The only thing that Dostoevsky was infinitely sorry, was that marriage with Isaeva turned out to be childless. The love of this woman writer imprinted in his works, the wife served as a prototype for many of his heroines.

The concent of his wife and the death of his brother's death with a heavy cargo lay on the shoulders of Dostoevsky. He could only forget in the work, besides, the writer sharply needed money. At this time, the publisher Fyodor Timofeevich Stellovsky proposed a monetary contract for the publication of his writings full at that time. Despite the bible conditions, namely, the extremely strict time frame and requirement in a short time will also provide a new, previously not published novel, the writer agreed. In the same period, work on the "crime and punishment" began. This Roman Dostoevsky proposed to be printed by the editor of the "Russian Bulletin" Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov. In connection with all that happened by the beginning of October 1866, the promised Stellovsky material was not ready, but remained only a month. The writer would not cope with the operational work if it were not for the stenograph of Anna Grigorievna Dnikkin. Joint work very close to Dostoevsky with this girlfriend. In February 1867, they married.

Fyodor Mikhailovich finally gained long-awaited happiness and serene existence in the library of the family. For Anna, this period of life began not so wonderful, she fell on themselves the strongest hostility from the step of her husband Peter Isaev, who had long lived at the expense of the stepfather. To change the oppressive atmosphere, Diekin persuaded the spouse to go abroad, where they subsequently spent four years. It was then that the second period of tape measure began (he ended with gambling). The family needed again. The cases corrected the arrival in St. Petersburg in 1897, because the writer again actively engaged in writing.

Four children were born in this marriage. Survived two: love and Fedor. The eldest daughter of Sophia died, being just a few months, the Junior Son Alexey lived less than three years.

Anna he dedicated his exceptional work "The Brothers of the Karamazov", and she, already being a widow, published her memoirs about Fyodor Mikhailovic. Dostoevsky's wives are found in all his works, except, except, early. Rock passion, the fate and difficult character of Mary lay on the basis of the image of Katerina Ivanovna, Grushenka, Nastasya Filippovna, and Anna Grigorievna - Announced Sonechka Marmaladov, Evdokia Skolnikova, Dasha Shatova -angel of salvation and martyrdom.


The worldview of Dostoevsky has undergone major changes throughout the life of the writer. For example, political orientation was revised and was formed gradually. Only religiosity, descended in the writer, still in childhood, was fixed and developed, in faith he never doubted. It can be said that Dostoevsky's philosophy is based on Orthodoxy.

Socialist illusions are debunked by Dostoevsky himself in the 60s, he had a critical attitude towards them, perhaps because they were the cause of his arrest. Traveling in Europe inspired him reflections on the bourgeois revolution. He saw that she did not help with a simple people, and as a result he had an irreconcilable enmendment to the possibility of an accomplishment of her in Russia. The solar ideas, as well as in the period working with Apollo Grigoriev in magazines, partly served as the basis of the late worldview of Dostoevsky. Awareness of the need to merge the elite with a simple people, attributing the last mission to save the world from disastrous ideas, returning to the Lono of Nature and Religion - all these ideas have impressed the writer. He felt his epoch as a turning point. The country was preparing for shocks and reproduction of reality. The writer sincerely hoped that people would go along the path of self-improvement, and the new time would be marked by the rebirth of the Company.

It was a process for the elimination of the very essence, the quintessence of the Russian National Consciousness, the "Russian idea" - the name proposed by the author himself. Dostoevsky, it is closely related to religious philosophy. Arseny Vladimirovich Gulga (Soviet philosopher, historian of philosophy and literary critic) So explained the solarness of Dostoevsky: This is a call for returning to the national, this is patriotism based on moral values.

For Dostoevsky, this idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom of will, inseparally connected with unshakable moral law, has become the main in creativity, especially in late works. Human writer considered a secret, he tried to penetrate his spiritual nature, throughout his life sought to find the path of his moral formation.

On June 8, 1880, at a meeting of the Society of Russian Literature, the author read the "Pushkin speech", which opens his true views and judgments to the reader, as well as the essence of life, for Dostoevsky. It was this poet that the author considered a true national character. In the poetry of Alexander Sergeevich, the writer saw the prophetically outlined path of the debris and Russian people. Then he brought his own idea: the transformation should be carried out not through the change in external factors and conditions, but through internal self-improvement.

Of course, the main help, on Dostoevsky, there is a religion on this path. Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin said that the "noise" created by the multi-chart of characters in the novels of the writer is overlapped by one voice - belonging to God whose word goes out of the author's soul. At the end of Pushkin Speech, it is said that being Russian means ...

To seek to reconcile in European contradictions, it is already finally, to point out the outcome of the European longing in its Russian soul, all-in-law and reuniting, to accommodate in it with a briefly love of all of our brothers, and in the end maybe it may be the final word of the Great, General Harmony, Bratsk The final consent of all tribes in Christ the Gospel law!

Interesting facts from the life of the writer

  • In 1837, Pushkin was tragically left - favorite author of Dostoevsky. The death of the poet Fedor Mikhailovich perceived as a personal tragedy. He later recalled that if it were not for the death of a mother, he would ask his relatives to wear mourning through the writer.
  • It should be noted that the dreams of older sons about the literary field at all were not perceived by their parents as Blazh, but in a situation of need, in which the family was gradually lowered, forced Mikhail Andreevich to insist on obtaining engineering education boys capable of providing them with a materially reliable and sustainable future.
  • The first completed work of the writer in the field of translation was "Eugene Grande" Balzak. He was inspired by a visit to Russia by the author of this work. The work is printed in the publishing house "Repertoire and Pantheon" in 1844, but the name of the translator did not indicate there.
  • In 1869, he became a father. Interesting of the writer's personal life describes his spouse in his memoirs: "Fedor Mikhailovich was unusually gentle by his daughter, having fallen with her, I myself, I walked, I wore it, I fished and felt so happy that I wrote a criticism of insurance:" Oh, why do you Not married, and why you do not have a child, a multi-level Nikolai Nikolayevich. I swear to you that in this 3/4 of the happiness of life, but the rest is one quarter. "


For the first time, the diagnosis of Paducha (epilepsy) was raised by the author even during his stay at Katorga. The disease was tormented by a writer, but irregularity and relatively low frequency of seizures have little influenced his mental abilities (only some worsening memory was observed), allowing him to create until the end of days.

Over time, Dostoevsky developed the pulmonary disease - emphysema. There is an assumption that its exacerbation is obliged to explain to the sister V. M. Ivanova on January 26 (February 7) of 1881. The woman persistently persuaded from him to give way to the share of the aunt Alexandra Fedorovna Kumanin Ryazan estate by his native sisters. Nervous atmosphere, conversation with a sister on elevated colors, the complexity of the situation - all this has adversely affected the physical state of the writer. He had a seizure: the blood went to the throat.

Even in the morning of January 28 (February 9), hemorrhages did not pass. Dostoevsky spent all day in bed. He rushed several times with loved ones, feeling the approach of death. By evening, the writer died. He was 59 years old.

Many wished to say goodbye to Dostoevsky. Relatives arrived, friends, but much more there were unfamiliar people - those who are already immensely read the stunning talent of Fyodor Mikhailovich, who bowed to his gift. Among those who came was the artist V. G. Perov, he painted the famous posthumous portrait of the author.

Dostoevsky, and later and his second spouse were buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

Dostoevsky places

Dostoevsky's manor was in the Kashirsk district of the Tula province. The village of Green and the village of Cheremoshn, of which the estate was, Father Fedor bought back in 1831. Here, as a rule, the family spent the summer. A year after the purchase, there was a fire that destroyed the house, after that a wooden fluegel was rebuilt, where the family lived. Inherited the manor younger brother Andrei.

The house in Staraya Russa was the only real estate property of Dostoevsky. For the first time a writer with his family came here in 1882. The most serene days of his life are connected with this place. The atmosphere of this corner was the most favorable for the coexistence of the entire family in harmony and for the work of the writer. Here they were written "Brothers Karamazov", "demons" and many other works.


Dostoevsky did not study philosophy and did not consider his works by the conductors of the relevant ideas. But after decades after the end of his creative activity, the researchers began to talk about the formulation of universal issues and on the complexity of the affected materials in the text of the writer who came out from under the pen. The fame of the preacher, connoisseur of the human soul, really secured behind the writer. Therefore, his novels are still in the lists of the most popular and demanded works worldwide. For the modern writer, a huge merit is considered to earn a comparison with this Russian genius. The reading of such literature is part of affiliates to intelligent circles, because Dostoevsky became a certain degree of a brand, meaning the exclusivity of the taste of the one who prefers him. Especially the creativity of Fyodor Mikhailovich likes the Japanese: and Cobo Abe, and Yukio Misima, and Haruki Murakakov recognized him with their favorite writer.

Famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud celebrated the phenomenal depth of the works of the Russian author and their value for science. He also sought to look deep into the consciousness of the person, study the patterns and features of his work. They both revealed and prepared the inner world of a person comprehensively: with all its noble thoughts and low-lying desires.

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Biography Fedor Dostoevsky

Place of birth: Moscow

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a famous Russian writer, a philosopher and thinker. He was born in Moscow in October 1821. The family in which he was born and grew was wealthy.

The Father of the writer - Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky was a wealthy nobleman and landowner, he was a doctor who at one time graduated from the Moscow Medical and Surgery Academy. For a long time his father worked in the Mariinsky Hospital. Medical activity brought him a good income, so over time he bought in the Tula province the village of Gomar. However, he had a bad habit - addiction to alcohol. Drinking, the Father of the writer did not appear well with his fortress, punished and offended them. It was the reason for his death that was the cause of his death - in 1839 he was killed his own fortress peasants.

Mother of the writer - Maria Fedorovna Dostoevskaya (Maiden name - Nechaeva) was from the wealthy family of the merchant. However, after the war, her family reincarnated and practically lost its condition. A 19-year-old girl was married to Mikhail Dostoevsky - Father of the writer. Writer with warmth recalls his mother, she was always a good mistress and a loving mother. She had 8 children - 4 boys and 4 girls. Fyodor Mikhailovich was the second child in the family. The elder brother Fyodor Dostoevsky - Mikhail also became a writer. With sisters and brothers, Dostoevsky had a warm related relationship. The writer's mother died early when the boy was only 16 years old. Her death came from the disease common in those times - CHAGS (tuberculosis)

After the death of his mother, his father sent two senior sons (Mikhail and Fyodor) to one of the guest houses in St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, Fedor Dostoevsky was taught in the main engineering school, which he entered at the 17th age

After graduating from the school, in 1842 the writer received the title of a junior engineer, after which he was sent to the service. With youthful age Fedor was fond of literature, history and philosophy. He, like his older brother, respected the work of the great Russian writer A.S. Pushkin, the young man regularly visited the literary circle of Belinsky, where communicated with writers and poets of his time.

In 1844, Dostoevsky resigned and wrote his first substantive story called "Poor People". This work has gained the highest appraisal in domestic and world literature. Even critics of Russian society were favorable to this story.

1849 became a turning point for writer. He was arrested with accomplices for participating in a socialist conspiracy against the government ("Petrashevsky's"), he was under investigation for a long time (8 months), after which he was convicted by a military court and sentenced to shooting. However, this sentence was not implemented and the writer remained alive. In the punishment for the deed, he was deprived of the nobility, all available ranks and states, after which the writer was referred to in Siberia for hard work for the whole 4 years. It was a difficult time, at the end of which Dostoevsky had to be credited to ordinary soldiers. The preservation of civil rights for Dostoevsky after punishment was not random, the emperor Nicholas I appreciated the talented young writer, who used to execute political conspirators most often.

Dostoevsky was serving his term in Siberia (Omsk), then in 1854 he was sent by an ordinary soldier to serve in Semipalatinsk. In just a year later, he was raised to a non-commissioned officer, and in 1856 he again became an officer, it was the time of the reign of Emperor Alexander II.

Dostoevsky was not a completely healthy person, he suffered all his life with epilepsy, which in the old days was called Padochi disease. The disease was first manifested by the writer when he worked at Katorga. For this reason, he was resigned and returned to St. Petersburg. Now he has enough time to seriously do literature.

His older brother, Mikhail in 1861, began to publish his own literary magazine called "Time". In this magazine, the writer first publishes his novel "humiliated and offended", which society accepted with understanding and sympathy. A few later works by the author - "Notes from the Dead House", in it a writer under the fictional name told readers about his life and the lives of other people who are serving the term on religious work. This work has read all Russia and appreciated what was hiding between the lines. The magazine "Time" was closed in three years, but the brothers released a new one - "Epoch". On the pages of these magazines, the world first saw such wonderful works of the author as: "Notes from the underground", "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions" and many others.

In 1866 his brother Mikhail died. It was a real blow for Fedor, who had very close related relationships with him. During this period, Dostoevsky writes the most famous novel, who today is the main business card of the writer, "Crime and Punishment." Somewhat later, in 1868 it comes out another work "Idiot", and in 1870 it comes out of his novel "demons". Despite the fact that the writer in these works cruelly reacted to the Russian society, it recognized all three of his works.

Later, in 1876, Dostoevsky had his own edition - "Writer's Diary", which literally gained great popularity for the year (the publication was represented by multiple essays, feuethons and notes and was produced in a small circulation - only 8 thousand copies).

Dostoevsky did not immediately find his happiness in his personal life. At first he was married to Maria Isaeva, on which he married in 1957. Maria used to be a wife of a friend Dostoevsky. When her husband died, in August 1855, she married the second time. The couple was married in the church, as Dostoevsky was deeply religious. A woman from the first marriage had a son - Paul, who later became the adoptive Son of the Writer. It is unlikely that this woman loved her new young husband, she often provoked quarrels, in the course of which he reproached him and regretted that he was married for him.

Apolinarium Suslova became the second beloved woman writer. However, she was a feminist who had other views on life, which most likely served as a cause from parting.

Anna Grigorievna Nestkin - the second and last wife of the writer, he married her in 1986. With this woman, he finally gained happiness and peace. Dostoevsky was a gambling person, in his life even there was a period when he, during one of the overseas trips, was carried away by the game in the roulette and regularly lost money. Anna Diekkin was originally partner and stenographer Dostoevsky. It was this woman that helped the writer in just 26 days to compose and dictate the Roman "Player", thanks to which he was delivered on time. It was this woman who seriously took up the welfare of the writer and took over all the concerns about his economic condition. Anna helped Dostoevsky to quit gambling.

Starting from 1971, the author begins the most fruitful period. Over the past 10 years of his life, Dostoevsky died Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in 1881 at the end of January and was buried in St. Petersburg in the Alexander-Nevskaya Lavra, wrote many works: "Teenager", "Brothers Karamazov", "meek" and many others. He acquired the greatest popularity for these years.

The main achievements of Dostoevsky

The work of this greatest writer imposed a significant imprint on world culture and Russian literature. His works each perceives in its own way, but they are all highly appreciated both in our country and abroad. Being a deeply believer man, Dostoevsky is trying to convey to the reader a deep meaning of human morality and morality, calling people to honesty, justice and good. His way to "reach out" to the best strings of the human soul is not always standard, but almost always effective and leads to a positive result.

Important dates of the biography of Dostoevsky

1834 - Training in a private boarding house L. I. Chermak.

1838 - Start of study in the engineering school.

1843 - the end of the study, receiving the title of officer, enrollment in the service.

1844 - dismissal from military service.

1846 - Roman "Poor people" was published.

1849 - the arrest of the writer (Petrashevsky).

1854 - ending the cortica.

1854 - enrollment of the writer by an ordinary soldier to the Siberian linear battalion (Semipalatinsk).

1855 - an increase in nonsense officers.

1857, wedding with Maria Isaaya.

1859 - resignation for health.

1859 - moving to Tver, followed by moving to St. Petersburg.

1860 - the beginning of the publication of the magazine "Time".

1860 - 1863 - Publication "Notes from the Dead House" and "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions."

1863 - Prohibition of publishing the "time" magazine.

1864 - the beginning of the publishing house of the magazine "Epoch".

1864 - the death of Dostoevsky's wife.

1866 - Dostoevsky meeting with the future second wife - A. G. Dnoven.

1866 - Completion of "Crime and Punishment".

1867 - Wedding of Dostoevsky and A. G. Dnown.

1868 - 1973 - the end of the novels "Idiot" and "demons".

1875 - written Roman "Teenager".

1880 - the end of writing the novel "The Karamazov Brothers".

Interesting facts from the life of Dostoevsky

In the "Crime and Punishment", Dostoevsky very reliably describes the topography of St. Petersburg, especially the description of the yard, where the splitters hid the things stolen from the old women.

The writer was extremely jealous, constantly suspecting his favorite women in treason.

The latter, the wife of the writer - Anna Grigorievna Diekin, loved her husband so much that even after his death kept loyalty to his beloved until the end of his life. She served the name Dostoevsky and never got married again.

A lot of films (documentaries and artistic) were taken about Dostoevsky, which tell about the important events of the writer's lives: "The Life and Death of Dostoevsky", "Dostoevsky", "Three Dostoevsky Women", "26 days from Dostoevsky's life" and many others.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky appeared on November 11, 1821 in Moscow. His father Mikhail Andreevich occurred from the kind of gentry of Dostoevsky coat of arms Radvan. He received a medical education and worked in the Borodino Infantry Regiment, the Moscow Military Hospital, as well as in the Mariinskaya Hospital for the poor. The mother of the future famous writer, Nechaeva Maria Fedorovna, was the daughter of the Moscow merchant.

Fedor's parents were not rich people, but they worked tirelessly to provide a family and give children a good education. Subsequently, Dostoevsky was repeatedly recognized that he was immensely grateful to the father and mother for excellent education and education, which was worth it difficult.

The boy learned to read the mother, she used the book "104 Sacred Stories of the Old and New Testament." In part, therefore, in the famous book of Dostoevsky "Brothers of the Karamazov", Zosima Character in one of the dialogues says that in childhood he learned to read this on this book.

The reading skills Young Fedor mastered on the Bible Book of Job, which was also reflected in his subsequent works: the writer used his reflections on this book when creating a famous novel "Teenager". Father also made his contribution to the education of the son, teaching his Latin.

In total, seven children were born in Dostoevsky's family. So, Fedor was the elder brother Mikhail, with whom he was especially close and elder sister. In addition, he had the younger brothers Andrei and Nikolai, as well as the younger sisters Vera and Alexander.

In his youth, Mikhail and Fedor taught N.I. Durshus, teacher Alexandrovsky and Catherine school. With its help, the older sons of Dostoevsky studied French, and the sons of the teacher, A.N. Drashusov and V.N. Drashus, taught boys in mathematics and literature, respectively. In the period from 1834 to 1837, Fedor and Mikhail continued their studies in the metropolitan guesthouse L.I. Cram, who was then a very prestigious educational institution.

In 1837, terrible happened: Maria Fedorovna Dostoevskaya died from Chakhotka. Fyodor at the time of the death of the mother was only 16 years old. Remaining without a wife, Dostoevsky-Sr. decided to send Fedor and Mikhail to St. Petersburg, to Pension K.F. Kostomarova. Father wanted the boys to subsequently entered the main engineering school. Interestingly, both older Sons of Dostoevsky at that time were fond of literature and wanted to devote their lives to her, but the father did not perceive their passion to seriously.

Moving the will of the Father The boys did not dare. Fedor Mikhailovich successfully passed training in the guest house, entered the school and graduated from him, but he devoted all his free time to reading. , Hoffman, Byron, Goethe, Schiller, Rasin, - He swallowed all these glorified authors, instead of enthusiastically comprehending the basics of engineering science.

In 1838, Dostoevsky, together with friends, even organized their own literary circle in the main engineering school, in addition to Fedor Mikhailovich, Grigorovich, Beketov, Vitkovsky, Berezhetsky, were entered. Already then the writer began to create his first works, but still did not decrease to finally stand on the path of the writer. Having completed training in 1843, he even received the post of engineer-companion in the St. Petersburg engineering team, but he climbed the service for long. In 1844, he decided to engage exclusively literature and resigned.

Start of a creative path

Although the family did not approve of the decisions of the young Fedor, he diligently began to bang over previously launched works and develop ideas of new ones. 1944 marked for a novice writer, the release of his first book - "poor people." The success of the work exceeded all the expectations of the author. Critics and writers highly appreciated the Roman Dostoevsky, raised in the topics book found a response in the hearts from many readers. Fyodor Mikhailovich took the so-called "Belinsky circle", he began to be called "New Gogol".

Book "Double": first and modern edition

Success lasted long. At about a year later, Dostoevsky presented to the public the book "Double", but it turned out to be incomprehensible to most admirers of the talent of young genius. Delight and praise the writer were replaced by criticism, dissatisfaction, disappointment and sarcasm. Subsequently, the writers estimated the innovation of this work, it is not disliked on the novels of those years, but at the time of the release of the book it did not feel almost no one.

Soon Dostoevsky quarreled with and was expelled from the "Belinsky mug", and also quarreled with N.A. Nekrasov, editor of the "contemporary". However, publishing his works immediately agreed by the publication of "Public Notes" edited by Andrei Kraevsky.

Nevertheless, the phenomenal popularity that Fedor Mikhailovich brought his first publication was allowed him to make a number of interesting and useful dating in the literary circles of St. Petersburg. Many of his new acquaintances partly became prototypes of various characters of subsequent works of the author.

Arrest and Katorga

The fateful for the writer became acquaintance with M.V. Petrashevsky in 1846. Petrashevsky satisfied the so-called "Fridays", during which the abolition of serfdom, freedom of typography, progressive changes in the system of proceedings and other issues of this plan were discussed.

During meetings, somehow connected with Petrashevs, Dostoevsky met with a communist hurry. In 1848, in 1848 organized a secret society from 8 people (including his self and Fedor Mikhailovich), which was overlooking the coup in the country and for the creation of an illegal typography. At the meetings of the Society, Dostoevsky has repeatedly read "Letter of Belinsky Gogol", which was then forbidden.

In the same 1848, Roman Fyodor Mikhailovich "White Nights" was published, but, alas, he could not enjoy the deserved glory. The same connections with a radically tuned young people played against the writer, and on April 23, 1849 he was arrested, like many other Petrashevtsev. Dostoevsky denied his blame, but he was remembered by the "criminal" letter of Belinsky, on November 13, 1849 sentenced the writer to the death penalty. Before that, he languished in conclusion in the Petropavlovsk fortress for eight months.

Fortunately for Russian literature, a brutal sentence for Fedor Mikhailovich was not fulfilled. On November 19, the audience general considered him not corresponding to the fault of Dostoevsky, and therefore the death penalty was replaced by an eight-year-old cautor. And at the end of the same month, the emperor softened the punishment even more: the writer was referred to a catguard into Siberia for four years instead of eight. At the same time, he was deprived of noble rank and state, and at the end of the platforms, it was produced in ordinary soldiers.

Despite all the treasures and deprivation, which suggested a similar sentence, entering the soldiers meant the full return of Dostoevsky of his civil rights. It was the first similar case in Russia, since usually those people who sentenced to religious work, until the end of the life lost their civil rights, even if they survived after many years of imprisonment and returned to free lives. Emperor Nicholas I regretted the young writer and did not want to ruin his talent.

The years that Fedor Mikhailovich spent on Katorga, made an indelible impression on him. The writer was seriously experienced endless suffering and loneliness. In addition, he had a lot of time to establish normal communication with other prisoners: those for a long time did not take it because of the noble title.

In 1856, the new emperor gave the forgiveness to all Petrashevs, and in 1857 Dostoevsky was pardoned, that is, he received a full amnesty and was restored as a publication of his works. And if, in his youth Fedor Mikhailovich, who was not determined in his fate, trying to find the truth and build a system of life principles, then at the end of the 1850s he became a mature identity formed. Heavier years at the Katorga made a deeply religious person from him, which he remained until the very death.

Flowering creativity

In 1860, the writer published a two-volume assembly of his writings, in which the story "Village Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" and "Uncle Sleep". It happened about the same story as with the "double" - although later works were given a very high assessment, the contemporaries they did not fall to taste. However, the publishing of "Notes from the Dead House" was helped to return the attention of the readers to the mature Dostoevsky, dedicated to the life of the convicts and written in mostly during the conclusion.

Roman "Notes from the Dead House"

For many residents of the country that did not come across this horror on their own, the work became almost shocked. Many people were stunned by what the author told about, especially given the fact that earlier the theme of the cortician for Russian writers was something like a taboo. After that, Herzen began to call the Dostoevsky "Russian Dante".

Notable for the writer became 1861. This year, in collaboration with his elder brother Mikhail, he took up the publishing house of his own literary and political magazine called "Time". In 1863, the publication was closed, and instead of him, Dostoevsky brothers began to print another magazine - called the "Epoch".

These magazines, first, strengthened the positions of the brothers in the literary environment. And secondly, it was on their pages "humiliated and offended", "notes from the underground", "Notes from the Dead House", "Nice Anecdote" and many other works of Fyodor Mikhailovich. Mikhail Dostoevsky soon passed away: he left his life in 1864.

In the 1860s, the writer began to ride abroad, finding in new places and familiar inspiration for his new novels. Including, precisely at that time, Dostoevsky originated and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the "Player" began to be implemented.

In 1865, the publication of the magazine "Epoch", whose subscribers were steadily reduced, had to be closed. Moreover: Even after the closure of the publication, the writer faced an impressive amount of debts. To somehow get out of the difficult financial situation, he concluded an extremely unprofitable agreement on the publication of a meeting of his works with the publisher Stelovsky, and soon after that he began to write his most famous novel "Crime and Punishment". The philosophical approach to social reasons was widely recognized among readers, and Roman glorified Dostoevsky while life.

Prince Myshkin performed

The next great book Fedor Mikhailovich became "Idiot", published in 1868. The idea of \u200b\u200bportray an excellent person who is trying to make any other characters, but cannot overcome hostile forces and, as a result, suffers and itself, turned out to be easy for incarnation only in words. In fact, Dostoevsky called "Idiot" one of the most difficult to write a book, although Prince Myshkin and became his favorite character.

Having finished work on this novel, the author decided to write an epic called "Atheism" or "Life of the Great Sin". He could not realize his idea, however, some ideas collected for the epic formed the basis for the next three great books of Dostoevsky: the "demons" novel, written in 1871-1872, the works of "Teen", completed in 1875, and the novel "Brothers Karamazov ", work on which Dostoevsky finished in 1879-1880.

Interestingly, "demons" in which the writer initially assumed to express his disapproving attitude to representatives of revolutionary currents in Russia, gradually changed during the writing. Initially, the author was not going to make Stavrogina, who later became one of his most famous characters, the key hero of the novel. But his image was so powerful that Fyodor Mikhailovich decided to change the idea and add a real drama and tragedy to the political work.

If in "Besnes", among other things, the theme of fathers and children was quite widely revealed, then in the next novel - "Teenager" - the writer brought to the fore the question of the upbringing of a matured child.

A peculiar result of the creative path of Fyodor Mikhailovich, the literary analogue of summing up, the "brothers of the karmazov" became a literary analogue. Many episodes, plot lines, the characters of this work were partly based on the writer's previously written novels, starting with his first published novel "poor people."


Dostoevsky died on January 28, 1881, the cause of death is chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis and emphysema. The death of the writer on the sixtieth year of life.

Grave Fedor Dostoevsky

To say goodbye to the writer crowds came crowds of admirers of his talent, but Fedor Mikhailovich's greatest fame, his timeless novels and wise quotes were still after the death of the author.

Personal life

The first wife of Dostoevsky became Maria Isaev, with whom he met shortly after returning from the cautious. In total, Fedor and Mary marriage launched about seven years, before the sustainable death of the writer's spouse in 1864.

During one of his first trips abroad at the beginning of the 1860s of Dostoevsky, the emancipated Apollinaria Suslov was fascinated. It was from her that Polina was written in the "player", the Naviya Filippovna in Idiot and a number of other female characters.

Although on the eve of the fourth-year anniversary behind the writer, there were at least a long-term relationship with Isaeva and Suslova, at that time his women had not yet presented him with such happiness as children. This disadvantage of the second wife of the writer - Anna Dnikkin. She became not only the faithful spouse, but also an excellent assistant to the writer: assumed the troubles on the publication of Dostoevsky's novels, rationally solved all financial issues, prepared his memories of the genius husband for the publication. Roman "Brothers Karamazov" Fyodor Mikhailovich dedicated to her.

Anna Grigorievna gave birth to a spouse of four children: daughters Sophia and love, sons of Fyodor and Alexey. Alas, Sophia, who had to become the first child of the married couple, died a few months after childbirth. Of all the children of Fyodor Mikhailovich, only Son Fedor became the successor of his writer.

Quotes Dostoevsky

  • No one will make the first step, because everyone thinks that it is not mutual.
  • Very little required to destroy a person: It is worth only to convince him that the case he is engaged in, no one needs.
  • Freedom is not to keep yourself, but in order to own yourself.
  • The writer whose works were not successful, easily becomes a bullive critic: so weak and tasteless wine can be excellent vinegar.
  • Surprisingly, it can make one ray of the sun with a man's soul!
  • The world will save beauty.
  • A person who can hug is a good man.
  • Do not litter your memory offended, otherwise there may simply do not stay place for wonderful moments.
  • If you headed for the purpose and become an expensive stop to throw the stones in any doggy on you, you will never come to the goal.
  • He is smart, but to be cleverly to do - one mind is not enough.
  • Who wants to benefit, that even with knitted hands can make a lot of good.
  • Life goes breathless without an aim.
  • We must love life more than the meaning of life.
  • Suffering your Russian people as if enjoying.
  • Happiness is not in happiness, but only in its achievement.