Tragedy Catherine in the modern world. Tragedy of Katerina in the drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm

Tragedy Catherine in the modern world. Tragedy of Katerina in the drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm

Katerina - main character The drams of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", the wife of Tikhon, the daughter-in-law of Kabanih. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is the conflict of this girl with the "Dark Kingdom", the kingdom of self-rigging, despot and ignorance.

To find out why this conflict arose and why the end of the drama is so tragic, it is possible to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bKaterina about life. The author showed the origins of the character of the heroine. From the words of Katerina, we learn about her childhood and adolescence. Here is the perfect version of patriarchal relations and patriarchal Mira In general: "I lived, I did not talk about anything, exactly the bird in the wild that I want, I happened, then I do." But it was "will", without a conflict with a century-old label of a closed life, whose entire circle is limited to their homework. Katya lived freely: got up early, washed spring water, I went with my mother to the church, then sat for some kind of work and listened to the strangers and mantis, which was a lot in their house. This is a story about the world in which a person does not occur to oppose himself to the general, since he still does not separate himself from this community. That is why there is no violence and coercion. Idyllic harmony patriarchal family life For Katerina - unconditional moral ideal. But she lives in an era, when the scene of this morality disappeared and the infused form holds on violence and coercion. Painful Katerina catches it in his family life in the house of Kabanov. After hearing the story of the life of the daughter-in-law before marriage, Barbara (sister Tikhon) exclaims in surprise: "But we have the same thing." "Yes, everything seems to be from under the capture," Katerina drops, and this is the main drama for her.

Katerina gave married a young, the fate of her was solved by the family, and she takes it as a completely natural, ordinary matter. She enters the family of bounic, ready to love and read the mother-in-law ("For me, Mama, all one thing that native MotherWhat you ... "- she says Kabanchi), waiting in advance that the husband will be over her lord, but also her support, and protection. But Tikhon is not suitable for the role of the head of the patriarchal family, and Katerina speaks of his love for him: "I feel sorry for him very much!" And in the fight against illegal love for Boris Katerina, despite her attempts, it is not possible to rely on Tikhon.

The life of Kati has changed a lot. From the free, joyful world she fell into the world, full of deception, cruelty. She wants to be clean and impeccable.

Katerina no longer feels so delight from the visit of the Church. Religious moods of Katerina are strengthened as it is increasing it spiritual thunderstorm. But it is the inconsistency between its sinful internal state and the fact that the religious commandments require, and does not give her to pray, as before: too far, Katerina from the Hangehogful gap between the external execution of rites and everyday practice. It feels the fear of her, before the desire for the will. Katerina can not do their usual affairs. Sad, disturbing thoughts do not give her calmly admire nature. Kate stays tolerate, while waiting, and dream, but she can no longer live with their thoughts, because the cruel reality returns it to the ground, where the humiliation and suffering.

The situation in which Katerina lives, requires it to lie and deceive. But Katerina is not like that. To Boris, it entails her not one thing that he likes that he was not like the rest surrounding her, her need for love entitled to him, who did not find a review of her husband, an offended feeling of his wife, a deadly longing of her monotonous life. It was necessary to brag, sick; She did not want it, and did not know how to; It was necessary to grind to her dreary life, and it seemed to her as the previous one. Sin lies on her heart with a grave stone. Katerina is terribly afraid of the impending thunderstorm, considering her punishment for the perfect. Katya cannot live on with his sin, and the only way at least partially get rid of it, she considers repentance. She admits in all her husband and boa.

What does she have? It remains to be conquered, renounce independent life And to deal with the unquestion of mother-in-law, the gentle of his husband. But this is not the character of Katerina - she will not return to her old life: if she can not enjoy his feeling, his will, she does not want anything in life, she does not want her life. She decided to die, but her thoughts were scared, that this is a sin. It does not complain about anyone, no one blames, just she can not live anymore. IN last moment Especially lived in her imagination all home horrors. No, she will not be a more sacrifice of soulless mother-in-law and will not languish locked with a silent and nasty husband. Death is her liberation.

    • One piece, honest, sincere, she is not capable of lies and falsehood, so in a cruel world, where wild and kabani, her life reigns so tragic. Katerina's protest against despotism Kabani is a struggle of light, pure, human against the darkness, lies and cruelty of the "Dark Kingdom". No wonder island, which is very much attention paid a selection of names and surnames acting persons, gave such a name of the "thunderstorm" heroine: translated from the Greek "Catherine" means "forever clean." Katerina - a poetic nature. IN […]
    • Katerina Varbara character sincere, sociable, kind, honest, devout, but superstitious. Tender, soft, at the same time, decisive. Rude, cheerful, but not surprising: "... I do not like to talk a lot." Determining, can repulse. Temperament is passionate, winsted, bold, impulse and unpredictable. She herself speaks of herself "Such I originated hot!". Winnocheing, intelligent, calculating, bold and unprofitable, is not afraid of nor parental, nor heavenly punishment. Education, [...]
    • The conflict is a collision of two or more sides, which do not coincide in the views, minigors. In the play of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" several conflicts, but how to decide which one is the main one? In the era of sociologist in literature, it was believed that social conflict The most important in the play. Of course, if you see in the image of Katerina, the reflection of the natural protest of the masses against the syllable conditions of the "Dark Kingdom" and to perceive the death of Katerina as a result of a collision with her mother-in-law, follows [...]
    • Dramatic events of the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" unfold in the city of Kalinov. This town is located on the picturesque bank of the Volga, with a high steer of which the immense Russian expanses and endless gave. "The kind of extraordinary! Beauty! The soul is rejoicing, "hesitates local mechanic self-taught Kuligin. Paintings of endless land, recalled in lyrical song. Among the valleys of the flat ", which he sits, have great importance To transfer the feeling of the immense possibilities of Russian [...]
    • In general, the history of the creation and ideas of the play "Thunderstorm" are very interesting. For some time there was an assumption that the basis of this work was the real events that occurred in the Russian city of Kostroma in 1859. "Early in the morning of November 10, 1859, the Kostroma Meshchanka Alexander Pavlovna Klykov disappeared from home and whether herself rushed to the Volga, or was strangled and cast there. The investigation found out a deaf drama, which walked in an unlikely, living narrowly trading interests in the family: [...]
    • In the drama "Thunderstorm", Ostrovsky created a very difficult psychological image - the image of Katerina Kabanova. This young woman has a viewer with his huge, clean soul, children's sincerity and kindness. But she lives in a stale atmosphere of the "Dark Kingdom" of merchant morals. Ostrovsky managed to create a bright and poetic image of a Russian woman from the people. Basic story line Pieces are tragic conflict Live, feeling the soul of Katerina and the dead mistake of the life of the "Dark Kingdom". Honest and [...]
    • Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky was endowed with the great talent of the playwright. He is deservedly considered the founder of Russian national Theater. His plays, diverse on topics, glorified Russian literature. Ostrovsky's work was democratic. He created the plays in which hatred for an autocrete-fastener regime was manifested. The writer urged the protection of oppressed and humiliated citizens of Russia, eager for social change. The huge merit of Ostrovsky is that he opened the enlightened [...]
    • In the "thunderstorm", Ostrovsky shows the life of the Russian merchant family and the situation in it is a woman. The character of Katerina was formed in a simple merchant family, where love and daughter reigned complete freedom. She acquired and retained all the wonderful features of Russian. This is a clean, open shower, not able to lie. "I don't know how to deceive something; I can't hide something, "she says Varvar. In Religion, Katerina found higher truth and beauty. Her desire for beautiful, kindly expressed in prayers. Going out [...]
    • In the "thunderstorm" island, operating with a minor number of characters, managed to reveal several problems at once. First, it is, of course, a social conflict, the collision of "fathers" and "children", their point of view (and if you resort to generalization, then two historical epochs). To the elder generation, actively expressing his opinion, belongs to Kabanova and wild, to the youngest - Katerina, Tikhon, Varvara, Kudryash and Boris. Kabanova is confident that order in the house, control over all that is happening in it - pledge right life. Correct [...]
    • "Thunderstorm" was published in 1859 (on the eve revolutionary situation In Russia, in the "prejudge" era). Her historicism is in the conflict itself, irreconcilable contradictions reflected in the play. She meets the Spirit of Time. "Thunderstorm" is the idyll of the "Dark Kingdom". Samodoria and shapely brought to the limit. The play appears true heroine From the folk medium and it is the description of her character that the world's world of the city of Kalinova and the conflict itself are described more generally. "Their life […]
    • Alexander Nikolayevich Island "Thunderstorm" for us is historical, as it shows by the life of the bodies. "Thunderstorm" was written in 1859. It is the only product of the conceived, but not implemented by the writer's "Night-Volga" cycle. The main theme of the work is a description of the conflict resulting from two generations. Kabani family typical. Mercury holds for their old morals, not wanting to understand the younger generation. And since young people do not want to follow traditions, they are suppressed. I'm sure, […]
    • Let's start, perhaps, from Katerina. In the play "Thunderstorm" this lady is the main heroine. What is the problem of this work? Problems - that's main questionWho asks the author in his creation. So here is the question of who will win? The dark kingdom, which is represented by the chinous of the county town, or a bright beginning, which is our heroine. Katerina Chista's soul, her tender, sensitive, loving heart. The heroine itself is deeply hostile against this dark swamp, but not fully aware of it. Katerina [...]
    • A strong and deep impression produced "Thunderstorm" A. N. Ostrovsky on his contemporaries. Many critics were encouraged by this work. However, in our time it did not cease to be interesting and topical. Ascended in the category of classical drama, it is now awakening interest. The arbitrariness of the "older" generation lasts for many years, but some event should happen, which could refracted patriarchal self-smuggling. Such an event is the protest and death of Katerina, awakened and others [...]
    • Critical history "Thunderstorms" begins before it appears. To argue about "Light beam in dark kingdom"It was necessary to open the" Dark Kingdom ". The article under the name appeared in the July and September rooms of the" contemporary "for 1859. It was signed by the usual pseudonym N. A. Dobrolyubova - N. - BOV. The reason for this work was extremely significant . In 1859, Ostrovsky brings an interim total literary activity: It appears its two-volume collected works. "We consider for the same thing [...]
    • Special hero In the world of Ostrovsky, adjacent to the type of poor official with a sense of self-esteem, Karandyshev Julius Kapitonovich. At the same time, the pride in it is hypertrophied so much that it becomes replaced by other feelings. Larisa for him is not just a favorite girl, she is also a "prize", which gives the opportunity to triumph over a paratov, chic and rich opponent. At the same time, Karandyshev feels like a benefactor who takes a whalenant woman, partly compromised relations [...]
    • Alexandra Nikolayevich Ostrovsky called "Columbus of Zamoskvorechye", district of Moscow, where people lived merchant class. He showed what tense, dramatic life is going For high fences, which Shakespeare Passions sometimes sometimes in the souls of representatives of the so-called "simple class" - merchants, shopkeepers, small employees. The patriarchal laws of the leaving in the past world seem unshakable, but the hot heart lives according to its own laws - the laws of love and good. Heroes of the Piece "Poverty is not a vice" [...]
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    • The focus of writers of the 19th century is a man with a rich spiritual life, changeable inner world. The new hero reflects the state of the person in the era of social transformations. The autors do not bypass the attention and complex necessity of the development of the human psyche by an external material situation. The world's image of the image of the world of the heroes of Russian literature is psychologism, that is, the ability to show a change in the hero's soul in the center different works We see "unnecessary [...]
    • The drama action takes place in the Volga city of Bryakhimov. And in it, as well as everywhere, cruel orders reign. Society here is the same as in other cities. main character Pieces - Larisa Ogudalova - Nestennica. Family of the Ogudallov is not good, but, thanks to the perseverance, Harita Ignatievna gave acquaintance with strong Mira of this Mother inspires Larisa, that although he has no dowry, must marry a rich bridegroom. And Larisa takes these rules of the game until time, naively hoping that love and wealth [...]
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  • From what moment began the tragedy of Katerina? From the same, as she was in the house of Kabanov. From the same, as it began to live according to their laws. Although the customs in their house were the same as in her native, that's just here they were performed as if forcing.

    In the native edges, the girl lived freely and freely. Could all day careless listen to stories and singing strangers. Never performed heavy work. But as soon as the girl moved into the house of her husband, she began to seem like she could no longer breathe full of breasts, she had nowhere to get roaring.

    The reason was the stretched relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Kabaniha, loving tough rules and order, constantly clinging to Katerina, brought it. The reason was that she was too jealous of her beloved son to another woman. After all, after the wedding, Tikhon's love began to get enough not only to her, and also Katerina.

    But how strong was the love of her husband? Did her freedom-loving heroine? It would seem that you can find comfort from your native and beloved husband, you can ask him to protect against his tough mother. But it was not there. Tikhon turned out to be a soft man who is unable to reap mothers. It is impossible to feel behind him, as behind the stone wall.

    So what to take from such a husband? She wanted sharp sensations and strong feelings. Was he loved by Katerina in fact, if the girl's look fell on Boris, who seemed to her special in this world? But the poor is not lucky with him. Egoistic Boris did not think about anyone, besides himself. Worried only about public opinion that could have to work out, he had an incineration with a married woman.

    Was the support of Katerina from Boris? It is impossible to say so. The guy refused to take her with him when he went to Siberia. He only wished the girlfriend's speedy death so that she was not tormented for a long time.

    Exhausted by remorse of conscience of the heroine is decided to admit to the treason of Tikhon and Kabanchi. After a time, Tikhon says to the girl, what forgives her, because he sees how she suffers from it.

    But Katerina understands that the rest will coordinate her that he will not have a relaxing life. She does not want to go back to the house where everything became disgusting to her, where her freedom is infrained, where her heart does not feel calm and peace. The heroine does not want to live in a world where no one can understand her feelings, so decides to free his soul, rushing into the river.

    The tragedy of Katerina lies in the fact that close people did not want to understand her, support that they just suffered freedom of her actions and souls.

    Option 2.

    "Thunderstorm" island, the work showing the conflict of Katerina with despoty, fools and ignoramuses. Katerina is the main hero of the drama. This heroine has its own views on life. The reader should see it, after that it only becomes clear that the conflict and the sad finale of the drama becomes clear. Katerina tells us about your childhood, as well as about the places where it was born and lived.

    The life of the heroine was pretty free and relaxed. Every day she had an early rise. Further, together with my mother, they went to church, after that, Katerina was engaged in work. With such a lifetime, in principle there can not have any conflict and hatred for loved ones. The heroine lives at such an hour when the patriarchal family holds only on violence and anger. The heroine understood it only in the house of Kabanov.

    The girl married early, perhaps she understood that this was a hurry action, but could not do anything. It was the solution of her family to which the heroine was calm, as if it should be. In the family of Kabanov, Katerina comes with his representation of family life, with its hopes and expectations. Katerina waited for her husband to rule it, but at the same time defend. But this does not happen. Tikhon does not suit this role. From now on, old life ended. Now the heroine is surrounded by false and hypocritical people.

    The heroine is now visiting the church, but does not feel any relief and feelings. Religion begins to attack Katerina when inside her anxiety. The heroine can now not pronounce prayers, because the image of her life is now completely contrary to the commandments. Katerina is scary for himself, the girl wants freedom. Many things that she loved to do earlier, have now become alien. In her head every minute negative thoughtswho prevent her from perceiving the beauty of nature. Now the heroine is just and remains to dream and endure. But, all this becomes in vain, because the reality will always defeat the dreams.

    Katerina now lives in the world who provokes and pushes the girl to lie and deceive. The heroine is by its nature another person. Boris attracts it not only by the fact that he is another person than those who surround the heroine. Just Katerina did not find reciprocal love in her husband, she wants attention and love, but he is not. She needed to deceive and show a trick, but this is not for her. The heroine is tired, and she decides to tell the mother-in-law and her husband about his sin.

    Other options, except for recognition, it does not remain. Everything that she can do in this situation is to humiliate and become a submissive wife and slave beets. But, again, the heroine shows that she is another person, she has a different character. Katerina found a way out, she will die. IN the last days She does not blame anyone, she is just tired and can no longer live in this world. Everything is solved, and already irrevocably. Katerina no longer intends to live such an insignificant life. The mother-in-law for her became an evil and inhuman woman, and her husband was weak, the same stayed. Salvation is only one of all - death.

    Tragedy of Katerina in the play of an island thunderstorm

    Actions of the Piese A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" unfold on the banks of the Volga, in the city of Kalinov. The name of the fictional, these events could occur in any city of Russia, as in Volga, and not. But still the power and beauty of the Great Russian River plays a role in history. After all, it is the Volga that the main heroine of the story trusts itself.

    Brutal morals in the city, this us tells the tradesman and mechanic Kuligin. The poor man does not earn more pieces of bread, no matter how much he worked. Simple residents of the city are sleeping no more than three hours a day. And the "gift" rich is more likely more. Russia The late 19th century is the world of self-rigs, tyrants, despots, rich merchants. In such a harsh world, called the critic Nikolai Dobrolyubov "Dark Kingdom", you have to survive the heroes of the work.

    Each here adapts as it can. Someone comes around and becomes part of the Dark Kingdom, someone suffers and suffers. Wild and Kabanova are filled with Kalinov. One is rich, the second is a benefactor, but quite the "leisure home". Kuligina warms the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding an eternal engine and about a premium that can spend on changing life in the city. Driver Vanya Kudryash Cheerful, "Zubast", does not give a descent to a wilderness in a verbal vehicle and easily reacts to everything. Boris Grigorievich implies attacks and mockerying his uncle, hoping to get part of a grandmother's inheritance. Tikhon - the son of Kabani suffers from a harsh mother, but fulfills all its demands unquestioned. Therefore, periodically goes into the roar, drinks a lot, breaking out from under the tough control of the beloved "Mama". Varvara adapted to the conditions of the family and the nature of Mamashi, learned to adapt.

    Each at its own. And only Katerina - Tikhon's wife cannot find her place here. She is a modest, kind girl, benefactor, but with a hot temper. When I was not married, my mother, the souls in it did not care, dressed "like a doll", did not make it work, everything was allowed, and it was difficult for something to ban something. Somehow Katya, being another child, offended by his parents for something. So ran on the night of the river, climbed into the boat and pushed out of the shore. Found it only by morning. Here she has a fervent, freedom-loving temper. She does not tolerate injustice and captivity at all. But in the house of Kabanov, with external similarity with customs native family, everything is just "from under the capture."

    Katya dreams of becoming a bird and fly away, just not to demolish more reproaches, unfair offend, the darkness of mother-in-law and her houses. She does not like her husband, but regrets. And he would have been an independent man, and not a bright son at Mama, would have become a good and loyal wife. Tikhon loves his wife in his own way. But never will tell the words across the mother. Marfa Ignatievna just like Tirand Son and daughter-in-law especially. She covers this vice great benefactor. After all, stupid young people will not be able to live without her with their mind, they pose mistakes, but they will disappear.

    And not in the tragedy of Katerina's guilt of someone. Everyone is blamed, someone more, someone less. Whose tyranny, whose silence and indifference. After all, she wanted to be clean, impeccable, good wife, dreamed of children. Boris's wines in tragedy also have. He did not try to change the situation, save his beloved and leaving only and prays about her early death as relief from Muk. This path and chooses Katya. It does not see another way to get rid of the darkening of the Dark Kingdom. Although the act is contradictory. N. Dobrolyubov in his critical article He noted that the suicide of the heroine: "Dan a terrible challenge of Samogovny strength." And he called the girl himself as a ray of set in the dark kingdom.

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  • Katerina is the main character of the Drama of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", the wife of Tikhon, the daughter-in-law of Kabanih. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is the conflict of this girl with the "Dark Kingdom", the kingdom of self-rigging, despot and ignorance.

    To find out why this conflict arose and why the end of the drama is so tragic, it is possible to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bKaterina about life. The author showed the origins of the character of the heroine. From the words of Katerina, we learn about her childhood and adolescence. A perfect version of the patriarchal relations and the patriarchal world is drawn here: "I lived, I did not talk about something, exactly the bird in the will that I want, I happened, then I do." But it was "will", without a conflict with a century-old label of a closed life, whose entire circle is limited to their homework.

    Katya lived freely: I got up early, washed off by Spring water, went with the mother to the church, then sat for any job and listened to the strangers and the mantis, which was a lot in their house. This is a story about the world in which a person does not occur to oppose himself to the general, since he still does not separate himself from this community. That is why there is no violence and coercion. Idyllic harmony of patriarchal family life for Katerina - unconditional moral ideal. But she lives in an era, when the scene of this morality disappeared and the infused form holds on violence and coercion. Painful Katerina catches it in his family life in the house of Kabanov. After hearing the story of the life of the daughter-in-law before marriage, Barbara (sister Tikhon) exclaims in surprise: "But we have the same thing." "Yes, everything seems to be from under the capture," Katerina drops, and this is the main drama for her.

    Katerina gave married a young, the fate of her was solved by the family, and she takes it as a completely natural, ordinary matter. She is part of the Kabanov family, ready to love and read the mother-in-law ("For me, Mama, all one thing that my mother, what are you ..." - she says Kabanchi), waiting in advance that her husband will be over her lister, but also her support, and protection. But Tikhon is not suitable for the role of the head of the patriarchal family, and Katerina speaks of his love for him: "I feel sorry for him very much!" And in the fight against illegal love for Boris Katerina, despite her attempts, it is not possible to rely on Tikhon.

    The life of Kati has changed a lot. From the free, joyful world she fell into the world, full of deception, cruelty. She wants to be clean and impeccable.

    Katerina no longer feels so delight from the visit of the Church. Religious moods of Katerina are intensified as its mental thunderstorm increases. But it is the inconsistency between its sinful internal state and the fact that the religious commandments require, and does not give her to pray, as before: too far, Katerina from the Hangehogful gap between the external execution of rites and everyday practice. It feels the fear of her, before the desire for the will. Katerina can not do their usual affairs. Sad, disturbing thoughts do not give her calmly admire nature. Kate stays tolerate, while waiting, and dream, but she can no longer live with their thoughts, because the cruel reality returns it to the ground, where the humiliation and suffering.

    The situation in which Katerina lives, requires it to lie and deceive. But Katerina is not like that. To Boris, it entails her not one thing that he likes that he was not like the rest surrounding her, her need for love entitled to him, who did not find a review of her husband, an offended feeling of his wife, a deadly longing of her monotonous life. It was necessary to brag, sick; She did not want it, and did not know how to; It was necessary to grind to her dreary life, and it seemed to her as the previous one. Sin lies on her heart with a grave stone. Katerina is terribly afraid of the impending thunderstorm, considering her punishment for the perfect. Katya cannot live on with his sin, and the only way at least partially get rid of it, she considers repentance. She admits in all her husband and boa.

    What does she have? It remains to conquer her, renounce independent life and to deal with the unquestion of mother-in-law, the gentle of his husband. But this is not the character of Katerina - she will not return to her old life: if she can not enjoy his feeling, his will, she does not want anything in life, she does not want her life. She decided to die, but her thoughts were scared, that this is a sin. It does not complain about anyone, no one blames, just she can not live anymore. At the last moment all homemade horrors felt especially alive in her imagination. No, she will not be a more sacrifice of soulless mother-in-law and will not languish locked with a silent and nasty husband. Death is her liberation.

    / / / Soul tragedy Katerina in the play of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

    The main conflict of the Ostrovsky's play "" is the struggle of old, archaic and new. But the personal conflict between human feelings and human principles.

    One day in the "Dark Kingdom" - a place where the rules of tyranny and fear, a completely different person appears, which differs from all its honesty, openness and devotion. This man was the main heroine of the work of Katerina. It is unresolved on others that caused life tragedy Girls.

    The island showed us a clean and immaculate nature of the Russian woman. Women who distinguishes hot heart and hard character.

    The play begins a description of the beauty of the Volga. The beauty and intactness of nature became the background, on which the tragedy of the main heroine developed. It seems to be all in Kalinov calmly, life goes by his man, if the power of public opinion, which pushed Katerina to the cliff.

    Being strong personalityThe main character at first does not pay attention to public culk, she doesn't care what they say about it and think. She is not afraid of the human court. But, unfortunately, the Human court for Katerina became unbearable. She says: "Everyone and go for me all day, and laugh to me straight in the eye ...".

    The tragedy of the main character happens in front of the residents of Kalinov. She admits publicly in treason to her husband, she drives the scores with life from everyone in sight.

    Ostrovsky shows us Katerina, as a very sensitive nature with a rich inner world. On the pages of the work we see the main character in various emotional states. She, then be sad, it rejoices, it hurts, it is in confusion of feelings, then in a rustling of passion. Katerina seems to be revived, falling in love with Boris. Of course, she is trying to drive lovedness from themselves, she is not ready to betray her husband, but then he himself admits himself that the image of Boris is constantly in front of her eyes. Ultimately, the main heroine remains true to its principles. She continues to endure the mockery of Kabani.

    In the farewell scene with Tikhon, Katerina had to experience his patience again. The girl was offended by his husband's attitude, because his mother's words were heard in his speeches. At that moment, Katerina felt that it would happen unearthly after the departure of Tikhon.

    In the episode with the key, the girl is trying to figure out his feelings. But he understands that herself do not deceive. In this we see the full strength of Katerina. She does not want and cannot pretend to be not honest. The girl complains of bitterness of his position. It was it that pushed Katerina to decisive actions. The main heroine is adopted final decision Being with Boris, and the consequences of her no longer worry.

    Being at the wicket to the garden, Katerina still doubts the correctness of his act, but then goes to the call of his heart.

    The main heroine was not afraid of public rigor. She publicly declared her to betray her husband. Katerina understood all the sinfulness of his act, but was ready to cross through his principles and be with a loved one.

    In the final of the play, Katerina dies. Its act can be estimated in different ways. She could not realize his dream - to be with a loved one, but was able to show the whole tragedy of the "Dark Kingdom", which ruined her.

    Katerina was able to betray his principles for love. For us, she will never be a fallen woman. We remember her as a person who fought for her dream. Let even in this way.

    In the play, A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" depicts an era of 60 ~ x year of the nineteenth century. At this time, the revolutionary speeches of the people are brewing in Russia. They are directed at. Improving life and life ordinary people, on the overthrow of the tsarism. The works of great Russian writers and poets are also involved in this struggle, among them and the play of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", which shook the whole of Russia. On the example of the image of Katerina, the struggle of the entire people against the "Dark Kingdom" and his patriarchal order is depicted.

    The main character in the play A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is Katerina. Its protest against the "Kabanovsky" orders, the struggle for his own happiness and depicts the author in the drama.

    Katerina rose in the house of a poor merchant, argued there spiritually and morally. Katerina was uncommon personAnd in the features of her face was some kind of extraordinary charm. All she "breathed" Russian, truly folk Beauty; This is how Boris talks about her: "There is someone on her face angel's smile, and on behalf of the face as if it glows."

    Before his marriage, Katerina "lived, nothing was served, exactly the bird on the will," did what she wanted and when she wanted, no one had never forced her and did not forced to do what she, Katerina did not want.

    Her spiritual world It was very rich and diverse. Katerina was a very poetic nature with a rich imagination. In her conversations, we hear folk wisdom and folk statements. Her soul sought to fly;, " Why people Do not fly like birds? I sometimes think I'm a bird. When you stand on the mountain, so you pull you. That would be fused, raised her arms and flew. "

    The shower of Katerina "brought up" and on the stories of the mantis, who were in the house every day, and on sewing on the velvet (the sewing brought it up and led to the world of beauty and good, to the world of art).

    After marriage, the life of Katerina changed dramatically. In the house of Kabanov, Katerina was one, her world, her soul nickname, it could not understand, this loneliness was the first step towards tragedy. The ratio of home to heroine has changed dramatically. Kabanov's house adhered to the same orders and customs as parental house Katerina, but here "everything is as if from under the capture." The cruel orders of Kabani stuck in Katerina, the desire for the sublime, since then the soul of the heroine fell into the abyss.

    Another Katerina's pain is not understanding her husband. Tikhon was a kind, wounded man, very weak compared to Katerina, he never had his opinion - he obeyed the opinion of another, more strong man. Tikhon could not understand the aspirations of his wife: "I do not figure out you, Katya." This misunderstanding closer to Katerina is one more step towards a catastrophe.

    The tragedy for Katerina has become love for Boris. According to Dobrolyubov, Boris was the same as Tikhon, only formed. Because of his education, he fell into the field of view of Katerina. From the whole crowd of the "Dark Kingdom" she chose him, distinguished little from the rest. However, Boris turned out to be even worse than Tikhon, he is only about himself: he thinks only about what they will tell about him. He throws Katerina to the arbitrariness of fate, to massacre the "Dark Kingdom": "Well, God is with you! Only one thing and you have to ask God, so that she died as soon as she suffers for a long time! Goodbye!".

    Katerina sincerely loves Boris, worried about him: "Something he is now, poor, does it? .. For what I entered him in trouble? To kill me alone! And then he destroyed himself, he was destroyed, his dishonor - he is eternal shame! ".

    Morals of the city of Kalinov, his rudeness yes "Poverty Nagolynaya" were not acceptable for Katerina: "If I want, I will go where the eyes look. No one will stop me, such

    i have a character. "

    Dobrolyubov gave a high assessment of the work. Katerina he called "Light Light in the" Dark Kingdom ". In her tragic end, "Dan a terrible challenge of Samoga strength ... In Katerina, we see a protest against the Kabanovsky concepts about morality, protest, brought to the end, proclaimed and under home torture, and over the abyss, in which a poor woman rushed." In the image of Katerina, Dobrolyubov sees the embodiment of "Russian lively nature". Katerina prefers to die than living in captivity. The act of Katerina is ambiguous.

    The image of Katerina in the play of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is perfect way Russian woman in Russian literature.