Daughter of Catherine Andreevna. "We are two parallel worlds": Ekaterina Andreeva told about the relationship with a foreigner's husband

Daughter of Catherine Andreevna. "We are two parallel worlds": Ekaterina Andreeva told about the relationship with a foreigner's husband

Name: Ekaterina Andreeva (Ekaterina Andreeva)
Birthday: November 27, 1961 (55 years)
Place of Birth: moscow
Weight: 66 kg
Height: 176 cm
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Eastern horoscope: Bull
Activity: journalist, TV host

Biography of Ekaterina Andreva

The girl's father worked as Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Bank, and Mom was a housewife. By the way, Catherine has a younger sister Svetlana.

Unknown childhood

As a child, Katya Andreeva was slight enough. She was fond of basketball, and even for some time he studied at the school of the Olympic reserve. By the way, pregnancy and childbirth did not affect the leading figure.

However, in the fifth year of the institute, at the time when Catherine wrote a diploma and led a rather low-wear lifestyle, something terrible happened. The journalist itself remembers this nightmare with shudder. She weighed about 80 kilograms. However, for its growth (at that time, about 170 cm), she did not look at the ugly bustry at all, at least she had it like that.

"I was big: a big face, powerful neck and hands. The fact that I am not big, but just a huge, I understood after weighing, "the presenter grins.

"I could easily sit in the kitchen in the evening, to eat the grilled potato frying pan with chicken, get all this jar of patchesons, for example, and drink tea with mom's pie. I myself did not understand what I recover. There was no weights in the house. If someone wants to keep himself "in the body", then the scales are needed at home, it is impossible to rely on clothes, "says Ekaterina Andreeva.

Then Catherine began to visit the gym and sat on the diet. For four years, she lost 20 kilograms. By the way, the old weight never returned. Now Andreeva is better than ever, knows what the patience means. And the diet with fitness has already been firmly entered into her life.
Star menu
TV presenter is very reverent about its diet. It can no longer have more than the body. Gourmet himself Katya does not consider and does not welcome the sizes in food.

Everyone is interested in her secret of beauty

"Everything should be simple," says Andreev. And argues that the most ideal is Japanese cuisine. They are only natural products and maximum vitamins. And products are prepared at the maximum fire and quickly so that vitamins remain "alive." In the morning, the celebrity eats porridge, at lunch - the soup is certainly on meat broth, and in the evening it is supported with something easy.
Little Lyunya.
First, Ekaterina Andreeva lived on Kutuzovsky Avenue, later on Leninsky, and then in the center. Anyway, the Kremlin was always near. In childhood, the girl even seemed that she lives in the Spasskaya Tower. When Katya first came to kindergarten, then the educator said. Kindergarten workers came up and began to find out who parents are new and need a special guardianship. By the way, when it turned out that Andreeva was attracted about his position in society, then she, in her words, was tight. However, Catherine herself is sure that he did not lie, because she actually seemed that she lives in the Kremlin.

It is worth noting that Ekaterina Andreeva graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute named after Krupskaya in 1990, and also studied at the All-Union Legal Alignment Institute, and then even worked in the General Prosecutor's Office. There she was listed in the Department of Detament Management Department.
Bad habits
The on-screen is perfect, in life - with bad habits. Catherine can not live without chocolate and cigarettes. And if the passion for candy can be explained, then quit smoking Ekaterina Andreeva is already desperate. True, the TV host prefers ultralight cigarettes and certainly "MURATTI". By the way, in Moscow, a favorite brand with a coal filter is not sold, and tobacco have to carry out of Italy.

Ekaterina Andreeva with his daughter

The Snow Queen
Ekaterina Andreva was a direct road to the profession of a lawyer, historian or an acting environment. However, she chose television.

At the Institute, the celebrity first studied at the Faculty of Law, but when I realized that it did not add up with jurisprudence, I switched to Eastfak, because I was always interested in history.

Andreeva came to television simply. She learned about the set of training courses of television and broadcasting workers. But, while studying, the girl did not believe in their strength. Just because it often scolded. The teachers believed that Catherine, a cold and arrogant on the screen, a sort of "snow queen". By the way, Andreeva studied at Igor Kirillov and became one of the latest televisers who passed the announcement school.

On television, Ekaterina Andreeva began to work since 1991. At first, she was a speaker of Central Television and the Ostankino television company, then the leading "good morning", and since 1995 he worked in the "ORT" television company editor of information programs and leading "news". In the Directorate of Information Programs, it has since been in 1995, and went to the broadcast in 1995.

Ekaterina Andreeva on video

The constant and permanent leading program "Time" on the first channel Andreeva became in 1998. By the way, in 1999, according to the results of a survey on the network, it was recognized as the most beautiful TV presenter in Russia.

By this time, Ekaterina Andreeva has already graduated from the Faculty of History and the All-Union Institute for Radio and Television Workers' Qualifications. And besides, the dissertation on the Nuremberg process was written.

"When I first went on the air, so the pulse fought that I barely breathe," recalls Katya, but now it can take it from equilibrium and it can work in any conditions. But with the fatigue of Andreeva, it struggles easily, it just lies at the nearest sofa and dormant minutes twenty.
TV presenter herself stylist. And at the same time it is considered one of the most stylish television workers. She prefers a strict and exquisite style. And in everything, whether it is clothing, cosmetics or manners. Katya's essential clothing is bought by itself, herself makes him a hairstyle and causes ether makeup.
Ekaterina Andreeva loves to walk on antique shops. By her assurances, she has sharp snacks on old things. The leading impossible to deceive or sell it to the fake. At the same time, she knows how to bargain, if he knows that this thing is really her.
Catherine Andreev can be seen on the screens and not as a TV presenter. She starred in the cinema. The first film with her participation was released in 1990. He was called "Unknown Pages from Scout Life"

With her beloved husband

A year later, the leader played in the film "The Festival of Ada", and in 1999 it became the actress of the film "In the Mirror of Venus".

The character of Catherine Andreva was used in the animated show-parody "Cartoon personality".

Personal life Catherine Andreeva

Ekaterina Andreeva managed to build a career, without sacrificing a personal life. She does not hide what is happy in marriage. Now she is married for the second time for a businessman Dusko Pepovich, Chernogorz by nationality. The couple got married in 1989. Ekaterina has Natasha's daughter from the first marriage.

Ekaterina Andreeva About Natural Anomaly

Catherine says that her spouse Dushan saw her for the first time on TV, found through familiar journalists. Three years, the young man cared for his beloved. All this time, he hardly taught Russian, when meeting Catherine, he knew literally ten words in Russian. And at one fine moment Andreeva realized that this was the person she was waiting for all his life.

By the way, the daughter of Natalia graduated from the Law Faculty of MGIMO and does not intend to go in the footsteps of the mother.

Ekaterina Andreeva is a popular TV presenter, the time speaker "Time" is a radical Muscovite, born 11/27/1961 in a sufficiently secured family.

Her father held a high position in the USSR State Bank and her mother could afford to devote himself to devoting himself to her daughters - Catherine and her younger sister Svetlana.

In childhood and youth

Catherine's childhood passed in the usual Moscow school. She studied well and devoted a lot of time to sports activities. For some time, she was so seriously fascinated by the game of basketball, which even moved to the school of the Olympic reserve. However, the girl did not dream about the sports future, so after graduation, she entered the pedagogical.

Carier start

Young Catherine has always been an exacerbated sense of justice. She loved to help weak and defend them. It may be one of the reasons that a legal institution was chosen by another place of study, whose absentee departments of Ekaterina worked in the state institutions.

In 1991, Ekaterina Andreeva took part in the guest competition and the result was and was approved for a job by a speaker. The new work required new skills, so I had to learn again, this time in the School of School of Schools at the famous leading news of Igor Kirillov.

Catherine's first live broadcast took place in 1995. She tried her strength in the Morning Program, and also began work in the Dictatorian department, news programs often led. The new work completely captured Catherine. She liked to be aware of all the newest events and share them with people.

Program "Time"

Almost for all, the name of Catherine Andreva is inextricably linked with the program "Time", the permanent leading of which it is since 1998. Intelligent and charming, Catherine was so loved by the viewer, which, after a year, on the results of the Internet voting, she was recognized as the most beautiful TV host Russia.

But still, its main goat is not an appearance, but the highest professionalism in submitting information and the ability to keep himself in front of the camera and cope with freelance situations that such work happens at such a rarely.

By the way, when Catherine ask questions about what kind of achievements she is proud, one of the mains she believes that she managed to maintain peace of mind and exposure to the ether who told about the events in Nord-Oste. All his experiences that day she splashed behind the scenes, and appearing on the air demonstrated an exposure and confidence that the situation was allowed as well as possible.

The story is repeated, and everything that man is destined to go through it. In the life of Catherine, there was already a similar situation with which she could not be able to handle. Few people know that her first ether was appointed for the summer of 1995. But on that day everyone shook other tragic events - the hostage seizure in Budennovsk. Young Catherine failed to cope with emotions and exit. When after a few years the situation happened, she was able to pass the test with honor.

Beauty will save the world

To this day, despite their age, Ekaterina Andreeva remains one of the most beautiful women on Russian channels. And it is often invited already as a guest in various female programs with the same question - as she managed to maintain its excellent appearance and excellent figure for so many years.

In one of the interviews, Catherine opened his little secret. It turns out that she was not always slim. No, Tolstoy, she was never either, and he could not be, considering how much time in school years she spent on a basketball court.

But while studying at the institute, she relaxed a little. Moreover, what about everything that she makes Catherine got used to treat as seriously possible - this feature got it from his father. The years spent behind the books unexpectedly climbed unnecessary kilograms in the literal sense - the hips were rounded, became a heavy gait, her neck and hands flowed.

As many women, Catherine felt that he was recovering, but did not particularly pay attention to it ... until I had the scales. Figure 80 really scared it. With his height, it was not yet ugly Tolstoy, but it was not in this. Compared with its usual weight, Catherine was heavier almost 20 kilograms. And this is in an even place - neither pregnancy or hormonal disorders.

That day turned forward her position towards himself and his own body. She returned to the gym again and completely revised the power mode. The most difficult thing was to abandon fried potatoes, which she could eat a whole pan herself. But Catherine got used to achieve their goals and the weight surrendered. 20 kilograms left for almost 4 years. But the chance of returning Catherine did not leave them.

Diet Ekaterina Andreeva

Diet from Andreyeva is not a diet - this is a healthy lifestyle. It consumes only fresh products and prepares them as easy as possible so that the long thermal processing does not destroy vitamins. Prefers small portions, but does not adhere to vegetarianism or other new-fashioned diets. The main principle is all, but gradually.

Favorite cuisine - all the same Japanese, loves sushi, seafood. He considers an indispensable dish in the diet of a beautiful woman porridge. Fried potato is now a delicacy, although sometimes she allows him to him.

In 2018, Ekaterina Andreev deployed to the background in the TV program "Time". While her colleague, Kirill Kleenov, after a 10-year-old break returned to the news studio. Now the branded will be news for the "European" part of the audience, and Andreeva - for the rest.

Also, Andreeva, together with Vitaly Eliseyev, will record Saturday issues of "time" for the entire audience of the first channel.

As declared on the first channel, such personnel changes are temporary. Andreeva still will definitely return "to the main screen."

Catherine herself is not afraid of sitting without work. She is confident that even if it is fired from "Westa", then for her there is another place.

And indeed, in May, the inhabitants of the whole Russia again saw on their television screens in the role of the main leading news "Time".

Many Catherine's subscribers in Instagram repeatedly note its striking resemblance to her daughter. Andreeva is so young as young as you can't even say that mom and daughter are depicted in the photo. Rather, they look like sisters.

The secret of his youth itself, Katerina, considers love for himself and to people in general. Of course, it is necessary and proper nutrition and physical exertion. But if there is no love, then it will all be not particularly effective.

Husband and Children Catherine Andreva

The first marriage of Catherine was unfortunately, and she does not like to tell about him. But in the second, she is absolutely happy with Serbian businessman Dusko Perovich. The daughter of Catherine from the first marriage Natasha he accepted and raised as his own.

With husband

Ekaterina Andreeva - Russian TV presenter and actress, the real star of the "Channel One". For many, it is a sample to follow, because a woman in his 55 years looks no more than 35.

Updated 02/16/2018 18:17

Parameters of the figure of Catherine Andreva:

  • Age: 56 years old (in February 2018)
  • Height: 176 cm
  • Weight: 66 kg
  • Dimensions:97-74-115 cm
  • Foot size: 39

Catherine looks elegant and confident. Much time she pays its appearance, therefore, appearing on the "news" on the "first", always effectively and well-groomed. Many viewers note the excellent condition of her skin. Andreeva argues that the main thing is to maintain water balance and carry out daily cleansing procedures. The host visits the massage room.

According to Catherine: not only sports and cosmetic procedures are important for preserving beauty, but also a healthy dream, proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits, attitude to positive.

Since childhood, Muscovite Andreeva was characterized by humbered, as he visited the basketball section. Also on the figure did not affect her pregnancy. The only period when the girl faced a problem of excess weight is the last course of the institute. Working on the graduation project, she moved very little and used harmful food. At that moment, the scales showed more than 85 kg.

However, the girl took himself in his hands and decided to do his body. Now, at the age of 55, the weight of Andreva does not exceed 70 kg, but to take into account that its growth is 1 m 76 cm.

The leading is constantly engaged in sports, in the morning there makes gymnastics, does not refuse to himself in spa treatments.

Photo: Instagram @ekaterinaandreeva_official

In addition, Catherine has little free time. A rich schedule of work does not allow her to sit in one place: it leads news transfer, participates in the TV projects, sometimes appears in film stairs and tries not to deprive the attention of their loved ones.

Photo: Instagram @ekaterinaandreeva_official

Famous TV presenter leads a healthy lifestyle, which has a beneficial effect on its appearance. Despite the larger load, it always remains in a tone, does not lose shape, pleases the viewers with its charm and talent.

TV presenter Andreeva Catherine Sergeevna is a famous journalist 1 channel, without which it is impossible to present the release of news. It leads this information program for twenty years.

This beautiful and spectacular woman who does not look at her age in the passport, not only a talented journalist and actress, but also a wonderful spouse and mother. And this beauty is a rather lucky person who fate often throws pleasant surprises.

Catherine often admits that she is madly like to learn the news first and share them with other people.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Catherine Andreeva

Currently, the leaders in the query row on the tag of Ekaterina Andreev are questions that clarify its growth, weight, age. How many years Catherine Andreeva is the next request in popularity, since no one gives age-related TV presenters for more than thirty years.

Ekaterina Andreeva was born back in 1961, so she was fulfilled by fifty five years. For many of her fans, this information may be shocked because the TV presenter looks unrealistic beautifully.

According to the sign of the Zodiac Andreev - reasonable, practical, volitional and diplomatic shooter who breaks stereotypes and achieves everything on its own. On the Eastern Horoscope, the woman is a conservative, stubborn and persistent bull.

The growth of Andreva is one meter and eighty centimeters, and the weight is currently holding at 67 kilograms. Such a weight is a small victory of the TV host, which all the time fights overweight.

Biography of Catherine Andreva - leading 1 channel

Katyusha was born in November 1961 in the capital. She was a slight and painful child. The baby lived not far from the Spasskaya Tower and he said to everyone that she lives in the Kremlin. In kindergarten, everyone considered it an incorrect liar and the dancer.

In school years, I began to play sports, including basketball. For a long time I studied at school, where they were preparing athletes for the Olympic reserve.

The girl decided to associate his life with the protection of human rights, so after school entered Vousy at the correspondence department. The pre-diploma practice was held in the department of the Prosecutor General's Office, who oversaw the criminogenic Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory. During the practice, young Katya almost killed, when she returned home from the investigative experiment. Sleeping a girl only a happy case and a fast reaction.

After some time, the girl radically changed her life, she was transferred to the historical faculty. And then he decided to receive the second higher education at all, enrolling in the metropolitan pedagogical institution. She became the author of the thesis, which covered the Nuremberg process.

Biography of Ekaterina Andreva - leading 1 channel in Maldives photo

It turned out to her little, Katya went to the courses for the body and radio. A talented girl was struck by the famous speaker of Igor Kirillov, who undertook to teach her skill individually. The television meter struck calm and even a few cold look, with whom the girl appeared on the screen. Kirillov believed that it could be useful for the leading news block in which you need to report any news with a calm view.

The biography of Catherine Andreva in the role of the presenter was closely related to Ostankino TRC. In 1991, she was the first person of the TV program with which thousands of Russians wake up. From 1995, the channel has changed its name on ORT and entrusted Andreva news news and the program about cars. She could appear on the screens before, but categorically refused to appear on the screen with the news about the seizure of the hostages in Budennovsk.

Since 1998, Catherine is a permanent leading news output and filmed in movies. She flashes in such works as "in the mirror of Venus", "Fashion of hell", "First Speed", "Personal Number", and its image is often used in the Mult Personality Show. By the way, Catherine is very superstitious, so flatly refused to be filmed in the cult series "Master and Margarita".

Biography of Catherine Andreva - leading 1 channel photo

Ekaterina Andreeva several times recognized as the most beautiful TV presenter of Russia and was awarded the Order of Friendship. In 2010, he fell into the top of the most popular leaders, and in 2014 it turned out to be in disgraces of the Ukrainian government for the truthful coverage of events in the Donbas.

A woman loves to go shopping, but not ordinary, and antique. She knows how to distinguish a fake from a really worthwhile thing and not shake to bargain to the last.

Catherine will never entrust the stylists to the ether. She herself picks up clothes, makes makeup and makes her hair before ether. Andreeva believes that business style is most suitable for the lead.

Recently, the Internet had the news that Ekaterina Andreeva TV presenter left the first channel. However, to the delight of her fans, this news was just a ridiculous hearing. The woman just left the next vacation. Catherine is joking that she cannot be left off the channel, as evil tongues immediately drive her out or simply send to a well-deserved rest.

Personal life Catherine Andreeva

The personal life of Catherine Andreeva is not often advertised, because a woman does not like to open the soul to the fans nor the worships. It does not fully mention in an interview with the name of its fans. No one knows the surname of her first husband, from which the famous TV presenter was born her daughter. Also, no one knows the reasons for the separation of the couple and whether they were in a legitimate marriage or not.

No matter how carefully did not hide a personal life from fans, they admire Katerina's ability to combine family life and career.

Ekaterina Andreeva holds a vacation in Maldives, because it is a traveler with great experience. She loves diving with scuba and share details of recreation with fans. Holidays in Maldives TV presenter invariably spends with her beloved husband.

Family of Ekaterina Andreeva

Family of Catherine Andreva is her support, support and main wealth in life. For the sake of his loved ones, the woman is ready to sacrifice the work on television and career.

Ekaterina's father - Sergey Aleksandrovich - had a weight in the public and political life of the country, since he worked as Deputy Chairman of the State Supplies of the Soviet Union. He rarely visited at home and treated the raising of children quite seriously. Unfortunately, Sergey Andreeva is no longer alive.

Mom TV presenter - Tatyana Ivanovna - did not work, she led a household and raised his daughters.

The younger sister of light was born in 1969, she graduated from Moscow State University. Currently, a woman works as an editor in the "Time" news program.

Children of Catherine Andreeva

Children of Catherine Andreva is her main wealth. A woman believes that anyone, even the most dizzying career should not be a hindrance to communicating with family and children.

The children have a famous TV host for a little, namely, a favorite daughter who, by the way, is very similar to his star mother and character and appearance. She is persistent, incredibly beautiful and confident in herself.

Catherine is happy in the second marriage and really wants to give birth to his chosen one. However, this is not yet possible for reasons that do not depend on the family pair.

Daughter of Catherine Andreeva - Natalia Andreeva

The daughter of Catherine Andreva - Natalia Andreeva appeared in 1982. The girl's father is unknown, it is not clear whether Natalia is also communicating with him or not. She went in the footsteps of the mother, graduating from the law faculty of prestigious MGIMO.

The girl striking everyone with her beauty and generosity. She became a volunteer, still learning in a higher educational institution. Natalia was fascinated by world-class charitable projects in which it was quite preparing.

She loves his mother and respectfully treats her work, but it is not in a hurry to go to television leading.

Ekaterina Andreeva with a daughter photo on the Internet is more similar to girlfriends than on mom and daughter. They are beautiful, elegant and self-sufficient than cause to sculpt many people.

Husband Ekaterina Andreva - Dushan Pereovich

The second husband of Catherine Andreva - Dushan Pereovich is a native Serb and a famous businessman. Dusan saw a girl in the news and found through familiar televisers. He persistently cared for a beautiful TV host, although he did not speak Russian.

For three years, a man not only thoroughly learned Russian, but also conquered the heart to care and attention. Dusan did not focus on the fact that he was rich, because he knew that money would not matter for Andreva.

At that time, the woman was connected with the first husband relationship, and the novels did not want to start. She just did not want to lie any man. Dusan conquered the heart to beloved by gave her a family relic - a medal that is transmitted from generation to generation. When he was going to return to his homeland, Catherine just could not let him go.

After the man replaced the little Father's little Natasha, Catherine melted finally. In 1989, the pair legalized her relationship, and happy until now.

Photo of Catherine Andreva before and after plastic does not come off from the first bands of newspapers and magazines. On the Internet there are often materials about what clinics a woman passed operations to rejuvenate.

It is worth immediately putting all the points above and, Catherine does not exclude the possibility that in a couple of decades she will want to change his body. Currently, she is pleased with them and is not going to change anything.

In its fifty five it looks just great due to complex plastic operations, but because it does not use cosmetics too often. Catherine is sleeping exactly eight hours a day, engaged in yoga, gymnastics, martial arts. Every morning it starts with a set of gymnastic exercises.

The TV host is almost never frustrated and often smiles, looking for positive in everything in the world. Woman happy in marriage, loves and loved.

Few who believe, but Andreva had overweight problems. By the way, in Yekaterina's youth, it was a real pynes, however, thanks to a special diet and patience, was able to lose weight and hold the weight so far. She does not limit herself in food, but just feeds on small portions. Andreeva - a fan of Japanese cuisine, especially loves seafood, sushi and all sorts of cereals.

A woman does not abuse alcohol, but she has bad habits: a passion for good Israeli tobacco and sweets.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Andreva

Instagram and Wikipedia Catherine Andreeva are filled with bright and positive photos. TV presenter personally lay out them on her page, giving the part of the soul.

She has a little subscribers, only about 12,000 people, but they are devoted to the personal and creative life of the TV host. From Instagram Catherine Andreva, it is possible to learn about what the famous people from her surroundings are engaged.

Very beautiful photos will bring a woman from numerous trips, accompanying their interesting comments. Even on his page, the TV presenter gives useful advice to those who want to succeed in life.

In Stagram, you can watch the video that Catherine lays out regularly. They introduce subscribers not only with television projects, but also with the passions of the TV presenter.

Ekaterina Andreeva is a beautiful woman, mother, a spouse that successfully combines a career and family life. She gives us good news and helps soften blows from bad.

Ekaterina Andreeva is one of the brightest and recognizable personalities on television. Since 1995, she was a permanent leading host program "Time". Before coming to the TV channel, she succeeded in other areas. Learn more about the personal life, her family and fields of activity, will tell the biography of the television.

Family and years of study

The father of the future popular TV presenter was a serious person. At the time of the existence of the USSR, he was the Deputy Chairman of the State Bank. And in the meantime, mom completely devoted himself to the family and upbringing two daughters. Katya was born in Moscow on November 27, 1961. She was the first child in the family. Later her sister of light was born.

The Andreva family was sufficient enough. They could afford to move from one apartment to another, improving their former conditions.

From the children's years, Katya was fond of basketball. At one time, she even consisted of school of the Olympic reserve. Always a thin girl, during the time of the student, began to dramatically gain in weight.

Studying at the 5th year of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, the girl, working on writing a diploma, moved very little and a lot of elaboration. As a result, he was very corrected. Own reflection in the mirror did not please Katherine, and she decided, by all means fix the situation.

She, despite his employment, began to properly visit the gym and limited herself in food, sowing on a diet.

After some time I lost weight by 20 kg. Since then, Katerina does not allow himself sending, carefully following his appearance in general. Responding to numerous questions regarding how she managed to look so good, Katerina, smiling, says that you need to play sports and do not overeat.

TV presenter career

Who knows, how would the fate of Katerina Andreeva, if she had become a historian, as he wanted to. However, acting skills and jurisprudence were not less interested. But the final choice was still made in favor of television.

At first there was a law faculty, but very quickly realizing that it was not quite her, the girl translated into the faculty of historical. Being a purposeful person, she combined correspondence training and work in the state prosecutor's office.

Katerina Andreev has led the case. She found out about radio and television courses passing for workers and decided to participate. Partly her step was dictated by uncertainty in herself. Andreva teachers told her that it looks cold on the screen and somehow cowardly. But, as the time will show the time, it is this inaccessibility and the rigor to become a business card Andreva. This is exactly the leading news program.

The teacher Ekaterina Andreva was the famous announcer Igor Kirillov. For the first time, she was broadcast with him in 1991. Many Andreeva was remembered as the leading program "Good morning." During her work on television, much has changed, including channel policy. Since 1995 and ending in February 2018, Andreeva led news on the first channel. Now it appears in the same air only on Saturdays. In addition to the news bloc, Andreeva was the editor of some programs, including "big races".

TV presenter almost immediately won the love of the audience. Each time, going to the air, Katerina is being excited, but looking at it can not say, so well she knows how to own themselves. Over the years of work, she has their own ways to combat fatigue. As the lead itself admits, it is enough for it to take 20 minutes to come back. On the first channel Andreev operated since 1998.

Ekaterina Andreeva in the cinema

True fans of Catherine Andreva are thoroughly familiar with her biography. They know that on the account of their favorite few roles in films.

  • "Unknown pages from the life of the scout";
  • "Fashion of hell";
  • "In the mirror of Venus."
  • In the last picture, Andreeva played a major role.

Personal life TV host

Ekaterina Andreeva is one of the few who managed to combine a career, child education and personal life. On the screens it is a business woman, and in life, very different, gentle and to some extent weak.

About the first husband TV presenter does not like to spread, it is only known that it has a daughter Natasha from him. But about the second spouse, a woman speaks with love. Stressing that she feels happy with him.

Andreeva met him in 1989, he is Chernogorets by nationality. Between Katerina and Dusan, so the name of her current spouse, immediately arose feelings. They got married in the same year, in which their acquaintance took place. There are no joint children with spouses, they together all these years were engaged in the upbringing of daughter Andreva.

For the first time, Dushan saw his future wife on TV and decided to get acquainted with her personally. He raised all his connections and found her. Passionately in love with a beautiful young man cared for Katerina. At the time of dating, he practically did not know the Russian language, but it did not prevent two in love to understand each other.

For Andreyeva it was very important that her chosen one would love not only her, but also daughter, and took her as his. With Dusan just so happened.

The girl, matured, did not go in the footsteps of his famous mother. She graduated from MGIMO and received a lawyer's diploma and to associate his life with television.

Ekaterina Andreeva outside work

In the program of Julia, the little "alone with everyone", Ekaterina Andreeva appeared in front of the audience in a completely unusual image. She was with loose hair and stylishly dressed. In a frank conversation, she told that much home did herself, it could even fix the technique if necessary. In addition, he is fond of martial arts and history of Soviet times.

As it turned out, strict on the screen Andreev, a very cheerful woman in life, with which it is interesting to talk about a variety of topics. At the same time, she is a deeply believer who visiting the church.

If you think that now, you know about the biography of Ekaterina Andreva, everything is wrong. It turns out that she, as any other person has bad habits. But, they do not interfere with her personal life. Slender woman loves sweet, and still can not cope with the addiction to smoking.

Remembering how difficult for her once managed to cope with extra kilograms, she could limit himself in eating chocolate. But with cigarettes it is more complicated. As Andreeva herself says, she repeatedly quit smoking, but periodically bad habit returns. Of course, knowing that smoking negatively affects health, she prefers light cigarettes, if possible, ordering them from Israel.

Secret of youth and beauty

Catherine Andreva often has to meet the questions relating to the secret of their youth. Many, thinking that they see her from the screens for 20 years already, admire and surprised at the same time. It seems that the time over this woman is not powerful. Looking at her really can not believe that she has already been 57 years old.

In fact, everything is simple. She tries not to eat meat. In the morning, certainly makes charging. In general, leads a healthy lifestyle and tries to always be on a positive. And she is convinced that you need to love and be loved. This is the secret of the youth of every woman.

Ekaterina Andreva has a page in the popular Instagram network. There she is divided with subscribers of fascinating moments of his life, I wonderfully commenting on small videos. It turns out that the TV presenter loves animals. Her houses live two wonderful cat with which you can get acquainted in absentia thanks to the social network.

In his free time, Catherine tries to rest as much as possible, leaving the sea. Changing the situation helps her relax and disconnect from the fuss so that later, with new forces to return to his favorite job.

Awards of the famous journalist

In 2006, Ekaterina Andreeva was awarded the Order of Friendship, and in 2007 she was presented with Tafe in the nomination "Leading in the Information Program".

Political events touched on Catherine. In 2014, she became not an entry journalist to Ukraine, hitting the blacklist.

Each time Catherine on vacation, rumors appear on the network that it leaves with television. So far, it is just a conversation that is not confirmed by the facts. At the moment Andreeva is full of strength and to leave work, does not even think. In parallel with this she is happy in marriage, beautiful, sexy and successful.

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