The appearance of the name of the group "Beatles. The Beatles.

The appearance of the name of the group
The appearance of the name of the group "Beatles. The Beatles.

The BITLZ Group has made a great contribution to the development of rock music and has become a bright phenomenon of world culture of the sixties of the twentieth century. In this article, we will learn not only the history of the group "Beatles". The biography of each participant after the collapse of the legendary team will also be considered.

Start (1956-1960)

When did the BITLS group arose? Biography and are interested in several generations of fans. The history of the group's emergence can be started with the formation of the music tastes of the participants.

In the spring of 1956, the leader of the future star team, John Lennon, first heard one of Elvis Presley's songs. And this song, Heartbreak Hotel, turned the whole life of a young man. Lennon played Banjo and Garmoshka, but the new music made him take up the guitar.

The biography of the Bitles group in Russian usually begins with the first group organized by Lennon. With school friends, he created the Kuorrimmen team, named after their educational institution. Teenagers played Squoff, a variety of amateur British rock and roll.

On one of the speeches of the Lennon group and met Paul McCartney, who surprised the guy with the knowledge of chords of the most recent songs and high musical development. And from the spring of 1958, George Harrison joined them, a gender friend. The trinity became a bone of the group. They were invited to play at parties and weddings, but to real concerts did not affect.

Inspired by the example of Rock and Roll's pioneers, Eddie Kokrane and Paul and John decided to write songs themselves and play guitars. The texts they wrote together and gave them a double authorship.

In 1959, a new participant appeared in the group - Stuart Satcliffe, Lennon's friend. It was almost formed: Satcliffe (Bass-Guitar), Harrison (leader guitar), McCartney (vocals, guitar, piano), Lennon (vocals, rhythm guitar). There was not enough drummer.


Briefly about the group "Beatles" to tell it difficult, even the story of the emergence of such a simple and short name of the group is fascinated. When the team began to integrate into the concert life of the native city, they needed a new name, because they had no relation to school. In addition, the group began to perform at various contests of talents.

For example, at the 1959 television competition, the team appealed under the name Johnny and The Moondogs ("Johnny and Moon Dogs"). And the origin of the Beatles has appeared several months later, in the early 1960s. Who came up with him, is unknown, most likely, Satcliffe and Lennon, who wanted to take a word, having several values.

When pronuncified, the name sounds like beeetles, that is, beetles. And when writing, the BEAT root is visible - as bit-music, the trendy direction of the rock and roll, which emerged in the 1960s. However, promoters believed that this name was not catchy and too short, so the guys were called on the bills as Long John and The Silver Beetles ("Long-Silver John and Silver Beetles").

Hamburg (1960-1962)

The mastery of musicians grew, but they remained just one of the many musical groups of their native city. Biography of the group "Beatles", the brief content of which you started to read, continues to move the team to Hamburg.

Young musicians played the fact that numerous Hamburg clubs needed English-speaking groups, and several teams from Liverpool have proven well. In the summer of 1960, Beatles received an invitation to come to Hamburg. It was already a serious work, so the quartet had to urgently look for the drummer. So in the group appeared Pete Best.

The first concert took place the day after arrival. For several months, the musicians honed their skills in Hamburg clubs. They had to play music from different styles and destinations for a long time - rock and roll, blues, rhythm and blues, folk pop and folk songs. It can be said that in many respects thanks to the experience gained in Hamburg, and the group "Beatles" took place. The team's biography worried her dawn.

In just two years, Bitles gave about 800 concerts in Hamburg and raised their skills from the level of lovers to professionals. Bitles did not perform their own songs, concentrating on the compositions of famous performers.

In Hamburg, the musicians met students of a local art college. One of the student, Astrid Kirger, began to meet with Satcliffe and actively participate in the life of the group. This girl offered guys new hairstyles - combed on the forehead and ears hair, and later characteristic jackets without lapels and collars.

Beitles who returned to Liverpool were no longer lovers, they became one row with the most popular groups. It was then that they met the Ringo Starr, the drummer of a competing team.

After returning to Hamburg, the first professional record of the group took place. The musicians accompanied the rock and roll singer Tony Sheridan. The quartet recorded several own songs. This time, their name was The Beat Brothers ("Bit-Brother"), and not "Beatles".

Biography Brief Satcliffe continued exit from the team. Upon completion of the tour, he refused to return to Liverpool, deciding to stay with his girlfriend in Hamburg. A year later, Satcliffe died of hemorrhage into the brain.

First success (1962-1963)

The group returned to England and began to perform in Liverpool clubs. On July 27, 1961, the first significant concert took place in the hall, which became a major success. In November, the group had a manager - Brian Epstein.

He met with a producer of a large label, which showed interest in the group. Demozymes, he was not quite satisfied, but the live young people fascinated him. The first contract was signed.

However, the producer and the group manager were unhappy with Pita. They believed that he did not reach the overall level, in addition, the musician refused to make branded hairstyle, maintain the common style of the team and often conflicted with other participants. Despite the fact that Best has become popular with fans, it was decided to replace it. The drummer's place was taken by Ringo Starr.

Ironically, it was with this drummer who recorded an amateur plate in Hamburg for its own funds. Walking around the city, the guys met the Ringo (Na Bel was not with them) and went into one of the street studios to record a few songs just for fun.

In September 1962, the Group recorded the first single - Love Me Do, which became very popular. The trick of the manager - Epstein was played by a big role here for his own funds bought ten thousand plates than raised sales and caused interest.

In October, the first television speech was held - the broadcast of one of the concerts in Manchester. Soon the second single Please Please Me was recorded, and in February 1963 in 13 o'clock the same album was recorded, which included a cover version of popular songs and its own compositions. In November of the same year, sales of the second album with the beatles started.

So a period of mad popularity began, which the group "Beatles" survived. Biography, brief history of the novice team, ended. The history of the legendary group begins.

The birth of the term "bitleania" is considered to be 13 October 1963 in London, in the Palladium hall, a group concert was held, which was broadcast to the whole country. But thousands of fans chose to gather around the concert hall in the hope of seeing musicians. Beytlam had to wade into the car with the help of policemen.

The height of Bitleania (1963-1964)

In Britain, the Quartet had mad popularity, but in America the singles of the group were not published, since the British groups usually did not have much success. The manager managed to conclude a contract with a small firm, but the records were not seen.

How did you get on the big American scene the group "Beatles"? The biography (brief) the team says that everything has changed when the musical critic of the famous newspaper listened to the single I Want to Hold Your Hand, is already quite popular in England, and called the musicians "the greatest composers after Beethoven." Next month, the group was on the tops of the charts.

"Bitleania" stepped over the ocean. In the first arrival of the group in America musicians at the airport there were several thousand fans. "Beatles" gave 3 large concerts and performed on TV show. Behind them watched all of America.

In March 1964, the quartet began to create a new album a Hard Day "S Night and the Music Movie Simony. And the Single Chan't BUY Me Love / You Can't do this month has set the world record for the number of preliminary applications.

On August 19, 1964, a full-fledged tour of North America started. The group gave 31 concerts in 24 cities. Initially, it was planned to visit 23 cities, but the owner of the basketball club from Kazas City offered 150 thousand dollars to the musicians for a half-hour concert (usually ensemble received 25-30 thousand).

Tours went through hard for musicians. They were as if in prison, completely isolated from the outside world. Places where the beatles stayed around the clock the crowds of fans hoped to see idols.

Concert platforms were huge, low quality equipment. The musicians did not hear each other and even themselves, were often knocked out, but the spectators did not hear this and have not seen anything, since the scene for security reasons was established very far. It was necessary to perform on a clear program, no question of improvisation and experiments on the scene could have been talking.

Yesterday and lost recordings (1964-1965)

After returning to London, work began on the album Beatles For Sale, which included borrowed and own songs. A week after the publication, he flew to the tops of the charts.

In July 1965, the second film Help was released!, And in August album with the same name. It was in this album that the most famous song of the Yesterday team was entered, which became a classic of popular music. Today more than two thousand interpretations of this composition are known.

The author of the famous melody was Paul McCartney. He composed music at the beginning of the year, the words appeared later. He called SCRAMBLED EGG composition, because, writing her, sought SCRAMBLED Egg, How I Love A Scrambled Egg ... ("scrambled eggs, like I love scrambled eggs"). The song was recorded under the accompaniment of the string quartet, from the participants of the group at the same time only the floor participated.

In the second American tour, which started in August, an event occurred, which still does not give rest to music lovers around the world. What did the Bitles group do? Biography briefly describes that the musicians visited Elvis Presley himself. Stars not only talked, but also played a few songs that were recorded on the tape recorder.

The records were never published, and their location could not be installed with musical agents from around the world. The cost of these records today is impossible to evaluate.

New directions (1965-1966)

In 1965, many groups came to a large scene, which accounted for decent competition "Beatles". The group has begun to create a new album Rubber Soul. This plate marked a new era in rock music. In the songs began to appear elements of surrealism and mystics, which the Bitles group is known.

Biography (brief) tells that at the same time, scandals began to occur around the musicians. In July 1966, the Group participants refused to receive official reception, which caused a conflict from the first lady. The philipilities that were intimidated by this fact did not break the musicians, they had literally to carry legs. The tour administrator was very beaten, the quartet was pushing and almost disappeared to the aircraft.

The second large scandal broke out when John Lennon said in one of the interviews that Christianity dies, and the beatles today are more popular Jesus. Protest shares rolled in the United States, the groups of the group were burned. The leader of the collective under pressure brought apologies for his words.

Despite the trouble, in 1966, Revolver album came out, one of the best albums of the group. His distinctive feature is that the musical compositions were complex and did not intend to perform the exemption. Now "Bitles" became the studio group. Exhausted by touring, musicians refused concert activity. In the same year the last concerts were held. Music critics called the album ingenious and were confident that the quartet would not be able to create anything perfect.

However, in early 1967, the Single Strawberry Fields Forever / Penny Lane was recorded. The record of this plate lasted 129 days (compare with a 13-hour record of the first album), the studio worked literally around the clock. The single was extremely complicated in a musical plan and had simply deafening success, was on top of the hit parade 88 weeks.

White album (1967-1968)

The speech "Beatles" was broadcast for the whole world. He could see 400 million people. The television series ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE was recorded. After this triumph of the business of the team went to the decline. The role of the "Fifth Beatla", the manager of the Brian Epstine group, as a result of the overdose of sleeping pills played the role of this. He was only 32. Epstein was an important member of the Bitles team. The biography of the group after his death has undergone major changes.

For the first time, the group received the first negative reviews relating to the new Magical Mystery Tour film. Many complaints caused the fact that the tape was released only in the color version, while most people had only black and white TVs. Soundtrack is released in the form of a mini album.

In 1968, Apple was responsible for the release of albums, so announced the BITLS group, whose biography continued. In January 1969, the cartoon "Yellow Submarine" and the soundtrack to it was released. In August - Single Hey Jude, one of the best in the history of the group. And in 1968 the famous Album The Beatles came out, more famous as a white album. He got such a name, since his cover was snow-white, with a simple print name. Fans accepted him perfectly, but critics were no longer delighted.

This plate marked the beginning of the group decay. Ringo Starr left the team for a while, several songs were recorded without him. Barabanov's party performed McCartney. Harrison was busy with solo work. The situation was glowed and because of Yoko, which was present in the studio constantly and the procedure annoyed the participants of the group.

Disintegration (1969-1970)

In early 1969, musicians had many plans. They were going to release an album, a film telling about their studio work, and a book. Paul McCartney composed the GET Back song ("Return"), which gave the name to the whole project. The group "Beatles", the biography of which began so at ease, approaching decay.

The participants of the group wanted to show the atmosphere of fun and ease, which reigned on performances in Hamburg, but it was not possible. Many songs were recorded, but only five selected, a lot of lots are shown. The last record was to be filming an improvised concert on the roof of the recording studio. He was interrupted by the police called local residents. This concert became the last performance of the group.

On February 3, 1969, a new manager appeared at the collective, Allen Klein. McCartney was sharply opposed, as he believed that his future father would be the best candidate for this role, John Eastman. Paul began a trial against the remaining members of the group. Thus, the group "Beatles", the biography of which is described in this article, began to experience a serious conflict.

Working on an ambitious project was abandoned, but the band still released the Abbey Road album, which included the brilliant composition of George Harrison Something. The musician worked for a long time over it, recorded about 40 ready-made options. The song is put in one row with yesterday.

On January 8, 1970, the last album Let IT Be was released, the material of the failed project is a failed project. GET back. On May 20, a documentary film was published about the team, which by the time the premiere was already collapsed. So ended the biography of Beatles. In Russian, the name of the film sounds like "let it be so."

After decay. John Lennon

The era of "Beatles" ended. The biography of participants continues with solo projects. At the time of the collapse of the group, all participants have already been engaged in independent work. In 1968, two years before the collapse, John Lennon released a joint and wife of Yoko album. He was recorded in one night and at the same time kept music, and a set of various sounds, noise, screams. On the cover of the spouses appeared in nude. In 1969, two more plates were followed by the same plan and a concert record. From the 70th to 75th year 4 music albums were released. After that, the musician stopped appearing in the public, devoting himself to the upbringing of the Son.

In 1980, the last album of Lennon Double Fantasy was published, which was well accepted by critics. A few weeks after the release of the album, December 8, 1980, John Lennon was killed by several shots in the back. In 1984 he saw the light of the Milk and Honey Musician Milk and Honey.

After decay. Paul McCartney

After McCartney left the "Beatles", the biography of the musician acquired a new turn. The gap with the group was hardly reflected in McCartney. At first he retired on a remote farm, where he was worried about depression, but in March 1970, he returned with the material for the McCartney solo album, and soon released the second - RAM.

However, without a group, the floor felt uncertain. He organized the Wings team, which includes his wife Linda. The group existed until 1980 and released 7 albums. As part of the solo career, the musician released 19 albums, the last of which came out in 2013.

After decay. George Harrison

George Harrison, before the collapse of Beatles, released 2 solo albums - Wonderwall Music in 1968 and Electronic Sound in 1969. These plates were experimental and did not have much success. In the third album, All Things Must Pass, entered the compositions written during the "Bitlovsky" period and rejected by other participants in the group. This is the most successful solo album of the musician.

For the whole solo career, after Harrison left the "Bitles", the Biography of the musician enriched at 12 albums and more than 20 singles. He actively participated in charity and made a significant contribution to the popularization of Indian music and he himself accepted Hinduism. Harrison died in 2001, November 29th.

After decay. Ringo Star.

The solo album of the Ringo, the work on which he began as part of Bitles, was released in 1970, but was recognized as a failure. However, in the future, he produced more successful albums, largely due to cooperation with George Harrison. In total, the musician has released 18 studio albums, as well as several concert records and collections. The last album was released in 2015.

Fact number 5037.

In 1966, in Texas, the religious groups arranged a public burning of the Bitles records in response to the phrase, which John Lennon threw in an interview: Lennon said that "Christianity is experiencing a decline, and the Beatles has become popular for Jesus Christ."

On Saturday, August 13, 1966, one of the first fires from the records was arranged in the city of Longview (Texas), and led the local KLUE radio station.

The next day, on August 14, lightning hit the tower of this radio station. A significant part of the equipment was damaged from the lightning strike, and the director of the news department fell into the hospital.

Fact number 5096.

In 2009, specialization called "The Beatles, Popular Music and Society" has opened in Liverpool University of Hope. The study program decides the history of the Group in the context of world history. Training consists of four 12-week semesters, and at its end, the student protects thesis and receives a master's degree. "About The Beatles are written thousands of books, but among them there is not a single serious scientific study. Now, when the group has passed, forty years have passed since the breakdown of the group and the passion was easy to start studying the Beatles. Liverpool - the most suitable place for this, Since all the musicians were born and grew here, "comments Michael Brukken, the senior teacher of the course" Popular Music "in Hope.

Source: Article Pavl Filippov, magazine "Rolling Stone", April 2009

Fact number 5514.

British scientists have proven: the British loved Beatles because they sang about ... Weather. So claims the "The Telegraph" edition, referring to the conclusions of the experts of Oxford and Southampton universities. Scientists were investigated by 308 compositions of the Beatles and found out that the weather was mentioned in 48 products; Thus, the share of songs about the weather in their work amounted to 16%.

The inhabitants of Great Britain love to talk about the weather, and the Beatles did not exception: they wrote the most songs on this topic among more than 900 authors and performers, whose work was studied in this scientific work.

The study was published by the magazine "Weather" ("Weather"). Experts analyzed texts, musical genres, tonality and relationship with certain weather phenomena. It turned out that out of the 500 greatest songs of all times (according to the magazine "ROLLING STONE") 7% of the compositions - about the weather. From 190 songs in 86 goes about the sun, in 74 cases - about the rain. The Bitlovskaya "Here Comes The Sun" is mentioned: on her authors inspired the first spring sunny day after a long cold winter.

Beatles, NK., (R.) Bitles, OV and Bitles, s. Popular English vocal instrumental quartet. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

"BITLS" - (English Beatles), English Ensemble Rock Musicians. How the quartet was formed in 1961 (another name "Liverpool fourthkee"), the story leads since 1956. Composition: John Lennon (Lennon, 1940 1980), Paul McCartney (McCartney, R. 1942), George Harrison ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Beatles - Bitles (Beatles), English Rock (see Rock Music) Group. It was formed in Liverpool in 1959. Composition: Paul McCartney (see McCartney) (James Paul McCartney) (June 18, 1942; vocals, bass guitar, keyboards), John Lennon (see Lennon John) (John ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Beatles - (English Beatles) English vocal instrumental quartet created in Liverpool in 1956: P. McCartney (P. McCartney), J. Lennon (J. Lennon), J. Harrison (G. Harrison), Ringo Starr (from 1962, Name and Fam. Richard Stark, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Beatles - NOT. m.; \u003d Bitles participants popular in 1960 1970. The Liverpool Four of the Rock of Musicians, who performed songs under its own accompaniment on electric guitars and drums in the style of Big Bit (leading history since 1956, and as English Quartet with ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

beatles - SUMS., Number of synonyms: 2 Group (98) quartet (6) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Beatles - Beatles, NK, MN. h. and (talk.) Bitle s, s, un. h. Bitle, a and a ... Russian spelling dictionary

Beatles - (English. The Beatles) English vocally instrumental quartet, undoubtedly the most popular musical ensemble of the 1960s. Participants of the ensemble John Lennon (October 9, 1940 December 8, 1980), Paul McCartney (r. June 18, 1942), George Harrison (P ... Encyclopedia Color

Beatles - The Beatles 1964, a visit to the USA years ... Wikipedia

Beatles - (English. The Beatles Beetles strikes) Name English. vocal inst. Quartet organized in 1960 in Liverpool and speaking as part: P. Mak Cardney, J. Lennon, J. Harrison (electric guitars), Ringo Starr (Name and Surname Richard ... ... Music encyclopedia

Beatles - NOT. MN ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language


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("Bitles", MFA: [ðə Biː.tlz]; Separately, the participants of the ensemble are called "Bitlas", they are also called the "magnificent fourth" [English FAB Four] and "Liverpool Fourteen") - British rock band from Liverpool, based In 1960, which was played by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Also at different times, Stewart Satcliffe appeared in the group, Pete Best and Jimmy Nicol. Most The Beatles compositions are created in co-authorship and signed by John Lennon's names and Paul McCartney. The group's discography includes 13 official studio albums issued in 1963-1970, and 211 songs.

Starting with the imitation of the classics of the American rock and roll of the 1950s, The Beatles came to their own style and sound. The Beatles had a significant impact on rock music and were recognized by the specialists of one of the most successful groups of the 20th century, both in creative and in the commercial sense. Many famous rock musicians recognize that they became such under the influence of the Beatles songs. Since the release of the single "Please Please Me / Ask Me Why" in 1963, the group began ascent to success, giving rise to its work global phenomenon - bitleania. The four became the first British group, the plates of which won the popularity and first places in the charts of the United States, and it began with the worldwide recognition of British teams, as well as the "Liverpool" (MerseyBeat) of rock music. Musicians of the group and their producer and sound engineer George Martina belong to innovative developments in the field of recording, combining various styles, including symphonic and psychedelic music, as well as shooting video clips.


(English. The Beatles) - English vocal-instrumental quartet, undoubtedly the most popular musical ensemble of the 1960s. The participants of the ensemble - John Lennon (October 9, 1940 - December 8, 1980), Paul McCartney (r. June 18, 1942), George Harrison (r. February 25, 1943) and Ringo Starr (real name Richard Stark, r. July 7, 1940) - Natives of Liverpool and leavings from the proletarian environment. Bitles (Lennon, McCartney and Harrison - Guitars and Vocals, Starr - Impact) created a style for which a loud sound (achievable tools with electric power tools) and a sharply expressed bit (rhythmic pulsation).

The ensemble originated in 1956 on the joint speeches of Lennon and McCartney, who soon joined Harrison. For two years, Peter Best played with them, but in 1962 he was changed by Starr. The name "Beatles" was established by the group, pusing other names: "Kuorrimmen", "Moon Dogz", "Munchainers" and "Silver Beatles". The calane name of the quartet, causing associations with the name of the insect (Beetle - "Beetle") and the designation of rhythmic pulsation (Beat - "bit"), its birth is obliged to and ingenious fiction of Lennon, and a group of Buddy Holly "Cricket" ("Criccakes").

At first, "Bitles", like other Liverpool groups, performed in small clubs. Their music did not differ in originality: the traditional Meszanin of British and American Rhythms - Rock and Roll, Skiffla (improvisational music, who performed by English amateur artists on unusual tools: washing board, children's drawing, square guitar, etc.) and a simplicity of jazz species 1920-1930s lying on the basis of rock and roll and Skiffl. But the focus of the public attracted the young performers themselves. Teenagers terribly liked Naughty Lennon and McCartney, the authors of the majority of the songs of the ensemble, the sad clown Starr, who loved the rings and therefore who had chosen the pseudonym "Ringo", and quietly with an impermeable face Harrison, a guitarist leader who writing a few "Bitlovsky" hits.

In 1961, their manager became Brian Epsteen, a young trader with records. He began with the fact that he changed their image (in particular, instead of leather jackets, expensive strict costumes appeared). After the "Bitles" speech in the London Palladium Palladium Theater in 1963, they became famous for the whole country, and a sense success on American television a year later brought them international fame.

In the films Evening Day (a Hard Day "S Night, 1964) and to the rescue! (Help! 1965) Cinematic fantasies of the American director Richard Leterter, combined with the inherent" Beatles "to Ironia and Parsu, created an atmosphere close to the comedies of the Marx brothers . In these, no sentimental films there was a place for skillfully made sentimental hat (for example, I want to keep your hand for example) - here Lennon and McCartney were just virtuosos.

The album of the album "Lonely Hearts" Sergeant Pepper (Sergeant Pepper "S Lonely Hearts Club Band) showed that Bitles entered the time of musical maturity. Apparently, it was the first rock album, which was based on some The end-to-end topic; in it with a soft irony, life commented on the modern industrial society - the conflict of fathers and children, the influence of drugs, the culture of the middle class. Melodic songs are marked with a clear rhythmic pattern and innovative wealth of arrangements. Original electronic noises were used. Sitar moanal, Indian string tool ( Harrison took the lessons of playing on the Sitar at the famous Ravi Shankara). Imagination of the arranger and conductor George Martin manifested itself, the leadership of the manager B. Eesstin, who from 1963 before his death in 1967 was the co-author of their success.

Album Sergeant Pepper proved that "Beatles" is a phenomenal phenomenon, not a single-day sensation arising from Bitomania's crest. Experimenting with classical, eastern and electronic music, "Beatles" brought into popular music a lively looking for spirit into popular music, while expanding the audience of their fans at the same time, among which young intellectuals and businessmen appeared. List of Bitles Hans is very extensive: This is Michelle (Michelle), yesterday (yesterday), Eleanor Rigby (Eleanor Rigby), to help! (Help!), Man nowhere (nowhere man), one day from life (a day in the life), Norwegian furniture (Norwegian Wood), Lucy in the sky in diamonds (Lucy in the sky with diamonds), Yellow submarine (Yellow submarine ), Penny Lane (Penny Lane), Strawberry Polyany (Strawberry Fields), Jester on the Hill (The Fool On The Hill), Hey, Jude! HEY JUDE).

In addition to joint participation in the records, concert performances, movies, two participants of the ensemble, Lennon and McCartney, engaged in individual creativity. Lennon wrote books in his focus (in His Own Write, 1964), Spaniard at work (A Spaniard in the Works, 1965) - Collections of prose and poems with intricate kalamboras. McCartney, remaining in line with pure musical creativity, wrote music to the film Family Life (The Family Way, 1967). In 1970, the last album "Beatles" would be so (Let IT Be). In the same year, the group broke up, and each of the participants of the ensemble went its own way. Lennon released several albums in collaboration with his wife, artist Yoko. In 1980, he was shot by one of his fans in New York.

Three remaining "Bitles" reunited in 1995 to record the Anthology "Beatles" (The Beatles Anthology), the album on two CDs, which included previously not published studio records and concert performances. Of particular interest in this edition caused a "new" song "Bitles" is free as a bird (Free As A Bird), where McCartney, Harrison and Starr imposed their voices and instrumental support for the work record made by Lennon shortly before death. After that, two more anthologies were published (both in 1996), and the second also included another "new" song True Love (Real Love), in which three Bitles voiced the archival record of Lennon.

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  • Instant Karma - LSD, Drug. This phraseologist was born at the end of the sixties, during Hippie and their hobbies, thanks to the "Bitles", Indian culture and philosophy, ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • Fab.
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • Don "T - Now I will explain when their negative form don" T is quite peacefully getting along with third parties: ... Cause this one Thing ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • Do One "S Thing - Do One" S Thing / Do A Thing Wash in Better, To Have Success: Three Or More HundReds Teenagers Came to Hear The ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • Rock Music - Rock Music Dynamic Musical Style of the post-war generation "Boom of birth" and generation of their children. For him, with a significant variety of varieties, characteristic ...
  • Ed Sullivan Show, The - "Shaw Ed Sullivan" Teleow in the genre variety, which for more than two decades (1948-71) - every Sunday evening went on television. For many …
  • Brinkley, David - (1920-2003) Brinkley, David TV journalist. Together with the co-supporting Ch. Huntley, the popular information program "Huntley-Brinkley Ripst" became one ...
    Russian Dictionary Colier.
    Russian Dictionary Colier.
  • Tug of War - Rope Tightening: "IT" S A Tug Of War ... "- Sang Paul McCartney in the song" Tugging a rope "(" Tug of War ") from the same name ...
  • Fab - abbreviated from "Fabulous" - legendary, mythical, magnificent: ... When we Were Fab ...- When we were legendary ... - Sings George Harrison ...
    English Russian Slang Dictionary
  • Tug of War - p. Tightening the rope: "IT" S A Tug of War ... "- Sang Paul McCartney in the song" Tightening the rope "(" Tug of War ") from ...
  • Fab - ADJ. Abbreviated from "Fabulous" - the legendary, mythical, magnificent: "... When we Were Fab ... - When we were legendary ..." - ...
    English-Russian Slang Dictionary

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