Sevastopol stories which war. Lion Tolstoy, "Sevastopol in December": the analysis of the work

Sevastopol stories which war. Lion Tolstoy,
Sevastopol stories which war. Lion Tolstoy, "Sevastopol in December": the analysis of the work

"Morning dawn just begins to paint the skyscoon over Sapun-Gorochny; The dark blue surface of the sea has already dropped the nightness of the night and waits for the first beam to wake a fun glitter; From the bay carries cold and fog; There is no snow - everything is black, but the morning sharp frost is enough for the face and cracks under the legs, and the distant inexpressible hum of sea, occasionally interrupted by rolled shots in Sevastopol, one violates the silence of the morning ... can not be with the thought that you are in Sevastopol, did not penetrate your feeling of some courage, pride and so that the blood did not quickly contact your veins ... "Despite the fact that in the city there are fighting, life goes with his guilty: merchant sell hot races, and Guys - a shotboard. It seems that the camp and peaceful life was strangely mixed here, everything is fussing and frightened, but this is a deceptive impression: most people no longer pays attention to either shots or explosions, they are busy "everyday affair." Only on the bastions "you will see ... The defenders of Sevastopol will see there are terrible and sad, great and funny, but amazing, towering the soul of spectacles."

In the hospital, wounded soldiers talk about their impressions: the one who lost his leg does not remember pain, because he did not think about her; In a woman, who belonged to her husband's bastion dinner, got a projectile, and she cut off her leg above the knee. In a separate room, there are dressings and surgery. The wounded, awaiting their turn on the operation, are in horror see how the doctors amputly their comrades and legs, and the Feldsher indifferently throws the cut parts of the body into the angle. Here you can see "terrible, stunning soul of a spectacle ... The war is not in the right, beautiful and brilliant strictly, with music and drumboats, with fluttering signs and glossy generals, and ... the war in the present expression - in the blood, in suffering , in death ... ". A young officer who fought on the fourth, most dangerous bastion, complains not to the abundance of bombs and shells falling on the heads of the defenders of the bastion, but on the dirt. This is his protective reaction to the danger; He behaves too boldly, unclosed and relaxed.

On the way to the fourth bastion, non-military people are becoming more and more often, and the stretcher with injuries are increasingly. Actually, on the bastion, an artillery officer behaves calmly (he is also used to whistle bullets, and to the crash of explosions). He says, as during the storming of the fifth number, only one acting instrument remains on his battery and very few servants, but still, on the other morning, he already walled from all guns.

The officer recalls how the bomb fell into the sailor dugout and put eleven people. In the faces, posture, the movements of the defenders of the bastion are visible "the main features that make up the power of Russian, simplicity and stubbornness; But here on each person it seems to you that the danger, the evil and the suffering of the war, besides these major signs, there were still traces of the consciousness of their dignity and high thoughts and feelings ... The feeling of malice, messenger of the enemy ... lies in the soul of everyone. " When the core flies straight on a person, he does not leave the sense of pleasure and at the same time, and then he himself expects the bomb to explode closer, because "there is a special beauty" in similar game With death. "The main thing, the Otradny conviction that you have taken out - this is a conviction in the inability to take Sevastopol, and not only take Sevastopol, but to shake wherever the power of the Russian people ... because of the cross, because of the name, from the threat of not People can take these terrible conditions: there must be another high motivating reason - this reason is a feeling, rarely manifested, smooth in Russian, but lying in the depths of everyone's soul, - Love for the Motherland ... will leave the great footprints in Russia for a long time, Which hero was the people Russian ... "

Sevastopol in May.

It takes half a year from the start of the fighting in Sevastopol. "Thousands of human pride managed to insult, thousands managed to be satisfied, inflated, thousands - calm down in the arms of death." The most fair decision of the conflict is the original way; If two soldiers struggled (one from each army), and the victory would have remained behind that side, whose soldiers would come out by the winner. Such a solution is logical, because it is better to fight one on one than one hundred and thirty thousand against one hundred thirty thousand. In general, the war is illogical, from the point of view of Tolstoy: "One of two: or war is crazy, or if people do it madness, they are not at all reasonable creatures, as we have for some reason, it is customary to think"

In the deposited Sevastopol on the boulevards walk the military. Among them is a infantry officer (headquarters-captain) of Mikhailov, high, long-legged, a sutured and awkward person. He recently received a letter from a friend, in resignation, in which he writes how his wife Natasha (a close friend of Mikhailov) follows the newspapers for the movements of his regiment and the exploits of Mikhailov himself. Mikhailov with bitterness recalls their previous circle, which was "to such an extent above the present that when he had to talk to infantry comrades in moments, as he had her trees, as he danced on the balas from the governor and played cards with the civil general" , he was listened to indifferent and incredulously, as if not wanting only to contradict and prove the nasty

Mikhailov dreams of raising. He meets on the boulevard captain of the rzhogogov and ensigning Suslikov, who serve his regiment, and they shook his hand, but he wants to deal with them, but with "aristocrats" - for this he walks through the boulevard. "And since there are many people in the besieged city of Sevastopol, therefore, there is a lot of vanity, that is, the aristocrats, despite the fact that death hangs over the head of every aristocrat and the non-monistocrat every minute ... vanity! It must be a characteristic feature and a special illness of our century ... Why there are only three people in our age: some - those who receive the beginning of the vanity as a fact it is necessary to exist, therefore, fair and freely obeying him; Others - those who accept it as an unfortunate, but irresistible condition, and third - unconsciously, slave acting under his influence ... "

Mikhailov twice hesitantly passes by a mug of "aristocrats" and, finally, it's daily approaching and saying hello (before he was afraid to approach them because they could not honor him with a response to a greeting and thus staging his patient with pride). "Aristocrats" is an adjutant Kalugin, Prince Galcin, Lieutenant Colonel of Nefers and Rothmist Praskukhin. In relation to the approached Mikhailov, they behave quite arrogantly; For example, Galcin takes it at hand and slightly walks there and here only because he knows that this sign of attention should deliver the headquarters of pleasure. But soon the "aristocrats" begin to demonstratively talking only to each other, thereby giving Mikhailov, which no longer need his society.

Returning home, Mikhailov recalls that it was caused to go on the outflow instead of a sick officer for bastion. He feels that he will be killed, and if they do not kill, it certainly will be awarded. Mikhailov comforts himself that he did honestly, that go to Bastion is his duty. On the way he gazes, in what place it can be injured - in the leg, in the stomach or in the head.

Meanwhile, "Aristocrats" drink tea from Kalugin in a beautifully furnished apartment, playing the piano, remember St. Petersburg acquaintances. At the same time, they behave at all are not so unnatural, it is important and pompous, as they did on the boulevard, demonstrating their "aristocracy" surrounding their "aristocracy". There is an infantry officer with an important assignment to the general, but the "aristocrats" immediately take the former "inflated" appearance and pretend that they do not notice the included at all. Only by visiting the courier to General, Kalugin penetrates the responsibility of the moment, announces to comrades that the "roast" case will have.

Galzin asks, do not go to the college, knowing that he won't go anywhere, because he was afraid, and Kalugin was accepted to discourage Galcin, also knowing that he would not go anywhere. Galcin goes outside and begins to walklessly walk back and forward, not forgetting to ask passing by the wounded, as the battle goes, and scold them for being retreating. Kalugin, going to the Bastion, does not forget to simply demonstrate all his bravery: it does not bended when the bullet whistle takes a stray pose. He is unpleasantly affected by the "cowardice" of the battery commander, about whose courage is legends.

Not wanting to risk in vain, half a year, the battery commander at the bastion in response to the demand of Kalugina to inspect the Bastion send Kalugina to the tools together with a young officer. The general gives the order to Prakuchina to notify the battalion of Mikhailov about redeployment. He successfully delivers the order. In the dark under the firing of the enemy, the battalion begins to move. At the same time, Mikhailov and Praskukhin, going side by side, think only about what the impression they produce each other. They meet Kalugin, who, not wanting to expose himself once again, "learns about the situation on the bastion from Mikhailov and turns back. Next to them explodes the bomb, Praskukhin dies, and Mikhailov is wounded in the head. He refuses to go to the dressing point, because his duty is to be with his mouth, and besides, he has a reward for wound. He also believes that his duty is to pick up the wounded Prakhahina or make sure that the dead. Mikhailov under the fire crawls back, makes sure Prakhahina's death and with a calm conscience returns.

"Hundreds of fresh bloody bodies of people, two hours ago, full of diverse high and small hopes and desires, with stained members, lay on a Rosisy blooming valley separating the bastion from the trench, and on the smooth semi chapel of the dead in Sevastopol; Hundreds of people - with curses and prayers in dry lips - crawled, stunned and moaning, - one between the corpses on the blooming valley, others on the stretchers, on the beds and on the bloody semi of the dressing point; And all the same as in the old days, the flickering stars caught fire, the shimmering stars turned pale, pulled a white fog with a noisy dark sea, lit up the allay dawn in the east, the crimson long tuchs on the light azure horizon, and all the same , as in the old days, promising joy, love and happiness to the whole of the world, floated the mighty, beautiful shine. "

The next day "Aristocrats" and other military walks along the boulevard and in vain talk about yesterday's "case", but so that they are mainly set out "then participation that took, and the courage that tells telling in the case." "Every of them is a small Napoleon, a small monster and is now ready to start the battle, kill a hundred people for just to get an extra star or a third of a salary."

A truce is announced between the Russians and the French, simple soldiers communicate freely with each other and seem to have no hostility towards the enemy. A young cavalry officer is just happy to chat in French, thinking that he is incredibly smart. He discusses with the French, as far as inhuman business they started together, bearing in mind the war. At this time, the boy walks through the battlefield, collects blue wildflowers and wonderingfully mows on the corpses. White flags are exhibited everywhere.

"Thousands of people crowded, look, they say and smile each other. And these people - Christians who confess one great law of love and selflessness, looking at what they did, will not fall with repentance suddenly on their knees before who, giving them life, put everyone in the soul, along with the fear of death, love for Good and beautiful, and with tears of joy and happiness will not hug like brothers? Not! White rags are hidden - and again whistle guns of death and suffering, pure innocent blood is pouring again and the moans and curses are heard ... Where is the expression of evil, which should avoid? Where is the expression of good to which should imitate in this story? Who is the villain, who is her hero? All are good and all bad ... The hero of my story, whom I love with all the power of the soul, who tried to reproduce it in all the beauty and which was always, is and will be beautiful, - the truth "

Sevastopol in August 1855

From the hospital, the Lieutenant Mikhail Kozeltsov, a respected officer, independent in his judgments, and in his actions, a slightly talented, skillful compiler of government officials and a capable narrator. "He had one of those proud, which to such an extent merged with life and which most often develops in some male, and especially military circles, that he did not understand another choice, how to first or destroy, and that prudently was the engine even its internal Integrity. "

At the station there were a lot of passing: no horses. Some officers heading to Sevastopol are not even lifting money, and they do not know what means to continue the path. Among the awaiting is the brother Kozeltsov, Volodya. Contrary to the Family Plans of Volodya for minor misconducts came out not in the guard, but was sent (at his own desire) in acting army. He, like every young officer, really wants to "fight for the Fatherland", and at the same time, and to serve where the elder brother.

Volodya is a beautiful young man, he robeth before his brother, and proud of them. Senior Kozeltsov offers a brother immediately go with him to Sevastopol. Volodya seems to be embarrassed; He is no longer really wanting to war, but, in addition, he, sitting at the station, managed to lose eight rubles. Codlers from the last money pays for the debt of his brother, and they touch the way. On the road Volodya dreams of heroic exploitsthat he will certainly make in war along with his brother, about his beautiful death and death researchers to all the fact that they did not know how to evaluate "truly loved by Fatherland, and so on.

Upon arrival, the brothers are sent to the Balagan Officer, who recalculates a bunch of money for a new regimental commander, visiting the "economy". No one understands that it forced Volodya to quit a calmly based place in the distant rear and come without any benefits to the warring Sevastopol. The battery to which Volodya is seconded, stands on the ship, and both brothers go to sleep to Michael on the fifth bastion. Before that, they visit the comrade Kozeltsov in the hospital. He is so bad that Mikhail does not immediately recognize, waiting for death as a delusion of suffering.

Coming out of the hospital, the brothers decide to disperse, and, accompanied by the twin, Mikhail Volodya goes into his battery. The battery commander invites Volodya to spend the night on the bed of headquarters, which is located on the Bastion itself. However, Junker wagon is already sleeping on the bed; He has to give way to the place of the arriving ensign (Volodya). First, Volodya can not fall asleep; it scares his darkness, then premonition close death. He is warmly praining about getting rid of fear, calms down and falls asleep under the sounds of falling shells.

In the meantime, Kozeltsov-Sr. arrives at the disposal of a new regimental commander - a recent one's friend, who is now separated by the wall of subordination. The commander is dissatisfied with the fact that Kozeltsov is premature returning to the system, but instructs him to accept the command over his former Rota. In the company Kozeltsov are joyful; It is noticeable that he enjoys great respect among the soldiers. Among the officers, it also expects a warm reception and a separate attitude towards injury.

The next day the bombing continues with a new force. Volodya begins to enter the circle of artillery officers; Mutual sympathy of them is visible. Especially Volodya likes Junker Vlaga, who in every way predicts any desires of the new ensign. A good headquarters-captain of the sketch is returned from the standpoint, German, very correctly and too beautifully speaking in Russian. Comes to talk about abuse and legal stealing on senior posts. Volodya, blushing, assures those who gathered that a similar "non-profit" case will never happen to him.

At dinner, the battery commander is interested, the conversations are not silent despite the fact that the menu is very modest. An envelope comes from the head of artillery; Requires an officer with a servant on the morty battery for Malakhov Kurgan. This is a dangerous place; No one is called to go. One of the officers points to Volodya and, after a small discussion, he agrees to go "fired" together with Volodya direct Vlaga. Volodya is adopted for the study of the "leadership" on artillery shooting. However, upon arrival on the battery, all the "rear" knowledge turns out to be unnecessary: \u200b\u200bshooting is randomly randomly, no core by weight is even reminiscent of the mentioned in the "manual", there are no workers to fix broken tools. In addition, the two soldiers are wounded, and Volodya himself repeatedly turns out to be in the thieves of death.

Vang is very frightened; he is no longer able to hide it and thinks exclusively about salvation own Life at any cost. Volodya "terribly a little bit and fun." In the dumping Volodya, his soldiers are sitting. He communicates with interest with Melnikov, who is not afraid of bombs, being sure that he will die another death. Having mastered the new commander, the soldiers start discussing the allies to them to help them under the command of Prince Constantine, as both warring parties will give rest for two weeks, and for each shot will then take a fine, as in war the month of service will be considered for year, etc.

Despite the prayers of Vlaga, Volodya comes out of the pancro fresh air And sitting until the morning with Melnikov on the threshold, while bombs fall around and whistle bullets. But in the morning already the battery and guns are put in order, and Volodya thus forgets about the danger; He only rejoices that he fulfills his duties, which does not show cowards, but on the contrary, it is considered to be brave.

The French assault begins. Half-mounted goather pops up to the company, the most concerned about the fact that he was not counted for the coward. He snatches his little sabelki and ahead of all runs to the enemy, writing a soldier scream. His wounded in the chest. Arriving, Kozelmers sees how the doctor examines his wound, wipes his fingers about his coat and sends a priest to him. Codletsov asks whether the French are knocked out; The priest, not wanting to upset the dying, says that the victory remained for the Russians. Kozeltsov happy; "He with an extremely pleasant sense of complacency thought that he performed his duty well that for the first time for his entire service he did so well as he could have been, and could not blame himself." He dies with the last thought of his brother, and him Kozeltsov wishes the same happiness.

Lime about the assault Causes Volodya in the dugout. "Not so much the kind of calm the soldiers, how much miserable, undisguised by the cowardice of the Junker excited it." Not wanting to be like Vlaga, Volodya commands easily, even fun, but soon hears that the French bypass them. He sees a very close enemy soldier, it is so amazing that he freezes in place and misses the moment when you can still be saved. Next to him from bullet wound Melniki dies. Vlang is trying to shoot, calls Volodya to run behind him, but, having jumped into the trench, he sees that Volodya is already dead, but at the place where he just stood, are the French and shoot Russian. A French banner flies over the Malakhov Kurgan.

Blaarboat's batch arrives at a safer part of the city. He bitterly mourns the fallen Volodya; To which is truly attached. The retreating soldiers, talking between them, notice that the French will not be located in the city for a long time. "It was a feeling, as if similar to repentance, shame and malice. Almost every soldier, looking at the northern side to the left Sevastopol, with the wrong bitterness in the heart sighed and threatened enemies. "

Which hero was the Russian people. " It is emphasized by a simple and business story of an eyewitness, aspiring to say the whole truth about the war. Heroes siege are shown ordinary people, with all human weaknesses and disadvantages. The headquarters-captain Mikhailov is able to leave the comrades under the enemy's bullets, and he will vanity on the walk by the fact that he goes under his arm with "aristocrats". The author mercilessly destroys romantic tradition "Heroism"; War is not a beautiful, brilliant spectacle "with music and drumboats, with fluttering banners and glossy generals; Its real expression in the blood, in suffering, in death. "

Tolstoy. True about war in "Sevastopol stories"

To the subject of reproduction to which they were previously approached with stocks of lush words, with all sorts of rhetorical techniques, singing inhuman values \u200b\u200band the beauty of the battles, Tolstoy approached with another image guns. He described the warriors in their entire everyday daily atmosphere, throwing rhetorical decorations, false pathos; And if a romantic heroism and all the so-called "Marlinovshchina" disappeared in the descriptions of thickness, then the modest exponctions of inconspicuous heroes were relieved under his pen, which are stronger than romantic effects fake mistakes. The grave works of the soldiers, who applied to the habit of courage under bullets and grenades, the patriotic lifting of the spirit among soldiers and officers, a calm attitude to death - all this is finely graspted by the artist's pencil. But characterizing the common mood, he with all the power of a realistic pencil depicts individual shapes and types in troops, details in the nature and behavior of people, the features of their mental shock.

People with all their weaknesses, with features and petty and heroic, pass here before us; Writer task itself puts an impartial image of what is. We see what different motivating reasons are the source of heroism in various people: one strict execution of military debt, in another - ambition, etc., who deliberates Sevastopol and the works and danger with the defenders, and all the living conditions of the besieged city well. Finally, in the image of war, the writer also remained faithful to his task - to be truthful - and instead of a brilliant picture, filled with fake effects, gave life picture Murders, destruction, horrified by puddles of blood, piles of corpses and flour wounded. Describing the battle, the author recalls an irreconcilable contradiction between the covenants christian teaching And this terrible massacre of people.

"Sevastopol stories" are divided into three parts: "Sevastopol in December 1854", "Sevastopol in May 1855" and "Sevastopol in August 1855". The hero of the last essay, Volodya Kozeltsov experiences a lot of what was tested by the author himself in a deposited city.

The author of the "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina", the tireless destroyer of all the beautiful lies, the crusher of the idols and the exposer of the "elevating deceptions" already realized himself in the "Sevastopol stories." In elegant and fake romanticism, he opposes harsh, sober realism. "The hero of my story," he writes, "which I love with all the power of the soul, which he tried to reproduce him in all the beauty and which was always, there will be beautiful, is true." This ascetic struggle for the truth begins the destruction of false art and end with the destruction of art at all. Tolstoy joins the fatal path, leading it to complete nihilism - aesthetic, cultural and public.

State budgetary

Educational institution Gymnasium № 271 named after P.I.Fedulov

st. Petersburg

Development multimedia lesson

on the topic:

"Sevastopol stories"

L.N. Tolstoy -

Another truth about the war.

Fulfilled the teacher of Russian language and literature

Mandalian Naira Molovna

Theme lesson: "Sevastopol stories" L.N. Tolstoy - another truth about war .

Objectives lesson: 1. Training familiarization with works reflecting Military experience L.N. Tolstoy; study artistic originality

The stories of the battle genre.

2. Educational show the true inhuman essence of any war; Through consideration of realistic literary paintings Answer a sense of patriotism, humane attitude towards people.

3. Aesthetic express close interconnection different species Art (literature, painting, music), their general orientation against war and in defense of a person.

Intergovernmental ties: Using the "Crimean War" topic from the course of Russia's history (end XVII - XIX. century), themes "Types and genres of art from the course" Business Culture ", subtophy" Plastuna in Crimean war»From the course" Kubanovology».

Types of control: 1. Preliminary tasks - independent work Pupils with materials in literature, history, cubanov.

2. Individual homework creative character On cards.

Equipment: 1. Decoration IV bastion.

2. Stand "L.N. Tolstoy - battle. "

3. Chronological table "Crimean War".

4. Portrait of L.N. Tolstoy.

5. Cards with terms.

6. Cards with stories names.

7. Costumes for stages.

8. Flags.

9. Photos of Tolstoy and participants in the defense of Sevastopol.

10. Music design:

"Sevastopol Waltz", the phonogram "Gori, Gori, My Star", the performance of the author's song "I returned home."

11. Illustrations of Artists Aivazovsky, Timma, Serov.

12. Multimedia design, slideshow.

Basic concepts and terms: truth




"Troops truth"




Epigraph to the lesson:

Who is the villain who is a hero ..? All are good and all bad ...

The hero of my story, whom I love all the power of the soul, who tried to reproduce him in all the beauty and which was, is and will be beautiful, - True ...

"Sevastopol in May."

The war is not in the right, beautiful and brilliant strict, with the music and drumbo, developing banners and glossy generals, and ... in the blood, in suffering, in death ...

"Sevastopol in the month of December."

Plan - lesson scheme


During the classes:


I. . introduction Teachers (topic and lesson purpose).

Today at the lesson, we will spend a study that will help determine the degree of humanity, patriotism and truthfulness in each of us. The main teacher will be the truth itself. What is true? In the dictionary of Vladimir Daly in 1866 it was recorded:

True - truth in fact, truth in the image, for good; Justice, justice.

It is true in the image, i.e. In the literature, many writers of Russia, including Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy, were dediciously served. Before you, N.A. Nekrasov about the truth of Tolstoy, read them:

This is exactly what is needed now to Russian society: the truth that the death of Gogol remains so little in Russian literature.

(reading a quote on cards on the tables).

True - this is exactly what you need today and us. Today we will remember the truth about the war. The main idea of \u200b\u200bour topic sounds in epigraphs.

(reading epigraphs)

What is the case, the truth about the war, eyewitness and the participant of which was Tolstoy? Turn to the story.

II. . Studying a new material.

1. Analysis historical setting in the middle XIX. century.

I. half XIX. marked by serious military events. Russia's victory over Napoleonic France in Patriotic War 1812 is brilliantly depicted Tolstoy in the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace". According to Lev Nikolayevich, not only about the victories and glorious exploits you need to know thinking man, but also about the defeats and the tragedy of what is happening on the battlefields.

Crimean War . In 1853, the next Russian-Turkish war began. Turkey has powerful allies - England and France. The Russian army suffered from lack of weapons and ammunition. The infantry was armed with smooth-bore guns, which were charged in 12 receptions, and shot 200 steps. The Anglo-French-Turkish army was equipped with long-range rifles with rifled trunks, which beat 300 steps. Navy Russia also inferior to the opponent fleet: 115 Russian courts against 500 enemy.

Since the autumn of 1854, Turkey's allies switched to decisive actions on the shores of the Crimea. For five days, the 62,000th army landed near Evpatoria, and then moved to Sevastopol, the main point of Russia in the Crimea.

The heroic defense of Sevastopol began on September 13, 1854 and lasted 349 days. Admiral Kornilov became the organizers of defense, his assistants Admiral Nakhimov and the counter-admiral Istomin.

Inaccessible from the sea Sevastopol was easily vulnerable from sushi. I had to build a system of fortifications (bastions) to reflect the opponent's attack. The siege began.

In the defense of Sevastopol, many participated wonderful people. The artist Timm depicted the heroes-sailors (showing illustration). This is Peter Cat, Fyodor Zaika, Alexey Rybakov, Soldiers of Athanasius Eliseev and Ivan Dechenchenko. There was there and the first sister of Mercy Daria Sevastopol.

The garrison lasted 11 months. Melted the number of defenders. Kornilov died, Istomin, Nakhimov.

On August 27, 1855, the French took Malakhov Kurgan. The unfair Crimean War ended with a military defeat, but moral victory Russian people who showed the wonders of heroism.

Such is a brief historical certificate of this war.

Let's listen to the evidence of the eyewitness of those terrible events.

(Reading a passage from the letter of the surgeon N.I. Pirogova wife, written

The weather here is good ... There are fogs ... Before our windows, Acacia bloomed, but the trees are dissolved incomparably slower than in St. Petersburg.

Now I live in three different places. My things lie in the preservation in the Nikolaev battery, where one caasemate is also prepared for me if it will be too dangerous to remain on the dressing point; on my old apartment I go to water cold sea water and dine, but I sleep and spend a whole day on the dressing point, in the noble assembly, the parquet of which is covered by the bark of dried blood; in dance hall Lying hundreds of amputated. Ten doctors with me and eight sisters are working unpretentiously day and night, operating and bandaging the wounded. Instead dance music They are heard in the huge hall of the collection of wounded moans ...

Teacher comment :

1. The doctor speaks about the horrors of the war calmly and everyday life - courage and self-control.

2. Contrast: amputated in the dancela, instead of music - wounded moans; Acacia flowering - suffering and death.

2. L.N. Tolstoy - a member of the defense of Sevastopol.

"Write the truth about the war is very dangerous. When a person goes to the front to look for the truth, he may instead to find death. But if you go 12, and two are returned - the truth that they will bring will be really true. "

These words are wonderful american writer Ernest Hemingway.

In the deposited Sevastopol in winter, in the spring and summer of 1855 in the most distant items of the defensive line, a low-spirited officer was repeatedly noticed with deeply fallen, shrill, greedily peering in everything, eyes. He appeared in the most dangerous trenches and bastions. It was still few well-known young lieutenant and writer L.N. Tolstoy. Eyewitnesses subsequently wondered how he managed to survive, this"The brave artillery officer, without the slightest affectation, capable of maintaining calm under any circumstances, even threatening painful death, not a fussy, but resistant" .

Shortly before that, Tolstoy rushed into the existing army. In 1854, he was transferred to the Danube Army and was produced in the ensign. He is happy - finally the fate enthusized him the case of a historic, worthy of the right of the ambassador in Constantinople Peter Tolstoy.

When Austria refuses neutrality, and France and England enter the war on the side of Turkey and plant troops on Crimean peninsula And they apply a crushing defeat by the Russians in the Inkerman battle, Tolstoy goes to the deposited Sevastopol, right onIV bastion.

(Student B. military form Reads monologue O.IV bastion)

IV Bastion

When someone says he was on IV Bastion, he says this with special pleasure and pride; When who says: "I go to IV Bastion "- certainly noticeable in it little excitement or too much indifference; When they want to swear over someone, they say: "You would put on IV Bastion, "when we meet stretchers and ask:" Where? " - for the most part Reply: " C. IV bastion. In general, there are two completely different opinions about this terrible bastion: those who have never been on it and who are convinced that IV Bastion is the faithful grave for everyone who will go to him, and those who live on it and tell you, dry or dirty there, warm or cold in the dugout.

So he is IV Bastion, it is really a terrible place. There you will see the reservoir of the Black Sea battalions that live here, smoke the tubes ... Press in the face: in each wrinkle, in each movement, the main features are visible, constituting the power of Russian - simplicity and stubbornness ..., traces of consciousness of their dignity and high thoughts and feelings .

Teacher's comment:

    « When He speaks, when Want to swing "- lexical repeat.

    Two views on IV Bastion: those who have not been there and those who live there.

    Determine who are such plastuna.

    What bastion?

Help of flaws.

Pupil: In the Dalian dictionary, it was said: "Plastun - a hiking Zaporizhia shotger, now called the Black Sea Cossacks. Plastuna lie with a layer in slums, smoothies, reeds, waiting for the enemy ... "


Two hiking plastic battalions took part in the defense of Sevastopol. Appearance Plastunov produced a disadvantageous impression - they were "in worn-out semician costumes, i.e. Checks, Dads, Sharovar different flowers and patterns; They were on average from 30 to 50 years old and they differed in littleness. But soon there were replaced by sincere respect - they were unusually hardy, tags in shooting, skill in intelligence. " They were translated into the most dangerousIV bastion. After Sevastopol events, everyone learned about them. They were perpetuated by the artist V. Serov in the film "Plastuna near Sevastopol". They remained in verse.

Please read.

Student : Invisible shadow, silence step

And casual breathing.

Let's not having a sensitive enemy

But his eyes and hearing are deceived.

Speed \u200b\u200bwith grass

The reservoir appeared,

And death whistled above the head,

As a relentless conductor

And there is no fear in his eyes,

He sees only his goal.

When the wall is a thunderstorm,

Narrow to her - Esaul.

Bayonet felt hand

He touches after the order

And the cold checkers are golden.

Then, when the war goes.

Student : From the century in the century with rows of long

Unsuceive go.

They do not hide behind the backs

And there are no condescension.

Always beautiful and strong

Take a heavy cargo on the shoulders

Go, laughing with blue eyes,

Chucking dark mustache.

And every time with a zareki early

On a terrible altar of war

Go as if on a mischief,

FROM cossack song Plastuna.

3. "Sevastopol stories" is a structural analysis.

Teacher : Now we will try to understand the chronology and description of the events that underlie "Sevastopol stories". Before you are lying with plans to each of the three stories. During the discussion, follow and participate, looking through key moments in the narration.

So, the first story of the cycle:

I. . Sevastopol in December.

(Student message)

This story shows the moment of some weakening and slowing the host between the bloody battle under the Inkerman on November 5, 1854 and the battle under Evpatoria on February 17, 1855.

The main episodes of the story:

    Description of the Furshtat soldier.

    A visit to the hospital and operating room.

    Description IV bastion.

In December, Sevastopol and his garrison did not know the respite and forgotten what the word "peace" means. The bombing of the city of French and English artillery did not stop. Soldiers, sailors and workers worked under the snow and rain without winter clothes, half-starving. It was worked so that 40 years later, the enemy general, the Countier could not remember their dedication and fearlessness. 16 thousand sailors almost all of all ran together with their Admirals Cornilov, Nakhimov and Istomine, but did not give way to the enemy!

Everything that Tolstoy writes can be confirmed by dozens of documentary evidence.

Wives soldiers and sailors every day wore husbands lunch in their bastions, and often one bomb left the whole family. The terrible injury and death are terrible injuries and death. Even at the midst of the assault, they were broadcast water and kvass on bastions, and how much they were in place!

The story sounds firm "conviction in the impossibility of shaking anywhere in the force of the Russian people."

II. . Sevastopol in May.

(Student message)

In May 1855, there was a bloody battle of garrison against the entire army of the enemy.

Main points of the story:

    The reasoning of thick on infantry officers.

    Scene, when an officer stakes a soldier.

    Description of the wounded.

    The scene of the truce.

    An image of a ten-year boy on the field among those killed.

In the story, Tolstoy describes a brief truce, announced after the battle of May 26 - June 7, in order to have time to remove and sorcerate the set of corpses that covered the Earth. As always, the author is strict truthful in the description of all that is happening.

the main idea - On the horror of war, about her unnatural essence. The goal of Tolstoy is an extremely truthful image of the war in the blood and suffering.

Teacher: The most terrible episode in the story is a child on the battlefield. See how we imagined this passage from the story "Sevastopol in May".

Distribution of the episode from the story "Sevastopol in May".

(Towards each other come out the young man in black and girl in a white dress with a bouquet blue flowers. They are dialogue against the background of the decorations of a dilapidated bastion with a white flag).

Girl: (dreamily) How beautiful the valley is in bloom, like wonderful these gentle flowers, take a look ... (shows flowers).

Youth: Look better on this ten-year-old boy, who in the old one must be the father's card, in the shoes on Bosu's foot ... From the very beginning, the truce went to the shaft and all went on the hollow, with a stupid expression looking at the French and on the corpses lying on the ground.

Girl: He gained field blue flowersThat this valley supped.

Youth: Yes ... Returning home with a big bouquet, he, closing his nose from the smell, which was applied by the wind, stopped near a bunch of bodies and looked at the scary heartless corpse. After standing for quite a long time, he moved and touched his leg before the end of the corpse. The hand swayed ...

Girl: (with fear in voice) he cried out, hid his face in flowers and ran to the whole spirit away, to the fortress!

Youth: (with fierce) on the bastion and on the trench of the white flags, the blooming valley is filled with impact bodies ...

Girl: (Without listening to him) the beautiful sun goes down to the Blue Sea, and the blue sea, breaking, glitters in the golden rays of the sun. These people - Christians confessing one great law of love and selflessness, looking at what they did, with repentance will not fall on their knees before who gave them life and invested in the soul of everyone together with the fear of death, love for good and beautiful ? Is it really with tears of joy and happiness, they will not hurt as brothers?

Youth: Not! White rags hidden (tearing white flag). Again the instruments of death and suffering again, the innocent blood flows again and the moans and curses are heard. Forward, on bastion! (Fucking with a cry).

Girl: (in deep sadness) One of two: or war is madness, or, if people do it madness, they are not at all reasonable creatures, as for some reason, it is customary to think. (hides the face in flowers and leaves).

III . Sevastopol in August 1855

(Student message)

This is the most terrible month of siege, ended in the fall of Sevastopol on August 27, 1855. 349 days heroically fought Sevastopol.

The main episodes of the story:

    Description of soldiers.

    Image of a battle place.

    The reasoning about the nature of the feat.

    The story of Kozelsev's brothers.

    People's behavior.


In the story "Sevastopol in August 1855" Sound the following words: "Almost every soldier, looking from the northern side to the left Sevastopol left, with an inexpressible bitterness in the heart sighed and threatened enemies." "At the bottom of the soul, everyone lies that noble spark that will make hero from him."

Despite the scene of the defeat, the whole story is permeated by the conviction of Tolstoy in the heroism of the Russian people.

True heroes Sevastopol epic are soldiers close to them officers, residents of the city, - in a word, the Russian people.

Teacher: Heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854-55, and no less majestic defense of the same city in 1941-42. Proved once again that the Russian people always knew how to love and defend their fatherland, and through the history of the heroic traditions of Russian weapons.

Tolstoy in his works glorified two Russians national Epopes: Heroism in the defense of Sevastopol and later, in the Roman-Epopea "War and Peace" victory over Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812.

4. Work with terms and new concepts.

a) repetition and generalization of such concepts as"True about war" L.N. Tolstoy - Parallel with"Equal truth" XX century in literature about the Great Patriotic War.

b) Work with terminological cards.

Realism - (critical) - artistic method, exploring life based on the comprehension and recreation of underlying patterns (typical in it).

Naturalism - An image of individual episodes in the work when frankly and detail are depicted scenes of cruelty, violence, etc.

Antithesis - Stylistic reception based on a sharp opposition of images and concepts (examples from passages aboutIV Bastion and letters of Pirogov).

Anaphora - Stylistic reception, consisting in the repetition of the same elements at the beginning of each parallel row.

("When" in the passage "IV bastion").

Battle - [Franz. - Battle, battle] - depicting military plots. Battalist is an artist who creates works on military topics.

Bastion - a five-sided defensive strengthening consisting of two foxes (front side), two flanks (side sides) and the Gorge (rear part)

III . Generalization, explaining creative homework.

(Cards with questions and photographs of Tolstoy and participants in the defense of Sevastopol) are student.

In the 50s of the XIX century, the contemporary began publishing "Sevastopol stories" L. N. Tolstoy. For readers, with a look forward to news about the Crimean War, these essays were needed, as evident certificate, as a report from the scene. And the names of the stories quite fitted: "Sevastopol in August", "Sevastopol in December", "Sevastopol in May".

History of the collection

The analysis of "Sevastopol stories" shows that the author's personal participation in the defense of this city allowed us to fully and objectively and occurring events, and human characters. Tolstoy was in the service when Turkey and Russia war began. Tolstoy got permission to translate into Sevastopol. From November 1854 to November 1855, he was in the vicinity of Sevastopol.

Once in a deposited city, the writer was shocked by the heroism of a simple population and soldiers. He began to write his first story under the roar of guns. Under a brilliant feather, the Master Defense revives the heroic protection of Sevastopol. Even the most escaped analysis of "Sevastopol stories" will note that this is not only an artistic work, but also a historical document, such precious for historians the testimony of the participant.

Purpose and main topic

As a member of the events described, the author came to the idea that the Russian soldier, the simple Russian people, and there is the driving force, which also generates the heroic spirit. The narrator of the narration surprises the difference between the sincerity of ordinary soldiers and vanity of officers, to "start the battle", kill a hundred-other person to get another title or an asterisk. Only the best of officers are close to the folk mass.

"Sevastopol stories" played a role in the formation of a fat-writer. For the first time in his work, he displaced the Russian people who set to defend his fatherland. So in Russian literature it was the beginning of a realistic image of war and human psychology. The new, honest, look of the writer on the war, deprived of the halo of beauty, allowed readers to see for music and drumboy, for beautiful buildings and glittering generals, pain, blood, suffering and death.

August in Sevastopol

We continue the analysis of "Sevastopol stories". The third, the last in the collections of the essay "Sevastopol in August" - one of those stories that will retain for future generations of the characteristic of the war, and at the same time will remain a sample literary work According to the simplicity and idleness of the language, artistic processing, by ability to attach the reader's look. The author does not resort to literary research or intrigues and romantic inventions. He just writes about everyday life The defenders of the city, they do not risk their life from boasting, but also do not regret it in the clock of danger.

We will move away for a short time from the analysis of "Sevastopol stories" Tolstoy and get acquainted with short content The latter in the story cycle. Here we are talking About the young officer, who has just been "released from the corps" by Colettsov Volodya. All his thoughts are engaged only by one - he is afraid to strain. So it was in the morning of August 27, he thought that the feeling of fear and the danger was more that he would become a traitor. He doesn't want to die, so little he has seen in life. In the recent days of August, he met with Brother Mikhail, he had long been belonging to the number of Sevastopol defenders, but was on vacation.

Volodya and came to Sevastopol. He has no cheerful mood, his dreams have a dream in his head, that if the brother kill him next to him, he will immediately throw a revenge for his death and die near the bloody brother. Dreams of Volodya will come true: brother is wounded, and he will die on the dressing point, Volodya will die on the mortar battery. The story ends with how Russian troops go through the bay in the northern direction.

December Sevastopol

We continue the analysis of the work of "Sevastopol stories". We will get acquainted with the brief content of the first in the collection of the essay - "Sevastopol in December". Morning dawn paints slowly the sky over the Sapun-mountain. From the bay carries a cool, occasionally the morning silence breaks rolled shots. A fighting is underway in the city, but life is going on as a guy: merchants sell raids and a shotboard. It seems that everyone is fussy here, but this is the first impression.

In fact, most people do not pay attention to either explosions or shots. Only on the bastion you can see the defenders of the city, amazing, unforgettable paintings. In the hospital, soldiers share their impressions. The wounded, waiting for their turn, are watching with horror, as doctors amputing their hands and legs. Only here you can see the amazing soul of the spectacle, a real war - blood, pain, death.

A young officer from the fourth, the most dangerous bastion, does not complain about the shells and bombs, but on the dirt. It has such a protective reaction, he is still inexperienced and behaves naturally. On the way to the fourth, civilians are becoming less and less common - stretcher with wounded. The officer on the bastion behaves calmly and remembers how the bomb fell into the dugout and the eleven people died. In his face, the posture of the defenders of the bastion is visible real Russian features - simplicity and stubbornness.

Continuing the analysis of "Sevastopol stories" on the chapters it should be noted that in this story the author's desire to portray the heroism of the Russian people and show their conviction is that Sevastopol cannot be taken, it is impossible to shake the strength of the Russian people.

"Sevastopol in May"

This story occupies a central place in the collection. It took six months after the siege. Soldiers are watching each other, the diplomats cannot agree, and military actions resolve the conflict even more difficult.

We will continue the analysis by a summary of the second in the cycle of the story "Sevastopol in May". Officer Mikhailov passes around the city and remembers the letter of his friend. He writes that his wife always reads everything that happens in Sevastopol, and is very proud of them. Mikhailov has long lacked such communication. He always dreamed of a high award, and that newspapers wrote about it.

Nonsense Mikhailov went to the pavilion with music, wanted to talk with aristocrats, but did not dare. He sought to enhance, and communicate with simply nations Or soldiers did not suit him. The officer dared and approached them. They accepted well and even walked with him. Mikhailov was happy.

Among the aristocrats were those who were not very sought under the shelling - Praskukhin. Mikhailov commands his rose on the front line, and Prakuchina is asked to attribute the order of movement. When the battalion moves, the officers are trying to impress each other. Prakuchina killed, Mikhailov wounded in the head, and from Lazaret refused, because he wants to distinguish themselves. The next day, the aristocrats walk through the Boulevard and talk about their heroic exploits. Declare a truce. Russian soldiers and enemy soldiers talk to each other without malice and hatred. But as soon as the white flag is cleaned - everything starts again.


Tolstoy uncompromising condemns the war in "Sevastopol stories". Brief analysis art features This cycle comes down to one: the author does not want to teach the events, its goal is to portray everything as it really happens. The main theme of this cycle is the tests of the spiritual and moral power of the nation. The war breaks the usual course of life, the characters and fate of people, but they not only remain people in inhuman conditions, but also are capable of love for homeland and heroism.

"Sevastopol stories" is a cycle of three stories. They were written by the great writer Lv's Tolstoy. Every person who met works, did not remain indifferent, as each of the three stories describes the defense of Sevastopol. They transmit emotions and experiences of warring soldiers. Find the author's attitude to combat actions, namely, the meaninglessness of the war, in the work of "Sevastopol in December". Analysis of the story will help to understand what the author wanted to convey to his reader.

"Sevastopol stories"

It must be said that the accuracy and accuracy of events taking place during the defense of Sevastopol, the author managed to transfer the reader not only due to its skill and talent, but also the fact that the author of Sevastopol stories was located in the city from 1854 to 1855. For almost 2 months, Tolstoy duty on the battery on the fourth bastion, which then rightly was considered the most dangerous. In addition, the author participated in battle on Black river, as well as in the battles occurring during the last storming of Sevastopol.

In 1855, the story "Sevastopol in December" was published in the magazine "Contempor" in the form of an article. It will help each reader to determine the main idea and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

Overview of the city and life of its inhabitants

"Sevastopol in December" is one of the works of "Sevastopol stories", written by L. Tolstoy. This story is the first in the cycle, and it is he who introduces readers with the plot of the work.

The work "Sevastopol in December" begins with the view of the city. Most likely, he was founded on the author's personal impressions. Lion Tolstoy tells the reader that, despite the fact that the war still comes in the city, all its inhabitants have long been paying attention to the fighting. All of them are busy with their affairs and problems, and the explosions are no longer scared.

No one from readers leave indifferent events described in the work of "Sevastopol in December". The analysis of the work is completely simple, as it is read on one breath.

Stories of officers and soldiers on the defense of Sevastopol

The work in which the emotions of soldiers are observed during the battle is "Sevastopol in December". The story reports emotions and experiences of people who died under the bullets for their homeland.

The author at the beginning of the story "Sevastopol in December" tells the reader that the wounded soldiers in hospitals were divided among themselves the events occurring on the battlefield, and also told each other about who and how lost their health during the defense of Sevastopol. It is worth noting that the doctors remove the limbs to soldiers with indifference, without any emotions.

Tolstoy tells in the work of "Sevastopol in December of the month", that along the way to the fourth bastion can be found more and less non-military people: most often the stretcher with wounded soldiers, as well as the military.

An artillery officer tells how during the assault on the battery there is only one active weapon. Later he shared that the bomb fell right into the sailor dugout and killed 11 people.

Emotions and experiences of the main characters

At the end of the story of "Sevastopol in December", we are talking about the emotions of the soldiers during the fighting. The author says that when the core flies to a soldier, he has a sense of fear and pleasure: in such a game with death there is some beauty.

All fans of military literature are simply obliged to read the story "Sevastopol in December." Analysis of the work will help everyone to understand what is being discussed in the work. It reveals for his readers true truth About how the defense of the city passed, and also shows the emotions and experiences of the main characters.

"Sevastopol in the month of December." Analysis of the work

The story "Sevastopol in December" causes many different emotions from the reader. At first he may be surprised at how calm people begin to treat the war. However, on the other hand, the reader understands that in the depths of the soul, every soldier and a simple resident is afraid of his life, but still bravely fighting for his homeland. The author forces the reader to experience pride for the Russian people who did not give up in any situations, boldly walked forward and was confident in his own victory.

The gamut of impressions and emotions causes readers to read the story "Sevastopol in December". Analysis of this work shows the reader all the main events occurring during the defense of Sevastopol.

Lion Tolstoy pays a lot of attention to the emotions and experiences of the military: what they think what they are afraid of what they are waiting and how they are perceived by the world around them. The author shows the reader of life and habits of soldiers. Tolstoy managed to transfer the defense of Sevastopol to the reader with other paints, open it in a new way. After reading the story "Sevastopol in December", you can plunge into life, feel the emotions of the military, as well as to reveal the history of human destinies.

The idea and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

It must be said that the work of Tolstoy is devoted not so much events in the defense of Sevastopol, how much to disclose emotions, mental experiences and fears of the characters of the story. The author left the usual description of hostilities: heroic images Soldier, as well as an enthusiastic sense of victory. Tolstoy outlined the whole truth about the war, as well as on its participants.

Of course, no one will leave an indifferent story "Sevastopol in December." Reviews about the work confirm this.