Da Da Vinci Code Electronic Library. "Code Da Vinci" Dan Brown

Da Da Vinci Code Electronic Library.
Da Da Vinci Code Electronic Library. "Code Da Vinci" Dan Brown


The secret code is hidden in the works of Leonardo da Vinci ...

Only he will help to find Christian shrines that gave unthinkable power and power ...

The key to the greatest secret, over which humanity beges in centuries, can be found ...

In the novel "Code Da Vinci", the author gathered all the accumulated investigative experience and invested him in the main character, Harvard professor of iconography and the history of religion named Robert Langdon. The stronger of the current history served a night call, who ignored Langdon about the murder in the Louvre of the Old Guardian of the Museum. A encrypted note was found near the body of the murdered, the keys to which are hidden in the works of Leonardo da Vinci ...

Dan Brown was born in 1965 in New Hampshire (USA), his father was a professor of mathematics, and his mother is a professional musician. He graduated from the Academy of Philips Exeter and Amherst College, then went to California, where he began his career as a songwriter, a musician and performer, released several CDs with their entries. In 1993, Dan Brown returned to New Hampshire and began to teach English in Amharst College. In 1995, together with his wife, published the book "187 men, from which one should stay away: a guide for romantically frustrated women." In 1998, the writer, who was always interested in philosophy, the history of religion, cryptography and secret organizations, published his first Roman-Thriller - "Digital Fortress". Its further works were also created on the "junction of genres": in 2000, the light saw the intellectual conspiracy detective "Angels and Demons", and in 2001, the "Deception Point" thriller) was released. In 2003, the adventures of Professor Robert Langdon from the "Angels and Demons" were continued by the novel "Da Vinci Code" - on the first day after the publication, it was sold in the number of 6 thousand copies, and the general world circulation of Dan Brown's bestsellers translated into 40 languages, approaches 8 million copies. The writer is also engaged in journalism, regularly published in Newsweek magazines, "Time", "Forbes", "People", GQ, "The New Yorker", performs in various popular radio and television programs.

Dan Brown

The Da Vinci Code

And again the Blyz ... even more than always

Zion Priora is a secret European society, founded in 1099, a real organization. In 1975, handwritten scrolls were found in the Paris National Library, known as the "Secret Dossier", where the names of many members of Zion Priorea were revealed, among them Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo and Leonardo da Vinci.

Personal Prelace Vatican, known as "Opus Dei", is a Catholic sect confessing deep plug. He deserved sad fame to washing the brains, violence and dangerous rituals of "killing flesh". Sect "Opus Dei" just completed the construction of his headquarters in New York, at Lexington Avenue, 243, which cost 47 million dollars.

The book presents accurate descriptions of works of art, architecture, documents and secret rituals.


Paris, Louvre 21. 46

The famous curator Jacques Sonor, perezding, passed under the vaulted arch of the big gallery and rushed to the first picture of his eyes, the Caravaggio canvas. He grabbed both hands for the gold-plated frame and began to pull it on himself until the masterpiece was broken from the wall and did not collapse on the seventieth old old man Sonter, driving him under him.

As expected, Sonary, a metal lattice fell near the root, blocking access to this room. Parquet floor shuddered. Somewhere in the distance overlap the siren alarm.

A few seconds, the curator lay motionless, grabbing the air and trying to figure out, on what light is. I am still alive. When he crawled from under the canvas and began to convulse in search of a place where you can hide.

- Do not move.

The curator standing on all fours, it was cold, then slowly turned around.

Just fifteen feet from him, behind bars, the impressive and terrible figure of his pursuer rose. High, widespread, with loss-pale leather and rare white hair. Pink eye proteins, and pupils of threatening dark red color. Albinos pulled a pistol from his pocket, put a long trunk into the hole between the iron rods and aimed into the curator. "You don't have to run," he said with a difficultly determined accent. - And now say: where is it?

"But I have already said," the curator mumbled, muttered, was still helplessly standing on all fours. - I have no idea what you are talking about.

- False! "The man was motionless and looked at him with a non-moving gaze of terrible eyes, in which the red sparks blew. - You and your brothers have something belonging to you.

The curator shuddered. How can he know from?

- And today, this subject will acquire its real owners. So tell me where he and stay alive. - The man lowered the barrel just below, now he was directed directly to the head of the curator. - Or is it a mystery for which you are ready to die?

Songy Sonier attended his breath.

A man, slightly dripping his head, aimed.

Sonor helplessly raised his hands.

"Wait," he murmured. - I will tell you everything that I know. - And the curator spoke, carefully choosing words. This lie, he rehearsed many times and every time I prayed that it did not have to resort to it.

When he finished, his pursuer smiled smugly:

- Yes. That was what others were told me. Others? "Sonary was mentally surprised.

"I also found them," Albino said. - All Trinity. And they confirmed what you just said.

Being to be! After all, the true personality of the curator and the personality of the three SeneChaux was so sacred and inviolable, as the ancient mystery they stored. But then Sonary guessed: Three Senechaux, loyal debt, told the same legend before his death as he. That was part of the plan.

The man avenged again.

- So, when you knead, I will be the only one in the world, who knows the truth.

The truth! .. The curator instantly caught the terrible meaning of this word, the whole horror of the situation became clear to him. If I die, the truth is no one ever recognizes. And he, who is customized by the instinct of self-preservation, tried to find shelter.

Shot a shot, the curator was rapping on the floor. The bullet pleased him in the stomach. He tried to crawl ... with difficulty overcoming terrible pain. Slowly lifted his head and stared through the grille on his killer.

Now he was aimed in his head.

Songy Sonier climbed, fear and regretfully tormented him.

Clicking idle shot echoed by a corridor.

Sonary opened his eyes.

Albino with mocking bewilderment looked at his weapon. I wanted to recharge it, then, it seems, changed my mind, I pointed to Sonter's belly with a smirk:

- I did my job.

The curator lowered his eyes and saw a hole from the bullet on a white linen shirt. It was framed by a red ring of blood and was several inches below the sternum. Stomach! Cruel slip: The bullet pleased not in the heart, but in the stomach. The curator was a veteran of war in Algeria and saw a lot of painful deaths. For a minute, fifteen minutes he will live, and acids from the stomach, leaking into the chest cavity, will slowly poison it.

"Pain, she know, for advantage, Monsieur," Albino said. And left.

Remaining one, Jacques Sonary glanced at the iron grille. He was trapped, the doors will not open for another twenty minutes. And by the time when someone emerges to the rescue, he will be dead. But not his own death suffered him at the moment.

I have to pass the mystery.

Trying to climb to the feet, he saw the face of his three killed brothers in front of him. I remembered the generations of other brothers, about the mission, which they performed, carefully passing the secret to the descendants.

Inseparable chain of knowledge.

And now, despite all the precautions ... Despite all the tricks, he, Jacques Sonor, remained the only link of this chain, the only keeper of the mystery.

All trembling, he finally rose.

I have to find some kind of way ... He was locked in a large gallery, and there was only one person in the world, who could convey the torch of knowledge. Sonary looked at the walls of his luxurious dungeon. They were decorated with a collection of famous cloths, seemed to be looking at him from top to bottom, smiling like old friends.

Swimating from pain, he called for help all his strength and skill. The challenge that comes to him will require concentration and takes all the seconds released to him to the last.

Chapter 1

Robert Langdon woke up not immediately.

Somewhere in the dark called the phone. That's just the call sounded unusually sharply, piercingly. Step on the bedside table, he turned on the night light lamp. And, pouch, looked at the situation: upholstered Bedroom in Renaissance style, Louis XVI Louis Day, Walls with handmade frescoes, a huge bed of mahogany under the canchine. Where am I, damn it?

On the back of the chair hung a jacquard bathrobe with a monogram: "Hotel" Ritz ", Paris."

Fog in the head began to dissipate gradually. Langdon raised the phone:

Pouch, Langdon looked at the desk clock. They showed 12. 32 nights. He slept only an hour and was barely alive from fatigue.

- This is a receptionist, monsieur. Sorry for anxiety, but to you a visitor. He says he has an urgent matter.

Langdon still understood badly. Visitor? View fell on the gate paper sheet on the bedside table. That was a small billboard.

American University of Paris

he has the honor to invite

to meet with Robert Langdon,

professor of religious symbolism

Harvard University

Langdon is quietly groaned. The evening lecture was accompanied by a demonstration of slides: a pagan symbolism, which was reflected in the stone masonry of the Cathedral in Chartres, - and the conservative professors, she probably had to taste. Or maybe the most religious scientists will even ask for it and put on the first flight to America.

"Sorry," answered Langdon, "but I am very tired and ..."

"Mais, Monsieur," continued to insist the receptionist, lowered the voice to an intimate whisper. - Your guest is a very influential person.

Langdon did not doubt it. Books on religious painting and cult symbolism made it a kind of celebrity in the world of arts, only with a minus sign. And last year, Langdon's scandalous thanks to his participation in a rather ambiguous incident in the Vatican, which was widely covered with the press. And since then, it was simply overwhelmed by various kinds of unrecognized historians and amateurs from art, and piled by a crowd.

"Be kind," Langdon tried to speak politely with all his might, "write the name and address of this person. And tell me that I will try to call him on Thursday, before leaving from Paris. About "Kay? Thank you! - And he hung up before the porter managed to argue anything.

He sat down in bed and, frowning, stared at the diary lying on the table for guests of the hotel, whose cover was conquered by the seemingly mocking inscription: "Sit as a baby in the city of Lights, Sweet Drema at the Ritz Hotel, Paris. He turned away and looked tiredly into a high mirror on the wall. A man reflected there was almost a stranger. The encountered, tired.

You need to relax, Robert.

It was especially difficult last year, and this was reflected in appearance. Typically, such live blue eyes swell and looked sadly. Cheekbones and chin with a snack shaded the bristles. Hair at the temples silvered gray, moreover, gray hairs have flagelled in a thick black chapel. And although all female colleagues assured that Sedna is scary to him, emphasizes the scientist, he himself was not at all delighted.

Would see me now in Boston Magazine!

Last month, to amazement and some confusion of Langdon, the magazine "Boston Magazine" included him on the list of the ten most "intriguing" people of the city - a dubious honor, since it became the subject of constant ridicule on the part of Harvard's colleagues. And now, in three thousand miles from the house, the honor provided him with the magazine turned into a nightmare, pursued him even at lectures at the University of Paris.

- Ladies and gentlemen, - announced a pavilion dofina who leads the entire pavilion, "our guest does not need a presentation. He is the author of many books, among them: "Symbols of secret sects", "The art of intellectuals: lost language ideograms." And if I say that it was from under his feather "Religious Iconology", I will not open the big mystery to you. For many of you, his books have become textbooks.

Students vigorously forged in agreement.

"And today I wanted to imagine him to you, out of such an impressive Curriculum Vitae of this person." But ... - here she glavously glanced at the preidey of Langdon sitting at the table, - one of our students just provided me even more if it can be expressed, intriguing.

And she showed the number of the Boston magazine.

Langdon disturbed. Where, damn it, did she get it?

The presenter began to read the passages of a completely idiotic article, and Langdon was deeper and deeper and deeper into the chair. Thirty seconds later, the audience is already giggled with might and main, and the lady did not lose weight.

"" Failure to Mr. Langdon's refusal to tell the media about his unusual role last year's meeting in the Vatican, definitely helped him gain glasses in the struggle for entering the first ten "intrigans". " - Here she was silent and turned to the audience: - Want to listen more?

Roman Dan Brown "Code Da Vinci" in the last three years occupies an upper line in the list of world bestsellers (sold about 40 million copies in 44 languages, and now this novel also filmed a movie, which also became superpopular). For a not too thoughtful reader, this is just the incredible detective on how the villains killed the Louvre caretaker managed to leave an encrypted note before death, and the keys to the cipher are hidden in the works of Leonardo da Vinci, including "Monu Lisa". These keys will not help you find a killer, but with their help you can find out where the holy grail is. However, the Holy Grail in this story is not a bowl, from which Christ drank during a secret evening, and ... Woman, Maria Magdalene, who, as Brown claims, was the wife of Jesus, and after it was crucified, fled to France, where he gave birth His daughter (chapter 60). (Lono Mary Magdalene, therefore, gave life to the offspring of Jesus.). Proof of this, says in the novel, "Consist from thousands of pages of text ... in four huge heavy chests" (Chapter 60). Brown writes: "The search for a graveyla bowl is actually nothing but the desire to kneel before the ashes of Mary Magdalene. This is a kind of pilgrimage to pray a loot, lost to the sacred female start. " (Chapter 60).

The name of Roman Brown is connected with the picture "Last Supper", written by Leonardo da Vinci in 1495-1497. It depicts Jesus and twelve apostles at the moment when Christ said: "One of you betray me" (Matthew 26:21).

Art historians believe that the figure to the right of Jesus is a young and faboride apostle John, as he was portrayed on the canvases of that period. However, according to the extravagant interpretation of Brown, this is Maria Magdalene. Why? Because together with the figure of Christ, this figure forms the letter "V" - an ancient symbol of the female start, if you believe Brown, and the figures of Peter and Judas (to the right of John) form the letter "M" - Maria. In addition, Brown writes that the Filder Figure is visible "a hint of the chest" (chapter 58).

The answer to this sophistry consists of three parts:

  1. Even if the assumption of Brown is true, then it reflects only the creative liberty of Leonardo, but not a historical fact.
  2. Historian Ronald Higgins writes: "Even if someone's too rich imagination can find such a" hint "in the folds of John's raincoat, then on the other side, not covered with a cloak, the chest should be visible much better. But this part of John's breast is absolutely flat. Should we, based on this, believe that Magdalene had only one breast? "1
  3. If this figure is Maria Magdalene, then where is John? He was exactly there (Matthew 26:20, Mark 14: 17.20; Luka 22: 8, and none of them mentions Maria Magdalin), and at the table - only twelve figures of the apostles!


  1. Higgins, R., @lsquo; Cracks in the da Vinci [Email Protected];, www.irr.org/da-vinci-code.htmlDecember 23, 2004

Absolute fiction

At the very beginning of the book Brown writes: "In this novel, all actors, places and events are either fictional or not correspond to reality.". Despite this, then in the novel, he is trying to question the divinity of Christ and the accuracy of the Bible. To top it all over, he also interprets Christianity - for example, he inspires the reader that Jesus wanted Maria Magdalene after his death headed the church.

Brown deftly tries to give these statements a reliability, investing them in the melting of two characters-scientists - "Professor of iconography and the history of religion named Robert Langdon" and the "former member of the Royal Historical Society" Sir Lew Tibrga. However, these "scientists" are the fruit of fiction! At the end of the head "Facts", Brown declares themselves: "The book presents accurate descriptions of works of art, architecture, documents and secret rituals"; But this statement is the most advanced fiction! "

"Pseudoistoric nonsense in Cuba"

According to Professor Michael Wilkins, from a historical and biblical point of view, Dan Brown's book "is replete with astounding inaccuracies." For example:

This list of errors and falsifications can be continued infinitely, but enough of this small part so that everything becomes clear. It is commendable that Westminster Abbey refused to resolve the film on the novel "Code of Da Vinci" on its territory - due to the "distant religious and historical and historical" and "actual errors" in the book of Brown. Unfortunately, the management of the Lincoln Cathedral allowed shooting in the cathedral for "donated" 100,000 pounds.

Brown attacks on Christianity

In the 55 chapter, Brown invests such words in Tibrian's mouth: "The Bible is the creation of a person ... not at all God ... And then she passed countless translations, additions and alterations. For inclusion in the New Testament, over eighties of the Gospels were considered ... The Bible, what we now know, was composed of various sources of the pagan, the Roman emperor Konstantin Great ... officially proclaiming Jesus the Son of God, Konstantin thus turned him into a deity ... whose power is eternal and unshakable ".

Canonical Books of the New Testament

The canonical books of the New Testament are books recognized by the Christian Church as a Holy Scripture. What is necessary for the book to recognize canonical?

  1. It should be written by the apostle or a close friend of Jesus, such as Mark or Luke.
  2. She must tell the truth about God.
  3. The content of the book should testify to its soundness.
  4. It should be recognized by the Christian world.

The recognition of the books of the New Testament begins in the first century of our era. Apostle Paul (1 Timothy 5:18) calls the Gospel from Luke 10: 7 by Scripture. The Apostle Peter called the Holy Scripture of the Pavlo Apostle Epistle (2 Peter 3: 15-17). Four biblical gospels "Firmly established as the fundamental texts of the Christian church by the end of the second century, if not earlier." . The first lists of the New Testament of the New Testament were approved at the 393 Cathedral of the Cathedral of 393 and the Carfhagen Cathedral of 397, much later than the death of Konstantin in 337. It is important to remember that the canon was first approved by God and only then in humans. F. F. Bruce (Bruce), Researcher of the New Testament, writes: "It's wrong to believe that the books of the New Testament became fundamental to the church, because they were formally recognized as canonical. On the contrary, the church included them in the lists of canonical, because he already considered them dictated over ... "

Apocryphic Gospel Maria, Peter and Philip, to which Brown refers, did not respond to this basic criterion and were not adopted by the Church; Thus, it did not make sense to rewrite them. So, the ideas of Brown do not differ originality. For many years, they were popular in the circles of occultists and supporters of the Chinese cult of "New Age", and roots go into ancient heresy of Gnosticism.

Link Notes:

Was Jesus married?

There is no even remote hint of historical evidence that Jesus was allegedly married to Mary Magdaline. Nowhere in the Bible nothing like this. Apostle Paul Proclaimed Law "Have a companion wife" (1 Cor. 9: 5), says that other apostles, the brothers of the Lord, and Kifer [Peter] had wives, but he doesn't tell it about Jesus.

On the Cross, Jesus asks John to take care of his mother (John 19), but does not show care about Mary Magdalene - his already-almost-widow, if you believe Brown.

In the "Gospels" from Philip and from Mary Magdalene, to which Brown refers, not toldthat Maria Magdalene was a wife of Jesus. The main "evidence" of Brown is a quotation from the Gospel of Philip: "A companion of the Savior is Maria Magdalene." Brown writes: "Any Araraian specialist will tell you that the word" companion "in those days literally meant" spouse "(chapter 58). This is not true! The Gospel of Philip was written not on Aramaic, but in Greek, and translated into Coptsky (ie, Egyptian, and not aramaic) . Greek word kowovoc ( koinonos.) that is talking about, means "friend, associate"; In the New Testament, it never meets in the meaning of the spouse.

In fact, the Bride of Christ is his church.

Think, mistakes!

Rough historical errors are not uncommon for base fiction. Why pay so much attention to how ridiculous distorts the reality of Dan Brown? There are several reasons for that:

How can we distinguish a lie from the truth?

Answer: Jesus sent us the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17; 15:26). It helps believers to distinguish a lie from the truth ( In. 16:13 ). He does it through the Word of God, the Bible, which he is a divine author ( 2 Pet. 1:21, cf. Heb. 3: 7, 10:15 2 Tim. 3:16. ), which is also called "Truth" ( In. 17:17 ).

Therefore, for Christians believers in the Bible, if the statement of Christianity, sin, morality, the Gospels, the Divine Person of Jesus, Resurrection, Creation, Flood, the Future Court, etc., corresponds to the Word of God, then it is true. If the approval is contrary to the Word of God, then it is false

Article in " NEW YORK TIMES."Persons:" The idea of \u200b\u200ba secret conspiracy, on which the "Da Vinci Code" is based on the authors of the 80s of the 80s "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" ( HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL). [In fact, the authors of the "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" even sued the plagiarism, but lost the case. - approx. Ed.] This book was based on a folder with documents found in the National Library of France, but today it has already been found out that it was a hoax. "

The epilogue of the novel, when Langdon brings his knees before the ashes of Mary Magdalene, - the most suitable moment for Brown to present "evidence" - imaginary tens of thousands of information pages of four huge chests. In fact, Brown does not bring any kind of evidence. Fictional "crypt" so remains closed. Nothing evidence of Yerezi Brown does not exist.

Looks like a person is ready to believe in any falsification of history, if it helps him to avoid commitments that entails Belief in the truth about Jesus Christ. This "Da Vinci Code" is very similar to the theory of evolution from the microbe to a person. If at least something from this was true, it would mean that the Bible is lying that people do not need the Savior and the Redeemer of Sins, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe vessel is unfounded.

Brown deliberately replaced the genuine history of the obvious hoax, which is definitely good for his wallet, but it is very dangerous for the immortal shower of many readers.

Links and Notes

  1. For the first time, the novel was published in hardcover by Publishing House Doubleday, New York, 2003. The authors of this article enjoyed a publication in the soft binding of Corgi Books publishing house, TransWorld Publishers, London, 2004.

Dan Brown

The Da Vinci Code

And again the Blyz ... even more than always

Dan Brown was born in 1965 in New Hampshire (USA), his father was a professor of mathematics, and his mother is a professional musician. He graduated from the Academy of Philips Exeter and Amherst College, then went to California, where he began his career as a songwriter, a musician and performer, released several CDs with their entries. In 1993, Dan Brown returned to New Hampshire and began to teach English in Amharst College. In 1995, together with his wife, published the book "187 men, from which one should stay away: a guide for romantically frustrated women." In 1998, the writer, who was always interested in philosophy, the history of religion, cryptography and secret organizations, published his first Roman-Thriller - "Digital Fortress". Its further works were also created on the "junction of genres": in 2000, the light saw the intellectual conspiramic detective "Angels and Demons", and in 2001, the "Deception Point") thriller was released. In 2003, the adventures of Professor Robert Langdon from the "Angels and Demons" were continued by the novel "Da Vinci Code" - on the first day after the publication, it was sold in the number of 6 thousand copies, and the general world circulation of Dan Brown's bestsellers translated into 40 languages, approaches 8 million copies. The writer is also engaged in journalism, regularly published in Newsweek magazines, "Time", "Forbes", "People", GQ, "The New Yorker", performs in various popular radio and television programs.

Zion Priora is a secret European society, founded in 1099, a real organization. In 1975, handwritten scrolls were found in the Paris National Library, known as the "Secret Dossier", where the names of many members of Zion Priorea were revealed, among them Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo and Leonardo da Vinci.

Personal Prelace Vatican, known as "Opus Dei", is a Catholic sect confessing deep plug. He deserved sad fame to washing the brains, violence and dangerous rituals of "killing flesh". Sect "Opus Dei" just completed the construction of his headquarters in New York, at Lexington Avenue, 243, which cost 47 million dollars.

The book presents accurate descriptions of works of art, architecture, documents and secret rituals.

Paris, Louvre 21.46

The famous curator Jacques Sonor, perezding, passed under the vaulted arch of the big gallery and rushed to the first picture of his eyes, the Caravaggio canvas. He grabbed both hands for the gold-plated frame and began to pull it on himself until the masterpiece was broken from the wall and did not collapse on the seventieth old old man Sonter, driving him under him.

As expected, Sonary, a metal lattice fell near the root, blocking access to this room. Parquet floor shuddered. Somewhere in the distance overlap the siren alarm.

A few seconds, the curator lay motionless, grabbing the air and trying to figure out, on what light is. I'm still alive. Then he crawl from under the canvas and began to convulsely look in search of a place where you can hide.

- Do not move.

The curator standing on all fours, it was cold, then slowly turned around.

Just fifteen feet from him, behind bars, the impressive and terrible figure of his pursuer rose. High, widespread, with loss-pale leather and rare white hair. Pink eye proteins, and pupils of threatening dark red color. Albinos pulled a pistol from his pocket, put a long trunk into the hole between the iron rods and aimed into the curator. "You don't have to run," he said with a difficultly determined accent. - And now say: where is it?

"But I have already said," the curator mumbled, muttered, was still helplessly standing on all fours. - I have no idea what you are talking about.

- False! "The man was motionless and looked at him with a non-moving gaze of terrible eyes, in which the red sparks blew. - You and your brothers have something belonging to you.

The curator shuddered. How can he know from?

- And today, this subject will acquire its real owners. So tell me where he and stay alive. - The man lowered the barrel just below, now he was directed directly to the head of the curator. - Or is it a mystery for which you are ready to die?

Songy Sonier attended his breath.

A man, slightly dripping his head, aimed.

Sonor helplessly raised his hands.

"Wait," he murmured. - I will tell you everything that I know. - And the curator spoke, carefully choosing words. This lie, he rehearsed many times and every time I prayed that it did not have to resort to it.

When he finished, his pursuer smiled smugly:

- Yes. That was what others were told me. Others? - Sonary was mentally surprised.

"I also found them," Albino said. - All Trinity. And they confirmed what you just said.

It cannot be! After all, the true personality of the curator and the personality of the three SeneChaux was so sacred and inviolable, as the ancient mystery they stored. But then Sonary guessed: Three Senechaux, loyal debt, told the same legend before his death as he. That was part of the plan.

The man avenged again.

- So, when you knead, I will be the only one in the world, who knows the truth.

Truth! .. The curator instantly caught the terrible meaning of this word, the whole horror of the situation became clear to him. If I die, no one will ever know the truth. And he, who was adjusted by the instinct of self-preservation, tried to find shelter.

Shot a shot, the curator was rapping on the floor. The bullet pleased him in the stomach. He tried to crawl ... with difficulty overcoming terrible pain. Slowly lifted his head and stared through the grille on his killer.

Now he was aimed in his head.

Songy Sonier climbed, fear and regretfully tormented him.

Clicking idle shot echoed by a corridor.

Sonary opened his eyes.

Albino with mocking bewilderment looked at his weapon. I wanted to recharge it, then, it seems, changed my mind, I pointed to Sonter's belly with a smirk:

- I did my job.

The curator lowered his eyes and saw a hole from the bullet on a white linen shirt. It was framed by a red ring of blood and was several inches below the sternum. Stomach! Brutal slip: the bullet was not in the heart, but in the stomach. The curator was a veteran of war in Algeria and saw a lot of painful deaths. For a minute, fifteen minutes he will live, and acids from the stomach, leaking into the chest cavity, will slowly poison it.

"Pain, she know, for advantage, Monsieur," Albino said. And left.

Remaining one, Jacques Sonary glanced at the iron grille. He was trapped, the doors will not open for another twenty minutes. And by the time when someone emerges to the rescue, he will be dead. But not his own death suffered him at the moment.

I have to pass the mystery.

Trying to climb to the feet, he saw the face of his three killed brothers in front of him. I remembered the generations of other brothers, about the mission, which they performed, carefully passing the secret to the descendants.

Inseparable chain of knowledge.

And now, despite all the precautions ... Despite all the tricks, he, Jacques Sonor, remained the only link of this chain, the only keeper of the mystery.

All trembling, he finally rose.

I have to find some way ... He was locked up in a big gallery, and there was only one person in the world, who could be conveyed by the torch of knowledge. Sonary looked at the walls of his luxurious dungeon. They were decorated with a collection of famous cloths, seemed to be looking at him from top to bottom, smiling like old friends.

Swimating from pain, he called for help all his strength and skill. The challenge that comes to him will require concentration and takes all the seconds released to him to the last.

Robert Langdon woke up not immediately.

Somewhere in the dark called the phone. That's just the call sounded unusually sharply, piercingly. Step on the bedside table, he turned on the night light lamp. And, pouch, looked at the situation: upholstered Bedroom in Renaissance style, Louis XVI Louis Day, Walls with handmade frescoes, a huge bed of mahogany under the canchine. Where am I, damn it?

On the back of the chair hung a jacquard bathrobe with a monogram: "Hotel" Ritz ", Paris."

And again dedicated to the blit ...

Even more than always


Zion Priora is a secret European society, founded in 1099, a real organization.

In 1975, handwritten scrolls were found in the Paris National Library, known as the "Secret Dossier", where the names of many members of Zion Priorea were revealed, among them Sir Isaac Newton, Botticelli, Victor Hugo and Leonardo da Vinci.

Personal Prelace Vatican, known as "Opus Dei", is a Catholic sect confessing deep plug. He deserved sad fame to washing the brains, violence and dangerous rituals of "killing flesh". Sect "Opus Dei" just completed the construction of his headquarters in New York, at Lexington Avenue, 243, which cost 47 million dollars.

The book presents accurate descriptions of works of art, architecture, documents and secret rituals.


Paris, Louvre 21.46

The famous curator Jacques Sonor, perezding, passed under the vaulted arch of the big gallery and rushed to the first picture of his eyes, the Caravaggio canvas. He grabbed both hands for the gold-plated frame and began to pull it on himself until the masterpiece was broken from the wall and did not collapse on the seventieth old old man Sonter, driving him under him.

As expected, Sonary, a metal lattice fell near the root, blocking access to this room. Parquet floor shuddered. Somewhere in the distance overlap the siren alarm.

A few seconds, the curator lay motionless, grabbing the air and trying to figure out, on what light is. I'm still alive. Then he crawl from under the canvas and began to convulsely look in search of a place where you can hide.

- Do not move.

The curator standing on all fours, it was cold, then slowly turned around.

Just fifteen feet from him, behind bars, the impressive and terrible figure of his pursuer rose. High, widespread, with loss-pale leather and rare white hair. Pink eye proteins, and pupils of threatening dark red color. Albinos pulled a pistol from his pocket, put a long trunk into the hole between the iron rods and aimed into the curator.

"You don't have to run," he said with a difficultly determined accent. - And now say: where is it?

"But I have already said," the curator mumbled, muttered, was still helplessly standing on all fours. - I have no idea what you are talking about.

- False! "The man was motionless and looked at him with a non-moving gaze of terrible eyes, in which the red sparks blew. - You and your brothers have something belonging to you.

The curator shuddered. How can he know from?

- And today, this subject will acquire its real owners. So tell me where he and stay alive. - The man lowered the barrel just below, now he was directed directly to the head of the curator. - Or is it a mystery for which you are ready to die?

Songy Sonier attended his breath.

A man, slightly dripping his head, aimed.

Sonor helplessly raised his hands.

"Wait," he murmured. - I will tell you everything that I know. - And the curator spoke, carefully choosing words. This lie, he rehearsed many times and every time I prayed that it did not have to resort to it.

When he finished, his pursuer smiled smugly:

- Yes. That was what others were told me.

Others?- Sonary was mentally surprised.

"I also found them," Albino said. - All Trinity. And they confirmed what you just said.

It cannot be! After all, the true Personality of the curator and the personality of three Sénéchaux was so sacred and inviolable, as the ancient mystery they stored. But then Sonary guessed: Three Senechaux, loyal debt, told the same legend before his death as he. That was part of the plan.

The man avenged again.

- So, when you knead, I will be the only one in the world, who knows the truth.

Truth! .. The curator instantly caught the terrible meaning of this word, the whole horror of the situation became clear to him. If I die, no one will ever know the truth. And he, who was adjusted by the instinct of self-preservation, tried to find shelter.

Shot a shot, the curator was rapping on the floor. The bullet pleased him in the stomach. He tried to crawl ... with difficulty overcoming terrible pain. Slowly lifted his head and stared through the grille on his killer.

Now he was aimed in his head.

Songy Sonier climbed, fear and regretfully tormented him.

Clicking idle shot echoed by a corridor.

Sonary opened his eyes.

Albino with mocking bewilderment looked at his weapon. I wanted to recharge it, then, it seems, changed my mind, I pointed to Sonter's belly with a smirk:

- I did my job.

The curator lowered his eyes and saw a hole from the bullet on a white linen shirt. It was framed by a red ring of blood and was several inches below the sternum. Stomach! Brutal slip: the bullet was not in the heart, but in the stomach. The curator was a veteran of war in Algeria and saw a lot of painful deaths. For a minute, fifteen minutes he will live, and acids from the stomach, leaking into the chest cavity, will slowly poison it.

"Pain, she know, for advantage, Monsieur," Albino said.

Remaining one, Jacques Sonary glanced at the iron grille. He was trapped, the doors will not open for another twenty minutes. And by the time when someone emerges to the rescue, he will be dead. But not his own death suffered him at the moment.

I have to pass the mystery.

Trying to climb to the feet, he saw the face of his three killed brothers in front of him. I remembered the generations of other brothers, about the mission, which they performed, carefully passing the secret to the descendants.

Inseparable chain of knowledge.

And now, despite all the precautions ... Despite all the tricks, he, Jacques Sonor, remained the only link of this chain, the only keeper of the mystery.

All trembling, he finally rose.

I have to find some way ...

He was locked up in a big gallery, and there was only one person in the world, who could be conveyed by the torch of knowledge. Sonary looked at the walls of his luxurious dungeon. They were decorated with a collection of famous cloths, seemed to be looking at him from top to bottom, smiling like old friends.

Swimating from pain, he called for help all his strength and skill. The challenge that comes to him will require concentration and takes all the seconds released to him to the last.