Day of a secular man. Day of a secular man (by "Eugene Onegin") message the day of a secular man

Day of a secular man. Day of a secular man (by "Eugene Onegin") message the day of a secular man
Day of a secular man
Onegin leads the life of a young man free from official obligations. It should be noted that only a small group of noble youth of St. Petersburg at the beginning of the Xih century. led a similar life. In addition to people who are unusual, only rare young people from among the rich and nominant mother-in-law, whose service, most often in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, could afford that life.
The right to get up as late as possible was a kind of sign of aristocracy, separated by an obstacious nobleman, not only from the simpleness or fellow, pulling the front strap, but also from the village owner's landlord.
The morning toilet and a cup of coffee or tea was replaced by two-three clutch climb. Walk on foot, riding or in a wheelchair took an hour or two. Favorite places of the festivities of St. Petersburg France in 1810 -1820. There were Nevsky Prospect, the English embankment Neva and Admiralty Boulevard.
About four hours of afternoon there was a lunch time. A young man leading the idle lifestyle rarely contained a cook - a serf or hired foreigner - and preferred to dine in the restaurant.
The afternoon, the young France sought to "kill", filling the gap between the restaurant and the ball. One of the opportunities was the theater. He for St. Petersburg France was not only an artistic spectacle and a kind of club, where secular meetings took place, but also the place of love intrigues and affordable backstage hobbies.
Dances were an important element of the noble life. Their role differed significantly both from the function of dancing in the public life of the time and from modern.
On the balls, the public life of the nobleman was implemented: he was neither a private person in private life, neither a servant person in the public service - he was a nobleman in the noble assembly, a man of his class among his own.
The main element of the ball as a social and aesthetic action was dancing. They served in the organizing rod of the evening, asked a conversation style. "Mazurochny chatter" required superficial, shallow themes, but also the enraged and sharpness of the conversation, the ability to quickly, the epigramoclimatic response. The ball conversation was far from the game of the intellectual forces, the "fascinating conversation of higher education", which was cultivated in the literary salons of Paris in the XVIII century and in the absence of which Pushkin complained about in Russia. Nevertheless, he had his charm of the lively freedom and ease of conversation between a man and a woman who turned out to be at the same time both in the center of the noisy festival, and in the impossible in other circumstances of proximity.
Dance training started early - from five to six years. Apparently, Pushkin began to study dancing already in 1808. Until the summer of 1811, he and his sister attended dance evenings from Trubetskaya, Buturlin and Sushkov, and on Thursdays - children's balls at the Moscow dancer Iogel.
Early dance training was painful and resembled a tough training session athlete or training recruited with a zealous Feldfelm.
The training attached to a young man not only dexterity during the dances, but also confidence in movements, freedom and independence in the formulation of the figure, which in a certain way influenced the mental system of a person: in the conditioned world of secular communication, he felt confidently and freely as an experienced actor on scene. The grace, manifested in the accuracy of movements, was a sign of good education. The aristocratic simplicity of the movements of the people of "good society" and in life, and in the literature opposed stiffness or excessive discourability (the result of the fight against their own shyness) of the discharge gestures.
The ball in the era of Onegin began to Polish (polona). It is significant that in Evgenia Onegin, polonaise is not mentioned. In St. Petersburg, the poet introduces us to the ballroom at the moment when the "crowd Mazurka is busy", that is, in the midst of the holiday, which emphasizes the fashionable late of Onegin. But the Ball of the Larina is polonais, and the holiday description begins with the second dance - the Waltz, which is called Pushkin "monotonous and insane." These epithets have not only emotional meaning. "Monotonous" - because, unlike the Mazurka, in which solo dancing and the invention of new figures played a huge role, the waltz consisted of the same constantly repetitive movements.
The definition of the Waltza as "insane" has a different meaning: Waltz, despite the universal distribution, used in the 1820s. Reputation of obscene or at least unnecessary free dance.
The old "French" manner of execution of the Mazurka demanded from the cavaller of the ease of jumping, the so-called Anthrash ("The jump in which the leg of the leg be hits three times while the body happens in the air"). The "secular" manner began to replace in the 1820s. English. From the cavalier required Tomny, lazy movements, he refused the asshole chatter and during dance sullenly silently.
In the memoirs of Smirnova-Rosset, the episode of her first meeting with Pushkin is told: she also invited him to Mazurka by the institute. Pushkin silently and lazily a couple of times walked with her around the hall. The fact that Onegin "Easy to Mazurka danced," shows that his boredom and fashionable disappointment were in the first chapter half fake. For the sake of them, he could not refuse the pleasure of jumping in Mazurka.
One of the enclosing the dancing ball was a Cotilion - the view of Kadrili, the most relaxed, diverse and playful dance.
Ball gave the opportunity to have fun and noisily spend the night.

In 1830, A.S. Pushkin wrote one of the brightest works of his era - the novel in the verses "Eugene Onegin". In the center of the narration lies the story of the life of a young man, by whom the novel got his name.

In the first chapter, the author introduces the reader with the main hero - a typical representative of the young generation of aristocrats. Onegin was born in St. Petersburg, from infant age was granted to Nanikes and Guteraram. He received a home education, but no science fascinated him to truly. The Frenchman who trained a young man was not strict with his student and tried to please him. He knew French and a little Latin, danced well and knew how to support any conversation. But he received the greatest pleasure from communicating with women.

A beautiful and educated young man fell in the soul of secular society, and his loved people were invited daily. His father constantly took money in debt, but despite this, every year arranged three bala. Father and son did not understand each other, each of them lived his life.

Every new day from the life of the hero was similar to the previous one. He woke up after noon and paid a lot of time his appearance. For three o'clock, Onegin in front of the mirror led its hairstyle and clothing. He did not forget to care for the nails, for which he had various scissors and saws. After that, the hero went for a walk. Then I was waiting for a luxurious lunch: roast beylf, truffles, wine. Everything is prepared in order to please the young man.

The reader sees that Onegin does not have a clear routine of the day, he obeys her whims and desires. If during the dinner it comes to the news of the ongoing theatrical presentation, he immediately rushes there. But by no means love for art drives him impulses. Eugene welcomes all his acquaintances and searches among the audience beautiful girls. The presentation itself brings boredom on Onegin. All night he spends on the ball, returning home only in the morning. At the time when all people go to work, our hero only goes to sleep to relax before the beginning of the day, full of secular balls and evenings. That is one day from the life of Evgeny Onegin from 1 chapter of Roman Pushkin. But then everything has changed ...

The hero is not happy, he is dissatisfied with his life, which only boredom and Handru. Deciding to change, he begins to read a lot, trying to do writing. But soon it covers apathy. At this time, the father of Eugene dies, whose debts forced Onegin to give all the money to creditors. But this does not frighten the young shoe, he knows about the early death of his uncle and expects to get a major condition from him. His hopes come true and, soon, he becomes the owner of lands, factories and forests.

Dandy was distinguished by a pleasant speech style and impeccable tongue. Many of them had high dating and succeeded in everything they did; Less talented if something could not have managed, they knew how to stop in time, without any particular illusions or enthusiasm. They demonstrated a gentleman's teaching - generosity and generosity. Efemerous as youth and perfume, they still had one constant trait - loyalty in friendship, despite the later rivalry.

Much attention to Dandy paid out their appearance. Dandy professed the principle of minimalism and the associated principle of "noticeable uniability", which lay down the basis of modern aesthetics of a male costume. Instead of pompous, coupling luxury Dandy allows themselves in a suit one elegant, expressive detail. The next important principle is thoughtful (delined) negligence. You can spend a lot of time on the toilet, but then you need to hold on as if everything went out in costume, in order of accidental improvisation. "Pedantic thoroughness" of Vulgar, because it does not hide the preliminary tension and, therefore, it gives a newcomer who sweating, comprehends science to dress decently. That is why the ability to tie an elegant-negligent knot on the cervical scarf began to be highly listed in this era.

« Ideally, the real dandy was supposed to be a slim complex" five . " Dandy was rarely clean even in modern standards. True dandy learned on pure gloves - he changed them several times a day; The boots were studied to shine"6. For a dandy suit, another remarkable detail is characteristic. Dandy went with monocles, glasses, lornettes, binoculars - these were objects of fashionable disguise.

Dandy, being the owners of an impeccable taste and a model for imitating in a male fashion, performed with merciless critics, leaving brief, witty, ulcer comments about the errors in a suit or vulgar manners of their contemporaries.

« The principle of minimalism manifested itself in the manner of speech. For dandy is characterized by aphorisms. Speech of the dandy can not be monotonous and tiring: he lays his "bonmots" (the words), which immediately pick up and are cited everywhere. In addition, the true dandy will never repeat twice the same thing"7.

Three famous rules of Dandy:

    • Not be surprised.
    • Keeping outfittlessness, hit the surprise.
    • Remove as soon as the impression has been achieved.

Newcomers in a secular society tried to strictly comply with the rules of etiquette, out of the skin we climbed to look like a secular man. Hence the tension and uncertainty, as well as the strife manner (exaggerated facial expressions and gestures, forced expression of surprise, horror or delight). Dandy paradox, and indeed a truly secular person is that with full observance of secular conventions, it seems as natural as possible. What is the secret of such an effect? Thanks to the loyalty of taste - not in the area of \u200b\u200bthe beautiful, and in the field of behavior - the person in the most unforeseen circumstances instantly catches, like a musician who is asked to play unfamiliar to him, what feelings need to be expressed now, with the help of what movements, and correctly chooses and applies technical Takes.

« In the culture of the dendism there was a special concept - flare (from Flenet. Fleneur), or a slow walk around the city - mainly to show yourself. A special role in the subtle art of the dendist flange plays smoothness, since slow motion, as considered at that time, in essence, majestically" eight .

Chapter 4. Roman "Eugene Onegin" - the encyclopedia of the "secular" life

Onegin was born in the family of a rich nobleman. His father "gave three bala annually and finally dreamed." Like all the aristocratic youth of that time, Onegin received home education and education under the leadership of the French Governor.

It is typical for "golden youth" idle life: every day balls, walks through Nevsky Prospect. But Onegin is allocated from the total mass of young people in nature. Pushkin notes in it " dreams involuntary dedication, inimitable strangeness and sharp chilled mind", Sense of honor, soul nobility. And Onegin could not not be disappointed in secular life.

A different way for which a certain part of the noble youth of the 20s was disclosed on the example of Lensky's life.

He received education and education in " Germany foggy" From there he brought " wolno-loving dreams ... and curls black to shoulders" Pushkin indicates the inherent Lensky " noble aspiration and feelings and thoughts of young, high, gentle, removed" Lensky perceives people and life as a romantic-dreamer. Misunderstanding people, enthusiastic dreaminess lead Lensky to the tragic end at the first collision with reality. He sees the goal of life in love for Olga, considers it perfection, although she is an ordinary girl. " Always modest, always obedient"She doesn't think about it deeply, but follows the virtual rules. Her feelings do not differ in depth and stability. She is " for a long time crying"Lensky and soon got married.

Sister Olga - Tatiana was distinguished resistance and depth of feelings. Tatyana Larina brought up in French novels, so she was just as Lensky, romantic. But Tatiana is close to the people. Tatiana dreams of such a person who would like the heroes of her favorite novels. Such a person seems to her, she found in Onegin. But he rejects the love of Tatiana. The fate of her is tragic, but the character has not changed.

Analysis of the characters of the main characters showed that only on the example of Onegin, his lifestyle described at the beginning of the novel, it is possible to consider the life of a typical nobleman, its entertainment and classes, and also to assume what could be the day of a secular man.

4.1 Entertainment

"The Day of the Metropolitan Nobleman had some typical features. However, those signs that the officer's day or the Department of the Department Officer are noted in the novel, and it does not make sense to stop on them. "9, so Y. Lotman begins his comment to the novel by Pushkin" Eugene Onegin ".

Onegin leads the life of a young man free from official obligations. In addition to people who are unusual, only rare young people from among the rich and nominant relatives "Mamieniki Sons, whose service, most often in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, could have been allowed to afford such a life.

A secular man, not burdened by the service, got up very late. This was considered a sign of aristocracy: after all, it was too early to wake up only those who had to earn their work on bread - artisans, merchants who serve. This habit of Russian aristocrats was adopted by the French Parisian ladies of the highest light proud that they would never see the sun, lick until dawn and waking up at sunset.

Getting out of bed and making the morning toilet, it was supposed to have a cup of tea or coffee. At two three in the afternoon, the walk time was walking - walking, riding or in a stroller, during which it was possible to put visits by native and acquaintances, which everyone had a lot.

Walk on foot, riding or in a wheelchair took an hour or two. Favorite places of the festivities of St. Petersburg France in 1810-1820. There were Nevsky Prospect and the English Embankment Neva.

Alexander I's daily walk influenced the fact that the fashion daytime walking was passed on a specific route. At an hour of afternoon, he left the Winter Palace, followed the Palace Embankment, he turned around the Fontanka to Anichkovsky Bridge. Then the sovereign returned to Nevsky Prospect. It is in this watch that Onegin walked on "Boulevard":

Morning in the morning

Nadiv Wide Bolivar,

Onegin rides boulevard

And there walks on the square,

As long as the undeading Bregar

He will not ring lunch.(1, XV, 9-14)

About four hours of afternoon there was a lunch time. Such hours were clearly felt like the late and "European": for many there was still memorial time when lunch began at twelve.

A young man leading the idle lifestyle rarely contained a cook - a serf or hired foreigner - and preferred to dine in the restaurant. With the exception of several first-class restaurants located in Nevsky, dinners in St. Petersburg restaurants were worse in quality than in Moscow.

The site of the St. Petersburg dandy at that time was the Talon Restaurant in Nevsky:

        To Talon rushed: he is sure

        That his caveryin is waiting there.


Before him roast-beef bloody,

And truffles, luxury of young years,

French kitchen is the best color. (1, XVI, 5-14)

To appear in a particular restaurant meant to appear on the team of idle of youth - "Lviv" and "Dandy". And this obliges to a certain style of behavior and the time remaining until the evening.

« However, Pushkin himself, in the absence of his wife in St. Petersburg, often dined in the restaurant. In 1834, in his letters to Natalia Nikolaevna, who was at that time in Moscow, often found phrases: "I dinner at Dude" - there was a famous metropolitan restaurant" eleven .

The afternoon, the young France sought to "kill", filling the gap between the restaurant and the ball. One of the opportunities was the theater. He for St. Petersburg France is not only an artistic sight and a kind of club, where secular meetings occurred, but also the place of love intrigues and affordable backstage hobbies.

Many in a secular society have heard theatrical regulars. After all, the theater at the beginning of the Xih century. It was not just a temple of art, but something like a permanent place of meetings. Here it was possible to chat with friends, find out the latter, far from theatrical, news, tie a love romance. Cavalelers patronized actresses, were friends with actors, participated in theatrical intrigues, like Onegin:

        Theater is an evil legislator,


        Charming actresses,

        Honorary Citizen Kulis,

        Onegin flew to the theater,

        Where everyone, breathing free

        Ready to hug ENTERCHAT,

        Trim Fedra, Cleopatra,

        Maintain to call (in order

        So that only heard it). (1, XVII, 5-9)

4.2 Ball

Dances occupy in the novel "Eugene Onegin" a significant place: they are devoted to the author's retreats, they play a large storyline.

Dances were an important structural element of the noble life.

In the era of Pushkin, the ball opened with Polonais, who came to replace the manner menueta XVIII century. Usually he was started by the hostess of the house in a pair with someone from the famous guests. If the Ball was attended by the August last name, then the emperor himself was in the first pair, in the second - the owner of the house with the Empress. The second dance on the ball at the beginning of the Xih century. Waltz became:

        Monotonous and insane

        How the vikhore life is young

        Waltz Vikhori noisy is spinning;

        Chet flashes for a couple. (5, XLI, 1-4)

I wonder how the word "Waltz" is interpreted in the "Onegin Encyclopedia": "Waltz in Evgenia Onegin is mentioned three times: twice in the scene named Tatiana and one - in the seventh chapter (Ball in the Nobility Meeting).

In the 1820s, when fashion on the waltz spread in Russia, he was considered unnecessarily free. "This dance, in which, as you know, rotate and come closer to both sexes, requires proper caution<...>To danced not too close to each other, which would offend decency "(rules for noble public dances, published<...> Louis Petrovsky. Kharkov, 1825, p. 72.). Pushkin calls Waltz "insane", "swears" and connects it with a love game, windiness.

The epithet "insane" is associated with the characteristic of the dance, which we gave above "12.

Day of the capital nobleman had some typical features. However, those signs that are noted the day of the officer or the Department of State, the novel is not marked, and it makes sense to stop at them in this essay.
Onegin leads the life of a young man free from official obligations. It should be noted that only a small group of noble youth of St. Petersburg began the XIX century. led a similar life. In addition to people who are unusual, only rare young people from among the rich and nominant mother-in-law, whose service, most often in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, could afford that life. Type of such a young man, though at a short time, we find in Memoirs M. D. Buturlin, who recalls "Prince Peter Alekseevich Golitsyn and inseparable friend Sergei (patronymic forgotten) Romanova." "Both of them were Stat, and both seem to serve then under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I remember that Petrush (as his name was in society) Golitsyn said, Que Servant Au Ministere Des affaires Etrangeres Il etait Tres Etranger AUX AFFAIRES (untransight game of words: French "Etrangere" means "foreign" and "strangers" - "serving the ministry Foreign Affairs, I am alien any affairs. "- Yu, L.)" (Buturlin. P. 354).
Officer-Guards in 1819-1820 - In the midst of the Arakcheevshchina, if he was in the younger ranks (and in the age of Onegin Onegin at this time, of course, could not count on a high rank, giving famous relief in the order of everyday military Mushtra - viewing a number of biographies gives oscillation in ranks between the Guards The guarantion and the army lieutenant colonel), from early morning it was supposed to be in his company, a squadron or team. The soldier's soldiers' commissioned by Pavel I, in which the emperor at ten o'clock in the evening was in bed, and at five in the morning - on the legs, remained under Alexander I, loved, Kakented, repeat that he is a "simple soldier" 1. The "weddish soldier" called him P in a famous epigram.
1 Known Anecdote, recorded by P. A. Vyazemsky: "On a cold winter day, with a sharp wind, Alexander Pavlovich meets Mr. D" ", walking around the English embankment. "How not it is. Are you afraid of the cold? "He asks her. -" And you, sovereign? " - "Oh, I am another thing: I am a soldier." - "How! Have a mild, Your Majesty, how! As if you are soldiers?" "" (Vyazemsky-2. P. 165-166).

Meanwhile, the right to get up as late as possible was a kind of sign of aristocraticism, separating the unusual nobleman, not only from the simpleness or fellow travelers pulling the pound strap, but also from the village landowner. Fashion rope as possible as possible to the French aristocracy of the "old regime" and was listed in Russia with royalist emigrants. Parisian secular ladies of the pre-revolutionary pore were proud to have never seen the sun: waking up at sunset, they went to bed before sunrise. The day began on the evening and ended in the morning twilight. Zh. Soren in the comedy "Morals of our time" depicted a dialogue between the bourgeois and the aristocrat. The first praises the charms of a sunny day and hears the answer: "Fi, Monsieur, this is an illegible pleasure: the sun is only for mobile!" (Wed: Ivanov IV. political role of the French theater in connection with the philosophy of the XVIII century. // Scientific. Zap. Wake up later than other people of light, had the same meaning as to be on the ball later than others. Hence the plot of a typical joke about how the servant-Military caresses his Sibarita subordinate in the morning dezabille (quite natural for a secular man, but shameful for the military) and in such a way he drives him around the camp or St. Petersburg to the spectators. Jokes of this kind were attached to Suvorov, and to Rumyantsev, and to Paul I, and to the Grand Duke Konstantin. The victims of them in these stories were the aristocratic officers. In the light of what was said, probably clarifies the strange fad of the princess of Avdoti Golitsyn, nicknamed "Princesse Nocturne" (Nocturne translated from Franz. Means "Night" and, like a noun - "Night Butterfly"). "Night Princess", who lived in the mansion on Millionnaya, - beauty, "charming as freedom" (Vyazemsky), the subject of hobbies I and Vyazemsky, never appeared in the daylight and never saw the Sun. Collecting in his mansion a sophisticated and liberal society, she took only at night. This caused to Nikolai I even anxiety of the third department: "Golitsyn's princess, resident in his own house, which is in a large million, which, as already in fame, is used to sleep in the afternoon, and at night engaged in companies - and this consumption of time refers to a lot of suspicion For the time there are in this time special classes with some secret affairs ... "(Modzalevsky B. L. Pushkin under secret supervision. L., 1925. P. 79). A secret agent was pressed to Holitsyn's home. These concerns, despite the clumsiness of police exaggerations, there were no reason to be completely deprived: in the setting of Arakheyevshchina, under the authority of the "weddish soldier", the aristocratic particularity acquired the shade of independence, noticeable, although the tolerant of Alexander I and turned almost in Kramol under his successor.
The morning toilet and a cup of coffee or tea was replaced by two-three clutch climb. Walk on foot, riding or in a wheelchair took an hour or two. Favorite places of the festivities of St. Petersburg France in 1810-1820. There were Nevsky Prospect and the English Embankment Neva. Also strolled along the Admiralty Boulevard, which was at three alleys was nailed.

Alexander I influenced the fact that the fashionable day festival was held on a specific route. "For an hour of afternoon, he left the Winter Palace, followed the Palace Embankment, had a laundry bridge over the Fontanka to Anichkovsky Bridge<...> Then the sovereign returned to Nevsky Prospect. The walk repeated every day and was called Le Tour Imperial [Imperial Circle]. Whatever the weather, the sovereign was in one surtuk ... "(Slogub District V. A. Test. Memories. L., 1988. P. 362). The emperor, as a rule, walked without accompanying persons, looking at the ladies to Lornenet (he was Nearlyruk) and responding to Pomelast bows. The crowd in this watch consisted of officials whose service was fictitious or semi-imaging. Naturally, they could fill in Nevsky's Purchase, along with the walking ladies, visitors from the province and unsubstantiated Farts. It was in this watch that Onegin walked on "Boulevard" 2.
About four hours of afternoon there was a lunch time. Such hours were clearly felt like the late and "European": for many there was still memorial time when lunch began at twelve.
The young man leading the idle lifestyle rarely contained a cook - a serf or hired foreigner - and preferred to dine in
1 The name of the Nevsky Avenue "Boulevard" was a jargonistry from the language of the St. Petersburg Schegol, because it was the transfer of the name of the fashionable place of the festivities in Paris (Wed: "... After dinner, let's go to Tullery or Buleler ..." - Volkov D. Education // Russian Federation. St. Petersburg., 1788. T. 21. S. 120; "The performances there [in Paris] everywhere and Jusques on Bulevara!" - Tailov D. Russian Parisian // Russian Federation. T. 15. P. 180 ). Cf. For the Middle Ages, similar approximations of the type "New Jerusalem" near Moscow or the name "Broadway" ("Brod") for the Nevsky Prospectus between the foundry and garden at a later time.
2 B. Ivanov, the author of the book "Dal Free Roman" - put Onegin to walk on the stock exchange embankment between the chambers of goods and straight on the street to eat the oysters from the barrel just open by the Dutch, drinking them to their porter (Ivanov B. Dal Free Roman. M.; L., 1959. P. 106-110). All this ridiculous scene is directly written off from the book M. I. Pylayev "Old Petersburg" (SPb., 1909. P. 419). However, dusty, speaking of the "universal bush" and that "the arrival of the first foreign ship" was "an era in the life of St. Petersburg," does not clarify what circle and social situation, people "were happy with oysters" under the open sky. Of course, it is strongly impossible to imagine a secular person of the 1810th year., The pupil of an emigrant Abbot, who's on the street in the Society of artisans and the burning porter. If something like this and maybe it was like a prank with friends after a ragble night, then consider it a regular pastime (Ivanovo Evgeny also brags them in the evening in the circle of secular ladies!) - Approximately the same thing that is to imagine like Pierre Laughs, waking up In the morning, Dobuto went to batteral, tied him to the bear, and in the evening he told about it in a circle of enthusiastic ladies. Combining excerpts from different sources, B. Ivanov does not discover, however, understanding the time depicted. The naderscaming superficial information is sometimes issued for the "knowledge of the life of the Pushkin Epoch" (Russian literature in historical and functional lighting. M., 1979. P. 294).

restaurant. With the exception of several first-class restaurants located in Nevsky, dinners in St. Petersburg restaurants were worse in quality than in Moscow. O. A. Perezhatslavsky recalled: "The culinary part in public places was in some primitive state, at a very low degree. An idle person who did not have his own kitchen was almost impossible to dare in Russian restaurants. With the same institutions, these were quite early in the evening. When leaving the theater, it was possible to dine only in one restaurant, somewhere in Nevsky Prospect, under the earth; It contained Domenik "(landowner Russia ... pp 68).
The "idle" atmosphere of the restaurant dinner vividly outlines P in the letters of spring 1834 to Natalia Nikolaevna, who left Moscow to a local plant: "... I came to Dude, where my appearance made general merry: idle, idle Pushkin! Began to undermine me champagne and punch and ask if I will not go to Sophie Astafievna? All this was embarrassed me, so I don't care about Dude and I dine today at home, ordering Stepan Bottvenu and Beaf-Steaks "(XV, 128). And later: "I dinner at a duma of 2 hours, so as not to meet with the holocho" (XV, 143).
Pretty full review of St. Petersburg restaurants of the 1820s. (True, relating to the time somewhat later than the action of the first chapter of the novel) we find in one of the diaries of contemporaries: "June 1, 1829. Dinked in the Hotel Heid, on Vasilyevsky Island, in the Cadet line, - Russians are not visible almost here, all foreigners. Lunch is cheap, two rubles of assignations, but the cake is not served any and for any money. Strange custom! Little oil and a lot of vinegar are put in salad, on June 2nd. Dinked in the German adhesion restaurant, on Nevsky Prospect. Old and wiggy institution. Most of all the Germans, wine drink a little, but a lot of beer. Lunch is cheap; I filed a lafit in 1 ruble; After that, I had a belly for two days, on June 3, dummy dumb. For quality lunch, this is the cheapest and best of all dinners in St. Petersburg restaurants. Duma has an exceptional privilege - filling the stomachs of St. Petersburg Lviv and Dandy, June 4th. Lunch in the Italian taste of Alexander or Signor Ales Andro, on a car wash at a police bridge. Here the Germans do not happen, and more Italians and the French. However, generally visitors are a bit. He takes only people familiar to him, making more lunches for holidays at home. Makaroni and Farpho are excellent! He served the Russian girl of Marya, renamed Marianna; She learned to speak French and in Italian, the 5th. Luzhu's lunch, a former fell, in a large sea. Lunch is good; Last year, it was impossible to dare here two times sid, because everything was the same. This year, lunch for three rubles by assignments here is beautiful and diverse. Services and all accessories are charm. Moving exclusively Tatars, in Thrakes, June 6th. Excellent dinner at Saint George, for washing (now donon), almost against Aleses Andro. The house on the yard is wooden, just, but tastefully removed. Each visitor occupies a special room; at home garden; On the balcony dining charm; Services excellent, Wine excellent. Lunch at three and five rubles by the assignments, the 7th

june has not lunch anywhere, because he has carelessly drowned and spoiled appetite. On the way to Alees Andro, also on the car wash there is a small panel of diamond, which serves Strasbourg pies, ham and so on. It is impossible to dine here, but you can take to the house. At the request, the owner allowed me to have breakfast. He is excellent, Diamond Golden Master. His shop reminds me of Paris Guinguettes (small restaurants), on June 8th. Dinked at Simon-Grand-Jean, in a big stable. Lunch is good, but unbearable the smell from the kitchen, June 9th. Dinked at the Coulomb. Dude is better and cheaper. However, there are more dinners for living in the hotel itself; Wine beautiful, June 10th. Otto dinner; delicious, satisfying and cheap; Of the cheapest dinners, it is hardly possible to find in St. Petersburg "(quot. By: Dustyev M. I. Old Living: Essays and stories. SPb., 1892. P. 8-9).
This passage characterizes the position of the end of the 1820s. And by the beginning of the decade can only be applied with some reservations. So, the place of collecting Petersburg Dandy at that time was not a restaurant duma, but a restaurant of the coupon in Nevsky. However, the general picture was the same: there were a few good restaurants, each was visited by a certain, stable circle of persons. To appear in a particular restaurant (especially in such as a coupon or later duma) meant to appear on the team of idle of youth - "Lviv" and "Dandy". And this obliges to a certain style of behavior and the time remaining until the evening. It was not by chance that P should have been in 1834 to dinner before ordinary time, to avoid meeting with Hayucho.
The afternoon, the young France sought to "kill", filling the gap between the restaurant and the ball. One of the opportunities was the theater. He for St. Petersburg France is not only an artistic sight and a kind of club, where secular meetings occurred, but also the place of love intrigues and affordable backstage hobbies. "Theatrical school was through the house from us, on the Catherine Canal. Lovers in pupils every day were tired of the countless number of the Channel of the School's Embankment. Pupils were placed in the third floor ... "(Panayeva A. Ya. Memories. M., 1972. P. 36).
For the second half of the XVIII and the first third of the XIX century. The routine of the day was steadily shifted. In the XVIII century The business day began early: "The military was in service in the sixth hour, civilian ranks at eight and without departures discovered the presence, and at the time of the afternoon, following the regulations, they stopped their judgments. Thus, they very rarely returned to their home later than the second hour, the military was in the apartments already in the twelfth hour<...> Private evenings, all started at seven hours. Who came to them at nine or ten hours, the owner immediately asked: "And what is so late?" The answer was: "Theater or Kesta delayed, the carriage did not wait!" "(Makarov. On the time of dinners, dinners and congresses in Moscow 1792 to 1844 // Schukinsky Sat. [Issue] 2. P. 2). V. V. Klyucharev wrote in the 1790s. I. A. Molchanova: "I can be up to the seventh hour, and at seven hours will begin the ball in the club, then everyone knows." In 1799, the title lunch at the Commander-in-Chief in Moscow Count I. P. Saltykov began at three o'clock, and
evening - in seven and "ended with a light dinner hour in the second swell, and sometimes earlier" (ibid. P. 4). In 1807 to the Moscow commander-in-chief T. I. Tucholmina began to go to his evenings and balls from nine to ten o'clock. "... The recorded scoists, according to the current lions, were in eleven, but it was sometimes noticed to them, the owner, with displeasure ..." (ibid. S. 5). In the 1810s. The routine of the day was even more moved: in 1812, Madame Steel, being in Moscow, usually had breakfast in the gallery on Tver Boulevard, it happened at two o'clock "(ibid. P. 8).
By the beginning of the 1820s. Lunch moved to four hours, the time of evening meetings - to ten, the scoists did not come to the balls until midnight. Where after the ball had a dinner, he took place in two or three in the morning.

Day of a secular man in the 19th century.
I woke up for hours to ten in the morning. The head was empty, as well as there was no cloud in the sky. I thoughtfully examined the ceiling, I was risen to find at least the slightest crack in the white canvas of my "roof". There was a thick silence in the room, and it was a feeling that you can touch the palm to it and put the circles, like ripples from the abandoned stone on the water. But the staircase was heard on the stairs - this is my servant and, perhaps, the closest friend - Anatoly, or as it was also called, only, although I was not used to this reduction, - carried on all the pairs, in order to wake my person. The door creaked a little, and he entered.
- Stop up, sir. Here, in the morning, the woings brought early in the morning - Diagenev's name is your wellness for lunch ...
- Anatole, do not fuss. What is such a hurry? Now stand up ... Coffee and documents in the dining room. Today I will go to walk liking.
- This is a minute-s. Decay.
Anatoly again ran customized kitchen for cooking coffee. I reached out and jerked. I dress, as a habit, pleasing to me from my childhood, myself, and no governess do not participate in it. Outfit usual for our time.
Down I went down five minutes later. The coffee makers already smoked in the silver-plated cup, the apple jam stood next to me, seized from summer. But the leather folder with documents dominated on the table. I studied them in a little bit. These were some ancient papers brought from somewhere from Egypt to my grandfather. Pretty english to read chronicles in the morning. But it does not have to fool the head with all sorts of "messengers" ... However, I was not alien to read Pushkin, I really liked his works! Or there is Bayron ... by mood.
It is probably worth telling a little about yourself. Walked me Vladimir Sergeevich ***. The estate went to me from the long-stayed father, and also one hundred and fifty shower in addition. At the time of the story, I was twenty-four years old, I was not bad formed, I spoke in English thumbightly, I was played in French, I knew a little designation of Egyptian hieroglyphs, I wrote poems and prose, could depict Mozart on piano and, in general, was Satisfied with his modest life. Every day he had a spontaneous routine, but most often I returned home to the four in the morning, he heard Anatol about the case and went to bed. Actually, this is the theme of my story to you, my dear reader. How do I spend the day?
From reflection over the next manuscript, I touched me only. In his hand Bell envelope of a new invitation.
- Today, Shapovalov give the ball ...
- I go, Anatole, they have an adorable daughter, and you know how I love to communicate with the young young lady ...
- So exactly, your wellness. And what about the digestive?
"Also take, then I'll go to the theater, they say, today there will be something interesting. Well, there and to Shapovalov ...
- This is a minute.
I folded the documents back to the folder, I finished the farewellly raised coffee and headed towards my office, where my piano was. Before lunch, it was still far, and I longed to kill time.

I went out to the street. White snow brightly glittered in the light of the midday sun, blind eyes. The crew stood ready right near the entrance, the horses jerked with tails in impatience, a couple of nostrils were issued. I entered. Even in the fur coat, you know ... I sat down and shouted the Kumor: "Tog!". The crew with the creag was drowned, gently set off on the snow by the hooves of the horse. Before Diegias, it was far and I was engaged in what I watched as a couple, going out of the mouth, condensed on the substituted palm, staring down with small droplets. For this, I fell asleep. Woke me a coachman, declaring the final stop.
In the Seine was light. Right on the threshold was the servant Efrosignia, which helped me relieve the top clothes.
- Hello, Vladimir Sergeevich! "In the dining room, where Efrosiny led me, Alexander Petrovich Diagetev, the owner of the house.
- Hello Alexander Petrovich! How is your spouse now? .. How much I remember from the last letter ...
- Yes, it is sick, to sorry to my mind. Sick. The doctor, that was here on the day before, said that in bed she was still lying and lying. But I still thank you that I managed about her health. And now, to the table, the guests are already waiting.
Lunch managed to fame, but I sat down quite not long. Considering on bad well-being, I spread with guests and Diegtyarev, already boring my empty chattering to me, and he drew a view. I will say straight, it was frankly boring, and besides, I never found a single Mademoiselle. That is, imperceptibly left the hall and headed to another theater. Here the contingent was many better. I saw the daughter of Shapovalov, Masha - an adorable girl. I liked everything in it, except for her too strict character. As a result, I have been my head for the second year, how can I achieve her hands. But it is not about this. The performance was extremely interesting, I sat until the end, and then applauded, it seems louder than everyone. As, before the ball, there was a little more time left, and Kucher in my order took me home, where I had given out and, despite the usual, got behind the manuscripts.
Well, all the details of the ball I will not describe. I will just say: the next way to melt the heart of Masha did not find it, and I once invented for manuscripts once again failed. He played in Vist, I won one hundred and fifty rubles at the head of the house, Mikhail Shapovalova, now he should.
He returned home later than usual, he heard Anatol, and, sprawled to the hot tea for the night, collapsed without memory into the bed, with which she did not rise until noon.