Satirical work. Tag Archives: Modern Satyrian Roman

Satirical work. Tag Archives: Modern Satyrian Roman
Satirical work. Tag Archives: Modern Satyrian Roman
Writers, poets, playwrights and a lot of bright satirical works were created, in which artistic word Social and moral defects that prevent the normal development of life are ridicule. Delication of evil and injustice to the means of art - ancient traditionHumanity on this path has accumulated tremendous experience.
Make funny bad and bad - it means to devalue, reduce it, to encourage people to get rid of negative traits. Satyrian literature, like no other, has a strong educational impact, although, of course, not everyone likes to learn himself in the heroes of a satirical comedy or Basni. Any satirical work: fables, comedy, fairy tale, novel, - possesses near specific featureswho are inherent only to them. First, it is a very big degree of conditionality of the depicted, proportion real Mira in the satirical work is shifted and distorted, satirization is consciously focused only on negative sides reality that appear in the work in hypertrophied, often fantastic, form. Remember the recognition of Gogol that in the "Revision" writer "wanted to collect all the bad in Russia and laugh at all." But this, according to the writer, "prominent laughter" through "invisible, unknown tears," Satir is mourning the deceased ideal of a person in his caricature, often repulsive heroes. A satirical writer must have a special talent of the creation of comic, i.e. Funny, B. literary work. These are a variety of comic plot collisions, alogichic, absurd situations, the use of talking names and surnames, etc. The most important artistic techniques that can create satirical images are the following (see scheme 6).

Irony (Eironeia Greek, ridicule, pretense) - Removing when direct and hidden meaning Speak contradict each other when under the mask imaginary seriousness is hidden, stinging, stinging.
The Gardener Barodavkin "Preciplying in the campaign against the unawares, and the thirty-three villages burned down and, with the help of the measures, the arrears of the two rubles with Poltinya recovered."
M. Saltykov-Shchedrin. "The history of one city"
The dialogues of the heroes in which the irony is also used is also a common reception in satirical works, the comic effect occurs because one of the heroes does not feel the ironic subtext.
Sarcasm (Sakasmos Greek. Literally Rive meat) - stinging, cruel mock, expressed directly without
Gulm-burver - one of the city holders in the "Stories of one city" M. Saltykov-Shchedrin - is described exclusively in the sarcastic colors:
"Before the eyes of the viewer, the purest type of idiot, who took some kind of dark decision and giving him an oath lead him to execution."
"I came in two weeks and was accepted by some girl with a mowed to the nose from the permanent lies of my eyes."
M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"
Hyperbola - Exaggeration, bright and, perhaps, one of the most important satirical techniques, since exaggeration, exaggeration of negative traits, is the law of a satirical image of reality, it's not by chance that V. Mayakovsky called the Satira "a look at the world through a magnifying glass."
The hyperbole can be verbal ("prenegenial news"), but more often the deployed hyperbole occurs when the discharge of many similar parts exaggerates some line to the absurdity.
Under the laws of hyperbolization, whole episodes are often built, for example, the famous "scene of the lies" from the "Auditor", when Hellekov, for a top ten minutes from a small official, made himself in the Director of the Department, who is subordinate "couriers, couriers, couriers ... can imagine Thirty five thousand alone couriers! "
The hyperbole is often combined with grotesque and fantastics.
Fiction (Phantastike Greek. Ability to imagination) - an image of absolutely impossible, alogichic, incredible situations and heroes.
In satirical works, fiction is very often used together with Grotesque and hyperbola, they are often impossible to divide them, as, for example, in the poem of V. Mayakovsky "Provered": "I see: people sit down half. About Devil! Where is half another?! "
Grotesque (GroteSque Fr. Freaky, intricate) - the most difficult satirical receptionwhich lies in an unexpected, at first glance the impossible combination of high and low, funny and terrible, beautiful and ugly.
In Grotesque, elements of fiction and exaggeration are present, so there is a very strong impulse of emotional and psychological impact on the reader, grotesque is striking, excites the imagination, urging to look at reality with a new, often paradoxical point of view. Grotesque especially often resorted in their work M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and MA Bulgakov.
Sometimes the plot of all works can be built on the grotesque situation (the story of M. Bulgakov "Dog's Heart").

The first large joint work of Ilf and Petrov was the novel "Twelve Chairs", published in 1928 in the magazine "30 days". In the same year, the novel came out with a separate book. Roman immediately won the recognition of readers.

The history of searching for jewels Madame Rooshovah, hidden in one of the twelve chairs, in a plot sense, which did not represent novelty, did not have a self-sufficient value in the novel. Its dignity was in a variety of brilliant satirical characteristics, scenes and details, the material for which topical life observations served.

Ilfom and Petrov was created a bright, sparkling character, the image of which is still relevant and popular with the reader - the protagonist of the Roman Ostap Bender, the Great Combinator, undergoing, a subtle psychologist playing on the vices and the imperfection of society. Ostap is a person, so contradictoryly combined in itself a loaf and - charm, arrogance and - thin humor, cynicism and - unexpected generosity.

Along the way, with the presentation of the search process, the authors discover the panorama of the wretched world of the average of the time. This and "weselves" Ellochka Shchukin, whose vocabulary was thirty words, and the master of acute Avsalom Vladimirovich Wurnurenkov, and the "poet" Nikifor Lyapis-Trubetskaya, who sold his third-rate poems about Molik Gavril to various boulevard editions:

And now, at the end, the chair was found, but - alas ... Diamonds managed to turn into a chic house of culture.

At the end of the novel of Kisa Sparobyaninov, beating as greed, cuts the razor throat of the Great Combinator. In the authors, as they themselves write in the memories, there was a large quarrel on the following occasion: to kill the main character "12 chairs" of the Osta Bender or leave him alive? Fate the hero decided lot. Two papers were laid in the sugarist, on one of which a trembling hand was depicted skull and two chicken bones. The skull was cut - and after half an hour the Grand Combinator did not.

Readers did not agree with this end. In numerous letters, they demanded to extend the life of Ostap. And the authors did not give the hero to die.

Both Roman Ilf and Petrov are abounded by phrases, which subsequently became covered: "I will command the parade!", "The ice started, gentlemen jurors!", "The key from the apartment where money is lying", "Money in the evening - in the evening chairs", " Salvation of drowning - the work of the hands of the drowning "," the abroad will help us! "," The car is not a luxury, but a means of movement "," breathe deeply: you are excited! "," Saw, Shura, saw! " and etc.

Just like "twelve chairs", "Golden calf" - satyrian novel. But it does not fully exhaust its originality. Satira merge here with humor. In the merry, naughty, mocking story all the time, the live voice of the authors is directly felt - unique-witty and restrained and lyric.

The one who will be separated by satire from other literary genres and childbirth will be deeply mistaken. It can be said that Satira is a lyrics brought to rage, flashing lyrics.

It is exactly that the novels of Ilf and Petrov appeired before us - merciless, but not hopeless, silent and - humane. They not only draw characters with "distorted" moral appearance, with flawed in nature, but also reminds of what a person may have.

If the "Lord Golovy" are in the work of Generin, the highest achievement in the genre of socio-household psychological novel, then "modern idyll" along with the "history of one city" can serve as a model of a satirical political novel, the purpose of which was this time exposing not so much directly administrative principles of monarchism, how many of the last mass manifestations of the political and social reaction.

"Modern idyll", despite the motley content that reflected the current political material of modernity, as well as despite the fact that between the time of the first eleven chapters (1877-1878) and subsequent (1882-1883) passed for more than four years, has a slender Composition, not yielding in this respect "gentlemen Golovye", and a single tonality of satirical narration.

For the composition of the novel, the presence of chapters comprising different genre forms - Tale, Faken, dramatic scene.

However, this is not a deviation from the main thought and from the main plot, but a kind and in high degree The original development of the main topic: moreover: such, for example, "plug-in" episodes, like a "tale of the Rule of the Head" or the dramatic scene "Crashing Piskar", are focus of ideas developed in the novel.

In the composition of the "modern idyll", "free attitude to form", the art of creating an organic alloy from contrasting genre elements, which give narration multi-stage and expose the subject of satire in relief and ingenious lighting.

Liberal critic K. K. Arsenyev performed at the "Bulletin of Europe" with a review for "modern idyll" called "New Shchedrian Collection". In this regard, Shchedrin wrote an employee of the journal A. N. Dypin in a letter dated November 1, 1883: "" Modern idyll "is named" Collection ", but why - I do not understand at all. This thing is completely connected, imbued with the beginning to the end of one thought, which is spent the same "heroes"<...> If you become on the point of view of the "European Bulletin", then "notes Pickwick Club.", And" Don Quixote "," Dead Souls"We'll have to call" collections "."

And indeed, with the listed generous works "Modern Idylliya", primarily the genre of satirical novel overview, in which the variety of scenes and individuals, widely covering the life of society of its time, compositely selected in a single picture of the motive of the "traveling" of heroes. At the same time, the Shchedrian novel, in contrast to its genre predecessors, is all submerged directly into the atmosphere of political life.

The heroes of "modern idylly" are moving in space, being pushed out from the disappeared places of the swirling political reaction, which forced them to escape in a panic, spy, to convey, exterminate each other to get involved in criminal and political adventures.

In the "modern idyll" satirik, the most clearly carried out his idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a novel, "drama" of which comes out of the home frame on the street, deployed on the public political arena and is permitted by the most diverse, almost unforeseen ways.

The action of "modern idyll" begins in a private apartment, from here is postponed to the police station, the law office, merchant house, gradually captures an increasing circle of individuals and phenomena, then throws out of the capital in the city and the village of Province and finally returns again to the capital. All this motley stream of persons and events in the work caused by the invasion " internal politicians"In the fate of people.

The main theme of the novel is the exposure to the political and social reaction, the facilitates and the renegotic behavior of those layers of the liberal intelligentsia, which during the reactions they have come to the ultimate ideological and moral and political fall.

The central heroes of "modern idyll" are two temperate liberals - Gluma and the narrator. The suspected authorities are that they sitting in apartments, "dismiss the revolution", glums and the narrator are planning a program, the implementation of which will return to them the reputation of non-functions.

Following the original advice of his friend Alexei Stepanycha Molchalin, recommending them to "temper their dust", "Fight", they stop the reasoning, indulge in extremely physical pleasures and bodily exercises. However, these evidence is not enough. Becoming one day for the purpose of skin self-preservation on the path of nonsense, the heroes of the novel are rapidly falling lower and lower.

Movement on the inclined plane towards the reaction turns them into active participants of the very "Schutsk tragedy", as the side of which they tried to initially resist. They tie to familiarity with police officers of a quarterly area, a detective, various kinds of deliberate coolness, are published in a dirty story with imaginary twist, in fraud with fake notes, etc.

In short, they are "made by participants in crime in the hope that the overall criminal code will protect them from the claims of the criminal and political code." And indeed, hitting the trial, they overlook the bins and as people who have proven their wellness are honored to work to work by employees in the newspaper "verbal fertilizer" published by Kubyushkin's manufacturer.

Shchedrin never recognized the importance of the leading liberation force in the public struggle, moreover, he saw and understood all the danger of the concentration policy of liberalism. But with all its huge and quite substantiated skepticism, Shchedrin did not leave thoughts about the possibility of discharge from the ranks of the liberal intelligentsia of its best elements capable of promoting the liberation movement. This manifested itself in "modern idyll." The epic of the reactionary adventures of two liberal intellectuals ends in the novel by the awakening of the feelings of shame.

Fear before the reaction made them take a humiliating "feat" of self-preservation. But, seeking a reputation of politically well-free people, they realized that they were creating precisely in meanness and vulgarity, and not something else, and internally remained opposition-minded to the reaction. The disorder between the immoral behavior and the critical direction of the thought was solved in the end, "longing asked shame."

Shchedrin considered it possible and suggested such an outcome for the known part of the cultural and critical thinking, but disgraced liberal intelligentsia. And there is nothing unsinkable. When the old, who taught his historical term, the socio-political system disintegrates, then their most conscious and honest representatives are still beginning to depart from the ruling classes.

With all the volume, introducing a shame in the "modern idyll", Shchedrin was not inclined to associate any far-reaching hopes in the sense of public transformations at all. "They say that the shame clears people - and I willingly believe it.

But when I say that the action of shame captures far away that the shame brings up and wins, - I look around the circle, I remember those isolated shame calls, which, from time to time, broke out among the masses of the nestlessness, and then they still round in eternity .. . And shy away from the answer. "

Such last words "Modern Idylliya." Objectively, they are controversial in relation to all kinds of moralistic concepts of the transformation of society and, in particular, in relation to the moral teachings of Lion Tolstoy at that time. And although Shchedrin evaded the final response, yet the thought of him relative to the public role shame is quite clear.

Shame helps the correction of people, cleansing individual representatives of the ruling part of society from the grave cargo of class inheritance, shame serves as a prerequisite for public liberation struggle, but the effect of shame does not capture far and does not cancel the need for an active massive struggle.

The exposure of a liberal renewability in "modern idyll" has grown into a wide satirical picture of the political and social reaction. In this regard, the "modern idyll", without being the first nor the last blow of a generous reaction, retains the importance of the work, the most striking, merciless and the skill of satirical exposure and the crushing of both the government reaction and its destructive impact on the broad layers Russian society.

The novel in his own part was written at the time when autocracy during the reign of Alexander III revealed all his reaction potential. Crawing with the people, it demanded all new and new victims.

The roar of terror, spying, epidemic of suspicion, was played in the country, and in connection with this, panic spread, mass betrayal by the liberal intelligentsia, the Kholaopian adaptation. The government call for facilitating the fight against revolution and socialism, first of all, was first of all the different Human Slumps; According to the sarcastic expression of the author of "Modern Idylliya", the villain became the "ruler of the Duma of modernity."

All this has found its embossed reflection in the satirical mirror of Modern Idylliya. Shchedrin barely ridiculous in his reaction zeal, completing the exposure of the famous "fairy tale about the leading boss." He swamped the contempt of morally broken "heroes" of the reaction, giving them a generalized portrait in Faken about the villain "Reluler Dum."

The reality of the era of the fierce government reaction is represented in the "modern idyll" as a tragedy of the life of a society, the tragedy, which stretched out of countless sudden acts, seized in vice a huge mass of people and more than complicated by junning.

Heroes of cruel junning - police officers and spies (Ivan Timofeich, Prudentors, KSHPSHITSYL, Mass of Harvesters and Gorokhovka Coats), Sanner Bureaucrats (Pereksihins), conquerors of adventurers (remedy), capitalists (Paramonov, renishers, Oshmyansky), who survived Princes-landlords (hand-to-pecheekhonsky), deliberate boosters (violent-purified, balalajkin, etc.), "Ideal-well-free cattle" from among the liberals (glums and narrator) - all these comedians of the old, who has rotted, bankrupt order is exhibited in "modern I idylls on public disorder and ridicule.

Humor contempt, evil and merciless humor - this is the main weapon that collapsed by the author of "modern idyll" for types and phenomena, personifying the autocabous police state of landowners and capitalists. The desire to reveal the cruel community of reality, to rip off the enemy "decent" coverings and present it in a funny and disgusting form - the whole bright, multicolored, slimming by witty and merciless expusions of the potics of tragicomic novel.

Busy in the "modern idyll" mainly by the exposure of the "Schutovsky" aspect of the public tragedy, generin touched and directly tragic conflicts. The tragic side of the reaction junction is the suffering and death of the mass of people of honest thoughts and honest labor. Genn human tragedy The representatives of the advanced Russian intelligentsia are experiencing, wrestlers who have become victims of a police terror ("Court of Friend Pisching").

The grime "habitual" tragedy hung over the impoverished, crushed by the village, robbed fistive and bosses (a statistical description of the village of Blagoveshchensky in Ch. XXVI), over the village, where "there was no lands of land, which would not tales the words of chores in their depths."

Tragedy rustic life It is aggravated by the fact that next to the material poverty was the spiritual poverty of the peasant masses, their political backwardness, which helped the reaction forces to use the people as their obedient tools.

Police power and rural bourgeoisie, disappearing by the ghost of revolution and corrupting cash rewards, raised the peasants on the "catching Sicilists." With bitter irony and hasty truthfulness, Shchedrin notes that there were many people who want to hunt for Sicilists. Spring in full swing, they say men, and sow something and have no concealed.

"- What is it?

- All Sicilists catch. Mix all over the quality. Two days in the forest spent the night, looking for him - An He, the caterior, and everyone in his eyes will be killed! ".

The village in "Modern Idylliya" is the village of early 80s. She is still in the power of centuries-old prejudices, she is intimidated by the authorities, corrupted by the reaction, its ideas about the revolution of Dicky and are becoming. At the same time, this village only two decades is separated from the one that will be involved in massiveness during the first Russian revolution. The penetrating new ideas in the peasant masses and the signs of the fermentation began under the influence of their fermentation in the traditional consciousness of the masses were reflected in the "modern idylly".

Talking about it right generin did not have the opportunity. It was limited to individual, but quite transparent hints. The word "Sicilists", read in the novel, "in the village acquired the right of citizenship and repeated in a wide variety of meanings." Some - and, of course, there were most such - identified socialists with traitors and convicts; Others although vaguely, in a purely peasant model, but they began to listen and think about the meaning of revolutionary propaganda. The representative of the latter is the soldier mentioned in the novel who came to the village on the first place. He spoke to fellow villagers, that soon "and the Earth, and the water, and the air - everything will be executed, and the treasury will distribute to themselves."

"Modern idyll" gives a bright idea of \u200b\u200bSatyric skiing generous. The pictorial Arsenal Satirik is demonstrated in the "modern idyll" more widely and fully than in any other separately taken the work of generous. No wonder in connection with the "modern idyll", Turgenev wrote generous: "The strength of your talent has now reached the" sufficiency ", as the deceased letters expressed."

The speed of deployment of the plot, the organic inclusion in the story of a fairy tale, a fuellet, dramatic scene, parodies, pamphlet, transparent hints for specific political phenomena, polemical arrows, aimed at political and literary opponents, a variety of Esopov's allegory figures, real and fantastic, witricant lattice Persons and events using hyperboles and Grotesque, Laconism of portrait sketches, workshops Dialogs, the abundance of the separation of satirical formulas, for the first time it is here that a brilliantly used to receive statistical exposure (the life-to-participating Paramonov merchant in numbers, a statistical description of the village of Blagoveshchensky), etc., and t. P. - All this multicolor combination fine techniques And the means of painting creates a complex satirical symphony of "modern idyll", forms its original, inimitable poetics.

In "modern idyll" generin masterfully applies not once to the tested reception of the roll call with literary predecessors. Here we encounter quotes, reminiscence and images from Derzhavin, Krylov, Sukhovo-Koblin, Hugo.

Significant place was taken in the work of disputes on literary themes, the sharpness of the thoughts of the novel and the tragedy, satirical comments on the pedanty of Pushkin Bibliographers and the theater repertoire, parodies on love story and on pseudo-free collectors of folklore, etc.

The novel found a vivid expression also such a characteristic feature of the creative method of saticaries, as the typological connection of this work with the preceding creativity. Already previously known for a number of other works of Glumov, a storyteller, Balalaikin in the "modern idyll" act as the main actors, and here the image is brought to completion.

"Modern idyll" refers to those works generous, where Satirik's wit is breaking stormy flowwhere his humor shakes all the colors, manifests itself in all gradations.

Playful, sparkling jokes in scenes depicting the fictitious marriage of Balalaykin on the Kupihich Fainushka, a stinging, impregnated with a poisonous irony on pages, drawing heroes for the development of the "Charter of decency", he develops into a loud laughter when Shchedrin tells the "Tale of the Self-Chief", and In Fakeleon about the rags, the "Ruiser Dum" is expressed in a slicer sarcazme.

The humorous element impresses all the elements of the plot and the poetics of the novel. She even captures the landscape, which is in Russian literature almost a property of only one generrine. It is in the "modern idylling" we find wonderful samples of the Shchedrian satirical landscape, unexpectedly and witty rapprigent phenomenon of political reality with the phenomena of the natural world.

Here, for example, the morning: "... as soon as the Zlataocky Aurora splashed at the extreme east the first swells of the flame, the local ledger was already fulfilled his duty." Here is the onset of autumn: "The leaves are still tightly held on the branches of the trees and only barely begin to warm; Georgina, stockhrons, chapels, fragrant peas - all this was slightly pale under the influence of matinee, but still in full bloom; And everywhere buzzes Miriada Bee, who, as officials before reform, are in a hurry to rely on the last bribes. "

"Modern Idylli" made a strong impression on Turgenev flight of "crazy-humorous fantasy." Generin he wrote in 1882: "... The Vis Comica born to you has never been manifested with a big brilliance." In turn, the gonchars, describing the impression produced by the Shchedrian humor, recalled: "... the reader is angry with the author on some" modern idyll "."

Shchedrin's laughter in "modern idyll" is a laughter that puts the "heroes" of the political and public reaction to the shame of the "heroes" and the energy of public indignation towards them.

"Modern idyll", despite its fantastic flavor, relies - even in many details - on the facts of real reality. In general, the novel represents sobering pamphlet on the reaction era. In it, Shchedrin made many stinging attacks at the address of official government officials, titled and nonetitular ideologues and reaction hills.

In the novel, the state of laws ("Charter of decency") and the court spy-terrorist organization "Sacred Druzhina" ("Club of agitated lobotryers") are paroded ("Club of excited lobotryers"), the Tsarist bureaucracy and the court, the official and official press, exposes the entire police system of autocracy and t. d.

The acute political content of the novel, who printed in a legal journal during the years of ferocious censorship, obliges satirik to resort to the complex system of Esopovsky conspiracy. According to the skill of the Esopovo allegory near the "modern idyll", only the "history of one city" and "fairy tales" can be delivered.

But if in the "stories of one city" satirik, first of all, the historical form of narration, and in "fairy tales" - folk fantasy, then in the "modern idyll", aimed directly on the political injury of the day. Shedrine took a more complex artistic disguise system.

The art of Ezopovsky allegory was brought to the "modern idyll" to the degree of marginal virtuosity and represents a high sample of the intellectual victory of an advanced artist of words over the reaction censorship policy of autocracy. Let's touch only some characteristic features Allegorical poetics of Modern Idylliya.

First of all, the low rank of representatives of the Tsarist bureaucracy acting in the novel. This is, first, officials of the capital district and, secondly, county officials.

But at the same time, representatives of the quarterly administration act clearly not by rank. The quarterly width of the prudent industry designs "Charter on the decent manual in his life behavior", i.e. compiles laws, which in reality was the prerogative of the highest government bureaucracy. There is no doubt that ridicuing this latter and is a hidden goal of describing the legislative activity of Prudentov.

As Shchedrin explained himself in a letter to A. N. Dypin dated November 1, 1883, "Charter on decency" means exposing the XIV of Tom "Code of Laws". Story about further fate The figures of the quarterly administration who survive each other from the service of the denunciations is clearly hinting at the Czechard in the Ministry of the Interior, which consistently headed in the 80s. M. T. Loris-Melikov, N. P. Ignatiev, D. A. Tolstoy.

Thus, "modern idyll" in the part that concerns bureaucracy, generin methyl to the highest government spheres, prudently disguising its intentions modest as a matter of visibility of the task of describing the description of the quarterly spare parts.

At the same time, it usually happens from Generin, characterized by Esopovsky reception performed and directly satirical function. The image of a naive chronicler in the "stories of one city" served as satyrik not only the safety mask, but also made it possible to put a pronounced object in all its immediate, coarse essence. Like this, for the worst of the "Code of Laws", Shchedrin took advantage of the naive frankness of the writer Prudentov. "We mean one circumstance: so that for the authorities as perhaps less anxiety it was - to that and you drive" - \u200b\u200bso formulates the coders the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Charter of decency".

However, it should be noted that in "modern idyll" there are representatives of high rank bureaucracy, shown without lowering their "nominal". Such, for example, "Two Mastydnaya Sanovnik" - the secret advisers of the 1st and Deloschin 2nd and Colonel Reded. Satirik gave them the most destroying characteristic, prudently - in order to avoid censorship attendant - introducing them as informal individuals, "dismissed from service."

For "modern idyll" is characterized by a thick fantastic flavor. Fantasy Roman performs in various functions. It also serves as the expression of the "magicians" of real reality, which is in power of panic and arbitrariness, and humorous painting, and Esopovo allegory.

The fantastic element, staining in the "modern idyll", all the narration, forms whole fantastic plots included in the overall composition of the work in the form of fairy tales in separate chapters. In addition to the famous "fairy tales about the playment of the head," there is another fairy tale in the novel, the title of which is not allocated, "the story of one Stat adviser" or the "fruits of the subordinate breakdown".

Close to the genre of the fairy tale and the dramatic scene "Ill-face piscar". It is quite obvious that this fabulous fiction was called upon to be treated with a sharp political plots dangerous in censorship.

But the fabulous form of fiction is due to the "modern idyll" not only the desire for artistic conspiracy. Fantasy appeared to the means where satirical and allegorical functions found the most harmonic artistic combination. Therefore, a fabulous form has emerged in the work of Satirika long ago acquired in reaction years. special meaning. Following the "modern idyll", Shchedrin began to work intensively on the cycle of fairy tales.

History of Russian literature: in 4 volumes / edited by N.I. Protkova and others - L., 1980-1983.

Take time for yourself and a pleasant book. And it doesn't matter what the window is cold and gray. We offer you 10 books in the genre of satirethat will make you smile.

1. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov - "12 chairs"

The Roman Ilf and Petrov "Twelve Chairs" is rightfully considered the standard of satire and humor. Unanimously beloved by all the readers, this novel entered the Golden Fund of Russian and World Literature. Finding the diamonds of Madame Rooshovah, hidden in one of the furniture headset chairs, is a story that still causes a sincere smile to this day. The names of the heroes - charming adventurers - became nominal, and the novel himself went to quotes, withstanding hundreds of successful reissues and deservingly reserved the glory of the unfair bestseller.

2. George Orwell - "Cottage"

"All animals are equal, but some animals are equal to others" - it is probably the most famous phrase From the classical parable of George Orwell about the crash of revolutionary hopes. The tragic meaning of the "Scot economy" appears through the bright parody pattern. In this book, Orwell managed to perform two tasks set in front of him in 1936: "Expand soviet myth"And" make political prose with art. " The parable of Orwell, seen the light in 1945, is published in a new translation.

3. Yaroslav Gashek - "Global Soldier's adventure"

"The adventures of the brave soldier Schweika" is perhaps one of the original books in the entire history of the XX century. The book, which is equally able to perceive as one big, full of absolutely inimitable folk sodavism "Soldier's Bait" - or as a classic product of the literature of the past century.
Funny? Funny Homerically! But very often through the clockwork and deprivey humor of the "garrison joke" breaks true essence "Soldier Schweika" is a desperate and powerful appeal "folded weapons and think about ...

4. Joseph Heller - "Amendment-22"

Joseph Heller with his first novel "Amendment-22" literally broke into american literature post-war years. "The world is crazy", and this is especially obvious on the example of the life and morals of the military pilots of the American squadron. Ecco, and sometimes quite tough, described by J. Heller Army - strange worldfull of bureaucratic tricks and nonsense. No one knows what exactly the so-called "correction-22" is. But, contrary to any logic, the army discipline requires its strict implementation. The bureaucratic machine paralyzes common sense and turns the personality into a faceless stupid mass.

5. Ivlin in - "nasty flesh"

Journalists and preachers, racers and aristocrats, ministers and young lifesters ... They rush through life and on the pages of the novel in the whirlwind of balls, masquerades and donated evenings - Victorian, cowboy, Russians, circus. Such by the will of the author appears England in the short period between two great wars.

6. Francois Rabl - "Gargantua and Pantagruel"

Roman Great french writer Francois Rabl "Gargantua and Pantagruel" - the largest monument of the era french Renaissance. The book is built on a wide folk basis, it contains satire for fiction and adventurous heroic of old knightly novels.

7. Christopher T. Buckley - "Smoke here"

"Smoke here" - a satirical affair with elements of the thriller. The Hero of the Roman, the public representative of the tobacco lobby, skillfully and cynically fights with opponents of smoking, convincingly proving the usefulness of the latter. Special piquancy gives the novel by an episodic appearance on its pages worldwide famous people, Only in rare cases covered with transparent pseudonyms.

8. Charles Bukowski - "Maculatory"

"Maculatura" - last Roman Bukovski, his swan song - readers without a sense of humor just contraindicated! This is really a special kind of steba dedicated to the "bad literature". The plot of the books are deprived of the speakers, deprived of intrigue, deprived of everything, but that is why it is infinitely geniant. The main advantage of the "waste paper" is the style of narration. Descriptions and dialogues of the novel are filled with the atmosphere of dirt, violence and fear. At the same time, Bukovski literally each proposal parods genuine boulevard fiction. And although the author's style is simplified to be simplified - I would like to note the amazing sense of humor, which will necessarily have to taste readers, with this feeling possessing.

9. Kurt Vonnegut - "Give you a God of Health, Mr. Rosoter, or Do not Match Beads before Pigs"

One of the most funny, witty and ironic novels of the Great Wonnegut.

Household phantasmagoria in this eccentric and consuming work is closely intertwined with satire on life and the most of the "Golden Century" of the late fifties - the beginning of the sixties of the last century is so closely that it is practically impossible to divide them.
So - Welcome to the Eccentric Millionaire Foundation, which indulges charity and passion to voluntary clubs to facilitate firefighters.
Is he mad? It is trying to prove the fascinating lawyers hired by him relatives. He is healthy? Oddly enough, psychiatrists are confident about this ... So what happens with the venerable Mr. Rosoter?

10. O'Henry - "Kings and Cabbage"

O. Genry - an outstanding American meeting of the beginning of the XX century, famous for shiny humorous stories, Master of unexpected comparisons and unforeseen, paradoxical junctions. Artistic expressiveness in combination with fine observation, the liveliness and compression of the narrative, inexhaustible wit, love for people - that's what I brought O. Henry invariable recognition and love of readers. This edition presents a story "Kings and Cabbage", consisting of adventurous-humorous novels, the action of which occurs in Latin AmericaBut instead of the kings he has presidents, and instead of cabbage - palm trees.

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Story of one city"

I. The history of the creation and publication of the novel. "Silver" cycle of the early 1860s. early 1860s. (Essays "Literators-Outcomes", "slander", "Our silly affairs", "stupid and silly", "silly breakdown", "our provincial day"). The city of stupid as a toponymic generalization.

II. The thousand-year history of Russia as an object of satirical understanding in the "Stories of one city".

1. Genre-composite originality of the book:

a) Analyze the features of the construction of the "history of one city". Pay attention to the narrative (narrative) specificity of the work. Explain why the writer introduces two narrative plan - chronicles-archivis and publisher (give examples). Does the author's voice sound in the book?

b) What genre definition of the "history of one city" seems to you the most accurate: novel, chronicle, satire? (Offer your options).

2. Paroding in the text of the chronicle legend on the vocation of Varyagov and historical concepts On the origin of Russian statehood (S.M. Solovyov, N.I. Kostomarova, M.P. Pogodina). Give the appropriate fragments.

3. The history of Russia as the real basis of the Shchedrian Grotesque:

a) Why did Saltykov argued that he wrote "not historical", and "a completely ordinary" satir? (See: "Letter to the editor")

b) "Grotesque" chronotope as a method of satirical image of modernity:

- Deformation of time in the novel: The principle of "historical combinations and projections" (S.A. Makashin) in the use of realities and names (give examples);

- Deformation of space in the novel: Local blurring of the borders of the city of silly (confirm with text).

III. Grotesque interpretation in the "History of one city" Problems of "People and Power" ("Life under the Madness IGA").

1. Study in the book of power mechanisms, artistic realization of the idea of \u200b\u200b"madness". "Will not tolerate!" And "Razor!" As leitmotal formulas:

a) An indirect expression of the idea of \u200b\u200b"madness" in the images of the city units indulging in "bodily exercises" (Mikladze ... - Continue the list). What is wonderful the board of each of them?

b) Implementation of the "Headless" metaphor in the images of such heartlies, as an organizing ... (Continue a number). Borodavkin as the foresight of Ugryum-Burchhev (argue). The "Idiot" of Ugryum-burver - the limit embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200b"madness" of power (confirm with text).

2. Study in the book of mechanisms of submission: "Historical people" in the novel Saltykov:

a) collective portrait of silly. What is the social composition of the silly population. Name specific traits Their psychology and behavior (bosses are ... - Continue). Prove that the behavior of the fools is shown as a manifestation of people's "madness." What is "Range on the lap"? (give examples).

b) How does the tone of the narrative in the heads of the "Hungry City" and the "straw city"? (Sign up the corresponding fragments). Are there any way to reproach Saltykov in "mockery over the people"? (See Article A.S. Suvorin and the answer to her Saltykov).

3. The logic of the development of the conflict "People and Power". Ring principle composition: from dreams of gangs about " strong hand"(Give examples) - before the" nonsense "of Ugryum-Burchhev. Do we apply to the ideological concept of Roman Thesis about the fact that any people are worthy of their rulers?

IV. Artistic embodiment in the novel of the philosophical and historical views of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

1. Representing the writer about the people as "the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocratism" ("Letter to the editor"). Periods of silly prosperity and its reasons (the head of the "era of dismissal from wars"). Why is silly named "Zloshval Municipality"? (Chapter "Confirmation of repentance. Conclusion"). What, from your point of view, author's ideal state Device?

2. Evolutionary concept of the historical process. The movements of the Decembrists and Petrashevtsev as a real material for artistic generalizations ("Martyrologist of silly liberalism"). Antiutopic pathos book: exposing the totalitarian foundation of the "Communist Nivanism" (chapters "Mammon and repentance", "confirmation of repentance. Conclusion").

3. Biblical reminiscence in the novel and their function. ESChatological meaning of the final, his anticipation of different stages conflict development. Find fragments in the text that expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe cyclical development of history. What is the meaning of the river in the novel?



1. Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. The history of one city // Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Collected Works: In 20 tons. M., 1969. T.8. We also recommend contacting the comments by B.M. Eikenbauma in publication: Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. The history of one city. M.: Children's literature, 1970.

2. Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Letter to the editor of the "Bulletin of Europe" // Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Collected Works: In 20 tons. M., 1969. T.8.

3. "Historical Satire?" (Article A.S. Suvorin and the answer to it M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin) // Russian Literature. 1995. No. 4.

4. Nikolaev D. "The history of one city" M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin // Three masterpieces of Russian classics. M., 1971.


1. Elizarova L.V. Narration in the "Stories of one city" // Satira M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. 1826-1976. Kalinin, 1977.

2. Stroganov M.V. About the finals of "History". To the problem "Shchedrin and Decembrists" // "Sixties" in the work of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Kalinin, 1985.

3. Golovin T.N. "The history of one city": Continuation follows // Shchedrian compilation. Vol. 2. Tver, 2003.