The most mystical places of the planet. The most mysterious places on the planet

The most mystical places of the planet. The most mysterious places on the planet
The most mystical places of the planet. The most mysterious places on the planet

April 25th, 2017

Despite the fact that the abandoned cities and terrible corners of the Earth suggest horror on impressionable tourists, hundreds of travelers in search of acute sensations are constantly coming to these worst plates of the planet.

Prague cemetery

One of these terrible places in the world is the Prague cemetery with 12 thousand ancient gravestones, which operated in the Czech Republic for four centuries. In this cemetery, there were their latter sweeps of missing travelers, but most often the luxurious processions were buried wealthy citizens. The territory of the cemetery is small, but 100 thousand dead is resting here. It is noteworthy that the older burials were sprinkled, then the new dead were buried on top of them. Thus formed about 12 tiers: now travelers can observe a terrible picture - the interlaced land has exposed several upper "floors" with coffins and gravest plates.

St. George Church

The St. George Church is also in the Czech Republic, in one of the tiny villages: tourists go to the abandoned temple attracted by an unusual legend. Once during the next funeral, the roof over the church collapsed. Onswor holy place of Czech artist Hadrava decorated with numerous sinister ghost sculptures.

Mexican island of abandoned dolls

The Mexican island of abandoned dolls attracts lovers of adrenaline exotic forgotten toys. In the middle of the last century, the hermit settled here began to collect and "settle" on the island of the dolls thrown into the garbage. About a thousand broken and mutilated toys are tied to trees - many dolls are sitting on Earth or hang on the branches: so the hermit decided to perpetuate the memory of the drowned in the Girl Bay.

Chapel of bones

The next terrible place of the world is impressive - the chapel of the bones, built by many centuries ago by the monk-Franciscanian in one of the cities of Portugal. A small chapel in size holds the remains of five thousand monks. The roof and walls of the tomb are decorated with intricate inscriptions in Latin.

Paris catacombs

Paris catacombs famous for the whole world are a winding system of underground tunnels with extensive caves and descents. The network of communications with a length of up to 300 kilometers runs under Paris: more than 6 million people found their shelter here.

Japanese Island Hasima

The most mystical destination of the world also consider the Japanese Island Hasima. This abandoned mining town once gave the country coal: Quarry and Mine worked at the end of the 19th century. Here went in the hope of earning: miners tightly settled the island with families. Almost 40 years ago, the company became unprofitable, coal mines were closed. Now this island has become popular with the tourists by the Ghost City.

Savizian forest

Jukai, the famous suicide forest is located on one of the Japanese islands and entered the story as a bad place, where thousands of people have reduced the scores with life. The forest initially used bad glory thanks to the old legends about ghosts, and since the middle of the last century, suicides were intended into these terrible thickets. Downtown for several hundred meters in the forest, along the tracks you can find things - shoes, clothes, bags of departed from life. Knowing how attractively a place for people with a weak psyche, authorities set a warning poster with a confidence phone number.

Burial of fiery mummies Kabayana

Among the most mystical places in the world are also called the burial of fiery mummies Kabayana in the Philippines. These remains of more than seven centuries: Local believe that spirits of mummified deceased still inhabit the burials. The peculiarity of local customs - buried mummies in small gold capsules from the tree, laying the bodies of breath in the most inconvenient poses.

Magic market of Achodsev

In the magical market of Achodsev, which lies in the center of the capital of Togo, you can see sorcerers, which still practice magic Voodoo and enjoy in the rites of a terrifying type of dolls. Customers and fans of monstrous artifacts are offered to buyers and fans of monstrous artifacts, magical accessories, drugs and potions, dried monkeys, hare and chicken paws, various souvenirs and local charms.

Mental hospital

In the ranking of terrible places in the world of tourists attracts the old psychiatric hospital in the city of Parma: once she was one of the successful clinics in Italy, but over time the building became unfasteless. The masterpiece from the object made an artist from Brazil, who painted the walls of the hospital with silhouettes of patients. Ghostly figures decorate the building by rare visitors a terrible atmosphere of an Italian abandoned hospital.

Plague Island

In Italy, there is another terrible landmark - a plague island in the Venetian lagoon. It has long been adapted for the residence of the patients who referred here from all over the country. There are more than 16 thousand plague, but local people believe that their souls did not calm down and still twist over the graves. The gloomy reputation of the island is supported and legends, according to which terrible experiments put on patients.

Saintreilia city

The connoisseurs of the genre of horror and realistic computer games are going to the American city of Saintreilia for special impressions: it was here that the famous horror movie "Silent Hill" was filmed. This town in Pennsylvania is famous for the fact that because of the extensive fire, the population almost left these territories. The underground fire is not yet extinguished: the atmosphere of hopelessness is emphasized by ash particles in the air over empty streets with destroyed houses.

Mount Crosses

The most mystical places of the world in the last century were replenished with a new attraction - the mountain of crosses with old Lithuanian crosses is a terrible view of a hill that is not at all a cemetery. According to numerous legends, everyone who installed the cross here will receive good luck and change fate for the better.

Cave in Belize

The cave in Belize attracts tourists a strange atmosphere of the cult of ancient Maya. This unusual archaeological monument is located near Tapira Mountain and is famous for a kind of cathedral, equipped in one of the cave rooms. There were bloody sacrifices for terrible deities. Maya also believed that it was here that gates to the underworld.

Cemetery Chauchilla

In the list of the most terrible places of the planet turned out to be the Peruvian ancient cemetery of Chachill. The attraction of the country is close to Nask Plateau known to the Ufologists. Necropolis was discovered by scientists about a century ago. Attracted the attention of archaeologists. Method of burial: the dead seated into the graves, covering their bodies with a special composition. Thanks to the ancient recipes, the dead is perfectly preserved: the dry climate of the Peruvian desert contributed to this.

Snake Island

In Brazil, the Snake Island is considered the most terrible place: the territory is famous for the presence of a huge number of serpets - here on every square meter of forest land can be found up to six dangerous and poisonous reptiles. Now tourists are forbidden to visit Kamead Grandi due to the risk of attacking huge poisonous reptiles.

Paw triangle

A molars of the most terrible places in Russia got a molars: this is a remote village of Perm region, in which an abnormal activity of UFOs is noticed. Formerly, Mansi lived here, who made sacrifice to their gods on a stone plateau.

Also in Russia there is its own exotic city of the dead: the small Ossetian village of Dargavs is famous for its richly decorated scholets.

Overto Bridge

One of the bridges of Scotland, Overto, became sadly famous for the inexplicable cases of suicide among dogs. Dozens of pieces rushed down on the stones and dying, and the survivors went up to repeat the attempt.

Hanging coffins Sagada

The list of the most terrible places of the planet would be incomplete without hanging saga cages - in the forest of one of the villages in the Philippines, original funeral structures are arranged. Local bury the dead, hanging them, so that the souls of the left ancestors were closer to the sky.

Sanctuary of Tofet

In the Tunisian Sanctuary of Torch several centuries ago, they sacrificed animals and children: such was the peculiarity of the bloody religion of the old Carthage.

Unfinished metro in Cincinnati

The grand construction is striking the atmosphere of abandonality - unfinished metro in Cincinnati. The depot was built at the end of the 19th century, but the branch was frozen for economic reasons. Now the depot can be trapped several times a year, although diggers from all over the world are often visited by an unfinished metro on their own.

People imagined centuries sought to get bright impressions. Amazingly, but the most profound are experiences affecting the very essence of a person. In particular, the instinct of self-preservation also includes.

The phenomenon of horror

Speaking about the mysterious and mysterious places of the world, people usually mention ghosts or six-grade stories about the atrocities of the former owners of certain buildings. Today we will try to illuminate such which are not related to the action of ghosts.

More Sigmund Freud highlighted a special human attraction, which he called "Tanatos". The great psychologist thus explained the desire of people to death and especially dangerous events and activities.

Name the most terrible place on the planet every reader will be able to name it. Since they scare local legends alone, and enough of the glance abandoned with a glimpse, all nightmares come to life in imagination. Others are not preying anything. Therefore, we tried to select a variety of abnormal zones.

It is possible to distinguish 5 most terrible places associated with poltergeist, ghosts or tectonic activity. We will talk about such objects that look outwardly, maybe it's not entirely noteworthy, but they leave an indelible and deep track for life after visiting.

House of Winchesters, San Jose, USA

In the course of our virtual excursion, we consider the worst places in the world. The sample concerns not only artificial objects created by people, but also inexplicable natural phenomena.

The first place in which we will eat will be an extravagant mansion in California. Today, there is a tourist attraction. But earlier it was Sarah's house, Widow William Winchester. His father invented the famous rifle. Soon he died, as well as his son with his granddaughter.

When a woman visited the audience at the medium, he handed her message from William. According to the deceased, she should have to buy in San José a plot of land and build a specific planning mansion there. It should have many rooms, traps and snaps to confuse meallous ghosts of people killed from hard drives.

He spent all the multi-million state to build this shelter. It has interesting moments. For example, stairs to the second floor, ending with the wall, or doors without rooms. Also, this mansion is pierced by a magical number 13. So many steps in each of the stairs, in many rooms there are such a number of windows, in the building of the "Drawn dozen" bathrooms.

A total of more than one hundred sixty rooms, forty stairs, six kitchens, but only one shower. Also number about two thousand doors, but only four hundred fifty doorways.

We decided to start our excursion exactly from this estate, since it is the most extravagant and unusual. It was even filmed a feature film based on the biography of Sarah Winchester.

Forest Aokigahar

Probably the most terrible place on the planet is a suicide forest in Japan. In the original it is called Aokigahar (Valley of Green Trees). This reserve is at the foot of Mount Fuji. In principle, landing can only please in clear sunny weather. During the rest of the time, she just breathes doom, gray and meaninglessness.

Aokigahar loses only a little bridge in San Francisco in terms of cases of information of bills with life. Interestingly, the forest has long been considered the inhabitants of evil spirits and demons. To the beginning of the twentieth century, poor families were brought to die old people and children whom they could no longer provide food.

Later, from about the middle of the last century, many lowest and middle workers stretched here. Apparently, the impressionable Japanese find only such a way to break out of the "rat runs" of society.

Every year about hundreds of suicides are found here. Recently, even the unofficial detachments of Marauders appeared. They firmly burned in search of bodies and bother their pockets, remove decorations. Thus, the mysterious places of the planet help not only the development of tourism, but also enrich local fraudsters and thieves.

The Government of Japan allocates funds for cleaning tel. According to eyewitnesses, the most common ways of ending life are poisoning medication and hanging.

Local authorities took a series of measures to help the maximum number of people abandon the stupid decision. On the perimeter of the forest, there are signs with a call to drag and the phone of trust. Also on many paths leading to the trap, video cameras are directed. And the service personnel working in nearby institutions has already learned to calculate potential suicides. They immediately report information to the police.

It is noteworthy that in Japan several books and films telling about the specifics of this place. And the "Suicide Guide" written by Tsurumi often find near the corpses in the forest.

Overto Bridge

The docks of the soul are incomprehensible to another person, and even the most resistant and sensible individual can be angry in the scan of inflamed illusions. But what makes some animals resort to suicide - this is an interesting question.

We continue to consider the worst places in the world. And the next one in turn is the overwun Bridge, near the settlement of Milton, in Western Dambartonshire. Around the middle of the twentieth century, interesting cases are fixed here. Almost every month from the bridge in the water jumps at least one dog.

Most dies immediately, and the survivors return after a while to repeat the attempt.

It is noteworthy that animals live as instincts, and they do not have such deviations. That is why there were several times a commissions several times came to investigate such an unusual anomaly.

Today there are two versions that cover the cause. One of them is offered by ethnographers and gatherers of folklore, the second - zoologists.

According to the first, a man with a child came to the bridge. He declared his son to give birth to satanic forces and dropped the baby into the water, and after a couple of days he jumped himself. Since then, it turned out that the ghost boy calls the dogs to play. Animals because of their ability to perceive the subtle world, which is not suspected, go for ghost and die.

A more rational explanation was put forward by scientists after many months of research. According to their theory, mink is to blame. These rodents live along the banks of the river, and for many years these places just adhed them. Dogs, focusing on the intensity of the smell, rush to pursue prey and fall from the bridge to the water.

We consider the most terrible places in the world. And no one can fully explain their specificity, otherwise they would cease to be mysterious. So with the bridge Overtoon.

Even if the reason lies in minks, why dogs who survived after falling from fifteen meters, come back and rushed again? These animals have a very developed memory of the places and people who hurt them.


Thus, it is impossible to hide from some earth anomalies, even rising high in the air. For the first time about an unusual phenomenon, a English tea plantator and researcher of plants E. Ji spoke. He described the strange period at the end of August, when large flocks of birds begin to fly to the Gatings Valley and to break up the Earth.

At first, nobody believed him and found his record with fiction. But one orientologist decided to keep up the legend. It turned out that the chavoda spoke the pure truth. So Senguput became the first scientist who recorded the unusual August "poultry".

According to this researcher, the birds are in a certain trance, "id Somnambula. " They rush to the light of fires and lamps of a local village. If you take an animal that did not crash to death, it does not resist, but completely refuses food and water. It is noteworthy that after three or four days, madness, the backed bird flies like anything happened.

But the terrible places of the world are often perceived ambiguously. Tourists and travel researchers see them an abnormal threat, the local inventing the myth, justifying the event. So, the aborigines of this valley say that the gods for the righteousness were awarded with such a "poultry". They can collect a bunch of carcasses and use them into food. It turns out a certain analogue of the "manna of heaven" for the Indian village.

Telem Abbey, Sicily

Discussing the most terrible places in the world, we return to the creation of human hands. The next attraction, which we will talk about is a one-storey house in Cefal's town on Sicily Island.

Once he acquired Alister Crowley, one of the most famous and ambiguous occultists of the beginning of the twentieth century. Here he was going to create the basis for the future civilization, purified from Christian darkness and obscurantic.

It was in these walls that Crowley resumed satanic rituals, as well as the practice of witchcraft using narcotic drugs. So, the initiation included the simultaneous reception of marijuana with the heroin and the night of reflections in a special room, which was called "the hall for visions" or the "nightmare room". In this room, the walls are painted with gloomy frescoes depicting different circles of hell and paradise.

The abbey was closed after the famous British aristocrat Raul Lavda died on its territory. Presumably, he was poisoned by drugs mixed with feline blood. So ended the history of the commune living under the slogan "Do anything - this is the only law."

There are many terrible abandoned places on the planet, but only attracts the crowds of informal visitors. Fans of witchcraft and activities of Alistair Crowley are coming here every year. They seek to touch the ruins to get a powerful energy charge from their idol.

Damn cemetery. Krasnoyarsk region

Natural terrible places are in the Russian Federation. Let's start with a remote territory in Siberia. In general, Ethnologists gathered a lot of materials about the most incredible features and terrible secrets that the taiga keep in themselves. But now it will be discussed that it was indeed recorded by various groups of researchers in the form of photographic and video, and not simple stories.

Presumably the Devil Cemetery appeared as a result of unusual space activity related to the fall of the memoirs of Old-timers, one day a certain item was falling from the sky, and the edge of the rounded form was formed in the forest. Earth became black and from it at times began to appear smoke. In the summer, the grass is not growing at this place, only a little moss, and there is no snow in winter.

Any animal that gets inside the damn circle is dying within minutes. People, according to eyewitness testimonies, there are an inexplicable feeling of longing, and as I approached the urration itself, irrational fear is growing, gradually turning into a panic.

Thus, terrible places on Earth may not be just natural, but also of cosmic origin.

Sablin caves

Speaking about the most terrible place on the planet, it is especially worth staying on here there are no bloodthirsty monsters, inexplicable and oppressive horror at visitors or satanic symbols. Just a fairly large underground natural education. For example, the length of one of the catacombs is more than seven kilometers, and the height of the halls is up to five meters.

In Soviet times, the object was classified, as all sorts of criminal individuals who are outlawed were hidden under the ground. They called themselves dissidents. It was even formed about ten different gangs. Every month several people disappeared here and still disappears. At the same time, all the well-known "political" hiding under the ground have long left a wicked place. Today, according to official data, there is not a single "underground resident".

Extremals and amateurs visiting Russia are constantly coming to Sablin caves. They do not even frighten the facts of frequent disappearance of curious zooak.
The cause of this anomaly scientists see in underground bulk sands and movements of the earth's crust. A group that has seen in one of the tunnels may be buried under the sand tons in a second. All these data are based on the stories of gang members who have once lived in these caves.

Death road. Lyubertsy-Lytkarino

Let's talk about the mysterious places near Moscow. In principle, around Moscow, researchers of the anomalous zones number about a dozen highway sections with an increased danger of fatal accidents.

But the part of the track Lyubertsy - Lytkarino, near the village of Pekhork, is considered the most unsafe. If you go through this road, you can see on the trees along the asphalt coating many wreaths marking the deaths of drivers.

Most accidents are dated from 1990 to 2002. A sudden decline in mortality after 2003 is explained by the fact that at this time the governor took up for an "anomaly". Being before the military general, he did not wonder. On this site, the concrete coating of the road was replaced by the asphalt of excellent quality, as well as four "lying policemen".

After such preventive measures, the chauffeur was not able to get involved in the highway.

Skeptics and realists often say that terrible places are fatally dangerous only for those who neglect common sense and local tell the legend that "dear death" this segment was because the coating was put on top of the old cemetery. Here are the ghosts of the deceased and revenge with unlucky drivers, which turned out to be not in the wrong time.

House Beria

We talked about the mysterious places of the Moscow region, at the end I would like to note another strange building in the capital itself. In Soviet times, this house was hardly the most terrible place of the district. Passers-by tried to bypass the street with the Tenth Dear, and if it was necessary to go exactly on it, they crossed on the opposite direction.

What is for such a terrible building? House of the Commissioner of the State Security Region of Lawrence Pavlovich Beria. This man was one of the organizers of Stalinist repression. The building is in an amphibian lane. Today, his premises occupy the Embassy of Tunisia.

According to eyewitnesses (local residents and researchers), a couple of times a month about three o'clock in the morning you can hear ghostly sounds. It is said that this is a distinct noise of a powerful motor. The invisible car "drives up" to the door of the building. Heard how his doors open, a male voice says something. After the door slams and the car leaves. All incident takes about three minutes.

Thus, in this article we talked about the terrible places of Russia and the world. We met both safe objects that are able to interest ufologists or adolescents and fatal formations to which it is better not to approach.

Good luck to you, dear readers! Travel with mind.

The ancient cities that have become legends have long attracted the attention of archaeologists, historians, and just lovers. Often, legends emphasize these settlements with indiscrect wealth, luxurious temples and palaces, and it seems that they can only exist in legends.

Today we can only imagine their former greatness and power, and writing on the ruins of these cities will be the archaeologists. The cities that were absorbed by the seas and the jungle, cities that were destroyed during wars and abandoned during periods of cruel drought. Cities that left behind a lot of secrets, and few volunteers. And although the existence of some of them has not been proven so far, archaeologists persistently continue to look for them.

The legendary Troja with its indispensable wealth bodied the minds of many researchers for more than one hundred years. In the list of the most famous notable cities, she can rightfully take first place. According to the legend, the Greeks burned the Troy Dotley after its conquest. There were many theories about its location, and in the 19th century they were found in Anatolia, in Turkey.

On the hill of Hisarlyc, archaeologists found a wall with a height of 6 meters, and some finds suggest that there were nine cities in this area, one of whom may have been Troy.

Many legends are connected with Babylon: this is the biblical instructive story about the division of languages, these are the famous healing gardens of seminimides, which have already become a taught symbol of a powerful city. More than a thousand years ago, Babylon rules on this land, and dictated his rules to neighboring states, and now the ruins remained from him.

In the 19th century, brick walls of the city were discovered with the ruins of the Northern Palace, and the part of the Ishtar gate was collected in the Berlin Museum of Pergamon.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is the most famous city of Inca. Today, he can tell a lot about his inhabitants, their culture and religion, and after all, they did not recall more than four hundred years when the Inca Empire came into decay in the 30s of the 16th century. Only in 1911 he discovered the American researcher Hiram Bingham, and the whole world drew attention to the city.

The city has a rather peculiar location: in the heart of the jungle. It is still not clear why the Incas chose this place, but there is an assumption that the reason in certain religious or astronomical factors.


Once Carthage was a powerful city with immetic wealth. It is now difficult to imagine the former power of this important seaport, from which the ruins and cracked clay remained.

The city was destroyed twice: for the first time he was devastated by the Romans during the Punic War in 146 to our era, and in 196 Arabs attacked him. Now the ruins of the city can be seen on the Birca Hill in Tunisia.

This ancient city with pink walls is located in the mountains on the territory of modern Jordan. To get to it, you need to pass a narrow gorge, a length of more than one and a half kilometers.

It is assumed that the nomadic tribes of the swabs founded the city here, since there were three sources of water nearby. Residents carved their homes and temples in the rock. And the very name of the city is translated as a stone, rock.

Peter often changed their owners: even crusaders owned her. And the first person of the new time, saw the city, was Swiss Johann Burkhart, who visited here in 1812.

Angkor is of great interest to archaeologists, because the city, located now in the jungle of Cambodia, was the capital of the famous Empire Khmer. The city is known for the fact that the temples built between 9 and 14th centuries are located on its territory. Approximately 140 years ago, the French explorer, Henri, I stumbled upon the ruins of the city in the jungle, and described his temples.


The Greek Island of Santorini retained on its territory the ruins of the city, once the extensive stronghold of a highly developed mined civilization. Its representatives lived in Akrotiri, the city of the Bronze Age, until he was destroyed during the volcanic eruption. Archaeologists find wallpaper drawings, ceramics and stairs on the island.

It is possible that due to a strong eruption, the part of the island went under water, and this fact and spawned the famous legend about the sunken Atlantis.

Once the Tikal was the capital of the legendary Maya, their cultural and political center. Approximately a thousand years in the city lived 90,000 Indians, and there were about 4,000 structures and buildings. Scientists still can not understand why the inhabitants left the tick about 900 of our era. Empty Tikal gradually swallowed the jungle, and only in the 19th century researchers managed to detect this lost city.

The fortress of the cooler, lost somewhere in the forests of Northern Peru, was built before the appearance of the Inca tribe. Once upon a time there were representatives of the mysterious people of Chachapoya, which were built at home and temples, and the tombs surrounded the walls, 1.8 meters high.


All the cities mentioned in this list are either rushed into the fly, or some ruins remained. However, this French town has not disappeared anywhere: it still stands in his place. In the history of the city, the bloody spot remained a slaughter arranged by the Nazis during World War II. On June 10, 1940, ESSISTS cut off all 624 inhabitants of the town, no one leaving alive. The city was destroyed and abandoned, and today there is sometimes a mourning ceremony in memory of those killed in the war.

edited news Vendetta. - 26-03-2011, 13:56

Intellectual power helps humanity to reveal many secrets of land. People reached the surface of the moon and explored other planets of the solar system. But still there are a number of mysterious and unknown places in the world. The inhospitable conditions and the destructive forces of nature are constrained by a person from the study of some sections of our planet. At the same time, the same natural forces help maintain the initial species and beauty of such pristine civilization of seats.

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Greenland ice hats

Greenland is the largest island in the world. In fact, most of the island is covered with ice caps - covering glaciers of a smaller area than ice shields. Therefore, this place is considered to be the least intense on the planet and practically not investigated. Ice layers in Greenland with a thickness of 3200 meters have about 100 thousand years old.

In Greenland, you can also see glaciers, glacier rivers, hot springs, white nights and the northern lights. But the unstable state of weather makes Greenland one of the least studied places on Earth.

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Mariana Wpadina, Western Pacific

Mariana Wpadina is the deepest place on Earth, it is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. It formed millions of years ago. The deepest point of the Mariana depression is known as the "the abyss of the Challenger", the most famous depth of which, just over 11 kilometers. Such a big depth and high pressure made the Mariana cavity very difficult place to study, so so far it remains to the end of the not studied.

Mariana Wpadina is a habitat of deep-water ocean creatures, also there are rare minerals. The bottom of the Marianian depression contains fossils, whose age is calculated by millions of years, and many other minerals that would help reveal the secrets of the Earth. But unstable conditions make it difficult to study this place by people.

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Cankar Punsum, Bhutan

Kankar Punsum is the highest unoccupied mountain peak in the world. It is located in Bhutan. This mountain has a height of 7570 meters and is the 40th of the highest mountains in the world. There are only four well-known expeditions on Kankar Punsum - in 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1994, respectively. But they all turned out to be unsuccessful due to heavy snowfall and non-permanent meteo conditions.

Due to the respect for local beliefs, the Government of Bhutan in 2004 banned climbing at Kankar Punsum. So this mountain peak remained not conquered and not studied.

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It is well known that the desert is difficult to investigate due to unsuitable weather conditions. Antarctica is the largest desert in a world that has inappropriate conditions for growing plants. The hottest desert in the world - sugar - is located in Africa. The number of annual precipitation in the deserts is very small. Also, these territories are characterized by extreme temperature differences - the day is very hot, and at night it becomes very cold. This creates very tight conditions of existence for plants, animals and people.

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Deep caves

There are a large amount of caves in the world. They became too complex for study by scientists due to unbearable weather conditions, sharp stones, heat and slipposses. Some of the underwater caves are not populated by alive creatures due to deadly conditions for survival. Yucatan's flooded caves in Mexico - the Sacred Cave of Maya - are the best example of this. Crystal caves and snow caves are also too dangerous for expeditions due to possible unprecedented sudden changes in the conditions inside the caves and their relief.

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Selva Amazon, South America

Amazon's tropical forests are half of the rainforest on Earth, their area is 6.47 million square kilometers. The rich biodiversity of this territory and the presence of rare animal species make the Amazon Selva with a priority direction for study. But the mystery of this place makes it so far a fully unexplored place on Earth.

In the rainforest Amazon there is no dry season, it rains all year. Strong rains in the period from February to May cause a sharp increase in the water level in the Amazon River. This leads to strong floods in its pool. In such a state, transportation across the river becomes too dangerous due to extreme river flows. Also this is the habitat of many dangerous animals, for example, jaguars, rattle snakes, Brazilian wandering spiders, mosquitoes, trees, pirands, black Cayman and anaconds that can harm man. The lack of access to healthy food and clean water can cause many diseases.

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This is the coldest place on the surface of the earth, the temperature most of the time varies sharply from -10s to -30c. The lowest temperature ever registered in Antarctica was -89 degrees Celsius. This is the most dry, cold and windy continent on the ground. Such a harsh climate makes Antarctica the most mysterious and uncharted place on our planet. Antarctica keeps many secrets, and therefore is of great interest to the scientific community. The average icy crust thickness on the continent is about 2.5km., And this means that under the ice of the surface has many archaeological artifacts of that period, when the continent was free from ice.

The maximum wind speed registered in Antarctica in 1972 is 321 km per hour. Antarctica ice shields, having a thickness of more than 3.2 km, reflect the unbearable climate status on this continent. Strong snowfalls, glaciers, ice cracks are other potential hazards in Antarctica.

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These were the most mysterious and unknown places on Earth. Thanks for attention.

The world is full of riddles and secrets. Miracles, there are no borders in it, they are not available to understand an ordinary person and therefore extremely attractive. Despite a significant leap in the development of modern technologies, on the planet Earth, there are still places called abnormal. Many of them occur strange, mysterious and even dangerous things. Once in one of these places, a person risks forever to say goodbye to him by people, events and things. Some travelers throw into the past or future, others are deprived of memory and cannot tell anything about the hours spent in the anomalous zone of hours, days and even years.

In this article

Devil Tower in Wyoming

Devil's Tower is a natural monument located in the American state of Wyoming in the center of the Great Plains. In fact, nothing anomalous on a rock with a height of 386 meters does not occur.

However, the locals argue that the surprisingly smooth and narrowing in the upper part of the ancient rock is a platform for the start and landing of alien ships.

Devil Tower Day

Unusual climatic conditions help legend. Being one of the highest facilities, the Devil Tower is often experiencing a lightning effect. Hercing it in the morning fog makes it a truly mysterious.

Naturally, the scientists with aliens do not consider that it does not make the devil tower less popular. Interestingly, the opinions of specialists about the origin of the cliff disagree, it is not known to reliably about it. Annually surrounding places attend 400 thousand tourists.

Attracts them primarily an unusual appearance of a rock facility. The slopes of the tower tower and straight, because of which everyone who was lucky to see her live, it seems that she is ossean from a huge mountain range with the hands of a person or the aliens.

Tower of Devil - The converted name of this amazing place. Lakota tribe Indians called Mato Tipila Mountain Plateau, which is translated as a bear house. An error in the name occurred in 1875, when the new owners of the Great Plains were first interested in what is a huge flat boulder, climbing for a long time it was not possible. The incorrect translation of the new residents of America liked more, because this name appears in all modern sources.

As mentioned above, one of the opinion that he served to form a rock, scientists did not put forward. The most beliefs are the following theories.

  1. Sea theory. In the past, the land where the great plains are now located, the sea or ocean covered, the bottom of which covered sedimentary rocks. As a result of a strong earthquake in the earth's crust, a crack was formed from where volcanic magma penetrated into sedimentary rocks. Laying on shale, limestone and sandstone, Magma gradually rose to the surface, frozen in the form of a basalt pillar. After millions of years, the sea retreated, and the bad weather began to sharp the rock, which led to the formation of hexagon, as if specially turned out of stone, pillars.
  2. Volcanic. Millions of years ago, a volcano on the site of the Devil Tower was, the eruption of which was the cause of the formation of an unusual stone pillar.

Fully explore the devil tower for a long time has not been possible. She remained impregnable until the end of the XIX century. Two local farmers were so curious that, taking advantage of the stairs, they dared to this fatally dangerous step for them.

In 1906, President Roosevelt assigned the status of the National Monument to the Devil Tower

In 1938, the famous climber Jack Durans repeated this feat, and after another 3 years, George Hopkins descended on the top of the mountain. It was supposed to return to the big land, it was necessary with the help of the rods, but bad weather and the inability of the brave to handle the climbing equipment broke all his plans. Hopkins stuck on the plateau and for his salvation had to search for a durance, which helped the traveler to go down.

White gods

In 50 km from Moscow, the ancient Slavic tract is near the village of Radonezh. According to legend, it is a sacrificial semi-molding altar, folded from large stones. The exact location of the sanctuary is unknown to anyone from now living. The surrounding village of the forest is quite extensive, it is not easy to find for sure the dilapidated and moss stone structure.

In existence, his specialists do not doubt, linking the name of the altar with the most famous Pantheon of the Slavic gods, held from Beloboga, Chernoboga and Snovet, the right people, heaven and underground kingdom.

White gods

Currently, the search for the remains of the sanctuary does not stop, but the probability of its find is minimal. The ancient stones are as if hidden from the eyes of the human divine garbage, ready to seem only to someone who is really worthy.


The Atlantic Ocean is replete with abnormal zones. One of them is considered to be Cape Gatteras. Crashing about rocky waves waves rise in the air millions of grains and small shells. It would seem that this phenomenon is quite ordinary, but its main secret consists in an extraordinary height, which is able to climb the sands. In some cases, it exceeds 25-35 meters. Sand for a few moments freezes in the air, after which it sinks smoothly. The nature of this amazing phenomenon was unable to find out. The place is considered an abnormal and extremely dangerous. It is decided not everyone to decide near Cape Gatteras.

At Cape Gatteras.

Cape Gatteras is located inside the Bermuda Triangle, which makes this place even more mysterious and unique.

Zone of Bermuda Triangle

Czech catacombs

In the south-east of the Czech Republic, there is a small town of Jihlava, acquired world fame far from delicious beer. At the depths of several tens of meters under the city there are mysterious medieval catacombs with a length of 25 km.

Ancient tunnel

The only thing about them is known is a man-made nature. Construction of catacombs belongs to the XIII-XIV centuries. The exact reason for which prompted people to create extremely terrible underground buildings is not named. Perhaps the catacombs are the balances of mines or the locals were hiding in them, fleeing from robbery and fires.

Czech catacombs are the world of ghosts and spirits. Anyone who will venture himself to spend the night here, can hear how the organ music is spread over the dungeons. At the same time, any psychological disorders and hallucinations are exactly accurately excluded, scientists and psychologists and psychologists have repeatedly made.

According to legend, the body in the catacomb began to sound after the burial in them a talented young musician. The ability to handle musical instruments caused suspicion of the Inquisition. The young man was accused of collusion with the devil and buried alive in one of the many rooms. From this time on the day of the death of an organist in the dungeons you can hear a surprisingly beautiful melody.

Plates for tourists on the walls of catacombs

And if the skeptics do not believe in the ghost, they still do not believe, then there will be something in the catacombs that makes doubting his own judgments of any scientist. So, in one of the halls was discovered with a luminous red staircase. Explain where it leads and why glows, still can not.

Luminous tunnel

In addition, one of the metro tunnels passing through the catacombs radiates green luminescent light. The cause of the glow is the coating of the zinc silicate camp. As this rather rare mineral got into the tunnel, it is also unknown.

Paw triangle

Zone M located in the Perm Territory. It is a whole complex of anomalous places, in each of which their own inexplicable phenomena occurs: behind the clock arrows, the compass does not work, the glowing balls are detected.

Zones of abnormal origin inside the prayer triangle

It is known since the late 1980s of the last century as an aliens habitat. Eyewitnesses argue that in this place they have repeatedly managed to see the flying plates and aliens themselves. Some lucky people managed to even establish telepathic contact with alien guests, which for a long time they wrote both local and foreign newspapers.

Pavel Globa believesThat it was in the prayer triangle that the ancient prophet Zarathustra was born, therefore, without alien and unusual traces, this can be considered holy.

Scientists are not taken to refute fiction, but also do not confirm them. It is reliably known that a prayer stone was located in these places, and the remains of pagan idols were preserved.


In the colorful and rich legends of Mexican culture, many mention of places are preserved, where strange and terrible things begin to occur with a person. One of these places is called Chavinda. It is located away from large cities, but is the goal of many seekers of acute sensations.

In Chavinda

Locals believe that there is an intersection of worlds on a small plateau. With visitors really, low-incurred things happen - cars break, it seems that it cannot be, incomprehensible sounds are heard. Naturally, no one has fallen here and disappeared, but the place is really interesting and more than strange. Night in the tent on the plateau will not be bothering anyone.

Costda Aquirtas

The ancient city was once located on one of the most lively trade routes of the world - silk. The first mention of him is fixed in the diary of the Chinese monk Chan Chuna, who traveled along these lands at the beginning of the XIII century. According to his records, the city of red stone stood on the way with large burial grounds in the form of a large bear.

The remains of the ancient city

The first studies of the settlements were held in the second half of the XIX century. Unfortunately, to detect traces of unknown medieval builders failed. The scale and technique of the execution of houses and protective structures will form each. Some of the stones used in the construction are so heavy that even modern technique can hardly raise them.

Dead lake

Near the village Gerasimovka (Kazakhstan) there is an amazing lake, the locals are called dead. It has 100 meters long and 60 - width. Located in the mountainous terrain, it rightfully deserves his bad fame. In this lake, not to find a single fish or plant. The drowned bodies of people do not float to the surface, it is not possible to detect them.

Sloat the dead lake

Locals bypass by water, believing that he is cursed. According to one of the legends, the jealous groom was drowned in this lake his not guilty to the bride, since that time there were truly terrible things.

You can swim in the lake, but the village of it never do. The greeted resting can be pulled at the bottom of the dead. People walking along the shores often disappear, but always are, however, in a completely unexpected places for them.

Plateau Ustyurt

A huge white-named plateau, spreading in the territories of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Due to the low temperatures in winter and destroying all the living summer heat of the plateau almost uninhabited. Tourists are also a bit that they associate not with the lack of what would have to look at, but with abnormal phenomena, here, what is happening (perfume, voices and ghosts are just a little of what can be found on an absolutely lifeless white plain).

At Plateau Ustyurt

At the Plateau Ustyurt is quite a few above-ground and underground structures, the nature of which could not be established. None known to scientists civilization left similar traces of its existence.

The remains of stone men, closed in military uniforms, were also discovered. The real army, although Stone, is still terrified on those who decided to make a long and dangerous tour of the plateau.

Lake Kok-Kohl

Located in the mountainous terrain of Kazakhstan, it is not easy to get to him, and it is not necessary, because it is known as one of the most mystical places of this region. The reservoir never dries, even in the hot weather, water remains cool and crystal clear.

Moreover, its level does not decrease, which contradicts all physical laws. Locals are called the lives of live lake, which is associated with the unexpected appearance on his stroits of racing water films, which falls on everything on the surface. It is definitely not worth swim in such a reservoir, according to the legend, protects his local spirit of Aydahar, is extremely zealous to any aliens.

Beauty and danger

Shepherds tell stories that the lake in their eyes absorbed birds and animals, which suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence in the depths of the reservoir of some prehistoric creature. Some Ufology claims to have seen how an animal rather similar to anaconda crawled out of the water.

The bottom of the lake is not, in what had to be convinced by divers, one of which almost died. Drawn into the whirlpool, he could not get on the surface and sailing through the network of underground caves, got out of the water only a few kilometers from the dive site.

Diavol trap

Mysterious and dangerous place is located in the city of Taka to Sicily. The devil's trap is called due to a strange incident that happened to the locals of Alberto Gordoni in 1753. Going out into the yard of her house, this man was dissolved in the air in front of friends and relatives. The search for him was done not one year, but the traces could not be detected.

The devil traps - places where people disappear and appear - there are many on Earth. Bypassing them, previously helped faith in legends and myths. In the age of rationalism, a person is such a possibility is devoid, because cases of disappearance of people are recorded everywhere.

It is likely that they would have forgotten about the incident, but after 22, the missing appeared from nowhere in the same place, where disappeared. He did not come or a bit and was confident that there was no no more than a few hours.

Medieval manor - intersection times

The time traveler was placed in a psychiatric hospital, being in the walls of which told about disembodied spirits, bodies without soul, forever living people and funnels in space and time. The only one who believed him was Dr. Mario. The doctor decided personally to attend the place of disappearance along with the missing themselves. What was his horror when, barely stepping into the yard of his former house, Albert disappeared again. This time he failed to return. A frightened doctor ordered to escape the place of a high wall and punished with anyone to him not approach him.

Valley Yarla

Amazing beauty for beauty, located among the mountain peaks of Altai. The valley is considered a place of force, they come here those who dream to join nature, meditate, feel proximity to the Divine.

In the center of the valley there is a wisdom stone, also known as a shaman stone, or a world stone. The weather here changes every 5-10 minutes. Many believe that UFOs arrive in the valley, but they are invisible for ordinary people. There are those who claim that concentrating and putting on the shaman's stone, you can get through the portal to other countries and even changes.

Valley Yarla

Even if nothing unusual during the trip does not happen, the Valley of the Yarl still deserves attention. This is a great place that does not yet keep a trace of human civilization.

Abnormal zones of the Kaluga region

Kaluga region is rich in abnormal zones. These are Koltsovsky caves, and the Popovsky Bridge, and the town of Kurgan, the damn fortification. Many local residents will be happy to tell the legend of the Kanishchensky pond and inexplicable phenomena, regularly occurring in the villages of the rope, Nikitsky, black stream, shigs, Oharkovo, careful.

Index sign of travel to the damn fortress

So, walking in the forest, the villagers of the village of Verevka discovered that in the height of the summer, the leaves on the trees wishes and trembled, as if the late autumn began, the air temperature dropped sharply. Overlooking an abnormal place for several hundred meters, they were convinced that in the surrounding world nothing had changed, the summer continues. The researchers who arrived at the scene took place at least 12 km in 40 minutes, without noticeing how quickly they overcame the path to which at least 2 hours is required.

Announcement helps to attract tourists

In local forests there are much more mysterious things - people disappear and are located away from the place of disappearance, UFOs are flying, like aliens are pacing at home. Deaf, and sometimes abandoned villages - reliable keeper of ancient legends and prophecies.

Mystic Sochi.

Krasnodar edge full of secrets and mysteries. It was near Sochi, stone houses of the dwarfs were found, and the Witch Valley in the Shapsug Abnomalous Zone is famous for significant energy emissions adding or taking the forces of random travelers.

Sochi is interesting not only for lovers of ancient and mysterious places, but also for those who dream to meet with a real ghost. According to the assurances of Ufologov, in the sanatorium "Green Grove" appears the spirit of Stalin, and in the hotel "Rodina" - the ghost of Yuri Gagarin.

Tourists are the greatest interest among tourists - stone houses of dwarfs. According to legend, dwarfs dwell high in the mountains, owned magic, were cunning, but weak.

Ancient facilities

Once, descending into the valley, they met stupid, but very strong giants. Dwarfs enslaved giants and forced them to build strong stone houses, where it would be convenient for them to live.

Swamp fear and wandering stones

At the thresholds of the Manchuro-Korean mountains there is an anomalous zone, known as the Moychi, or a swamp of fear. In the middle of the last century, over hundreds of soldiers lost in these places, well-preserved corpses of which local residents still find, and this is despite the fact that the climate is wet here. All the dead found lay on his back, their hands were folded on the chest, there were no visible damage on the body.

Horrible swamp

According to the legend, a huge white worm in the swamp lives, the breath of which is so poisonous that people who fell on the swamp will die instantly. The worm of you who liked him will drag into the swamp and eats, "tasteless" leaves on the surface.

Locals are trying not to enter the swamps, and if it is impossible, then do it most carefully. The threat is in itself not only breathing water, but also the nearby Hill Segan. At this hill repeatedly observed such a rare phenomenon as wandering stones. Living on top of the hill of the wind of the wind does not like people and therefore moves big boulders to intimidate the aliens and make the place belonging to him.

Secrets of Kolomensky Ovraga

In the Kolomenskoye Reserve there is a large voice ravine, at the bottom of which are two large boulders - the Virian and Gus. Each of them weighs at least 5 tons and, according to legend, stones are the remains of a snake destroyed by George Victorious. Stone boulders are considered magic, the desire will surely come true. Some believe that stones are capable of returning men's power.

Sowing at Stone

Despite the miraculous power of the stones, the ravine itself is not considered a good place. Travelers stop working compass, mobile phones are discharged, and in the sky a trail of unknown objects is seen, at night you can see the UFO itself.

People disappear in the voice ravine, and time stops. Cases were repeatedly recorded, which decades later appeared in the same place, arguing that only a few minutes had passed. Anomalous energy activity makes people stay away from this place.

Where trees are growing mutants

Residents and guests of Yakutsk, who decided to wander around the forest near the third kilometer of the Magic path, are faced with an amazing natural phenomenon - an unusual shape of pine trees and other trees. All of them are located close to the former military unit, which is once a special protected area. In the taiga, you can often find sparkle trees, but in such quantities, no one has ever found them.

Crowded trees

The shape of the trees is fancy, to explain the cause of her scientists not in power. Ufologists believe in aliens, skeptics argue that it is all about the emission and experiments on this military base. It is also unknown to reliably about experiments, but mushrooms on the territory of the abandoned part grow in large quantities even in a lack of town year.

Mystery of Patom Krater.

Patomic crater is located in the Irkutsk region in a deep taiga. Yakuts call this place the society of the fiery eagle and consider damned. The cause of his education, according to scientists, is a meteorite, alien guests are not considered something rare here. The last major meteorite, falling in 2003, made this zone of hundreds of animals and birds leave this zone. Places for a long time became uninhabited. Ufology is trying to find a connection between the Patomic crater and circles on Lake Baikal. According to one of the versions, at least 300 years ago, a big ship of the aliens failed here, which had an impact on all nearby territories.

Patomic crater

In the crater repeatedly and with mysterious circumstances, people died. The place is considered extremely dangerous.

Desert Gobi and its inhabitants

It is one of the most extensive and minor deserts of the world. Located in the southern part of Mongolia and occupies a huge territory within China. It is known thanks to the ancient legends and legends, as well as the events of modernity, leading to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe abnormal origin of this place. So, according to one of the legends, the ancient worm of Oleg-Khorhi dwells in the desert, capable of killing at a distance. Every year, dozens of expeditions are sent to search for this creature and not all of them are returned back.

Those who forever took the desert

In 1995, the archaeological excavations producing scientists discovered the skulls of horned people. The discovery was classified, but the information was penetrated into the press that experts could not prove the existence of fake. The skulls were genuine and, apparently, their presence means the existence of some race in ancient times, whose heads were decorated with horns. After another 4 years, archaeologists have discovered the skeleton of a giant man in a stone rock, the external data of which were similar to man-like monkeys.

In about 1970, in the desert Gobi, unusual cases of UFO activity were recorded. There are no eyewitnesses of those events, but they rummed about a certain war between the aliens, the bridgehead for which the Earth became a bridgehead.

Messenitskaya Rud - Mysterious Polygon

One of the strongest abnormal zones in Russia. A lot of tunnels are located near the grocery, the weather above the anomaly is unstable, thunderstorms with lightning and thunder are not considered rare. At the same time, the lightning strikes in the earth never fall into those places where the tunnels are.

The builders of these tunnels are unknown, for the last time they were used to civil war. During the war, the moves in the tunnel blew up, and since then no one can find them. But without tunnels, this is quite mysterious, there are often hundreds of trees burned on one side and tied to extraordinary knots.

Note in the newspaper

The reason for regularly driving in the earth of the lightning and curvatured trunks of trees to scientists could not find out. Ufology suggests that the Medolitskaya ridge is used as a cosmic polygon. A guesses of this kind are supported by the presence of modified gravity in this place. Unfortunately, fix this UFO still fails.

Kolate Syakhyl

The mysterious mountain of the Dead, located in the Urals and is a place where the extremely dangerous and destructive phenomenon occurs. The local tribe of Mansi argues that all the passers-by kills the mountain. In the tribe, there is a legend that 9 of his members went through the pass and disappeared without a trace, their bodies were not found.

Everything that remains from the Dyatlov expedition

Holate Syyyl is the place of death of the famous Dyatlov expedition. Nine tourists went to conquer the mountain peak, but they were found away from the place of bed at night and in a terrible state. They were all dead, and the bodies are mutilated - frivolous eyes, broken bones, torn languages.

Tourists were found in different places, some of them were completely alien clothes that did not belong to any of the members of the expedition. The story of the death of the Dyatlov Expedition is set out in the Mystery of the Mystery of Dyatlov's Mystery.

Cherto cemetery

The land plot with a diameter of up to 300 meters, located at the foot of the Kova River. It is a place with scorched land. For many decades on the scorched Earth, nothing above the grass is growing.

Flying over the damn cemetery and running animals immediately die.

Cherto cemetery

Local residents bypass him and believe that one who shakes on black land is waiting for an ambulance and fast death. Ufology believes that an unusual abnormal phenomenon is associated with a Tungusse meteorite.

Yakut Valley of Death

The mythical zone in the Vilyuh river valley. Anyone who dared to tumble in this looks with a completely safe place, sick. With a re-nighting room, a man awaited death. It is a valley of death of a kind of crater with a metal main.

Valley of death

Rumor a giant iron boiler in this place in this place, the bottom of which is the lowest point of the valley. The origin of the mysterious boiler or several boilers is associated with:

  • the fall of the spacecraft;
  • the remains of the alien base;
  • ruins of the city built by ancient civilization;
  • geological formations of unknown nature;
  • hallucinations under the influence of methane;
  • nuclear tests.

At the bottom of the local lakes, strange stones and items are found.

Every year, travelers who are interested in all anomalous, local inhabitants bypass are visited annually.

Death Valley in Sichuan Province

The valley of death, or the hosted of a black bamboo, is located in the southwest of China and has a bad reputation. Not only people, but also animals disappear here. Locals are afraid of this place. You can choose a conductor among them only for big money. At the same time, it is not a fact that the Valley let the aliens.

Mysterious and terrible place

Ufologists believe that a strange fog, sometimes covering the valley, hides the ships of arriving aliens, who are engaged in the abduction of people. Local believe in the spirits and a giant man-eater, destroying all living in the area. And since it is almost impossible to explain the scientific language, the valley of death deserves the attention of fans of the mysterious. Over 100 people disappeared on its expanses.

All you wanted to know about the anomalies and mystical places of the planet, look for here:

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubayev The necessary words and your faith is the key to success in perfect ritual. I will provide information to you, but its implementation directly depends on you. But you should not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!