Russian names before the baptism of Rus pagan. Why exactly compound names? Why forgot old names

Russian names before the baptism of Rus pagan. Why exactly compound names? Why forgot old names
Russian names before the baptism of Rus pagan. Why exactly compound names? Why forgot old names

Until the end of the years, the Russian people have not yet accepted Christianity and worshiped several gods. Respectively, old Russian names For children were pagan. After the adoption of Christianity, the confrontation between the familiar and christian names.

Adding the name

The most important rite of Christianity is baptism. After the birth of a child, it must be painted and give orthodox name any saint. Old Russian names are gradually replaced by Christian.

But church names for their origin are not the original Russians. They went from the ancient Greek, Hebrew, Roman languages. For a long time, the church forbid the names of Old Russian origin in every way. After all, they were pagan, and the state was Christian.

Worldly name

Yet people are difficult to immediately re-educate, therefore, along with the name given in baptism, the kids were given and familiar ancient Russian names. It turned out that the child had church name And the so-called worldly. So the name of the baby was called in a narrow family circle. Gradually, with strengthening the positions of the Church and the faith of people, home names turned into nicknames.

You can bring some examples of such double names. Boyarov, who received the name of Fedor, at the baptism, the road was called, or the prince, the name of Mikhailo, the Svyatopolk was called in everyday life. Such examples are often found in the ancient books or novels of Russian classics.

Names in pre-revolutionary Russia

IN pre-revolutionary Russia Old Russian names are generally out of use. During the week after birth, parents were obliged to paint the child and give him a name for the church calendar.

But for kids from the rich, influential family, the name was chosen by his parents, depending on the prowance and their preferences. The church did not want to spoil relations with his benefactors and did not want to lose charitable contributions.

And when the baby was baptized from poor familyThe priest could choose a name from the church book, depending on birth time. The opinion of the parents could not even be taken into account, and the name did not always sound beautifully and harmoniously.

Exists interesting factassociated with the name and well-being of the family. Historians found that by name it was possible to determine the belonging to the class. So, B. peasant families Girls often called Vasilisa, Fedosya, Fekla. Never have noble families called so their daughters. Rich I. ruling families They gave their daughters such names as Elizabeth, Olga, Alexander, Catherine. There were no such names in peasant families.

Old Russian names and their meaning

As a rule, when you hear ancient russian name, it is possible and without translation to understand what it means.

Old Russian male names

  • Here, for example, Svyatoslav. It is clear that the name is formed from the words "Holy" and "Glory".
  • Vsevolod is a man who owns everyone.
  • Boguil - it is immediately clear what kind of name it is. Baby Bogmy - a cute God.
  • Or the warmers means cute for everyone.

Very interesting were the names that children received, depending on how they were in the family, they were. For example, if the third son was born in the family, he was given the name of Traian. The first son was called the first, and the second - the second.

Old Russian women's names

With the names for girls, too, almost always everything is clear.

  • Just like a boy boguli, the girl was called Bogumila.
  • Blazena is happy, and the bazhen is desirable. By the way, sometimes you can meet the name of Bazhen.
  • Darina - this man.
  • Krasimir - the beauty of the world.

But not everything is so definitely

For example, the name is the nestro. Association immediately arises " acute world". But this somehow does not fit in understanding. Or the name giroslav. It is clear that something is famous. But what?

A dictionary of the Old Russian language comes to the rescue. So, the word "fat" meant wealth and abundance. It is clear now that the name Giroslav means "wealth of glory."

The word "spinner" means "brave", therefore, butter - "brave world". Although, of course, with a modern understanding, it sounds a little strange.

  1. Radomir;
  2. Vladimir;
  3. Ratimim;
  4. Guestsmire and many similar.

Older community names are returned

After the October Revolution, the ancient Russian pagan names gradually began to return to everyday life. This is due to the fact that young parents wanted to move away from the soles and give the baby a beautiful name.

But at the same time, the revolution and electrification made their changes - Vseslav, Yaromir, Ogneslala, Zarina and Liliana were now ran through the streets.

Of course, period soviet power made their own adjustments. The names associated with ideology, such as a turbine or Dazpperm, entered the fashion. But still the mind takes the top - the Russian people want to return to their roots.

The children who gave beautiful ancient Russian names began to appear. It sounds beautifully, when the girl is called a revolution, but Lyubava or Milica. They became fashionable such names as Muse, Nelly, Rosalia, Svyatoslav and Yaromir.

Of course, not all names returned, many are unlikely to come down. Not every parent now wants to call the child, for example, stop foam or oxygen. But still, most of them, the old Russian names are very beautiful, and most importantly - it is clear to the Russian person what they mean. Without translation it becomes clear that the owner is the ruler, and Lubomir is a loved one of the world.

Name as a person characteristic

In ancient Russia named gave great importance. Parents tried to impose a child to highlight his belonging to the family and family. Names could be given to those defined any qualities desired for a child. Also, the name of the person, determined its position in society.

In ancient times, the name could stick to the person and in adulthood. So, if a person had certain features of appearance, the name could personify them. You can easily guess what people were with the names of Kudryash, Mal, Chernysh.

Or these names indicating certain specific traits: Melnik, Dobryak, Molchan, brave.

As already written above, depending on what kind of child in the family, he was named: Heart or Tretyak, senior, Menshk.

In the literature, you can often find the names indicating the profession. Especially popular names Kozhemyaka, warrior and seliner. After reading this, you might think that these are nicknames or nicknames. But people were actually so called, and this is confirmed by the documents available at the disposal of historians. Although there was no special difference at the time in Russia between the name as such and the nickname.

And what about girls?

Studying ancient-Russian names, you can find a lot of nicknames for men. But with the girls everything is somewhat different. Why?

It's all about the position of a woman in society. Once girls do not fight for their rights, but always their influence on the life of the state is implicit. And, accordingly, not so many historically recorded facts of famous female names.

Old Russian women's names as independently formed were very rare. As a rule, they took place from male.

  • Gorislav - Gorislav;
  • Vladimir - Vladimir;
  • Owned - owned;
  • Svyatoslav - Svyatoslav.

In part, this is the fact that women were in some part are deprived, girls gradually began to give Christian names more often. If in the case of men often existed double namesFor example, Svyatoslav-Nikola, then the girls had only one - Olga, Elizabeth, Anna.

In addition, over time, on behalf of the Father, the middle name is gradually begin to produce. First, to determine the belonging to the family, the child could be called Pantelee, Miroslav Son. Then the soffix "-ich" was added to the name. Such liberty was permitted first only by noble people. But soon this tradition passed through everywhere.

IN modern society It is no longer possible to do without the middle name. Especially at the solemn and official events, it is even necessary. But first, such a privilege was given only to the highest class. Only after the cancellation of the serfdom, the ordinary man was allowed to give and wear patronymic.

Most Russian men's names that we face daily, we are so familiar and familiar to us that we perceive them as Russian names, especially without thinking about their origin. In fact, the initial Russians in modern society remained literally units. Really Russian men's names, having Slavic roots, turned out to be with the time of the displaced names of Greek, Latin (Roman), Jewish, Scandinavian origin. To date, most of the male names borrowed from other nations have been considered Russians for a long time, although they actually have foreign roots.

Russian men's names of Slavic origin

Among the first male names that appeared in Russia, there are very few things that "lived" to the present day. The overwhelming majority of truly Russian Slavic male names have long been forgotten and exist only in archival materials left by our ancestors. And sorry, because it is very beautiful male names!

Russian men's names of Greek origin

Borrowed men greek names Almost in all European languages \u200b\u200barrived. They are in Russian. A lot of Russian male names of foreign origin have Greek roots. After the adoption of Christianity in Russia, children were given names for baptism. The priest chose the name of the child according to the sacnesses.

Russian men's names of Latin (Roman) origin

Among the Russian men's names there are many and those who have Latin roots. The value of these male names is based on Latin origin.

Russian men's names of Jewish origin

Many male names also have jewish roots. Even, it would seem Russian name Ivan in fact, - jewish originAnd it is formed from the Hebrew word Yahweh, which means - God pardoned.

Unusual "new" men's names were invented during the boom on neologisms in the USSR. Some of these male names were also known and earlier, but on the consonance with the realities of Soviet times they received wider distribution.

IN Ancient Russia believed that with the name of a man are transmitted and those properties that are concluded in lexical meaning. It was believed that the stranger should not be informed not to be influenced by his witchcraft. Ancient male Russian names and their meanings were peculiar characteristics of people.

It so happened that Russian men's names are represented only by invalid by Russian names, but also Greek, Roman, Jewish. That is why the choice of names for parents is great. In Russian families, parents can give their son any favorite name. Thus, the ancestors and traditions, Russians call their sons in honor of the grandfather and great-grandfather, outstanding historical figures, politicians, artists.

I must say that most of Modern Russian men's names do not really have Slavic or Russian origin. And all because in the 19th century about the original Russian names were forgotten, replacing them with more sound and interesting Byzantine, Greek, Babylonian and Syrian names.

Currently popular in Russian families enjoy the Hebrew names, for example, Daniel, Gabriel, Zakhar, Semyon. And all because they are beautiful, sonorous, but at the same time quite strong and volitional.

If you do not want to retreat from traditions and go to your son traditional Russian male name, Close to the following names: Bronislav, Bogdan, Vladimir, Gleb, Yaroslav. Agree, these Russian men's names are not deprived of nobility, strength, courage peculiar to strong and endless Russian warriors.

Each name, once invented by people, carries the meaning. Older Women's names are characterized by beauty and uniqueness, because they appeared in different periods The long-suffering history of ancient Russia. The wealth of female names had to taste modern parents, and many girls are wary old names. Melody I. deep meaning attract not only Russians, but also other nations.

It is impossible to find out the origin of absolutely all vintage names, but research does not stop. Names are the source of history and traditions, with their help, you can learn about the ancestors, their views, look at the world by their eyes. Names help contemporaries to find out how their ancestors treated people.

Explore older women's names are even harder, because they usually had several values \u200b\u200band interpretations. In different regions, one name could be denoted different phenomena And things. Therefore, today one name accounts for several versions.

Names and traditions

In the old days, children called the names that characterized the habits or appearance. It was an ancient tradition, because people have long been believed that the name is the fateful code. So the names of Girls Krasawa appeared, wise.

It is worth noting that such a tradition was not only in the Slavs. Indians and the Chinese also magazed children in accordance with traditions. In India, they gave characteristic names, like Ayashi (small), Eugee (Great). The Chinese tried to give a child awful nameSince they believed that bad perfumes can get sick on your beloved child, and if you call it almost offensively, the perfume will think that this child does not like. It concerned the boys more, although the girls had gave strange names.

Slavs gave great importance to the family and classes, some names are even associated with the birth of children's birth. So Lydia will mean the "first". Popular was the name of the first.

Slavs believed that the name is the key to inner world And gave girls to two names. So the tradition appeared to choose a name for people and for the family. The first spoke to everyone, and the second knew only the closest, and it kept the secret good meaning. The first was usually ugly and repulsive, but allowed to protect the true of bad languages.

The second name was given only at a certain age when the teenager showed character. However, the tradition did not fit - usually the girl was the one that it was characterized by the first name. The second name, in view of not used, lost its value.

Church calendars

After making Christianity, the names entered into church calendarsAnd as if the child was given to the protection of the guardian angel. As you know, not all of the Slavs willingly accepted the customs of Christianity, so for a long time children, in parallel with Christian names, gave old pagan nicknames. Later, many of them became modern last names.

However, the pressure of Christianity was great. Closer to 17th century, many ancient Russian women's names came out of everybody. They were replaced by the names of states that distributed Christianity or were influential at the time - Byzantia, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Syria. Many names were converted to the Russian manner, and, for example, Evdokia turned out instead of Avdati. Today, many would be surprised how in the original they sounded their names.

Only the names of the saints remained unchanged. Ancient tradition Two named to give a child and in Russia, but the second name, which were given during baptism, were usually not used. The second name was often Greek.

Church list grants a large number of female names. Choose names can be both believers Christians and atheists. Moreover, the calendar allows you to choose a name for the month and even the birthday. Call the child across the sacnesses, it means to give him protection from the saint, revered on this day. There is another tradition, choose the saint on the eighth day after birth. If there are no soles on his birthday, then choose the name of the saint, commemorated on a fortieth day. Previously, the child baptized on this day.

It is also allowed to use a male name if there is no feminine in the sacnesses. Therefore, there are so many dolebral names (Eugene, Alexander, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav).

Types of Russian names

Slavs unequivocally loved beautiful dibasic names. For example, Svetozara, Miroslav, Lyubomir, Dobrognev ,. Often girls were called the names that emphasized certain traits of their character. So the names of Arina (calm), Probula (kind), Barbara (Wild), Svetlana (Light), Arseny (Multi) appeared. Since the Slavs revered the cult of animals and plants, many girls' names are taken from the world of flora and fauna. This is Azalea, Akulina, Pike.

There were names borrowed from the gods. The famous was considered the goddess of the morning dawn, Apollinaria - the goddess of the Sun (about ancient Greek God Sun Apollo), the goddess of beauty and love Lada. Some invalid Russian names were changed gestures (bazhen). IN separate group included names for princely children (Vyacheslav).

Today you can find old slavic nameswho actually had only the Slavic root. There were names that were translated Greek and Roman.

A complete list of beautiful names of antiquity is impossible to assemble, but here are some of the most popular:

- Summer.

- Gotting.

Agnes - chaste.

Vesta - keeper of a homemade hearth.

- Favorites.

Bela is beautiful.

Hell - decorating.

- serene.

Bogdan - given by God.

Agnia is immaterial.

Probula - kind.

- reigning.

Beatrice - blessing.

Evraxia - Virtue.

Casimir - showing the world.

Ariadne - Sleeping.

- Defender.

Joy - joy.

Svetlana - light.

Milan - cute.

Otrada - Otrada.

Blue - meek.

Mstislava - revenge and glory.

Lyubomila - love and peace.

- Cold.

Ladoslav - Flood.

Lubomudra is loving wisdom.

Fireland - bright.

Arrow - Arrow.

Mlada - young.

Snow white - snow-white.

Milongega is cute and gentle.

Diva - Divine.

Domoslav - famous house.

Challava - Fame.

Radmila is a cute joy.

Slavanya - famous.

Lyubogneva - Loving to be angry.

Rusana - Blonde.

Prosta - sweet.

The discontinuity is beautiful.

Dobye - making good.

Spring - Spring.

Zhdanan - desirable.

Yaromila is a cute crown.

In the 19th century, many olderous names There were subsaars. The use of Russian versions of foreign names:

- Alien.

- comforting.

Ursula is curious.

Irma is neat.

- Chernoglazaya.

Nelly - inattentive.

- Honest.

- skillful.

Do you choose a name for a newborn son? Parents always dream that their child is the happiest and healthy. And the first thing you can do for it is to give the right name. After all, the name is a sign that affects not only on character, but also on the fate of a person.

But the problem is that, firstly, the list of names is huge. Secondly, I would like to consider strong and colastic Slavic male names that became popular again. In the article you will learn what traditions existed in the advent of boys in Russia and what the Slavic names denoted.

What did boys called in Russia?

Our ancestors, Slavs, were strong and beautiful people. Rus was famous for its heroes, and their names were bright. We will learn about this from folk fairy tales, epic. The poem "Word about the regiment of Igor" represents us a number of beautiful heroes With memorable names.

Picking up the Slavic name for the boy, our ancestors paid special attention to his meaning. It should have be sure to reflect the character of the nature of the future man, warrior or the successor of the genus - grandfather, father. The names of men differed from the names of the peoples of other countries with their relationship with nature, gods and native.

Slavic names for boys were chosen by their parents depending on the kind of employment, in honor nice ancestorsBased on the quality of the child's nature.

    For example, Dobrynya is kind,

    Vsevolod - owning everything

    Rhoderomyr - bearing peace and many others.

Sons were called in honor of the pagan gods: the name of the Yaromir consists of two roots - Yarilo (the God of the Sun) and the world.

There were names that mean the order of the child's birth in the family: the first, the second, the Tretyak.

The most common group is represented by two-axis names: Bogdan, Vsevolod, Svezar, Svyatoslav, Ratibor, Tikhomir, Yaropolk.

There were names related to mythical characters, representatives of flora and fauna, natural phenomena: Brave, pike, hare, Yarilo, Lada.

Why are Slavic male names forgotten?

Basically, this was influenced by the baptism of Russia, which occurred in the 10th century. Pagan beliefs were replaced by a national uniform religion. With the change of faith change occurred in the lives of people, their life, worldview.

The prohibitions were imposed on the original Slavic names, so gradually they left the memory, forgotten. They came to replace the Hebrew, Byzantine, Greek, Babylonian, Syrian names. In the 19th century, Russian names remained very little, families and Latin origin appeared in families. IN modern Russia Boys with ancient Russian names on statistics were only 5%.

How to recognize Slavic names?

Men's Slavic names had sacred meaning. They are beautiful, harmonious, as well as volitional, strong. You can simply recognize them. Usually, there are two bases in their composition: the first - the main thing and was given at the birth of a child, the second was added when the boy grew and had certain merits, he showed himself something. For example,

    Absier - born on the first day of spring,


    Dairoslav - giving word

    Yaropolk is a hot warrior.

Slavic names for boys

In the Slavic nameslo, there were a lot of names before. Currently, most of them are completely forgotten. So, if you want to call your baby with the traditional Slavic name, then take a look at the next list.

Abso - Talented, congenital creative principle.

Agnehron. - Strong, fast, need to dominate.

Agniy - a tendency to continuous movement, a bright man.

Aliya - Active, always something busy, turbulent energy.

Bazhen - Write, beloved.

Belimir - The sacred world, full of love and compassion.

Belogor - White mountain, has a strong character.

Beloslav. - Pragmatik, seeks to die itself.

Belomir - honest, active.

Beloyar - Sacred rage, a bright person, eager for everything that a person can enjoy.

Bogdan - Confident, loyal friend.

Boolslav. - Beautiful, confident and has a strong character.

Bobeslav. - Friendly and polite.

Bogolep - God created.

Bogumil - Cute God, reliable.

Boguir.- friend for everyone.

Bracery. - Capacked avalanche and changeability.

Bleslav - It has the ability to forgive and high spiritual qualities.

Boleslav - Aligned, special, hearing.

Borislav. - fighting for glory, outstanding mind.

Bratislav. - sociable, cheerful.

Bronislav - purposeful, persistent, principled.

Budislav - Will be glorious, master of business, society.

Beslav. - Similar storms, uncomplicable.

Budimimer - Good, loves nature, has a sense of beautiful.

Vadyslaw. - owning glory, volitional, strong, successful.

Velbor - Great wrestler.

Venislav - crowned with glory, calculating, successful.

Vitoslav.- Symbol of reliability.

Vladimir - The Lord of the World, the leader.

Vsevolod - All-word, gift to convince, courageous, solid.

Vslav - Allily, famous.

Vyacheslav - Clear, desire for leadership, sociable.

Gradimir - Good organizer, sociable.

Gleb - Blum, decisive, fair.

Godimirthe right world, idealist, seeks to improve the world.

Gorisvet - Clear, intellectual, balanced.

Gorislav. - Burning glory, healthy, strong, hardy.

G. - Talented, cheerful, versatile.

Daniyar - smart, possessing knowledge.

Daromir - independent, brave.

Divislav. - Amazing, full energy, active.

Dobrolyub - Good and loving.

Dobroslav. - famous for good.

Dobrynya - Good, delete, the best.

Drogoslavstrong personality, purposeful.

Even - Practical, reliable, love science.

Zhislav - Brave, independent, decisive.

Zheteslav. - Fair, active, strong.

Zvenislav - Wise, self-sufficient, successful.

Zelislav - Cheerful, sociable.

Zlatoslav - Philosophical warehouse of thinking, easily assisters foreign languages.

Zlatozar - disinterested, intuition is developed, honest.

Igor - Careful, attentive.

Krasimir - Beautiful and peaceful.

Ladislav - balanced, judged, successful.

Lyoslav. - bold and independent.

Miloslav - glorifying world, famous peacefulness.

Oleg - Company soul, decisive, reliable.

Peresvet. - Independent, courageous, strong character.

Radium - Talented in art, sport, cheerful.

Radislav - Reliable, conscientious, sensible.

Ratislavstrong-willed, loves power.

Ratmir. - Warrior of the world, hospitable, purposeful, cunning.

Svezar - Thrust, independent, sociable.

Sveoslav - Dipmatitis, practical, has the power of will.

Tikhomyr - Peaceful, good-natured, friendly.

Yaril - Sun, God.

Yaromil - Confident, positive, friendly.

Yaromir - Calm, balanced, lovely.

Yaroslav - Sports, stubborn, strives for victory, success.

Yaropolk - Nice warrior, leader, independent, started, has a strong energy.

Of course, this submitted list cannot be called complete, but it gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the Old Male names were.

Men's Slavic names again in fashion

After analyzing the values \u200b\u200bof the Value Names, you, of course, agree that they sound melodiously, full of nobility, courage, strength. They are laid deep meaning and powerful positive energy. Than more men With such names, the better the world becomes healthier. This is the return to their origins, roots. Slavic names are energetically much stronger than alienated. And what more people Wearing names with positive energy, the better and cleaner the energy infestation background of the Earth.

Of course, no one calls you, parents, completely abandon usual names, such as Danil, Maxim, Arthur, Artyom, Egor, Arseny, Nikita, Semyon, Konstantin, Alexander, Nikolay, Kirill.

Just among the ancient and forgotten there are many beautiful and noble. Having finished your child by the Old Slavonic name, you strengthen your genus, you make it stronger and purify from bad energy. This is the human name. The choice is yours.

In antiquity, people believed that there is a magical connection of man and his name. It was believed that not knowing the main name, it is impossible to cause a man evil. Therefore, often children were given in two names: the first - fraudulent, famous, and the second - secret, which only knew the closest. Secret name Widden to defend the child from the evil eye and evil spirits. False name sometimes specially made unattractiveTo deceive unclean power.

In adolescence, there was a rite of re-name. The young man was called in accordance with pronounced features and characteristics of the character, which manifested itself by this time.

History of origin

In the pre-Christian era, Slavic names reflected the meaning invested in reaction. Usually the name carried positive energy and expressed the hopes and wishes of the parents. Several options for the origin of Slavic names can be distinguished:

  • From weather phenomena (frost, wind), time of day (suedor, Zorona).
  • Of natural world: Fish (ERS, SOM), beasts (wolf, hare), bird (eagle, nightingale, raven).
  • According to the qualities of a person (clever, Dobryak, Molchan, silence). According to the nature of character: brave (brave, brave), Veselin (cheerful, naughty), offend (touchy).
  • According to external features (Kudryash, Mal, Chernysh). Strong older Slavonic boys Could call: Dube (strong, like oak), Gorislav (resistant, like a mountain).
  • The names from the verbs, the shorter (waiting, wants, found, Daren).
  • In order of birth: Numeral (first, spin, Tretyak, Sheack, nine), and ordinal (senior, Menshk).
  • From the pagan gods (Veles, Yarilo).
  • Negative names were chosen to protect against the evil eye (famously, malice, unexpected, fool), or as a reflection of physical disadvantages (Kriv, Nevzor, \u200b\u200bNekras).
  • By the nature of classes, professions - Kozhemyak, warrior, seliner. These names are similar to the nickname, but in fact they are confirmed by the preserved documents.
  • Names-derived from the names of other nations. From the ancient Gerromanic names of Hrodrik, Ingvar, Helg Ancient Russian Rurik, Igor, Oleg, occurred.
  • Complex or biennial names made up of two roots combined by connecting vowels.


Most of the Vine Slavic Names are represented by complex biennial names.. One root of such a name determined the quality (power, power, power, love), and the second root showed the scope of their use (all, people, good, gods, army). The laid meaning of such names can be determined intuitively for rumor. For example, Bogomil is a cute God, with a cute, Casimir - seems to show the world.

The tendency to military art was transmitted by names with military roots -polk, howl-, rati:

  1. Yaropolk.
  2. Ratibor.
  3. Ratislav.
  4. Vislav.

Prone to the study of spiritual sciences added the root of Holy -:

  1. Svyatoslav.
  2. Scholith.

Positive qualities were determined by the roots of good, cute, rado-, any -:

  1. Lubomir.
  2. Dob Nost.
  3. Radogub.

Some meanings are already difficult to determine the sound, because the meaning of words changed. For example, the root - sir meant abundance, wealth:

  1. Gossos.

The root - edge (spinner) meant a brave:

  1. Ostrich.
  2. Ostiml.

Korean -Slav spoke about princely origin name and highest estate. Handicrafts and peasants have the same names had simple suffixes and endings: -l (o), - "(a), -Sh (a), -n (I):

  1. Dobroslav - Dobrynya, Dobrya.
  2. Putyslaw - Putyat, batter.
  3. Stanislav - stanched.
  4. Mstislav - Realtilo, Mishina.


Many names of the ancient Slavic men were lost after the arrival of Christianity. On shift Slavyansky pagan gods Christianity came with a single God. With the change of faith there was a failure of names that included the names of the old gods (Yarilo, Veles). Part of the Vine Slavic Names were banned by the Christian Church.

Old Slavonic names were replaced by names from the Bible (Greek, Jewish, Roman and others). After the adoption of Christianity, children began to be called in honor of the Orthodox saints. For instance ancient name Ivan, which formed the basis of many folk fairy tales and seems to be invarious Russian, has happened from jewish name John, and appeared after the baptism of Russia.

Part of the Vine Slavic Names remained in everyday life, as worldly home names, they called the child in a family circle. Some of these names gradually turned into nicknames.

Many ancient names formed the basis of the surnames (Nenozhen - Nezhdanov, Wolf - Volkov, Nevzor, \u200b\u200bNevzorov, Nekras - Nekrasov, Molchanov - Molchanov, Hare - Zaitsev, Tretyak - Tretyakov, Evil - Evil, Eros - Putin, Eagle - Eagles Ershov).

Part of the Slavic names reached this day almost unchanged. Vladimir, Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Vladislav - remain popular and modern and now. These names wore rulers, princes, commander and governors, so they remained relevant for many centuries. Part of the Old Slavic names were canonized by the ChurchThe names were added according to them, these names were made to church calendars and remained:

  • Vladimir.
  • Bogdan.
  • Vsevolod.
  • Vladislav.
  • Yaroslav.

Full list of Old Slavic and their meanings

That's what the ancient names of Russian men:

  • Bazhen (welcome, beloved, God).
  • Bazan (Krikun).
  • Basilo (Balovnik, Shalun).
  • Belimir (white, light world).
  • Belogor (white mountain, sublime).
  • Beloslav (White, Light Glory).
  • Belyai (white, light).
  • Berislav (taking glory).
  • Bogdan (the gods of this).
  • Bogolyub (God loving).
  • Bogomir (God peace).
  • Boleslav (more nice, special).
  • Borimir (fighting for peace).
  • Borislav (fighting for glory).
  • Bratislav (brother, friend of glory).
  • Bronislaw (faithful glory).
  • Bryachl (nice warrior).
  • Budimir (Budy, Awakening World).
  • Burislav (stormy glory).
  • Vadim (disputing, proving).
  • Vadimir (attracting, calling).
  • Velizar (great dawn, a lot of light).
  • Velimir (great, big world).
  • Vibe (knowing).
  • Wevilin (cheerful, cheerful).
  • Vladimir (owning the world, aspiring).
  • Vladislav (owning glory).
  • Government (owned over the world).
  • Wistoislav (fighting for glory, nice warrior).
  • Volodar (owning will, lord).
  • Volga (Wizard, Bogatyr).
  • Tvoryslav (returning glory).
  • Vsevolod (owning everyone).
  • Vslav (the most nice, generous).
  • High (higher than other glory, glorified).
  • Vyacheslav (the most glorious, special).
  • Gleb (submitted to God, given under the protection of God).
  • Most (big, large, skillful).
  • Gorislav (flaming in glory).
  • Gradomir (creator of the world).
  • Gradislav (stored fame).
  • Gremslav (glorified loud).
  • Danislav (let it be glorious).
  • Darimir (Giving World).
  • Dobrolyub (kind, loving).
  • Dobroil (kind, cute).
  • Dobromysl (good thinking).
  • Dobroslav (famous good, nice good).
  • Dobrynya (kind, delete).
  • Dragomil (especially expensive, precious).
  • Dragomir (the current world, loved by everyone).
  • Druzhina (friend, comrade, or army, detachment).
  • Dusan (spiritual, spiritual).
  • Distiller (owning).
  • Even (clear sky, clear).
  • Waiting (desired, expected).
  • Zhteslav (famous life).
  • Zvgiga (shouting).
  • Zvenir (ringing about the world calling to consent).
  • Zlatan (gold, precious).
  • Zlatomir (Golden World).
  • Zlatoslav (Golden Glory).
  • Izyaslav (mined fame).
  • Jessel (be with glory).
  • Ostslav (the truth is nice).
  • Casimir (bearing peace, peace).
  • Krasimir (beautiful world).
  • Krasyslav (the beauty of glory).
  • Labuta (clumsy, wreath).
  • Ladimir (pacifying, in Lada with the world).
  • Ladislav (nice beauty, harmonious).
  • Lel (love, passionate).
  • Radiant (radiant, glowing).
  • Love (beloved).
  • Lubomir ( loving world, any world).
  • Lyubovysl (loving think).
  • Lyoslav (nice love).
  • Lyudmil (dear people).
  • Mal, Malyuta (small, kid).
  • Mountains (famous for the sword, the glorious warrior, valiant).
  • Milan (cute, gentle).
  • Milly (affectionate, caring).
  • Miloslav (cute glory).
  • Mirko (peaceful, calm).
  • Miroslav (glorious world, the famous world).
  • Molchan (Molchun, Little).
  • Mstislav (irreconcilable, ammunition for glory, glorious avenger).
  • Myslimir (thinking about the world).
  • Hopeing (Hope, Waiting).
  • Neetomir (gentle world).
  • Nikola (winner, warrior).
  • Obel (the only one in the account).
  • Oleg (sacred, dedicated).
  • Ostromir (piercing, brave world).
  • Ostrom (acutely thinking, brave thinking).
  • Peresvet (lens, bright, clear).
  • Polcan (strong, hype).
  • Fituity (Giant, huge).
  • Beautiful (beautiful).
  • Putimir (reasonable world, path of the world).
  • Putyslaw (glorified his path, blessed road).
  • Radamar (rejoice in the world, wrestler for peace).
  • Rarey (joyful, joy).
  • Radimir (caution for peace).
  • Radislav (rejoicing glory, which makes about glory).
  • Radmil (cute joy).
  • Radosvet (light of joy).
  • Ratibor ( fearless Warrior., winner of the troops).
  • Rosislav (nice nice).
  • Rostislav (growing glory grown for fame).
  • Svetosar (illuminating light, illuminated by light).
  • Svyagreaty (Holy World).
  • Svyatoslav (sanctified by glory).
  • Svyatopolk (wrestler for the holy case, holy man).
  • Slavomir (glorifying world).
  • Stanislav (becoming glorious or famous).
  • Stoying (resistant, strong).
  • Tverdirmy (solid peace).
  • Formimir (creating peace).
  • Tikhomir (quiet, peaceful, peaceful).
  • Tikhoslav (quiet glory).
  • Whotislav (who wants glory, striving for glory).
  • Brave (brave).
  • Keepaslav (Guardian of Glory).
  • Cheslav (slack).
  • Mi'el (wonderful, cute).
  • Yanislav (nice).
  • Yaromir (bright world).
  • Yaropolk (bright regiment, powerful army).
  • Yaroslav (bright nice, famous Yaril, God of the Sun).

Oldly Slavic male names are not only beautiful, but also have deep roots and sacred values. They carry the seal of energy, culture and traditions slavic people. Choosing the Valuely Slavic Male Name, parents laid the foundations of spiritual qualities and direction life path Its child, because on the growing boy they will be projected by those features that great ancestors possessed.