How to choose a second name. Double names: why and why? 2 Name of Americans

How to choose a second name. Double names: why and why? 2 Name of Americans
How to choose a second name. Double names: why and why? 2 Name of Americans

Surely you have ever seen the second name from the British or other peoples. What it is? How to get it? Why do British need a second name? In this article we will try to answer all these questions.

What is the second name?

The second name is most often called middle (Middle Name). As a rule, it is located between the personal name and the surname. The average name is used in Iceland, Sweden, England and Israel. That is, it is widely used in Europe or various Western countries. In all countries it plays a different meaning. The average name is used as a full name element. It can be called "second personal name", but it happens not always. Sometimes it is given to children in honor of any relative. It may be a father, both mother, and uncle, and grandfather, and grandmother or even brother or sister. In this case, we can say that the average name is patronymic, but in fact it is not.

Average name in different countries

The second name exists in many countries, but plays different roles:

1. Iceland. For example, in Iceland, there is no such concept as "surname". At birth, the child gives his personal name, and instead of the surname give the name of the father (most often) or mother. In fact, in Iceland, the second name is patronymic. In this country, people are perfectly fulfilled without surnames, because its population is only 300,000 people.

2. Sweden. In this country, the average name is, in fact, the second surname. Spouses at the conclusion of marriage can write their old or new surname as an average name. As for children, they can take themselves the second name of any of the parents. Moreover, if desired, the second name and surname can be changed in places. In this case, the average name is both patrols and last name.

3. Israel. In this country, at birth, every child gets a double name. The average name is usually given in honor of a deceased relative, but also often give names and living. Especially middle name is popular in religious families. Personal name gives parents at their discretion, and the average, as mentioned above, in honor of any relative or righteous.

4. England. As statistics show, absolutely all English children at birth receive two names at once (First Name + Middle Name). In England, the average name is custom. Sometime there was a tradition, the essence of which was that a newborn child received several personal names at once. Today you can often meet the British not only the second name, but even the third or fourth. This is an old tradition, which is followed by almost all English families. More often you will meet people with four average names than without them at all. In modern law, England simply does not have such a law that would limit the number of average names. Therefore, parents in this country can give their children as many second names as they themselves wish. But there is a checked rule that there must be no more than four.

Why are the British the second name?

The main value of the second name is to give a person some personality. This is especially true for those who are the owner of the usual and common name, which surrounded a lot. The second name can be anything - from the usual name to geographical names, nominal names, and so on. Very often the second name is taken by the name of that person, in honor of which the child was named. There are cases when the first name of a person is forgotten because he does not like it. Thus, it remains only on documents, and the second name is used in circulation, as the main one.

The article is prepared by the site of the company I - Polyglot -

In Russian, the full name of the person consists of name, patronymic and surname. In English-speaking countries, a slightly different scheme: name, Middle Name (Names) Surname.

The average name appears because by tradition, a child receives two names at birth: personal name (Personal Name, First Name) and medium name(Middle Name). Most important is precisely personal name. It is most often the "identifier" of man.

For reference: The custom to give a child the average name goes back to the tradition to assign several personal names to the newborn. In modern English, the assignment of two or three average names are more common than the complete absence of the average name. Although there is no law limiting the number of average names, more than four additional average names are usually not assigned: Anne Elisabeth Alice Louise, Charles Philip Arthur George, Andrew Albert Christian Edward.

Medium name It serves as an additional individualizing sign, especially for persons, the names and names of which are widespread. It stands between the name and the surname. The average name is usually represented by the initial letter (midial initial) in full names:
Alan Charles Jones or Alan C. Jones

As medium names, both personal names and geographical names, nominal names, etc. are used. Often, the names of people are used as middle names, in honor of which it is assigned. Most recently, in England, it was generally accepted to give a traditional name at birth with a traditional name and a slightly more unusual medium name, and when you react girls to use the same scheme, but already in the reverse order: if the name does not like the grained girl, you can always use the average name.
Sometimes personal name is present only in documents or registration books, and instead it uses the average name in everyday handling:
Mackenzie Phillips (Laura Mackenzie Phillips)
Jobeth Williams (Margaret Jobeth Williams).

Some prefer to use the middle name as a surname:
Tom Cruise (Thomas Cruise Mapother)
Jon Stewart (Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz)
Ray Charleson (Ray Charles Robinson)
Jake Burton (Jake Burton Carpenter)

In Russian understanding the average name not identical The patronycia, since the patronymic in Russian is called "Father's name, consisting of the foundation of the name of the Father and Suffix: -OVich, -One, -Evich, -Evena, -Is, -Is, usually added to his own name" (T.F. Efremova is a new dictionary of the Russian language. Indolve-word-formative).

It is considered wrong to write Russian patronymic in the form of one initial letter as commonly written English media names. Full Russian name should be written in English as Ivan Petrov. or Ivan Petrovich Petrov.But not as Ivan P. Petrov.

lucia., 11.12.04 19:23

Here I read: Julia Roberts gave birth to twins. The boy called Finnish Walter, the girl - Hezel Patricia.
I do not understand why some give a single name, and others double. And in which countries it is accepted, well, in America, probably exactly, and what does it mean? As the child will be called, in the first part of the name, then why then the second, and if both parts, then, in my opinion, it is not convenient. Here explain pls.

Alina, 11.12.04 19:44

We can give a child from one to three names. My husband is one thing, and in children three (1.Kasper Valtterter Evgeny, 2.Hanna Yermery Elius 3.Eeto August Oliver) But in Finland, I don't know why I don't know why so many names that would like a child when he grew up and if he doesn't like his name he can take from his two-three names, which is like the middle first in the Hannah passport, and at home we call Elmer here so we have

Kriksi-kraksi., 12.12.04 01:08

We will have a double name (Shtefani-Maria) Because the shtifani like us, and Maria is so calling and my husband and male grandmother, very symbolic and granny are satisfied (though, male - Maria Catarina) .... and I myself I always wanted for some reason a double name ...

NENE'S MUM., 12.12.04 01:16

During my second pregnancy, I was looking for English names for the baby, which I liked and found a very interesting article. Here is a quote from there:
"Traditionally, in English-speaking countries, a child receives two names: personal name (Personal Name, First Name) and the middle name (Middle Name). The most important thing is exactly the first, personal name. Under the term" personal name "is understood primarily" Individual naming of the subject "(A.V. Speranskaya), officially assigned to him at birth. Of all the onomastic categories, personal names were the first to receive a documentary. At the heart of them were the appellands that were used as nicknames to designate people. As A.V. notes . Speranskaya, and in our time "Personal names differ from nicknames mainly because in the first none value of the basics is not so obvious, as second. In the nicknames it is always fresh ... In personal names, the meaning of the foundations is almost always darkened. Nicknames Whenever created again, personal names are moving from generation to generation ... "The article itself is very long, with the analysis which names when and with a podkimnaya influence appeared.

NENE'S MUM., 12.12.04 01:22

According to statistics, all English children receive two name at birth (First + Middle Names): Personal and average. The custom to give a child the average name goes back to the tradition to assign several personal names to the newborn. In modern English bodies, the assignment cases of two or three average names are more common than the complete absence of the average name. Although there is no law limiting the number of average names, more than four additional average names are usually not assigned to: Charles Philip Arthur George, Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Edward Antony Richard Louis, Anne Elisabeth Alice Louise. The role of the average name is currently - serve an additional individualizing sign, especially for persons who are widespread names and surnames. As medium names, both personal names and geographical names, nominal names, etc. are used. Often, the names of people are used as medium names, in honor of which it is assigned.

NENE'S MUM., 12.12.04 01:26

Quotes taken: O.A. Leonovich Head from the book "In the world of English names."

NENE'S MUM., 12.12.04 01:29

If I wonder, I can throw off the full article in Privat.

Elle., 12.12.04 02:41

In France, there are double, triple and even four names at once, but all this in official papers, and in life everything is called the first name.
My daughter's triple, and her husband has four.

vishenka., 12.12.04 02:48

I called the daughter of Jacqueline Lidia. The first name is personal, and Lidia-Middle Name, in honor of our Russian grandmother.

Here is such an American-Russian version

Elenadk, 12.12.04 14:28

My friends (in America) gave a dual name daughter so that she could then choose - what she likes

Shl, 12.12.04 14:44

In Israel, especially in religious families, they often give children dual names. This is especially common if they want to call the child in honor of the deceased relative, but that there was a "incompetent" name. The first name choose which parents liked, and the second - in honor of the deceased relative or some righteous.
In Judaism, every name has a value, and if the name is given to a person, then they need to use, otherwise it makes no sense to give it. There are families where children are also called two names, there are those alternate.
We have nettahl Haim, Netanel - we just liked it, hahim is in honor of my dad. (Pope called Vitaly, Haim and means "life"). We try to use the name of Haim too, sometimes use.
In general, I met children here and with 3 and with 5 names. There is no limit

Marinka, 12.12.04 15:22

You know, I understand if the double names give parents who are related to the Catholic or Protestant faith .... But here we have friends .... Pure Orthodox and Russians ... And now I can not understand why children have them Suddenly with double names ... such as Martin Julius ....

Shl, 12.12.04 15:27

And why not - maybe this is a tribute to the traditions of the country in which they live?

lucia., 12.12.04 15:31

Thank you girls. All this is interesting.
NENE "S MUM Thank you. Well, I probably don't need the whole article, I'm interested in curiosity.

Anna, 12.12.04 15:50


And now I edit a new book O.A. Leonovich (although she is not about names)! Cool author!

I like double names, but in Russia they are not very common ... Only if a completely simple kind of Anna-Maria

Darel, 12.12.04 16:55

We are Orthodox and just think about double names for children (we are planning), just to ensure that everyone is better. Those. One name is a secular easily pronounced in English and other languages, but the second provilient, for baptism, houses and families. Only we have not yet decided in the testimony to enter one, baptize others or both the name into certificate. Yes, and while there is time we think about other options. For example, call Euphrosignia (write and baptize), and for local Francis.

If you answer in general, then I think often it is just a way out like
vishenka. - And our and yours.
And I still have a friend of him all the time name is the middle name, when I saw his first name in official papers - Rzhala, like an abnormal one - it does not fit it completely, but the medium very much. Although parents called first, but he grew up and renamed himself - the freedom of choice so to speak, it is also good.

kristina, 12.12.04 23:38

We have a daughter Anna-Maria. Anna-Send simple ...

We just couldn't choose for a long time, how to call the daughter Anna or Maria? We did not know who would be accurately born, and they were not sure that the girl would be, so they didn't choose exactly. And when it was born, it became clear what to decide. And already in the hospital, after half an hour after her birth, I myself offered to call two names at once. \\

But at home I call Anya, Manya, Musya and many more caressing names. And the husband is often calling Anna-Marie, to the Estonian manner (he has Estonian's mother).
And in general, our fashion went to double names, it is in the traditions of Catholics, why not know!


By the way, we recently baptized daughter and I knew that you could baptize in Orthodoxy with one name, we decided that the baptist would be like Anna. And when in one church came, there the documents looked and saw that the name is double, and they refused to baptize us! We found out the relationship for a long time, crumbled, it was very unpleasant, in the end, we went to another church, where they were swore without problems.

So just in case, be prepared to any incident.

Mermaid, 12.12.04 23:58

I have a daughter Nicole Maria ...
Nicole -Hehrode as sparingly calling nickname, nice ...
And Maria is a fully international, common, biblical name, besides, so called the grandmother of her husband (he-Canadian).

NENE'S MUM., 13.12.04 00:12


i'm interested in curiosity

So the fact of the matter is that before I read the article, there were any fragmentary information in my head, but it was written so - I read with great interest. Now here are smart quotes insert

Darel, 13.12.04 00:29

Thanks for the advice, we will be ready and take into account this when choosing.

Lalka., 04.02.05 16:14

I like dual names, just like, and that's it.
Moreover, now in Belarus (I do not know how in Russia) you can immediately write two names in the metric, through a dash. True, we have come up with my son while only the first name is Adam. And about the second only think: or Adam Miroslav, or Adam Stanislav, or Adam-Wincent.
The latter came to my head recently, and I, in principle, like

Lilithe, 19.03.05 08:47

I called the daughter of Jacqueline Lidia.

Your daughter for the first name my namesake

And I called the daughter of Stella Sofia.
I will explain why. During pregnancy, my husband and I thought to call Sofia's daughter, but then, by virtue of various reasons, they refused from this idea.
I wanted a rare and unusual name, but we had disagreements about the name
Therefore, they found a compromise. I liked the name of Stella, but it did not cause enthusiasm to anyone from relatives. In addition, we were told that if we initially planned one name, then there is some point in it and it is absolutely impossible to refuse it
So we called her Stella Sofia. To all be satisfied

We will baptize according to the second name, but call first. It is the main one.
These are

Corazon, 08.04.05 17:10

and I like the double names! When they combine well, of course ... I have a giuseppe angelo (Juseppe Angelo), and my son I wanted to call Antonio Augusto, but my husband rejected that he was too much in the emperor, it remained just antonio ... and sorry .. .

Lisa., 08.04.05 17:28

Our young man is called Richard Brine, but Brown is really only on paper.

In fact, my husband has an average name, like his father, and here the father would like to make it a tradition on the male line, and to give our son to the same middle name, but since I was categorically opposed, then he herself offered to give Richard the average The name, as the first name of the grandfather. It turned out, though not by it, but it is impossible to be offended too.

scorpion509., 19.04.05 03:27

We also need to give double names, we will also give your baby too
We want that the first name would be Russian (but having an English version) and the second more English.
The first version was Nikita Daniel but rejected because in America Nikita is a female name
Now they picked up Alexey about the average still think

Talikushka, 03.06.05 06:39

Girls, advise! I really want to call the future child with a daddy name or at least look like. I know perfectly well that at current times with the name of Israel (for the girl - Israel) to live in Russia is not very comfortable. I read Temko and decided that the dual name is a good output. I want the first name to be familiar to Russians, but not too common. As long as Israel was invented (called mainly the first). For girls no options
What do you think?

Evgenievna, 03.06.05 15:30

I really want to call the future child with a daddy name or at least look like. I know perfectly well that at current times with the name of Israel (for the girl - Israel) to live in Russia is not very comfortable. I read Temko and decided that the dual name is a good output. What do you think?

Question number one: Daddy your or dad baby? If the child, then in Russia he will still have patronymic, that is, dadno name.
Question number two: and register dual names in Russia?
Opinion: If you want to call Israel, then call. Why not very comfortable? Many people lived life with this name, and not in Russia, but in the USSR, and nothing. Or are still alive Soviet stereotypes?

Talikushka, 03.06.05 19:39

Evgenievna, we are talking about my dad. Patronymic will be the usual Russian, surname, too. All together will sound dyed. I have no stereotypes and there was no, but very many they are alive, do not doubt. I don't want to spoil the life of the child. The difficulty is still that I don't like the name in myself very much, but I loved my dad, I did not describe in words that he meant for me, and we are customary to save. So I want to call (and combine with patronymic) first name, and the second is just to be.


For some reason, I came to mind the name of Leah (since you came up with the name Leo) - this is the biblical name, and the Orthodox too (just like Israel).

Are you really confident that Israel is an Orthodox name?

Our ancestors had believing that the name of a person is the address of his soul. And one who knows someone's real name has power over him. Our ancestors sought to protect their children and in everyday life used for the adoption of children - pseudo-one. This tradition exists now. All witchcraft rituals use the name of a person, the name is used in church purposes in prayers, for example, for health or perch of the deceased. What is the "second name", for what give children an additional name? In the Orthodox tradition, when baptized, often the father gives the second name (no one needs to know about this).

This second, the secret name is mentioned in prayers and protects the child from all sorts of evil. Catholics, there is also a tradition of baby's adoption by a double name: the same church name - it is given in honor of the saint, the second - home, is given in honor of one of the ancestors. Hence the double names - Jean-Batist, Anna-Maria, Johann Sebastian.

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Why most Americans have double names?

    These are all the ancient Roman and Spanish traditions. Woman leaving married keep both surnames. And children get the first of the surnames of the Father. And the first of the Mother's names. For example, Carmen Galvene Torres marries José Garcia Hinestar. Their daughter will call Lucia Garcia Galvan. And when to Carmen, they will contact how Señora de Garcia, this means that Carmen is the wife of Señora Garcia.

    Double names are popular not only among Americans, but also in other nations - the British, for example. They are customary to give several names: a personal name (middle name) and the average name ((Middle Name). The average name is located between the personal name and the surname. In addition, medium names may be several (two, three or even four). Many Names are of particular importance to find out which is possible in special books. Sometimes the average name is associated with some terrain or the names of the ancestors, as well as the names of other people. And although they are usually referred to as the first name, which is the most important, in official documents names Americans are recorded completely.

    Why do you need double names? In addition to any superstition, we note that the correctly selected list of names, sounds beautiful and impressive. It becomes much easier to identify a person with a large number of names, since the first name and surname may coincide with the names of other people, and so the full name most likely becomes unique. Also, double names for Americans and the British are a rooted tradition, like we are customary to call a person by patronymic.

    Double (and sometimes triple or more) Names give not only Americans, as well as Spaniards and other nations. Additional name is given to protection. That is, the more names are given to a person, the more the guardian angels will be in life.

    Now no one thinks about traditions and everything is easier, it is not because all superstitious, but because everyone

    Americans have no middle name. That is, there is no.

    The second name of the child can be anyone and it will be the name, and not an attempt to recreate the middle name. Usually this name is not used, except in the documents, and therefore in films sometimes found oo, your second name is Christian! And I did not know! .

    American culture is secondary. The origins are lying in medieval Europe. Then in Europe raged the stronal epidemics of different types of plague and other deaths. Folk stands invented cunning, which should save children from a non-nenet death. The child with baptism was given several names for the deaths could not determine who to take care of them. Jean or Louis, Adam or Peter. I received death for Adam, and it is not! In the house, Peter lives. This is a belief and brought emigrants to CASS. It still lives and enjoys popular among US residents.