What does Yana name mean from Greek. Astrology named, numerology

What does Yana name mean from Greek. Astrology named, numerology
What does Yana name mean from Greek. Astrology named, numerology

Modern parents have recently prefer to call their daughters with rare names of foreign origin. But not rare cases when the girls are pronounced Russian names. This is just true Yana. We learn the secret of the name of Yana and for a person.

Origin and meaning

There are several versions of the name of Yana:

Important! In general, this name is international and has analogues in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Even the tribes of American Indians are called "Yana Yahi", which is translated as "man."

If we talk about the Nationality of the name Yana, then it is Slavic origin, the Russian.

Forms name

There are many forms and test pronunciation of Yana. Full: Janin. Brief form: Yana, Yanya, Yanka. Reductantly, nickname sounds: Yasya, Januly, Yanika, Yanochka, Janina, Janita, Yaresa, Yanenel. Related names: Joan, Jeanne, John. It is also an abbreviated name of women's nicknames: Ulyana, Juliana, Boyana, Liliana, Liana, Marianna.

Angel Day name

The name of Yana when baptism is called John. Angel Day John falls twice a year: on July 10 and December 28. 10.07 - I ware the memory of John the Myronos.

Name in different languages

Janina is a fairly common name in different countries of the world. Especially love it in Scandinavia countries. It sounds and writes it in each language in its own way:

  • in Finland and Norway - Yanika ("Janica");
  • in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia - Yana, Yaina ("Jana", "Jaina");
  • in England - "Yana", "IANA", "Jana";
  • in Greece - "G UXVVA";
  • in Italy - Joanna ("Giovanna");
  • in France - Joanne ("Jeanne").

The nature and fate of people with the same name in history

You can find out the meaning of Yana's name and her character for the girl on the example of famous women under such a nickname. Among them are actresses, outstanding politicians, and talented athletes.

Yanina Pheimima is the famous Soviet film actress of Polish origin. At its account there are about 30 paintings. Most of all became famous for his role in the film "Cinderella". Married was 3 times, died at the age of 78. This woman conquered not few men, of which three of them subordinated for many years. She was genuine in his love and faithfully in feelings.

Madelene Albright. Despite the famous nickname Madeleine, the real name was completely different. Maria Yana Korbelova at birth, in his life, became famous as an American Secretary of State in the presidency of Bill Clinton. Woman with male character. Uncompromising, rigid and straight, ready to make decisions under any circumstances.

Did you know? Most often women around the world are called Anna. There are more than 100 million people.

Yana Poplavskaya - Russian actress of theater and cinema, winner of the USSR State Prize. The first popularity came to the Poplavskoy, when she was still a child and played in the film "About the Red Hap". Gentle and wounded, so characterize Jana closely knowing her people. She says about himself that in his life he achieved independently, thanks to its performance and the ability to self-realize.

Yana Klochakova is an athlete, a swimmer from Ukraine. At its account has 5 medals after participating in the Olympics. Won 4 times gold medals on swims in different distances. This is a person action that does not stop in its path. The volitional character, configured to achieve their goals not only in sports, but also in life.

Yana Khokhlova - figure skater from Russia. Master of varieties for ice dancing. According to her partner in figure skating, it is targeted in everything. Always reaches outlined tasks and makes others believe in your victory. As we see on the example of famous women, the name of Yana, regardless of origin and meaning, for girls has a positive effect.

The main features of the character of people with the same name

The sharp mind and excellent Ine's intuition make it an interesting source in any company. It is always balanced, knows how to make the right decisions in different life situations due to its objectivity. Although sometimes there is a slightly stubborn and even caprick. In such a woman, two opposites are combined: confident lioness and a gentle soft kitten. This is a person who constantly generates new ideas, which has placed complex goals and reaching them. At the same time, for her, the main thing is to believe in what it seeks. If faith shakes, endeavors will not be destined to come true.

Yana has such a character that easily subordinates men. She admire, go crazy on her and ultimately they obey her. This is confirmed by the meaning of the name Yana for a girl in verses: "Ah, Yana, our Yana, all guys crazy." In marriage, such women are usually happy, desirable and loved, even though the hostess they are not the best. Life will never be a priority for Yana. She always puts his interests and hobbies.

Astrology named

The person's name is closely related to astrology, no exception to the name of the girl Yana and its meaning. Her talismans are: Planet Patron: Mars. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Animal: Termitic. Tree: Dream. Stone: Emerald, Jade. Metal: Tin. Suitable colors: red, green. Luck numbers: 3, 4.

Did you know? In ancient Rome, women did not have their own names. They received only generic names.

Interpretation of the value of letters name (numerology)

Each nickname can be decrypted literally and get a more detailed characteristic of the person.

  • I - Dignity, respect, love surrounding.
  • N. - Protest, disagreement with the surrounding, the power of will.
  • BUT - The beginning of everything, movement, desire for comfort both external and inner.
Yana's name in numerology on origin and value for no value for an adult person.

In numerology, Yana corresponds to the number 3. It patronizes creative people. Troika Talented in everything, be it art or sport. But they really need a mentor who will adjust and direct them in life. Only in this case they have achieved large heights. Trooks are sensitive people who are very wounded in criticism.

In spite of everything, calling the daughter with the name of Yana, you will always get to bring up a strong and independent person.

No one can determine what can be expected even the next day, because the future remains unattainable for humanity for Millennium. Despite this, there is only one way to make the fate of good, eliminate unpleasant events, and for this you only need to carefully examine the secret meaning, laid in the name hundred years ago. What surprises will be an overwhelming future if adult relatives chose the name for the baby yana, the meaning of the name, the nature and fate of the crumbs?

Name of the name of Yana for the girl briefly

Yana, the meaning of the name, character and fate is a combination often interests parents who have already decided that this is how they call their crumb. Interesting features and exciting information can be found here a lot here, because the roots of this name stretch deep into the past. This name is Staroslavansky, its option, which is most often found in the literature and mythology - John. Women with this name were distinguished by beauty, loyalty, the ability to store a family hearth. It can be hoped that the girl will fully retain all the skills and qualities of its ancient ancestors and in no case will their memory prey.

The name of Yana's name for the girl briefly - "God's mercy". This secret meaning can be found not only in the Old Slavic literature, but also in Jewish vintage books - there you can also learn a lot of interesting information about this name. Scientists are often still arguing about who should be obliged for this name - ancient European state or Slavic mythology. Whatever it was, there is only one thing, no matter what kind of literature is a detailed interpretation.

What does Yana name mean for a church calendar girl

Despite the fact that in the modern world, thanks to the Internet, you can find any information, many parents prefer about the secret sense of the name to recognize from the most reliable sources. Of course, this Christian literature is a church calendar and the sacraticles. If the baby was painted during the holy sacrament of Yana, the meaning of the name, character and fate is everything can be found in the appropriate literature. It is certainly necessary to pay attention to the holy, which will soon begin to patronize the baby - after the baptism of baptism, parents will be able to notice how easier and easier began to care for the crumb.

What does the name of Yana mean for the girl in the church calendar, will there be a patronage of saints, and how many times does the baby be able to get congratulations and gifts on the day of the name? In Orthodox literature, the significance of a simple and identical secret meaning, which is determined in the Old Slavonic mythology. It also says, which means "the mercy of God", and often, together with the Holy Patrons, the Lord himself is going.

Celebrate the name of Kroch will be able only once a year. Name day in the girl falls on July 10. Mironoszitz worship this holiday, so instead of one patroner, the baby will receive several defenders. They will certainly try to give Yana from life only pleasure, fate did not hit unpleasant surprises, and health has always been strong.

Mystery of the name Yana - Signs, Superstition

What incredible mystery and surprises can be the mystery of the name of Yana? On the day of the saints, people spent numerous observations and learned to determine not only the weather for the future, but also the yield of fruit trees. Accepted throughout the holiday to ensure that birds behave. If they are lazy to fly from the branch of the branch, they do not sing, as usual, try to sit quietly, without even going into search of food - you need to wait for heavy rainfall. Most likely, they will be held over the next week, so good owners it is better to try to complete the coming affairs - bad weather will not allow it to do.

How to define the crop that plums, cherries, apple trees will please? To do this, it is necessary to observe the sky - the presence of numerous small clouds foreshadows that the crop will be abundant and generous. If the sky is clean, there are no clouds, then you should not count that the trees will delight with fruiting - most likely it will be stupid, and the fruits will start quickly.

The origin of the name of Yana and its meaning for children

Many parents who are accustomed to completely trust the old books containing information about the secret meanings of the names, try to find out how influential their origin may be. Most often, nothing is expected to be expected - the origin of the name Yana and its meaning for children does not have unusual consequences.

How to reflect on childhood can the meaning of the name? First of all, hereby the number of saints that will look after the crumb. Yana will have several of them, so for the future of babies you can not worry - if your parents make a little effort, the girl will certainly grow healthy, smart, developed and beautiful.

How brightly and clearly will be the impact of the saints in the life and development of babies? It should not be revealed that the secret patronage will be too obvious - it can manifest itself in the most unexpected moments. The saints will certainly follow the education, keep a good health, will take part in the formation of the advantages of nature. Parents should not stand aside - too much depends on their influence.

Character of the girl named Yana

Trying by the secret meaning of the name to determine the future of the child, parents will certainly find out also the advantages and disadvantages. It is this that will help to respond in a timely manner to negative qualities and try to correct them.

The character of the girl named Yana will certainly please such qualities:

  1. a responsibility;
  2. concentration;
  3. justice;
  4. reliability;
  5. wit;
  6. painstability;
  7. decency;
  8. chastity.

The only, but rather unpleasant lack of a girl, eradicated which the parents will not even succeed at the cost of incredible efforts - selfishness. She will manifest themselves in childhood - the child will not pay attention to the younger sisters and brothers, demanding all the best for himself, regardless of what exactly is the love of parents or toys. On the way to his goal, after the girl grows, she is ready to carry everything in its path. A remarks of conscience to disturb it will not be in any case.

Fate girl named Yana

Adults who preferred to their offspace is this name, will certainly be an interesting fate of the girl named Jan. It should be remembered that much depends on the parents - the choice of specialty, it will not be able to do it yourself. Please push the girl to such professions.

Such a woman as Yana from the people around it requires understanding and compassion. It seeks its with theater of theatrical shelter and manners. The meaning of Yana allows you to talk about the predominance of reason over the feelings. A severe conflict situation is not able to withdraw this woman from himself. Her horse is the maximum restraint and cold-rocker.

This female name gives its owner with a certain determination, although the opposite may seem from the part. Can sacrifice something for others. At the same time does not make heroism from his act.

The meaning of the name of Yana for the girl is difficult to ignore, because difficulty is noticeable since childhood. Interpretation of the name states that such a child has incredible stubbornness. I can arrange a real hysteria in a public place if the mother or father refuses to acquire such a desired thing. At such moments, the presence of people around people does not matter. Baby is focused only on his desires.

The value of the name of Yana for a child also allows you to talk about the inherent in this girl in fluster. Loves to boil fashionable dress or hairpin before girlfriends. Admiration is of great importance for this little Miss. It is able to show arrogance. It learns well, but not too diligent. It goes to school without hunting, you can even say through strength. In the morning, often rises from bed with great difficulty.

Little man is a dad's favorite. He indulges her, trying to fulfill any whim. The model of relationships with his father often transfers to a marital life, which causes a number of problems.


Women with this name are very erotic. This means that the lady appreciate sensual pleasure. The man does not show his true entity. Prefers to seem strong and independent. Loves manipulated by representatives of a strong floor. It often experiences the role of mother in relations. Capable of a man sincerely and indifferent to care.

In women with the name Yana, linguistic abilities are often found. They are endowed with the analytical warehouse of the mind, very responsible, painstaking, concentrated and very likely like accuracy. However, they are characterized by hiding their emotions and engage in secret hobbies. Sometimes they can shoot down with gusts of emotions and passions. If they dedicate themselves creativity, they may experience a lot of doubts and be because it is difficult for them to see the practical component of their activities.

Name of Yana

Yana is a female form named Jan. Russian, catholic name, Slavic, Orthodox. Translated means "the mercy of God."

The meaning of Yana

Women with the name Yana can be very selfish and can fit on their way of people without some remorse. They are always independent and in life act as they themselves consider it necessary. Never listen to the councils of others, considering that they know better as it should. It will very much the influence of parents, so when it creates a family and becomes a center in it, it seriously softens the character. This is a worker and an individualist, she deftly draws money. Its serious minus is character's change, she herself quickly gets tired of it.

Being a little, this is a sweet and obedient girl, however, a little touching, and it is completely easy to hurt her ego. But on the other hand she calms down quickly. She likes to play dolls and sew for them beautiful outfits with their own hands. In school, it is not good and not bad, rather as medium, it does not have particularly favorite items, but it helps it. If she likes some kind of boy, she will make a maximum of effort to look in his eyes the best, here and learning will pull it up and look better. Teachers never consider authority, so can argue with them.

Having matured if Yana loves and believes, then she can roll the mountains, and if disappointed, it will become apathetic, sluggish and indifferent. She is often too confident in herself, selfish and sincerely believes in its special purpose. Yana neat, can work properly with his time, to enter trust to get the desired one. She does not have so much, but she does not occupy observation, which fills the lack of the first.

Often these girls choose the sphere of activity that is related to the service. For example, it turns out good makements, photographers, fashion designers. Yane like her work, she will approach her creative. In her head there are always many ambitious plans for the future. She is very ambiguous and believes that she is incorrectly understood and not enough.

If it is lucky enough, Yana will meet a person who is very loved by all soul and heart, then she will change greatly. It will be loyal, tender, and its present and future will become calmer. She wants to have a big family and often it is all embodied. She always has enough strength and career, and on the family. However, if she realizes that at the side, not the person who dream of which she dreamed of, without hesitating to leave and will not torment himself.

Girls with this name are well versed in male psychology. They are characterized by emotionality, manneriness and theatricality, but thanks to these qualities they achieve from men of everything that will only want. These are very attractive women who never experience problems with the opposite sex, do not regret finances for good cosmetics and beautiful clothes.

Very often, even living with his beloved soul in the soul, Yana is constantly in the coup with his mother-in-law, as the latter does not suit that her beloved son is located under the heel at the wife and performs her whims. The child, as a rule, is in Yana alone, but she doesn't have a soul in it and pampers as soon as possible. She is very jealous, but her husband, closing his eyes on the problem of his wife, is still satisfied with his choice.

Fate named yana

  • Career named. Their innate abilities analytics often lead these girls into scientific work. But also of them are good managers, secretaries, lawyers. If Jan is taken for something, it will definitely bring started to the end, and this is a strong side, which is highly appreciated by employers. It is very successful in the field of business, its investment is more often successful and bring big profits. Especially favorably begin its business in the field of real estate.
  • Love and relationship. These girls in the Spirit do not tolerate treason and infidelity in any manifestation, and do not like long defensive relationships. Therefore, learning that the man has changed, she will just go away without unnecessary conversations. These women require severe sex primarily respect in their direction.
  • Yana's health. Often girls with such a name in childhood cannot boast strong health and are born weak and restless. At an older age, Yana is problematic tolerated the temperature differences, which make it becomes sluggish and weak. They have a weak nervous system, which can be overwhelmed even stronger with age, so during the upbringing of these girls you need to show more patience. Speak early, and immediately clearly and without explicit defects. Special attention in the course of life needs to be licensed.

Yana's name has a strong sound energy. It has a male form imprint (Jan or John) from which it happened. Such a name gives its owner courage, desire for independence and bright emotionality.

Origin of name

The main versions of the origin of the Yana Two. One, his roots go into ancient European culture. This word is the female form named John, which is translated as "gracious Lord", "fertile".

It is believed that many names are being conducted from the word John, including the Ivan popular in Russia, common in the US, John and French Jean. Thus, Yana, Ivanna, Zhanna and John (Jolin) - related.

The second version associates this name with the men's form, which can occur from biblical John or from Turkic culture. In the second case, it means "patron" or "updated life".

There is another unpopular, but an interesting version of the origin of the Yana name. Some researchers associate it with ancient Roman mythology. In the Pantheon, the Romans was the God of Janus, whom was depicted with two guys. He personified the unity of opposites.

Forms of Yana

Brief forms of name - Yanka and Jana.


  • Yanochka;
  • Ounce;
  • Januly;
  • Yanchik;
  • Yanusha;
  • Yanushka.

Composing the poems about a girl with the name Yana, you can use such rhymes: blush, glade, hurricane power, in the fountain. Rhymes with this word also many brief adjectives: long-awaited, multifaceted, pristine.

Photo Gallery: Name Forms

Yana - full form of name
Yanka is a simple and informal form of appeal to Yana
Yanochka - one of Yana's dimensional

Church form name - John. So it is not only girls who name Yana. Jeanne and Ivann and Johann are also numbered by this name.

Transliteration name for passport - IANA.

Table: names name in different languages

Chinese雅娜 Yana.
Korean야나 Yana.
Japaneseヤナ Yana.
Hindiयाना Yaan.
German, Dutch, FinnishJana, Johanna.Yana, Johanna
Danish, Swedish, NorwegianJannike.Jannik
IrishSíne, Seana.Tire
Arabيانا Yana.
GreekΓιάννα Yanna
Yiddishיאַנאַ Yana.
Polish, CzechJana.Yana.
Romanian, MoldavianIoana.Joan

Middle names that are combined with the name

For the name Yana, such patrimonies are harmoniously combined:

  • Borisovna;
  • Vladislavovna;
  • Olegovna;
  • Ruslanova;
  • Stanislavovna.

Table: The effect of patronymic for the nature of Yana

middle nameCharacter features
DmitrievnaPersistent, strict, hardy, judgment. This woman does not tend to make immense actions. She got used to carefully plan their actions, so such a girl rarely admits mistakes. It has excellent musical hearing. It is not afraid to take responsibility. She got an attractive appearance from the mother, and this young lady's dyed and peaceful character inherited from his father. Since childhood, used to an active lifestyle, loves to play sports.
AlexandrovnaThe sophisticated nature, a large connoisseur of natural beauty. Very curious and well-read woman. Responsiveness and communicability helps it easy to make new acquaintances. But such a woman is inclined to open up to all people, because of this often suffers. My father's daughter, from the very childhood I got used to devotion to your secrets, not a mother. Hidden, rarely manifests his feelings.
AlekseevnaEnergetic, temperamental woman with a changeable mood. Welcome mistress. Hardworking, easily adapts in any conditions. Quickly finds a common language with other people, but it is unusted deep affection. If she understands that a person is unclean in his hand, without regret, stops with him any relationship. Charming and graceful, attractive for representatives of the opposite sex. It has its own style in clothing, follows fashion trends.
AnatolievnaResponsive, good-natured and communicable woman. It is easy for her to find a common topic to conversate almost with any person. It is always interesting and fun with her. Beautiful hostess, loves to receive guests. I knows how to get ready to cook, often surprises with his culinary masterpieces of relatives and loved ones. It constantly needs to communicate, can talk for a long time on the phone, which is very nervous to loved ones and employees.
AntonovnaWillhole and purposeful woman, conscientious worker. Its actions always leads reason and common sense. He loves to travel, perfectly focuses on the ground, prefers to engage in extreme sports. Very delicate, refers to condescendingly to the imperfections of the nature of other people. Perceives life with an extraordinary ease, which allows it not too painful to experience failures and quickly forget the insults.
BogdanovnaIncredibly stubborn and non-passive woman. Never do something just like that without mercenary intent. It is not devoid of cunning, can be sick and weave intrigue if it is impossible to achieve the desired and honest ways. Very chatty, absolutely can not keep secrets. Creative, possesses artistic taste. I am pleased to independently develop a unique design for your apartment. He has weakness to dogs, loves to grow indoor plants.

Options for Nikov for Social Networks

  • yanka;
  • yano4ka;
  • iANA;
  • yanusya;
  • januska.

Poems with this name: "About Little Janu" Ilona Grossova, "Yana" Alexander Gavryushkin.

Holy Patrons of Yana, date name

Since Yanocher usually cross John, he patronizes to girls with this name Holy John Myronositz.

John had a fairly high social status. She lived at the time when Jesus wandered and preached, and was the wife of the householder of the King Herod himself. The girl did not follow the Messiah, like the apostles, but I prayed diligently and believed in a single God.

Once her only son is slammed with fever. Medicines that prescribed court doctors did not help. Then the spouse John asked for help from a poor preacher (he did not know that this is Jesus) - and he cured the boy. When a man opened, who saved his son, he was frightened. At that time, Herod brutally punished those who took Christianity or simply communicated with Christ. Their "guilt" also aggravated the sincere faith John.

Fearing the royal wrath, the householder was divorced and kicked out already former wife from home. Beggar John followed Jesus and served him. She was one of the women who, after the execution of the Savior, lubricated the world of Christ. Later, John one of the first to learn about his resurrection.

John Mironositsa - Holy Patron of Girls with the name Yana

On John Day, April 22, people went to sources for healing water. Watch out the color of the sky and the sun. If the heavens were clean, azure, in the near future just just like the same weather. White sun at dawn foreshadowed the lack of rains.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features:

  • able to completely surrender to his work;
  • never doubts his choice;
  • does not spend time back.

Negative qualities:

  • boarding;
  • excessive ambitiousness;
  • egoism.

For the sake of achieving the desired goal of Yana, even ready to accomplish the meanness. The owner of this name is very emotional and quick-tempered, often spacing on other irritation and malice.

Yanochka in childhood

Yanochka from the very early age shows his difficult character. This is an authentic and spoiled girl. It can manipulate adults, whims and hysterics reaches the desired. Parents should be responsible to take care of her daughter. In communicating with peers, it can slightly smash and embellish its stories to provide a stronger impression on others. Vanity prevents the Girly to make real friends.

From early childhood, Yanochka manifests his difficult character, climbing and manipulates adults

The small owner of this name is very wounded, it is easy to offend. But Jan is capable of forgive everyone, if you have all sorts of promotion and say flattering words at its address. The baby seeks to attract the attention of others using for this any ways. In many ways, such behavior provokes the immense love of her father to his daughter. Friends she chooses to become himself. These children are usually bright, with outstanding abilities, independent and active.

Study Yuchkah is given with difficulty. Classes at school are absolutely not interested. In the lessons, the girl is inattentive, often hovers in the clouds. Upon progress, the small owner of such a name is usually lagging behind most of classmates. It prevents the plain laziness to correct her, with which Yana is not even trying to fight.

Yana teenager

In his youth, Yana becomes even more demanding to others. She believes that any of her whims should be shrinkable, and friends are obliged to consider the most important exercise with her. In relation to the guys, the girl is also not distinguished by a special courtesy. The owner of such a name considers itself a queen, which men must admire. This young lady is able to suppress the will of others and convince them to do as needed to her.

In his youth, Yana is extremely demanding, wayward and capricious

However, Yanochka is also able to exhibit sincere feelings and empathize with others. The young owner of this name can be tender, sensitive and caring, contrary to egoism and arrogance. It creates an image of an impregnable rebar, which is not necessary. But in the soul Yana remains a little girl who wants to attract the attention of others and disclose its positive qualities.

This is a very volitional and purposeful girl. It is capable of achieving large heights. In communication, Yana is extremely unpredictable, the young lady likes to shock them around them. However, many envy her courage and endurance. If the carrier of such a name thinks something, nothing can stop.

Influence of the name on the character and fate of adult Yana

According to Boris Higir, Yana is an independious and selfish woman. Sometimes it behaves not in a wiser of a five-year-old child, who is trying by all the forces to achieve adult attention. This is a very prominent woman, her attractiveness manits men who are ready for everything for the sake of excellent ladies. The owner of this name does not know how to save, especially for yourself. Accustomed to luxury and comfort, she prefers not to refuse themselves. The same is waiting for representatives of a strong sex, this lady is important that her fan gives her generous gifts and paid expensive services in beauty salons. Despite the mercy, Yana is able to express sincere feelings and empathize.

According to the Higure, Yana, the wayward and selfish, requiring the surrounding permanent admiration

Dmitry and Hope Winter argue that Yana is constantly striving for independence. The name gives the girl with bright emotionality and unshakable faith in himself. Such a lady got used to do not refuse themselves. Her moral principles are sometimes very far from the usual standards of behavior in society. Because of this, Yanochk often arise conflicts with others. True, frequent quarrels do not help her to be cooled and take into account the interests of other people. On the contrary, the skirmishes are planning the owner of this name and make it even more capricious and hot-tempered.

Mendeleev believes that the name of Yana gives his support to endurance, prudence and vitality. This is a good-natured and communicable woman who will not hide their emotions, and no matter what, positive or negative. Such a girl is not angry, quickly forgets the resentment. It is extremely important for Yanochka to be in the center of universal attention, she is ready to go on a lot to achieve admiration for others.

Talents and hobbies

Yana is a talented needlewoman. She has a rich fantasy, with which the girl is able to create amazing decor items. With your own hands, the owner of this name creates homemade comfort, decorating the apartment with pictures, beautiful panels and embroidery.

My friend Yana has pronounced acting abilities. She loves and knows how to play, and not only on stage, but also in life. The girl masterfully reincarnates in various characters, copies the voices. Before the views of the numerous public feels free and confident.

Yana has excellent needlework

Career and Business Yana

Yana - an open and cheerful woman. She prefers professions that allow her to close in contact with people:

  • teacher;
  • journalist;
  • political figure.

Creativity and craving for creative activity are manifested in the work by the designer, an artist and a fashion designer. Such a girl has many ideas, the implementation of which can bring considerable profit. The owner of this name also perfectly copes with mathematical computing. Her prudence and responsibility helps Yane make a brilliant career in the field of exact sciences.

Yana can realize his abilities as a designer or fashion designer

For this woman, it is very important for working activities to bring her joy. The financial position for it is not so important as obtaining moral satisfaction from its case. If Yanochka considers the work senseless, then, without hesitation, will change profession.

The owner of this name is volitional, hardworking and ambitious. She can open its work and bring the enterprise to success. The girl is able to build an effective workflow. Usually its efforts are justified by high profit. Yana's affairs always comes with great responsibility, not allowing emotions to take over the mind. Such a lady is very calculating, all its steps are designed to be benefit.


Jan Natra has endowed a strong immunity, so in order to maintain good health, it does not need to be very bored. But the lack of a full rest can provoke nervous breakdowns and psychological disorders. Because of this, the girl may also develop heart disease.

Yana is very important to find time for a full vacation

Yanochka in love and marriage

Yana is a very romantic nature, she tends to dive into their feelings with his head. In case of treason or undivided love, such a girl can become apathetic and climb into yourself. But the inlentibility is creating with the owner of this name amazing things. In its character, immicking softness, patientity and conspicency appear. In a relationship with men, she is often trying to play, depicting himself to the one, in essence, is not. Many representatives of a strong floor annoying and repelled.

This woman needs strong, reliable, patient and understanding a man who can forgive all its shortcomings and support any undertakings of a creative and independent person. Yanochka dreams of strong, friendly family. To obtain the desired young lady, even ready to sacrifice its interests.

In the love of Jan Romantic, tender and responsive

Yana get married at a fairly early age. Often, its choice is successful, since it refers to the conclusion of marriage very responsibly. The chosen one of such a girl can be over for several years older or, on the contrary, young and ambitious. In any case, the husband becomes the support of the young lady and protection in everything. She accepts a proposal to marriage only from a man who sincerely loves her as it is, takes Yanochka with all the oddities and disadvantages. For the owner of this name, it is very important that her beloved was devoted, sincere and honest. Then in this case she can become a loving, caring wife.

Yana's spouse will have to gain patience. Emotions are often torn above its mind. However, such a girl leaving, quickly switches to something more positive. Coming out married, this woman will not become a homepage. She does not stop watching himself and becomes even more attractive for others. Its chosen one will have to find a way to pacify the fervor of his beloved spouse, continuing to conquer other people's hearts.

In the marriage alliance, it is Jana who takes the role of the leader. Because of this, she often has conflicts with mother-in-law. However, over time, the tension between women falls, they become more tolerant and friendly. It is impossible to say that the owner of this name is tyrant. On the contrary, in making decisions, the girl is necessarily advised with her husband. In addition, Yanochka is a wonderful mistress, a loving wife and a caring mother.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in LoveMarriage compatibilityFeatures of relationships
Alexander100% 30% Both partners are temperamental and bright personalities. They are united exclusively to passion and attraction to each other, but such fermented feelings can cooler over time. Then Sasha and Yana usually do not find a different exit, except for the cessation of relationships.
Dmitriy100% 50% Beautiful Union of two loving hearts. These people unite not only mutual feelings to each other, but also joint interests and views on life. And let Dmitry and Yana, there are no special dustiness and passionate expression of love, but still their union reliably fastens tenderness, loyalty and mutual understanding.
Sergey90% 70% In these relations, partners are complemented by each other. They are very comfortable together, they find a common language in almost any matters. Yana and Sergey become beautiful lovers, close friends and reliable business partners. They are volitional and ambitious, joint forces overcome any obstacles. No troubles will be able to destroy their excellent union.
Andrew100% 50% Partners in this relationship are inclined to look closely to each other, trying to know their chosen one as best. Yana and Andrey seek to create a cohesive strong family, and ultimately they do it. By concluding the marriage union, the spouses do not regret their choice.
Alexei90% 70% In this union, partners are customized with joint forces to create a strong family. Before making marriage, they carefully study the habits and character of each other, learn to give up and restrain emotions. Such people are able to build a harmonious family in which love will reign, care and mutual understanding.
Evgeny70% 60% Evgeny in this pair acts by the performer of ideas with his creative beloved. They work perfectly with difficulties, maintain their second half in everything. They know how to work on their relationships, quarrels and disagreements between them practically does not occur.
Maxim90% 70% Both partner are targeted and persistent. They understand each other literally with a half-clow, which immediately excludes scandals and conflicts in the family. Yana and Maxim trust, each of them makes their considerable contribution to their development. These people are comfortable together. Their union is usually strong and durable.
Vladimir90% 60% The Union of Yana and Vladimir is quite prosperous, harmony reigns in their relationship. People with such names have common plans for the lives that they implement joint forces. No misfortunes and adversity can separate them.
Denis90% 40% This pair combines multifaceted and talented personalities. They prefer to lead a bright and rich life in which every day looks like a holiday. Yana and Denis love to spend time together, they travel a lot.
Artyom100% 70% Both partners seek to create strong and stable relationships. Yana and Artyom never stop developing. They gladly plan a joint future. Such people get along with each other perfectly. Understanding helps them cope with difficulties and achieve their goals.
Igor100% 30% Frameful and passionate feelings are blinding Jan and Igor, but such a union is not destined to be durable. However, if partners, in addition to passion, will associate mutual understanding, love and devotion, it is quite possible that they will all be successful.
Novel70% 40% The compatibility of these names is small, as the novel and Janu connect only the passion and attraction to each other. But when their feelings are cooled, partners are no longer able to hold anything together. Most often, such an alliance decays. However, if they learn to show respect for the chosen one and condescending the disadvantages of your loved one, the couple can build a strong family.
Vitaly80% 30% Yana in his chosen one finds a lot of flaws with whom can not accept any way, therefore their relationship is full of conflicts and quarrels. Victor is inclined to jealous his spouse, and the girl even in marriage seeks to pay attention to the attention of the people around him.
Oleg100% 40% Populators and hot-tempered partners tend to pronounce their feelings. From passion to hatred, they are usually only one step. In their pair frequently, violent clarification of relations and noisy scandals. Ultimately, such people usually make a decision to disperse.
Vladislav.100% 60% This relationship can only be envied. In the Union Yana and Vladislav, the harmony of love, loyalty, care and mutual understanding reigns. Partners appreciate and respect each other, and this contributes to the construction of strong and durable relationships.
Ruslan80% 30% The attitude of this couple seems to be immaculate, but it's not at all. Ruslan is an exemplary family man who wishes to find homemade comfort and pacification. Yana does not seek to separate the interests of the chosen. It is important for her in the spotlight, and that she often gives her partner reasons for jealousy.

The value of each letter name

I am ambitious and self-confident people who do not seek their goals. They are witty and charming, and it attracts attention to them around. For such people, it is important to take care of your reputation, so they rarely make reckless actions, even if, as a result, their popularity takes off to heaven.

Women whose name begins on the letter "I", easy to study. They quickly assimilate the theory and skillfully use it in practice. Possess phenomenal memory, have stunning abilities to study languages.

H is a critical attitude to everything. Extremely selective in friendship and communication. They seek to lead a healthy lifestyle. Responsible and judicial, work is very serious.

A - constant thirst for change, desire for leadership. Continuously develop and almost every day discover something new. Adore to win.

Yana's name consists of three letters. This means that such a girl is decisive and persistent. If it lights up some kind of idea, nothing can stop her movement towards the goal.She liked some kind of man - the lady will do everything to conquer him, Yanochka decided to open his business - will cost all the obstacles, but will launch his own business.

Table: name matching

A rockRubyRuby has long been considered a symbol of nobility, power and vigor. He is able to attract success and extend the youth. Talisman with this stone removes tension, improves the mood and protects its owner from various temptations.
ColorCrimsonWound and impressionable people. They seek to demonstrate their feelings to the whole world with the help of creativity. Cannot stay alone for a long time, but at the same time it is difficult for them to communicate with others. We need like-minded people, it is very important for them to share with someone their ideas.
Number4 Ambitious, pragmatic and reasonable people with pronounced leadership qualities. They are not afraid of responsibility, boldly go to their goal. Despise in those who surround nonsense, duplex and disadvantaged. Unable to perform spontaneous actions, never experience fate. They strive for independence, they count only on themselves.
PlanetMarsStill, possess a volitional character. Emotional, aggressive and hot-tempered. At any cost seek to get the desired.
ElementAirCreative and talented personals. They always have many different ideas, but for their implementation, such people usually lack no strength or time. Sociable and friendly, can not be long without a company. Inquisitive, never stop there.
AnimalTermiteThis insect people associate with activity that often changes life dramatically. In which direction, it depends on the actions themselves. Thermite also symbolizes the desire of unforgettableness and some fussiness.
Zodiac signSagittariusPositive and ambitious. They are able to influence other people and unobtrusively tend them to their opinion. With glitter in the eyes are taken for the implementation of the next idea, but quickly lose enthusiasm, leaving the work unfinished. Emountal perceive criticism in their address.
WoodChestnutChestnut is considered to be a tree of the sun. It is believed that this tree can heal from a variety of diseases. Whether from such wood or two-three purified fruits protects against evil influence and witchcraft.
PlantPionA symbol of happiness, loyalty and family harmony. Frequently believed that this flower attracts the second half to the unmarried girl. Peony is a flower of powerful, courageous, purposeful and independent people. He is able to strengthen their best qualities of a person and attract success, wealth and happiness.
MetalTinResourceful, reasonable and prudent. The tin mascot is able to endow its owner with the ability to quickly adapt to changes and comfortably feel at any atmosphere.
Favorable dayTuesday
Important years of life26, 44

When Yana was born

Winter Yana prudent and persistent, always confident in their abilities. Not afraid of responsibility, boldly fights difficulties that are found in the life path. However, its emotionality often takes over common sense. Because of this, the girl falls into various unpleasant situations.

Yana whose birthday falls on the spring, charming, self-free and selfish. Trying to put their interests above the desires of others. She has very few friends. She strives to achieve recognition by all means, but will never risk his own reputation.

Yana, born in winter, persistent and confident

Yanochka, born in summer, quick-tempered, temperamental and very touching. It often gives you a gusting of your emotions, because of this, relationships with colleagues and loved ones can be spoiled. Such a girl will not admit his mistakes, you should not expect repentance or at least an apology.

In the fall, Yana pragmatic, calm and secretious are born. They are open and sociable, but rarely tell about their personal lives to other people. From the owner of this name, you can hardly hear complaints about how life is unfair to her. Very few know her real. Such a woman appreciates kindness, sincerity and honesty.

Table: Horoscope named

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesActive, volitional and ambitious woman who realizes their most intimate dreams. Many believe that the desires of Yana-Aries are far from reality, but in the life of this hardy lady there is almost nothing to be able to cope with. She boldly goes to his goals, inspiring others, too, strive for success.
calfQuick, temperamental, stubborn and extremely intractable woman. It only makes all decisions, and her opinion is not amenable to discussion. With a yana-Taurus it is very difficult to agree on something, as it is not considered with the interests of others.
TwinsThis is a powerful, emotional woman whose actions usually depend on its mood. Hiding behind the mask of the strong lady, the height of the soul, Yana Gemini risks to lose their composure and someday still to reveal their true nature.
CancerYana-cancer is romantic, dreamest and windy. Most of the time it is in its own fictional world, not wanting to perceive the harsh reality. This may affect her success in professional activities, as fantasies constantly interfere with it to focus at work.
a lionThe arrogant and powerful Yana-lion is always in pursuit of the championship in everything. It does not need someone's advice and help, prefers to solve all the problems. This woman is always convinced of her right.
VirgoHidden, but persistent, has its own special opinion about everything. Yana-Virgo disciplined, always follows the established rules. She does not commit reckless actions, as it is usually guided only by common sense. If the situation is not on the planned scenario, such a girl is lost and cannot focus on an important one.
LibraAttractive, sincere, cute and naive woman. Responsive, sociable, can support any conversation. Proposed to empathy, always ready to help. Yana-scales condescendingly refers to human vices and believes that each person should have a chance to correct their mistakes.
ScorpioExtremely hot-tempered, irritable and controversial Yana-Scorpio herself does not know what he wants from life. Its actions usually guide only feelings. Such behavior makes it difficult to relationship with others. It is unmanaged and hot-tempered, and this often leads to negative consequences both at work and family life.
SagittariusAmbitious, energetic and cheerful Yana-Sagittarius never sits on the spot. She prefers an active lifestyle, wants to manage everywhere. This woman is responsible, attentive and hardworking. It usually reaches the desired result. Such a girl is charming, easily attracts the attention of men.
CapricornHaving worn, a purposeful and stubborn woman who seeks immaculate literally in everything. Any business in her hands argues. Yana Capricorn poses high goals and without much effort reaches them. The volitional character of such a girl helps her achieve incredible success in the field of career.
AquariusThis woman is unusual to talk a lot, as she knows the price to their words and always accurately expresses his thoughts. Pragmaticism, prudence and prudence helps her make important decisions. Many Yana Aquarius may seem covered and indecisive, but this opinion is usually scattered when people get the opportunity to see it in business.
FishCapricious, wounded and nervous woman who often creates problems practically from scratch. She got used to complain about her fate and blow his troubles to incredible scales. Yana-fish seeks to communicate, but often its waywardness repels other people. Very touching, not inferior to the first.

Famous women

Famous women with this name:

  • Yana Poplavskaya - Soviet and Russian actress, television and radio resources; The first glory came at 10 years due to the role of a red hat in the film "About the Red Hood";
  • Yana Esipovich - Russian actress of theater and cinema;
  • Yana Arshavskaya - Russian actress of theater and cinema, world-fencing champion;
  • Yana Oskova - Russian handball player, honored master of sports in Russia, world champion;
  • Yana Romanova - Russian biathlonist, honored master of sports in Russia;
  • Yana Frey - German Children's Writer;
  • Yanka Dyagileva - Rock-singer and poetess, participant of the group "Civil Defense";
  • Yana Churikova - Russian TV presenter;
  • Yana Rudkovskaya - Russian musical producer;
  • Yana Shvets (Eva Bushmina) - singer, one of the soloist of the group "VIA Gra".

Songs with this name: "Yana" Philip Kirkorov, Yan-Yanochka Group "Private Darin", "Yanochka" Andrei Rubezhova.

Photo Gallery: Famous Yana

Yana Shvets (Eva Bushmina) - Singer Yana Arshavskaya - Russian Actress Yana Esipovich - Russian Actress Yana Poplavskaya - Soviet and Russian actress, television and radio resources Yana Romanova - Russian biathlete Yana Rudkovskaya - Russian Music Producer Yana Oskova - Russian Handball Stick Yana Churikova - Russian TV presenter Yanka Dyagileva - Rock-singer

Yana - temperamental and contradictory woman. It is surprisingly combined by several of the most different qualities at once: waybirth and pragmatism, uncompromising and dramaticness. The owner of such a name is striving for glory and recognition, but will not make actions capable of undermining its reputation.