Idea and images in the work of dead souls. Gogol "Dead Souls" - Idea

Idea and images in the work of dead souls. Gogol
Idea and images in the work of dead souls. Gogol "Dead Souls" - Idea

Determine the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "Dead Souls" is not quite simple. It is also explained, first of all, by what we have now only a small part of this work is, - only the first part, and separate scattered pieces of the second - what was not destroyed by Gogol himself. Thus, we are not able to judge all the ideological content of the work. And then the position of the criticism is hampered by the fact that at his disposal there are interpretations, which the author himself gave the "dead souls", and the promises that he wanted to fulfill at the end of the poem, but did not have time. According to Gogol's own recognition, he himself first wrote without any serious goals. Pushkin gave him the plot, grateful for his talent; Gogol became interested in the combination of those provisions that were easily woven into this story, "and began to write" caricature "," without determining the detailed plan, not allowed to be a report that it should be hero himself. I thought simply, "says Gogol," which is a funny project, the execution of which is busy with chikchik, will bring me on a variety of faces and characters. " This is free, purely artistic creativity And Hogola helped create the best pages of the first part of the "dead souls" - those pages that caused exclamation from Pushkin: "Lord! How sad rus. " The exclamation was struck by Gogol - he saw that from the "pranks" of his feather, from his joking, frivolous, the works can go out something large, ideologically meaningful. And so, Pushkin, he conceived to show in the "dead souls" "from one side of Russia", that is, more fully, than in the "Revolution", to portray the negative sides of Russian life.

The more deepened Gogol in his work, - the weaker the influence of Pushkin was carried out; The more independently the attitude of Gogol was made to his work, the more difficult, artificially, its idea was trendy. First of all, he penetrates the idea to expand the limits of the depicted, - wanted to show Russia not "from one side", but the whole whole - evil and good, in her life prisoner; Then he began to think about "plan" for his already started work, "he asked himself" alarming questions about "goals" and "meaning" of his work. And then the poem "Dead Souls" in his imagination went into three parts. Probably later he saw in her allegorical meaning. In his idea, three parts of the "dead souls" had to, in a finished form, correspond to the three parts of the Divine Comedy Dante: The first part dedicated to the image only evil - was to correspond to "hell"; the second part where the evil was not so disgusting where the hero begins in the soul of the hero, where some positive types are revealed - they would answer "purgatory" - and, finally, in the final third part, Gogol wanted to present everything in the apotheosis that It was in the soul of a "Russian man", - this part was to be configured to "paradise". Thus, it appeared that artificial bulky building "dead souls", the tricky systematization of the material with which Gogol could not have coped.

But, besides this conversion of the composition, Gogol was prevented freely to create a moral trend. All the conversation about their "spiritual business", about cleansing their hearts, a detrimental way affected his work. And so, the "dead souls" gradually turned into some kind of "Sewing pipe" where he merged their Imaginary and valid "vices". "My heroes are being close to the soul, he says that they are from the soul - all my last writings are the story of my own soul." He himself confessed that when a desire to get rid of different spiritual defects was intensified, he "began to endow his heroes, beyond their own" naughty "- with his own. And, according to him, it helped him to make it better ...

So, Gogol himself gives us three interpretations of the idea of \u200b\u200b"dead souls" - 1) the beginning of it (the first part) is a frequency image of peculiar individuals and characters taken from Russian life. Feature, uniting almost all the heroes of the first part - irreparable vulgarity, the full unconsciousness of life, misunderstanding of its goals and meaning: he presented with "this side" russian Society", 2) The work of the" Dead Souls "should have covered the whole of Russia - all evil and good, in it prisoner. In such a wide interpretation of Russian reality, Gogol "Service" in front of the birthplace - and 3) The work was to serve him personally, in the case of his spiritual self-improvement. He looked at himself as on the Moralist, which would not only indicate fellow citizens on the evil, which contributes separate vicious figures, but will draw both ideals that will save their homeland.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"dead souls" in terms of criticism and reader

It is not difficult to understand that now this author's idea is not quite clear for the reader: he has only the first part of the poem in front of his eyes, in which only random promises flashes that in the future, the story will take another character - to a personal "peace of mind »Writer reader has no case. Therefore, I had to judge the work, leaving the ideas of the author, not digging in his soul. And here, modern and subsequent criticism, contrary to Gogol, herself determined the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. As before in the "Auditor" and in the "Dead Souls", there was a desire to indicate the disgrace of Russian life, which, on the one hand, depended on the serfdom, on the other hand, from the Russian Management System. Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "dead souls" by a majority was recognized as an accusatory, the author is ranked with noble satiritis, boldly beating evil of modern reality. In a word, the same thing happened that it used to be with the "auditor": 1) the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author was alone, and the results of his creativity led to the conclusions, which he did not want to do not expect ... 2) both relative to the "auditor" and Regarding the "dead souls" we have to establish the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work not only without the help of the author, but even contrary to his desires: we must see the picture in this work negative Parties Russian life, and in this picture, in its lighting, see the great social meaning of the work.

The main theme of the poem " Dead Souls"- the topic of the present and future Russia. A mercilessly swearing order, which existed in the country, Gogol was confident that Russia would be a prosperous country that the times would come when Russia becomes an ideal for other countries. This conviction arose from the feeling of a huge creative energy that was trampled in the depths of the people. The image of the Motherland in the poem acts as an personification of all the great, which is capable of the Russian people. Towering over all paintings and images drawn in the poem, the image of Russia Oveyan with hot love of the author who dedicated his creative work native country. In his poem, Gogol denounces those who interfered the development of the creative forces of the nation, the people, mercilessly annoying the "owners of life" - nobles. People like Manilov, Sobashivich, Plushhina, Chichiku, cannot be the creators of spiritual values.

The embodiment of the mighty takeoff vital energy, aspirations to the future is an amazing image of Russia, like the bird-triple rushing to the immense day. "Did you and you, Russia, that a brisk and rongary troika, carry? Smoke smoke under you the road, ram bridges, everything is lagging behind and stays behind ... It flies past everything that neither is on earth, and put on other nations and states to her. The lyrical statements of the author are saturated with high pathetic. "... what a sparkling, wonderful, unfamiliar far distance!

Rus! " One after another Gogol pins the paintings of Russian nature, arising before the gaze of the traveler rushing along the autumn road. It is not by chance that a stagnant host writer opposes the rapid movement of Russia forward. This is a faith in the future of the country and the people. Lyrical reflections of the writer about the living character of the hardworking of the Russian nation belong to the number of the most heartfelt pages warmed by a non-regulatory flame of patriotism. Gogol understood perfectly well that the inventive mind and creative dating of the Russian people only then turn into a mighty force when they are free. Hot believe in the great future of Russia, Gogol, however, it was unclear to imagined the path for which she had to come to the power, glory and prosperity.

"Rus, where are you, let me answer? Does not give a response. " The writer did not know the actual ways, with the help of which it would be possible to overcome the contradiction between the state of the depression of the country and its flourishing. In his coronary of social evil, Gogol objectively reflected the protest of the wide layers of the people against a serfdom. It was on this basis that his bike satire grown, exposing the dominates of the serf souls, the official rulers. Work on the second volume of the poem coincided with a deep spiritual crisis of the writer.

During this period of life, the tendencies of bourgeois development began to appear inevitably. Gogol hated the kingdom of the dead The shower, but the capitalism scared him. Gogol, as a person deeply believes, opposed any revolution. Such was his life set. If the laugh of the saltykova-generrine is directed directly to the undermining of public obscures, then the laughter of Gogol is based on its contemptive and humanistic. Possessing a brilliant gift, N. V. Gogol created an outstanding work.

The lyrical pages of the poem dedicated to the people are the best in the work. Gogolbescho loves his country and her people.

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Suggested Pushkin plot " Dead souls» He was attractive for Gogol, as he gave him the opportunity along with their hero, the future chikchikov, "Driving" throughout Russia and show "All Russia." Social issues of the "dead souls" integrate the problem of the spiritual state, or rather, the confusion of "modern" and above all "Russian man". In letters, Gogol clarifies that he is not at all provinces, and not a few ugly landlords, and not what they are attributed to, there is a subject of "dead souls", which is the full and only subject of "art" of their author, and the man and soul of man, and " modern man"And" the current state"His" Souls ".

Poem "Dead Souls"- Realistic work. Principles artistic realism Gogol was formulated in the retreat of two types of writers. The writer refers his own creativity to the critical direction. Its historical limitations is obvious, which is expressed in the fact that the "prolific grain" of Russian life was laid for Gogol not in social, democratic trends in the development of "reality", but in the national specifics of the spiritual "nature" of the Russian person. Gogol wrote during the crisis of serfdom in Russia. Depicting landlords and officials, Gogol took advantage of a satirical description, social typing, as well as a common critical orientation. Much attention The author pays descriptions of nature, manor, home, interior, portrait details. Through satirical descriptions, the author characterizes the heroes, paying attention to the details. Different plans relate: lyrical retreat of bird-triple and a description of the trip through poor Russian roads.

The poem dates back to traditions ancient epicwhere holistic being was recreated in all contradictions. Under the "poem", the writer meant the "smaller Epopea ... Avenue of the learning book of literature for Russian junior. The hero epic is a private and invisible person, but significant in many ways to observe the human soul. " Lyrical devices that are elements of the poem, in the "dead souls" reflect the author's perception of reality. Gogol himself called a work not only by the poem, but also a novel, however, for this, the work lacks love intrigue. The poem contains elements of the Plutovsky, adventure adventure and social novel.

Plot and composition of the poem

Three composite links are distinctly distinguished: the display of local possessions (chapters 2-6), the image of the life of the provincial city, the provincial officials (chapters 7-10), the story of the vital fate of the main hero of the poem.

The road in all its values \u200b\u200bis a composite rod of the narrative, which combines its spatial coordinates (Russian gubernsky city) With temporary (brush movement) into the symbol of "all of Russia" and its way from the serfdom to the Great Future.

The image of Chichikova And his ideological-composite role influence the plot of the poems. The poem is stylized under the description of the trip, individual fragments of the life of Russia are combined into an integer. Yosley consider the role of the image, then it lies in the characteristics of the adventurist. As follows from the biography of the hero, it uses for his own purposes or the position of the official, or the mythical position of the landowner. The composition of the poem is built on the principle of "closed spaces": estates of landowners, city.

Symbolically and self-confession of the poem - "Dead Souls". Its literal, associated with the plot value - not only delicted from the audit lists of the deceased peasants, referred to in the language of official documents "souls". In addition, it is the dead souls of the owners of living and dead peasant souls, melting the possibility of their awakening.

Theme of the Motherland and the People in the Poem

Gogol says that the peasants in their mass are ignorant, clogged and limited: the courtyard of the box does not have the idea where the right where the left; Parsley and Selifan stupid and lazy; Uncle Mitya and Uncle Minai are only able to argue whether Chichikov's Brica will come to Moscow and Kazan. However, Gogol makes the idea that the Russian people have talents and creative skills: in a lyrical retreat of Russian, in the retreat of the bird-triple, in the characteristic of the Yaroslavl Rollennoy Men.

"Lesson of the king" was taught by the author of the "dead souls" "the story about Captain Copeikin" the time of its action is accurately designated: "Six years after the French." This is the time of the height of the Alexandrovskaya reaction, the time of Arakcheev and the birth of the Decembrist movement. Captain Kopeikin is one of the participants in the war of 1812, which the reaction that followed it turned from the Defender of the Fatherland in the robbery ataman. The threat of the revolutionary "rebellion" in Russia and resembles the "Tale of Captain Copeikin". IN lyrical retreats About Russia and about Bird Troika Gogol expresses his attitude to the future of Russia. "Rus, where are you?" This question is not addressed not to the "proud horse" - a symbol of Russian statehood, and to the "Bird Troika" - a symbol of the national element of Russian life, its coming and world-historical self-determination.

To the question Gogol. "Dead souls" what the main problem Works. What is the main topic of the work. And what were the relationship given by the author Nikita Burian The best answer is According to Gogol, the essence of the first volume "Dead Souls"
is to show disadvantages
the vices and weaknesses of the Russian man:
"... in the book ... a man taken from our same
states ... he got more then to show
disadvantages and vices of a Russian person, not his
advantages and virtue, and all people who
surround it, taken also to show
our weaknesses and disadvantages; the best people and
characters will be in other parts ... "
(N. V. Gogol, "To the reader from the writer",
preface to the second edition of the first volume "Dead Souls")
The main problem of the poem is spiritual death and
spiritual revival of man.
The author explores the causes of moral degradation
landowners, officials, chikchikov, reveals depressing
the consequences of this process.
At the same time Gogol, writer with a Christian worldview,
does not lose hope for the spiritual awakening of its heroes.
About the spiritual Resurrection Chichikova and Plushina Gogol
was going to write in the second and in the third volumes of his
works, however, this design is not destined
it was realized.
Source: Details

Answer from Neurologist[guru]
chichikova with landowners, - I understood you right?

Answer from Coasto[active]
Subject and problematics. In accordance with the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work - show the way to achieving the spiritual ideal, on the basis of which the writer thinks the possibility of transformation as state system Russia, its public device, and all social layers and each individual person - are determined by the main topics and the problems set in the "Dead Souls" poem. Being an opponent of any political and social coups, especially revolutionary, the Christian writer believes that negative phenomena, which characterize the state of modern Russia, can be overcome by moral self-improvement of not only the Russian person itself, but also the entire structure of society and the state. Moreover, such changes, from the point of view of Gogol, should not be external, but internal, that is, it will be proposed that all state and social structuresAnd especially their leaders, in their activities should focus on moral laws, christian ethics. Thus, the eternal Russian trouble is bad roads - it is possible to overcome, according to Gogol, not to change the bosses or tighten the laws and control over their execution. For this, it is necessary that each of the participants of this case, first of all, the head, remembered that he is not responsible for a higher officer, and before God. Gogol called on every Russian man in his place, with his position to do the case as the highest - Heavenly - the law.
That's why the topics and issues have been so wide and inclusive gogol Poem. In her first volume, the emphasis was made on all those negative phenomena in the life of the country that need to be corrected. But the main evil for the writer does not consist in social problems as such, but for the reason they arise: the spiritual cloak of the modern man. That is why the problem of the surning soul becomes in the 1st volume of the poem central. All other themes and problems of the work are grouped around it. "Be not dead, and live souls!" - Calls on the writer, convincingly demonstrating what the hell is the one who has lost the living soul falls. But what is meant by this strange oxymmer - "Dead soul", given the name to the whole work? Of course, not only a purely bureaucratic term used in Russia XIX. century. Often, the "dead soul" is called a man who is mired in concerns about stupid. The gallery of landowners and officials, shown in the 1st volume of the poem, is in front of the reader such "dead souls", since all of them characterizes the confusion, selfish interests, empty waste or absorbing miserness. From this point of view, "dead souls" shown in the 1st volume can be withstanding only " alive soul»People, perfected in author's lyrical devices. But, of course, the oxymmer "Dead Soul" is interpreted by a Christian writer and in a religious and philosophical sense. The word "soul" itself indicates the immortality of the person in her christian understanding. From this point of view, the symbolism of the definition of "dead souls" contains the opposition of a dead (oblique, frozen, prudent) beginning and a living (inspired, high, light). The originality of Gogol's position is that it not only opposes these two starts, but indicates the possibility of awakening the living in the dead. So the poem includes the theme of the resurrection of the soul, the topic of the way to her revival. It is known that Gogol suggested showing the way to revive two heroes from 1 th Tom - Chichikova and Plushkin. The author dreams that the "dead souls" of the Russian reality will be revived, turning into a truly "living" soul.
But in the modern world, the death of the soul touched on the literally everyone and reflected on the most diverse sides of life.

The main work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is not only on the scale and depth of artistic generalizations. For this author, work on it has become a long-term process of writing and human self-knowledge. Analysis of the "Dead Souls" will be presented in this article.

Gogol noticed after the publication of the first volume, that the main subject of his work is not the ugly landowners and not the province, but the "mystery", which suddenly had to reveal to readers in the following volumes.

"Pale Beginning" of Grand Plan

Searches for the genre, change in the plan, work on the text of the two first volumes, as well as the thinking of the third - these are fragments of the grand "building", implemented by Nikolai Vasilyevich, only partially. Conducting the "dead souls" analysis, it should be understood that the first volume is only a part in which the outlines of the whole are planned. This is the "pale beginning" labor, by defining the writer himself. No wonder Nikolai Vasilyevich compared him with a porch, attached to the "Palace" of the provincial architect.

How did the work arise?

Features of the composition and plot, originality of the genre related to deepening and development initial design "Dead souls". The origins of the work stood Pushkin. As Nikolai Vasilyevich spoke, the poet advised him to take for a big essay and even suggested the plot from which he wanted to create "something like the poem." However, not so much the plot itself, how much the "thought" prisoner was a "tip" of Pushkin Gogol. Well known to the future author of the poem real storieswhich are based on scams with the so-called "dead souls". IN youth years Gogol in Mirgorod occurred one of these cases.

"Dead Souls" in Russia Times of Gogol

"Dead souls" - who died, but continued to be lovingly alive until the next "audise fairy tale." Only after it they were officially considered dead. It was after the landowners who stopped paying for them - a special tax. The peasants who existed on paper could be laid, donated or sold than fraudsters sometimes used, seducing landowners not only the opportunity to get rid of those who did not bring the income of fortress, but also to get money for them.

The buyer of the "dead souls" at the same time became the owner of the state quite real. Adventure of the main character of the work, Chichikova, - Corollary " inspired thought", squealing him, - the guardian council will give for each serf peasant for 200 rubles.

Adventure-Plutovsky Roman

The basis for the so-called adventurous-plutovsky novel gave a "anecdote" with "dead souls". This kind of novel has always been very popular because it was characterized. Gogol's senior contemporaries created works in this genre (V. T. Nareny, F. V. Bulgarian, etc.). Their novels, despite the rather low artistic level, while have a great success.

Modifying the genre of the adventurous-plutical novel during work

The genre model of the works of interest to us is precisely an adventurous-plutical romance, as it shows the analysis of the "dead souls". She, however, was strongly changed in the process of the writer over this creation. Indicates this, for example, the author's designation "Poem", which appeared after the general plan and the main idea Adjusted Gogol ("Dead Souls").

The analysis of the work reveals the following interesting features. "All Russia will appear in it" - The thesis of Gogol, who not only emphasized the scale of the "dead souls" plan compared to the initial desire "although with one side" to show Russia, but also meant at the same time the revision of the genre model chosen earlier. He became close to Nikolai Vasilyevich the framework of the traditional adventurous-plutical novel, since he could not accommodate the wealth of a new plan. Only in one of the ways of vision of Russia turned "Odyssey" Chichikov.

Adventure-Plutovskaya Roman leading value In the "dead souls", remained with the genre shell for the epic and moral spending of the poem.

Features Chichikov Images

One of the techniques that is used in this genre is the mystery of the origin of the hero. Main character He was in the first chapters or a person from the simpleness, or a proditive, and at the end of the work, overcoming the vital obstacles, he turned out to be suddenly the son of rich parents, received inheritance. Nikolai Vasilyevich from such a template resolutely refused.

By analyzing the poem "Dead Souls", one must certainly note that Chichikov is a middle person. The author himself says about him that he is "trouble-free outdoor", but not a handsome man, not too thin, but not too fat, not very old and not very young. From the reader is hidden the history of the life of this adventurer, up to the final, eleventh chapter. In this you will be sure to read carefully "dead souls". Analysis of the chapters identifies the fact that the author tells the background only in the eleventh. Deciding to do it, Gogol begins with what emphasizes "vulgarity", the order of his hero. He writes that the "modest" and "dark" its origin. Nikolai Vasilyevich again rejects extremes in determining his character (not a scoundrel, but not a hero), but stops on the main quality of Chichikov - this is a "acquirer", "master".

Chichikov - "Middle" man

In this hero, therefore, there is nothing unusual - this is the so-called "middle" man in which Gogol strengthened the line, many people inherent. Nikolai Vasilyevich sees in replaced everything else his passion for profit, in pursuit of the ghost of easy and beautiful Life The manifestation of "human poverty", poverty and spiritual interests - all the fact that many people are so thoroughly hidden. The analysis of the "dead souls" shows that Gogol needed the lives of the hero not so much in order to reveal his life at the end of the work, but to remind readers, that this is not an exceptional person, but quite ordinary. Anyone can detect some "part Chichikov".

"Positive" Heroes of Work

In the adventurous-plutical novels of the traditional plot "spring" is the pursuit of malicious, narrower and vicious people of the main character. Thoughtful for their own rights of the plow on their background seemed hardly not "perfect with the sample." As a rule, he was helped by the fellow and virtuous people, naively expressing the ideals of the author.

However, Chichikov in the first volume of the work no one is haunted. There are also no characters in the novel that could at least be a follower of the writer's point of view. Conducting the analysis of the work of "Dead Souls", we can notice that only in the second volume there are "positive" heroes: a landowner Kostagnzhlo, the deposit of muzzles, irreconcilable to the abuse of various officials the governor. But these, unusual for Nikolai Vasilyevich characters are very far from the romance patterns.

What interests Nikolai Vasilyevich first?

Focused, artificially were the plots of many works written in the genre of the adventurous-plutical novel. The emphasis was made on the adventures, "adventures" of the heroes-Pluts. And Nikolai Vasilyevich is interested in not the adventures of the main character in themselves, not their "material" result (Chichikov eventually received the state fraudulently), and their moral and social content that allowed the author to make a mirror reflecting the author modern Russia In the work of "Dead Souls". The analysis shows that this is the country of landlords that sell "air" (that is, dead peasants), as well as officials who provide a fraudster assistance, instead of preventing him. The plot of this work has a huge semantic potential - various layers of other values \u200b\u200bare imposed on its real base - symbolic and philosophical. It is very interesting to analyze landlords ("Dead Souls"). Each of the five characters is very symbolic - in their image Nikolai Vasilyevich uses grotesque.

Slow plotting

Gogol The plot movement slows consciously, each event accompanying detailed descriptions The material world in which heroes, as well as their appearance, reasoning about their not only the dynamics, but also significantly loses the adventurous-plutical plot. Each event of the work causes a "avalanche" author's assessments and judgments, details, facts. The effect of the novel contrary to the requirements this genre Almost fully stops in the last chapters. This can be verified by independently making an analysis of the poem of Gogol "Dead Souls". For the development of action, only two events of all others are important, which occur with the seventh to the eleventh chapter. This departure from Chichikov's city and mapping them.

Requirement to readers

Nikolay Vasilyevich to readers is very demanding - he wants them to penetrate the very essence of the phenomena, and did not slip on their surface, thought in hidden meaning Works "Dead Souls". It should be analyzed very carefully. It is necessary to see for the "subject" or informative value of the author's words is not clear, but the most important - Symbolically generalized. As much as it is necessary, like Pushkin in the "Eugene Onegin", the creation of readers to the author of the "Dead Souls". It is important to note that the artistic effect of Gogol prose is not created by what it is described what is being depicted, but how it is done. You will be convinced of this by spending one day the analysis of the work of the "Dead Souls". The word is a subtle tool that Gogol owned perfectly.

Nikolai Vasilyevich emphasized that the writer, referring to people, should take into account the fear and uncertainty living in those who make bad actions. And approval, and reproacitate should carry the word "lyrical poet". Reasoning about the dual nature of life phenomena is a favorite theme of the author of the works of interest to us.

Takov brief analysis ("Dead Souls"). You can talk about the work of Gogol. We allocated only the highlights. It is curious to also dwell on the images of landowners and the author. You can do it yourself, based on the analysis we spent.