Women's names are modern, beautiful, rare and unusual. List and their meanings

Women's names are modern, beautiful, rare and unusual.  List and their meanings
Women's names are modern, beautiful, rare and unusual. List and their meanings

Even before the birth of a child, parents begin to think about how to name the baby. It is believed that the name of a person who comes into the world depends on his fate and character. The list of beautiful female names is so huge that sometimes it is not easy to find it. To simplify the task, there are a number of criteria (numerology, saints, traditions, fashion, meaning, combination with a surname) that help determine how to name the baby.

How to choose a beautiful name for a girl

According to the law, parents have the right to name their child whatever they want. Sometimes this goes beyond common sense, when the name not only does not combine with the surname, patronymic, but also sounds awful. Some mothers and fathers strive to name their children after relatives, but if you believe in omens, be careful, because it is believed that the baby can repeat the fate of an adult. Based on the above, it is necessary to choose beautiful Russian names for girls, guided by several basic criteria.

Church calendar

Often, the choice of a beautiful female name is carried out depending on the church calendar. On the one hand, everything is simple here: you just need to look at the calendar on the girl's birthday and find out to which saint, the great martyr the date is dedicated, he will patronize. According to the Orthodox faith, a child immediately falls under the protection of this saint, acquiring a guardian angel for life.

However, some difficulties may arise here due to the fact that the girl is named and the saint is a man. In this case, you need to look at who is the patroness on the eighth and fortieth days after birth. It is believed that these days it is customary to name a child and carry out the sacrament of baptism, so the choice will be correct.


There is a table where each letter of the name has its own number. If you add them up, you get a number that also affects the character and female destiny:

Having calculated the number, you can familiarize yourself with the interpretation using the following detailed table:

Child units use their charm, which makes it easy to get away from punishment after a crime. Girls are often hooligans who do not know the feeling of fear.

Twos are sensual, affectionate, constantly in need of hugs, kisses, tenderness. They make friends once and for all, girls are persistent, decisive.

Curious, intelligent, well-read, striving to learn everything about nature.

The main character trait is caution, four children try to bypass troubles, the female half is needlewomen, they get married once and for all.

Fives are too mobile, energetic, athletic; girls-fives make excellent ballerinas and gymnasts.

Very peaceful natures, strongly attached to their mother, striving to imitate her in everything.

Sevens show independence from a very early age, do not tolerate instructions, act in spite of, but often make the wrong decisions. Girls try to imitate older girlfriends.

Very positive personalities, who know how to enjoy life, smile all the time, do not show negative emotions, until they are greatly offended.

Nines are capricious, loving to make scandals, tantrums, drawing energy from those around them.


Often, beautiful maiden names are chosen based on the time of year, considering that this factor also predetermines the traits of a female character:

  1. Winter girls have a developed sense of responsibility, perseverance in achieving goals, while being cold. They are stubborn, contradictory, it is difficult to find a common language with household members. Therefore, it is better to call the girl a soft, beautiful female name that can soften the hard character traits laid down by nature: Svetlana, Ulyana, Valentina, Natalya, Lyudmila.
  2. Spring girls are soft, gentle, striving for a family, the birth of children. It is difficult for them to make decisions, to defend their opinions, they think for a long time before making a decision. The crumbs born in the spring are flexible, therefore, in order to give them firmness of character, you need to choose something more harsh-sounding, for example, Marina, Larisa, Irina, Victoria, Ruslana.
  3. Summer babies are endowed with creative abilities, they are impulsive, emotional, hardworking, active, proud. These children develop different character traits, so you can call them whatever you like.
  4. Autumn young ladies are devoid of daydreaming, have pedantry, wisdom, integrity, and poise. Such personalities lack lightness, romance, which will be added by the beautiful female names Sophia, Elizaveta, Zlata, Yesenia, Olesya, Vera.

National traditions

There are many international families in the modern world, each member of which knows and honors his own traditions. Choosing beautiful female names for girls, you should not rely only on this factor. The selection should take into account such a criterion as consonance. A balance is needed in the surname-name-patronymic, their sound should caress the ear, and not cut. The same applies to old Russian nicknames, which sound beautifully in full, but dissonant in an abbreviated version.

Fashion for female names

You should not be based on fashion trends in such an important matter. Often women, turning the pages of magazines, name their daughter after actresses, models, famous figures, etc. Such an irresponsible approach can have a negative impact on the girl's future, her life path, energy shell, implementation in the profession, family. So, for example, before the October Revolution, Christian names were popular - Anna, Katerina, Maria.

In the 20-30s, strange abbreviations appeared, which were called newborn Soviet citizens - Dazdraperma (Long live the First of May), Oyushminalda (Otto Yulievich Schmidt on an ice floe). In 30-40 years. returned to fashion Galina, Nina, in the 50s. there were many Mari, Zoi, Nadezhd. 60-70 years they were distinguished by their brightness, minimalism, like the names of women - Zlata, Rimma, Renata.

In the 80s and 90s, foreign names appeared - Magda, Eva, Jeanette, as well as Rosa and Marianne, as a tribute to the TV series "The Rich Also Cry" or "Wild Rose". Modern parents return to the old Russian ones - Ulyana, Polina, Lyubava, etc. In addition to fashion, there is a list of beautiful female names in alphabetical order with a detailed interpretation, a description of character traits that must be taken into account before naming a daughter.

Combination with patronymic and surname

Many parents now like to call their daughters old, foreign or rare names, which does not always constitute a harmonious tandem in pronunciation with a surname, patronymic. So that the girl does not suffer later, does not receive funny nicknames, but feels comfortable, be guided not only by your desires, but also by the following criteria:

  1. Bearers of a complex surname, patronymic name as simply and concisely as possible.
  2. Owners of a rude, hard patronymic is better to call softly, gently.
  3. Name, surname, patronymic should complement each other, be easy to pronounce, sound, remember.

What names should not be given to a girl

There are different beautiful names for girls, but sometimes the parents' fantasy goes beyond all boundaries, and the newborn is called not so much original as strange. To avoid such moments, it would be appropriate to use the following guidelines:

  1. Be careful with naming a girl with a masculine name (Vitaly, Bogdan, Pavel). It is possible that peers will call the child Vitalik, Bogdan, Pavlik. In addition, there is a risk that the girl will acquire masculine traits.
  2. Pay attention to the consonance with the surname, patronymic.
  3. Do not give an Orthodox newborn a name that does not correspond to religion. At baptism, the priest will name the baby differently, which can affect her fate, the girl will feel the duality of nature. The same goes for double naming.
  4. Often, crumbs' relatives insist on an overly "folk" name for the baby (Fekla, Matryona, Pelageya) or, on the contrary, a pretentious foreign name (Juanita, Marianna, Vanessa). Agree, in combination with popular Russian surnames, this will sound ridiculous. When the baby grows up, she is unlikely to thank you.
  5. Think also about the possibility of creating an abbreviated, diminutive form of the naming.

The most beautiful girl names by meaning

Often, disputes about how to name the unborn child cause a lot of controversy in opinions, lead to scandals, quarrels. A guide explaining the meaning and origin of the name will help to avoid such problems. In addition, there you will find information about what surname the naming is combined with, how it affects a girl's fate, the role of a girl in a family, a team, etc.

Old Russian

In the days of Ancient Russia, girls were called two Russian folk nicknames. The first was received at birth, considering it negative, since it reflected all negative traits, manifestations of character. The second was given upon reaching the age of 18, and was selected based on personality traits. All Old Russian nouns were divided into 5 groups:

  • animals (Swan, Pike);
  • numerals (Osmaya, Pervusha);
  • divine (Lada);
  • based on personal qualities (Veselina, Golub);
  • dibasic (Yaroslav, Radimir).

Among them there are nouns that are still popular. So, the rating of the best, beautiful female names includes:

  1. Borislava is a "fighter for glory."
  2. Zlata - "gold, gold".
  3. Vasilina - "royal".
  4. Lada - "good, dear".
  5. Love means "love" ..
  6. Mila. Has a Slavic origin, means "sweet as honey".
  7. Svetlana is "light".
  8. John. Appeared from the Hebrew Ivanna, translated as "gift of God."


Until the advent of Christianity in Russia, ancient Russian names were popular, but from XI-XVII, Byzantine, Greek, and Roman came into use. They penetrated into Russian culture so deeply that some of them are still sometimes mistakenly considered Old Slavonic. Most often used:

  1. Alexandra - "active, courageous, protector of people";
  2. Angelina. Ancient Greek, its interpretation is "angelic messenger, angel".
  3. Vasilisa. The masculine version is Vasily, meaning "regal".
  4. Share (Dolyana) - "lucky".
  5. Elena - "sunny, chosen, bright."
  6. Inessa is "chaste".
  7. Lydia is a "resident of Lydia".
  8. Karina. Comes from Korin - "girl".
  9. Kira is "mistress".
  10. Ksenia is a "hospitable, itinerant guest."
  11. Melissa is the bee.
  12. Margarita - translated from ancient Greek as "pearl".
  13. Isolde is "cold gold".
  14. Pauline. Derived from Apollinaria - "belonging to Apollo."
  15. Olivia is the "peace bearer."
  16. Lily. Derived from the name of the flower, it means "white lily".
  17. Praskovya - "Friday, the eve of the holiday."
  18. Tatiana is the "organizer".
  19. Aurora is the "goddess of the morning dawn."
  20. Julia - a derivative of the male Julius - "wavy, fluffy."
  21. Claudia is lame.

Fashionable and modern

All modern beautiful female names have not only Greek, but also Slavic, Germanic, Jewish, Roman, Latin roots. Here is an interpretation of some of them:

  • Alice - "of noble birth."
  • Amelia (Amalia). Has German (ancient German) roots, means "hard-working, hardworking."
  • Bella is "lovely, beautiful."
  • Maryana is a "sad beauty".
  • Nicole is French, "conqueror of nations."
  • Olga - from the Scandinavian Helga, "saint".
  • Taisiya - "wise, goddess of fertility."
  • Elvira is a “patriot”.
  • Sophia is "absolute wisdom".
  • Valeria, translated into Russian, as "to be healthy."
  • Victoria is "winner, victory".
  • Violetta - has Latin roots, translated as "violet".
  • Daria is the "winner".
  • Marina - comes from the Latin "marinus" - "sea"

Beautiful foreign names for girls

It is not worth calling the girls, focusing only on their own taste or intuition, each name has its own peculiarities, carries a deep secret meaning, sometimes mysterious, capable of endowing its mistress with special energy, strength, making her happy, bringing success. In addition to Russians, there are also beautiful foreign female names - English, European, Indian, Arabic, Persian, Italian, Muslim, etc. The culture of each nation has its own rating of traditional, ancient and modern names.


The Czech Republic is a Slavic country, so many of the names are consonant with Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian. Sometimes Czechs call girls a variety of exotic names, but more often they give old ones, among which are:

  • Christina (or Christina) - formed from the Latin Christianus, means "Christian woman dedicated to Christ."
  • Mary is biblical, meaning stubborn.
  • Catherine - comes from the Greek word "katarios", translated as "pure, immaculate."
  • Veronica is the "winner".
  • Barbara (Barbara) - "foreigner, foreigner."
  • Alina - "noble, stranger."
  • Milana - "sweetheart, beloved."
  • Milena. It has the root "mil", which means "sweetheart".


The people of Poland, like many other nationalities, are anxious about beautiful female names, calling girls melodiously. Poles believe that this will bring the little ones love, happiness in family relationships, wisdom in communicating with loved ones, friends, career success, etc. At birth, the baby is given one name, at baptism - another, believing that the religious name protects the baby's soul from adversity, disease, the evil eye. The most popular are:

  • Alicia is of a noble family;
  • Anastasia - resurrection;
  • Angelica - angelic;
  • Berta is bright;
  • Bozena - "God's, divine";
  • Victoria is the conqueror;
  • Gabriela is a man of God;
  • Dominica - belongs to the Lord, etc.


Some Bulgarian names come from foreign ones, being their abbreviated form, others have purely Slavic roots. Often in Bulgaria, girls are given such beautiful female names:

  • Blessed is happy;
  • Berislava - taking glory;
  • Wanda is the grace of God;
  • Veselina is cheerful;
  • Dolphin is a sister;
  • Darina - given by God;
  • Elena is beautiful;
  • Zaryana - gold, golden;
  • Rusana - fair-haired;
  • Cute flower - floral, means "cute flower".

Women's names are rare and beautiful

In Russia, Italy, France, girls are called the most beautiful female names. This is what the statistics say. Many adverbs are very rare, but they sound so amazing that they cannot but delight the ear. These include:

  • Augustine;
  • Adeline;
  • Azalea;
  • Beatrice;
  • Vlastina;
  • Gayane;
  • Gloria;
  • Daniela;
  • Dinara;
  • Yesenia;
  • Zoryana;
  • Inga et al.

The most beautiful female names in the world

Each ethnic group has its own preferences as to how to name a newborn girl. There are such beautiful names that are popular in some countries of the world:

  1. USA: Britney, Pamela, Marilyn.
  2. France: Angelica, Aurelia, Daniela, Jasmine, Melissa, Sophie, Charlotte.
  3. Italy: Adelina, Alessandra, Albina, Bianca, Violetta, Gina, Julia, Letizia.
  4. Germany: Agnet, Amalie, Bridget, Gertrude, Yvon, Karla.
  5. England: Amelia, Olivia, Jessica, Scarlett, Isabelle, Daisy.

Each name carries a very powerful energy, and when a name is assigned to a person, he subconsciously succumbs to the influence of his main characteristics. Female names are presented with a special variety; among their huge number, it is difficult for parents to choose the most beautiful female name for their baby.

All names have their own history and have an individual meaning that has been formed since ancient times. Numerous studies confirm that people with the same name can be similar in some traits, have the same attitude towards life, and even be similar in appearance.

Alexandra- this name has been very popular for decades. Derived from the ancient Greek male name Alexander. Means courageous, reliable. Such girls are very lively and restless, but the adult Alexandra will be feminine and elegant. Able to resolve any conflict. An adult woman with this name will be able to prove herself well in business and business matters.

Anastasia- the name is of Greek origin and comes from the masculine form of the name Anastas. Means resurrecting. A girl with this name has a well-developed intuition, she may even have the ability to predict events. Anastasia is smart, beautiful and dreamy, religious at heart. Idealism and romance are developed in it.

Anna- one of the most popular names not only in Slavic, but also in other countries. It is of Hebrew origin and characterizes a pretty, graceful girl.

Another meaning of this name is merciful, grace. A girl with this name will be caring, kind, altruistic traits appear in some situations. At the same time, Ani is always self-confident, they have willpower. A very feminine and pleasant name.

Alice- is of ancient Greek origin and means "truth". A girl with that name is sociable and has a good sense of humor, kind, sympathetic. She is characterized by increased sensitivity, so she is often offended, but the offenses pass very quickly. She is witty, therefore, she can respond with dignity to any attacks in her direction.

Alina- means noble. A bright and good name that will endow its owner with activity, excitability and stubbornness.

Bogdana- given by God. A person with this name is always self-confident, sociable, cheerful. A rude and cold name.

Victoria Is a beautiful name that means "victory". A funny and, at the same time, serious name.

Veronica- consists of two names: Vera and Nika. A gentle, pleasant-sounding name.

Vlada- short and firm name. Girls with this name strive to become famous and succeed.

Diana- a tough, punchy name, a girl who will be called that will have her own strong opinion and independently build her life path.

Eve- a short, bright name that will endow the girl with dreaminess and boundless kindness.

Catherine- a cheerful, calm name. A girl with that name will live up to high moral principles.

Evgeniya- a complex, beautiful name. Its owner will have a difficult, contradictory character.

Zlata- light, gentle, short. The girl named Zlata will honor family values ​​and strive to build her ideal family.

Inna- easy, fun.

Karina- unusual, soft, beautiful.

Kira Is a short, domineering name.

Kristina- sonorous, pleasant-sounding.

Ksenia- simple and soft.

Lily- light, evoking pleasant associations.

Marina- contradictory and unusual.

Maria- simple and cheerful.

Olga- a short and complex name that will endow its owner with rebelliousness and independence.

Pauline- fun, pleasant, organic.

Svetlana- sunny, light, warm name.

Yuliya- active, cheerful, positive. Girl Julia will always smile and radiate positive.

Yana- short, loud, restless.

Female names by month

When choosing female names, it is necessary to be guided by the time of year when she was born, since a beautiful and suitable female name for the month of birth will have a positive impact on the fate of the baby.


Angela- means "angelic, messenger". It is of Greek origin. Angela is very temperamental, impatient, mysterious. Well-developed imagination, impulsive. A nature who is ready for self-sacrifice.

Antonina- in life, quiet and flexible, despite the fact that the name prompts you to take action. A responsive and very sensitive girl with this name will be able to support another person and console him. Prone to needlework.

Arina- according to one version, Arina is the name of the sun goddess in Bulgaria. Girls with this name are independent, closed, have excellent intuition.

Barbara- a soft, but at the same time strong name.

Elizabeth- proud, noble, melodic.

Irina- short and firm name.


Agnia is a name of Greek origin, means fiery.

Agatha - has a Greek origin, carries the meaning of "kind, good".

Adelaide is of ancient Germanic origin. Girls with this name are calm, but persistent, sometimes stubborn.

Vasilisa is a good, bright name. Often found in fairy tales.

Valentina is a beautiful, soft name.

Tatiana is bright, memorable, majestic.


Anna is melodic and beautiful. The most popular in the world.

Anfisa is bright, but at the same time quiet, sad and slow.

Daria is courageous, rude. It carries a strong energy.

Kira is domineering, short and rude.

Julia is a cheerful, bright, melodic name.


Alla is short, strong, beautiful and quite rare.

Alexandra is powerful, loud, long.

Apolinaria is a bright, unusual, rare name.

Liana is gentle, feminine, calm, beautiful.

Lydia is an easy, noble name.


Valeria is a funny, loud, powerful name.

Inessa is joyful, beautiful, cheerful.

Carolina is unusual, interesting, beautiful.

Claudia is rare, noble.

Renata is bright, active, powerful.


Alena is kind, simple.

Alina is soft, beautiful, short.

Faith is warm, homely, affectionate.

Diana is a firm name, confident.

Zhanna is unusual, short, active.

Emma is rare, laconic, soft.


Angelica is bright, unusual and memorable.

Ilona is proud, majestic.

Rose is an impressive, masculine name.

Sara is a hard, unusual, melodic name.

Elina - cold, soft, strong.


Agnia is smooth, light, unusual.

Anastasia is a sonorous, soft, good name.

Anita is an interesting name, unusual and beautiful.

Milena is a soft, smooth, gentle name.

Olesya is simple, clear, sonorous.

Christina is long, beautiful, harmonious.


Vasilisa is simple, fabulous, beautiful.

Faith is folk, soft, gentle.

Hope is firm, calm, easy to remember.

Natalia is kind, soft, affectionate, melodic.

Lyudmila is a firm, confident name.

Sophia is creative, unusual and noble.


Anna is a light, simple, slow name.

Ariadne is rare, firm and courageous.

Veronica is long and soft.

Vladislava is courageous, firm, tough.

Marianna is unusual, beautiful, sweet.

Taisiya is sunny, mysterious, rare.


Elena is a gentle, beautiful, smooth name.

Christina is sonorous, harmonious.

Natalia - soft, homely, calm.

Nelly is a beautiful, kind, feminine and unusual name.

Svetlana is a sunny, bright name.

Ulyana is short, memorable, harmonious.


Angelina is gentle, positive, soft.

Victoria is a solid, confident, sonorous name.

Margarita is melodic, but at the same time firm, long.

Marina is contradictory and unusual.

Svetlana is warm and light.

Zoya is short, rare, unusual.

Beautiful names for girls

Women's names are very diverse, and when choosing, you should pay attention to the melodiousness of the name so that it is easy to remember, and at the same time, it is rare and not trivial.

The most beautiful female names are becoming popular because many people like them and are chosen by many. The beauty of each name is also determined by the sequence of syllables, the harmonious tandem of vowels and consonants, the ability of the name to combine with any patronymic.

Among the most successful are the following:

  • Alina;
  • Aliya;
  • Anastasia;
  • Angela;
  • Anna;
  • Diana;
  • Catherine;
  • Zara;
  • Karina;
  • Lily;
  • Maria;
  • Margarita;
  • The Rose.

Slavic beautiful female names

Old Slavic names are an inexhaustible source of beautiful names for women. They are all unusual, rare and feminine.

  • Bazhena is desired, sweet, beloved, respected.
  • Bela is bright, pure, innocent.
  • Bozena - blessed, given by God.
  • Wanda is a disputant, rebellious.
  • Dana - donated, open, mysterious.
  • Yesenia is bright, trusting, welcoming.
  • Fun means "joy, joy." Often literally - funny, funny.
  • Zlatoslav - "golden glory". They are often proud and unapproachable girls who have a subtle spiritual structure.
  • Lyubava - beloved, or "the one who loves", loving.
  • Olga is majestic, important, significant.
  • Rada - "cheerful", "joyful".
  • Tsvetana - blooming, bright, fragrant, happy.
  • Yaroslava is strong, has bright fame, vitality.

Russian female names and their meanings

Russian female names can have different origins and meanings.

Beautiful options can be chosen both among Slavic and among Greek or Soviet female names:

  • Alyona- means "scarlet", "fiery". In the ancient Slavic tribes, women-warriors were called so, whose symbols were sword and fire. A girl with that name is impressionable, sensitive, knows how and loves to empathize. More often an introvert, does not lend itself to other people's influence.
  • Anfisa- "blooming". An energetic, agile, emotional girl. She is prone to wit, has good intuition.
  • Asya- resurrected. Sometimes this name is considered an abbreviation for Anastasia. Girls with this name are usually easily excitable, emotional, do not like boredom and monotony.
  • Vasilisa- regal. Due to this meaning, the name Vasilisa is often used in Russian fairy tales about queens. Inquisitive, sincere, openly expressing feelings, spontaneous. Often has good creativity.
  • Darya- strong, invincible.
  • Evgeniya- noble, honest, fair.
  • Ilona- energetic, active, charming, attractive.
  • Larissa- smart, impatient at a young age. She is characterized by ease of communication and a sparkling sense of humor, benevolence.
  • Sophia (Sophia)- wise. Conscientious, honest, easygoing. She is characterized by delicacy and softness, accuracy.
  • Yuliya- quirky, quick-witted, bright and cheerful, cheerful.
  • Yana- means "God's mercy". Responsibility, intelligence, love of accuracy, the desire to do everything "right".

Rare female names

Among the rare female names, you can find many beautiful and harmonious. A rare and unknown name will reveal the girl's character, her feminine features.

  • Agnes- "blameless", "kind", girls with this name are prone to contact, easy to communicate, cheerful.
  • Aida- means "useful". The girl who will be called that will always strive forward and achieve goals.
  • Vitalina- brave, independent, decisive, responsible.
  • Claudia- unstable, freedom-loving, contradictory. The name means stubborn.
  • Lolla- polite, charming, benevolent.
  • Milan- "cute". Charming, romantic, kind and interesting.
  • Muse- the name speaks for itself, the meaning - "patroness of arts and sciences."
  • Olympia- the meaning of the name is "celestial". These girls are driven by the desire to idealize the world around them.
  • Emilia- strong, strong, diligent. Everywhere he shows perseverance and fortitude.
  • Emma- means "strong". The girls who are called that are most often altruists.

Unusual female names

A rare name will make the girl feel special. Most of the unusual female names are beautiful female names.

  • Aida- "first daughter", "award". Such girls reveal their creativity early, they have a strong intuition, it is believed that they have a connection with the other world.
  • Anita- means "beautiful", "graceful". These girls are very mysterious and reserved. Adult Anita differs from others in charm, the ability to see what is not available to others.
  • Zlata- thrifty, wise, good housewife. The name is clear and pleasant.
  • Lada- soft and short name. That was the name of the Slavic goddess of beauty and love, therefore the girls named by this name are very gentle, sweet and charming.
  • Maryana(or Marianne) is an interesting and unusual name.
  • Melissa- a rare name meaning hard work and good nature.
  • Miloslav- means love of life, hospitality, kindness and the ability to find a common language with others.
  • Stanislav- disobedience, inner core.
  • Taisiya- "fertile". Such a name is often encountered, but at the same time it remains unusual and interesting.
  • Emilia- means "kind, affectionate". This name sounds very affectionate and unusual.

Strange female names

The happiest female names

Among the names there are those that really bring good luck and happiness in a girl's life. They are considered so because of the meaning that has been put into them for centuries.

  • Victoria. In translation, it means "winner", which endows its carrier with the desire for leadership and the ability to attract the right and useful people to itself.
  • Tatiana. This name contains powerful energy and translates as "founder", "peacemaker". If you call a girl that, she will be a leader from birth. She is able to cope with any difficulties that come across her path.
  • Anastasia. A beautiful name that will also bring happiness to its owner. In translation it means "resurrected, immortal." This girl gives others good, and it comes back to her like a boomerang.
  • Maria- translated means "madam".
  • Elizabeth Is a truly royal name.
  • Darya- means the winner.
  • Anna- persistent, strong in spirit, patient.
  • Sophia- the name brings inner harmony and tranquility. Translated - "wise".
  • Alexandra.
  • Catherine.
  • Olga.

Biblical female names

The Holy Book is a popular source for choosing names, and not only in Russia, in other countries of the world. There are very rare names among them.

  • Avital- translated as "dew of my father." Such girls are capable of self-sacrifice, they are disinterested and kind to the people around them. They love the world and take care of their loved ones.
  • Hell- this name is mentioned in the Bible second, after Eve. Translation - "decoration". These girls have a slightly masculine character, are stubborn and do everything the way they want.
  • Anna- emitting light. The most popular name in the world.
  • Eve- the name that is the very first found in the Bible. Means "alive".
  • Elizabeth- "righteous", "worshiping God." That was the name of Jesus' mother's cousin.
  • Magdalene.
  • Maria.
  • Martha.
  • Ofra.
  • Yafa.

American female names in English

Some English names sound very nice when translated into Russian.

List of female names. Beautiful American female names

Most popular English names:

  • Adriana - Adriana.
  • Abby - Abby.
  • Alexandra - Alexandra.
  • Alice - Alice / Alice.
  • Amy - Amy.
  • Angela - Angela.
  • Barbara - Barbara.
  • Beatrice - Beatrice / Beatrice.
  • Camille - Camille.
  • Catherine - Catherine (our analogue is Katya).
  • Charlotte - Charlotte.
  • Christine - Christine.
  • Dana - Dana.
  • Diana - Diana.
  • Elizabeth - Elizabeth, Lisa.
  • Emma - Emma.
  • Jasmine - Jasmine.
  • Julia - Julia.
  • Kate - Kate.
  • Leah - Leah.
  • Margaret - Margaritta.
  • Rose - Rose.
  • Veronica - Veronica.

How to choose a beautiful name for a girl

During the selection, attention is drawn to several points:

Name for a girl by patronymic

The selection of a harmonious combination of name and patronymic is a crucial step. You need to choose a name that will appeal to parents, carry a good meaning and sound harmoniously in combination with a middle name.

For the most popular middle names, you can choose an interesting name, guided by the following list:

  • Alexandrovna - Olga, Maria, Daria, Anastasia, Elena.
  • Alekseevna - Ekaterina, Irina, Tatiana, Alena.
  • Andreevna - Anna, Sofia, Anastasia, Ksenia.
  • Antonovna - Varvara, Polina, Elizabeth.
  • Arturovna - Diana, Yana, Inna, Alina.
  • Borisovna - Xenia, Alla, Natalia, Polina.
  • Vadimovna - Valeria, Alena, Anastasia, Irina, Evgenia.
  • Valentinovna - Kira, Alina, Marina, Valeria.
  • Valerievna - Ekaterina, Anastasia, Svetlana.
  • Vasilievna - Nadezhda, Maria, Vera, Claudia.
  • Vladimirovna - Alexandra, Svetlana, Olga, Anna.
  • Gennadievna - Christina, Irina, Veronica, Elena.
  • Denisovna - Anastasia, Christina, Alisa, Valeria.
  • Dmitrievna - Xenia, Julia, Ekaterina.
  • Evgenievna - Margarita, Victoria, Daria.
  • Ivanovna - Valentina, Vera, Zinaida, Ekaterina.
  • Konstantinovna - Irina, Kira, Sophia.
  • Maximovna - Polina, Ksenia, Tatiana, Ulyana.
  • Mikhailovna - Lyudmila, Julia, Natalia.
  • Nikolaevna - Arina, Daria, Ekaterina, Elena.
  • Romanovna - Anastasia, Olga, Margarita.
  • Sergeevna - Natalia, Galina, Anastasia, Polina.
  • Stanislavovna - Alisa, Alina, Irina, Taisia, Christina.
  • Timurovna - Alina, Angelica, Bogdana, Regina.
  • Yurievna - Anastasia, Olga, Natalia.
  • Yaroslavovna - Oksana, Olesya, Anna.

Orthodox according to the church calendar

It is well known that a name, both masculine and feminine, carries a certain energy. So, if you choose a beautiful female name in accordance with the calendar, then it will protect the girl and give her vitality. The name is selected in accordance with the month, and sometimes even the day of her birth.

  • January: Aglaya, Eva, Eugenia, Claudia, Emilia, Ulyana, Anastasia, Anisia.
  • February: Inna, Rimma, Agnia, Anna, Agathia, Valentina, Maria, Zoya.
  • March: Marianna, Kira, Marina, Antonina, Iraida, Vasilisa, Galina.
  • April: Daria, Alexandra, Alla, Larisa, Matryona, Maria, Nika.
  • May: Alexandra, Glafira, Martha, Susanna, Zoya, Elizabeth, Pelageya.
  • June: Elena, Ulyana, Kaleria, Maria, Antonina, Valeria, Anna.
  • July: Inna, Alevtina Rimma, Angelina, Evdokia ,.
  • August: Maria, Christina, Nonna.
  • September: Anfisa, Natalia, Anna.
  • October: Rufina, Vasilisa, Lyudmila, Vera, Hope, Love.
  • November: Cleopatra, Elizabeth, Kapitolina, Glyceria Praskovya.
  • December: Cecilia, Anna, Barbara, Ulyana, Angelina, Zoya.

Women's names according to the Holy Calendar

Every day according to the Holy Calendar reflects the fate of the holy woman. This is an endless source from which to draw beautiful female names. If the day when the daughter was born is not marked with the name of the saint, then, according to tradition, you can choose a name from neighboring dates.

Most of the names that are contained in the Holy Calendar are male, therefore the female analogue of the name is often used.

  • January: Julianna, Julia, Agrippina, Domna, Euphrosinia, Fedora, Feodosia, Xenia, Oksana, Maria.
  • February: Feodosia, Militsa, Agatha, Dora, Dorothea, Vera, Zoya.
  • March: Olga, Martha, Iraida, Matrona, Nadezhda, Christina.
  • April: Vassa, Sofia, Praskovya, Julia, Anastasia, Vasilisa.
  • May: Elsa, Susanna, Lilia, Tamara, Anastasia, Muse.
  • June: Alena, Elena, Euphrosinia, Alexandra, Pelageya.
  • July: Livia, Jeanne, Lucie, Sarah, Agripina.
  • August: Militsa, Anastasia, Oia, Eva.
  • September: Regina, Ksenia, Rufina, Seraphima, Tatiana, Lyudmila, Love.
  • October: Ariadne, Arina, Nana, Elizabeth, Maria, Chris, Zinaida.
  • November: Anastasia, Agatha, Anna, Elena, Agrippina.
  • December: Cecilia, Augusta, Catherine, Lilia, Sophia, Elsa.

Each name has a certain meaning, which will definitely have an impact on the character, as well as the fate of the girl, so it is important to take the choice with great responsibility.

Video about beautiful female names. How to name a girl

TOP 10 beautiful female names:

The best names for girls of the outgoing year:

With the adoption of Christianity by Russia, Slavic names were gradually replaced by names that were of Byzantine origin: we carry these names in modern times and consider them the most ordinary, Russian: Olga, Elena, Constantine, Alexander. However, the fashion for names has changed, and as a result of the constant craving for ancient Russian culture, today rare, Slavic names for children are regaining their relevance. Indeed, the names contain a significant part of the culture, traditions, customs and history of the entire people.

The main thing in the article

Popularity of names for children

So, the fashion for Slavic names is returning, and today this process is gaining momentum, since the names that have come from Western countries are beginning to become boring, people want something exotic, new, but still dear, having Slavic origins. At the same time, parents give boys and girls not only old Russian names: those of Bulgarian, Serbian or Polish origin are also actively used.

How can we explain the increased demand for rare male and female names, the trend of which has been observed in recent years in our country? It is not easy to feel special if, besides you, there are four Dima or three Alyosha in the class, and after all, this was not surprising before, newborn babies were called Lena or Katy.

Naming a son or daughter with an unusual, exotic name, parents, first of all, strive to highlight the child, to provide him with increased attention from others, to get rid of possible complexes, to make him feel like an individual and be confident in himself.

How to choose a name for a child?

When choosing a name for a child, moms and dads often face serious dilemmas and disagreements. Young parents, before choosing a single name for their son or daughter, take tens or even hundreds of male and female names as a basis. Today, rare names for children are increasingly found even in the most ordinary families, because each parent wants to highlight his child from the crowd. Therefore, the options for how to name the child are selected not only from modern and well-known in society, but also from old, even ancient names.

A couple of decades ago, such euphonious and masculine names as Matvey, Yaroslav, Egor, Fedor or David and as beautiful and feminine as Milana, Zlata or Glafira... Today, you will not surprise anyone with such names, and from the category of unusual they have passed into the category of well-known and widely used ones. But names like Vedagoras, Ovid, Orest or Evsey and today they can cause bewilderment and surprise.

However, having presented the baby with a rare, unusual name, it is necessary to take care that it is harmoniously combined with a very ordinary and ordinary patronymic and the same ordinary Russian surname: the discrepancy between exotic and “usual” can spoil the impression of even the most beautiful and extravagant name. zest ".

Traditions associated with Slavic names

Before accepting Christianity, the Slavs used two-part names. Often the middle name was given to a child when he reached adolescence, the main traits of his character had already formed. It was on the basis of them that a name was selected that duplicated the main one. Then the girl could be called Chernava(black, dark), Uladoy(the one that gets along with everyone) Malushey(the youngest in the family), Veselina(cheerful), Hang on(slim) and other names that reveal human traits.

Such names are used in our time, but most of them are mentioned only in ancient chronicles. The tradition of giving children composite names continues today, and is manifested in the fact that at the birth of a child they are given one name, and at baptism - another name, which is chosen according to the church calendar. Thus, parents protect the child, because this should protect him from damage or the evil eye.

With the adoption of Christianity, some of the names were banned by the church, because many of them were formed from the names of ancient pagan gods, which contradicts the canons of Christianity.

There are names that do not belong to Slavic, but are considered as such, and are widely used in modern days. They are formed from Slavic roots, but in fact they are of Greek origin. These names include Faith, Love and Hope... And here is the name of the girl, like Gorislava, may cause bewilderment to relatives and friends: why was the child not named with the usual Russian name - Ira, Lena or Katya? Actually names like Gorislava, Radoslava or Tsvetana are primordially Russian, but long forgotten names.

Rare names and society

It is also worth considering that a baby with a very rare name does not feel discomfort in society and communication with other children, who, as you know, are very cruel and can give offensive and unfair nicknames, deliberately distorting even the most beautiful and rare name.

It is important that the child is not ashamed of his name, and as an adult, does not experience problems of a more serious nature (for example, constant errors in documents due to incorrect spelling of the name by others).

A person who has a rare name, but does not focus on this peculiarity and a certain “chosenness” of excessive attention, commands respect from those around him. He acquires the fame of a strong spirit, a special, extraordinary person, walks through life with his head held high and, thanks to this, often reaches great heights on his life path.

If the parents have named the baby a rare, original name, they need to repeat it more often, tell the child the story of its origin, tell about the reasons why it was chosen, and reveal its meaning. It is necessary to help the child to be proud of his name and to love him. It is also important to take care that, despite all the rarity, the name for the child is not too fancy. It will be very disappointing if it provokes the ridicule of classmates, forcing the little person to become complex and feel like a "black sheep", lowering his self-esteem.

Beautiful old Russian names of girls

Due to its euphony and good meaning, newborn girls today are often given such Slavic names as:

  • Milan or Milena(cute);
  • Zlata(gold);
  • Darina(cute gift);
  • Zarina(fiery, hot);
  • Lada(beautiful, okay);
  • Snezhana(snowy, cool);
  • Of the world(peaceful);
  • pleased(the one that gives joy);
  • Rostislav(giving glory);
  • Ioannina(river);
  • Yesenia(clear);
  • Mayan(the one that was born in May);
  • Yarina(sunny).

How to choose a name for a girl according to the church calendar by month, look at the photo:

What rare name to choose for a boy?

You need to choose rare names for boys wisely: such a name can sound both elegant and cute, as well as outlandish, ridiculous and even funny. The statistics of the names of children over the past years will help to choose a name for the baby: after reading it, you can not get into a mess by choosing an overly banal or too pretentious name for the baby.

If names like Alfred, Askold, Henry, Dionysius, Ismail, Erast, Agathon, Osip, Leopold, Kamil, Zhdan or Lawrence seem too unusual and ancient, you can give preference to the following rare, but very euphonious names, which have already been adapted to modern society and did not manage to become ordinary. These names include:

  • Arkhip,
  • Luke,
  • Kuzma,
  • Demid,
  • Zakhar,
  • Plato,
  • Ostap,
  • Lukyan,
  • Mitrofan,
  • Borislav,
  • Makar,
  • Martin;
  • Savely,
  • Efim,
  • Elisha,
  • Klim,
  • Gregory,
  • Tikhon,
  • Illarion,
  • Zinovy,
  • Jacob,
  • Gabriel.

You can choose a more exotic name for the baby by calling it Ratmir, Kamil, Robert, Oscar, Samvel, Elmir, Milan, Marat, Rustam or Ernest, however, the child's surname in this case must be appropriate.

How to choose a name for a boy according to the church calendar by month, look at the photo:

The meanings of the Slavic names of girls

Often parents give their children names based not only on its sound, but also taking into account its semantic characteristics, that is, they pay special attention to the meaning of the name, for example:

  • If a daughter was very long-awaited and was born after many years of turning to the Lord, she is named Bogdana, Bazhenoy or Blessed, or alternatively Zhdanoi(long awaited).
  • If a baby was born at dawn, she is given a beautiful old Slavic name Zoreslava.
  • If they want a girl to have a cheerful disposition, they call her Fun.
  • If they want her to grow up as a sweet, kind, okay, peace-loving girl, they call her Ladomiloy, Miroslava, Nezhana, Tikhomira or Milada.
  • If parents want their daughter to always be loved by everyone, they give her names with the corresponding meanings - Lyubava, Lyuboslav, Lyubomila or Ludmila.
  • If they wanted to glorify the baby or she was born on the eve of an important event, she was given a name Radonitsa, Radoslava, Slavina, Dobroslava or Zvenislava.

When parents want their daughter to be always in the spotlight and be successful with men, to be attractive and good-looking, they give her a name that embodies their wishes:

  • Belyana(light, clear),
  • Vereya(attractive, attractive),
  • Glafira(important, main),
  • Goluba(loving),
  • Dina(light),
  • Dobrina(kind, earthly),
  • Zhelana(desired)
  • Krasava or Krasimir(beautiful),
  • Ladomila(beauty is sweet)
  • Lithium(giving tenderness)
  • Medea(pleasant),
  • Svetovolika(having a bright face),
  • Prelesta(sweet, beautiful),
  • Vasilisa(valid).

You can choose a name for a girl according to any characteristics that are important in the opinion of parents.

The meanings of the Slavic names of boys

Naming their son with an ancient Slavic name, parents want to endow him with character traits inherent in the heroes of ancient military or biblical legends. Basically, these are strength of mind and will, power, sharp mind and charisma, perseverance, kindness, striving for fame and leadership, nobility and greatness. The meanings of some of the ancient names that we will tell you about will help you make the right choice:

  • Bazhen- desired, long-awaited;
  • Belozar- white dawn;
  • Belogor- enlightened;
  • Berislav- the one who cares about fame;
  • Blagoslav- glorifying kindness.
  • Bogolyub- worshiping God.
  • Veligor- great.
  • Wenceslas- crowned with glory.
  • Gorislav- fiery, highly respected.
  • Darimil- gracious.
  • Dobroslav- glorifying, giving kindness.
  • Lubomyr- a loving world.
  • Miloslav- glorifying mercy.
  • Radimir (Radomir)- the protecting world.
  • Svetovid- perspicacious;
  • Svetozar- illuminating with light.
  • Yaropolk- the commander of the solar army.

What names shouldn't you choose and why?

And yet, not many parents are extreme and consider it possible to give their child a too unusual Slavic name. Such primordially Slavic girls' names as Alatyrka, Amelfa, Valkyrie, Dabijiva, Dragana or Ragosna are not used in the modern usage of names.

In addition, the name for a boy should not sound too pretentious or pretentious, cause unpleasant associations for both parents and other family members. For example, Adolphus, Caesar, King or Frederick can cause an ambiguous reaction in society: you should not create problems for the child from birth.

Statistics of Old Russian names for children in Russia

Since the demand for rare names is steadily growing, giving such a name today, the parents of the child are not at all insured that in a few years the chosen name will not become as popular as today Daniel and Nikita... The same story happened with such incredibly beautiful names as Cyril, Timofey, Nazar, Gleb, Matvey, Ilya or Arseny- despite their outward rarity, unusualness and antiquity, they are widely used today, not being outlandish or rare.

And yet, for now, the most popular name for boys remains Alexander... The top ten also includes Egor, Kirill, Timofey, Maxim, Ivan, Artem, Daniil and Nikita... Girls are most often called Sophia, Maria, Barbara, Miroslav and In gold... Names such as Anastasia, Eva, Alice, Alexandra, Daria.

Today in our country, about 7% of newborn babies receive primordially Slavic names, but this trend is becoming more widespread from year to year.

You can familiarize yourself with the peculiar TOP names of boys and girls in recent years from the videos below.

As it is believed in many cultures, the name given to a person at birth, to some extent, determines his future destiny. This belief was widespread among the ancient Slavs, about whose female names we will talk below.

Naming Traditions in Ancient Rus

Such a reverent and serious attitude to the name often led to the fact that a person was named twice. One name was known to everyone and served only for communication, while the other, genuine, was not given out to anyone except the closest people, relatives and friends. Old Russian female names were also selected in accordance with this rule. Keeping them secret helped to save the girls from the influence of evil spirits and harmful witchcraft. At the same time, the first name was often, as it is now called, negative. That is, it reflected any negative traits or concepts. This type includes such old Russian female names as Malice, Nekrasa, Kriva, and so on. It was believed that if you call a girl that, then the property of the name will just depart from her. And in life, the opposite, positive meaning will prevail. They gave this name at birth. The second naming took place when the child reached the age of majority (by ancient standards). That is, this naming was part of a person's initiation into adulthood, into society. The name was chosen most often on the basis of the personal qualities that the girl possessed. An example here is such old Russian female names as Veselina and Goluba.

Sources of names

The Slavs had a huge variety of names. In general, all old Russian female names known today, as well as male names, can be divided into five groups. The first includes those that are the names of representatives of the animal world or plants. For example, according to this principle, the girl could be called Pike, Swan, and so on. The second group includes a list of old Russian female names that are numerals. That is, the girl could be called the serial number of her birth in the family - Pervush, Osmaya, etc. The third group suggests that the name was given to the child in honor of some goddess. For example, in honor of the goddess of beauty, the baby could be called Lada. The fourth type includes names based on a person's personality traits. We have given examples of this type above. And finally, the fifth group is the most beautiful old Russian female names, since they consist of two bases. What makes them especially capacious, sonorous, intricate and filled with deep meaning. The names of Yaroslav, Tikhomir, Radimir can serve as vivid examples here. From this group, by transformation and reduction, a subgroup of simpler names has evolved. Svyatosha, Milonega, Yarilka are typical examples of this kind. Of all the groups listed, Old Russian female names for the child were freely chosen, although hypothetically, the Magi could have some influence on the choice.

Old Russian names after Christianization

The Church, expanding its influence in the Slavic lands, earnestly fought against everything pagan. It is not surprising, therefore, that after Christianization, most of the original Russian names were forgotten and replaced by Greco-Roman and Hebrew variants. There were even lists of names banned by the church and to be forgotten. First of all, it included, of course, the names of pagan gods (Lada, for example). In addition, those worn by the leaders of the pagan opposition were prohibited. This was done so that the memory of them was erased. After all, if no one names a child in honor of the disgraced sorcerer, then after the death of the hero of the opposition, no one will remember. Unfortunately, today the original Slavic names in Russia are very rare. Old Russian female names, like male ones, have not yet left the shadows. Although the traditional Christian versions were replaced by Soviet ones, now Western European forms are also actively penetrating.

Old Russian female names and their meanings

Below we provide a list of the main Slavic female names. Due to centuries of oblivion, not all old Russian female names have come down to us. Therefore, it will not be possible to draw up a complete list. But those that remain will be quite enough for our article.


Bazhena. This name means the desired child.

Beloslava. The name, consisting of two bases - "white" and "glory". Accordingly, its meaning is "white glory".

Berislava. Means "taking glory."

Blagoslav. Means a woman who glorifies goodness, kindness. Can be reduced to Blagan, Blagin.

Bogdan. Literally means "given by God." The shortened form is Bozena.

Bozhidar. Almost the same as Bogdana, only not given, but given by God.

Boleslav. This beautiful name should be understood as "glorified".

Borislav. This is the name of a woman fighting for glory.

Boyana. This word in the old days was called storytellers telling legends and myths.

Bratislava. The name is based on two roots: "to fight" and "to praise".

Bronislava. Means defender of glory.

Bryachislav. The first root in the name is closely related in meaning to the modern verb "rattle". Accordingly, the meaning of the name is "to rattle", that is, "to praise on a musical instrument."


Velimir. The name comes from the concept of "big world".

Velislav. Literally - "the most glorious". Abbreviated versions: Vela, Wieliczka.

Wenceslas. "Crowned with glory" or "wearing a crown of glory."

Faith. A name preserved by tradition. Doesn't need translation.

Veselina. Speaks about the cheerfulness and cheerful disposition of her bearer. The female form of the name Veselin. The name Vesela has the same meaning.


Gorislav. Means "burning in glory."

Gradislava. This name means a woman who protects glory.

Granislava. The literal meaning is "glory enhancing".


Daren. Denotes gifted. Darina, Dara are abbreviated versions of this name.

Dobromila. Obviously, he speaks of a kind and sweet woman.

Dragomir. Literally - "the one that is dearer than the world."

Dobroslava. This name can be interpreted as "glorifying kindness." An alternative meaning is "good reputation".


Zhdana. The name means the expected child.


Zvenislava. In modern Russian it means “announcing glory”.

Goldflower. The abbreviated form is Zlata. Obviously, semantically correlated with gold.


Spark. Comes from the word "sincere".

Languor. Speaks of longing. As expected, reflects the fact of difficult childbirth.


Casimir. This name is now common in Poland. Means "showing the world."

Krasimir. "A beautiful and peaceful woman" - this is how this name is understood today. Abbreviated to be Krasa.


Lada. The name of the goddess of beauty, love, marriage and peace.

Love. A name that is still popular in Russia today. The Lyubava form is also known. Doesn't need any comments.

Lubomyr. Says that the bearer of the name loves the world.


Malusha. Another form is Mlada. Means small or junior.

Milan. Means just a nice woman. Such forms as Milena, Milava, Umila, Militsa, Milada are also known.

Mstislav. Means a woman who glorifies revenge.

Miroslava. This is the name of a woman who glorifies the world.


Hope. The Hope form is also known. The name is well known today.

Nekras. A striking example of a "negative" name. Means an ugly woman.


Putislav. The meaning of the name is "praising intelligently."

Putimir. This name consists of two pillars: "peace" and "put" (meaning "mind"). Accordingly, he can be understood as "a woman with a peaceful mind."


Radislav. It translates as "caring for the glory."

Radmila. This is the name of a sweet and caring woman.

Rodislav. This name means "glorifying the race."


Svetislava. A name that means "glorifying the light." An alternative form is Svetoslava.

Svetlana. A common name today. He talks about the spiritual lordship of his bearer.

Svetozar. The literal meaning is illuminating with light.

Stanimir. A name that translates into modern Russian as "setting the world."


Hardworld. Obviously, the name comes from the phrase "solid peace", which can also be understood as "stronghold of the world."

Tverdislav. Similar to the previous name, but with a shift from the concept of "peace" to the concept of "glory".

Creator of the world. This is the name of a woman who creates, creates the world.


Chaslava. Means a woman hoping, that is, expecting fame. Another well-known form of this name is Czeslaw.

Cernava. So they call a black-haired or dark-skinned woman. Another form of the name is Chernavka.


Yaroslav. This name is not forgotten even today, although it is found mainly in the masculine form. Means a woman who glorifies Yarilo - the sun god.

Jaromira. The interpretation of the name gives an idea of ​​the solar world or the world of Yarila.

Many names that we consider to be native actually appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and for the most part do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs, rituals and life of the ancient Slavs. These names include: Dobroslava - sane; Fun - mischievous, funny; Mstislava is exacting; Snezhana is modest and gentle.

Most popular modern names for girls

According to statistics from the Moscow Civil Registry Office, the most popular names for girls in 2016 were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alisa, Elizaveta, Alexandra, Daria. Therefore, if you are looking for beautiful yet rare names for girls, pass by this list of 10 female names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the meaning of the female name. We are used to believing that whatever you call the ship, so it will float. For example, if you want your girl to be a winner in life, you can call her Victoria. But remember that this name is very popular now!

Here are some examples of what meanings female names have.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means "blooming". In childhood, she is calm, having matured, she becomes decisive and stubborn. He will never commit rash acts, he knows how to find a common language with people.

Valeria translated from Latin means "strong, strong". She is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed imagination and a wonderful imaginative memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, economic and hospitable wife. She carefully chooses a professional field in which she will become a real specialist.

Dominica translated from Latin means "mistress". Girls with this name have intuition, a masculine manner to lead and rule. Dominica is confident in herself and is able to bring the most difficult and difficult task to the end. Most inclined towards a leadership position, even if it is associated with risk. Achieves success in painting, architecture, design and clothing modeling.

Rare names for girls

Statistics say that many parents tend to choose a name for their child, which is not very popular now. If you adhere to the same views, then keep in mind that very recently, little Aurora, Lyubava, Leia, Ustinya, Emily, Bozena, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Vesna, Malvina, Blanca, Cleopatra have already appeared.