And D Sotin biography. For all and about everything

And D Sotin biography. For all and about everything
And D Sotin biography. For all and about everything

Ivan Dmitrievich Satin - the largest book publisher of Russia

On December 19, 1876, the largest book publisher of Russia Ivan Dmitrievich Satin began his own business.

The future publisher was born in the serfdom on January 25 (February 5) of 1851 in a small village of Nestsnikovo Soligalic County of the Kostroma province. Ivan was the eldest of the four children of Dmitry Gerasimovich and Olga Alexandrovna Syutny. His father came from the economic peasants and served as a volost writer. The family constantly needed the very necessary and had to go on earnings 12-year-old Vanya. His labor life began at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, where not by the years, the dear, intelligent and dilapidative boy helped to trade turns to the furious articles. He tried himself and as a student of Malar. Everything has changed when, on September 13, 1866, the 15-year-old Ivan Satin came to Moscow with a letter of recommendation for the merchant Sharapov, who kept two commerce and books from Ilyinsky gates. According to the lucky chance, Sharapova did not have place in the fur shop, where the benevolents were referred to Ivan, and from September 14, 1866, Ivan Dmitrievich Satin began his countdown of service to the book.

Patriarchal merchant-old goods Petr Nikolayevich Sharapov, known at that time, the publisher of loudspeople, songwriters and dreams, became the first teacher, and then the patron saint of the executive, who did not bother any black work of the teenager, neatly and diligently fulfilled any owner's instructions. Only after four years Vanya began to receive salary - five rubles per month. Perseverance, perseverance, hardworking, the desire to replenish the knowledge impressed the elderly owner who did not have children. Inquisitive and sociable his student gradually became a trustee of Sharapova, helped trade in books and pictures, picked up his poverty literature for numerous offen - rustic babonosh, sometimes illiterate and sistened about the advantages of books on covers. Then the owner began to entrust Ivan to trade in the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, accompany the sumports with the lobular publications to Ukraine and in some cities and villages of Russia.

1876 \u200b\u200bwas a turning point in the life of the future book publishing: married to Evdokia Ivanovna Sokolova - the daughter of the Moscow merchant-confectioner and receiving four thousand rubles in the dowry, he took three thousand and bought his first lithograph car in Sharapov. On December 7, 1876, I. D. Satin opened a lithograph workshop on a Voronukhina Mountain near the Dorogomilovsky Bridge, which gave life to a huge publishing business.

The opening of a small lithographic workshop is considered the moment of birth of the largest printing enterprise MPO "First Exemplary Typography". The first lithograph of the sink was more than modest - three rooms. Printed editions at first did not differ from the mass production of the Nikolsky market. But Satin was very ingenious: so with the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, he began to produce cards with the designation of hostilities with the inscription; "For newspaper readers. Manual" and battle paintings. The goods bought it instantly, bringing decent income to the publisher. In 1878, Litography passed to the property of I. D. Syotin, and next year he had the opportunity to buy his own home on Pyatnitskaya Street and equip lithography in a new place, acquire additional printing equipment.

Participation in the All-Russian industrial exhibition of 1882 and receiving a bronze medal (for more he could not expect because of his peasant origin) for book exhibits brought a satisfaction with fame. For four years, he performed in his lithography orders Sharapova under the contract and delivered printed publications into his bookstore. And on January 1, 1883, at the old square, his own book-breeding shop was a very modest sizes. Trade went Boyko. From here laid in the box, the Satin's cheating paintings and books began their way to remote corners of Russia. Often, the authors of the publications appeared in the shop, it was repeatedly L. N. Tolstoy, who talked with offices, looked at the young owner. In February of the same year, the book publishing company "I. D. Sotin and K °" was already established. Books first did not differ in high taste. Their authors in favor of consumers of the Nikolsky market did not neglect the plagiarism, subjected to "overfit" some works of classics.

"I understood the slightly and guessed how far we were from the real literature," the Satin wrote. "Therefore, the traditions of the cubic book trade were very survivors and broke them with patience."

But in the fall of 1884, a handsome young man came to the bench on the old square. "My surname fucking," he introduced himself and took three thin books from his pocket and one manuscript. These were N. Leskov's stories, I. Turgenev and Tolstovsky "What people are alive." Chertkov represented the interests of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy and offered more substantive books for the people. They had to replace the produced vulgar publications and be extremely cheap, at the same price as the previous one - 80 kopecks for a hundred. So the new publishing house of the cultural and educational character "Intermediary", because Sotin willingly accepted the offer. Only in the first four years, the mediator produced 12 million copies of elegant books with works of famous Russian writers, paintings on the covers of which artists of Repin, Kivchenko, Savitsky and others.

Sitel understood that the people need not only these publications, but also others directly contributing to the enlightenment of the people. In the same 1884, the first Syutkin "Universal Calendar for 1885" appeared at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.

"I looked at the calendar as an universal reference book, as an encyclopedia for all occasions," Ivan Dmitrievich wrote. He placed in calendars to appeal to readers, consulted with them about the improvement of these publications.

In 1885, Syutin bought a printing house of the Orel publisher with five typographic machines, a font and inventory for edition of calendars, picked up qualified editors. Registration, he instructed first-class artists, about the content of the calendar was consulted with L. N. Tolstoy. The Syutkin "Universal Calendar" reached an unprecedented circulation - six million copies. He released and tear-off "diaries". The extraordinary popularity of calendars demanded a gradual increase in the number of their names: by 1916 their number reached 21 with multi-million edition of each of them. The case has become long, revenues grew ... In 1884, Satin opened the second bookstore in Moscow at Nikolskaya Street. In 1885, with the acquisition of his own printing house and the expansion of lithography on Pyatnitskaya Street, the subject of the Satin publications was replenished with new directions. In 1889, a book publishing partnership was established under the company I. D, Sotin with a capital of 110 thousand rubles.

Energetic and sociable sutyt became close to the progressive figures of Russian culture, he studied a lot from them, igniteing the lack of education. Since 1889, he visited the meeting of the Moscow Committee of Literacy, who paid a lot of attention to the publication of books for the people. Together with the folk enlightenment figures, D. Tikhomirov, L. Polivanov, V. Bekhterev, N. Tulupov and other Sitin, publishes brochures and paintings recommended by the literacy committee, produces a series of folk books under the motto "True", is prepared, and then begins to publish with 1895 Series "Library for self-education". Becoming in 1890 by a member of the Russian Bibliographic Society at Moscow University, Ivan Dmitrievich assumed the costs of publishing the magazine "Bookstrap" in his printing house. The society elected I. D. Sytin with his lifelong member.

The huge merit of I. D. Sytina consisted not only that he produced cheap editions of Russian and foreign literary classics by mass editions, but also that he produced numerous visual benefits, educational literature for educational institutions and extracurricular readings, many scientific Popular series designed for a variety of tastes and interests. With great love published satin colorful books and fairy tales for children, baby magazines. In 1891, he acquired his first periodic publication with the printing house - the magazine "Around the World".

At the same time, I. D. Sotin improved and expanded his work: I bought paper, new cars, built the next buildings of my factory (as he called the printing house on Pyatnitsa and Gross Streets). By 1905, three corps were erected. Sotets are under greatly with the help of associates and members of the partnership conceived and carried out new editions. For the first time, the production of multi-volume encyclopedias - folk, children's, military was taken. In 1911, the magnificent publication "Great Reform" was released, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the abolition of serfdom. In 1912, the nominal anniversary edition "Patriotic War of 1612 and Russian society. 1812-1912." In 1913 - a historical study on the three hundred dollars of the house of the Romanovs - "Three Centuries". At the same time, the partnership has been released and such books: "What is the peasant?", "Modern socio-political dictionary" (which explained the concepts of "Social Democratic Party", "Dictatorship of the Proletariat", "Capitalism"), as well as "fantastic truths "Amphitheatrov - about the ability of the" Buntovshchikov "of 1905.

The active publishing activity of Sotine often caused dissatisfaction with the authorities. Increasingly, on the path of many editions there were censorship slingshots, the circulation of some books was confiscated, and the dissemination of the publisher of free textbooks and the hostels in schools was considered as a subservation of state oblats. In the Department of Police, the "Case" was instituted to the sink. And not surprising: one of the richest people of Russia did not complain the power of the pre-war. The leaving of the people, he was hotly sympathetic to the workers, his workers, and believed that the level of their talentedness and resourcefulness is extremely high, but technical preparation for the lack of school is insufficient and weak. "... ah, if this workers give a real school!" He wrote. And he created such a school in the printing house. So in 1903 the partnership established the technical drawing school and technical business, the first release of which was held in 1908. When admission to school, the children of employees and workers partnerships were preferred, as well as villages and villages with primary education. General education was replenished in evening classes. Training and total student content was made at the expense of the partnership.

The authorities called the Satin typography "Osin's nest". This is due to the fact that the Satin workers were active participants in the revolutionary movement. They stood in the first ranks of the rebels in 1905 and released the number "News of the Moscow Council of Workers' Deputies" on the announcement of the general political strike in Moscow on December 7. And on December 12, a retribution was followed at night: on the orders of the authorities, the Syutkin typography was set fire. The walls and ceilings of the newly built major factory building were collapsed, typographical equipment, ready-made editions, paper stocks, artistic blanks for printing were died under the wreckage, ... It was a huge damage for the company. Sytin accepted sympathetic telegrams, but did not succumb to despondency. After six months, the five-story typography building was restored. Pupils of art school restored drawings and clichés, manufactured the originals of new covers, illustrations, screensavers. New cars were purchased ... Work continued.

The network of book-moving enterprises of Sotin expanded. By 1917, Satin had four stores in Moscow, two - in Petrograd, as well as shops in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Saratov, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, in Warsaw and Sofia (together with suvorin). Each store other than retailers has been engaged in wholesale operations. Symita belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200bdelivering books and magazines to plants and factories. Orders for the delivery of editions based on the issued catalogs were performed within two or ten days, as the system of sending literature by cash on delivery was established canceled. In 1916, there were 50 years of book publishing activities I. D. Sittina. The Russian public has widely celebrated this anniversary on February 19, 1917. The Russian empire has lived the last days. In the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow, the solemn honoring of Ivan Dmitrievich took place. This event was also noted by the release of a beautifully illustrated literary and artistic collection "Polec for book (1866 - 1916)", in creating about 200 authors - representatives of science, literature, art, industry, public figures, who highly appreciated the uncommon personality of the jubilee and his book publishing, educational activities. Among those who left their autographs, together with articles can be called M. Gorky, A. Kupina, N. Rubakina, N. Roerich, P. Biryukov and many other wonderful people. Tens of colorful art addresses in luxury folders, hundreds of greetings and telegrams have entered the Yubilertar. They emphasized that the work of I. D. Sotine drives a high and brilliant goal - to give the people the cheapest and necessary book. Of course, Satin was not a revolutionary. He was a very rich man, an enterprising Delian who miserable to weigh everything, to calculate everything and stay with profit. But his peasant origin, his stubborn desire to introduce ordinary people to the knowledge, contributed to the culture of the awakening of the people's identity. He perceived the revolution as an inevitability, as proper and offered his services to Soviet power. "The transition to a faithful owner, to the people of the entire factory industry, I considered a good thing and enrolled free worker to the factory, - he wrote in his memories. - I am pleased with me that the case, who gave a lot of strength in life, received good development - book With the new government, reliably went to the people. "

First, a free consultant of the Gosprint, then the fulfillment of various orders of the Soviet government: negotiations in Germany on the concession of the paper industry for the needs of the Soviet book publishing, on the instructions of Nicknamedel traveled with a group of cultural cultural figures in the United States to organize the exhibition of Russian artists, led by small typography. Under the brand of the publishing house, the book was continued to be released until 1924. In 1918, the first brief biography of V. I. Lenin was printed under this brand. A number of documents and memoirs suggests that Lenin knew Sytin, highly appreciated his activities and trusted him. It is known that at the beginning of 1918, I. D. Satent was at the reception of Vladimir Ilyich. Apparently, it was then - in Smolny - a book publisher gave the leader of the revolution to the copy of the anniversary edition "half a century for the book" with the inscription: "Lenin's deep-maintained Vladimir. Iv. Sitel", which is now stored in Lenin's personal library in the Kremlin.

Ivan Dmitrievich Satin worked up to 75 years. The Soviet government recognized the merits of Sotin in front of the Russian culture and educational enlightenment. In 1928 he was established a personal retirement, behind him and his family fastened an apartment.

It was in mid-1928 that I. D. Satent settled in his last (out of four) Moscow Apartment under No. 274 on Tverskaya Street in House No. 38 (now Tverskaya Street, 12) on the second floor. Ovdowv in 1924, he held one small room in which he lived seven years, and he died here on November 23, 1934. After him, his children and grandchildren continued to live in this apartment. Buried I. D. Saten on the introduced (German) cemetery.

To the name and heritage I. D. Sotina constantly manifests itself great interest. Articles and books write about him, pretend dissertations.

But his own memories and evidence of his contemporaries serve as the most significant source of study of the life and activities of the largest Russian book publisher and the enlightement.

For the first time, the memories of Sotin appeared in the already mentioned anniversary edition of the "half a century for the book" in 1916. At the beginning of the twenties, they were continued, but were not published. Only at the end of the fifties, the younger son of the book publisher - Dmitry Ivanovich - found a father's manuscript in the family archive and took it to politicize, and already in 1960 there was a "life for book" edition, preparing in 1962. Based on this publication and under the same name of the memoirs of I. D. Sotine "Pages experienced" together with the memories of His contemporaries were issued by the publishing house "Book" in 1978 (with the dedication of the first exemplary printing house for the 100th anniversary of its foundation with a satin), And in 1985, the second completed publication of this book. Two editions of Roman Konicheva "Russian Nugget" were published: 1966, Leningrad and 1967, Yaroslavl. An interesting book study "I. D. Sotin" in the series "Leaders of Books" released the publishing house "Book" in 1983 (author - E. A. Di Restein).

In 1990, a US scientist, Professor Charles Ruud published a book in English "Russian Entrepreneur: Book publishing Ivan Satin from Moscow, 1851 -1934". "Centroupril" created a color documentary film "Life for the book. I. D. Sotin" according to the scenario Y. Zakrevsky and E. Ostrov (director Yu. A. Zvarevsky). Millions of television viewers familiar with her.

The memory of the satiety was captured in the memorial plaquel at the house number 18 in Tverskaya Street in Moscow, which was established in 1973 and testifies that from 1904 to 1928, a well-known book publisher and enlightener Ivan Dmitrievich Satin lived. In 1974, a monument with the bas-relief of a publisher (sculptor Yu. S. Dienes, Architect M. M. Volkov) was established at the grave of I. D. Sotin on the introduced cemetery.

It is not known with accuracy, how many publications released I. D. Sotin in his entire life. However, many school books, albums, calendars, textbooks are stored in libraries, gathering books, are found in bukinistic stores.

Ivan Satin was born on February 5, 1851 in the village of Nestrikovo, Kostroma province. Rose into the family of a volost writer. Being the eldest in the family early began to work as an assistant to speed and in the book shop. At the age of twenty five, he married and buying a car for lithographic print, opened his printing house, which called the "first exemplary printing house."

A big profit brought him a release of cards from the place where the battles were held in the Russian-Turkish war. In 1882, at the All-Russian industrial exhibition, Sotin was awarded a bronze medal for book printing products. He initiated the opening of the publisher, which would print books at affordable prices. Thus, a publishing house "Intermediary", which published the works of Ivan Turgenev, Lion Tolstoy, Nikolai Leskov.

Satin came up with the annual calendars, which simultaneously performed the role of reference benefits. For the first time, such a "universal calendar" was released in 1885, a year later, the calendar came out with a circulation of 6 million copies, and in 1916 more than 21 million.

In 1890, Satin entered the Russian bibliographic society, published the magazines "Bookstrap", "around the world", "Fashion Journal", "School Herald" and many others, the newspaper "Russian Word", editions for children "Bee", "MIRIO "," Kids children. " The major publishing project of Sytin became the "military encyclopedia". From 1911 to 1915, 18 volumes were published, but the publication remained unfinished.

The printing house Ivan Dmitrievich was one of the main utilities using "borrowed work", that is, almost everything was given "on the contracts" to small owners. In these workers, no, albeit small benefits of the "personnel" employees. However, the Sotin did not indulge his workers, as it was very nimble.

Once it counted that the punctuation marks make up about 12% of the set, and, thinking, I decided to pay to the typewriters only for the scored letters. Meanwhile, the set at that time was carried out manually, and the worker is indifferent, he takes from the box office or comma; Labor efforts in both cases seemed the same, so the suggestion of the sutin was met in the bayonets.

The outrageous workers on August 11, 1905 put forward the owner's requirements: to reduce the working day to 9 hours and increase wages. Sotin agreed to reduce the working day, but his order, not to pay for the signs of punctuation left in force. And then the strike began, which the workers of other factories and factories were picked up. After, in the St. Petersburg salons they said that the All-Russian strike of 1905 was "due to the Satinsky semicol."

During the December 1905 uprising in Moscow, the Typography of Sytin on Gross Street was one of the centers of stubborn resistance and burned down as a result of street fighting.

Satin by 1917 was the owner of a large network of bookstores in many provinces of the Russian Empire from the city of Warsaw to the city of Irkutsk. In mid-February 1917, the Russian public has widely noted the 50th anniversary of the bookprint activity of the Sotine by the release of the literary and artistic publication "half a century for the book", in preparation for the publication of which Maxim Gorky, Alexander Kubrin, Nikolay Rubakin, Nikolay Roerich; Total about 200 authors.

After the revolution of the enterprise Ivan Dmitrievich nationalized, but he himself continued active social activities. In 1928, he received a personal retirement and a two-room apartment.

Sytin Ivan Dmitrievich died on November 23, 1934 in the city of Moscow. Buried on the introduced cemetery.

Publishers can only be divided into two types: some work on existing demand, others create new readers. The first many, second rare. Ivan Dmitrievich Satin belongs to the number of scope and cultural significance - the sole phenomenon.

A. Izelstrom

In the history of the Russian book case, there were no more popular and more famous figures than Ivan Dmitrievich Satin. Each fourth of the books published in Russia before the October Revolution of books was associated with him, as well as the most common magazines and the BCerol newspaper over the years of their publishing activities, he released at least 500 million. Exaggerations) It can be said that all the competent and illiterate Russia Millions knew him) children learned to read on his alphabams and books, millions of adults in the farthest corners of Russia for his cheap editions first acquainted with the works of Tolstoy, Pushkin, Gogol and many other Russian classics.

A future book publisher was born in January 1851 in the village of Nestrikovo Kostroma province in the family of a volost writer, which originated from the economic peasants. Later he wrote in his notes: "My parents, constantly needing to be needed, have not paid attention to us. I studied in a rural school here at the board. The textbooks were: Slavic Alphabet, Chapel, Psaltry and Initial Arithmetic. The school was one-class, teaching - complete carelessness ... I left the school lazy and got a disgust for science and book. " His education ended on this - until the very end of his days, Sotan remained a semi-limited person and wrote, neglecting all the rules of grammar. But he had an inexhaustible margin of znergia, common sense and a wonderful business grip. These qualities helped him, overcoming all the obstacles, achieve loud glory and nationalize a huge state.

The family constantly needed the very necessary and had to go on earnings 12-year-old Vanya. His labor life began at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, where not by the years, the dear, intelligent and dilapidative boy helped to trade turns to the furious articles. He tried himself and as a student of Malar. Everything has changed when, on September 13, 1866, the 15-year-old Ivan Satin came to Moscow with a letter of recommendation for the merchant Sharapov, who kept two commerce and books from Ilyinsky gates. According to the lucky chance, Sharapova did not have place in the fur shop, where the benevolents were referred to Ivan, and from September 14, 1866, Ivan Dmitrievich Satin began his countdown of service to the book.

Patriarchal merchant-old goods Petr Nikolayevich Sharapov, known at that time, the publisher of loudspeople, songwriters and dreams, became the first teacher, and then the patron saint of the executive, who did not bother any black work of the teenager, neatly and diligently fulfilled any owner's instructions. Only after four years Vanya began to receive salary - five rubles per month. Perseverance, perseverance, hardworking, the desire to replenish the knowledge impressed the elderly owner who did not have children. Inquisitive and sociable his student gradually became a trustee of Sharapova, helped trade in books and pictures, picked up his poverty literature for numerous offen - rustic babonosh, sometimes illiterate and sistened about the advantages of books on covers. Then the owner began to entrust Ivan to trade in the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, accompany the sumports with the lobular publications to Ukraine and in some cities and villages of Russia.

1876 \u200b\u200bwas a turning point in the life of the future publisher. Twenty-five years old from the genus Siton married the daughter of the Moscow confectioner Evdokia Sokolova, having received it in the dowry of 4 thousand rubles. On this money, as well as for 3 thousand rubles, employed by Sharapova, he opened in December 1876 his lithograph near the Dorogomilovsky Bridge, the company at first was located in three small rooms and had only one lithographic machine on which the phobs were printed. The apartment was located nearby. Every morning, the Sytin himself cut the paintings himself, folded them in the pack and took Sharapova to the bench, where she continued to work with any special, this lithograph did not differ from many others located in the capital.

The opening of a small lithographic workshop is considered the moment of birth of the largest printing enterprise MPO "First Exemplary Typography".

Climbing the level of such owners of the owners of the cheating publishers, the Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878 helped. "On the day of the announcement of the war, he recalled later," I ran to the Kuznetsky bridge, bought a map of Bessarabia and Romania and ordered the master over the night to copy part of the map with the designation of the place where our troops switched through the rod. At 5 am the map was ready and put into the car with the inscription "for newspaper readers. Benefit. " The card was instantly sold out in the future, as the troops move, changed and the map for three months I traded one.

No one thought to interfere with me. " Thanks to this successful fiction, the company Sotin began to flourish - already in 1878 he was calculated with all the debts and became the most freung owner of lithography.

Ivan Dmitrievich from the first steps fought for the quality of the goods. In addition, he possessed an entrepreneurial smelter and quickly responded to customer demand. I could use any case. Lithographic pictures were embarrassed. The merchants are not traded in price, but in quantity. Goods for everyone lacked.

After six years of hard work and the search for the products of Sotin was noticed at the All-Russian industrial exhibition in Moscow. Lubki exhibited here. Seeing them, the famous Academician of Painting Mikhail Botkin began to advise theft to print copies of famous artists, engaged in replication of good reproductions. The case was new. It will benefit or not - it's hard to say. Ivan Dmitrievich risked. He felt that such "high products would find her wide
Buyer. "

For your phlebi Ivan Dmitrievich received a silver medal. With this award, he was proud of all his life and honored her above the rest, probably because she was the very first.

The following year, Sotin acquired his own home on Pyatnitskaya Street, transported his company there and bought another lithographic machine. From now on, his work has become quickly collapsed.

For four years, he performed in his lithography orders Sharapova under the contract and delivered printed publications into his bookstore. And on January 1, 1883, at the old square, his own book-breeding shop was a very modest sizes. Trade went Boyko. From here laid in the box, the Satin's cheating paintings and books began their way to remote corners of Russia. Often, the authors of the publications appeared in the shop, it was repeatedly L. N. Tolstoy, who talked with offices, looked at the young owner. In February of the same year, a book publishing company "I. D. Sotin and K °. Books first did not differ in high taste. Their authors in favor of consumers of the Nikolsky market did not neglect the plagiarism, subjected to "overfit" some works of classics.

"I understood the slightly and guessed how far we were from the real literature," the Satin wrote. "Therefore, the traditions of the cubic book trade were very survivors and broke them with patience."

But in the fall of 1884, a handsome young man came to the bench on the old square. "My surname fucking," he introduced himself and took three thin books from his pocket and one manuscript. These were N. Leskov's stories, I. Turgenev and Tolstovsky "What people are alive." Chertkov represented the interests of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy and offered more substantive books for the people. They had to replace the produced vulgar publications and be extremely cheap, at the same price as the previous one - 80 kopecks for a hundred. So the new publishing house of the cultural and educational character "Intermediary", because Sotin willingly accepted the offer. Only in the first four years, the mediator produced 12 million copies of elegant books with works of famous Russian writers, paintings on the covers of which artists of Repin, Kivchenko, Savitsky and others.

Sitel understood that the people need not only these publications, but also others directly contributing to the enlightenment of the people. In the same 1884, the first Syutkin "Universal Calendar for 1885" appeared at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair.

"I looked at the calendar as an universal reference book, as an encyclopedia for all occasions," Ivan Dmitrievich wrote. He placed in calendars to appeal to readers, consulted with them about the improvement of these publications.

In 1885, Syutin bought a printing house of the Orel publisher with five typographic machines, a font and inventory for edition of calendars, picked up qualified editors. Registration, he instructed first-class artists, about the content of the calendar was consulted with L. N. Tolstoy. The Syutkin "Universal Calendar" reached an unprecedented circulation - six million copies. He released and tear-off "diaries". The extraordinary popularity of calendars demanded a gradual increase in the number of their names: by 1916 their number reached 21 with multi-million edition of each of them. The case has become long, revenues grew ... In 1884, Satin opened the second bookstore in Moscow at Nikolskaya Street. In 1885, with the acquisition of his own printing house and the expansion of lithography on Pyatnitskaya Street, the subject of the Satin publications was replenished with new directions. In 1889, a book publishing partnership was established under the company I. D, Sotin with a capital of 110 thousand rubles.

Energetic and sociable sutyt became close to the progressive figures of Russian culture, he studied a lot from them, igniteing the lack of education. Since 1889, he visited the meeting of the Moscow Committee of Literacy, who paid a lot of attention to the publication of books for the people. Together with the folk enlightenment figures, D. Tikhomirov, L. Polivanov, V. Bekhterev, N. Tulupov and other Sitin, publishes brochures and paintings recommended by the literacy committee, produces a series of folk books under the motto "True", is prepared, and then begins to publish with 1895 Series "Library for self-education". Becoming in 1890 by a member of the Russian Bibliographic Society at Moscow University, Ivan Dmitrievich assumed the costs of publishing the magazine "Bookstrap" in his printing house. The society elected I. D. Sytin with his lifelong member.

The huge merit of I. D. Sytina consisted not only that he produced cheap editions of Russian and foreign literary classics by mass editions, but also that he produced numerous visual benefits, educational literature for educational institutions and extracurricular readings, many scientific Popular series designed for a variety of tastes and interests. With great love published satin colorful books and fairy tales for children, baby magazines. In 1891, he acquired his first periodic publication with the printing house - the magazine "Around the World".

The annual release of wholesale and retail catalogs, including on the thematic directions, often illustrated, gave the partnership to widely advertise his editions, ensure their timely and qualified sale through wholesale warehouses and bookstores. Acquaintance in 1893 with A. P. Chekhov has a beneficial effect on the activities of the book publisher. It was Anton Pavlovich who insisted that Satin began to publish a newspaper. In 1897, the partnership acquired an unpopular to that Russian Word newspaper changed its direction, in a short time turned this publication to a large enterprise, inviting talented progressive journalists - good, Amphitheatrova, Doroshevich, Gilyarovsky, Petrova, you. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko and others. The circulation of the newspaper at the beginning of the 20th century was approaching a million copies.

At the same time, I. D. Sotin improved and expanded his work: I bought paper, new cars, built the next buildings of my factory (as he called the printing house on Pyatnitsa and Gross Streets). By 1905, three corps were erected. Sotets are under greatly with the help of associates and members of the partnership conceived and carried out new editions. For the first time, the production of multi-volume encyclopedias - folk, children's, military was taken. In 1911, the magnificent publication "Great Reform" was released, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the abolition of serfdom. In 1912, a nominal anniversary edition "Patriotic War of 1612 and Russian society. 1812-1912. In 1913 - a historical study on the three hundred dollars of the house of the Romanovs - "Three Centuries". At the same time, the partnership has been released and such books: "What is the peasant?", "Modern socio-political dictionary" (which explained the concepts of "Social Democratic Party", "Dictatorship of the Proletariat", "Capitalism"), as well as "fantastic truths "Amphitheatrov - about the ability of the" Buntovshchikov "of 1905.

The active publishing activity of Sotine often caused dissatisfaction with the authorities. Increasingly, on the path of many editions there were censorship slingshots, the circulation of some books was confiscated, and the dissemination of the publisher of free textbooks and the hostels in schools was considered as a subservation of state oblats. In the Department of Police, the "Case" was instituted to the sink. And not surprising: one of the richest people of Russia did not complain the power of the pre-war. The leaving of the people, he was hotly sympathetic to the workers, his workers, and believed that the level of their talentedness and resourcefulness is extremely high, but technical preparation for the lack of school is insufficient and weak. "... ah, if this workers give a real school!" He wrote. And he created such a school in the printing house. So in 1903 the partnership established the technical drawing school and technical business, the first release of which was held in 1908. When admission to school, the children of employees and workers partnerships were preferred, as well as villages and villages with primary education. General education was replenished in evening classes. Training and total student content was made at the expense of the partnership.

The authorities called the Satin typography "Osin's nest". This is due to the fact that the Satin workers were active participants in the revolutionary movement. They stood in the first ranks of the rebels in 1905 and released the number "News of the Moscow Council of Workers' Deputies" on the announcement of the general political strike in Moscow on December 7. And on December 12, a retribution was followed at night: on the orders of the authorities, the Syutkin typography was set fire. The walls and ceilings of the newly built major factory building were collapsed, typographical equipment, ready-made editions, paper stocks, artistic blanks for printing were died under the wreckage, ... It was a huge damage for the expectancy. Sytin accepted sympathetic telegrams, but did not succumb to despondency. After six months, the five-story typography building was restored. Pupils of art school restored drawings and clichés, manufactured the originals of new covers, illustrations, screensavers. New cars were purchased ... Work continued.

The network of book-moving enterprises of Sotin expanded. By 1917, Satin had four stores in Moscow, two - in Petrograd, as well as shops in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Irkutsk, Saratov, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, in Warsaw and Sofia (together with suvorin). Each store other than retailers has been engaged in wholesale operations. Symita belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200bdelivering books and magazines to plants and factories. Orders for the delivery of editions based on the issued catalogs were performed within two or ten days, as the system of sending literature by cash on delivery was established canceled. In 1916, there were 50 years of book publishing activities I. D. Sittina. The Russian public has widely celebrated this anniversary on February 19, 1917. The Russian empire has lived the last days. In the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow, the solemn honoring of Ivan Dmitrievich took place. This event was also noted by the release of a beautifully illustrated literary and artistic collection "Polec for book (1866 - 1916)", in creating about 200 authors - representatives of science, literature, art, industry, public figures, who highly appreciated the uncommon personality of the jubilee and his book publishing, educational activities. Among those who left their autographs, together with articles can be called M. Gorky, A. Kupina, N. Rubakina, N. Roerich, P. Biryukov and many other wonderful people. Tens of colorful art addresses in luxury folders, hundreds of greetings and telegrams. They emphasized that the work of I. D. Sotine drives a high and brilliant goal - to give the people the cheapest and necessary book. Of course, Satin was not a revolutionary. He was a very rich man, an enterprising Delian who miserable to weigh everything, to calculate everything and stay with profit. But his peasant origin, his stubborn desire to introduce ordinary people to the knowledge, contributed to the culture of the awakening of the people's identity. He perceived the revolution as an inevitability, as proper and offered his services to Soviet power. "The transition to a faithful owner, to the people of the entire factory industry, I considered a good thing and enrolled free worker to the factory, - he wrote in his memories. - I am pleased with me that the case, who gave a lot of strength in life, received good development - book With the new government, reliably went to the people. "

First, a free consultant of the Gosprint, then the fulfillment of various orders of the Soviet government: negotiations in Germany on the concession of the paper industry for the needs of the Soviet book publishing, on the instructions of Nicknamedel traveled with a group of cultural cultural figures in the United States to organize the exhibition of Russian artists, led by small typography. Under the brand of the publishing house, the book was continued to be released until 1924. In 1918, the first brief biography of V. I. Lenin was printed under this brand. A number of documents and memoirs suggests that Lenin knew Sytin, highly appreciated his activities and trusted him. It is known that at the beginning of 1918, I. D. Satent was at the reception of Vladimir Ilyich. Apparently, it was then - in Smolny - a book publisher gave the leader of the revolution to the copy of the anniversary edition of "half a century for the book" with the inscription: "Lenin's deep-maintained Vladimir. Yves. Satin, "who is now stored in Lenin's personal library in the Kremlin.

Ivan Dmitrievich Satin worked up to 75 years. The Soviet government recognized the merits of Sotin in front of the Russian culture and educational enlightenment. In 1928 he was established a personal retirement, behind him and his family fastened an apartment.

It was in mid-1928 that I. D. Satent settled in his last (out of four) Moscow Apartment under No. 274 on Tverskaya Street in House No. 38 (now Tverskaya Street, 12) on the second floor. Ovdowv in 1924, he held one small room in which he lived seven years, and he died here on November 23, 1934. After him, his children and grandchildren continued to live in this apartment. Buried I. D. Saten on the introduced (German) cemetery.

The memory of the satiety was captured in the memorial plaquel at the house number 18 in Tverskaya Street in Moscow, which was established in 1973 and testifies that from 1904 to 1928, a well-known book publisher and enlightener Ivan Dmitrievich Satin lived. In 1974, a monument with the bas-relief of a publisher (sculptor Yu. S. Dienes, Architect M. M. Volkov) was established at the grave of I. D. Sotin on the introduced cemetery.

It is not known with accuracy, how many publications released I. D. Sotin in his entire life. However, many school books, albums, calendars, textbooks are stored in libraries, gathering books, are found in bukinistic stores.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the name of Ivan Sotine knew all Russia. For his life, he published a cumulative circulation of 500 million books: in each house there was a Syutkin ward, thanks to his publishing house, millions of children learned about the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers and Charles Perp, he first began to print full collections of the works of Russian classics. He was called "American" for the love of technical innovations - at home he remained the patriarchal father of a large family.

Promotional pictures

Ivan Satin was born in the village of Nestsnikovo Kostroma province in the family of a volost chisar of Dmitry Sotin. He graduated from only three class schools, and the teenager began working in one of the shops of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, when the family moved to Galich.

The career of the publisher began in 1866 in the book shop of the merchant Sharapova at the Ilyinsky gate, where Ivan Satin entered the teenager service. There he worked for ten years, after which he took from the merchant to the purchase of a lithograph machine and opened his own workshop. The machine was French, published in five colors, which was a real rarity in Russia of those times.

Then Sotin married the merchant daughter Evdokia Sokolova. They had 10 children, from which four senior sons, matured, began to work with her father.

At the end of the XIX century, offenses were played a major role in book trade - merchants-mobileians who delivered a simple product around the villages who traded in the bazaars and fairs. In the boxes of these merchants, among other things, goods for the simple people were books and affordable calendars, dreams and loved ones by all the cheating pictures. Sytin provided an offside with a commodity, and they gave him the most honest feedback with the buyer: they said that people bought more eagerly and what was their special interest.

Ivan Satin. 1916. Photo:

Ivan Satin. Photo:

Cabinet Ivan Sitin. Photo:

The word "lubok" began to use in the XIX century, and before that they called it "funny sheets" and "common picture". These sheets were entertained, informed about the main events, retained to many for home decoration. Sotin personally selected spiritual and secular stories for paintings, attracted to the creation of popular artists from the people of famous artists, including, for example, Victor Vasnetsov and Vasily Vereshchagin.

"My publishing experience and my whole life spent among the books approved me in thought that there are only two conditions that ensure the success of the book:
- Very interesting.
- Very available.
I pursued these two goals. "

Ivan Satin

When, for the conduct of trade, Offen was obliged to receive the resolution of the governor and describe the entire product, the Sitel began to open benches and draw up book directories, so as not to lose the profitable market. This was the foundation of his future network, which at the beginning of the 20th century there were already 19 stores and 600 kiosks at railway stations throughout Russia. "Every year we sold over 50 million paintings, and with the people of literacy and taste, the content of paintings improved. As far as this enterprise has grown, you can see from the fact that, starting with one small lithographic car, it then demanded the hard work of fifty printing machines ", - recalled Sotin.

Awaken mind

Until 1865, the right to publish calendars belonged exclusively to the Academy of Sciences. For most small people, they were the most affordable print edition. Sytin compared the calendar with the "the only window through which they looked at the world." To the release of the first "nationwide calendar", he reacted with a special seriousness - preparation ranked five years. Satin wanted not just a calendar, but the desktop book and a universal reference book for all occasions for many Russian families. In order to publish the calendar "very cheap, very elegantly, very accessible in content" and, of course, a large circulation, the Sotan purchased special rotary machines for the printing house, the mechanism of which significantly increased the production rate.

The case of the sink quickly became profitable. Understanding what topics are the most interest among the people, he created popular and demanded products. So the first big income brought him battle sketches and cards with explanations to military actions, which he produced during the Russian-Turkish war.

In 1879, Syutin bought a house on Pyatnitskaya Street, where he had already had two lithographic cars, and in three years later registered "Association I.D. Sytin and Co., "whose fixed capital was 75 thousand rubles. At the All-Russian art exhibition, the products of Sytin were marked by a bronze medal, and by the end of the 1890s, almost three million pictures were produced annually in its printing houses and about two million calendar.

Store Ivan Sotin in Nizhny Novgorod. Photo:

Ivan Satin in his office. Photo:

The building of the Syutkin typography on Pyatnitsa Street, Moscow. Photo:

Classic in circulation

In 1884, in St. Petersburg, a publishing house "Mediatorniary" was opened in St. Petersburg at the initiative of the writer Lion, which was supposed to produce low-cost books for the people, and the Sytin was invited to cooperate. It was worth these books a little more expensive to the Lubkov, they were not so worried, but for the sint, their release was "sacred." "Mediator" published spiritual and moral literature, translation artistic, popular and reference, albums on art. Thanks to the work with the "mediator", Sitel met many significant figures of the literary and artistic life of Moscow: the writers Maxim Gorky and Vladimir Korolenko, artists Vasily Surikov and Ilya Repin.

Sitin made available for a huge number of people the work of the best writers of the XIX century. In 1887, he was surprised by contemporaries: the collection of writings of Alexander Pushkin took alarvest in circulation in 100 thousand copies. "Alexander Sergeevich" for 80 kopecks in 10 volumes was excreted in a few days, as well as a similar circulation of Gogol. After the death of Tolstoy, Sotin agreed to publish a complete collection of writer's writers - in an expensive 10-thousand and accessible less wealthy people with a 100-thousand edition. The money proceeds from the sale went on the redemption of the lands of the clear glade for the transfer to the property to the peasants, as bequeathed Tolstoy. The publisher then did not actually earned anything, but his act received a big response in society.

Fourth power

Of the many writers, Satin was especially close to Anton Chekhov. The playwright predicted his grand successes in newspaper business. The idea of \u200b\u200bproducing a folk, the public newspaper soon became a reality. In 1897 "Association I.D. Sytin "bought a" Russian word ", the circulation of which he managed to increase hundreds of times. For the newspaper wrote the best journalists of that time: Vladimir Gilyarovsky, Vlas Doroshevich, Fedor Blagov. The record edition of the publication after February 1917 reached 1.2 million copies. Today we would be called Sotine Mediagnat - in addition to the "Russian Word", his partnership owned 9 newspapers and 20 magazines, one of which is still published under its original name - "around the world".

Sitel began to fulfill various tasks on behalf of the government, for example, arranged the exhibition of Russian paintings in the United States, negotiated on concessions with Germany. In 1928, he was appointed a personal pension, and the apartment was enshrined at Tverskaya.

On November 23, 1934, Ivan Satin died and was buried at the introduced cemetery, where a monument with the bas-relief of the publisher was established. And the apartment on Tverskaya, where Satin lived the last years of his life, became his museum.

On one of the audiences with the Minister of Finance Sergey Witte Sital said: "Our task is wide, almost impossible: we want to eliminate illiteracy in Russia and make a textbook and a book in the nationwide treasury". He did not have time, as he wanted to build a paper manufacturing factory, but managed to prepare 440 textbooks, 47 books "Library of self-education" on philosophy, history, economics and natural science, several original encyclopedias: military, children's, folk. Satin did not just make the book affordable - he knew how to wake in the reader curiosity to new and new knowledge.

Material prepared Elena Ivanov

Sytin Ivan Dmitrievich (05.02.1851-28.11.1934). Born in the family of a volost writer village of Nestznikovo Soligalic County of the Kostroma province, where he graduated from three classes of rural school. " I left the lazy school and got a disgust for the sciences and books - an opposed for three years a mustache by heart"I remembered Sotan. From twelve years started working: the seller with a tray of fur products at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, a student of Malar, and others. In September 1866, Satin arrived in Moscow and was determined by the "boy" in the book shop of the famous Moscow merchant-mehover P.N.Scharapova (in the fur There were no vacancies in Moscow) in the Nikolsky market in Moscow - he became a "student of all necessary" in a small book-picture and speed bench, where they traded in the luffed paintings, mainly religious content. The first year of Vanya ran in the "boys", performing all the black work in the house of the owner, - Sharapov looked at the boyfriend.

Ivan Satin served to the majority of Ivan Satin to the assistant head of the shop in Nizhny Novgorod. Here he showed his talent of the merchant: the idea came to create a network of trobenikov-off the merchants of merchants. The risk was - after all, the goods were divided into debt and for all losses, the prosperity suddenly of Offen, answered the young head. I scored honest, practical people from local waterproofs - poor, but who wanted to earn. In the very first year, the experiment brought profit to the next - a lot of new wishing to trade "saints" pictures came. The books did not think about the books: buyers - the peasants from the surrounding villages most of them were illiterate. The success of trade in many respects depended on the selection of paintings in the office box: it was necessary to know the tastes and understand the psychology of the people. I liked the owner of the shop, he often used to say: "Work, cotton, everything will be" - the old man did not have, and he was very attached to a cleaned guy.

In 1876, Sotan married the merchant daughter Evdokia Ivanovna Sokolova. Having received 4,000 rubles into the lessed 4,000 rubles and taking 3,000 rubles from P.N.Scharapov, acquired a lithograph for printing the chests. On December 7, 1876, Satin opened a lithographic workshop on Voronukhina Mountain in Doromilov, but also continued to work in the host shop. It was then, from one lithograph machine - the first book publishing company I.D. Sitina began. In a small room, "worked" exclusively folk pictures, the young owner immediately realized that a lot of quality depends on the quality and even tried to make it better to do better than others, no comprehensive money, hired artists. Ivan Dmitrievich, possessing an entrepreneurial consumer, instantly reacted to buying demand, skillfully using any case: " On the day of the announcement of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877, I ran to the Kuznetsky Bridge, "he recalled," I bought a map of Bessarabia and Romania there and ordered the master over the night to copy part of the card, where our troops switched through the rod. At five o'clock the card was ready and put into the car with a signature: "For newspaper readers. Benefit. " Lithographic pictures were embarrassed. The merchants are not traded in price, but in quantity. Goods all lacked».

After six years of hard work and the search, Satin received a silver medal for his products - Lubki, exhibited at the All-Russian industrial exhibition in Moscow. I was very proud of this first award and read the rest. And there were a lot of them: by 1916 - 26 medals and diplomas. Among them are gold medals obtained at world Paris exhibitions in 1889 and 1900; Diploma confirming the right of the image of the state coat of arms, awarded at the All-Russian exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod in 1896; Gold medal, handed to Belgium in 1905, and many, many others ...

By 1879, Syutin completely gives Credit Sharapov, becomes the most frequent owner of his lithography, as well as buys his own home on Pyatnitskaya and equips lithography in a new place. In early January 1883, Satin opened his first book shop on the old square, and in February, after unification with other enterprises based on lithography, founded the "partnership on the I.D. Sitin and K ° faith, including book trading, which was carried out In a small shop in five Arshin in width and ten long. The main capital of the partnership was 75 thousand rubles, half of which made Satent. In 1884, Satin opens the second bookstore on Nikolskaya Street in Moscow.

"Epopea" in the publishing business of the cylinder became the calendars - at the end of 1884 the first Syutkin "Universal Calendar for 1885" was printed, which became an indispensable directory all cases of life for many Russian families. Next year, the circulation of the "Universal Calendar" amounted to 6 million copies, and by 1916 exceeded 21 million. For the first time, the Satytsky folk calendars appeared at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, they were publicly available at the price, and in the content - "Universal Russian", "Small Universal", "Combined", "Kiev", "People-Agricultural", "King Bell", "Old Believer" and others. " In our calendars, - wrote Sotin, - for the first time, articles on different branches of knowledge appeared. They are advantageously distinguished by bright appearance and abundance of drawings in the text ...».

In 1884, Syotin met V.G. Itskov - a friend and attorney L.N. Tolstoy. He invited the publisher to release a series of books for the people, where the best works of Russian writers were included. Thinks admitted that he applied to many, but his idea was not interested in anyone - do you earn a lot on cheap books? Publishing house Mediator "It was created shortly before that on the initiative of L.N. Tolstoy and Sytin took on all the work on the press and the spread of his books. Ivan Dmitrievich just caught fire for this idea: "It was not work, but a priesthood, - recalled Sotin, - L.N. Tolstoy took the closest participation in printing, editors and sales of books" Commonwealth It lasted 15 years.

Interesting, educational and affordable books published " Intermediary "There were unprecedented success. Contemporaries testified: " The books are cheap, portable, and therefore they could easily penetrate where there are no lectures, no laboratories, nor museums, nor universities ..." The success of his plan Sitin himself explained that he was not "single", and groups, series, libraries, considering that a separate book, even the most interesting, can be lost among the masses of others - when publishing groups, the reader would rather notice it soon. " The more wider my publishing work was developed, the more I contemplated with my idea that in Russia the publishing case is endlessly and that there is no such angle in the people's life, where there would be nothing to do with the Russian publisher!", I considered Sitin. His huge merit is that he was the first to release the cheapest editions of Essays A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov and other great writers; The first publications of the folk, children's, military encyclopedia, the largest works on history, geography. These books were available at the price of the mass reader and reached it due to the wide network of numerous branches of the publisher. Through them, Sotin expanded the network of petty bookcore, providing significant discounts and constant loans, which other publishers never did.

In 1889, a book publishing partnership under the company I.D. Sitin with a capital of 110,000 rubles was established. Publishing activities expanded: the works of Pushkin, Krylov, folk epics, poems Koltsov, literature for children - "Uncle Tom" hut "," Robinson Kruzo ", Fairy Tales of Afanasyev ... in 1891 Brothers M.A. and E.A. Werner Company acquired the rights to publish the magazine "Around the world. Travel and adventure magazine on land and sea » . To work in it, Sotan invited the color of Russian writers (among them - K.M. Stanyukovich, D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak and others), famous artists. The initial circulation of the magazine was less than five thousand, after a year he tripled. As an application to the magazine, a monthly illustrated collection "On land and at sea" (1911-1914) was published, meetings of the writings of Russian and foreign writers (J. Verne, V. Gyu, M.N. Zagoskin, I.S. Nikitin, M. Reed, Senkevich, V. Scott, L.N. Tolstoy).

In 1893, the turnover of the partnership reached almost a million rubles, the Sotin becomes a merchant of the Second Guild. A new typography building was built on a gross street, shops in Moscow were opened in the House of Slavic Bazaar, in Kiev - in the living room in Podol, in 1895 - in Warsaw, in 1899 - in Yekaterinburg and Odessa. Instead of the former, a new one was formed - "High Approved Printing Partnership, Publishing and Book Trade I.D. Sytin "with a fixed capital of 350 thousand rubles. 896 book names were recorded in his catalog and their number rapidly grew. Orders by mail from anywhere in the Russian Empire were performed within 2-10 days. Symita belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe immediate delivery of books and magazines to plants and factories.

The case of the Sotina with A.P. Chekhov, who asked to publish a small collection of his stories. This meeting has grown into friendship. It was Chekhov who filed a satisfaction with the idea of \u200b\u200bedition of the newspaper. In 1902, the "Russian Word" began to publish the newspaper, which became one of the most popular in Russia. At different times, A.A. collaborated with the Russian Word Block, P.D. Boborakin, V.Ya. Bruce, I.A. Bunin, M. Gorky, A.I. Kubrin, L.N. Tolstoy. The editorial office of the "Russian Word" was the first to keep their own correspondents in various cities of the country, had an agreement with the largest Western European newspapers on the exchange of information. Contemporaries called her "news factory" and "Leviafan of the Russian press." The editors and printing house were located on Tver Boulevard. The portrait of Chekhov decorated the editorial meeting room as a sign of gratitude for the idea and assistance in its embodiment. According to the staff of the newspaper, only the incidents occurred in Moscow, and the events took place in St. Petersburg, so a large branch of the editorial office with a staff in a hundred people was organized in the capital. The efficiency of the "Russian Word" for those times was amazing. " There is no such speed of collecting information."- the Minister of Finance Count S.Yu.vitte was attracted. The initial circulation of the newspaper - 13 thousand - in 1916 passed for 700 thousand.

Contemporaries called Ivan Dmitrievich Sittina - the largest book publisher-enlightener, who gave hundreds of millions of cheap textbooks, general education and school benefits, popular books for public reading, libraries and librarians for self-education, the development of crafts and arts, agricultural development and industry, "Russian Ford "," Actual minister of enlightenment "," artist of a bookprinting "," Russian nugget "... V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko in the anniversary greeting to the 50th anniversary of Sotin called him "Himself ancestor", since he did not have any influential relatives, nor hereditary property - everything in life he himself achieved due to the living, inquisitive mind, a practical surrender, a little more, Useful.

In 1903, Syutin created art school when printing houses. All five years of study, her pets were held on the full provision of the partnership, which was reached by the time of the million rubles. In 1904, a large 4-storey building typography with modern equipment was built on Pyatnitskaya project. Trading departments opened in Irkutsk, Rostov-on-Don. Sytin received permission to publish the children's journal "Friend of Children", with which D.N. collaborated Mamin-Sibiryak, A.I. Kubrin, Professor A.M. Nikolsky and others. Extended and trade: in 1909 the firm acquired a controlling stake in the counterparty A.S. Svorin ", Becoming the owner of a large network of kiosks at the country's railway stations, at the Moscow City Government, Sotin bought the best places for the sale of newspapers, and 1911 new stores opened in Sofia and Saratov. Trade turnover reached 12 million rubles.

He attached great importance to the publication of textbooks, the demand for which constantly grew. The people's school and the teaches constituted its special attention, in 1911 he built on Malaya Ordyanka, 31 "Teacher's House" with a pedagogical museum, cabinets, libraries, a great visual hall.

In 1914, the publisher produced over a quarter of the entire book products of Russia. In 1916, Satin acquired a controlling stake in St. Petersburg Partnerships of the publishing and printed business "A.F. Marks" , incl. Popular Russian magazine "Niva"; In the same year I bought the Moscow partnership and press N.L. Cassenetsky. Sotin partnership belonged to the controlling stake in the St. Petersburg industrial and trading partnership " M.O.Volf. " Ivan Dmitrievich pondered new plans: I was going to build my own writing factory near Moscow with a town for printers, schools, hospitals, theater, church, telegraph ... plans were not destined to come true - the 1917th was approaching the plans.

In October 1918, "Partnership I. D. Sittina" was nationalized, the activities of the printing house on the gross street was suspended, in 1919 the printing house was transferred Gosizdata. . Syutkin printing house called the first exemplary. In 1921, Sotin tried to resume the case and registered in Mogubiizdat "ADMINISTOME I.D. STIN", in 1922 approved the charter "Book Association of 1922"which existed only until 1924.

But Ivan Dmitrievich continued to work in the publishing: he was an authorized former printing house - using personal connections and authority, took the paper abroad. Organized an art exhibition in the USA. He was even offered to head Gosizdat RSFSR But he refused, referring to the "Milititude". Agreed, however, be a consultant V.V. Vorovsky, who took this position.

In 1928, the Government appointed I.D. Syutin personal retirement. Until his death in 1934, he lived on Tverskaya, 38 and wrote "memories". They saw the light due to the efforts of His Son only in the 1960s called "Life for the Book", which is not better reflecting the meaning of the whole life of Ivan Dmitrievich Sytin. Buried I.D. Sitin on the introduced cemetery.

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