Monuments of the ancient Russian literature. Ancient Russian nettical monuments of literature or the teachings of our glorious ancestors

Monuments of the ancient Russian literature. Ancient Russian nettical monuments of literature or the teachings of our glorious ancestors
Monuments of the ancient Russian literature. Ancient Russian nettical monuments of literature or the teachings of our glorious ancestors

The word "monument" comes from the word "memory". Most often, the monuments are called facilities or busts arranged in honor and glory of any person. For example, many monuments were created by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. To perpetuate the memory of the Great Poet, his grateful admirers erected the monuments to him. Especially the roads of our monuments in those places where the poet lived and wrote his works. They keep the memory of the poet in these places. The architectural monuments are called the ancient temples and in general ancient buildings, because they also keep the memory of the past centuries of their native history.

In order for some essay to be recognized literary monument, time needs to pass. The ancient Russian writer, who made the chronicle, the story or life of the saints, probably, did not think that he creates monuments. But after some time, the descendants evaluate an essay as a monument if they see something outstanding or characteristic of that era when it was created.

What is the value of monuments of literature, architecture and general cultural monuments? Monument is a witness of his time.

To the number outstanding monuments old Russian literature Testing the Tale of Bygone Years "of Nestor-Chronicler," Tale of Boris and Gleb "," The Word about the Regiment of Igor "," Life of Sergius Radonezh "," The chronicle story about the Kulikovsky battle "and others heroic works Ancient Russia. One of the most remarkable monuments of the ancient Russian literature is "the teaching of his children Vladimir Monomakh", extracted from the Lavrentiev chronicle. To all these monuments of the ancient Russian literature may not be contrary to those who study native history and Russian literature. We will treat them and we, because they all carry us a living testimony about the past of our Fatherland.

Literature is part of reality, it takes a certain place in the history of the people and performs huge public responsibilities. During the period of the IX-early XIII centuries. Serves the objectives of the union, expresses the folk self-awareness of unity. She is a keeper of history and legends, and these latter were a kind of means of development of space, the holiness or significance of one or another place was noted: the tract, Kurgan, Selion, etc., historically, the country was reported to the country of historical depth, were the "fourth dimension", in The framework of which was perceived and became the foreseeable all extensive Russian land. The same role was played by the chronicles and lives of saints, historical stories and stories about the foundation of monasteries. All Russian literature differed in deep historicism. Literature was one of the ways to master the surrounding world.

What did the ancient Russian literature taught? The secular element of ancient Russian literature was deeply patriotic. She taught active love for his homeland, brought up citizenship, sought to correct the shortcomings of society.

In essence, all monuments of ancient Russian literature due to their historical topics Much more closely related to each other than at present. They can be placed in the order of chronology, and all in general they set out one story: Russian and world. Ancient literature By the nature of its existence and creating a folklore, than to the personal work of the new time. The work, once created by the author, then in numerous rewriting the scribes changed, altered, in various environments acquired various ideological colors, supplemented, turned out to be new episodes, etc.: Therefore, almost every work that came to us in several lists, we know in Different editions, types and facilities.

The first Russian works are full of admiration for the wisdom of the Universe, but the wisdom is not closed in himself, but an employee. On the way of such an anthropocentric perception of the universe, the relationship between the artist and the object of art was changed. And this new attitude led a person from a canonically recognized church.

The adverse art of art to its creators and to all people has become a styling of the dominant of all monumental art and the entire literature of the Domongolian period. It is from here that is impressiveness, solemnity, ceremoniality of all forms of art and literature of this time.

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"LIFE ARSENEVA", just like " Picky days"This is a reflection about Russia, its special historical fate. "The appearance days" is a diary, which reflects the reality, surrounding the writer in his last years life in the homeland. The narration in the diary is underway, naturally, on the first person. Records dated, Bunin, they go to ...

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5. Monuments of the ancient Russian literature Monuments of ancient Russian literature 6. Live certificates of the past Live certificates about the past 1. Old Russian chronicle book Old Russian chronicle book 2. First Russian Libraries First Russian Libraries 3. Book - Witness History Book - Witness History 4. How preserved "Tale for temporary years "? How preserved" Tale of Bygone Years "? Test plan

Ancient Russian handwritten book. Handwritten books appeared in our Fatherland in connection with the spread of Christianity, that is, more than ten centuries ago. Ostromiro Gospel

Then the books began to write in Russia. In the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is said that the Grand Duke Yaroslav Wise gathered the bookstarts of many who were translated from Greek to Slavic language, and they wrote a lot of books. "Yaroslav also loved the books and many wrote, and put in St. Sophia, which he himself created." Miniature Radziwill Chronicles

Printing books in Russia began a little more than four centuries ago. Apostle Ivan Fedorova and Peter Mstislavtsa

Many ancient handwritten books died during the Mongol-Tatar invasion on Rus and different reasons In subsequent centuries. A lot of vintage books are already lost in the present century. Defense of Ryazan from Mongol-Tatar Haling Khan Batya in December 1237

From the XI century, when the Great Princes Lived Vladimir Red Sunny and Yaroslav Wise, a little more than two dozen books were preserved. Among the books of the Gospel, several liturgical books, the lives of saints and essays church writers. Book Witness History HS Ostromiro Gospel

A total of the XI-XIII centuries to our time remained about five hundred manuscripts. Most of them are books for committing church services. Almost all of them are not written on paper, but on parchment. Miniature from Miroslavov Gospels GG.Sebrik Svyatoslav

Ostromilovo Gospel, the record of Diacon Grigory at the end of the book on books was often made by recording and marked, on which you can define an essay or correspondence, or the book owner, the time of writing and even learn about the events that are not related to the content of the book.

The book that has come down to us from deep antiquity, herself is a witness to that era when she was created. Therefore, the handwritten books of ancient Russia will always be an inexhaustible source to study the history of the Russian people, his language, literature and art.

Nestor was not the first in time by the chronicler of ancient Russia. But he was the first one who made such a detailed and slim narrative of the oldest Russian history. Settlement eastern Slavs In the second half of the 9th century, how preserved the "Tale of Bygone Years"?

The first chronicles of Ancient Russia was the Kiev Chronicles of the Year. Later, in the years, he was recycled and became part of the ancient Kiev arch, which was conducted at the Church of St. Sophia on the command of Prince Yaroslav Wise. The initial view of the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev 1034 (reconstruction) Yaroslav Wise

This vault was subsequently recycled and rewritten by the inquires of Kiev Pechersk Monasteryuntil she accepted the final look and became known as the "saying of temporary years." Kiev-Pechersk Resident in the XII - XIII centuries. Graphic Reconstruction

This chronicle that reached us sets out the events of Russian history until the 10th anniversary of the XII century. Her first edition was compiled about 1113 by Nestor, the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, according to the order of Prince Svyatopolk II Izaslavich. Grand Prince Svyatopolk II Izyaslavovich Rev. Nestor Chronicler

The manuscript "Tale of Bygone Years", drawn by the hand of the Nestor-Chronicler, unfortunately, was not preserved, like almost all lists of manuscript chronicle of the XI-XIII centuries. "Askold and Deer Rostlet in Country of Sez ... and started a prince ...". Miniature Radziwill Chronicles

But from Kiev, the chronicle of Nesor through rewriting began to spread through other cities of Russia, where, at the request of the princes or on the blessing of the bishops russian Lettering continued. The baptism of the princess Olga in Tsargrad. Miniature Radziwill Chronicles

In 1118, in Pereyaslavl, the nameless chronicler was created by the third edition of the "Tale of Bygone Years" for Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich. Grand Duke Mstislav I Church of the Savior Transfiguration in Pereslavl-Zalessky

Only Novgorod chronicle has kept to this day more or less integral text of the first edition of the "Tale" in the composition of the Code of 1118, with the amendments of Dobryni Yerakykovich. Ancient Plan of Novgorod Kremlin

In 1119, the presbyter Vasily, close to Vladimir Monomakh, has been edited by the text of the Tale of Bygone Years for the fourth time, and I retained the Ipatiev chronicle archprint. Parish Vladimir Monomakh for the prince

Solar eclipse 1236 In the process of multiple correspondence, the text of the Vasileva Editor's "Temporary Tale" has entered the Tver Arch of 1305, which reached us in the Lavrentiev Chronicles of 1377.

In those distant times, the chronicle, rewritten by the monk Lavrentation, was probably not an exceptional phenomenon. Such chronicles were conducted in other large old-Russian cities. But the manuscript of the monk of Lawrence turned out to be a special purpose. It is she who remained to this day, while the other chronicle times of that time have not been preserved. Lavrentiev Chronicles page

The ancient Russian writer, who made the chronicle, the story or life of the saints, probably, did not think that he creates monuments. But descendants after some time assesses an essay as a monument if they see something outstanding or characteristic of that era when this monument was created. Talking "On the Writers" of the Cherberry of Herbra, list 1348

The outstanding monuments of the Old Russian literature include the "Tale of Bygone Years" of Nestor-Chronicle, "Tale of Boris and Gleb", "The Word about the regiment of Igor", "Life of Sergius Radonezh", "Tale of Mamaev Bow"," The chronicle story about the Kulikovsky battle "and other heroic works of ancient Russia. "Tale of Mamaev Boy." List of XVII century

Question: What event is related to the appearance of handwritten books in Russia? 4. With the construction of the Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Kiev. Carefully read the question and mark the correct answer 2. With the baptism of Russia's Holy Prince Vladimir. 3. With the creation of the ABC with the Holy Brothers Kirill and Methodius. 1. With the beginning of the work of the first state typography on printing books.

Question: In which year, the ABC was created by Saint Cyril and Methodius? Carefully read the question and mark the correct answer to G.

Question: Scientists reliably found that hundreds and thousands of handwritten books were in prince and church libraries. How many manuscripts and their fragments have survived to our time from the XI-XIII centuries? Read the question carefully and mark the correct answer 3. About 100 manuscripts 2. About 500 manuscripts and manuscripts

Question: In the form of what happened to us "Tale of Bygone Years"? Carefully read the question and mark the correct answer 3. In the form of a list in the Vladimir chronicle of 1305. 4. In the form of a list as part of the chronicle of 1377, which rewritten the monk of Lawrence. 1. In the form of a manuscript written by Rev. Nestor-chronicle in 1113. 2. In the form of a list that rewritten Monk Sylvester in 1116.

Question: Where is the preserved list of "Tale of Bygone Years"? Carefully read the question and mark the correct answer 3. In Novosibirsk, in the State Public Scientific and Technical Library. 1. In St. Petersburg, in state National Library. 2. In Moscow, in the State Russian Library.

Question: Which objects below are written historical sources? Carefully read the question and mark the right answers 3. Page from "Tale of Mamaev Boy" 2. Monoma hat 1. Page from Radzivilovsky Chronicles 4. Wooden dishes 5. Warrior-Goldenman's weapon

Question: Which objects below are real historical sources? Carefully read the question and note the right answers 5. Momoma hat 3. Weapon of the soldier-goldOrdina 4. Page from Radzivilovskoye Chronicle 2. Wooden dishes 1. Page from "Tale of Mamaev Boying"

Chapter 1. How do your history study? Lesson 1. The origins and sources of Lesson 2. Witnesses and Certificate Lesson 3. He registered the traces of the past 2. at the dawn of Russian history. Lesson 4. Ancient Slavs Lesson 5. Creators slavic writing Lesson 6. Byzantium and ancient Rus Lesson 7. Start Kievan Rus Lesson 8. Holy equalizable princess Olga Chapter 3. Enlightenment of Russia. Lesson 9. Saint equalizable prince Vladimir Lesson 10. Baptism of Russia Lesson 11. Yaroslav Wise and His time lesson 12. Laws and orders in Russia during the Yaroslav Wise Lesson 13. The flowering of culture in Russia in Yaroslav Mudrome Lesson 14. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Chapter 4. Deparations and intersubs Rus. Lesson 15. Concepts in Russia for children Yaroslav Lesson 16. Vladimir Monomakh Lesson 17. Word about the regiment of Igor, Chapter 5. Expansion of Russia. Lesson 18. Choosing Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky Lesson 19. The Old Russian City and its population lesson 20. The art of ancient Russia Chapter 6. Shield and Slava Rusi. Lesson 21. Mr. Veliky Novgorod Lesson 22. Sofia Novgorod lesson 23. Bershey diplomas Lesson 24. Pskov Chapter 7. Tests of the Earth Russian. Lesson 25. The first meeting with the Mongol-Tatar Horde Lesson 26. Batievo Invasion lesson 27. Mongol-Tatar Igo in Russia Lesson 28. Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky Lesson 29. Moscow and Muscovy Lesson 30. Kulikovskaya battle Lesson 31. Rev. Sergiy. Radonezh Chapter 8. Restored Russia Russia. Lesson 32. The overthrow of the Ordane Iga Lesson 33. Association of Russian lands around Moscow Lesson 34. Unity of Russia

With the advent of writing, the development of literacy was developed by Old Russian literature.

Chronicles - monuments of historical writing and literature of ancient Russia. The narrative in them was conducted by year: the chronicles consistently recorded the events that occurred in a specific year. The appearance of the first historical writings refers to the time of Yaroslav Wise. The chronicles were created in Kiev and Novgorod, on their basis the monk Nestor in the XI century was the chronicle of the chronicle "Tale of time years"(Initial chronicle), which contains the presentation ancient history Slavs, as well as the history of Russia until 1100.

The library Niro invites you to familiarize yourself with the book "Old Russian Chronicles", in which you will find the text of the initial chronicle, as well as Kiev and Galico-Volynskaya.

"The Tale of Bygone Years" became part of Lavrentiev chronicles, Which received its name by the monk of Lavrentia, rewriting it in 1377. The chronicle, together with the "Tales of Championships," contains a description of the events that occurred in the South Russian principalities, and then in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. Full text "Tale" in the Lavrentiev List you will find in the book

Thanks to the Lavrentation, we have not only the most ancient list "Tale of Bygone Years", but also the only text of the "teachings of Vladimir Monomakh children." "Teaching Children" Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh is not only drawn to children - heirs state power, but also to all who will read it. With the text of "teaching" and its translation, you can get acquainted by clicking on the link.

"Word about the regiment of Igor"- Literary monument XII. The century, which is based on the historical event - the unsuccessful campaign of Novgorod-Northern Prince Igor Svyatoslavovich against Polovtsy in 1185.

Relief of publication

"Word about the regiment of Igor"

The only list of "Words" reached us as part of the collection, which was kept in the library of the Savior-Yaroslavl monastery. The name of the author I. exact date writing "Words" unknown. Most researchers believe that it was created at the end of the XII century.

"Domostroy" is one of the most famous old Russian monuments Literature. It reflects the ideals of spiritual, social and family life, brightly shown pictures medieval life, rites are described related to centuries-old Russian traditions.

4. Monuments of the ancient Russian literature

The word "monument" comes from the word "memory". Most often, the monuments are called facilities or busts arranged in honor and glory of any person. For example, many monuments were created by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. To perpetuate the memory of the Great Poet, his grateful admirers erected the monuments to him. Especially the roads of our monuments in those places where the poet lived and wrote his works. They keep the memory of the poet in these places. The architectural monuments are called the ancient temples and in general ancient buildings, because they also keep the memory of the past centuries of their native history.

In order for some essay to be recognized as a literary monument, there must be time. The ancient Russian writer, who made the chronicle, the story or life of the saints, probably, did not think that he creates monuments. But after some time, the descendants evaluate an essay as a monument if they see something outstanding or characteristic of that era when it was created.

What is the value of monuments of literature, architecture and general cultural monuments? Monument is a witness of his time.

An outstanding monuments of the Old Russian literature include the "Tale of Bygone Years" of Nestor-Chronicle, "Tale of Boris and Gleb", "Word about Igor's regiment", "Life of Sergius Radonezh", "The chronicle story about the Kulikovsky battle" and other heroic works of ancient Russia . One of the most remarkable monuments of the ancient Russian literature is "the teaching of his children Vladimir Monomakh", extracted from the Lavrentiev chronicle. For all these monuments of the Old Russian literature, those who study their native history and Russian literature may not be contacted. We will treat them and we, because they all carry us a living testimony about the past of our Fatherland.

Literature is part of reality, it takes a certain place in the history of the people and performs huge public responsibilities. During the period of the IX-early XIII centuries. Serves the objectives of the union, expresses the folk self-awareness of unity. She is a keeper of history and legends, and these latter were a kind of means of development of space, the holiness or significance of one or another place was noted: the tract, Kurgan, Selion, etc., historically, the country was reported to the country of historical depth, were the "fourth dimension", in The framework of which was perceived and became the foreseeable all extensive Russian land. The same role was played by the chronicles and lives of saints, historical stories and stories about the foundation of monasteries. All Russian literature differed in deep historicism. Literature was one of the ways to master the surrounding world.

What did the ancient Russian literature taught? The secular element of ancient Russian literature was deeply patriotic. She taught active love for his homeland, brought up citizenship, sought to correct the shortcomings of society.

In essence, all monuments of ancient Russian literature due to their historical topics are much more closely related to each other than at present. They can be placed in the order of chronology, and all in general they set out one story: Russian and world. The ancient literature on the nature of its existence and the creation costs to folklore than to the personal work of the new time. The work, once created by the author, then in numerous rewriting the scribes changed, altered, in various environments acquired various ideological colors, supplemented, turned out to be new episodes, etc.: Therefore, almost every work that came to us in several lists, we know in Different editions, types and facilities.

The first Russian works are full of admiration for the wisdom of the Universe, but the wisdom is not closed in himself, but an employee. On the way of such an anthropocentric perception of the universe, the relationship between the artist and the object of art was changed. And this new attitude led a person from a canonically recognized church.

The adverse art of art to its creators and to all people has become a styling of the dominant of all monumental art and the entire literature of the Domongolian period. It is from here that is impressiveness, solemnity, ceremoniality of all forms of art and literature of this time.

Literary style The entire domification period can be defined as a style of monumental historicism. People of this time sought to see in all significant in content, powerful in their forms. The style of monumental historicism is characterized by the desire to consider the distortion, temporary (historical), hierarchical distances depicted from large distances. This style, within which everything is most beautiful seems to be large, monumental, majestic. A peculiar "panoramic vision" is developing. The chronicler sees Russian land as if big height. He strives for the narrative of the whole Russian land, immediately and easily moves from the event in the same principal to the event in another - at the opposite end of the Russian Earth. This happens not only because the chronicler joined the sources of various geographical origin in his narrative, but therefore, what exactly such a "wide" story responded to the aesthetic ideas of his time.

The desire to combine in its narration various geographic locations is characteristic and for the writings of Vladimir Monomakh - especially for his biography.

It is characteristic that the writers are IX - XIIIIV. perceive the victory over the enemy as the acquisition of "space", and the defeat - as a loss of space, misfortune - as "tightness", Life PathIf it is filled with needs and grief, it is primarily a "close way".

The ancient Russian writer, as it seeks to celebrate more different places in their historical events. Earth for him is holy, it is consecrated by these historical events. He celebrates the place on the Volga, where Boris's horse stuck in the field and broke his leg, and Smreyn, where Gleb found the news of the death of his father. and Vyshgorod, where brothers were then buried, etc. The author as it were to rush to tie with the memory of Boris and Gleb more different places, a broken, rivers and cities. This is especially significant due to the fact that the cult of Boris and Gleb directly served the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the Russian Earth, directly emphasized the unity of the princely kind, the need for brother-in-law, the strict subordination of the younger princes of the eldest.

The writer cares about ensuring that all heroes behave like that all the necessary words were delivered to them. "Tale of Boris and Gleb" from the beginning and fully furnished with speeches acting persons, as if ceremonially comment on what is happening.

And another feature of aesthetic formation is his ensemble character.

Medieval art - System art, system and one. It combines visible world And the invisible created by man with all space. The works of the literature of this period are not closed in themselves and not separate Mirki. Each of them, as it were, to the neighboring, already existed before him. Each new product is primarily an addition to the existing one, but the addition is not in shape, but on the topic, in the plot. Each new product is, first of all, the addition to the already existing, but the addition is not in shape, but on the topic, according to the plot.

5. "The word about the law and grace"

"The word about the law and grace" of the first Kiev metro from the Russian Illarion, delivered by the will kiev Prince Yaroslav Wise is dedicated to the most complex historosophical problem. It speaks about the place of Russia in world History, Ob. historical role Russian people.

It is full of pride successes christian culture In Russia, and how surprisingly, with all this it is deprived of national limitations. Illarion does not put the Russian people above other peoples, but speaks of the equality of all the peoples of the world, who joined Christianity.

This is a perfect work and in the depths of its content and for the brilliant form in which it is clothed: the sequence, logicality, ease of transitions from the topic to the topic, the rhythm of the organization of speech, the variety of images, artistic laconism makes the "word" of Illarion one of the best works world oratorical art. And the work is not the revisions of the Byzantine samples, because it is not just a theological preaching of the type that was distributed in Byzantium, and the theological and political speech, which the Byzantine proprietion did not know, and at the same time a national-Russian topic.

6. "Tale of Bygone Years"

A completely different character. This is the work of many chronicle authors. The last of them, Nestor, gave the initial chronicle artistic and ideological finishes and gave her name.

The works of this expressed artistic unity, but the unity of a special, medieval type. Now we demand from artistic work Complete uniformity of style, rigid unity of ideas, the complete lack of seams and differences in separate parts. If there are differences, they enter some unity uniting them. Artistic unity in ancient Russia was understood much wider. It could be the unity of the ensemble, created during a number of decades and retained the author's characteristics in each of its high-time layers.

In the stories about the most ancient events of the Russian history, the chronicler reflected the foreigners inherent to him before him. In the story of the baptism of Russia and the first Christian-martyrs, the chronicler applies all the church ceremoniality of the presentation. On the other hand, a very particular character bears the chronicle story about the blinding of Prince Vasilka Terebovsky. Here, the chronicler needed to hit the reader's horror of the perfect crime, and this story is full of peculiar medieval naturalism, in which all terrible events are ideally described.

Historical consciousness expressed in the "Tale of Bygone Years", very high level. The first chronicles did not just describe the events, they were peculiar researchers weighed various versions The same event. Restoring the course of Russian history, the chronicles sought to associate this story of Russia with the history of the world, to understand it as part of the World History, to find out the origin of the Slavs and individual East Slavic tribes. With pedagogical clarity describes the chronicler geographical location Rusi, starting my description from the waterture of the Volga, Dnieper, Western Dvina, and, followed their flow, describes - which sea each of them falls into which countries it is possible for each of the seas.

7. "Teaching"

The writings of the Kiev prince Vladimir Monomakh are included in one of the lists of the Tale of Bygone Years under 1097 and are known by the name "teaching" Vladimir Monomakh. In fact, the "teaching" can only be called the first of them; This first follows the autobiography of Monomakh, where he tells about his campaigns and hunting; For autobiography, a letter was followed by Monomakh's letter to his original enemy Oleg Svyatoslavovich - the princess of the princes of Olgovich. All three works are written in a different manner, respectively, various genresThey represent, but all three are connected by one political idea.

Vladimir Monomakh promotes strict adherence mutual obligations and mutual fasciance of princes. Strive to show the need to comply with the principles of contentment inheritance by your personal example, but it is not afraid to talk about those violations of this principle that allowed himself.

8. "Life of Feodosia Pechersk"

"Life of Feodosia", although it was essentially the first Russian alive, the completion of the biographical genre was completed. A story about a person is underway in this work by allocating only some moments of his life: those in which he reaches as if the highest self-refining.

From "Livi" we will learn a lot about the surrounding items and the entirely immersed in this life. Here and the life of a rich provincial house in Vasilve, - at home, the leadership of his powerful matter. Something we can learn about the position of servants. The escapes of Feodosia in Kiev draws us trading towings with seriously loaded goods by the carts. But the description of the gathering is carried out very restrained, - only to the extent that it is necessary for the plot, the plot is always over the insignificance and the fumes of the "Motionkeeper" life. In the situation of temporary, the eternal, in a random - significant one. Thanks to this, life is unite into the ceremonial forms of high church virtues. It's like those dilapidated and poor relics that lie in the precious vessels and who those who came to the monastery of the Wanderers are worshiped.


The beginning of ancient Russian literature has determined its character for the next time. It is significant that the influence of the "Tale of Bygone Years" remained effective for half a thousandth. In full or abbreviated form, it corresponded at the beginning of the majority of regional and grand-road chronicles. She was imitated by subsequent chronicles. For the political gloves, the word about the law and grace of Metropolitan Illarion remained "the word about the law and grace" of the Metropolitan - Vestiya Boris and Gleb, for Life Biographies - "Life of Feodosia Pechersk", for church teachings - teaching the same Feodosius etc.

In the future, Russian literature is enriched with new genres, complicates in content; Its social functions acquire more and more branched forms and diverse use, literature becomes more and more journalistic, but does not lose its monumentality and medieval historicism.


1. Adrianov-Peretts V.P. The main tasks of studying the ancient Russian literature in research - pp. 5-14

2. Adrianova-Peretts V.P. Old Russian literature and folklore: (to the formulation of the problem). - P. 5-16

3. Klyuchevsky V.O. Old Russian lives Saints, as historical source - M.: high school, 1879 - 254С.

4. Kuskov V. Literature and culture of ancient Russia: Dictionary-Directory. - M.: Higher School, 1994. - 229c.

5. Moral experience in the Book of Ancient Russia // Thought. Yearbook of the St. Petersburg Association of Philosophers. - Vol. № 1, 2000.

Caskov V. Literature and culture of ancient Russia: Dictionary-Directory. - M.: Higher School, 1994. - P. 129

Klyuchevsky V.O. The ancient Russian lives of saints, as a historical source - M.: Higher School, 1879 - pp 14

Moral experience in the book of ancient Russia // Thought. Yearbook of the St. Petersburg Association of Philosophers. - Vol. № 1, 2000.

Adrianov-Prottz V.P. Ancient-Russian literature and folklore: (to the formulation of the problem). - P. 5-16

Adrianov-Prottz V.P. The main tasks of studying the ancient-Russian literature in research P. 5-14

Ancient Russian literature. There is no need to consider all monuments that have existed in ancient Russia. On the example of several works, we will consider how the theme of a person and his acts in the ancient Russian literature developed. 2. A man in the literature of ancient Russia one of the first, the most important genres of the emerging Russian literature was the genre of chronicle. The oldest really reached the chronicle arch ...

To the Soviet deficiency, but also to the ancient Russian literature. But the differences between the ancient Russian literature from the modern literatures of the Latin West or Byzantium are not at all talking about its inferiority, "secondary". Simply old Russian culture - In many respects other. Cultureologist and semiotics B.A. Uspensky explained the originality of the ancient Russian literature so. The word, according to semiotics (science of signs) is a conditional ...

... "Word about the regiment of Igor" "Each era finds ... New and its" [Likhachev, 1994: 3] Conclusion The study made it possible to identify the aesthetic-functional nature of the ancient Russian literature using cultural aspects of analysis artistic text, comprehend the spiritual atmosphere of ancient Russia and the author's model of the world, to designate and analyze the methodological and methodical ...

Can not help us: he himself calls his work, then "the word", then the "song", then the "story" ("Maunder, Breath, Tale of this ..."). It does not have the "word" analogies among other monuments of the Old Russian literature. Therefore, it is either the work exceptional in its genre of peculiaritiesor - a representative of a special genre, whose monuments have not reached us, as this genre, combining the features ...


Eloquence - 1) oratorical gift, talent, art word, natural ability It is convincingly and beautiful to speak and write;

2) the set of texts, verbal works There is a certain sphere of communication (therefore there is a political, judicial, solemn, academic, church, military, diplomatic, socio-domestic).

general characteristics The period of the ancient Russian literature

Old Russian literature passed a long period Development, which is the 7th centuries: from 9 to 15th century. The formation of ancient Russian literature Scientists associate with the adoption of Christianity in Russia in 988. This year is the point of reference during the periodization of the literature. It is reliably known that writing in Russia existed before the adoption of Christianity. But monuments of pre-Christian writing found very little. According to available monuments, it is impossible to say that before the adoption of Christianity in Russia there was literature and books. Spread christian religion In Russia, the study of the Holy Scriptures and Christian rites was assumed. To preach Christian canons, it was necessary to translate religious books from the ancient Greek and latin languages The language that was understood by the Slavs. In this language, the Old Slavonic language became. Scientists talk about the special status of the Old Slavonic language. Old Slavonic language is literary language All Slavs. They did not speak on it, but only wrote and read books. The Old Slavonic language was created by Christian preachers Kirill and Methodius on the basis of the Solun dialect of an ancient Bulgarian language specifically in order to make the Canons of Christian religion clear Slavs and preach these canons in the language of Slavs. Books in Staroslavlyansky were rewritten in different territories inhabited by Slavs, where they spoke differently: on various dialects. Gradually, the peculiarities of the speech of Slavs began to be reflected in the letter. So on the basis of the Old Slavonic language, there was a church Slavonic language, reflecting the peculiarities of the speech of the Eastern Slavs, and then ancient Russian man. Christian preachers arrived on Rus, who created schools. In schools taught reading, writing and canons orthodox Christianity. Over time, in Russia, a layer of people appeared to read and write. They rewritten the Holy Scripture, translated it to the Old Slavonic language. Over time, these people began to record historical events that took place in Russia, to make generalizations, use the images of oral folk creativity, evaluate the described events and facts. So gradually the original ancient Russian literature was folded. Old Russian literature in the root differed from the fact that we are accustomed to understand the literature at present. The literature in ancient Russia was closely related to the spread of Christian religion and served as a tool to preach and consolidate Christianity in Russia. This was determined by a special attitude towards the book, as a holy subject, and to reading, as to the sacred process of admission to God's Word.