Means the name Vladislav in the church calendar. When the name of Vladislav

Means the name Vladislav in the church calendar. When the name of Vladislav
Means the name Vladislav in the church calendar. When the name of Vladislav

Vladislav's name is the Women's Form of the name Vladislav. There are several theories of the origin of the name, but the meaning of the name in them is similar. It is usually considered what the meaning of Vladislav is "owning glory" or more literary "Endowed with glory". One way or another, but it does not change much from this.

Value name Vladislav for girls

Little Vladislav is characteristic of its shyness. She is cheerful, active and shy girl. Vladislava obedient girl and trying to help parents every way. It is very "correct." It is also worth noting that Vladislav is extremely demanding on the morality of its own actions. Such a serious attitude to morality is typical of her in the future.

Studying for Vladislav is not much difficult. It has good natural data, and she is also a very hardworking girl. Vladislav is a leader in kind, so it is worth expecting her great activity in organizational matters. In school, Vladislav is often becoming an old-fashioned class. He likes to take part in self-identity contests. Also Vladislav from birth is a good rumor, so it can achieve success on a musical field.

Girl's health is strong enough. It has problems with the respiratory system as a child, but with the adulthies and the correct prophylactic measures, the problem will come to no. However, Vladislava's health will require periodic attention. Especially important prevention of problems in the girl in adolescence. Vladislav in pursuit of beauty neglects the necessary safety measures.

Abbreviated name Vladislav

Reductantly mascara names

Vladislavochka, Vladislavushushka, Vlachka, Votushka, Slavka, Slavushka, Flood, Ladushka.

The name of Vladislav in English

In English, Vladislav's name is written as Vladislava, which completely coincides with the names of the name.

The name of Vladislav for passport - vladislava.

Translation of the name of Vladislav to other languages

in Belorussky - Wladzelva,
on Bulgarian - Vladislav
On Polish - Władysława
in Serbian - Vladislav or Vladislava
In Ukrainian - Vladislav
on Czech - Vladislava

The name of Vladislav for church (in the Orthodox faith) is not specified, it is absent in the sacraticles. This means that when baptism, Vladislav will receive a name other than Mirsky.

Characteristic named after Vladislav

For Vladislav are characterized primarily such features as dedication, hard work and attractiveness. Vladislav breaks up with shyness and becomes more confident. This transformation occurs gradually with mature. This gives Vladislava a lot of vital energy and a positive attitude. She knows how to charge the positive people around it, which of course makes it even more popular. Lots of friends are familiar with Vladislav, but there are only a few close friends.

In the work of Vladislava, its positive traits are well contributed. As mentioned above, it is a dedication and hard work. Add the ability to find a common language with others, leader's deposits and healthy ambition, and you will get a wonderful employee. Vladislav is usually successful in his profession and achieves great success. In addition, thanks to its organizational talents, Vladislav can become a good leader.

In love relationships, Vladislav is rarely happy. It is a perfectionism, but it is known that relations are primarily a compromise. Coming to compromise, Vladislav thinks about how such relations needed. If it does not find enough humility, it will not be happy in marriage. Vladislava is a good mistress and knows how to establish homemade life. It is economical, although loves beautiful things. You can also note that Vladislava is a good mother, and sometimes even overwhelming their children.

Secret named after Vladislav

Secret Vladislava can be called her tendency to conflict. It is often even the right to them in them, but the method of reporting its rightness from Vladislav is completely unacceptable. After seeing the mistake of Human Vladislav is most often angry with him, and after splashing the negative on the guilty. This creates certain difficulties in both work and family relationships. She needs to be more tolerant to others, otherwise you can destroy everything around everything around.

Planet - Venus.

Zodiac sign - Scales.

Totem animal - Sea Horse.

Color name - Light green.

Wood - Rube.

Plant - Waterwear.

A rock - Emerald.

The name Vladislav has a value consisting of two parts. It is formed from the word "own" (the root of "Vlad") and fame (the root "Slav"). How do you understand that value name Vladislav "owning glory". In German, and earlier among the ancient Germans, there is a very similar name of Valdemar. Waldemar also consists of two words, or rather from their roots. This word is Waltan meaning to reign or dominate and the word is Mari meaning nice or famous. Some linguists believe that these are related names or even that the name Vladislav is a carting from the German name.

Also, the name Vladislav has a female form and this is the name of Vladislav. You can find out the value of the female name by clicking on the link.

Value name Vladislav for baby

Little Vladislav is endowed with natural refinement of the manner. Many adults are touched by such a particular feature of the child, and children are friends with Vladislav with pleasure. He has a large number of friends, especially his girls appreciate it. From childhood, communication with the opposite sex is his strong horse. The boy grows hardworking and his patience can only be envied. This nature, the mind gives him good chances in life, but requires constant training and in case of insufficient load can quickly become inexpressive on a general background.

The boy's health is good enough, but not without certain features. The inclination to the colds is characteristic of the small Vladislav. Clean air, sports and quenching, help him will cope with this whip. Carrying, hardening and sport must be regular and properly dosed otherwise will not bring the result, but will make even worse. Take care of health from childhood.

Abbreviated name Vladislav

Vlad, Vladik, Glory, Plading, Vlad, Ladya, Lada, Vadya.

Reductantly mascara names

Vladislavka, Slavuna, nice.

Patronymic of children

Vladislavovich and Vladislavovna.

Name Vladislav in English

In English Name Vladislav Vladislav

Name Vladislav for passport He is written as in English vladislav.

Translation of the name Vladislav to other languages

in Ukrainian - Vladislav
in Latvian - vladislavs
on Lithuanian- vladislovas
On Polish - Władysław, Włodzisław, ładysław
on Hungarian - László or Ulászló
Bulgarian as in Russian - Vladislav
on Romanian - Vladislav or Ladislau
in Serbian as in Russian - Vladislav
on Czech, Slovak and Croatian - Vladislav, Ladislav
Latin Writing - Ladislaus
Spanish - Ladislao
on chinese - 弗拉季斯拉夫

Name Vladislav in church (in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. The name Vladislav unlike many popular names, did not come to us from Greece along with the Orthodox faith. For some time it was not church, but rather even referred to pagan. However, after the canonization of Stephen Vladislav I, this name gained full church status.

Characteristic named after Vladislav.

One of the main characteristics of Vladislav is perseverance. Thanks to her, he often achieves success where others have hands down. He knows how to wait for the result and every day to work on it. Successful in such sectors as personnel management, own business and politics. What they can prevent themselves in achieving the goal is a sense of self-esteem. In politics and business, sometimes you need to be able to compromise with conscience for something more.

The natural sensitivity of Vladislav and kindness can help him, and play a keen joke. These useful qualities of Vladislav will give him many friends in life, however, those who want to take advantage of these qualities. It should be attentive and careful with loved ones.

In love relationships in Vladislav a great choice. Its tactful attracts the weak floor as a magnet. Vladislav born in summer especially in love. In marriage, Vladislav is usually becoming a family man, but if the marriage has a hasty, his behavior may not change.

Secret named after Vladislav.

The secret name can be called the search for "the only one." The relaxed communication of Vladislav with representatives of the opposite sex is actually a search for great love. If he finds close to himself in the spirit of man, he will live with him the rest of the life of the "soul in the soul". Main choices to understand this and not try to manipulate them. If he finds out about it, the reaction may be the toughest.

Planet - Mercury.

Zodiac sign - Virgo.

Totem animal - Hare.

Color name - Vladislava has a few happy colors. Blue, light green and brown.

Wood - Linden.

Plant - Carnation.

A rock - Topaz.

Angel Keeper named Vladislav and his patron Determined primarily by date of birth. If you know the date of birth of your Vladislav, then you can find the necessary information in the article "The patron of the name Vladislav".

Vladislav - Full Women's Name, Vlad - Abbreviated, Lascular. Vladislav is a glorious Ladyman or owning glory. The roots of this name are leaving us far into the past. According to some sources, the name of whose value is still investigated, has a long-standing Slavic Tatar origin.

The mystery of the name includes its origin, the number of syllables, sounds. It's all, if you believe astrology, numerology, determines the human temper, the habits, even his fate.

Numerology and astrological characteristics of the name of Vlad

The number of Vladislav - 5. It symbolizes spiritual independence and freedom of action. Vladislav does not appreciate the advice of others, it is important for it to acquire and accumulate experience. She is easier to study on their own mistakes. Most of all Vladislav love to travel, recognize the world. Very often, the number 5 indicates the presence of philosophical thinking. Often Vladislav is very unexpected, its decisions may be completely sudden and unexpected. Her actions are unpredictable for others. With different difficult situations, they usually go out without prejudice to themselves.

In a large number of girl helps her resourcefulness, the acuity of the mind and optimism. But impermanence, the love of changes prevents it from evaluating the seriousness of the situation, see the real prospects, and this is very often fraught with the consequences. Vlada always looks only far ahead and does not see what is happening around her.

Sign characteristics

  1. Planet named: Venus.
  2. Elements: Air and water.
  3. Color that is worth choosing Vlad: pink, green, yellow, blue.
  4. The day, which is lucky - Friday.
  5. Metal - copper, bronze.
  6. Mineral, which will bring good luck: Emerald, Beryl, Aquamarine, Sapphire, Chrysolite, carnelian.
  7. Plants-charging names: Barwin, cauliflower, Melissa, forget-me-not, iris, orchids.
  8. Beasts: Pigeon, Seal, Cat, Rabbit, Lan.

Raising the Girls with the name of Vlad

Vlad Name The value has a somewhat double-digit, since the way the girl's life takes place, largely depends on its parents, from what methods of education they will give an advantage. If the love of her love is brought to her, make interest in books, art, then Vlad will become a practically perfect child,
Which will seek to know and understand the world, make it better. With such a child will grow a wonderful creative person.

A woman will be interested in issues in all spheres of life, in particular in science. But if in childhood Vladislava will bring love for money, they will teach to strive for material well-being, it will most likely happen, irreparable. In the future, Vlad will become an egoist, which will only wish for wealth. Its only interest in this case will only her own well-being. Therefore, in order for Vladislav to grow a positive person, you should try to protect it from rudeness, in no case impose that the idea that money can solve everything. You need to show the child a beautiful side of life.

In the soul, Vladislav will always be a curious child, which is wonderful, she will look for answers to the questions you are interested in all my life. If the girl gets good upbringing, then her life will be in the best way. But if the crowned Vlad is early interested in financial issues, then subsequently, her native people will suffer. The girl will become ambitious and emotional, will have an exclusive mind and excellent imagination. In any situation, Vlad will be solid and unreasonable.

The character of the owner of the name of Vlad

No matter how naming Vladislav - Vlad, Lada or even fame - this will not change the situation. All the same, the main features in its character will be self-confidence and purposefulness. There is a difference between Vladislav and Vladislav. They are completely different in nature. The female character of the name of Vlad is stronger than Men Vlad. Women show impetus to leadership. Vladislav always seeks to be the first.

Vlad has a really a lot of chances to reach the top of success and make their lives bright. No need to perceive her desire for leadership as power. Vladislava does not need to subordinate to anyone or to manage someone. She is better
just stay free, independent, independent and noticeable in the crowd.

Born in the autumn of Vlad is also very incredulous, but it masks it under his cute smile. It is sociable and sweet, extremely polite with others, but unfortunately, only with mercenary motives. The "autumn" Vlad is distinguished by the special composition of the mind and hardness of character.

Vlad, what was born in the summer, very modest and indecisive, trusted to man only after a very long acquaintance.

Vlad, born in the spring - leader in everything. Active, great optimist, always seeks to be the center of attention.

Fate girl named Vlad

Very difficult fate of a woman, which has such a strong name - Vlad. The value of the family coziness and well-being for Vladislav is very large. Wanda is happy in marriage will be only with a senior man who will perceive her as it is, to understand her inner world, appreciate it, protect, to be a friend and reliable support. If Vladislav feels a talented and ingenious, she will be comfortable in life, then children, family, work will be in joy, everything will go easily.

In the work of Vlad, it will be good to fulfill creative tasks. That's why she needs to choose creative professions. From Vladislav, very good actresses, talented writers, artists are obtained. Its inquisitive nature and creative approach can bring tremendous success in scientific activities.

Vlad name in church canon

Today, very popular names for girls - Vlad, Rostislav, Svyatoslav. But when it comes to baptism, there are many questions about how to chrish the child? Are there such names in the church canon?

The church name of Vlad is absent in the Orthodox religion, for this reason you can register the girl as Vladislav, but to baptize - by another name. It is better to see whose day an angel falls on her birthday, so and paint. In the Catholic religion there is such a name, the girl can be so painted - Vladislav. According to the Catholic calendar of her Angel Day on October 7 and April 2.

Name in history

With the name of Vladislav, a romantic history is connected, which was born in Ukraine.

According to legend, lived on the Volyn land of the fortress, whose name was Ivan. He was in love, he was in proud and impregnable beautiful Wanda. She was also fortified. Vlad answered the Ivanka reciprocity. But their happiness interfered with the old Graf, who wanted to marry Vladislava. When the old man learned that Vlad and Ivanko are in love with each other, he squatted the opponent in the quarry so that he would not interfere with him to marry a girl. Ivanko found a huge emerald in a granite, from which Nightingale, after which came to an old man with a proposal to exchange jewel to freedom and Vlad. The greedy count went on such, with his gaze, a profitable exchange. Loves found freedom and got married. And about the quarries since then they say that they are emerald. But no one ever found there any values.

Famous personality named Vlad

  • Vlad Lithuanchenko - model, president of the famous house of models, owner of his own brand, "Miss Ukraine" of 1994, TV presenter.
  • Vlada Kramina - art director, designer, illustrator.
  • Vlad Bernard - astrologer.
  • Vlad Moskovskaya - singer.
  • Vlada Krasikovova - Dancer, Star "Moulin Rouge".
  • Vlad Roslakova - top model.

Each person name has its own meaning and is unique, reflected in the consciousness of his personality. It is given to the child at birth, so it is worth carefully approaching the choice. After all, the baby will have to live with this name and experience all its qualities. Modern fashion says that children need to be called in honor of the Saints and be sure to baptize their children. Each sinless has a rich history. Giving the kids Orthodox names in the sacraticles, you can provide them with protection and happy fate.

Vladislav is the name of Slavic origin, which is deciphered as "the Lord of Glory". In Russia, it is another form - "Volodislav", which is divided into two words "own" and "to lay".

The name carrier is distinguished by seriousness, diplomacy and equilibrium. This man is inclined to disputes, but does not increase the voice on outsiders. He is a secretive man, rarely shares his unrest and wears them within himself.

Good and welcoming Vlad is difficult to experience creative gossip. From the disorder, he can go into a rudeness with friends who will be happy to live at someone else's account. Merry and light women go around him, enjoying him generosity and in love. He tries to stay away from the bosses, because it does not endure power over himself. This man seeks to inspire others, but protects his own independence throughout life.

The positive features of the nature of Vlad refer to ambition, purposefulness, charm, aristocraticity, sense of justice, decency and lack of bad habits. From childhood, he is polite with girls, and in more mature age carefully and carefully treats women. But his external beauty often hides such negative features, such as cruelty and a tendency to achieve their own, using other people.

As a child, the talent of the Vlad Boy is manifested in various fields: drawing, music and literature. In essence, this creative person and profession chooses the appropriate. He likes the work where you need to communicate a lot with people. Vladislav fulfills his duties and does not try to lean.

It is open to people, but has an iron power of will. Thanks to its inner resistance, even serious emotional shocks cannot break Vladislav. The surrounding does not particularly trust him, considering openness to the taller. Although in fact a man really belongs to people with all souls.

A person with this name belongs to a particularly hardworking type that sometimes prevents more in life. In society, it is customary to lean from work, and such as Vladislav are very demanding not only to themselves, but also to others. Therefore, the nerves of men with this name strongly suffer. Vladislav is suitable for sophisticated women who need to protect and protect. He can look for his man for a long time, which will make it necessary to feel necessary and this will make Vlad happy.

Vladislav will rather become a hermit than a public personality. From childhood he impresses a pretty and good guy, but rarely converges with people. Even if he is glad - he feels not in his plate.

Name Day for the Orthodox Calendar

The day of Angela Vladislav on the church calendar - October 7. Then Orthodoxy celebrates the name day of Prince Vladislav Serbsky.

Some signs are associated with this afternoon:

  • In ancient times, according to the name of Vladislav on the church calendar, they focused when snow falls.
  • They believed that if before that time, the leaves would not fall from the birch, then the snow will fall late.

Vladislav Namenan, according to the Orthodox calendar, notes only once a year and must read the memory of his saint girl to get protection from him and ask for his help.

Characteristics in the time of year

But not all Vladislav is the same, there is a division of the characters of the men of this name at the time of the year.

Winter and autumn

Winter type of Vladislav is especially diplomatic and can become a specialist in the field of foreign policy. He notices any trifle, and such attentiveness helps a man in life and at work. If a conflict situation is brewing in the team, it is more likely to remain aside and does not fall to the level of scandals. Despite this, he will remember what is happening and can solve it after a while.

Colleagues ne. vela love for straightness and honesty. However, congenital charming helps him to preserve neutrality and even relationships. He uses his charm in communicating with young ladies who go crazy from his smile and an excellent sense of humor. His wife is a happy woman, because he is a good family man, caring and attentive husband.

Vladislav, born in autumn, possess incredible exposure and self-esteem. Such a person should not remind of his responsibilities, he remembers everything. Moreover, any invasion of a man's personal space will be regarded as a gross violation. He knows a good price and never swallowed in trifles. If Vlad decides to build a career, it is better not to get up on his way. He will not listen to someone else's opinion and everything will decide himself. A woman who will be next to him must have a huge extract and patience to endure all his unpredictable tricks. Wisdom of a woman It will help to appreciate it and take what is.

Summer and spring

Summer Vladislav are similar to this warm season:

  • They are carefree, good-natured, capable of any pleasant surprises and gifts.
  • Do not betray and always come to the rescue.
  • Live in complete harmony with peace and so.

Friendly relationship with such a person stand at the highest level. Friends are devoted to Vlad and highly appreciate it. In the family of such a man, everything is exactly, kindly, without quarrels and conflicts. If things go well, then it reaches full harmony. His woman should possess special feelings and properties, rich in the spiritual world and high intelligence. At the same time, she should be a good mistress and perfectly get along with family members.

Vladislav whose birthday came to spring, do not borrow gallantry. He is the favorite of women, attractive and interesting for the opposite sex. Men of this time are characterized by special external beauty, which makes them desirable for ladies. He easily conquers female hearts until he meets the only and beloved. In family relations, Vladislav, born in spring, are simply ideal - they help with domestic activities, care about children and pay a lot of attention to their spouse. For such men, a good mistress and a lover of bed jellies are needed.

ATTENTION, only today!

It cannot be said that the character of Vlad refers to the category of ordinary. The energy of this name declares a person to sufficient hardness, awakening such features as good willpower, resistance, external openness. At the same time, he has a clearly pronounced background: the name, as it,, opens its owner, the possibility of another life hidden from the eyes of others. Probably, intuitively feeling this opportunity, many consider Vlad by a person, what is called, herself on the mind, not very trusting his apparent openness.

It must be said that such a feature of the name primarily acts on Vladislav himself; And not that this double life was something out of a series of outgoing - in fact, many people are inclined to behave in people otherwise than in any other setting, calling it diplomatic; Just wolda, such thoughts begin to come to mind still at a young age. Well, since once thoughts come, it is difficult not to notice the obvious convenience of such a position.

In practice, this usually leads to the fact that Vlad is rarely arguing to hoarseness: it will better agree, but will remain in his opinion. Or, let's say when the company is waiting for such qualities from him, which he doesn't like him, he will play this role (if, of course, it is not degrading), but for a second will not forget that it is just a game. Only alone with particularly close friends, Vlad may unexpectedly smallestly than is sometimes able to surprise others, showing completely unexpected traits.

On the other hand, possessing significant strength, the name requires from Vlad to maintain its dignity, and therefore it is hardly to warm up in front of someone, and because of this, you won't call it. It may sile, play the role of an understanding person, but it is unlikely to be humiliated to a flattery and foam.

Another characteristic feature, to which Vladislav Energy of his name inclined, is an ironicity, sometimes bordering with mobility. This quality is especially manifested when the position of Vlad in society begins to strengthen; Sometimes he even becomes unanimed with his irony. By the way, it is behind her that it is easiest to hide the real thoughts.
The family life of Vladislav may be in different ways, it all depends on what he has a soul. There are cases when, seduced by his social mask, a woman is disappointed in genuine Vlad. If at home, Vladislav will wear this mask, then, most likely, it will begin to look early or late to look for relaxation on the side. In addition, and having secret thoughts, he is able to turn into a terrible jealous.

Possessing a fair perseverance, Vladislav can successfully use its quality in business, in a political career, in leadership. They can find their use and highly developed artistic abilities.

Secrets of communication S. Vladislav

If you for any reason decided to go to Vlad's way, be prepared for what he will try to put you on the laugh. In solving controversial issues, you should not forget about his diplomaticity, so just in case, having received consent from Vladislava with your point of view, try again to emphasize your right point, but not directly, but on some understandable example.


Vladislav's health is quite strong, but they should pay more attention to the work of the digestive tract, that is, healthy and balanced nutrition.

Love and family relationships

In family relations, Vladislav is a monochombus. He needs a sensitive and tender companion of life capable of providing him with home comfort. However, he himself also makes much able to do in the house, for example, to cook a delicious lunch.

Professional sphere

In the professional sphere from Vladislavov, good teachers, doctors, musicians, artists, poets, artists, psychologists, bartenders, restaurants, photographers are obtained. In business, they are usually not lucky.