The worst male name. The most unusual names

The worst male name. The most unusual names
The worst male name. The most unusual names

It turned out that some parents prefer their child called couch, Summerste or Ogneslala. Other originals called their children the patron siest and Luka happiness. It is also worth noting that now in Russia there is a child named joy.

the list features a little more than a hundred names. Among them - Hitler, Messiah, Lucifer, Judge. In addition, the authorities of New Zealand recorded that some parents give their children names consisting of just one letter or numbers. Such names also fell under the ban.

The most loud case of a child's complaint with a stupid name occurred in New Zealand in 2008. Then some parents called their son a bus stop with a roof No. 16.

after choosing a name for my own yet yet born nephew, American Mike Affinito offered to call a child in honor of the main villain from the famous film "Transformers" - Megatron. At the same time, his sister agreed to such a matter with the name, but with a certain condition - if this idea is supported by a million people from the well-known Facebook social network.
The future uncle Megatron took only 2 dozen days to collect the desired number of votes. As a result, his sister, overlooking, agreed to give the child this name.
It is reported that as a result, the child will receive 2 names, one thing - megatron, and the other is black megan or bin. The first will fit into all documents, including driver's license, and the second is used in everyday life.

A resident of North Carolina, Jennifer Thornburg, replaced the name to the Internet address. Now 19-year-old girl name

So, the boy named Oliver Google lives in Sweden. His father who has a candidate degree in search marketing, decided to call so his child in honor of the favorite search engine.

Among the most bizarre names for children of stars include, for example, the daughter of the American rock musician Frank Zappava, which the legendary dad in the catch of inspiration called Moon Unit (Lunar satellite).

Daughter of the star Hollywood Gwyneth Peltroe and Vocalist of the British Coldplay Group Chris Martin's name Apple Apple.

A strange name from the son of "Rolling" Keit Richards, his name is Dandelion - Dandelion.

In the registry office of the near Moscow region, the Queen registered an unusual name - Viagra. Happy parents - Nikolai's driver and housewife Anastasia explain their choice in three reasons. The first of them is the beauty and originality of the name, the second - the long-awaited conception of the child contributed to the same drug, and the third reason is a long-standing love for the group "VIA Gra".

After the release of the Russian national football team in the Euro 2008 semifinal in honor of the head coach of the Gus Hyddinka, the newborn baby was named in the village of Bolotnaya Novosibirsk region - Gubenov Gus. And in the city of Artemovsky Sverdlovsk region on Sunday night, after graduation, Russia-Holland was born Gus Vyacheslavovich Khmelev.

But there were also a daswemir - "Long live the world revolution," Dotnhar - "Daughter of the Labor People", Lengenir - "Lenin - Genius of the World", Lennid - "Lenin ideas", Lorieric - "Lenin, October Revolution, Industrialization, Electrification, Radification and communism ", Lomunezh -" Lenin died, but it lives him ", I wrote to" the winner of the fascism Joseph Stalin ", Pyatda -" five-year plan in four years! ", Uryrvkos -" Hurray, Yura in Space! ", Perkosrak -" First Space Rocket "and many others

In Russia, however, as in other countries, there are not quite normal people who are lucky to have children, but not lucky with mind. And it would be okay by their fads only affect them themselves - they also suffer from children. First of all, because they give them the most ridiculous names. In the adequacy of such parents, it is difficult not to doubt.
The most unusual and stupid name from all that I came across the Internet, got a boy from Moscow. His name is BOO RVF 260602, which is deciphered as "human biological object of the genus of Voronin-Frolov, born 26.06.2002".
Another abnormal milf from the Moscow region called His Son Reduxene in honor of the medicine, thanks to which she was able to lose weight and meet her husband.
And the football fans went crazy from the coach of the Russian national team Gus Hiddink and called sons in his honor -GUS. Imagine that the person is called Gus Evgenievich Gorodnikov or Gus Vyacheslavovich Khmelev. These are all real people!
Here is a list of the most strange names of the children I managed to collect:
Russia - Two people registered in the Russian Federation with this name
Lily Skaryadub
Tutankhamon - this name was called the girl in Rostov
Snow Maiden
Privatization - a child with an unusual name from Nizhny Tagil
Mr. - stupid name from an abnormal parent
Eremey patron
Luka happiness Sommeret Ocean - this is all one ridiculous name of a person
Prahlada - and precisely with a grammatical error - through "A"
Viagra - a girl from the city of Korolyov
Porof - shame Russian football
Vapaunal - Vladimir Putin - our leader
SOU - generally a strange stupid name
Lengenir - Lenin - the genius of the world
Lennid - Lenin ideas
Lorieric - Lenin, Oktyabrskaya Revolution, Industrialization, Electrification, Radio and Communism
Lendzh - Lenin died, but his business lives
Pofteal - Fascism Winner Joseph Stalin
Plifty - five-year plan in four years!
Valentine's valentine Tereshkova - First Cosmonaut Female
Vilor - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Organizer Revolution
Lunio - Lenin died, but ideas remained
Starting - Stalinist Tractor Plant
Dazzpperm - Long live my first
Dazdismygda - Long live a bow in the city and village
Dotnhar - daughter of the labor nation
Daswemir - Long live world revolution
Percussion - First Space Rocket
Oyuschinld - Otto Yulievich Schmidt on ice
Kukzacapol - Corn - Queen Fields
Stalin - with an emphasis on the second syllable
Percussion - First Space Rocket
Pofteal - Fascism Winner Joseph Stalin
PLATESLY - five-year plan in four years
Uryrvkos - Hurray, Yura in Space
Chelvendine - Chelyuskin on the ice
Vilan - V. I. Lenin and Academy of Sciences
YasNenik - I'm with Lenin and Krupskaya

Fortunately, from May 1, 2017, a law entered into force, which will allow at least a bit, but to limit the most unusual, strange and ridiculous names in Russia. Now the human name is prohibited by numbers and any signs except hyphen. Also, the government completely forbidden to use branch words for this and mat.

Foreigners, and stars differ in originality

This year, more than 101 thousand babies were born in the capital, 134.5 thousand, in 2011 - 125 thousand in 2011. Most often, parents choose for sons such names as Artem, Alexander, Maxim, Ivan, Mikhail, and for girls - Sofia (Sophia), Maria, Anastasia, Daria, Anna. But from year to year there are also parents who want their heirs to wear such a name that will certainly won't have anyone. The list of the most original names amounted to the Russian newspaper.

In Moscow, boys called Dmitry-Amethyst, Matvey Raduga, Nikolai-Nikita Neil, Count, Dar, Ivan-Kolovrat, Mercury, Cantogor Egor, Mart, Christmirriados, Prince, Prince, Cosmos, Angel, Wind, Will, Dolphin, Yaroslav-Lutobor, Ilya Bogodar, Casper beloved, archup-Ural, Eremey patron, whale, Luka-Happiness, Summer Summer, Monono Nikita, Ogneslala, Buddha, Alexander, Mr., Peace.

Girls gave the following non-trivial names: Uslada, Polina Polina, Baluba, April, Cherry, India, Princess Daniella, Rypyan, Russia, Zarya-charge, Moon, Lyalya, Angel Maria, Lunalik, Princess Angelina, Alesha-Caprin, Ocean, Joy , Alena-Flower, Dolphin, Fox, Radotina, Sofia-Sunny.

According to the head of the head of the registry office of Moscow, most often the exotic name is waiting for a child in that family, where one of the parents is a foreigner.

Residents of the Moscow region are less inventive on non-standard names. So, according to the statistics of the last three years in the Moscow region, the boys called: Anike, Ion, Ermak, Lukilian, Hoan, Altair, Andre, Prince, Yakub, Jason, Julius, Daniel. Girls: Zemfira, Cassandra, Esther, Fun, Kupava, Ustina, Avdota, Consuell, Birch, Cassiopeia, Madonna, Rocksolana, Malina, Mercedes, Bagira.

In the registry office of the near Moscow region, the Queen registered an unusual name - Viagra. Happy parents, the driver of Nikolai and housewife Anastasia, explain its choice in three reasons. The first of these is the beauty and originality of the name, the second - the long-awaited conception of the child contributed to the same drug, and the third reason is a long-standing love for the group "VIA Gra".

In Russian registry offices, such names as Zhuza, Tulip, Latuke Salad, Millionaire, Aviadvetcher were registered in the Russian registers.

According to the American Pension Fund, hundreds and thousands of children with unusual names are registered in the United States: Eros, Charisma, Lancelot, Lexus, Fantasia, and even Messiah. So, over the past two years, more than 1,000 Messiaves have been registered.

After the October Revolution in Soviet Russia, children were fashionable to give the most unimaginable names. In the dictionary of Russian personal names, the author of which is Nikandr Petrovsky, you can find the following popular names of that era: electrification, revolution, decree, bow, tractor, algebrine, turbine, diesel, dresin.

It happened, called Dazuperma girls (from the slogan "Long live the first May"), revat - ("Children of the Revolution"), Pofvestal - ("Winner of Fascism Joseph Stalin") and even Percosrak ("First Space Rocket").

But they were among strange revolutionary names and such, which were then closer and they were still called kids for a long time. For example, owned (abbreviated Vladimir Lenin), Ninel (the same Lenin, only on the contrary), Kim (Communist International Youth).

In the family of football player David Beckham, one of the children received the name Brooklyn in honor of the New York district. American rock musician Frank Zapap called his daughter Lunar satellite. The daughter of the famous film actresses Gwyneth Peltroe received the uncomplicated apple name, and David Bowie died his son Zone: the singer it seemed a successful consonance - Zoe Bowie. By the way, the son did not appreciate the violent creative fantasy of his parent. Having matured, he changed the zones to neutral Joe than, they say, he was very upset his father.

Other Hollywood celebrities were no less original. Today, among star children, there are such names like Dandelaeion (dandelion), pitches (peach), Pixie (Fairy) and even Fifi Trixibel - a combination of sounds that cannot be translated.

The longest name in the world wears the Indian by the name of the Brahmatra. It consists of 1478 letters, which are a series of fused together the names of historical sites, the names of famous diplomats, theologists, scientists, etc. To read it, it takes at least ten minutes.

Compared to it, the full name Miss S. Ellen Georgiana Ser-Lekken from Montana in the United States is a decent trivia, just 598 letters. Lush set of names are not uncommon and in Spain. The famous artist Pablo Picasso was fully called Pablo Diego Hoza Francisco de Paula Juan Unsubenuned Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruizo and Picasso.

And in France there lived a family devoid of surnames. Instead, she wore a set of numbers - 1792. And four sons in this family wore names of the months of the year. Thus, in the passport and other documents it looked like this: January 1792, February 1792, March 1792 and April 1792. The last representative of this strange genus Mr. March 1792 died in September 1904.

Each parents dream of their child to be something special. And what can better emphasize this very feature, if not the name? So every year children with the most different strange names appear every year. Fortunately, the flight of the parent fantasy has recently restrain the presidential decree of May 1, 2017, prohibiting the use of the number in the name, symbols, obscent vocabulary, title name or title.

It was the assumption that the prohibition will also receive compound names, as well as the names-abbreviation. However, the legislators did not "screw the nuts" and, since many of these names entered into practice, left this situation as it is.

10. Soul condition

Opens a list of the most unusual names in Russia. Women's name Joy. Loving parents gave her daughter one of the most beautiful and unusual female names. Interestingly, in neighboring Slavic countries, women's names with the root are often not surprised. Joy has a "sisters": Uslada, Goluba, and "brother" Gift. All these names were once distributed in the past, but now they were forgotten.

At the same time still meet (although not too popular) and do not cause surprise the names of faith, love, hope, and they also denote feelings.

However, there are parents who, in the desire to name the child, are unconfigured, do not stop on the expression of the emotional state. In 2010, employees of one of the metropolitan regulations had to register a boy named Luka-Happiness Summer Summer.

9. What I see - about

Sometimes parents seek inspiration to the world around them. Some options are quite harmonious, for example, Angara, Yenisei, Moon, April.

Kit, Ocean and Ocean It looks more exotic, but the design "Normal name" plus "Geographical Object" looks very strange, for example, Archup-Ural..

Beautiful and even gentle sounds Sofia-Sunny and Zarya-Zaryaznitsa.

But there are also the names of Russian children, in which the names of foreign rivers are used. In 2000, a baby appeared on the world, which was given name Nikolai-Nikita-Neil.

8. For inspiration - to nature

And if there are not enough geographic objects, plants and animals go into the course. The name of the Rose is now unlikely to surprise, because there are options much more rare.

Popular name Dolphin - It is present in both men's and women's version. There is also Fox, Panda, Iris, Cherry, Tulip And even (one of the strangest men's names) Salad latobe. As you have to live in a further person with such an exotic name, the parents seemed to have thought.

7. Power of numbers

If you take the most common name and double it, then suddenly in this name appears something bright and even will not be afraid of this word, exotic. Apparently, these thoughts were guided by parents, who gave her daughter name Polina Polina.. After all, one Polina is so boring! And two are much better.

Or here Sasha-Alexander, also a good option. Suddenly, someone from the first time does not guess that in front of him the boy, so the second name immediately clarifies.

6. Do not live beautifully

Well, how not to give the child the most unusual name for the girl, embodying all the longing of the parents in the unavailable luxury? So the light appear Princess Daniella and her sisters in spirit Princess Angelina and Alice Nefertiti. You can still hint at the coming successes of Chad, calling it just Millionaire, Graph, Prince or Prince.

Parents are more modest limited to the addition of something original to the usual name - of course, through a hyphen, because everyone knows that the double names are more beautiful than ordinary. For example, Dmitry Amethyst, Matvey Raduga or Alena-flower.

5. Non-traditional values

It is not bad to have a small supernatural creature next to them in a stroller (even if it is so far the diapers and drooling). Starting from the angel and seraphim and ending with the whole Buddha-Alexander.

But still a faster number dumps the Perm couple of Menshikov, belonging to the sect of Satanists, and called the Son Lucifer. When employees of the registry office tried to dissuade their parents from their venture, they explained that Lucifer is a "symbol of self-sufficiency, protest." It encourages individuality, which means the name carries a positive meaning.

While Lucifer Konstantinovich does not show a demonic nature. As with ordinary mortals, he had a teeth, and not fangs, there are no horns, and happy parents stood in line to the kindergarten.

Recently, the family couple was born and the second kid. Initially, he wanted to be called forested, in honor of one of the book vampires, but then called simpler, Voldemar.

4. Hobbies and hobbies

Parental interests are another source of the most strange names of children. Recently, in the registry office of one of the near Moscow cities, parents wished to give her daughter name Viagra. The reason is a long and mutual love for this group.

And in Russia there are babies Jazz and Chelsea. It is immediately clear what the parents are fond of, right?

3. Patriotism does not happen much

It happens that the patriotic delight so crashes the chest that I want to pour it off at all who fall at hand. So in 2014, a girl with the name appeared in the Buryat town of Kyakhta Russia. At the same time, even the spouse discouraged her husband from such a decision, but he remained solid.

And there is a boy Crimea and girl Syria. And even Tagil and Sevastopol.

Crimea was named after the reunification of the eponymous Peninsula with Russia. Parents are affectionately name is his crime, crime, and sometimes our Crimea.

Tagil's name is given in honor of the city in which the child was born. The registry office officers asked the Father to think, but he was adamant. He stated that the word "Tagil" translated from Mansiysk means "a lot of water." How it will help the boy in the future - it is not clear.

But what guided parents Sevastopol - We do not know. Perhaps they were inspired by the same motive as the parents of the Crimea.

2. There is an idea

The intellectuals-Muscovites who wished to call the Son were already distinguished Boch RVF 260602. It is deciphered by this scary abbreviation simply: " biological object "Man" of the genus of Voronin-Frolov, born on 06/26/2002».

The name is not simple, but ideological, which arose from the love of the Father to science fiction and robots. Ordinary names, in his opinion, progress brakes, but his child's name fully corresponds to the high idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of science and technology.

True, in the registry office, Narodishko turned out to be dark and with this name of the child did not register. Therefore, parents had to make an international passport for him. Anyone can get it, but a document called "Passport of a citizen of the world" by the non-profit organization WORLD SERVICE AUTHORITY. The office is in Washington.

After reaching the 14-year-old age, the child is likely to be recorded in a passport as Boc Frolov. For parents, this is a forced formality, and the Son has already accustomed to such a reduction in its very long "robotic" name.

1. International setting

And they wore a list of the most strange names of children in Russia names are political. The popularity of the current Russian leader has caused a desire for some parents to call their offspring ... No, not Vladimir Vladimirovich, but Putin. Just Putin.

Putin recently appeared brother Shoigu and sister in spirit Medmia (Reduction from Medvedev Dmitry).

Other parents of the same mind warehouse do not dare to wade into the great, preferring to call children in honor of political events. So were registered Choose and Sosina (from the SCOS - Shanghai Cooperation Organization) - Certainly, one of the most unusual female names in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Fortunately, from any person who has become a "victim" of parents' creativity, there is an opportunity to change the name on more "boring", but the usual for hearing surrounding. For self-shift name, it is necessary to achieve 14 years of age and (if there is written permission from parents) contact the local registry office. There will be prompting how to write an application for a change name and what documents will need to be collected for this. And after 18 years, the name of the written permission from parents is not required.

According to the Moscow office registry office, among the most popular male names in 2017, Alexander is the leader. A little less popular name Mikhail, but closes the top three Artem leaders.

As for the most popular names for girls, the top three leaders remain unchanged since 2015. The first line occupies the name Sofia, the second belongs to the name of Maria, and the third is Anna.