Jewish roots. How the Jews settled on the lands of Poland

Jewish roots. How the Jews settled on the lands of Poland
Jewish roots. How the Jews settled on the lands of Poland

Eventful organizations of Poland announced an open letter in the past Monday, which express a perturbation of a surgery of intolerance, xenophobia and anti-Semitism, which embraced their country after the adoption of the "Law on Holocaust", which caused an international scandal.

This is written on Tuesday, February 20, the website of the newspaper The Jerusalem Post.

In this message, laid out on the website "Union of Jewish communities of Poland" and signed by dozens of Polish Jews, it is said that the propaganda of hate came outside the Internet and covered the public sphere.

"We are no longer surprised when members of local councils, parliaments and government officials introduce anti-Semitism into public discourse. The number of threats and insults to the address on the Jewish community of Poland, grows ", - leads the edition of excerpts from this letter.

The authors of the Message express their appreciation to President Angeu Duda, Prime Minister Mateuce Motoretsky and the leader of the Right and Justice party, Yaroslav Kaczynski for the condemnation of anti-Semitism, emphasizing however, that these words fall into the emptiness and will not have any influence without decisive action.

"On the eve of the fiftieth anniversary of the anti-Semitic campaign of 1968 and 75 years after the uprising in Warsaw Ghetto, Polish Jews feel again in this country unprotected", - Studies in the letter.

Recall, on February 6, the President of Poland Angey Duda signed the scandalous "Holocaust Law", introducing criminal responsibility for the promotion of the ideology of Ukrainian nationalists, denial of the Volyn massacre and approval about the awareness of Poles Nazis during World War II.

We are talking about the amendments to the Law on the Institute of National Memory, approved by the Poland Senate on February 1, according to which, in particular, a person who publicly accusing Poland in crimes committed during the Holocaust, in the awareness of Nazi Germany, war crimes or crimes against humanity may be Sentenced to imprisonment for a period of three years.

The law prohibits the use of the phrase "Polish camp of death" in describing the concentration camps that existed in the territory of the occupied Poland. The punishment will be subjected to those who will try to "consciously smuggle the responsibility of the true perpetrators of these crimes."


This law caused an ambiguous reaction in Israel. For several days preceding the statement of the Law of the Senate of Poland, its content caused an angry response from many Israeli politicians, including the Prime Minister and the President of the country.

He lived in the world with a ridiculous name Alter Katsisna. He was a writer and playwright and even in something like a poet. A couple of his plays walked on the Warsaw scene, and he was the chairman of the Jewish Pen Club. But the favorite of the arts for him was a photo. His photo studio in Warsaw was a landmark, and the archive has consisted of hundreds of portraits of Polish celebrities and ordinary citizens, scenic photos and city sketches. In addition, he often went on traveling with a camera around the country. And he also had a cute family - wife and daughter.

Altera Katsisna's wife died, most likely, in one of the death camps, and the daughter of Schulap was saved. It is not known who saved her, but she survived the occupation, and after the war he married the Ambassador of Italy in Poland, went to Italy and lived there until his death in 1999.

Khan Kolks one hundred six years. Every evening she confesses to sins and eats cookies. Her eight-year-old son in America does not believe that she is still alive. Warsaw, 1925. (In the sins of all Israel - Daily reads the appearance.)

Hon Cleper, eighty five years old. Grinder, mechanic, umbrella manufacturer and badges. Lomza, 1927.

Aron Notem for his sewing machine. Kutno, 1927.

Esther at work. Seven years ago, her husband left her and left her with five children. She works porn. Pary, 1927.

The new generation learns to "pour water." Tolesk, 1927.

Carpenter and his granddaughter. Chortkov, 1925.

What did he fight? Failed Tabakman, a former political prisoner, cannot find a job as a mechanic. Therefore, he sharpens the knives on the streets. Warsaw, 1928.

Religious school for girls. Laskzhev.

Hint. Lublin, 1924.

In ninety-three years, this rustic tailor can make a thread in needle without glasses. Paryuv, 1926.

Locksmith elogue. Twelve years ago, blinded on one eye, but agreed to surgery only after the blind on both eyes. Cluster.

Old castle and synagogue associated with underground stroke. Ostrog, 1925.

Wife and granddaughter Meier Gurfinkel. Her father lives in Washington, and the mother died. Karchev.

Azrielka, Shabes-Klaper. On Fridays in the evening, he knocks on shutters, announcing the beginning of Saturday. Biala Podlaska, 1926.

Father and son. Blacksmith Leager Bavul says, how old he is, fearing the evil eye, but he must be more than a hundred. Now his son is engaged in blacksmithful things, and his father became a doctor - the broken hands and legs. Biala Podlaska, 1926.

Shornik's wife. Volomin.

Prayer rooms for sale.

Synagogue. Lublin.

Nursing home in Rivne.

Interestingly, this dispute is on theological topic?

And this table covers to Saturday.

Israel land in the suburb of Warsaw. Halutsim cultivate fields in Groorov.

It was the famous Kibbutz. Ringerblum tells about it such a bike. One person bought two film projectors in installments, but he broke and could not repay the debt, and remained without money, and without film projectors. The film projector was a Jew. And our hero hated Jews - the perpetrators of all troubles. Many years have passed, and this condes already such an anti-Semita visited the kibbutz in the garbage ... and remained there forever. It turned out that this is the only place where he is well to live and where he truly receives satisfaction from work.

In the same place, in the garbage.

Sunday in Chortkov - day off. Jews, fertilizing under the announcement of Altera Katsisna's lecture on the topic "Literature as a national treasure."

By the XVI century, a separate Jewish subethnos - Ashkenazi develops in Central and Eastern Europe, a significant part of which lived on the territory of the Commonwealth. In contrast to neighboring Germany, the Jews were not constrained by a large number of laws that limit their professional activities, which ensured a constant inflow of representatives of the Jewish faith in Polish and Lithuanian lands. In the XVI century, from the 11-million population of the Commonwealth of approximately 800 thousand were Jews.

Freedom in which the Jews turned out to be disturbed by many Poles. In particular, in 1485, Krakow Catholics tried to prohibit Jews any activities other than "mortgages for overdue debts." However, they failed to turn the Jews exclusively in the usurists. In 1521, the head of the Lviv magistrate complained about Poznań:

"Invalid Jews have deprived us and our merchants involved in mercenaries of almost all sources of food. They captured the entire trade, penetrated the town and sat down, did not leave Christians. " However, in this case, no reaction followed. The king did not want to lose in the face of Polish Jewry a powerful trade and economic reservoir, which ensured the financial stability of the state.

Nevertheless, the Jews gradually focused on their activities in a niche, in which they could not disturb the representatives of other nationalities and religions are intermediary functions between citizens and peasants. The essence of the activity is: first, the Jewish intermediary missed the raw materials and resell him to the city, then purchased from citizens the finished products and resold again in the village again.

It was hard to take such a niche of the Jews: it was necessary to work much and hard to work, lavish and adapt to become useful at the same time a citizen and a peasant. "Navar" from such activities was small: a little upward tariff, and the peasant with the citizen would be directly negotiated.

Closer to the end of the XVI century, the Jews gradually emerge from under the influence of the king and fall into the sphere of interests of the magnates. Jews are converted into albeit dependent, but quite a separate feudal estate. They build Corchs and Kabaki, roads and hotels, workshops and plants, thereby participating in the creation of the transport and economic infrastructure of the kingdom. With the Jews in the Commonwealth, compulculated are considered, but most importantly - they need.

Quote communication

Four days, as part of the Israeli delegation, I participated in visiting the places related to the Holocaust: Warsaw Ghetto, Tskilka, Majdek, Tykoscin, Krakowskoe Ghetto, Auschwitz ... and in the final "march of life".

But this "march of life" was at the end of the trip, and at first we visited Warsaw.

Before the war in Poland lived about three and a half million Jews. And Warsaw Jews were mainly rich, educated, successful - and large patriots of Poland. There, on the main avenue of Warsaw, Marshallkovskaya Street had the mansions of the siblings of my great-grandfather, Max Spiri, Marcus and Leo. There were also banks belonging to them.

The most prosperous time for Polish Jews was between the two world wars. It is possible to judge this today only by Jewish cemetery. There are no living Jews today in Poland.

During this period, you can read in Polish and Jewish monuments on rich monuments: expensive parents from loving children.

After the formation of the Warsaw Ghetto, this cemetery was in its territory. And in order to prevent infections from corpses that decompose on the streets, Yudenrat (Jewish ghetto self-government) ordered them to bury them in this cemetery in the general pit.

Burial of corpses in Warsaw Ghetto.

This place is fenced with stones.

And this is a symbolic stove at the site of mass burial.

The grave of Adam Chernyakova, the head of the Nudenrat, and his family.

When he realized that all the promises and worst of the Germans on the cessation of actions of Linger, and that he was not given to keep even the smallest part of the people (and he believed it for a long time), he committed himself.

This house is all that today has been preserved from the huge district of Warsaw, highlighted under the ghetto, it is decorated with pre-war photos.

All metropolitan Jews and many of the nearest suburbs and towns were driven into the ghetto, and the ghetto was brought by a brick wall.

Photos from ghetto.

And still preserved a piece of wall.

We were there in the evening and filmed in the dark, so the quality is not ahti.
Through this wall at night, Jewish smugglers crossed their products: food, manufactory, medicines, silk bags for girls from Gettovsky cabaret, champagne, red and black caviar for few breedes ...

However, rich and poor, hungry and full, smugglers and Jewish police, members of the Union with families, workers and children of orphanages, Humanists and traitors - everything, in the end, was equally in the chest, where from the moment of arrival to death in the gas chamber It took about forty minutes.

Through this wall, the children who got on the "Aryan side" of bread or potatoes for the family were climbed. Immediately, German, Lithuanian or Ukrainian guards shot these violators of the regime.

Through this wall and in the subcopy, it was swept into the ghetto weapons, with the help of which the rebels of the ghetto were resisted for all the power of German armored vehicles and aviation, they killed, according to the Strap report, eighteen Germans and wounded ninety-three.

Search by the wall.

These twenty-year-old guys did not have illusions, they knew what were doomed. They wanted one to save the honor, die in battle. "Morituri Te Salyutant, Judea!" ("Walking to death greet you, Judea!") - It was their motto.

With self-made bombs, these boys and girls rushed under German tanks, jumped off the roofs. In order to suppress the uprising and finishing the begging ghetto, the Germans had to burn out the house for the house, and each basement was full of death for both sides.

The photo attached to the report of Yurgen Strapa, the SS officer, who was entrusted to suppress the uprising.

The rebels were watered on the roof of one of the high buildings two flags: white-blue Israeli and red-white flag of Poland. They were big Polish patriots, these guys. Warsaw, who only listened to the explosions in the ghetto, was in amazement four days looked at the Polish flag forbade by the authorities.

Monument to the participants of the uprising.

Seven thousand of the rebels died in battles, as many were burned in the houses, the last fifteen thousand were captured and sent to Trevilk. So by the fall of 1943, the ghetto ceased to exist.

Liquidation of ghetto. From the photos made by SSEsoves.

Several dozen rebels were saved, some of them died, pouring Polish resistance, several people survived and left testimonies about the uprising.

And this is a scholars - the attractive area, where the cohesive Jews from the ghetto were waiting, sometimes for a few days, when they were driven into the echelons traveling to chest.

Today she is built up, tramways pass through it, and there is a lot of imagination to imagine the past ...

In Warsaw, we met with one unusual Pole, Rafal Betleevsky.

Charming, beautiful, graduate Oxford. Another child he asked the question: why is Jerusalem Street in Warsaw? He was confused that Jews lived in Poland.

When he grew up, he learned that before the war in Warsaw Jews was about three hundred thousand, a third of the city. And even later, he read the book of the historian Yana Tomash Gross about the pogrom in Evabn.

Evurbna - was one of the numerous direnels - small towns in Poland, where the majority of the population was Jews. In 1941, when the Germans, lightningly passing through Poland, entered the USSR, the Poles Evabnna, in their own aspiration, arranged in the pogrom. At first, the Jews were killed by one, and then he drove all the survivors - about two thousand in Ovin - and burned alive.

And Rafal Bethleyevsky suddenly understood for himself as those and killers, and killed, were Polish citizens. And the Jews lived in Poland about a thousand years, their culture and peace are part of the Polish world and culture. And that with the disappearance of Jews, the Polish culture was depleted, a black pit remained in it.
And he began to write graffiti on the walls, in Polish and English:

"Tęsknię za tobą, żydzie!" - "I Miss You, Jews!"

Rafal created his website, in two languages, where he tells about the culture of the shttlov, stands up with lectures, now he has hundreds of followers from Polish youth ...

On the chair lies black Jewish kip.
Only the Jews in Poland no longer.


Another coat, in Jewish Tiktin. In the 16th century, there was a developed trading city, because there was a navigable river Narev. By the end of the 19th century, when the railway network developed, Zahirel. Before the war, about three thousand Jews lived here.

Synagogue Museum.

In 1939, after the Molotov-Ribbentroppa, when Germany and the USSR ruined Poland, Tõkoscin was in Soviet territory. Jews, residents of the town, went to their respected rebbe and other old men and asked how to behave with the new power?

"We, Jews, should be loyal to power, so that it does not interfere with us to live," said, thought, old men.

And in the summer of 1941, according to Plan, Barbarossa, German advanced troops passed through Tykotyn, without stopping in it. And the Poles immediately remembered the Jews loyalty towards the councils and arranged in the pogrom. Someone was killed, someone dismissed.

And then new Germans came up, who were already detained in the town thoroughly. They announced that they carry a new German order with them, and that the lawlessness would not be allowed, like a recent pogrom. And that all the Jews should gather in the morning in the city's square to be sent to work. Untime will be shot.

And again the Jews went to their children and other old men and asked what to do?

"We, Jews, must be loyal to power, so that it does not interfere with us to live, - said old people. - And the order and the law is good!"

And all three thousand people in the morning gathered on the square. They were taken to the nearest forest.

Here in this, the magician beautiful forest ...

And shot. Two days, all three thousand people.

Only one escaped from all thousands, boy Abram Kapitsa. He was the eldest in the family where there were six more children, and his father whispered to him when everyone was sitting on the square (and the shots were heard from the forest): "Go home, see how there." Abram in the dark managed to slip away unnoticed. He snewed to his house, and saw that the Poles were already settled there, their closest neighbors.

He survived and left the testimony, otherwise we would not know anything about tykocin, as we do not know about dozens of entirely disappeared by the direnel.

Monument at the point of execution, delivered by American relatives.

So happened with a coatByhava.

Before the war, two and a half thousand people lived here, of which two thousand were Jews. The Poles lived with them side by side, were busy in their trade and crafts, worked with Shabes-Goya (quenched candles in the synagogue on Saturday), Polish and Jewish children learned together at school.

Jews were taken out from here to the death camp of Belzhets, where everything was killed. This is what the building of the local synagogues used under the warehouse looks like.

We sang there a few Jewish songs.

And lit a memorable candle.

Unexpectedly, we called the polushemissed old woman from their house.

Are you Jews? She asked.
- Yes, we are Jews.
- Oh, cute, finally I see Jews again! Well I grew up with them, until the fourth grade I went to school with them!

And then they were taken away, everyone was taken away! ..

Broken gravestones ...

And crows.

Today it is very hard to write about the history of our people in Poland: there is no more once prosperous community of Israel

At the end of the Middle Ages, tens of thousands of persecuted Jews came from Germany to another scattering country - Poland. Name of the country, "Polin", they understood as a combination of two Jewish words - by - "here and lin - "Personalize", deciding that "here" will be a vacation and peace for the rest of the night of expulsion ... So far, the guard will proclaim that the "morning" came. They hoped to live and see the morning light, but the darkness came and absorbed everyone. Yes, their blood will be removed!

We had difficult times in Poland, there were bright. Not from good feelings, the leaders of the country accepted us, and in anticipation of the benefits that the Jews could bring her with their talents and money. And when they believed that there was nothing to get with us, chokingly gave us to our enemies. "Under the three trembles, the earth: ... and under the legs of the slave, which became king ...". After a hundred years of oppression, the Polish people finally got freedom and began to rule on their land, but the trouble came, and he became a girlfriend.

Having mourning the Jews, who, perishing, did not even receive the graves, we again and again ask: why is our people suffer from more than all other peoples? It is necessary to despair, but "there is no despair in the world." Do not turn a tongue to accuse the dead righteous, but it is impossible and challenged the justice of the Creator. "The sin of Jews is recorded by an iron pen. We sin and angry - you did not forgive. " Having received the permission, does not disassemble the destroyer, and the first to pay the righteous account. Have you been sinless Jews on other periods of history? Of course not. But there are era when a sin has increased repeatedly. We sinned the same sins, because of which the temple was destroyed, those due to which we were expelled from our Earth. We remember the tragedies who survived our people throughout their history. It is hard to believe that such a chain chance, so we can only believe in the rightness of the Most High! Following the Prophet we repeat: "Return us to ourselves, and we will return. Restore your previous days "(Eikha 5:21).

Refuge for generation

The start time of the Jewish settlement in Poland is unknown to us. This country, B-rival providence, elected us with a refuge for many generations, and here there was a spiritual flourishing of the Jewish people. The socio-political structure of Poland facilitated the problems of emigration. The noble minority owned almost all the land of the agrarian country. The bulk of the population was a serfs of the peasantry. A few middle class of the country represented mainly Germans - the potential allies of Germany, which continuously sought east and dreamed of seizing Polish lands. The Polish authorities gladly adopted Jews - merchants and artisans who fled from persecution in Germany, in whose devotion to the country, who gave them a shelter, there was no doubt.

In Poland, the Jews founded their community and lived according to the laws of the Torah. They viewed work as a means of extraction of food. The purpose of life was considered the study of the Torah and the observance of its commandments. Many have spent the years of their youth in the homes of teachings and stitching.

In 5024 (1264), Count Boleslav from Kalisza complained to Jews a special status. Now the Jews submitted directly to the count and did not depend on urban self-government and local nobles. Under the fear of bodily punishment it was forbidden to harm the Jews and their property. It was strictly forbidden to erect the accusation of ritual murder to the Jews. The gentry and the Catholic clergy were unhappy with this decree and tried to evade his execution. With weak rulers, they have repeatedly raised Mobile to the Jews. Nevertheless, the situation in Poland was much better than in Germany.

After the pogroms, ruddled throughout Germany during the Black Small Epidemic (5108/1348), the Polish king Casimir III (5093-5130 / 1333-1370) accepted thousands of Jews in Poland. The epidemic did not reach Poland, but also in this country there were instigators who urged to take revenge with the Jews for the fact that they allegedly poison wells. King Casimir III managed to defend the Jews, approving the diploma of Boleslav. And although the pogroms happened during the years of his rule, all the same his reign was a period of the heyday of the Polish community. With the following rulers, the position of the community has deteriorated, in particular, under the influence of Catholics traders who have eased the destruction of competitors.

The position of the Jews in Lithuania was much better. Lithuanian idolaters have not yet learned anti-Semitism from Catholic priests. However, when Prince Lithuanian Baglo was baptized and, married to the Polish princess, Jadvig, united both countries, the position of the Lithuanian community did not deteriorate.

Jewish autonomy in Poland

A quiet time for Polish Jews was the period when Lithuanian Prince Casimir IV (5207/1447) rose on the Polish throne (5207/1447). He brought the Jews from under the jurisdiction of the Catholic court and complained to them internal autonomy. From now on, the dispute between the Jew and Christian was only the direct court of the king. To stop the bloody charges, Casimir IV decided to take this kind of case for consideration only by the testimony of four witnesses. And when the monk-fanatik Capistano demanded from King Casimir to cancel the rights of Jews, the king refused it in this.

Anti-Semites could not calmly look at the happy Jewish life and tried to use any pretext to worsen the position of the Jews. When in 5214 (1454), the king suffered a defeat in the war with German knights, the priests immediately began to incite the people, arguing that the defeat in the war followed the punishment of the king: in violation of the laws of the Church, it belongs to the Jews. Small gentles saw in this possibility not to return debts and demanded to cancel or limit granted rights to the Jews. The king had to give up. But after his victory in the war and signing the world in Torino (5226/1466), the position of the Jews improved again.

On the reign of Casimir IV, thousands of refugees from Germany were poured into the country. Thanks to their activities, the country's economy has greatly strengthened. The benefits of the Jewish presence was obvious to everyone. The king handed over to Jews on the deposit collection of the filings, annually replenished the treasury enormous sums. The position of the royal tax collectors in some cases gave Jews an advantage over Christians, but on the other hand, in the eyes of the people, the Jews turned into hated inholes. After the Roman dad announced a crusade against the Turks, the crowd of future crusaders attacked the community of the city of Krakow and killed thirty Jews. The king indignantly. He imposed a fine on the city and demanded guarantees that it would no longer repeat. After the death of King Casimir (5252/1492), one of his sons, Yang, inherited the Polish crown, and the other, Alexander, - Lithuanian. In Poland, the right of judgment on the Jews was transferred from the Royal Court to Church. In 5255 (1495), the Jews were expelled from Lithuania. Nevertheless, when the Polish king died and the prince, Alexander again united the two countries, he allowed the Jews to settle in Lithuania and returned to them their property. In Poland, the rights of Jews were also practically restored.

Persecutes and patrons

King Sigismund 1 (5266-5308 / 1506-1548), highly appreciated the benefits of Jews, encouraged immigration to the country of Jews from Germany and the Czech Republic and defended them from priests and small gentles. Large landowners shared the views of the king to the Jewish question, and when the gentry limited the rights of the Jews, they headed by the king invited refugees to settle on their lands.

Sigismund II (5308-5332 / 1548-1572) officially restored the diploma of King Casimir IV. His personal doctor was a Jew r. Yeud Ashkenazi, the same, which then moved to Turkey, became a prominent diplomat. So that the Jews can take part in fairs, the king has moved a market day in their possessions from Saturday to another day of the week. Sigismund II expanded community rights and allowed them to independently assemble a special Jewish tax, which Jews paid instead of service in the army. He also commanded that one of the judges in the case between Christian and the Jew was the head of the Jewish community. But when the struggle between Lutheran and Catholic churches began for the religious future of Poland, of course, Jews were first. Since the king refused to pursue Lutheran, and the Jews, Catholics resorted to the classical charges, trouble-freely breaking the mobile at all times: the Jews accused of abuser over the holy gifts (this time is that the Jews, allegedly, bring consecrated bread from the Church and skew his). For this charges in the city of the city, four Jews and a Christian girl were arrested. Under the torture, unfortunate was admitted in justice the accusations and were convicted of death. The king refused to approve the sentence, but the urban head quickly led the verdict, not believing with the opinion of the monarch. One of the convicts managed to escape, the rest were abandoned from the recognition from their torture and died by the death of the righteous. So that this is not repeated, the king commanded all things on charges of ritual murder and the desecration of holy gifts to listen only in the royal presence. King Stefan Batori, ruled after Sigismund II, continued to defend the Jews. He ordered to execute for the false denunciation of the same execution, which was intended for the accused.

New troubles

Polish throne has not been inherited. After the death of King, the noble seam was gathered, who eating the head of the country. This gave a well-known advantage of a small gentry and the princes of the Church, in front of which the candidates for the throne were cried. After election, the dependence of the king from the gentry continued. After the death of Stephen Batory on the Polish throne, weak kings were replaced by one after another. The period of the Shankhetsky Volnitsa has come.

That was the era of religious hostility and intolerance, when two Christian churches fought for the possession of Europe. Religious intolerance between Christians only heated hatred for the Jews. City councils limited their rights to trade and together with priests raised the crowd to arrange pogroms: the Jews were killed, and their property robbed. Bloody will bring, the accusation of the desecration of holy gifts - everything was broken. Weak kings could not do anything - they too needed the patronage of the Catholic Church. Only major landowners understood that the Jews could be useful and did not give them offense. As a result of the community, which were in the royal possessions, disintegrated, and the Jews moved from them to the land of large graphs. Many, which fled to Ukraine, which at that time belonged to Poland, became managers of the estate of Polish Panov and bled to the terrible crisis, broken down in 5408 (1648).

Published with the permission of the publishing house Shvuta Ami

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