Hyde by class warrior in Neverwinter Online. Hyde L Fearless Warrior in the game Neverwinter Online

Hyde by class warrior in Neverwinter Online. Hyde L Fearless Warrior in the game Neverwinter Online
Hyde by class warrior in Neverwinter Online. Hyde L Fearless Warrior in the game Neverwinter Online

This guide is most designed not to beginners, but rather for people who have hands grow from the right place and most importantly have resources to disclose the basic potential of this build. The conqueror will help our tank in solo passage, as well as in weak groups, our help will be the whole way .

This guide can be used for newcomers for more pumping up 70s and to perform subsequent campaigns, pharmacies and heroic meetings. Blago now you can get a free refinement token.

Selection of race for our guard

    Draconid -+2 to any two characteristics, power and probability of critical damage + 3%

    Half a random -+2 dexterity and endurance, + 3% slope

    Half-off -+2 to strength and +2 to agility, critical damage + 5%

The main emphasis should be done on endurance and strength, as an endurance and dexterity, power and dexterity. This will depend on the selected race and the main tasks of your warrior.

Personally, at my time I did the focus on endurance and dexterity and spread the cubes of +20 endurance, 15 dexterity and 13 forces. On the moment I refused dexterity and focused on endurance and strength, as soon as the ability to change the race, I will definitely leave the cubes.


At 30, choose the path of the Mouse Master.

Skills swing like on the pictures, as an option, you can replace 3 skills from the defender branch and pump them into the tactic branch, but it is on personal taste. With this choice of skills, you can easily make campaigns, tasks and not big heroic meetings.


Skills are swinging similarly to mine.

Basic skills for pumping up to 3 yards:Dissection, punch with evapoam, villainage, talent Schlondsa, forced hatred, restoration of the fighter, reinforced mark, knightly challenge, combat superiority, call in battle, steel defense, knightly valor, steel grace, punch of the commander and anger of Schlotonz.

Download to 4 UR first:Talent Shlotonza, calling in battle, steel defense, knightly valor, combat superiority, Highlander's anger.

All other skills swing at will and necessity.


There are no special secrets in the pumping of our gifts. I have a basic preference to attacking characteristics (the power / probability of Crete), focus on the likelihood of Crete. In gifts where vampirism or recovery is given to the choice, choose recovery.


As the main pet, we use an active pet with the stones of the compound. We are not interested in financial considerations, if there are no problems with stones for yourself and a pet, we choose a pet with the attack slots under the stones. If there are some difficulties with raising protection, we choose with defense slots .

Personally, I used the "Shadow Demon" and "Zhiritsa Sun" both are not bad options, the shadow demon to raise damage, the priestess to increase defense, slope and additional eaves.

In our pet, we put the best stones, because the bonus for the characteristics will be much more due to the compounds of the connection. Cune in our things Lamps in Slots Ataaki. Insert Azure or Radiant.In cells Defense Put Azure or silver.

We will not consider a set of stones on the example of the priestess, because this guide is more for already pumping people who are not very necessary for the protective characteristics.

Additional pets: Choose to your taste and in the possibilities. As an example of frozen galleb-okal (up to 10% resistance to damage), Yeti (upon receipt of damage increases your damage), dancing blade (3% to Crete's strength), master siege (+ 3% for damage and + 7% in the fortress) .The you need to choose.


In cells under defense, we put radiant stones, as an option azure or silver, but it is already at personal discretion. In the attack cells, we put the azure, as an option is radiant or silver, but they are already more for a classic tank.

In the enhancement armor, we put the stone of negation or a pillar of the soul.

In the excreasing cell of the weapon, we put the stone of horror (new) or fabulous power.


Here, as the main thing, the stamp of the Izniki Clear is suitable, and more than wishes. I have two set of artifacts. The first to increase defense and slope (seal of the Guardian, the press of the torching agent and the sign of fire) and the second to increase lives and Crete (manticory claw, lands , Horn Vallgali). Drink out the hindy does not change in both cases.

Rotation skills

There are far from all options, but only the foundations.

    It is for us to maximize the survival and tank of complex for us for us. As the option, if this is the final BOS (Obus Castle of the Nevers) makes sense to replace the prowess on the punch of the commander.

    There is a more maturity option, because I removed the passive skill to immortality, but the shield was left.

    Such a set I use in T1 of the dance, in T2 only before the bosses. We are changing two passive skills, but it is strongly affected by the damage and survival. As I sometimes change the anger of the Shields to the steel grace.

    The focus on the damage is ideal in the fights on the trace, solo passage and solo heroic.

    The focus on one goal is suitable for bouts (final bosias), T1 Dange (Blindra, Malabog, Lostmaut). If the group is rather weak, then we leave skills at number 1-3 to your liking.

    Another option of lamage rotation, all the same as 5 points.

Please note that the only skill that we always have is Call in battle and daily skills.The call in the battle increases the speed of the run, the set of OD and the damage of your and your group. Audible skills of the villainage of the threat and restoring the fighter are universal and suitable for any tasks.

In the group I advise you to always useCall in battle, Knight's valor and forced hatred.Many tanks especially in the branch of the conqueror sometimes forget for what they go to Dange. Our main task in the group is the defense of the allies and the tank of all sorts of enemies. For this we use it: "Knights dough"Which intercepts half damage from the allies and accumulates hatred."Forced hatred"Oo Skil, which marks the target, restores 30% of vigorous for 8 seconds. And while it acts on enemies, makes them attack you (the exclusion of Agro Paladin, satellite-defenders and another tank with a knightly challenge).


As a skill of equipment, you can use on: power, crit, life, donating damage, defense and evasion. And it all depends on the possibilities and needs, but as for me the most running will be in descending order of power, Crete and Life.


In Pve, the warrior guard (GF, GF) serves as a classic tank. To keep the agro mobs for him, while DD kill them - this is its main task. In Pve, the warrior guard and the religion of the rest of the group, the survival of the detachment depends on it. In PVP, guard lives and gives problems with prudent horns. And in general, all opponents give problems.

Like a stone wall

Class skills allow the guard to keep a bunch of enemies under control, to apply a decent damage and bug the allies. Only tanks are obtained from warriors. You can achieve success in battles with mobs, and in battles with other players. Creating such a character, you need to keep in mind that the guard is very dependent on the equipment. At high levels will have to be with blood and then produce the necessary clothes.

Video Review of the Class Warrior Mounting from Neverwinter:

A half-night Tifling or a dwarf is perfect for the role of the guard. Hydways have bonuses of strength and dexterity, horned - + 5% damage for targets with pedigree health. Dwarids Great guards defensive type. Their bonuses to strength, endurance and resistance will be made from the shorteys of excellent tanks.

Development ways

Ways to develop in custody, as she was like, three:

  1. The Conqueror Allows you to create a character with harmoniously combined damage and protection. The most common direction of the development of characters. With passive skills of this branch, you can comfortably feel even in top epics;
  2. Defender, oddly enough, the least suitable for a good tank of development. The development of this wind does not allow to apply sufficient damage to the game in complex dungeons;
  3. Branch Tactician Oriented to the effects of control, so to create a good tank some skills from there will be useful.

The main stats for guards are strength and endurance. The main type of damage is penetrating. The maximum critical attack rate is 22%. It makes sense more. The maximum value of the penetrating damage is 2700, the big value will not benefit. It is better to pay attention to maximizing the meaning of "power".

From the moment of the release of the game there was not so much time, but many trainers have already appeared on the network, helping to pass a single campaign in the Call of Duty Advanced Warfare game quickly and without loss. Read tips on passing, plot, review and gameplay games.

Overview and features of other class games neverwinter can be found on our website. About PVP Guide Character Clean Clear.

Guardian in PVP

The guards game in PVP is not the simplest thing. He has no magical rotation of skills that allows you to kill everyone. For battles with each class (overview of all classes on the link) will have to develop tactics and some time learns to apply it. But upon receipt of the necessary skills, PVP will become very entertaining.

In battles with a horn, it is very important to detect it on time. To do this, you need to move with the raised shield to the side, from which the attack came. At close range, it can be detected. Then I will fight it and finish it. Approximately the same principle acts against magicians. In battles with clerics, it is important to constantly keep them outside the circle.

Warrior Guardian PVP as DD:

Battle with a character's character is better to avoid. She will delay for a long time, and will bring little pleasure. Skilovaya soldiers can deliver a lot of problems. Such terrible people carry death and destruction. But, fortunately, their little. All other remains standard tactics.

Warrior guard and mobs

The tactical basis of battles against the crowd of mobs - class skill, "Tags". By this skill, the guard marks the enemy, the attack and the protection of which is reduced. "Hate" is spent on the use of skills - the scale to the left of the hero. The label will disappear as soon as Mob causes damage to the character.

Tip: The shield covers only the front hemisphere. You need to fear attacks behind. If the mobs are trying to go back, then the best option is to change the location of the dislocation on such where the back will be covered.

In group battles with bosses, care for their rears can be partially shifted by the oppiators. The main task of the guard, as well as any other tank - the control of the boss and the cover of the comrades in the group from getting a large damage.

Fearless Warrior - DPS-EP, capable of applying damage to the clusters of opponents, or absorbed a lot of damage - it all depends on pumping and selected initial paths. In the Community Neverwinter Fearless Warrior is called as GWF.

Pros of class:

  • Great ayo damage;
  • One of the most demasive classes on solo targets;
  • There is the possibility of developing powerful control (up to 5 goals at the same time);

Class cons:

  • Folded in mastering for beginners;

Selection of race for fearless warrior in Neverwinter Online

One of the best PVA rasol for warrior is Semi-Ork Due to the bonus of power +2, dexterity +2 (+ 5% chance. Crete).
This race ideally comes to oppress the mobs, but if you still expect to get not the maximum damage, but the maximum efficiency in battle against people, then you should take Half amenity Due to the endurance +2, dexterity +2, + 3% of the chance of parry, + 10% control resistance.

Selection of characteristics

PVE: For PPE, advanced features are strength (additional damage) and dexterity (above Crete. Shans), the remaining glasses are in endurance.

Pvp: Maxim Endurance (increasing the number of HP \\ armp), dexterity (more chance of Crete, Parry), we throw the residue by virtue, but it is worth noting that the force almost does not add damage to living enemies (per feelings).

Bild Masters Might (Pve) and Iron Avant-garde (PVP) of the Fearless Warrior in Neverwinter Online

Sword master:

Iron avant-garde:

We present two pumping, which are not very rated in Pve (first in Pve better), but still have a significantly distinction in PVP. Moster is more designed for newbies, for less control is necessary, and the second is still on hardcore players who can control the character in battle for maximum efficiency in PVP.

Choose gifts for a fearless warrior in Neverwinter

Shaman's Gifts, Elf Defender:

  • Dark Fairi Hunter: Passive Skill Enhancing our damage by +250 power points;
  • Fairi accuracy: Passive skill increases the chance of Crete by +250 points;
  • Elf, a passive skill by + 2% to the obtained OD, which makes it possible to quickly accumulate action points, which in turn reduces the rollback of daily skills;
  • Elf rage: Additional chance (+400 points) Apply an additional blow by enemy's magic;
  • Elf rage: Glass Lassolution. Adds +20 power (45 seconds) for each murder of the enemy. With each murder, the rollback timer is updated. Total skill stack up to 30 times (20x30 \u003d 600 additional power).

Gifts of horror rings:

  • Relic keeper strength: passive ability adding +125 to power and speed;
  • Thirst for a cilancer: adds +250 to a vampirism with attacks, which will help to survive in battle with mobs \\ people;
  • Forbidden injection: Additional penetrating damage +250 (very important for PVP);
  • Touch shadows: a chance to add to your attack +1000 damage and hang Debuff on the enemy, which will reduce the effectiveness of its treatment by 25%;
  • Furious madness: a stuck liable. Adds ~ 12 power and ~ 7 for each blow to the enemy. Total skill stack up to 50 times.

Gifts of the Valley of Ice Wind:

  • Invasion tactics: +250 BP;
  • Not fundamentally what to take;
  • The skill of ice rain: the passive ability adding + 2% to the damage from critical strikes;
  • Cold Aspiration: adds a passive, which works only when the vigor on zero (Fearless Warrior in Neverwinter Online can easily reset vigor). When the passage is enabled, we get +500 to the power;
  • Winter award: add a challenge skill that can work when killing any opponent (person or mob). The chance of what skill will work, about 15-20%. When you trigger, we get + 10% to OD, which will reduce the rollback of daily skills.

Pets for fearless warrior

For efficient use of Pets, we take the subject called "Eyonesky Stone of Power", the essence of which in the transfer of 100% of the stats to your character. You can take stones and cheaper, there is no special difference, if you choose from analogs.

The main pet for PVP is a cat.

Pve Equipment of a Fearless Warrior in Neverwinter Online

One of the best and most affordable sets is the Seth "Embody War", it is possible to get it in such locations:

  • The helmet falls in marine caves;
  • The armor falls in the Temple of Spider (you can also knock out and enchant for armor, which can instantly resurrect you after death. Engagement has Culdown in 90 seconds);
  • Bracers fall in Corrundah caves;
  • Leggings fall into the heart of the ice peak.

  • Weapons - desecrated from black ice. Falls out of the belchholder (you can scream). You can insert a stone into it by + 50% of the critical damage, which will make an uber-stick-stick from weapon;
  • Temory - desecrated from black ice. You can buy from NAPC (NPC), or scaffold;
  • Necklace - ancient good. Necklace of the Grand Exorcist;
  • Rings - an ancient dissection ring of a great berserka;
  • Belt - piercing sanctified;
  • Shirt - Incrucled refined steganca;
  • Pants - INCR. Guests. pants.

Artifacts take such:

Printing hunter, fearless and destruction of Kessel.

PVP Eapproaching Fearless Warrock

  • Cats: peeled black ice armor. Falls in the Valley of the Ice Wind. For PVP, we enchant armor either by the perfect stone of the pillar of the soul, or the perfect magic stone of the oak shield;
  • Weapons: Two-handed peeled black ice hammer + peeled black ice. We are engaged, as for Pve - by + 50% Crete. damage;
  • Necklaces, raincoats, rings and belts: T3 on power + armp. + Crete;
  • Shubah and pants for both Pve.

Artifacts for PVP take:

  • Or a crystal woronium skull, or the water of Elazada;
  • Printing fearless (as for PVE);
  • Banner of avant-garde.

Enchantion stones (inserted into holes)

It is paramount to increase the penetrating damage (for maximum damage in PVP) in the "Attack" slots. Penetrating damage is accustomed up to 24% (further increase drops sharply, which warns the meaning from his pumping). After reaching the required percentage, we simply insert stones into the rest of the "attack" slots for additional "power."

In the "Defense" slots, they doxy + defense and + power.

In the "utility" with only speed.

At the satellite slots, we put additional power in the "attack", and in "Defense" additional statistics.

Boy tactics in Pve

Immediately before the fight, fill yourself with all possible potions, including:

  • coreloon's blood potion
  • heroism potion
  • potion wild storm
  • alchemical potion
  • etc.

In battle, we always try to occupy a favorable position marked with blue strips (the so-called "combat advantage"). Since goals are always moving, we also have to be in motion. Often, how long will you save a combat advantage depends on your team.

It is worth noting that all combat skills are better to use in " Expendables».

Approximate rotation on the sword's wizard against one purpose: the attack is starting with " Workshop strike"(Debapham goal), after that we use a combo attack" Exact strike" After that, we simply continue to use the accurate blow until the enemy will disappeat. The perfect option looks like this: Powerful impact - accurate blow (x4) - a stroke - an accurate blow (x4) - unstoppable combat attack - accurate blow (x4).

The rotation of the sword wizard for under oo looks like this: we use " Workshop"To hang on the enemy Debafe, then constantly beat him" Fierceful blow"And we update the debate" workshop "with their discontinuation. To control when the magician uses the enemies tie, we use " Leg behind the leg", When all the goals at one point, then use the" irrepressible combat attack "(or other anyone), after that we are just beat enemies" Fierceful blow».

Approximate Rotation of Iron Avant-garde:

For one purpose: attack the enemy with charja - This is his belief and hangs Debuff (if the CRIT bits), now we use " Accurate blow" After all debafs fall, we use " Push"And continue to beat" Accurate blow"With an addition by any other skills. Perfect option: Charges - accurate blow (x4) - push - accurate blow (x4) - Unstoppable combat attack - accurate blow (x4).

For more than one goal: also start with charja In the crowd of enemies, then we use many times " Fierce strike", After that, repeat everything, as for the Machi Master.


We hope that this guide and builds on fearless warriors will help you in the game!

PVP in Neverwinter Online

In the wrong online online many comfortable and thoughtful details. PVP battle system - including. If you had to run for a hundred kilometers to special areas of PVP, then everything is automated here - to start the battle you need to get up in the so-called event queue:

As soon as six people are scored in your group, you will be offered to vote for the beginning of the game. After that, you will appear in a special location for PVP battles with three pylons that you need to capture, as in Batlfield, for example. To capture a point, you need to dominate the command. The pylon is painted in blue and add speeds to the growth of your shared PVP account. Scale points Shows how long you have to fight for victory. When you kill you, you are given a choice - to resurrect immediately on the starting position, or wait for the resurrection from your team, which is very rare.

Interesting features of PVP in incorrectrine online - Here you can use our own transport. This will allow you to get faster to capture points.

If your level is lower than in common, you will be raised, but the characteristics of your equipment will give up more experienced players. But do not be mistaken. After all, even in case of defeat, you will receive some kind of honor. And if you carry out the battles of PVP during special stock, then you will receive 150% of glory. The number of glory depends on the result of the duel and your position in the event ranking. Watch out for the current events, they are displayed to the left of the mini card. For glory glasses you can buy some items, for example, an exotic satellite or special PVP Hollie:

Tactics PVP

Since most often you will play with unfamiliar people, then about any tactics there can be no speech - everyone is running somewhere, choose different goals, scattered, droopy and die like flies. The main thing is that you have to do is try to keep together. Because alone you do nothing against the enemy team.

What class is cooler in PvP?

This is a difficult question, since the answer to it depends on the set of factors. The game is generally balanced. You play a plow, war - guard, magician or shooter - your effectiveness depends on several basic conditions and multiple minor.

For example, to successfully dominate the war, you need a cover from fast drows that strive to bypass you from behind and get the advantage of impact from the back. In addition, on your short curves, it will be difficult to catch up with sports elves or plows.

Playing for Pluts or Elves, you must remember that you are easily armored infantry. Your plus is the speed and skill skills. Knowing which classes are playing for promotionalists, you will ensure half of the success.

Hyde is under refinement and small edits.

Polazing on the forums and moved a bitch for the guard, made a player version oriented to the maximum strengthening of the group in PVE.
In the current realities of the game, the role of the guard is to strengthen the group. Claws are sharpened in agro-cansionate, no one is interested in anyone. In my opinion, it became much easier to play guard, if you throw the strengthening on time, it will be no other. How to achieve this, I will try to explain in this guide available.

To begin with, we will define everything on items:
1. Selection of race
2. Characteristics
3. Skills
4. Skill
5. Equipment

Selection of race

According to my observations, the most popular are people and half amenc. Consider more.
Human.I stopped the choice on it, there is plenty of racial bonuses for the guard. Defense is 3% higher than in other races. +2 To the value of any characteristic (endurance), and most importantly, 10, 15 and 20 levels receive an additional point of the heroic skill.
Half amenicDue to the complex, the likelihood of evasion is 3% higher than also quite good addition to the characteristics: +2 to agility and endurance. And the resistance to the effects of control is increased by 10%. In my opinion the best choice for PVP
Characteristics Everything is enough here justDolly characteristics in this way when creating a character, subsequent characteristics glasses you insert in Power and dexterity.

At 30, you will have the opportunity to choose the path of the ideal: Iron avant-garde or sword wizard. My build is focused on the path of the Mike Master

It is very important, to correctly scatter the glasses of skills, pumping up the main skills at the maximum.

A little about rotation in the dance and bosses
: I use when hiking with a Bablody, (i.e. almost always). In the absence of a paladin in defense, change the iron warrior to forced hatred.
And most importantly, do not forget before using the call in the battle (BAU), wind yourself the resistance to the damage. Experienced, it was found that the power of the baff is directly dependent on the resumption of damage.
In general, you act in this way: the valor (aura) works constantly by gaining you one (action points for use of daily).
The villain of the threat (if the scale is filled) -\u003e Iron Warrior-\u003e Call in the battle. As a result, you get the maximum for you in the power of the baff.
When using forced hatred (mass agro), the Buff force will depend solely on your indicators

Hyde will be complemented