Rules of behavior in Tajik families. What customs and traditions of Tajikistan Poskalkers, funeral dancing and food

Rules of behavior in Tajik families. What customs and traditions of Tajikistan Poskalkers, funeral dancing and food
Rules of behavior in Tajik families. What customs and traditions of Tajikistan Poskalkers, funeral dancing and food

National Holidays Tajikistan National Holidays is the most ancient and most pleasant tradition of anyone. And Tajiks, of course, are no exception. This nation, like no other, loves and knows how to celebrate, and so fun and inland, that, even not completely understanding the values \u200b\u200bof the event, I just want to join, infected with the burdens and the energy of what is happening. Holiday …

From time immemorial, national games and all kinds of competition were a favorite pastime for the peoples of Central Asia. A rare holiday or triumph was without a beloved spectacle. Horse contests, all kinds of horses, and some kind of hand-to-hand combat, developing force, courage, dexterity, and courage, used the greatest popularity. One ...

One of the most beloved and revered in the people of custom, of course, is a national wedding. In different peoples, it takes place differently, but today I want to tell about how this holiday is celebrated from Tajiks. Wedding - the event is a serious, which requires a lot of strength and investments and is furnished according to special, in compliance with all rules and rituals. To be consistent in your story ...

Dancing is an integral element of musical creativity of the nation, the story of its inseparable with the history of the entire people. This is evidenced by the chronicles and vintage monuments of material culture, confirming that for many millennia, Tajiks managed to preserve and develop this amazing art. In the ancient manuscripts there are specific instructions, that the Tajik city of URU-Tube, ...

The folk music of Tajikistan, rich and diverse, in it, as the mirror reflects the life of the nation, its nature and emotions, life and labor activity, customs and traditions. By the nature of the execution, it can be divided into styles, closely attached to geography: Central - Kuhistoni (Gissar, Kulyab, Garm), North (Khujan region), Pamir (Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region). Music ...

If you figure out, the clothes of various groups of ethnic Tajiks, from time immemorial, differed only in detail. So, for the male set of mountain, or flat population, it was characteristic: a wide shirt - "Kurt" made of cotton fabric, pants - sharovar, dressed in top of a bathrobe, a waist handkerchief and a headpiece - a tubette. Shiruha, usually sewed from one piece of fabric, ...

Rumol - National Belt Shawl of Tajik Men. From time immemorial, they were worn in all the corners of Tajikistan in all, and in each locality they had their own name. On the plains and in the cities they were called Rumoli, and in the mountainous regions - Rumoli Miyou or Miyenband, etc., such a handkerchief was prescribed to carry from childhood, because he was a mandatory element ...

A guide to conduct mourning events, behavior on them and compliance with mourning printed 500 thousand copies (population in the republic 8.6 million people) in the printing house in Dushanbe.

A memo, consisting of eight sections, developed a Committee on Religious Affairs under the Government of Tajikistan, together with the Council of the Ulemov and the Center for Islam Studies of the Republic of Tajikistan, reports Asia-Plus.

According to the regulations, the rite of funeral and mourning residents of the republic should be carried out according to the Khanafitsky Mazhab Islam (the majority of the country's population), the traditions of all local peoples and Nationalations of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as other regulatory acts and laws.

In addition, the brochure determines the concept of "mourning ceremony" and regulates the time of the funeral prayer on the mustache (Gianoza), depending on the segment of the day, when a person died (before or after each of five prayers), describes in detail the ablution and pleasures of the deceased in Savan (cafan ), preparation of the coffin (tobuta) and the funeral rite.

During a farewell to the departed and in the period of mourning, according to the new rules, it is possible to cry, but there are loud bales, sprinkling the head of the earth, breaking the hair, the scratching of the face. Also can not be ordered special plackers.

In hencefight, it will be necessary to pay with the buriel only in the presence of authorized persons in the field.

The brochure regulates both those who can stay at the night of the house at the end of the mourning period. It can only be his parents, children, spouses and other close relatives (bride, son-in-law, grandchildren or in case of their absence of aunt and uncle), who, by the way, can keep mourning only for three days (before one year he was held) .

Guests who came to express their condolences, "not recommended a lot of time to sit in the house of the deceased."

Not bypassed and clothes. So, men in the traw can wear a bathrobe (Jaw / Chapan) blue, a rugweet and ribbon to be swirling (Ruymol) or at will simply wear a belt over a shirt without a bathrobe. Women are allowed to put on her head a big blue handkerchief, wide dresses and pants of blue and rocked with a handkerchief. During mourning, wearing black clothes are prohibited.

All events should be carried out without slaughtering cattle and food supply, which is registered in the law "On streamlining traditions, celebrations and rituals in the Republic of Tajikistan" proposed by President Emomali Rakhmon, which in August unanimously. The law also limits the number of wedding celebrations, which, in the opinion of deputies, can reduce the need to leave for Russia to work and, accordingly, reduce the number of Tajik migrants in the Russian Federation.

After the emergence of changes in Tajikistan, a campaign on promoting national clothing was also activated, in which the Committee on Women and Family Affairs under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan sent a letter to Tajikham to the mobile operators. They are invited to write "respect national clothes", "let's comply with national traditions", "Wearing National Clothing Mandatory!" And other phrases.

Protection against evil spirits
Navruz - Muslim New Year
Holiday Snowdrops
Sairi Lola - Tulip Holiday

Wedding Customs and Traditions
From the weddings with which a number of customs and rites are associated, the marriage of the Son or the entry of the daughter's marriage was especially sedulously furnished: Khostgorie (Watching), Fotich (engagement), Parcoroon (cutting clothes for newlywed), Sarhatinon "(groom haircut), Ruibinon Newlywed).

The wedding traditions of Tajiks living on the flat terrain differ from the living in the mountains. But, in general, like other Asian peoples, everyone starts from the matchmaker and the engagement of the girl and the guy. In the old days, the "collaboration from the cradle" was practiced, it was called "Horabach" and "Munching Minor", when the parents themselves solved the fate of their children. In the youthful age, the parents could also choose the bride or groom at their own discretion for their daughter or the groom, as well as the services of Swhahi (Council). A month before the wedding, the young man was spoken who was promosted for him. His mother, together with the dish of Plov and freshly baked cakes, was heading to the house of the bride. In response, the parents of the girl covered the table and were invited to the meal of relatives and neighbors, where they announced the engagement. Officially engaged, the girl and the guy were considered after the establishment, the honorable elder broke the cake and prayed for the happiness of the bride and groom. The preliminary negotiations between the parents of the bride and groom were preceded by a collusion, if both sides arranged, then the match was sent. A special day was appointed for the transfer of Calym (redemption for the bride) the father of the bride. Wedding usually was prescribed to autumn, when the harvest fee.
A mandatory gift for the wedding was considered suzane (wedding bedspread), which women-needlewomen were covered with an oriented embroidery (special ancient magical patterns), which will consequently protect a happy family life from evil spirits and evil eye. During the preparation of the accused, the Quran was read. Sewing has always been starting with everyone a respected large mother.
Modern Tajik wedding lasts as many as seven days. On the first day, the newlyweds declare their decision to get married, after which three days occupy the dinners from the same side. On the fifth day of the groom with a wedding procession from friends and relatives goes to the house of the bride, where the newlyweds bring an oath before Imam, the rite is fixed by the meal of the bride and groom, consisting of a cup of water, some meat and bread with salt. From this point on, the newlyweds can be together. The holiday begins on which guests treat and dance guests. At midnight, the bridegroom takes the bride on his horse to the parent house. A wedding rite ends with a bride's family in the house of the bridegroom, where they spend all night. During the honeymoon, newlyweds live together with the parents of the groom so that they could help at first a young family on all emerging issues.
Regional differences are preserved in the family rites of Tajiks. So, for example, the Tajiks of the northern regions, according to the ancient wedding ritual, the newlyweds are transported to the husband's house after sunset, in the light of the torches and three times they drive around the fire burning in front of the house of her husband. In the South Tajikistan for a long time, this transition occurs only during the day. Only widow or divorced carriage at night.

In the Soviet period, such holidays as International Women's Day (March 8), Victory Day (May 9), and the New Year holiday (December 9) entered the life of Tajikistan's people. In the same period, such a custom arose as a solemn celebration of a civilian marriage, wires into the army, a silver and gold wedding.
The same group includes international holidays, such, for example, as June 1, the International Children's Day, etc. On September 9, 1991, Tajikistan acquired state independence. Together with the new country, new holidays and new customs were born.

Tajikistan - State in Central Asia is not such a major tourism center, such as Turkey. But those who want to come here to relax, probably no less. Tourists manit first of all the exotica of this country. Its customs and traditions, which in secluded corners have been preserved with almost ancient times. And rising a little higher in the mountains you can find small settlements. Here, small unique peoples live here - the descendants of Alexander Macedonsky, who once gained this territory. So you can also touch the spirit of antiquity and an ancient history here too. Tajikistan is traveling for unforgettable impressions from stunning, one can say, even wild virgin nature of this region. Pamir, Tien Shan and Fan Mountains are "Resorts" of Tajikistan. It is these fabulous places that are attractive for those who prefer boring folly on the beach. Active rest with an attachment of extremethm.

Here really have something to see. Snowballs of mountains on the background of a dazzling blue sky, green fertile valleys with blooming gardens, girdering boil-white foam stormy mountain rivers, noise in narrow gorges of mountains. Even in America there are no such rapid sprinkle rivers. How cool to make an alloy on such a robust! Adrenaline then keeps a whole year.

Tajik customs and traditions

And what are the canyons?! Sharp, huge, impregnable. Such will not see even in the Hollywood film. Fans of rafting and mountaineering consider Tajikistan an ideal place for lovers of active and dynamic recreation.

In Tajikistan, many historical cities and monuments, which will not leave any tourist indifferent. Well, and of course, the kitchen is a special subject for conversation. Tajik cuisine dishes are famous for the whole world! And here, here the most delicious fruits and vegetables in the world, grown not artificially in greenhouses, and natural, treated on fertile Tajik land - juicy and sweet as honey.

The hospitable Tajik people do not accompany guests without gifts. You will drive away from here not only delicious impressions, but also the mountains of souvenirs from ceramics, wood, glass, fabrics - performed by hand. Local artisans store the recipe for the manufacture of their crafts is not one generation.

In short, Tajikistan is a unique country. There is nothing artificial, made specifically, bringing other cultures. Civilization has not yet finally launched it with its networks. There are no noisy megalopolises, highways, eternal neon advertising. Nature itself reigns here. And if you want to be with her alone - Welcome to Tajikistan!

general information

Area: 143100 thousand

Population: about 6.5 million people

State language: Tajik

Capital: Dushanbe

State Device: Republic of Tajikistan - Unitary and Multinational State.

Legislative power belongs to Parliament - Oliy Majlisi, executive - to the president. The President for coordination with Parliament forms the government. The Constitution of the Republic ensures the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

Monetary unit: Somoni.

State symbolism: flag, coat of arms

Nationality: Tajiks (64.9%), Uzbeks (25%), Russians (3.5%)

Climate: reskokontinental

Natural resources: aluminum, coal, oil, gas, iron, zinc, antimony, mercury, gold, tin, tungsten, boron, carbonates, fluorite, precious and semi-precious stones

Large cities: Khujand, Kurgan-Tube, Khorog, Kulyab, Penjikent

Main industries: mining metallurgy, hydropower, textile and sewing.

Main agricultural crops: cotton, fruit, silk, grain, tobacco.

Every morning, Tajik begins with Assham Aleikum (Tajiks accepted this from Arabs in the first century), which means "the world of your home". When meeting with people, say hello to the right hand and try to your left hand on the right side of the chest. In no case do not greet your left hand, even if your right hand is busy. With women greet only voice, and if a woman is familiar and older than the interlocutor, then simultaneously with the "Assham Aleikum" a man-companion in respect of respect for the heart of respect.

Before entering the House of Tajik, you will be offered to wash your hands and serve a towel - take advantage of this. Do not shake the water from the hands, hanging in the air, it will be considered as disrespect for the owners of the house and others. And even if before you come to visit, you have already been waved your hands, do not refuse to wash them again.

If there are already people in the house, say hello and try to smile.

Guest for Tajik is always a pleasant procedure for his adoption and pleasant troubles and duties. And of course, you, as a guest, will indicate where to sit down, is always an honorable place in Mehmohon, i.e. Usually large living room area. Tajiks, when the house is built, be sure to designate "Mehmohon" for respected guests, and guests are always respected in the Tajik House.

Tajiks usually sit on the floor, a carpet and a curricula - with special mattresses, batted by cotton or peeled cotton and sewn from a beautiful fabric. Conveniently sit down, but you can not lie or sit with your foot stretched or down.

For Dastarkhan - a tablecloth, settled on the floor, first, when everyone is already rushed, a rite of praise to God and guest greetings is held. At the end of the feast, this rite is repeated. All sitting at Dastarkhan should raise both palms of the letter L, and when you hear "Omin!" ("Amin!"), Raise your hands on your face, then lower them. This is a purely Tajik national rite, differing from a religious rite in which the guest is not mentioned. This rite of guest greetings does not exist from Arabs, Turks, Afghans, Iranians and other Muslims of the world.

For Dastarkhan, the youngest of the owners breaks tea. Tea's gland (cup) of tea must be made right hand and apply left hand to the right side of the chest. In the same way, the pinch should be returned to a person pouring tea. Even if in the feast of the hosts allow the use of alcoholic beverages, it also distinguishes the younger "Vinolrypius". Do not be surprised when the first bridge spilling tea or "vinorperpius" is definitely nallet. This is an ancient tradition: pouring proves to others that this is not a poison.

Usually Tajiks, when guests are invited home, they are preparing pilaf. After the invitation of the owner, proceed to food, under normal conditions the first one stretches his hand to the pilaf the oldest in the age among sitting at Dastarkhan, but when the guest is in the house, then they ask him the first to try his pilaf.

It is impossible to insist that the hostess at home came to the guest or joined the feast - this is not accepted by Tajiks.

If you need to turn to a woman, ask for permission from her husband or adult relative.

If you stopped spending the night in a traditional Tajik house, try not to appear in nightcloth or semi-nosed, especially when washing in the overall washbasin. If you need to rinse the belt, ask the owner where it can be done.

If you came to the house where there is no owner and there is only a woman in it and (or) children, do not go to this house. Even if a woman (household house) will invite you to go (this is a sign of pupils, according to an ancient tradition, do not leave any guest on the street), do not take an invitation. Find out when the owner returns, and only then visit this house.

If you came to the woman head, she can file your hand - say hello.

If you came to the house, where a person recently died, do not smile, laugh, speak loudly, listen to music, watch TV.

If you fell into the house where people make a rite of prayer, do not speak loudly, laugh.

If you go to visit, do not forget to buy sweets or flowers. Tajiks do not go to visit empty hands.

If you go to a wedding or tui - ceremony of circumcision, do not forget to buy a gift. If you are well acquainted with a person who has a wedding or Tui (cutting his son), you can put 50 dollars in an envelope with a greeting card (Tajikov means a gift - "Debt", i.e. someday he will return it to you In the form of a gift for a wedding, on birthday, etc.).

Bread in the Tajik House is the most holy. Try not to crumble him and handle it carefully. Remember, Tajik National Pellet must be broken by two hands and never cut a knife.

During a trip to Tajikistan, refrain from wearing shorts and mini skirts. This is painfully perceived by Tajiks. The form of a journalist's clothing should be "working" - jeans, a shirt or a T-shirt, a jacket or jacket. If you go to a meeting with a high-ranking official, you can dress "Protocol". Women should not dress too open and defiant. If you were invited to the traditional Tajik house, put on a long skirt and throw a slam on my head.

If you were invited to spend the night from someone at home, stay, but just do not offer money for food and shelter. By this you can offend the owners.

At the market (market) you need to bargain, even if the prices seem funny to you. Trade Start from 20 percent of the total amount, and then, depending on the situation, try even lower the price.

If you hit the village (village), ask the first on-board about the location of the office or home of the local elders or go to the teahouse (at the Tajik "Choyjun"). In Tajik teahouse you can learn about everything.

Before photographing or shooting a video camera, be sure to ask people permission.

In public transport, do not forget to give way to women and elderly people.

Watch your tongue, never interrupt the interlocutor (if you really need to kill the interlocutor, do it very tactfully and diplomatically). Tajiks are eloquent, poetic, they evaluate people on speech, and the success of your business trip to a large extent will depend on your manner to speak.

Family Tajikistan.

Family Tajikistan, unlike European families, very large on custom. A few generations of relatives live under one roof, observing a strict hierarchy.

Relationships are built primarily on unquestioned submission to the owner of the house and the worship of the elders.

A woman in the Tajik family is assigned a special role. On the one hand, the mother is a hostess in the house and wife of the head of the family, but on the other, it also plays any will of her husband and his parents. Despite such an unacceptable relationship for European women, it is impossible to call discrimination.

After all, such relations were formed by centuries. And having passed many tests, sometimes in difficult local conditions, an understanding of the correctness of such relations only strengthened. The age for marriage of girls is considered to be 13-14 years old. And, despite the law, according to which the girls should wait for their adulthood, there are still gross marriages.

Marriage ties enshrines imam, not the registry office. The life of Tajiks is determined Islam. Religion is felt in everything: in everyday life, in traditions, in relations, in art and in the raising of children. The rites, especially the wedding play a special role. The registry office is visited only at will, but the rite of "Nicky", which holds the local Mullah is obligatory.

Without this, marriage will not be considered marriage, and children will be illegally born. The bride is put on the head of seven scarves. Moula speaks water, and the bride must drink it. Forty days after the wedding, a young wife walks in a national costume.

All are invited to the wedding: relatives, friends, colleagues and even just familiar. The wedding takes place in several stages: at the beginning of the house at the bride, then in the house of the groom, then the common wedding and walking for friends and colleagues. At the most modest weddings are available from 500 people.

The circumcision, the birth of a child and many other memorable events are also magnificently. For Tajiks it is very important that the tables are filled with, and there is no single free space. And it does not matter that the food will remain, it is important that it was with an excess. All the senior leads, and the young only execute.

Traditionally, it must be calm (redemption for the bride). There is a certain list of what newlyweds should take from their parents. Most often, "coming" begin to collect from the birth of a child. In general, young are completely dependent on their parents.

After all, it is very early to marry, they really do not understand much. And even if you suddenly do not like something, they will be silent. Senior wiser and know how to correctly. So raise children.

In Tajikistan, polygamy is often found. Officially, of course, the polygamy is prohibited, but in practice it is not at all uncommon. Registration, of course, no, but still the wife is called the first, and the second, and maybe the third.

In rural areas, the girls do not finish more than eight classes. After all, according to the traditions of a woman at all to be formed. Her destination is to be his wife and mother.

For Tajik girls is very scary and shameful to be "reimbursement." Do not get out of the marriage of the most terrible nightmare. Woman Tajik should always be silent. Without the resolution of her husband or mother-in-law, it does not have the right to go outside.

Only women are engaged in household. For a man, to perform such a job is galloping. According to a folded tradition, the first six months, a young wife cannot leave the house of her husband, and in no case should not visit their parents.

It assumes very many economic affairs. She completely obeys all his mother-in-law and all the rest of the senior relatives, but first of all her husband.

On the wedding tradition of the bride should cry. So it happens at all weddings.

Tajiks themselves are very beautiful. They have excellent dark eyes of an unusual form. National Clothing: Dress and Pants for this dress made of beautiful fabric.

Tajik families are filled with children. They are as much as God gives. From an early age, the kids are very active and independent. They are friends with large companies, and most importantly, since childhood they are brought up in tradition.

Senior guys take care of the younger, younger listened to the elders and everywhere go together. Large children wear small, medium themselves run behind the elders.

Children themselves are very sociable and active. From the smallest age, they are assistants to their family. Quickly and with hunting are performed by any instruments of adults. Easily cope with domestic cattle and numerous economic affairs.

Children do not live separately, they fully take part in the life of the family. Tajiks do not drive the children to sleep, do not force them, do not hide adults from them. Children live as well as adults: obey the elders, they work in an adult and responsible for their actions.

Tajiks are a very hospitable people. The guest for them is always a big joy.

Customs and traditions of Tajikistan

Any owner considers his duty to treat guest. Each house has a large room called "Mehmohon", designed specifically for receiving guests. It always has a special honorable place for the main guest.

Tajiks are sitting on the floor, shining with beautiful carpets and mattresses stuffed with cotton or cotton, which are called Kurpacia. According to their rules, it is impossible to sit with the legs stretched forward or to the side. Lying too indecent.

On the floor, a stroll tablecloth called "Delozhan". Before the feast and after it, mandatory prayer, thanksgiving and praise the Almighty. Tajikov has a rite, different from other Muslims.

Tea plays a big role in feasts. Pouring his youngest man. Drink, as accepted, from the pile that you need to take only your right hand, and keep your left on the right side of the chest. Tajiks can afford alcohol.

An interesting fact is that the first pile of any drink bottling does not pour someone, and myself. All this is only a custom, so that others are convinced that there is no poison in the drink. For the guest of the guest of Tajiks will be preparing pilaf. In an ordinary daily life, the first food takes the eldest of the family, but when the guest is a guest - this honor is provided by the guest.

Women eat separately at the other end of the house. They can not be included in the premises during the feast of men. Any extraneous man who wants to talk with a woman must necessarily ask for the permission from her husband or at the host of the house. Tajik men never go home in night clothes or with bare torso.

If the owner is not at home, but the guest came, the wife must invite him to the house. But a man should not go there. You can not communicate with a woman in the absence of her husband, father, or other male relative.

Tajiks love to give gifts very much. Never come to visit without gifts. In general, Tajik men, very generous. They are miners for their family and it is important for them that everything is enough in the house. But only more important for them is the opinion of neighbors, friends and relatives. They seek to support excellent relations and good opinion about themselves.

For Tajiks, the family is the basis of their lives. For family, they work, family is pouted. Everything described above is the way the traditional Tajik family. In the modern world, many began to build their lives in the image of the West. However, there are still many families at their traditions.

Popular myths.

Popular facts.

Popular slang.

When it comes to travel, few people will call Tajikistan among the most popular tourist routes. And in vain! After all, this ancient, located in the very center of Asia, a beautiful country has a richest historical and cultural heritage.

What should I remember, going to Tajikistan?

First of all, that Tajikistan is a country of traditional values. Tajiks have been keenly kept their customs for many millennia. Traditions and rituals are transmitted from generation to generation, practically, in primeval form.

Life and lifestyle in this country have developed under the influence of climate, landscape and, of course, religion.

Family is the most important!

Family bonds for residents of Tajikistan are extremely important. That is why many traditions are closely connected here with the wedding celebrations and the birth of children. So, for example, the traveler should not be surprised that there is no forty-day to the newborn baby for the young mother and the newborn baby. Such a precaution should protect the child from the evil eye and diseases so that it grew up healthy and strong. But when this term expires, the father of the child invites all relatives to the name of the name of name, during which Mullah gives a baby name and reads Sura from the Quran.

No less solemnly passing the child in the cradle. It is made for a newborn of the expensive tree breeds and decorate patterns.

The baby places one of the older women's older women in the cradle, and after the rite, the parents of the child give guests to the sweets so that the baby slept tightly at night.

Oh, these weddings!

Tajik weddings are usually very crowded.

Traditions of Tajikistan

Celebrate the emergence of a new family name and relatives and friends and neighbors.

As in many patriarchal countries, in Tajikistan about the marriage of young, traditionally, parents are negotiated. Although, today, older, undoubtedly, take into account the opinion and sympathy of their children, when choosing a bride or bride.

When the groom's family chooses the desired bride, an eloquent matchmaker comes to her parents' house to officially make an offer to marry, on behalf of the family of the groom. And if the father or senior brother's brother agreed to marry her, they agree on the date of the wedding and wedding treat. By the way, the cost of a wedding feast lie on the bride and his relatives. In turn, the family of the bride collects for her dowry, with whom she will enter his husband's house.

Girls and boys

Traditional gender roles in Tajikistan are very strong. And, although education here is available to everyone, regardless of sex, raise boys and girls in different ways. Boys are preparing for the role of the defender and the owner of the house, which is responsible for the well-being of the family. And girls grow in caring wives and mothers, keepers of customs and a homely hearth.

What you need to know the tourist

The European, who decided to visit Tajikistan needs to be remembered about several small moments:

Do not hurry

It is not known whether the hot climate is to blame for this, or the reason lies in something else, but punctuality in Tajikistan is far from being so important. And, negotiating a meeting with a resident of this country, be prepared to forgive him a little late.

Teahouse - male club

You can not go to Tajikistan and do not look into the teahouse to have a cup of fragrant tea. But, women in teahouse ordered. Here men exchange opinions and news, conclude transactions and contracts.

Men and women

Men separately, women separately. And it's not a joke. In the mosque of Lee, on the holiday of Lee, women and men are in different premises. And, of course, a man and a woman should not stay alone if close relatives do not come to each other.


Hospitality and friendliness is the basis of the customs of Tajikistan. It must be remembered. And, that is why, the guest can not be refused if someone calls him a cup of tea in his house. The refusal will cause a heavy insult.

Response to Sedinam

For Tajik, respect for the eldest is the most natural thing in the world. Senior's advice listened, they are not interrupted. Youth do not sit down, until the elders do not take their places.


Noisy and Ludid Bazaar, for Tajikistan, the same important place as teahouse. At the market come not so much to make purchases, as in order to chat and learn the news. And enthusiastic, cheerful bargaining, for the Tajik bazaar - a long tradition and, moreover, the number of etiquette.

Tajikistan in the new (XXI) century

The war in Tajikistan in general, and the whole ended, although certain clashes and elimination of some partisans continued for a few more years2. Travel, build and live in the country has become safe. Gradually, money began to be taken to the country, in some places began to put in order the road, the construction of a normal asphalt road between the two largest cities of the country began (Chinese and Iranian specialists participate in construction). Something, on the contrary, degraded - especially transport infrastructure.

Rogun hydropower station, mega-object Another time of the USSR, abandoned during the war in the stage of unfinished, partly collapsed, partially stressed, began to be built again and became a national project. The President declared Rogun by the main folk construction (like Bama in the Latest USSR); In all major cities, posters type "Rogun - Cohs Nuri Tickers", etc., it is believed that all the good people should participate in money, acquiring the shares of Rogun construction. These shares are very annoying to purchase all civil servants and in general to all people. Rogun, as national pride, is not given to the deposit of foreigners. The construction of this HPP will not only satisfy all the needs of the country in electricity, but also will sell it to all neighboring countries.

Rules of conduct in Tajik families

The height of the Dam Rogun HPP, according to plan, should be more than 300 meters.

Plans to resuscitate the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric station caused anxiety in neighboring Uzbekistan. The neighbors-Uzbeks fear that a huge reservoir that will be created behind the dam will kidnap all the water of the Vakhsh River. And the Vakhsh and Pyanj rivers, merging, give rise to the Amudarya River, which thus (for the fears of Uzbeks) can lose sight of almost half of the drain. Since now the water Amudarya is used to irrigation at 100%, the river does not reach the Aral Sea, and the arala is almost completely dry, - the loss of even several more cubic kilometers of water will affect the year half of the Uzbek fields and crops. Therefore, Uzbekistan introduced the economic blockade of Tajikistan, not passing through the border, those loads that are intended (or can be intended) for the construction of this dangerous Rogun hydroelectric station.

Other problems with the Uzbek neighbors are known. This is a mutual visa regime and the complete awakening of Uzbek machines in Tajikistan, and Tajik - in Uzbekistan. These are border conflicts, the abductions of the people of Uzbek border guards on the controversial areas of the Earth - sometimes they are not marked, but in the opinion of the border guard, this land relates to Uzbekistan - so many simple peasants have already been injured, whose kishlaki are located near the controversial border. Such involuntary intruders sometimes sit in Uzbek cops, and the conditions there, of course, are not paradise. In the other places the border is mined at all.

The innerfish of neighboring countries led to the fact that the "strategic" train - Dushanbe-Khujand, going through the territory of Uzbekistan, began to walk just once a week. Tajiks in this train are allowed for a visa-free transit through the territory of the sworn neighbors, but the trains of these, as we see, strictly limited quantity. And on the borders between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, the Uzbeks often prohibit a particularly careful and eaten inside of passengers, almost penetrating into them in the inside. Especially such humiliating inspection is a border in Saryoshi (next to Dena).

Internal problems of Tajikistan are known. This is ubiquitous corruption in the police and authorities, the actual beggar of cops both in the capital and on the roads. This is the degradation of railway and bus transport, the rupture of many roads (except the most important places that are trying to fix). It is an outflow of most of the active, young and thinking population abroad - first of all, to Russia: Tajiks receive Russian citizenship and remain in their second homeland forever. This dependence of the economy from money sent from abroad (money sent by Tajiks from Russia to his poor relatives make up half of the country's budget). This lack of fresh ideas and a healthy initiative almost at all levels of management, from rural to the capital (and rare healthy ideas are ruined by the bureaucracy "Upstairs"). This dependence on the supply of flour, food, petroleum products from abroad is mainly from Russia.

But despite these problems, now Tajikistan is quite a safe and harmless country. The era of widespread poverty went to the past; The average salary in the capital exceeds $ 100 per month. The time when working with an average monthly payment of $ 2 was offered on the labor exchange, passed forever. Electricity is served in all cities and many villages; The center of Dushanbe looks no worse than Bishkek and significantly better than Kabul; Former oppositionists are engaged in peaceful agricultural labor. For seven million inhabitants, almost a million constantly or temporarily operates in Russia and provides the rest of the rest.

Traditions of Tajikistan

Traditions of Tajikistan affect a significant part of the life of people: from everyday and festive clothing to the rules of holding ceremonies and festivals. Both in the capital, and in the regions are followed by traditions and rites associated with life, which means their preservation in the current era of globalization. In the villages and small towns, you can very often see people wearing traditional dresses and scarves, weddings and other events pass with national dances and music, and at home decorate carpets and suzane ... everything has been preserved, as it was for centuries.

Tajikistan's traditions are the key to the lifestyle of Tajiks, their cultural values, aesthetics, and one of the ways it is better to know this amazing country.

music and dancing

Music and dancing Tajikistan were and remain an integral part of the life of the people, and still without them no wedding or another festive event. Some dances have their own regional character: there are their traditions of dancing in the mountains of the Pamirs, Gissar Valley, in the north of the country. It is also divided into music and songs that tell about historical events, about domestic things, and of course about love. Read more ...

Theatrical ideas

Folk performances and performances of Tajikistan talk about legends and myths. In each region there are its own artistic forms of ideas, their stories, and this diversity creates a unique wealth of Tajik culture. Puppet performances, plays, epic and dances have been preserved since ancient times, and today, still, remains a popular part of the cultural traditions of Tajikistan. Read more ...


Tajik clothing is very diverse: it uses a combination of various tissues, drawings and patterns, which adorn dresses, shirts, national bathrobes. Small hats who call "currents" or "Callapus" are very common both among men and among women, and are decorated with various patterns depending on the country's region and the status of a person. Especially many people wears national clothing in the regions and small villages of Tajikistan.

Tajik traditions (p. 1 of 2)

Decoration at home

Carpets, embroidery, Suzan and quilted blankets - the main component in the interior of traditional Tajik houses that create a special comfort in the rooms. In modern houses, the usual furniture (sofas, chairs, tables and chairs) is often installed, but mostly, in ordinary guest houses, guests are celebrated at the Dastarkhan table, in rooms decorated with beautiful textiles. Read more ...

Wedding traditions

Wedding in Tajikistan is a grand event and the beginning of a new life for a married couple. At the same time there are many pre-wedding traditions: walling, engagement, preparation of dowry. There are many details in rituals that should ensure well-being and a happy life of a young family. Read more ...

The Committee on Religious Affairs, together with the Council of the Ulemov and the center of Islamov, Tajikistan, identified the procedure for the mourning ceremony and expressions of condolences.

Sometimes the state is trying to introduce restrictions on the traditions, which were in the territory of the current Tajikistan for centuries.

The religion committee has developed a provision where it is described in detail how to carry out funerals and how to observe mourning. The brochure was printed in the printing house half a million edition and recently put on the official website of the Committee on Religious Affairs.

So, what is important to know?

Funeral and mourning rites must be held according to the Khanafy Mazhab, which in Tajikistan is official, traditions and rites of all local peoples and the nationalities of Tajikistan, regulatory acts, including the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In the second section, it is described in detail, which includes the concept of a mourning ceremony. It provides instructions when you should commit a funeral prayer (Janoza) on the deceased, depending on which person died in the day - before or after each of the prayers - the bomber (Morning Namaz), Pehins (Haldong), ASR (boning) , Shot (evening) and huftan (night).

The remuneration of graveters is made by the relatives late in the presence of authorized persons in the field.

The third section refers to the preparation of the body of the deceased to the farewell rite (ablution, the vestments in the Saban, the body is for farewell, etc.).

According to the rules, during mourning, it is allowed to console to cry, however, there are loud bales, it is forbidden to sprinkle the head of the earth, to tear the hair, scratching the face, and also order a special placker.

Women during mourning is allowed to wear a big blue gauze handkerchief on the head, wide dress and pants of blue and rocked with a handkerchief.

But to wear during the mourning clothing of black is prohibited.

The following sections are very detailed by the rules of the ablution and vestments of the deceased in Savan (Cafe), the preparation of the tabby (coffin), the funeral rite. According to the rules, Janosa (funeral prayer) is performed by official Imam Hatibami. Use microphones during funeral rites is not allowed.

Sacrifice - a call attribute

To tell about the history of memorial rituals, we asked the ethnographers scientists of the Academy of Sciences Tajikistan. They indicate that they did not participate in the development of the order of mourning ceremonies and the expressions of condolences and their opinion nobody was interested.

A significant part of the ancient rites, including the memories, is associated with associate professionals, "says the leading researcher at the Ethnography of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography named after Ahmad Donish An RT

Zinatmo Yusufbeckova. - The funeral-memorial rites of the regions of Tajikistan are closely intertwined with traditional and Islamic ritual norms.

According to experts, the memorial customs of each of the regions of Tajikistan have their own specifics. But everyone unites the cult of ancestors, for example, the sacrificial nature of food.

From ancient times, until today in the regions of Tajikistan, the custom of sacrifices dedicated to certain dates of the death of man says, says Senior Researcher at the Institute of History An, Ethnographer Mumin Shaven. - In some regions there is a seven-day ban on cooking in the house of the deceased, in others it is only three days. The Tajiks of some regions were believed that if a person had ever stabbed a ram with a beige goal, on the light of Baran would fit to the bridge leading to heaven, and transported a person to himself.

Pottrices, Funeral Dances and Food

Ethnographers indicate that earlier the specialty "Murdashui" was transferred by inheritance. They lived in separate Mahallah, could marry only their "colleagues in the workshop", they could not look into the eyes - walking down the street, when meeting with someone they had surely covered her face.

Shaven pointed out that the dead man was kneaded with special rag gloves, but, for example, in the Chorcuch kisch (Isfara), this is done with the help of Basil's branches.

After washing the deceased, they wrapped in a savan, for men these are three fabric fabrics, for women five. In different regions, funeral stretchers also have their differences, for example, on the Pamir as a stretcher, a regular wooden staircase made from poplar is served, and there are no special stretcher in the same chorukha. There are two sticks of 2.4 m and twenty sticks with a length of 1.1 m, they are associated with twine to turn out to be a staircase. Sticks must be necessarily made of fruit trees. In the rest of the regions of Tajikistan, special stretchers are used, which are stored in the cemetery or in the mosque. Only men can accompany the cemetery of the deceased.

According to Yusufbeckova, in many regions of Tajikistan, the tradition of a rapid manifestation of grief for dead women has been preserved. In the sign of unlimited grief, they scratched their face before the blood, pumped her hair, cut the strand of hair or braid. Researchers believe that this form of manifestation of grief is rather ancient, even upgrades.

According to the interlocutor, in many regions of Tajikistan, including on the Pamir, there is a tradition of inviting special plackers. The cloaks had a good voice and knew a lot of mourning songs.

Often, the Postermen came themselves, without an invitation, and together with relatives mourned the deceased, "says a specialist of the Institute of History of the His Mubin Muchmudov. - For example, the plasters are depicted on the finds of the ancient Penjikent and medieval miniatures of Samarkand. One of these miniatures is "Funeral Iskander. "Shahnama" Firdusi ", which was rewritten in 1556 by the Persian artist Muhammant Murad Samarkandi (worked at the end of the XVI - beginning. XVII century). This work is kept at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Tashkent.

Yusufbekova noted that in some villages the Pamirs, such a pre-Islamic rite was preserved, as funeral dances - caught (foot movement). Emotional manifestation of grief and mourning are the remnants of ancient doubtful beliefs, and the Muslim clergy has always spoke out against these traditions, called not to resist God's will. On the Pamir, the tradition of Madohoni is still preserved (mourning chants of men on the third day)

In almost all regions, the commemoration was arranged on the third, seventh, fortieth day after the funeral and on the anniversary of death, "said Shaven. - remembering events in almost all religions are accompanied by treats and preparing certain types of food. Now in some regions, the commemoration turned into lush meals, it even became an object of rivalry.

Ethnographers indicate that in Tajikistan, as in many countries of the world, each region has their clothes, characterized by the type of fabric, coloring or a combination of colors, details and style of sewing. The costumes have always differed depending on social status, sharing on holidays and everyday, wedding and mourning. According to them, this is due to the historical traditions of a certain region, including those who have developed as a result of the natural assimilation of the population of one or another region.

In traditional Islam, there is no wearing black in Mourning, "says Mahmudov. - Arabs are exceptionally white.

According to the ethnographer, on the Pamir in Mourning, they wear inappropriate clothing, it can be with patterns and flowers, but different ingredients. In Fajabad wear white. Garma also put on white or new clothes; The main thing is that the clothes are not bright. In the areas of South Tajikistan there is no certain type of mourning clothing. People wear ordinary, casual clothes.

In Central Tajikistan in the XIX - early XX century, young women wore mourning clothes from a black atlas with blue patterns, "says Mahmudov. - Sharovari, too dark. They refuel in Ichigi, who were worn with calories. On top it was put on a bathrobe of a dark colors, a white handkerchie was thrown on his head. There were no decorations and no, because it's not necessary to wear them under Touré. By the way, wearing jewelry under the traw is not supposed in all regions of Tajikistan.

In Northern Tajikistan, mourning clothes of both men and women are necessarily black or dark blue. Women over dark color dresses wear a bathrobe, often black, and necessarily squeezed by a susak - feet. Futa is four meters of white fabric. Earlier, the feet was worn by men, going to the long road. The feet was used as a bedspread in the bath, and in case of death, it could be used as Savan. Now the feet is the attribute of a mourning costume in women of Northern Tajikistan. During the mourning of the deceased woman holds his hand for her belt-feet. And close men be relied on specially harvested sticks with a piece of white cloth, and forty days these sticks are left at the gate of the deceased house.

Previously, men in Northern Tajikistan for mourning events were sure to wear bathrobes (Banorac) precisely blue, but since the end of the 90s they changed black velvet bathrobes with cotton lining, "says the ethnographer.

Instead of resume

According to the ethnographer Safar Saidov, before developing some rules, it is necessary to consult with ethnographer specialists, because it is necessary to repel not only from religion, but also from the centuries-old traditions of the people.

But, by the way, about religion ...

Conducting a certain period in all religions is always accompanied by a meal. People gather at the table or Dastarkhan and remember the deceased. Let it be without excesses, but how can I prohibit it? Or the same wearing of a certain color, mourning the deceased and emotional sorrowful expression?

Specialists are perplexed. And we will see how new norms earn, whether they were supposed to be recommendations or still bend.