Gustav Klimt "Golden Adel. "Golden Adel" - a detective picture with Jewish origin

Gustav Klimt
Gustav Klimt "Golden Adel. "Golden Adel" - a detective picture with Jewish origin

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Gustav Klimt.

Adeli Bloch-Bauer I "

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"Portrait of Adelie Bloch-Bauer I", fragment (Gustav Klimt, 1907).
The picture is also known as " Golden Adel" or " Austrian mona Lisa"

Continued. Part 1 cm.

Mary waited that the Golden Adel will be taken from day to day. She was almost no surprised when for the painting, accompanied by the Gestapovian squad, her school friend Alois Kunst. Kunstist collaborated with the fascists, collecting a collection of painting for them, part of which was assised in the caches and basements of the Third Reich. When she asked how he could become a traitor, he said that he could do much more for Austria.

Adolf Hitler turns out to be positively related to the work of Gustav Clima. Nowhere is not advertised, but it turns out to be with Clima, when Hitler tried to enter the Academy of Painting in Vienna. And Klimt was already honorable professor at this academy. At that time, Hitler earned his living by drawing small pictures with species of Vienna and sold them to tourists in restaurants and taverns. So he came to Clima to show his work, and maybe take a few lessons of painting. And Klimt, according to the kindness of the soulful, declared Hitler that that genius and he should not take lessons. Hitler left Clima very pleased, and his friends stated that Klimt himself admitted him. The Hitler did not do this to the Academy of Painting, instead of it, Oscar Cokoska, Jew for Nationality, took there. Maybe therefore Hitler as he said that his hatred for the Jews is purely personal.

Pictures of Adolf Hitler.

But the climet's climes did not touch this hatred, they were ordered to protect them, despite the Jewish origin of the author.

When the "Golden Adel" left the native house, the Führer did not accept her in his collection, Adel was a frank Jewish woman, and, as you understand, this picture could not hang in the Reichstag in any places of fascist Germany. That is why, it is worth focusing on the appearance of Adelie Bloch Bauer. The appearance of the model saved the picture from death. The picture disappeared. No one knows where the portrait of Adeli was all the war years.

Gently stored ... Alois Kunstom, in perfect condition, she popled after the end of the war and settled in central Museum Belvedere in Vienna. And Alois Kunst became the director of this museum and continued to carefully store the relic - the Austrian Mona Lisa, his favorite adel.

Museum Belvedere, Vienna.

Ferdinand Bloch Bauer died in November 1945, in full of loneliness. And none of the relatives could spend it on the last path.

Mary with her husband was lucky, because the investigator in the Gestapo was a familiar Altman, with whom Frederick was engaged in mountaineering and once saved him, pulling it out of the abyss. They fled on fake documents. Gestapo pursued them. Maria recalled how sitting on the plane, which flew out of Vienna to London and has already spoiled on taketon strip, Suddenly the engines turned off and armed gestapovtsy with automata. Altmans sat clutching in the chair, they thought it was behind them. But no, they brought someone else. Maria Altman carefully kept torn stockings in which they and her husband were transferred through barbed wire. She considered them a symbol of his freedom. Spouse Altman moved first to England, and then in the USA. After some time, Maria received American citizenship.

Everything was calm, until the tin journalist Hubertus Chernin did not dug off the testament of Ferdinand Bloch Bowera left before his death in Switzerland, which canceled all previous testaments. In this testa, Ferdinand widen all his property to his nephews - children of Brother Gustav Bloch Bower. Capital, in his opinion, had to work for the family. At that time alive, one Maria remained, and that was already over 80 years. But Hubertus understood that it was his star hour. Despite its graphic origin, he was poor, but loved to live on a wide leg. He understood that the American millionaire would fall off the sum for such information. So it happened. Maria claimed himself an eternal apprentice to him.

Restitution Lawyer Randol Schoenberg, At Left, With -Heiress Marie Altmann (R.); Between Them, Adele Bloch Bauer, AS Klimt Might Have Sketched Her for His Famous Painting, Die Dame in Gold | Illustration: Katharina Klein

All Austria arched as an aspen nest! The headlines of the Austrian newspapers cried: "Austria is deprived of his relic !!!", "do not give America our national treasure!!! ". The police fell out the threats that the picture would be destroyed, but it would not go to America. In the end, the Museum's Directorate decided to remove the" Golden Adel ", from the sin away, in the store.

Surprisingly, George Bush younger, using some of his levers, did not give the cause of the paintings. He did not want to spoil relations with Austrians at all. Maria Altman fought for his property for many seven years. The courts were engaged in unsubsions and invented the reasons to not consider this business. But the lawyers of Mary conducted an investigation and found out that Ferdinand Bloch Bauer had the Czech citizenship and managed to make the transfer of a court hearing to the United States, as a US citizen requested to legalize the testament of the Czech Republic. And here Austria, asked them?

And Austria turned out to be nothing. And by decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, Austria was obliged to return the five paintings of Gustav Klimt, including the "Portrait of Adeli Bauer Bauer" by lawful heiress - Mary Altman.

Cherira pictures that were refundable Maria Altman with the "Portrait of Adeli Bloch Bauer"

Clockwise: " Birch Grove.1903g "," Portrait of Adelie Bloch-Bauer-2, 1912 "," Houses in Unterahe near Attersee, 1916 "," Apple Tree I, 1912 "

Maria was happy and did not insist that the paintings left the limits of Austria. She asked her market value to pay her. The price for all five paintings by $ 155 million was appointed. Such a sum was inexperienced for the Ministry of Culture of Austria.

All Austria stood on the defense of Golden Adeli. Austria undertook unprecedented measures in the history of the state to save national heritage. There were negotiations with banks on a loan to buy paintings. In addition, the government of the country appealed to the population with a request for help, intending to release the "Clima Bonds". The public announced a subscription to collect funds. Donations began to arrive, and not only from the Austrians. Austria's government almost gathered the required amount.

The excitement raised around the paintings has revealed their market value and Maria decided to raise the price of up to 300 million dollars. Mary Altman was rare chance Enter the history of Austria, showing the nobility and leaving the climet's cloth in his homeland. Of course, not free, and the initial estimate of $ 155 million was considered in Austria as fair compensation.

Thousands of veins inhabitants came to hold the Golden Adel, people went away from all over Austria. Crowds of people lined up along the streets on which the relics exported in armored cars. Some people cried. Joke Lee, the portrait of Adelli was a symbol of Austria for almost 100 years.

After some time, for 135 Millons of dollars, Maria Altman sold "Portrait of Adeli Bloch Bauer" Ronald Laudar, the owner of the perfume concern "Esty Lauder". Ronald Laudar built new house For the Golden Adel, which was called "the Museum of Austrian and german art"And now the picture is in full safety.

Journalist Hubertus Chernin and could not take advantage of the money received from Maria Altman, because it died four months after the export of Clima's paintings. The official version of the police "heart attack".

Maria Altman died in 2004 at the age of 91.

Maria Altman's own person! On the background of this picture "Portrait of Adeli Bloch Bauer"

Just imagine this elderly woman I saw the real live adel fleel Bauer, her husband Ferdinand Bloch Bauer. True, she was only two years old when Klimt died. But looking at her, you feel complete reality The events occurred are the incredibly history of the Great Picture.

Golden Adele is very popular in the world.

She is written poems:

What kind of unknown land
Did you enter my life, Golden Adel?
Your neck bend, your lips Rosanel -
Everything is so dively in you, Golden Adel ...

Humming Eye Your Sweet Hop
Wounds the soul of the forgotten softer, Ma Belle,
And a breakfast of delicate hands, and the Rumyanta Pastel -
Everything is just you, only you are the Golden Adel ...

You sit queen on the throne ... Ul
Yours brief lifelike swing-carousel,
Warm, wisely met the fatal goal?
Wait a minute! Be with me, Golden Adel ...

It is replicated as they can.

All participants in the events went into the world of others, and the Golden Adel is alive and will live in the centuries, as well as Ferdinand Bloch Bauer wanted.

I want to tell you beautiful storyin which there is love and treason, pain and joy, chase for wealth and sacrifice. Amazing story The love of Adeli Bloch Bauer and Gustav Clima, immortalized in the film "Golden Adel", which became a punishment for lovers

Who are you "Golden Adel" and what is your secret?

"Adele Bloch-Bauer" or "Golden Adel" - a picture known to everyone and replicated now in different variations on souvenirs.
This picture has entered the history for the century - I myself also wanted her customer.

This beautiful lady, depicted on the picture of Gyustov Klimt, is a large banker from Vienna, Jewish origin, which, moreover, was the chairman of the Austrian Banker Bower Association. Moritz had two daughters, both are perfectly educated, well-read girls who own several languages \u200b\u200bwith elegant manners. Of course, the Father was concerned about the selection of decent candidates for the role of her husbands for his girls.

Photo Adele Bloch Bauer

His choice was stopped at the Ferdinand's brothers and Flea Gustav.
Brothers were successful entrepreneurs in the field of sugar production. They had several enterprises and shares of their company rose in price.
In 1899, a wedding-lush feast took place on the entire vein.
Adele at that time was only 18 years old and her husband became the elder brother, Ferdinand Bloch, who was much older than her. And the sister Maria got married to Gustava-grand brother.

Both families belonged to the chosen layer of the Jewish bourgeoisie and combining their capital, took the name of Bloch Bauer.

Photo of Ferdinand Blow Bauer.

Family Bloch Bauer supported some Social Democrats, Writers and Artists. One of them was Gustav Klimt.
Adel Bloch Bauer repeatedly posed Gustavu for his paintings and did not think at all that her name would not only be glorified in the centuries, but will be seen in scandalous history.

They rummed that Adel and Gustav tied not only friendship. Their romantic relationships discussed everything.

And Ferdinand felt like every day, more and more, the horns make their way under his luxury cylinder.
He was furious and thought about the place of revenge. At first he wanted to kill Adele, then he just wanted to divorce ... However families belonging to elite births, where the marriage unions were negotiated by relatives and concluded on the century, it was not accepted to divorce because of the treason of spouses. After all, capital of such unions should merge and multiply.
But Ferdinand dreamed of revenge and decided to do the following ...
He heard that the Indians in order to kill the feelings of the couple in love, caught their chains to each other and held together for so long until those started experiencing disgust to each other. Here is such a torture constant proximity.

Cunning revenge proximity, came Ferdinand in a dream. It dreamed that he was ruined, all the property was cleared of small people, and from numerous wealth, that he had only a portrait of his wife Adele. And Ferdinand decides to order a portrait of his wife at Gustav Klimt, who could indeed perpetuate the genus Bauch Bauer. And Clima, he decided to put a condition - let it make 100 sketches of Adelli, let him draw until he was sick of its constant presence. Ferdinand, knowing the lovingness of Clima, was confident that he would not stand the long presence of the same model - he constantly needed a change of simtors, otherwise he began to "choke."
So I decided, Ferdinand: "Let this portrait writes for years. Let Adelka sees how his feelings fade! ". Then she will surely understand their mistake.

And so that the couple in love could not refuse, he prepared a contract, carefully thought out by the best lawyers. After all, he understood that the artist, at that time, was very fashionable and in demand. Climt, at that time was engaged in the design of various facilities across the country, among which the pavilion mineral Water in Karlbad, estate, metropolitan theater. Therefore, the contract was to make the most interested in the artist in terms of the fee. However, for the failure to fulfill the terms of the contract, such a fine was envisaged that could easily and ruin the lover's painter.

Pictures of Gustav Clima, who, on the will, switched Maoiya Altman

Ferdinand invites Gustav Clima for lunch. Adel was trying by all their might not to show the confusion embraced her, but a light blush that appeared on her cheeks did not remain not observed by her husband. Ferdinand himself was cheerful and joked a lot.
The artist arrived on time, lunch passed calmly, though the lovers dove tried not to look at each other, so as not to give their feelings.

After dinner, Ferdinand and Klimt began to discuss the contract. Agreed enough quickly. Seeing the amount of Contract Gustav agreed without hesitation. He understood that he was well paid for his paintings, but this figure was simply stolen.

Climt worked on this picture for almost four years and made about a hundred sketches, as agreed. The picture turned out to be gorgeous and took the honorable place in the Bloch Bauer House. Ferdinand was pleased with the work.
But the relationship of Adeli and Gustav gradually faded, as he expected Ferdinand.

Adele often sick and smoked a lot. Several attempts to give birth to a child ended with their death. She suffered her own feelings for children sisters. She was especially close to her niece Marie. With her they chatted a lot, discussed latest news, fashionable styles of dresses and, of course, the pictures of Clima.

The life of Gustav Climt ended in 1918, when he was 52 years old. The offensive of the First World War was reflected in his work negatively. Gold paint paints were replaced by gloomy, and the plots were associated with death. He died in the presence of his mistress of Emilia Phlegte from hitting. Adel died from meningitis seven years after his death. She taught her paintings vienna Museum. Gazebo.

"Portrait of Adeli Bloch Bauer" and Gustav Klimt

The Ferdinand's Sudbey was also not easy. Falling from the persecution of the Jews, he was forced to flee into Switzerland, leaving all the property of a brother's family on the care and a picture of the Golden Adel, including.

Maria was latest kid Family Gustav - brother Ferdinanda. Despite their fame, the family of Gustav led a rather modest lifestyle and did not indulge in their children. Father Mary, besides sugar businesses He was fond of music and was a good musician. In their family, connoisseurs of art often gathered and listened to the sound of the Cello Stradivari, which Rothschild-Joint brought to their house was friends.

Friendship of Mary Altman -Teleman Adel Bloch Bauer

In adolescence, Maria was keen on Alois Kunstom, a boy from the neighboring gymnasium. Alois was considered a worthy boy and well taken in the family of Mary. Alois was invited to the first Mary Ball, which are still popular in Vienna. Therefore, the case, Aunt Adel allowed her to put on this holiday a famous necklace in which she posed Gustavu Klimt. It was not forgotten for a girl. Mary and Aloisa liked the picture of Aldel's aunt and they believed that the paintings had their own mystery. Young people made a desire and carefully in the picture under certain angle And if it seemed to them that the corners of the lips Adel are raised in a smile, then the desire will surely come true, and if Adel frowns, it's good luck on their side.

Alois Kunst and Young Marie on the background famous portrait aunt adel

But Mary and Alois did not become husband and wife. Maria became his wife Federica Altman, the son of a large industrialist. Federic himself was opera singer. This union was also arranged by his parents, but young people were able to love each other and lived together all their lives. A diamond necklace of the beloved Aunt Adeli was given Mary for a wedding.

During the hunting for the Jews, Uncle Ferdinand fled to Switzerland, and Mary Federica's husband was sent to the Gestapo. Jews selected all the property and sent to Gestapo. So Federico was sent to the Dasho concentration camp. Maria easily parted with the property of the family, signing all the papers - so she tried to save her husband Gestapovans plundered the whole house. Took the necklace of Asshi Adeli. It is said that this necklace was then seen several times at Henry Gimler's wife.

The picture "Adele Bloch-Bauer" was also taken away. And she came to take her the same Alois Kunst, who was friends with Maria in his youth. Alois switched to the side of the fascists, becoming a traitor. It seemed to him that in cooperation with the fascists he would bring great benefit of Austria.
But no matter how it was, it was Alois Kunst who carefully kept long years "Golden Adel" and after the war, this picture ranked his place in the Belvedere Museum, as she wanted a dying adel. And Alois Kunst was headed by this museum, becoming his director.

Belvedere Museum in Vienna

What happened to Maria and her husband? Mary still managed to save Ferdinand from the Gestapo and the spouses moved first to England, and then -s the United States, where they received citizenship.

Uncle Ferdinand died in Switzerland, away from relatives. But before his death, he left the testament, according to which all his property was visited by the children of Brother Gustav Bloch Bauer to-the Capital should work for the family.
For a long time, nothing has been known for this will, while Curious Journalist Hubertus Chernin did not dig it. Hubertus understood that if he helps Mary (and she is the only one who leaves alive from the family for that time) to get these pictures, then a happy millionaire will not shake on a round sum. So everything happened.

For a long seven years, Austria tried to keep the paintings at home, but as a result of long trials, Austria was supposed to return several paintings by Maria Altman and "Golden Adel" too.

Maria Altman returned the picture "Golden Adel"

Maria first wanted to leave a picture on the territory of Austria, receiving a reward for it at $ 155 million. This amount was too big, but the Ministry of Culture tried to keep the picture with all their might. With banks, negotiations on the loan, the population of Austria also sought to assist in the preservation of the national heritage. And when almost the whole amount was collected, Maria raised the price twice. It was an end!

Residents of Vienna accompanied the picture, which was for many years business card Cities with great regret.

After some time, Maria Altman sold the "portrait of Adel Bloch-Bauer" Ronald Laudar, the owner of the Estee Parfumer Concern "Esty Lauder." Now the picture is located in the "Museum of Austrian and German Art", the owner of which became Ronald Lauder and now the picture is in complete safety.

Maria Altman died in 2011 at the age of 94.

Numerous souvenir products with the image of Adelie Bloch Bauer

Here is such interesting story about love!

If this note is about the difficult relationships perpetuated in the picture you liked the way to her with my friends! I will be very grateful to you!

A rich Jew will find out that the wife changes him with the artist. He orders the portrait of his wife for a huge amount from the opponent. Four years on sketches. Result: great picture. Although love, of course, passed.

1. What could be a morality in history in which Adolf Hitler, 135 million dollars, George Bush Jr., Gueen Gustav Klimt, femme fatale Adel Bloch Bauer, US government and the people of Austria?

No morals, but there is a chase and sacrifice, treason and revenge, love and hatred. Probably you already guessed that we are talking About the picture of Gustav Klimt "Portrait of Adeli Bloch Bauer", or "Golden Adel", is also called the Austrian Mona Lisa "Austrian Mona Lisa".

And everything began like that.

2. 1904. Ferdinand Bloch Bauer walked along a powerful sidewalk, having mastered a cheerful melody, waving a cane, sometimes stopping and politely bowing to the oncoming gentlemen.

He decided everything for himself. First, of course, he wanted to kill her, but in jewish families It is not customary to kill wives for treason. He could not dilute either, in Jewish families it is not accepted. Especially in such families, like his wife, Adeli, in elite families of the Austrian Jewish diaspora. In such families, marriage unions are forever. Money should go to money, capital to capital. This marriage was approved by parents on both sides. Adeli's father, Moritz Bauer, a large banker, Chairman of the Austrian Banker Association, for a long time he was looking for decent grooms for his daughters and chose the Ferdinand brothers and Gustav Bloch, who were engaged in sugar production and had several enterprises whose shares continuously grew.

3. The whole Vienna was in the wedding, and after the fusion of capital both families became Bloch Baueri. And now the largest sugar supplier in Europe, Ferdinand Bloch Bauer, went through the pavement and felt like on his head, under a luxurious satin cylinder, branched horns grow. Just lazy did not discuss stormy Roman His wife Adeli and artist Gustav Clima. He did not sleep a lot of nights in a row, he lay and burned into the darkness, until he came up with an adhelka revenge ... So he called her - not Adele, but Adelka.

4. Adel Bloch Bauer

Let him not have been such educated and read as Adele, but he also knew something, and could know, for example, that the ancient Indians to separate the lovers, they caught their chains to each other and kept together until they started hating each other Friend as much as they recently loved.

This idea came to him in a dream. He will order him (Clima) Portrait of Adeli! And let the climt make 100 sketches until it becomes turning out of it. He will not be able to long, he needs to change the simulator, mistresses, concubines surrounding his women, otherwise he suffocates. No wonder he is attributed to fourteen extramarital children. Let this portrait write a few years! And let the adelka sees how Klimt's feelings fade. Let it understand who she is His, Ferdinand Bloch Bower, traded! And they can not part. The contract is serious. And in the contract a fine, exceeding the amount of the contract for tens of times. Ferdinand can easily ruin Clima.

5. Emilia Fleog and Gustav Klimt

He dreamed that his sugar empire was falling apart on small sugar pieces and small little men took off everything in their little minks, and he had only a portrait of his wife. Ferdinand decided to order a portrait of Adeli's portrait and call the picture "Portrait of Adeli Blow Bauer", thus perpetuating his surname.

6. The climt-owned authorities was a very fashionable and demanded by the artist, his paintings were good embedding Capital, and Ferdinand understood this perfectly. For several recent years Klimt and his brother circled the whole country, issuing a pavilion of mineral waters in Karlsbad, then the metropolitan burgteater, then Villa Empress Sissi. At twenty-six, Climt received the Golden Order "For Merit", at the twenty-eight - the Imperial Prize.

Therefore, Ferdinand very carefully prepared a contract with Clima, his best lawyers were engaged in this issue, and now it was important that Klimt signed paper.

When Ferdinand came home, Adel rests on the couch in the living room and smoked, as usual, Sigarill in the mouthpiece. She loved apple tobacco. Her subtle flexible mill reminded the panther on vacation, so she was graceful. Thin features of the face and dark hair were good. Adele got used to the happy "Notoneel." She grew up in a very rich family, surrounded by the army of servants. In those days, for some reason, girls could not be trained at the university, but Adeli's parents gave her good home education. Adele was a lady quite romantic, read the classics in four languages \u200b\u200band amazing manner Combined painful air brittleness with a predeterpant pendant millionaires. In marriage, Adele entertained itself in the content of a fashionable cabin, where poets were gathered, artists and the whole color secular society Vienna. There they were with Gustav and met.

7. Adel Bloch Bauer

Passing into the living room, Ferdinand suggested Adeli to change clothes, as he invited Clima for lunch. At the mention of Klimte, Adel flared out, and it did not hide from her husband's eyes. Gustav Klimt arrived without late, just in case capturing a frame for the painting with him. Very interesting, but he always started with a frame. His brother made a beautiful frame, and Klimt entered her masterpiece there. Lunch passed calmly, not counting that Gustav and Adel stubbornly did not want to look at each other. Ferdinand, on the contrary, was cheerful and continuously joked.

8. Ferdinand Bloch Bauer

After lunch, all three gathered in the living room. And between them, approximately such a dialogue took place.

Ferdinand (officially): - Mr. Klimt! You probably have already guessed that I invited you to make an order, and therefore captured a subframe with you? I would like to order you an unusual portrait of my wife Adeli.
Climt: - What should he be unusual?
Ferdinand: - By what should exist at least a few centuries!
Climt (interested): - It is interesting, interesting ... several centuries. I do not know. I am interested in portraying the most important points of life of a person: conception, pregnancy, birth, youth, noon of life, old age ...
Ferdinand: - But the Bible wrote people, " Sicstinian Madonna"Drawn a man, and these works live in the centuries! So you make a portrait of my wife, like Madonna of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and let this portrait live in the centuries!
Climt: - You put in front of me a very difficult task!
Ferdinand: - And we are not in a hurry. I will pay you a good advance so that you do not think about money.
Climt: - Similar picture may require additional costs.
Ferdinand: - For example?
Climt: - For example, the dress I would like to separate the gold plates ...
Ferdinand: - If you are going to separate my wife's dress with gold and draw attention to the bottom of the picture, then I will buy a necklace in the hope of attracting attention to the top of the picture.
Adele (ironic): - Here you have already shared me all. I can only "fold the pens on the chest" to draw attention to the middle part of the picture.
Ferdinand: - I would like to portrait my wife to contain naked places like your portrait of Judith.
Climt: - Of course. I will make a sketch and only after your approval I will start the main job.

Seeing the amount of the contract, Gustav Klimt signed it, not even reading. He, of course, suspected that he brilliant artistBut the price that Ferdinand suggested him, he was simply stolen.

9. Collectible coin With a fragment of "Adeli" with a face value of 50 euros. Market value 505 euros

10. About one hundred sketches wrote Climt to this portrait. And finished work on him for four years.

Ferdinand was pleased. The picture was completed (and after all, many paintings remained unfinished) and fully answered his plan. They hung her in the living room of their Viennese at home.

Obviously, the relationship of Clima and Adeli smoothly fugged. Some time after the start of the work on the picture, Adel got sick, and Clima had to do prolonged breaks in the work.

Adele was sick and at the same time smoked a lot, most often spending a whole day without getting out of bed. God never gave them with Ferdinand children. She tried to give birth three times, and every time the children died. All your unprinted maternal love Adel postponed her sister's children, highlighting his niece Maria Bloch Bauer. Maria often came to sit with a sick aunt, they discussed the latest fashion trends and styles for the first Bala Mary. As well as the paintings by the artist Klimt, who in the house of Adeli and Ferdinand had already gained more than ten pieces.

11. Ferdinand devoted time to work in his sugar empire. He never said Adelel, that he knew about her relationship with Gustav.

Time went, the first is approaching world War. The "golden period" in the life of Clima ended, giving way to the depressing picture with the image of death and the end of the world. Climt very hard tolerated the events occurring in the world. War influenced him destructive. And at the age of 52, in 1918, Klimt suddenly died from strike in his workshop, in his hands from his eternal companion Emilia Fleog.

Adel survived him for seven years and died in 1925, quietly died after meningitis. Before his death, Adel asked Ferdinand to make three paintings, including the "Portrait of Adeli Blow Bauer", the Vienna Museum of Belvedere.

12. Ferdinand lived alone, his life was becoming gravily harder and harder, since Austria became part of Germany in 1938 and the Nazis began a hunt for Austrian Jews. In the same year, Ferdinand managed to run to Switzerland, throwing all his property on the care of the brother's family.

The picture remained in the living room, the Second World War was nearer.

Gustav Bloch Bauer, brother Ferdinand, accounted for her husband's sister Adeli. There were five children in their family, the very Mary who visited Adele during the disease was the youngest. Oddly enough, they lived very modestly, they dressed simply and children allowed only the cheapest Italian ice cream. Outside the family sugar business, Mary's father was a good musician and a friend of Rothschild, who brought the cello of the work of Stradivari into their house, and then there was almost all those who were not indifferent to high art Vein.

When Maria was a teenager, she tied her tender friendship with Alois Kunstom from the gymnasium, which was not far from the one where she studied. She often invited him to his aunt Adeli's house, and together they considered the picture. Maria even invited Alois to his first ball. And this meant that Alois was represented by Mary's parents and approved by them - they considered him a cultural and educated young man. And Aunt Adel allowed Mary to wear his diamond necklace in which I posed to Clima. And Maria remembered this ball for life. They with Alois knew that the paintings had their own secret. If you look at Adele at a certain angle and make a desire, you can determine in the corners of the lips, smiles at the adel or frowns. If smiling, the desire will come true.

14. Gustav Klimt, "Dancer", 1916-1918

But Maria married another. Frederick Altman was an opera singer, the son of a large industrialist. Money for money, capital to capital. Apparently, his parents were more consistent. They got married in 1938, on the eve of the invasion of Germany to Austria. But, despite the negotiable marriage, Maria very much loved her husband and lived with him all his life. The famous diamond necklace, in which Adel Bauch Bauer posed Gustavu Klimt, her uncle Ferdinand presented her as a wedding gift.

When the Nazis began a hunt for Austrian Jews, Uncle Ferdinand fled to Switzerland, and Mary's husband, Frederick, grabbed and sent to Gestapo. A little later, he was at a concentration camp in Dakhau, where thousands of Jews turned into a black smoke, after the German authorities passed all their property. The gestapovtsy broke into the house of Mary in Vienna and took all the jewels and cello Stradivari, and the Diamond Necklace of Adeli was simply thrown into the bag (there were eyewitnesses that henrich Henrich Himmler's wife appeared in this necklace). Maria did not regret anything and immediately signed all the necessary papers, in which he refused the entire movable and real estate, - she was ready to do everything, just to save her husband from death.

15. Concentration camp Dahau

Mary waited that the Golden Adel will be taken from day to day. She was almost no surprised when her school friend Alois Kunst came for the picture accompanied by the Gestapovian squad. Kunstist collaborated with the fascists, collecting a collection of painting for them, part of which was assised in the caches and basements of the Third Reich. When she asked how he could become a traitor, he said that he could do much more for Austria.

Adolf Hitler relevant to the work of Gustav Clima. Nowhere is not advertised, but it turns out, they met with Clima when Hitler tried to enter the Academy of Painting in Vienna. And Klimt was already honorable professor at this academy. At that time, Hitler earned his living by drawing small pictures with species of Vienna and sold them to tourists in restaurants and taverns. So, he came to Clima to show his work and, maybe take a few lessons of painting. And Klimt on the kindness of the soulful declared Hitler that that genius and he does not need to take lessons. Hitler left Clima very pleased, and his friends stated that Klimt himself admitted him. The Hitler did not do this to the Academy of Painting, instead of it, Oscar Cokoska, Jew for Nationality, took there. Maybe, so Hitler somehow said that his hatred for the Jews is purely personal.

16. Pictures of Adolf Hitler

But the climet's climes did not touch this hatred, they were ordered to protect them, despite the Jewish origin of the author.

17. When the "Golden Adel" left the native home, the Fuhrer did not accept her in his collection. Adele was a frank Jewish, and as you know, such a picture could not hang in the Reichstag, nor in other buildings of fascist Germany. That is why it is worth focusing on the appearance of Adeli Bloch Bauer. The appearance of the model saved the picture from death. The picture disappeared. No one knows where the portrait of Adeli was all the war years.

Carefully stored ... Alois Kunstom, in perfect condition, she popled after the end of the war and settled in the Central Museum of Belvedere in Vienna. And Alois Kunst became the director of this museum and continued to carefully store the relic - the Austrian Mona Lisa, his favorite adel.

18. Museum of Belvedere, Vienna

Ferdinand Bloch Bauer died in November 1945 in full solitude. And none of the relatives could spend it on the last path.

19. Mary with her husband was lucky, because the investigator in Gestapo was a familiar Altman, with which Frederick was engaged in mountaineering and whom he once saved, pulling out of the abyss. They fled on fake documents. Gestapo pursued them. Maria recalled, as in the plane, which flew out of Vienna to London and has already spoiled on the runway, suddenly the engines turned off and armed gestapovtsy with automata were included in the salon. Altmans sat, clutching in the chair, they thought it was behind them. But no, they brought someone else. Maria Altman carefully kept torn stockings, in which they and her husband were climbed through a barbed wire. She considered them a symbol of his freedom. Spouse Altman moved first to England, and then in the USA. After some time, Maria received American citizenship.

Everything was calm, as long as the tin journalist Hubertus Chernin did not dug off the testament of Ferdinand Bloch Bower, left them before his death in Switzerland, which canceled all the previous tests. In him, Ferdinand widen all his property with his nephews - brother's children, Gustav Bloch Bower. Capital, in his opinion, had to work for the family. At that time alive, one Maria remained, and that was already over 80 years. But Hubertus understood that this is his starry hour. Despite its graphic origin, he was poor, but loved to live on a wide leg. He understood that the American millionaire would fall off the sum for such information. So it happened. Maria claimed himself an eternal apprentice to him.

20. Restitution Lawyer Randol Schoenberg, At Left, with HeiSess Marie Altmann (r.); Between Them, Adele Bloch Bauer, AS Klimt Might Have Sketched Her for His Famous Painting, Die Dame in Gold | Illustration: Katharina Klein

All Austria climbed as an aspen nest. The headlines of the Austrian newspapers were crying: "Austria is deprived of its relic!", "I will not give America our national heritage!". The police fell into the police that the picture will be destroyed, but it will not go to America. In the end, the Museum's Directorate decided to remove the Golden Adel from sin away to the store.

Surprisingly, George Bush Jr., using some of his levers, did not give the cause of the paintings. He did not want to spoil relations with Austrians at all. Maria Altman fought for his property for many seven years. The courts were engaged in unsubsions and invented the reasons to not consider this business. But the lawyers of Mary conducted an investigation and found out that Ferdinand Bloch Bauer had Czech citizenship, and managed to make the transfer of a court hearing to the United States, because the US citizen requested the testament of the Czech Republic's testament. "What is the Austria?" - They asked.

And Austria turned out to be nothing. And by decision of the US Supreme Court, Austria was obliged to return five paintings by Gustav Clima, including the "Portrait of Adeli Bof-Bauer", the legitimate heiress - Mary Altman.

21. Four paintings that were returned by Maria Altman, together with the "Portrait of Adeli Bloch Bauer". Clockwise: "Birch Grove", 1903; "Portrait of Adelie Bloch-Bauer II", 1912; "Houses in Unterach near Attersee", 1916; "Apple tree I", 1912

Maria was happy and did not insist that the paintings left the limits of Austria. She asked her market value to pay her. The price was appointed for all five paintings at $ 155 million. Such a sum was inexperienced for the Ministry of Culture of Austria.

22. All Austria stood on the defense of the "Golden Adeli". She took unprecedented measures in the history of the state to save national heritage. There were negotiations with banks on a loan to buy paintings. In addition, the government of the country appealed to the population with a request for help, intending to release the "Clima Bonds". The public announced a subscription to collect funds. Donations began to arrive, and not only from the Austrians. Austria's government almost gathered the required amount.

The excitement raised around the paintings has influenced their market value, and Maria decided to raise the price of up to 300 million dollars. Mary Altman had a rare chance to enter the history of Austria, showing the nobility and leaving the climet's canvas in his homeland. Of course, not free, and the initial estimate of $ 155 million was considered in Austria as fair compensation.

Thousands of Vienna residents came to hold "Golden Adel", people went away from all over Austria. Crowds of people lined up along the streets on which the relics exported in armored cars. Some cried. Joke Lee, "Portrait of Adeli" was a symbol of Austria for almost 100 years.

After some time, for 135 million dollars, Maria Altman sold "Portrait of Adeli Blow Bauer" Ronald Laudera, the owner of the Estee Lauder perfume concern. Ronald Lauder built a new home for Golden Adeli, which was called the "Museum of Austrian and German Art". And now the picture is in complete safety there.

Journalist Hubertus Chernin So could not use Mary Altman money, because she died four months after the export of Clima's paintings. The official version of the police is a heart attack.

Maria Altman died in 2011 aged 94 years.

Maria Altman's own person! Against the background of the real painting "Portrait of Adeli Bloch-Bauer"

Just imagine, this elderly woman saw the real live adel fleel Bauer, her husband Ferdinand Bloch Bower. True, she was only two years old when Klimt died. But, looking at her, feel the complete reality of the events that occurred - incredible history Great picture.

"Golden Adel" is very popular in the world.

She is written poems:

What kind of unknown land
Did you enter my life, Golden Adel?
Your neck bend, your lips Rosanel -
Everything is so dively in you, Golden Adel ...

Humming Eye Your Sweet Hop
Wounds the soul of the forgotten softer, Ma Belle,
And a breakfast of delicate hands, and the Rumyanta Pastel -
Everything is just you, only you are the Golden Adel ...

You sit queen on the throne ... Ul
Your brief life like swing-carousel,
Warm, wisely having met a fatal goal?
Wait a minute! Be with me, Golden Adel ...

It is replicated as they can.

24. All participants in the events went to the world of others, and the "Golden Adel" is alive and will live in centuries, as the Ferdinand Bowh Bauer wanted.

The history of the painting, known to the whole world as "Golden Adel" or "Austrian Mona Lisa", can be called detective. The reason for her creation was a revenge of her husband for a love connection with his wife's wife Gustav Klimt, the picture remained unharmed during the Second World War, and in the post-war "Portrait of Adelie Bloch Bauer" He became the subject of distribution between Austria and the USA.

In 1904, Sakharozavodik Ferdinand Bloch Bauer learned about the treason of his wife. All Vienna spoke about the novel by Adeli and the artist Gustav Clima. He found in love connections an inexhaustible source of inspiration, about his numerous hobbies was widely known. And that the rival quickly flew and threw his mistress, adeli's husband came up with original way: He ordered the clime to the big portrait of his wife, in the hope that posing and being too often next to the artist, she will quickly bother him.
Ferdinand approached the issue of contracting Ferdinand: he knew that Climt was a popular artist, and his paintings were advantageous in capital investment. In addition, he would have managed to perpetuate his surname.
Adel Bloch Bauer was a hostess of a fashionable salon where poets were gathered, artists and other representatives of the creative elite of Vienna. Here's how her niece Maria Altman recalled about her: "The suffering, constantly suffering from a headache, smoking as a locomotive, terribly tender and languid. The spiritualized face, self-satisfied and elegant. "
The offer to write the portrait of Adeli artist agreed. The amount of remuneration was very decent. Climt worked for 4 years, during which time he created about 100 sketches and the famous Golden Adel. If the artist with a simulator and tied some relationship, then during this time they really stopped.

In 1918, at the age of 52, Klimt died. Adele survived him for 7 years. Before his death, she asked her husband to make three paintings, including her portrait, the Belvedere Museum. Until 1918, the portrait was at the disposal of the Bloch-Bauer family, and from 1918 to 1921. - in Austrian state gallery. In 1938, Austria became part of nazi Germany. Because of the early Jewish pogroms, Ferdinand had to leave his accommodation and all the property and flee to Switzerland.
During the war, the collection was confiscated by Germany and was transferred to the Austrian gallery. Because of the Jewish origin of the author and simulators, these canvases did not fall into the collection of the Führera, but they still did not destroy them. Allegedly Hitler met with Clima back in those days when he tried to enter the Academy of Painting in Vienna, and he positively appreciated his work. However, it was not preserved reliable confirmation.

After the war, the "Portrait of Adeli Bloch-Bauer" war was in the Belvedere Museum in Vienna, and there would still be there, but once he was discovered by the will of Ferdinand Bloch Bower, in which he won his nephews - children of his brother. At that time, only Maria Altman remained alive, which fled during the war in the United States and received American citizenship. Litigation 7 years lasted, after which the right of Mary was recognized to hold the five paintings by Gustav Clima, including the Golden Adeli.

The history of the painting, known to the whole world as "Golden Adel" or "Austrian Mona Lisa", can be called detective. The reason for her creation was a revenge of her husband for a love connection with his wife's wife Gustav Klimt, the picture remained unharmed during the Second World War, and in the post-war "Portrait of Adelie Bloch Bauer" He became the subject of distribution between Austria and the USA.

In 1904, Sakharozavodik Ferdinand Bloch Bauer learned about the treason of his wife. All Vienna spoke about the novel by Adeli and the artist Gustav Clima. He found in love connections an inexhaustible source of inspiration, about his numerous hobbies was widely known. And that the opponent quickly flew and threw his mistress, Adeli's husband came up with the original way: he ordered a large portrait of his wife, in the hope that posing and being too often next to the artist, she will quickly bother him.

Ferdinand approached the issue of contracting Ferdinand: he knew that Climt was a popular artist, and his paintings were advantageous in capital investment. In addition, he would have managed to perpetuate his surname.

Adel Bloch Bauer was a hostess of a fashionable salon where poets were gathered, artists and other representatives of the creative elite of Vienna. Here's how her niece Maria Altman recalled about her: "The suffering, constantly suffering from a headache, smoking as a locomotive, terribly tender and languid. The spiritualized face, self-satisfied and elegant. "

The offer to write the portrait of Adeli artist agreed. The amount of remuneration was very decent. Climt worked for 4 years, during which time he created about 100 sketches and the famous Golden Adel. If the artist with a simulator and tied some relationship, then during this time they really stopped.

In 1918, at the age of 52, Klimt died. Adele survived him for 7 years. Before his death, she asked her husband to make three paintings, including her portrait, the Belvedere Museum. Until 1918, the portrait was at the disposal of the Bloch-Bauer family, and from 1918 to 1921. - in the Austrian State Gallery. In 1938, Austria became part of Nazi Germany. Because of the early Jewish pogroms, Ferdinand had to leave his accommodation and all the property and flee to Switzerland.

During the war, the collection was confiscated by Germany and was transferred to the Austrian gallery. Because of the Jewish origin of the author and simulators, these canvases did not fall into the collection of the Führera, but they still did not destroy them. Allegedly Hitler met with Clima back in those days when he tried to enter the Academy of Painting in Vienna, and he positively appreciated his work. However, it was not preserved reliable confirmation.

After the war, the "Portrait of Adeli Bloch-Bauer" war was in the Belvedere Museum in Vienna, and there would still be there, but once he was discovered by the will of Ferdinand Bloch Bower, in which he won his nephews - children of his brother. At that time, only Maria Altman remained alive, which fled during the war in the United States and received American citizenship. The court proceedings lasted 7 years, after which the right of Mary was recognized for the possession of the five paintings by Gustav Clima, including the Golden Adeli.

Then all Austria came out. Newspapers came out with headlines: "Austria is deprived of his relic!", "I will not give America our national heritage!". But it was still done. Maria was agreed to leave paintings in Austria if she paid their market value - $ 300 million! But this amount was too big, and the canvases went to the United States, where $ 135 million bought them from the heiress Ronald Lauder for her gallery in New York. The Austrians are now content with only souvenir products with images of Adeli Bloch Bauer.

Few people know that the dress for the Golden Adeli created Emilia Phlegte.