The first cartoon in the world: remembering your favorite pictures. The very first cartoon in the world (video)

The first cartoon in the world: remembering your favorite pictures.  The very first cartoon in the world (video)
The first cartoon in the world: remembering your favorite pictures. The very first cartoon in the world (video)

Probably, the children asked you this question: when did the first cartoon in the world come out and can you watch it? Do not be discouraged if you could not answer. There is no exact answer, experts and historians have not yet decided which of the first films can be called cartoon.

The pioneer of the industry is considered to be the American cartoonist and actor Stuart Blackton. He shot in 1898 with wooden dolls The Humpty Dumpty Circus or "Circus of the Lilliputians", two The Enchanted Drawing - "Enchanted Drawing" with an artist who painted faces on paper sheets similar to modern flipcharts.

The technology of time-lapse animation shooting, when one image follows another, Blackton invented and used later and for the first time filmed a semblance of a cartoon on film. To the tape Humorous phases of funny faces or "Humorous phases funny faces”Relates well-known to all Thomas Edison, American businessman, scientist and inventor. Blackton worked as an engineer for Edison's company and they created the first drawing tape together. The screen showed drawings in white chalk on a black board. The characters, whom the artist began to draw in front of the audience, then acted and grimaced without his help. Of course, this amazed the first viewers of the painting in France in April 1906. The plot was a success, although there was no full-fledged plot in this cartoon.

Another experiment by Stuart Blackton can claim the laurels of the first cartoon. This is The Haunted Hotel, the film was much more popular with the audience: special effects appeared here, inanimate objects moved in accordance with the laws of the genre. The teapot poured tea on its own, the knife cut the bread itself, the towels flew and so on, but no one understood how it was all done. The effect was then called the "American movement".

American director John Kenemaker is sure that it was Blackton who suggested the idea of ​​shooting from frames to humanity in the process of working on " magic pattern"For Edison's camera. But most experts believe that the American's experiments cannot be called real cartoons, it was a commercial demonstration by the engineer Blackton of the capabilities of the technologies of that time.

Then the very first real cartoon can be considered a short film by the Frenchman Emile Kohl Fantasmagorie ("Phantasmagoria"), which was presented to the audience in 1908. The author created more than 700 drawings on white paper for this tape, so this is definitely the first hand-drawn cartoon. The character of the Fantosh tape finds himself in difficult and comical situations, for example, conquers the horizontal bar, breaks off it and after that appears in front of the audience more plump and powerful. Surprisingly, this cartoon for one and a half minutes still looks modern enough, at least original.

If there is controversy about the very first world cartoon, then the author Russian cartoon who became the first is known for sure. This is the biologist Vladislav Starevich. He decided to make an educational film with a fight of deer beetles, but Starevich was not satisfied with the result. Then it occurred to him original idea: Starevich dissected the beetles, attached the finest wires to them with wax and moving the beetles over frames in 1912 created a whole fairy tale lasting more than ten minutes. Spectators around the world did not understand Starevich's technology and were delighted with how the scientist managed to "train" the beetles. And Vladislav Starevich himself, in addition to science, devoted himself puppet animation.

The history of cinema is truly interesting, because in our time modern high-tech special effects create real miracles: films are striking in their believability so much that viewers literally feel themselves during the events of the film! However, it was not always so, and in order to achieve the results that each of us sees in the cinema now, people of art have been striving for this for decades. We invite you to take a look at how it all began!


The beginning of the era of cinematography was laid by this documentary short film, which was shot by the Lumière brothers, called " Arrival of the train at the La Ciota station "... Since then, Auguste Louis Marie Nicolas and Louis Jean have been considered the founders of cinema. Despite the uncomplicated plot, the picture shocked everyone, because before that people could not imagine that sitting in the room in front of them would pass a real wagon train.

French director Georges Méliès.


It is difficult to surprise the modern viewer, let alone scare, but because he has already been spoiled. But everything happens for the first time, like the first "horror" on the planet. Of course, now the special effects of the 19th century look funny: people appear and disappear in clouds of smoke, and the bats suddenly pop out from the edge of the scenery, but it is "Devil's castle" officially considered the first horror story in the world.

American cartoonist Stuart Blackton.


And for the title of the very first cartoon in the world, 2 contenders are fighting at once: Stuart Blackton and Emil Kohl. In general, the very first was precisely " Humorous phases of funny faces ", where the heroes come to life with the help of the artist's hand - it was shown to the public already in 1906 in France.


Despite the top multimedia film, scientists recognized the picture " Phantasmagoria" the very first full-fledged hand-drawn cartoons in history. During the creation of a 1.5 minute cartoon, it took 700 drawings!

Directed by Alan Crosland. USA.


Musical film "Jazz Singer" became the first full-length cinema with sound in history, which means that it was in 1927 that the era of silent cinema ended. It was 88 minutes long and required a huge amount of money at that time, 422 thousand dollars.

Director: Dziga Vertov. THE USSR.


First animated film in Russia "Soviet toys" , was created as a propaganda of the Soviet system. In the main roles, a lot of gnawing and morally decaying bourgeois, whose belly is full of money, but at the end of everyone there is a happy end: a Red Army man appears, and all the proletarians formed a New Year tree, on which the enemies of Soviet society hung like toys ...

Armenian director Ruben Mamulyan.


Surprisingly, color films were invented by the Lumière brothers (they painted each frame by hand), then in 1902 the film "Voyages to the Moon" was released, where green and red tones appeared in several frames, in 1917 and 1922 the first films of Herbert Calamus, the founder company "Technicolor" and the founder of color cinematography, 1925 film of the USSR "Battleship Potemkin" interspersed with red ..

But apparently scientists found out about this too late, but because "Becky Sharp" 1935 is officially recognized as the very first color film in the world.

Walt Disney Company.


The very first cartoon of the legendary and beloved Disney animation studio was the debut "Alice's Day at Sea", based on the book by Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland". By the way, even now the picture is interesting to watch.

Both children and adults love cartoons. Unpretentious and funny plots of animated films conquer millions of inhabitants of the planet. Today the cartoon is a graphic masterpiece. But the first cartoons were not so colorful and high quality.

Note! The very first cartoon in the world today is not exactly known. Many experts award this title to an animated film called "Phantasmagoria".

Although other scientists claim that two more cartoons were shot before this picture, which have the right to claim the title of the first cartoon of mankind.

But according to research, Blackton's paintings were only a demonstration of new possibilities in the world. In their opinion, there was no cartoons story line, therefore, the title of the first animated masterpiece in world history is awarded to "Phantasmagoria".

Table: the first cartoons of the world.

Name Year of issue Description and plot
Humorous phases of funny faces 1906 For the first time, Edison and Blackton came up with the idea to create a cartoon film.

These both talented people initially, they drew a silhouette of a man on a blackboard with chalk and filmed it in motion by adjusting the drawing at each stage.

For the first time, the picture was presented to the viewer on the territory of the French Republic.

Haunted hotel 1907 Blackton became the creator of this animated masterpiece. Already a year after the release of the first picture, he removed "Hotel with ghosts."

This picture caused a resonance and admiration from the viewer. It was filled with special effects of the time, which consisted in the movement of inanimate objects.

Phantasmagoria 1908 This is the first cartoon created in a phased drawing method. The main character of the cartoon - Fantosh - is a mysterious creature without sexual characteristics.

The plot lies in the fact that Fantosha finds himself in different situations throughout the picture.

The first cartoon of Russia

First cartoon was released in Russia in 1910. Its name is "The Beautiful Lucanide or the War of the Barbel with the Stag". The plot describes the history of the medieval war.

In the main roles are insects, desperately fighting over a lovely lady. The picture shows fights with swords, sieges of fortresses and castles, explosions and tricks performed by insects.

The film was filmed, but in the process of filming Starevich was inspired by the idea of ​​creating a cartoon with these beetles. In the picture, he really shot the dissected beetles. He attached a wire to them to move them in the frame.

The presentation of the picture took place at the Pokrovskie Gates.

Vladislav Starevich was talented person. Most of projects were filmed only by him. This genius of Russian animation never asked for help.

He independently built mise-en-scenes, sewed dolls and costumes for them himself, made the scenery necessary for shooting himself. For all its time work activities not a single assistant was seen near him, except for his wife and beloved daughter.

Other animated films of Russia, claiming the championship:

  1. « Rink». Exact date the release of this masterpiece is not known. The director claims that he filmed it based on a fairy tale Russian writer Korney Chukovsky. The plot is based on the confrontation between good and evil, highlights justice and good deeds.

    Main characters:

    Boy with kind heart and pure thoughts.
    A spoiled kid who wants to harm others.
    The girl is a skater.

    In the story, a spoiled boy blocks the path of a girl rolling on the ice. Brave and mischievous the main character helps the skater get rid of the annoying spoiled baby.

  2. « Dragonfly and ant". Release date - 1913 Director - V. Starevich. This is the first cartoon with credits. He was filmed based on the fable of the same name by Ivan Andreevich Krylov.

    This cartoon was remembered by the viewer for the fact that Starevich personally introduced him to the public at the imperial court, which he had not done before. For his talent and contribution to the development of Russian animation, the director was presented with a ring.

  3. « It's hot in Africa"- the first project of the Russian studio" Soyuzmultfilm ". The plot describes an animal adventure.
  4. « Fox and Wolf”Is the first animated masterpiece shot in color format. It was released by the Mosfilm film studio.

According to the plot, the fox begins to hunt for a chicken, which in last moment runs away from the predator. This project describes the life of Russian peasants, shows their usual structure and way of life.

At the end, the fox meets a wolf, with whom he becomes friends. The duration of the picture is 18 minutes 13 seconds. But today you won't be able to see the ending. The ending of the film has not been preserved.

Important! Most of Russian cartoons was filmed based on fairy tales, fables, stories and stories of famous writers.

Other first cartoons

First cartoon:

  1. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - "Soviet toys"... It was presented to the public in 1924. The painting was intended for viewing by adults, not children. The plot describes the becoming Soviet Union on the world stage. It was filmed by director David Kaufman.

    The cartoon describes the life of workers, peasants, Red Army soldiers and their enemies. In the plot, the line of defense of people is clearly highlighted. The cartoon ends with the victory of the main characters defending their homeland from enemies.

    At the end you can watch the fireworks and christmas tree, where the ill-wishers of the cheerful people were hanged as toys.

  2. Walt Disney Company - "Alice's Day at Sea"... Release date - 03/01/1924. This is not just a cartoon, this is a whole cartoon series, consisting of 56 episodes.

The first animation puppet show entitled "The Circus of the Lilliputians" deserves special attention. She was filmed in 1898. The authors of the work are James Stuart Blackton and Albert Smith.

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Dedicated to the International Day of Animation!

You and your children cannot imagine life without cartoons? But just 100 years ago, kids did not even know what it was. Animation, although it appeared in the 19th century, started with very adult stories. And the first cartoons for children were taken up by the father of animation Walt Disney himself. And in general, there are so many in the history of these "first" cartoons.

So we decided to tell you about them. The first colored, the first plasticine, the first full-length cartoons - what were they like? We have already told you about many of these paintings in. But the topic is so vast that you can come back and come back to it just by changing your perspective. So let's take a look at the pioneers in the world of animation from 1898 to the present day!

The first cartoon in the world

The first cartoon in the world is considered to be "The Humpty Dumpty Circus", which was shown to a small circle of viewers in 1898. Its creators are John Stewart Blackton and Albert E. Smith. This cartoon was a puppet show, it used wooden Toys... It was filmed in the simplest way: a shot - rearrangement of toys - a new shot.

Things that moved on the screen “on their own” were then a real miracle, striking the imagination of inexperienced viewers. Recall that "The Arrival of the Train" by the Lumiere brothers was released on screens just 2 years before. Unfortunately, the recording of the cartoon "The Circus of Lilliputians" has not reached our days, only a photograph of the scenery.

First drawn cartoon

In 1900, the same Blackton presented the audience with a two-minute video "Enchanted Drawing". It is difficult to say whether it is a cartoon or not. On the screen, we see a person who is drawing a portrait. But the expression on the face of the portrait changes independently by stitching the frames. In 1906, Blackton directed another similar cartoon, Comic Phases of Funny Faces. But in these cartoons there was neither a hero nor a plot.

A source: Maxim Ikhsanov

Therefore, the first full-fledged cartoon is still considered "Phantasmagoria" by the French inventor Emile Kohl. This cartoon was shown in cinemas in 1908, it already had a minimal development of the plot and its own hero, according to whose actions one can form an opinion about the character. The two-minute tape made an impression on the audience, the animation began its long journey.

A source: classiccartoon

"The Beautiful Lucanida, or the War of the Stags with the Barbel" was created by Vladislav Starevich in 1912. By the way, this is also the first animated satire! Starevich made his cartoon a parody of the dominance of pseudo-historical plots from aristocratic life in the cinema of that time.

In the center of the plot - love triangle, against the background of which the very battle between stag and barbel takes place. The legs and arms of the beetles were made of wire and attached to the bodies with wax. By the way, not everyone understood that the beetles are not alive. Many newspapers admired the hard work of the "bug" trainer.

The first plasticine cartoon

Around the same time, the first plasticine cartoons were created, the American Willis H. O'Brien worked on them. It is difficult to name the first plasticine cartoon, but the most famous work O'Brien became the tape "10,000 BC. e ”, published in 1916. This is a story about an insidious postman who, deciding to defame his competitor, forged a message to a girl. And instead of confessions of love, she received insults. The rival, having learned about this, brutally punishes the offender with the help of a dinosaur (guess how). Great job, but, unfortunately, plasticine animation was much more expensive than hand-drawn, and therefore its development stopped right up to the 50s.

The first full-length cartoon

The first "big" cartoon was created in 1917 in Argentina, directed by Quirino Cristiani. He, too, was not for children, animation was then a way to cheer up the adult audience. The cartoon "Apostle" was satirical story about the President of Argentina who went to heaven, wanted to save the city from immorality, but destroyed it instead. The cartoon ran for 69 minutes at 14 frames per second. He filmed Christiani on the roof of his house, used in his work models of buildings and the method of relocation. It is a pity that the only copy of the film burned down in a fire almost 100 years ago. By the way, on account of Christiani and the first sound full-length cartoon "Рeludopolis" in 1931, which also has not survived.

Disney's first cartoon

Walt Disney's black and white silent film "Alice at the Sea" can be called the studio's first cartoon. It was a combination of the play of the actress and the painted inserts. Alice by the Sea was released in March 1924, six months after the studio opened. And the mouse Mickey will appear at Disney only after 4 years in the short film "Crazy Airplane".

The first sound cartoon

Disney's Steamboat Willie (1928) was the first cartoon to feature sound in sync with the action. Before that, music, sometimes sounds were added to cartoons, but practically to voice the characters ... Walt Disney was a pioneer here. By the way, the first sound film ("The Jazz Singer") was created just a year before!

A source: Cinemania YT

The first full-length puppet cartoon

In 1931, "Reineke Fox" by the already known to us Vladislav Starevich was released. It was black and white, dumb, but was later dubbed in German (1937) and French (1941). The film ran for 65 minutes and told several stories about the cunning fox. For example, the familiar "Catch, fish, big and small!" The cartoon is still considered a classic of puppet animation. Look, this is really impressive.

A source: slonique

First color cartoon

The first color cartoon was released, of course, at the Disney studio. The cartoon "Flowers and Trees" appeared in the cinema in 1932, it was shown before the film "Strange Break". The cartoon became the first winner of the Oscar in the category of short cartoons, striking the film academy with its brightness and novelty. It was originally filmed in black and white, but Walt Disney, having discovered the possibilities of Technicolor's three-color process, ordered the cartoon to be re-shot in color. And for good reason. And the first color film was released only in 1934. So the audience got to know the bright animation earlier than the color cinematography.

A source: kids life show

The first cartoon of the studio "Soyuzmultfilm"

Once upon a time, Soyuzmultfilm was also called Soyuzdetmultfilm. And in 1936 the studio's first cartoon was released - "It's Hot in Africa". A short cartoon about how animals in Africa are languishing in the heat and want ice cream. The style of the cartoon resembles Disney of that time, which is not surprising. Then it was the only example of how to make children's cartoons.

First Oscar-winning feature-length cartoon

Well, you know ... Of course, Walt Disney left the stage with the coveted statuette in 1937. More precisely, with one large statuette and seven small ones, since the cartoon won the prize. This cartoon was significant for the development of animation - color, sound, storyline, full-length ... Previously, all these things were not combined in one picture. So the Oscar for "innovation and outstanding achievements in the field of animation ”was well deserved!

A source:

First television animated series

In 1950, the animated series "Crusader Rabbit" appeared on television. It was the first animated series to be created specifically for television. He went on the television channels of the American television network DuMont. The episodes lasted only 5 minutes, but there were as many as 455!

The first episodes, released from 50 to 52, were black and white, then the series began to be painted. Cartoon storytelling short stories about a crusader rabbit who is friends with a good-natured tiger. The rabbit constantly collides with other animals on the way and gets stuck in various funny situations.

It is difficult to imagine a child who has never watched cartoons. These fun and colorful films for children draw them to the screen. Even adults sometimes go back to childhood and watch a cartoon. Bright, colorful, musical, kind. However, we are so used to the widespread prevalence of cartoons that few people can name the very first cartoon in the world. When did he come out?

The first cartoon in the world

Experts in the history of cartoons still cannot decide and decide which animated film is awarded the title of the very first in the world. The laurels of the championship are divided at once by 3 paintings: two works by James Stuart Blackton, published in 1906 and 1907 ("Humorous phases of funny faces" and "Hotel with ghosts") and the work of Emil Kohl "Phantasmagoria", published in 1908.

Shortly before the beginning of the 20th century, James Stuart Blackton and Thomas Edison created an animated film. These were moving pictures, captured on film. Thus, it turned out that "Humorous Phases of Funny Faces" combined cinema and graphics. The picture first appeared on the court of French audiences in 1906. And a year later, Blackton showed the world a second picture - "Hotel with ghosts." However, both of these cartoons were far from the modern understanding of the cartoon and did not show all the possibilities of the cartoon technique, which at that time was called the "American Movement".

Scientists are inclined to believe that Emil Kohl's painting "Phantasmagoria", which was published in 1908, can still be considered the first full-fledged cartoon. It was a full-length cartoon, drawn on white paper and filmed in negative. The painting lasted exactly one and a half minutes. Scientists also note the unusual effect that is achieved by combining light lines on a dark background.

The very first cartoon in Russian animation

The first Russian animator rightfully belongs to biologist Vladislav Starevich. He was working on the study of insect life and was about to make a film about two male stag beetles fighting for a female. However, Starevich ran into a problem: as soon as the beetles came under light suitable for filming, they became passive. Then the animator biologist found a solution to the problem: he attached thin wires with wax to the legs of the paired beetles and filmed the entire scene frame by frame. This is how the first animation-based film appeared in Russia. By the way, until this moment, no one in the world had thought to do this.

A few years later, Vladislav Starevich presented to Russia and the world a short film about beetles "Beautiful Lucanida, or the War of the Barbel with Stag beetles." The whole world has long admired how you can train beetles and create a whole film.