Orthodox names in September. Schaints: Women's names in September

Orthodox names in September. Schaints: Women's names in September
Orthodox names in September. Schaints: Women's names in September

The sacraticles in Russia called a special calendar, which described the church holidays for every day. On this book, the name was often chosen. Find out what you can choose the girls name in Schyattsum in September.

Name Day Saints sign up to day. There are special rules how to calculate the name of the sacnesses. But you can use and easier - to refer with a calendar of names for sacrons for every month. Each day patronized certain celestial intercessors. It is in their honor in Russia often called children so that they could later grow up, to seek help.

The name of the sacnes can choose the boy and the girl. It is worth noting that there are days in which women's names are not marked. Then you can just look at the nearest date and select the name from there.

September 1 Saints advise name Fekla. Since today it is not common, you can choose an analogue to the diminutive name sounded like Fena.. Or give this name to the girl when baptism.

Girls born 3 numbers, religious calendar advises name Martha or Marfa. You can call daughter and Maria.

Bornish 5 numbers Saints advise name Elizabeth and derived from it, for example, Elsa or Eliza.

6 September Names name day Kira - Girls with this name grow by very hard spirit and strong character.

Girls who appeared on the light 8 Septembercan be called Nataliai or Maryi. Option Marya It will also be quite suitable.

Born 10 numbers suitable names like Anna, Lilia or Susanna.

Girls born 12 numberscan be called Victoria or Elizabeth.

Appeared on light September 14 It is worth choosing the name from the following: Natalia, Tatiana, Martha (or Martha).

Born in B. 15 day of autumn Suitable light name Serafima or no less beautiful Oksana. Relevant alternative can be Ksenia.

Girls whose names fall out on 17 Number, Saints calendar advises name Elena or Alyona.

Elizabeth or Elsamiadvise the sacraticles to call those girls who rode September 18.

If your daughter appeared on the light in September 21you can call it Maria.

Born 22 numbers Girls can also wear a name Maria. Suitable option will be Anna, Sophia or Agatha.

28 day of autumnfavors the names Lyudmila and Maria.

September 29th You can also call a girl Lyudmila. The saints allow and name Alina.

Last autumn day Provides a large selection of names for the girl: Alexandra, Arina, Vera, Love, Irina, Nadezhda, Sophia.

Choose only those names that like you and what you think are suitable for your child. Remember that the name has a huge impact on the fate of a person. Before you need to inform your name, check your translation and value. We wish you good luck and and do not forget to click on the buttons and

05.09.2015 01:00

The universe is built in numbers that manage our karma and destiny. The oldest science of numerology can answer ...

How to call a child that appeared on the light of autumn sometimes, in September? The question is very important for parents who want the life of their kid to be harmonious, rich in happy moments and joyful meetings.

The name for the girl born in September, or for the boy you can determine:

  • in the sacnesses, that is, call the name of the Holy, whose birthday coincided with the child's birthday. It is believed that so little crumbs will appear by a patron and will take care of all his life;
  • according to the signs of the zodiac;
  • according to numerology;
  • and, of course, at its own discretion.

Names for the sacnesses for boys

How to name a boy born in September, or a church calendar names.

Number of month (September) Names
1 Andrei, Timofey
2 Maxim, Timofey, Athanasius, Agafon
3 Alexander, Ephraim, Fadda, Feogne
4 Athanasius, Zeno, Neophyte, Felix
5 Florence, Evtichiy
6 Arseny, George, Peter, Tation
7 Bartholomew, Euro-Friend, Epiphan, Ivan, Renat, Protogen, Tit
8 Attic, Adrian, Sisini
9 Livherey, Savva, Pimen, Fooclit, Fanuria
10 Agafon, Anatoly, Athanasius, Arseny, Gregory, Denis, Demid (Diomid), Efim, Zenon, Zakhar, Hilarion, Ignatius, Joseph, Karl, Lavrentini, Leonte, Lukyan, Makar, Mercury, Moses, Pavel, Savva (Savvathi), Sofron, Tit, Fedor, Feodosi
11 Ivan, Anastasiya
12 Athanasius, Gabriel, Daniel, Denis, Grigory, Ephraim, Eustafius, Ignatius, Ivan, Leonid, Makar, Pavel, Sarmat, Spiridon, Fyodor, Christopher, Yakov
13 Gennady, Vasilisk, Cyprian
14 Ammonium, Hermogen, Reloji, Semyon
15 Anton, Demid, Evtichius, Leonid, Ivan, Fedot, Fyodor, Philip, Julian
16 Anchine, Anfim, Archontion, Vitalyan, Gorgonium, Efim, Ivan, Zenon, Konstantin, Peter, Polydor, Feoktist, Khariton
17 Athanasius, Donat, Eppolonius, Moses, Urban (Urvan), Fedor
18 Avedea, Athanasius, David, Gleb, Zakhar, Maxim, Peter, Ulva, Juventin
19 Andrei, David, Denis, Makar, Zenon, Mikhail, Kirill, Romil
20 Evod, Ivan, Luka, Savva
21 -
22 Athanasius, Marin, Joseph, Nikita, Nighlands, Prait, Feofan, Khariton
23 Andrei, Callinik, Clement, Peter, Paul
24 Demid, Hermann, Diodorus, Dmitry, Sergey, Lev, Roman
25 Athanasius, Albert, Daniel, Macedon, Semen, Fedor, Tation, Foduodul
26 Isot, Gordian, Ilya, Leonte, Lukyan, Peter, Strathonik
27 Ivan.
28 Gerasim, Ivan, Leonid, Maxim, Nikita, Stepan, Fedot
29 Victor, Ephrim, Renat, Prokoki
Ilya, Miron, Peel

Girls on the Orthodox Calendar

How to call a girl born in September for the Orthodox calendar of women's names

Number of month (September) Names
1 Callista, Natalia, Martha, Tatiana
2 Rufina, Ksenia, Seraphim
3 Vasiliss, Domn, Fiva
4 Yermia, Chryoduhul
5 Elizaveta, Fivea, Raisa
6 -
7 -
8 Natalia.
9 Anna
10 Anna, Mindora, Nymphodore, Metrodora, Pulcheria, Tatiana
11 Evanfia, Iia, Feodor
12 Angelina, Eugene, Elizabeth
14 Natalia, Tatiana
15 Ksenia, Oksana
16 Vasilisa
17 Agafoklia, Alexander, Love, Hope, Vera, Irina, Sofia, Feodoatiya
18 Elizabeth, Raisa
19 -
20 Catherine
21 -
22 Anna
23 Tatyana
24 Evanfia, Iia, Feodor
25 -
27 -
28 Lyudmila
29 Lyudmila
30 Faith, Love, Hope, Sofia

Compliance with the name sign of the zodiac

The names of the boys who appeared on the world in September, like girls define both the sign of the zodiac. There is an opinion that each sign of the zodiac corresponds to specific names.

Children born in September, on the sign of the zodiac can be or to devies, or weights. Girls and scales often have a quick-tempered character, they are extremely targeted and zealous nature, conscientious in labor and often get the nickname "Pedant". Baby will grow disinterested, honest and non-conflict young lady. The girl's character is not simple, and therefore it is not necessary to complicate him with the name. They advise you to choose congestive and simple names: faith, Anna, Elizabeth, Sofia, Milena. Baby scales from childhood make attention to their beauty and unobtrusive capriciousness. The following names are suitable for them: hope, love, Lyudmila, Carolina, Eugene.

The boys-scales and the virgin realists have a real male character, sometimes a complex and controversial. Able to achieve the goals set, to cherish on this path and do not give up if they encountered obstacles and resistance. The choice of names for the zodiac sign for boys is wider. Pay attention to these men: Andrei, Mikhail, Timofey, Fades, Arseny, Gregory, Nikandra, Ivan, Savva, Alexander, Maksim, Veniamin, Georgy, Arkhip Makar, Pavel, Christopher, Yakov, Gennady, Semen, Anton, Fedor, Julian , David, Athanasius, Zakhar, Kirill, Thomas, Akim, Khariton, Peter, Clement, Dmitry, Hermann, Efim, Valery, Ilya, Leonte, Nikolay, Stepan, Victor, Kondrat, Andriyan, Pimen, Sergey, Fedot, Porfiry, Lukyan , Nikita, Gleb, Daniel, Arkady.

Secrets of birth dates, or numerology to help

The answer to the question of how to name the girl born in the first autumn month - in September, may sound like this: pick a name using the achievements of numerology. You can also define the name for the boy too.

Each date of birth of a child corresponds to a specific name. So the date must be divided into simple numbers, for example, 18 is 1 + 8. As a result of the addition, the number 9 is formed. If the date 29, then 29 is 2 + 9. And this is 11, and therefore, another action 11 is 1 + 1.

Numbers in numerology attaches the following meaning:

  1. dedication, perseverance, aggression;
  2. equilibrium;
  3. traction for old, to custom, the connection between the future and the past;
  4. stability, reasonability, reasonable;
  5. uncertainty, indecision, but the ability to enjoy life;
  6. stability, stability;
  7. mystical nature, mysterious, atypical;
  8. success, dedication, material wealth;
  9. celebrity, fame, the potential to accomplish something great.

Having determined the number and learning that it means, it's time to pick up a name, which is responsible for him. So, if the number 1, then Alexander for the boy and Kira, Ksenia for the girl are excellent options.

Now you know how to better call the boy born in September, or a girl. Let the name bring love, understanding and good luck to your child.

Distinctive features of the character of girls who appeared in September

Girls born in September can be hot-tempered, but it happens rarely. As a rule, they are very keen and quickly get tired of conflicting. In general, they do not tolerate conflicts and seek to get away from them. Such girls are very calm, organized and pedantic, they do not like mess. All around themselves seek to streamline. Cleanliness and accuracy - these qualities well reflect the inner world of these girls.

Girls born in the first month of autumn, love to cook, invent new dishes. They are very well versed in food and can determine at the intuitive level, which components supplement something, or a different dish. Of great importance for them has both beauty and the usefulness of the dishes prepared by them.

September girls are very executive, they are with all their pedantry suitable for work and fulfill it immaculately. They are very well suited to work with trifles, various small objects, or organize anything. They are very attentive to the trifles, among them there are quite a few perfectionists. However, there is a negative quality in it. Sometimes such a pedanticity can turn into a bore, which can annoy the people around them.

Choosing the name of the girl born in September, it is worth remembering what girls are loved by order in everything. Therefore, the name must be "ordered" with patronymic and sound harmoniously. If the patronymic is long, such as Veniaminovna, Anatolyevna, Stanislavovna and others, then the name is better to pick up a short one that it combined well with the patient. If the patronymic is short, such as Lvovna, Petrovna, Glebovna, Markovna, then the name is better to choose the average length. Too long names of such girls is better not to call.

What are the girls born in September, by the numbers of the month. The meaning of the name

  1. Focla (1.Ond ancient Greek )
  1. Adeline (from the ancient German "noble")
  1. Martha (1. 1. Syrian "Mrs., hostess" 2. Tote of the ancient Russia "sad")
  2. "Tatius" 2. Tote of Greek )
  1. Ariadne (from Greek "Evregated")
  2. Evlalia (from ancient Greek "eloquery")
  3. Theodore (from ancient Greek "Dar of God")
  4. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  5. Rose (Byzantine, literally "Rose flower")
  1. Varvara (1.Ond Vine Slavic Combat "in ar, in ar" who shouted our ancestors, rushing to the attack. Ar means Earth. Because of this, the Romans called the Slavs called "barbarians". So there was a word Barbarian, who called alien tribes and the name of Barbar appeared. 2.ot Latinsky "Alien")
  2. Eupraxia (1. Greek "prosperous" 2. Tote of Greek "Virtuous")
  3. Martha (1. 1. Syrian "Mrs., hostess" 2. Tote of the ancient Russia "sad")
  4. Matrius (1.US, literally: "Nutable Woman" 2. From Latin: "Essential Madam", "Mother of the family")
  5. Kira (1. Greek "Lady, Madam" 2.The Persian "Sun, Light Light")
  6. Sandra (decreasing from Alexander, meaning "Defender of people"who has become an independent name)
  1. Regina (from Latin "queen")
  2. Svetlana (1.not words light and lan, which means the earth, literally "Light of the Earth" 2.The words light and lines, which means cheeks, literally "Svetlitsky" 3. Slavic, meaning "Light")
  1. Natalia (1. Latin "Native" 2.ot Latinsky "christmas")
  1. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  2. "fiery")
  1. Anna (from Jewish )
  2. "lily")
  1. Angelina (1. Greek "Bezrnitsa, Messenger" 2.ot Latinsky "Like Angel")
  2. Eugene (from ancient Greek "noble")
  3. Efrosinya (from ancient Greek "Joyful, fun")
  4. "West God")
  5. Milena (from Slavic "Pretty")
  6. Praskovya (1. Greek "Friday" 2. Tote of Greek "Eve of the holiday, cooking")
  7. Victoria (from Latin "Winner")
  1. Martha (1. 1. Syrian "Mrs., hostess" 2. Tote of the ancient Russia "sad")
  2. Natalia (1. Latin "Native" 2.ot Latinsky "christmas")
  3. Tatyana (1. Latin, derived on behalf of the king "Tatius" 2. Tote of Greek "Organizer, complainant")
  4. Margarita (from Latin and Ancient Greek translated "pearl")
  1. DOMNA (1. Latin "Mrs., lungs" 2. From Latin "Mistress House")
  2. Ksenia, Ksenia, Aksinya, Oksana (from Greek "Hospitable", "Guest", "Stranger", "Strank")
  3. Rufina (from Latin "Red-haired")
  4. Seraphim (derived from male seraphim, from biblical "fiery")
  5. Karina (this name has many options for origin 1. derivatives from the Old Slavic Goddess of the Sorrow Karna 2.ot Latin "Looking Forward" 3.ot italian "Beautiful, cute" 4. Arabic "generous")
  1. Vasilisa (from Greek "Regular")
  2. Cornelia (from Latin "Kizylovoy tree")
  1. Elena (1. Greek "Fire, Torch", "Solar, Shining" 2. Tote of ancient Greek "Greek" 3. Produce from Helios, the ancient Greek God of the Sun)
  1. Elizabeth (from the Hebrew "West God")
  2. "Daughter Hero" 2. Arabic "Leader")
  3. Iraida (from ancient Greek "Heroine, daughter of hero")
  4. Louise (1. On Celtic Adcharations "Light" 2. The French Louise, derived from Louis 3. Tote of the Hebrew "Help God")
  5. Irma (1. German "Universal" 2. Tote of ancient Germansky "Fair")
  1. Focla (1.Ond ancient Greek "God's glory", "Divine")
  2. Susanna, Suzanne (from Hebrew "lily")
  1. Catherine (from Greek "Pure, Immovable")
  2. Agafya, Agatha (1. Male Agongon, which occurred from the name of the stone "agate" 2. Tote of Greek "Good, good")
  3. Cecilia (from Latin "Mostic, blind")
  1. "Wise")
  1. Anna (from Jewish "Sleeping, bringing good")
  2. Lada (from Slavic "Honey", "Favorite", "wife")
  1. Tatyana (1. Latin, derived on behalf of the king "Tatius" 2. Tote of Greek "Organizer, complainant")
  2. Raisa (1. Produce from Iraida, from Greek "Daughter Hero" 2. Arabic "Leader")
    Iraida (from ancient Greek "Heroine, daughter of hero")
  3. Ilona (1. Hungarian "Light" 2. Tote of Greek "Solar", "Torch" 3. derivative on behalf of Elena)
  4. Hellen (1. Greek "Greek" 2. derived from Elena, meaning "Shining, light")
  5. Emilia, Emily (1. Latin "Passionate, strong" 2.ot Latinsky "Rival" 3. Greek "Affectionate")
  1. "Fale")
  2. Evdokia (from ancient Greek )
  3. Theodore (from ancient Greek "Dar of God")
  4. Ia (from Greek "violet")
  1. Ustinya (1. Latin "Fair" 2. The Slavic "Magnification", literally "Talking, Glagolying")
  1. Lyudmila (Slavyanskoye "Mute people")
  2. Maria (1. Always translated from Hebrew: "Gorry", "Favorite, desired", "Madam" 2. derivative from the Old Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  3. Evdokia (from ancient Greek "Fale", "enjoying glory")
  4. Avdaty (the form of the name of Evdokia, on ancient Greek meaning "Fale")
  5. Madeleine (Magdalena derivative)
  1. Efimia (from Male Efim, in Greek Meaning "Holy, Pious")
  2. Lyudmila (Slavyanskoye "Mute people")
  3. Alina (1. Latin "Alien" 2. Tote of ancient Germansky "noble")
  1. Alexandra (derived from the male name Alexander, translated from the Greek meaning "Protecting people")
  2. Faith (russian, literally "Vera")
  3. Love (Russian, literally "love")
  4. Hope (from Russian literally "hope")
  5. Sofia, Sofya (from ancient Greek "Wise")
  6. Irina (from Greek "Locating to yourself, peace-loving")

Today, the name for the child every parents choose for their reasons. Someone is focused on "fashion", someone calls a child in honor of a relative or a close friend, someone is simply important a pleasant sound.

In the old days, the problem of choosing a name was not even considered - most often the children received names for the church calendar. That is why birthday is often called "Name Days".

Today, traditions, choose names for church dates, begin to revive. What is the name day in September you can use, choosing a name for a child?

Names for born at the beginning of the autumn boys

Many people tend to associate with certain features of the character, which will receive its owner. Therefore, blindly choose the name is not worth it - it is better to first learn its meaning and history. Even if you are using the names of the saints in September, this does not mean that you don't have to choose - in most days of the birthday days of September there are several names, especially for.

So, on the church calendar of the name of September, boys note the following:

Names for girls born in September

Name Day In September, female names for the church calendar offer not such a wide choice. There are no name days for girls in a certain month. In this case, you can choose any name, the main thing, remember the combination of the name with the surname and the patronymic. Women's names in September on the church calendar offer the following options:

Orthodox in September

The choice of the name of the church calendar largely depends on the Orthodox holidays. The name of the child is chosen by the name of the Sacred, which is associated with the date of birth of the kid. If you look into the church calendar, you can see both the name days in September women and men and many holidays that the church celebrates this month. Most often they associated with a certain holyAnd it is his name that determines the name day in September men's or female.

One of the main September church holidays is marked 8 numbers. On this day there is a meeting Vladimir icon of the Mother of God. The next important holiday on September 11 - on this day, there was a contest of the head of John the Forerunner. This is one of the three important church holidays of the month.

The top three most important dates enters September 21 - Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary and September 29 - day of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. The remaining holidays consider a little less significant.

Almost every day in September there is any event or several events related to the church. Choosing one of these events to give a name to the child, it is important to remember that not only the name of September girls are important, but also what the impression will be the name, how to perceive others.

ATTENTION, only today!

In the famous cartoon it comes in: "How do you call a yacht - so she will swim". The same can be said about human names. The way of a person called is largely determined by the nature of the person. The sacraticles recommend to adhere to the name that falls at the date of birth of the child. Such children will be all their life under the guardianship of their guardian angel.

Name and fate

Before calling a girl born in late August-early September, it is necessary to know some features of the nature of the "autumn" kids. After all, as is well known, the nature creates the fate of man. The September birthday names are distinguished by purposefulness, hard work, uncanym and quick-tempered. On the other hand, the beginning of the autumn depression may produce depressive nature. Therefore, names for autumn babies should be soft, instant hope and optimism.

In the old days, our ancestors believed that the name given in honor of the Sacred Patron, protects the child throughout the life path, instructs it to the right road and helps in the right solving problems. Today is a lot of female names in the sacnes. September is rich in original names for young ladies. There are names of not only Slavic origin, but also Greek, Roman and even Hebrew. The September-October period is a wide choice in this regard.

Popular Women's names of August and September across the SCNITTS

Girls born in the last month of summer and the first month of autumn, cheerful and active. Therefore, the women's names of August-September are bright and lungs. The August girls will suit such names as Evgenia (1.08), Maria (4.08), Anastasia (10.08), Ksenia (26.08), Anna (28.08). Forgotten, but newly incoming to fashion will be the names of Efrosignia (3.08), Praskovya (8.08), Seraphim (11.08), Evdokia (18.08). The original gift for parents and the newborn itself will be the name of Iya (17.08), Nonna (18.08), Eve (27.08).

The beginning of September will delight the names of Martha (3/09), Regina (7/09) and Natalia (8.09). These names and today have not lost their popularity.

Fashionable women's names in September-October across the sacrons

Angelina, Eugene, Elizabeth and Milena can celebrate Angel's Day on September 12. The middle of the first autumn month (15/09) is the name of Seraphim. The name gives a light and solemn appearance to its owner. Anne was most fortunate enough: celebrating the Angel's Day in August, she has the opportunity to repeat the celebration and September 22. Fans of original ideas will have to taste on September 24: the sacnesses are female names that fall on this day are very unusual: Avdota and Feodor. 28/09 - The day of women wearing the name of Lyudmila.

But the real firework comes on the last day of September. 30/09 Name Day celebrate faith, hope, love and Sophia. This day is consecrated by the names of the three sisters and their mother Sofia, affected by the ideas of the Christian faith.

Unusual names

Let's consider rare female names in September in the sacnesses and their meaning. This month is rich in long forgotten names for girls. So, at the very beginning of the school year, all the objects can be celebrated. From ancient Greek Fekla translates as "God's Glory". Feclushi has a difficult controversial. However, the girl is practically not amenable to despondency. She can have any person. However, this calm helps her in difficult everyday situations not only not to lose his head, but also be a reliable support for others.

Fans of ancient Greek legend familiar to the female name Ariadne. It was this girl that helped the thrill to overcome the evil minotaur. From the ancient Greek name is translated as "the most attractive". But not everyone knows that the Ariad was called and slave, which at the Emperor Adriana suffered for faith in Christ. Ariadne celebrates the name of the girls, named after the devotee, differ in thoughtfulness, determination, curiosity. However, the magician daughter is Ariadna, it should be remembered that any change of circumstances can take it out of spiritual equilibrium. Therefore, in extreme conditions, the girl needs selfless support.

4/09 celebrates Elagia Angel's Day. A long time ago, the young twelve-year-old Euslav was crucified for faith and loyalty to Christ. The girl who has this light and pure name of ancient Greek origin is endowed with intuition and prudence from the small years. And the translation from the ancient Greek "eloquence" testifies to the well-set speech and the liveliness of the mind. Elalia is difficult to knock down the path with it. Along the way, it is a loyal friend in a difficult moment for others.

No matter how they call the girl, the main thing is that it rose happy, healthy and beloved. The sacraticles of the women's names of September will help parents in choosing the main word in the fate of the daughter. And everything else will attach life.