The singer from Georgia spoke brilliantly on the Russian opera project. Placido Domingo twists love with Volgogradka

The singer from Georgia spoke brilliantly on the Russian opera project. Placido Domingo twists love with Volgogradka
The singer from Georgia spoke brilliantly on the Russian opera project. Placido Domingo twists love with Volgogradka
Genre, old as the world, but still able to cause a sigh of admiration. Especially when there are two ladies on stage with identical claims for success
Laura Adjection and Jennifer Larmore in Kapulini and Montexti Bellini

It was possible to see in the Paris opera "Capulte and Montetecs" Bellini could only be a triumphal series of performances in May - Anna Netrebko and Joyce De Donato. This entry is a fragment of the same formulation, but twelve years ago with two other prima donnes - Jennifer Larmore and Laura Adhesiveb. Melomanna, probably, to exhaustion could argue, who is better, and we will simply enjoy the charming singing of girls who are in the Zenith of their careers. Especially good Laura Adhesiveb: Her subtle, shy Juliet acquires the features of the Pre-Faelite beauty. If the Paris Opera sometimes thinks to release this performance on a DVD, then all the fans of Belkanto will be unconditional happiness.

Marina Meshcheryakova and Anna Bonitatibus in the "Norma" Bellini

Few people could now imagine that these singers performed together: Meshcheryakov honestly work on the leading scenes of the world a strong verdi repertoire, Bonitatibus in honor of the Baroque fans. But in 1999, fate collided them on the stage of the Neapolitan Theater SAN Carlo In the old as the world and the dusty performance "Norma", and it turned out that together they sound amazingly, making their voices so light and disembodied that it seems - two angels sing. Anna Bonitatibus is quite regularly coming to Moscow, but Marina Meshcheryakov in such a beautiful form we are unlikely to ever heard, and if he heard, it will definitely not Bellini, but something much more armor-piercing.

Mellola Freni and Kiri those ditch in the "Figaro Wedding" Mozart

Fragment from the legendary film-opera Jean Pierne Ponnel, which seems to be watching infinitely. Everything came out here: the fantastic composition of the performers, the amazing job of the conductor (Karl Bem), the production in which there is not a single extended gesture and a single random item - in general, in one this duet can be given to a dozen of others "Figaro weddings". Watching two primadones, we notice that their voices, such different in the invoice, are not too merged and each, by and large, leads its line, but some incomprehensible way the ensemble is impeccable. That's what skill means.

Edita Grubers and Agnes Baltz in "Mary Stewart" Donizetti

The last example of the meeting of two primadones is rather from the history of opera curiosities. It seems that this performance - 1989 production, and such a feeling that it comes from the dense of the 50s. Playing two Korolev Grubraov and Balts are somewhat ridiculous in their seriousness; Greek singer in the role of Elizabeth English spoil the unavoyed wig and excessively fluffy dress. They sing, however, everything is superb: In addition, the inexorable voice of the souflera is exquisite in Chuflera, prompting the artists to the artists in Donizetti. As a result, do not really understand what to do, laugh or cry.

Tbilisi, 10 Oct - Sputnik. The soloist of the Tbilisi State Opera and Ballet Theater them. Z. Paliashvili Marika Macitidze hit the Russian teleproekt "Big Opera 2016" and brilliantly performed in the first round.

"Big Opera" is the only professional television competition of young opera performers organized by the TV channel "Russia K". The main goal is to open up new names of talented vocalists and help them gain popularity.

The Georgian singer perfectly performed the game Gavot Manon from the Opera Jules Masssel "Manon" - all four members of the jury said the girl "Yes."

This year the Russian fourth fourth includes Russian theater director, artistic director Moscow musical Theater. "Helikon-Opera" Dmitry Bertman, an outstanding Romanian singer-soprano Nelli Mirichou, Belgian opera singer Axel Eferte and Russian Opera Singer Marina Mescheryakova.

In addition to the great performance of Marika Macitidze, members of the jury celebrated and stunning outfit georgian singer: Marika sang in a red latex dress, on the head of the performer were feathers of the same color.

"You just have a very beautiful grape sunny voice. I want to say that it can be seen absolutely right away that you are very talented man. That you are not just beautiful, and you are temperamental, you went out in this stunning suit. I want to say thanks to artists in the costumes, because it is really very beautiful, "said Dmitry Bertman.

In addition, Bertman said that any director would love to work with Marika. Since, according to him, the girl is very responsive and joyful, which is very important for the artist.

But besides compliments, Marica Macitidze members addressed a few comments. In the main girl advised not to overestone the intonational notes. The girl with the comment agreed and said that he was very worried during the number.

"You sing very well on frenchAnd I understood everything. You have a beautiful, warm timbre, very good, rich timbre. I saw Manon on stage. In this small episode, you could, and in the absence of choir, to make the role of living and create a character, "concluded Efert.

In total, 12 rounds will take place within the project, and, accordingly, 12 participants from Georgia, Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Armenia, Lithuania and Kazakhstan take part in the project.

The final is scheduled for December 26, on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater. Winner B. live air Team viewers using SMS voting. All programs "Big Opera - 2016" will be broadcast on the air TV channel "Russia to" every Saturday for three months.

The casting of the project "Big Opera" Marika Macitadze passed virtually. Due to the difficulties of the visa regime between Russia and Georgia, the performer could not come to Moscow, so the listening of the singer took place through the video recorded by the girl.

Marina Meshcheryakova in Native Volgograd was not almost ten years old. Yes, and in Moscow she is in last years Infect guest. Since 15 years ago, she was taken to the Bolshoi Theater troupe, she conquered not only the Russian, but also a foreign public. And also won the heart of the ardent Italian Federico, who offered a hand and heart opera dive. Today we will tell you for the first time about children's and youth years Prices that were held in Volgograd.

Family of the future singer lived in the "Red October" area. Mom worked as the head of shift at a shoe factory, dad - Metallurgia electrician technician. Eleanor Mitrofanovna, Mom Heroine, loved to sing since childhood, but the music classes were her parents not for his pocket, and therefore their own dreams were embodied in her daughter: - When Marina turned 6 years old, we got an apartment in the city center, "she recalls. - Piano then cost crazy money, but we bought it my daughter first! And they slept on the floor. Marina entered the 1st music school And came to the wonderful teacher Elvira Konstantinovna Pisareva, who taught her first of all to listen to music. "Look, what a sunny weather, she said," and you play as if it rains. " Close friend Meshcheryakova, Natalia Tuzhikova, friendly with Marina from school times. He says that the future star grew up the same girl as everyone: I fell in love, I read the books of French novelists, played a volleyball, I was sitting on the twine and did a "bridge" and, like many girls in youth, led the diary to whom the most intimate . Girls were inseparable. Preserved their trepidate, close relationships still: - Marina - amazing man, - Natasha is recognized. "She really values \u200b\u200brelationships, never forgets anyone." Wherever I was, always congratulates Happy Birthday, Happy New Year. Music classes were given future star Easy, and the girl, withstanding the contest of 6 people in place, at the age of 15 became a student of the nubbin.

Studying in the school Marina liked, but she dreamed of the continuation musical career Not as a pianist. All her classmates remember that the girl was constantly performed as a soloist with the man of the Pedigal Institute. Diligently prepared the piano program, but constantly took the lessons of vocals from the teacher George Armenakovich Ter-Baghdasaryan (unfortunately, who had already passed from life). And in the free time of Marinka, the time of Marinka fonders with his classmates. Especially fun was in the collective farm. Girlfriends who lived in the same room, from the soul enjoyed familiar freedom. They read out loud "twelve chairs", told jokes, and after a penny played "fool" with their own classmate boys. Vigilant teachers who follow the order, once saw the light punching through the curtain and decided to figure out why the wards are not sleeping after the pen. The door was opened by Marina, all girls did surprised faces: "Why not sleep? Just read overnight. " Well, when soothing teachers began to leave the room, the door of a thorny locker for clothes opened open, and two guys reached from there (one of them, Alexander Kutyavin, later became the favorite of the Volgograd public and plays the scene of the Municipal Music Theater). Hochot was on the whole camp!

Natalia Tuzhikova recalls that Marina at the age of 16 gave her a simple clay cracker, which wrote: "From the future soloist of the Bolshoi Theater." Then she seemed to sing on the scene of the famous gabta - this is the limit of dreams ... After the school, Marina entered the Moscow Conservatory at the Vocal Faculty, graduated with honors and was immediately accepted in the Bolshoi Theater's troupe. Her debut took place on December 26, 1991 in the opera Glinka "Life for the king". So started star Career In the big, the scene of which was forever remained for her the most beloved.

Fate often decides the case. The Meshcheryaknya case entered the image of the banknote in Moscow, the Bank of Cana from the United States, who had fallen in Gabt at the "Traviata" Verdi with her participation. After the performance, he invited a young singer to speak his homeland, promising to become the same to introduce her to the famous vocal teacher. Banker kept the word. Absource, as a sponge, all that in just a week taught her experienced singer, Marina went to New York at the contest of Verdiyevsky singers and ... got the first award there! - What will spend the money received? - asked the singer her American acquaintances. The premium went to vocal lessons. Five lessons - five thousand dollars. Two more lessons paid her friends. Marina was a worthy student: literally a month later she became the owner of the Grand Prix of the contest in Belvedere. And he received a prize of 7 thousand dollars. Occashed, Marina returned to Russia. However, it was not possible to spend earned money on myself: - Students of the Moscow Conservatory turned to Marina, they were looking for means for a trip to international competition Vocalists in Vienna, "Eleanor Mitrofanovna tells us. - The Ministry of Culture refused to help them. Daughter remembered His student years And ... I gave five thousand dollars to the guys, judging this way: let them try his strength, listen good voices, I will deal with others. This feature is the desire to help those who need, support their loved ones - has always been inherent in Marina. Her mother said that the singer's first earned in Moscow was asked to buy his teacher, George Ter-Baghdasaryan, a VCR, so that he could watch the video recordings of her performances, which Marina passed to Volgograd through his relatives. Then another two higher awards were conquered in prestigious vocal competitions. Conductor and impresario began to contact her, the possibility of imprisonment of serious contracts. And they did not slow down to wait.

Today, Meshcheryakova is one of the most famous and highly paid russian singers in the West . She sings on the best opera scenes of the world - "La Scala", "Grand-Opera", "Metropolitan", in Covent Garden, "Staatseker", in Toronto Theaters, Stockholm, San Francisco, Berlin. She was invited to perform four times at the prestigious Salzburg Festival. Now she has the opportunity to choose, on what stage and with what conductor she sing. Claudio Abbado Conductors, James Livyne more than once performed with her, loves Meshcheryakov Valery Gergiev, who has ever invited her to sing in his performances. And among the partners of Marina on stage a lot of celebrities, such as Placido Domingo. When she sang with a great performer in the "Metropolitan", she was amazed by His attitude to the profession: - You can imagine how much he has tight graph Work, - Marya shared later with his girlfriend Natalia Tuskova. - His day can be painted a minute: in the morning rehearsal, the day of the disciples, and in the evening the performance. And at the same time, Domingo is an unusually organized, hardworking, mandatory person. And very pleasant ...

But love with Placido in Marina only on stage.

In the big one, which Meshcheryakova still loves, she acts infrequently: the nearest performance is in February 2005, it will sing Alice Ford in Falstafe Verdi. Opera Fans Marina Meshcheryakov love. For example, the Italians, known for their demanding and emotionality, is simply delighted with her. Once Meshcheryakova performed in the Naples Theater "San Carlo" norm. After the end of the performance, the audience began to applaud, but somehow deaf, and Marina, a monstering about the recovery of Italians who are able to sow even the great singers, with caution came to bow. What she saw her shocked: the listeners applauded, putting gloves, so as not to disturb the atmosphere after extraordinary performance great music. The tour of the marina is dense, all performances are painted for years ahead. But this did not prevent Marina happily arrange his destiny. Her current Husband Federico (with the first one was divided long ago, their daughter Nastya is 16 years old) - Italian businessman. The family constantly lives in Vienna in a mariny apartment. Two years ago, they registered a marriage, and a year ago married. Federico really like that he has such a famous, talented wife. And it does not survive at all that she has to tour a lot around the world. That's just when fellow countrymen heard her in Volgograd? It is difficult to answer this question. I want to believe…

Photo from personal archive Meshcheryakov and Natalia Tuskova.

5 most famous batches of Meshcherykova - Dzatemon ("Othello") - Elvira ("Ernani") - Elizabeth ("Don Carlos") - Donna Elvira (Don Juan) - Norm ("Norm")

Artist of Safety Andrei Petrovich (born in 1961)

Full Zheninko Petr Petrovich (born in 1943)

Sportswoman Ilchenko Larisa Dmitrievna (born in 1988)

Athlete Ishinbaeva Elena Gadzhievna (born in 1982)

Opera singer Meshcheryakova Marina Ivanovna (born in 1964)

Athlete Okaliev Maxim Aleksandrovich (born in 1979)

The release of the digest "People of Art and Sports - our countrymen" continues the series "People who glorified our region" of the Volgograd Regional Children's Library. In this series, there were digests and memos dedicated to famous writers, poets, geographers, biologists who contributed to development different Sciences and replenished literary heritage the edges.

Material reveals biographies the famous artist Andrei Petrovich, famous in Russia and abroad; a peculiar and colorful actor Peter Petrovich Zhenchenko; Marina's singers Ivanovna Meshcheryakova, who won the Opera Snaps of Europe and North AmericaAs well as biographies of athletes who in the Olympics in Athens in 2008 won gold medals: Larisa Dmitrievna Ilchenko, Elena Gadzhievna Isinbayeva, Maxim Aleksandrovich Opalheva.

Materials about our famous countrymen are located in alphabetical orderThe list of references is attached to each section.

Andrei Petrovich's Sacks

(born in 1961)

Famous artist whose name is familiar to connoisseurs modern painting Not only in Russia, but also abroad, Andrei Estodopov was born in Volgograd on December 26th. Andrei's father, Pyotr Nikitich, by profession, an accountant, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, passed the way from Stalingrad to Berlin, painted good copies from the works of old masters, but he did not have time to convey the ability to draw his son, the war reduced his life, and he died very early .

Mom, Lyubov Pavlovna, was an excellent needlewoman, her bead carpets were distinguished by the fineness of color ratios, thoroughness of detail finishing.

Up to 15 years old, Andrei did not even think about the practice of drawing, he was most interested in football, but, having received a serious injury, a teenager to pass a long bed mode, began to draw everything in a row to 6-8 hours a day.

In 1978, without the initial vocational educationHe enters the art and graphic faculty of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen (now the Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen in St. Petersburg), without finishing this educational institution, translated into the second course of the picturesque faculty of the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin (former Imperial Academy Artist, now St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I. E. Repin).

The graduation work of the "Widow" aspore (1987) on All-Russian competition The works of graduates of art universities of the country is honored with a silver medal (gold was not awarded), and then two years demonstrated in the New York Academy of Arts. In 1989, Andrei Estodopov becomes a member of the Union of Artists of Russia.

They spoke about the crawling, his work was caused by the most important interest among the public, but the feeling of instability of the 1990s, the lack of prospects became increasingly oppressed by the artist. He leaves Russia for many six years (1991-1996) to the Czech Republic to Brother Vasily. In Prague, they developed and implemented a joint project "European ART Agency" Stalker "(the company exists to this day, exposing the works of the art of our compatriots). Andrei Estodopov quickly won popularity in the Czech Republic, was invited to Germany. About one hundred personal exhibitions organized in Europe, the USA, Japan, more than 600 works marked the path of the artist. At this time, the best, according to experts, paintings of "symbolic neoromantism" were created: "King", "Paganini", "Depression".

Many crafts are filled with music. So, the undoubted luck of the artist's paintings, deciding the interior of the foyer Rhine-Main Theater in Wiesbaden (Germany) and dedicated to the musical E. Webber "Boulevard Sunset".

In 1995, sheaths applies a new technology for himself (painting on glass), performing stained glass windows on biblical plots for the evangelical church in the city of Feldberg (Germany). Although it would be more correct to talk about biblical plots, but about portraits of biblical characters: In the artist's stained-glass windows there is no traditional narrative for this type of art, they are concise and correspond to ascetic interiors of the church.

At the turn of the centuries, Andrei Petrovich is increasingly turning to the plots and images of the Holy History ("Childhood of Mary" (1993), "Christ and Judas" (1998), "Waiting for Cain" (2001)). The characters of the Gospel receive an unexpected interpretation. So, in the picture "Stalingrad. God is with us!" (2005), which caused, perhaps, the greatest disputes, next to the defenders of Stalingrad, whateses Christ with a rifle on the shoulder. Or in the picture "Miscer" (1996) we see the Savior in the crowd of citizens running on their business, who do not notice Jesus; Only a child who can also perceive a miracle turns around in his direction.

In 1999, Andrei Estodopov returns to Volgograd. The participation of Andrey in the first venice passes in hometown Furior produced, the first personal exhibition of works by the artist was organized in 2000 in the museum fine arts. A year later, his exhibition was held in the building of the Russian Academy of Arts in Moscow. In the halls on the prechistenka of the sheath showed more than 100 of its work, giving a detailed idea of \u200b\u200bhis work.

In 2002, the best canvases of the artist "Work is completed" (1998), "Two Reality" (1999), "Sleeping with Angels" (1998) were exhibited in the Museum Exhibition Center in front of Volgograds (1998), "Blind Rain" (2001) and others.

In 2004, the exhibition of the works of Andrei Skantopova opened a personal exhibition center in Wittenhagen (Germany).

In 2007, Andrei Petrovich received the title "Honored Artist Russian Federation"And" man of the year "(the Provincial Muse Award), and in 2009 he was awarded the State Prize of the Volgograd region for the cycle of paintings dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and contribution to the development of culture and art of the region.

From the wife of Aleceptina from Andrei Skantopova Four Children, and the artist believes that they are the best works. He is sure that three sons and daughter is an opportunity to see themselves as small on the outside and live four more lives.

Literature on the life and activity of A. P. Stershopova

Verzhba, M. Now he knows not only in Europe: [About the artist A. P. Sketch] / M. Verzhba // Labor. - 2001. - 27 Nov. - P. 8.
Andrei Petrovich's shells // Encyclopedia of the Volgograd region. - 2nd ed. - Volgograd, 2009. - P. 68.
Ishkova, L. Andrey Estozts / L. Ishkova. - M.: White City, 2005. - 48 p.
Ishkova, L. "Five minutes before Love" / L. Ishkova // Field Edge. - 2001. - № 2 - pp. 171-175.
Kozlovskaya, E. Andrei Estodopov - Thief Artist / E. Kozlovskaya. - Access mode: http: // / - 1.09.2011.
Kuzmina, T. Andrey Estodopov / T. Kuzmina. - Access mode: http: // / - 1.09.2011.
Kuzmina, T. Dream Neoromantics: [About the artist A. P. Safety] / T. Kuzmina // Volga. truth. - 2005. - 9 dec. - P. 6.

Zheninko Petr Petrovich

(born in 1943)

Honored Artist of Russia (1998), "Man of the Year" (1997) in the contest "Provincial Muse", winner of the premium "for the best male role" International Festival In the city of Pontevedra (Spain), at the Film Festival in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) and just a soulful man Peter Petrovich Zhenchenko was born on April 1 in x. Kaisatsky Pallasovsky district of Stalingrad (Volgograd), as he says "by chance." Father wounded on the front, and the command of the tank regiment went home for two weeks. In nine months, his father died in a terrible battle under Chernihiv Selo Konotopchevo, a few days after the birth of Peter.

All his children's and adolescent years, Peter lived in the family of Grandfather Panthehi, known to the entire district of the first-class shoemaker and the liver.

After graduating from school, Peter Zaichenko decides to firmly become an artist, for which he goes to Volgograd to enter music school, but due to lack musical education Falls in CultProsvetskol. A year later enters Saratov theatrical school them. I. A. Zalonov (now theatrical institute of the Saratov State Conservatory. L. V. Sobyanova), in the workshop N. Hatpnikova and Y. Sagyanza.

After graduating from the school in 1971 with a red diploma, Peter Zaichenko was sent to his native city in Volgograd drama Theater them. M. Gorky, where he worked until 1974.

The young actor caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bperforming a performance on the novel Vasily Shukshina "I came to give you will" and supported the author's support. After a couple of months, Peter Zaichenko receives an invitation from Shukshin to come to the Labor region of the Volgograd region, where at that time the film was filming, "they fought for their homeland," and talk about the participation of Peter Petrovich in the filming of the film "I came to give you will."

"I need not just capable role performers, but like-minded people who, in addition to the artist's talent, must certainly be a soul that can hurt for the people ...", "said Vasily Makarovich at the meeting. - "... For this reason I invite you to take part in the filming of my film, which is currently at the launch, ... Slowly type the film crew. Please fill out a film actor accounting card ... ".

But the film about Stepana Rasin was not removed: Vasily Shukshin died.

Peter Zaichenko works in the Volgograd Philharmonic, the Volgograd Cossack Theater. As a reader ("theater of one actor") he visited everyone district centers Volgograd region, as well as in many villages, villages and farms, reading such works as " Sevastopol stories"," Holstomer "L. N. Tolstoy," Sasha "V. L. Kondratieva," Usbiangis "E. I. Nosova," Bate "F. A. Iskander and many others. The memory of those years is the medal "For Labor Valor", which he is rightfully proud of so far.

Peter Zaichenko began in 1983, Peter Zaichenko began in 1983, when he was invited to shoot director Vadim Abdrashite in the picture "Parade Planets". Then Peter Petrovich plays the following films: in the Russian-French psychological kinoframe Pavel Lungin "Taxi-blues" (1990), in the Spanish-Belgian film Enrique Gabriele "Krapachuk" (1993), in historical picture Alexei Saltykov "Thunderstorm over Rus" (1992), in the militant Mikhail Tumanishvili "Crusader" (1995), in the historic Kinodrama of Alexander Pokhin "Russian Bun" (1998), in Kinodrame Vladimir Khotinenko "Muslim" (1995), in the picture Svetlana Stasenko "Bear" (2000), in the short film Igor Voloshina "Zaitsev Hunt" (2003); In the series "Truckers" (2000-2001, 2011), "Capture" (2002), " A dark horse"(2003)," Detectives "(2003)," Plot "(2003)," Formula "(2004)," Wealth "(2004)," Homerant "(2005)," Two Fates "(2008) and in many Others.

The actor and in the sensational film castle Vadim Abdrashitova "Plumbum or dangerous game"(1986), Nikolai Lebedev" Wolfhound "(2006), Vladimir Bortko" Taras Bulba "(2009), last pictureIn which Zaichenko was filmed, "Siberia. MON A MORE "(2011) Vyacheslav Ross, won a lot of prizes at different festivals, and Petr Petrovich Zanechenko received grand Prize "For outstanding acting skills" at the XIX Festival of Russian Cinema "Window to Europe" (Vyborg).

Peter Petrovich Zhenichenko has another gift - literary. His notes, sketches, stories, memories are often appearing on the pages of the Fatherland magazine. And in 2008, the light saw the book of the actor "Life more important than art».

Petr Petrovich Odamed Bright Individuality and Charisma, critic Berkovsky said about him: "In the actor, a nation contemplates himself, aware of himself, admires himself. Here you are such an actor in which a nation understands a lot about yourself and every time rejoices with you ... "

Works P. P. Zhenchenko

Home Hunting ... // Field Edge. - 2004. - № 4. - P. 219-226.
Life is more important than art: interview, sketches, comments. - Volgograd: Publisher, 2008. - 224 C.: Il.
Relatives // Field Edge. - 2000. - № 2 - p. 166-170.
"Russian Bun". 1998 // Field Edge. - 1999. - № 2. - p.113-121.
Phantom pain // Field edge. - 2001. - № 4 - p. 208-211.

Life literature on the life and activities of P. P. Zhenchenko

Bogomolov, Yu. The era of Peter came from Siberia: [Grand Prix P. Zhenchenko at the Film Festival "Window to Europe"] / Yu. Bogomolov // Ros. gas. - 2011. - 15 Aug. - P. 7.
Zheninko Petr Petrovich // Encyclopedia of the Volgograd region. 2nd ed. - Volgograd, 2009. - P. 113.
Peter Zaichenko met with the Volga students. - Access mode: http: // / - 1.09.2011
For the sake of the series on Ort Zhenichenko he studied the chiromantia. - Access mode: http: // / - 1.09.2011

Ilchenko Larisa Dmitrievna

(born in 1988)

Larisa Dmitrievna Ilchenko, the worldwide swimming world champion, was born on November 18 in the city of Volgograd. Swim Larisa began at the age of five, and seven - jumped from a 10-meter tower. Mom worked as an engineer in Hydivalhoz and brought up Larisa alone.

Sporting career Ilchenko began at four years old, when Mom brought the girl to the Spartak pool to Coach Alexander Vladimirovich Ivanov. Training in the Ivanov group delivered truly true pleasure. Alexander Vladimirovich was invented for novice athletes a lot of unusual contests. At eleven years, the future champion falls to his current mentor Vladimir Nikolayevich Zakharov. After ten years of classes in 2002, Larisa Ilchenko receives the title of "Master of Sports", in 2004 the title of "Master of Sports of International Class", and in 2006 he receives the "Honored Master of Sports".

In 2003, the Volgogradka becomes the winner and a winner in relaxed swimming in the first Summer Sports Sports of Russia, a silver and bronze medalist in the zonal championship of Russia and the prize-winner in the Russian championship among juniors.

In 2004, Larisa Ilchenko won the title of champion in Russia in a swimming-style swimming relay and in open water, becomes a medalist of Russia's championship, a silver and bronze medalist of the European championship among juniors.

For the period from 2004 to 2008, Larisa is the only 8-fold world champion and the first Russian athlete, which won the title of Olympic champion at a distance of 10 km. (open water) (2008, Beijing).

For sports achievements, Larisa Ilchenko was awarded the Order of Friendship (2008) and was recognized as the best athlete of the first decade of the 20th century, is the Deputy Chairman of the Commission of Athletes at the Olympic Committee of Russia (OCD).

Literature on life and sports activities L. D. Ilchenko

Nikolaenko, E. Attraction of aquatic element: [ sports History Larisa Ilchenko] / E. N. Nikolanko // Nikolanko, E. To the victories on ice and water. Volgograd autograph in Sports Olympus: Publicistic stories / E. N. Nikolaenko. - Volgograd, 2010. - P. 26-36.

Isinbaeva Elena Gadzhievna

(born in 1982)

Elena Isinbaeva was born in Volgograd on June 3. Helena's father - Gadzhi Gadzhievich Issinbaev, by nationality - Tabasarans, by profession a locksmith, born in the village of Slept (Dagestan). Mother Natalia Petrovna - Russian, hereditary Cossack, a native of our region, worked for 25 years in thermal networks, by profession - master boiler room, now a housewife. Elena's parents have always loved sports, mother in youth engaged in skis and basketball, father - fighting and boxing. In addition to Elena, there are younger sister Inna and when the girls were five and four years old, they, as ordinary children, went to kindergarten (from 1985 to 1987), then in preparatory group (From 1987 to 1989), and in 1989, Elena entered the Lyceum School (engineering and technical), which graduated in 1997.

Elena's sports career began at the age of 5, parents led daughters in the sports school to gymnastics. But at 15 years old Elena was so stretching out that it was expelled from the group of gymnastics as an unpromising. It was a tragedy for a purposeful girl, then its coach Alexander Lisovo, seeing the speeches of the Czech jumper on the TV, showed the ward coach of athletes Evgeny Trofimov. In 1998, Elena Isinbaeva made his debut at the World Junior Championships in Annecy (France), and in 1999, gold has won gold - it was the first victory in the list of its world records in athletics on the pole jump.

From 1998 to 2000, Elena Isinbaeva is studying at the Olympic Reserve School, and from 2002 to 2005 - in the Volgograd State Academy physical culture and sports in the specialty teacher of physical culture.

Many peaks subcrew athlete. 2000 - Junior world champion. 2001 - European champion among juniors. 2002 - a silver medalist of Junior Championships. 2003 - the winner of the European Championship and the Bronze medalist of the World Cup. 2004 - Olympic champion in Athens. 2008 - Olympic Games in Beijing, on which she wins the Gold Medal. And it is only part of its achievements. Elena Gadzhievna Isinbaeva - the owner of a multitude of world records ( general number 27), Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008), was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree (2009), the Order of Honor (2006), has repeatedly became the owner of the annual national Prize "Glory", twice (2006, 2008) was awarded the most prestigious premium in the world of sports "World Sports Academy Laurez" in the nomination "Athlete of the Year", is an honorary citizen of Donetsk (2006), awarded the titles "Best athlete of the Year" (2008) and "The best athlete of the decade" (2009) was awarded the Prince of the Asturian Prince (2009), awarded the title of Ambassador on the Youth Olympiad in Singapore (2010), it was named Fountain in Moscow in Kuzminok district near the "Height" cinema.

Interview with E. G. Issinbaeva

In Volgograd, I have more fans than the "Rotor": [Interview with the Olympic champion] // owls. sport. - 2004. - 25 dec. - P. 10-11.
In the casino, I will not be able to: [Interview with Elena Isinbayeva] / Arched N. Dolgopolov // Ros. gas. - 2009. - Nov 26. - P. 45.
Elena Isinbayeva: Never regret anyone. And yourself too: [Interview with the Olympic champion] // Interlocutor. - 2010. - № 36 (Saint.). - P. 16-17.
Elena Isinbaeva: [Interview with the Olympic champion] // Me 15. - 2009. - № 10. - P. 23-25.
Elena Isinbaeva: "I speak with my poles" [interviews with the best athlete of the year] / talked about O. Karas // Spark. - 2004. - № 39 (Saint.-Oct.). - P. 54-55.

Literature on life and sports activities E. G. Issinbaeva

And I want to go home to Russia!: [On the return of Elena Isinbayeva in Volgograd] // Affairs. Tuesday. - 2011. - March 15. - p. 1. - (adj. To the gas. "Volga. True").
Ivonin, V. Model of the Olympic reserve: [About our countrywoman, Olympic champion Elena Isinbayeva] / V. Ivonin // Anti-Rope. - 2008. - № 9. - P. 28-33.
Ishinbaeva returned to the first coach: [On the return of Elena Isinbayeva in Volgograd] // Mountains. lead - 2011. - March 15. - P. 6.
Kukhachenko, K. Elena Lovely: Volgogradka Elena Isinbayeva recognized as the best athlete of the world in 2008 / K. Kukharenko // Ros. gas. - 2008. - 25 Nov. - P. 11, 15.
Lobkov, D. "Silver Lan": [About our countrywoman, Olympic champion Elena Isinbayeva] / D. Lobkov // Your best friend. - 2008. - № 10. - P. 62-63.
Maksimova, T. Elena Isinbaeva: "Suddenly, I will take it tomorrow and take off six meters!": [About our countrywoman, athlets, Olympic champion Elena Isinbayeva] / T. Maksimova // Echo of the planet. - 2009. - № 4 (Jan.-Fevr.). - P. 55-57.
Melnikov, A. Olympic Gold Elena Isinbayeva - It's just fantasy! / A. Melnikov // Mountains. lead - 2004. - 26 Aug. - p. 1.
Melnikov, A. "Silver Lan" for Isinbayeva, Ilchenko and Opalheva: [Awarded the award of the best athletes 2008] / A. Melnikov // Mountains. lead - 2009. - 12 Feb. - P. 30.

Meshcheryakova Marina Ivanovna

(born in 1964)

The famous opera singer Marina Meshcheryakova, the performer of the main parties in many performances, conquered the best scenes of the world, including a large theater, Vienna Opera, Metropolitan Opera, Swedish Royal Opera and La Scala Theater.

Marina was born in Volgograd on January 31 in the most ordinary familyWhere mother is a master of shifts on a shoe factory, and dad is an electrician engineer. At the age of 6, the future prima entered the music school number 1 in the piano class, then in the art school. P. A. Serebryakova (now the Volgograd Institute of Arts), which finished with a red diploma.

Studies gave marina easily and when she got a plate with opera Aria Performed by Tamara Milashkin, to learn them was not difficult - after all, it is her vocation. And now the girl goes to conquer Moscow and the conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky in the class of vocals. All the years of study is engaged in an excellent teacher Elena Ivanovna Sumilova, who taught her Belkanto technique (soprano).

December 26, 1991 - memorial date For vocalist, the dream of Marina comes true, she makes debuts in Big Theater In the role of Antonides from the opera "Life for the king" M. I. Glinka (more known as Ivan Susanin). Then there were Martha Party (" Tsarist Bride»N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov), Tatyana (Yevgeny Onegin P. I. Tchaikovsky), Francesky (" Francesca da Rimini "S. V. Rakhmaninova), Suzanne (" Wedding Figaro "V.- A. Mozart) , Violetta ("Traviata" J. Verdi) and others.

And yet, the Marina calls the turning in his fate of 1994, when she had a chance to sing the party of Tamara from the opera "Demon" A. G. Rubinstein in the Irish town of Wecford, where the festival of rare operas passes. After this speech, Western critics dubbed our landscape "Marina-Fortun" and "Opera Scarlett about 'Hara". It was the beginning of success and the first step to the International Opera Olympus.

Marina - the only one who broke into foreign opera scenes through the European repertoire, her voice conquered many complex musical works: Member of Donna Elvira from the Opera "Don Juan" V. - A. Mozart, Elena from the Opera "Jerusalem" J. Verdi, Madame Batterfly from the Opera "Madame Batterfly" J Pucchini, norms from the Opera "Norma" V. Bellini and others.

Marina Meshcheryakova was awarded the first award in the Belvederecom (Vienna) of young performers, she sang four times in Salzburg in the prestigious music festivalwas recognized as one of the best "verdi singers" of our time, such an honor did not receive any of our compatriots. She was noticed and invited to speak in Helsinki, Monte Carlo, Stuttgart, New York, Toronto, Vienna, Stockholm and Other Famous Opera Snaps.

Marina Ivanovna has been the singer of American "Columbia" for several years - the leading global Impressar company, now lives in Austria and raises her daughter.

"I love my city," she says - love his compatriots, we, Russians, of course different from Europeans. We are different, more sincere, or something. In the West, it is not customary to disclose its feelings, there is no so warm relationship. And this sometimes is so lacking! And I come to my homeland, in an expensive heart Volgograd, to fill the soul with this warmth and sincerity, to give it to people through his stage images. "

Literature on the life and activity of M. I. Meshcherykova

The soul of the Verdiyevsky singer nourishes Volgograd. - Access mode: http: // / - 1.09.2011.
Novikova, L. Belkanto Russian Soprano [About Marina Meshcherykova, opera singer] // lith gas. - 2002. - № 23 (June). - P. 9.

Opaliev Maxim Aleksandrovich

(born in 1979)

Maxim Opaliev is the famous Russian rower on canoe, the 2008 Olympic champion, the multiple world champion, Europe and Russia, a well-deserved master of sports and the best athlete of the year in Russia (1999), was born on April 4 in Volgograd. Mom Tatyana Nikolaevna in the past athlete-basketball player.

IN primary grades Maxim visited various sports sections, but when he moved to the canoe, all other hobbies disappeared instantly: and swimming, and football. At twelve, in addition to study, Maxim worked as a janitor on a sports base.

At sixteen, opaliev got into the youth national team. 1995. Japan. The first junior world championship, which was attended by a young Volgograd Rower, and two gold medals (at different distances) at once. 1996. Poland. Junior World Cup is one gold medal and two silver (at different distances). 1997. Finland. Junior European Championships are two gold medals (at different distances). In the same year, opalov includes the national adult national rowing team. 1998. Hungary. World Championship - Gold Medal. Eighteen-year-old champion dreams of conquering Olympic achievements. 2000, Australia is the first athlete Olympiad and a silver medal. 2003. USA. At the World Championship, opalov seeks to participate in Russia in the Olympics in Athens and conquers five medals at the Olympics: bronze, silver and three gold (at different distances).

In addition to sports career Maxim Opaliev successfully finishes in his hometown to the Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, graduate school and becomes a candidate of pedagogical sciences.

2007. Poland. European Championship - two silver medals (at different distances). 2008. China. Olympiad in Beijing - Gold Medal. After the Beijing Olympiad, the Deputy Chairman of the Sport Committee of the Volgograd Region and the Deputy Chairman of the Committee of Athletes at the Olympic Committee of Russia (OCD). For a great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports was awarded the Order of Honor and the Order of Friendship. In the future, Maxim Opaliev dreams of participating in Olympic Games 2012 in England.

Interview with M. A. Opaliev

Maxim Opaliev: "After the victory, Mom crushed more than he said": [Interview with the Olympic champion] // Labor. - 2008. - 4 Saint. - P. 28.

Literature on life and sports activities M. A. Opalieva

Ilchenko and opalov - the best people Russia // Mountains. lead - 2008. - 18 Oct. - P. 9.
Kaliev, A. A real man: Volgograd Athlete, Olympic Champion, Rowing Maxim Opaaliev / A. Kaliev // Eve. Volgograd. - 2008. - 5 Saint. - P. 9.
Melnikov, A. "Silver Lan" for Isinbayeva, Ilchenko and Opalheva: [Awarded the award of the best athletes 2008] / A. Melnikov // Mountains. lead - 2009. - 12 Feb. - P. 30.
Nikolaenko, E. To the victories, the knee stopping: [About the rowing on canoe Maxim opalieva] / E. N. Nikolaenko // Nikolanko, E. To victories in ice and water. Volgograd autograph in Sports Olympus: Publicistic stories / E. N. Nikolaenko. - Volgograd, 2010. - P. 11-24.

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