Opera House in Vienna. Vienna state opera

Opera House in Vienna. Vienna state opera
Opera House in Vienna. Vienna state opera

Vienna Opera (Staatsoper) is one of those associations that necessarily arise in the memory of each tourist at the mention of the Vienna.

The building of the building of the State Opera in Ringstarssa has a sad story. The works were charged to two architects - Eduard van der Nyulu, who was responsible for decoration, and Augustus Zikardsburg Augustus, who was responsible for the construction. The opera was built and opened on May 25, 1869 by the production of Mozart Don Juan. At the premiere, the emperor Franz Joseph himself was attended, carelessly thoring a remark about some priesthood of a new building. This served as a reason for numerous attacks on the authors of the structure in the architectural environment. The result was crying: Van der Nyul committed suicide, and Zikardsburg died from a heart attack. Emperor Franz Joseph has since been very careful in assessing artistic and architectural works.

During World War II, the building of the Vienna Opera suffered greatly: the auditorium and scene were destroyed, the props and scenery were destroyed to most of the productions. Only in 1953, the restoration of the opera building was started under the leadership of the architect Erich Bigtartastein. Bartagestin successfully entered the restored building. The preserved fragments of the pre-war opera - the staircase with marble railing, sculptures, loggia and ceiling murals brush Moritz von Schwinda, depicting scenes from the "magic flute".

The second birth of the opera occurred in 1955, and the first on the new scene was delivered by Opera Beethoven "Fidelio" (Fidelio), conducted by the Karl Bem orchestra. Wishing to get to the premiere was so much that the hall could not accommodate them all. Dynamics were installed on the street, and hundreds of the vents listened to the production of the Opera walls.

Today, the Vienna State Opera House "Pathersoper" is available to any viewer. Therefore, tourists who arrived in Vienna for several days, and want to get on one of the ideas, should take care of the tickets in advance.

Even in the "Standard" every year, one of the most beautiful events of Vienna solemnly passes - the famous Ball in Opera - Opelbal. The most inexpensive ticket for the ball in the Vienna Opera costs 200 euros. The table reserved in the hall in advance will cost in the amount of 200 to 700 euros. To order one of 150 lies in the Great Hall, you need to have a sum of 4.5 to 10 thousand euros.

In the opera there are both seats (1313 pcs.), So and standing (102 pcs.) Places. Ticket prices vary depending on the level of performance and participating in the executive stage. In general, tickets for standing places can be bought for 3 euros, the average price of a sedentary spot will be 50-100 euros, the most expensive places in the auditorium will cost in the amount of about 1400 euros. Tickets for standing places are starting to be sold at the theater couss an hour before the start of the performance. However, if the stars of the zoom of Placido Domingo take part in the formulation, the queue is built to the cash desks from 5 am. Pre-tickets are sold in additional cash desks at Kerntherstraße, 40. Casses work from 10 am on weekdays, from 10 to 12 hours on Saturday, from 10 to 17 hours in the first Saturday of the month. On Sundays and holidays, the ticket provisions of the pre-sale tickets do not work. Tickets can be purchased no more than 30 days before the performance.

Tickets for Strauss & Mozart Concert with Dinner

For those tourists who are not large fans of the Opera and Ballet, but would like to inspect the "Pathersoper" building from the inside, excursions are held daily at 14 o'clock in the afternoon. The cost of such an excursion for adults is 4 euros, for students - 2.5 euros, for children - 1.5 euros. Tickets for them can be bought 15 minutes before the start. On the website of the Vienna Opera, you can make a virtual walk (you need to install the necessary plugins).

Updated 01/07/2019

The State Vienna Opera is the largest opera house in Austria, known far beyond. The season in the opera lasts 285 days, during this time there are 60 operas and ballet performances. Each year, the repertoire complements 4-5 prime ministers, opera evenings are held regularly for children.

Love opera? You here, for production. If you love the interiors - you are here on a tour. If you love architecture, you just take a walk around. Opera stands in the center of the inner city, near the metro station and bus stops. I advise at least look at the building if you are near.

For lovers, I will tell about the development of the opera, and pragmatic tourists will help to deal with the order of tickets and the modern state of the complex.

History of the Vienna State Opera

As a phenomenon, Opera in Vienna appeared in the XVII century, when well-known works began to put on all over the city. Then the speakers did not have their own building, and they used the services of other Vienna theaters. In 1861, local architects August Zikard von Zikarkurg and Eduard Van der Nüll began to build a separate building for the opera. He graduated from 1869, at the premiere were "Don Juan" Mozart.

State Vienna Opera Almost fifters - until 1918 - worked under the name "Court Opera House". This meant that the complex officially belonged to the ruling Dynasty of the Habsburgs, was at their yard. The modern name theater received only after the anchlus in 1938, but the people called the state steel in the 1920s in the 1920s.

In 1945, during the bombardment of Vienna, the US troops suffered a partially destroyed. Completed Completed Completely by 1955, on November 5, a new season began with Fidelio's production Beethoven. In the same year, the leadership of the theater and power of Vienna returned the tradition of annual balls in the opera. In different years, the directories of the theater were famous Gustav Malener, Richard Strauss, Karl Bem.

Vienna Opera today

Since 2010, the Opera is headed by Dominic Meyer, the ballet group heads Manuel Luga. The season lasts from September to June, during this time no less than 60 performances. The classic program makes the famous opera and ballets of European and Russian authors, there are also settings specifically for children.

No less famous artists are involved in production, the Vienna State Opera cooperates with Roberto Alanya, Gerald Finley, Simon Kinliside, Erwin Slottt, Placido Domingo, Ramon Vargas, Valentina Norphornice, Nina Towtem, Anna Netrebko.

How to buy tickets to Vienna Opera?

Tickets in Opera can be bought 2 months before setting. At the same time, each season with the appearance of the schedule you can book tickets without buying them. You will be made to a list of waiting, and will give the primary right to redeem tickets. The cheapest ballet ticket will cost 11 euros, on opera - 13 euros, the most expensive - 144 and 205 euros, respectively. For children, tickets will be cheaper.

Vienna Opera offers an unusual option - standing places. Sale of these tickets opens 80 minutes before the start of the presentation. There are 2-4 euros standing places, it is a great way to get inside at a very low price. But there are few such tickets, so I advise you to approach at least 5-6 hours before the start of the presentation. Have time to take the line and buy a cheap ticket.

If you buy a ticket on the site, here is a simple instruction:

  1. Come on the booking page, it is in Russian.
  2. By the catalog, find the right idea, they are divided by year and months.
  3. Choose a place on the general chart of the hall. Parter is classically convenient, in extreme side beds and on the far balcony will be seen not very good.
  4. Choose an adult or a children's ticket, click "Add to Cart", "Next" and again "Next".
  5. Enter login and password if already registered. If not, you register, enter all the information, including payment data.
  6. After confirming the payment you will receive an email with a ticket, it needs to be printed and take with you to the presentation.

On the Day of Events, check your tickets. If they have a bar code, then boldly go inside the theater, nothing needs to exchange. If there is no barcode, then the printed ticket must be exchanged for the usual one. This can be done in the evening office next to the usual ticket selling tickets on Operngasse Operngasse Street. You can not even print a ticket, but to show the cashier to the payment confirmation.

And even if you forget the tickets to the Vienna Opera, then nothing terrible. Name the surname at the checkout before the presentation, I will check the person and issued a ticket. If you want to pick up before, there are no problems too. Only go not to the cashier on the street, but inside the theater, in the lobby. A ticket for a child will also need to exchange in the lobby, but on the day of the speech itself.

Excursions in Vienna Opera

If tickets to the Vienna Opera seem too expensive, then you can simply go inside with the excursion. Walk around the theater takes 40 minutes, during which time you will see several halls, a tea room, scene from the scene, the main lie, orchestral pit. Excursions are held in German, English and Spanish, to order in another language you can write on [Email Protected]

Want to get a discount on an excursion in Vienna and beyond? Read.

The tour starts not earlier than 13:00, Standard Start Watch - 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00. But not every day spend three excursions, so check this page before visiting. The collection of wishing guides spend on the corner of Opernring streets and Operngasse is the southwest angle of the theater building.

The cost of the ticket to the State Vienna Opera for the excursion (prices may change):

  • 7.5 euro for adults.
  • 6 euros for pensioners from 65 years.
  • 3.5 euros for children, schoolchildren and students under 27.

Useful for visiting Vienna Opera Information

Vienna State Opera - Complex is quite large, there are several cash desks. Let me remind once again, where and what to buy, and when the cash registers work.

  1. Main cash register - ordering and purchase tickets. Located in three places in Vienna: Operngasse 2, Währingerstrasse 78, Universitätsring 2. Work from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:00, on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 to 12:00.
  2. Ticket kiosk - buying tickets. Located on Herbertvonkarajan-Platz Street from the northeast angle of the theater. It works from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to one hour before the start of the presentation, on Saturday from 9:00 to 17:00, on Sunday, the day off.
  3. Evening checkouts in the foyer - the issuance of tickets. Are on the corner of Herbertvonkarajan-Platz and Opernring streets. Work from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to two hours before the start of the presentation, on Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00, on Sunday - day off. In the evening, the checkouts open an hour before the call.

The State Vienna Opera stands in the city center, near the Metro station Karlsplatz (on the Square of the famous church, in which the Lines U1, U2 and U4 are converged. From the station enough to go through Kärntnerstraße Street to the north of one quarter, immediately see the theater building. Right at the Opera has an OpernRing stop for trams 1, 2, 62, 71 and d and bus 59a.

Vienna Opera on the map

Excursion with a visit to the Vienna Opera

Want to penetrate the scene of the main concert platform of Europe and find out the opera cuisine from the inside? Then write down on the excursion "". You will see the Vienna Opera while preparing for the evening representation. All details and cost of excursion on the link above.

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- Center for musical culture and popular attraction of the Austrian capital. The beautiful building of the Vienna Opera recognizable worldwide. Thousands of fans of the Opera Art annually visit the Vienna Opera to join the world art.

Vienna State Opera (Austria): History

Built the largest Opera House of Austria in 1869 on the project of two local architects Eduard van der Nüll and August Sicarda von Sikardhouseburg. The building is designed in the neo-source style.

However, the chosen architectural decision did not meet the hopes of masters, their creativity was tough criticized by local residents. After the official opening of the Vienna Opera, architects committed suicide with life. The first performance presented on the stage of the theater was the Opera "Don Juan" Mozart.

Only years later, the society recognized the Vienna opera in the real creation of the art of outstanding masters.

It is affecting not only the facade of the building. No less interesting and beautiful is its interior decoration - magnificent stairs, ancient sculptures, gilding and marble. Tourists also attracts the original tea room, built specifically for the rest of the emperor Franz Joseph I.

Several victims during the war in 1945, but after it it was fully restored. On November 5, 1955, the Vienna State Opera resumed the work of the work of Fidelio by Beethoven.

Today, the fame of the Vienna Opera cannot be overestimated. Dozens of famous performances and theatrical performances are held annually here, some of which, in the summer, is held in the open air. Once a year, the debutant ball is the most famous debutant ball, where young men and girls represent their skill in the art of ballroom dance.

Vienna state opera on a par with La Scala Theater in Milan, the Big Theater in Moscow and the Grand Opera in Paris stands in a number of the most famous, to some extent even legendary, opera theaters of the world. Open initially as a court opera, the theater adhered to strict canons of classical Vienna art. He keeps them today, but we would like to tell you not so much about the beautiful repertoire of this institution, how much about curious facts, with him connected.

  1. The most prolonged applause in the Vienna State Opera lasted more than 70 minutes.In 1991, after the end of "Othello", the audience awarded such long applause of Placido Domingo. In gratitude for stormy ovations, he bowed to the audience more than a hundred times.
  2. Vienna State Opera and the Hungarian State Opera House in Budapest are similar, if not like two drops of water, then it's still very noticeable. They were discovered with a difference of 15 years and were built by different architects, but apparently, the Hungarian architect with a funnant last name Ibl was generated by the Viennese colleagues.
  3. Confucuz and curiosities Vienna opera did not avoid. So, at one very famous opera diva during the presentation because of Sofita, a wig was caught fire. Her partner, who, according to the script, was already lying "dead", jumped up and began to help stew ignited curls. The opera singer, apparently suspecting that her partner forgot his role, rushing on stage, trying to escape from him. In the end, behind the scenes the flame on the wig was extended. But the audience had time to volatile.
  4. The building of the Opera, which today causes admiration, after the discovery in 1869 it became the subject of fierce attacks and ulcer ridicule. This was largely due to the abbreviated space to demonstrate toilets: only three steps separate the entrance to the opera from the busy street, which tram tracks pass, and the front staircase is only inside the building. The architects of Augustus Sicarda von Sikardhouseburg and Edward Van der Nyulla were accused of missing. Kaiser unforetyly spoke. Without making such disgraces, Van der Nyul hanged himself. Two months later, his colleague was died of heart attack. If you believe legend, after that, Emperor Franz Joseph has more positively expressed his opinion on art issues, using the same thing that has become the winged phrase: "It was beautiful and very pleased with me ..."
  5. During the bombing of Vienna in 1945, the building of the Opera House was completely destroyed, and after the war it was actually recreated again. In 1955, after a long restoration, the Vienna Opera opened by the show by the opera Beethoven "Fidelio". The marble room was created on the site of the destroyed war - buffet, a lounge during an intermission, a place where everyone is equal - and owners of tickets for standing places and lucky ones, booking the lodges.
  6. Ballet performances are not particularly appreciated in the walls of the Vienna Opera. Perhaps the only exception in the repertoire is the popular ballet "Swan Lake". Just think it is put in the Vienna Opera since 1964! During the premiere, the public without tired of the hands-up of Rudolf Nureyev and Margo Fontein. Residents and guests of the Austrian capital were conquered by the talent of the two brightest stars of ballet art.
  7. By tradition, all parties are performed by soloists without microphones and only in the original language. But on special screens mounted in the back chairs and handrails of standing places, the texts of synchronous translation are displayed during the presentation.
  8. The Vienna Opera Ball, status and grandiose, traditionally takes place in the Vienna Opera in February.It is considered apotheosis of the ball for the ball and collects Celebrity from around the world. At the time of Bala, only for one night, the interior of the theater is converted. From the auditorium, all the armchairs are removed, the floor is raised to the level of the scene and stood with a special parquet. A huge hall is decorated with compositions from thousands of living colors. According to the tradition of the Ball, the President of Austria opens, after which young debutants dance polonais. The price of a ticket from 250 euros, rental lodges - more than 10 thousand euros. Not only waiters are serviced, there is even a shoe master and tailor. They are designed to take care (if God forbid it will happen) about lost heels, broken ladies, torn fruits and dresses. Opera Ball - an event is so important that it is broadcast in Austria live, and even more than 50 countries of the world - in the record.
  9. If you, at least once, be held by the Vienna Opera, will certainly see, and maybe even enter into a conversation with people in Red Camzoles and White Wigs A la Mozart. Out of "Mozart" - legal sellers of tickets,but what only they do not offer tourists! Be careful: Instead of tickets to the Vienna Opera, they can easily sell anything, even tickets for a concert of ammunition! In fairness it is worth noting that the probability of buying them "the right" ticket still exists. Order tickets to the Vienna Opera, without fear for their authenticity and reliability, can be on the site

The main theaters of veins: a dramatic theater, musical, doll, ballet, opera, satire. Phones, official sites, addresses of theaters of Vienna.

  • Burning tours around the world
  • Vienna does not appear without three things - coffee, zakra and operas. This city sings, he carries, solorates, acts and enjoys music 365 days a year, and the life of its without theater or opera local residents do not consider it possible. And this is actually so - in Vienna, all sorts of theatrical festivals are held all year round, numerous temples of Melpomen are broken from the crowd of viewers, and the benefits follow the benefit. Not a small role in this was played by the rich musical past of the Austrian capital: it was here that the works of Great Mozart, Schubert, Bach, Mahler, Strauss and many other ingenious composers were written and played and played. Therefore, to visit Vienna and do not go to at least an excursion to one of the oldest theaters of Europe - the burgteater, not just a movietone, but a frank fag. So, in the theater!

    Choose, in fact, there is from what. Must Visit, of course, the Vienna State Opera - here are amazing opera and ballet productions, where they consider to speak the stars from all over the world. It is especially pleasant that it is possible to enjoy their talent for free from March to June and in September, when the opera suits the so-called Open Air Theater and "twist" on the big screen live on their performances. Venue: Herbert Square Von Karaian, Capacity - almost 200 chairs.

    By the way, if there is a desire to look at the Provincial Opera A la Naturel, you should not get your wallet with picky look. Yes, for chairs in the parter will have to lay out a round sum, but you can try to grab inexpensive standing places.

    What is worth listening to: "Bog" Pucchini, Rigoletto Verdi, "Ariadna on Naxos" Strauss and Lorangery Wagner. The latter, by the way, respected in Vienna, and therefore his "Siegfried" and "Twilight of the Gods", and "Gold Rhine", and Valkiria.

    But not opera one. The folkstheatr attracts Baroque music with its concerts and experimental productions. In the en der-wine it is worth looking for his rich history, the theater walls remember not one premiere of famous Beethoven. The Vienna Chamber Opera Theater will delight fans of something exclusive raritets, and the Volksoper is a multifaceted stage art from the opera 18 centuries to classical musicals.

    • Where to stay: Being closer to the sights, but with a damage for a wallet - in the brilliant center of Vienna, wherever neither the building, the witness epoch. Hotels are simpler, guesthouses and hostels should be found in the vicinity of Vienna - for example, closer to the Vienna Forest (and the air here is Divine!).
    • What to see: Numerous attractions