Famous music composers. Great composers of classical music

Famous music composers.  Great composers of classical music
Famous music composers. Great composers of classical music

Here's a list of 10 composers you should know. It is safe to say about each of them that he is the greatest composer who ever was, although in fact it is impossible, and indeed impossible, to compare the music written over several centuries. However, all of these composers stand out from their contemporaries as composers who composed music of the highest level and sought to push the boundaries of classical music to new limits. The list does not contain any order, such as importance or personal preference. Just 10 Great Composers You Should Know.

Each composer is accompanied by a fact of his life worthy of a quote, remembering which you will look like an expert. And by clicking on the link to the names, you will find out his full biography. And of course, you can listen to one of the significant works of each master.

The most important figure in world classical music. One of the most performed and respected composers in the world. He worked in all genres that existed in his time, including opera, ballet, music for dramatic performances, choral compositions. The most significant in his heritage are instrumental works: piano, violin and cello sonatas, concertos for piano, violin, quartets, overtures, symphonies. The founder of the romantic period in classical music.

Interesting fact.

At first, Beethoven wanted to dedicate his third symphony (1804) to Napoleon, the composer was fascinated by the personality of this man, who seemed to many at the beginning of his reign to be a real hero. But when Napoleon proclaimed himself emperor, Beethoven crossed out his dedication on the title page and wrote only one word - "Heroic".

"Moonlight Sonata" by L. Beethoven, listen to:

2. (1685-1750)

German composer and organist, representative of the Baroque era. One of the greatest composers in the history of music. During his life, Bach wrote over 1000 works. All significant genres of that time are represented in his work, except for opera; he summarized the achievements of the musical art of the Baroque period. The founder of the most famous musical dynasty.

Interesting fact.

During his lifetime, Bach was so underestimated that less than a dozen of his works were published.

Toccata and Fugue in D minor by J.S.Bach, listen to:

3. (1756-1791)

The great Austrian composer, instrumentalist and conductor, a representative of the Vienna Classical School, a virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist, conductor, he possessed a phenomenal ear for music, memory and the ability to improvise. As a composer who excelled in any genre, he is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers in the history of classical music.

Interesting fact.

As a child, Mozart memorized and recorded Miserere (a cat. Chant to the text of the 50th Psalm of David) by the Italian Grigorio Allegri, having listened to it only once.

"Little Night Serenade" by W.A. Mozart, listen:

4. (1813-1883)

German composer, conductor, playwright, philosopher. He had a significant impact on European culture at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, especially modernism. Wagner's operas amaze with their grandiose scale and eternal human values.

Interesting fact.

Wagner took part in the failed revolution of 1848-1849 in Germany and was forced to hide from the arrest with Franz Liszt.

"Flight of the Valkyries" from the opera "Valkyrie" by R. Wagner, listen to

5. (1840-1893)

Italian composer, central figure of the Italian opera school. Verdi had a sense of the stage, temperament and impeccable craftsmanship. He did not deny the operatic traditions (unlike Wagner), but on the contrary developed them (the traditions of Italian opera), he transformed Italian opera, filled it with realism, and gave it the unity of a whole.

Interesting fact.

Verdi was an Italian nationalist and was elected to the first Italian parliament in 1860, after Italy's independence from Austria.

Overture to the opera "La Traviata" by D. Verdi, listen to:

7. Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971)

Russian (American - after emigration) composer, conductor, pianist. One of the most important composers of the twentieth century. Stravinsky's work is the same throughout his career, although the style of his works was different at different periods, but the core and Russian roots remained, which were manifested in all of his works, he is considered one of the leading innovators of the twentieth century. His innovative use of rhythm and harmony has inspired and inspires many musicians, and not only in classical music.

Interesting fact.

During World War I, Roman customs officials confiscated Pablo Picasso's portrait of Stravinsky when the composer was leaving Italy. The portrait was painted in a futuristic manner and the customs officers mistook these circles and lines for some kind of encrypted classified materials.

Suite from the ballet by I.F. Stravinsky "The Firebird", listen to:

8. Johann Strauss (1825-1899)

Austrian light music composer, conductor and violinist. "King of waltzes", he worked in the genre of dance music and operetta. His musical heritage includes more than 500 waltzes, pollekas, quadrilles and other types of dance music, as well as several operettas and ballets. Thanks to him, the waltz became extremely popular in Vienna in the 19th century.

Interesting fact.

The father of Johann Strauss is also Johann and also a famous musician, therefore the "king of waltzes" is called the younger or the son, his brothers Joseph and Edward were also famous composers.

Waltz by J. Strauss "On the beautiful blue Danube", listen:

9. Sergei Vasilyevich Rahmaninov (1873-1943)

Austrian composer, one of the outstanding representatives of the Viennese classical music school and one of the founders of romanticism in music. During his short life, Schubert made significant contributions to orchestral, chamber and piano music, which influenced an entire generation of composers. However, his most striking contribution was to the development of German romances, of which he created more than 600.

Interesting fact.

Schubert's friends and fellow musicians got together and performed Schubert's music. These meetings are called "Schubertiads" (Schubertiads). Some kind of first fan club!

"Ave Maria" by F.P. Schubert, listen:

Continuing the topic of the great composers you should know, new material.

One of the main directions of art, which remains a miracle of the modern world, capable of influencing the emotional state and mood of a person, is music. She came to us through the centuries and began its formation during the creation of classical works. It was the composers of that time who gave impetus to its development and became the founders of various forms and types of works of the classical direction:

  • Libretto.
  • Symphony.
  • Opera.
  • Overture.

It was to these composers that the ability to express feelings through notes came. Their music allows a modern person to plunge into the world of emotions of people who lived centuries ago. She teaches not only to listen to the melody and sounds, but also to imagine, visualize the emerging images, without which the development of personality is impossible. Not all of them received recognition during their lifetime, but among their descendants their work was in demand, which continues today. The works become immortal and pass from generation to generation, making you think about the eternal and imbued with the emotions of that time.

Buy works of classical composers on CD

Classical music was born over the centuries and it is not entirely correct to compare its creators from different centuries, but nevertheless, the brightest and most talented representatives stand out who surpassed their contemporaries in their skill. With their creations, you can start your acquaintance with the fundamental direction. A large number of classical music composers are included in the list of founders and prominent exponents. These are both foreign and domestic representatives.

Our catalog contains the most complete list of famous creators with all their works that can be bought on CD. The assortment of the online store can satisfy the demand of those who want to get to know more deeply the composers of classical music, or already have favorite composers whose names are not so familiar to a wide range of people. The alphabetical index will allow you to find the names of less eminent authors. In the catalog of the company "CD as a gift" the most refined music lovers - adherents of the classical direction will find the necessary works.

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Great composers, whose names are widely known throughout the world, have created a huge number of valuable works. Their creations are truly unique. Each of them has an individual and unique style.

Great composers of the world (foreign). List

Below are foreign composers from different centuries, whose names are known throughout the world. It:

  • A. Vivaldi.
  • J.S.Bach.
  • W.A. Mozart.
  • I. Brahms.
  • J. Haydn.
  • R. Schumann.
  • F. Schubert.
  • L. Beethoven.
  • I. Strauss.
  • R. Wagner.
  • J. Verdi.
  • A. Berg.
  • A. Schoenberg.
  • J. Gershwin.
  • O. Messiaen.
  • C. Ives.
  • B. Britten.

Great composers of the world (Russians). List

He created a large number of operettas, worked with light musical forms of a dance character, in which he was very successful. Thanks to Strauss, the waltz became an extremely popular dance in Vienna. By the way, balls are still held there. The composer's legacy includes polkas, ballets and quadrills.

And G. Verdi - the greats who created a huge number of operas that won the sincere love of the audience.

The German Richard Wagner was the most prominent representative of modernism in the music of this century. His operatic heritage is rich. Tannhäuser, Lohengrin, The Flying Dutchman and other operas are still relevant, popular and performed on stage.

The Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi is a very majestic figure. He gave Italian opera a new lease of life, while remaining faithful to operatic traditions.

Russian composers of the 19th century

MI Glinka, AP Borodin, MP Mussorgsky, PI Tchaikovsky are the great composers of classical music of the 19th century who lived and created their works in Russia.

The works of Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka have determined national and world significance in the history of Russian music. His work, which grew up on Russian folk songs, is deeply national. He is rightfully considered an innovator, the ancestor of Russian musical classics. Glinka worked fruitfully in all of his operas "Ivan Susanin" ("Life for the Tsar") and "Ruslan and Lyudmila" opened the way to two leading directions. His symphonic works were also of great importance in the development of musical art: "Kamarinskaya", "Waltz-fantasy" and many others.

Alexander Porfirevich Borodin is a great Russian composer. His work is small in volume, but significant in content. The central place is occupied by heroic historical images. He has deep lyricism closely intertwined with epic breadth. The opera "Prince Igor" combines the features of a folk musical drama and an epic opera. His first and second symphonies mark a new direction in Russian symphony - heroic and epic. In the field of chamber vocal lyrics, he became a real innovator. His romances: "The Sea", "For the Shores of the Distant Fatherland", "Song of the Dark Forest" and many others. Borodin had a significant impact on his followers.

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky is another great Russian composer of the 19th century. He was a member of the Balakirevsky circle, which was called the "Mighty Handful". He has worked fruitfully in a variety of genres. His operas are wonderful: Khovanshchina, Boris Godunov, Sorochinskaya Fair. In his works, the traits of a creative individual were manifested. He owns a number of romances: "Kalistrat", "Seminarist", "Lullaby to Eremushka", "Orphan", "Svetik Savishna". They capture the unique national characters.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - composer, conductor, teacher.

In his work were the leading opera and symphonic genres. The content of his music is universal. His operas The Queen of Spades and Eugene Onegin are masterpieces of Russian classical music. The symphony also occupies a central place in his work. His works became known to the whole world during his lifetime.

Representatives of the new Viennese school

A. Berg, A. Webern, A. Schoenberg are great composers who lived and created their works throughout the 20th century.

Alban Berg became world famous for his amazing opera "Wozzeck", which made a strong impression on the audience. He wrote it over the course of several years. Its premiere took place on December 14, 1925. Today Wozzeck is a classic example of 20th century opera.

Anton Webern is an Austrian composer, one of the brightest representatives of the new Viennese school. In his works, he used serial and dodecaphonic techniques. Concise and laconic thought, concentration of musical and expressive means are inherent in it. His work had a strong impact on Stravinsky, Boulez, Gubaidulina and many other Russian and foreign composers.

Arnold Schoenberg is a prominent representative of such a musical style as expressionism. Author of serial and dodecaphonic techniques. His compositions include the Second String Quartet (F-sharp minor), "Drama with Music for Choir and Orchestra", the opera "Moses and Aaron" and many others.

J. Gershwin, O. Messiaen, C. Ives

These are the great composers of the 20th century who are famous all over the world.

George Gershwin is an American composer and pianist. He became extremely popular thanks to his large-scale work "Porgy and Bess". This is a "folk" opera. It is based on the novel by Dubos Hayward. No less famous are his instrumental works: "Rhapsody in the blues style for piano and orchestra", "An American in Paris", "Second Rhapsody" and many others.

Olivier Messiaen is a French composer, organist, teacher, and music theorist. In his remarkable theoretical works, he outlined new and rather complex principles of musical composition. Theological ideas are reflected in his works. He was very much attracted by the voices of birds. Therefore, he created the "Catalog of Birds" for piano.

Charles Ives is an American composer. His work was influenced by folk music. Therefore, his style is extremely unique. He composed five symphonies, five violin sonatas, two piano sonatas, the Heavenly Land cantata and many other works.

Russian composers of the 20th century

S. Prokofiev, I. F. Stravinsky, D. D. Shostakovich are great composers of the 20th century.

Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev - composer, conductor, pianist.

His music is varied in content. It contains lyrics and epic, humor and drama, psychologism and characterization. Opera and ballet creativity laid down new principles and techniques of musical drama. His operas are The Gambler, The Love for Three Oranges, War and Peace. Prokofiev worked in the genre of film music. His cantata Alexander Nevsky, created in collaboration with director S. Eisenstein, is widely known.

Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky - emigrant composer, conductor.

His work is divided into Russian and foreign periods. His brightest ballets: "Petrushka", "The Rite of Spring", "The Firebird". Stravinsky also made a great contribution to the symphonic genre.

Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich - composer, teacher, pianist. His work is multifaceted in genres and figurative content. Especially his significance as a composer-symphonist. His fifteen symphonies reflect the complex world of human feelings with experiences, struggles, tragic conflicts. His opera "Katerina Izmailova" is an excellent work of this genre.


The music of the great composers is written in different genres, contains multifaceted plots, constantly updated techniques, corresponding to a particular era. Some composers have reached heights in a few genres, while others have successfully covered almost all areas. It is difficult to single out the best of the entire galaxy of great composers. All of them made a significant contribution to the history of world musical culture.

Among these melodies there is a motive for any mood: romantic, positive or dreary, in order to relax and not think about anything, or, conversely, to collect thoughts.


The Italian composer and pianist works in the direction of minimalism, often turns to ambient and skillfully combines the classics with other musical styles. He is widely known for atmospheric compositions that have become soundtracks for films. For example, you probably recognize the music from the French 1 + 1 tape, written by Einaudi.


Glass is one of the most controversial personalities in the world of modern classics, who is sometimes exalted to the skies, then criticized to smithereens. For half a century, he has been with his own group, the Philip Glass Ensemble, and has written scores for over 50 films, including The Truman Show, The Illusionist, Taste of Life and Fantastic Four. The melodies of the American minimalist composer blur the line between classical and popular music.


He is the author of many soundtracks, the best film composer of 2008 according to the European Film Academy and a post-minimalist. Conquered critics from the first album Memoryhouse, in which Richter's music was superimposed on poetry reading, and in subsequent albums, fictional prose was also used. In addition to writing his own ambient compositions, he arranges works of classics: Vivaldi's Seasons, in his arrangement, topped the iTunes classical music charts.

This creator of instrumental music from Italy is not associated with the acclaimed cinema, but without that he is known as a composer, virtuoso and an experienced piano teacher. If you describe the music of Marradi in two words, it will be the words "sensual" and "magical". His creations and covers will appeal to those who love retro classics: the notes of the last century shine through in the motives.


The renowned film composer has created musical scores for many high-grossing films and cartoons, including Gladiator, Pearl Harbor, Inception, Sherlock Holmes, Interstellar, Madagascar, The Lion King. Its star flaunts on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and on its shelf are Oscars, Grammy and Golden Globes. Zimmer's music is as different as these films, but regardless of the key, it takes to the living.


Hisaishi is one of the most famous Japanese composers, having received four Japanese Academy Awards for Best Film Music. He became famous for writing the soundtrack for Hayao Miyazaki's anime "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind." If you are a fan of Studio Ghibli or Takeshi Kitano's tapes, then you will surely admire Hisaishi's music. It is mostly light and light.


This Icelandic multi-instrumentalist is just a boy compared to the listed masters, but by his 30 years he managed to become a recognized neoclassicist. He has recorded an accompaniment to the ballet, won a BAFTA for the soundtrack to the British TV series Murder on the Beach and released 10 studio albums. Arnalds' music is reminiscent of the harsh wind on a deserted seashore.


Lee Roo Ma's most famous works are Kiss the Rain and River Flows in You. The Korean New Age composer and pianist writes popular classics that can be understood by listeners on any continent, with any musical taste and education. His light and sensual melodies became the beginning of love for piano music for many.

Dustin O'Helloran


The American composer is interesting in that he has no musical education, but at the same time writes the most pleasant and quite popular music. O'Halloran's tunes have been featured on Top Gear and several films. Perhaps the most successful soundtrack album was for the melodrama "Like Crazy." This composer and pianist knows a lot about the art of conducting and how to create electronic music. But his main field is modern classics. Cacchapaglia has recorded numerous albums, three of them with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. His music flows like water, it will be great to relax under it.

What other contemporary composers are worth listening to

If you love the epic, add Klaus Badelt, who collaborated with Zimmer on Pirates of the Caribbean, to your playlist. Also not to be missed is Jan Kaczmarek, Alexander Desplat, Howard Shore and John Williams - you need to write a separate article to list all their work, achievements and awards.

If you want more delicious neoclassicism, take a look at Niels Frahm and Sylvain Chauot.

If you are missing, remember the creator of the soundtrack to "Amelie" by Jan Tiersen or discover the Japanese composer Tammon: he writes airy, fabulous melodies.

Which composers' music do you like and which ones do not? Who else would you add to this list?