Alien covered the next movie. "Lost heaven"

Alien covered the next movie. "Lost heaven"
  • Original project name : Alien: Awakening
  • Country of Origin : USA
  • Premiere : 2019-2020 year
  • Genre : horrors, fantasy, thriller, adventure
  • Producer : Ridley Scott ("Alien", "Blade Running", "Gladiator", "Martian")
  • Producer
  • Acting : Well, Rapass (rumors), Michael Fassbender (rumors), etc.

In 2019-2020, the film "Alien 5: Awakening" will be released. At this time, the premiere of a new chapter is expected in history about space researchers who faced face to face with a fatal alien danger in the image of bloodthirsty monsters. Original project name - Alien: awakening. So far, it has it, but the likelihood is that closer to the release it will be changed, as it was with the same "covenant."

Alien: Lost Paradise

In 1979, Ridley Scott released his second full-length filmwho forever entered the history of cinema. Slogan paintings "Nobody will hear your cry" in space. "So far, it is still so frightened, and the tape itself is still healthy on the background of modern blockbusters and imitators to the same Alien`U.

Build on the history of cosmic jockeys, engineers and alien researchers, the whole cinematic universe Ridley Scott did not want to personally, but this case was instructed by James Cameron, who removed the continuation of the original film called "Aliens". After that, there were two more: one - the director of David Fincher, the second - Jean-Pierre's wife.

Today it is considered that only "alien" and "other people" can be viewed what is called, forever, although the third, and the fourth part are quite wisely, and this is despite the fact that he himself is not delighted with its former involvement To this franchise.

Before certain moment The film remained quadraology. Of course, it was still a collision with the "predator", but we do not take into account this fact for obvious reasons. Then Ridley Scott wished to return to the Alien cinema series, but he went definitely from afar. His "Prometheus" gave more questions than answers, so many who, with all due to Matra, would like to develop someone else to develop the Universe "Aliens". Such a person was found, and Nile Blammakp ("District No. 9", "Robot named Chappi", "ELISIUM: Paradise not on Earth").

The recognized South African director (let him and is not the director of the level of Ridley Scott) for a long time developed the fifth of the "alien". Of course, as the true fan of the series, he would like to ignore the existence of the third and fourth chapter and continue the story of exactly from the moment where the end of the "strangers" at Cameron. But the influence in the author's film industry "Running on the blade" turned out to be noticeably more, so at a certain stage of production, the producers switched to the ideas of Ridley Scott.

It is clear: Sir Ridley planned in the future shooting at once several sequels. He began just the same with the sequel of his "Prometheus", which was originally called " Lost heaven"But then still changed the name on the" covenant ".

Both projects were called upon to expand the world and smoothly bring the viewer to the events of the original fantastic horror.

Now it is known that this would not be limited to this. Ridley Scott plans to remove the "awakening" in the future, the events of which will occur between Promethem and Testament. Thus, as you can see, a whole trilogy is planned, after which, according to the author of the "gladiator", another one will be launched into production. Both of them will bring the viewer exactly by the time from which the whole story began in the distant 1979 - to "Alien".

In one of his interviews, Scott said: "If the" covenant "will have success in the audience, then we will release the next film, and then 3 more." If everything goes as conceived, then the first "alien" will receive 6 prequelov, the action in which will unfold to the events of the first film of 1979, including the honorable part of the "Awakening".

Director film project

Ridli Scott will refer to the new chapter in the series about "Alien".

"Awakening" will be simultaneously the Sequel "Prometheus" and the preform of the "covenant". This is called intercoal. Such a term is denoted by film agents, the action in which occurs between the events of the movie closed on the large screen.

British master, previously inspired his name in the history of cinema, now, as can be seen, simply removes his pleasure. Let many and do not share his enthusiasm, in particular when watching the next cinema creations of the maestro, at the same time it is impossible to exclude the fact that, in general, everything comes out in the end quite organic. If the Ridley Scott succeeded, so it is in the visual solution of their films. At least there are no complaints about this part of their work. Well, the tie in the history and her junction is the case of everyone's taste.

As for the "awakening", the winner of the Prize of the Cannes Film Festival for the "Best Debut", received by him for the painting "Duelians," says, they say, he already has in his arms ready scenario Project. It remains only to remove the events captured in it and show all this on the big screen. If everything goes well, then after chapter called Awakening Ridley Scott will be happy to begin developing a new trilogy, the events of which will continue all that previously shown in the "Covenant".


Since the events of "awakening" are developing after the "Prometheus", but before what happened in the "covenant," it gives us all the grounds in order to believe that we, in the end, will see the long-awaited return of those actors, on The appearance of which again seemed, we were no longer calculated when watching "Alien".

So, on the set, Awakening will certainly be involved:

  • Well Rapass ("Girl with a dragon tattoo", "Sherlock Holmes: Shadow game")
  • Michael Fassbender ("Shame", Steve Jobs, "X-People: First Class").

How we all remember, their heroes in the ending "Prometheus" went on the planet of the creators in search of answers to questions, why those once ignored the upbringing human racewhich they also created. Recall their heroes called Elizabeth Show (archaeologist) and David (robot android), respectively.

Story line

The plot of the film can be easily defined in advance. Archaeologist Elizabeth Show and Robot Android David are sent towards the planet of the creators. Here, in their homeland, they are trying to find answers to eternal questions. And even though the robot is not as interesting people who, he, however, serves, but here man is extremely interesting why engineers, they are space jokes, in the distant past, visited the land to put on this planet the beginning of mankind, and then moved away from their initial Plan.

But in one of the interview with Empire, Ridley Scott hinted that the evolution of someone else's "almost ended", and in "awakening" the main emphasis will be built on xenomorphs, but on another story dedicated to artificial intelligence. In this way, we are talking about Android David's robot performed by Michael Fassbander and what peace he can create on new planetIf you can act without restrictions and external instructions. Perhaps on a free planet, a robot with artificial intelligence will create its own xenomorphic empire.

Additional comments Director also suggest the possible return of the ship of engineers. This means that in fact their race is not destroyed - they will see what happened in paradise and want to take revenge on David.

The director also made it clear that in the film for which the theme of a Human Human Mission will be affected, which is so confident in his own high purpose that sometimes dares to play God and create themselves like "second grade" people, but often forgets that they are sometimes Excellent your creator. Such comments once again confirm the version that the central acting person "Awakening" can be David. But in the universe of cosmic jockeys and xenomorphs, there will certainly be many more questions for which the answers will have to be sought.

The ending of "Awakening" will have to smoothly sum up the viewer to the events with which he was already familiar after watching the "covenant".

Film release date

The release date of the film "Alien: Awakening" - 2019-2020. No specific data regarding the release of a new chapter in the Alien filmcene is not yet.

I want to believe that this part of the cinema franchise will be much more informative and, finally, the light on the very ill-fated deed of engineers. It will be scary, it will be interesting, it will be beautiful. We are looking forward to "awakening" in a series of films about the "strangers", which fans lay high hopes.

Trailer Film "Alien: Awakening" is expected soon, but for now let's see the video from the fans:

Ridley Scott says that the continuation "" will begin to take off "within 14 months."

Ridley Scott

Ridley Scott, without losing time, begins work on the next sequel "Alien". "Alien: covenant" just went out on the screens, but, as you probably already know, the "covenant" is only the first in a series of films that will contact the "Prometheus" mythology with the classical film of 1979. The scenario of the subsequent "covenant" has been in development for some time. In a conversation with IGN UK, Scott said that they are currently writing a script, and the plan is to begin production next year.

More on the topic:

"We write now the Sicvel script. I will shoot it within 14 months, "said Scott. Production charts are shifted all the time, and this is not quite an official confirmation of the studio, but this is the second time the director said that he plans to return to work on the "foreign" next year.

More on the topic:

Scott also told a little more about rejected the continuation of the "Alien" Neal Blomampa, which was called "Awakening". Scott previously suggested that the "awakening" was the name of the film, which combines with the "Promethem" and the "covenant", so that it still has to find out. "Awakening" is definitely stacked in the themes that Scott considers as a development in their prequel. But in any case, it is probably the working name.

By the way, have not yet forgotten. In the network now there are not so many resources that behave intelligent analytics on films and TV shows. Among them - the telegram channel @scifinews, the authors of which write the one-year analytical materials - dissemination and theory of fans, interpretment of postitar scenes, as well as secrets of bombing franchises, like movies Marvel and " The game of thrones" Subscribe to not to look for - @scifinews. However, back to our topic ...

"They wanted to do" someone else's: awakening. " - "I said, good. I was going to become a producer. If I could, I would do it, said Scott. - "In addition, I asked the question: why do they consider both projects (" Alien "Blomampa" and "Alien" Scott)? Looks like you shoot yourself thumb - this makes no sense. But they did not go for it, so I just removed from it. "

In 2019, the Franchise "Alien" will be 40 years old, and is not excluded, Fox will celebrate the anniversary with a scope.

In any case, the press is attributed to the studio and Ridley Scott the development of the painting "Alien: Awakening" (Alien: awakening), which will connect the events of "Prometheus" and "Testament".

About the desire to put this British director said before the start of the "covenant" at the box office.

"Prometheus" and "Alien: Testament"

For a long time, Ridley Scott was not going to return to "Alien", believing that Solna spoke in Ribe in 1979. Without his participation, James Cameron put "Aliens" (1986), David Fincher - "Alien 3" (1992), and Jean-Pierre Island - "Alien: Resurrection" (1997).

If the sequel Cameron critics and the public are extolled, then the third and fourth part is accepted to ignore. Already in the 2000s. Scott again became interested in xenomorphs and decided to return to the old material.

"Prometheus" performed to the "Alien". Scott is not interested in what followers took off - he does not take into account even "foreign" Cameron.

In Promethea, the action is developing at the outcome of the XXI century - Peter Weiland, the head of Wayland Industris Corporation, sponsors a space mission to heavenly body, where, presumably, the creators live, they are engineers, - Race, "obey" in the appearance of humanity. Wayland at death and hopes to learn from engineers a secret of eternal life.

The crew discovered the vehicle of the creators destroyed by a mysterious pathogen, but in the end, all members of the expedition were killed, except for the archaeologist Elizabeth Show (Numi Rapass) and Android David (Michael Fassbender). They went to the homeland of engineers - Planet Paradise ...

It is interesting to note that "Prometheus" and "covenant" - the names of spacecraft from the corresponding films.

And here we come to the events of the "Testament". Initially, the tape was called "Alien: Lost Paradise", for rental it was renamed the shorter and sonorous "alien: covenant." This is a sequel "Prometheus" with amendment for 10 past years.

The focus - new heroes performed by Catherine Waterstone and Billy Krupp. There was a place for Fassbander, but this time he appeared before the audience as Android Walter. Robot David also appeared in the frame - as an antagonist.

In the "covenant" it turned out that the Show's Show and David still arrived at the Planet Paradise, where Android applied the pathogen, the MiG minus in the grave of engineers. Then he put the experiments, trying to bring a new creature - and she brought the familiar viewers of xenomorphs who interrupted the team from the Testament.

"Alien: awakening" and other sequels "Prometheus"

Since 2012, when "Prometheus" came out, Scott more than once and did not repeat the universe associated with him. In it, by the way, there are no queen of others and the receptional daughter Ripley, entered into the plot of Cameron.

In 2017, the director said that in the case of the good luck of the "covenant", he would take a picture that serves as a link between Promethem and Testament, "" Alien: Awakening. "

Indicators "Prometheus" and "Testament" at the box office, alas, turned out not too convincing:

  • Prometheus: $ 130 million (budget) and $ 403 million (fees),
  • "Alien: covenant": $ 97 and 241 million.

So now the fate of the franchise depends on the patience of the Studio Fox.

Who will play in "Alien: Awakening"?

There are only two explicit candidates:

  • Michael Fassbender - Android David,
  • Well, Rapass - Archaeologist Elizabeth Show.

It is unlikely that Ridley Scott refuses to shoot artists with whom it worked well.

"Alien 5" Neal Blomampa

Tape "Alien: Awakening" should not be confused with the "Choosing 5" Neal Blomampa, glorifying thanks to fantastic picture "Elysium", "Robot named Chappi" and, of course, "District No. 9". "Alien 5" is a direct continuation of "other people's" Cameron, who does not take into account the films of David Fincher and Jean Pierre's wife.

Blomammp agreed to participate in the filming of Sigurnie Weaver (Lieutenant Ripley) and Michael Bina (Capral Hicks). According to the scenario, however, the war with biomechanical creatures was mainly engaged in the rising new stepdaughter Ripley.

Neil Blomamkp long time worked on the scenario and concepts of "Alien 5", but in 2016-2017. Fox deliberately slowed down the development of the painting - to skip the "covenant" and "awakening" forward. Perhaps now the leadership is enough for his head - was the right decision been made?


In the shields to "Alien" Scott makes the focus not on horror and xenomorphs, but on artificial intelligence and religion. It is possible that it is because of this that they enjoy less success in the audience.

In the fact that "someone else's: awakening" will take place, there is almost no doubt - with a trimmed budget, but Ridley Scott will still put the picture. IN further plans "Fox", if you believe last rumors- restarting science fiction saga from scratch, in another time branch and with new characters.

Video: Trailer, Fan Tizers

The article is written specifically for the site "2019 Year of Pig": https: // Site /

As it turned out, the film is much more common with the film of 1979, which seems at first glance. The fact is that "someone else's"
ends the fact that Ellen Ripley throws xenomorphs outside the ship, into space, and then talks about what happened and plunges in Anabiosis. In fact, it was planned that the ripple and someone's fight will end not in favor of Ellen: the aliens had to be launched a woman, and then include communication on the control panel and pronounce Captain Dallas: "End of Communication". This would demonstrate his incredible ability to quickly adapt.

"Alien". Trailer in English
From this idea it was decided to refuse to remove the continuation of the film with the heroine. However, Ridley Scott quoted his initial design In the finals of the "Testament". We see how Android Walter joins Android David for the spacecraft's survivored crew members. When they get to the "covenant", Walter joins them. After the team is immersed in Anabiosis, it is disclosed that instead of Android Walter all this time was David (both roles performed the actor). It takes out hidden eggs of someone else's and continues his experiments over the sleeping team. Thus, Scott (although not literally) embodied his idea of \u200b\u200ba villain, issuing himself for another character.

"Alien: covenant." Promotional video "Get to know Walter" in English
David becomes a key film antagonist, because it is, as it turns out, is responsible for the emergence of other people. There is no doubt that the future of the franchise is inextricably linked with this character: it is likely that we still have to observe its inhuman experiments, as well as how they come out of control. Of course, in the event that Ridley Scott himself decides to continue developing the background of his world.